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The Huron Expositor, 1944-09-29, Page 8
Hata set;' exaei k4Oaediata punsiessioa. rale piroperttetr• AO Listed;- ttID Prapirletor ,'S. 0a!Orth V4.,1 LINES, OF WO L'be Second Division Court g •. Ct"ottnt}r of Huron #'ice gAa, a •Dvnunion Bank Reed-... Office hours: 'rues-. day. `C , aid' Saturday, 1.90 smu- t* 5 pars;•Satur,lay evening, ?In 'p.m - E. C. CHAMBERLAIN - Clerk p4,o0oo0t?0000 , O ' ? . G. A. WHITNEY 0 ' Successor to 0 '0 HOLMES & WHITNEY 0 '0 Funeral Service 0 .0 Main Street .- Seaforth 0 " 0 - AMBULANCE SERVICE - 0 0 Adjustable hospital bed for 0 .EY •. rent. 0 © .- Agent for, Mitchell Nursery` 0 *0 Flowers.. • 0 0 Telephone 119 0 0 Nights and Holidays' 65 0 RO , O 000000000.00.0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .° W. J. CLEARY o 0 Seaforth, Ont. 0 4 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 4 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 4 - Night or Day Calls -335 0 0 . 0 000000.000000 .. 0 flAttlDJlltp 4rUlb'le t -lite reglk&r anfi ttte cob$ " t4, 4n4ame41✓e Q>1 enclaY Oct 3udr a•'t T It m., irF bikep, • Sli i is One O1Alb 'Master, Ministeri$ Will Meet.--Seaforth a11t4 pistrict 141inisteriai , Aesociatlon wil/. meet in Northside united Church: 'ar sonage, Seaforth, on Monday, Oct:•: and, at 2 P,m. .. :‚0000000000 0 0 J. A. BURKE O' p..,• Funeral Service 0 4 DUBLIN : - ONT. . 0 O Night or day calls: Phone 43 r 11 0 4 O 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPENCE'S PRODUCE GOVERNMENT • REGISTERED EGG GRADING. STATION HighestsCash. Prices Paid For Eggs and Poultry ` We are nowin the Market for all -kinds. of LIVE POULTRY Will buy either on Live or Dressed basis...:., .. Phone, 110-W, Seafortli VVomen's Institute To Meet.—T1ze. Seaforth Women's Institute will hold their regular . meeting on ' Thursday, October. 5th, at 2.30 pan. at the home of Mrs, Ed. Pudner. The roll call will be, "Row to make Sunday a restful day." • • The guest ePeaker will be Rev. A. W. Gardiner, of Egmondville.•. Funeral of the late Mrs.,J. C. Mac- Kenzie.—The funeral of the late Mrs. J. 0 MacKenzie was held at her late home, Huron Road East, on Saturday at 2.30 p.m. Rev. ' W. J. Patton of- ficiated. Pallbearers were Scott Hab- kirk, Will ' Hogg, Robert Grieve, Charles McGavin, Harve Hudie and Harold Hudie. Flower bearers were Phyllis Lawson, Joan Norton, Jacque- line and Leslie...Habkirk, and Gordon and Ronald Pullman. Death of James Morrison.—The .death occurred at hie home on South "Iain Street, Seaforth, on Tuesday, September 26th, of Mr. James Morri- son, after an illness of two years. Mr. Morrison was born in Hibbert Town- ship in 1862, and was 'married to Rose Ann Ferguson, who predeceased him in 1940. He came to live in Seaforth in 1924. Deceased is survived by five daughters, five sons, two sisters and one brother. A private funeral was held, on Thursday afternoon from his late residence, with interment in Maitlandbank cometery. • Churches ontQA1pos,,, f. axne 4'9403 WO -4. W 11 lr acrcp da* I131ek it)144; W I on »SC, wilt$ ,,3'494,404 No,r444, A 4'00 burl;.• 1 cooed u'.ouse, ftginoodville, Real Value, .. "ottagea krgpWndYiiltj, Priced reap, Northside United Church.—Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister: •' 10 a.m.,. Sun- day School; 11 a.m., Regular worship service; 7 p.m., Unveiling of the Hon- our Roll, presentation and dedication of the Christian Flag and the Union Jack. Flt --Lieut. Keith Love, Chap- lain No. 5 Radio School, Clinton, will give the address. Senior and Junior Choirs in attendance., \ elcome •'to these services. I McKillop Pastoral Charge.—Servic- esnext Sunday, October 1'st:• Cacan, 10 a.m.; Duffs, 11.30 a.m.; Bethel, 2.30 p.m.—Rev.. W. J. Patton, B.A., Minister. First Presbyterian Church.—Sunday School at 10 a -m.; -morning service et 11 a.m.' Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed at this ser- vice; evening service at 7 p.m. Pre- ,' paratory service on Friday, Sept. 29, ' .at 8 p.m. Senior Young People will meet on Tuesday evening at 8 p.m — Rev. R. H. T. Williams, Minister. St. Themes' Church, Seaforth.-11 a.m., Holy Communion and sermon, "Men and Angels"; 7 p.m;, Evening Prayer, "The Letter and the Spirit?' - St. Mary's Church, Dublin. -3„ p.m., Evening Prayer, "Men and Angels."— The Rector, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, B.A., at all services. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: W. R. Archibald, Seafgrt ,h - Pres. le..McGregor, Clinton - Vice -Pres. Merton A. -Reid, Seaforth - Manager and Secretary -Treasurer,. - ..r. DIRECTORS: ' Chris.Leoin'hardt,, Brodhagen; •E. J. Trewartha; Clinton;. Alex Broadfoot, R.R. 3,':Seaforth; Alexander McEwing, R.R. 1, Blyth; Frank McGregor, R.R. S, Clinton., Hugh Alexander, R,R. 1, Walton:; William R. Archibald, R.R. 4, Seaforth;' George Leitch, R.R. 1, ' Clinton; Jahn L. Malone, R.R. 5, Sea - forth: AGENTS: Finlay MCKercher„ R.R. 1, Dublin; E; Pepper, Brucefield; 3. E. Prueter, ,Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. E, 'U. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Seaforth, Ont.... Phones; 334 Office Rea, 81ip • Goforth Mission Band Meets.—The Goforth Mission Band of First. Pres- byterian Church held their regular •meeting in the school room of , the church. T•he' meeting opened by all standing and -repeating the pledge to the Empire and -Church, followed -by "God Save the King." The minutes were read and approved. Business was, discussed and the Band decided to. sell, Christi nas cards and Galen• dare: Joyce Gla vilie and Mrs. Wil- son enjoyed a Chinese. 'birthday par- ty. Fourteen answered the roll call , The • offering Was received, ,followed by -the offertory prayer. Doris Pull- man took the chair" for the devotion- al • period, which opened ,by. singing Hymn 794., Margaret Stevens -read the Scripture, and sentence.,..plrayers were •given by Joyce Glanville, Karen Kidd and Marion Milliken, Mrs. Wil- son told the story, "The Foreign Lady." The meeting • closed by sing- ing Hymn 768: followed by the bene- diction- • - You are Invited to. Inspect the TAI LORED-TO-MEASURE SUITS AND OVERCOATS ^FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN IN 7 PRICE RANGES GI'LLESPIE'S CTA ANEES - DYERS TAILORS ` ' Xi', yeti' `thinlrwtru;re hard to fit, 'Wein here to change �,oti�t tuind� , abUtbt ti1;l'e lh B.AZAAR:1 Under the auspices' of Edeteweiss Rebekah Lodge, Seaforth —on —. SATURDAY, SEPT. 30th AT 3 P.M. IN ARMORIES — ALSO — • Home Baking ' • 'Fish Pond • Afternoon Tea c,. • Barbaea Kirkman Meets.—Tice Sep- tember meeting of the Barbara Kirk man Auxiliary of First Presbyterian• Church. was held' en Tuesday 'even- ing. The president, Mrs. Kerslake, opened the meeting, .received the're- ports a'nd transacted the necessary business. The devotional part of the meeting was ' given by :the Dorothy Douglas group; of which Mrs. Mil- liken is convener. Mrs. R. R. Mc-. Kindsay .read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. F. W. Wigg the Glad Tid- ings prayer. 'Mrs. II. R. Scott gave in current events an•account of the preparation for the World Day •of Prayer by four women in the bombed area of London in England, the sub- ject being "The Church Universal," Mrs. 3. E. Daley brought some very apt and useful suggestions for work in the society that were given at the Presbyterial sheeting held recently in Auburn. Miss Davidson gave a most interesting account of the medical work being' carried on in India for the education of the native women- in omenin medicine and nursing. Mrs. J. E. Keating added Much to the enjoy - :Ment of the -evening by ber piano solo. Mrs:. W. Manson' and • Mrs. ,W. M. ,Stewart received the offering, The next meeting will be 'that • of • Fthe Thankoifering, When a special speak- er will -he the guest- for the evening. A pleasing feature of the evening's lirggrann was the presentation of life membership certificates by Mrs, 1♦': W. Wigg and 'Diss Belle Smith, on I+N SALE . Jack's Repair W. J. THOMPSON, Prop. LEATHER HALF SOLES For Home repairs. 40c and 50c Pair . .. • SHOP SLOSED 9 P.M. SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE IN ST. COLUMBAN MONDAY, OCT. 9th - BAYFIELD VALLEY' -FIVE Dariciijg 9.30 to 1 .a.m. behalf of the auxiliary, to Mrs. J. Patterson, Mrs. Mae Dorrance, Mrs. J. E. Keating, `Mrs. W. A. Wright, Mrs. J. A. Munn and Miss Davidson. P M t��l Altiki�l! oviett'' o y e ybi e was h@,1d' at l%Mie 0040, t,' eedai" elude. .?�: 14:R Cr Otte, ullye: ►xe ,den , had, ehacge,':•+ naet�ti3Og�(1xI,, .Restta,;t etVery •7404glit of , ° Lee, was aug "end. M?$ses: Lester hnyd iaxine• Baines;,ied, ;n''prayer. "God`'St,Ue gi'', baa spits. Mrs. Bea11,05 the 09414 welcomed the new members' teethe society .and: the iAsital business, was, discussed ?Kilt l mi'ly' Lester, thei secretary, reed the.. min Utes of ' the Previoes meeting The roll call was ;given and the Collection taken • up, Miss Rena Fennell"' lied charge hf tate program. ' Dynan 354 was sungsane Mrs. Walden led in prayer. The, Scripture lesson was read by hlis Maxine Baines. • Mrs. Ross Savauge very ably took the topic on "Missions." Miss 'Winnie Savauge -Wee very interesting and instructive talk on "Weaving" and allowed several pieces Alf. work she had made herself this summer in the West. Mee Mabel Turnbull favored with a delightful sold, "Goin' Home," accompanied on the piano by 'Miss Winnie Savauge. Hymn 311 leas sung and the Mizpah benediction was repeated in unison. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess and - lunch committee, and a social half hour was. enjoyed. Meeting of Senior Auxiliary of W. M. S.—The Senior '-Auxiliary of the Women's Missionary Society met in First Presbyterian Church on Tues- day, Sept. 26th. The meeting open- ed with the singing of Hymn 652, fol- lowed by prayer and a reading, "What I Owe 'My Minister," by Mrs. ,Wm. Freeman. Reports were beard from the treasurer and various secretaries. A letter of special interest to all was from .Miss Lena Graham. ' Miss Gra- ham hopes to return home shortly ,from London hospital. Mrs. Biekle, supply secretary, reported that art- icles, such as used clothing, toyse games and. books, suitable for a Christmas gift for the West, were asked• for, and requested that dona- tions be left at ber home as soon as pos'si'ble. Owing to the illness of Mrs. Neil Gillespie, the current ev- ents vents culled by Mrs. Gillespie, were "read by Mrs. Freeman. Mrs.. John -Beattie was in charge of the group responsible for the program. Instead of following -the study of India, Mrs. Beattie led in a very appropriate ser- vice, "War Service Through Prayer," published on page 3r& of the Septem- ber Gifid 'Tidings. Those taking part were as follows: Mrs. Charles Aber hart, Mrs. J. C- Greig, Mrs. Jas. Kerr, Miss Ballantyne, Mrs. :Oliver, Mrs. Wm,• Freeman and Mrs. Jahn Beat- -tie. Ilymns sung were ,chosen by Miss J. Brine and Miss Lena Graham. The reading of an article, "Too Busy," .by Mrs. Beattie, and the Lord's Prayer .in unison concluded the' meet- ing. eeting. CEMETERY • • MEMORIALS Large stock of Modee'n • Mem,. oriels on display at oyr SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS • For the convenience of our patrons, office will be open on Tuesdays. Open by appoint- ment at any other tinle. See Dr. Harburn next door. - Cunningham & Pryde Clinton Exeter Seaforth Phone 41 fertilizer Co-op and Shur Gain IflDRO4 POLES 25 and 30 fee. Feeding Molasses XXXXX D. C. Shingles .Co-op and Shur Gain reeds Western: Crani sand Chop rip. Phi Soo d' Motor LOCAL BRIEFS n Mrs. Elliott Little, iof Quebec- City, uebecCity, spent the week -end at the home of her father, Mr. John A. Wilson. Mr. Wilson returned with -Iter, to •Que; bec on Monday. • Miss Florence Fowler, of Blue - vale, spent the week -end with Miss Clara Pinkney.' - • Mr, and Mrs. Sam Somers and Mr. and lVlrs,,.Armand Chartrand, of Detroit, were week -end guests at the home of Mr: A, F. C1uff„. • Mr. and Mrs. Jamee Milne and daughter, Barbara, of Stamford, are guests this week of ...Mr. and Mrs. John' Beattie, ' • Mrs." William Dougall, of Hen- saIl, was a week -end guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie. • • Miss Belle Ballantyne who •spent the past few weeks in Toron- to, has returned to her home here. • Mrs. D... H. Wilson left Wednes- day morning„ to spend a few days in Detroit at the home of her parents. • Mrs. J. J. Sclater spent 'a few days in Blake. . • Mr., Russell Sproat has returned from Temagami, where he •spent the summer.. • • Lieut. J. H. Giant, Ottawa, was a week -end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. • K. M. McLean. • Misses Fergus Bell, Mary Dun- can, Joan McMaster, Wilma Hay and Dorpthy. Smith left on Monday to at- tend the University of Western On- tario. • Airwopnan Vera Hudson of Fin- gal, spent,' the week -end with her, 'sis- ter, Mrs. Scott Habkirk, and Mr. Hab--- kirk. • Miss Vera Sclater, of St. Marys, and Miss Belle Cummings, of Ottawa, were Sunday guests of Mrs. John Sclater: • '1 . ' Miss\ Helei Wilson, of Toronto, and Miss Janette Wilson, of London, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wilson .over the week -end. • .• Mr. A1ex'Lowery, foreman of The Expositor office, is confined to • bed with an attack of pleurisy. • • Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Colquhoun, who have been visiting here for some time the guests of Mrs. Lena Davis, have returned to their home in Win- nipeg. • Mr. and Mrs. John Sholdice, of London, spent the week -end at the home of Mrs: Thomas Elder, • Mrs, Arch. Barton and Mrs. Olen Colbert, •of Hamilton, and Miss John- ston, of Buffalo, were guests at the .home of Mrs. F. •0. Anderson and Mrs. Harry Jeffrey. • Mr, and Mrs. Harry Stewart have returned from Toronto ,-where they spent several days. • Mr. Arnold Westcott, of Toronto, spent the week -end with hie family here. • Miss Rose Dorsey, of'°1'oronto, spent the week -end at,her home here. • The C.W.L. of St. James' Church will sponsor a ,social evening -'in the parish hall on Friday evening. • Mr. Charles Opperthouser and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ermes, of Han- over: visited during theweek-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace" Ross. • Mrs. Leo Fortune is spending 'a few days in Detroit. • • Mr. H. Minett, of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. E. L. Box. Mrs. Minett, who has been here for the- past week, returned w_ ith him. • • Mss: Thompson and son, of Mont- real, and Mr. Morris-McNab, who is attending Knox College, ' Toronto, were guests of Mrs" .Duncan McNab. • Miss Frances Fortune; R.N.;-of Kitchener, • is ' spending a. few days at •i,he home of her parents, Mr. and Ilirs. Leo -Fortune, L` WkeA r0tlfi�f r adfi' W p a1uy "4tea tte„r, t l I bo e'�e0r:3:40:4:::�e, fw6a Rt�Qt"R'e le ehe i it7' IUt4a H13e” il,t tQWri, a ?uta z�t}ltteaG's� 0.+011 •AlgiPfi tri e}txvi o' ;Rtsr 4:t. iter.• 1311:f. l2d•l 4er , lrei %euj i' befavvetxoi}:. duh.... Palls et,. betb,. Qf .IroiF'- Bridge, and' sl)yeral 0?Ceee . ne,pkinere . alllCt ,other, 01400agar geen'i .. orris. read.: Mofes�*orth, Ont;;' 'Superiofi, Wisoons4 siii 'Delivers Oolarado,. 44d Sault. ,Ste. -Marie, Hee funeral was, held' from mile Iron Brldge United :Church and the services were oonducted by. the Rev: Dieldztson. '•Her, favorite hymn, "in the Sweet Bye and Bye" was sung .by request. Pallbearers were her ueighboes: William Allen, Seedy Allen, Raymond Alien, Earl Mien,' Harvey'Eeket and 'Clifford, Routledge., -InTerment-•was in the Iron Bridge cemetery, The Rally Day program was follow- ed in the church service last Sunday with the Sunday school pupils and teachers . occupying the front pews. T'Wo .of •their number, Joan Grant, read the Arste story, -"Are Yon a Christian,'Y and Donald Kyle, the second story,, "The Second. Mile." veryn'pleasingly., The choir, as always, added to the Service by their anthem. Mr. Grant spoke. briefly on "What then shall this child be." The congregation is preparing for their anniversary to be held on the 15th of October. On Sunday first the congregation is keeping in step with the great major- ity of congregations throughout the whole world by holding its commun, ion service on, that day. It is expect- ed that new' members on profession• of faith and 'by certificate will be re- ceived. Preparatory service will be held on Thursday evening. , Last week Mr. Grant attended The annual Alumni Conference at Toron- to, addressed by one of the outstand- ing .theologians of the continent at the present time, Professor Reinhold Niebuhr, of Union Theological Semin- ary, New York. • East W. I. Meets KIPPEN Death of Former Resident" We regret to have to record the passing of Mrs. Thomas Hammell (nee Isabella Doig), of Iron Bridge, Ontario, on August 24th. Mrs. Ham- mell had been in ,her usual, health and'about her usual household duties Until about two • weeks prior, to her death, She wh,s born .August 7th, 1866, -on her father's farm in Tucker smith Township, Huron County, On- tario. She was the -daughter , of the late John Doig, Sr., and Jane, Nig (nee McLaren), She was 'rhe young- est of twelve children, six of 'whom reached adulthood. She was the last surviving' member ;.of her family, •her. breathers, John and William M. boig, Yate of Kippers, Andrew of G+orrie, pis. tetra jean .(lWtis. Andrew Clerk),' 'late of Iron Bridge, an4, J0s$'ie, late :t if ippelt, . a vias iirdead heir in death,: >Ytaliy itdarh ago Mrs l�iaxnfn gli. re-. ceived her edtication in p'u'blic school• No..y Ta'ekerenittiA; sire. elan tended PrY3sbii'te: ran AGYitt'kdh--- hi ti exi foni alb ,o,"dfd ; 1 e coil tirYtxel tresi ftde +iii tit 'o [t+1111 g benne Medd irintilr '•tlre' 0),, tvlialz toV-ed to ttc,r n x+ttiltied to k o The Kippen East. Women's haste bete meeting was held on Tuesday evening last at the home of Mrs. Wm. Kyle on the 'London Road, with a large attendance.. The meeting open- ed with the Institute Ode and Mrs. Glenn. McLean in the chair. Mrs. H. Chesney, sang two well rendered solos and was, accompanied by Mrs. John' McGregor. Mrs. W. H. McLean reviewed .a• November issue of The Huron Expositor of the year • 1872. The Seaforth Fair report was in this � s T 44110$.01" ALSO'', 84SSE4L'; HAYDEN. "F SILVER 'CITY ° RAIDERS " v A fast moving . WesternR : .. MONDAY, _TUESDAY", •WEDNF.SDAY- GINGER ROGERS in " LADY_ IN THE DARK " IN TECHNICOLOR The most beautiful' production Hollywood has ever created: •, • NEXT THURSDAY,' FRIDAY,, SATURDAY ERROL FLYNN ' . PAUL LUKAS ".UNCERTAIN GLORY " ' issue and many names were familiar to those present. Mrs. Wm.' McGre- gor read a poem entitled, "One :,of Those Newspaper Guys." Mi"ss R. Patterson told of a week's work in a printing Office and displayed various kinds of printing jobs done in a print shop. Plans were discussed for the jam project .and •boxes for overseas, and arrangements made for the next meeting. A delightful lunch was serv- ed by Mrs. Wm. 'Kyle, the hostess, and her committee, and ,,t„he meeting closed with ' "God- Save the King." t . Last Salvage Collection TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3rd On and after that date no' ,ni'bre Salvage will be accepted at Salvage Headquarters, as we are vacating the premises. Please do not leave salvage in doorway. SEAFORTH AND DISTRICT SALVAGE CORPS -REWARD- YOU WILL BE AMPLY REWARDED' FOR YOUR ATTENDANCE AT A - FREE SHOW — at -- FOR,RESTERS' HALL CONSTANCE — on — FRIDAY, SEPT. 29, 1944, YOUR HOST—LEO STEPHENSON Savit Service Demonstration Sound .Films - Musical Numbers DANCE—Collins' Orchestra: LUNCH AND COFFEE SERVED In Aid of Red Cross • COMMENCING AT 8:30 SHARP DOOR • PRIZE CRICH'S Entirely New Enriched White Clover Brea • Every Loai of this Delicious New Bread contains over 000: International Units of Vitamin B the Vitamin needed to turn FOOD INTO ENERGY, FOR GOOD. APPETITE, AND, IN: CHILDREN, TO PROMOTE PROPER GROWTH • In The Same Wrapper .._._ More. Ap�etizin� Stays Fresh Longer;' IN- ADDITION TO THE NEW VITAMIN CO I:TENT; T1TI$ LOAF CONTAINS HIGH PERCENTAGES OF SHORTENING, SUGAR, MILK AND MALT SYRUP' - Ash for. it at your tracery .34 9