HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1944-09-01, Page 8a1'4,sia,„• .4; PI kl! ;OA; vOce.t1.1104-: -;• • •- • Stree4exceI JaiScliate peallafliga.94, 4;?0,PepertiCe also Ikuted. & Roo Amp „ Proprietor .Seaforth . '"11S1• ALL 'LINES OF IhISURANCE • The Second Division Curt County of Huron .0•••• in the Dominion Dank Mond- Id:• rt41. Office Tues- . ^.40 SaPirdaP, 1.30 P.m. 6. yaw; Baturdar eseisieg, aso pan. 9 lane E. C. ORAMBERLAiel - Clerk '0 0 •do.•<?"'O'''0••0. 0 0 0 0 0 • <> G. A, WHITNEY a Successor to 0 40,, HOLMES & WHITNEY Cs 0 Funeral Service a , a Main Street - Seaforth 0 .0. AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 0 Adjustable hospital bed for 0 0 rent. o .0'4gent for Mitchell Nursery 0 .0. Flowers. 0 0 Telephone 119 0 0 Nights and Holidays 65 0 0 •-, OP 0000000 .... .. 00 00'. .c> 000aaao • W. J. CLEARY 40. • fleaforth, Ont. 0 0 •LICENSED E M BALM ER 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0 Night or Day Cal1s-335 0 .0 0 0 0 0 C. 0 0 0 0 0 C. •00- Tat a rOrs*Mital•Mifli Of an ateillitat , • ..,I01148ellt 441110410*r.,da.UR**, -1.01ater Wititeholage t*Si0:, OW. and.Mr. Osbert 'Atte- IiPnik•'.ot Argyle, Near Branswick, the Marriage to take place early in Sep- teMbera • a . • 000000000oa0 • 'J. A. BURKE <> 0 •Funeral Service 0 0 DUBLIN : ONT. • O. 0 Night or day calls: Phone 43 r 11 0 *G0000'00G0.00 SPENCE'S PRODUCE: 43Q)(ERNMENT REGISTERED .-gatG GRADING STATION Hilliient Cash Prices Paid For Eggs and Poultry We are now in the market for kinds of - • LIVE. POULTRY buy either on Live or, Dressed basis. P.114(illie Seaforth McIntyre - Stewart—A quiet Wed- ding took place on Friday, August 5-th., in. Toronto, when Margaret, youngest daughter of Mrs. Stewart and the late D. H. Stewart, of Toron- to, was united in Marriage to Captain E. McIntyre, of Ottawa. They were attended by Miss Erie Stewart and Mr. H. Do" of Toronto. Presbyterian Young People Hold Picnic.—The young people of First Presbyterian Church met at the Lions' Park on Tuesday evening for coffee and doughnuts. Although few in number, an enjoyable time was spent. Plans were discussed for the meeting to open the fall season. Churches 4qt.1 ki f,0%,,••134/W*IWatese,,•• • "•.?"§-eW•Pte "1g ; ,s1,44.0741, : 19.ialt °41.17,, Olose tb eeQe a4O.44r1* PrQ14t POI0P04000" • 7-rQuIned4i nae Wion t Attie, *4111040d, age: Pit PlPt POSalesSion; '•• "1-1‘0.0ne Franie,lionse, East WIlliaw St. Two acres land. A 'real kW. 7 -room Brick Rouse, Church Street. Modern conveniences, with good barn. 6,room Stuccoed House, Egmond- Northside United Church.—Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister: 11 a.m., Sun- day School;' Observance of the Na- tional Day of Prayer; 11, a.m., "God on the Frontiers of Life"; 7 p.m., "our Shelter in the Time of Storm." Welcome to these prayer services. Salvation Army.—Special meetings will be held in the Salvation Army 'all day, Sunday, which will he con- ducted by Brigadier and Mrsil Water- ston, of *Toronto. Services commence at 11 in the morning, 3 in the after- noon, Sunday School, and 7 at night. All are cordially invited to attend these services. St. Thomas' Church, Seaforth.—Rev, C. F. L. Gilbert, B.A., L.S.T.: Sun- day, Sept. 3rd—Day of Special War. Intercession; 11 a.m., Holy. Commun- ion and ,sermon, "See That Ye Waik Circumspectly"; 7 Pm., Evening Prayer •mid sermon, "The Guiding Hand of God." • St. Marys Chureh, Dublin. — 9.30 am, Morning prayer and sermon, Special War Intercession; subject, "God, the Allies and the Axis." 'First Presbyterian Church.—Sunday school at 10 a.m.; morning service at 11 a.m.; evening service at 7 p.m. ReV. John B. Mills, of Waterloo, will have charge of the services. ,Wannamaker - Wallace.—A quiet ,but pretty aummer wedding was sol- emnized at the United Church' Parsonage in •Seaforth on Wednesday, August 23rd, at 12 o'clock noon, the Rev. H. V. Workman officiating, when 'Miss Jessie Isabel Wallace, daughter ed"Mrs. Wallace and the late .Alex Wallace; of Tugkersmith, became the Mite of Mr. Leland Burl Wannamak- er, son of Mr. and Mrs.. John Wanna- maker, of. Napanee. :The bride look- ed charming in •a •street -length dress of tnignoise -blue with white acces- sories and carried Better Times ros- es with Statice. The bride's attend- ant was Miss Marjorie Wannamaker, sister of the groom. She was dress- ed in•pink •white„accessor- ies, einfearried pale pink,asters with baby's breath. The groom was assist- ed by Mr. Donald Wallace, brother of the bride... After the ceremony din- ner was aerved-it the heme ,of the bride's Mother to the immediate fam- ilies. The table was decorated with 'pink and white streamers and cen- tred with- the bride's three-story wed- ding cake. The room was prettily decorated with gladlloas and phlox. Dinner Wag served ti* two girl. friends -of the bride Mrs. Margaret Stephen- son and Miss AnnaWatson, assisted by Miss Mabel Cameron in the kit- chen. The. happy couple left by mo - ter for southwestern points of On- tario amid showers of confetti and good • wishes. On their return they will reside near Napanee, Ont. The groom's gift to the bride was a gold wrist watch, to the bridesmaid a gold identification bracelet, and to the beat man a black leather billfold. TfIE ICILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSU1tANCE CO'Y; HEAD OFFICE a- 8EAFORTI-1„ ONT. OFFICERS: W. R.ri Archibelde.Seaforth - "Fres. McGregO,r,Clintaina Tise-Pres. • Merton A. Reid, Seafotth - Manager and Secretary -Treasurer. ' • DIRECTORS: • Chis. Leonhardt, Brodhagen; E. J. Trgiartria, Clinton; Alex Broa.dfoot, R.R. Reafortla; Alexander McEwing, R.R. 1, Blyth.; Frank McGregor, R.R. 5, Clinton; Thigh Alexander, R.R. 1, Walton; William R. Archibald, R.R. • 4, Seafor.th; :George Leitch, R.R. 1, Clinton; John L. Malone, R.R, 5, Sea - forth. • AG,ENTS: Finlay McKercher, R.R. 1, Dublin; E. Pepper, Br'acefield; J. E. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. ou are invited to Inspect the -BOND- •• TAILORED -TO -MEASURE SUITS AND: OVERCOATS FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN IN 7 PRICE RANGES 3,22.50' to $42.80 SOLD ONLY , by • ILLESPIE'S 4F4Als;TERS - DYERS ,TAILORS you thinkyou're hard to fit, Vele here to -change • yeur mind. _."4, • vale. Hydro. Good well. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Seaforth, Ont. Phones: 334 Office Res. 220 • Skr. T/0. Harry Gilbert, R.C.N. Y.R., Toronto, spent the week -end with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. C. F. L. Gilbert, at St. Thomas' Rectory. • Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Kerr,•of Buf- falo, spent a few days with the former's mother, Mrs. James Iterr) • Mrs. Douglas M. Beattie and chil- dren, Marjory, Eleanor and John, of London, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Beattie.. , • Mrs. T. McMann and her nephew, Stephen, of Chicago, are visiting friends in town this week. •• Mr. and Mrs. Howard gays and daughter, Miss Nancy, of Walkerville, .Spent a few days with Mrs. James Hays. Mrs. Hays returned with them. on Friday. • ' • • Mr. J. S. Bryant and Miss Patsy Bryant, of St. Catharines, and Miss Betty Wilde, of Hamilton, have re- turaed to their homes after spending 'a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. 3. LAKEVIEW CASINO Grand Bend LAST DANCE ON , LABOR DAY NIGHT MIDNIGHT DANCE, Sept. 3rd -- 12.05 a.m. FRED FUNK'S VARIETY ENTERTAINERS Sunday Evening, Sept. 3rd LOCAL BRIEFS • Mrs. Thomas Elder, who spent the past month in London, has return- ed to town. ' ' • Mr. and Mrs. Will Felker; Jr., of Fordwieh, and Pte. Wilfred Dodds, R.C.A.M.C., of Camp Borden, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Feikar. • Mr. and Mrs. Saul Cohen, Doreen and Morton, and ,Mrs. Albert State, Mark and Rochelle, all of Toronto, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shinen. • Mies Blanche Lightowler, of Windsor, spent the week-el:id at the home of Mrs. Arnold Westcott. • Mrs. R. A. Wilson, of New York, guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Southgate. • Miss Barbara Reid, of Stratford, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. J. P. Reid, this treek• . • Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson, (if St. jOhri, Quebee; are gnesta at the home of 'gr. Robert 'Sdarlett. Mrs. Thornp- SODAS a dang.hter of Rev. J. S. Mt11,- drew, of Vanctraver. ys MSS Ella Elder has- returned al after apending iiiedith In Muskoka, •• a -Mita L. S. "MeKereher, of Mc - 11�j. Iga dolightild sold in, botId.nChinvh n titalas?, -40100214#1,8,, *0* `• .47611 ••• • sir P4.1":„ fii10":•.4,? t4';,aqii'ciortetieieA' ti` ' ationt ,tti) a ./f $a ..ipand,:.- ,v . P, ... s, -''?Ilt • , 0, AO 04:04*.hlt,' ""• -taXe Ela ge " . .."e'Xiititette, ,.;q ;......„.,.. , . - •,,i., T90,". 0:*.o,..•,ig...- 11.ge.rit.t•"44:4 4 RiigleT:Oin4tIl'."• •-•' • •• ' . • ' ' ..i, ..._.!• Igiff04P)4.):•Pet9", OP*. 44,1**01F$ W0031140015'.#P,P• Lando- • •4°- WO Rail M•Aigit•X" is j'aSithag, n WalliertUn this week. • • and lliirsq Daiirsoh. H. Reid and 443,10,ter, 'Sharon, of Guelph, • are gueats of Ve former's naMlieraalgrat• J. F. Reida' • 111r/3. Steuley Grainger, or New Toronto, is visiting her earente, Mr. and Mrs. William Ament. • Lieut, . Stanley Dorrance, •Pen:4" 'the week -end with his mother, Mre. Mae Dorrance. • • 'Mr, Bud Christensen, of Detroit, is visiting his uncle and atiat, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wilson. • Mrs. Nelson Clark, of Weaton, Is a guest With Mrs. Thomas Ilableirk. • Mr. and -Mrs. W. S. RaHohnes, of Clinton, were Sunday guests of Mr;', and Mts. A. L. Porteous. • Mrs. D'Orleon Sins spent -last week in Toronto. • Mrs. George Scofield, of Detroit, spent the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Arnold' Caee. Miss Nancy, .who spent the summer here, returned with her. • Mrs. OE M. Smith and Buddy, who spent the past month. in Winnipeg, wreeteutrned home on Thursday. of this • Mrs. R. B. Holmes underwent an operation in Scott Menioriat. Hospital last week. • Mr. JOhn Wannamaker and Mar- jorie, of Napanee, attended the Wan- namaker-Wallaae wedding on Wednes, day, 'eat week. • M. and Mrs. Walter Eaton and family spent a week recently with Mrs.' Alien and Mr. and Mrs. McCor- mick, of Kincardine, and with, Mr. and Mrs. Snarling, of Gorrie. • Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roe and two daughters, Lois Jean ands Mary Lou, of Rullett, Mr. and. Mrs. Orville Blake and ion, Gerald; and daughter, Bernice, of Colborne; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Walkersand Bon BruCe, pf Briicefield; Miss Marion Wallace, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dolniage, son Neil and daughter June; of Win- throp, and. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Oreigh- toe and son, Harold, of Blyth, spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Alex Wallace, Tuckeramith, to bid Mr. and Mrs. Wannamaker fare- well before leaving for Napanee on Tuesday inorning. - . • Mr. Sam Walker, of Timmins, is a visitoratthe liOnie of his mother, Mrs. W. J. Walker. , ' • • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Oliver mo- tored to Ste. Anne de Belleveue, Que., on Thursday to visit their son, Dr. Fraser Oliver and family. • • Mr. end'Mrs. Raymond Nott and, daughters, Natigyaand Salt, spent the weekend in Gilitsby. • " • AC2. W. EFitoillns, R.O.A.F., St. Thomas, spent the week -end with &leads and relatives in town and • Miss Mary Gaudette, of Toronto, is spending two, weeks, at the home of her aunt, Mrs. E. Bannon. 0 Mr. J. Nicholson and Mr. J. J. Nichols:on, of Mount Dennis, spent Sunday with Mra-W. J. Wopds. • Mrs. James Barry is visiting with 'friends in Clinton. • Mrs. William Hanna and Miss Annie, of Kingsville, spent a few days with friends ,in .Own. • Gunner W. H. Edge„ R.C.A.F., Gilbert Plains, Man., and stationed, at Barriefield, spent the week -end ,with 'hie" miele, Mr. SI. B: Edges • Mrs. N. Thompson is visiting friends in Tara. • • Miss Betty Southgate and Miss EuniceDenby, Tore/Ito, were gueats this Week at the. home of Mr. and. Mrs. W. E. Southgate. •• Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McAdam, Of Stratford, were ealling on friend in town this week. • Mrs. James Elliott, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. He IL Spence, returned to he rheme in Harvey, Illinois, on Thursday morning. • • Mrs, Thompson G. Scott and M. John Forsyth, of Detroit, spent a few • days at the home of Mr: and Mrs. Abe Forsyth in Tuckersinith, owing -to the serious illness of Mr. rin.syth. • Mr. and Mrs. ,Eisgene Dun, of Hamilton, and, Mr. and Mrs a 0. J: Smith an2 family,' of Aneaster, were .week -end guests of Mr. and' Mrs. Frank Kling. ' • Miss Loretto Faulkner speat a week with her brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Faulkner, in Kitchener. , • .Miss Laura Stewart, of Toronto, spent a_ week with ' her father, Mr: Harry Stewart, in Egmotdville. • Mr. William Steet,_ of 1",icton,.*as calling an old friends in town on, Thursday. • Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McIntosh and daughter, of Detroit, were visit- ing friends in town this week. Mr. _ Wes. McMillan, of Flint, Mich., an Old Seaforth Boy, was here this, week renewing acquaintancas. Master Don t3ale has returned from Bayfield where he spent sortie tittle With Michael Beebe*, • • Mr. and Mrs. Gray, of Palinerston Were guests of Mr dd Ws- M, Me - Zeller on Wednesday. , • Mrs. MeDermid and Mies; Isabelle MeDertnid, of Geergetowia, and Miss Agnes Park are visiting Mrs. unto -".- 4-1*":14g0t, neC1404 :#04,140''•411. *Iliad* present; LADIES' Softball Tournament LABOR. DAY First Game 2 o'clock—Finals 6.30 p.m. • LUCAN • HYDE PARK • ILDERTON • SEAFORTH PEACHES! NOW RIPE Come to the Farm, one mile, north of No. 21 Histhway at Rayenswood. DUFFUS BROS. Firs• tMortgageLoans If additional money is needed to help you buy a productive farm, send Us particulars. Possibly we pan .aasiat 'you through our loaning department. Aft:tractive terms. All inquiries treated confi- dentially. , • Wiron&Erie MORTGAGE CORPORAT1DN' LONDON WINDSOR ST. THOMAS CHATHAM DANCE to Cliff Gordon Western Ontario's Popular and Artistic Band LIONS ARENA MITCHELL Every Saturday Night 9 - 12 p.m. - Sponsored and supervised by Mitchell Lions Club " alinINI1111111111 • ' earl ' '•*1 Mo� Save ';' ,,X.ae.'"Ifiugt0/,: It,it',600,41f4g0,•40V1111"g'''#!•sP, ''-' -''.'t Vago', •'''' '''' 'IV* ' 11 1,4k it OP 4 tql,*§ Tg "":", 111,41,t3 41,11,0"P`•00:r044,;-','MP*i.§:0#0:.:4f0.,:;00.0, ''•'\70**9,09;'1.0:4:kA4440*"4* e4, :1Att„4.100;*gt,••*ty, be '11400* 11.e40' gaa‘ato , pa: Nr.egawiei Ilave 44.-Pr01,00 -01fitri'90,40414' 14Y ailmaW ShinClegt, also ereOt- big a new Welton. ' Mr, and Mrs. Posef•:Heithett, higna and Billie spent $urla: with' Mi. and Mrs, George Eaten. „ • Friends and neigliberstaheld a, re- ception in the hall last Friday- night, honor of..Mr. and Mrs. 14eslife Dalz." /nage. A' few hours were sPept'iit daneing, then lunch was served. 7M3 - bride and groom were' carted to :the: platform and Mr. Robert -McMillan read the address and Mr, Allan CAMP:, bell and Mr. Art Alexander presenited,- them with a chine cabinet and book- case. Leslie, on behalf of Delphinia thanked the friends and neighhora for their kinduesli: Altibined in Sing, Ing, "For They Are Jelly Good Fel- lows." We wish Mr. and Mrs. DOI- 'image many years of happiness. ' The 'regular meeting of the W.A. and W,21.8. will be held ht. the home of Mrs. Frank Johnston on Wednes- day afternoon, Sept 6th. Highest Prices Paid Send samples. • Write or phone. • CONSTANCE The W.M.S. Of Constance United Church _held epee meeting Wednes- day afternoon, August 23rd, in the School -room ef the Clairett. Burns' and Winthrop auxiliaries, were invited .guests, with a good attendance. Mrs. James Hugill and Mrs. Charles Dex- ter received the guests. • Mrs. Peter 'Lindley took charge of the meeting and opened it lsy reading eleven ways on what.Godis will is for1us; moment of silent Prayer, after which Mrs. :William Britton and Mrs. Lindsay of- fered prayer. Mrs. William Jowett gave the address of welcome to the visitors. Mrs. Britton and 'Mrs. Mc- Ilwain sang, "Oli, It Is Wonderful," accompa:illed by Edith Britton. Mrs. Church, of Winthrop, gave a reading on "Different Ways We Can Help Others in Life," also read a poem; "The Bridge Builders." Mrs. Mont- gomery, of Winthrop, sang "Blessed Asstarance," accompanied by Mrs. Frank Johnson; reading by Mrs. Or- ville Dale, "Faith and Moods.," 1st John, 1-4; Mrs. A. Colson, of Burns' Church, gave a missionary reading, "A World Charter"; "0 Happy Hill- side" was sung by Irma and Marjory Watt; hymn, "Praise Him, Praise Him." Miss Stone, of Clinton, guest speaker, gave a very interesting and inspiring address, taking as her theme, "Thoughts on Prayer and Mis- sionary Work."- Mrs. Wm. Britton then gave a few thoughts and thank- ed all Who helped in any way. MISS Stone closed the meeting with prayer. The collection was taken and lunch Served, . Mr. Earl Lawson left Wednesday for Alberta to visit friends and rel- atives. Mr. Robert Jamieson and Mr. Geo. Hoggart left this, week for Saskatche- wan. 'Mr. and Mrs. Arch. Hoggarth ',and daughter, who Spent a few days with Mr. and Mr. William Britten, left, on Wednesday for their home in Wal- laceburg. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson were in London on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Dale spent Tuesday in London. -- Mr. Donald, Buchanan spent the week -end with friends in Toronto. Mrs.WVilliann Jewitt entertained the Live Wire Mission Band - on Thurs- day. A' bazaar was also. held. Miss Ethel Dexter, of Kitchener, is spending. a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter. Quiltings are the order of the day. Mrs. Jack Carter, and Mrs. Ephriam Clark held one each -this week in 'the interest of the daya. Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh, of Detroit, and ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert .Rogerson visiteds Mr. and Mrs. A. Colson,- recent- ly. igiiiirtid•;; The itteetlitg'''oPiiiirOit.,';.' #1e60,1)$44;.', BRUCEFIELD (Continued from Page 1) Mra. Alex Patterson, JIM and Mar- ion spent the week -end Iii Windsor with. Mrs. Patterson's brother, Ken- neth Scheldice. The many friends of Mr. William Berry' are glad to know he is in/pro-V.- ing after having a severe attack of shingles. Mrs. Walter Bairdsspent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Taylor, at For- est. . • Mrs. Arthur McQueen very pleas- antly entertained friends and neigh- bors at a shower for the bride of this week, Miss Elizabeth Aikeiibead. Mies Lois Rathwell, of Trenton, spent the week -end at her home in Stanley. Misa'John R. Murdock left on San. 'day to spend a week with her datigh: tors Miss Beth Murdock, Mr. Bruce Berry, of Winghara;, anent the week -end in the Village, ' • Da Will Aikenhead, of TOronto, Vis- ited his sister, Ills.rs. T. B. •Beird; and Other friends thig Week. Donald Mel:SC/field, R.C.A.P., Three, Rivers, man, arrivedilionie and will spend two weeks with his Wife ancl friends here. , - Mrs. Geisrge Swan is home troth ronto.4 We. are plea/led to learn she is much improve& In hes, t and Vire, Catalan Raugh, spending thdit 'holidtto, With Th gointWa"..vaionta, fraid fti ,ft attd Ma d1lray na ;f*Set lje101104:8404e40.flicov, fl *00,,,;;&•./4ttoit /� •••g*Oh&Me/ taie s. •,;", • • .• 44 '•• AN AODEDF.4AT-PRET • "„. k , kN•P't • .44:1.. LLE" In TecRm1coor • 'f.npig*ep*lf. iViatiiiee'", Labor Day RITA HAYVVORTH • GENE"' 1E1 -1-Y '• \44 COITElt G*L " ' IN SOFI0400S TEOHNICOLOA The most brilliant musical of our time ! NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY " GEORGE ON1'"11,,,,v.k. HOME-'' GUARD !' - Starring Geolie F.orniby- - Coming -- "SHINE ON, HARVEST MOON"' ' , • First Show starts each evening at 7.30. When single leaturea,such as theSe are'shOwn, all patrons in by 9.15 will 'see` complete show. MATINEE EADR SATURDAY AND HOLIDAY AT 2.30 SCHOOL- Or COMMERCE, CLINTON -- ONTARIO ' ENROLL FOR FALL TERM SEPTEMBER lith • Be ready, in a feiv months, to do valuable and necessary office work. COURSES—Stenographica•Commercial, Secretarial and, Clerical. M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist ' B. F. WARD, B.A., Vice -Principal Phone 198 ' Swan,. Mrs. Lou Simpson, of Irensall, visit- ed Mrs. W. J. Elliott over the week- end. 1 Rev. and Mrs: AitkinsOn spent Sun- day at their home here and returned to. their cottage on Monday. 'Mrs. A. McKufe. is spending a few days at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. A. Moore.. The farmers have ^completed the harvest and beans -are now the order of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Bert McKay, of Walk- erton, were visitors in the village: over the week -end. • 1 Mies Lois _Allaat, hospital assistant, left last ThprsdaY; for Vancouver, B.6.;•wheie she will be posted from there. Enlisting in May she took a six weeks' course in Trenton, and took her baste 'training in Rockcliffe. She is the deuglitet, of Mr. and Mrs. Walter IMOffat, tif rea Brucelield. was assisted by the bridegroom's mother, wearing a 'brown dress with. matching accessories. The bridal couple left on their honeymoon to Windsor, Detroit and other points, the bride travelling in a green wool suit with rust accessories. Among those attending the wedding from a dis- tance were Mr. and Mrs. Kearns, Mr. and Mrs. Drew and Mona IVIcLaugh- 'lin, all of Merlin; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Robertson, Chatham, and Mr. anti Mrs. Van Lloyd, Windsor. Mr. and ;Mrs. Kearns will reside“in. Ottawa, COLUMBAN A number of ladies of the C.W.L. met in the parish hell last Zara; day for a quilting bed: •Threesquitta were- completed, tops being donated by Mrs. Stephen Murray, Mrs. H. M: Bricklin and the, ladies Of the fth and 7th lines of Hibbert. Kearns - Morris A. pretty wedding was 'aelemnized_ at St. Columbaii Church On Mcindei; morning at 930 a.m., When Melia Kathleen Morris, eldest clanghter of Mrs. Josephine Morris and the late William Morris, Hibbert Township,1 was united in marriage to Gartig James Kearns, •eldest son, of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kearns, of Merlip. A.: Elywn Morris; Simcoe, brother of the bride,.officiated and sang the nuptial mass.. Given in marriage by her bro- ther Louis, the ,brid . looked charm- ing in a floor -length gown of white peer with a long train and a 'flow- ing veil caught to her head by a wreath of orange blossoms. She sear- ried-White gladiolas and fern and her Only piece of jewellery was a gold cross and ,chain. Miss, Angela Mor- ris, sister of the bride, as matron of honer, wore a floor -length gown of 'blue sheer with matching hat and ac- cessories and carrying pink gladiolas and, fern. Ile groom was attended by his Wafter, Joseph. The ushers were Thomas Morris, brother of the bride, and Joseph R,obertiOn, :brother- in-law .of the groom. The groone's gift to the bride was a chest o1, sil- fel.; to the bridesmaid a gold pin, and to the' groomsman a .tie. The wed- ding dinner was served at the Royal Rotel; Mftchellato about thirty sinks. Liter a reception was -herd at the home of the bride's mother, who re- ceived wearing a navy blue dress of crepe with matching aceeasories. She CEMETERY.' MEMORIALS Large stock 01 MOdarn • Mem- • orials on display -at our • SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS. For the convenience of our patrons, office will be open on. Tuesdays. Open by appoint- ment at any other time. See Dr. Harburn next • Cunningham 4,,z Piyde - Clinton'. Exeter Seaforth Phone 41 PLUMS Nice crop of 'Good Canning Plums Clime and get a supply at head- quarters at special rates. Well grown, starting last Week of August to September 15th. • Alio Pears. - C.. HOARE, Fruit Farm e- • . k Fertilizet Co-op and Shur Gain HYDRO POLES • • 25 and 30 feet Feeding Molasses XXXXX B. C. Shingles Co-op and Shur Gain Feeds Western Grain and Chop Co -oil Fly Spray Co-op Motor Oil SEAFORTH FARMERS-: 'CO-OpERATIVE HONE 9 • P.Ocilic-.1\fatite.', PLEASE CO-OPERATE IN PARKING YOUR CAR Make Sure it is -within the lanes marked on the ' pavement., not Park ht any Prohibited Area, or 'the law 'will be enforced. - k . POLICU • •,,,„„": 44, oj .,„ A 4 •'1 , 5