HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1944-08-04, Page 1�--rfj-'MW`�A ,* .*�, 5"; . . .- ­ ­ I 11 . I I .1 .1 11 . � . 1-11.. � . ­­ � ,,, �r-!.:�mvy. . v-�Fr""Io�,��:.-,,,���.l�;.-.,Z , J� I I ��,��,��', � �, �, -- -, - �J ­.- ...1.1.1-1...., -.-.- y,Wp�,'TTT-7.N­,1 T­-TTy7J-XTir'­0P � R." "� , � , 1 1 40, g�Q ��m , opi ! �,,,,� , ". � �@ -;i �; _M1 " - - ­ -�f�l!p"�,tl�,4,41,.�rwr-�,!!,T��, r ,��;.3�-N� !,J;�,,,&��-;,, ��,l ,7,1­_`Q�' '.i . , - 'fg- , , '� 11 �', '� � �,,�g l.'��,�:"Wl��,r�;".fl�","!rli,� , , ; �p i w, �.;_ .1.11-.11.11.1. , " ,f,�!gggj�;? � ,'R��'�_­,� ___ " g�,,��;,F,17, I .,., . �. _,r;,,,1,,l � ",,If ". ­' ,� p_._91,� -W � , � 1 u�jj�-A ,,� �` Z � ,� ­ �, .1 'I v .4 � 14, it.? 'I. R".,,�l .,� , W ­,ip -,�i ..."'. --1111 T�� . , "MI�11. , - ­g�- .�,,:,r � " `V -) .." -2 -, "'nn_,,� ",R,�,w7,01 . . 'g 7 � .1,�I.",".�l".""�,�"6".�,.��'*�: ,T :7� Ni ` 14 . . � ..... .... I ly,�!V,­A'11311 -.4 ,., �g _ , ,,� `, - _110.1""'M, �! Z�,,", �;�' . � 4 rANUJI I � MM� � ". 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T�:E, �;--4' _. , ., � ., r v, R _ V - �_;,L 0 w W,wp, V iti . , , , � . .� 7", , " , .1 . . 141 t I - 11 O.; � 7� I'll .11 I , , I �111,1 Nn!,�N�,�, 777,T' . 1� 141n,;,- 14'. ''. ", � � . �, i, "..... :: � � ,' 00_'.�.. 10 o- _�, I '. " 1, I . 11 , :11 ',`,�.,�, 1, - I 0 , �L ,, 1 - , I T. , I I 1��iia­', i-, -B- � ­ X L I - I 0. t _ , 1 , � I .. �..� ; , "" "' , ,� I . : : I. P"', 4 i I I I If � I 1.5 ,� � � ­ . , 4 I to , -, ri � I L� to. � -!Z'. ". "' , ': � C a 14 0- I , . ",77'77, 11 . _. ­ , , .., ­ . ­ . �, � ­­ 1, � _, � ,. J �'; .11".. ­ � � , , I ­ � ,".!"', i , � I I . 1. il, �. OF 11 .11 I I _ , " I , � i ­_ I '� Tk gj_ 7'7 g , . . _r . I , 66 . BY . .11," "'! � , , :, "I .._ ,� ,-, �, ,. � " � "-­ �.­ry!! -1 - I" I I . I f, " , I . I , 4 .1 N ., , . I . 1. .. I 1.14 -1 I . J. I .. -71 11 . .. 41, �ffl" .1 I , . 11 - I , 11 . i _,� , 1� - � �-�'�:�'�:Tk .. J , , , �� '_ 17 , .or,�� , , P'01 I , ;,. .. " e, . I _, �4. 11, . , , ; 0 I .. I �, ' , , 1. , .1 �� ,. '' F� , � , "'..., .� AT � ". :. ,� . - _ :1�1. '1�, . A . WXX A , ra.. �4.­��Q i '14; '! . I ,I I . , � I � . �: �E � ,� ; , "I �K , alww -U;,�,�"ake, '' '' .,., ,� I'D , V411,1111 III" .1 I _ �,, TR - ­- `6 - . . 0 �0� r ' I Ttl ..... 'A i � ., 0­,�F irth .:`%4',d* - ' ,RATS ` � . - , � �Fa ; T ,� - L A . , , tv . '.. . , I RE T ^ -� ` .: _. � OLT Y� P I. , ,4.";" . u . ... . .,. .,, . , _ 1 . . . � � . ; .;�� ­ . -% .� _ I - , I I .? N. I . - . 11 ­: `W �, (I .. . M oi'�'111 R .. .. 4 . . . , ,' 1.1111-111 A, . I ., I . , I I , , I M_--pivis -111 . . I . '. I., 4e . .. � I .�,�",Xx­"�%O';�.­ , I I . , W .1 ` _4, � --- 7�,_, .� .� .,. '' .N.I­', .,,,: ,,;�_��.�, ", ,_ . . 11 I . ,�, ��� I ­ - ­­ ­., I t . . I . .. I . I . ��'. I I . ,� I . 11 ... ... .. 1� ... ,, 1 117, ii . I I... . I ­ I , � . �,�V'1;11'41el,, %,, . I , ,; , , I � � "I --11117"'111 , ,. 11 I . . , , 11 I - , . lb ­_. . . . ­ , , ` I ''.1 ; I . y li�� , �, , ,�. L -� Vl,� " ,. 11 � i. . . I cc r I ers . " - 21 1, � , '' O" t- Exposito " , -om Mrs 1. n - WR ', 'Wi , , , , "' , _.M" h r "o -0 Choi - M440 At L -A 'r, � Fr I -I J, *Vimiray- In �i; .4, " ", Harry' Hinc ley Gives In I 0 �,a�rg,* , � � . 0'' 0 a ,� ., A jo �$eep " . " . . . . 417to, ,0 a ,p - %: .. ;-,- I I .—. !. ,111 . - - lw,_'�. . 0, 11 * � I __tLa''J") , . ?, ,� I . �­' .... llt . 'T'.--;,1 , . .�, 11 0 I.- ". ;4�;?�,T . %�fi- f , 41" , r �­_`� - �' , oWmiSs.6,:L�. � a.., I � 1 , - - T - �� .- A :n L . � �:­ in . I 1 � X IV "i ", i , L L i 11 �1 " _, e. . �t - '01^ � !.".�V- Rehfrew Rotariatis. I a ,on - ,�- I . .;, 1�1*5 ,,, t I L ­ K I , �, a 11 resth�g Addres,; . 4 I . �, . . , � I'll I' , _� . m _'. ` , 51 I , _�', l4p . ' ­­ ' ' . i " _,p _t6 � � 11. , It Ki '. . ;. To tended 'Convention , Held ' Michigan. T' to StAn't 11W -8 0 W", ` , � . . , OW!, W . I Ci, " Holi'do , _ =� �!"L!._ __,__!� - I'lill _ �1, . Vic 1. - , , . ; * . ­ . . 4. �, . . W�Iker, Dies in Hosp#al -C , � I , ., if.*�, ,; .1 . Y, , 19_ensa#� To "�`­H R I .' . OcAll �� �31 ­ .; ,I, 1"'f. 44.,r, " . M'� , , "'�,,,! .., , . . , � B_ � I ? �,U ­ I . _. . . � . -1 vlo!"ZI lei, , M It _ I ' - I . . I - g 171-.�;, ,,,, � I . . I I Q. ._,, 7, �. "t, 0, I � I . I I 1L;;;:;"; " vu . 11 . M , on.day next, -Fiid . � I 11�' - _.�, - '�",, 1. . , . . ,. , . .. 4 ..... . . . — i� I August. 7th w0l, - � . I ��.� ,!, ,�,.�y I , � . , . '. - 4� I - - .e'e', . , F ay velux1g. , ".. I ...� . . � _,� ­ on R. Oban *A�Tavfsh, iotr!.ngelst. ­ �. ", I �: �" , 'j'�,�,g� r,",..�,­Z'.�­ , ­ .­ .. � .,?rV,. V ' � I . , ­.,�. , -�,.�t�l " " �;'!,ZRRII, �', _,. r. . . . .,�,­Z'.� � , . . . !,;.. , . I .. . I I , - . . - -- a 0 ... . "* I - 11-,�.'�i '��, � j , W", l, I .". .... .. Ll 18* COMPANY MANAGER '' be 01:44qry�d'as Seaforthis Ctivio' , EXPERT -. �e"` RAPPERS p . , "',--l", . r . . , I - son of Imir. an - n mzib� -01. . � 7 " 1. - �11' I . I I . I . I . 1.� �Pl . . Farm of .P., To".-geid. * , � ra. - Job - NXWIS.. i. - , . . . ., '. . , 111% . . . tHolido,",W,hen all busipess places . 1. m."M t ..... ... 11 .. . . . - I - ,.: � � ,,��4,� �;;.:,L�,� "'? "A." 'ti�.� 1, � , '. . . e I . ELECT JOINT ,SLATE -' , . . — . � Tavish, Soaforth', wh9 gr4d0i4ed ' " . _ ;j��', f.AT�V"Tgf-,Pma� .4�j . , n I I I . ,� . . 1. ,,.,,.,.r ­�<,,�3.t� ... �Wq "ri, N, � '�I� D -,, t . t , navigator at , .�, . I . . ill be_��losod from eleven ololoqk Writing-frotil, �, . as. a Is "I'(f�;y,4 . j Rotarfalu� ll�ard a,.11ne talk on the w ,..�..,..;.., . - � I ... .under dii.te of . Maltpn�.' 11F , . j i �R% . '?, �. � . , , , I . -T ,�,.,F, � , "', q - -, �;; . T . I I 0"�q Rrvr�H%M_T , q, -1. 1 . I " - ­ '. Aqw .a�." � . . . new poultry p .. rocessing plant which S,Iturday evening '61:11 T.uaii.4.ay ' ,. I .. � bF.OFFICERS July 30th,' Mr. . McGregor" of, ON,-M-ONDAY . . -been commissiahed as A Pil,�t., h!@�, 4014,9f. th, . I Wl�� 'I �.' I . , . , _. .r. -1 -1 . , ,,, �,V',-',. �� I I ;­, 1. 0.�:,'I�", . �"" . I Ape,tw�A, _ ,�!. ��,, t i, ,�� ' I � �;'t 1. ­ I . . 1. - ­ ��A,j,o�,4­ is -to be establish d,'In R6ifrew 4 I morning. , 'that makeak a long I � 13 � 64. - 9f, " ,iw� .to iwiwu , 'I ", �, '. .. .� '.. I , W _ , , � . I - ,__ - . __ i'­fflz � Y -, . ,, a hort- . . I I . I . that city, s4 " article encios- . EVENING l LAST liver. P/b. Nfacliivish is spencl� to F40mmit ep,,:;,Vn11,­q _�';'L"I,,i . U. . . Mr. Harr week -,end, and shoppers will havii_'­ " M . . . War seftloe'' , r,,,t , , "' , _', I ,P "All�",.'L" __ - .��!,.�! , li i�,, , - Is I " __,��i,3 R - . I t. Lt. Thomas Pryde, of Exeter, ad wag, clipped,','ii* the Detroit . I I ing two weeks, 'furlough -�flth his- . !PW9 '-4LPPrOxl*kt0Iy, . . ... . 7 ub,p,�,i��3 y Hirtchley, secretary of .,. , . � _ �,� . - . I I . . L .0 `P.QX4� b 10 4 I , - 11 , the 6ig: Co. -Op. concern, was heard to purchase all needed household veteran of ,'two wars .and father of Time' 7 1 I ,;,�.;.",� I .. I . a. I thought',',',t1 �,' , ,,�!,;,�I� , I ,�b kind of bait 'S Seaforth before, leqv� , parent "'in . - Plensall boys who are --Pai.vilx*.,�,O,&*�::� . 1-1 I I Crushed when the wall of a vacant . . . .. :1 ,,�, I 1. with much interest, RotariAll Lind- , supplies before ftturday night— !bur sons 64'active service, 'in Hen- he usda might ,be ofill"ter,est to many .. - Ing for Nova 0cotla, where he'has , ,��j,, . � !, n r. Seas some, time In August. Tbe,'* � , �., � � J 4 I . - I ­ say-Antrdildeed him and jRotartan J. 16'r ersel ... . , �11 ia,11 on']Orlday- night was nominated of your' readers,, # building collapsed, Mrs.. A- J I ­ I . r � *.'' ,,kl.��,L ri - ,pt!bere is a JrAt , . McMu been .po d. . . I ' . � ... . ate ,,, ,,"�r,," _,_I ' '� 'Ish I - i ,r� , � , �': I ­ . , 1�1 . . 0 1 r r . , - are v6ry low at pria.sa,lit, T .11 . . Progressiv; Conservative candidate extermination colif " "' 9 McMur ;ly,' 4 1 . . ,b,,,e,, ig -,,.' ' �` A. ,kcArthur thanked � Aim. I . ,,, I , . _ ' ' '�,`,�� - Z . _r t"-- -: r r . . _ �. eg -�Ek-Mayor r was , *6 It. ,", ­ ��"",' .1 _V,,'�In earorth and ray, wife of � tug to help this Worthy p r ,�: . . I _ * -� 0 ,, _"�_ Air the HurouwPerth, ridiu.- in the next vicWty.­ I � ` 11,�.� . , '' k r I I c 'MEW I 'r . I .. I , ;,117�,. � Mi.. Hinchley said the, disquosio, of 0 0 "* . I .- 1.111, ' 'ad Monday' e'vening, and ,O , leave their co 'h ' "i'd, .; . . 111 . , 0, 11. " ­ I �-� "' instantly kill I 0 0 ip 0 - ntributi,obs Vat , Miss, r � . rocessing - 1. I ­' % � fiaerai'electio " . . . . , .0. , rj� ` voultry P � today * br�ingg up I . I . The Times says -,'t, ,,4 %obust, 12 -year- � . '. �' . . "Z"-�_" . . . ' , . I . . William" Walker, another Prominent - I .. 1. — t � �'t', 'I, . '. . � . ,4eorge Wit- old 4 . . , r ­ . . . Gladys' Lukek befor.0-1,'Aligug .:�21st. , �%: I . � �"JF�,,;: , I the old question- of which bomes first " Defeated nomine6 was Don Gray of' ,'Qi.",,townsend, is, a ClAnto ' tained fital I Donjitionji r of 'Sugar f9r �, �,�,J,�,, . I n resident, skis in . jj'��' I�rovlaion I 'IS, 1. I ' ' ,, " I —the hen of �hkj egg. Without wish- IfiLiwArmstrong, p , , 'r,;f,, . � . -day PieP, �Ip* I'll his neigh- Juries.. Mr. Walker died In h al H o, be qrat*fnIIy­�Ac_ . �1;, � . � resent'reeve of Ray rr�6dern ' , 11 . r I . � I ; I � I ,'L' 'I . ospit of candy wi , a -is ,. Ill, 11 I - I , �.f,,, . � Ing to- enter into this controversy,. I .. ToiNviship and Huroh, County Warden . ", � ' � I . ­ ;..! I r I in 1942: . , one I �;; I 1. i MoKILLOP .GI'RL'.' . borhood. . LOCAL - BOYS WRITE , .4, 11 . I r . . � � . . . during the night. . .. cepted. . I i. 41 � . . '.. have.decided to talk first for' a while � Only he­ues t,4. ';i�plain. standaxd ., I I ., .1 - I I Any . h4virig empty. pound I r , , I . . 1, . The fatalities occurred on t . ;­­ -- . . b , r Suit . I .1 1 ­!, .. he farm Sr able ,for candy. au%I.!c6 �. ',', ��. � a gs, because egg'arlil poultry pr was secret, and the, re- rat -trap Instea'd . . Rxes ., "N . —a I � - " _91k; I ,I, �, :,�� � ".. � _ I � Townsend, Tuckerimith, . � �� - I _:",�:� EDALIar sui,a.t . � of ; �% pipe' not lie of rl�fcher . ' 1'es, or magazines,- Is aSked,.tq, I" 'i ;-,i N�� . I In '. eg , r b- Q* " The ballot I . ., . 4 Ir. - ,a � " �, , �,;�,�,., and we. , SILVER. � M remely close," said -officials. sure catches ism. : 11;�:� FROM: _ OVERSEA I.. . ` �,.��'.,,,��!,�, , , . 1. . . "' � . ti 11 ba� . '..., - ., . ,Jr . daction are .closely related � , 1� I . -where Mr. ;dud Mrs. McMurray and . 11 . them'at the Town Hall any- 'ej , I I �jr,,.,;�, r , , 1�1 I I __.�,%Q, , _ , -Is , 6annot go very-- far with one without ' * r Pit. Lt. Pfyde, retired . at the age It' was about flvd.,'j��'ears ago that Mr. and "Mrs. Walker - had gone, to . . � . r - t��1,0, . I , r I r . . fi� I'v*60. _ _ I . I Mer of 56 from the R.C.A.F. three months Don, tired of catel ' I mice, -turned I I . forth and Exeter paoer$,,.com ' ' -N!, 1, ,considering thle other. . . Miss Anne De 'Lafra , 2_1 "' ' '� " I 1 inspect the bricks in the vacant, farm Intere4ing,- Letters Receiv, l0all'i, Read;es Digest, et.b., at.r� _.: I . '' ,,:,� after two years ,and sei�en­ months to 'r'bigg6r game.11 �.' . ­ *.1 I I _�� . .. I I .�":!.�,, I . . . .is in a Highest Award � , d*elling,, with a view to" purchasing . . "p - Egg marketing for ,Years w Wins 1 11 i , r , , I. t- ­ _. �,� r ,�..�,;i� I I �4 3nore or tea& haphazard basis, . -The � .'-service, a year of which was a,t the In thosg five yeaii�`.he ha.s elimin- them for use on the tower of Ontario ceived By Overseasi , able." " �.�,,� I. . . ' 1, ,. � Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dick: of-k6n, .:-" ��,';44' � _�_ : ,,�,�,,,�.`., I . farmeir sold. his eggs to whatever mar- At. Cobs6rvatory. . recruiting sthtion in London. In the ated about 500 riti ,at a rate Of Street United Chilrch. �Fba,­men"were � . Com , , . - sail, received, ,oaci ' '' ��-, - R, . . � ket he could filid or the. piclk-up . man —, I First Great -War he served in the in- eight or nine a wilg�4'%' 1 . , mittee,' , al wor rid r . . d Su � ay ' . ��.,"E,� .. " 1. , r , .=�, � :", �.� . ­ I - Al. ;" �';`�% I .. I I . . � �­ ��,,; . r � . . " � �R,� � � N church officials. . . that their son, Trooper' Stuart Di " I �. r ". ,,�,. . � t r it," . I - "._ � I , 1. ��.. , . . _`:,:,��'. . I w1io. earn � fi�* local -store . The Silver Medal presented by the fantry and,.Iater in the R.A.F. � "I've got- so godd.," 1i he said, . 1 ..,"',�,��41,13, a. along r to t . . ' . 'servator� I , the wall is reported to have col- ' Dear Friends. A few .lines to. ihank liaA ,been wounded Ji, action 11, � �- I ' , , I n . . ',�. 1�-,��, 4 �, ­ . , "", - price, r - - *b ' , ' .,yeq shut. Noral, �-,.,Z',' - f16 J. W. Morley,. chairman, of ,�the ,11 can aet_a trap . �my ( andy oil July 26th. Twe'n -tbr6a, years'� _ 1. - .on a 11 � , , " '11,"'�' Western.. _Con of Mustc� big lapsed without warning, striking You for the box of,choddlates 'Fhich " " ' �_ . � . ) . for trade, at Nome, of . I . . t P. , - ' . , ty :.,11�14,1,11* I these, methods were very satisfactory, highest: Introductory Thaory�, in the meeting, Stated the.rileet;Ing was call- The r*a witifi#!�ouble prings " -. W ,. ' ,��;,.",.�11,11 . I . . I . f a . ,.. , . . down Mr. and Mrs ;aIker and Mrs. 1'recelved, just yesterday. Nel�dl�s4 Of age, be' 6rtlisiod -at Londom� with' �._ , .. I Vince, was.awarded to Kiss Anne ad to help select the type of man who with a good pul _�, , . � I I t � and oft6n in Seasons of high produc� PrID I 11, aii"iihe best. ., ' buryjugl� them beneath to Say, there aren't,any left �tqvK, but . . I . . � McMurray, 'and the Canadian Axi3ioured"'--'Tanli."Xegf.L'.; I.."::, De Lafranier, daughter of Aft. and will help John Brackeid in the rieXi, "The. . . . I ... ­" '' i .: r;.�. , �. I I tion it was hard to.find an ohtlet'. .. . bait is verk.k4mportant, too. a pile of bricilts. ment, First -Hussars, ill the .. .I I V:1 _ F . , , ( , * . they certainly were good. Thank you . spking.�O I . The Department introduoi"ed, grade Mrs. De Lafranter, of Seaf6rth, R.- Dominion government. "Our task'is, Hot dogi'tried iir 'bii� V- greasq., really I.4 ' I .. . �, , ­ � , �' . � I . I I . , I..., . I IL r. McMurray �scped injury and very much, That goes 19.4-1, going overseas In No'Vern � , , `1 I standards with the idea pf having in R. 4. She was also successful In, ob- to ate t men who mill do a 'good job get '6m. Any,kind" 6f, tried meat of as for the other - , . .. bar,' ��i I . - : ' 4 - � ,,`;�, 1 ...... I , " .. , ., 4 , c dug the Vic- fellows .in this hut too. 19.41. He was born in Hay. TOWAShip 1. . ''.., ,�. . .. Stores 'began taining''Honours in,'her Grade III in . rehabilitating our retur'ned men,'! -buttered bread is - d. . When It's quickly as pbasibla hey're all I ��, eggs sold -on grade. . I , I" tim, from 'the rubble. Mrs-.,, McMur- Canadi' ' .* ­ . :,. ; . I ... I . a and received his, education at.,,9. �,)S. . �. � . � * . I . ��. "i ' . I I 3 . ca#dling and grading of eggs, but it Piano, as well as her )Entrance Into said Mr. Morley'.' I .1. I rairilug I " . - ans, in fact there . a a great .,No. 14, Hay-- The telegram did, not I .: ,� 1'� I . use baceil"grease." � 1. -: _ . . . .- .h . igh school. She is a pupil of St. FIt. ,Lt. Pi,yde, of Exeter, and, .."i.z'l, !ray W'as dead.,when her. body 'was. re many of us Canucks� on the squadton, ,;!,��, I was, never done in a very uniform or ,The .8-B Atudeht,,AL', Barbour Inter-- leased. . I 1. . . ; state the nature '.of th ' *` , I " I I I . . although it's not a Cinadian squad- ounda. The , - ­. ep James, School and St. Joseph's -School George William Armstrong, reeve of mediate believes 'ifJ.'h';" a . .,. -1. : satisfactory way. , go the next' st , ,, ,,0, city would ptit Mr. and Mrs. Walker'Were remOv- roh. many hj�.rtds of Mr.'and Xrs.'.ih-dk: ­ � _­` -I..- . � I "' I 1-'�, �.. . . "'i"i . . was 6 esiablish. grading StatiO*nS of , Music. . . . � Hay Township, the only two ubm- a boauti on tatal- ifieP�Ponditioft would . .. I I " ' . . . ,,, �;,, I . ed to hospital, where Mr.. Walker trust that they will soon rdeeiyQ: good . .. "If...P�, � . Irieea,, both . decided to. allow their be cleaned' p,, 4-5, I We've been quite busy lately, and. . I - . . '. ,,­� , , . I . died. krs. Walker'o 'injuries are re ar; just waiting now for take�off . :�!";�,141 I 1. P . w7vich did little else but grade eggs. . 0 . 1 "I u . ' - . . news of his recovery. . ,-:��,,-,';�4 . time ", . � �,il' � names to. Stand. . � - "If they ha4 that,ki�� as, . � Dr.' and. -Mrs. A 'R-. Campbell :of . ".. �'­ 1� - I I Those'were set up all Qver the coun- 10 ­ Ae .14, -1 could ported to be'serious: . again.' It's really quite"w privilege to ," .. �. " 0 � .. .. I - �'­ , . . try under government supervision 'Aa0wling 'on'. FIt. Lt. Pry'de said: "The time h" ke,more money WA 1 .... , , v . , . , I . . I . I . ma, _ In in a factory." Mrs. McMurray was formerly Miss -be able Hensall,­have received'A letter from 1, . . "''.. . come -to have equal rights 'for all in NaijIll . . ... . I'll . ura )org for , a around call . I I . . . to look down (in -the boys " , .­ , ,, and stores , were disco ged 'from ., . *0,� , Martha Ella Colquhzibn and was I their Son, Pte, Jim Campbell, stating - :.: 7�..,,., , � . . I k who I I I 1', - are ,battling so hard "a-Oer , .:,: , c 'hest i �: ��, handling eggs. - Once this system be- . The Green CanadT, and. equal responsibilities. in "the chaftion" W_h6u. the'situation . 11 I . th4' Iie . : . V I . I I - I . � *eame 6stablished the Department re- . . . 11 The great , Wiie today 18 the gqVern,T gets.. Qut of control' tb,"�'A within a f - sister of Mrs. M .T. Corless, Mrs. Eliz. .there." '' .11 is iepuperating *trom ­­_ ", , ew abeth Kennedy and Mrs. M . 7, ­ I've only' "had one week's leave since asplial. -,in , I 1. !7 i ,_ W At wouAds In a Canadian 'h ...,.� , , J , .�� . ­ . i �.:�.� . I 44;ilred . stations to, be, licensed, To, (By Bill HartY' ' ment handling or - mishandling � of the 'days conditions impli We . simmo 'j4nuary, so haven't been able to 90 England., Pte." "Ganlo�bell wda� . �'. ,.;` . I . I �. , I ns. The, funeral was held frorh ouild�` . - � Vacation time is. here ,for as,' so manpower. situatlon.� - No doubt you mlikes enough ', 'w %.:N I secure 4 llc6ise they had to comp ,:. Once.in a *hile'h�� i ad while on active service in rni,6-- ly. Ing ' Ontario Street Church, Clinton, 011 about to see any. of the other fellows . ­ . 0. .. I . �� �.i , I . . , ; with certain regulations, instead of out, eolumu we are giv will heat'a lot abotit.Mr. King being to buy the three ae,W4-raps necessary , . early in July. . . � . :. chief of . �, I ­ . Thursd - at, 4 p.m. . � . .� �e �%, ­ ­ - __­ 11 ---.-. __ __ __ - 4u-a-_l,"m.,_-T1Xittau�by John--Reattlio.'....., , � I. ay ., from home.. Ho -ever,, I still get plan- L I . I . 1. ... i which- was to maintain.. tEe_ rooms, at . . the�-o�y-one --quabaed-fo.y. the- peaQP-, - each week, - ,. , . I : . w . �% I � - ,I � --- ­ --.-- - _.Mr-Wiak t1wDhol-al bo d 3J.�,�� Mr. Charles Cook, whO.Spent:L the I ,­, . A I.M. That w$s:th,e'year the Sea.; - .., . - ,er *As�D.X_ —, - ELM. , f the 16�1zom..-TIl 4. I ". ,4,_.�� : I I I - ,, . _b ­ . �, . . a temperature pf,,not over, 67 de cdnfer6nee. -1,41isagree.: Llbe�a . le _ d* _* -. - ­ ,­ , I _. � � " . gree .. I Thd� , Also� .From etr9it - I _. , � .. _�_ _.im� � . . I ' .. I - f0i.t1h; Bowling Club made the chartse'' , I . . I 'str' - of Ontario Streat. Church and - also XkDosltor. � '.. '90,p:t-,,-tbri�w--we.ekw,-,-.*Uit�I "­ ­ 1, � . , - ' . , I 'Who " ,� -1 er, Mrs , , � . . - "' �N ' . I -Vlll , and to. empl, Y a. gradei ' goveirtmokit is uuwdr.�hy to represent Anot4,e,r­EXP0SitD I I ­ .� 11,.,� . - serl 0 , luiext . -andp �_, - ­�' , - q . 11-1 had flj6�t th 4old"bowlilig green. ,�beh W.- -� _ .­ I I IV k� . . Sunday .Part rit. ,W'44' p 11, e i A .r . 'SR�9*1' -SU for - , In 041ng, f sa,y thank,.yq�j ag � " or;. Orman . ­ f,___-- 440y,i) -pas .. ;�L­ . -nadlsn,�ppqp e- .. . ­ " � , AJW. , ­ " . , , , . _7 . . . I bart'a " Mirfiltuie MUM - , , .... �, '0�,,4 , 1W . on proo or y ng Pot . , *y1i 0� J61-y*­41att' the -p-IL-st SIX 'Yeitrg, and *ih �W gren _�" " ­T,0`Al8 . 1W �'..., � ", ft I- ­.­... t�W,',,Vh "Mcintogh _ � , , giv ` Si . Factory' to 'Its .. . M. _U . - - 11 .� 4. 1 1 . . . tl have ne�ep been active in poli- s- , '' L . t-; 'Iropfrik' that all'k66i-is *611'wjtliy�ou - . - , 11 1 il�, I .: I I a grading test set by Government present location. - . AYS; "In� Qw of the .Vat -catching ly missed in church work. He leaves as it fr. with us here. Yours 'sincere Mr. and Mrs. Ma 3"'. . , : I ,i� :.1 I , . Inspector, 1. . . �- 0 art . - � . .- I . I . I . ties but promise to,give you a good, c utest I thought 'this IcAe interest- his wife, the former Dora Addison, ly, BRUCE, WRIGHT. . . ..4,, and -Bernice, are spen this . I.. ,,::�. I Opening Tournament, .August 17, 11929 fight . . , . . I �. ;- "'T., I Stations all over Canada met these 1. I . if chosen tonight. 1, did, not: Ing to.rea&ers of your very.fine Paper.: and one diughter-, Grace, now Mrs. . camping at Drysdale. . . .. ., -� ��. i I ' . regulations and today practically an The "Bowling' Club of Seaforth I,, seek this nomination, but as a citi- I feel sure boys around Seaforth will Tanner, of St. Catharines, and who Dear F — , , The many -friends of Mrs. W. R. , . . ' - " .. � � .. I � . eggs in, Canada are marketed through , 'nineteen, twenty-nine, , . P,. , zen believe I should stand it asked. an o]�,�r ' . Hands: Just a. line or two 1�., . i ,ying, the same.t� . ...... Taken frO131 taught school ..at. one time at. th Davidson will be,pleased to learn1a �� " , I . ' . I a at let you know I received'your gift ,,��: , ­.. . , I -registered grading' stationk ..wh�re Has ,been doing things that everybody 11 Knows Farm Problems Detroit Free Press'this a.m., July 31:� school on the farm where the accl- of, chocolates and to let you know that Progressing favorably, following a re-' . .. ,. ' . I I ... Ae Department has a cloie check on thinks -is very fine; .1 have no quarrel *ith:th6se who "Harry Strickler, 12, son of Mr. dent 6acurred. I � cent operation at St. 'Joseph's Hospi- . : 1. : ��,' I � work done. Producers are .paid by They galled a,meeting early, and ask- believe a rural xiding should have a and Mrs. M. A.' Strickler, _J607 Defer The funeral was held on ,thursday (Continued on Page 5) tal, London, wber� she is a patie'rit, � . I ..'� I . - _, I .'�!. . I I , . ad, us all -to meet, . ' IN I . . 1�1.1 . I gride and eggs are sold.ou grade to * farme candidate. . As a business man PI., claims the rat-cat'ching champion-- at 2 p.m. fl-orn' his residence on High % I , �. Windsor; is � I �, 1. I � To see If .we werewilling to move the ' . I . MISS MaTie Miller, of . .11, I stores and other.outlets with the Do- , - ' in Exeter for 24 years, I feel I krbOw 'ship. of Detroit. He has- -the evidence Street, C-li'to ' ' Iniermeni in Clinton 0 . spending a few days this week,vaca- �.. ,� . I greens across the street. ' ' . I . I n n. . . ., I Tiartmeut' standing behind the grad- I I something about farm problems." I . " " .1 I .,, . ". - � to back it up. ,'cemetery in both cases. I I - I ' , � ' � I tiorling with her aunt and uncle, Mr, : ,�, I t. Ing. This system wdrks out well from -Some were enthugiastic, while others A..R. Douglas,' of London, intro- "Harry uses wooden, steel and ' � 1, .-_q, I i I . . . wire T Mr. Wal-ker*s son, William, was and Mrs. 6. L. JIn'ks. '-. :., . ... 1.,.;,,� I b6th.. era and said we cau!t�,' . olticed Park Mauross,of,,Lofidon, presi- 'basket' traps to catch -the pdats but killed In the 'war ,I i ra a In 191 I . I . . I ".. I Standpoints of produe . . n 11 ne 6 Mr.. and -Mrs. John Hendersoin, Jack :.11 . . I . They were thinking of the treaqury, dent of the Western Ontario P. C. has his beat success Vkth a clever and '.one daughter, Margaret, died . ind Je�a'n, 'spent the week -end with . . I I... �, . , consumers'and does a good Job. More- .. . . + : over,, When a contract for eggs to I they knew the cash was scant; Association, who outlined organiza- stratagem he has de�eloAed: ,' : ' I :��,� .: :,�. I I '. It was finally &cided, after all had . very suddenly aboilt the same time. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Henderson, of . ..�. ' I .. . . . I i��,,; - I . Great Britain coriei'up the Govern- said. their say, .. ti,n 'Work of the party in this dis- "Bach night be tips the Iffis of all His former wife died about six years .RED. CROSS Glencoe. Lots Henderson, ' who has i ,,, I . . . . . . I � I ­ . (Continued on Page 5) . .. -trict. , . I the garbake cans in the alli�y ba:ck'ago.. . . . - , . I . I.:; � . � . To open a subscript�on list; and trust spent.the past month in Glencoe, re A I I * ' I � ,,, 1. .. - .. . .. % . the folks to pay. I -ill "We have no time.to'lose esp6cial- of his hotisei Just. enough to. lei the . I � � NOTES turned. home with them, .1 . — . . .. . . ' . I . . L . J .1 � I . . .1� . . . I 1. I . . . ly In thp rural ridings. Get but and rats in. In the -morning, he claps the �_* . . I . . 'Friends of Jim Roweliffe, son..of - ` . . . greens are now combleted and meet people in the interest lids on tight.,, Then he bangs the, cans ' I At the executive meeting of the Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ro * . '.L. S. I .... 1. . . I The I a of our I � I . weliffe, will, re- .. �,� are paid for too, in -full; . I C,O - I , . 'i I 1-1 . , . ..i I I candidate. Organize every sub-divij ai-ound until the rats are. stunned. V ­� I I BLOOD DONOR CLINIC Everyone has done ,their 'bit, and all - ' ollick Family Red as, it was decided 'now that grat to l6arn it - confined to his ropin I �� . I I ' . .., . . I � siGn. Make a personal contact and The rats are then dispatched with I I � I I . . . � .,�..-.. � L, ul heir'l?ull; be tactful. Get those out to vot ' we have enough towels mgkde for the with illness. � . I . I "", . It. -Will ever be a credit,to the boys P his double-barreled BB gun. . To Hold Reunion blood clinic out of Mr. Hesky's dona- Mr. and Mrs'. Elgin yter and fam- ' .. ,'�_ . . Aa .:,. 1� .. IS ,,DISAPPOIN of twenty-ninef 1. who are with us. We feel Mackenzie "As proof Wills prowess In destroy- . ­ . tion of 100 poiands of linen remnants. 11Y, of LoridLli, are holidaying with . � . . 11 - 11. . . . ? . . . . The ladies, too, they didn't 'quit, but King is through, but the Socialists Ing vermin, Harry has ,strung the We would make-up the balance and the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. . � I I � ... I I ... ii �. 11� . .. ust stood right In Iftle, will make a bid. Socialism means tails of his rats on A,, Ion "''""' " Sunday, August 6th, I p.m. unti I � '. '. " .. i . 9 string use it as nuclous for a bazaar that D. Bell.. �, . I .-, :'. . " 11 I sundown, . . 1. : Only 142: Volunteers.Report- . . regimentation and farmers or anyone and keeps them In ai­ gallon jar of t for the sixth is to bb iield the, latter Part of No. Mr. T. I ' ' The old blm tree has watched us, and else don!t want'thati If you want to formaldehyde and alcohol," annual Vollick family reunion, to be I . . I . '. . 1111�� '"I. 'i , ed For 15th Clinic I . ember. Any Red Cross friends will- -in Clinton recently. I. .."I'm � . I . . . will still watch us at play, stay poor, for all --socialist countries I I . held at Hidden Valley Park, Alder- v ' A .., ' ' ' ' .. , I Ing to help in the sewing of towels, Mrs. R. Simpson has been engaged � ­.. ' It could tell some funny stories, if it I .. .. —0 , ... 216 Notified. , . are poor, elect the C.O.F. The Rus- I shot, Ont. . place mats, bibs, �ot holders,' etc., as teacher at S. S. , No. 1, Tacker,- �,., I I I I . only bad Its a . .. I . I . ­ ay, slaris have done a good job in the . It is expected that members, from . . . � �, � . — 'Tis maybe.lucky fdfl iis all that this get In tolich with,Mrg. J. MacTavish, Smith, a mile and a 61f east of Hen- ' . �. A . ' 1. i . not a criticism various parts of the United States . . . . . I . .� , . The 15th R6d Cross Blood Donor old tree Is dumb', i war and thise-Is 'of Will. Preach, in , or get materials at work rooms on I . '.' , a sail. .1 . :� . their war effo'rt." I and Canada will attend. A cordial in- . : clinte held In Northside C-hurch on FoK bowlers, men -and woman, like to , * � Friday. Gifts of' aprons, potted plants, Mrs. Norman Stanlake has been an- ' , .,�Il , - _. r as a public ,h vitation Is extended to. all those in 16R5 ThuPsitity, was disappointing to those "keep a fe'v7"thinp mum. .First Churc pr6duce, or, anything you care to gaged as teAche)r� for 8. S. No. 10, Ray, I . " i� 1 , . . .1 servant, a a (i0ontinlidd on Page 4) . I �, 11 in 'orharge,,a's only 142 volunteers re- I I" ight as reeve, and have had any way related to the family,.'There . i I � I The clubhouse Is a pipture, as it looks ' I donate -for this bazaar, will, whea th I I I * ' . . . experience L'Pralse John I I � .1 . *iI.1 be a good program of Sports and . . ,?%' � 216.. notifiekl.* Bracken 111 - . � I Worted out -of . ., , out on the green, I I. as a great. leader who knows farm Rev. H. Dbuglas Stew' time'comes, be gratefully received. . . I " �.�; The. cl.inle was in aharge, of Miss Witfi .jts, sweeping wide verandah, ' art, of St. An- actiyjtie�s for' all. The committee . . . * * * � I . . . , .1�111 . " . I Helen Anders6n, Nurod-Teclihician, where the boys can all r be seen I problems," said Reeve Armstrong, do- drew's Church, Edmonton, who. was want to �make this a banner year. Large new quotai have been ac- CN L�4 . I ZZ I .l * ' bed 11Z;eaforthW.1.' . and assistant, ; Miss , Mary,. Etirrows. The volunteers who built. it have a-claring that a riding with'filne town- 'heard on the broadcast, "Churoll of Members will bring iheir own has- � . cepted: Hospital Supplies -459 �` . . I I ships should have 'a farmer candl- the Air" two weeks ago, will -be the ket luncheon with tea or coffee and 11 V61unteers who 9 ve their servfces , right to feel quite prwid, . socks, 100 pairs of men's pyjamas, 2'00 , �, . 4 ' _;'_ w4ie Dr, F. J.'Burrows, Dr, J. A. Gor, There'& not anoth-d'r* like It, was the date. � I Speaker In First Presbyterian Church, sugar, to be -served aroiind 4.30 p.m. air force handkerohiefs, 144 English To. 11113, . I . - . � I Meet I I .. will, Dr. D. G. Sfe6 and Dr. - M. W. , verdict of,the crowd. 1, do not believe in class legisla- Seaforth, this Sunda�, August 6th., officers are: President, Howard T. piaster cast boots. These, according . .. . I 1. Ir . " . � I I , "I I tion, but do believe in adequate cl�ss - Rev. Stewart Is a Sealfbith bOy, -and Vollick; treasurer, Raymond Jackson; ,to , ­ -_1'.-- . i � St eton; Nurses -Mr -S. J. M. McMil- The committees have. been faithful I I lettei, are -urgently needed. .... . I— apI '_ have sit Up I representation," said Mr. Armstro�g. his many friends will Welcome the secretary, Harold Neal, 49 Edith St., Via Seaforth Women's ,Institute ' :11 . Ian, Mrs. D. 14. Wilson, Mrs.,Barbarm � they late atmight'; .1 British Civilian -100. boys' sleeping ,,-Ill meet at the honle of Mrs' I I t ley Guest speaker for the night, Peter opportunity of hearing him again. St. Catharines, Ont, . I . Paul . 11 ;P., - Klfng, yrs. F. Nothing was neglected that tl .. ..... I �i I Sykes, ,Vks., Frank . . its, size% 2-4; 200 .�'­�� � ' � . president �of th I . . .1 Sul . girls' c6iri'Vina- Doig on Tuesday, August Sth. ' , 33rugge4/ Mrs. J. C.'Crich, Miss Anne .th6ught would make things right., MacArthur, I %. Domin- 6 - - ___ I . . . . night- . 1--i! � � , . . I - ticitia, sizdq 2-4-,f 100 women's I The tooic will be' a health address . . ,:.�. I �) Mi .pedrl, Joe. Marc, our cars6ker, the man who Ion )?rogressive Conservative Associa- �r � . 1.,.A I Dowley, Miis Murray, = gowns, size 46 plus. . I )"', - k ,cuts the grass, tion, declifed-that hks party was the . - - - . by a Seatorth nurse, and the roll -.call T I �;, � '. Thamef,'Misp E. Rouls- ` If we are to be � ready to begin' � ' 5 ' 41 . Hillen, miss, sa A 'compliment' we hand"'to � him, we I (Continued on Page. 5) , . . . � will b.e "How to pre -vent aebidents in ". . ton, Mrs. W. R. .Shaw, Mrs. A. A. ouldn't let it pass. -. . I . I , , work on these As soon as maferials I .11' - _J, , . I . ... .e . . . C 0 . ' the home." Cotne iind bring a. frt"d.,... r , I ,,_ I; , -a a, 9 0 f ,goore. and Mrs., Weaver; refreshment ., , 0— � arrive, *we imist mah . pecial effort . . ' . . . � . I � . . . 1!.1 , committee rArs. H. R.. Scott, Mrs. The greens were obened to the� world to complete quotas, mit and ready to —0 . . I- I -, I ,. � - , *. ir.y., 9-igs'learl M;Ledn, Mrs. Jas. on August seventeen; ' I M,- E -1 be sewn now. � ,; i '. . I 11 I ,,�,. I Earrori, Mrs. J. A. Munn; reception-, Bowlers came from far a , nd near, and"Music Pupil.s" Honey -8,496 pounds of hon PROPERTY CHANGES . , . . , 11 .�o . 4' � ., many In betwqen; . '11. ,, ists-Mrs., It. If. Close, Miss Ria 11 . been received and I-, being labelled . I ..�, � . . I '5.� Hills, Mrs. John Caxo]6; se'efetary There 'were many *&.1,,a.d.._r tons' It . Successful I WHERE? for shipment overseas, Donations to Recent real estate changes effected. - . ,..".I - ..­ ._,gqn . , , , T1 1 g. was hard to - sa� 'good-bye, 1, L . � I I . ,� , 1�.�.- " -.1 and asststailfs-Mrff� Re Kerslake, The old elm tree Just abuckWol arid ,- � . . this fund will always b� gratefully throuill the office -of E. 0.,Chamber- �; , i, I Mrs. P.'W. Wigg, Mrs. 9. 0. Boswell, . ' i ,jj�. . . kindly bloerod one eye.. The following pupils of St. Joseph's accepted. ' lain, concern the property of Dr. t. ' I 111� ,� ' . L I I "Ill 1. Miss Gladys ThablDsoll, M*g Bessie * , , Sqhool ,of Music were successful In Tb First Presbyterian Chur'd, eafortb. I * * * A. McMastel', situated on High ,.St., . 1�1, : ,!, jA . . �. . . I Ohe bowler we 'would mention, hid . - . I . � ... . , Ae, , ,. Grieve. I . '..... . the ,Western Ontario Coliservatory . . I I Monthly Report: 14oqpital Supplies and now oacu led by' Mr. Lorne Dale, . %.,,;,�.' � 1J name Is Robert Boyd, , .. � * .P I "'..'i , I I .. .Two m6n,-Nelsox.Rowe ,and George . and Toronto Conse'ri'vatory- ibf Music , -i28 surgeon's boots, 5 bed jackets, to M . ,� �1 . All,gummefr he has worked real -hard, . ' I - Fs. H,�Ien Scott, of Brussels The .. �. ..... . I . I .1 . . . L :: . .. 6 . Jobu"Stoti, gave 'their iditth donation*, I Oeory examinations, held in June of AUGUST 6th, 1944 60 g PeisOUAI property of the estate of the late f:.",g and every scheme has tried, .auze liandkerchlefs,­85. , "o I I . .,,y! ' ,y . I . I I -ftll eight men gave-their,eight donation, To make 'the surface level go the this year: 4 . bed socks, 44 hot r,atherine Kqb6e, situated on. Gode-, . , . . li� . ' . property bags, 54 � I . . �, �11 � water botfle coven;, 47 face cloths, 5 rich Street East, to. Mr. Gordon 14. . ;; j..,�l , ''.1 I and ton men,and two womeiL gave bowIF3 would q1 run trus-- Miss Patricia Bechely (:ffrst class A-ND'WORSHIP W,tTH I . . '411 %.. � 1, I . .,� 14 " ­ their Seventh donation., Idighteell man Bob, the thanks'of every b0*44f 18 bonqurs), T.C.M., Grade 11, theory; �,� i , I abdominal binders. - . Muegge, of Mckillop Townsillipi afid .,��.,;"... ' ", -, . 1! and 'se*dn .women received a� silver ' extended. here to you. . Miss Alice McIver (first class ho'n, 1. British Civilian -21 ladies, gowns, the property of Mrs,.Margaret Arbhl- 11 � .1 � , . ... . -1 I.. "', I button�for giving their Stith dona- . � . I I I . ­ ­ I ., , " , ,�, . , I 1. ours), W.O.M., Grade II theory; Miss I . 26 childs' rompers, 15 boys' combina- bald, West Stteet, ta,an o "�:,!� � I �, I , .� . . I .1 . . -Tack Beattie . � �D ut-of-t0*11 , 10 � . REV, .H. OUGLAS STEWART .11 11�,, tion. . - I A Mary Margaret Cleary 61rst class hoh- ..,� , I . tions, 6 boys' costs. 2 boys' shirts, 4 purebaser. Possession in each ,46 �_. I., I I �gl - I. - Donor's,' with number Indloatfiag . �#,, . . i , :�f� , 5111,11 11 I I ­ vars), W.C.M., Grade I theory, Jilclud- baby gowns, 3 pairs ladies' knickers, takes place til the fgn, R, � ­­ �, ,I - ­ � . donations given, were: 4 PiRST CHURCH CAL46r,-MINisTri. A � . OF ST. ANDkEW'S CHURCH, EDMONTON 4, pads, 72 diapers. . .1 101,5W . � ­ ". . .g"J04", �, ';,e,,,,,,On'a, r advaneed rudiments); , Mias Ann . *1 ­ I .. Reeerit property io'hugW' arranged . ,�' , `­ � 1. . 1! I I . i , I 1 ,... � I , � L 1�1'1 . � 'Do Lafrabler �Arat class -honowfs), W. Kifitting-22 pairs socks, 8 scarves, through the 041!104� f i , - A4 , �-,I`,',. � "' � 89AFORTA-Mrs. Oi,ville Hilde- At a bong mbetbag �61d ing � I � __ � I " -t 11 I I # $, Z , Albroo,ht 7 TrAlik gilip,la -In First Presbyterian Church oft Von, C.M,', irittod TX�4t I I A.M.' 7 P�M. " � , owi id I . ,;p A, . � I 't tw,�L�". I ",.� 1, � , k 11 I I ; PAOry, Grade 1; Miss � . Ill " 11 V* $1 . ",y',':*,.' � ,bria , 111. U . .3 turtle -neck ilid I round-oack s*at- �illcl de ULU of the ir: ,r I . �8',,� ibf�,, Y�jllrl .� , I - � . � i:7T1. .1i -A . 't�, '. , ,P I I I � I , I �, � I I 2, Palmer gfroll.A,-ia�oigg, blifigtoft day eVelkift,' a Uilkillfuottg Alall wag'Lo,is 9bgg (first clas's honotirs), W. I ­ girls' svreat0s, 19 rlbbed.461- eno . "I'll'. -111C � I era, 4 . )0 tivin.ggtd&`:,b4, �,:V.'. )i,�._t,614��'41 10, , -41 1 . � I .1 11, ­%. . 11�1 J_ n ; *��,;,!,, ".4 , I., .F"'."�-., , .6 A,j6�ljla Hubert, 4,�-'TA . ...... i0i ""'' 2' "61 � 61t&4 6 Vilth%bra" of OSiv ltiitodtfetoty, Grad6 1; Miss. , yl -r.. I Sao Wdt,iL 4�§ eSeaforth bop who .made a . iAists, 6 patrs gloveil 4 baby,,ve6ts, 8 Mr..'d ulbs, , 6%, - ,& 11 ��;,,,.,,��,;, l� I ,`� ,0 d, t Re*. R. H', I ;,L� �, , �%4_ . . I PALM, 4T�'ar - 0 I .1 11 . A V M, ,:,4141 i 6 ,��, "" � .. 1, :� NAN, ; , . l,' , � , 11 11, . � lik , � 'All, X " ," f, " I I " ( " , " � . , ", , 11 1-1 1. , � I , & �� � " 44 �" ;it I � I , �� : I � � I . I L , 1. ;. P., " , Ill . K " � I , 'I -I.- I, �.,­ - � ft f , 1 h4lg�.�, � atyor �,, ­ �:_­ � I I - �� I I �,� lef­`i,4�­44�.m�, . , i 0M61 "'ra did . t d� by -mo,": I,- I U . , '#,' cy n1§91ha to : Wooiftl� Mi � irm, -of kq Vvotifio soltou- . (Arat 'blais hotours), . 0 0 ,_ , i M-Preogion : on this '- ' lj),hlrb, boYsl..�Itockthgs' I pifr soaltisrg, ,Street; ov.ua 4, � . j,�--�, , Ab'so gavallgo 9, 136fdft� _'�Jlhtlie 9� , f er , , I . , � ­ I I., , _ . ., _ I " , i _ ..�t , , " , , ­ a k,� �Ijt%tb 'I" , Mf& -,R6gk4ild` bliIii, - Mr whildma, *ill: ,side, � 1'r M.aq, , 'i . I . 11 i �-" , I ,4� POW," 1� , I , -A, 'I, ,R'691h, I r .. I . I .. 1*40Aq-'JMfdd4-etot'y, Grade . . UnX� , I 11"'bomet, I. p,* babv ad0kig I � 1� , , ,", 4�i I .,. movoywhbeek.q ago. , . a � ..., . , " h lao'k who,addo-oft, k. I : , , eo)"n? 1 71" ­­,­ 1,4, 1 1. , Q'uIJtj_,g�.Qd1tg r I �1 I)i I. I � � _ , i I I .I bbu*W; W136th -(*at ,611ass .�, .. I I 11 . - P, . ­ .� �.. I ; , .� .. 4�1�1:1't��,,- " . eturudd, 4 db:1194 -totth itild 6% , iil'li� , !, , ­' � . 0 , I , � . ud, iliko ,Z ;dwiv ' 1'"r" 4 � t� L, - Iftf, Ruk d , lone , J , , �, .112,�, � � . . t6., I a �* �� � ,� ,4 L 4o " 1 �_ Y�- , , t .� "I , .. '. '... L , 6 �. . We , , 1. � � , ;� .11, , . I . i 1 . . . I I I I I :, ,,, 61 I . , P1. 1 r .� , " � , , ­­,", �', , ;�. I � I I It" , , - , .',)ir,,,, .� ". �J'.�. 1;,.%,'1-�;,V I � V.1""U"", `�O 10" ��-;', �, ... ill�l I I , _. i"M �.­ -, 1 � � ��� 1, � I � � ,� 11� �,:,����. ", , '. � .�-111. _,.1:, . ; . I R. 0 . , �! .. .... 6 " , .,.,� i V , ,;��,� .1;� 00, Nffl',',,�N �.�.,k ,�,�,,,,-.,,,�;?,I�"."t�,.,.�.�4o� - , , '' ��