HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1944-07-28, Page 6, ., - � . ��l � 'I "AW.AWT ;�'r 1, , '. :, I 'r - I I ��"l I �� `,�'� " ­ ,� ) 1, .,- I '' ? .N� '11" -11!,.1--,, I.r rZ S 0, . ­ , , . I WI'T',�.'..`-, 14", TV144100 , ,,60 ,� ­x�yjI ill I �.i" )�% ;'� . ", . ,.­.,... ". , 0 I ", M, , � , ,I,t"',,;��,'��l,���;��;;i����.,,,�,� ��­ A . 0 e , , ­ F fl, 7.0 j -1',�-,.",� " 1, "o, Or � - �'. * , - " - § , , ,� "­ ." . � ­ . -4 ,.i 11� .. Th4p -Q,e,#lqq .1 11 : �, ,­ ,.­,�­­ I 01' ". , Pl'j � ­ , , 'I- " - . �: ­ :.:, , I I'll , , ,,,;;,.4��`,,,,,'�`,,! 'I 1111�'11�1�) . -, . , , ­ . , .� ?), 'no �i,A:��73��,, . . X ' ' - ! .: 1��' 1� �,, 1:4 ',Y�"11-4 I t �, � ��� luto � " ��',�,,�,"�� n ,','Atlkq,k��jw W`bilo distant be applied to the Stain, Rinse ma% � 1'eup. sifted PaStry �ou I . . JIM, 4REEN21 T., Editof of, the SUN L � I disuse! . " f � W40IRRIM -a k ' en an "AA" gaso ,in in steam oVer ille spout of a 3 teaspoona baking powder .. I �.% 4.1 I I . ,�,� 1�,,, oz,% g'iR�`I�"`i ibla many families boiling kettle. * Apply "remover" I teaspoon salt. I 1-11 years of war. But t9'a newcomer th ...... . . . . . ---- , . 11 ' , , C eam shortening, gradually adding Oners of .war number' " PlYr�pr min ". � 1, �� -. -, �" ,y Canadian prl "" 1. For berry stains use javel water I . Statement. The Act does t; ' i.,� sugar; cream until light and fluffy. 'scattered through 47 camps in Gerl not .apply to Dominion or Provincial . I erkoZ0. of I .� I ., on white cotton, linen or rayon. Add egg's and beat vigorously. Add its great -old . .1 � ,. ,,, ., I I Sponge colored ,�3otton, linen, or lemon juice, grated lemon rind, and i many, .and 11 camps in t4e Pax Vast. 1. gover, es and -towns 'after mid, .. : .1,1 I ament employees, 'as they have . I . I I . . . I ." . ---- � . _-____ -­­ I ----- -- lof these prisoners. eight are for thel regUlatinns nf ilhAir �wn 'night, or earliqr when there are gis, . " . - . I I I ,�` ' , I Oplies tb�at cali be carried out- plying lemon juice or peroxide, . Ve '' "I baking powder, Add sified dry in- merchant navy. Men and non-com- . * * * I The ,silence of the country at night 14,',.,��'d��, .." "Y "tind that children think 2. Mercurochrome stains are remov- gredients to sugar mixture; then add missioted officers work in stone oluar- . I I x-"§'�P 'Ej a with rolled oats, mixing well. Drop from rie's, on' river work, brick density. , It leaves the ears fr� " 1. 1 "R, -4 , - diventure, and "it's not much ed by treating all f brics F,61�P '1'41 ma,rked -benefit f rom the " wartime. to -hear. their 'own rin Ott ­ .. .. %,V,,' ,o -A, ,e., , A,, Shady spot wood alcohol, then vinegar, and teaspoon on greased pai ultiiie, beet fa t ging'. It leave,SB ­ - � - A rug to Price and distribution controls than them free to discern sepa,rate-solindS. -1 i . .1 -01#4$ then wood al6bhol again. oven 375 degrees F. for 12-16, min- anything ' that is not directly con- ' . .� � I . ", 1@1",�",:"��o. "..Yput- the extra food and you are 3.� Mildew left for any length -of :11tes. (Bdke 1 cookie first; if it nected with the prosecution of the to the country general Store raereh, The rdStle of -4eaves, the stirring of I k" � , I ,,,, , ,,almost dz too much, a little additio al rk usually nin I ant, His total business increase sbace some restless. animal, tke whirr of 0 4. 1 qr � AT that,.Paqh ,Person can have move. Wash as soon a 1939, accoXding to official estimates bat—they all ring clear ag i �', '�� "" L � ,, _ in hot, soapy, water, then put in- Mrs � M. B, G. asksk-. "Should jelly pfe�uniags, a day." T first parcel a ' tabulated at Ottawa, i's around 60 per .badkgtoiiind of black velyqt. , -� I .1 . I be boiled slowly or rapidly?', prisoner gets Js a Red Cross , "capture , 11 L . L M � � �-�J I 1:��11�., o dining room to, clean up, few to j4vel water and Oxal'c solut' n ent To show the r . .�.9.".? ., �'­�',�.j ­. 'to wash, and everybody's haP- (three or .four tablespoons for ious types of merchants, here ties, too, when there is no dull "Oar ,.. ... I"! r,� ,�IL'�"� i;�, 0 ' L , es . . . I . Answer, Jelly should be boiled parcel," backed in Canada and stock- U Val' .."'.. ZZ ��� - - V-, py, -1-he picnic IS a great inatitutiom I quart of Water) alternately. ' 'rapidly.' Long, slow boiling will d'e- ed in London. . arW figures on sales volume for 'the Lof traffic goink on and ol- ------ . . , LLL '� I . ,. Lunch . 4, Grass stains on white co ton, lin- stroy the pectin necessary for jell- ,,� , For depai stores clack on the Lpavement outside; brief ,1�1�.. I enic 4ppetitieR are likely, to be en, or rayon may be removed with - I n and mail order houses there was a conversations float . _ . ­X'WP .1,4" "Should jam be are now revealed. obpective stores als-6 Showed' a decrease, 2.3 stands out. , ' . I - "Anu - - , big,. so plan the eats accordingly. javel water or peroxide, but use I Miss J. D. asks: decrease ,of one Der cent.; -chain- highest', floors, Each,' robot pla 'e "I LLL . - '1�`�`. - iches are gasy to prepare and wood ,alcohol on colored fabrics. made wi;th cane or beet sugair?" " Lof $1,200,000,000, , subscriptions total- -1 . , " � , ", . o, 4erve; use soft rolls oi'bread Per cent;. independent stores, not in- The enormously swoll .'% Y !�:,, ,P . 5, Lipstick: Sponge marks on cot- ,- Answer: *The test on Cane and beet led $1,407,547,65,0, with 3,770,000 indi-, � en Population "XIM" I I'll, ­ . -sliced not too thin. Salads in chill- , tons and linens with a stain re- , eluding general stores, increased �.8 'which,by day swarms the streets and � 0 I., . -­ 1, . sugar shows them to be chemically vidual applications. The armed f ore-, a � A, . . e4 bowls 'Should be :dllin& potato - mover or carbon tetrae.bloride: per cent, and the country store, in- even remote country districts of this . � the same. Either will be success- es bought $47 millions, those,overseas creased 9.5 per c' , I ... A�v with onign, raw cabbage with radish- on all colored fabrics, work in 11 ent. tiny island, is someho with GILLETT'S -1 es, jellied beet with. peas, stffEk cold cream, then follow with car- . . � ­ I I tucked away beneath the chimiiey The harder the cleaning I 'i told 'the House of Commons that cost .. * * * - . I job, ,.",,; ,beans with , raw carrots. R�Iishes, bon tetrachloride. pols. After, long hours of queer. day- the better' Gillett's likes itt I I'll the ones you can pick 'up with your 6. Paint may be remoN-ed by soaking Anne'Allan invites you to write,30 cents -for each $100. Canadian light life, few are. about. The heavy Gillett's sails. sight in, cuft .1, I I late the picnic meal— stain in turpentine or Cal -boll her c/o The Huron Expositor. Send � Whe'at Board has appointed a r ,J down on the elbow. work., . "'.".I... . fingers, stimu . I * * *, - epres- blackout curtalns­.fta,p�' disconsolately �, 1, . tetrachloride. . . ' ' ainst the window frames. . floors spotless, garbage I, * , "! -, . radishes, wedges of cucumber, small I your suggestions oil homemaking With literally thousands of Cana- entative to make liecessapy purchas- ag .!* paUgg sweet; keeps drains free- ��,�Z, . Apinatoes, strips, of pepper, pickled All stain removing agents should . .1-1 .... I 'i I. I problems and watch'this column for than women making over their own Ing and transportation arrangemeilts Because ,of inexperience, or else running. Use full strength for K,-'-��' eggs, etc. Desserts are not a. prob- be removed by sponging or washing replies. . . . � clothes or cutting' , them dow . . I drains and isink pipes, in I . :..­� ., I n for with the U.S.A. Since the" beginning because of apprehens! I 1� I:' Xem during the fresh fruit season: . I I our- sounds 'be- � solution*1or cleaning. Gillett's �`, . . I . I their clTildren, the' Consumer" Branch of the 19,43-44, crop year (August 1, 'Come confused.' A, bu.s 40celeratlnK , is it tip-top all-around'cleaner . ­ . . 1943) the United States ,purchased some distan away":ia' an alert. U11 . of Wartime Prices and Trade Board A that lightens all your hard "..", ,Qrder half pints o� milk for the day, from Canada 144 million .btishels of motor bicycle many miles away is . cleaning loads. Stop right now . " I .. . OOV , mmmma . ., or used sewing machines. wheat, 62 million of oats, nearly 28 more. lilie a robot plane than the . working so hard. Get Gillett's. . I . .. -� I � , Sandwich Fillinigs' . Jonny Cake, I the lookout f million bushels of barley, nearly 9 thing itself. It does. not resolve itself * Never dissi)Jvi'Ne in hot motor. 77W ,. . ....... I TO, protect buyers of -used goods, the . ' . -,�.�.�- . 1. Five medium sized eggs will -make 3/1 -cup all-purprose flour Board has 'set a ceilin, for certain 'million bushels of rye and more than until it is. below wour window, action of tho lye itself heats the mosex6 �,,� , 91 A— -, -4 teaspoon baking powder 10 million bushels, of flaxseed. Trade The siren, is,.neither vivid nor anm . �.. 1 2­��'Mince or grind cooked tongue,. I . r � . Minister McKinnon I . ,:�,, �11 . I - amm vow mom' - A -.... roi- used sewing maebii es must not estimates that gry. It sounds tired after four Coll- but there is no' oilier to ,describe . , beef, pork or other meats. Sea- I , 'Y -- I ' I 11:. �. . I ,. son, with: salt, pepper and 'mayon- . 1/� t,ea%pZ11o&n5 sa be more than 80 per cent of the Cur- the United States will import a to- tinuous years of standing guard and , the sound. Words',distort eiperi�nce,.­ , . � I . I I . 1, cup farina, uncooked tal.of 170 million bushels of Canadian iousing itself on behalf ' '. I., I ,� . naise or relish. . I.., HOTEL - 2 eggs . , . . rent price of a new machine of the ' .Of �'ts People- but they are all we've got. . I ;�� , 3. Cr4p vegetable - filling may I . . . S-ame or similar type sold in that. 10- wheat in the calendar ,xear 1944. '­ The distinction between the alert and, - The cru everation ' r,�:.� ' , WAVERLEY - 1 cup milk . more d ma- 1. the all -clear becomes vague. Both die -` ... served at the picnic on the* lawn 1 3 tablespoons mild favored fat, I .. ' ­ . aWay like some great lumbering an' of sound; there is no dying away; ev- ,,:;, ' � . WADINA AVIL.d . chine cost during the basic P'e,lod � " . ". , . since they may-ibe made shortly COLL161 SL I pielted, . I . . Farming in Canada is really big mal gathering 1-. 'erything is simultaneous. . . �`, . . — �, . , '.. September 15th to October 11th. T itself to rest. 'It' .is Then comes a rush of sound. Every, j;�.-, - bef,pre the meal. Shredded lettuce, . Mii'and sitt fl6uri baking.­ppwoler I 0 business. 'Total cash intome from just sound settling into itself. � sor . 1.12.'.:--1. I RATES pa . . t of vehicle is speeding througli " �,sliced tomatoes, miuced onions, � i I A ' y no more than ceiling prices and the sale of farm;products in 1,943 was There is the rush� of heels and the night., There must be some fiend- ;. GDOX ., 2wc WHOU I and salt. .Add farina and ,stir well. to conserve material—these are ina- $1,396-6 millions, 'against 765.9­mil- of t �' , grated greens,, etc., are,� good, 11 suo - $3.50 Add beaten egg� to milk. Add me . Ited - I I., � 11 . � i . WELL- 08dic DArS Jor contributions 'wom en can- make to ) - . sharp voices he legion of guard, ish joy in having those roads to one- I 11,� ', I moistened with very little season- CORDUCTO 52-50 - $740 SiGMEEING- ­ I iolas in'194,0, an increase of two. per ia I ns who rush into the sile � . .. ', . I fat, to liquid and quickly combine. e the war effort. nee like self beneath the wheels. The earg � , . ed 'salad dressing. CONVOMMy- with dry ingredients, Stir well and - � cent. While the increase in the in- rat9 ftom holes,,, They scurry, and strain to speed- them even faster on . I �11 -1 1. W-1 plan WMI". � * * * dex of farm prices from 1910 to the they call backwards and forwards to their Way.' I 11. ., I I I 11 . LOCATO PoLown WALIUNG immediately pout into a well -greased The national exchequer . "take" . f A44 was only 55.4 per cen . . _ ", . Take a Tip I 8.11 by 811 pan or muffin tins. spring o t., "ea'ch othen. Shame on you to be lying The faces on the streets are w,atch� ­ Rain DISTMCE - I , Bake keeps growing every yeAr, as e,!- the increase in.the totaLcash income � 1'� . Stains on summer clothes may be in a moderately hot oven, 375 deg. F. abed merely listening! � . I . denced by figures showing that cus- in the four years was 82 per cent., 11 . xemoved at home if treated immedi- I I � ' ing; but they are watching with their 1�. , "� I , . . Allow 25 to 30 minut.es for cake and toms, excise and income tax -revenue this .. The Silence is deepened by the ears. If they were properly equipped I- ately using the following steps: A 1. being accounted for 'by ,the weird' mono tonous drone of that life ­ !ill. few drops of stain remover should A. I& PRE on" " 20 minutes for muffins. Serve hot last month (June) was $225,716,.562- heavy increase in volume of fdrm I these'instraments would be itwitclAng . - . with maple syrup. Eight servings. less thing. When heard near, in time I likie the nostrils of a deer. ,�." . - .--.-A .. - This represents an increase of over products put on the M�Lrket. The, in- to �-�­ I I . . I ith the same ' .the sound of a humanly directed I noises that ',Come 'from " I . . crease ill, volume of produce sold 'was 'plane you can tell "the difference, I the pillow in the dark., They can be . 111,��, . . . I., . . . . I period in 1943. Of the total, income in much "greater proportion to the in- though When it is there' . in the air 'everything that is menacing, butt'hey , " n - I .. . ; . I. crease in -prices for the products. In there are plenty of other reasons are only the hea that, . ll .1 , 111 . . "WMM �� � . farm than the ear which indicate it surely 111 11 W ,�:� vo. I im ' ,Solitary -bird chirps- in the dark. Noth- . - ...... * . tpn�sh- ed for all of Canada, was 1�6 Per There is a listening�Wlth the stom- ing is unusual. A gramoPhone walls ig 11 1 . . . . . . . I . .� ­ ,Vecial Products ach too. , . . tune. Two o'clock courage? Wbat,is %� . . . . . . . Board of the* Doluill'iGn"' Department in May, 1940, to $61.38- in May, 1944.' Crump! It is a hackneyed �.��4. of, Agriculture bought for e&pn,-t to . word, that? Not much. 11 - j�.::*�: I her of case purchased from Various r, ,, I . provinces -liar I 0 lar 7' , I V , .1 -1 . . . . . .., I When, i;. a. Do -Not a D I �., , I .. . I . When Amodt buy a dollar' A of goods! For instancei comparedio present-day , � . . phones in service,toda thatt w standardi, your dollarof the lost war was worl�, not -a dollar \pr.. -hut sometimes I , . Y hen the war began. ada have been a great factor in our 7 . . , ­ - chances are that after the war they , . 1,- I NOW WE ARE "SCRAPING THE BOTTOM OF THE BARIM" I will be bigger and better than ev er. ' less tfialt8.... Nobirp,wh4es, who went marketing in 1917, had to pq�twifh q�o , , . 1- ,�, In spite of the most careful us 'f 1 tele. -�- ed ag,ricultural fair in Canada was -, ",, of available supplies, we have phones and materials . I . I �'J, I had to,use up Most of'the Install telepbones for only the - � set him back tQ,S,, then,a's compared tothe he -c . � . I I I X -- Niagara AgFicultural Society 'held a . I ��� .. ould buy itforb day. rj."-, .Margins' bOt, into'telephone most essential service."' I I I I . I I . I I 11. ­ plant. We- are working facilities You get a lot more fo ' . �,, lie Hill, Ontarl,o, and Rich' . . r your money NOW 'ecause price ceilings and 1��n� So long -as the - mond, Ontario. I I I . � go . . . b , , , -., have first. claim, we sh.All have 'The federal Labour- Department is - . 11 I " . Telephone Sets, switchi� -to keep on doing the'best we I I making a special effort, to get thou- ' other anti-inflaflOn'aq measures- have 6ptfhe value of LIOU10 do liar H I GH I ' �:o equipmen-t for central offic6s, n with' the equipment to register for,,, � I 0 1 . I ,'' . on farms. .It islhoPed they will help . Thats why if Will pay you to so' I �� �. and other parts of telephone , obtainable. 4. 1 . I e that selfish soen Ing n "T, I I ease the critical situation which ­ . 1* over undermines ", � planteannot be obtained for Meanwhilei we' say "Thank, threatens in every kind 'of. farming . . I I . � � ­ . . I I . from fruit ,Picking to 'grain harvest- ,. price cofftol in Canada. Remember ��",;,�­ . ou" for your cordial wnde-r. ing. Spertding a vacation on a larm i I I,, you P.Mf—iet 4040 dollOT"S worfh'when gou'', . . I """.�j: civilian use because telephone Y � �� . pft� Plac- . us -wisel, � <o4i%0'e" . 1!"" � I!, � 9. P.. hen you paqof(de s !:­ .. 'refuse �' ' 6 - I We regret that to the many . ... . . . ing 'officers are very' careful in. the . . . I V 1, I n,&�,­ I applicants for residence tele. .' .: 1,- . . I , for these youlag- . neeJ teos luxu A es ... give bla A m a ' Wi 111.1,1�11111 � ]b I. 9,ce a returned Ak �� . I promise to give I I !.1;.`1.;11. �,, I I . I � . to date. Und6r, the Act a discharged . " ing goods or services. I will Pay oif old debts, ' , 11�,�,-,�I­ . I ?; 0 / ; iuvOst ift Victo j3dnd§ and., ' . . 0�* 'L, w&Wen . 4 " , ,6, " " , tom b4lii-r "c6pted , - Irl - 1.1: . . I 2 , I Iff'"140 , ,41PA al, 6 A&r 1 A/ / , , k , . , . I'll,�Ill""141�.�.i�;�"I'll,��, �,�, . '' I .. �e " �. ­ I