HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1944-07-28, Page 5t I 1,.' ,­, :,,�­.,7I;­A­1?1­­. 11 I ,�. �� , .,r ...... ....... . � , 11.1 ; , , , , I- �f' , - �" , ,-. " �� .. �1 ,; 111�1 11 �_ J, �.: ',, 4;� Z . "t', " ­,-,,�r,��J, k,NI,­9""_i1,­111�. "i , I I I,- " "" " 'i .. ... . I . ,11, "Ill.,- . I ,1 11 11 , , ,�,, 4' ,,4 , , � ,�' � , " :�, ;,11�� �!�;'I!qlll� ',!h� �:� I'!,, ,�; ,I "I , . I 11 11 z L, ?� 1 ,,, , �I, , I, , I t�, ,,� ',o,A,i r,�,�"',!. I , �, , ,�i,; , 'I�i q j '"I � ',� "I", , 01 � `,' '' , 'I "" . ... .... .� � , � . ",­ '1.,1 -11.11 � I'll". """, "" 11.11-1111 I 11 'I',.,, I " -e.74 ,;i- , ::." i " , ,� "' -,,-- I',, , , - - - , - ; 9Xg , , ,�_, .". , V"' ­ ­ �11�1 I 1111;11)..", � , " , 1, : - . .1 - ''! �,. r,Lz� ., � � . � � . I � ., I ��: "I. & , ',:,�!,,,,,--, " - ,, ",�-;, ,, , Irl; �; ? � ". I , , ��fl. el". 1!`I`!TV, ,� . � , , -11, I -1111Z I, . ,I , ", " t,� .��,`�3, ���!,�!��' ��, , , ,�� 11 I I I %, ­ I-# 110. 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'�t'),I; � ­�,%t. . -1, ��:�,,�� , , , , 1111,�;111 1.�_­­,,­­ 1�,� 'I 4il", i"R �",4 VAAWF�' "' ", -1, Oi" `��,!.,�*��,�,�,,,�;;,�! " .111"I. -Ii, 11, 11 '4'�";,"'�, 6 . , "M - I ­AW .,:,64'.""�"`�, 111. , I � 'Z' - 11 - 1,11i " ,,, , "i".:,"'i�, ,F# 11P "A .. 191411A 1� , - I I ��! �,:,,'��,!�­?;­I- ,' � .. ..... ,,,� "I ,��;'�",:' I �1 _ - � 0,,I`�,Y-10 �A­ �,,:R,, Or " T . _ , "I'�ri"IT-1-Al 11 .1 .1 #1 . " "� ""! `,­"!4� ." V 1,911tsi. X , ;!',"'&�,�# 14 ,_OV: �,01"'I';7IOVoo� ;',�ij,,�!s�,".�'��.:'���,11"";;,.�";3 40"', , - , , " 4404�,�,,01 ,,_?_�#A At 0 I 1"F 0, W .0".'VIN,��)k"O _,`,,,*­, Mty �1. � , , " . 1-06:.'�,�Av, ,,'�' "! I 0.9 , , :#g:��,)� �.',`,�*-44-- .�, .'Ar " -4 . ..... .. � " I � . : A,� . . t,,"#,' - , ) , il 11.111-P4.5 . , - 0, � � " 1, I 11 ." "I ,F. � 'M , MI P e � "'' ��, , I � !4,pp, I kv,71A P, R,00000� , , , , ,00 0 ,� - 0 , " , " , "; g ., 1,11 4 ,,, " 1, K,111�Rl 4 � , 11 .. , I � � I'll", ­ . "I -1 -1 I I .--.'I::, "' .91 �� - A , ,0�,,�f 94 -4 '. , M,� i$ , :Pl;'v�',`�, " ,; , . "'' "" ", � . � ,144T .,!,''� .�:$� �,�, �,�. �J�J,�',,,. , .�� _ 1!4 , ��'�! �i' I � i I O'gd�,­af�,�fu , ,� ", 4,_�i, r,"e"r,� Td,9"_.T#M!,`4x A�,4 ,,,�"*,p `�. `!,.,71" -44� "", MR��jg'��gop I -i,6 I - i ." ;, , , ... 7 �.01 ­ , , 'Aig"r 104.i I I : ,"M '", �, , I ", , _ V� ,V, ,�,_, 't §40,W � h .. '', 1��,T , _"p "" , , '7� , om,wi-q ,. Ao;...;fte '­ , .", , . , 1. %yit?p0A"n_P41R "polf 1111­��­W _ , I.... �; .11.1111. . � . , , 0 0 .1 , . - , _Stf,t �AOS,,Ato"�,,hft.# , -, q . - ., �, .4v - ��,.i440,�,',:�,,'P.t4t�,,4,.�4, 4,er .. For k""-','V,009�1, �;�', .7,� _9 X � I �, - . AW4, � 0", .1 r ,. , . 11 W X11�111)04"1041,1,:,Vrepar 7.,,,f;qfA4.4aV#r P14`0 vgq:�A,nl �,r,Q, "t" �"""`, I 3, Opdot!!�;A'$,d ,A.tqr _� , ,�, ITT ��,,' N111 ,, � ,, �,,AWWAI. �;6- � , , "'R ""k,17'k,440. , � '. 0t, - I � 0 i _.k ,iaw, S ,, "i Z P� �11 � 11X ., " �O , , �pt - I , � I �.� 1. I '' , "� 71! , . _ATMAJ, 4_0 I X',�:t��R"!�,�'., oM4?AUP4 A ,� q"eQi,'4Z49, I �X�" , , � , , 14 V "" � , " _ � " " , � , , _ 4W-44 V , , ,, P'N '. -j", `�",!"�`,�,', ". , ,,, . �, � ��;'�, ,� 'I " ", �,v . - ;qr-.-�"eAqT'n ., 'N" i, _ �� �� , , - . ., ." "�",d.��,�'�",t"",O-�P'�'��o,t�o 1.09 , Q. - �4130T, 11311, �"Ypp),� I �11 ift `,�',u -";"4,�,,,,"�ii4.��",,'�,W,Nff 't ­104� ,, F. 1; ,�,,.,�, "I � -1 - -��. , - ,­; � N,�,;,: ,;,. " � - '!,",,:�t�,i� . . '' I , T4 F, "i , , " " '­� 'th :�O* 10,0-**k��-�0� , Z0918, 00 " WOO, ,,, ,,,I 11 , , �:',* 110019,P1 1104101 1MQ`g,t4Uo4,b0uSe W;,%s, ql�� 4,40114'so XV,*Wt " 0 . _ 10 opm."A' ... ! ; -, 000 #'�" � .4, ­­ -, -- Q, 11 - �',`,)� `� I :.. , J ,. T ,� " _;A , .�� ....... .", , 0, - A AhAk�;V .r ,��;, a , , f) �� ',� ;,� , i ,.,a i ,�40)",Orl'il.0 1�",fj".'�,'�",.X �..,, en 'p xt 0�40,,-,thI6, Qxpr@* 41tsI400A On(, kvily", M 0 $,-4.,kM,.1 09 1�� , - V ia'l, , . I44 . "F I Ill A � I- ­ I . N31',�ty �,, , 1, -1 - � . ,; , :� . , Ti ,", ��, , 4 . .... ; � i "t ""! .1��.-,,,.,,,,�":",�;�,���!�,�,,���, "': ,�___,., , . . ��A_#'�;Ii�; '1�1i�,'_ L, '4 4-,� 41V,RVW,�,��,_,Jl! Isp V�F,�qp`, �,,' '.', , . ., , 11, I -,�.,: ,�,�,� " , �, I I,, � ,�; 1 P 'OOL " � for'l AV4%,W � 9, Ao'y,4 � X V q �,V,p -"M * , lw,!"� I'�'."�,'V,,�'L`)�` -V I—- I !� _­,­ ,,l I'll, 11 11 I 1,,,�;��. ' � ! F.". �:Iifi,'34"C��;""', I 11 1 �k�� k, " #41'" ,'p ,4gm-41 , - 111P, P, i �. ��;,,V,', 10 , ;1 I . ;;&i&' � ' �'y �')'o W . 14,0�,��Qfqtr., 1, . . �� 1� �*R-,�*+24,. +.". 'a L �4T� 4� , ", , ��,,�r,� I pelug I . ". , , I 4 , , . '. tgUe 'Y - w1*1 le Mat , '' ,, ,g ,Qp4 d, ,r,got, _� , ,b, . h, er0n. �A,pq'' lrpsqp, , , , , i .,T ., , " ,� , . ,� 9 I 'ff .M ,� Z , ., � A 04! T, . I I � �ors, 'The "froklit X_ USA� was -direct , " , , fA � ,Mv ., :- ,Mrs. 4ohn � 'gi & ,, r'�p,A,q upi .,t -M ,,, A �' fa .", iU- � ��Q7'4i' $'( '" "� �' "4it ' � "'I9 xiljog,,%W�ljr,o ., , `;,i, .,�,�',� �:" " ,Jq�;ro , 1�%Qst��;#'gjp 11 " "'_ %',_�� :, ." - ,, � .#9 ' " 40 -W . , ., �� , ,,��!, Il. I 1� , _er 4 4 X44L L. I L , Alice."A , t 1 4,. � ... y ,,Q �j�, � �; :,�,',�Z�,, , " Ij, I 'L . , ,,, "',wo 0 � ,, � 10V ��, )"11 ..1.1. .1 !r I A, "I `,�`,��, " d I , "I'll", 'i .. ".. 16 � �;""i. . ,��,',, ,L�','�,� 17'1v: �L � , ,i! . 2, .11 1�, , � . . . . I �'. , i ,fy �� I ill . , _.', , � , , ,�,"� �� '1� ". , .;j�, , e Irs. � " I— -4 'r � , 11 41�,M . - j;hp "'mal RQbertso _t ',,� -,q - -nd A � - � , I I . ed by, the ,�6& -s',4V -,B J ' � I 040, Aw, WO Alborti -0140 0,�,"—bo* .If I I'll, ­1;#%%,yT I "A' . , 4 , -,,,r w ,.'40. ),00�1 �� .'� . rusrp 't X10 on,, Xr,- ,W, 100. 1,. A, ,b '­ I � 1. 10114.141"11,141 �;� �t * -m_,,��;*,,.4 ,, a 'wjugh,4ii� ,The r opening (it , Wintqqw vroolt vgr ,,Ji� ­agalii, 0 'O 4 _� � 1, N, .111.� _�e#t , I doq�q. . �, qa_ . I At 01 40041 far, ,� ,,014�' j�iid noboT , . h,91A _0 �� vi. .f;,44 � pte"a. *.,;,�,., ".,: "'O.01g., L t4f�,rs W$,Vo 0"o , _ 'T I7 , -�'A"roop I ��t , " I ' ' I L I :'r , I 11 I . - �dAos, M , _, _ � ol 1p ,QAt"010 bqt. "�' 4;"�i p"'O"J"Ot'.4� � '�. �1q.rr'.!'I �2 114, ", . qtA� 0 , � �zy ,Was - ,W0 ,'i�,4f, ,, ��:,.��-��,i:;,.�:�,,,, 11 i I ',',:,��:�,;J' -,: . IV ,Miss _� 11 P4qVFj`J1V 'T ., , ii� u��r,'!, � . . b ­ I , . ,T ,�' 'W041, U&CA044; V. VIV, I 'A' � � ' Y,.,00 4,', t'. . I - , � . Martlia Or%gor.. ­. � I .. . ,,r,, ­­ '7 , . , _4 " ", 'i�,� .1 1, , ,'�`i!�i�il;�I,,�,�. F tiOn Will e a great' convenience taol=g %0*,`j,'�, on , are., 'a' llar.*�'.: XT" , �1' ` ��: �,� ff�` � 'I , QX4WeI1 0uPpP�;tf',, bindery4QU L $.0 I," �the "P.. lea ',:�'� ' , ''. , ,,,��!!,�",k _1 I, . tp� ,, Augnst lft�;� gifkhtJ,�F,;'�4 or- � 1, 19 *0,, ,��11' 1 ;��,,,,,�,'�,��,��,���,�,���,�L�,.",;� , , I . 1)9Aten Y' V e0-',-;iiiit0 _# * .."A : � 11, �11 5�!"'I'.!"'I'll", . � 4R�,I'- ',`.,'-�`, - � , 6 ,� IL", �'!f 9 raton, . � J i� 44,�,I, , I!, ,,,, " �'�� I.�, � �,',,,�h��t","���,,�"i,!",,�.��',, I . 1. -j" I 9 an frdra -his ear gg_4 AeqU,.,and , ", 'I. , 'tiguSt: ;44 and .Rov , "A " , ,,,��, ..4 , , Q.0 I Ait 11.0ion, ,0,f--- , . 'dor,,Mr� And b" , 1, � � Oe Aelglilbohoo'd, , Robert Paluip , ,. oon � i� �9":" �� "... 11.11,111- I b). od, r , I A �* , � , !1; -Q . 11.11,1111- - ,� i :1.p'� "Q1 , '­" " . "". I".. "fl,,T,L"�,�,­ 'Mrs. W J. Johnston , ?� , 0 , 11 L I 0 1 I - led -was a visitor, with friends in .. q6�:- ; -�,.�,��,�r,���..,"�,,;r.,,�'?��-�,�',�:i,���, "";�,,�il'71,1,'�';'�� �', . , �.v , , '" _` � !-1"'i '6'�-��'��;-�'��l�"'fl-�"�4'-,";��;��!�'�4l�""'�j �IiT, I ' LethbilAge , - Cm, , -,I�g.,l 111�1` P9.1dwfm #,4,V.q",A, ", , 7e I I preolO ,, for , ,Q , ,_b,s"o,Pv00J4 qP414140, ber oft !A,� wftotor,4 ada�, A , J.''L *: _ . .1'1,v�,�'�`,,�, ',',�, � I ""� , �' t4en, thrown out ot'tlie , ., 0,44 "t, A'S, I , '. .. � r � ,J�1� "v., MI v , - :,""', , 'n"I, 41M . , " I - " ,b . 19 "I %, 7 Nt jg;,.,,,� _ - Ir ,- - - . i ;, .,;; � , , , , .7 �p�'.,4 17 tlyll - . I ". . : 1 -MO �,,,��i,`, 1 4'�P,;-�, �Z 0 , � , � " " , . .1 t the , I " . , , , Ave qeCon,40 W,Apologjze or -be ror '� p ' iv 'A, . 0 , : :1: �, I :� 0.��,,��i,,`, �f�� "' " "' I , �, " . ,oPe4fug exercises at the. " W,M I obi eak ,O,t t4p I . I ", I ��, i ,8, lage ,this we -941. I . I I W.1 I e eader was ,". 'liap 0 1 . g� 4,10,yg, - , . � �"'J.,�I, �,,',5,i`,�, " , � ,!, . -1 !­ 11316otitig -IA the Sunday 7 ed -from I i , . �, 1, r " 11 sqlio91 ,X00M 1�6'81 LePIW; Olarka. aad�--daugbt �L whip,lx th C.C.P. le I " il. At tl�t . I , � Obw 0 . .11 't", , � 5, �f lf, th-P �`q ,e end of t.1 . -, . .9 1", ,.1 I . ,At CQmp4SJSi .0 , eFii-opogking, ,: _ - , ­ - ,, 1. I onate farm, X0911 Is ::: , I I � . i:7 -t I f"'..., ! 'IV, 0."j�,",,� �',', * W14 The incident is regarded� ail the "I., !_ �1.yf.j�.,;,�,'�r 1 , .1 4of the United ,Church this week, con� X rIlyn,. of Port Rowaii, itnd I time fou &P Ilideed uppii ... Mr,; �,F.4 , ­�Ii�,� _ N , ��,,qr�, �,!:" . r-uo& ,pou ,_ , - � ted -te­opt IS, _t ,. ll . ,����,f�4i!�,,�l',�,,,,'���,,,�,,,',��', .,.� - ,- , . , a is a ages , .., �",� ',-`-"'T' I ry, I L �. ,,i'"'_�', � 11) 6 .� .� �,.`. ''. 'i �"' ­!­&i�rpu I isisting of singing, ser,1 . Lauderyou,.4W, hed bim until he blod vest g, co , , , 10" ­11�11�1.�;­;`I�V�711. 1,1,�� ,� fff'. _ , I I . ': . � In . #4 on their .. " " , � ,Rnai� �j,4�.-�p;- Of! tutc.: " "'. ;�k�'��,','�;�,"6'�'�������"4, 1, pture reading Patricia Wray, of Brantf6rd,.,4re ,74q, . #Jons . 1!!00 00;,"O. mr,"', ,,, ,� ��,,i Al� '�� �&3,TQY2�11, I I . ' ' " , 1 ... k �" 4P., . ­ . . P I 1. � . ­ I �,-�,��q;"��,, and prayer. The wors4ip service was �ad - . . I " — and forcibly':p* lilin eut. - . , . ""....ro ��,','.,,',,,-.�, "", " 11 t � i I I I , , "I i * I iting Mys. Clarke's parents, Mr., i - Jen - Kin$ were visitors this week 'with ' This' eXce,spit I relatives' f4'rmg, and may gx-tend pp, � lar Z-P!1-04�' ;04M or - . "" %�11111` `�"Ic'1'11 R �l`� � , � �. M , � ,y�;"r,�Stg'o,'#,� ,,�,', i� , 0 . . c, " , , . `��.'.I,�,��"`.'�, . IF* I �,L.,�','Ih 1�`� o��,;4K,., I.�t."�'11� 1 ,Ye-luse i# force in tb,� t , . " � , :.;'N.'..�.i W. �.. __.V��"",_., 11 I W',� I conducted by Mrs, Arthur Shaiv. ,The Mrs. Herbert Shiell, . . . - . o six InOUVAO With the JPOSO�MtY,Pf :o 1,0:'ko,�20 only 'AT . M �W,_ . �Ir,, ' I . I I _ � ��,W�, , Mrs,,,.R. �F.. Gargiss and Miss Olive presence of #i� Gpldwell against 4 a renewal. . � , . ..... I � I -prograni ,was on, Tempe�rgnce. Read- Mrs. king, of Florida, hpi Son,, Roy _ , , .1 ..", , W. � '_1 I , 1 ,�� _11"14��`�,''; �'�;l 11,�, "" I , , - . I . 1, ,� " I , .11 ings Were given -by. I�Irs. George Fell . Scott. � man who 4B .a'. ,candidate for election In' addition, .where the ,;�_, , . � . .F_ I I., ',..I_�,. ­ � � ,, 'I il� �: � I �, if 4 , ,. :, I I �;. .; � I anq Mrs. King, of Toronto, are visit- - farm, help , . I �� , , %�' � �', , �Ir,,�"'.A,7,�;Idz- .,,�. and Mrs.'Alex McC�ack Mrs. M. L Aitken is spending Ws 'has stirred iRorenhension and ,bitter �shorta�e Is acute, fa - -_ I � ,.4, ;M "_10. ill,. .Y.M." 11 ­ ." �@, on on the sub- . umers mi� . . . .. 71;­��;f�,?. RT, ,4�N � Ing witli. relatives here. .7 ao- , 0 -T 11 I I I , :, 1 � ,�, I I.r 11-�,! f " j,,� '" � � - ; �,, 77 1113 . . . . . ', "" '. , 4 Ject. Mrs. Edward Johnston and Mrs. week with her friend, Miss M. Ellis, feeling at Ottawa. Many 'have long'"vise the, - ­ I � F 10j�11,1101I;Iji� t"U" " � , �,�� 7 ,,, � 1�)Of,',,i�,,,',',��,,. ��,,�� � , ,:' ", '. '.;�,,I­,.1­, -�,�ji "", I , 1 _��1­112,U 1 ,� � 51'. . ." �,',,."�I.&. " gtt4l�,!"p� _', ", �',, Of", I . �,JI�41; 11,0.,,�­,p,,,�­iMn_ ,,�im�"J t' 1�,)0;� . W. L. Aitken dontributed readings of Kenneth at liensall. . contended that the C,C.F. would have t'heir'labor needs, and theJatter . 11 � - 'ej " I .", of. Brintfoid, spent Sunday 1_1p,� - 0�`�,' ' 6. m..' �,, 4 I " , ", .�I 1�11 � %1- I . Mr. and Mrp.,Orville'Joues and son � � . r provincial. governments off , ? �wj 1. Rigla _ im- ,,-�­ 11 , ! "I � , e wler spent Sunday to resort to I i ��. - - r � 7 � ,,,,�gx wiwp­ f, I rest. A vocal.duet was 'iender�d Miss-Florene' Po' '�Ut its sociallAt asi the army to release firmers wi ' I t4lik . I . I 1'. � , , . " q '.4 , "t . �1, " ". " 4ntp force to . " ,w \ P .; .!IT, with her mother, Mrs. Milton Smith, . tlX . I , l, % �, -W �w -,w ,11;1�1, � �.p 1,11,R" I AAW, �X.1�1'11'q . � . I I . ­ , . . . ,, ��":�'l " ­ !ill .,,.,, , , 'p"g by Mrs.' W,�. J, Johnston and Xrs..Me at Goderich and had as her guests program in -to, effect ,and were prepar-' agricultural experience .for, work on ­ . . ), �, , � , 1. 1. -i'll "I-e,���,?",;��-��",;��""I�4,,iv,� , .... ... �4 ,j � 11 and biother, Ross. . I . � , . , . i , ".. .� , I n' .. . . I - . W , ;Ipl .�, i I ""PEN -4 ,Pa.�"'J� Cracki . I Mr. and Mrs. P. S, McEwbn and Al- ect to do so... . � those farms during, the crises_Suqh, Spua Rayons and PrItift . ptqege� . ­; % �: ,�, IR�,I,��,`,,,t'��!? Marie Yeo, of Paisley, is the guest , . . J1 �,,',�, "i , �, ` , .. " �,. " igI�.!tlg�!,�J'�; 4� ","$, �. _ fred Agar I I I � jn� all the latest sk 11 gN . �1,d 'Mrs 'Moffatt was the hostess of H. E. WInC4, C.C.F. leader In Bri- soldiers will not be on leave, but on ,d.. p ",4�,t!,.!,�",�f'�i,,�;�,,�t:�ff I ,;, �11"V .. - . - Burns . - ,yles glo atterns . I i� � , �-,�',,,nc.'_'­;�� � W W _ � � jq',_?��'.�," , ", � If, 0 I .her friend, Miss Muriel Smith . . I , , .1 . �� I , , Al, gl,;�� , ',`?i& - . , g�qxg �,,l ., y , . ar meeting,of I " I ' sizes 12 to 42, T,0� CL AIR"—' 11111111�,'�P!�� � $,�' ,,,,,, . " 111, . Mr. �nd Mrs. Anson Thornton, of tish Columbia'. shocked n E ,�. �..:.. I .1 , �",L,�' , " ,6%t! . this week for the re'guli Mr, ''and Mrs. ' ational feel- special assigiied army duty—in this I �� ".. �11 It � - 0'. �, Gordon Holt of, - .. I , - I . "I'll"�ll"-",".�,l�,'.'�x,�', : 1 , .� �, � '(1 I � ,�,',,.­ 1��, 0 I the Triple group of the Ladies' Aid Of Gorrie, spent Sunday th Mr. and Ing when he sild the police or:armY Case farm, labor. - I - I I ,., ­-i_-� ,.. �,,�:, ,,�, 'M, .1 , ­,�, . I . I I .,; � I "" (,�, " ,.I; , ; -4 �t',; I � , , * '� , �.rr, �� , , I ,,, " , , I . J,Imlestown, spent Sunday with wl � - I . '_ . . ... ­­ , - , � ri� �,,r �. 1z, �� �'W' ...... Mrs. George Thornton. would be usqO, to deal with persons . - .11 I �, ';� .v� -, �,, ,',�-T,"�, ,� � , X�� 01N . ""n,�� . , � , ­.��,,�,,�-, �J � . - , 11'� -� �. �tl"�,��_,, Knox Presbyterian -Church, Follow'ing% friends ,in the village. e sbldler6 . .1. �� � : r �, �,­. I -, ;�ill:,, 11 ­ . 1, 1.11 �' ,,$� . . I I � The morning (service at Knox'Pres- refusing to obey a CX.F.,Government., with board and 4odging, and pa3r the , . , : , ., li. ­ I. : �. ­., :1� , 1-1,1-4 ,�,,,,, I I �P� 11, , �. I I'll, I IR I I a short devotional and business meet- , Miss' Ethel Beattie and Miss Max- I I ; , ,.: �,,, I 1'�,, . . �, 1.11, ,'I , i , ,I � '. . . . , " I " " ;':�,',�t ;,'41- 1 ;�,�Ill, 111", .11 �� . I I . .. � .; , �, . ;, , 1, , 7 � , - , .. "" i,� , , 1,7' , . - , ,':,,,'�f,';,�, .. I I S - 0 S '. � _ " ��,�,`��T,�Y'"�,I, Y, of ' . *�,�;." �'% ­�E Ing . conduefed by the- presid6nt, a garet Ha"' J,. byterian Church was conducted- by The' latest outbreak of -personal at- department of labor for their'work. . I _;''Z,�Ik I . ,,��r,��.'�1.14 ,�,, I ", , Seaforth; Mrs. "I"'.- " , W"; 1T��, . 11, 4 Ir � '&,_ .:- �,,::,,,�.,Tl, . , .. !'Poil ', i , t,?N­,*�, .. W, . es." w, F , 1`1 "I . quilt was quilted. The Cadwell, of Winnipeg, and Mrs .1 the minister, Rev. F. G. Fowler, His tack, apparently- countenanced by -the Where their pay as farm laborers ex- � Sale of Ladi �i -,, if� :, �, . ­�' � Red bross . . I - 01, 11. I I 1�1.1 , I � .1 � " . E . 8. subject, wa's "The'Habit of .An Easy C.C.P. national leader, has strength- ceeds their army -pay, the difference - � � I%- � I .. �, * '.' �1� '�' '' , ,, "I , , 41� m,j .. � . I I � , , , , , ., ,,,',,. ,11 I ---A _.- I ". ;1 � . , I '11.1111;;1 11, I I . . - i ,f i I I � ­­ ,,,- - I . , I . 1 :-, �: . I I I � . '1­1��II'� , ,`6", � Generalization," t n that the C.C.P. will be -paid to the soldiers. I - :.;�, -�". ,".. I i�� I �� - �, 11 "'. ,_ . � . U `�'. , �:�,�,­'4,�'� I", I . based on the ,. ­ . tex ened the contentio I.- � ,�..� ., ,. I !Assign Wools, Satins and Prints, in reg lar T ��tr,_`:�, _. :, , . ��,� ,.k . r I .1�11 , - , ;, _:." . , � John 1:46: Nathaniel said unto him, plan iron�heel administration to en- ed farm duty usually ddes not last or dressmaker styles. -All slz6s aind �, '. . ", � , � ­ k'�� . , , I` . . � . , , I ,", , , � � I I , I � J � - . _71.� io %, ,,, 6 I . r . . � '0111, . I � v I . p I- � . I, .��;;;;� R�,�� ;, r.., ,��­w � I I r can there, be any good thing come force state socialism if , theyy ever ,more than'30 days. colors. TO CLEAR.. O', 7, ''.. ­ .;­��I�;;�, , I "I ............... .,., I � r %�,�,��'..; ",I . . . � . . � � r . . .11 , I . � �1 . .1 . OUtr Of Mizareth? Philip Said unto gain national, control. . � � . --'1 . - . . . . � -%64 - , lyt %41, 0114 . �. ., � I . . � I him, Come and see., Benefit I R � 1;11 . I I-11 I Over i,000,000 Families Will . 11-11 I!'I,-'o M"Il 1. � . A 1-1 , T I . r " ", _ I I I . . I I "IL '4,4 , I I . r:""I' " -, . :"`�I� . :""I� I . I �At the. United Church Rev. J; W. - More than 1,000,000 Ca4adian fain . - .. r:""�� 10,�i�v, �, . - I . . . ­_ ­ , . . 1, .1 V I, � . I I . ,. � I'll 1. .1 , I I . . . buston. occupied the pulpit. He ilies with upwards of 2,500,000 chil- . . . . ," 1. 1. � ��., �%il.v % , I . , ��­��_!�l ., I" �!,,.� I,, W� I I ^11_ , r, � , sl" , I . . � J. Protein Feeds for ' , �, �1,1�1 I, I . 11 I I 9poke on the interruptions which fre- dren, will benefit from the fainilf-Al- � I I 3,ft r.tS .. ,"r 'If W ­�u IT, � . , , I I Ladies' Broadcloth'Sport' I ,;1. .. A � I ' � � � �� I � , . � r , $� was lowance system, one of the Gove � ' � �: � � I , � : "I'l., �� . I when Christ .. rn- . Quality Bacon . , r ,:;,r i"!"Y"' 11 , quently occurred .� , " , , , , , '' . . �., . . .. � , .;. . 'I'll, ,,, � I . ` . , I!, I—— � - ment's social 'security measures now . . � �".:, , � 1, addressing a meeting, and'thelir ef . . . .. .1 . . . , . � - i .. . F . " I , . . . �, � . . . . . I. feet on His message. A duet was before Parliament. 'These will be The tithe -has come for us to re- Smart short sleeve Sport Shirts in ` , � , . r�. � " � , 1. - . t." 11011 M . I . . . . I - , " If"', , . . - ' �­_ - I , , .�. . I, . I . � I I I 1.11M I I . , . I .1 j,R��! .1 .o .1 .1 , I .; � r .. . ini'lies in -the lower-income groups, view and revise ourog ion. Blue, -White, Red and. Yellow, All r . .!i � I T�� ­ �...':: s. � . I I contributed by Mrs. A. 'McCrackin and fa � " ;. , "'N I I r I . :., 1. ,i � �� 10, SPECIAL ............. 6...t ....... , , . 1, `!, o �o-.-� � I , , .. . . I. , ;., . .,� �.��1, , T%'� , I as those with -big !earnings will h I.- �. � ., 1;1 .1� 'I, . , . r ,� . .During'the past two or three Years sizes. , '. .��!, o , � I Mrs. George Hetherig . on. ave , . , .... �: � " A� . � . ' . I �. , . , , I , gt , " ", , I � , . , I � � . ,� �Ir � I ... 019 .,�, �," ... I our greatly expanding animal produc- � I I . . ` I . I 1. , If 'r �' - 4 I - - I - I their. income tax allowance for chil- . I , ,� I . . . ', r'�,�,,f 10 . . .- ,� ... , ; �", , , , , a - ... - - 1. . ", � '14o- M '11. " . I I __ ___ dren rediaced ,by the amount of the tiOn created' a situation whereby I- . I �-� �,JM241 " " 1. . I . �­ : , ­A,�, �-, I., . I - ' �_,,,,. I I .. - - � - _ � I . - __, ,,r , ,,;,,,1,, r, 1, � . . 1. . 2�� " �11 STAPFA allowance and will not benefit finan- there, eisued a serious shortage of r I � .� . .� ,�, e, I r , , . � ... � "I .., . . � �_ , I I . . . � I I r ' I . - . . . C � I, ­,q . � ,��',�l I � ,�4a, ,- . I . I . . � cially. , * . . protein, sup plement8 for balancingthe . ,�,,i. � � � . 1 7 - �,,��i 1,�..,�,,',"2 � , . , . . ...."1111.1-. 'Cpl. Lee Leain and A big proportion of the families to grain ration in commercial .hog pro- ­ �:,�!!��;;;;; , W . I . . . sonals: k "., �,,, "�*,'� . _ . I Per I . Sale! Men s5lad suits, :��,,�,` 11 ;,�,A.­ , "I r � I - gain under the -,plan will be in'rurdl duction. That time is'now past.. I � I I . . . . I ... . '�,��,�"; �._. I . I Mrs. Leain and son, Max, Saskatche I I . ` , � .I", . I , , �,�,�,` I . , ,, �- � 11 . ,"I . f I r .. � ,-.. "') , . . � ii,,�,,.I I ' I 9 ' � . I I and George Clark, 'Brantford Tjie largely increased marketings r . I , J, . .. . . I 7 an, , areas, villages and towns. The al- - . '5. r , ,:,"..,,"�. , ,� � - r . . I r �",,�';,,��, � . i , �,,,," - ' � .. . .....'­.... 1� � ,%.. . .�'�,,,,,,,, , - I with Mr. and.,Mrs. Lorne Hodge; Mr. lowance will be tax free., This. of hogs, cattle and sh"p have result- Regular $7.50 Zpiece Slack Suits, in ... . ,,,�,� � . . . � ... 11 � . � , � ­�. I I I.. I _ . , , , I � . . � and Mrs. J. M. Gray and Mr.' J. 'Liv- . . . " ,,, . I - means that where a. breadwinner is ,ed,,in substantially increased supplies Sand, Brown and Blue. . Sizes, Small, .1 W I � `- t r' I I r ­ . . . , � ,�, . I I I I . , I 1, � , 10", . � . "" I ingstone, Millbank, Mr. Robert Liv- now, ,,,m ��,;Ij " .111, � pt from income tax,and the of animal protein by-products—meat Medium and Large. TO CLEAR ..... � � I , r, ,;,j�,.,� . 1 50 I �`�'..�I�,3� I . �11 ... �. � . . . r I" i,�; I I "I . . . .1 .,�i.,��1`1­1`1 . I I ingstone, Hamilton, with Mr. and allowance payment raises his , earn- meal, etc. There are also much beav� . . I �;!'.,�i:�), �­ ... , I I dI . I ­ I . r -j.,,, � . r g ­ .-,,,,� '' . r. , 'I, ,';;, ,,, !.� V.; . . ,.1 I . 1�'; I Mrs. R. A. Sadler- and Mr, and Mrs. ings above the' exemption level, he ier stocks' of vegetable proteins ,Such I I ,:­�` -,,! I . - ��, ItIM. 1 C . I ' ­ '.;,"-r . 1. -,11 §- I . .. � 1. . 0. W. Reed; Mrs. James Mckellar, will not have -to pay income tax� as oil cake meal ai�&distillers grains I .. I 11 I . . I ­ . .1. I 11.1.1, i� 'IV . . I � 1�.� ., "" ", . . � . . . I ' I .... �,��, � %A I . . , . �� ,I . ­ I � . I f. ,,� " Ili .� . I d � 'r�-.,�y �� . 4 I �.. I�E. _ , ,., . , I London, and Mr. and Mrs., Peter Pig- . Though the allowance is grade ac- and fish ,meal,. thus makin�g a ,large � 'Men's Fine: Straw HAts' _�,' . . oork, Mitchell, with Mr. and Mrs. J. cording to the age of the child, the supply of t1fese products available to . . .. . , . . I I , .., � - 1 4 ..: i, � , � I y Hilton and Mrs . ,, , . ., 1. 1�,� . � R. Drake; Sgt. Harr' i -REGULAR $2.50 TO $3..50 , - 9. i,. ��.. 2 I - average .P ymell $6.25 bog feeders, - This is an important ;.1 .., I . a will be about � � , . , "I . . �,,,�' I:, , r � . . . � , -4 .1 I I I H I I to n, London, with Mr. and Mrs. � . I ... 7 � , , "";, � I fqr each child. The average cheque change in the supply sl,tuation which I ��, I , 1. I All this seais6nit smartest Straw Hats .rA� , 1 . ' , ,; ,rrl�'�'11.1& I . . ''. M . �,",. I I � .W. O'Brien; Mrs, Henry Harburn, ffers a much needed . ''. 11 �.- , P I . will probably amount to upwards of o opportunity to in'one big sale price. Sizes -to 7%. .t -.1. 11 . ... ,'!"N!�, , , ,;.I �� V I . , �,.�, . � I Norma and Catharine, in Dashwood $18 a month, ,with larger families r improve the quality of Oui"hogs. � ON ,` '5 e- ......- . ;: 1�1 I I . , and Zurich. . . . I I '� ...................... �._ * . !"? � I I ' ceiving $30 a month or more. Nearly all of our hogs 'are toor fat. L � ]�!�,',`.',� ; . I � I . � � ��;,�,, . I I �. ,,� '. r ;4E CENT a Word . I I . I .. .1 '' . 1-1 : Cpl. Le Learn and Mrs, Learn and � �,'. 1. . I , , . One big feature of the act is that Many of the bogs that produce our, . ,, ` . - I I 1. . t " �::��,.� I . � , , - . I 11 11 I ; son, Max, of S�skatchew_­an, and Mi- all children'living in Canada, whe- No- I selection ... bacon, are too fat. I I . 1. i, t "J. N . ` . . . . I , , 0 (minimum 25c) is - I I George Clark, of Brantford, with Mr. ther or not -their -parenis are native- The hogs that - produed our No. 2 - se- . . r . �', . ,�. , , I I " , ; - . I I ..-:T, I � ., . 4, 1 . . I ' I 1�, 'P- I � I 1 and Mrs. Lorne Hodge. � %, . ,,.�1,4 . � . I I born, or naturalized i Canadians, ar6 lection bacon are, likewise, too fat. I ­ 11 . I I .. � ,,�,�,,F , all. that it costs you, for � . Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gray and Mr. ell ible-for,,thQ allowance. The plan The hogs that produce our No. 3 se� . � . ��, ,, ': . 11. I I I . � I . .9 . . I . � . I �1� I L . . I 'q)�Ir:,,�, .. .1, I J. Livingstone, of Millbank,. and Mr. is to help .every family impro e its lection bacon should never have been . I . . I ". � . a classified ad, in The I I "1 . . � ,,,�'...,', � . 11 , I " I - � . I Robert Livingstone, of Hamilton, vis- standard of living for the,benefit of pushed to that degree of finigh."'Along I I . . I . I - . , . . 11 ­ I 1. I . . .. "I - I . . i . , , I . . ited with Mr. and Mrs. R, A. Sadler 'all children in the Dominion. ' with thb bogs that, produce No 3 ,��""., , , I I ....... I" .. Huron Expositor. A.n. and Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Reed. C.C.F. Wo there is a mass I . � . I O', I 1, I I t . i I i uld Allow Japanese to Vote selection Wiltshireg ' . . I 11, , ,,, . Mrs. James McKellar, of London, Insistenep, of C.C.F., members of. of hogs produced,that are so tat they . � I .".. . Ad. that each week'will reach and be read by moile ' � � . : ... � . I . . . ,A", � � .� I � ,: .,"Q, . I . ... . .­;. : , 0 Z i :,.:�,,�,,� . . I I ,and- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pigeon, 'Of Parliament that Japanese in Canada I .. ..!, ��, " , � . . are unfit for use until they have been ! �_ 1. , I ��. - . - _��.�,. I . I I . . . I , - , . I �Mr. - . . _­ �., . '. . '1-1 F�� M . �1� than- 2,000 fkmiliekiI; - I " ­ I I : Mitchell_ wit),i,- and ..Mrs. J. R4 -be given a 'vote at -the next federal f.defatted in the -processing ,Plants. . I ­ � ", .. , , , �.'� . ,I- . 4 ., � Drake.. - I election, did not accomplish its pur- , Temporarily �this . situation could be I ........ ­ . . , . _.�-_k,! ,� ,Ci I � , " , 11 . .,.C.11 � I . to eating habits i#, ihis coun- healthful breakfast of Canadian eat- �`�'; ' , . . pened - �� I . Sgt. Harry Hilton and Mrs, Hilton, Japanese in other provinces have 'tolerated- The allied countries for a . �,' , , ­.. try, Now we are on the road back— eals, that we -felt better. Work wasn't, ,'.'�',�111 . ,,, . I I . if you want to buy or, sell anything, there is no of London, with Mr.- and Mrs. W. been moved from Brifish Columbia time 'were sbort of fats. However, �_ . .. �:,,wl �­ , . I I and enjoying it too. something' to drag ourselves thro,ugh , �,,,.,, � effective way.than using an Exposi- ,O'Brien. . . , -r. - 't, -, . cheaper or more for security reasons. They never- tihis has ,passed. The world supply In the days which some people are --we had:1some euergy we;cduld Put f:6 i:::1 I S - i, ' ' He, Normk and into What was most, importalkt� � . ., � . � I Mrs. nry Harburn, were able to vote in British Columbia and movement 'with ,regard to fats is wont to preface with the words. "good -it. I :,-� t, tor classified. ad. Phone 41, Seaforth. . I Kathy spent a week in Dashwood and but in some provinces might have returning to normal, ' old," eating habits, while not guided we discovered that breakfast need. ,,1'1;R15 . ,; ,r,,,, ,,,, ,; I I . ,; %, ,;; �'qll , k I I I I ..� I I . I Zurich. been able to exercise their franchise , ali it some- by science, were in niany ways veM, not. -be a time consuming meal. Break- ., �...,___ , - , . 1 .1 . . 0 . .. f 1 11 I . . Q -V Ity IA, bacon has in eith- sensfble.' It was morle Justinct than -fast food, with the health -giving . prow . , �_,,_! ' 11 -1 . . I - because these provinces never need- thing. which cannot be measured . � �� . '�,' I � ' knowledge that Prompted our. auces- 'perties our ,,systems -needed, -were-�­'... . I hat .%,�,r,�'. 11 0 ed legislation to meet ,the Japanese er with a rule or with the eye. T t eat three, good -meals a day— available dn . ready -t I .. I -.2. . V I . 'Sts I I .. ARNA , � problems. The election act Provides something clonsi of the full devel- and they.thrived ,on it. whicii,spired us the time and'trou- ­1�1 , . . 11 'I ,The, H I . I ­ . growing the .. '. .. �� uron Eipositor. , . that as before, these people of Jap- opment, in the process of Then a lot of factors combined to Me of pn�paring. them. . I ., 1. � . � ., �N ­ 1. �. � . i Owing to special anniversary ser- . " . �,., .,,'( " ,, I . . . anese origin, cannote vote in the next hog, of the lean .meat along with a bring about a.change in eating hab- ,And as we enjoyed these breakfasts , `� 11 . . I . �, . . vices ,being held in Trinity Church _ ,I '114, � � , I . I I ' federal election., .'But, the c.C.r. group limited interlarding of fat.. It Can its. Cities ,grew larger; people,. par- and became cereal -conscious another, , .t.�1; ' I � I I " . I I . I " Bayfleld, on �uuday next, the seivice - only be attained by feeding the bog ticularly women, began'to skip break- fact -began to' dawn on us. Cereaft . � I..., ` . . . . . . ,. - � . . . __ . I . I I in St. John's Church will be with- in the Commons urged that the fran , weaning tiriie to market *eight fast to make up the time they spent. needn't be just breakfast foods. WIth, " :11t," . I I . .1 . . . I 11 .. � . . ­ . . I drawn. ' . chise be"extended, to them the bal. from on street cars, The 20's had Intro- the exception of bread, 'we weroWt; . %5...., . l . ' ' ' It is 5. 1 1 - , .. lot because ... Ahey bad. to be removed with properly balanc4�d feeds. duced the flo,t-chested flapper and an used to grain foods after.the br6ilr- � '. _55.." . Mks. B. Keys and son, I �, , I .. , ��;)" , p� - .. , : ' ' from the Pacific coast for safety rea- an inner quality which cannot -be f.Ul- ate- fast hour, .so it took a little lougoe, I., ; l , .. . the RIC,A.F., are holidaying in Bay- . - extra ounce ,of flesh, was the 9 . -_ �"vi�.... . e sons—and this . way to social oblivion ,and getting �,IoT that last fact to sink,�n. When : � �: q'' SNAPSH OT UILD ' fleld:' I . � , in the midst of a cru- ly appraised. until the,bacon.is. cut in : �; I I - . ciaI struggle 4t Which the Japanese . r. In aiong on two meals 4 day helped pre7 �we did make theldiscover2I, . %.,., . ' . to slices for sale to the consume . � �.,We tea� . :� " . . , . I Mr. and Mrs,' Argo and little son ' ed what we had been mi;lang. jgovr :, �­ I I I have proved to be among the most the cas Of Wiltshire sides, which,are mach -too -thin figure. Diet- � i3' . A PICTURE OIARY . . I ,of Toronto, were guests over the week . . - . e . � � serve the S es, in cakes, ... -41 . ­ r, ...,:� . 67 vicious enemies of democracy., The not cut until they reach the retailer in , without the, advice of vL physi- we u e cereals . in pi . , �,�. � ". I 1. I . . -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. - , became, the smart thing to do in meat loaves And in cand . What I .., It � I I I � .=_ - I '.. .................. � Government bill, which does -not talie in England, Jt .is � only. fully revealed cian I that th Y . �,.z . . 11 1� . .. - _­ .. " . .�:�z� :i*zi�.?�i,':3,�§.`�: i:ii��i���"i��,':�i!i:ii�:ii�*%i,,':�iii��,..,�.- :: I "... . ­ - I r and bridge fable conversation 'r&Olv- is important too, is . ey actual- .i,� "?" _,.� `��,*fflmw­­ I I - ­ I � ..... ­..� : � ......... X..... ,7M`.0ii--',�'.2V away their votes, but prevents the when the retailer cuts the bacon fo , , " * - 3 '�M.1:-:.;.',*.. Mrs. Horner, of -Zurich, is the 6es ed around wa - . , ,�l,',."".*..-'�?,i,,�:.-�:����..�....",�;���.,*"i�i:�V�:',i�� .,.,. t ys,of getting along with ly improve Iflavour. Disbes made, with . , I i�.;.0-'-.",'_, �,.��.', ­.,!, :-1'.%:: franchise being ext�nded to them, the,British housewife. However,tb�ere . �,�Z� � .. . --- I—- ..... I ....... x-,;.:-�'­.,:`:ii�.iiL' i�.i�i���i-�.'.�-�i,,,�.:i:���.*:: of her daughter, Mrs. A. Inges. I almost no .food and still surviving. cereal have a lift to them and in ad- - ,11 . . i:.".." .,iiii�.,.,.ii�:i..',,�i�:�*-,.",.,i! ::,��:::,:"�. ,?,..,. : I ,.&��;,:i� carried by a big margin. are -general indicatibns of .this inner .12 ... , - ' �` .: ;;:;::;::;:'.,.�:; *::..'*.�.�r.:�: ­ ..". � ��-� ", . Fortunately for the race, this didn't dition they fortify those. fooils with i MR4 -I."."".,�,i�:���i"."."�::.:.. "... Mrs. Herd, of Stratford, and chil- I . -1 . ,11 l, i?-,'��l.':?��,i:�'.,�..,?*"�,-.-:��. ... ` ... ... ....... � I quality and a greai deal of what is last too long. -We, pranced along at health. giving qualities. , , :- -,----.3- ­­."'. : dren, werd week -end visitors with Mr. .0. . ,��,, : .......... .." I called good bacon today lacks those "a full . Science has been kind'to 48. Even "I . ',�.. ­­ ... � ................ �k;;. . I. a gay pace and then came to I ­`�,5*. --1-41_ I . I I I I :.1 :., - R'.:', �:.... ­�.� ,.,fsw and Mrs, M. Ellfett. I I finer charact6ristics which mark top stop. That is when we began -to get the best tasting foods may pall if eat- :-�,, I, I 11 -'**�,%":.".,::i:",�:�:.��:��.,*:i:�;.*,'�.:�:!,..*.,.,.��:",.,.,.,.*��,,'�:"::.,;.: ­i;.-g*,*,� : ........ Mr. and Mrs. D. Dignan, .of Hay, ity. " I � we weren't do-' en daily. So science has takm aw .1, 1) I .. . .......'... '� 'ii�*.�iiii "lii'aii, ng ourselves any good and thaw cereals, and turned them into several ,. , I .,;:::,-� ii:: More'" Soldiers q --i- smart. could se �,� I ..*-"i�iii�i� .. ... i*.,..i.r.!i..1.*i* � %�,'..::. .. ". ....., in company wItli. Mr. and Mrs.'-wm. � ; . . . . . . . , X ­ _�:� ..-.. I ., ' Bigh quality bacon production and I �-i 1� .. . ...... 11--.11.1.1 ... -,i, il.,W . of food, -so that -we - . ,�, 1181 . .­­ - .. ........... � "' ��i�i�l�i�l��]�!", �!��!. ,-.'�'�,-*i. Beek, of London, called Sunday on a - ply - Often we were,, doing ourselves actual different types � tl� . . . � ...".1 . To Get Leive,, �� . a large lard production Sim Can . -��-.', -f `� ... 11 , , ,..,.,.,?.,i.....i�.-...�.-if..;i�?".,.,.,��"".".,��i"-.,..', .I : , I 1� Il .. � , I -We can, � _,,fl - �.. i.__ 11 Miss M. Carroll at thle home of Mrs. lifirm. Instead of getting our ener y can rotate them for variety. , . . .�., .; .;. I .'i�i�i��iii��.'�..."�?.i� 1,-.F,�&�, , ;,,.., ..; - I fitted together. The q . "I *1 .I.........."..0 ` .. �'. lu A. ." � '.... . In?", 1--l.--."..".:..'.�,.":....,-. '. - from our food—as patulre intend6d—' have them with wheat, rice or, co M. . I . .. .. .. .. . . ;a ... :'d "*.".." I.- � Win. Hart � Aid' Farmers' no" reason to produce lard,,, It Is I , "AT, TVy;;;;;1:. ,:,;��.,-., I � we found it necessary to resort to and dnjoy them flaked, shredded, or I 'I . , on high quality .. - . , '1',, i. ii .. . . ' e to con6utrate ' '�' ...;!*! tim medicinal formulae for the healtlx- popped. If we, get temporaril bored '�",;',"I)i . ::,!,,...:.'.: - . . __ — More th-an 11,000 ,Soldiers in Can- I ­, �,M, . ... . '... 1 Ad , , "' " "I I - 11 I *11111" , It, I I_ ... I I r, "� �! Y"� 1�s � I - i,f I a& I I I :,:, -.11 leave do- bacon hogs. If we are to continue an giving constituents we should have' with one kind, we can switich �to anz , -,4-,,;j :.: . p .�:�,�%i: :­.::�-'i ,*.,��..',.'.,.,.,.,.,.,.,-'.,.,.,.,.,.,.,...............':,.,:! I , . ")4", ;,.% ,_.. I ada ure now on temporary .� ....,::, . MORRIS ... . ' '',#-A .;,... �j'.',i.;... ­.::� j.;.' I i -ing civilian work, and more ivill join annual export of 400,000,000 ,to '50(),- been getting from our meals. other just as good. - , . T 4 ' 000,000 pounds of bacon it is impera- But we did come to our senses. We learned our lesson well. We, � , 6:� . : : ,:::,.1 Miss Lela Agar, nurse-in-trainingat thein as soon as the demand for agri- -we save& by are � "".", . . --::.i,- 111111 tive that our bogs should grade at We found that the timd not likely again to take chanceS , i I," , , .". ..... ... Clinton Hospital, Spent Sunday with cultural labor reaches its peak be- a skipping breakfast didn't pay during with our health when there is no need - 111.', -,�",: ' . ;��.i�,.." 50 per ceni A grade, and I ,,,, :.: 'j; least , I . I - % ��`..,.*,,!:�I�li. 1. her.parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace tween August Ist and-, October Ist, the day. We found that If we ate a for it. I � �i � 11 __.. �:�:;:;: . 11 . . �. . . ��:�!:iiiff�� ...". �i,,`-'!i.. Agar, and family. . according to army authorities at Ot- large part of our hogs should h- � . . I � ".11", Ik...... I . . �' y ..,.�i:":.:....:�.:.:.�i��,'i-'�i ?111`i�� I something more than the bare quali- I ­ _i �iii��C".�,. :-'i',1,..*,,, I Mrs. William Brooks and daughter, tawa. . . � . . I I � I I'll . . . ::­ . I . A 4; - +I-+ Will iust let them I o ��, � :,:: I %., ;�: :. . I .. . � I of Toronto, spent a w days ,with V %cLennan The great majority of Soldiers re- ­ ­ �, 1. . I the grade. I ' :,.. ..... - : .. -.::;;i:::;:�:: :� . 1: ; -.--.;,.:.:: I . .1 . ff ... � . I .... Mr. and Mrs. Robe and ]eased tomporariiY from army duties I .. Pd�mers responded ' splendidly, to I . " . ... � I,* I :'­X,�,':::::::...'. . . . . . . "I ; I , . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , , , , - I ------ 14� . - I family. ' I to fill essential civillaiikjobs left vic- . , 'the call to Produce bacon to supply ... ;X 111111 . . - We were, sorry, to ,hearXing Hast- . ant by the shortage of civilian man- Great Britain and the armies over - I. I Activities around the home usually make interesting 9to-ey--telling pictures. 1, ings, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer l4ast- I . power,, go to the farms to help' dur- The upsurge of hog production I I yOA ever thought of, de- working in it—perhaps admiring .1 � ings, was killed In action in France. � We extend- our,,sympathy to Mt. and . � Ing the Seeding and. harvesting sea- , seas. w a' s possible - because - of plentiful � 11, ur snap- HA,v,Dt]@,.,g one �ectlon of YQ ' ud Album to pictures taken arou the first -tearly-season vegetables Lwhich have appeared. Mrs. Elmer Hastings and family. s6ne, The' policy of making soldier -farm- ' grain supplies. Now it is urgently necessary that thought should be giv- � shot I the home? It might be titledi "The Next, why don,t you show the Mr. and Mrs, Archie Parker and erz available, to work on farms dur- e n by farmers to bettering bog qual- it easoirs At The Smiths." And family getting the house ready !or son, of- Torontd, visited with her brO- iherg Ing the. rush seasons was inaugurat- ity by improved feeding methods. , ,Vour i right now --w4duld be an excellent the summer? Everything that hap-, and sfater-in-I&Y_Mr: Campbell ' ed'in its present form last year, when Every pound of available protein sup- - time to start .such a picture diary. . Pen ome-4rom bringinS . I +_ Robertson and Mr,44nd Mrs. Harvey � I- some 9,000 soldiers volunteered,for 'Or plements Should be ,' purchased and W. r [What better -time is the e to begin, the chairs Out onvi We —, obertsou and s us. I were assigned to LUIS service. Ihis mixed with grain feeds in order to I , I 1. 7 �', ��, I , ,.,".,�,kl i AtI 319 than this Stimulating sea- putting up the 'screen door and . M'r's. Cecil Griffith and sons, of total is expected to be exceeded this . I bring up the quality of our bacon. ­_ - - - .,,V.i�l . . - - 11 _ ��!,�.I, . , 1. I - of the year? I . washing windows—is suitable sub-, Brampton, visited for a. few days with year as"the supply of agricultural Ia- ' Our governments are offering in- ^ � . - . I I � ��y ,��,) I .- . '�,Zj�, , �gou now would such a.sect.ton b'� ban- ject matter for Snapshots. And It -continue to revealing her sister and brother-in-law, Mr, and . her becornes shorter due to Intensi- . ducements to farmers, by means of I YOU WILL LIKE � ' � - - '', ,,:".'IY� '. 1,�',,� . :��411',�� 1i odled? Welh I'd suggest that You a (few geae�hl views photograph you , I activities of that sort, you'll soon Mrs. Charles Bosnian and sons, 2nd 6. . I Lin" fled recruiting of, volunteers as casu- alty replacements for Canadian arm - premiums, to encourage., quality pro- ' . I I ' MONITOR 'THE CIBIL-IRUSTIAN SCIENCE - 1,151,11. . ,"i'k I -�ii�N,.� �, ;, ��_t j nee with -comnle . Ill start your the house_That W reate a broad picture Ot Your faln" c ' I We are sorry to hear , that Mr. Ise in action In Prince and Italy. d uctiou. The costs of protein Sup - i . An Infer-natioual Daily Nmspa,ber .. 11�,2�, , , I I ..�'? If . ,�,�,� .5.`;V�.�, 17 Of . g SFour 'home eollection by shoWin Ily's mode of life. , Finally, carry ihe project right 6A , , Cbirl'esi B. Forrest has -been sick and .� Th 4 army now has 7,600 home de- plements. are controlled - by ceiling prices. Their use will save Consider- I . . .. . . I for these four iinportalaf differences: I , . . .4 �,,%�1 " � . I 'JI(id ' to follow is and where the series . I . . . through -the geason�- Jot down Pie, has pneumonia and under the doc- fence'troops and 4,000 general ser- I able quantities of grains. Prom every " NO SENSATIONALISM—NO CRJMEI-140 ANIMOSITY . � � I, I �;'�� ,,,, ,',A� 1 .. �' ,!;`��i'�,,� , I ��,�Ijf% Ri . I . . ,taking place. -wise to ture, ideas as you �see them, or bet- for's care, And hope he Will Soon be,, vice troops on leave or on assigned I Standpoint the conditions are opPor- ' IT140ROUGH NEWS ANALYSIS BY EXPERTS, �, ,,� I 11�iI,A �; ,­'�_; '��11' ., -Next it would be a plan , the characters )ur cai�ftera ready for ter yet, have yc � . up and a,round again. � Miss' Isabel McKinnon, Kitchen- duty, doing civilian. work. These In- those leave, tune to make 'a great forward step , MORE 19XCLUSWE FOREIGN & ]DOMESTIC COV19RAM . I - ,.7:I ... �:,:,�:,�,I�;;, : - ,",01'. I I , � g". . . Introduce prl�cjpal going to detion and make the picture r Igut of elude I on compassionate In bog and bacon quality. fs _ CAR9WL CMCK ON NEWS FOR ACCURACY � 1 _11�110, i � I � In the picture story YO u,re tell. -Make a good informal portrait Away. It YOU t alto advaniago of 6,11 er, visited on Sunday with her par- ents, M.r: and Mis. Robert McKinnon, compassionate fakin leave, Indlistrlil 'leave, lumbering Wave, forestry , --*- I -1 . The Christian Sdenc* Publish�n# Soclotir . � 1'�,'-,,'/-�'irj�i,Xi, I , "'WM. � I,, ,,k.�.,!,. ,,!;I ,. "(.11"""'l, I or. every inember of the farally--in' Thou can turn bpportuniti6s you'll have, 4 your I truly s,nviable Collection of ! home on the,boundary. leave, 0al mining leave and sprtng� . I . Gay Spree, ends in , I 'One, 146rway Street, Ba$wfx 15, Ma"elibibm � . . I P $12400 a Year, or $1,00 a molith I ' . �,:?�,-X -�I� I . . ., � 2I6 . 11 ,,��I�"�',L-";004 11�,,,.­i,�, ,,�:�' , ,:�, ��J,;;"k"�, �, � cluding YOIV.sIelf. you to picturing, the pgpshots in your Picture 411917, Some of the farmers Ake busy out- leave, but the litibibers an anytbifig ' 'comparatively .1 0 . _*e Saturday lawoo, indu4ing Magaztitie 9"o)a, " a Yeiii 0 " 1, I ,4�, � I ] I'' 'A­�,,1:3,� ( . I your "uft attputioll, I home. , And, as Y40U make'these pletureso ting their oata and repoft a good but farm learO ,are I I ' 1. Sensible Eat Ing I . laftoduttdry ON", 6 Sitavday rub" 21 Cebu , ",4 ,,,'&,��!"� ", 'N;,',�s % - , . �Z,R,4,,�,:, '­"".".,,'�,,'�� , I ""m"A" tour oeAS096 at yOur your fam- be sure, to haVe extra, Prints madI6 . crop. . . small. . Z I ,NG1fte____ � . . ... ... -1F -:4", , �,�_"�­ . �... �.-e,��.���L,�,,,V',_ �_:.L'�". ..I , �, Z. ;,z, �,J '. . I '100i Itistano, this year a VictOi�' to Se'ncl to lf 'o uda ttud, t6litivIds'lli - f Mr. 9pende MMnnon, of the &0� . During, the li6t'als monthaj aMy Sometimes peopl� get 4- little too , �, . . � Add"-. I . . ,�. .1 -1 . I L,.4., I I.;" � :� ,:". . ,� , I I *0 Ily bas probsiblY i9tatted 9416 86ble 00tures"Of that, the'sovVice, I , " , , at London, spent the'week-end tioti;. . aut'hoiltles said 062e SO 060" men mart for their Own good and litakes 't'b I �.L. ;, . .." �, � � -�-.Vr.io1"_"__ _. I II, 4.."_".­�­.Wa16. '. -E I'll, _ " .11: _A:.�� mmiii 6W OW - : , �, 'I" .Ow&ji, the100t 'of the i9allY I Aar .1 I 3,OA Ivan cfoll his. Parents, Mr. ind, MrA. AoK hi4�e ,been AUA,�rjed­5;606 a wantl.% am a while to.tome baek' to their , !�*, ;,,�4,"[.''t, '­­, � 1; "I ,,,', " -1 , � �, ow, .&,i"- - ­ ­ --.1 ,- .�'! I I 1,.1.1W 09.4111 I;- " �� I II,,,�,�,6` �, �""'-,.��',I�`�'�,1'�' I '. �, " ,,, , " '� * � � � , f "I " . �*i* Dad and I " - , ­ 11 ­­ ­ 11. .. ­ ­ � . . . � -;;� . - . moxitmoil"'it-bluevaie. - - � -46f Wbbin. 7,004446 boine d6fened sensesI; TW,s, In iL'vij, In W'hat. hal� . , , "' ­,F'J'��'�'L, "I". �1, P I a I L"', ., . ; , , . . � � i I ,,, . " I I '.., " I , "" _. I ­� " - I., ,,, j, I ',�- ­'­'. -,7" �_'� . ", :: ", , , I '�:, ,, , I �'� I ,,� _ 6_ . � . . I .1111. I � � � I I � � 11 . � I I ." . I . . �;, I I I . I . . . � . . . . . I . . I I , -� . 1. , �,'.�, , � %. ". �'.,� 1,,'-IV.:::I1f1, ,�, .. 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