HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1944-07-28, Page 2I'l P. I 1'�, 1'�, ., 4�,��J V%''�,%', . ", . " . �, , -1 I,., . ! :, '' " ., . I " 1, �:, ,�% , , � ;:,� 1" , ,�,'�, , , , i 'i , , ;i � I : "., I , ,� � ��, I� " � � . , z � y : , ; : , , ", , . , i., .111, ,�,,j� I, � A'.�, � 1, ,� [�51t,'�,7, , - , "I..- ',-.1---, � 'U.� I � I, 7 1: � 11 .1 " "'� , 1; , , , � , ,�-.�,;-,,,,,,,�,� ,�: �F ". `--i:: ,. I, , , , �. , � , '�,, 1. � .; I , .1 "'. I :�l, I , ; ,� �� 'N,�­J �­,� ii: -I " " , � " �'�:j'�,�:�l',�,"I��!,����,,����, �:�,��!��,'��!,:�j:��',�',�����!,����,,,,,����,:,:;�,�i,'�'!!!'�j,'���',��:,,.�.!,"�,-',,�,��.����".,:�!��.��,�,��,.�,,ll.�,������� .;��. � ��,��:`���'­��p;�",�I ,ii- ­,�;­­ � I�!',,Nc�, j, �',,�,5�11i�,�. ,� I -�, ,:i," 0;��,��::�;,�,�n . 1--l''. . 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"I I I., I, I , , , A ... �.� ''. �'.�,:�,��:j!����,��.��:�";":i����,;�":,�:P��:�, ""'" " , i� ,uio�,04-."�,�"""��,���E�'�"X; .., � ,,, ­',''Ifi ..... -.4 1 ;��?� �'.� . , � . I 11 I ....... 111�, , , -, I Iiiiii ....... "": ­ 11r-- � R. I . .11 11; �i - ­�,I, 1 ,�, . , " . p' I 1; �� �­ , V-, '�­ ­ � ( - I � I � � I I "I '-'.,.'� �:��','�"] ,,,. �;�,.qe,,., ,,,,,,, ,h;"- t ') .,.,. -0 � ... - ­ ,,pu %,',� .,�;,'.,,��,j,,,��,,, "t' �, . ,� , � , I . ... , I" 11 1,$ ',- ".-H �� ,V -?� I 11 ,?� ,?� ,?� ,?� , , I , I � , - IV . this day - adling on, tj-i, , reputa- , -� " i �, lalo T I a A I %�kl --,, .X, k = ,?� , ,�,�i���'�,,�",��!,����,,�'.:��,,��',',',"..,,;�,�r�",',,,�,-,,'���;�,:���,,��'ll� -, ,,,,,.,, ,?,�,�J,',! , � 11. 1P 0%.,�',Q ,� ,.*' , , - � !�-�'w -`P 1, e .0 , , . by tr , , tir 1 - - , ,,, "I".1 I I ," 1; ,!� A " ,,,�,%,�,�",' ".... I , , I,*,,'-' , ,.� !�"VA , I � ,101P 1 4 ,. � . I � I,' -,­ � I I.I.-i I ''Vib, 41000 . I . — 117� 1. �.:�� . � 7��, ` �. . , �4:­'­:;`­;��, �i�,�,,.,!�!I­t,�,�,� , ­ t, 11 " i. � , 1. - I !'',I �.. � 1114� ��;,�"­;� -4'' � I., , 0 Y � , . I . I -----, -- ,,4,�:�,i��,,�� " .."'. I, I �lf!'�,,�,�,'�,,��i;���.,',����',,�� � , if a h4tf centuryago- . 17 ,:� 11; � I :�.�,,��,��������,!."�,,,,�i:;!,?,��il',c'��',,',��:���5,',� , I : 1,41 ', �*-'­, %01'1401 ad ', , -a I . . , , I I� 1 11 , "'; , ',',�,,,i��;,:�,'�,,��,',,,���., 11 '010 V�X r -tion 9 I � t ,� , ,Lea0t V-4110, �. -,,. . , ,. Ipte,�ptlng Ile trom - "�. � 7"'0,,'11' !:, I— � 1, I .11. I I I '; �� ,`,t,-�:�:I�;�, ,, t�- - � �, -,r _ , "' . ,. , . Mg'vicii;� ;� w - . , . .1 17 ,!� : . 1. !. �, I ; r, ,,��I� �� I'll, ­�t�r , . . - . I. ... ... - ­ --- --- .... 11 I ";, , � I�I ''... .. I . . I � .: -, � � I - 11. I � I , "'! I 'P, r'.". , , , i . , ,q " � , 1�­Rlt 1,; -1, -�T'*J I .. ' . Va r , . , � ,- ,'�;, I1111111 " I I L, . I "�',�,�!',�;".�,�,,"�����,,,,'�,'�,,���i���,.ill���,.��'���,,�;, shod,at *,A­-&tk40,nt4r1o1 ev� But any agrieu b tal's clety that Tli,s .7'�',.Postto,� -9t fifty' and 7 : V­ ;��i:',�,,��;,,�, �t ­­ , .... ­ �, ��, 11 , -, �� 1. . '­�, '' ':":­..,. . n 11 ..� ­'.�, . �,� ... I . , I ­', ­ , : �, I ! 7, ,.., , �. 11111­1�.,' �� � 1. ��,`,`,� . . ,::. �'­",�'N� 17!t7�.­71'�' :I ­� 1.� '!�,­k�� 7, F,,�� : , "�',"!."�.",;�:�,�,�",�,i'�,��,','�',,,,,�,)'�'!-,,,�,,�,,',,','��,', - ' ' oars ' .. 7 . ­ I . - - �,I-��,j',;,��,, �,,,,', ,., on by WLean makes a,,,study' ot its community , , t;i,nty­Ave y Ago. I 777 , � . I I , � ,� ,: �� -, ** T #w-400., Afte:mo I I I ' ` . . I . ��.�,,�""".,�,!",�!�""�14',,�'��..,�F,i�:;"�!'�'�,"��,-��!',"4��.',"l,q:,;� '�­­ I , .. 11.- - t 1. . ' d 4' 'd . f � . . I - , �� " . I -are and energetically I I I never fail to be .4stoWishe =1 'breath and it lack,01. the dell. �. . . I' -%�,Z:, ". . � I needs an*d welf 1 11-'1----�-�-------44 , ....; ... v. . " �,:.:!­��, I. ­ - ,,",,�"""���',��,�,�",��'�,�"i���""����i�""��,;�."",;,",��::�"'��'I �' , "Sm - I . . fascinated by approaching rain. dii o oud 861114 04toberl6b, Ouslhes.� -, I I!. 1�,.�­y'­­.­, �-,,� �: I k..; Of our Arst vlsitor..,T� talped a �,��,, N,.'.�� :41'I.. -;I . ..... .,.,',,:­ . 4i',�, . I �. I. . � ­" � " , .,�,�All.�i�",�",i'�,"',I��;�9;;��'�,�".', "I "I. I ,,I .... I .1, "", 11 I I ,,, I � . . acts upon the resulUs of ' thAt study ' . -the windows in their � . � ''' .1. .1 . % � �16`:�,�, I From The Huron Expositor course I don't mean the grey showers and rattled � - "I � . ,1.'�4:;�j�, �!�,i'�,N�;,!��7'.�, " - - I . Mr.,Narry McCall -UM, who fox somo, , ,�,,,,, �. - � ay, July 28 1944 ac ew years-, will dull day, loose, frames, and sent the book , of autumn that aoqae up on- a, . I I , ,��i',,,,-,il�,�"",�,�,,����i��i�,'�,�,,i�,,�,,-.,�,ill!��,�.���,-�,�,,,,f.�, 11814AF I I . wut any of - the- Bho - � ,� ORTH, Frid 7 . August 8, 1,919 . ,,­,,I�',!,,�'J" ` .,,i�, ­­­­­­ 1. . ­ ­ ­ . .11 I .wgianship OL spraw1jug on -the 11 oi and b1eW­!L11Q -mpuths'llao.-eper-a-itecl- a �butpbar'bust- , ' ,"�,'���,�4�,�l""�;���,L,I"�';",", 'WILUK 9 , ,0,�I�i%� '� L ' '. ' —­­ ' � ; . I grow and prosper immeasurably. - ' hip was -won . i,;I, ,-, I ,,,,t.� � � 1. _ I Thi3FSaaforih ,scholars ers of the ch' �1',�IcTIII�,,I:lv " . Mother Nature, used with such effect ,feathg­..-, ickens up until they I'�,��,�,'f.,�,,,Yl,','��f,�',,�, ,,, , . ,,, , . . ii�ss- in Brussels und4i� the name of I,.'-" ,,�V -, . ce of . that. in I a , . Maep a .. �;,,'�,��',',�,"!,,,,'�.��,�,�,l�,�,!�i"', '-­ by Miss Eileen Toward, ,and" the co.un- ;"I ,J,4, I — I In Germang on a hot July day. looked like miniatre:pe cocks with ,onald, h,a disposed, Of the, 1k ,�,;,,�o,,.��,,)�,,,'.��.T..'�";�,l��,,,�,��� . . . I � ty Scholarship by Mr. Hall Farnham, It was hot . ., . with that -stillness dull plumage. #,'Was gbhe:thea, and I" , ��",'I�g",q",;�,�,�l,'�,�',��"�,"�-"���*,�", , one or t.W,o centres right here in., " , b 0, !I- 1:I,W N,�,A,�,.;I, ­ , T finding'their way-out , . I ­ SA l,'Hullett, in the recent entrance of West when a steady scorching blast while farmers pulled barn doo-1-s clos- ,business to Mr-Will%m Tucker, wit - , . , . � �g.V�,I,P;­­ � . . 1 I li� . , - .. ho rumors . ' ' - ' it ifor Mr.,. MaCil.- " M, � I bben operatilig I I .i,.I�'�.,��,�4��"!;,��t�.,.,�,-"I . . all living ad and women took screens t, n a I .. . � Weste*rn Ontario, and the Seaforth ` exa'mivations. Ifi tb�e public school seeing to have --paralyzed 41 , ,,��(t��, 1,1',',� � , . any, in recept days, are -closer together, lum. Mr. TApker is a. former Wi49- I �,J;�� .�, r of Germ od in the shade the chickens huddled. .. , �-R).Ry. , ,­`,� - " I ;., ', � . . ' . Society, will, With continued study there were 22 who wrote', -and all pass- things� The cows sto I �%;� 5�,;""�Ii�,�,-.-. ,ny and varied and how much re- . . I a horses a few scattered drops of rain came. fism man.­J�Blyth.�$;taudard. - . � i ?"Wil. 11;;,Ii�� � ,�,., I ma I I Y ' ad. Mr. A. A. Naylor has been here of the pasture. trees a - nd th ' # , . . I li,;�nce - �0 . ' a edge of the down. I . 1. I '. .1 �Ng `,.`�f,�'�,;",�,` . and susthined-, aqtiq and enterprise, down at th .. p crowded ,jr��,",@',,.! -can be placed on them, is a —, for seven years and never has had a' , . " ti�,-ki,WNMI�-��11 �- . . . � 1 sw4mp and the pigs plastered with We relaxed and Waited, and the Falls From 1,9g,d I I t1l"le.,T �'� L � � w I.; . be added to that number. f ailur"e. . . stopped comi g. Tho . ", �. 4 q, $I'll� t quest -ion. This, 4,oWever, we do soon . Ril IiR,: `1, =00 .: .. mud �lay in the wallow from the over- raindrops n � ,��, I &�Z � �%"' I . ' � i. " ­­ - - Mv,ff". � out three o'clock S Mr. Win. Bieber, of the 3rd concep qp ''I'll. I - flow at the watering tro gh. Tl1q. . 11, 1111.R f "�, II �� . 0 Ab uAdAy. in flowers'that' had mom6ntarlly lifted � � 'I. " , - ;Y, lalow: That an attempt was made orn U a � j"..", . , , -�- ing last Mr. W. J. Duncan, who lives Llhickens strolled lazily in the shady t4eir -drooping heads, relaxed again. gion, Hay, Y-,9wnship,--�vIJt,.be Indispos- �,;; , . . i P11". , pon Hitler's life by high leaders in Free Trade Oi Protection nearly opposite the .Creamery, on orchard pLnd the cat with One py*e on -The' grass, all ready for- a*pleasant ad for some ,ffeeks, being laid up with I .. I - �I . U -eq was quiet sohking, -seemed duller than ever. ,,orae fractur��d ribs and an Injured ,4k , � — 'questions in I , Main Street, discovered that building the robin in the maple ti I I I ; 'I", - �" . I the regular. German army. That One of the greatest Wag MQther Nature fooling us? . . , I I V, � . . ; .. ". �, ..;;. . . . - to be on fire. It is, one,,of the, best oil the veranda, The curtains hung Then the brilliant crooked ,splotch_ ankle sustained whj�n he fell while, . � ..... . . Hitler esca:ped and immediately en post-war days will- be the qVestion of i ..in- unloading a load -o i ' "' � . . .. I. equipped plants in the county; and straight in front of the screalaed. .w f liay in.the barn. ' 4 --t!�­� g began dancl I ::::::: ,!.,,,�. gaged less blood purge trade. And out of it will arise the the,., proprietors are Messrs. Barber & dows . . . and all men and all things as of lightnin .ng a Ong He �p of the load and was. , . .111, I. ­- -I � malconte, 7' - % how -that trade is Johnston. . . seemed to be in '�ilent subplicatio - n the 'rim of- the horizofi. Mother Na- when the 1i , '111 " i� ­ Of Tits in the army and -that controver§k as f . . . . -waiting for iavin. ture was pdtting on the grand show. pulling the bay fork back . ��� P1.1,`- �` of t, I V"11111 11.t� t: , ... ' ' �. Miss Jean Hays, own, has been Suddenly a hot little zephyr danc- The sky artillery flashed and �oon rope broke and -he toppled over onto U W�'. . 0 UI "I to �be created an& inaintaine rez., 311, Hitler and his garig �.,re still ,in con- .. `Cck I d----�by eng'ged as teacher for S.S. No. 9, �d down our valley . . . rustling the 'the. dull boom Of thunder rolled in the barn floor. � -1 "I -1 - Mr. Beiber is a heavy �� a I � "". . . .. 11��, " �,.!�,­ . . trol of Germany. ' I . . Free'Tra& or,,by'Protective Tariffs. I McKillop, for the coming year. Miss hot dry leaves and sending little ear-splitting crespQndos across thE� man and he was badly shak'en up and . I I . ..­ I - * I . ��, 1� - . How 'much that control has been Speaking on this question, Sir Wit- I Ella 'Turnbull -has accepted a school whirling eddies of dust along the land. The dried-up sky was not go sustained a few cuts. -He was attend- ,,4,�*, , . I I 0 �Y' 0 g to release rain without a strug- ' . .,,-'I;,. , I I .1 at Burk's'Falls, anq Miss Olive 'Ran- road. It h pped and skipped a.nd tug- in I ed by Dr. Fletcher 4of,Exeter, and an i ' 011�31: . 1, weakened by the Junker Generals liam '' Beveridge, . the g B � . ad at the'window curtains and spill- gle. The earth, brightened, and man -Dr. R ston revealed a 0 ,�­- - I Lkin has accepted one at Bridgebtirg. 9 X-ray by oal '... !I.:, remains to,be seen. It would ap- economist, in his b ok on tariff * ad the leaves of an,,op4n book on a and the creatures of the ehrth"stood . �;� "�­ ­­ . Still 0 - , s says: ' Mr. D. J. O'Reilly, of MdKillop, de- ' this demon-' J�ilacture in the left ankle. - Zurich A W, . - ' veranda table in merry confusion. It still to watch with -awe � I �'� ", . ,� ... I 1; . pear, however, that although'the up- "The tariff "grows like a snowball. livered 'at. Seaforth -on ThursdaY to was gone and the - world seemed the stration of the might of the un-, Herald. I . I � � . , ' . I 'I, . I .1 I . 311":, successful at thp - For- as against the clear sectional Mr. Peter O'Sullivan, A,he well-known .. Freak Ducks 1� ', I'� rising was -not same, and yet we had had our warn- known. , �r,,, ... , � And ,then, the rain came . . . spill- ".' I . buyer, seven hogs which weighed Ing. The hot worried face of the m I.,. momerit,dt- has had the result of. gains, the��-advantage of free trade. ... .1,750 pounds. ' . . .. earth looking up to the sky wIth' Ing out is the millions 6f sk Mrs. Rolly Marks, Grey ToWnsh�p, V I . �i ,� , I I I I n fi t, 4- I ."; � splitting ... the German nation wide op- is usually less obvious and more A -delightful evening was spent at -pleading seemed to see something and from the lightning. opened up.. The reports havi 9 ve freak ducks abou -� � I 1. .. witli two mo� d. Tvy�' of the ducks, ­­­ p , I A I . . the home of Mrs. Hotham, Staffa, reflect it. The sky darkened and the earth soaked u ,greedily, singing ths ol 11 ..'. � en. Likewise, it has, heartened the thinly spxead. . . . 'child, not know- delight f ' aving . foot webbed and. the otther , % .. when a, reception was held in honor earth like 'a ;grateful. rom the sheer joy of b, have one'v I - 4i't . I. Allies and the people in all the'Allied. "Once,admitted in principle or for I are its face washed by the mightiest ate- foot not ,�ebbod. The. other three: � ' .. 1. Ing what to say when wishes A .,;;�. . . � I of, Cpl. Robert Drake's homecoming ' �..t� I . 1. " . granted, was embarrassed. I ments, and when the first sheer orgy have feet I not web-, 1. % n . I There was deathly hushed silence had passed the rain settled down in- IV 6 th ... ducks are' perfect. , " I . countries ,a d, perhaps more, the -one case, protection spreads through from overseas. I ,,like hens, thq,t is I . "I i, I I . .. . people in the countries that Germany a succession of victories won by con- - , Misses Calista and Elizabeth ma- then ... and suddenly another seph- to, a pleasant little tession of music bed, . Otherwis a I. k . . . ' -Brussels. Post. . I ,4. . ­ I I I. -, .. . lone have returned to Hamilton after yx, -a bearer of glad tidings came that dripped with the most pleasing I I I a �:,� has.bverrun and -enslaved. centrated, organized sectional inter-, , I. 1. I J �, 1. I ­ .1 . . a. pleasant visit in Beachwood. rushing along. I This one had a cool tone!3 that. man I , could possibly hear. I Fill Through. Chute . � it 'dispersed unorganized g�n- , ;1 1, But the war, however much as , . ests. over Mr. William Rae, barrister of Ed- . . . . . 1. � - . , �: I ----- I * 16 1 - 1, 1,�­ have been sh 'd by the hap- mouton, has been spending a couple 1. I Mr-- , i�, 1. .. may ortene erat'interest&" , . I I I Carl Hewitt, aged 16, son ,'Of I . ' opinion . . � and Mrs. Pe g % lr",�,, , . . of weeks' holidays at his old home rcy H6witt,'of town, is. �� , I gs in Germany, is not over yet. , There 'is a very general. in McKillop. # i ill in Victoria Hospital, London,' su - I, I— � . I I 4 . I I 11 . . can JUST � A SMILE OR TWO* I �,��,� I I., � � . or 'lacki LY leaders and arms, , �' possibly, in Sgt. James A. Gordon, - who has 0 0 fering from serious, injuries received * . ", ­1*I` 0 . . , .P I 119 . held in Canada, and . � 0 . . . W;, � , German people, regardless - of - adoption of been doing clerical work in connec- . .1 I I :�­, I other countries, that the � � I . . � in an accident at the Canadian ,Can- . .... I . . tion with the army training camp, at "How did Jimmy get on in n n i we6k. ' , �5 - .� ty thi r coun- - ... I I � I their war weariness, or their hatred free'tra'de ... s or any'6the ' The discouraged owner of a small Aiinoe: ers Thursday after oon of las . I � 4 , i�' . - . . Regina for the,past year, spent a few coffee shop in Ohio gave up the ghost his history exam?" Carl was .at the top of the pea -straw .. - I � . ":1 . ny ! . , I . ,,,� � of Hitler be expected to add a . tryi,d6perids entirely-f6r its success - . 1, 'No Mother. "Not very well, but it sticker ' M,,;.z �'. . I . � . days With- Mr. and Mrs. A, Gordon. and placed a,s,ign on the door: ' , . and a6cidentally fell through. I . . ..'III_;; '. I . I I , . � .contribution -to a speedy termination upon its being adopted by, 'other He.leaves, shortly. to resume his form- coffee, ho sugar, no help, no Oil, no ' wasn't his fault. They asked him the chute to the stack� -and glancing ' I ""'.; 1. . . . . I er position as accountant in the Bank heat, no profit.­Jf� yod want a square things that happened before the poor off from the Stack fell abo�t 56 feet �o, . ..... � - . 1. 11� I � of hostilitieg. countries. But that belief, Bever I , 1. I I - . . . I , . `,,� I of ConYwerce at Watson, Sask. meal, join the,army." . to the ground. He was 'badly bruised I �,� . I Knowing what is in.store for them, . idge says, "represents complete mis- A .e4ception in honor of theI-return. . 0 . . 0 . and shaken up. . He was removed. to,-, ' .... I I . I I . � I I � .... ' 1 �* . . � � I il � . Hitlerand his supporters can be. de- understanding. of the nature of in-. ad soldiers at present connected .with The slergeaut was equipping a: re . "I'm sorry, old man, but I make it his home and on Friday was taken im ,,i",% . , .. 1. . . . 11" I . . I � -where,, 0 .I 1. 133 ". The trousers a rule never to lend money. It rut an ambulance ,to the hospita . O' fight ta the bitter ,the Egniondville Presbyterian Church crjuit with a unifbrm. I . X��, w . � pended upon t ternational -trade and the working of I I ; . . ' ' I.. "?, " I . 7), , . Was beld on Tuesday evening, JUIY fitted perfectly, the coat might have friendship." X-rays revealed a broken back, frac- I � I , . f the - 1;",:,, " .� His -, army is still a powerful, ; i 11,,� � , . end, tariffs. I 29th, and was presided over by Rev. been made for'him and the cap was , "But why. let that bother you? We tured hip and three fractures'o . ... I , . I I., ,,,, -I ' never were what you might call wonr pelvis bone. He will be laid up for a I '.,� I I I machine and"his supplies as yet, are say: "Gail S. McLean and the address was'giv- Just right. I . - # .. 1 . . V . I .. - %,t �� � I ... � I.. . . ' "Man alive!" cried the sergeant, derfully good friends, were we?" -Exeter Times -,Ad-, �11 . ample., Hitler's days may be number- % , through, freezing imports from taxa- an by Capt. E. W. Edwards. The sol- . .'17, I number of ,weeks. I 1.111� . r ' - dier I s' families who received gifts "you must be deformed," .1 . 0 vocate. . � . a ,51��.,,I I O' I tion does not depend on I war . a the families of Andrew Archi- . ' . 0 Blake: "Don't you think it a good , I . ,�,;I;� , i ... but, unfortunately, the numbe ' other c6un . . ILI, , . I. - ',.�: . has hot been hung up yet, - I � ' Exeter Churches Receive Bequer.ts ii ill� , - - . . . tries doing the same.. For other coun- ibald, George Weiland and Win. Hart, Father: "So you',ve been fighting idea to rate all cars according to J &..... .., . substantial en- tries � to tax our exports to them is and. the following 'soldiers: John Van again, hav I you go to their horsepower?". " ' 11, �'. 1. I There is, however, I Three Exeter churqhes have receiv- ... '1'1�. I I . . ' . " Egmond, Lieut. McMurray -Lieut. bed Without supper, Young man." "Not as good as rating all & . ,�,11' ­ I . .muragement in the w6r. ds of Mr. an. in ury to us and an obstacle. to' Drake: ad word frdi,h;the Public Trustee at P, , . i a roat Paul Freddy: "Ali right, dad; I've only drivers. accordin to their horse Toronto that they are beneficiaries- 10t�' .. . . I . 119 OF � ", '. Chtirchill on his return from Norm- I trade. For us to tax their exports Doig, Gordon McKay, Roy, Mason, got two tedth left anyhow." sense." 1. . on . .. ­ � I . I . .. in -the will -of an Exeter old boy, the, 1. 1� , . . 1. I ., I � andy. over the week--6nd, when he to us is not a correction of that in -w Kenneth McKay,, Hector- Chesney, ' I . I I . I late HorhceL� ' ,r.,wood' ... 1;�, . - 11 . ' . ... . ... r .... 11HR I I. of Torqnto, f �­ Ben Joh,,tn, Charles Riley, Lieut. I 11. .,..� &aid: "There are g1*ave.si,gns of t is just a separate, addition- . 1 .9 . . . .1 . . -- � I and will re6eive the handsome sum . ,, � ,� . I jury ; i . . Wallace Archibald , William' Kerr . � ! I I . �',­­ , ., . ' - ­ . f 4� of $1,000 each. Mr. F. W. Gladman,4I. i . �­ . weakness in Germany, and the war al obstacle to trade. By allowing free' 0 . . 1-1, I � 1 , . . , George ,Brunner .Q Robert McKen- solicitor, is exe,putor of the will, wbich� . .� e , �; I I 0 - 'I, � might come --to, an ,end earlier than impbrts, we allow'competition to de- zie. 11 . 0 Hu on F deratio'n 0 - l , I - I � � I I I � . I- was. recently -probated, � and the ' money � .11 I - 1 77- . I . ,� , a . 0 1 a course of a I I �� ­��: . . I right to say. I . t I r get most .. � . w ,,� will be paid o-ier iw th !!,., 1. we have a I I termine wha& goods, we car I 1. = will I ., '. I . : 1. . From The Huron Expositor ee Agriculture-'Fa`rmNews *0 few weeks. The stipulates that I - I . ` i4- . I , . 0 -l" . cheaply by making them ourselves, I August 3, 1894 . . , . .1. 11 - I I - $1,000 be paid' to the churches of Exe- '. .��I 1, � - - It I . . -- - W"`!` ter, vik: the Presbyteriq -- . I 11": . 1. � Exterminate The Rats , I and,what.. goods we can get mos 'The new tile and brickyard at Wal- .. ,,R, the Angli: .,.--. - ", . . l I I i ' , I , � ' '' 1'�, -, .- 1 $ heaply by making something else to ton has made its first idelivery, and ,I ' Churches. Mr. Harw6od spent -his- ," ' .% ­ Across,,Canada in recent Months, c . Over 200 Farm Commando Units pi�achine or any ,equipment used ' in can , I - I I t ''I I . I 11. I � I . .�I sell abroad.in exchange f or them'. the output is pronounced first class, . Now Operating . connection ' therewith, to another early days -in Exeter, at one time be- . � . . 11,-� �.! ... . an . Alarming note, has been sounded I being clean, white, and hard. I . or before travelli I I any ing. employed at ,the James -Pickard --V- . ", . "If other countries are taxing Over two hundred cities, towns and farm, ' I %�, I I I � �.. Among those staying at,the Com- I ' ' V,have now store. After leaving h,ere- he was for 111.1". . over the amazingincrease in,,our rat, . . villages in Ontari organ- public roadway, clean or cause the ... , di - ' thoroughly both many years a commercial traveller in ' ,j ' I . . . .. . .Population in recent years. The -', what we sell them, the resulting. is mercial Hotel in Bayheld are:" Mrs. en. same to be cleaned , %. I ­ . . ized Farm Coinma�ndo Brigades to ' ' ' . ' I . I tater­.His mother w�as, . I, T', I � Western Pro-iinces' efitirel' :free of tribution of our capital and labor I Campbell, Norman,and Douilits Camp- list volunteer workers to, a�sist In the inside and out, by the remoyal of all the United S . ,.,�, 11 . I I . . . 9 , Y � . . dustries will not be bell,, Miss Fergus ,Campbell, Misses harvest . Ing of,O-ntario crops this-yearl- seeds and other crop refuse." - twice married., the second,time being. 4 . � . 1;. . . this plague until now, are,being*bad- I 1 among various in . Jessie and BeHa Bethune, Miss wedded to the late James Picl�ard. H& ' 1, I. . I according to a �report'from Alex Mae- A threshing machine which has'not r . . , ., I ,... I I I ly infested, whil e* the increase in On- ,, quite the same andmot quite so pro- Yq�ug, Miss BroaVfoot*, Miss Duncan, Laren, Director -of the. OntariO-Farm been cjeanbd before it is moved will had a younger brothe, , Edmund, of' 1i . .1.1 . . ­ . fitable as if - other countries also al- Reginald -Wilson, Harold Broadfoot, Service F . � carry weed seeds on to clean lanes, Tormito, recently deceased, and they' , . ". tario is becoming alarming. � ' ' lorce. In addition, many of ' '"'( I . . 1� I hesney and son and Mr. and -es a warm spot 'in their , 1. I . I � 'ault, of bourse, . be- lowed free imports. But it will be Mrs.. C ,,the smaller municipalities are setting , roadsid and neighboring farms, always had - . There . . ., � �.i It is our oWn f McMichael, all of Seaforth mix! occur and hearts f9r the old home town. - "I".." . . . . . table than if, by taxing Mrs. ' up a splendid record of bro-vidingpart .ng of. varieties will . - 4 11, � . . I more profi , is a memorial window to Mr. and . �i I . cause we have never planned any or- , Mr. Louis Reinke, of Egmondville, time farm help without the formal or- smut' andu, other' seed : borne -diseases I I ,­ . � "I imports - ourselves, we forced,. our- has purchased the hQuse and lot near will bp �carrltyd, from farm to farm.. Mrs. Harwood in the James St."Unit- �"'.�.,, . ganized drive to rid ourselves -of this, � . �.. I ganization, of a Farm Commando � . . � -Exeter Tim I es -Advocate. . � I "�� � . . . I . selves to -do and make things for the, chui�ch'frorn Mr. John Chesney. Co, I Farmers are urged I not to risk con- ad Chiqrch. . I . , � mmittee. I ,�z, -1, ,,, � 'I, !1. mwU destructive force against our. . . The families of Messrs. A. Bans- tamination�of farms and crops by per- . . ,".. . ' whkh we were less fitted rather than Mr. Maci-area says he is ,reatly im- I Dr. 'Shaw Celebrates Birthday, .� .6 .1 * 1''. real -- estate and our food pools,, as ' laugh, G' E. Henderson, .J. A. Jack- pressed,by the i'ecognition on the, part uOtting a� threshing machine to enter . . . . .. . - .. � Z" . . I things for which we were most .fit-, go. and I . . I , 1i . . Donald McIntyre are cam67 of urban people of the necessity of the farm gate in an 'unclean cond-i- - -atulations are extended to Dr. I :­, : well as one of the . most potential 1 . Congi ' # 11 I 1�1 . I ted." I - iifg at Bayfield, near Jowett's Point. giving I the farmers all the assistance 'tion.' When engaging your thresher, J, ' W. Shaw, who celebra,ted his birth- ,,, .1 threats against the "general health ' Messrs. D. Donovan, R. Winter, Jr., ,�ossible irf h year s ' e "I, -1-11.1-1 In other words, Sir Williampoints andling this' I insist that 1he 'machine .AT�d­ equip- day on Sunday, July 2'�rd, Dr., Shaw I �. ". of "our population that -this,couiltry ' ,and W. Cudmore left on Wednesday A large amount Of.m I medi- i t I hate and hearty',' keeping a. .." I . � "'. I I out the established fact, thaf free splendid crops. .,ent ,be thoroughly cleaned .m S Si I arest in. his medical .1 practice- 4 � I harbors� We have just taken the for Liverpool, with a cargo of cattle' hell) was volutitarily provided in bar- ately after the--previouS job has been keen int i - �1111 I I . - enefits any country that John Turner, Stephen Lamb and lv�sting the h Tge hay crops but the completed. Weed Inspectors 'have For many years Dr. Shaw, has main-.- i �11.. eces ' been advised to contact every thresh- � �% �I ,, - � that must, -be I I I ,�z I . . adopts it, regardless of what other Alexander Davidson also ,left ,..,on. a needs during it1he next three months I . tained a, vigorous interest in that � I , i .. I ' - ' ,� I I, I , endured, rather,fhan" cured. ' countries ma do. The hist' trip to the old land., for the harvesting of grain,' roots, er regarding this matter and thresh- health of Clhit6n and community, ,�:,� - . ly . Mr. Andrew Sutherland has gone - ers Ate urged to' co-operate in this and is a familiar and beloved visitor � I'iI,­ . -apparently, tP vegetables and fruit will be so great . I , I 1, o,l I I .'But thisTroVince has, Canada bears out this. contention. Thedfo,rd, where he will take charge that a critical situation may devel p nr m f weed control. in many homes. - Clinton News -Re - 4,111 awakened at last to the fact that the - ' 0 . . I t I . I * * * I cord. ., ' . � 1,4 !'Io 11 Our greatest prosperity, as well as of the post office there. unless greater numbers of volunt�ers � I- I. t . � . I �t� rat population has first to be check- During the -past week Bell �ele- I I . ' ii��,. . . . I our greatest - expansion years, have come forwkr,d to take part in the Pasture Improvement Project is �� Fractur�cf Arm in Twv Pfic:ew, I , . I ., . ed' and then gradually exterminat- I been those of -a low 'tariff go,'Vern- I 'Phones have been placed in the rest- 'battle of the land army., Especldlly. , I I 11 I I , ILI��,, I I Yl ---.1 - dances of James Archibald and A. large numbers of helperswill be need- I - under Way � . � I � ill ". I ' incal- I. I '. " ,ed.. Otherwise, we will suffer ment. . � H. Ingrain, and in the' Dorraneg & ed'to harvest the tomato, corn The permanent Pasture Improve- When .she fell on the, terrace 6e-. � it, � � . . and 1�1�11 . I I ment project which has been under. tween her home and that of J� W. .;�'. I culative material losses and run in- � I 0 Hargan livery stable. A .,?., fruit crops,. which are greatly in ex- ' Robeit Currie frac- 'k - �,�` " caleuliable risks to' public health. . 1. I Nearly every other man has'bought cess. of last year. Men and women, taken; this year by the ,Ontario De- McKibbon's, Mrs �,`-,,�� , . . l I ..­..­..Ctaarette Shibs ' . a new top buggy, a sure sign of hard boys ind girls, can help by giving partment 6i'Agriculture, in co-op�,a� 'tured her right 'arm in, two places,, - . I .. - . . IN,!, . Wehave noticed in recent weeks � � . I tion with the Ontario -Crop Improve- dislocated her shoulder, injured her, . 11 I , A short time ago a munition ship times, if not this year, some. other one or two days a week, or even ­ '. I ... � , leg,and was oth,erwise shaken up,. She- .. ,, I �,� . I . � that from widely. divergent towns � year in the near future, as they take their �pare afternoons and evenings, ment Association and its Count'� and 4 . I'Y, 1. and cities in,O)dtario, have come're- on San Francispo, Bay was blown up 4 great deal of the farmer's District Associations, ' promises to was taken to Winghaih Generat Hos-- I" I . ,,,� . I I ee - , .- � ­�:".. .1 by an explosion, bringing. death to , from the farm. .. time or by devoting their two or thr have far-reaching effects. Sponsored pital,wbere the fractures were redhc� * I'll, �'; ­ :­ I- p�rts of. action, being taken to cope - I weeks' holidays to healthful and She is -still confined to the has- 1'.�.­ . th . . . -a property by the Department as the result'of a e& I I M 250 people and causing Prancis' McCulla, James Mann, Win, patriotic work on the farms -of On - 6 ' . Warnings ' 4 ,�," . resolution from the Board of Direc- pitfil, but is progressing as well as ,,�;. � . , - Hudie, Wm. Selmon add Th,os. Walsh , I vn th6 rat invasion. ' ­ xcess of $5,000,000. tario. Urban citizens ate urged ,to. ' ... � ­ people e tors of the Crop Improvement g�� pan be expected for. a woman of her I't., I have been issued and . very- of McKillop, have all built brick rest- register at once with, their own Farm A - . ,,�, . . � . i- I Now authorities claim that 4oth- odiation, the project met with a grat- age. She. is 83 years old—Wingliam, ; �!, s � �� 1, .1 1; - E � I . where have beefi asked to co-Iop0rate � --"n�aes that would be" a credit to any Commando Brigade or to -commutil- . I . ,�,­ . i ' 1pg else but carelessness could 'bAve. city. 1, I . .. ifying. response from �arm6rg all over Advance -Times. ... t li,", , arm . , , 11 ,by makina their - bu a-lding rat proof, Cate either with 'the, Ontario F . . . I-_ I I ,.- 1 4 -t:, - Service Force, Parliament Buildings, Nurse Goes To Okiah9ma I � I � caused, this devastating explosion, On Tuesday Mr. Fred Stewart, of the Province and it has beeii under- lt,�­: , , v Farquilar, cut a 16�acre field %of oats . ;, IQ., and by ,taking .evei- pf6caution with taken In every counly In Ontario and - k,li��;i'; . ' and unofficAally it is stated that a Or 'their neara�t National Selectiv-e I 0 g,�,� ...... :" , -, " I for Mr. Cameron.in eight hours. Service Office. . . every district in Northern Ontario ex- ,' miss Margaret Drummond, Re&K,, .� ".- � ti"'N i; I � , the dis,]�bsal of all refuse. mate.h,or cigarette might have beet! , ce.pt one. Tha total number of co- on the�staff of Westminster Hospital,, '9,1"'i%­:� ' On Friday afternoon Mr. A. Card- * * * ;1 ,%, - "'I ,,,I'- ,.� ­ I I .. .. . It is, something that vitally con - V!1 ;�?,tf � . �, " V, . the'eause, but with no survivors the no, Sr., .had.the misfortune to faill Fiegistration of Threshing Machines Operating farmers is 198 and the to- London and'daughter of Mr. andMrg. ,,, M , , I 0., � "'. - . . " :�,,�Vri,.�t',,,(��-­ , cerns every citizen in. every town and I / tal acreage in- the pasture de' I , . - . I ��- r­,�- � I . a ver be known. - from an apple tree, breaking a bone X. '.,�11 I - . . . . Is Discontinued' mOn- John.,DrumWond, Bornholm, left. for.- � -, I . I I I :­II,;1i­, ,,,� . in his foot. , 'It is not necessary for. the owner stration plot5 is 8451/2 acres. the 'south on Thursday accompalay.1il, : ?,�,.` ` village, and is,of equal vital concern le I . . In spite of all, ,precautions by tl I I - I I ,.g -11 ,;",�, I . , ' miss' collie left on Tuesday for, ,Under the regulations govel-ning a patient who is a member of tbet � 41 1 � .1 ,�t. ,,4" . . to every one lilt the country districts smoking or operator of a threshing machine, the ' � ., " . - - authoritids, the offence ,of Calumet, 'Mich., having been called � Droject, each O-Operatingi farmetf d.W:A.C., to her home inTulsa, O.k1ta-: ' , I � � � ,.�� ,'I I .1i. I, � " 1. . . I And. on the'farm& - 'For that reason - . i At telegram from.her including a combination machine, is required, to"sow a 111111imum Of 3 homa.-Mitebell Advocate. . 4 iI 1.1�111 on munition ships continues "as is 11 ­­",:,� � . clover huller, bean thresher or -bar- - . I . B .evidenced'by the fact that twe vaster combine to register it this year Improved pasture mixture,, seed for Shorthorns, Shipped to Kentuqky 4 ,,� ��j,j��:" ,I1 I erlydii should be given to the ,oard :irity. brother, who had his leg c;uihe� by imuM Of .5 acres to ail I . . I., , . I I I ,� 11 1�, ,'I" . 1 fl,��",:% a. larib .mass 'of metal. before starting threshing op'erations, I L ,�� the failing of 11.1 ,11'i�7 ,,,, . . . " "' 1111`1,(,­%,�,'�;i,'� t� df, the Syeaf orth Agricultural Society . persons have been sentenced for On Monday evening last a large whibb. .was supplied free -by the On- ' . ,.�.�,,�l-,:,�;-,;"",��,,',,., ,'':� . �%;,Riilt,i I",'''.,. � ' I . it is anfiounc6d by John D. McLeod, tario Department ,of Agriculture. The ., If �­YI�4%�� that has. organized arat drive. in cons. . sm indnitiorr ships since number of . Seventeen head of Shorthorn-c4ttle, , . ,�S? "7"I".1 '1-:,, I oking, ow the young people of Varna 0 1'g.(',�f,,,,,p,­ I I Dlr6ctoi� Of -the Crops, seeds and I 11"'I.Vle-,­1� ; .1 I # � I , ,. . -ei.r other agr 'April last in California. Similar con- burch su�tprlsed Mr,'Kerrin .1 - , !�, t ­ 1 ,;h6q i'with th icultural English C Department also -Supplied 'sufficlent ,particularly fine' 4ecimens, ten of � .1 . I . ,lot " � I .�, I . . 1. WVeo-ds Branch Ontario Deparilla0ft 4-12�6 -fertilizer to be',appl,ied'to each them from the fariji -of W. A. Culbert, , 4 , 1, � ... . in the mids � I- . , I 'ti . . vietions have been made' jr-New t Of hig­ #'Ccking, at Bay., ' - ­. I I-ae vities. ­ ,i, g6.',by taking literal poa, of Agiculture. The sections :of th(� demonstration Plot at tie rate of goo 4th concession, Ashfield; two from the , I " . 11 I . field Parsona , . Ontario Weed Control Act which Pre . � poUnds,be I r acre. The grass mi-xture neighboring -farm of Opville Free and I .1 �: - I- - , ". � I. W��,Jcjiow, of rio way that an Agri- ' , YQA, Boston and other p0'rts where ted viously Made suich 'rIegittration com IT, � ��,, - . I . , y . � �',� ,� I , I , I "I session of the hOuse. The" pragau " , , "� ,,, .� I # 4 ' ­ itl S � - , i6ft � * ' - cail w - munition ships are loaded daily.'- provided tor,g,eodlng. at,the five from the herd of Ephriam Snell, � ,�', 1� " I 11:, 7 I , - , , ­ " , 'Ir I . odety. in, -111100. Puls6ry;;were,rescInd,' supplied , �. , Ake itself " Well ,4'111­,'­',.,��t,��,, : �, 1 I I I I . him and his `WN With a , -1 -11.11 I 1. . I � 41 I . ad by -YatW--6f-'2t­p6V- --fW-7159-7— I " 41, I , ". ,, `-, �': - I , � Vurse, - ' . I I I M9 a acre iffi� -wh�osw-farM-I-s located --on ... No -,-4 high-- � , '', " 1 $ 6, � a , lunity thAn by - But, apparently, these efforts will , -Legipiafian -At' . I .. 4:,�," �% �, ;',' �, ­:� �`,' # �cmnn . . ". '' : ' " It, . I .� i . hurst, who ipdosed,by the .Odtario I : Was madel,up As Mllowg rk I oro, were shipped : ,� , , lt� wel� . ,of .00h1§01 11:81944 �gesglon. I : Pa fand Way, near Londesb' ,�:��,,i:��;�j�;'��.'�,!,'­' i�; Will, �;,� . ;,,7 "', �i My. C. B. ladffi, . j�,Q � �'��O. ,; . . A te has been* attollAing the -London ,r-ol. I ard ara linton to,'L. Ried, ' i .111, I ',-I,,, It ­ % I he� colutflu have. to bd doubled. Th.re i's a rule brobie � Ms.; Orch '' ss,. 4 lbs.;. Wednesday from C I " - . M­� � . .. .... �,�,���:i��,,����f�%.����..�;""a � ol � , , , �� .. '',( . . I'A `g I - ,c oll'yoreed, �hat . st6r6d a 6we, - 006ndfixg - ,of I g� I - Alfalfa, 8 Ib -q.; Timothy 4'lb8,'; meg� abig,stockbreeder of,near'Parfs ken, 1. 1. , R,, ,�,�, , , � �', I I . . ilt. I 11 ', loglitte In, tito,f".O, :!to 't L691�jatfdn , with respect 1:6 the I r�.",i"`*1114� �, ,�,�,,,��,�,,'.,�,'�"!,�,�:��.��,,",,,',��"I f, � " oor.�gg, I ,In � b see ,, Atri,tly O,rgL and L �t,','�- .','�,�,,'�'Ni���l�j�;"�l�.",�1,1'��,,.�',:L,�l',:'�,.' 11, . I.- ­,:,­006";.,� It �1 . � . ,,",� � ,,�j I 01, *1 , " I, blehXlfitr the thtin�lh mdnlit6 ' ' ' b �1111Z,,II�5� Z�T�,,,­,', . � 1,1�, �., , � ,,� , "' i . '. - I 1� . I I utdb,.'2 - , it , , I � 'I I , , I , I I � - L I � ; I ; � � �, I ��`1111 . , 1. L"", I I � I A i i , "-I �11 I I .11 I F1411, , I t . � I I L . 11 I � ; I I ; iI t I I ` 10 'I , I .. ,. ., - , " W -114A � doi� Vesdue S., IN.: , I"."'MI-.111 !L" .�. . � - 'It.44'a-provell I , ewhi,16 , lils-holld ; White tacky. mr, ,Iu�t V�hblwfy � 4igitdd, � I"Ill'-, �� - - qys� �­ ... ' vbw� 1; I , - - It I :1 ot, Sit .. , I I frg;.,�Iii "�I��',l ,,��i��'. - �1. IN " �iWfi, Ay,n 6k . . ' , '.�,,,,,,�,�,��l,,,'�ll:,�,�"1!1,�, , , other' wakmeti m, ­ . I � and. 044tti0indht ,Wforo th,6vtnoj,� r,2;''Z'1i:, -, ik`:�' '1&1,�'11, -,"I, i ,,,, 1. - It A - :, . . " , . I , . %lbs, Xeutd0ty BlUe,,.f'�Jb�.; Cariadsi a ew-WI)&-g ago, - '' , . 11� ,,I 1,1-,�, ,ei;4�, . 1h, �11�­ ""1117", �, I ".I . I. 11, I . . Alligh. d6uni� � f '' , , . ,�&Jjd-, � �VO I ,I . I., .1.11'', �w . ,; ",.'�, , , - ow", .1 --1-11---:-,. ,1-.-.---,,,. ,;;. , " ,I ��".Or,,. ,;. �, I `,r!",!;�'; I ", ;!` I., ly"��'����,���,����,�'�",",If�,; �., - Witt"Ift, -k ,�,�, 9 , I I -equ - �wi, rewdlig it, th-d .W��ed I., - �, , , 1, if i,;� ,,, " k2%, . I I . on, With' mr.l.."'Prod. , .. , , , - "'i I """t, , ­'. , "i`11 ., - 'i"! . , .1 I 141"r 14� A, - 'it wak, an& this'shoula appli ,W-.- , -:::,:�,,,, . I evbr,,� ". . , .46�,6�' ;H� I %, I " t , ''Y , � 'bWO: �fb Ot�f$'24,$$­ ft&'06fli �p6r I T ' 0 gut ,,�I , -. '' I , I L. I ". . � L' . - ti�i 11*11� .k 1: I I . .. .". . a . �,L'1' I I " 4 , ,, . " , , , t , I I ;, I � . e,��Uf,4� , ! 0 I':1:-, ,,!, � 0&i I r.." 1, , '06,69 Ana , �1, �� I,:Ia " � - I "'. 11 , . " , 4tl& 1&f� 11"h1l" 11 -�"iso,f'6f4�196i!io.fb,is6edwi#,,� I ", � ­ , li, ", ", �. � �. , , ,�� " I�A . . I , �- �, . , - -1 I - I I �'r''. , '' �ur,al rep ­., I 9� ,:1:, �,� 1TM' - - 16 a; � In- I 4 br .0 , � � . 80t;Vafy -or , ,% M* , ,, t i -, � � i. � . . f � , ,:1:, , ,:I �'L'�.,,�,��,�.��,�,,,��.,.,�,,��, " i" r�-, �,�', ,I,.,, I . dftio��`4"V�&`��Jt' J."g, 11 � ­� �', "' 6 , , $ � "�. `�'I�';''�!­:,,� 1" �,� ,��ti�,�;��!,,,,�,�'A`�! f � j �&�:"',.�', , I P ly .11 f� .41 I , 1, . IN I- .% .'', � , ,, uliff , �,w�t . less , :1 r, for, agriqu 1 ,",',�.�,,,, . " ,!�,, , , � , ", "', L,4n . I 0 R t I � I.. 11, , - ; �i 11 ... 1 ;."'1111, L �., - I .., , , , I 16# ."', A , ""' " . 11, 'I ,�..)%',Iio . . , ; 1.11 1.11 - , W970Y q .0 V ky ­ 00 Urpbk 406 � I., 11 I . .,!' � 4 6 !, r.l".,,.,,,,1,7,,,",Y,"4�,,�,'�'L.,,,", I I , I 1. I I ­ � I I �, , 2i`,�; ,�, �, ",.�.I,,�",��.,�. I � I , , �� '� "i", P " AW�Wljbilll:, .", A � I , I 't .. I I-. � . �,JL.­ �& ­ I I I I I., [I � , ,,, � ;1 ,,t! .'� , . ., " �'L ... �� j'J6001 , , , to "404-080 A d gare ­ �%. o'. 600 � of' hao �614", ', 1, t ,- 'a, d. I ­­­­ I :1 I � , . - ", � - " 4 t ­� I mua,f -tio,' -­'bd W1 dd ' . � 1, : ., 4 1111.61� - ,tA qui`te i , I �0 t � '"W�1�1 ­:,�,�ki� I,;I�!!!, ,, 20 io I �, . �' — I I ��, ,�l .� �­ P 01,� , !I 1 '. I . i : �,�Iv','T'a­ . . . ". ,�� I . ; 6$ftpift � 1, I I I , I � , � I X, ­L, I '�,J,,­,,���!J�L' 40,ity - I V , I . I " - I ,,J,L' _ - I ,:.,IJ,L' , atattf , th'at: At I li 6''i il�. , I 11.11 111- I '0 A -11 �,-, f , ,j ��Ibko I , Alft ioplW, Mg., -� All i�:id : �, �'; . -," . .1. �I !'� j. ­,'! - 14M. "' 1'�IWPWINV Asd,1h&,,d%kdo- '�-N' I, 1� Alft V0 big, �s .11"i d1!b.:01,1­ L", 1:.i ­i;,V '' I 11, 'L Im , . .. 11 1, ,-"I"': �',�,"., L,'�'�­ I` F MAIM Ir,�",I,,�'l-l".,"Lll,".I,,,�i�� 'i­�; ,�­, ,. 4�', 1 . 'IF, 1; , ,!., ��v­;1,1�111­­ .,�..�Ii, �.. . , ,i;�� , . " I � I 1. � . ;:', �,:, , , ,,� ':e - I �'L� ��.'�! ,,i'� ,."�, � 10101111 d'' *.�'*A'4` , "'.q, �, �', ­ "I, " ,i� ", , .1, , -, �, , , . L, � 11 L I: � 'i, T,­'�,.:�`, �.i 4�;, , ". �., , " ,:",I, `�,�, �, 066�0"W l�,, � t:� �­ ,, :,11 ., I., Z, :111";��,l .',"'.'�,I�",��,,. -,p ,, " 1�1,,,I 1�1, ", ... . ... ," , ,,,, I , "" I � I . 1, � ­:: , ,­­ ., '' , - .,:;,:�,�, ,� , ; I "I, ­�, � ��' . YI �4,­. " , I, ,V ,,, � ,, I - " � 7 , .- ,,, � ,., ;,;1 I � J� . . I.;" I IL,�"­;141­' J,e P i�4 �611, �. � ...... !:,�,',, .j`­,�' � 11 , ,­ ­,C,,.,i­ 41;- �. , ",�,; , 1� � . ' ' ,,,,�,,- �i­ ; I I : " .,,,,,,J�j,��,"­­ . , I, " , i .� �,.� ; � ,,� " ',,, 1,,,,,:,,;,,�""r,111. 40"A'.1, -I, 1111111�1 I'll � �, �,i-'I�,,,,. ;­'I�,, . "" � � � 0 . 1"',�, ­ , , ��, , ,;� (� �� , *,']��,!�� ,., .,,,�.��,;� .i� I I:"'L!:�J' ' ' � 'q,?'. 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