HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1944-07-21, Page 410 III • 41.1+ANtal 1,4,44.4.6114 4404,44444 lainon4 4111:41i• . • •. P'§§441r' t;aa, f .*' dOriiVith. 'OriFiter, Anha4 NUM% .Pefete Pa.; turning to his bene in Thatnesford.• "rf tk • .r. e.,,..,,,;,,::,,,,A.,, ,:' ,..,14seTtOd At New 1,40w gash Rates: le,,, mkt, 044,41,.:01.004 ia,,,,,,,,,, Etc-1cr Word; let •; ' ,0,, 444-, fl "t 4 e., 4.. . 4 ... ".". I, CePi • , , r wo, • ,'• 4'1. •• • Rye ... • 4 . .. • ,.i. • a t Qe.t . . 1,...4,... 2. Oen* AttFklIfk4s, MAIldai *$ tshlma.s1440/4 CPUnti$ ail OM WOW', 1,,t14 1101110Ziarn tiotkon,=4. cent pr word. Minimum. 50 cents per week. 'I:40 'tear Wdirootod to a Idea Nurabe, The Enron Esposito; for 10 cents extra. esti 4 additional per week WIN bi charged id ads in above class are bat paid by the rday:night in the week In whtek the ad was run. :4 .Marklatges and Deaths bisected fire, $ dtarxe.. *ion, Salea,,I Nations• to Creditors. Eto,-4datre. on aPpliostioa. , , '. • Property For Sale . In Memoriam y • •tgial FOR SA14.11-1".00DERN 6-ROOM- "eti blouse ii Egmertadville, on IlighwaY- , oPoabs mid garage.APP1ST to MRS, E. E. Ma-e- n:MPH. R. R. 3, Goderich. 3996x2 ••••••••••••••••••••• Lost and Found QS'P*-IF ANY ONE HAS SEEN OR TE,sR- en my• tricycle, will you please bring it back, as you know I cannot get another until 'the war is over. RONALD MASON. 3997x1: Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED TRNDERS WILL BE RECEIVEL- FOR hpainting and decorating the auditorium Chiselhurst United Church. Tenders to be opened on August 2ind. For particulars of this contract, apply ANGUS ROBERTSON. ,Sec.-Treas.„ R. R. 2, Kippen, Ont. 3997-2 TN LOVING 1101lMORY OF 'Mr DARLING -• sister, Margaret Mulcahy, who diecl ui Oakland, California, July 22, 1943. A first anniversary requiem high masa will be offer- ed for the repose of her soul Saturday morn- ing, July 22nd, at St. James' Church, Sea - forth. -HER DEVOTED SISTER, JOSIE. Births EiRYANS-In Scott Memorial Hospital, on July 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Bryans,. Hlytih, a daughter. KENNY -In Scott Memorial Hospital, on July 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kenny, Sea - forth, a daughter. CAMPBELb--In Scott Memorial Hospital, on July 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Camp- bell, McKiilop, a son_ McNAUGIITON-In Seott Memorial Flostoital, on Saturday, July 15th, to kir. and Mrs. James McNaughton knee Hazel Smillie). of Tuckersroith, a. daughter. Deaths Wanted • TATANTED TO BUY -OLD HORSES AND dead ai.htle for mink fee& If dead, {phone at once. FRED GILBERT, 908 r 22, or JACK .GILBERT, 908 r 21, Clinton Cen- tral, Phone Ic011ect. 3996x1-tf WANTED APPI,SOATIONS ARE REQUESTED FROM residents of the County of Huron for the Position of County Constable for the County ef Huron. The successful applicant will be stationed in the Village of Myth. All applications -to be made to the SELEC- TIVE SERVICE, Goderich, Ontario, by 12 'o'clock noon on the 5th day of August. All applicants will be required to appear in person at the Court Home, Goderich, •Cont., at 8.00 p.m on Tuesday, August 8th. Authorized for insertion in The Huron Ex- positor, Seaforth, Ont. D. L Westbrook, N.S.S. Officer. 8997-2 Personals', A,STAMA SUFFERERS - ENJOY GOOD aa night's sleep, ,without coughing, choking. Mrs- F. Dixon, 22 Shelby Ave., Hamilton, says: "I was a great sufferer of asthma and brorehitis and tried everything I heard of to Ino avall, until had a talk With Mr. Howey -and his medicine toroved eratisfactiory in every way. I am happy to say my asthma is gone • and I am doing my own work again. Free information -,!write F. L. HOWEY, 144 Cath- erine Street Sbuth, Hamilton. 8995x4 For Sale • FOR qeLE-ICE REFRIGERATOR, IN good reRr. Sea. to BEATi•Lh'S Sc to ,,,potz SALE -90 CORDS OF 14 -INCH STOVE *1- wood for sale. Apply to ALEX SPAT. R. R. 1, Bayfield, Out. 39974 VOR SALE - 300 HYBRID -PULLETS. ,•Light, Sussex and New Hamgehire, ready to lay. AlSo,pure bred Durham heifer due to calve middle of August. Apply ELGIN NOT.T. Phone 847 r5 Seaforth. • 3997x1 OR SALE-MdCORMICK-DEERING BIN-' a der, 6 -foot eat, nearly new. JOSEPH RILEY. Phone 841 r 6, Seaforth. 3997-1 Notices MOTICE—THE SEAFORTD PUBLIC vary -win -be- closed from July Slat to August" 15th. GRETA THOMPSON, Lib- rarian_ 3997-2 "EIRA_NK FLNNIGAN, YOUR RAWLEIGH a Dealer, on Louisa Street, Seaforth, has a line of products at the house. PHONE 58-W. 3985x26 marnar,-WILLIAM -BRADSHAW, YOUR / Watitilita dealer, and also agent ler E., D. Smith & Son's fruit and ornamental nursery stock, Market Street, Seaford', Out. Pbene so. 3973-tf NOTICE • Tow-nship of McKillop mills IS TO IvOin.""Z THE PUBLIC WHO a own tractors with spade lugs: .bbat they are forbidden to travel on the -roads of the Township of McKillop "without road rims. Anyone Sliming the above. instructions WV be prosecuted to tate fullest,. by the Highway Act - By order of McKillop CouniL WILLIAM J. MANLEY, Road autoetiotendent. 8997-2 Farms For Sale • WARM FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE NEAR -•• Walton - One hundred acres frame louse; bank baro; drilled well, windmill; water in stable, maintains large stock con- tinuo:14Y. Will exellarage for larger farm, or house in city or town LESTER REGAN, R.R. 2, Blyth, Ont. 3905x3 TURK FOR SALE -100 ACRES, 5 MILES a south of Seaforth and one mile east, Lot 7, Concession 8, Tuckersmith; 1 mile from • sebeoL Large bank' barn; good brink Ronne; bon bowie and pig pen; well fenced and drained. Plenty of water. Posseseion given November1944. Apply to J. W. FREE, • Seaferrth. 3990-tf • Auction Sales EXECUTOR'S SALE OF HOUSE, AND ItOtabniOLD PutiNITUR:E, ETC. %NEL HAROLD, JACKSON RAS RECEIVED instructions from the Executor of the • Estate of Mary nab:obi, deceased, to sell Int pnbli auntion at her late residence, Gode- rich Street, Seaforth, on Wednesday, July 1.044,-tt L30', o'cloek: BOUSBROV0 CONTENTS -8 -piece parlor sage; a rtiemnrg chairs: 6 cane bottom -chant ; •'1 wicker ^-am. chair; 1 occasitteal chair; 1 • drop teat, table: 1. hall mitror; 1 Viotrola ; noverail moall tables; 1 _floor lamp; a-pinoe 'bedroom suite; 1 ofttele.ltett-; 1 dreaser: 1 coal , itook iyboiver; oil boater; 1 stroll heater; 1 "tri stiveirisr artite; 1 lawn mower,./ana many • Other. household attleJea. ' battle cottage, well ed,: • oifuat- • Terme con Ohattelettitsh, 'jean*, toil "Rea Estitte•-40% deposit, and, ' bighted in aa,SaYa. Subleet'to a refertre bid. ltfatIOLD MOICSON, 1.attetioneer. . • ' P., tifIESNOit Clerk. ai96-2 Thito vott Azaw ant nnt McQU,A_RRIE-In Seaforth, on Wednesday, July 19th, Wilhelmina Toms, widow of the late James McQuarrie, in her 84th year. UMBACH-At her home, 39 Raymond Ave., Toronto, Sunday, July 9th, Rhoda Mae Maxwell, beloved wife of Farm Umbach, dear mother of Jane and John, daughter of Mrs. Maud Maxwell and the late Thee. Maxwell, Rested at the above address until 11 a.m., Wednesday. Service in Wm. Speer's Funeral Chapel, Wednesday afternoon, 3 o'clock. Interment Prospect Cemetery. BAYFIEL1(‘ The annual bingo, sponsored by the Red Cross,,„will be held on the Square on Wednesday evening, July 26th. Good prizes will be given. S.O. Margaret Fergusbn, of the R. C.A.F., Guelph, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr: and Mrs. Wm. L. Ferguson. ' Mr. H. R. McKay who spent the past few years at Sky Harbor, re- turned 'home last week Mr, McKay is a veteran of the last war. Miss Ruby Fisher, of Kitchener, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Edwards. James Dewar, of the R.C.N., is spending his holidays with his par- ents, Mr. and ;Mrs. David Dewar, Miss Elva Dewar, of Toronto, is spending her holidays at her home. Mrs. Larkin and daughter, Helen Larkin, of Toronto, are spending some holidays with Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Dowson. Dr. Wes. W. Heard, wife and son, having spent..the .past two weeks at their cottage, left for theinahome in California this week. The many friends of Mr. Harry Darrow will be sorryto hear he is ill in Goderich hospital, and hope for his speedy recovery. Mrs. Pierce has moved into her comfortable cottage on Louisa) Street, and is a welcome citizen to the vil- lage. WINTHROP The W.A., and W.M.Sl will hold their meeting at the home of Mrs. William Church on Wednesday after- noon, July ,26th, Mrs. °Allan Ross, the .temperance secretary, will have charge of the topic, The Helping Hand Mission Band :held their' July meeting and annual picnic. on Friday last. The meeting opened with Hymn 613 and Rosie Axtmaa read the sciipture lesson. The offering was received and Mrs. J. Hogg told the story. Hymn 623 was sung and the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. The lunch of sandwiches! and cookies was held on the church lawn. • Will Hold Unveiling Service An unveiling service. will be held in Cavan Church, Vt'iathrop, on Sun - 'day, July 23rd, at 10 a.m., when Rev. W. J. Patton will read the names of the bays and girls who have enlisted in the .services, Red Crass Meets . ,‘f;i2.6 TIJ-Cif-EitSMITIEU The Crick reunion will be. held at the Lions Park, $eaforth, on Wednes- day, July nth: weisewesswasas IVIcKILLOP N. McCauley, who has been assist- ing Thomas Kirkby with the haying, was hurriedly called to his wife's bedside at Brussels Tuesday night, when she took a severe heart attack. Mrs. McCauley is still under the doc- tor's care. The Red Cross unit met in the hall Tuesday 'afternoon. The ladies of Walton unit were well repreSented, also a few from Seaforth branch, Stventy ladies were present. A pro- gram opened by singing "0 Canada," followed by prayer by Mrs. R. .Mc- Farlane; a few words of welcome by the president, Mrs. Eaton; readings by Mrs. R. Bolton; solos by Mrs. Wm. Montgomery. After the collection was taken, Mrs. E. H. Close, presi- dent of Seaforth Red Cross, address- ed the units, which was very, inter- esting. Mrs. Toll spoke a few words of appreciation, and the program clos- ed by singing "God Save the King." Mrs. Frank Johnston presided at the piano. Tickets were sold on a mat and Wayne McMichael was asked to make the ,draW. Mrs. Bert Anderson held the lucky ticket. ..The sale of bazaar articles and borne baking took place and everything was sold. Four quilts were quilted by the ladies •pres- ent. • We thank all those who helped - make the afternoon a success. Cavan Church Sunday school will hold a picnic at Lions Parli, Seaforth, on Tharsday, July 27th. Sports of races and goatee will take Made. Please bring' itittchViches, tarts and cookies.. Ityverybodr welcome. Ihijoy a fetv, bents With the kiddia. • , -Miss Margaret Moirtgotnery • It Spending it feta dais at bane. •be4Ore CROMARTY At -the time of writing Rev. Mr. MacWilliams is not much improved. We hope to see him around soen again in ,his usual health. Mrs. James Scott . is at present spending a week at Bruce Beach, at Mr. MeKay's cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison, of Fullar- ton, visited an Sunday with: Mr. and Mrs. John Seott of the village. Mrs. McIntosh and Mr. Ram6ay and family motored to Acton and visited with Rev. Mr. Bennie for a few days. Rev. Mr. Risdon, of the Staffa Unit- ed Church, occupied the pulpit here on Sunday last. Personals: Rev. R. G. MacKay and Mrs. MacKay, of the Presbyterian Manse, Woodbridge, with Mr. and Mrs. James Scott, Sr.; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Lamb, Grenfell, Sask., with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl; Mks. Davis, Ingersoll, with Mr. and Mrs. Ott Walker and family; .Ross Macdonald with his grandparents,. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Brussels; Dorothy Kemp, Mit- chell, with Mrs. Houghton and fam- ily. • On the advice of his doctor, Roy McCulloch has abandoned his Crom- arty blacksmith shop for farm life, but with some attention to smithy work, at his home, near the old resi- dence of Mrs. McCulloch. Conse- quently to the regret of the village residents, and the Cromarty congre- gation of the Presbyterian Church, the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Culloch and their family will be in the vicinity of Roys United Church where they will attend. USBORNE Hodgert Reunion The Hodgert clan held their 19th annual reunion at Queen's Park, Strat- ford, on Wednesday, July 12th, with about 75 guests present, coming from Dunnville, Port Hope, Toronto, Exe- ter, Hensall, Chiselhurst and Russel - dale. Despite a heavy rain at the noon hour the day was enjoyed by all. The officers for the coming year. are as follows; President, John Hodgert; secretary, Campbell Dow; treasurer, John Bray; sports committee, Foster Bray; Ken liodgert and Milton Hod- gert; tahle"committee, Mrs. J. Madge, Mrs. 3. Hodgert, Mrs. H. Lawrence, and Mrs. Hart. The races were as follows: Children under 6 ye rs, Tara- ‘ my Bray, Kenneth Clark, b ys, 6 to 7 years, Keith Coates, David w; boys, 8 to 9 years, .Keith Madge, Douglas Colquimun; girls, 8 to 9 years, La- belle Coward, Kathryn Bray;' girls, 10 to 11 years, Margaret Bray, Wil- ma Coates; girls, 12 to 13 years, Ber- nice Dining, Agnes Bray; single lad- ies, 1VIarion Hodgert, Shirley Coates; single men, Reg. Hodgert, Ross Hod- gert; married ladies ,waiting race, Mrs. W. Coates, Mrs. Charles Hocli get; married men's running race, Gordon Hodgert, Foster Bray; clothes pin, race, Reg. 'Hodgert, Mac Hod- gert; ladies' slipper -kicking contest, EI:sie Bray, Maida Richard; gents' slipper -kicking contest, James Hod- gert, Foster Bray; ladies threading macaroni contest, Mrg. R. Clarke, Marjory Richard; special tug-of-war, Keith Coates, Tommy Bray; distance guessing contest, Elsie Bray) Mrs. Roy. Coward; dropping clothes pin in jar, Mrs. Charles Hodgert, Bernice Dilling. Council Meets 00.04% LO et ilteZq ljetieW C91.107*.14.,* "rate•''1!..?0qe.eA,44 '14!s taw this a**0: on thiki0444,19:01,L§41,11 ad 0.41,04,401e/it*. , born* TOIYASOP fOr • Sar..PtiT'40-444.044,o Neny 1944. and 0.'„'Mi3.400ratel,t4ti VAC! rate wielt;1141 4/0Mi 00/011Pg' his fOrlottgh bylaw wheh',40Mitted..t9 )tio etninellj 71-th wife agua 10,441y, • pou Tittlegitute reqnwited !that they ;Mrs, Pred Beer, acopparad be Jail:matt fitp,. to date OV, Vie! name J uhte.Elal4 and se; .To. •of the eriZed sigamS..01010, from spent Friday and SatardaY in Landon, this township ins matters reInting to Mrs. Horning and sons,'of Palmer - the location of 'telephone gales On. the aton, are 'h.olidaYing with her aunts, roadsides. I wa moved by 'Fisher -MiSs K. Scott, Mrs, C. Ballantyne and and Bunca,n, that the bylaw bta amend- Mrs., P: Graham, ed to make the road ,superintendent, Mr. Joseph Hagan left lait week for W, J. Routly, the signing offiCiel, and Langdon, N.D.,. to visit with his bro- that the Bell Telephone Company be ther, John Hagan, who recently had so advised. •Carried. a soil killed in action oversew/. Joe A delegation gonsisting of W. H. expects to be away for three weeks. Hodgson and Mr. Cowan, of The (1.4447 • One of _eleven children of a widoW- eral Accident Assurance CompanY, ed mother, Mrs: Roy Mohring,, of tervi,ewed the Council re renewal of Goderich, the three eldest of whom the policy Covering the employees of are in the armed forces, Gnr. Harold, the municipality under the Work- Mohring, 23, has been killed in action men's •Compensation At. Moved by in, Nornaanday. He is the first Gode- Ellerington and Fisher, that 'the poi- ich native to be killed in this theatre. icy be renewed with maximum cover- He' enlisted and went overseas with age at a preralum of $67.50. the Elgins, but while in England Clerk was instructed to advise the transferred to the ParatrooPers. He weed inspector on behalf of the coun- was killed June 25th. Gnr. Mohring is cil, that weeds on certain properties a nephew of Mrs. Robert Dick, Hen - in. Winchelsea must .be, cleaned up. sall. Moved by Fisher and Tuckey, that IVIrs. T. D. Wren, who underwent a this council protests •to their repres- serious operation recently in Scott. entative on county' council, Reeve Memorial Hos,pital, Seaforth, . came 13erry, the amount voted te Wingham home on Friday last and is improving Hospital of $25,000 as being e,Xces- nicely. sive, and we recommend that the „Mr. john Finlayson, of Seaforth, Reeve take action to haye the amount and-.M.r...Williain Finlayson, of Craik, reconsidered in county council. Car- Sask., visited '.recently with their ried. cousin, Mrs. Nelson Blatchford. It is Bills and accounts, covering month- some 35 years since Mr. Finlayson ly expenditures, were passed on mo- has been -back here on a visit; and as tin by Duncan and Ellerington. he drove in front the highway he was Council adjourned to meet again on greatly impressed with the a.ppear- Friday evening August llth! at 8.30 We of the village, the lovely resi- p.m.-A. W. Morgan, Clerk. • dences, and noted that the lawns were well kept up and in .goOd condi- tion. •amicoMancem • HENSALL (Continued from Page 1) Death of Frank Farquhar The lifeless body of Frank Farqu- har, 58, was found Wednesday by his wife seated upright on the back steps of his Main Street barbel' shop here. Dr. Donald G. Steer' said that death had been caused by a heart attack. When the barber failed to go home at lunch time, his wife went to the barber shop where- she found the body. He had consulted a physician Tuesday night about a heart condi- tion. Born on the Parr Line near 'here, he barbered at. Exeter before moving here wore than •30 years ago. He is survived .by'his widow, the for- mer Agnes Cochrane; three sons, Manrice,4Ol1d John, Hensall; Gerald, Ann Arbor, Mich.; two sisters, -Mrs. Lambert and Opbie Farquhar! Hen- sall, and a- brother, Charles, Kippen. Private funeral services will' be held from his late residence Friday at 2 p.m., conducted by Rev. J. E. Taylor, minister ,of Carmel. Presbyterian Church. Burial will he in Baird's Cemetery. The bearers will be- W. A. MacLaren, Goderich; Joe Flynn, T. C. Joynt, George Hess, A. D. Mc - Ewan and Ed. gsporthar. The sym- pathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Farquhar and family. Lieut. and Mrs. Sam Rannie and family are vacationing at TUrnbulrs Grove. • Miss Bernice Jinks is the guest of Miss Betty Mickle. at Rondeau Park. A reception will be held in 'the Town, Hall; Hensall, Friday evening, July 21st, for Mr. and Mrs. Ted Munn, a recent bridal couple, and the form- er Miss Audrey Dinnin. Everybody welcome. Miss Ada Gram, of Adrain, Mich., and • Miss Irene DOuglas, of London, visited with Mr. and 'Mrs. George Grain last week. Miss Dorothy McQueen, of London, is vacationing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. MeQtteen, and sister, Elva. LAC. John Beer, of 'the R.C.A.F., Calgary, is spending a leave at his home here. Pte. Ken Noakes, of Ipperwash, vis- ited with his mother, Mrs. A. Noakes, last week. Mrs- Emily Boyle' and Miss Helen Boyle, of Toronto, were week -ea guests with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle and family at their summer cottage at' Rondeau Park, . Miss Isobel Alexander has returned home after 'spending a week with her brother, R. N. and •Mrs. Alexander, in Londesboro. • Mr. Charles Cook, of Chicago, bro- The municipal council of Usborne• tier of Corney and Norman Cook, is Township net on Friday, July 7th....at spending a two weeks' vacation vis - eight o'clock in the evening•as pre- iting friends in Grand Bend and Hen - arranged on account of the'busy hay- sail • Mg season.' All of the memberti were Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Coles, of Smith present and minutes of• the regular Falls,loriner well-known Hensall resi- meeting, of June 10th and the special dents, Mr. Coles being manager -of the meeting of June lfith were adopted as Bank of Montreal at Hensall, receiv:- printed on • motion by Councillors ed offcial word that their gon, Wil - Tuckey •and Ellerington. Correspond- Ilam Coles, with the Eighth Army in ence was received as follows: Fire Italy, had been wonndedin action. Marshall'g Office, re safety in public Mrs. Roy Bell was hostess for the buildings, filed; Department of.'',Muni- annual plcnic of tRe Arnold Circle of tions and Supply, request that settle- Carmel' Resbyterian Ohara], A `de- ment of all wood fuel accounts be' lightfal time was spent in sports, di= Made so 'that the accounting depart- rected by Mrs. John Farquhar, Mrs. ment could complete their Work; also Charles Forrest and Mies Helen Moir. a Otter outlining the wood -fuel situa- Supper was served, the committee in tion for another winter with requests charge. was Miss Beryl Pfaff,, Mrs. for :immediate orders for fttture de- Melvin Moir, Mrs. Hilton Laing and livery this summer of tnext winter's Mrs. R. MacLaren. supply of fuel wood. It was moved Miss Joyce$,Scruton,-of Toronto, is by Tuckey and Duncan, that whereas enjoying a vacation" with bet' mother, four cars cif wood are now on order Mri. A. Scruton, and sister and bro- by citizens of TAbortie, that the coun- ther-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. P. L. Mo- en hereby • instrUet the Clerk to Naughton. mediately order.five -carloads of White Mr. and Mrs..CeciI Dining spent the birch wood from the Department Cif week -end at the home of the latter'," Munitions and Supply. ,Carried. parents, William and Mrs. Alexander. Notice was received from the Ocnin- Mr. Fred Stoallaconabe was •ty Olerk that IThbdrite'n gasernied Gitelp.h recently visiting With friends. nation for county' tarposes,is $2,842,,- Mr. and , Mrs. Dott_.:PghY, 60.00, attd the "riltea, Wiled for coun- helm, are vacationing „With the ty-purposes for lite-thrtettfintirldif IWO: -Parents, Mr. mid, Mrs. Stewart followa: General „eennty ratey • ieltving •Xontiens, • , 885,91; , cutlet', `•)ifeivot4o; ;4,40010; Ittr. and Mrswit. reate were ill *14,,1a Weik, ,getataiary gehtotkitia6t65, *014 :OtittePtird'reCe1ttl,ii•Wtt;0# '414th' 141% vigitingMdd litV:cqiitliitit AM; a total 1,favy- tor ,n4nti ifrpOs �t ii1 Mte Mt1hard Alian,, Dr. Hotham and his, sister, Miss Ida Hotham, of Semanns, Sask., vis- ited with friends in the village last week. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Cudmore' and daughter, June, of Toronto, are vaca- tioning at their summer home here. Cpl. Fred Beer,• of .London, visited with his wife and family over the w eek -end. Mr. Archie Noakes, of London, was a week -end visitor with his wife and daughter, Helen. Mrs. Robert McKenzie and family 'spent the past week camping , at Wroxeter. Mr. and Mrs. Webster McNaughton. of Whitby, is vacationing with rela- tives. Mr. McNaughton, who has "F‘77- T„,T..4.--• .• o _Inr---"".1•7•-• ••••••". Aewpoxopp,t '404" 44001.- 4.***.00rot 11r lit schetti,4t 049iRk • IVIr, and Mrs!, Casey Ii141094 Und 'KM, Of c4,94,09.14 .4ro. spending Week With the ..fer,rner'S parente, Mr, afld Mrti. GOorge; .014113014. Dr, B. •Blatchford, D.D.S.., and Mrs. Blatchford„ Of •Portland, Ore., are via= iting this ''eek with Mrs. Mary Brown and. Mervyin• qnd Mr. •alkd M. C. L. Jinks. Dr. Blatchford is a brother of Mrs, Brown, and is on an extended' trip visiting their numerous relatives, throughout the district. They also spent some time at the home ef Mr. and Mrs. Wink& Wood„ of -Usborne, and Mr. John BlatchfOrd. in Exeter. Hensall Firemen are holding a fro- lic in Hensall on Wednesday, July 26th. Bingo, wheels and other games will be featured, and dancing to the strains of Steve Dundas and., his Orchestra of Lucan.,,, Dr. Janaes W. Bell returned last week following a week spent »i 'Har- risburg, Pa. The Misses Maybelle and Dorothy McClinehey, of Seaforth, are spend- ing a week's holidays with- their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs: Manley Jinks. Mrs. James Dick, who has been ill at her home for the past number of weeks, was taken to Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Monday in the further interests of her health. .. Announcement Mrs.,Jane Chapman, Hensall, wish- es to announce the 'marriage of her daughter, Ruth Mildred, to Mr. Harry R..Connors, Petty Officer U.S. Navy, October, 1943. Mrs. Connors is a member of .the staff of Albany Hos- pital, Albany, N.Y., and her husband serving with the Navy in the Atlan- tic theatre. Receives Letter From France The following letter, was received by Mrs. Maude Heiden from Tpr. S. R. Dick, in responge to letters writ- ten by members ,of the Hensall Wo- men's Institute, and enclosed in the last shipment ,of parcels: "France, June 23rd. Dear Friends: I received your parcel the other day which was posted in May. I wish to thank all those who provided the parcels very sincerely, as the articles in them are most usefid as well as the home-made cookies and candies are very tasty, and it sure brings hack the thoughts of home and the friends we left be - r , - RE 4LL. • Wednesday, July 26th a 0„10. • Bingo • Wheels , iiLuneh Stand PRIZES FOR ALL Jitney Dancing from -9 p.m; To Steve Dundas' Mohestra Under auspices of Hensall Volunteer Fire Brigade hind. But I often think of the days we left and the -people and hope that the day will somt.come when we are all home again and our job is done. The weather hasnzt been too bad over here so far -the odd shower, but not much .to speak of; on the 'whole it hasn't .been too bad.. Everything is,: going fine. The • mail is beginning to come, through quite regular now and it sure is a pleasure 'receiving letters these days. Mail always did mean a let, but more so than 'ever before. • I also received 300 cigarettes from Mrs. Campbell through the Five Hundred Club. The,y were posted on'.the 2nd of April, and -I received them yester- day. It has taken them a long tliiii to come through, but they were really appreciated, as I was alniciSt down to my last package. Well, as there is not much more to hay, I, better close for this time. Once again I wish to thank you all verysincerely for your kind thoughts orremembrance to all us lads from that district. Hoping to be 'back in the neighborhood be- fore too long. Thanks ever so much. Yours sincerely, Tpr. S. R. Dick." Mrs. Gordon Davis and son,' Leon- ard, of Toronto, and Mrs. English and Mrs. Mould, of Weston, spent te week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McDonald, No. 4 Highway, south ,of 'llensall. • , Mrs. Alex Forrest, of North Battle= ford, Sask., and Mrs. Fred Hays,- ot Moose Jaw, Sask., are visiting with Mrs. Wilson' .Carlile and family. Hensall Public Library will be open Saturday, July 22nd, and ,all books are requested to be in on that date; t. THERE MAY BE IN YOUR ENGINE! 7,4 • / / / / / / ///, 4,4 //77/ / • 4/// Obtain a free copy of the "Automobile User's Guide" -a booklet which will prove o valuable aid in maintaining the efficiency of your car or truck — by writing to a General Motors Dealer in your community. VALVES AM CLEANER SPARK PLUGS MANIFOLD CARBURETOR * • .. ...... • tittyxtiiltti•tftoitt:tiOtt••:*it$oixWy HIGH TENSION WIRES "More'Miles from Fewer Gallons" At 20 m.p.gal.-120 gals. of pm will give yov 2400 Miles. At 18 w.p.gal.-120 ph. of gas will only give you 2160 miles. Make your restricted gasoline ration give you more essential driving wiles by keeping your car or truck engine operating efficiently. See a General Motors Dealer today for Specialized • Engine Tune-up Service which will help you: t, — Save gasoline --stretch your essential mileage. — Extend the life of your car or trtick. —Obtain better perforniance — save money. — Prevent costly repairs. This information b made available to you, the owners of Canada's cars and -trucks, not only to help in the saving of vital fuel, but to assist you to conserve your vehicles, and so safeguard against d breakdown of the coutzfry's automotive transportation up to and even beyond the &by of Victory! ALWAYS GO TO A GENERAL MOTORS DEALER FOR • COOLING SYSTEM TIMING AND OSTRIBIITOK - GAS BINE Our CONSERVATION SERVICE -Will Help You TO: ' ,. h save Gasoline, and Oil by: Engine fune-up wich includes inspection and adjustment of,_.. distributor" and timing - spark plugs-carbuin- . tor and air cleaner-fuei lines-valves7m.ani- cooling.systems.1 fold-veneratorl-starter-bathsry-wiriati and Avoid Engine failure by.: Raving moved •from your engine sledge re- . . Making the necessary adjtistmenti to combat its formatiea. . Stretch Your Tire Mileage by: Mainteg iikop`er tire pressure • , . Tire- rotatian every , 3,000 to 5,000 miles. (Passenger cars and light trucks) . Regular ins' 'absorbers. • ' alignment and balance,pection of wheel - brahos and, shock Prevent beteiloration of Body and Pandora by: Restairing and refielthing damaged or . ., • chipped' surfaces . . - Washing s ret - gaited to preserve am finish and to keep draih holes °Pee as:a prbody a otection against costly rust • damage.' , • . Extend the- Life of Yaw Car or ftegular lubrication (at leatruck by: st every .50 days) 1,000 miles) • • . • Minor inspection and adjustment (every • . • . 1. ,VS -245 ON ALL MAKES OF CARS AND TRUCKS FO _ MOTORS. - PHONE 141 . „ . • CHEVROLET l'Ofinitc • 0 OS 44 ..-01t100 iiiitg!CHEVROLET & GMC /Rio " • ' 1- 4 6 I A a 4 • 4. • A 4 • . 4 4 4 (