HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1944-07-14, Page 4�.,:,,��;',,��,�!'�:,:����,i����'�!�.:�";, ... .11,11.1 .... 1111 I... � -11 -11 1. I -1 - � 1-1 - . . I - I I
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'' J�`�;v,-!:�,�, he [ Is being Made for ,Day.: The ronch chit .gave us� ald, OP a ! I - ;09- ldr,'� -4,gd Mrs. William .
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�,J��,',',!�. �") i�'%�- '. ."", , . V �, �1, 05 I I I . . I Her )4g;ba' I uner By X)Xunin � ..., . , ford, �r , 4I
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� ,,, � -, � , , V�,, W . � -ding tovm so ething that a ch � Xy�le, wJ: A&
��,� � 0, ""'.." , , � . &qAt smo ftod. c9itubw A'Veats. aft--pir W404 . ,4p . wojil � I � 0.1 b40404 4 of . to regal . .11 0019C.
��i� �,�!,��I',"��,!J:,,I�� , �. , i n sh6etiil, pillow easiag. an.ol'towels. Kind- forget In. 4, 1p ,e,
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"'i �ll,�5i'l.l.�,�'��16,���,�,�ll'il!, I , ng time, We have done J,011494 Tuesday, Ovelliap; for 1�eta . lilles, blu -d-elphfim `4aii� terns, was 'A' few d4yis We , 'o W., - , I I
� -01.11 11.1 I'll I lot week � ... � .................... I cimt _ ma, . . .
11' J` �.' , I - . re�* ,o I ... PIK
. 'July wea&g I Z
, ", I III her granddaughtqr, Mrs I" 00,
, 1,�,�:,�Z,�, C', 1, 2xo wo-k - - ................ .. . ly le4xe at the Red Pross roams the prdtty good wsince we landed. Had a .1 the .scene of a ,eharml4 . I
� -�,,�,I, �k`�� � I awa. s - � g,
. - '
�, ,,, � ,�.!.vl, , W� week - . ::..:: X = letter part of July, ' * let -ter from Alma and louker'p. The� o* wide 10prost ' , day, JUly 8, 1 ,,, her
,,i��.",.,�,',;,��,�i���,����,�,,�.����,,,,, on .9atur
"",,,I �:.`�� and, her'busband 'carried
., - W. ,M. 6, H9110 M-P'etlno I out A0
, , , r� , , . ,
�` "" i� . xbdlum ;6;;�A"**i�;Q*rAi4%.. RE omt, , 11 I I
ii;,�,,.-,,""��!���,�Y,',,��,�? , 1) Don't forget the Red, Cross meet- sui-e are grand� l5�oble. for a guy to at 2,$O 1),,m,, when. their d4'Qghter, - '' 'ed a. r1d,e
, �,� . . their car.' where she e
"" 1--`11 `J?.,j '�"" L - . The W,X.S. of � enjoy
..1.1,,.,-,,- �i,?� . the United Church Audrey Ethel, former assistant' teach- in
$`�,�,, *car% ivdtkd ord abbrevUden ' es gie WWL ing every Wednesday"afternoon. Work have, Remember me to T. C.- -Tell. h,I . I the� village,, meeting many Of. her
, I , , , ��#�'* ., ". F44 counix d their July meeting Thursday at- '
,11i�*.b4l -
,,,, � I is piling up, and workers are urgent- him I will be comin,g In for some or of HensaIl contintiq
-,,-,l I � i*, I I)p Mmoriam. XoticcsT�ceat par word. . Minimuna. 50 cent� m week.
I I "'.. ,, directed to a Bo� Xumben c/o The Huroa Sxwwftor� for 10 ce , �Ion aqhool, be- old friends whom. she knew an4 had
� .
" the bride of, Alvin' Edward
, .
11, , , R 1, 4 , a -'t— . I I ternoon Ia4t a,t 3 p.,m., .with Mrs. R. . .
" -4 " -
I , per week will 4e, charged If ads in above class am not va . , , came not seen for, years, Mrs, Boutilron
", 11#441wmal � 2, by tlia ly needed. elothes when I get. back, And say A. Broolr,- the President, In the chair.-
, , !� Munn, son, of Mr. and Mrs,. Robert X.
11� 1 MIK The annual 'sacre concert will be 'Hello' t9 thd rest ,of my friends, $0 The Opening hymn, "Jesus Bids U . . .
V. 'I'l�5".,�;�j,r"i.,�-,,,T.;��l;�.�"I'�I ;:!�:, 'I� 1, _ alW)lt U%,tbe week !A which the ad was rwa. I was a,well-kudwn AgW6 in, tUals conx�
-, , �1-1'1'11'R� 'Ili � 11 ag XqUom to Great*=. Vto.-rRates, ou aVulkation. Her 4014�6 was calle . d an ov?.
,9§�,i!,,:,� , �... Fiasco and 4oaths inserted free of charge.
. ��,A,�6�11V,�)Q,
�-�4��,�i�,11"',�,.",��,�ly'ri����"'i,!;�":""����,', held in the near future, Watch for long for now, Gladys, l e � Munn,lof Helisall. The marriage was munity,,
��,,J , , " , Shine," was followed with prayer b
Rj��ffl,t jLL�,I� 1� I
, '' " �,, j,.J��.,� " , �, ea � Bill S . y Solemnized by Rev. R. A. Brook, min-
'%�,,�,,� ,.,
", ,�� _ -
'' -, :(X:,.`�, � , I � an house, her friend' al y r
el!"'�-1�'i`,`,,�- . � I L� ;�,i�,! � the.' date, I chin up. Your friend, now " q wa 4 ec
I ,N,Mftik�'r�,11,1�t� . . Ov-
� It'— 11 . I Mr'. and Mrs. J. R. Mur Mrs. Brook and* the Lord's Prayer, ist,r of 116niall UnIped Church. Given
,�',�l�,,�i",���,,,�t,",Fl"","�.,t,,','.,J,,�k�,, �' ;?.�`, Lost and Found � Property For Sale - I __ - - I dock, Bruce- th I Ing a warm welcOuio. - She was VerY '
� �'. � . e ,Bible lesson, 6th chapter of Mat- in marriage by her father, the lovely �)ntrtbujed "well 'to Iter
,_1 ,?y,,T,TgL" � t L ".. 2 . . . sim�. field, received a cablegram last Thurs, . . charitable, .. I
, - t�. I
, . ", , �� DOUBLE . ODEIw' 6-IiOO HEN.SALL I I day from their daughter-, Nursing $is- theV';t was read' .by Mrs. Br9ok. The birjole was -charming in 119or-length cl
.k') �,,,,�,���,�,i-',i,��,,��,�,�,,'r,,�,�, "" , PAW OF GLASSES. S , I
VT,4'i,i,%%1.,i�1, I I . ALM — __�-- , ' , , � ,ter A ve th-beaded embroddery, anyone away fro was
.� N_ __ , ,church, an(f was never knomn, tcv tum
�, � ed house th Egutondiville, " Highway, udrey, Murdock, that'she had ar- It, white sheer. wi gn her door who
, 1�,",��,';" .." , ,'�',," , 'ci-goo. ailver frame. Owner may have same members and five visitors. was long bishop sleeves, and her finger-
%�11� , HOUSE Fort --w roll call was responded to -by twel '
", �t,,�itjj,_�"", ' , .
�, � I " ,�);Q�' 1. � , 'urage
.1 �", -, . ��j&i;j `
,:,'I;�!3&,it�,4�11,4.'.�,' "".1. Aor,,. n� at THE EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Barn and i� - Apply' to MRS! -R. E. Muc- rived safely .in ,Great Britain 04 July discussed that an executive, compos- I L in need of, help. She also contri
, 11 I . ' ,
�, 1,�-, �: �,. , 996X2 * (Continued from Pag� 1) .
.. ��,,,,,' ,,, , , 14,TIM -
... r., ,�P ,. , '. . clmmes. and proving Propert.v. F, P. KENZIE, R� R� 3, Goderich, 3 . bu,,;-
.. �,, vim . 5th. . . tip veil was. caught -N.pth orange blos-
,Z,�41��,��;, " , , � I 399W ' ' 1 Mrs. C. Ballantyne, ed to every 'k,00d and worthy cause.
,�,T,�,�', �- -V u . I � Mrs, - C.
X,"..'e,,, ., , , 9"PN, Y, � inconvordent for writing but. in. all egge Baker,"who resides ed of 4nd her bx:fdal. bo Since the outbreak of war she has
, 1*,t:' . I �, I . . , uquet was
g,,Ut 1, I I ", -_ --- --- — - . Mrs. Cath . -
,� 1,,\';,�I"r�,_ 1,Z I I � shall do my uttermost to acknowiedge CbQk, Mrs, A. Spencer, Mrs, C, Me- soms,
.ill",?"",�R�4 _..', , .� . , .. . with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. butterfly roses and ��ab�ls bireath: The knit 100 pair's of mitts fox, the refugee
41. ,.,� ".�*. your letters. Received a box this Donell and MTs, Brook, assisted by bride', sister, Miss Laura 4Dinnin,' of
� �il ,� ., " , , �'. .. I � and Mrs. John Pfaff, who suffered a Miss 'A. Consitt, Mrs. A. Clark and
111,),",!,f?�w�, , For ndorning from Your 'Committee and I
1--v 14" Rent For Sale children, furnishing the yarn herself.
,&=i4.4_LZ_,�. .
�. . ,�_ .
'19, , , , ,.4 I I weak spell last Friday, the result of .Sheyield, as bridesmaid, wore a During t4eperiod she was confined to
" v Miss Violet McClymont, arrange for
"i !�',,�` , I TO erything was just grand, and, be. the heat wave, is improving nicely I I � graceful floor -length gown ,of yellow her bed she w4
IfP ,,, 1, '- j ,'" —
�1,�Xo"; � 1, - ,
"X , �, "-,� `�,,v � . � 'kM,AT TO RENT APPLY TO BOX 429, SALF-OAK BUFFET.. APPLY I a meeting to diseugs various waysand ."s never idle. She lov-
.� . , , . ,. , FOR - 114ve me, greatly appreciated, The her many friends will be pleased Ao organza, and- carried Sunbeam roses ed to tat and Always had hek. tatting
:11 . . ........... - . HURON kKPOSITOR. 11 - -3996ml MRS. THOMAS JOHNSTONE, North .
%p�,�,;��,i � 1. 1 39 means to raise money. Mrs. El. Me-
, 1,'4-��,. , , .. I Main Street. 96xl foodstuffs are something we just don't . .and -baby's breath. Mr. Alex Munn, in her band, and mail
,NNI-�,;� , Queen gave the, topl' from the study ,y beautiful piec-
. � " .;,' '� , A learn Mrs.'Baker is in her 91at year. .. ic I
. ";, +, . . , over here and it's just like' hav- Cpl. Leonard Noakes, of Lond I ,of Hensall,. brother of the gra6m, was
�,;!,;:. I FOR SALE --EIGHT YORK PIGS, . get . on, book, "All of Life For Christ.' Mrs. es of work are to her credit., : Her
,i,,1,1�1%'t�' , 4: F1 VE Ing
" . .
�. t - __ No. I a grand feast to sit and enjoy vi§ited with his wife , best man. Mr. Benson Stoneman, of ... fpvorite past.bne-wafr-playlrig flihih,
".." ��,�,�, . . d weelos old, GORDON TROYER, R,' R. and family over A. E. ,Clark rendered a lovely '5010, , d up, until her accident she could
11 1, � Wanite '4 .
5� , Iv, I � I 11 -.1 ... I things, such as pork alail'beans, cheese I
. I
-1 M .. 2, Henr*Wl. $996xl the week -end. Hensall, cousln of the bride, played An -
�, I. ,�. .
, 11" ," �, "..... . A�NTED TO BUY -OLD HORSES AND and such like. The candy, of course, Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Ryckman and accompAlked at the piano by Miss the bridal music. Mr. Stoneman was compete with the' best ,,of playero
,�� tl�'l �,� �, L W nk feed. If de14 FOR SALF-10 LITTLE PIGS. APPLY 'Points little son, Terry, of Flint, Mich., re- Florence Welsh. Miss M. Ellis and also the soloist, singing 4n, splendid H I er family was very kind to her, bu . t
N%� � , , .; - dead �Fattl� for mi is a rarity. Pebple muit have
.. ,V,�. .. oben at oneq. . FRED GILBERT. to FRED HUISSER, Louisa Street, sea- here to buy ,chocolate, and it is - a turned to their Wome Sunday , Miss, H. Sutherland, reported having voice, "Through the Years.", A buffet
F.- 908 r 22. .
I 1", . � I.. , . a forbh. . '3996xl �
. ��, 1. . J .QK .GILBERT, 908 r 21, Minton Cen-- special mention must be made of her
F',"', . . a _� very poor grade, so home-made fuARe.-Ing a wee follow-, made nine calls on the sick and shut- .
Uj", � (tral. Phone ,�,Ilec,L 399fixi-tf — It's vaelftion spent with the luncheon was Served by Miss Beryl
P�l �.. R SALE -2 I)ROOD SOWS, DUE is most ceriainly was appointed daughter, Lou who gave her- devoted
, 1;��j",.,. __. . Ing krs: McDonnell, I
.. I ,�,- 1. I F? - ,welcome and great- former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Grant ' Pfaff, of Hensall, and Miss Edna. Mills care and, attention during her long
. 4�i , .D -A SET OF MEN'S GOLF shortly. Apply,,�o B, F. CHRISTIE, Sea- ly enjoyed, so, all 'in all, GJadys, on the visiting committee for July
. ",'� I '' . forth. . �. . 3996xl 1 Ryckman, and sister. and brother -in- ' and Mrs. Robert McIntyre, both of illness, and giving up a good position
i $ clubs. PHONE 70, Mitchell, or address 414
. % BOX - 60. 3996-1 — -- Mrs. T. J. Sherritt. h
" % . I I would like to thank you and the rest law, Mr. and . d August. Thw August meeting Stratford. The groom's gif
"I. . FOR SALE --,100 YEAR OLD HiINS, LEQ_ of the com ' will be Withdrawn., The 'closing bride was a gold locket; to the brides- some nine yeaTs ago to tome and livt�
-'I I ,I , . mittee on yourgreat work.
� .1 , �, , biorn and � Roe ' Mr. and'Mrs. George Hess, accOm- hym,, "Take My hife and Let It Be " with her mother and to take care of
1P ��, , i I ma
- "� . .... k cross. La:ylng about 40 I realize the time and money that are pan ed by, Mr, and Mrs. T. J. Sherritt, was sung and the benediction pro- id, a silver signet ring, and to the h6r, . She enjoyed a two weeks, visit
"I ,.., a .� per cent. Apply WILLIAM J. DAVIDSON, Spent
1. . . I Personals � Bil)sgreeu. Phone Heusaill, 100 r 22. to enable you all to carry on motored to Pat -is on Sunday last and . 11 groomsman'and pianist, gold tib clips. recently from her granddaughter Mae,
. 1�1:11 nounced.
1,�,�' . I - 8995x2 in sending these parcels to everyone, spent the. day there, gu,e6t.9, with Mr. . For the wedding trip to Northern on- Mrs. Q. Voth, of Detroit, who came
1 , " � , . _ . . BMA SUFFEIIERS - ENJOY GOOD — and on behalf of my�plf, they are ac- and Mrs. S. L. Peppler, former well� : � W. 1. Wilt Hold PJcnic tArio'the bri&e changed to a White over to take care of her grandmother,
Tht's slee , wlthout'cou&him 0hoking- cepted in. very deep gratitude. Well, known Hensall resid,ents. Mrs. Harry Strang WAS hostess for and tan silk Jerse' ensemble
A. .;� A% .
�:,� . F. Hix6nD 22 Shelby Ave.,' Hamilton driving mare, broken single.- Quiet and y Witli to give her mother a,rest. 'Surviving
�� , J.";,:, - , Mfrs. .
� I ",.,;, " sound. Apply CLARE MELICK, R. Gladys, 'I must close for now as I Mr. and Mrs, N. E,, Cook and fam the Hur,ondale WoMen's,lnsfitute. The matching accessories, ,Guests were are a ,family of six, three sons, W11-
2,�, �, ohys: "I was a great sufferer of asthma, an� R. 1. . �
..... , 11,� I brunchitis and Wied everything I heard 4 to Zurich, Ont. . -_ 3995xa have to attend a lecture, and, of ily are vacationing at Gra'
I .�, .", - mo avail, vutil I bad a talk with Mr. Howey —' . . course, I can,t be, late. Am keeping nd Bend,1' meeting was in charge of the presi4present from Camp Borden, Toronto, Ham, Detroit; Fred and James, Hen
...'r! Mrs. Oliver lZoweliffe, who has been dent, Mrs. James Kirkland. CoynTnun- 'Trenton, London, Zurich, Cromarty Sall; thrq,e, daughters, Mrs. Ed-Ith Me-
.__ � and his ' medicine proved satisfacitor.y in every FOR SALE - NEW ALLIS-CH RS well and in the. best of spirits. Re- a patient' a' ications were- read and letters of and Hensall.
i;�� .. � . mmy. I am, happy to say my asthma is go- all -crop harvesters, fully equipped and i Victoria Hospital, .Lon- Mr. and Mrs. Munn, Martin, Barrie; Mrs. Margaret Vair,
� I , I . .. � and I am doing my own work again. Free on rubber bires. �Phone 128, HYDE T,Rm- member me 'to all and write often, don having undergone two serious thanks and appreciation from the boys Who are a very popular young couple; Toronto, and Mrs. Louise Simpson, of
11 L, information., write F. L. HOWEY,'144 Oath- TOR Cgr. Hensall- � 3993k4 Thanking you for everything. .Yours, ope;-atlons, -came home Sunday last overseas for parcels r . te I eived. Lunch of Hensall, will reside in Hensall. .
. -
�1' -, , erine Street South. Hamilb=-. I Royce Welsh." _ . . . I I I Ilensall; elev6n. grandchildren and
.. 11 . . � . � . . I 399SX4 — . and is much improved in -health. and -sports committees were appoint- Death of Mrs. Robert Bonthron ' twelve en. ,One
,, - 1-1 . ,"Deax Gladys: I received a parcel Mr' and Mrs. Lloyd Hedden and ed for the picnic to be held,in August � Mrs. Robert Bonthrori, highly os�
" .
"I � I . ; , daughter ( Morence), Mrs. T. C. Joylit
111. �1, . . . � . In Memoria*m - from the Hensall Women's Institute Joyce, of St. Catharines, and Ronald at Grand- Bend. Mrs. Harry Strang, teemed and pioneer resident, tHed at died some years ago. The Nneral
11 , and Wartime Committee today a d Hedden, ,of Norwich, spent"a,-few days district director, gave a report of the her home In HensaIl on Wednesday 'conducted by
I Tendem W=W I n
- I service on Friday was
, 11, I � -IN .LOVING MEMORY OF DAD. since you had written the.letter 'en- last week ' with the latter'g father district annual held at Hensall. An afternoon, July, 5th, and a, pri'Vate he, minister, Rev. R. A..Brook, of the
I., � . - . 1.
.", I I
,. Alexander Ingi-am, who said -bye one closed with the parcel, I thought I'd, Mr Fred kennings, and the former'�. important thought she' left , was: funeral servieb was held from
"t, , TENDERS WA ED INGRAM ,good the United Church,' of which she war. a
- year ago, July 11, 1943. w,rite to you and You could thank all ino' -en. "Home is. the centre of a woman's family residence Friday -lued member, who paid � fitting tri
I I I ther, Mrs. C. Redd Mr. Herb. at 2 p.m., va
I.. " . I those who have been helping seild'Hedden, ivilo, has been spend`�g a
�,. Township of T'uckeksmith, His weary bouxe, and ' . life, but, not her boundary." Mrs. with burial in Hen
I . days of"pain, I Sall Union Ceme� but, to her life. The bearers were
4 . . I . PONTRACTORS ARE'ASKE TO TENDER * His t3vubled nights have ceased; these parcels. Also I thank you very week's vacation, returned to'S t. " Cath-, Strang also reminded 'the ladies of tery. Mrs. Bonthron, her, five grandsons: Charlie McMar-
. 11. . . the former
�, I . . � '--�, 'for the completion of *erta�p work on And in the Saviour's arms above,. much. It really is nice to get your arines, with 'them. I I the extra sugar rations to be. obtain- Maria White, was born at, Roge I
11, . � rville,
. I � a drain. at Casey Way's; und also work on a He has found Eternal Peace. � Parcels. I' still in England, Maybe Miss , ed for extra farm help. Mrs. Rundle - ' tin, Barrie; William Simpson and'G, I
. . . I drain at McClincheylb. Pwtircuaars of' work .. . Miss - Violet McClymbut and one mile and a quarter south -of Hen- Voth, Detroit; Carey and Donald
t �. I'li get intAction some day. I'm still Irma Kipfer' packed'two boxe's last gave th� Red Cross report. The pro� Sall, and had attained the 'grand old ' .
, to be secured from Reeve A. Nicholson. —Ever remembered by the Family.
, learning anU studying and having as . w Joynt, Hensall, and Rerinafi Dayman,
I � . , Tender� to be opened at council meeting . 1 6 — eek for Roy Brock and Kenneth gram was in charge of -Mrs. Lyle Rob- age of 91 yeard, and came to Hensall Lond . on. Attending the ,funeral froin
" 2nd, o'cdoeit,
I �uly 22 at 8
, I D. F_ McGREGOR, Clerk- � much fun ,as I can_tlipugh our chane- Manns. These boxes are sponsored erts, local leader' of the junior girls. to reside from Rogerville With her a di0ance w'ere:Mrs.' Edith McMaxbn ,
es of - seeing much of 'the country Miss Margaret D6ugall , and Miss husband in 1878, when the' railroad and -Ch;irles, McMartin, Barrie-, Mrs.
it, . .. i $996-1
I'll � 1. by the, Wohelo Class of, the United
.., . I Cards of Munim , haven't been very good for quite a Church, who wish to expre.'s 'their Kathryn Gibson favored with piano ,first went through the village, ' Mr.
. 4 I ' ' . Margaret Vair, Toronto,,.. Mr. William
... �.. ". while. As for the food and candy in th-anks for contributio . given t6w.ard selections. A skit, "Packing For ,a Bonthron predee I ..
,v� " UNNER AND -MRS. BYRAN KYLE WISH- , t. ns ,,eased her some years, D. Boutbron, Mr. and Mrs. William
- . ' Farm For Sale G the box, it's all in good shape. In this worthy'projee Week-Eiid Visit," was. presented by ago. , in. her early lite Mrs. Bonthroy, ,
.. ��� .1 I to express �their deepest gratitude� and fact, I - Simpson, and Mr. And Mrs, G. Voih,
I - — to their many friends and ig my friends and I ate all the Mr Per— Gram .f r1l'ic. � +_ A 1-1
I I ihanks hbors I the' junior girls Norma Moir Marian was a ver—inriust—
.� . . ARM FOR 'SALE OR EXCELAN'GE NEAR �2or the kindness and sympathy extended to candy alread I . . I � , - I I an capa e All of Detroit; Xr. and Mrs. William � 1�
I I.. Y; once started we . Rundle and M. Welsh. A poem com� ,4oman, a devote# mother and looked Mair, Toronto; Mrs'. Rhea McNevi
, , F tended the, funeral of his aunt, the
� I I'�.. . . Walton - one hundred ,acres. frame them in the sudden bereavement ,of their lit- couldn't stop. It was, delicious. Every late Mrs. Robert Love, whose,fiineraI Posed by one of the girls,, Margiret. well after the *ays of her household Vt - I
I . . . , lsouse; -ba.nk barn; drilled -Itell. wi-d—l-, Us daughter, Phyllis; special thanks, to Rev. 11 U , . , London7 -and Mi and M
� , vmter in n 5 t a couple of my friends arid I' was held Saturday, July.,,Sth, from the i3ougall, was read. , Mrs. Kirkland retaining all her faculties until some DaYman, London. . ! 1w, - a- .
I 4'. itable, maintains large stock. con- R. A. Brook, also for the beautifirlAlbral, - . .
., ''I tinuouky. Will exchange far larger farm, tributes., to those who loaned cars and. flower- have a lunch. So far I've been the hbine of her son, Ross Love, Stanley � I 1, . . . . I.., .
I I � . I . � � �
: I ,,� or house 1. city or town. T�BSTER REGAN. bearers. . - - -one who b.ri.g.- out th'e- food. I- have Township. .11, I - - . .
.z. � . F -R. 2. Blyth, Ont. 8995%3 a girl I I . . . -
, I FAMILY OF THE LATE MRS. ROBT friend who gives me cake, etc.,- Mr. Ed. Bursse, of London, and Mr. .. I �� I . .
. ____ I I
11 I
I I . MiLES ' for lunch. So tonight we'll have McKay and Mr. Howard Bursse, St. . - V . __7 ". � . __ - smijimallillawl
�_ FA FOR SALZ100 ACRES, 5 THE Love des,ire 'to express their appreciation I I
. . I I south of Seaforth and one mile east. Lot rand thanks'to'their friends and, neigh.bDrs ,crackers and cheese. Thcat will be a Marys, visited with'M I r. Win. Hyde on N , I I " � . - - I . . � � . . .. . .. �
I I., I
., 7. 0oncession 8, TuckersmM; I mile from for. their 'M�aay kind ,expressions of, kindness Pleasant change. The cookies look Sunday. . �
I school. Large bank barn; good brick house; and sympathy in the recent sad bereavement - . . .
11 . I
11 I . I
. .
, 1
,2.: very good. We haven't sampled them Miss Loretta Bell, of Exeter, spen�,, , ., . . .
t . I hen house amd rig pen; weH fenced and of their irniothet; special thanks to Rev. 'A. M. I .
I ' . drained. Plenty,of water. Possession given .Grant, for the meniorial sermon, for the love. yet, but they look grand. If the can- 'the week-eud at her home here. I I I .. I
I�L . November 1. .1944. Apply to J. W. FREW, 17 floral tributes, the bearers, and to those dy hadn't been so good I'd have eat- I "I'll", . , I
. I -1 Seaforth. I . 3990-tf' who loaned cars. . Mrs. R. J. Ferguson, of Minneapo- � - 71_',''111111111111���
1. �
. 1. - . , , 111111111111".... ------- __1 I 11 0" . . .
I I . , p I � en the cookies first. I'm pleased with lis, is �visiti . ng -with her sister, Miss : � ...... ..... ---,- I , I .. . .
1". , , I .. .11, I — THE FAMILY OF THE LATE MRS. ROBT. the two cakes of maple syrup. No Emnia Johnson. I I I I I . .
,;; . I ` . , . . Bouthron desire to thank the many friends one in- this country has ever tasted 'Cpl. Fred Deer, of London, Is spend- � L I ..- .� I �
, . . and meighbors, for kindtess shown to I .
"I . ,-Notices their that most delicious ,liquid -maple Sy�L Ing a furlough with his wife and fam- �kltsl . . M .�
.. ",-�.:', - mother (luring her long illness, also for kind- ' . .1 . 11
�% , : . , � I I � I ness and sympathy extended during their, re- rup, or, maple spgar. Mother� sent a il�. L I I . tat � � I - "
I. � �_ � To LOAN-- ' 41,000 TO $1.600 AS MORT- 1. cent %ereav,ement; special thanks to Rev, R. parcel with some syrup In it, but it Mr. Wilson Berry, of Toronto vis- . . . . .. , -.. . I .. .1 . . -
�1_ I I aage.cq I I I 4111 � � -, I I . I I I . . 16 ; t I .�, 41� I ,
,.,. I
1 �.j , . 1.11. . I , ,
t".. _good farm, a� 5 per cent, JOHN A. Brook- hasn't arrived yet. So I'm going to ited recentl)?�,-Wit,h his mother, Mrs.
. ULDIM kei-sall- I 3996NI , . I . �
,. I , I . � 111. I I give the girl friend a taste ot maple Anna Berry. , , . I - . -, . �
I I I., " . FRANK FII�NIGAN, YOUR, RAWLEIGH . syrup anyway. I was to. my first - Caro;lyrt and Helen Spellman, of � N . .
.11 . Dealer, on J,oUiSHL Street� sefforth, has a I . dance in almost three months on -Sat- Kitchener, are spending their boli- . ism I I 1.
, . I line.of produe . 11
1, .. . 1. I bs at ,the house. PHONE, 53-W. ]Births . CIV t I � -
1. I .
I,— I I , .
11 , . . 1 3985XZG . urd4y night.. I enjoyed it too. It days with their aunt and uncle, Mr. - I I t, L ,
I - I . would certainly be nice to 90 to a and Mrs. John Bolton. I : .
. �. I . MUNRO-Im Alexandria Hospital, Goderich .1 I L . . .
411.1 NOTICF-WILLIAM on'Thiirsday, July 6th, ew:Mr. ,and Mrs' dance back home again. 'Maybe soon. Miss Margaret'Kercher, of London, ..�
;� . . � I
I., . .. . . --- I ,
" . i. Watkin's dealer, and alad'agent for EL D. Duncan bldn,ro, a son-Dunean Harvey, Oh yes, the canned goods come in visited with her part"lits, Mr. and Mrs. I I � -1 . . .
Smith A Son's fruit and ornamental nursery BT_'r'ff_T,n s memor L. . 1 I . I � . .1
"; I . Cott iaa Hospital,, on July very handy on week -ends when. I visit Herb. Kercher recentIv. . � L
I'll L wbftk. Market Stre� Seaforth, Quit Phone 6th. to Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Butt S I
��, - , . . 11 ea- 1-11 . . .......... .
. 11, �, I '�, .... � 1 . . 60. . 8973-tf forth, a son. I my girl Lfriend. ,That is a nice.wash ,, Mrs. Marie Hart and family, Of .. . I . I I . � I I �
. �
�r , , � ". , 11 , MUEGGE-In Scott Memoriii Hospital, on cloth too� So again I thank you very Toronto, are , olidaying'with the for, '' I . . .
.d Mrs. ,P . .1 . I �
. Clerk's,Notieo of Pirst Post- Ily I,'- -I Mr, - Gordon H- much, You and 'All others who help mer!s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Fos- . . .
. . _ � 11-1 �
. -
-i*.1111 � , I - . Muegge,, Seaforth, a son. . itb the parcels. A very nice bit of ter. , I . � , ",
��. .1 I ing of Voters' List . I I wit .11 I I � . . I
I " Canada. Yours sincefely, Jack Bell." Mr. H. G. Lawrence, on' the staff I � �kl
1. I I L
11 . (Section II, Form 4). � � . . I .
11 ,
� I ,,, VOTERS' LISTS. 194,4, MUNICIPALITT OF __ W - - - - . I I "Dear Gladys: I WAS more than of the Bank of Montreal, is enjoying - � ' I .
". - 1. . THE VILLAGE OF HENSALL, I I pleased to receive your lovely letter L I . . I e to . �
a,.', . I : COUNTY OF IMP0N I 'MCKILLOP of Ma a vacation. . . I L T .
� � ! �� . . I — _y 16th and to"learm you are all Ross Kennedy, ,of Hamilton, is I I � A Messag . . .
� 'IS HEREBY GIV'EN THAT 1 ' surviving the tempest I actually feel spending a week's vacation with his I � . . . I
,�-. . NOTWE , I I
s, . . . have complied with Section 8 of The , Presentation To . i ._ I I I ..
. I . . . Teacher, . I
... L., vobers�' List. Act -and have posted -up in my � I . , like a Prize heel as- I received a let- aunt and uncle, Mr, and�Mrs. E. Gei- . I
". I I ,
I ,� ( I I office at Elemsall, 3rd day of JUIW�, �1-944, the � ter from You about two weeks 9-90, ger. , . � *
. I . OR persons entitl,E�d ,bD vote - L . I '
. . "I I in the said the Pup' a.nd as yet I have not made an effort . I Mo 'to iists , , .
t, . "I u .�aiity at ,the Municio" I and ills of S.S. No. 6 pre"nted their , bon Shepherd, of Toronto, and Miss
I .
.1 ... . that such list remains them for inspection- to , acher, Mr. Reg. Pryed. ,�lth a iea- to answer it. The Sbcond front and Barbara Shepheird, of iClinton, spent . L . adian ,
On -the last day of school, . .
�. 1. Can
,� . . I . .
1, �, I And I hereby call uponh ail � voters to take so forth has sure Put Piles more work th I . I I 1. I . .
e immediate proieedings to sve any errors or ther travelling case, Mr. Irwin John� e .week -end ,With their parents, Mr. � � . I I
.. ; omissions corrected iaccorffing ,to law, the last Pon reading the address. -Mr. Pr�,e on to us, but +1 don't .mind, Just ; as and Mrs. W. S. Shepherd. 11 . .
-1, '
I , _� . e �
, I long as ,iwe're working for Victory. , invasion of Europe has thrown 1".
really doa't envy you people at to, and Mrs. Finch and little daughter a vast' and critical burden upon I shores. . .
W . . � day for aPPeQs being trre 25th day of Ju 1 ly. has been the t6acher for four se.11r, I , Mr. William Finch, R.C,A.F., Toren- . Must be risked to deh'v"e'r'_'jt to oUr
.:! . 1944. , . . in his home section. The followin TH]E . I
I . DATED this 5th day of July. 1944. 9 home in your mad rush to try and of Clint' . '
il . ' �
I on, are holidaying With the the petroleutn re�ources of the United ' � I
� JAMES A. PATERSON; is the address: "Dear 'Mr. Pryce: It comfort us, 'but I suppose you are ju latter's parents, Mr. and'Mrs. George ... .
11 Clerk of the Village of'Hensall. was with deep regr�t that we. the as anxious for our,* I'S . Nations. " .1 . . Invasions, and the difficultilis 'of .
i ;L I . I 1 $995-2 elfare as we W, - Glenn. . I I I
I . I .
.- . . . ______119 pupils of S.S. No. 6, learnea ,of your selves ire, and I must say it's'beYdIld During the month of August the I � - III the first eight days of the camm supply andliransportAtion are riot- our -
,. '
I '1� I . I resignation as teacher, of our school. my words of appreciation just what I morning §er'vice in Carinel'! Presbyter- . I I only problems. Ri ht here I Canada I
, --- . : I
11 I I We kno wthat your pat'ence must . I
�j!_',, s would -like to say, but I can 6nly do ian Church will be held at 10,45 a.m. - paign alone Anjed aircraft flew 56,000 . I
!.,�,,? �. Auction Sales ,, have been sorely tried man'y timps a sorties. Many thousands of -oil. gas and. oil are =ed in enormous
1, . . I my part over here and thank you all and Sunday School at 10 a.m.. sharp. burn- quantities for Vital war pur�oses, ne .
� . ou tried to instil into our minds the
i� �, . UCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD W_ .very It I with my deepest feelings. I have of- -nd district en- IPS
.., �; A ecessary knowledgsi of .school , Citizens of Hensall 'a ing'warshi * and landing
��,�, " L " fects and, Provert;7.Mr. Harold Jackson ten sat down and Put my thoughts joyed a real treat Saturday evenin' barges are Commonwealth Air Tfaining Plan �
�; I learning. 9 I Shuttling ceaselessly across the Chan- has consumed as much' as 548,000' .
.�� , has been instructed to sell by Public RUCINGM We will not torgPt the hap- into the future 'of my first day 'back last when former members of the .
-Y��.','. �..
g�,-, .M., oil I �
the pretmises of the undersigned i3d Egmand- i jeeps, mobile gallons
N . ton 'Wednesday, July 19th, at 1:80 to py bours,we spent with you in ,school, in Hensall, and how I would like to Hensall Citizens Band played several . nel. Tanks, trucks
`?, o,Ar plenics,and fishing trips, and your
R I in a single day. Canada,& .
", . , � . ville, the following household icles -and " ' talk' -to the whole community' and "stirring selection's which were much . artillery, ambulanCes I
I., � art
I 1� I I property: Kitchen. -table; 6 kitchzin cbsirs: k'rdness. to us all. We only hope we , �L ' 13Y the thou- NaVY-expanded since war began
� thank them in person for their great �njoyed, Th "boys played on Main sarids, are in action. I
ke 1 2 comer boilers, 1 combination bookcase and yoii have . . _. from 15 ships tO7650--consumes over I
,�,:, - , writing ,desk., I oak library -table; I Quebec .started ids on. We ask help to us. I've known you, Gladys, Stre;lt in front of Twitcliell's Garage,
� � b,. like new;, Music L
, - � heater; child'd cri baby. car- " ,You t since 1. can remember, and. there is and the *as much enjoyed and . The driving power behind all this 2,150,000 gallons
117', every weeL Army
"I I riage, in first class condition: , I 1�%p,lay this 91ft as a taken of appreciation no one I feel more Indebted to you many m activity is lbetroleum "gasoline and ` .
�, range, good as mew; a number .of sman from us children, and, wishing 'you epts were I training, War plant operation, f,Dod .1 I
11 .." and all the others. I have done many heard. I I fuels drawn from'a dwindling crude producti D, essential trudking -'all ,.
; ,I . . tables; I sewing machimet; I clock - every success. Signed on behalf of 0
i !: . . 4
. 7 . . rocking --heirs.; I 2Aurner electric plMoe; I the pupils of S. S, No. 6.11 trips now a - 'so far, I've met with. ,Mr and Mrs. E. L. Mickle and I , �. I . .
I " wbwle burner plate. ,coal oil oven:.pouitr7 "'� I . � OiPsUpj y. But"there is only so much are huge consumers of,
. . I _,s,,,a -
6 scales; kitchen utensils: electric � I great su nd oncej start flying 'family left on Tuesday for Rondeau 6t gasoline atid -
1 " touster I and I 'IT, *
�'. I'll . I. � iron. now. garden otenslis; oak -dining room I -..I again I shall soon finish off. ' -1 lost Park, where W they expect to spend a I oil. If eXiSting supplies are to prove Petroleum products. . . � I . . .
I,,* Buite; electric radio (R,ogeis) ; I floor lamp; � --- the biggest 'part Of my 'crew- some month's vacatio�i. I I , adequa�e, the Most stringent economy Gasoline - . .1 I
, , . I I settee; 2 chairs; sma3l -tables; � complete VARNA . time ago in a crash, but I was lucky Mrs. JDmily Bpyle and daughter, I . �
��,11 I ibedy,bom suites, springs , and mattresses; -, ' of gasoline and fitel oil must be prac- ''I is ammunition - anUM1.
11 - i 11 tingle bed. and springs'� I wwb stww; con- enough not to be tli�re, so at the'Miss Helen �Boyle, of Toronto spent nitiOn Of which we 11 I .
, �, Mis. -Lee ZcConuell, Wiss, Barbara present time I'm just tised here at home. . I
�.111 I ... 1. 1-1-11. .. I . . I coleam rag 12t x 15.1, good as new; 2 con- a busy body the week -end with Mr. and irs. A. . . have all too little. T� I
,,.,, , goleum rug%, 9f x lgf: 4 6ddclmiri; 2 lawn McConnell and Miss Helen trratt are - around the section. You were asking E,. Clark d I r, Thom s Welsh and
�, �, ! . � . . Mulowers; I steep ,ladder-, wrinsreir and �clothcs vWting friends in Wellington flifs. about your parcels. . Well, truthfully, M. oren�e. an M . a . Canada is able to produce only 15% waste a, 9�10u of it is a .
., . lbasket; crocks; quantity fruit and piddes, � Of her own gas at�j oil needs. Ther crime against o I
fo. 11 I 0 Gladys, I can not find 'anything to Miss Annie 'Funk had her tonsils
11� , I . . I . quantity ,of haM coal: quantity of coke� week. . . I I criticize as all my parcels have�been r . remainder must be*ported from the . iOg men. ur fight., . , . ;
-P � P . about 2 tons; 4 to 5 cohis split hardwood. Mr. Per6e Johnston, of Wellington, emoved at the office of Dr. Steer on I .
�, covd soft wood, croascut s6w; ash shifter' � in perfect condition,"and of perfec . . . . .
�1. ", , I I . . I
I ,� acythe; ca -mentees tools; vise; suiel *hedl-' spent the week-6nd with his parents. .tIY Tuesday of this week. common pool of the United Nation's , I
'4." Chosen articles. I 1. ,
I barrow: pictures; extension ladder; number The cookies and Mr. and Mrs. Manley Jinks and I .
.; I . Mrs. Johnson, Phyllis and Bobby. and the bulk ,of this is Shipped here I . � 11 046-14W.
� � . gwA sheets and bedding. ,PROPFRTY---One- � candy have been in wonderful condi- Bernice spent -Sunday -with Mr. and by tankers. Critical manpower is . I
E.11� I half acre �Iot; * two stores, brick home -Who hn,ve spent the past ten days in tion, and a swell treat, I assure you. Mrs. Arthur McClinchey of the Gosh- .
!;ILI'' , .1 in excellent condition; barn and Sar- Varna, have returned to Wellington. I'W sure looking Torward to the 61i, needed t6produce our gasoUne and
�� . ", I , dan. Hot water heating. Hydra: converki- .
"al I ent to church and. school. Termo: Chat",. Mr. and Mrs.. Harold Elliott, of maple sugar, and 1, feel very grateful Mrs. 'Harging And family, of Lon- . Ans " I
. ,,11 . . . Qwh. Property- 10 ,Per ceret down day of Windsor, are the gu - ezts of Mrs. Mos- to those who donated the syrup. � Oil. Precious I lives and precious ships, wcrmg 1�
,�� � , .. role. balance in -30 days. Sold subject to a It don, and Mrs.,Ivan Jones and family, I � �
" .
� I�,;.. 1. � iresezved bid. MRS. I. G. DOOVERTY, Pro. sop. .. 'was very nice of the Girls' Dance of Woodstock who, have been visiting .1 - I I .. � I r
''.1 -
.11'. � ... . i
,. t I . W4atreisi%; Harold Jackson, AndSoneer. Miss Ruth Elliott, of Toronto, is Club to donate the substantial cheque � � Your Ques i .
,�'. .1, tions
i"', with tb6ir - mother, Mrs. Minnie Lit- , '
V;t � . . . 11- .
A,�'_ � I I
,��'. 1 8994-8 the guest of her cousin, Mary 2liza- to Your 4natitute. It 'Must be quite tle I have returndd home, " ,,/, V/, CIA# 44S ' �
1� � . � 11 � . both lelty.' , expensive to send so many lovely par- Gunner Byran about the
1�'.,,.�, . � - .
, 1 , little . . Kyle,, w, - ho has been .1 .
44, I 'EXE&TTO�'§ SALE Mrs. William McAsh and Well, Gladys, what I!bi trying home on leave with biA COW -- I -
;.,�� .. . Sons cels. . -
I., .� ". 1. " .
,.V.. " 1, � � 4 wife and lit- . .. 0#5
, i" '. OF HOUSE AND HOUSEHOLD. have retilmed after a vi�it 'with raja. to ,say Is "thanks a million to eh tle son, Donald, has returned to'Pet- .
�,�i',"."� . sal . � r . Gasoline Shortaeae -
,,,,� . . FURM tives in Goderleb Township and other and every ,one of you. 'For now I awjlwa. :t �. � .. - 40 'woo- I _ I I-- y
11,�,4:____ - __ l TTUR, ETC. . . . I ..�, � -
�t�":; V '' - - X�. HARO*M JAbOOR HAS RECEIVED POilltg- . must Say "Bon Jour." Bdst of health, mied, by - . I ,. � � � 11 Now much Suwon "I W .
, ,, . I
el�,""','. , Mrs, Alice Yoyyit, aceordpi' . I I I a was to""MW dtm I
1.,' le , . , �; ��4 , , I . ib�trdetiom fjr,61ft the Executor of -the Mr. and Mrs,. John Smith, Jr.. --and luck and .happiness to you all. Siu- her brother, 'Mr. Wes. Caldwell,, add- I � I I
,!, ,,,, .1.1'. � AVfa66 of MAr.V 71SIPin. ded0gWed,' t& 040 by __." I a
;,, �, ( I- little stins, In company with Mr. Rds- ce I .. ing " 54 dep of pra4nvaslion bon&. ,
t�-,,. 11 her I'AtC Mee, Gotl& gel I rely y6u-��, "Do,ddy" Sangster.11� his wife; of Lond6li, also:,' hei two . .
,jlp,,�; ',"� I iMbUO AW40" at - T�W,ffe - . . .
V"; ';�_- , . Austin- and mother, motored to "Dear Miss Luker: 'Received a par- brothers, Messrs. Adrry� and Ben Cald- I .. ins? - - ,More th a 2
W,4 , I � , . tkh Street Seafokth -on Waduesftr� July �
"W" ,, '-, - . a 00,000,000 .
, I Z Ml& - I L'oudegbn"re �" 4.1-7 c-1 toda F- - ft- fT I . - � I � ..
. �,,," I Id4d -hi 41 *0 ' =11,�r )97do! ! I ' W,40014 �
11�'11. .1 " . t, . I . . _J. I J 11 ensaLl VVUM"U 8 well, of -Carberry, Mani are,erilbying I MW . . 1. I �
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