HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1944-07-07, Page 8WERS.M611.11111.1.40141T11.614.1.111. ......***ama!,...satmeamawamauslaw.,", nine -nee - kAILIZE 1440.10.k. INSURANCE - Bide Stieek; Priced rear* ttine,•South Main Street, eacel- to9dndttion. Immediate poSsession. or desirable prokrties also listed. WATSON & Ruin A. REID - Proprietor Rhone 214 •Seaforth SPECIALISTS IN ALL LINES OF • INSDRANOE The Second Division Court County of Huron mike u the Dominion Bank Build- ing. Seaforth. Office henna: ° Tues- day. Thuraday. and Saturday, 1.80 p.n. ea 0 p,m. ; Sotundes evening, 7.80 p.m. no ran. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN - Clerk 0 0 0 0 0 .0. 0 0 0 0 0 • G. A. WHITNEY 10 Successor to • 40 HOLMES & WHITNEY 0 0 Funeral Service Main Street - Seaforth 0 AMBULANCE SERVICE ' 10 Adjustable hospital bed for 0 O rent. 0 Agent. for Mitchell Nursery 0 10Flowers. Telephone' 119 •0 Nights and Holidays 65 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o o <> W. J. CLEARY 0 Seaforth, Ont. 0 10 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0 Night or Day Calls -335 0 000000000000 ic>00000000000 J. A. BURKE' 0 0 Funeral Service DUBLIN •: ONT. 0 • .0 Night ior day calls: Phone 43 r 11 .0 ' 10 0 00 0 o 0 o0*0' SPENCE'S PRODUCE GOVERNMENT REGISTERED - EGG- GRADING STATION - 4.114igheat Cash Prices Paid For Eggs and Poultry •Phone Seaforth THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: W. R., Archibald, Seaforth - Pres. F. McGregor, Clinton - Vice -Pres. Ilderton A. 'Reid, Seaforth - Manager and Secretary -Treasurer. DIRECTORS: ' Chris. Leonhardt, Brodhagen; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Alex 13roadfoot, 12.,,R. 3, Seaforth; Alexander McEwing, R.R. 1, Blyth; Frank McGregor, R.R. 6, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, R.R. 1, Walton; -William R. Archibald, R.R. 4, Seaforth; George Leitch, R.R. 1, Clinton; John L. Malone, R.R. 6, Sea - north. AGENTS: Finlay MeKercher, R.R. 1, Dublin; E. Pepper, Brucefield; 3. E. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. You are Invited to Inspect the -BOND- TAILORED-TO-MEASURE SUITS AND OVERCOlATS FOR LADIES AND , GENTLEMEN IN 7 PRICE RANGES , • $2250 to $42.00 SOLD ONLY .-• by • GILLESPIE'S. CLEANERS - DYERS TAILORS it you think yotnie bard to it, we're here to dhange 'Your -Mind. OND- CLOTtiES 67-10P St AVIORTH PEEKING.HERE 'Eflittke/S1 en 11/0 $stove; In flet tietigeti,4eri;.;e' little Ietger thelt tne Olt dou_t kPek J1ttO !1 i1 t1it� vem itltige6100t tq' aa1tOnnee the keAthter, Ora Mal% 4); Am. Alpo Alvin Riley, son of ,1V,fgfi. • eau/A faleY. 404 the late Riley, of Hullett". The mar- riage Will take place in July, Announcement.—The engagement is anigninced of Kneel:tent Tenor, daugh- ter of Mrs. Gairdner, Hayfield, and the late Rev. R. H. Portesque Gaird- ner, Pitteburgh, Pennsylvania, to Mr. James Richardson Scott, of Saska- toon, non of Mrs. Scott and the late In. R. Scott, Seafortn, the marriage to take place on Ally 22nd in Trinity qpIlege Chapel, Toronto. Died in' Detroit-eThe death occur- red qn naturday,. July 1st, in Detroit, of Harry Beaton, Bonn:If-Mrs, Malcolm Beaton, of town, and the late Mal- colan,Beaton, and. brother of Mr. Bev- erley eBeaton, in his 46th year. The deceased was on his way home from work when he was suddenly taken -111 and drew his car to the side of the street and summoned help, but died shortly after. He is stervived by his wife and three brothers, Beverley Beeton, of Seaforth, and' Alvin and Carman, of Detroit, and one sister, Mrs. Merrill, of Detroit. Interment took place in Redford, Mich., on Tues- day. Hoover - Keating.—On June 30th, at New St. James' Presbyterian Church, London, the Rev. T. J. Watson offici- ating, the marriagewas solemnized of Merle Eileen Keating, Phm.B., on- ly daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Keating, Seaforth, , and_ David L. Hoover, R.C,A.F., srt of M. and Mrs. D. L. Hoover, of Windsor. The bride wore a pretty street -length frock Of whits silk jersey with navy acces- sories and corsage of Talisman roses, and was attended by Mrs. P. Ge La- pointe, sister of. the groom, who wore a streetnength dress of turquoise sheer, with matching accessories and corsage of sweetheart roses. Sgt. Kenneth Keating, R.C.A.Fee brother of the bride, was nest man. Churches St Thomas' Church.—Rector, Rev. Dr. Hurford: 11 a.m., "Power For the Faint";' children attend ,churCh ,in- etean of Sunday School for July and August; 7 p.m., "The Promise of a Saviour." St. Mary's Church, Dublin. --.- 9:30 a.m., "He Giveth Power to the Faint." Northside United Church.—Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister: 10, a.m., Sun- day School; 11 a.m., "Thinkers, For the ' People"; 7 p.m., "The Saints'. Secret." Welcome to these services, First Presbyterian Church.—Sunday School at 10 a.m..;,ts.morning service at 11 a.m.; evening service at 7 p.m, Rev. Caslor, of Grand Valley, will preach. During the month of July the music will be •furnished by the male quartette of tne churen, namely, Messrs. J. T. Scott, L. Heznberger, M. R. 'Rennie and D. L. Reid. , •••• The Late Andrew Mt Lellan.—An- drew McLellan, a resident of Mitchell for the past three years, passed away in Stratford General Hospital early Sunday morning, June 25th, in his 7Sth year. The -deceased suffered a tainting spell while uptown on Satur- day afternoon, when he fell and sus- tained a head injuty, which caused this death. He was taken to the hos- pital following the accident, and had been in his usual health up to that time. The late Mr, McLellan was born in Hibbert, .his parents be- ing the -late Mr: ariti"Mte. Andrew MC- Lellin. In 1898 he married Rhoda Ann Atkinson and they farmed for many years in Hibbert: She prede- ceased him on September 7, 1931, but he is survived' by two sons, Harold, of Regina, and Allan, of -Downie Town- ship; one daughter (Isabelle), Mrs. Roy Buttenharia, of Hamilton, and three grandchildren. He was also predeceased by three brothers and six sisters. Rev. Norman MacKay of Mitchell, conducted the funeral ser- vice on Wednesday, at the Heath Funeral home, when Mrs. J. D., Cairns, Bruceneld, sang "Goodnight and Good Morning," accompanied by Mrs. T. Heath. -The remains were taken to Maitlandbank temetery, Seaforth, for interment, the pallbearers being Al- vin Barbour, Bert Peart, John Ryan, Hibbert; James Scott, Cromarty; John Cairns, Brucefield, azue James. McKenzie, Mitchell. Attending the funeral from •a distance were Mr. Harold McLellan, Regina; Mr. and Mrs. R. i3uttenham and Marilyn, of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mc- Lellan, Stratford; , Mr.- and Mrs. R. Eberhart, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oliv- er and Mr.' and Mrs. Andrew McLel- lan, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. John Dobie, of Meaford, and friends from Staffa. Doherty - Lawrence. — Northside United Church, Seaforth, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Thurs- day, June 29th, at 2 p.m., when Rev. 11. V. Woelrman united in marriage Alma Lorraine Lawrence, elder daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Herald Lawrence, and Mr. Kenneth Edward Joffre Doherty; 58 Stibbard Ave., Toronto. •The church was, becomingly decorat- ed with orange blossoms and pale pink peonies. Mrs. J. A. Stewart played the wedding music and Mr. J. A. Stewart sang "0 Perfect Love." :The bride, given in marriage lfy her father, wore a graceful floor -length gown of white lace over satin. with long torso and tiny satin covered' but - tone down the hack, sweetheart neck- line and long sleeves ending in taper- ed points, -full length veil of white net with heart -shaped headdress of white Mee caught with tiny gardenias. She carried a caseade bouquet of pink and white roses, gaedenias and bouvardia, The bridesinaids, Miss Maxine Lawr- ence, only sister .of the 'bride, and Mrs. B, SteVart, of Seaforth, -wend dreetin in floor -length gOvefie Of paleMO lace and' ziet over ;taffeta with,. half iiite• 01ltiatehiltg tilt' and white' iler*m. toill *ate, ,stogte ettifog 44'01 *holt. .1100•01Cetotted.,toireetle %Ore& 4kt gos• kiM ,,etiato 10k-ottilieltioaoto • ST. 'COMM_ TUESDAY, JULY 1,1th WILBEE'S ORCHEnTRA Admission - 5I1 'Oenta Dancing 930 - _ , •• .,., ,.,„:„ t,,,,,,,,,f,,,,,r, :, 1,',1vAr ii-li'i of T00.4;* 4•.• ,'th Y 1 „Oat of da IlateatIN •, it',‘ , av, :uen . *,•;,`,,Reanie- ' ' • ' ''' ''. 40' Mr. 'qCoriten,t' trilgiOn lett •iv' .Vr,i-., 'day leat to al/e,f4 the sinniner .int, (OA. '14ee flit/!'•- ''',,:•- ther, Mr. Jack Doherty, Toronto. The ushers were Mr. Walter Constanle, of Tortente, and Mr. J. H. Francis, of Tavietock. The bride's mother wore a streeelength ensemble of floral silk jersey and white accessories and a corsage of ' white carnations and gladioli. The groom's mother ehoee blush rose with white accessories and corsage of pink roses and cornflower. The reception following the ceremony was held on the lawn of the bride's 'parents home. Immediately following the reception Mr. wed Mrs. Kenneth E. J. Doherty left for Lake Simcoe, the bride wearing torquoise silk jer- sey with white accessories. and cor- sage of white gardenias. On their re- turn they will ta,ke up residence at 697 Eglinton Ave., W. Toronto, Apt. 104. LOCAL BRIEFS '• Airwoman Dorothy Brewer, of Trenton, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. R. R. McKindsey. • Miss Isabelle Lowery, of Brus- sels, spent the holiday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Lowery. • Mr. James Slattery, of the High School staff, is spending the holidays at his home in Owen Sound. • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dungey and faintly are spending two weeks at their cottage at Grand Bend. e .Mr. and Mrs: Gordon Little and Pam' ily, -of Galt, epent the week -end at the home of 'Mr, and Mrs. Alex • FOR SALE 7 -Room Frame House, Wilson St. Attic insulated. Modern in every re- spect. Garage.., Prompt possession. 7 -Room Brick House, West Street. Fully modern. Double garage and hen house on property. A real buy. 5-Roana, Frame Cottage, High St. Hydro.• Town Water. 5-Roora Frame Cottage, Goderich St. Hydro and tew.n water. Other than the above we have sev- eral ,properties listed both in Seaforth and Eg,mondville and would appreci- ate your enquiries. -E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Seaforth, Ont. Phones: )334 Office Res. 220 Universal. Milking Machines AND PARTS Virginia -Coal Feeding Molasses A car expected soon. Phone your orders. Binder Twine A limited supply of 650 and 600 ft. Rope — All sizes Co -Op and Shur Gain Poultry and Hog Feeds mixed daily. MIXED cHor, AND MILL 'FEEDS SEAFORTH FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE PHONE 6 Shavings! We have a surplus of Shavings which we would 1ke no have re- moved, at Dace FREE OF CHARGE Appiy- to— JOHN BOSHART & SONS SEAFORTH • LAKEVIEW CASINO Grand Bend GLEN BRICKLIN'S "MUSIC WITH A BEAT!" 12 Musicians SUNDAY, JULY 9th. AFTERNOON ON BEACH CASINO IN EVENING Tavistock Brass, Band and Floor Show - Singers Dancers Outstanding Artists Plan your outin,g for "The Bend" Free Picnic Accommodations. DANCE to Cliff Gordon Western Ohtarlo',s Popular and • Artistic Band 'LIONS ARENA MITCHELL . Every Saturday Night 9 - aptriiiilbred 4714 SuperVitIed , . 'loris Club 9rat4raiser: Of 4veOalotir1 7, th wife a1uflyf into 4i NU-, and ,,XJ0. ao1 BATTY and daughter, Blisabsth, and Mr. and 1 •jeck Petford, of Stratferd, spent •the holiday at the home of Mre,...G. en. • Pte.. Kenneth Barry, of daniP Borden, was; anweek-enel guest at the homeof his reenter, Mrs. Jas. •BarrY. • .gr, Ja2PA,Nieholao haan. solo ist in St. Clair -United Church, To- ronto, sang twQ fine solos in North - Side United Church on Sunday last, While here he was a holiday guest at the home of Mrs. G. T. Turnbull, • Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Sills and fam- ily lett Saturday morning on a. two weeks' holiday to Sauble Beach. • Mr. and I. William Spain and family, of Galt, were Sundayguests of Mr. and Mre. Dale Nixon. The two children areremaining for a visit: • Mr. John Pullman, Jr., had the misfortune to have his hand caught in the feed roll of a -drum sander at the Boshart furniture factory on Fri- day last, but was not seriously injur- ed. • . • Mr. and hrs. Frank Cudmore and daughter, Miss Nancy, of Toronto, are guests of Mrs. 3. F. Reid this week. • Mr. Clifford Lowery, of Goderich, spent Deminioze Day with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Lowery. • Mr. and Mrs. Sam 3. McKenzie and family, of Georgetown, are guests of Mrs. John Carduo. • • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sills have returned from a pleasant holiday in Bayfield, ' • Mr. and Mrs:Gordon Shaw, • of Toronto, were week -end guests ,of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Shaw. - • Mr, and Mrs. Le G. Kruse and son, Billy, of Galt, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Finlayson on Sunday,, Mrs. Kruse will remain for a week: ' s- Mrs. Henry Smith and Mr. and Mrs. John Gropp, of Milverton, and Mr. and Mrs. 'Joseph Unsworth, of Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith. el Mr. Charles Hart, Mr. and Mrs. John Hart and Miss Hart, of Toronto, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs, R. B. Scott, Harpurhey: _ • Sgt. G. Bender, R.C.A.F., Mont- real, end .Mrs. Bender •and son, of Kitchener, were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Crich. treMe. 'and Mrs. Foster and daugh- ter, Miss Audrey; of Pennsylvania •State, and former residents of Sea - forth, called on friends in awn this week. • Mr. and Mrs. Art Porterfield and Faylene, of Flint, Mich.; Cpl. Jack Kirkham, of Ottawa, and Mrs. Pearl - Burnie, of Winnipeg, Spent the h'ole day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Westcott. • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pearce, of Saginaw,' Mich,were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Sills.. • The following Cadets; 'under the direction of Captain I. H. Weedmark, are. at Thames Valley, London, this week attending camp: Ted Milliken, Ken Eaton, Archie Watt and Don Stephenson. . __•_ _ __ • Mr. and 'Mrs: Ed. Le Page, of London, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jackson. • Master Ronald Rennie left on Tuesday to attend camp at Kintail. • Miss Beverley Flynn, of Mitchell, is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Claire Reith. • Mr. and Mrs. JnycKee and Miss Norma McKee,' of Mount Royal, Que., and Miss -Margaret Curtis, of Blue - vale, were Sunday guests of Mr. ,and Mrs. j. P. Bell. ' • • ' Miss Doris Ferguson left on Tuesday for Bigwin Inn.' Muskoka, where she will spend the summer. • Mr. and Mrs. • Ed. Hill, of George- town, are guests Of Mr. and Mrs. Claire Reith. • . • Mrs. le Whatton, of Toronto, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. W. C. Barber. • Miss Mary Fonti and Mrs. Al. Milian and son. Albert, of New York, .were guests of Mrs. J. A. Bouclier -last week. • Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Clark, of Woodstock; 'were guests of the Misses Seip over the holiday week -end. • • Miss Marian Laudenbach is vIsit- ing friends in Woodstock. • • Mr. Whittaker and Miss Whit- taker, of Hamilton, are guests of Mrs. Herb. Whittaker. • • Mr. B. Fasalaro, of. London, is spending a few days with his.daugh- ter, Mrs. J. A. Boucher. • • Miss Rhia Hill and Miss Marjory Bickel], of Toronto, have returned to their homes for the summer vacation. • Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Robinson, of London, and Mrs. Fred Robinson, of Detroit, are guests Ons week of the Misses Seip. • Miss Hazel Elcoat, of Toronto, here. issPending her vacation at her home • Miss Dorothy Smith is holidaying in Port Stanley. • Mr. and Mrs, Melville Smith and two children, orDetroit, are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Smith. • • Mrs. J. H. Grant, of Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mee K. M. McLean. " • Miss Rena Fennell left for her home in Grand Valley on Friday, where she will spend the sumraer. • Miss Emily Lester left for her home in Norwich ore FridaY.-- • Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Langford and ,son, Gordon, of Londen, were guests of Mr. and .Mrs. W. R. Shaw during the week. • Mrs, Kenneth Doherty (nee Al- ma Lawrence) haS ,sueceasfully pass- teiden.her Registered Nurses' examine- • • Mr. 'and Mrs. - Beverley Beaton attended the funeral in Detroit of the former's brattier, the late Harry Bea- ton, on Wednesday. , • Mr. and Mrs. -,Angus Carter,. of Guelph, and Mr, and Mine Purneide, of nhelboerne, were Week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. E, Geddes. • Masters George and Bob Shaw ar spending two Weeksin Leaden. •• Misa Marian '8eieter , and Mies GlatlYs Earl, are eiending their holn days in WindernitIO, ' • " •• Mt. J. A. VOliat edit/. Of; Teton:hi, „Sti011t 1,11.0- ;With, Rote,. • Alt; DOI alt*AlikieY1 .8att On...www% • • vjgdtinglavep1141MiS4 leal;)elIe 1141Pgi. 141741,,n, 13.4ilantYne, London, lantspae,, : , '• • • • „ •.• 24-1,„ 4.0',„14•14,,,;4401.,-„.a e*Ot • Mr. end M'fa.;,,:saerald. SteWait, of TPXOXito, • *strO:,•*Igc*161 'gggt43' • .191r O'a,e4 Poqa.ioe, of !St. Oath- kkrinea ami 491AL Stati,'. parianeet.oX QbAt,74.0 sheat the -W0e-end in • atilr. and-1IVIrs. bleary and teWn. - • • daughter, Mary' Margaret,' and, ,.,Mrs, Margaret Cleari and Alles Kathleen Cleary spent ',the holiday week-end'in Brantford and Guelph. • --• -At the necent'St. 'Joseph Schnel of Music • examinations, Mise Mary Margaret Cleary, peseecI Grade 1 Theory with first class lionoutts, ob- taining 93 marks. • Mr. and .Mrs. P. S Savnage and Miss Winnifren are on a nshinn trip to 'Miller, New Ontario. • F/0. Harold Free ,and Mrs. Free. 9f -Gasne,, Quebec, who have been visiting at the home of the fermer's parentdt. end Mrs, J. W. 'ee, returned to Gaspe on Wednesday. • Mrs. Fred T. Course, of McGre gor, Man., and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McGonigle and family, of.' Kitchener, are guests at the home of Mr. Robt. alcoGMissesoedgle. Florence and Norah Mc- Quaid, of •Stratford, spent:the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Benson Harail- toft. V) 7 • Mr. and • Mre. Calvin Ironside were in London on Wednesday at- tending the funeral of the late Har- soilde.Christopher, brother of Mrs. Iron - d • Mies Margaret McKellar left on Wedpesday for Toronto to mark de- partmental examination papers. • Miss Isabelle McKellar, nurse-in- trainine at Stratford 'General Hospi- tal, is spending her vacation' at the liome of her parents, IVIr. and Mes. M. McKellar. Miss McKellar has just completed a three neonths' course at Ontario Hospital, London. • Mrs: Bert. Peters, of Galt, is vis- iting•aliss Verna Graves. • Mr. William Finlayson, of Craik, Sask., is the guest of his brothers, Mr. John Finlayson; Seaforth, and Mr. James Finlayson and sister, Mrs. Abe Forsyth, in Tuekersmith. It fe h35ereyears since Mr. Pinlayson 'visited • ••KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bell were the 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. Steve 'Stackhoupe -and daughter, of London, during the week. Mrs. Wm. Chapman, of Egmond- ville, is the guest of, Mr: and Mrs. Robert McGregor and family. Mr. and Mrs. ,Lennis Seaman, of Kitchener,' accompanied by Mrs: R. A. Shaw, of Orillia, were visiting with friends in the community. . Mr. and lqrs..Steve Stackhouse and daughter, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Bell during the holi- days. CROMARTY • A. series of sermons from the Beati- tudes are being delivered by the Rev. W. A. MacWilliam, who gave- a fine discourse at the Presbyterian Church. on Sunday molting. Mrs. Roy Mc- Culloch favored with an appropriate solo at the service. • Quite a number of p'eople from here attended' the open-air anniversary service of the United Church, Staffa, which was held on the grounds at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tuffin, wheie an address was given by Rev. Cook, of Granton. . .Personals: Mr, and .Mrs. Reeves and Miss Mary Thompson; Fergus, and Mrs, A. Cameron, Mitchell, with John' McCulloch and Mies- Lila Mc- Culloch; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brooks of Molesworth, with Mr. and Mr3. George Wallace; Mr. and Mrs: John Hodgert, Exeter, with Mr. and Mrs. Tames Scott, Sr.;. Mr_ and. Mrs. Don- ald Wallace, Carlingford, with Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace; Irene. Kemp, Mitchell, with Mrs. William Houghton and family; MTS. ' A. Robertson has returned home from Oshawa, Dunbar - ton and Toronto. BAYFIELD Miss Hilda King, of London, visited friends. in th'e village on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker and fam- ily, of London, spent last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker Dr. Tillman and Mrs. Tillman -and family, 'of London, are in their, cot- tage on Hills Crescent for the sum- mer. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kipfer, of Len - &Ai, are -enneying a Week's holidays in the village. Dr. Lloyd Hodgins and sister, Miss Mabel, Hodgnes, of Toronto, returned to their cottage for the holidays. Mr. Robert Penhale happened with a painful accident last *eek while repairing his well. The plank across 'the Well broke, letting him fiat and striking the ladder in the well, break- ing a bone in his leg, which will lay him off work for some time. Seyeral of the villagers attended the funeral of , the late Fred Kalb- fleisch at Zurich on Tuesday. Dr. Lewis and Mrs. Lewis, of To- ronto, are- guests of Mrs. Margaret Woods. ' The large sale .of furniture, house furnishings and garden thole of the late IVIre. Helen Stott took place on Monday and Tuesday, and was at- tended by a large gathering, when top prices were. realised with buyers from many parts,- of the county, also the cities. Mr. and Mrs. H. McLaren and daughter, Port Elgin. spent the boil. dey week-end'with her sisters, Misses Maud and Josephine Stirlitig. Mr. Saxe Houston tettnated home from London 'where he spent two weeks with his daughter. Mr.' and Mrs. John Whickham, of Mint, -Mien., spent two' weeks 'with -Mr. and Mrs. whifenaarr; and return, ed to their ranee on Tizetiday. Miss Margaret PergusOn, Of GlielPhi spent the week -end With her parents, 114r. Mid -.'•Mrs. 'Whir L. Ferguson. • Pte lla McKay, On Louden, Seleaft the hinitla' nreelnenti at her hel*d, bore,i•ea4• • • 101111.1..i,* Loe‘dolt,, beet iete •day i" ar /0e • , • 1 " ••-n .•••••,:tee,',".n.,-;•tin1•'• ..‘ nneeneennetene 1"- • TW •;ii5 TIMES fie+itid;'0W;!•••eti4 44 TOR Tile St9rtn:in:the eerta, , CHESTER MORRII$ and 1- N,A91,0Y• A • HENRY ALORTCH PLAYS.. 0014" ' STARRING jIMIVIY LYDON AS HENRY;ALDRION• N • '-,. 1.AQQ1004e tow n with romancer :•• ,. MONDA-Y; TUESDAY, WEDNE DAY SECOND sbiowe'sy,c.,a-ra " AG PASS. E TO MRSEILLE" , STARRING H FIEY BOGART; A vivid adventure, story packed with action and stirringly -Patric/tic. NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY • SECOND SHOW STARTS 9:15 ' MARiA MONTEY JON HALL " ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES" TECHNICOLOR A thrilling excursion into the world of make-believe! Coming — "WHAT A WOMAN" ' First Show starts,each evening at 7:30 MATINEE EACH SATURDAY AT 2:3Q The members of L.O.L. 24 intend celebrating the Glorious Twelfth at Listowel. , 1 Misses Nora and 'Jean Balkwill and Mr. Jack Balkwill, of London, spent elle week -end in the village. . The local Red Cross will meet in the. Orange Hall on Friday at 3 p.m. Arrangements are being made for the carnival and bingo 'by the Red Cross in the Park on Clangregor Square on the evening of July 26th, with good prizes. Tickets are now en. sale. The members of L.O.L. 24 will at- tend divine service at the Anglican Church on Sunday Morning next at 11 a:m., Rev.. John Graham taking the service. The village is alive with tourists this week. Most of the cottages have been taken, also the hotels filled for the season with tourists from enany parts of the United States and Can- ada, all coming to enjoy the balmyr breezes of Lake HurOn, also bathing, boating and fishing, where they find beautiful shade trees and shady' nooks ,and to enjoy, the golden sun- sets. This is,one of the finest health'. reiorts along the chain 011 lakes. MEATY WORDS r Chopped meat spoils quickly and should be put to bed in the celdest` 'Part of the refrigerator. Better still . • . chop just before using.. Another meaty tip: never coni boiled ham OF any other meat in the broth. Ree' move as soon as it is cooked; cool and store meat and broth separately.. NOTICE TOWN -OF SEAFORTH All persons in the Municipality owning or har- boring dogs must "purchase 1944 licenses for same on orbeforeJuly 19, 1944. Licenses will be issued from the Treasurer's Office in the Town Hall. . After that date, summonses through the Court will be issued to the -owners or harbourers of dogs not having licenses. ALL'DOGS- MUSTWEAR LICENSE TAGS • Many complaints -have been received abbnCelbrgs. -damaging, gardens and flower beds. Owners or har- bourers are personally responsible and,. if necessary„ dogs not be allowed to. run at large. Cemetery Memorials LARGE STOCK OF.MODERN MEMO• RIALS on display- ,a,t 'inn' • SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS For the conVenience ,of our patrons office will be open on TUESDAYS Open by appointment at any other time. See Dr. Harburn nest door. CUNNINGHA-M & PRY DE CLINTON kiiETER SEAFORTH - - Phone 41 - • • blk -Notice • PLEASE CO-OPERATE IN' PARKING YOUR Make sure it is within the lanes marked on the " pavement. • Do not Park in any Prohibited Arta, or the law will be enforced. CHIEF OF POLICE ' Seaforth. • I MADEAlor ILS DISABLED QUieltly reineved 11i Clean SiOliary trucks, Phalle collect. 219 . eeeeeene-eee—ennt,neeeee een n-ennenne-'.'nteene 44 „i 11 a 4A• , • ••' • 4 t1