HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1944-07-07, Page 4, I " I 0 I,. , �,,�,` ;;" .:.�'4; ���, I ., I , ?, , I � 11, . , , I , 1, ; � :,111 - ��, . I I �, : �f, ". � '1� ; � :, �, , . . �, I , :: I I 11 ! " I .1 - . , -1 � ,, ": , , "' � . , ­,�iil',".�` , C,_ ,,, ��, 11 ��� . . . . . . � , :. -11- ­­­­._.._ � �, � Pf.� 1�11._,:_,.�, . .. ... � -717-: , �... � -,� I I :I :, , ; � �. "! . 1 , � , , .. � ,, I 1� , 1� � �;�, . I I � I I I � I t A. I � � ?­ � �� ,�, �� . ;,;, �, �,! �,,� 1�jii..� I , �rli I 1 , " - . __ I: , . . 1"P7111r1"_` - 71�,,­ 1:� �.- '�;­,` �, � --,N1 . �� . 1� � I � 110, , , . �. ... - ,., " , 'r " I 1:�, ­,p:,� �", , � I I , : i I � L ��� �,.''_,', , , ! ��"� : bl-, 11;,�,� �f�o 5S ii, "d, ti . I _- . ... 11 -4 I , , . , _ � ", 7"'W"M ,.,�:. ,.. � � -0. A�.­,��­.' '. ,7 110''': 111.,11,".1.11 ... ... OR, ­­lF �14J,11" ­_ , I., . . ___�, , _., . . I ! . 1.1_14 "�, , '77".-7- 1­;�"_ ­ 1-1- 1-1 I 11 ­ � .1"'.I.- �1111111- I., ��,z,��,��l,,�,,�,,�,�,;�,�,'��,,��,�,�'?;��'i"�i"', " . ­ , . 1 ,;.-fl "I 1.-:,:,1, 1',.;� � (:'111', I '. -, '" �!,,' � I ""') 'i,jp­,�.!.%."!� . I '. , ., ,; ;, ., B -W At '14 �4; �!�i,,., � e, ,vitie"t -New,1�0W�PuQ.,-a �,;,�:',, , I ,IJ94 I I I � I ate -S ,,'�,,,�,,,��,��,,,�;�"i�i,�-li���,��,�,�,�,:�, ""W, '�i� , , ­�,.,.''J lm",.� - I � t �` "I 11�'1,11 '­,4?� ���',��,,,�i")!,""�,?,;T��f.,��1,04.sz""�k:I I 11 , . � I-04 -4 F"041 colulai �veg* palror, word- , I'll 11�Zil;,��,­,11 "Z", I'll","", �!, F, P JR_ � ,�'; ,���,,��,!"),;�;l���'�""�,,,-��i�,',�,l��,�""- 101 11, "I'll, 31-11 T 11­�,�,"t,,,� I Y '%r �m 1� '­�, 1� Ut Week .." ... I ...... ­� -------- I CeAt I I 11,t'�i;,,W,,,,`� il'it,',,"j�";,�'�,z.��,���l,,,�l�i�,�t.11,���. I'. � _ . 11 J � , � I 2,nd week ................. �t ...... ,i,!'I����L",�,,�;"",�,��,.',,':'��,::�,.,."-I�;�;*",I""I -t',';'-,,,-' _% QQ*t ""A`fy �,.,,,,,,-,�,,��t7!;�,����;""�',',"�"t��7,�.,,,,�,,�,ax', , 8 iw .......... ! % clent �­­, � rd week , 1,� �u ., "', , ­­,­� '' �, ,'�,�7'1. ­, , . Mludmuu, ,l 41fv� ,. t� , ­,@�,I�L,l r� . ,��,,n';,�%4 0" , , . iTW--t,WA-, 2-4 COMM, 1 ,� ,:I��'­` , "" "' ,-- ��'�A%'�`A ��",K�� , ,V -,.,* �� :�,,, , , 0� I', 6i "i'll �,�,f�,­��",,, "%�I",;��,:�,l abbrair ',, ,,,,,,�.�'t"��,�',�i:,,,,I"i�i,,,����",�,l�,,',�",I�',, vach ftw% intual 844 14#0A counla as one wot& � , . ` -- ' 4it ,,;�, , ,�i,�,���l�s����,',,��,��'ir"!�i',��:i:,� �1­ ,�.W j14, 411., . ,,, g�, W W 'l,�:���")�,�,,��L,�,'�',!,,,,".�,!"�-,, , ." i , , In Xcn�orlam Notices -4 4ut Per word. Xialmum. an cents per week. � - ` , ., � ' I '41i , - k .. , , 1, - �� , Jt4, � - 11. ���.,��z�r�'I'�i�b�,,,,�,.��,�,i��';�;���, �!n - " .t,.'*: '"ay N-, directed to a Bpx Nu*.'4eir. c/o The Huron Exposit94 for 10, oishts extris. I, , , ' ' Ad er _ , , " . V, ,4k 1 1, -� AR Rv �,.­�'T ',�O,* T,V I . ,-10 ­ P11:;%�,'-,Tqp':' , ,% , Wonal p week will be charged It ads in above class are mat paid by th -'�.����t�,,�,�1;1-��14A��.""� "" � f, .,,k , , . . ...... � , I ",,� '-I"' , j-, � " ," " � A, =roav Aikut in the week in which. the ad was run. , f'j, .�, ;1-1 ... I'll, *14 J, .P­I,V�., ��"q,`X . I � mlqgli� "'." #q� triages and Deaths Inserted free of eboage. I �, �7'Ag� .cg - I , """ 1), .-J-M; ........ . . �. 1, AOW40 Axles, Notices to Creditors. Et6-Ratiou on applicsUou. .��' ,�;N""",,i,!�""",L,�,,,I�!j , I I 1. . -, ,'J , ,,J-!­,.�,110"�,kr '. �:. , ­ ,; I OR, _;,�_ , T, * �;; ,I i,� ,% . ,-,11", I�I� , 1, I 11 " � 11 I— `�,� " J-,',',$1141 I .1', '. , �,,� ,,���,'­, I Itent ,6t,�# ,,,, 11 - Teachers Wanted For -Lk, I , ,.,,.)��i,1111­1 - � I'M', ,q,,,,v," I 1, li,.�','�,'A!,,,,.'':. . 11 � l`�11*.- IV,' . ,11-, I 011.00 . I , , . .11 -1, X ­­ - I - 'URXISHED- ROOM FO , ,�� 1 �J,24�,�4�, �,'V-�,V � . 'W TED ­PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR FOR RENT --,F (_ IL�� �, 0��A��"��,' :1 ' ' I il, �'��', I e N E) � �� ,�;iffi%2 , . S. 1, Tuckersmitb, 11Y4 miles east of. Tent Apply to Box 429, HURO ­ m, . , U Apply, stating crualifloations and POSITOI'L . 8995i �'t. � , , " , N� " � ,,,, � �!.-�', �, _,ens4 _11, - - � �!,', N)0qk,�' 001aty expe0te to M,MVIIXE TRAQUAIR, - I I 11"11111 � I � , I , 4L , A�j� �11111 ", 7" ,�,, �� A I .1 ­ 1Z �,��,�: � �11 I ,­, jat, r,t,p,-Tr, ,,, . 101111,en It. R- 2. Phone LOG CAMN TO RENT-AU,GUST N , I'll 'A t�`tV',',�A I ,%­� 7 � 8 r,'14. 3995-1 SePtemWr-; ,ill i,',1­kI.,­'C11; I . I . electric; water inside; tm � 11 R,T�4;'I,�,, 'I., % I I , i,­�,�.e­ � �. bed—; fireglace� Five minutes' walk I � . ­ . - "i � I �,V , �4 L' All , �' ' . . " h - . _ . I ROTE5TANT TRAC#UR FOR S. S. NO. 3� lake. Rent reasonable. Apply to MR1 I - 1'Fj;��V,�!,��. �p Hullett TownsWP, Constance.' Aiply, stat- HARRY AHRENS, . It - . V�1,,,,;41,1,�,.� . Rayfield, Ont, c/o Tra I - -L - .1 � 8996 _K,�,:"��, sug qualifications and axiary expected, to W Blazer Cottage. . . , 'Ll", , I . .1 I "If.-Iff, 11, , ..,. . . C MONTGOMERY, S�_-Treas.. Clint(M. Ont-, . J"� ­ 1 . ��." r 31. , � — �. " `_ 5'i;'� " '." :�. R. 1. Phone Seaforth, , 11 , I'v , . ., 11 I , - �, CIA 3994-2 . . _ '. 7!., . - I I I ( �,, � P�6�­ I 1, I ,:�:, - , ., �Wv­,. . , ,�'p',�,., �,��: 1 Wanted , . � ' L' . . . , ,�,�.i,-,. . ...,.p . ,& I . ,� � - �K , , , 11 - � ROOM - ,AND BOARD FO ., -�, . ., 11, ­��, � ersona .1;,­:9�__ 11 � " ,, "q, � . . — , . WANTED ,�, 1�,.'p.,,J.. I elderly lady. State Streek.'rate wid ,w � xl.�,4,­ . RING FROM BACKACHES, RHEU- vc�.i r �, . k;U-FFE in lette to Box 428, EXPOSIT6 , " atie Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago is not �,ec- 0 F FeInce. . . ,'�,,,Y, . 3994. . , 'L � "', . essary. Use RUMACAPS at once tor fquick . . � ,� , o,- . relief. _��. . KEATING?S DRUG STORE. I I , I �., I - I . �11, ,�,,�, ­ ' - L Y, $THMA SUFFERERS - ENJOY' GOOD .,� A without coughing, choking. I �1, i `., I . night's sleep, Hamilton, For Sale I ; - �;. � %Ts. F. llixon� 22 Sh,Qlby Ave.. �� '�1�11' , . says: ,.'.I was a great sufferer of'asthma and VOR SALF-100 YEAR OLD HENS, LE( ..Dd,; , � Ill k.�t, . , , . ,bronchitis and Wed everything I 'heard of to horn and Rock eross. La�ing about 4 1 ,i,", 11 I n* avail, until I had a talk with Mr. Howey per ,cent. Apply WILLIAM J. PAVIDSOI � �, and his medicine proved eatisfmatorY in every Hilisgreen. Phone Hensall, 100 r 22. P way. I am happy to Say My asthrna is gone I . 1, �t, 39954 ", �',,! and I am doing my oj�m work agairr. Free I , j , �, info�m�tion_ write F. L_ HOWEY. 144 Cath- FOR SALF-KITCHEN CABINET, NRAI �, 1�1� . " � erine Street South, fr-illtoa. 4Y *Oew; also milk cart. Apply- to GE( . i� 1 3995X4 1COLCLOUGH. 2y2 mEes north of Clinto, . . I . . ,,, . I I . .No. 4 ,Highway. 3995�i 11 , �.',! I — � "�� � -, I — ,;I REX;. . Property, For Sale . SALE -ONE 4 -YEAR -OL ?e ** ­ broken single. Quiet 11, �A,,, . — , an , 11, . 1 ,�.. , LARE MELICK, R. R. j, ff�v; ". P,�. HOUSE FOR SALP---.SIX-.ROO HOUSE 4prich. Ont. . 39953i I . .1��, �,, , with -bath, in Eginondrille; hot water �, !�, � ,heating. .Fu,Mlished or unfurnished. .Apply . �� ,,, ,,, ''. : 11 I AUTO -'TRACK ON�-CHEJ � 115. . , on ,the premises after June 26th. MRS. �J. , I �� I good- condition, Apply 'I ., ?I , 0. DOCHERTY. , 1993-3 !:­M�A . Kippen R. R, 2. Phone E 11-111, I - -NICE TWO-STOREY BRICK r �,., . 39P5. . L� Hr!"'ALI, , . .. 'house- hard-,a)nd soft water, furnace,, , FOR -SALE - -NEW ALLrS-CHALMER " 11 __ ,,.,, %I-, .1 garden; 1.V2 atorey frame house, garden, all -crop harvesters, fully eq ; ,,,�,� . I barn. WM. PEARCE. Exete,2% nipped all "I ` ,; " 1 3993X3 on rubber. - tires. Phone 128, AY'lit TRA( "I 4 � . . I . TOR Co., Hensall. � . 399�. . . �," :` I . IPVEN-50 ACRES WITH BUILDINGS; � - �', k __ " I 100 -acres with buildings, silo, litter oar- , , . 4.,_ , . I. I , rier, buish. WM.,PEARGE, Exater. I .11 .1 I I I I ;111, � _. � S99SX3 tirths * , ... � " ,,, � . . . . .1 -7---- . � . - - - . . . r, ;� I BEATTIE-To Mr. ,and Mrs. Kenneth ( . �.. Beattie (nee Mary Denbolm) at Woo& 0 4� , ,, � - . . Lost and Found ' General Hospital, on June i8th. a 'd.ukl i,, I I . ". I�I " . � I I I ­ . ter.. ... j" OG LOST -LOST IN HENSALL, THURS- BOLGUR__In Soott Memorial H,4DSpj 1. I . .,Dday, June 15tb., a Rat Terrier female Monday, July .3rd, to Mr. and Mm, Harol , : . ta 0 1 . . . . . . N. I I . ;.. I dog,,, bluck and white. wearing a collar of 'Bolger (nee Elva Pryce), Walton, a son. 1. � 15 � brass and leather with'am Usbarne tag. Goes� APPLE­�-In Scott Memorial Hospital, o . � ,1- � ,­ by (the name of "Tiny." Reward offered Tuesday, July 4th. to Mr. ,and Mrs, Eai .., " , 1, 1, I . for ,its return.- Apply to JOHN BOLTON, - Papple (nee Olive Pr:yice), a Bon� " ,f; 41. � Hensall. Phone 73 n. 14, Hensall-, HUMPHRIES�--In Scott Memorial Hoc,pita .. " I This dog . � I �§ U great pot and -any information re;iafici- on Tuesday, July 4th, 63 ,sgt and mn � �',Iij .1 ing its whereabouts *ill be appreciated by Stewart Humphries (nee Mary- Bennett), c .. . 11, ." L the owner. 3995-1 Walton, a son. .. - �.. - I . � — DOLXAGE­-In Scott Memorial Hospital, 0 . I .11'. I . illiam D " � 1;1 �� . STRAYMb ON TO WILLLkM DIGNAN'S, June 30th, to Mr. and. Mrs. Wi 0. I I � .� Lot 17, Concession 4, Hay, a red and W-ge, ffull�stt, a,daughter. . I I I I , I white -heifer with horns and a piece out of MUEGGE-In 'Scott Memorial Hospital, o .. I - the right ear. Owner may' have same by July 6th, to (Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mu g4 I I ,., . proving property and paying charges. Brodhagen, a son. . , . ej 1; , . I 91 ""I I . 11 . 8992x4 � I I I � , -11. . . - � - . � � :, , rr, I .1 � . I . - - ; I I . 11 Xi�. I . ., 1, Farms For Sale I I I . Deaths .. , . . I . I .,�, I 11 " I I I OR EXCHA14GE NEAR SWAN -On Thursday, June 29th., at lie ";�m .;;;, �___­_­. ­­Fmm -FOR 'ALE I �� 111.1""'i, I ----Wialton - One hundred- - acres i - -frame home at -106 Winchester--St,;'Torouto, Mad( �._',:,g­ bouse;. bank barn; drilled vell,. windmill; line Wetor-le, (Maud) Jopes, beloved wil . 1;,� 11 . I ,water In stable, ,maintain large )stock con- of the latLv, John Sloan.' and -other of Ai � 11, , , � I �;, , 1. . I VnUOUAY. Will ex,change for,larger farm. thur (Sqd.. 1.4r.), Harold" R. and Lois. �Tb 9_'�; br house in.city or tawn. LUSTER REGAN, remains'rested iat the Funeral Home of ,4. . . , , "I.". . . 1. R.R. .2-," Blyth, Ont. 1 3995X3 4C. Cook, 721 Bloor St. W.', with service 1i I .. K., 1".. . __. � I . .1 8.30 P.m. on Sunday e�vening, and left o I �z, ARM SALF-100 ACRES, 5 MILE 7_311 trwin Manday tmorning , for intermen 13 , X.-- , F son FOR . , 44 , j�v I I I �. th of Seaforth and one mile,east, Lot in Maitlandbank Cemetery, S.f.rth. In ... � 7. Concession 8. Tuckerismith; I mili from Pallbearers for the funeral' at Seafort �, . I "'. . school. Larige bank,barn. good brick house; -- F. Coleman, T. W. XMMillan, Robet "I". I fll IMeMillan, Frunk, Homer and C. C. Hun� , Z_, I- ben home and pig pen; *C fenced and 11 III� . ,. . � .. drained. Plenty of water. Possession given Rev.'.r.r. v. workman offl,ciated. - . I , , , ,� November 1_1944. Apply to J. W. FREE, . . I � ­�, . - Senforth. 8990-tf I . , I .. -, - � ... W� . I , "..", , . . I . . IN,, . . . I "V. " — BRUCEFIELD, ..'�111�: . � . ,� ,� ,� � 1, . I ", I I Notices . I � I.: . . - . 11.1 � ,� . I ; , 1, i I RODUCTS--FRANX FINNI_ Mr. and Mrs, John 13. Aikenhead ��,' . I- RAw`U"` P ' Of London, and Dr. John Aikenhead .. I gan is irour,Dealeri Has a line of pro- . ,, . .1 ducts at the house, of Cal . 1, , LauiIm Street. Also will ,gary, visited with Mr. and MrE I I .; . , lsl.­­ . .. be calling an. .You soon- 1 �995�126 T. B. Baird over the week -end. , �. . I 11 ILL,;2. I N OTICR=--WILLIAM BRADSHAW, YOUR I . . � "� I - ,�,-1 I � Watkin's dealer. liInd also agent f6i E. D. 1,1Z . SmM & Son's ,fruit and ornamental nursery ;; " ,1�,. stock, Market Street, Seaforth, Ont. Phone LEADBURY , I 1111­� I., I . . � 9 ." 50. . . 8973-tf .1;4.1 ,- �_ � 11 't, . S. NO: 7, Leadbury, taught by Mrs U St JOhrJ Kellar, held'a very sUCcessfu . Clerk's Notie&.of Fir Post-" S, 114,,��,� , , . . 11 'I.Rt.. .. .1 . ing of Voters' List ,school closing On Thursday,, Sum N�` '.� I . 2fth. After a brief cla�g .session ii 11, '. I I - (Section 11. Form 4) 1, . , 11 I: . VOTERS' LISTS, 1944, MUNICIPALITY OF th6 morning, Mr. John., Kellar arriv I . %. 11 �. . THE VILLAGE OF RENSA,LL,. ed with ,,a -bountiful ­ Supply of fe �,",_ 1, - . . COUNTY OF HURON - I 11, �ill , . cream, cookies and candies. -Th� I'll , . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I Pupils did full -justice, to' the ,repas, V �%,,. , , hdve Complied with Section 8 of The . �11 " " �11P, Voters' Lists Act land have Posted up in my and in the evening the entertainmen� ... " �: � I Office at Hensall, 3rd day of July, 1944, the � , il, �.. .. � list of a Persons entitled to vote in the said was Provided by Mr; Kellar. ,7bc I'll , I!, . Uuni�iPality at the Municipal Elections, and Pupils take this means 'of thanking , 1". "I . -Mt I go �_ ," 'that isdelf remaina there for inspection- Mr. and Mrs. Kellar for the r ner "I I ;;, 1, -�; And I hl�rebY call UPOM all wters tb take 081ty. , Mrs. ,Kellar will 11, continue aE .,t. � . i-e�liate Pruceedinzs 'to have any errors or 'teacher next yeag. I . �1` omisMons corrected according to law, the last � ,.'4,�,l , , :, day for arPeals'baing the 25th day of July. Sohn MeGaVin and Clarence Me ,"I 1,944. . ,ij,.,, I Nichol 'are attending the boys' sum. Ri. DATED this M day of July, 1944., mer camp at Goderibli. �, , 1"j. . ..- JANIAS A, PATERSON, , 5.111 . I . . � I ,�, . Clerk of the Village of gensall. - - ',I,� " . I I. . .1�%. - 3995-2 '14L, .-,� "I'. 1, ... . . I I , . , � 1, � . . I != STANLEY . ��, , � , 'N"., '- w`ss*ssssssssss7ss 10100010010101MEN .... 1-1. � . Auction Sales , � . ?, 11 . �, ", , 'School Report 1" : . . I I ,� I - � I I , "kUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- ' A I � I I The followihg are the results of 11 . . I .. fects and Ptoperty­,Ntr. H.r.ld Jackson I 1� . . 1". f . I has 'been instructed to- sell by public auction PuPilA Of S.S. 10, Stanley: Promoted I. - . . On Wednesday, July Ifth, at 1:80 p,m, on i to Grade VIII-Mariou Hill, Nora .i I the Vremnl6ea of the undersign . J., � - - EY're, Cora Tayloj , `�'­ ed in Egmand ��� �,: . I Bill Taylor Bes- � , ,I) . ­_.... ville, the f6ilowing, household artieler and Ste Dutot. To Grade VII-D�uglas �1,1 I� �. Property: Kitchen. table; 6 kitchen chairs; , � , � . 1 Finlay range, M !; "I , ., - aood as new; number Of ac Beath, Hugh :tapfe, Marjorie 4 . sn�all tabiles. I sewing machine; I -clock ; 4 Mustard., Jim ,._­� � . . 01 ­­­­ AikenYiead Ronald Pat. , fi, ., , . roe ng chairs.� I 2-burPer electric Plate; I ersou.',�,fflo Grade 'VI-M'orley Taylor, ,!,14,;� ", 1, . S'ngle b�';�Aer Plate; "`al Oil everfi; poultry Audrey Baird. June Taylor, Ruth ,� . . scalcs,, kitchen Utensils; electric toaster and , 'L. � 11 �. ", � iroh, new. garden utimsils; oak dining room Woolley. To Grade V - Leonard ��, -:,�'.,. , suite; electric radio (Rogem): 1. floor lamv, O,Rourke, Morri's Taylor, Marion 111,11", -� �, , I I settiee; 2 alrafts; isnial-I ta!bles; a complete 41.14. - - . � - "I � , , Ross, George Baird, Dorina Taylor �A� , bedr-ta suites, springs and nmttrmes; '(Conditional PMmotion). ' To Grade . " .�." - -, single -bed und springs, I wash st,and; con- , ". . ,, ." , . ;. ; I�,­ - - , 901e= rug 12," x 161, t6od as new � 2 wn� IV -Margaret Zapfe, John Moffat, , ­ �� , goleuxn rum�_9? x IV;-4,odd ehairs, 2 lawn . . . 0 i.- . Arnold Tailor, Leola Taylor (condl- , ��,_, !ualverb.; t- step ,ladder; wringer and clothes . I ill, � I I - 3iasket; ctodm: quantitY fruit and pickles - tional' Promotion). To Grade Ill - x�� �! ,_ _ ' , Y4'. .cii-iltiiY Of hard coal; quantity of Zie, Verna Eyre,,l Thelma Baird, "Rob rt 11.­�'. ,� Ubout 9 tons; 4 to 6 cords split hardw�ood. e I'll i'� " Mustard_ Frank Hill, To Grade 11- A�,. ; . cord soft wood: crowcut saw; ash sbifter; ". &'.�,, , I otybh,d., �wrpentees tools; rise; steel wheel- Olive Alkenbead, Alice Caldwell, I 1i *- 1 co I- ,, ,i'� ,'�, 1*&-; VittuWS; exbmsiion ladder; number George Ross ( riditional Promotion' . �U,Q�', - , �1, 1,.,1, - ., 9VW Aeeb land.,hed,ling. RROPERTY---one- -Wilfred Wilhelm, Teacher, . ', ;�..�":,;'.* half acre aot"'. tVA6 starey brick bbuse � '� �b '.!.,, � in occellbut condition; !barn .' r- -- . ,,,v and ga - � I �,,,,, ".: ., , tonlvefii — 11 1."I" .1 , _ .. dim., ,Bdtt water. heating, Hydrio; - ,.i.1.,W.. I ".., ,�,, ,' I � . I `�,�,&,%,;$,.� , Terms:'' 'Cbaftels. - . i.V "", 1�, " 6�0 to it an<1 sthoc,L � of HILLSGREEN ` �,�,a_­..._�_ _ Cash. Piov,-rtr! la� ,per cent., &*b day - � � � �,�,'�,:K,­,,*­. I 1 tal,i, Zal",ice In ao days. sold subiba to a �­�,J��. , , r. . I 'Ir",4 I��,��__ ifesertied b&t, MRS. J. ,M DOCRE, RTY, Pro:, 0 M "= : mg, , i S I' 17 1 7", I I I M I i . .... .. - 11 W,q,", ;,;, I - _,W -J�seksou, AudMdheer, ' wing and thii' �� ,A, . ,� ,41tooW . . ., , "I g,��,�",:`..: . I I .1 1�, 4044 rs. report � bumper erm - �,�4,�,',�'��:­. - farmle , ", _,� _ r, � . I �, , , 1- I ,I,��,�� , ""'., 1�1 , , ", 1 '4 _1 .111111111, . A'Al- I 11,11,1 ­ I ", I ,, . . . I .. .. - . ..Mr. ,1ohn Barclay, Of Stratford, is r� 'y' ,,, ��.' . - "4 �jj, ,I�,OVI 1; ­` __ " __ �, �,�, ,',,',,�,­� . - I . . Sp6ri7dilag a week's Vacation with Mr. I ,,�,;,�­­,' �, " ,,�'.!",,, �j,�,,`.� � and fAlr& Vl7mf,DNVICJson. - 1.119; 11 , 1,z , ,� C - " I Zenders Wanted I . " j,,�,`,�,,,.,,'r,:":,. . - .1�1 I I � �­'�,��­ , ,., ,. I . . U186 l9lVa Love and M29ter Lor)fe 4-1,4,'), "I',,", I I I I 11 � I I ­ . '' -;,,,�'.!;��.I," " . � TEND, P11 . I . Love And Norma. are vaqa,tionlug, With ,)� , ,r',:- I . * I , H W W'ANTED I . ,,r,", , . . � ,. .their, � �, �V'1,1 -;� . gralld,01rdritg in Renisall. I ,��� �,��:,:�,,'ii',"'J,,,,, , , ". " . '' - � , , , � . 0, It , �_ , *Im ft pooryw- ve T�iz , , � 9��"., i 11!��' �, �h � ... �­ 2 '. ..., , : , - ScYtOol Wing brer lor kllothAr'ferin, .,; . . 1, .. � ,,,�,��,�!i�,�,�',,.�j,;�f,O.,,.�;�,.�-�"I ,� _*i-tow"',�ftal-.1t �.,,id* ��- *,foutt 0 - , "V - 1�­ a�&.' the tdadhergof.tho'tWo public ildhooij M� , 4- "OlS *I., � ­1'-,,1-1T,W, " I ", � W - "t4- I I a h- , � �P"iV �� ��;" ,,,: r � 'homes, , , be"zowulTo "No, 4, ,�,, 'M � �O %osikiw j'tl' I � as 'golle: to their ros�pedtl'VA , , ��O;.�',�i'Vfi' lr;"� " _, , , . to I " I. 1. , r V�0,6,fktf6.4, and, , :�,';, I f,0610"W ;�! � ,�,��"I' 1p"", 94 td On 0k. "P, W#11-Charn4d ;,"�IF,C..,,'�,,.�,!,�,,,'��,,�,,����,� �,v,, #,,,,*TA'17lF"8126 �6����,"ki�,�WW,,�o�",+,�..im�T.#4w����i4L', 11- ­ - ­­ 1. I .Iwil _. , I I . �, � I I I 1. . I , I , , .� I I I ,. ., - � � .", �� ", , ,on Irr . . . I I I � . " ! r �, , I.. M sgi JQF,� $01.141ft, O� �0,rQq,itqn, 10 . . . p I vacation 4� , .. ,�; I . . I . Mr. ,and ,Mrs, ,Gqo. %vialson, MT. and Mrs. .David Da . .4vldsp4 and Dalton, Misses ,G6'6rg1na and Doris Seilerand : Mrs. Th9s. Salter, of Stratford, and Mr; and . Mrs, John Davidson, and faln-J.17, of KitiPhe . rler� spent the week- e4d with the former's soif-arid daugh- ter, Mr. a'ad Mrs., Win. Davidson, also Mil, and Mrs. Joe Smith,, Mrs, Ellen Moser and'Shirley, .of Stratford, vis- ited Sunday with the latter's sister, � Mrs, Wm, Davidson. ' . Quite a niimber from this vicinity gathereid at the Lions Park in Sea - forth for the school picni6, and all report having .a good time, I.. - — __- t � - � . � I I CONSTANCE . � __ . 3 L 3 , Hold Fiftieth Anniversary 3 ;11, " ,, The cel6bration. of the 5Gth anni- I versary of Constance United,Church t was a happy event to the members ! of the congregation. Many former members and adherents and desceiad- ants of the early pioneers Were Pres- - .ent. The day was one of great'bless- t ing, spiritually and financially, to' the .' church. The guest speaker, Dr. AXch- t er Wallace, of,Toronto, Editor of Tbd � Onward, delivered two very fine ad- . dresses. ,In the morniilg he -spoke on . "As the Jew is to the Orientals, so was God's 'grace in the lives of His - people," He, pleaded for God's Peo- - pie to be kind, sy-patheticarild good ) overlookers and not to I( . grow sour because of adversity. The a choir Swag an anthem, "Awake! _- ;Awake!" T ' he quartette, consisting - of Jas. T. Scott, Clarence Walden"W. . Jewitt and Win. Britton, sang "I �' Want My Life To Tell." Mrs: A. H ; - Reekie sang "Beside Still Waters.' ) Rev. J. ,C. Britton was on' the plat-, I form in. the morning. Rev. Menzies I ? . read several letters from former - pas- - tors arid members, who had , 'moved . from here. ,In the evening Dr..- Wal- ) , lace gave a stirri4g,. address .'which � k. was deeply spiriblail,"and all felt that - .t ey had truly been helped. The choir I � I . . I sang "Like the Sound of Many 'Wa- . ters," and the male quartette render: - I ed "Just Outside the, Door." After I the sermon, Mr. D.- Gill, of Parkhill, . sarrg "How Lovely Are, Thy Dwel- lings." ' Rev. W. A, Gardiner, of Eg- mondville, a former pastor, was an ' the 'platforff arid helped in the ser'- . c vice. The proceeds for the 4ay was . $18�.80. "Quite a number'who were I . I unable to be present sent donations. I On Monday evening Dr. Wallace de- lighted his audience with sildes of I England and Scotland and Mrs. Men - I. zies delighted 3vith. two solos. Among I t.hose-who visited friends for the day I : were: Mr.'and.Mrs. A. H. Reekie and � two daughters, of London; Rev. and ' '_ I , ,Mrs. J. C. Britton and family, Clin- ' ' -,. ton; Mr. and Mrs. Arch Roggarth, t Wallaceburg; Mrs'.. Myra Wheatley, I Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs. William Stephenson and two sons, Ethel, with 11 Mr. and Mrs. Win. Britton; Mrs. J. . 13. Hinchley, Seaforth; and Mr. and Mrs.' C. Ball, Surnmerhill, with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson; Mr.� and � -Mrs. J. Busby and Shirley, of Chat- . . ham,,wIth Mr�--and_Mro. Lorne Law- � San;, Miss Doris', ,Lawson, Toronto, .. Mr.' And Mrs. Leslie Lawson, Tueker- � - Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lawson . ' and Miss Marion Lawson with Mr. I arid Mrs. Earl Lawson; Mr. and Mrs, ; I * ! Walter Broadfoot with Mr. and Mrs. k John Nottingham. ; I � I - - - I 11. M�KILLQP -, 1. , I . ____ I i '' Mr� Harry-Steinacher spent severe days with his cousin, Mr. Morley 1 Koehler. * . I . I Mrs' A. J. Huether and Misses Joy and, Dorothy Huether, 6f"Morriston, and Pte. 'William. Huether, of Wood- stock, were holiday visitors at the home -of Mr. and Mrs� Charles Eg- . . � gert. , � . � We, wish Mr. Joe Eckert and his bride the brest of luck and happiness, May they elljoy.,iiving oh our line. A shower Was, held on Friday eve- rxing at Ahe home of Mr. and Mrs. John'Eckert in honor of Mr. and Mrs. . Joe Eckert. . , . Mr. and Mrs.. Frank .Brook� were given a showel, at the 'home of her mother, Mrs, William Seimon, on Wednesday of last week. I ' (Intended for last week) . � � Mr. and Mrs: James Campbell, of, Elbow,'Sask., are visiting friends, a:nd relatives In this vicinity. , � Miss Ruth Coulstock, of Kalamzpo, who visited her friend, Mrs. G. Xleb- er at� the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred .Ho6gy, returned home on Saturday. . Sfinday visitors -with Mr. and Mrs. Henry. Weitersen were: Mr. and Mrs. C. Gollaitz and Mr. and Mrs, Russel Felfer and 'family, of Mitclielle Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rode, of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eggert, ac- compAnled by Mr. and Mrs. Will( Shannon, of near SC�Aforth, were ati Milverton on Sunday to view the re- mains of Mrs. Shannon's uncle, the late John Kerf. . . Miss . Bernice Manley, R.N.,,of Wit- chener, is at present visiting at her ,home here. I . Mr. and Mrs. Carl Eisler, Hugh and Caroline, of Willow Grove, spent Sun, day with Mr. and Mrs. 1. P. Rock, . . � I VARNA - "... . . -Nownummmw*m Holiday Visitors: Mr. and Mrs - L4ytbam and family, of Londofi wit� . Mig * I L. Beatty and daughter; M�. and Mrs' Joe Coultice with Mr. P111grim; MT. and Mrs.. Cecil Wiley, of Flint, with Mrs. Gertrude Reid � and. Mrs. -Jamesion; Mr. and Mrs. Adams, of Seaforth, Miss Gertle Smith, R.O.A.F. (W,D.), Lachinp, Que., at the' 6me of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith; LAC.' Win: -MeAsh-with his wife and little sons at the parental home, also LAO. Floyd- McAsh spent a few &C,ys With his pareilts; ,Mr. and Mrs. McAsh, b6- f6re their dieparture to Debert, MR. ' ' Vfg- J.- R. MOUntenay Wad soiig, Jamea and Russell,' and ,Mr. James Reynolds and babl, of London, vere W�ok­end, guests at this home of Mr. and MtM P. I. 10plebY, allg'o Mt� and. Mrs. tL Appleby 461 Tngergoll�­ ,, I 1. Tlli-ei V. A., Of- St. YOhil's'Az,J%*ft " *bureh 'Wilt hd1d Thlaradixi at- ' , I I , � , - - I . : � m , , 11 ,, I , &If! � I . , . ': �� . ,, I _ ,:., . ­�, 1. '�! : I . � , I , I.. ��� I . ��'�! .. �i'�! : ,') I . � �. ., , 1, .1 11�� ,�'.' , cex I 0 . , , . 11� I .. 1, . .- . �,! -1. - �.�l , 1" ". ,� I I � 11 n� . . . . . . . . !!!!!!! � Y�1. L �., . � I'll, ��� 1, ,�, - �m �'�,' ��, ,,.,; -1-mi. ".� �: �� . ,%�Jl . I I 1;11,,-'-i I I _�J ... .... "."', '�., ,".Tj�'.j' "­-�%1�1­ -'J, ­! �� '!� .... .. _'_.�,�;"21:1;i .,�'�11' ',�`:,W'117, . . .sp P4 , . I I . I ��_ � , IZ�:��,�,,,,,.�"."!.,,��.",L,I .... ... 111-1, — � ", � ;, � 11 " t ... ... ", 11 I I or :� , � I , , , , . � .�, , I , , 0 % IQ I., I , . I �; �'*LvI , 71, - - .11 V I I � * � * W, '4�, � '­Uis� 10 r , � t- , .. .... _ �,., o t , �� I._ " , : " . t'. �. . . . �4 T . - 11. , �, I �: r, '- . . 1,; ist. , go, 'by Wur.; �-oni I I 'O " " , " , , , "' � � �* " t 11 I , I h ` 'O %; �-, ��,,, I #� , ", �` :: I �� - - , , I 7atso]16, of P114t, e I � , k! 01ppil; 0�1 TOI: , 11 1� q " ��, ., i,:� � : i � - �, . L , I ,�� I � , ", " � 'ts at , , . �1, 11 " ',, M ." T . _e , - � i y gpueEi -the �y, . I t I IT" , '�'It­ , , -�Il �� � . I . I ' 4p= ,� o# .... V, -_91W"? 0, .1 s; ' 9 # � I A I _0 . of ` was, - _q 1,; : 4 -,�, "" ". . of K,X,.. and Mrs. Lee ,V _Q - ,,, .4 4p .. � I . .. � q ird, . i Wart, P, 11;1. An, 4 , , � 0!� . $L#4'� ' - , , , I . 199,41 �. 0�!� �, I Aell. - home for ajew days, the, i th.14 Re 7. s, . Kate I - I � two, brQt 114 ­'kii­ d ' _ � � . I , I I ­4'�.rSj' and &,I), - 4.14.0exqua 0.9'.4g;o4a ,7,".qr�k . On Sun T49 ,a$. ott,_.. , ­ - k- . , , _d � ... I J ay..morning; Ally 16th, *i veek� . .. - I P. -44.0 ,W11114T.4 Vfs.� X9Il11P:-,1A%exw4A re.0p,104, 11 o'clock, g,eriice will he observed In ,P�te, Ru$eri'­Ho*wa , I I ,ad, of Piptaw�a-%,a Xarrott, I i .. I o4. ' e ' tumetal Wilt :kUlb, ,,iw�pl p aft sJU.1g e- f 1010, , s ., , � _ _J he - St. John's ,Anglican Cluireb, when has 'been home I �. �- I . the h ", Lo: 1� _V, �of , , F -� 4 on 104ve ' be, held .of . bar ison, arrival,overse4s,-of her so4;., �.',.' �'�� the Hollou, . . . I .1 .r ji;il will be uuveilieo, alvd .Mrs. Writ, 'Bradshaw 0"Ild �David, of Ross Love, Hay Toi*nghlp. on Satur�r pipol ',* . ^_ fii e . , , . law I I I , , ,aU,�'of,. tlxe In ,Atry IR , ,.,, dedicated by., �Rev, Arch Deacon Poh- Seatortb,' spot a B' ' I will take servo, , i . l I . . , . qouple,of days last day, at 2.30 p.m. urla ; reqontly I stationed' - it �Pp,�� erty, of Lando 'b we4k 'at Mr, John Rerdilgaxls,, . I I I .. I ­ ii. Fit. Lt. 14ove, Padr , , _ place In Balrd's Cemetery. wash. ' .1 I I � � t at Clinton rta,dio School, will be the Mr. and Mrs . , � I I Will Johns, and Mr, Howard, -the Year-bl(l' son of Lieut. Mr. and 405, Willia_m. Opam and guest Speaker, . . . and Mrs. Allen' , Johns, attended the and Mrs. gain Ron I - I � , niiii, �s Ill. at his Ralph, of Adrian, Mich., spent the ,, f, Mrs. Clark and daughter, in com- McDonald picnic held in, Seaforth on home, suffering with pneugAonia. week4n(l with Mr. and Mrs. George - Pany'with Mr� Buchanan, spent a day Jul Ist. . I The Late- Maroret -Ben . . ., Gram. I . � in London last week. .. Yhe annual �Beli reunion was held Miss Margaret Bell, prominent Hen. Mrs. P. Coleman has retprued home I 1, . ' - �_, . I at Mr, Norman Jawes, no� Zion, on *sali resident, died In Scotf.'NembIrtal. after spending -last,,we* 1. ­ I ... 7 . . . - . , . I ex W141 Mr. il . � 1. � . . - July list. Hospital, Seaferth, on Wednesday and -Mrs. Russell 'Coleman in Tuc.ker-, --.WALTON ��- . The, pupils of the senior room of evening, June 28th, in her 86th year. Smith. . � . � . -------,- - ,�, . I the school b . -to the hospital Pte., . Edgar McClinchey, of camp 4 . j.. . - , I , presented Miss Lila M - Miss Bell was taken Mr. and Mrs, Cha�. .Pringle,'of Lon- Culloch with a PYr6x casserole in"Bil- about two weeks ago 'suffering wi7t � 4 Borden, visited 'this *ersk ,;ffith� 410­ dan, spent 'the past week with the yer frame at the clipae of school last pneumonia. A natire of Rexisall, she wife ,and gon, Jerry. . 1. . J , , . 1. . latter's mother, Mrs. Grousse. I week. . - . . .. ... . - was a daughter of the late Mr. and Miss Jean Poster, of LiEiad6n, 'Was I I . , Mr. Russell Saundercock passed -_ � - - - - --ON ... W" Mrs. Paul Bell, Widely known citi- a week -end' visitor with her parents, I away in .-W41ton on Wodnesday, July zens. For many years the deceased Mr. and Mrs, A., Poster. .. , 5th,, iri� h�s 63.rd, year, The funeral IRENSALL - had made her home In Hensall. She Mr. F- i il I . will be held Friday afternoon. . -ter- ' .�ank 4rburn had his tonsils A . _____6 was a member of Urmel Pregby removed 4t the office of Dr. D. G., Mr. and ,Mrs. Clarence Steiss-and om. Backaches, Itheu- fan Ch9rch, Hensall. Surviving are Steer -,on Saturday last. I . � ,% da-ughter and John Steiss, of Welland, matic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago Is'not two sisters, ,166. Duncan" Stewart' of Lieut. Sam Rannle,.� of Londd.n, .. '.1 I . . . -------- , . spent ,the past two w�qeks at Brus- necessary. , Use RUMACA_PS at ,once Herisall, and Miss J � ean li,ell, also two spent the week,end with his wife and � - ,' sels and Walton. ".. for quick relief. Middleton , a Di.ug brothers.,' John, of i�ear H&Lsall, and family. .. I 1 .- . . ' . Miss Anna Innis is spending I' ��O ,' Store. . William Bell, Hensall. Public funer-' Mrs: F. C,oleinan spent Monday In, A -Nyqpks' leave at her home. She is a '. 4 (Continued from Page 1) ' , a] services were.bold from.,the home Clinton. . I n1ember of the Cduadian Air Force. � , . . of her brother, John, two miles, west ,Mr. and ,Mrs, ,William Pepper and * , . C. Innis, of Newfoundland, is Spend- Announcement. I of Hensall, on'Priday at 2 p�m., con- -Mr. and Mrs. -Charles Pepper, 'of Tr�- 0 4 ing a two weeks' leave. s[t the home Mr. ar . I ducted by her minister, Rbv. J. E. ronto, visited Mr, and Mrs. W. M. V S, .Ld . Mrs, William Dinnin, Of Taylor. 'Tbfa Pallbearers were R. D. Pepper, of Hensall, on Sunday. I Iof his parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Fred ,, ratford�� announce the engagement Bell Win G. Bell, Win. , Bell, Dr. Jas. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dybotson, N. Innis. of their daughter, Audrey Ethel, to ' Andrew Bell and Syd. McArth- Herbert and Orlene, of Hanover, were 0 Mrs. Mary Driscoll, of Toronto is Bell, � I � 1 Mr. Alvin' Edward Munn, son of Mr.. ur. Burial was made in Hensall Un- visitors with 'his, mother,.,,Mrs.� Win. . � holidapng -at the bome 'of Mr. nd and Mrs. Robert J. Munn, of Hensall, ion Cemetery. - ' . I .... � P - .,. Mrs. Fred Innis. the marriage .to take place in Strat� I epper, on ,Monday. . I 0 ' , Mr. Calyton Sellars is visiti .. ng ford� on Saturday, July 8th. Visitors. for the- 1st of Suly and Fit. Lieut. and .Mrs. 1). H. Peacock, friends, i4 Walton. ".. ,, week -end with Mrs. Catherine Hed- who have been enjoying a zanoeilng 4 1 Mrs. Q. '­Balran 'S.L Katfp� den werb:'!,Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Red- vacation in Algonqi4in Park, left this , tyne,, M'li. ' . I w Scott and Mrs. P. Graham, of Hen- den, - Miss 'Marie, Redden, Miss 'Jean week for Sydney, N.S., after. visiting I., 41 .:, . Sall, and Mr,- Lorne Scott, of Toron- Kedge, all of Hamilion: Mr. Hem. with'the lattdr's mother, Mrs. dracp � I to, attended the Ballantyug pionlic Redden, St. Catharines; Mr. L,ee Red. Harpole. I . 4 � . I . ' held at Atwood on Saturday, July Ist, den, Windsor; Mrs. .W. ;Carter, Dan- Miss Ila ,Boyce, of the Goshen, Filley - Watson � and report a most enjoyable time. -ald and Catherine,'diinton. was taken,to Clinton Hospital for an I I Londesboro United Church was the Miss ,Lois 'Henderson left Wednes- rs. William Wilson and children, I . I. L M emergency appendix operation on scene'of a lovely wedding oil July Ist day to spend a month's holidaks with Joe a atharines, Monday- . I . at 3:30 p.m., when tida Ruth Watson, relatives in Glencoe. . spent this week with the former's Mrs, Bert -Glenn arid San, Gordon, .4 We, E g r ' daughter of Mrs. Nellie Watson and _ d McClinchey, of..Camp sister, Miss Phyllis Case, at the home and Mr. Roy Peters, of New.Toronta, . � , the late Charles Watson, ,of Lon(jes- Borden; "I'as been ,gXanted.. a two of Mrs. H. -C. Soldan. ' I were week-ehd visitors with their � I boro, was united in marriage to Wil- months' leave, and has been engaged ' Evening service ' in the Unite(l. aunt, Mrs. Nelson Blatchfo'rd. ­ I . .. . liam. Frank Riley, gors of Mr. and. to work with Mr. Arthur, XbOlilichey Church will be withdrawn during the. Miss Pearl McGe'6 returned to K , it- I Mrs. Frank Riley, ,of Goderich. The o,.f,., the Goshen, , well-kown district months of July- and August. There chener, on Wednes6 of this week, , bride, given in marriage -by her uncle, farmer. � . will be morning service only. during following a pleas ay I . Mr. Win. Lyon, (if Thorndale looked Dr. and Mrs. B. Y. Campbell, Of those months, , end with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and I � lovely in a floor -length whit'e sheer Toronto, and Mr. Keith Buchanan, of Mrs. T. -D. Wren, well-known dis- Mrs. William L.' Forrest, of KiPpen. '� � ; gdVn -with lace inset "and sweetheart� London, are vacationing at their trict resident, underwent a serious a I � I . neckline. She wore a heart -shaped summer ,home here, , . ­ , - P7 Sudden Death of -Young, -Daughter . ­ eration in' Scott Memorial Hospital I " 0 lace hat with shoulder length veil Donald 1,�yle, little son of Gunner Seaforth, on Saturday last, and at The sympathy, of the entire com- I and carried a,wbitii prayer book wlt� and Mrs. Byrar Kyle, haChis tonsils date of writing is doing 'as well as raunity is extended. to Gunner and I , . . orciiid and -streamers. Her two- removed at the offi6e of Dr. Steer. can be 'expected. , Mrs. Byran ky'ie in the loss ot their . � str'ahid. string, of pearls was the gift . Mrs. C. McDonell and D6rothy, who 'Miss Hannah Craig - arid her bro- . Attractive 'little one -year-old daugh-- 4 of the groom. Miss -Fern , Watson, ,have been spending the winter ther, Mr. John -Craig, left Monday at. ter, Phyllis, whose sudden death oc-,, , ' sister of the bride., as bridesmaid., months in London, returned to their this,,week for the West, where they curred at her home. here Tuesda-y L wore -a street-lengtb dress of pink home here last week.' . ....." expect to spend some months, earn- morning at 5 a.m. . The baby had sheer crepe with . matching 'heart- P�ofusions of gorgeous ro8es. ' Of birling business with pleasure. been suffering with. whooping cough, 4 . , shaped hat of net, and carried a bou- beautiful colors are being adinlied In Miss Grace Pepper is spending this but was able to be . out with its . quet of white roses. Miss Amfia Sin- the gardens of E. L, Mickle, Dr' Jas. week I visiting with friends in W,Ood- -mother on Monday. The baby's deaTh . .. clair, nieeb-of the bride,' directed the W. Bell', Aliss, Minnie Reid and many stock. 1. I I 4 guests to the table where a delicious other gardens. . . . I I was iiaused from a choking Seizure, . I Mrs. G.'Voth and daughter, Gwen, Miss Mona Hedden arid Mr. Alex complicated from whooping cough. . dinner was se'rved, . Rev, Menzies I Shorthouse, who hitve been vacatiOIL- PhyllW, who was an exceptionally proposed, a toast tolthe bride,'' after of Detroit, are here at Present owing Ing with the former's mother, Mrs; C. lovely baby, was loved by everyone J . which the groom, - maade a fitti4g re- to the" serious illness of Mrs. IL' Hedden, returne'd to St. Catharines.on in the vilfage,'and will be very much , . , ,ply. During the dinner, several tele- Bonthron. , . Monday. .1. � missed by her Parents, little brother I grams bearing good wishes to the , Mr. Herb. Redden, ,of. ,St. Cathar- .Miss June Kennedy, of Hamilton, Donald, her �, P happy cotple, were rp.ceived. After- ines, is spending a w-eek Vacatiob.111' grandparents, Mr. and . 9 is a guest this week with Miss, Ber- Mrs, Ir. Kyle and .grandmother, Mrs. wards the -bridal party and guests re- at his. home here. l nice Sinks., . 4 turned to the home of the bride, � Mr. and Mrs. William Ro Flossie Efrock. ,The -,baby's father is athermel, Mr, and Mrs. Ferris Cantelon and stationed' at Petawawa, -but Is home 1. wher� a pleasant -evening � of Merriton, spent Wednesday with family, of Schromberg, are visiting on a.tw,q,Weeksl leave., Mrs. Kyle J The bride and groom then left amid the former's sister, Mrs. Catherine with the former's mother, Mrs. D. A. . is 1" Ii Fledde.n. , � .. � I . . I . . the former Olive Wock of HensaH. showers - of, g?*,0d Wishes for a trLp, to . . Death of Mrs. .1 , I ­ - 1. Cantelon. I . I Private funeral serviceg�wiaro­hisld . I Ottawa and,)Dgstern Ontario.' The . . , Robert, Love Bill Mickle and Charles, Fee left Wednesday. at 2 p.m. from 1he home . I . . �bl�ide wore a'two-piece suit of figured Mrs. Robert Love died 'suddenly in Monday for camp, being held this of her Parents, eonducted by Rev.'R. I turquoise crepe, white flowered hat Hensall irn Thursday morning at the year at the United Church camp ' , home of , her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Me- Goderich, _,site, A. Brook. Burial' -was In Hensalk t1rn- and matching ' accessories. Gif ts 'Ewan, In her 77th year. She was from July 0rd to 10th, and, !cin Cemetery. . . I I J were: To the bridesmaid, a rl,ck- , I . 'July 24th to 31st, respectively. . Rev. '(Additional Hens'all on Pag�' S) lace and ear rings in gold, abd sfl-� - � . ver, oak design; to the flowpr girl, a . _,� 0 silver locket and bracelet set; to the . I . . - . . I I . soloist and organist, gold dress pins, I I", .1 . �. � - _�__ I 0 and to the � groomsman and ushers, " I I I cuff links. Guests were'present from ' Ottawa Thorridale, Oshawa, Blyth, I I Kippen' Goderich, , St. Catharines, We Can I Buy Our Way Into, a Breadline .1 1, , � t I and Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Riley Will. -1 I . I .. . .. - .- . _. .1 I I I . reside in Goderich. � I . . . �, . I I . . � . . . . � - . - I 1. . I . 11 � . . . . . q IK-\ . �­ . I I U1 __�­,� . . . ­ . \\- i ; I , . .. . . I .1 . . . ZURICH I . . stary .10evorithe-t covers am off 4 e $ I . I. . . � .. .. A Of I uffertng . d ( . I . � . � I Pred C. Kalbfleisch, manufacturer ,, . . ..k :. ., ,, I I ' . . and head of the local saw, flax and I . . . f Planing 'mill of P. C. Ka.lbfleisch & only thyough palfiting h9 post mistakes..'Will we suffer less! Remember how in. - � Son ' died suddenly Saturday in his I I I . .. - I I I _,!�_ . 4' 78th,.year, Mr. Kalbfleisch was strick- . 11� . ... , . I ' .1. � I 1. J en when the plaulAg mill was de- . J strayed by fire la,st February, but th'e.lost�way*fol6'blei;the'irmo'no-9. Reedleappendingeoused'P " ' " . . . ''I � . t1pes to Fise'..-. � � had recovered to the extent that he � . . — I , 1. I . 0 1 I. was able ti inspect the erecting of .. i . "' - , - �. tire new mill. Mr. Kalbbeisch was that 69 1918, he mm gou buyloda fiv 89 C6011-85t,hen;,wWe hab 1 co � born in Hay Township and lived . big ;0 f 12554 9 one ys at ,. r .. . I e , btire life in this ci&iNimunity, operat- ­ . � I I , . � . . 1 4 . I . , �ng a farm besides his manufactur- � - , ing concerns, He w,as a member of ,,, Vas compared fo 0,5i'milar 0,00t at This was ifflot if I - St. Peter's Lii�hif�an� Churc'h. Sur- " '. . ­­ , ion and a * 1 4 a I viving are his -�vjdiiw, four daughters, . . I - . -, I .. . 4 Mrs. Theodore Haborer, Mrs, George , . 0 , DelchQrt, Mrs, Jacob Haberer, Mrs. 1. too soon ifwos followed b,9 +h.e inevitable do ion . - ��! I I � ofi; A , " , I Edward Da'tars, all of Zurich; � ! �aw 1, , 19 three . 21, .n sons, R. J. Kalbfleiseb, Detroit, Rev. I . I. . I C_ . . t , L. H. Kalbfleisch, Elmira, and Ivan, ' -1 . . i. f of Zurich; three' brothers, Edward, our go"rnment isdefermi�ej topreved Inflat-i"o'n- now.,,--,.- by there a ' Adolph and George, all of Detroit , .... I . !, . . . w, re -price , . . . I . � .. . .,� . I � I I . I I I I - I ____.- I I � ­' - , 7 --iii... .1 cei I ings onj Aer anti-inflation aq measuves,fo'hold th I e COSt of living dojj� anj � V ELIMVILLE' , ... . . mm's"'000000000000 , "" " __0000011101111111NES . I I I . � I On Thursday, 7 7 of last week I . about three hundred' former pupils .keep our dolar volu'e 6101"And YOU belp prevenfa future, Jepyqssio' . and residents of S.& No. 6 met on ,, I I .. .- I I I . . n and.keep vow. I . I the school grgundg, T gathering in , � . I .� 4 honor of Miss Lila McCulloch, -who .1 . . 1 r I I. I for the pa-st 23 years has been pria- dollays high inialuc.49veryfime �Youpass up a needilass luxur ()%t? - �PA I , . cipal and teacher of the senior room . . . . .9 -� 0 . I., Df Winchelsea school, and who re- ' I . 1, I ' ' . . I . iign0d,,at tbe close of this term, Ball invest I ' games were enjoyed - and races run I ,9ovvmone9WsSA4' v'cT; c. , nd avoid blach ' ket ' I J I by the Younger children, after w1lich I I - = - . mov .spending, I all.were seated in the front of the , , , _____ __ . I : I I I . .., f 5chool. Mr. Joe Bailey; very capably . . . . .. .... I ?Lcted as chairman for 'a good pro- I . I I ,,ram, consisting of, speeches by Mr. � Joshua Johns and 'Rev. Mair; read- . . I ngg by Messrs. Delmaxe Skinner and .1 X" X1 I . I kIlen Johns and Miss Ethel. Pooley; I . musical numbers by John Ridley, . . I J 1,orne Elford, Russel Mills and Mrs. . I I Wib. Batten. The highlight of the . I , � I'll ,,,l UyIng or se - . I I. 2i'vening's Program ihqn, followed. I . . itig joods or S'eMces. I Will PaY 00 old d6hts ' %1ISS McCulloch was.., called to the I . .1 I save for the ftittre, is, 3latform and mr. W'ard Hern read an � . ' inv6st ift ViCtOrY Bonds ancl . I i .. uldress and Messrs. Lloyd Johns and . -.0-11- _ ­ War Savings CertificatI6& And -1 .wW 'support . ­­ 1. � . lordon Peribale presented Miss .,Me- I, � I , e . � I'llilloch with A cabinet of silverware, . _ - -.i_ tax '6 Which hel IdWet the cost Of1i " . I I � . R I I Ir. ing. . . "er , . . 0 Occasional chairs 'and an end . I 0 . , ­ I I . I . Vie on behalf of the section and I I . . 1� 1 4 1 * otmer Pupils, a tangible 46ipression I ! Ath . . I )f the esteem in which she is held in 1. I he community. Miss McCulloch n I %de. . . A40 A&* 1414AW . /1111 I � Very, fitting reply, 4XPkessing ber , ­ . P'.. 1-1-1-11. . - kipprocistion of the gifts, . ,she men- , . . 4V � , r .: � . I'll I _0. , I "I I I I -J .. .. . � I &. . . . ioned that during h-er"torm as toad'h- : I I . . . ­ I � ... I 01�, i 1 I 1 i 1, �: � V.: . i� the had taught,�4bouj two buidked , ' MIZINIZIA100900040"': it i I i Pal M: ,, . . ". 1. . 11 � L W014ti and had enj6ko4� the 1,opil eo� . . . I . .. , 1. 1.� �,'��'' * , , , , '. ,, I .. . ! I., , I ; I I 11 I- . I " , It i I I .1, . .11,1� � I . )P6rAtIO71 Of t]iO,, PO&ti 'Wid fli'ds- . I ... 1.111'.." 1, F 110, al, 16 � .. (ObmAad), , . ". I ... ". I �­ , . I ... , ik , SO)AVI. . I I I I . 1:1 . . whiiihid6vAk."'Jumm", O�D' " ' ' ., � , .1 � I . .. I I i898. TWO of f6i7l;Zio& Who j6h. . ;.1 . � . , ,, 11 . . � 1�1 .i'� �1 ,� , ,. �� . I 0 . I . 1. �01 htr first "W"I"I", 61, I .1 tIl� . I - I ,'�W 0 Ift"I". . . . I ,'04 a� 0M_161y I I I I fb.belt t6fta th, ", ` - . . , ­­ , , - , I �, " " 1. .1 " ; - , -. I'll, .i� " .�� ­ , -4400 , A" ,� Mao - - - - ", At A" , ,I � t�* Uwam - � � ­­­ 1_11�.­;,� '_V��".L, - , _ 4000 f1bonIU10 ,� . . I ,,--� " -,:. , ; - � �. I '' i �. I "..'... 11�'IWJ ., , '' ... I , I . z6a tilt '' . ., , ,�� � �. � � ',. "' , " ..� � � "'. .", � �,_i,._, vill, A; """ , �� I I . . .,;; � 4 I , IV, .�,­, 11,��"!­�"­.:,� ,;1::�,_:L", _�­_!. �. 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