HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1944-06-30, Page 81, , , • Street, excel-' tit014,"'44oOlediate possession. her ,deitirahig. -proprrttes ale* lasted- REH) M. A. agic - Proprietor bone gi4 Seaforth SPECIALISTS IN ALL. LINES OF • INSURANCE • Second Division Court -county of Huron Ofilee in the Dominion Bank Seaforth. Office hours: Tues. day, Thtireday, and Saturday. 1.30 as 5 p.m ; Saturday evening. 'LBO p.m. E.to Or . CHAMBERLAIN - Clerk • ' , „ MRIPPPIPP111 MAe 1,400 Ailailiaaa‘aa.T40,'•Pa°401.1Y eeting Of the Mae Leale:'diia ‘6:f NOrtheltba lai4k4.0baaeb, was held In the basement On: Toollrev6ning,,, June 37th. The Meeting, 9P-elled he; Singing tb:e heSen, "jeells the Very Tbotsght of Thee,” followed by the NatiOnal'Anthem. Miss Emily Lester, secretary, read the minutes of the last meeting.: Mrs. F, Bechely, the president, hadcharge of the business part. Plans were completed or the annual picnic to be held in July al the Lions Park. Mrs. Johnston, the convener, then took caarge. The hymn, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" was sung and prayer /ass of- fered by Mrs. Bradshaw. The scrip- ture was read by Mrs. McLellan, and solo, "Learn To Hope," was aung by Mrs. R. Stewart and was much enjoyed. The topic, "The Snow 'Goose," was ably given by Miss Fen- nell and proved very interesting. The aneeting closed by singing "Saviour, Again To Thy Dear Name," and by repeating the Mizpah benedietion. 0 0. 0 0 0 . G. A. WHITNEY .0 , Successor to HOLM ES & WHITNEY 0 Funeral Service o Main Street -Seaforth 0 AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 • 0 Adjustable hospital bed for 0 rent. -‚0 0 Agent ,for MitchelNurser, 0 O Flowers. 0 0 .. •• Telephone 1190 O Nights and Holidays 66 0 0 O • 00000000000 .0000000000.00 1° W. J. CLEARY 0 Seaforth, Ont. JO. LICENSED EMBALMER 0 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0 Night or Day Cali8-3115 0 . 000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <> o '0 J. A.` BURKE Funeral Service • "0 0 DUBLIN : ONT. 0 0 Night or day calls; Phone 43 r 11 0 0 0 0 0 (2r 0 SPENCE'S PRODUCE . GOVERNMENT. REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices Paid For Eggs and Poultry, Phone 170-W,. Seaforth NOTICE - Due to the shortage of essen- tial aupplies, we will be forced to curtail our purchases of live • 'poultry for the next week or so. This is only a temporary sit - nation, and ,will be remedied as • soon as possible. Churches Northside United Church.—Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister. 10 a.m., Sun- day School; 11 a.m., Dominion Day Message; subject, 'God in Canadian Life"; 7 p.m., Prayers fer Canadians in the Services; subject, "Our 'An- ticipation of Victory." Welcome to was The InaGrey BEAUTY SHOP will close July lst until further notice. grey fox and navy accessories. _The beide and groom will reside in Hamil- ton. 14.1111014.941.611,./. 400 e*,44-0/4. 0040 q1 4. Ore. In b#' -'01101)...etia-T64, laa.V4n4: fiaea.aeata tlecendk tt9 *One in 101 Internet/At teak Tlace jg Ne4eig,"11.4: PreelhOri*:)N, M. $.1. Meets. --The apolor- 444114ry of the. Weinen's- MUMeig4 met TitesdaY, June g7thF 0*. presbykertAik -Murcia re. W. EreSMan opened the, meeting' With, Ilrayer„ The reading of two let- ters.frem Mrs. H. Jadk was a delight - fill ,-feature, of the afternoon's pro- gropl. Oue, read by Mrs,. Fix•eau, was a letter to the Sealer and -Bar- bara Karknian Auxiliaries; the other, read by Mires Ballantyne, was to one of the members who kindly permit- tedthe society the opportunity of en- joying it. A collection for the Suprey Fund was received and as many members were absent, the amount re- quired was not attained, it is hoped allwilt., get in topch With Mrs. Bickela supply secretary, as soon as Possible. The devotional program was taken by Mrs. K. McLean's group. Mrs. Neil Gillespie gave the current events, and Mrs. Bickell the Scripture reading. The 'study of India was con- tinued, ears. C. Brodie giving a cone- prehensive report of the different mis- sionaries and the hospitals, while Mrs. W. Drover brought a bright, and interesting account of the develop- ment of the churches and schools. Between, these two papers a very Much enjoyed piano selection was giv- en by Mrs. Cseorge Ballantyne. 41. Died in British Columbia. — Word has been received of the sudden death in Oliver, B.C., of Victoria Eliza- beth Middleton (Bessie) Broadfoot, of "Brigend Farm," and concession of Tuckersraita, where the deceased was born. She was taken suddenly ill at a summer resort and later taken, to St. Martin's Hospital, Oliver, B.C., where she passed away on Wednesday, June 21st, after a. very short illness, Miss Broadfoot is survived by, one sister, (Agnes) Mrs. George T. Flewitt, who lives on the family homestead in Tuckersmith, and one brother, Wil- liam ,Broadfoot, of Oliver, B.C., who are left to mourn the loss of a; loving sister. One brother, James -Charles Stewart McGregor predeceased her several yens. ago The' late James Broadfoot carved the homestead in Tuckersmith out of the bush nearly 100 years ago, corning from Ayrshire, Sc.:eland: The late Miss Broadfoot a member of the Presbyterian these services. St. Thomas' Church.—Rector, Rev Dr. Hurford: 11 a.m., "How Can I Be a Christian?"; 7 pane "The Be- ginning of a Gospel." Instead of Sun- day School for July and Augustthe children attend church service at 11 a.m. St. Mary's Church, Dublin. — 9.30 a.m., "How Can I Be a Christian?" . First Presbyterian Church.—Sunday School at 10 a.m.; morning 'service .at 11 e.m.; evening service at 7 p.m. Rev. H. K. Castor, of Grand Valley, will preach at both services. Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary Meets, —The June meeting of the Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary of First Presby- terian Church was held on Tuesday evening. The meeting was opened by the president, Mrs. R. Kerslake, and the secretary's report given by Miss Belle Campbellain. the -absence-of-Mrs. E. A. McMaster..The program was ar- ranged by the Mc -Connell Group, of which Mrs. Milliken is tlie. eonven- er, Mrs. H. R. Scott occupying the chair. Mrs. J. E. Daley read the seripture lesson, and Mrs. Jas. Mac- Donald gave the Glad Tidings Prayer. Mrs, Russell gave interesting cur- rent events. Mrs. Milliken's paper on the continuation of the Bhil DiiS- sion field, telling of the school and hospital work, was very much enjoy- ed. Mrs. Kerslake read a letter from Mrs. H. Jack, telling of their journey experiences and of their new work in Sydney. Miss Doris Ferguson sang very sweetly "Just For Today." There will be no meeting of the auxiliary in July: • "fitE McKILLOP MUTUAL • FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: W. R. Archibald, Seaforth ,- Pres. F. McGregor, Clinton - Vice -Pres. 'Merton A. -Reid, Seaforth - Manager and Secretary -Treasurer. - WRECTORS: Chris. Leonhardt, Brodhagen; E. S. Trewartha, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, R.R. 3, Seaforth; Alexander McEwing, RM. 1, Blyth; Frank McGregor, R.R. 5, Clinton; 'Hugh Alexander, R.R. 1, Walton; William R. Archibald, R.R. 4, -Seaforth; George Leitch, R.R. Clinton; John L. Malone, R.R. 5, Sea - forth. AGENTS: Seltzer Shinen.—The Belvin Inn, Toronto. was the scene of a pretty wedding on June 18th, at two o'clock, when Ethel. Letta Shinen, dauglater of Mr. and Mrs. S. Shinen, Seaforth, Was united -in marriage to Harry Ad, um Seltzer, only son of 'Mrs. itebecca Seltzer and the late Joel Seltzer, of Hamilton. Rabbi Samuel Sacks, of the R.C.A.F. officiated. Tbe bride, givan in marriage by .her father and another, was becomingly gowned in a street -length dress of stiffened white eyelet with a square neckline, and wore a matching hand -made hat with fingertip -veil. She carrieda bouquet of white gardenias and roses. Mrs. Willy Fleischer, Toronto, sister of the bride, was maid of honour. She wore orchid crepe with matc»ing hat of tiny tloWers, and carried Talisman roses. i reception was .held for about 110 guests. The bride's mother re- ceived in a two-piece suit of tropic lime , with navy accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. The groom's mother wore . navy sheer two-piece dress with navy accessories and a corsage of red roses. Later the bride and groom left on their honeynoon for Buffalo, the bride travelling iii a light 'blue dressmaker • suit, - with matching tuxedo coat, trimmed with Finlay licKereher, R.R. 1, 'Dublin; ' E. Pepper, tirucefield; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. YOu are InVited to Inspect this BO ND TAILORED-TOMEASORE -SUITS AND . --OVERCOATS • - FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN IN 7 PRICE RANGES $22.50 to $42.00 SOLI) ONLY by I SPIES ANEi- Dons ons ,r--hM'4L� nt e 6't6 ‘,063ig6 WOMEN WANTED For part-time work in flax field GOOD WAGES Apply to h Hesky Flax Products LIMITED Seaforth. Shavings ! We have .a surplus of Shavings weicia we would like to have re- ... moved at once FREE OF CHARGE Apply to— JOHN BOSIIART & SONS SEAFORTH NOTICE Grace McPherson's • BEAUTY SALON will be closed from: July 30th to- September 1.st. FOR EARLY APPOINTMENT Phone 16 Rau Flannigan.—St. James' Roman Catholic •Church was the setting ,for a lovely- Suite wedding Saturday morn- ing, June 24th, at 9:30 a.m., when Isar bel, daughter of Mrs. James Flanm gan, Seaforth, and the late James Flannigan, became the bride of Mr. Verdon Rau, Seaforth, son of Mrs. Joe Rau, Drysdale, and the late Joe,Rau. Rev. T. P. -'Hussey officiated at the ceremony and sang the nuptial niass. Mrs. Frank Devereaux presided at the organ. -and played the wedding music. Miss Julia Flannigan, sister of the bride, wore a two-piece salmon pink 'frock with a corsage of Joanna Hill roses, and sang Gounads "Ave Maria" at the offertory and "Because" at the Signing of the register. The bride, given in marriage. .by her mpther, wore a long gown of white brocaded satin with sweetheart neck- line and a finger-tip veil caught with orange blossoms. Her only- ornament was a gold ,chain, the gift of her father to her mother on their wed- ding day. The bridal bouquet was red Briarcliffe rosebuds. Miss Mary Flan- nigan, sister of the bride, as brides- maid,---wore---a----flooreength frock of - Nile green silk.lace overtaffetaewith. sweetheart neakline,, and she wore a string of . pearls, Her veil in green to match her frock was held with ma-uve and pink flowers, and she car- ried pipit carnations. The best man was Bebe Badour, of Zurich, and the ushers were 'Jerry Bannon, Seaforth, and' Roy Rau, Kinkora. Dinner was served at the Commercial Hotel to thirty guests. ,The bride's mother re- ceived in a two-piece frock of orch'd etteer with • orchid accessories, and • Mrs. Rau, mother of the groom, as- sisted in a figured silk jersey frock with matching accessories. Taeyeaca wore a corsage of Joanna Hill roses. The bride's table was centred with a three-tier wedding cake and bou- quest of roses, peonies and orange blossoms. A buffet supper was serv- ed at the bride's home in the even- ing with the groom's mother pouring • tea. Mr. and Mrs. Rau left on""a honeymoon trlp to Manitoulin Island, the bride 'going away in a two-piece dress of ,chid silk with purple ac- cessories. On their return they will reside in iSeaforth. Guests were pres- ent from Zuriclie Drysdale, Kinkora, Detroit, Dublin, Seaforth, Windsor, St. Columban and Niagara Falls. 16.11,e' 6.P 4'; 'tmi.544*: fU' • w, w9g4si:, Of the ,49741 APartplenti, is"visitillg with ¥s. S. lAverutere 011utell. • • :Mre. Percy. golle, of• St.'Acchs, ape* !s.1,14iclay wltb her mother; 1VIrs. ,R,11 .0"rewe11. ' ' ';" • . , • Mere ja Deeherty Mad Mara W. 090e, of Neaftilk, Va,, are spend lag a few weelmvaf the former's homo Eggiondeilese, ts Mr. and Mag. Welter googy and faMily, of lealalnaeop, •Mich.; visite,' the fereeer'e Pereilts, air1 and MI6; •Louis loe-gy, this week. • LAC. George Daly, R.C.A.F., of Aylmer, spept a few days With his 'Parents, Mr.Ped Mrs. J. F. Daly. • Mrs. George Weir returned on Wednesday from Aederson, S.C., wbere she visited her daugater, Mrs. Latimer. • 'Miss Lois Wright is spending the weekend in Southanaptoe. • Mrs, W. J. Hays andAfisS. Napey Hays, of Windsor, are guests of Mrs. James Hays this week. • Miss Lena Graham, of Goderich St. West, had the misfortune to fall in her home on Tuesday and fracture her heel. She was taken to St; Joseph's Hospital, London, for treat- ment. • Mrs. ,McQuarrie, sister of -Mrs. 'Reinke and Miss Thom pf. ,Egniond- vile, suffered a fall on the stairs oa Tuesday and is still unconsdious. • Miss June Shaw is in Grand Bend' this week. • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Shaw, of Toronto, and Mrs. Lyla Shaw, of Lon- don, spent Sunday with Mr. and 1VIra W .R. Shaw. - CROMARTY FOR SALE 7 -Room Modern Frame House; Piece bathroom, furnace, 3 -wire Hydro service; electric pump' for "soft water. Part hardwood flooring. Attic insulat- ed. Garage on property. Situated on Wilson St. Must be seen to be ap- preciated. A 'real buy. Prompt` pos- sessien 5 -Room Cottage, situate on High Street. .Hydro, town water, bathroom, furnace in basement. Newly decorat- ed. A goo"d buy. In addition, we have six other houses located in Egmondville and Seaforth listed and would be glad to have your enquiries. 59 -acre Farm, Mill Road; 3 miles from Seaforth, with house and barn. All in grass. Cement Block and Tile Business in Town. with first-class house. A real chance for a young man. E. -C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE &'REAL ESTATE • Seaforth, Ont. Phones: 334 Office Res. 220 - NOTICE On account of labor becoming increasingly difficult to secure, we have found it absolutely necessary to -discontinue Deliveries after June 30th, 1944. , We ask your co-operation in this matter,. . so that in these difficult times ,we may be able to serve your requirements in the best possible manner. • • CHRISTIE'SMEAT MARKET WHYTE laUTCHER SHOP CANADA CALLING VShower" For War Torn Russia 40 — PRIZES HAVE BEEN DONATED — FIRST PRIZE --A $5,000.60 MINK COAT Bring a Gift — Buy a, Gift and receive a Ticket^ New dr Used Materials in good condition—aheets, Blankets, Quilts, Pillow slips, Towels, Eta TICKETS AT FOLLOWIN,Q aEAFORTII STORES — Stewart Brod., , Greets FrOta, lfeattle's 6c to $1.00 Store, Tasty Grill, Sam ahinen,` C. W. •, , One Towei 1 Ticket;-PillOW Slip, 1 Ticket; T. Sheet, 3 Tickets', 1 Blatiket or (billt,5 Tickets. tlek IS ON n4on SSIA CALLING ! IUS$SIA FIGHTING! paforth War Victin Com. ;„. • , • • LOCAL BRIEFS Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Graham, of London, visited their aunt, Miss Cur- rie. Mr. and Mrs. James Barr, of Strat- ford, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Scott. Mrs. Robinson, of the village, is at present visiting with.• friends in St. Catharines and vicinity. Mrs. S. A. Miller spent a couple of days last week with' friends in Win- chelsea. WALTON • Mr. and Mrs. Herald F. Lawr- ence, Miss Maxine Lawrence -and Miss Pearl Lawrence were in Tron- to last week attending Wellesley Hos- pital graduation, • when Miss Alma Lawrence was one of the graduates, and was awarded the Sir Edmund 'Osier prize tor highest standing in Theory and Practiee. .• Flying Officer C. E. Freestone and Mrs. Freestone, Mount Royal, were guests last week of the letter's father, Mr. W. J. Sims, and brother- • in-law and sister, ,Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dale. •- • • Mr. and Mrs. A. E.' Cleff and family, ,of Tonawanda, N.X., were visiting friends here this week. • Misses Margaret and Ernestine White and Miss J. Boardman, of To- ronto, were week -end guests of Mrs. M. White. • .LAC. J. McKindsey, R.C.A.F., Centralia.' spent the week -end at the Maine of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. McKind- sey. ' • Major and Mrs. A. W. Sillery, of Ottawa, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Crich. • Mr. and Mrs. James-aChester and Mr. and Mrs. E. -A. ' Christensen, of Detroit, Were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. David H. Wilson. . • M.rs. James Stewart, of London, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Theobold. •• Dr. F. J. Burrows, who spentthe past few weeks in Cornwallis, Nova Scotia, has returned to town. , ek-endMies Min Px.eter Pattersonespent the We • Miss Lois Wright, nerse-in-train- ing at Guelph Hospital, and Miss Helen Doll, also a nurfae-in-training at the same hospital, are guests of the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright. • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dungey and family spent Sunday in Harriston with the latter's parents. • • The Rev. Dr. Hurford preached in St. Paul's, Cathedral, London, on Sun- day morning last, and aala H. G. Meir very acceptably took the services at St. Mary's Church, Deblin, and St. Thomas' Church, Seaforth. • The children of St. japaes' School earish to 'thank the Catholie Women's Magee for the delightful picnic, spoil - flared by • them at Lions -Patk on June 28th. • Mille Alice Reid lied' the laals tor - tube to fall while playing softball on Tuesday evening at the Liens Park and break a smell 13,otte in her leg. • estJt litataa nni;dcs.i oi h:s ar od anel riasa. iit175 tx7.81, sto- rs!ifr),• 01141 :117., acilnitsrodel daughterS Marmite Ott *OW4 11f14' Mr.• and Mrs. „.:11A111.Abit On' Thursday evening, June 22nd, members of School Section No. 11, with members of the community, gathered in 'the Sunday school room of Duff's. ;United .Chttech tcaljoeer.Mra Catence Grainger.: who has been school teacher for three...ye.ara. A. short program by: the pupils of the school, under the chairmanship of Mr. Roy .Bennett, was enjoyed. Then Mr. Bennett called Mr. Grainger to the front where Rev. R. G. Hazlewood read an. address , while' two ofthe school girls, Doris Johnston and June Hackwell, presented Mr. Grainger with a clock and Mr. Robert Patter- son, on behalf of the Section, pres- ented him with a travelling case. 'Mt Grainger made a very fitting reply. After the presentation lunch was serv- ed by the ladies of the school. section. The address: . "Dear, Mr. Grainger: We, your friends of the school section and community, are gathered here this evening for an occasion virhich • we are sorry has to be, for it means that we have to lose you from our midst, -but we rejoice with you An your promotion to a' better position. Your presence :in our community for the past few -years has meant a 'goOd deal to us. Your influence has not been confined within the walls of a school building, nor have your labours been limited only to tbe work of the. school. We have found you always willing and eager to help in com- PAULETTE QOPDARD. .11-E,o. ,m46:144RRior . , eThe're's leUghing, room only in-.. ' $.4 STANDING ROO1V1 ONLY" MONDAY? TUESDAY, 14/rgPNMDA.Y Double Bill -- Second Show 'Starts 8;45 BARBARA STANWYCK • JOEL McCREA DON AMECHE TYRONE POWER ALICE FAYE ". • " BANJO ON MY KNEE "' 'Brought back a picture of mighty entertainment— " IN OLD CHICAGO*" NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY , Double Bill CHESTER MORRIS • NANCY KELLY • " TORNADO Jimmy Lydon .—Henry' Aldrich ?lays Cupid" Coming 'PASSAGE TO MARSEILLE" , First Show starts each evening 7.30 • MATINEE EACH SATURDAY' AND HOLIDAY 2.30 munity and church projects, in. fact in many instances you have been the originator of enterprises which have been. a blessing to us. We hall in- deed miss you. In the new 'commun- ity to which you are going we hope that you may have every happiness and success. We' ask only that some- times you may think -of us as we shall always keep the memory of you and your deeds in our hearts. That the memory of .the people here may be eyer before you, we offer these tok- ens of our friendship' as a Mall ex- presSien of our appreciation for your help among us in the past and our hope for your greater happiness in the feture. Signed on behalf of School Section No. 11: Roy Bennett." Miss Betty Lou Kiakby, of London, is visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Somerville and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirkby. Mrs, Tom Ryan and daughter, Mrs. Clara Hicks, of Detroit, were renew- ing old acquaintances around Walton Tuesday. • Master Bell Butchart, of Sudbury, is holidaying with his grandfather, Mr. Wm. Palmer, at present. About 250 ,friends and neighbors gathered together in Walton. Com- munity Hall in honor of the newly- weds, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McNichol. Mr. Clarence Grainger read the ad- dress and Mr. Norman Williamson presented them 'with a lovely chest of silver and a sum of money. The ad- dress is as follows: "Dear Anna and Ralph: We, your ,friends and neigh- bors, have gathered here this evening to celebrate with you one ef the most .important steps in the life of any' young man ,or woman, that of holy matrimony: Since you • both have grown up in our middt and have both shown very great interest in Q33 SO: eial life, we are fortunate in. having both of you remain among us. To you, Anna, we must congratulate you on such an e cellent choice for a hus- d. In pe t years you have been o"ted for yo11r pleasing manner, your heerful smile, your willingness to help, and last but mat leastayeur good cooking. 'With these traits it is quite certaih that you will make-fria"Ralph a No. 1 wife. To you,. Ralph, we must all agree that you were fortunate in getting for yourself so friendly and eio charming' a partner. In 'years gone -by you have proved to everyone that you are worthy of bo fine a wife.' A team like this cannot fail to pull the wagon- of happiness clown the Walla of married life." At this time We all join -to wish you a happy and pros- perous married life, and to show the esteem in which you 'are held by all We ask you to accept -this gift. Sign ed 011 behalf 01 yoer neig1Th6rs friends," The grooili replied, ,aftet which -the -eroWtt Jollied, lit ablaut' "Por They Aire Jolty Good-yellOWai": The test of the evening was enjoyed 1lY all Vali: dalleif4.. 0410 At. Robtrt dreheetra. • , Let's Go To ea forth SATURDAY • DOMINION DAY! AT LIONS PARK • a_Pdll---SPORTS-EVENTS For Children • -- SOFTBALL — • (All Star Teams) BRING YOUR BASKET AND PICNIC AT THE PARK AT VICTORIA PARK 8:30 p.m. to 11:45 p:m. IGHT CARNIVAL With all the games you like to play including "Bingo" ' FREE ADMISSION to the Parks and FREE PARKING SPACE for Cars. 845 p.m. to 11:45 p.m. —DANCING– AT THE SEAFORTH ARMORIES • Complete Programme of Music • Afternoon and Night by the SEAFORTH HIGHLANDERS BAND' • E. H. Close, Conductor THE LUCKY TICKETS FOR THE STEWART- WARNER RADIO AND THE KENWOOD BLANKETS Will be drawn at 11:30 p.m. at Victoria Park SOMETHING DOING EVERY MINUTE LET'S GO TO SEAFORTH ON SATURDAY In case of rain, Carnival will be held in, Cardno's Hall e 1 Public Notice PLEASE CO-OPERATE IN PARKING YOUR -CAR • Make sure it is within the lanes marked on the • pavement. Do not Park in any 'Prohihjted Area,, or the law will be enforced. • / • CHIEF OF -POLICE S'eaforth. Qulckly petaotred in Clean Sanitary trucks. 219 11001IELL DAD ' ort DIS.ABLED Phone collect.