HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1944-06-23, Page 8'at -eaves -cave- - 41, , '41 OrizirtY aot, OP; '114 t„.'trees, Xm • .1,',et f Weed rea ;. • ..404049., *tiltha Win Street; excel- * otin, Iminediate possession. Other.0007'4019, 131'911ertiee also listed. • 1/43501g & BAD) A- nem . Propaleter :,3419.11e 214 ; Seaforth spEotA.I.AsTs IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE ,.„ ;.,Second Division Cont County of Huron 4:11Bee in thp Dominion Bank Build- ing, 'Sea,fOrth. (Knee noun: Tuts- dai. Thinaday,. and Saturday, 1.50 p.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday evening, '1.30 um. to Rm. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN - Clerk OrOeb)40,Fiall ¥ p liACOSO7,7 'NfO4S1703Ile Mafia •keeSalatertan. 011140 Met in -03.0-aellealtOalla af''aba ahlargh ott• TaeadaY eVeleinge instead of at tha 1410,40 Perla oaring to the 'eael weather. Tire illaeetiUg was am der tate direction Of Mrs. . ThoMptioa. Followiug a delicious lunch the group went to the Lions Park to see a ball game. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o -o o a a o ° G. A. WHITNEY 0 O Successor to 0 0 HOLMES & WHITNEY 0 0 Funeral Service .0 Main Street - Seaforth 0 O AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 O Adjustable hospital bed for 0 O rent. • 0 0 Agent for Mitchell NaIrsera 0 '0 Flowers. ' 0 0 Telephone 119 0 0 Nights and Holidaya 66 • 0 0 0 4> 0 <> 0 <> <> <> <> <> <> 0 STVQUMRAN EtttpAY-,. sitzslp . . "'Hareld SnelderPae•aareheetraa, • Dancing from 9.ail to le ADMISSION -re, 50 CENT$ • .. Died in Vancouver. ---,Final tribute to Mrs. Mary Lindsay Fairley, wire of Robert H. Fairley, of 1454 Pendell, who died Monday, will be paid on Friday at 2:30 p.m. la Nunn. & Thom - .son Chapel. Mrs. Fairley was born in Ontario and lived in Vancouver for 25 years. Besides her husband she is survived' by two daughters, Mr. C. J. StenslaterY, Seattle, and Mrs: Mar- garet (Madge) Johnstone, Vancouver, and one sister, Mrs. J. N. Grose in Toronto. Funeral of Miss M. Watson.—Fun- eral services tor Miss Margaret Wat- son,' well-known citizen. of Seaforth, were held Monday from the home of her cousin, Arthur W. Dick, Main Street, and interment was made in Maitlandbank Cemetery. „atm R. Stewart, pastor of Knox Presbyter- ian Claurch; Goderich, conducted,the services. Mrs. E. Sprpat, Mrs. Edgar Butt and. Mrs. J. L. Henderson, all of Kippen vicinity,eseng. The pall- bearers were Messrs, Wilson Hawk- ins, William Govenlock, John Currie, John Cummings, Robert Grieve and Edgar Butt. 000000000000 ". W. J. CLEARY 0 Seaforth, Ont. • 0 - LICENSED EMBALMER - '0 AND FUNERAL,. DIRECTOR 0 .0 Night or Day Calls -335 0 .0000400000<> • 0 C; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A. BURKE •0 Funeral Service '0 DUBLIN. : ONT. 0 •40, Night or day calls: Phone 43 r 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPENCE'S PRODUCE • GOVERNMENT REGISTERED • EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices Paid For Eggs 'and Poultry Phone 170-W, Seaforth NOTICE Dlie to the shortage of essen- tial supplies, we will be forced to curtail our purchases of live poultry for the next week or so. • This is only a temporary sit- uation, and will be remedied as soon as possible. Churches rose with corsage nf oreaide. Follow- ing the ceremony the reception, was held in the garden at the home of her aunt and uncle, Dr. and Mra. Chester Jones, of West Newton. The aride's going -away costume was navy blue, with white accessories. After a wedding trip to the Mountains, Pro- fessor and Wrs. Dawes will reside at 47 Mt. Vernon St., Cambridee. Northside United Church.—Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister: l0. a.m., aun- day School; 11 a.m., "Constancy in Christian Service"; 7 p.m., "Personal Relationship To Divine Purpose." Welcome to these services. St Thomas' Church.—Rector, Rev. Dr. Hurford: 11 a.m., A Layman's Message; 7 •p.m., "Souls At Prayer— Christ's 'Fifth Column." Sunday School at 10 'a.m. .St. Mary's Church, Dublin: — 9.30 a.m., A Layman's Message. First Presbyterian Church.—Sunday School at 10 a.m.; morning service at 11 a.m,; evening service at 7 p.m. Rev.Malcolm McDonald, of Avon - more, Ont., will preach at both ser- vices. • e Goforth Mission Band Meets.—The Goforth Mission Band of First Pres- byterian Church, Seaforth, held their regular meeting in the schoolroom of the church. The meeting opened by all standing and repeating the Pledge to our Empire and to our Church. This was followed by "God Save the King," Leona Stevens, the president, occupied the chair. Minutes were read and adapted. We are very sorry to lose the services of Mrs. G. A. Bal- lantyne, a very valued and faithful worker in heband, and welcome Mrs. Smith, who very kindly consented to take Mrs. Ballantyne's place, and hope she enjoys our meetings. A Chinese birthday party was enjoyed by Mrs. E. Smith, Mrs. Ballantyne, Gordon Pullman and Doris Pullman. • Funeral of Mrs. D. F. McGregor.— The funeral toolk place on Saturday, June 17th, 'of the late Mrs. D. F. Mc- Gregor, formerly Gertrude VanEg- mond, who passed away in London on Thursday. The large number of friends who gathered testified to the high esteem in which she was held in the community. During the ser- vice Mr. James T. Scott sang- a solo. The pallbearers were Messrs. Andrew *Ore; E. P. Chesney, Arthur Nichol- son, W. M. Sproat, James Allan and Alex Broadfoot. The flower bearers were Messrs. Harold Jackson, K. I. McLean, James Scott, Angus Robin- son, H. M. Chesney, Sam Whitmore, Harry Stewart, Robert Tyndall, Chas. McKay and Fred' Johnson. Rev. W. A. Gardiner, of .Egmondville United Church, officiated. Interment was made in Egmondville cemetery. • THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, ONT. 011 ICERS: W. R. Archibald, Seaforth • - Pres. F. McGregor, Clinton .• • Vice -Pres. Merton A. Reid, Seaforth - Manager and -Secretary -Treasurer. , DIRECTORS: '. • Chris. Leonhardt; Brodhagen; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, R.R. 3, Seaforth; Alexander McEwing, • R.R. 1, Blyth; Frank McGregor, R.R. 6, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, R.R. 1, • Walton; William R. Archibald, R.R. 4, Seaforth; George Leitch, R.R. 1, Clinton; John L. Malone, R.R. 5; Sea- . AGENTS: Finlay McKercher, R.R. 1, Dublin; E. Pepper, Brucefteld; J. E. Prueter, Ritilhagen;• George A. Watt, Blyth. You are Invited to Inspect the -BOND- TAILORED-TO-MEASURE SUITS AND OVERCOATS FOR LADIES AND • GENTLEMEN IN 7:PRICE RANGES. $2250 to $42,00 :SOLD ONLY' , GILLESPIE'S LEAu NERS' DYERS • TAILOttS yoifie hart to At, *eve here to 04110 Year .* Double Funeral' Held. -7 -Suffering in- juriea in a fall from aroof of a Sea - forth house on Monday afternoon of last week, which necessitated his re- moval to Scott . Memorial Hosidtal, William Henry Hoskin died there on Wednesday. He was .horn in Mitchell,, the son. cif the ,late William Henry Hoskin and Susannah Ingram Hoskin.' on. October 29, 1885, spent his youth there, later living in Ripley, Hensel" and Seaforth. Surviving are six daughters: Mrs. Vernon Hedden, Mrs. Arthur Prior and 'Mrs. Relit. Allen, St. •Catharines; :Mrs. Joseph. Delaness and Miss Elaine, Toronto, and Miss Jean, Kitchener; two brothers, Chas, Hoskin, ChiCago, ,andi Alvin Hoskin, Detroit; four sisters, Mrs. Harry Snazel and Mrs. Chas. Lewis, Brant- ford; Mrs. Jas. Leonard, Sturgeon River, and 'Mrs. Fred 'Salisbury, Ap- pleton, Ont. His sister, Mrs. Lily Piper, died in Mitchell on Tuesday and a double funeral service was con- ducted, by Rev: A. H. Johnston, min- ister of Main Street. United Church Friday afternoon, with interment alia Woodland Cemetena Muriel Beattie Bride NOTICE Take notice that the Tucker - smith Council will meet in the Council Chamber on Friday, June 30th, at 8 p.m., instead of Satur- day, July 1st. Anybody wishing to gravel -their -lane, call Wilson McCartney with- in the next 10 days as the crusher is moving out of Allan's pit. Phone 15 on 656. D. F. McGREGOR Clerk. Shavings fo, reeelve db,iq$0,111.wo4, aanaagata::414PO4.001A, ai,r 0944 00rvAco., 1:40 Proar4,14 9a0M0ii, Wag alaaak,a68. afargailit.SteVe eae aeaa tae ,eacaapture, realm 461,, veaeop gentence pray were given by Derae,-,Olinaaa, lOttlaY wU. lie and Glen Nlaea. Mrs- 3.-ack Tbsgup, S up tela the •stelae "The FiveTga" Whieh WAS enjaaed by 411. MOB Ad, as, the allealaa'13and eeeretarY, visit UP in November, The MeetIng losed by eitiglag Hymn 746, followed by the benediction. -ape Appointed Public School Treetee.— Mra B. F. Christie has been appeal:ilea a member •of t1e Seaforth public school* trustee board to fill the vac- aacy caused by the resignation of Rev. laugh Jack, on his removal to Syduey, Neva Scotia. We have a surplus of Shavings which we would. like te have re- moved at once FREE OF CHARGE Apply 'ea— - JOHN BOSHART & SONS SEAFORTH WOMEN WANTED For part-time work in flax field GOOD WAGES Apply to Hesky Flax Products • LIMITED Seaforth tIlloi*Q41(;$ 1* -04 New Kind of. Aeparagus.—We were always under the impression that as- paragus plants grew stiff and straight right out of the ground, but that is not the laud 'that Walter Boswell grows. According to the sample he ,baaught th The Expositor office .this week, Walter's asparagus plants grow in circles, or like perfect links in a chain. It may be a new style, but it tastes just the same. Death of Mrs, William Cameron,— The death occurred at the home of her niece, • Mrs. Kohli, of Orillia, on Thursday, June 22nd, of Isabella Sou- ter, widow of the late William Cam- eron, in her 91et. year. She was mar- ried over 70 years ago and lived on the Mill Road until 25 years ago, when they moved to Seaforth and liv- ed on North5•Atfein St. Her husband predeceased her about five years ago, but she is survived by one son, Janies, of Toronto. The funeral will take place on Saturday from the undertak- ing parlor of Mr. G. A. Whitney, with interment in Egmondaille cemetery. 1 Thprraaeta 4,0 gr§:, 0;4'4 14ji, ta Jala her husband TeMaSga a WOU? tuai wyo 144# 'been atteadinglaaileali4 44P to 1#043(cle,F4:, Mmantfi " •- • M ias• *araraDO'reaaa 046aakfc mid :WA. a'aeltlInr4e3ar'R..c.A.X} .§1411-; orefeiat, apet theet'en. at the home of Miss M,"DerSey and Mr- P. J. Dorsey. • Mrs. Nelson Aubrey -,Patricia. asci•. Xames, of, Nakina, are, visiting at the home of her father, IVIr. A. F. 'Cleft • Miss Agnes Crosbie, of Toronto, is a guest at the home -of 'Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Whyte, in Hellett, this week. • Pa, -Lieut. Van Bell, R.C.A.F.a'and Mrs. Bell and dauahter, of Teroato, visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bell. • . • • • Tuesday, June 27th, will be Viei- tors' day at the kindergarten of Sea - forth public school. Visitors are ask- ed to come at 9:30 iu the morning, and all interested are invited. • Mrs. Charles McAllister, of To- ronto, is a guest of Mrs. Robt. Bell. • Mrs. Arthur Golding and family and Mrs. W. a Thonap'Son are spend- ing three weeks in Bayfiejd. ' • Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox, of London were g,ueets of Air. and Mrs. F. W. Wigg oveitka week -end. „ • Mr, and Mrs. Charles Hays, of London, and Miss Southgate, of To- ronto, were guest of Mrs. R. S. Hays over the week -end. • Rey. A. T. Barr, of St. Jahns, Newfoundland, was the. guest of Par. and Mrs. J. G, Mullen on Sunday. • Miss Helen Moffat, aurse-in-train- - ing at Victoria Hosaital, London, and treatment Sammre. Moffat.rt Mr. and Mrs. Basil Thody and daugh- ter, Judith Ann, of Louden, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Clarence Reeves is receiving at in Scott Memorial Hospi- tal. • Cpl. George Parke, of London, is visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Parke. • Miss ,Dorothy ,O'Reurke, Jack O'Rourke and Calvin ',Caslanan, of Detroit, are spending their vacation with Mr. Basil Purcell. • Miss Kathleen Asman and Miss Edith James, of Toronto, were the week -end guests of Miss Ella Elder. • Mr. and Mrs. Dampier and son, Billy, of London, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.• R. Shaw this week. • Mrs. Shoecraft, of New Yerk, is visiting her aunt, Miss Edythe'David- son. • o Mrs. a W. A. Greig and Gillian, of •Port Colborne, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. 3. C. Greig. • Miss Maud Hartry has returned from Stratford. • F/O. and Mrs." Van Bell ,are vis- iting in Southamptop this week. , • Mrs. W. D. Manson has returned • from Ancaster, where she spent the past two weeks. • Mrs. Andrew Archibald has re- turned from an extended visit in Chattanooga, Tenn., Whitby and Wa- terloo. • Sgt: Jack Fortune, R.C.A.F., son. of Mr. and Mrs. LeoFortune, graduat- ed as a Sergeant Bombadier at 'Crum- lin last week. He is spending his fur- lough here at' present. • Lions H. G. Meir and C: E.- Smith are attending the annual convention of the Lions„1:Club at Elgin House, Muskoka, this week. • Lt. R. 0. Willis, of. Ottawa, was guest last week of his father, Mr. W. G. Willis, and Dr. and Mrs. F. J. BeclielrY.. omand Mrs. J. C. Crich and Miss Rena Fennell ..attended the Sillety- Wood wedding on Friday last in Te- rmite. Nicholson - Lane.—In St. James' Catholic Church., Seaforth, on Satur- day, :June 17th, Rev. T. P. Hussey united in marriage Elizabeth Irene Lane, youngest daughter of Mr. Thos. Lane and the. late Mrs. Lane, Sea - forth, and 'William John Nicholson, son of Mr: and Mrs. Arthur Nichol- son, Seaforth. The bride, given in marriage by her father, looked charm- ing in a floor length gown of brocad- ed white 'satin fashioned . with a sweetheart neckline. She wore a fin- gertip veil and carried a bouquet of pink roses. Her only attendant was her sister-in-law,,Mrs. Louis Lane, who wore a ifloor-length gown of pink net over satin and earried pink carna- tions. The grooin was attended by Fit.. Sgt. Louis Lane, brother of the bried, and the ushers were Elmer Cameron and Edward Hawkins. A. wedding dinner was served in the din- ing room of .the Queen's 'Hotel, Sea - forth, with families and friends of the bridal couple attending. Later the couple left on a trip to Belleville, Maynooth and points north, the bride travelling in a flowered suit of silk jersey with matching accessories. of Chester Dawes—Wearing a gown of ivory satin with sweetheart neckline, trim- med with seed pearls and a fieger-tip veil held by a Juliet , cap," Muriel Holmes Beattie, daughter of aMr. and Mrs. Frederick Robert Beattie, be- came the bride of Chester Laurens • Dawes, of Cambridge: Mass., at New- ton Andover Chapel at 4 o'clock Sat- • urday, June 17th. The pews tied with - white satin bows and orange blos- soms; the traditional white carpet leading to the altar, which wee decor- ated with white fiowers and lighted candles, made a beautiful setting for the double ring service., performed by the Rev. Dr. Arbuckle, assisted by the Rey. Dr, Duddy, in the presence of 70 guests. To complete her costume the bride carried a cascade of white orch- ids and Stephamotes. She was given in marriage by her father. Miss Eliz- abeth Stevens, maid of holier, 'was gowned, in 'rose taffeta. She caraled a sheifer bouquet of pastel flowers. Pro- fesSor Davin Dawes, of Richmond, • Mg A brother of •the groom! wee' best Man. Mr. Prank Davis' and Mr. Sean Deals were ushers, MOS Malt Hriliri;er'eouvin of the bride,goted Mae, eariled itiotiegety Of' VOW • FURNITUIZE, IMPAIRED • REFINISHED . O REMODELLED e: REUPHOLSTERED Kitchen Equiprrient Painted in the modern manner. AUSTIN & GRONDIN MAIN STREET, - SEAFORTat.„ Next door to Expositor Office OPEN EVENINGS -AND 9 SATURDAY AFTERNOONS Li lieivetw-Land genii • the L.voeddi .44ng, The .bride'e Mother ,Wore..,gray 'and • - . Cronin - Quinlan.—St. James' Cath- olic Church, Seaferth, was the scene of a pretty June wedding Saturday morning at 9:30 o'clock, when Rev. T. P. Hussey mated itt marriage Mar- garet Roseanna, &fly: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joan SI Quinlan, Egmonde villea to Mr. John Richard Cronin, son of Mr. andMrsaDanielaCronin, of. St. Columban. Mrs. M. Devereaux played the wedding' music. Givee in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor length gown of white sheer and a long flowing, Veil ,caught -with a halo. She carried. a bridal 'bouquet of Better Times roses and bouvardia. Hugh Benninger, Dublin, sister of the bridegroom, was the matron of honor, wearing a gown of pink sheer, made in floor length style. She wore a white hat with pink triaimings and carried TalismaCroses. The winsome flower girls, Marie O'Connor and 'Mary Cronin, nieces - of the bride- groom, wore frocks of pale blue taf;• feta with wreaths of flowers in their hair and carried eld-fashioned nose' gays. Pte. James Quinlap, brother of the bride, was best man, and the ush- ers were Mr.- D. J. Cronin and Mr: Alpbonsus Cronin. .A reception was held at the Commercial Hotel follow- ing theaceremony, the bride's mother receiving in a navy blue sheer dress with blue accessories. Mrs. ,Cronin, mother of the bridegkoona• 'assisted in a poudre blue dress with accessories in ,matching shade. They each 'wore a corsage of pink carnations, , The bride's tale' , was prettily decorated in pink Waite with orange blos- soms artiticat1y arraeged. The cou- ple left on a honeymoon to Midland, the bride going away it a poudre blue crepe costume with hat in matching Nee. They will reside in St. Colema ban. Guests . were present from New Hamburg, Toronto and Hamilton.' FOR SALE 7 -Room Modern Frame House; 3 - piece bathroom, furnace, 3 -wire Hydro service; electric pump for soft water. Part hardWood flooring. Attleanaulat- ed. Garage on property. Situated on Wilson St. Must be ,seep, to be ap- preciated. •A real buy. Prompt pos- session. 5 -Room Cottage, situate 'on High Street. Hypo; town water, bathroom, furnace in basement. Newly 'decorat- ed. A good buy. In addition, we have six other houses located ,in Egmondville and Seaforth listed and would be glad to have our enquiries. . 5d -acre Perin, Mill Road; 3 miles from Seaforth, with house and barn. All in grass. Cement Blocand Tile Business in Town,' with firetalass hotrse. A. real .chaece . for a young man. '• E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE •e. REAL ESTATE Seaforth, Ont. Phones: 334 Office. Res. 220 Oyster Shell CARLOAD JUST ARRIVED • CO-OP FLY SPRAY ' CQ -OP MOTOR OIL • BlICKWIMAT, 3V1ILLET A,ND • TURNIP SDED • POULTRY AND HOG TONIC • CO-OP & SHUR-GAIN PREDS • VtitSTTORN GRAIN AND CHOP • CEDAR POSTS & PARM MOB stArount FARMERS' CO OPERATIV' ^ t.or ST9, P; AgoNg.Y OF ADY HARPY "` Thie4set story of the APrly'Hartla serieS, ivioNDA-t. TUESDAY, WEDis'ESDAY: BARBARA STANW*Ok' • 'BCD. G. RbB!NSON PHAFIlLES BOYER "FLESH AND FANTASY" • A story of love, hate and terror! NEXT THURSDAY, .FROAY, SATURDAY PAULETTE GODDARD • FRED MacMURRAY "STANDING ROOM ONLY Things happen fast and furiously in this sparkling comedy. Coming -- "THE UNINVITED" First Show starts each evening 730 -- MATINEE EACH SATURDAY AND` HOLIDAY 2.30 , VIMNIANNINIIMIIIIIMM•111!• LOCAL BRIEFS • Mrs. Ed. Broadfoot, Silverton, Man., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mra. John McClure, at Winthrop. • Mr. and Mrs. John C. 13eli and family, of St. Marys, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. Bell. • 0 Mrs. T. D. Sills left this week for Virden, Man., to join her hus- band, who is stationed there. • Lieut. Nelson Ceram), R,C.N.V.R. St. Johns, Newfoundland, is spendThl a furlough at his home here. • Mrs. J. 0. Rose, of Gaelph, was a guestathis week of 11),c1r. and Mrs. James A. Stewart. ' • Mr: and Mrs. D. J. Neville and famfia, of Talara, Peru, are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs, S. M. Mc - John Broadfoot, ea Angus - Ville, Man., is visetittg ,her sstere, Misses Rebecca and Belle McClure, intown, toWn, and her brotliers, 'John. and WilhIaift MeClure, Alekillala • • MaeRanald Reinke, of torazy), was a' vfsitina in totifnatiele Week. • Stan Dorian:ad, Ohat- hann bare. 'gam L. stattips and, On, auktkie, Of New Yofkr aid Sri. Mc P4Orlit 9 Vrett en zfe, of Os V* are gi;eigto , BRUCEFIELD The I.O.O.F. and Veterans will dec- orate the graves at Baird's Cemetery on Sunday,,June 25th, at 2.30 •p.m. If at all possible, please attend this ,ser- vice. • STANLEY itan?!ia, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Parke and family, attended the Redmond -Beacom wedding in, Marlette, Michigan, on Saturday last. , McKILLOP Mr. Julius Doerr, who reaides with his son, Mr. Jerry Doerr, suffered a stroke some time ago and is not ral- lying feete the effeCta Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Rock and Miss Mary Roca were Sunday^ visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rock. Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell, of Elbow, Sask., are eip'ected to visit in this community this week. Several of the young people took in the Liens frolic ae Milverton on Friday night. A iautriber from this vicinity at- tended the funeral. of the late Henry Chisner at Rostock on Sunday last. Mr, Wm. Flanagan .had a successful barn raising on Thursday afternoon. Considerable damage was done in this vicinity by the severe .electric storm on Sunday. - •(Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koehler,ret turned home on Monday after spend - Mg a couple, of weeks with their daughter, •Mrs. Steinecher, at Strat- ford. Mrs. Charles Regele, Mr. -Harry Regele, Mr. and Mrs. Wm: Elbgy rand Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Regele were among these who attended the sil- atea wedding Ofalcir, Mad M. Wealey Plaher In ullarton ..D.Ionday eioo4t, fling, June. 12th. Mr. and Mrs; Oharles,,Eiggert ent ,SMIday• With trieada at Donegal **tumor.' • LAKEVIEW CASINO Grand Bend GRAND OPENING • SUMMER SEASON Nightly From Satur- day, June 24th • The Year's Discovery! GLEN BRICKLIN'S "Music with a Beat!" • CONCERT EVERY • SUNDAY NIGHT CELEBRATE • DOMINION • DAY SATURDAY, JULY 1st AT SEAFO :'fH AFtERNOON P.M AT LIONS PARK --Sports For Children Ages to 14 years. • Swimming Events, Running Races, Etc. At 4 P.M. — SOFT BALL -- All Star Teams PACK YOUR BASKET AND HAVE SUPPER AT- THE PARK 8:30 P.M. TO 11:45 P.M. CARNIVAL NIGHT AT 'VICTORIA • PARK All the Games you like to •play, including BINGO!, No admission charge to Victoria Park and Free parking epace for cars DANCE To the Music of a amart Orchestra at the SEAFORTH ARMORIES 9 p.m.' to 11.45 p.m. Music Afternoon and Evening by th'e Seaforth Highlanders Band' E. H. Close, Condueter. THE DRAW FORTelE NEW AND IMPROVED STEWART-WARNER RADIO AT 11:30 P.M. Tieketsenow on sale at all business places in Seaforth. Afternoon Program sponsored by the Seaforth Lions Club, Night Program sponsored by the, re -organized Seaforth Athletic Association. IN CASE OF RAIN the„CARNIVAL will be HELD in,CARDNOS HALL • Cemetery Memorials • LARGE STOCK OF MODERN MEMORIALS on display at our SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS For the convenience of our patrons Office will be open on TUESDAYS Opel by appointment it any other , , time. See Dr. Harburn next door. CUNNINGHAM• &: PRYDE, CLINTON EXETER 1 SEAFORTH Phone 41 ' • -- ^ ^ • • Outelray reproved in Mau frahltary trucks. Phone collect. ' •210 IViVCELL 6 °atilt Stoll() Scns Limited .„ • — ... . c V.