HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1944-06-16, Page 8iq ENTS STATE ;'NFrl nAil..L LINES OF JRANCE -Desirable Ipreperty, tzeet, with hard and soft e, Hydra; garage; ley land 'with fruit trees. Inl. ateii pQ.seession. 4.1Dtt@ Alit Side Street; priced reeve smolt.+, t1her ''desirable properties also listed. •' WATSON & REID - Ii►!i,. A- REID - Proprietor Phone 214 . Seaforth •BPICI;AI.LISTS IN ALL. LINES OF INSURANCE •' The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing. Seafortb. Once hours: Tues- day. Thursday, and Saturday, LSO p.m. le 6 p.m.; Saturday evening. 7.80 p.m. to9pm. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN - Clerk +0000000000.00 0 o O O O O O. A. WHITNEY O Successor to 0 HOLMES & WHITNEY Funeral Service O Main Street - Seafgrth '•0 AMBULANCE SERVICE •....4> Adjustable hospital bed' for O Q.: . sant.... .. , . . . • O Agent for Mitchell Nursery O Flowers. O Telephone 119 O " Nights and Holidays 66 0 O O.O 0.4> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0.* 0 0 0 0** 0 W. J. C•LEARY o i4 Seaforth, Ont. 0 0 LICENSED EMBALMER O 0 AND. FUNERAL" DIRECTOR O O Night or Day Calls --385 0 '0 O 0000`,00000000 Ooo"L100000000 , '0 J. A. BURKE , 0 0 Funeral Service 0 '0 DUBLIN : ONT. 0 0 Night or day calls: Phone 43 r 11 '0 O O 0 **00**0000 SPENCE'S PRODUCE. GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices Paid For Eggs and Poultry Phone 170-W, Seaforth NOTICE • Due to the shortage of essen- tial supplies,we will be forced to curtail our purchases of live poultry for the next week or so. This is only a temporary sit- uation, and will be remedied as soon as •possible. THE MtIILLOP MUTUAL FIRE -INSURANCE CO'Y. WAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: IW R, Archibald; Seaforth Pres. F. McGregor, Clinton - Vice -Pres. Allerton A. Reid, Seaforth - Manager and Secretary -Treasurer. • 1 DIR'ECTORS: Chris. Lebnhardt, Brodhagen; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Alex. Broadfoot, A.R. 3, Seaforth;" Alexander McEwing, B.R. 1, Blyth; Frank McGregor, R.R. 6, Clinton:^Hugh Alexander, R.R. 1, Walton; William R. Archibald, R.R. 4, Seaforth; George Leitch, R.R. 1, Clinton; John L. Malone, R.R. 5, Sea - ;forth. AGENTS: - Finlay McKercher, R.R. 1, Dublin; Pepper, Brucefield; J. E. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. 4e . t r•zrr_ 1 You are invited to Inspect the TAILOR ED-TO:MEASU RE SUITS AND OVERCOATS FOR , LADIES MW ,.: GENTLEMEN 1111 7,P,RICE RANGES -- -MAO ' to $42.00 SOLD . ONLY PIF:'S °Ann011irbm at,,-�iha ent is annoulaeet' of a leep°. Jraxie; pnly daughter of mt. 0 Shannon and the late Mrs, Sltaiuu tn, to. Mi.. and et Sproat Beattte, eon. .of Mee anti Nirs. John Beattie, 'MM.KilloP„ the marriage to take place the latter pare of June. se. Sillery, - Wood.-rZMiss Sally Irene Wood, of New York, formerly of Sea - forth, and Major Alvin Sillery, of Ole taws, are to be married very quietly this (F'r'iday) afternoon at the home of the bride's' brother, Mr. Kenneth Wood, Bioor St-. W., Toronto. The bride is the younger daughter of the late Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Wood, of Kingston; and the groom the young- est son of the late Thomas George Sillery, of Seaforth, and Mrs. Sillery, Stratford. Rev- W. P. Lane, of To- ronto, will ' perform •• the ceremony. Major and Mrs. Sillery will reside in Ottawa, Churches Northside United Church.—Rev. H. V. Wgrkman, Minister: 10 a.m., Sun- day School; 11 a.m., The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper; Reception of new members; 7 p.m-, "Anchors of the Soul." Pre -communion service Thursday.at 8 p.m. Rev. G. F. N. At- kinson will 'preach. St. Thomas Church.—Rector, Rev. Dr. Hurford: 11 a.m., "Follow Me and I Will Make You"; 7 p.m., Mason- ic Service- Sunday School at 10 a.m.. St. Mary's Church, Dublin. — 9.30 a.m., "The Gospel For a Better World." First Presbyterian Church.—Sunday DSBhool at 10 a.ni-; morning service at 11 a -m.; evening service at 7 p.m. Dr. A. T. Barr, St. Johns, Newfound= •land,. will • preach at both services. Dr. Barr preached anniversary servic- es in this church a number of years ago. Northside W. M. 5. Meets. — The Woman's. Missionary Auxiliary of Northside 'United Church• met in the school room Thursday, Jape 8th,with the president, Mrs. R. Lawson, pre- siding. Psalm 703 was read altern- ately.,- Silent, and 'sentence prayers were, offered for our` Allies taking part' in the invasion. • Minutes and reports were read. The Supply Coria- mittee is asking for good second- hand clothing for the Mission Wale. Mrs. C. C. Kaine gave a temperance .reading; "That Deadly Peril." Mrs. T. McMie taei` read a paper on Chris- tian Stewardship. Twenty-three mem- bers answered the roll call and nine visits to shut-ins were reported. Mrs. A. Cuthill and her circle conducted the worship service. The theme was F'Training Children and • Youth . For' Tomorrow." Mies A. Lawrence led in prayer -for• the youth. • Mrs. Porteous gave ten ,points for the ideal home, 'and. Mrs. Spence read a poem entitled, "The Home Mast Be the Training Ground," Mrs -'C. Clew :explained the opportunities the church provides for training the young;.- Mrs. Porteous read a.paper, "Boy Life Needs Church Life," and Mrs, F. Storey read a paper on girls' work. Mrs. Glew clos- ed the meeting with "The Prayer For Children of Today" in the Missionary Monthly.. , Egmondville W. M. S. Meets. --The Egmondville W.1t.S._met in the base- ment of the church on Tuesday, June 6th, with the president in the chair. The meeting •opened by use of Hymn 473, "0 How He Loves," and prayer. Minutes of the last meeting were'read and adopted as read. Roll call was responded to by 14 members and we had 23 visitors or .mothers, accom- panied by 18 children, as we were en- tertaining the Baby Band with their mothers at this meeting. The offer- ing was received and it was decided the loose colleetiofr • go to the Baby Band fund. Little Elizabeth Ann Sin- clair, •of the Kippen road, entertain- ed by a song and an encore. Mrs. Latter, a visiting lady in 'Egmond- ville at the home of Miss Fleur- scheutz, conducted the worship ser- vice. • Hymn 609 was sung, "When Mothers of Salem." She spoke from that passage ".'erom Matthew where Jesus took little children on His knee and blessed them.; read a poem from the 1V.Ibissionary Monthly, and closed with prayer. Mrs. Hugh Chesney, ac- conap'anied by Mrs. McGregor, 'sang a solo, and Mrs. Paul • Doig favored with one of. Kipling's poems, "The Merry Lads of Oxford." M'rs. Gard- iner read a prayer prepared for In- vasion Day, and •this being Invasion Day was quite appropriate. She also spoke on the pioneer mother. Mrs. •Forsyth favored with a_ solo and 'Hymn 615, "Around the Throne of God in Heaven" was sting. The meet- ing closed with prayer. Lunch was served and a social half-hour enjoyed by all. Glanville - MacKay.—A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at 'Knox Presbyterian. Manse, Mitcbed, on Saturday, June 10th, et 11.30 a,m., when Rev. Norman MacKay united in Marriage Catherine Irene, eldest daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. Charles MacKay, of 'Tuckersmith, and Melvin Laren, youngest son of; Mr. Arthur Glanville and the late Mrs. Glanville, of Usborme. The bride looked smart in a ttve-piece suit of rose crepe with a corsage of Briarcliffe roses. Miss Beulah Glanville, sister of the bride- groom, was bridesmaid, gownedin a two-piece Shit' of flowered silk jersey with'a corsage of Talisman roses and snatching accessories. The groom was attended by Mr., John Mackay„ bro- ther, of the bride, After the ceremony dinner ,vas served at the home of the bride's parents to, about thirty :pears The dining -colli was beauti 'fully decorated for the occasion: with' Wilk and white peonies: and Matching dtreatire'ra the bride's table 'Wee tiete tied, V.Ith d . theee•titorey . *•eliding.. eoite .. Later lir the afterriocin.the hair 6611%40 tdit !did ivib ars zdf 'ally ti al *68,4 ;WO ;,axe '14E46! e4' Oir, tip' to %7d6garad dTfdiiit t, iiia _gide `%ratte`i, tuft .61.' 6ct lee. rat i 1Tsbori e, ri14.4q iter Mar:, image the bride: 'was(10A0,i ed'at ben' ltorne oaaIVOtigeladAy `aftera.90, t with. misceuaneQnS Sheeler, VIM aftee-. noon' was hent 'with ;0,1 gp,,.: bolatests and ]readings, after. iftli'tQll sihe .bride zeoefved many usetitl at4d;'!keautiful gifts, 1n a few WelleShrosert words the bride thanked het' -friends for tl1,e gifts, after whiob, a dainty lunch was served. •Death of Mrs. D. F. McGregor. -- This town and district Was shocked on Thursday morning on learning of the death of Mrs. D. F. McGregor, wife of . the widely known Clerk of Tuckersmith Township, whichoccur- red ccurred in St. ,Joseph's Hospital, London. A week ago Mrs. McGregor entered the hospital for ,a major operation, and following it, for a day or two, seemed to be making satisfactory pro- gress towards recovery. On Tuesday, however, her condi len became eriti- WOMEN WANTED For part-time work in flax field GOOD WAGES Apply to fleshy Flax Products LIMITED Seaforth FOR .SALEt 5 -ROOMED COTTAGE, Goderich St. East. Hydro and town water. 6 -ROOMED STUCCOED HOUSE in Egmondville. Hydro and good well on property. 6 -ROOMED FRAME HOUSE, Eg- mondville. Hydro; furnace. Good barn. ..,7 -ROOMED FRAME' HOUSj;, East William St.; with 2 acres of land. 7 -ROOMED BRICK HOUSE, Church St. Modern conveniences; good barn. 7 -ROOMED STUCCOED HOUSE, Goderich St. West. Hydro. CEMENT BLOCK & TILE BUSI- NESS in Seaforth, including first- class house. 50 -ACRE. FARM, 3 miles from Sea - forth, on Mill Road, !with hpuse and barn. All in grass. ""a.' E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Seaforth, Ont. Phones; 334 Office Res. 220 Shavings We have a surplus of.Shavings which we would like' to have re- moved at once FREE OF CHARGE Apply to— JOHN BOSHART• & SONS SEAFORTH Oyster Shell CARLOAD JUST ARRIVED • CO-OP FLY SPRAY • CO-OP MOTOR OIL • BUCKWHEAT, MILLET AND TLURNIP SEED • POULTRY AND HOG TONIC , • CO-OP & ,SHUR-GAIN FEEDS - • WESTERN GRAIN AND CHOP 4 'CEDAR, POSTS & F.A.RM •FENCE SEAFORTH FARMERS' CQ -OPERATIVE PHONE 9 . LAKEVIEW CASINO. • GRAND BEND Every Wednesday and Saturday GLEN BRICKLIN "MUSIC WITH • A BEAT", The Orchestra Co'inplete! Beeaking records on every appearance! YOUR Friends are here Every Dance! Everything is - Open at the. Bend! 'Phone ERIC McILROY, 59 r t, for Picnic Reservations, School Pic- nics, etc., please make sure of reser- vations before coming, to avoid dis- appointment MONEY TO LOAN 1. Oh first Mortgages Now is the TIME to stop pay= ing rent and to buy a farm. Write us if you have been thinking about it. We may be able to help you with a Loan. All inquiries treat- ed confidentially. Huron,,&Er. ie MORTGAGE CORPOItATIoN LONDON • WINDSOR ST. alloMAS ' CIIATHAIII •hAeC9ou< Bhff!/t'I//t/IS 3ie4 ST4. 'bOLUIBAN FRIDAY,. JUNE; 28rd Harrold•,, n1Kr�der's Orchestra pantiMlngSSIRN fxQln — 9.3050 tk?.CEWFS' 1. atru. AD • cal, and she continued to sink until -the end entre,, The • deceased -'whose maiden nave was Gertrude. Yen •Eg mond, was a•ndaughter'-of"the ,tate C. L. Van Egln,ond, of Egmo"ndville,, where she was born and spent, the greater part ofher life' in the village ,and district: Nearly 40 years ago she 'was united in marriage' to Mr, McGre- gor and commenced her married life on the McGregor farm on the second concession of , Tuckersmith. Some years later they moved to the farm on the .Kippen road, where 'they con- tinued to reside until they moved to Egmondville some years ` ago, Mrs. McGregor was widely known ' and most highly esteemed and her,, sud- den passing has come as a severe blow, not ionly to her family, 'but to a wide circle of friends. She is sur- vived by her husband, two sons and a daughter: ,Rex McGregor, "with the Canadian Forces' overseas; Pte. Jas. McGregor, Camp Borden, and Miss Mena, at 'Mime. She is also survived by a sister and two brothers, Mr, Earl Van Egmend, of Egmondville; Mr. Os- car ' Van Egmond, of Tisdale, Sask and Mrs. Neil McLeod, of Flint, Michi- gan. Funeral arrangements have net yet been completed. , Archibald - -Wallace--The United Church, Egmondville, was beautiful with a floral •-background of peonies in shades of pink and white, orange blossoms and ferrels formed a. pretty setting ,on Saturday, June 10th, at high noon, when Anna Margaret Wal- Iace, daughter of Mrs. Wallace rand the late William G. Wallace, of Sea - forth, was united 'in marriage to Mr. Robert Ratcliffe Archibald, son of Mr. and 'Mrs- William R. Archibald; Sea - forth. Rev. A. W. Gardiner officiated at the ceremony. The bridal music was played by Miss Eleanor Hudson. The bride was -given in marriage by her brother, Mr. Arthur Wallace, •look- ingvery lovely, in» a princess gown of ivory embroidered satin. Her floor - length veil of French embroidered net was held with a •sunburst headdress trimmed with satin rose buds, and she carried a..,, .bouquet of Premier Supreme roses, The bride'sonly adornment . was a gold wrist watch, the gift ' of. the groom. "Miss Edith Wallace, as bridesmaid, was her sis- ter's only , attendant, wearing 'inlet blue crepe with. matching -headdress and shoulder veil. She carried a nose- gay of,•Jdlranna Hill rose's. Mr. Stew- art Middleton; of 'Clinton, was.•'rooms- man. The ushers were Mr. Robert Wallace, brother of the bride, and Mr. Frank Wright, of Kippen. Following the ,ceremony a reception was -held at Maple Lane Farm. Mrs, Wallace, the bride's mother, received wearingnavy blue sheer with corsage of red roses. Mrs. Archibald,' mother of the bride- groom, assistedniweering soldier blue crepe with corsage•of pink roses. The bridalcouple left by motor on a trip to Toronto, .leaving by boat for Mon- - treal and points east, the bride trav- • elling in a navy- tailored • suit with matching hat 'and accessories. Guests were -present from Toronto, Dunnville, Hamilton. Oakville, Kitchener,. Wood- stock, London, Southampton,- Brus- sels, Wingham- and Clinton. Grieve - Ellah.—Baskets of peonies and a profusion of orange blossoms decorated Bethel United Church, Mun- ro, oe Saturday, at three o'clock for the ceremony uniting in marriage Ethel Ferguson Ellah, Reg.N., Toron- to, daughter of Me: and Mrs. William Ellah, Munro, and Leading Aircraft - man David John Grieve, Windsor, son of Dr. and Mrs. John Grieve, Sea- ftwth, Rev. W. 0; Mathers, of Fullar- ton, officiating. The wedding m c was played by Mrs. Bessie McDo 1d, of St. Marys, and Mrs. James Fergu- son, of St. Marys, Bang "I'll Walk Be- side You" during the signing of the register.•• The lovely.. young bride en- tered the ;church an the arm of her father who gave he in marriage, and wore a floor -length bridal' gown of white satin, the round -necked bodice having a lace yoke with ldvers' knots, the long satin sleeves extending into points over the hands and edged with pleated ruching which also appeared on the gracefully'flared skirt. Her finger-tip veil of white net fell from a halo and she carried a shower bou- quet of Better Times roses and fern. Her. sister, Leading Wren Margaret Ellah, of Halifax, was her' brides- maid, .Wearing a floor -length frock of_ pink sheer over taffeta, fashioned with full skirt and bolero jacket. Her white hat had a shoulder length veil, and she carried a nosegay of pink rose's and carnations with fern. 'Mary Knott, of Carlingford, niece of the bride, was: the flower, girl, dainty in a floor -length frock -of -pink organdy and full length pink' veil. Het flowers were similar to those carried by the bridesmaid. Leading Aircraft man Neil Hill, of Hamilton, acted as groomsman and Mr. Robert Carbert, Munro and LAC. Mervin Nott, as ushers. A reception and wedding din- ner for sixty-five guests was held at the home of the brine's parents ,fol- lowing the ceremony- The bride's mother received in a gown of figured silk with black accessories anif wore a corsage of Talisman roses, She was assisted by. Mrs. Grieve who wore a dress• of figured silk.' jersey with matching hat and corsage Of yellow roses. • The rooms were tastefully decorated with pink 'and white flower's while .the bride's table was centred With the wedding c'tket• and pink tap- ers. Misses Margaret Ferguson and Olga McWatters and Mrii: Wm. Bail- lie, Mitchell; - Misses Marion E11ali, Munre; Elaine Holt1bp and With , Dale, , Seaforth,, and° 1Vd<ax+$tiro McLet- ehYe, Toronto, served t1ikg'Iiests, wliq were present from Se tut.10,' OrtYsse1s, Pabhatll, Wingham, oriilittt Rattail- tdb, .St. Marys, Cai'ngirdy LIiiltoi`i, Owen . folIud and 11 L alt tez' and Mrs, thieve left ;dil a trip to xreiiW flu and Wilidsor ttth TiI*lde: dolljiYg smart two-piece 'rae ii„'Ttbtittit!e &d 'Orept'!,• bide had 4 d i eii , t,;itli ib Alto ,664iries fl P„ 1 r,. atld Mys I. ri'scon ar in "index dais week • Mr A, 'T MoIptosii,' of .Ingersoll;: was • a visitox ixt ,town -an Tuesda . . • Mtn". jetteniS,3attrrr, 4a a'eceived, weed. that he; son, Gelnid Barry, had, •pital been l ala glaaeQ1nd,4elet and `ie in . a #os• in 9 Mr, and71cs. W, Farrow and' Mrs, E, G. , Matthews, of �'orontq, A. E spent theHersey.week-en.d with Mr, and Mrs. E. • Mr. and Mr's; William A. Reid, of Gull Lake, Sask., are guests. of Mr.. Merton A. • Reid. - ce..Ur. Burton O.' Muir spent a few• days in Preston visiting his sister, Nits. G.Palour, • Mrs. James A.-Good,`h,of Ottawa» is a guest.. at the home of hex daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. lf. 'McKindsey. • • Misses Helen Smith and Joan Me Master left on Monday for Forest, where they.intend to work on a fruit farm for the summer months. • • ,Mrs. Fred Beattie and .Miss ..$ Car- olyn Holmes left on Tuesday for New- ton Centre, Mass., where they will attend the wedding of Miss Muriel Beattie. • Mrs. Sloan, of Toronto, Is a guest of Mrs. Agnes MacTavish. .: • Mrs. Gordon Mohr and son, of .Milverton, were guests this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith. • Mr- Alex McCarroll 'has returned to town after spending a month. with friends, in Lucknew. • . Father Michael McSween, of Scarboro, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hamilton this week, '• Mrs. F. A. Hanes, who spent the winter with Mrs, G. T. Turnbull, has returned to tier home in Huntsville. • Mr. M. McQuaid, of Windsor, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hamil- ton. • Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Sperling, of Gorrie, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eaton. • Rev. John Hardwick, of Saska- toon, was a guest- over the -week -end at the home of Mrs. H. R. Scott. • Mrs. R. B. Holmes' and daugh- ter, Miss Elaine,were in Woodstock during the week. - • Mrs. Sanderson, of Goderich, is visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mier. • Mrs. C. P. Sills, Mrs. I. O'Leary, Mrs: Reg. Henderson, Mrs. J. J. Cleary, Mrs. Frank Sills and Miss ADattended the •C,W.L• ban- quet at the Catholic Culture 'Centre, London, on'Tuesday.' This was in'. connection with the National Conven tion of the Catholic Worsen's League held in London this week, • McKillop, • Rfim. H. E. Walters, Brockville' Rifles, Aldershot Camp, Nova Scotia, spent a furlough at the home of his parents,'Mr. and Mrs. Ed.' Walters, m • Cpl. Ordan Healy, .Toronto High- landers, is visiting his aunts, Mrs. L. C. Richards and Miss Olive McCor- miclicek. • Miss aly Alice' Devereaux, of Toren - to, spent the week -end at the home of her mother, Mrs. Frank Devereaux.. .• Mr. and Yrs. Arthur Clemenee spent the week -end in Whitby and Toronto. • Mr. and Mrs. Ruskin T. Keys, of Windsor, visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nels,ori Keys, in Eg- mondville, this week. • • Miss Rose Dorsey, of Toronto,y spent the week -end with her brother, Mr. P. J. Dorsey, and sister, Miss Minnie Dorsey. • Misses Mary and Helen Dever- eaux, of London, spent a few days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Devereaux. • Congratulations are extended to Mrs. Jessie Brown, who recently cele- brated her 90th birthday at her home on Victoria Street. • Mr; and Mrs. J. R. Dunlap, of Galt, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Storey. • Mr, and ..Mrs. H, W. Hart and Mr. and Mrs., M. Clarke spent Sunday at Barrow Bay. • Dr. A. T. Barr, of St. Johns, New- foundland, will occupy . the pulpit of First Presbyterian Church ois Sunday next. • Town Treasurer D. H. Wilson and E. P. Chesney, treasurer of Tucker - smith, are in Toronto this week at- tending a meeting of" the Municipal A ssociation. CONSTANCE The Constance Red Cross unit'spon- sored a dance in. the Community Hall, Londesboro,,, on Tuesday evening, which was a 'real success. Draws were made .fop tickets sold on wool- cott .blankets, donated by 'Pte.' Ted. Storey, and a pair of wool sox, made and donated" by Mrs. Dave ' Milison. Mr. Alf. Buchanan won the sox, while Miss Audrey Grealis, of Clinton, won the blankets. A most' successful and enjoyable evening was held: The Constance United Church is bolding ,the 50th anniversary on Sun, day, .June 25th, with services at 11 a.m. and 7.30• p.m. The guest speak- er for the day will be Rev. Archer Wallace, B.A,, M.A., D.D. There will be 'special music by the >;hoir, also solos' by Mrs: Andy Reekie, of • Lon- don, and Mr, Douglas Gill, of Grand Bend.On Monday eveningeDr. Wal- lace will give a lecture and show. slides • of England, .Ireland and Scot - •A good time' is •expected,.'so come and enjoy yonraelf. ' Mr, and, Mrs. Reuben Jewitt, of Kincaid, Sask., and 1, Uss Jean `Jewitt of Ottawa, are visiting their sons, Messrs. Williapa and Wilbur Jewitt, and her, sister, Mr's. Wm. Britton. A quilting bee was held at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott an Thursday of .this .weep. WINTHROP The June ,tweeting and annual bazaar of the W.A., 'tV.M,i9 , and lVIts- sion Band were held in the •church on Wedneaday, Jney 7th.- The meet- ing opened With' the;~'cail to worship by the president, Mrs, R. McFarlane, The Irynin, `rWhait a Friend. We Rave in Jests, was sling., 'The;`Soripttrre. lesson, taken trona St: Luke 1.1:1,4 taken: ad die taessaoe, "Lord;itla tea" to tae ," Walt •Wen •b •l is 'sk . 1i�r Toll, Adtwoiithitaite, of eii, t ;pk#ek ' 0bso0 re r 01.to'Wed b - tt&`inf t'!t hrymir !lead, Grr, .?O ifiii tel`iist"`; afnd the i'latiebni Salle' r T1ngg �v .ems 4oirdiaiiyr 'ai 6166 j,tlii ai ed fii fleeiiel 44, TERE:SA W f igH'' + JOSgPHI COTTEN 'Ls'1, ,... IIA,Rl,lW OF A �10R%e<•trT Storming every emotion• in a Masterpiece of sunpieteet and suspense. ;MONDAY, TUESDAY, CAR•Y GRANT 4. -DESTINATION =• Warner Bros.' explosive story . . WAY JOHN G'ARF•I EI,.D TOKYO:9 big as the broad Pacific! NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY ,• SATURDAY LEWIS STONE a MICKEY ROOf4»EY COURTSHIP OF ANDY . 'HARDY " . . " First Show starts each evening 7.30 MATINEE, EACH SATURDAY AND HOLIDAY 2.30• ladies' quartette rendered a beauti- ful number, "Blessed Surrender." Mrs. John Hillebrecht, Duffs,,. gave a fine reading, "The Violet Boy." After the offering was received and dedicated, rlVlrs, Stanley Hillen favored with a solo, "Just For Today." .The speaker, Mrs. Workman, gave a very interest- ing report, of .the London Conference, branch meeting held in Strathroy. She stressed. fellowship and .dealt exten- sively- on the temperance question. Miss Esther Patton favored with a solo, "The Sweetest Song." Mrs. H. Alexander gave a few ' appropriate words of appreciation and the meet- ing I-i;losed by singing the hymn, "Blest Be the Tie That 'Binds," and prayer by Mrs. Patton.» Asocial half hour was spent together and a dainty. lunch served. The W.A. and Mission Band bazaars werewell patronized. The Red Cross unit will meet in the Sunday school room on Tuesday, June 20th. Try • and attend, as ar- rangements for bazaar and baking sale will be made at this meeting, which will be held at the July meet- ing. We dare asked for donations for personal property bags for women in the Army and British civilians.... Dona- tions will contain the " same as last year, such as pins (safety, bobby and common pins), soap, . 'wash cloth, thimble, 'thread and mending wool, so please try and give a donation. Mr. Elton Haist, of Toronto, is vis- iting his mother, Mrs. John Heist, and sisters, Velma and Vera. Nursing Sister Isabel Betties is sta- tioned at Debert, N.S. ST. -COLUMBAN ' Melady Chishglm A wedding of interest took tilace in St. Peter's Catholic Church, Goderich, Monday morning, June 15th. at 9 o'clock, when Kathleen Agnes Chis- holm, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. ,Chisholm, was united, in the holy bonds of matrimony to Fergus Benedict Melady, son of Mr, Frank Melady and the' late Mrs. Melady, of St. Columban. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. Father Fallon, P.P. The bride entered the church on. the arm of her father to the strains of the Lahengrin wedding march played by Miss Eileen Bogie, of- Goderich. The bride looked win- some in a ••long white stripe sheer wedding gown, prineess effect, with embroidered finger-tip veil and crown. of orange blossoms° : She carried an arm bouquet of white roses, Miss' Lillian Chisholm,' her sister's attend- ant, wore a ,long white chiffon dress with shirred bodice, ribbon and carna- tion bandeau, and carried an arm 'bou• - quet of Johanna' Hill roses. The groom was supported by Mr. Steve Manley, of London, Ont. Mr. Harry Chisholm and Mr. Ted .Melady; bro- thers of the brfde and ,groom respec- tively, acted as ushers. During the - signing of the megister Miss Alberta, Gallagher, • of Goderich, . sang' very sdveetly. The bride's mother chose at modish red and white silk poplin. jacket freek, with scroll embrofaery, corsage of white roses and white ac- cessories. After the ceremony the - bridal party .and •guests•, numbering: around thirty, motored to the home• of the bride's »parents in Colborne. Township and partook of a sumptu • ous wedding dinner, served by 'Mrs. H. Fisher and • Mrs. W. L. Young. Rev. Father Fallon: proposed the toast to the bride and •was responded to by the groom, the• • groom's father, Mr. Frank Melady, the bride's Mather, Mr.. Thomas Chisholm, .-and"the grooms. - man, Mr. Steve Manley. During the ,afternoon a telegram of congratula- tions was received from Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Chisholm, of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., and was greatly appreci- •ated. In the evening the young cou- ple left for London, Niagara • Falls - and Sarnia. 'For going away the bride's costume was a navy blue- geolgette redingote with white acres- sorres. 'On their return the young. couple will reside in .London where the groom is in: business.` Friends •irt. attendance, from •,a distance were IVIr_. Steve Manley and Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Kirk, London; Mr. Frank .Melady, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Melady, Mr. and Mrs, Joe Rowland and Mrs. 'Malone, all of 'Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Melady, of Dublin. Previous to her marriage,» 'Miss. Chisholm was honored at, a miscel- laneous shower by friends, and neigh- bors at the home of • Ma'. and Mrs. W. L. Young. A mentioeable fact also is ,that the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Chisholm, cele- brated their twenty-fifth anniversary on this same occasion. NOTICE Having sold my butcher business to Mr. W. L. Whyte, ,I, would like to take this. opportunity to thank all my customers for their patronage .and good will in the past, and ask them to give thenew owner the same hearty co-operatiotl. Miss Ethel Beattie will be at the botcher' shop every afternoon until June 22nd to receive outstand- ing accounts: . J. Wesley Beattie SEAFORTH Cemetery Memorials LARGE 'STOCK OF MODERN MEMORIALS on display 'at our SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS For the-condenieirce bf our patrons office will be open on TUESDAYS Open by appointment at any other time. See Dr. Harburn next door. CUNNINGHAM•:& PRYDE CLINTON. EXErr»:R SEAFORTH Phone )41 (meek 'a'b]nlirt*e hi/ttoleo Sala Me�}yye,yNy� .."LL n .. °i LIhilted DEAD or DISABLED ry trucks: Phone c611eet