HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1944-06-16, Page 5P7�­ '_17*14,i�­� , -,,-.1-"VT,-7 �,_ �, , , I , , , — . I a- I 11"T lq� )i ', L I � I � . , �, � �, ft , I . " ,,,, . . I I I � . , � " 'i �:. � , ,._ ,��,��'I'll��i.:"�,��.,,,.,'�,�,�',�����, . I � 1. I .1, �:i, 1 , `-�,:;;"." ", �F,�It�,[, ,". �i�",�I`i,j', .t I 'I, I I ,, , � ,� � �14" A" t 1�1.�., ,;�e ;�;,�Ilt� ". ,�,. - i i - ��' , � ,. ',­,;�V:, i,,.,,_ .4 ,�,,��: (";1Z � . i � 11� , . 'N . I 11 I . ,,.� ' '., , -,I tj� , $ ��L ,1, ,' �, 4 �Oy,­­­ ­111't;j'1­' , � , ­ , � � I , " �11, I -, � 7, , . V ,� , ", ­', — , �T _., ,�*��, �i�: -,,'p'l , j".. ,4 ", . W � � ill". " � ­i�. .1... I 'I, , . , , � ,�. L_ , I A, , ", .,� � auov., �01� , !� ,. ��,; .1,; . 1'i, �;.,,A� .,R",!,, L, ,�i,ii „, I �',.,l , '"*I^,""'�",,��"',�"",�"l, `11”, ,�_ .11 I;, , � ''il ��Ifl��";&, ��,_ , � ,, � It � i � ". " ..., . , i�il , ., , "��..., t, ��' , :, : . , � I � I 'I , , , �i'.:, � I I . . . � - ,_ I I � 'i . 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"L" ,,, 1 ; � _,4, , 11�,, �!A,:�i,, � � , . , , : I I , .:;i�t X 11 k:, i � , �,� ,� , ;,. .i �'. �� �%', �. ;� , , , , , ,�� h 1 .., , i -AIM 11, � :' 1. ,�, : ,,, . �!"" � �f, , Y, . t , ,! �� 11,�11 ;P 1 1; . rij, 1,,i� , , �,�, ,`� � :� � :� , :,,�kl'..';": '� � , �. 44 , 90' �Wl 'as, is� �. e4n- , I . I ischo6l ch1AFe,#`�4'0,' 0­4#0`�_:O, , o'!A# . :011941S.418% We 1010APLIARMP RX" �,#Vy. W*;, . -116 ".. -.-, V4 0, 4. '!�­,,,,,,,, ­", _�­, ,�_-�F­�s--,�1111r7, "I "'I-7—, , " __ - , �,;, - �, 1, ICA, IW �1,w f 1, 51141".10hiia�-, 'W-lil-I V1 . " � . , � .1 X�Itvv_ � - - - - Otloj� ,WJ, ­ 1J ii� Vox . 3 ., �X44 r,*qJfuL7 , " ,,,in, i ,. .�, , I '11 � , I . . - F040.4901t! - - 00411?rp. N y I 'I, !F4, .."(1 _ " ' � ju _J�uq .bort P L9 '. 04 or sFW1 ... vqkr�iii w""oplu T� , " P. " . P .. I -1 I , f s i " �,Viphj(g , . � # fp%,;:,p, , , t, Is. a h OnAble uqw; yj ' , � . � of Ar,r�9.4,ItU,V,;er,:':'-C',�ou,APU Was - WO*P,�: ��' en 0,11 . J , W,� , 4 RoA;�, �, Agm 'n, 1, " I I I, .1 - - � Ir 1.gt.,,Wo 'to haye: ,ed, up It ths� Illigs A 1, .0%117404 , "' ., , � ��* I I " , . a W�y �ea , 0, �",,, .everything :crush o X.t ft P "'� _ ' , I ed thto. -A would 0(lat. I4, 4.0W �� Q9 'A i , . 00000110AVCV 94,� t " � , - ­, myor, 'credit 7�,W, . pery ob . ' 0s;,lot 1 V - W ' � ,her QovsrAoy.-,,0eneral said." *1411e,th.6 ai ., " "I'll I ., jdJ, -0119,�' ..�op #.5, c , W1, , iu��,Pdit:,Qf �10,90Q agnually, oter�' ", ye I p , , . �A,11 , wr tx1ho'# `@ ,ox); J,um j_.; n6i6,,�6 4", _.Od , . sut i and':`�' ,)May - . _ . .1 [,.Ieqf . �.'qf . t,IX ' ar but Once (Ibudk L , . . Aeo - , it ,pq �Ow!As, -Culbor # ,u ii O,r jrsg V At - � 0 _ . ,O 7s ' , ' Ahir4.cif ffitcht:*0 I . jb I m_qW, 'th. -- our � pa 00PS -W ift . ii * it W. 'X , .., ,1�ld libe paid -by, *140, �T - , ge �42`940 , viredIT,p : on"Ue hightept stan"diiii obtaiw � . .at , Tatrf,)O I A11;APU9A,' -,,90 ,x ':Fx6ying..� . M7 W a r,J;tyk ,pl, 0ove'rnmPut, , T410 oervAi9,0 � ass ooverad� With tins, in %U theix pQ I 't in A � j;kets, 'Culbert, 1)031� �',',-O � 0 I would include the fun time sisrvi�s. edby ;%,Uu,r�du County atuden uY tainin.4 condensed food , tb� ,"larlo grjeul,I3 . . , , , U,or f ,, amplt Young, of q .. 4 A pral ota�mddlcil officer aAd Orve Oist�rjpt, year. The nams, suggeotea" wa.4 1� _- "" ��,�.,;ilggk: � I .- . . ' - , particles of which will keep them go, 0olle,g% QUelp) .. -- I in I I .. � On -Scholaristip," aU4 it 'is to * qvlw� 14� .Lf L d ' . - 1. .. 14rses. r � i R.4r.V,9---e1rJ,s,,4q, . six, Mary Ken, , , . . ' '. 01. Lays' . .A,,rqp,r . '. ' 13�ence as of S�pt.%Aer, 1943 . .. . vent -ion of liql4we -,;i.t'fi � I Mr, J., A. Wilson wggF preissimt and . '. Alice I ,11 ,,.',i0 I .. T�4t wilrbp the next in `..�.s under sixp ljap� ­�`Xeusiug ., I liry, �06,u r. F '�-; . . I. 1. -7'r I � I. I., r . . take a '014 B� J 1,41 . conferred with the ppaincil, -coggerg, . the f4ture � . . . you will just k I .. . ton; glrlg aug th jurchase of!,apart pt 4is pro,. I . . ... bite of something, an y VA er . eight., -, PQ'M, Lou. Matthem; e . d'It will.49, .W ),,. , _ 1 1 - -bo '11 . -7 r�( - -fordays.f. 1. �., . t. " 2. *_ 1, , - a eight Bob. -AL A . y � - C I.. , )� I -'asth yd.; -bix -ris undef -10 perty in"Eguiondville to , ped AA . � Va. � . va",w I . . Record . . 0# gi , -a Aumping, ground. , iThe Propert, , , I e concluded with' the. h6iVe that leR, Peter- WQYA_. `; ' . , " , � . Committee wai instructed' to, confer (Cgixtinued from., Pag4 i).. 1 5 . I the, children Would "grow into f �4 RutV Keyes -C xrft,�,ep.Xenl; boys..up. 'I, arpl- � , .#Or - fts' . tb , He spoke in ,the afternoon t6 a ers and farmers, wivss_avot4er,,,,im. 10, Archie' W. , 11 .,,, Ken WcLellAnd.; , � � I council,, . re. . the ,purchase a�d given crowd of between 14),,00.0 and 12,000 portaut thing," and that they. wd,14d girls under 12, �-Z& is We tI ke r q r 1P a , Ma , . - . ­­,-,� ...... . . farmers, praising thein for lbeir con- -to folAcw their 1'fathersl.ex- jorie Saudergou��'i'74,'jp' ude� 12, Neu . power io act; . I continue . ­ ys u . Reeve 1, F. Daly -brought up the tribution in .food to -Canada's war ef- delfent calling," Wop,d, Francis �..R­qk ' ' - ' ., x -11; girls under ' 9 . fort and urging them in a hokseman's The Earl was thanked for his spleu- 1-5, LOrri6 W9stlAU0, 'M&xiue gulley; matter of- painting the parking spaces ;, �.. ex Menzies; Jack � . metaphor not:, to, , relax now ,that the did talk by Mso, 0ardig '.M.P.,, for boys under -19, ,, _ 6 ion-,M4ln 'Street, dnd this was placed ,'bQitom of the hill" is being aP- North Hure - I . . � ! AR I di the handg of the Street Committee I I . I . n. , I J . McDonald, Bill, . Jetwitt. Bob 4a.ckson,', . . with power to act. . I .. proaclisil. . . . . Mr. Kennedy, .was Infroduced ,by . 11 I., � I . . . . I , no,on d* uer, held In -honor Russell Boltoii, vice-president of: -t_4e . .�P'14� The report 6f the Finan.ce Coinmit� -�'Att,:4,6ice-r, � egaltarty in First Pres- ,Federation, . _t: . . . ... I ... 1-0 . . .! -tee was Passed'. as -follows, D. 11; I : .1 I 0 1 Wilson, $84.17- R. ShInen $25; J. byterian Church, the Earl of Athlone There are only twp things worth '- DVBLIN.,. ,, . expressed -hope for an early conhfu- talking'about now, the war. and the iiiiiiiiiiiiiii . .;,_�,.­ R 1111IFF111111111111 , - - I I Currie, $85; J.'qgmmings, J89; Thog. sign tc� the war. ,"I feel that the end . that is coming, ,M Kennedy pecial H*­-..,Vour of Ser*jces; � , " . Storey, $34; J. A... WjMen�, pensf", will not' be long delayed now," he .=! Jt'is important to r� rememwb4 took plac e In St.' Phtriek's, Church on , I . . . � .7� ..... ..... $20; Joseph Storey� � wages, $§.40; ;d6clared, adding, "Of course, I am when talking I the Arture, that, "it Sunday evening ig.., honor of the -an- , Ernest Miller, $1.60; Joseph Heuer— not holding out hope that it'will be . . - . Henry., �16igkar�th, *;ib.bb; Is part of. the ljiest�ut, L and that it nual Holy Name­RAIly and the, Feast nan, $A9 25 over tomorrow or the day, after." , depends, not only on what happens of Corpus ChrlgtL. . Special pray'erg � q Martin TL7�p, ,$40.50;. E. B. Goudies 'Also on the afternoon. program was -here,* but E � k1so on what happens in were offered for"k-i'just Peace said the ' , $17.40; Natio3 * ial S6*er Pipe Cc-, an address by R. S. Kennedy, Won; other, -,parts' of the world. welfare and sug , cbsid of the invasion �� . .$406.78; Bell, Telephone. Co.,,$3.25; E. treal, qditor-in-chief of The Family Rec'ently returned f rom three forces. A pfocesq!On was,held on the C. Chamberlain, divWion court clerk, Her&,Id and* Weekly Star. *r. Ken- months in Britain, Mr. Kennedy said church"groundis, 'Jo , ined by the m0m- - � I . $16;. J. M. Govealpek, bailiff , $16; Bell nddy urged the farmers to co-operate that production has'been increased in hers of the Holy e Society, the :Pngine & Thresher Co., $91,16; Pro- in building a new and richer farm life that country Opy means of the most members of the Sbdality, the Sisters .1 , I vincial Treasurer,. $2.49; P.U.-C., Else- for the future. . drastic and -dictatorial regulations YOU and the laity. Thqr, service was con't Aric Dept., $3.02; W. J. Thompson, . The ' Governor,General­ and Princess tan imagine-". .. cluded by benedic'u0n. lot which tile I $2.38;'-C: N. R., $16.62; Geo. D. Fergu- Alice were officially welcomed at the' "Yet thbse"'Peopid baVb* taken all celebrant "was Rev. Donald h. Bdn- . , I .,Son, $18.65; Beattie Bros., $27.60; J. luncheon by, Mayor J. 3'. Cluff,"who that without a murmur, . ... . . I ninger, CAM. � I F. 15aley,,$37.SO; Rodger Milliken and extended "sincere greetings" on be- British Government put those regula- - Miss Clestia John4ton, a b4dereleet . Allan R'Yan, $6;, Seaforth Collegiate, half of the town. '$eaforth is an tions into the,'hands of the *farms . -1 - --- . � . I rs of this mouth, Was.,guest ,o- li­­ ­ - � .... 11 � *1,500; Geo. A. Bill's A Bond, $63.87; active colitre in 'Its loyalty to the .of 6aqh county. The farmens thern- .11 . .- - _ C Be] 8 cl a miscellaneous shower held at the I "' . ' 1). H. Wilson, re ration,board, $,45.,., British crown," N14ybrsCluff said. H - . ve 'de - ded how much was to be home of Aer parents I , Mr.. and Mrs. P. : . . I ,.. . . - . referred especially to the town's con grown o1i every farm-,"' . I _ 1. . * . . . tribution -to the war effort, stating Britain has produced practical farm- J. Johnson. An addifeiss was read and � ­.. , Hurdn-Perth " that me. from Seaforth 4re,now figlIt-. e,rs who Still have time for public Presentation- ikido of numerous gifts # I Ing on the shore of France, service, 'And' they have enabled the of Silver, linen, CiO4 and 'money. The . (Continued from Page 1) , - "Seaforth's warm welcome *to, yoll 'Country to make ithis' enormoug, in- guest of honor restonded graciously i the peace table than is but an indication of our warm, feel- crease in her food production. . and thanked, -the,, individual donots. . I , , ,Mr. *Mackenzie ,King. - � ings towards you,and the,prown YOU "We must regime�jt r and . regulate 'The evening was apent'in dancing, . i ,. - , - .. -, - P,esolutians---,",p,resB,ing..-.,eon4ftdenAc�-, -Op-pese.4,t 11 41ayo,r Cluff--concluded. - __ -011TSelves---and- -to - do7'that' we must. -the. -music --beJJng-..g;d,pp1i6d 13� the ­Ry.- � 7 . I . I � ii ­ *Minister , Stating that the ,Princess and he n an -McQuaid orchesiia. Lunch was in the leadership, of Prime . piodi ... ce""I body of farm leaders" bor I - nig, - Huron- both "'appreciate -very much what has and raised on the farms, but who' served by -a group f . � Ki and W. H. Golding, M.P., . o. voluritari work- Ferth, Were passed.-'- I ­­ ­ been said, and 4re happy to be ,Yere,'$ hav(F`time to study our economic and ers. I ; ­ . Officers 'elected were: Honorary the Earl oI Athlone'commented par- social 'Droblems, and are able to meet. The L4dies, Guild. of St. Mary's ' I . presidents, Dr. Shaw, Cllnto��; John ticularly on the beauty of Seaforth anyone on equal terms when it comes Church, Dtiblin, -met at the home of I I Es8ery, Centralia; Charles ipjitz, zur- and Surrounding country. The "charm-, to -thr ' h out 'any problem that con- Mrs. Harold Wilson, with a repres- . I . I as ,� i I " I . ich; Fred .Kalbfleisch,, Zurich; John Ing homesteads, green gras's and av- cerns them." . . . I entative -attendance. The president, 11. A. 'MeEwan, Brucefield; jamps BAj_ enues, of trees" reminded him � very �i "Unique school centres" which have Mrs. Albert, Rock".d&ued the meeting I I lantype". Hensall; J. .V,. Govenlock, -much of the Old CoUttry, he ,said. been established in parts of England with the national, anthem. Rev. Dr. . . Seaforth; president, br. A. R. Camp- , The Earl expressed pleasure iii see- 'And which "You may think of having Hurford was present and led in Pray- ' I . I . bell, Hensall; vice-presidents;t, Ross Ing the mayor and reeves at, the meeT,1 here," were described by Mr. Kenne- er, reading from�.the twenty-setond Taylor, Science Hill; Frank'Fingland, Ing- "It i� 'most important that the dy. Called "village colleges," these Psalm. The ladies completed a quilt ' I . .. . K.C., Clinton; -secretary, W; L, Whyte, suppliers of 'food. and those who take are describ`�d as complete community during the afternoon. A dainty lunch r . Seafo - rth; -treasurer, Albert Kalb- it as their food should meet one an- centres, including School,' library, was -Served by ths7',hostess, assisted , , Ileisch, Zurich; chairmen, municipal: other." . ' I stage' billiard .room- .and lounges. by a number of vo*ateer helpers. . , � Rensall,. Ira ,Geiger; Zurich, Denni's , .Referring to the town's industries "Thi� district, with its �7,000 farmers, . Personals: 11 � ev., Donald Benninger, . _ . Bedard, . Jr.;- Hiy, .Ivan Kallifleig,cla, �-pd location, he Said, "I feel that. Sea- -is as good as any, � think, for that C.S.B., Ardherstbuij,, is vacationing - k. Jacob Hilberer; Zurich, Max, Turn- forth has a great, future . . . I feel Mild of unit." '% . I with his mother, 'Mrs. Katherine Den- i I that 1p� th-e futuie Seaforth will be a . . ....... Most f�rmers do not realize to th ' . bull ; Centralia, Leslie � Richaids; .. e ninger; Mr. gnd' *-rs. Fergus 4ey- I ' r thriving town, and then a fine city." 'full the advantages attending life In nolds, Defroit,,with,*V. and Mrs. Jos. Dash.wood,. Addison Teiman; Credi,l Guests at the head table were. in - ton, Gerald Zwicher; Stephen,, Town- a rural area,� Mr. Kennedy believes. Carpenter; Jose�h, Akinson is in St. , . 'k I . I troduced by 'Harry Sturdy, chairman. "If all the faknaersAn Huron County , . ship, Roy Ratz; Crediton, Pat Sulh- ' Joseph's Hospital, 4ndou, for treat - t Ru,gsell 1361ton ihajiked - the women , , . . belonged to the Federation and took - ' ie­WiJill so' Ith . n ' i � Ivan; Grand Bend., William Holt; Hib- ment; Joseph EVan, � who arranged the�banquei, and Mrs. an active interest in it, this would -,be Ills mother, Mrs. ;4 bert, Lloyd Colquboun, John F. Miir- Reg Kerslake. replied bn behalf of ,,,,thari., iyawnlis; � . a better,'fnore prosperous. county in:.a Miss Etdtth'KrauSko& , . ,� Kitchener, with. -�arbara Kirkman A:uxiliim 'Solos few years i her, parents, ..Mr. .gAd Mrs. Albert I I . phy, Robert Burchill;, Fullarton, Har- the � "I I I ? 11 old McKs -, Science Hill; Btll.Tier; weie sung by. 'Margaret - B.,rad-ford, of Statini.-that"Pwhat we 'have 19 one- I ­�, I Staulayj R`�,�,Lwqqiitj Mrs. -W,' XQEW- h6ndoii. ­ .: . .. . . I . . � . .. . thing, �but what-w-e.do is,going to Kra-ushopfi. Mrs , cis G'ossop and , ,�! * X - , - - Mrs. A ' 0 14iss ae " I .. .'4,p Laf,Wo ;O :`R': 11 �. -o thi,-- v"'e-- Alfect tlf9_ future grdatly�,11 Mr. Iteii 7 eftyp - "I I _1 . ' I i �` _ &'-'- _- ' ' ­ d IiujW,j��'jij6lyti.4jer jun' -,� daughter� el With. M 1. "Ill an;', Bayfi.4. .r . � ,04* al� ,�B " � . . �!_P , _t4 , . and For R I . 31ax Rhynxv,;' Goderich Towns IP, regal, party w�nt to 'the- Lions Park' nedy quoted a verse which, he said ior" *1',�pr. , * 'is returned after I .Jim, Stirling; 6�dieiicb, J. W. Craigie; where 100 men from ' " O'Connell, Londo - . . Ipperwash camp, t lunch by Princess c txi; ,� a t� ' . , . spenoing her ic, at .,,.* - , home .Mrs. Hourie;', Clipton, L. Paisley; Ex- lined in a guard of honor before t'26 Alfee: God has given us two ends ..t,-khei . , , Y' the Gbv I. '� 'h 'for Toron-' I eter, MeL Southcott, Miss Laura Jeck- blatfdrm' were �inspected b - to "use. here; William Hanley. lia . �. � ' " I one to sit with, one to think 11 \ � . �ell, B W�. Tuckey; Usbor-ne, - Percy ernor-Generaj. Martial music was with. It all de,pFnds which one we to where he will enlist in the R.C.N. ' i . Fassin'ore, W., J. Routley; , Tu I cker- played by a band from the Royal Can- use, head, we N=, tails w, e lose.' V.R.; Mi. and Mrs_� -0. Rowe and i , . . pmith, Charles, McKaY, Mqlly' Crich; adian Regiment, London. Seated -on the platform, in addition daughter and Miss Beiinice Donnelly, ' Mrs. L. Fdrtune, Sestorth, George D. A choir of school. children,if-rom, all 'to Their Excellencies and Mr. 'Ken- St�atfdrd, with Mr. and' ltrs.' Frank . I ' � Ferguson; Hullett, Ross McGrego-r;, -parts of. Huron County, --under the.d.- nedy,,were Mr. and Mrs: Harry Stur- Donnelly; Private Dalton Burns, of . McKillop, Gordon McGavin. ' . I. rection of -Miss M. .E. Turnbull, open- Burn n iiii , dy, Mrs. ,W. 'L. Whyte, Mr. and Mrs. Hainiltion, and'Gerald s; Cli to , I I The resolutions-�pkssed read as fol- ed .the -program with "O Canada" and W. I-,. Go , Wing, Mr. and Mrs. Bison with their, parents, Mr.,, and Mrs , . ,.., loWs. - "Be it resolved that this an- "The Maple,Leaf Forever,,','-imd-- Rev. Cardiff,' . Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred. Watson, Frank Burns.' i I .. -.1. I I 1� ,. . I nual meeting of �the. Liberal Associa- R. -P. D. Hurford led a prayer for the Mr. and Mrs. Archie Morgan, Miss . I . A . ion of South Huron and Perth, here Invasio nforces. . I . . Vera -Grenfell, lady-in-waiting; Maj'or - . . � I . i The Governor-General was intro- -Clp,L,yt.on, aide-de-camp; Col. and ' .gssembled; place on record.,our com� . I I Mark BRUCEFIELD � . plete' confidence and loyalty to the duced- by W. H. Goldin ' g,. M.P., for Mrs. Wt"'M. King, Rev. and ,Mrs. R. ___11111111111111111111111 I .1 present Liberal administrition of"00 Huron-Pertb, who reviewed briefly his . P. D. I­Iiiifo�d, Dr. and Mrs. Hobbs I The W.A. held their reiularmonth- . Dominion- of Canada, and 'also 1 . n our distinguished career �a S Taylor, and M,r. afid Mrs. John Hanna. I' meeting on Tuesday � afternoon, ., � I aeader, the Rt. Ron. W. L. Mack I eii- statesman. . After the program, livestock parad- Y the I .zie King, Prime Minister of Canada." . He had at firs ' t feared that it would, in front of the platform. , . June ,6th, in the 'basement of - I . ' not be possible'to fit ,the.visit to Sea-' , (td . . church." Ywenty-five members answer � . "Bprit resolved .that the Liberal As- forth iritb .his schedule . ,Following the reception of farmers ed,the roll. The president was fif the I His Excel- and their wives,'- Their Excellencies chair and'Mrs. Atkinson'took. the de- '. . sociation Of South Huron iind P�rth, ai However, the 'county's '11 , , I - lency s id. . 1. attefided the irst part of a military - I . . here assembled, do herel�y'- reaffirm members "impressed on me what a displak presented b,y the troops from votional. services. The- regular busi- . I -our full confidence and loyalty in our beautiful country this is-, and that is -Ipperwasli, then toured the labor4av- ness was transacted and the Program . . I � present member for South Huron, Mr. i,hy'l am -here." I . I Ing devices, exhibits and livestock which followed was arranged by .W. H. Golding, of -Seafortb." - I - . , — P., I show. � Group I 'and was in keeping with 16 ...... �� . . In a jocular .vein, the Governor I . , - . ' '�.-. Sion D)ay. An opportunity was giv- .1 I . - ., . . � . .General 'commented:, "I was afraid Local industries were repe6sented va . ' . . that I had br6ught bad weather7 but by The Hesky- Flax Products Ltd: en ,to the members to listen to th� k ". . Coixnty.Council I brought along lay umbrella to keep This firm is Ahe largest independent address by King Ge6rge. This was - ,. . I . I 00outitued from P . off thiS raiii-no Englishman ever concern of flax producers in the Pro- followqd by- prayer for victory.....by . travels without an umbrella -and it, - e of Ontario, cultiviting 2,HO Mrs, Rathwell, and prayer for th( I 10. 1.V I viric ' t , 1c,11 S. � . succeeded in keeping the rain off. You acres. They have a very large manu- nation and those in authority by,Mrs .1 - A * delegation � -from the hospital see," he added, "I'm a w .. e I. a I tber pro- gaw . . facturing plant.. -in the Town of Sea. R. Scott. Miss Eva Stackbouse . I boards of. Goderich, Seaforth and Clin- pbet as well. forth, "as well as plants in Mitelfell two readings.. , The 'meeting' waE , ton'waited on the Ifuroir county coun- Statifig'thlat he was glad to,see the and.,Tavistock, At these plants fibre brought to,a close in the usual man. . 4 . icil at the*afternoon session Tuesday ,children- present, the Earl 8aig that is prodilced -for exii,ortation to the ter, repeating the M;izpah benediction ­ to ask for larger irants to cover the he would mention them and "this United Kingdom for war purposes. and singing ','God Save the Xing.' ' 1, increased costs in administration, charming ",ot" -in a letter to the This firm does everything contiedied Members are reminded that the roll . which, .,have create(I deficits, one-half, King, "This it not only: beautiful with 'the flax pl . ant from the sowing dall'for July will be­eoui4tl�ing ibout , � . .,of which they asked tlie council to country, Put It seems a charming spot. till the -finished product. ,they' have Dominion Day." '...... � .underwrite. in which to five. -despite Occasional farnis of their oWn and hire land from' ' Dr. A. E. 'Alkenhead and Mrs. Aik . ". 11 "I .... ' I Frank Fingland, K.C., Clinton, head- cold in the wiAter. farmers every'Year for growing a flax enbead, of -Calgary, Alta., are guestE * . ed ,the delegation. Asvftiated with peaking dirdetly to the farmers, -crop.- . at the, home of Mt. a'Ad'Mrs. Thorow * . him �W,., � . overnor-General said, "I want'to At their stand at the -show -grounds Baird, of Brucefield, and other rela were G. Ta. Parsons, C. K. -SauW, �, . I AIN,j �, � , I Aers and J.,*. Cralgie, of Qerri&V-k',4 I you how deeply indebted we are were*displaTed flax In all the various tives. i . , I ... .V?,� to you for 'the way you have over; . and.Dr. J. W.-ShaW, of C111it0n. TIM stages, from* the growlag crop to the ,,. Mrs. Gilmour, of Port Albqrt, Is z I ,town council of Goderich akreed to come your diffidulties in the wan'. finished artitle,.viz., towels as SuP- guest at the 'home of Mr. And Mrs I ,assist the Goderich hospital up, to, ' Shortages of labor a*d machfilery, laid plied by them to the United States Tbomag .Baird. . . . I- . 43,300, providing ,the board -asked as- a heavy burden ,on ihe s4pulders of Marine and Coast Guards. ' . . � - - . � � . sistance from the county; ­ I . the farmers, ,but they have overcome 'When tbe,Governor-Geneial and the . . . I . 'en by 'Mr. these troubles wip enterprise and d6 . , Some of the reasons gh ination to play their part in thj Royal Princess visited thd stand the VARNA . � " .Finglafid for the, request were: The term . . . icost per pitlent Per day had lnerqas- war effort in spite -of all obstacles, be secretary of -the SeafOrtb ,branch 111111*11— . continued. There wffs a time when- graciously presented Her Highness Mrs. Roy Morrison and ,Mrs. Alvh ... I I It I ed to'38 -cents; larger staffs and sal- ARA& ships were being' sunk: tq such with some towels as a souvenir of. her gil � I .. Ott, in.coihpany with Mr. Welsh - * . -.-- aries; --- the--demand.f0 shorter hours visit to Seaforth. The Town - of Seer. ' udai-guestg a i I for hurses, resulting in the n�rslng _27n extent that .-t i he 1'spe&!e_ of--starva- ofth li-�ii-re-ffi-eT.y biVp�to bi-v-e-Ifirs _ �o� _Kltehener, were Su , . staff having to be augmented; the tion flung its shadow ever the Old important firm in their midst, And it the.home of Mr. and,,Mrs�.'M. Elliott -,, , work of the hospitals ,has Increased Country," -he went on. . CanadiAn farr is -the sincere wish of the inhabitants Mr. and Mrs. . Albert' Austin- an( , 25 per cent..; ,rates charged 'patients mers helpdd overcome ihis threat. that this modern flax centre will de- family, in company *1th miss Jenni4 , , �.,/, mum, and if When visiting the farmers I feel velop ,still 'further, and that in the Austin, of Londesboro, were Sunda, � have -reached a -maxi that I am visiting the woikers In one guests, at the home of Mrs. Austh I thosie for public ward patients were of the largest of Our munition factor- not_�too distdrit future Hesky Flax Pro-* and son, Russell. , I . ducts Ltd. will not alone confinetheir I . - raised beyond $2.35, 'the grant -from les of which the 'output in the torm. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, of Brim , forthcom- energies to flax produ,�tion, but will '. � I ,the province would not be of agricultural. produce is among the - sels, were'Sunday guests at the hom I .. - _. I . Ing, 6 . I . most valuable sinews dr- war.t, ­ 'not rest till' Seafortb Is a linen pro d Mrs., Nelson, Reid. - fitted with modern of ,Mr: 'an . . I Wdngbam hospital was not repres "Parme'rs are the victilah6ra: of, our ducing centre, , .-/ .1 I spinning and_vveaving machinery and , Mlss�Mary Stinson, A.X., of 'Ripley ' . jented, -but will -send a delegation An great army, and 'without, your contri- similar lines to theik present Qax pro- has been renewing ac0aintances b - 'Thursday to ask for a grant to the bution -our task wbuld be an Impos- � / - J)uilding fund. a, sible ons," the Governor-Generat de- dvc.W factory. . . and Varna, aw l Goderich hdapital, it was explained, clared. Canada can lbe Vrou& of the ' Ris.Royal Highness displayed keen left Monday for Seaforth. V .I I laces a deficit of $3,04; -Seidofth, fact that tons of the food ... now follow. I interest In tbCi? flax exhibits and men- , Mrs. Eliza Suhtb visited last wee] -42,0,00; and Clinton, $1,666, a,total of ing' Allied soldiers onto the French tioned the fact that both the -present Jft London with her ,daughter, MrE 4 . , , , 6omes from Canadian Xing and bia� father, King George V.. bodaworth, who 'ad4bWpa,mled he 46,860. invasion coe,st 1. " other bomer*%aturdii. - I . "We have to grapple with the boS- farms. I I had extensively cultivated flax at 1- , � TIt4.1Izatio3j In this county," declared Warning. against "slacknesi when their estate in Diaglafad. Mr. George Fostdk,_, of Windsol 4 . spent Sunday with r.&OVes In thi Reeve R. J, Bowman., who said he felt the Immediate' danger 16 ov,er,11 he He Inquired whether or not Cana- v, , # I inurses should'not 6-6 expected to Work pointed out that, i.04K-1110W iiiat a than flax was 'treated in the 'same vicinity. , , harder than other people. He moved horse is most likely. to stumble When :manner as on the King's Estate ,and MIrs- Stelck' has re�difted to be I that there4U,eSt,be considered by the he r4adh6jbe bottoin of a ,hill. It the quality of English flax was simi- home after gpending"tome time . 1: . ! fWarden,s committee, and WAS second- .,Now that We are approaching the lar to that grown and. manufactured Windsor. . "I � ttom of the hIll, we must be ,Mk.-�,and Mrs. Wftl4r '� Reid an more In cixnad4. He* thought that ,great . �-.� .. , , , " - isd by Deputy- "W6 'ad, bi _ ghtet, IV bi=, ': , MW -days I e ,Reeve D. D. Mo1jhey ot bo �, , I �, , er-11,he,7WArhe esu mide, in such, &'jhott Mid t, t I vigilant, than ev , . � ,-­ . � d, ,strldiiali ' gos# " � -1 , ",I I , " 06dericb. )�- from� tbe.,Vivighb Of must go ciA to the_bftte` 1060-cot"A 0J, and that,it 6eriiiblk tdtOfitO, HAml1tOn i1n1..bt1&1r point I .1. _�, '04, S6 oi* . M . I 1 .. . A -1 ", I ' *4'� r , I i 7� . I I ;A delegiti( �heir �dtbljdi'.Wt: i . T, el", I t � qi�d in.'slipport of a p - ebildien and' I I �, 01 *1 .. W_tha ifUtdr'6t,6f of, ItioreAt' it the W40i� : " �d�,eelebrar etl J f0VII'Ll" '111111 'Apt 11 , ;, tity" to.". 11*ifho�f ftt�( 4,g4unlveri � .' Wtindat full i1ofit" i ."Ila , 2% , _., I . - Grey was,be , of, bit .. . � eatfron, d6o '10 , .. � �et to -the y 41ho the , �16, I 11 _,._�� Is- lid -seen IS Dix 11TV , Ir 'O' " [ , �� 1.� . Oyt�',�:,,V, .' ero acogg., ,Meid, to To . . , I , � , ,.. W K X - .1 , 'g"�,, �' : this ZOTMOZ"N' t at Uri !� � " ... :. I. I 41 ,-I IP �11 I 14 0 . .. % �,411TV I'll, . I "J ,, . 1.1". " . ­ I . ,�' . , fthniblt.-,woalw"nav,e,-����.��� ;V4F1*W1 �� W ta . . 3 , , , . I I , . : . 0 " - �_'1`111�" 6 ` 11 M I 11 M I � ""'. "' :::: t , � _ '61 � ' I t'On I" '*P"p '�' rhe - Overupir-, 4L � " 4mm _AL Y. V ,.,,lp " t' een "'c' 16 14 � a- w . 1. . . I . 1, I .�, � ": . 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" t � � .11 , . , ". : , ., . 11� ..... , , . � , -, I I W.0MgN,,S,i,'. 41. , 1 �'�',�:�,, . . ­ . � . � I I .. . . , .. .. . +_ .. :flfg,.;N,z .'�--.t,:?i11, .." ., ­ , 'i . . + .. I ,. '. ` ON11R.".1 " 14. `1114 � - I - r ", , .1 ,'. , - F _ � '. P . I " _\ , . 7-3 .00.,`,�i�:.- 1S.A.-Al, i� it: 1��i� ,— 1. `� '. , ; � I .... I . 'T � . I � . �.t. tL ; :'.. y 1 'i . . , . I 1� I . � I .'� �� / .: � _1� �' . I I 7 . , . , , . - , . it . . �7. I - . . . I , . ; I . . . . I � . � I , � - . MISSES' $IZAS� � , I "I - . '.. ,� I . 1. 12 to 90 . . I . . . , , .. ..�, , ;; . . . � I GIRLS' 1%IZ,AS, - I I I ti .. I .'111 . I ..1i , . � " . I 6 to, 14)� � :; , ";� * I . , ; . I I '. I I'll . I 1. . 1.� jo.. 0. � I . I I 11;. I '��Zl .­�:l _;" � " - ,i�� 9, I I Hereffs. a grand big . � saving for -you in this .2' .", , ... .11 . " . , . :.:::" I.., il r,z- '­� � - I "; _, � zo , .'111 " .5 , I- Big Clearing Sale of all-- . 11 New Spring A09ajis. we , , � . .. , :?,� .rnuat reddet,our a tock, . � and ,hence this big ,25,11 " ' ,,� . . . . . . . I!, .. per.1cent.' saviffigial , . - , . . .. ­1�1 I * * I . T#e gloths; arte Twe#4, - IM I; Gabardines, Polo Cloths i-_11. " 4�2. " I 11S i� ,I ;.1 I a ,� . -Caniel Hair, 'Soucip - ,­ 0 :..il,ii - , , r// c..r, ­, - . .'i I ", '� , , ­ , , . 11--k. , � . � , - � 01' . I . IM, .. 11. ,j�,$,I�TJ�1'­ I .­�'3, . and Dress CoatinqrC ,.,-11 * i - ..... ,. , '. , '. .. I - � 11 I,, 1. I.', Wj,h-MIM . . I � � "W?� . -,L4 .� 0 0 , . � . , . � t i " � 'An . �T,�i'l��t."'+F..�l.,.,,"*,"....�'..'I �11// ,�`_07` -, I � , I � . ', - - . ­,.'­., I . '.., `Ell'ti:��" I . ­ 1:-�e'.��,-�e,pg::-' �­Ijlg­ ... - 1. ) I , : . ! I ;­,­­-;g%-:;*1. ffie'.:9711. ­ . .,:, _��,.­�,,�tffi' � ........ i,., . . The st les are Raglanis, .,...�,.-.,;,�.....,P..,-,...".. ..' `� _??. P . - .. . . . . . . �y e.R.I.K.. 3�1= V- 1 . Balmacans, :? �,;s:,x',;.?;-. . , _. "..., ,11 - , I .1 1 YrIji,7 . . ,�� . It .. , F I tt ed ,��. M. . r,!gg , , , 11 i !P,.Ei?.�, .:?� . . ,. I 1 ". z�;,i, ,.� ...... ,�M ... ­,�r" -- I -_ r. Styles, Chesterfields W­_�,P.::i P��'.,,W.:;-.L,, . .. I "', ly. . ,_,W. W... . _.?PM , ; , � . " . . . ,i:: t,-.. r - -& � ,,4'1,'q�,�t,,-�, .. . . :-1t. .0.11 .. . W. -n. . r�,re_� I �� , -- � o , ,�)t�.� , .,.,. ".. N. and Dress Stylm Ali �� 1. N ,. : * ,:%iti: 'Y410, : ". �$K:K Z", �, - t . .11 .1.11 - _:�� , " , -� .'a .DRESS, - this siiasonl-s newest X �) nn. . , . '. . �­ I . 2�, . . , I. I Ir ` - V.1'1� 1111 11 1. . . , F4. , � �.11' . !", � , I ,,, � . + .1 VM .19, Q,i� . I . - ;:?�? "R.: � I.;- � . .. 1, I at - . 'r I , ,,�:�ts I I :. � ..� ,,, 0 It , + . - 'i.` - "t'f 11,11 4. . . .,%:� ,,'�.W,12-­ 11 . I I ,V.i � 11, . : �,�. , , . .. . , , 4A PER CENT.- 11 -:?.,:, I , , . . ,-�."�,"O", I .1.1. '.,;�­i . I �.;i ­­­, . . '� " _Y�,_*A , .. . .. , . �! FEATURE. I&M DISCOUNT . . I .� , - , '. .1 . . I . , i . t . ., ... �' I I ; , .r, 111 " , I . . . ­ . � I . . . I " : . , � v, t , I '� . �... I— ' . i . . "Ju - . . _.. - .. � I 11 . � � I . ­____ ...... .. OF 71�'" . I. -M .1 I . �,1111..�",-. I � . . . . . , .�i' I I - 2 I i I 1-1 " "I , r ,��,�, . ; "'?k, , I , -­ vi� New floral patterns on light grounds, , I I I I . ",?, I . I � . I . . . . 11 :, r.; , ��A,,,'.' I , . . . , ....': . . � gay border prints, in cipol Cel'anese I . I ; . . . . . . I ­ 11 � r i, 'r... -1 I .. .. I .­',,�, I , , ,,,, "' I I . . 11.1.11 _. .1 �1,111-, - - . � . I I . I � . . I I .. . . ,,r,, I . Ir ,� � " � "': :: � � and spun materialsfor Stimrqor wear. . . � . . ,r;,: 1,:t � � :r' . : . �� I . + REGULAR $20.00 -COATS FOR ...... � .............. $1 . .:: � . . . . 1:11, 1 I . . I �. .. .. . '" . . 3� . � I'm . �� WWO. ., .. ..". � I . � 'Ic i6m. '12 to 44. ...... � . . , .. � �'i" I Sizes . ligii, ,' .�' I`- " I , REGULAR $25.00 COATS FOR ........... I � I' . . .. 't . � " -.S .-,. , . ........ I I'll i,iii- r ,�,_ . I I I ". ...... , �.� , I I . I � r . . _�,, 11 � . . : I ­ . . . .?,,+ '. .. :tlir.�,��, . � � X� 1. - � � .. . �"..'t ++ . il., 11 $W.00 COATS FOR ............. I ....... 312-2,�,fi% . I ":�w_'_ I .. '" -1 I ­. lit,l I - ,., 11, _, � I I .., '. ", � ­�;t,I .1 � . . 1P ''I : ,�'. I I � I � 11 -11 1. � 1. .. I I—- , ,�,:l - - " $21PA'. � . .." . ' ) _-- '- - - '%�, . '. �6i I .1, ,.:: + REGULAR ..� ... . . . _ .......... .......... 6 rrr I $35,W 'COATS FOR ..... . . .. , � ... _�1111-11;,, .. ,;"�, I Ift wtr, +1 Slo,�,(W�+.!�.rl ' 1! . � GIRLS' COATS, $8.50 to $13.95 . .., I � ;.ir , r, , 1. It 11 , pppp, ­.. -it��_, � , 1 3-09,5 ". I , � . .. .... �­ I + Reduced & ...................... qP101900 to .. "I 11 I . ... � I'll .... I , "!"'... ... . . .... . : � ,­:,`;'. ,,, . . . I "i'+ - w'". . , .Y,�., , ..., - � , . ­ - 11111111111111111ON11111111111111111 . . ... I.. , . I .��. 'I", ',f I r %, . r;, ', I I � . . I I ., . � -1 I I .. I I .. .... i" . . . . . . , �,!�;,. . . . . . . . ..: . .� !�;,i . 1. � . � A ' ' ' ' 1. . ' I. !�",V* . � I . . .� - � :.11 ­ I . . . . �, ..., , ., . . ; ,. ��!,.%, . r . t , �� 11 . .�, I I'll - �.�,. . , r 111141*1 2vmmim RV , ,111.8 - ""'. I ; ... ., I "... r ,FAther'S.D'..J.1 ,r 111111110 9.,'J n't 1-8"t-. hw. " i, .. I . , of , . . '. . `Lifl - � .. ,... I 1. . .. I ......:�"-#,; . ­ . ., - .- � - . ..�*:,. I . I .. ,�-�''..­ ' .1. 11 14 June 18th is observed as Father's Day through GIVE. HIiM_ . .. . I � '"' A - . � 1�1-1 . '" I' .­ 1 500 to $1.00 rrr . . � tl;;. , . � . � .'.�4. � d. TIES ............... I ................ - . ... . .11',�' i . ,.,., , .i I out Canada and the U.S.A, ,You'll make Da 0 .... 39C to �1.06 , �. . .' , " . - ."..... .; ' ­ . - � X .................. 7 ........ �- - - . . . . , . ....+ - . '­�, r . I i .. ., feel he really is appreciated if you choose one 'of :HIRTS ... I ................... $1.65 tW 0 ' i.. .1m. it . ... . : , .1 I I - ". � r 1��... �', 11 '.. . #YJ' AS .'....: ......... �..;�....� . $2001tak.. , ... ��. 11 . L 'I - ­,,. thiise gift suggestions., - , . . .1 _�M 4 � 5� , . . 11 I I .. I I ­ . , 1. I. . . . � I t . . . I I � � . . , I.. I � .5;.. I . I I I �� .. , '. . 1, .. �� 1, 1. 1 7, r I '_ � . 1: ' . r �.. " . � I ; . ... 11� f. . r . . , ..."I , , . .­.-STEWART BR O& . - ''I � '; ,"- I � - . , r 4. . ­ I . . . " . 01.. . - - . I.. . � . . . 1. . , -,il­ 11111111111111111111111111111111111 ­,; ,.�­, " I I I _ . I . 1. - ... ,. ,'. . . I . , :.� I..",.. . .1 ,,­_ I I . I I . . � , . . . . ,. , . '.1 . . . . . I'll .... ot. — Miss Peggy Orr, of Stratford, are in . " .Mr. C. C. Pilgrim is visiting with - I . .. ,�. I - � - . I ii�js' son in Orangeville. whitherg, he . . . their -cottage.'. -On lbver.Te�­pace .for z . _;1 accompaxied his son, George. . KIPPEN . . .. few days. . . � ." -1 . . . .: , ". . , :- Several, members of the W.A. of Mrs. O. W. Rbynat, -Mrs. Ann. ',, . � .. 11 11 � , .1 . � _...�� " ' � ... �-., St. John's Church attended a meeting T%e Mission Band 'bas arranged'to Brown and . A. G.. Atkinson, were i .. .. "�, of the. W.A. 'of ,St. James' Church, meet on Sunday first, uniting with guests at the Holmes - Atkiib�sou.,f.dd­ . ". ..:,.,�, ��. � .. . . I . , " . � . .. Middleton. There was. - a . ISO severall the congregation for worship, then ding in London, on Saturday, .. . I 1 , , .... I !". . members of I the . W.A. of ­.Tr�nity retiring to the Sunday school room M�rs. George Alexander , of Miami, , , 0!- . I . tl��.. ;. 'i " Church, Bayfield, present. Mrs. Gra- for the rest of their meeting. Mrs. Manitoba, is the guest of her brother. . ... I,, ­ . I s, '. 1. ham .gave a very interesting account J. Henderson and Mrs. T.'Kay will Dr. W. A. Volume, and Mrs. Volume; , . of the annual mest-Ing held In Lon- be. in charge. I I . Misses Fanny Lana Lillian,Morley'. ... ;�,____ "I' �� don. Altogether a very pleasant df- The service On Sunday will be con- of Detroit, arrived last -week to spend' : � . . � '777 .. . I . . . . ternoon w?Ls spent at- the home O,f ducted by the mitister, whose -­s-er4 the summer in their qc&ie. I ". I i "Our Modern son Of Mr. alld . - I . ; � :1 Mrs.,,Stewari, Middleton, where a de-. MOM subject , will be 1. Malcolm McLeod, 11 � . licious lunch was served. Idolatry." , . .Mrs. Louis McLeod, reported4o HA� I A I., I The Late Robert Dinsd2le. C.S. Provost," London. He, is the ' - J., . `�_ Serious Accident Averted . . 1 While our mail courier, Mr. Russell Another. highly respected life-lbug .fourth member�of the McLeod famff3r .. . .. :: I Austin, was going his rounds on Sat- resident Of this- community, ,Nr. Rob- to join the Navy, Bob and John be- . , � " , . I . o, ' ' tbyr I ,.. urday, and coming out on the Ith ert'Dinsdile, passed away on MOu- ing with the R.C.'N.V.R., and DGrd . �, ".. . . I . 1. . concession he cam -e upon a tractor dAY, June 5tb,, after -a -short illness� Ann in the Wrens. .,� ,... I turned over oposite Foote's bush, and. He was it -his -80th year and spent M.r. M. 'Shea and family, of Sir � ;;; " Ott-, , t; ottage, , 1, . to his borror found two boys pinned most of his life on the farm, I% miles ford are at Miss Kennedy's c . "� I ;:1 - "I underngath, onef a soil of Mr. Auhin; ,west of Kippen, until moving to -the. for � few days. , " . 5 of Brucefield, and the otbei a son of village about'seten years ago. Re,was Mr. and,Mrs. F. Wightinan, of D&7 .tA .. I . Mir. Ross, 2nd concessloii. Russell a member�iand Elder of St. Andrew's troit, have arrived to spend the SUM- . 1. I `1 I ' _ . . .. ­ .� could do nothing himself, but immed' United Church. The funeral service mer in their cottage. ", . I _ , iately . got help when the Hanover was held on Wednesday afternoon, Mr and Mrs Blyth St�phensou, Of � . 11 ^ ' , I 'Transport truck was called and jib- June 7tb, with Rev. A. M. Grant Of- Toronto, 'wid ki.s. Ada Bingley" of . . ..", t -i, . � ficiating. During the service Miss r . .." erated the youths, who were rushed Jean Ivison, ,gang �very beautifully, Det, oit, spent the week -end at their. ­ . - 1; to ,hospital, and last . reports state cottage on Ann Street. . . .. . . )11 1 4, Lbey are very little tj1e­WZJise, of,their "The City Foursquare," actompahied , Miss 'Mary -Galbraith and Mrs. Reid, � - I ,awful experience. I . 1. by Mrs. Harold Jones. Interment of Seaforth, are the guests of thsir , ' � It I was In Hensall Union Cemetery, ,and brother, D. Galbraith. '. . � , I , I , . _i__� '' , . - f.�!., � - the pallbearers, all Eldefs, of St, An- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Toms, of De- . . ., . . drew's United Church; were Messrs. trolt are spending their. "va,0atiolL _.. . ,.,. ! STANLEY Wm. Alexander, Andrew B. Belf, Jno- with"his. moiber, Mrs. El Toms. I 1. `:, ,;O ' - The June meeting of the Goshen Cochrane, Joe Dayman, Herb Jones . Mr. and Mrs�. Eugene Bauder and ' 1 !,q:,,,,'� I . ,,,I W.M.S. was held in the church oo. and Thos. Kay. The many floral tri- little granddaughter, Heatber!McL60- . . . . . . . t��11� Tuesday afternoon of last week. The butes" W8fe very beautiful and -the ng*,, of-gitchener, are visitors, W" I t. i1W . flower -bearers - were Messrs. James - I ds this week. . . ".1. I ladies of' Blake, Bayfield and Varna Mrs. F. A. Edwar . ... ...�,­ , . . ..: . . - . � lt;�. � bad also been invited for the after- Finlayson and John McMurtrie , (El A correction of last week's newff" 11.:1, ders) ', John. and Examprsou Ande-ison, The 100tb anniversary of L.O.L. 146. I �-�t ,� noon. The church was beautifully I �- - � I Ivison Torrance and Arthur Varley. 24 Is In 1945., when we expect to bol'd � ....."'." I decotated with , Iris, peonies, ferns I . !;'141)" ..... � and spires. Quiet music - p!receding ,Mr. ' Dinsdale' is survived. by his the 12tb of July - celebration In the ,- I � , '% ... widow, formerly A -lice Wbiteinkii, one village. , , ... � . � , . the meeting, was played by the. organ- - � - " %il, . ­ AmIghter �HeltenY, Mrs. Eddis Taylor, There are- m-affy 'dA119 fUr- c_0­tt_a_9W` " ­­. "t I ist; Mrs. Elmore Keyes. The Ptesi- . . " .of Stratford, and one sister, Mrs. this season in the village, all being �. .i` � .- dent, Mrs. Russell Erratt, very cap- I 1 j;7;,J . Hannah Petty, of Hensall. . A good anxious 16 enjoy, one'61` the brightest , ably presided over the meeting'which .:, !��A neigbbor, always ready to lend a help- summer resorts allong" the lake, w;Jth I , 1, was very well attended. The= 11 opened with tbp singing of tb Ing hand, he will be greatly missed. bathing, boating, fishing, beautl&W ;`,�% I I 1.� j�,� ? I ooks to suit the &sf� I n 488, ', � sunsets and shady n . 1� . .- al anthem and thie use Of HYM I m� t,"'! o city and town tourists. I , i after which. the responsive psalm was . 11, , �1 . I read. Mrs. Elgin McKinley took the BAYFIELD I .0, . . I ":,11�;, . I ,IMI scripture lesson, afte; which Miss - . SWEEP) -No RUGS , . .. � '­,�T ,.,, 4% Hern led In prayer. Miss Pearl GaWel Mrs. Bruce Snary, of Detroit, is When 7sweeping rugs, alwa7a 66 ' ;.N,.N :41i,*�J�� ..., , I _ favored with a so�o, "Behold a, Stran- visiting her, sistetv, Mary, A41d, this -sure to siveep -with the nip., Wbam . . -V, I . I � - .1 .;1" ger at the Door" with guitar accom- week. .. . gg �", 't " " I the rug 19 -brushed against the nap . �. I V ,i� Vaniment, followed by Hymn 429. Miss Mary Stinson, of Ripley, is the . . -"A,� . ,, r� I .., Iq the surface 16 roughened .and -ills dirt �ji,�V ' " ` , ""k, Miss Hern and Miss Rachel Johnston, guest of Mrs, W. J. Stinson at. pres- � 1! ". 4�, ' 19 forced into the 'eavpqt Inoitead, 4 . -t �,0001.1 of Varna, sang a duet, ,,'.'The Cbrist ebt. .. . I � . I ,;,I ,. t ' . .z141;N of the Croal," which wad much ap- Mr. and Mrs. T. Orr and daughter, out of It I . I., �,,16 �1& ,;:�� §' , """ . preciated. Mrs. Lee McConnell play,- , . ,�:�� N� ,4 � ", iQ ed their accompaniment. MrS..A. V. . A 1: 111", � I 1. � I - I . I . - 1. .� .1 411"', Workman, of SeMorth, who was the _. . I I 11 ,iltit ,� . I I . ,. , �, , 1, � ". ., �, I , � . 11 , ,, . . i ,r,4 guest Speaker, brought a very detall- I I . , ". 1. I . . ",j',,'��!'." . , . . �� I- I i! ­ � � ,,, . ::... R. " . . I . " , *1 1� . ­ . ,�T�& ed and most interesting report of -the . - � �17� , " , 4 -- � , , , �,e 1, 6,.. - ... . � , . " . t � -,, - . I _1 �,;'11 Z , which . M, - -, jk� V%. "' _ I �,,*.,".-': ,;1%.tj .1 .1 . 1 I � . � . I ., ­­'�� . I's AAAA, fn �it:,�,, �' 11 London � .Conference branch, Dead, and'- I �ed' 1�, ��',%-,, 1�&1�11 was held -at StrathroY in May. .'The . . '�S'A . .1 , , , O', * . , : i� I �- , -A ii� I �­ .. ­­ '! � , �,, I I " , , .., .;161110 I 1. � 1, . . � XiO , Blake ladles' chorus accomPanidd bY RVIM 1) . I , , I . I .. . .1 . . I ,:�o?.Ml­.�� Mrs. E. Stelick, then iavoreii wftb a I . . . . ,. I 1'11i­,'-� "'N , � ­ , " I , . .'­';,,­,'�.,_', , . .. Le:l,)��,"J',Z;, � . I .1 . - ', .!:,.,�Vo _ I/ 11 number, "Lot Jesus Come Into Your , ' PHONE COLLECT. SPA L RTH Is tktirlot gas :, � ,� A., I . 1. _ .. ­.. " t : I ''. "...-M q) I 11-0,0-5R, , Heaxt," which was much enjoyed.. I I . � - ,',,� I . .. , , " .A'­�.4'0 , ,I �% I " . I�L .1 " I il';� I � _ - I ":L;_; �,#,�r � I -1.1 ­ ­ I L - . . .1 - .1 . � tl'1111'0'1'14.11�t � I � � 1 � ­­' , " . sung and thia. I .. '. � 11), :CO3 -a ­40flik' C ".` ,"A ' TO � ­ �.;, ,.-,,, k,e .64� I . " , Hymn 621 was then , DARLIN6 . " I . � . .. ,­ 1,! V" � 11.,�� ,t�,?t�Zp . ,, , � ­ I ��,* .1 11`�,,, -11,. � ! , sed with the henediction.- - , , ,, �:i�,,� _4 L V _ e , " meeting CIO I . " , t�aselltlol 'a &Adjmtrfy�, . t. .J.1' I I 1�' " I.,.,. . ..i.i &f'�'�.j L . .11 .:�,-, I t , ". . . ". , r - .." , �:iL "kj� I , I The 0othen ladies served A Ver'# t&8t$1 , I -- . , , � .1 96"""4kh-, , '' ­"­., ,,.-i- ­,i., "' Z?i;,kM.`KTr­,V1; . 7�,;. wi, ., ­.,;_.� - _-;,.­�,,:­�,,�!;_i�� ."k,l.. . "I'll", I ,: I � 1-4n4h and a godial hour *as 4eitt. I � , 11111111NOW" ,� W � 1W 1 " ,, 1, llt,'�:�� -l'.­�..'A,­­ - I .I,, I . I ", � , * " " .. . . I '. .- 1� - - , i t . i. i. , 1: . W.t -11, 11X.�I�elltrklrili��M.­ . . I , . �t", , *,­­ 777 . � .1 . �jl I I .. � , : � ,;,... . ._ �. -1 ". - .". . . - ,. ;. 4 I.,,.:, - - I 11 , ." .."',_"t 1, I .. . I . � . � .. . . , ., ; , 1,� I , I . A. I.. , �. . 4frl-%��142%1941,0 I I , - I I � "i I � 11". I I ''. � i_., .. ,�!",� '. JN.-tt�.-).j �,,�.*'. . . , , , . " ,,; . i I;, ,'. " -L I � �*. 11 . �_ ,.!" '. , ", . "I", , .. J, ",��jk� , , "r , � I.". I �_ ": t �,il I �� �1- � , ` :� �,ii.-f""""k, .,,,,,�, Q.,,�,i,,B,,,i.,ii �,A�.,�$4,11,K)"�i"�l,,,�',i�,,i�'4 1