HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1944-06-02, Page 8' WI E I G� }�a't n ..lil, ALA, LINEA OF IBJ. NC St L j gsirah1e Property fl . , , ,,�i . *eat,at, with hard pend knit' Irate* T4. k . T •. .�sydro; . garage; 11h ill*elt flt 1an4d with 'fruit ' treee. Ina !WOOS PQa#ession, 'Cottage, iii Side :Street; priced rea Wu**. -Other desirable properties also listed ` 'WATSON & REID M. A, REID - Proprietor Phone 214 : - - Seaforth SPECIALISTS IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE Trltle d Division ourt I County of Huron Pelee in the Dominion Bank Build- ing. Seaforth. OSlce hours: Tam - des; ibnrsday, and Saturday. 1.30 p.ea to 6' p.,m;; Saturday evening, 7.30 p,m. to9ran. E. C, CHAMBERLAIN - Clerk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G. A. WHITNEY '0 O Successor to 0 O HOLMES & WHITNEY 0 0 Funeral Service .° O Main Street - Seaforth 0 0 AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 0 Adjustable hospital bed for 0 O rent. 0 0 Agent for Mitchell Nursery 0 O Flowers. 0 O Telephone .11$ . _ _ -- 0' .0 _.-Mgh''te and Holidays 66 ` 0 •O 0 Q'00000000000 • *00000000000 O 0 0 W. J. CLEARY 0 • -Seaforth, Ont. O 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 0. AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 00 Night or Day Calla ---335 0 0.00000000000 F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 -0' J. A. ' BURKE 0 0 Funeral Service O 0 DUBLIN ONT..' 0 0 Night or day Balls; Phone 43 r 11 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0I SPENCE'S PRODUCE GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG, GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices Paid For Eggs and Poultry Phone 170-W,' Seaforth NOTICE Due to the shortage of essen- tialsupplies; we will be forced to curtail our purchases of live-; poultry for the next week or so. This is only a temporary sit- uation, and will be remedied as soon as possible. THE McRILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE • CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, ONT. Or'I+'1pERS : W. R Archibald, Seaforth Pres. F. McGregor, Clinton• - •' Vice -Pres. Merton A. Reid, Seaforth -• Manager and Secretary -Treasurer. DIRECTORS: Chris. Leonhardt, Brodhagen; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Alex. Broadfoot, R.R. 3, Seaforth; Alexander McEwing;.. R.R. 1, Blyth; Frank McGregor, R.R. S Clinton; ; Hu to gh Alexander; R.R. 1, Walton; William R. Archibald, R.R.' 4, Seaforth; George Leitch, R.R. 1,, Clinton; John L. Malone, R.R. 6, Sea - fettle eeklifillinU AGENTS: Finlay McKercher, R.R. 1, . Dillblin; E. Pepper, Brucefield; J. E. Prneter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. You are Invited to Inspect the -BOND- TAILORED-TO-MEASURE SUITS AND OVERCOATS. FOR -LADIES AND . GENTLEMEN - IN 7 PRICE_RANGEso $2250 to $42,00 - SOLI( ONLY by �('yGILLEy( PIE' ..(#'yam... TMILO kin Milt ybt;l't,o 11414 to st, , lrc' . lie PtoY `CfI A ± jails "'l Y 1'}1G l� •t ' 1L s tr r. a k^ l { 1 1 , eq� Illi :1 1 •,�i'M1 { ' 111 b4 µ:+ t ! f ljl NEws:. OE' THE TOWN Announcement,--. he elegagela en '4: amnouuced''af Isabel Margaret, young- est danghter of Mrs. James u`lannt'een, Seaforth, and the late James Flanni- gan, to Mr. Verdun Rau, youngest son of Mrs. Joseph Rau, Drysdale, and the late Joseph Rau, the marriage to take place June 24th. Announcement. — Mr. and Mrs. Charles MacKay, Tuckersmith, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Catherine• Ilene, to Mr. Mel- vin Loran, youngest son of Mr. Arthur Glanville and the late Mrs. Glanville, of Usborne, the wedding to take place early in June. • Announcement.,—Mr. and Mrs, Fred- erick Robert Beattie announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Muriel Holmes, to Professor Chester Laurens Dawes, of Cambridge, 'Mass„ the wed- ding to take place June 17th in New- ton Centre, Massachusetts. Announcement.—The engagement is announced of Veronica Elizabeth, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Duffy, to Mr. Raymond James Mur- ray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murray, of McKillop, the wedding to take place, the middle of June, Announcement—Mr. and Mrs. John .7. Quinlan wish to announce the en- gagement of their only daughter, Margaret Roseanna, to • Mr. John Rich- ard Cronin, son of Mr: and Mrs. Dan Cronin, of St. Columban, the marriage to take place June 15th., Women's Institute Will Meet.—The •Seaforth Women's Institute will meet on Tuesday evening, June 6th, at 8.30 at the home of Mr: and Mrs. Leonard Strong, Tuckersmith, The roll call will be.•ansvwere --by- `-'a woman's sponsibility in helping to secure , a lasting pease." The topic on "Citi- zenship" will be given by Mr. C. Trott, EgmondeiIle. Men are invited. Please note change in time. Died in Hamilton —Many friends here will sincerely regret to learn "of the death of Mrs. H. Q. Feast, which occurred at the General Hospital in Hamilton on Wednesday, May 31st. Mrs. Feast was the wife, of Rev. H. C. Feast, who resigned from the min- istry of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, in 1937, She is survived by her husband and one daughter, Mrs, Philip Ed. Jones. Interment will be made in ,Hamilton cemetery en Fri- day. Churches St. ,Thomas' Church. Rector, Rev. Dr, Hurford: 11 'a.m.; "Redemption and the Trinity." Sunday School at 10 a,m. No .evening service as this is Rev. H. Jack's last Sunday. Bishop Seager will be here for 'Confirmation at 8• p.m. on June llth. St. Mary's Church, 'Dublin. — 9.30 a,m., "Redemption's and 'the 'Trinity." Northside United Church.—Rev', H. V. Workman, Minister: Sunday School will meet .at 10.30 a.m.; 11 a -m., Flower- Sunday and Youth Ser- vice; music • by the Junior Choir; guestspeaker, Rev. Wilbur Howard, B.A„ Boy's 'Work Secretary of the O.R,E.C.; 7 . p.m.,- Evening service withdrawn. First Presbyterian Church.—Sunday School at 10 a.m.; morning° service at 11 a.m., The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper :wall be observed at this ser- vice. Evening service _at 7 p.m.: "A Farewell Message." Preparatory ser- vice Friday at 8 p.m. =- Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister. - C. W. L. Honors "Mrs. Consumer." —In recognition. of "Mrs. Consumer's Week," the C. W. L. held a special meeting in the school hall on Friday evening, May 26th, with Mrs. C. P' Sills presiding. The message to'Can- adian women frora ,the Acting Prime Minister was read by the correspond- ing secretary, Mrs. J. Eckert. Then followed a very interesting skit en- titled, "Libel or'Label," acted by Miss Alice Daly and Mrs. J. 1'. Daly, Jr, The basic speech ,on the advantages of price control, etc., was read by Mrs. F. Devereaux, and charts and posters were on display to show how prices have been controlled and the part our Canadian women have play- ed in maintaining these ,prices, The regular monthly meeting was also conducted and instructive papers on "Feasts of Our Lady" and "The Ros- ary" I were given by Miss KelIy and Mrs. William Hart. During the busi- ness part Of the meeting, a donation of $25.00 was made to the local branch of the Red Cross, and it was decided to pack a box of useful' art- icles for the "Sisters of Service." MacLedn - Stevens.—A very pretty wedding took place Saturday morn- ing, May 27th, in the United Church, Kitchener, when Mary Etizabeth •Stev- ens (Betty), daughter of Mr. Reuben Stevens and the late Mrs. Stevens, Waterloo, 'and Norman .MacLean, . son of Mr. and Mrs. Roderick :MacLean, of Egmond'rille, were united in,mar- riage, the Rev. Mr. Le rrrthre 'officiet- nl ig. " The bride; gilled irr ,mai rlage-hy. iter father, looked. pretty in a street le iigth •gown of • heaven bine Sheer lvith flowered half hat, corsage of rail roses' arr'& baby's breath. ,jlAdrs. agony ' t'iitis, . ; ,Seaforth; was at ort 0 ' • f otlot• *eating t t` . s rc t- � :If e +en h' .fro It C ifi. idoft':n`aiii Shed n1$$tt,'lia t ' lug hover hat •Jr coridge H� " i's�gd'Vlxs Tat - roses. The $'riib'izt *a(0401410 I b r ri 'iVZ i'ii6�. , �. l�hi, It s• :d, On iicL ie1r t1 ` It d �'r `Ry ty . Its The Anneal Meetiltig of Huron -Perth Liberal Aseociailanwlt.I be .held In the TOWN HALL, 1 EN ALL Thursday June 8th AT 8.30 P.M. Col. Barry Hamilton President of the Ontario -Liberal As- sociation will be • the chief speaker. W H. 'Golding, M.P. for Huron -Perth, and others, will also address the meeting. Every polling° Subdivision is expected to 'send a full representation. Important matters of busi- ness will be under consideration. DR. A. R. CAMPBELL - President J. A. McEWEN - - Secretary "God Save the King" Jackson, receiving, Out-of-town guests were present from Si. Hyacinthe, Que., Woodstock, Toronto and Sea - forth. Later the -bride and groom left by motor to spend their honeymoon in Muskoka, the bride travelling in 'a two-piece dressmakers suit in leaf green and brown accessories. Mr. and. Mrs. MacLean will make their home in Egmondville. LOCAL BRIEFS • Mrs. W. R. Plant, of St. Marys, called on friends iu town on Tuesday. • Mr. James Carnochan, son of Mr. and Mrs. .James Carnochan, of Tuck- ersmith, has enlisted .in the Royal Candi-an Navy, and is stationed at Cornwallis, N.S. • C.S.M. Harry McLeod, of Camp Borden, was a guest last week at his home in Tuckersmith. • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Haps and daughter, Patricia, and Mr. and Mrs Charles Hays, of London, were week- end guests of Mrs. R. S. Hays. • Mrs. T. G. Scott had the misfor- tune to have her left hand caught in Shavings We have a surplus of Shavings which we .would like to have re- moved at once . FREE OF CHARGE Apply to— JOHN BOSHART & SONS SEAFORTH DANCE to Cliff 'Gordon Western Ontario's Popular and Artistic. Band LIONS ARENA MITCHELL Every Saturday Night 9- 12 p.m. Sponsored and supervised by Mitchell Lions Club ' MONEY TO: LOAN On First Mortgages Now is the ,TIME to stop, pay- ing • rent and to buy a farm. Write us if you have been thinking shout it. We may be able to help you with u loam. - A,11 inquiries treat- ed confidentially. Huron&Erie MORTGAGE CORPORATION LONDON WINDSOR ST. THOMAS CHATHAM Oyster Shell - CARLOAD JUST ARRIVED • CO.OP FLY SPRAY • CO-OP MOTOR OIL • BUCKWHEAT, MILLET ' AND TURNIP. SEED • POULTRY AND HOG TONIO • CO-OP & 'SHUR-GAIN FEEDS • WESTERN GRAIN. AND' CHOP .• CEDAR POSTS "& FARM FENCE SEAFORTH FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE PHONE 9 FOR SALE .• Stupcoed Rouse, Goderleh Street West. Ilasement, Hydro, hard and soft water. Garage. Prompt posses- sion. Cement `Block House, East William Street;-. 4 bedrooms, .2 piece Bathroom, Vying, den, dining 'room and kitchen. I;fydro and town. -.Water. $ardivood d0 1i taira. Rouse in first c'lass"Con Xti'tioti, ./tt'*ear "tiie and cenicilt htoelt. lilant Nidi, ..41 xiaahin$i'y rued 711 U >in 4 Of ' aotu`:NW oai'riH ' � ih tX ill. d fortis. it A gtfod pl piintunity for lineae ,one• to Oest o a areal bli,�ifiess, reAettl 104 414 4 t. , •ES Ate :he , t?f aA eleGtrlts Manhim.R op ,, orlday land Qat p 7 • Peen e4'al , of Ilex^ negera and part, cif, the heed. -, • 1Vlr. aal l ]iQra. W- J, Faulkner, of i_tehener, °.bent the 'weQk-en,d, 14eio awing :•t tli illness wf Mrs. ?e`rar�h Faulkner :, • Mrs Trout, of (Stratford, is a, guest of .14efidaughter, Mrs, W, J. Thompson, and Mr. Thempson. • Mr. •and.*Mrs. Wiileeks and fam- ily, of Ripley; are guests of. Mrs.. A. D. 'Armstrong. • Miss Bella Watson, of Ajax, is visiting her another, Mrs. Anna Wa't- sorl" in Me Eillop• • Mrs. C. ,Dungey is spending the week with friends in London, • eel's. William Caldwell, o1 Exeter, was a guest of her daughter, Mre. Milli,l5en, and family. • Rev, H. V. Workman and Mr. Joseph Scott, of Roxboro, are attend- ing the sessions of the London Con- ference in Centennial Church, Lon- don, this week. • Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Case have re- turned from Detroit, where they spent the, winter. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scofield and daughter, Miss Nancy, accompanied them here for the week- end. • Mr. and Mrs. Henry. Enzensber- seer and family, of Detroit, are guests this week of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Sills. ' • : Mr. and Mrs. Walter •Bagshaw and son, of Lindsay, were. guests this week. of Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Free. • Mr. Thomas Gillespie; of Toron- to, visited his -parents over the week- end. . • Pte. Gordon Hildebrand, of Van- couver, B.C., ,is.• visiting his wife this week. • Glen Smith, R.C.N V •, of St. John, Nein faundland, is sp-i `� g his leave with • his mother, Mrs._._J. • Mr. Reuben Frost left last week to •s'pend some time with his daugh- ter, Mrs. Burgess, In Flint, Mich. • Mrs. Con Eckert, who spent the Winter . in Detroit, returned home on Saturday. • wee. George Kruse has gene, to London to join • her husband, Sgt. Ge,prge Kruse, who is stationed at- a nearby air school. • Dr. and Mrs. E. MeGavin, of Windsor, and :Mr. Arthur •MeGavin, of Reading, Pennsylvania, spent the week -end with Mr. and 'Mrs. John Mc - Gavin and Miss Mary McGavin in Tuckersmith. • Mr. John Webber; of Hamilton, is the guest of Mr. and .Mrs. Leo For- tune, Huron highway East: • Mrs. Orval Weston, of Detroit, is spending two weeks with her jsters, Miss Verna Graves and Mrs, R. H. Carnochen, Tuckersmith. ' • Mrs. .George Love, of Shipka, spent a fele days at the home of her mother, Mrs. A. D. Scott, • Mrs. F, Faulkner is in Scott Memorial Hospital receiving treat- ment. reatment. ya • .' • Mrs. McDonald; of Stratford, was a visitor on Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McFaddin. • Mr. Burton 0. Muir has return- ed to his home' after spending three weeks in Scott Memorial Hospital: • The Girl Guides went onl a hike to the Lions swimming pool on Wed- nesday afternoon under the direction of Miss Marian Sclatee and Miss Alice Daly. • Leading Airwoman Jean Currie and Leading Airwoman Dorothy Nor- ton, of Brantford, spent the week- end at the home of the former's par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. John'Currie. • Mrs. James Kerr is in Toronto this week. • Mrs. Kenneth McQuaig, of Ham- ilton, and Miss Janette _Wilson, of London, were week -end -guests of Mr. and Mrs. D: H. Wilson. • Mrs. .Mutrie, of Vernon, B. C., who aeeompduied the remains of her sister, Miss Jessie Bethune, left on 1ruesday for Midland en route to her home. • Mr. Russell Hays, of Detroit, vis- ited friends here this week. • Miss Ruth Warner, of Toronto; Miss Bessie Reid, of Ayr, and Mrs. William Bethune and Mrs. Clark, of Midland, attended 'the funeral of the - late Miss Bethune on Friday. . • Mrs. McWilliams,_who has, been here for scene weeks owing to the ill- ness and death of her sister, Miss K. Kehoe, has returned to her home in Toledo. • Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Boswell were in Windsor over the week -end. • Mrs. H. G. Meir spent the week- end at her home in Windsor. • Miss Helen McDougall, who spent the winter in Detroit, has returned -to her home in E.gmondville. • Mrs. James Riley, of Walton, spent the wee c,,end ,with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kling. • Mrs. Wm, Kelley has accepted a Position in Mr, .•,.Arthur W. Wright's grdcery store. ei Mr. and 'Tse 3. C: Greig have 'been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. U. D. Clark in Sarnia for the past week. • Mrs. Pauline Turner, of .Montreal, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Crouch. • Mrs. Isaac FItidson is visiting at the home of her datiglnter, Mrs. Dalton Deigel and Mr, Deigel, at i3rodhagen. • Miss Harty; teacher on the Sea - forth public school staff, had the mis- fortune to fall in her house on Sunday evening last and fra,etilre her. -arm 'near -the shoulder .. ----- .• Isrn,Wr,.ue�,,,�.lp, ■eirlresrlls�wii�wreNs H'AYFZEI The Lail ` , I teita One 0 f 1 t>hc � � til d , slid o tkhoixtif l'eaictelrte of ihe 'i ussect. mbtriLi at'Clinton o P1444 � hsod, � � tiles, AnliieItolietw ,8t oases' bort >iieeih . itt. ',ailing ,�iealittt 1r 'fp*: dtwa to'oar . She twiti�l;i • hefitl e1fig ,Medi 41A,44 .'040' 7441lir h*f, h.4£ing pxo.4lep; zneseed, her @teen years ago,. bat ?$ niUir v'ed Iby' ens' :sen, James, in, (Lone. tion; one sister, Aire, banes Dewar,: of Stanley l';bwlash%lr, and .One bre-; til+ur> UIenry Derrow, Af the .village;;, The' lia?,eral took place o4a 'Sinaday ere, teF.AeerCeoAdiaeted 'Iby Rev. `4. ".S. CP.•lr'. Wen of the TTnit,ed Citurcll, The 'palm, 'bearers we Walter Westlake, Stinson, William Parker, Lloyd lV1ak- ins, Orville ,Greer and Leslie E1tiott, Interment was Inde in tie family plot in Bayfield cemetery. Mrs, R. H. F. Gairdner returned to' the village from, Chicago last week, accompanied by her father; Mr. Sam - Pel' Baylard, who will spend the sum- mer here. Misses Rubie Fisher, Madeline Scully and Barbara Pollock, of leit- chener, spent the week -end with Mrs. Edwards. Clarence=Larson, of Loudon, spent the week -end with his parents, 1VIr. and Mrs. R. Larson. - ,Mrs. Floyd Warner, of Flint, Miohe spent the week -end with her uncle, Mr. A. E. Erwin. Her •husband,, who had spent the 'past three weeks here, returned- home with her. The local Red Cross meet in the Orange Hall on Friday afternoon. The, excessive heat 'these, days is bringing the tourists in renting cot- tages for the . summer. Mr. and Mie. .7. Atkinson and fame ily, of Detroit, spent Decoration Day -week-end in their cottage in the vile lage. A.C.E. Chas, Parker, St, Thomas, is spending his furlough with his par- ents, Mr. and. Mrs. John 'Parker. Summer Resident Dies Suddenly -Mrs. G. W. King, a well known summer resident of Bayfield, died suddenly at her cottage; had af- ternoon. 'Although she not been in ---good -.-health --for some .years, - she - returned to her home here ten° weeks ago and was about as usual on Friday morning, Thomas Castle, who was working nearby, noticed that there had not been any movement in the house for some time and upon in- vestigating late in. the afternoon, found her lying lifeless on the bed- - room floor. Medical -aid was sum- moned immediately, -but she had been dead for some hours. By her gentle. and kindly manner she endeared her self to all she came in contcat with. The remains were taken to Detroit for burial. CONSTANCE Constance United Church will hold their fiftieth anniversary of theopen- ing of the 'building on Sunday, June 25th. Rev. Archer Wallace, of To- ronto, will be the guest speaker. The committee is sending cut invitations to former ministers, members and ad- herents to be present. Anyone having relatives or friends, who would like -to attend; please notify the commit- tee, Mrs. E. Adams or Mrs. William Britton, and invitations will be Sent. Friends in this community were shocked to hear of the sudden pass- ing of Mrs. Frank Hall, of Londes- boro. Mrs. Hall suffered a stroke on Monday evening and passed away the same day. Mr. and Mrs. Hall kept stpre for a number of years in Con- stance, Mrs. Hall being very active in church and community work and especially in Red Cross work. . The sympathy of the community goes out to Mr,' Hall. One son, William Hall, paid the supreme sacrifice in the first world war. Two sons and one daugh- ter, survive: Bernard Hall, who has been in' England since the beginning" of the present hostilities; (Mayme) Mrs. Ian Smith, 'Toronto, and Mr. Charles Hall, of St. Marys. Quite a number,. from 'here attended the fun- eral on Wednesday. Mr. Austin Dexter had the misfor- tune to fall on the cement steps at his home and fracture his ribs. Friends hope he will soon be recov- ered. Miss Ethel Dexter, of Kitchener, spent the week -end at her home here. Mrs. William Britton returned home on Saturday after spending two -weeks with -her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoggarth in Wallaceburg. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gill are leav- ing this community after two years' residence. Mrs. Gill teaches school and Mr. Gill has been the music sup- ervisor in a number' of schools. The community felt that they could' not let them' leave without showing in some tangible. way their appreciation of their services. On Monday they presented them with a combination table and magazine rack and also an electric table lamp. The following is the, address; "Dear Edith and Doug: It is hard 4o express. to friends Just why we like them and hew we will .miss them when they are not with us, but we, unable to put our ,feelings into words, want this token of our love and appreciation to go with you to your new home. Per- haps there will be a community that will remind you of pleasant memer- nes. We hope they wilt- be pleasant memories. Our thoughts' of you will - Indeed- be pleasant . Dries: In the ehureh we will not soon forget your sweet song, Doug, and your aecom- - panying Edith, and in the sc"hoois too. Both your personalities will have left, their mark on the children. You may be sure that all of us in the coln- mun'ity will welcome you back when - .ever 3'ov -' title to Come or to write to ' s, for we will want to hear news—gond .news—of you. We wish yon all the, eery' beat life 'hoe to offer and We know- that *herei'er ynrt -are yolt i►+911be he, ein"'t<'agether tent Ulan eithenti. ha npy e a useo of the ohm rfltl' • disvosition, and;. so' i ditir' ttiYid 'diig ..le er ei t reh 'b as ao li .ere srt`ta11 iriil#eT1e u trill' a tee s f1xPr�iiast l: al -.Oar' fid0 11dl y'. th6ttghW itb 't tk IYI:, IN* ! A " SOINGx*---:1'bursda `,..3?�da 'Second Show starts. 9,15 Luise Rainer i • -:*turd de Cordova " HOSTAGES " Stefan HeyM's great story of the people who bane the Hun on the run MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY - Mary;'Martin . Franehot Tone " TRUE TO LIFE " Laugh with father, mother and the whole family. NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Bud Abbott Lou Costello " HIT THE ICE " • , THEIR NEWEST GAYEST HIT: a " Coining — "HIS BUTLER'S SISTER": First Show starts each evening at 7.30 MATINEE EACH SATURDAY AND HOLIDAY,.. AT 2.30 --• [Huron Federation of Agriculture SECOND FieId--Day'and Picnic AT LIONS PARK, SEAFORTH JUNE '14th, 1944 ORDER OF PRQGRAM 10.00 A.M.--Huron-Perth Shorthorn Field Day and Judging Competition., 11.00 A.M.—Sports for the Children. 12.30 NOON—Picnic Lunch. 2.15 P.M. --SPEAKERS: His Excellency, The Earl of Athlone, Governor-General of Canada. Mr. Roderick S., Kennedy, Editor -in -Chief of The Fam- ily Herald and Weekly Star. EDUCATIONAL FEATURES • Live Stock Parade • Labour -Saving Devices • Veterinary Clinic • Military Display • Canadian Canners Display • Home Canning Firm • Dominion Department of Agriculture Exhibit • Provincial Department of Agriculture (Poultry, Field Husbandry; Chemistry) • Representative of the National Selective Farm Service EVERYONE IS INVITED Load up the car with the family and bring a basket lunch. Plan to meet your friends at Seaforth on June 14th CARS 25c CHILDREN FREE ADULTS 25c YOUR FEDERATION MERITS YOUR SUPPORT HARRY STURDY W. L. WHYTE W. J. DALE J. M. gCOTT President ,. Manager Secretary Publicity Chairman MEN WANTED! PART TIME — DAY OR NIGHT Must have other full-time employment. War workers not eligible. Apply,to- - Excellence Flow Mills Ltd. PHONE 13 SEAFORTH LAKEVIEW CASINO' GRAND BEND - A GREAT SUCCESS! Glen Br• i 1 "MUWITH A BEAT" Ckl�n' s SIC 12 Musicians' Glen's Orchestra was so successful on his two .ap- pearances here we are, by popular demand, DANCING EVERY WEDNESDAY 1' SATURDAY (Nightly) after June 24t1%) • Cemetery Memorials LARGE STOCK OF MODERN. MEMORIALS on Display at our . SEAFOitT171 SHOWROOMS Icor the con'venlence of our patrons office. Will . •be. -open on T . I7'ESDAYS t)poli Iblr 'appf tment at any other tithe. See : �T'arurn eat b r n door. ' lel° T• 1 • 1 -1 a