HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1944-06-02, Page 6r1.44,44^4
IMO Economist ---eseews--,-
•te, amakers! Showers are
, they are at raining
.•,b4Mept gifts and happiness
M00000tive brides. Many a fu -
e, 4-nrl4eiiirelaid or favored wedding
entlant• is busy this month plan -
tee' 41)(5cial shower parties for the
rlidA-tq'-be, With all the multitude
J.11ga which demand considera-
and time at this busy Season, it
AP A relief to find that there are de-
•'IliciOaa party refreshments than can
'04-Prepa4ed qaickly in advance.
• Delicate colours are always a part
Of the shower party, so why not serve
•Cheese Salad Mold along with sec-
•- Monett fruits (oranges and grapefruit
and, sliced apples), cheese toast
strips, tiny hot biscuits' filled with
•-tioney or marmalade, Orange Fluff;
Queen of Heart Cakes and Coffee or
The heart -shaped cakes do not call
for individual moulds but are made
from a sheet layer of cake and cut
Out with a heart cookie cutter.
Queen of Heart Cakes
1 cup shortening
1 2/3 cups sugar
3 cups cake flour
• 3 teaspoons baking Powder
3/2 teaspoon- salt ...
1 teaspoon flavouring extract
". 1 Oita. milk
6 egg' whites.
• Cream the shortening, add sugar
gradually and cream together 'until
fluffy and light. Sift flour and mea -
glare, mix and sift with baking pow-
der' and salt. Add dry ingredients to
creamed •mixture alternately with the
• Milk.. Add. flavouring. Fold in well
beaten egg ;whites. Pour into greas-
ed shallow baking pans. Bake 35
minutes in oven (325 degrees F.). Re-
move from pan and when cold cut
with • heart -shaped cutters. Make
Seven -Minute Frosting and divide it
into thirds. Add different colored
fruit coloring to each and frost Cakes.
Top only in wartime.
Seven -Minute• Frosting
• 1% cups granulated sugar
5 tablespoons cold water
2 egg whites„ unbeaten
1 teaspoon vanilla. extract
1 tablespoon corn ,syrup
Fruit coloring,
Combine all ingredients, except flav-
oring, and coloring. in top of double
boiler. Mix thoroughty, Place over
boiling water and beat briskly nntil
mixture holds its shape. Remove
from fire. Add flavoring and color-
ing. Beat until cool.
Orange Fluff
2 eggs
Grated rind of Y. lemon
1 tablespoon hot water
2 tablespoons lemon juice
3 tablespoons sugar
Grated rind of orange
3 tablespoons orange juice.
Separate , eggs. Beat yolks with
two tablespoons sugar. Add grated
rind and the fruit juices.', Add hot
water, beating cpptinually. Cook mix-
tures in top of double boiler until it
coats spoon, stirring constantly. Pour
over egg whites which have been
beaten stiff with remaining table-
$1.50 - $3.50
$2.50 - $7.00
x:^46 bko
tftr 444.4
to% TAO,
whs op4.§og4,'Acti.' and
Mt OA. 0144.14: '4%4469411.tfit
the hulls and e#ega. NsTtgro,
eleth and IMO a MAAR, (Mani/W., If
reelne cane for !Oa» ,Uf.'gtXtee 5'91,1
May: UM) one-half eep Phenped,
nn% and use one eXtrit ta:PlesPeen ef
tour. : •
41.. If cooking utensila are o-altetl
immediately after the food WO been
remOned. they may he easily elean-
ed: Cold water is best for eggs,
or donghy substanee'S. Hot water
acts more quickly an greapy foeds.
Mrs. T. E. asksk: "Do you get the
best nutritive value by cooking spin-
ach and adding it to the cream sauce
for soup, or using raw spinach,?"
Answer: Since spinach cooks quick-
ly and because more flavor is obtain-
ed by using minced zaw 'spinach, cook
in milk for three minutes and thick-
en in double beiler for 15 minutest
This will give the best nutritive Va-
Lue, but do hesitate to use left -over
spinach vegetable in a cream sauce
for soup.
Mrs. M. P. asks: "Recipe for
whitecake using small amount of su-
gar." •
' Sugar -Sparing White Cake
1/2 cup shortening
2/3 cup of white corn syrup
1(2 cup Of sugar
1 teaspoon of flavoring
2 cups of cake flour
$ teaspoons of baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt,
3 egg whites. .
Sift dry ingredients' together three
times. Cream shortening with sugar,
add flour mixture alternately with sY-
run, then fold in stiffly beaten egg
whites and flavoring .and bake in lay-
ers at 350 degrees P. for about 25
% teaspoon salt
1 egg white
1,/, cup light brown syrup
14 teaspoon lemon flavoring
11.1 teaspoon almond flavoring.
Add salt to egg'white and peat un-
til stiff'iuse high speed of electric
mixer). Add corn syrup gradually,
continuing to beat,' Add flavorings.
Beat until. icing holds' a peak. ,
Anne Allan invites ynu :to write to
her c/o The Huron Expositor. Send
in your suggestions on, homemaking
problems and watch this column for
replies. •
"Our Family
Regulator is
All Tires
Require Care
"Curbscraping can be blamed, for
half our tire trouble," say Motor
mechanic's. For the majority of Can-
adian motorists, dreg are as scarce
415 'hen's teeth,' so heed Should be
given t� the voice of the expert.
Da not swing around corners sharp-
ly, nittead make _a good turn. Pity
the flat tire by stoppingslowly and
not driving onthe tire. Driving a
flat even a' block may Serve to put
the car up for the duration or longer.
Check tire pressure every week.
Temperature changes . may make as
much as five pounds difference in tire
pressure. Normaily, however, tires
lose up to three pounds of air a week.
Soft tires wear faster' than tires in-
flated properly. They arso mean that
more gasoline is used,
Now that sunny days are here
again, keep the car cart of direct sun-
light whenever possible. Sunlight
may serve to give Canadians their
fill of vitamin D, but as, far as a car
is concerned it only ruins the finish,
and helps the evaporation of •precious
I dreamed that I paid $5.09 for a
haircut and $50.00 for a pair of
cardboard shoes. I dreamed that
we had no wartime controls on
prices, profits or wages, and that
we hadn't had the sense to
organize the distribution of supplies
all the way down the line . . .
I dreamed that 'because every-
one was making more money and
spending it, prices were skyroc-
all the stores looked
sales » . . with people
to buy before prices
higher . . ,
like "Eire"
went still
panicky people were buying
things they didn't ^ need, and
hoarding everything they could get
their hands on .
I dreamed that everybody had
to fight to get more money. ... and
that in this mad race, wages and
salaries were falling behind.
I dreamed the hand of everyone
was against his neighbour, with
each of us blaming the other fel-
low for his troubles.
with everybody for himself . .
no matter what it cost in the long
run ... and no matter bow it hurt
• the war effort.
10". vGriffEct
to realize with relief that
I live in a country where
things are Sine and stable
—.where the cost of living
-has been kept within
th-fealize that with,-
' ...out the safeguards
that 'haVelleaded-ear--.
mare might.. *pm, tea "
eornitt er,reatityi
to realize that prices and
wages --production costs,
and selling prices—are in-
separably linked togethr. •
to remind nefself that the dein-
ger is itiiiptessing and that we
mut Cantina° to held firm o•
tindthid Meant evetryhudy must
foli-04446 hit 'part by not
fd glatomb teinikinstry,t,
feenfaislii°*04Iiiittagit 0*, the ex*.
dna asides
'Trav,ellem,Lto far-off lands ,e1,Ways,
brigg, bon* tales of; food:•of strews
frnite,• Of ,nativ,e41sbes onderfully
We can't go adventuring in other
land's to4ay, but we caa bring the
adventure of new dishes into our own
True, not all forego 4i1is would
anneal '„to Canadian Palates, nor
would all their ingredienta be avail-
able, but 'often only a different com-
bination of familiar foods or a dis-
tinctive Pleading of spices is requir-
ed to create an unusual dish..
In the Consumer Section of the Do,
minion • Repartmeat of Agriculture the
borne economists have recently been
testing recipes from other lands. Here
are some they think you'll like:
Vegetable Rarebit
(West Africa)
1 tablespoon fat
1 tablespoon flour `
1 cup -tomato juice
1/4 cup chopped green Onion
• 1/2 teaspoon chopped fresh mint
leaves or a pinch of dried mint
1 teaspoon chopped parsley
% teaspoon_ salt
1 teaspoon pepper
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
4 teaspoons vinegar
4 tablespoons grated cheese
3 eggs.
Melt fat and add flour, blending
thoroughly. Add toinatoes and cook,
stirring until slightly thickened. Add
onion, mint leaves, vinegar,'. parsleY,
sugar and seasonings. Cook 5 min-
utes. Set over hot water. Acid, cheese,
stir until melted. Add well beaten
eggs and stir constantly until thick-
ened • (ttvo to three minutes). Serve
on toast or crackers. Five or six
Vegetable Fatties'
(China) •
3 cups mixed cooked vegetables
2/3, cup uncooked oatmeal
1 tablespoon .chopped onion
1 teaspoon salt
Dash of pepper
2 tablespoons fat.
Beat eggs, add vegetables, oatmeal,
onion, salt and pepper. Mix well.
Melt fat in frying pan and drop vege-
table mixture in by spoonfuls. Brown
on both sides. Six servings.
Buckingham • Eggs
• (England)
6 eggs "-
1/4 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
% teaspoon pepper
1 tablespoon mild -flavored fat
6 slices bread'
2 tablespoons butter, melted .
4 tablespoons catsup .
3 tablespoons grated cheese. „.
Beat ' eggs, add milk, salt. and pep-
per. Melt fat in lop of double boil-
er. Add eggs and cook over hot wa-
ter, stirring frequently until' set.
Toast bread and spread with catsup
mixed with melted. butter. Pile , eggs
on toast. Sprinkle with cheese and
serve at once. Six servings:,
Curry Meat Loaf ,
(South Africa)
l' cup bread cubes
1/2' cup milk _
1 -egg
1 teaspoon salt
% teaspoon ..pepper..
1% teaspoons curry powder
1 lb. ground meat ,
1/4 , cup chopped onion
• 1 teaspoon vinegar
2 stalks celery. chopped (about
one-third cup). •
Soak bread in milk, beat with a
fork • until broken. Add egg and con-
tinue beating until light. Add salt
and pepper and curry powder.. Mix
with meat, add onion, 'vinegar and
celery. Pack 'into a lightly greased
loaf tin and bake in a moderate oven,
350 degrees F.—about one hour.
Tasty Desserts
Most 'Women agree that desserts
and supper dishes are meal planning's
problem children. The Consumer Sec-
tion of the Dominion D'epartment of
Agriculture suggests two supper dish-
es and tyvo desserts which proved
popular with the 'tasters' who visit
the department's experimental ,kit-
Farina Crumb Dessert
1%3 Cup sugar
3 tablespoons cocoa
1/4 teaspoon Salt
1 cup milk
1 egg
1"cup cooked farina
teaspoon vanilla
' 11/4 cup cake crumbs.
Combine the sugar, cocoa and salt.
Gradually stir in the milk. A:dd the
beaten egt, cooked farina and vanil-
la. Stir in the rake crumbs. Peur
into a greased casserole or -pudding
dish. Bake in a moderately slow ov-
en, 325 degrees P., for one hour. SIX
Spoon Pim:Wing
2 egg yolks
1 ta,bIeSpoon. sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teas,poon-grated orange rind, or
1/4 teaspoorr Vanhlla
1q cups hot milk.
Beat egg yolk, add atigaz atilt and
flavouring. Add hot ,nilTit grittiuttilY.
Cook over hot water, sthring occa-
sienally, until mixture thickens and
will coat d taker stkithi.- WO
greased eilafierole and top. With the
following Mixture:
tabreiPeettirnIf1d itavored ifat
11141teit,': ;
1/1 CO. 'edger
,a34 9Fg*Kogivo*Aof
w , Vt9,‘,4.• ' , ,
POW 4.4tI(114tt '00 •' • Imtt-
4 3 di4 41 1:::::)tPe. "4", tefer41/ ,747:8115't i:u4rP4i:1 3;fai:4 144(741
Minuteix serViaga, '
1 eurgot Potato 0;a: eat
1 en') gravy or credit sauce
% teaspoon 'on1on jaine
Salt and pepper to taste
1/2 citp cooked natTotfi, finely
Wash and sprub 'potatoes well and
remove any spots. Bake in a Moder-
ately hot oven, 375 degrees F., until
soft—about one rneit,
gravy, seasonings and. "carrots, Cut
slice from broad sides of potatoes:
Scoop out potato, leaving unbroken
shells. Mash potato, add salt and
pepper to taste and a little top milk.
Whip 'until fluffy'. Half fill , shells
with meat mixture. Pile pqtatoes on
top. Reheat in oven until potatoes
are lightly brained and filling is hot.
Six servings.
• Baked Omelet
6 tablespoonS water
% teaspoon Balt
Separate yolks from 'whites of eggs.
Beat whites until stiff, but not dry.
Add water, salt and pepper to egg
whites.. Beat well. Fold yolks into
whites. Turn into greased casserole.
Set in a pan of hat water and oven
poach in a moderately slow oven, 325
degrees F., until well Ptiffed : and
brown—about 15 to 20 minutes. Serve
from •the casserole. Six servings.
Vegetable Greens
Thinning time in the garden brings
a culinary treat in the form of young
and tender greens. Beet and turnip
tops—spinach and chard are delicious
at this stage, either crisp, raw and
shredded or cooked.,
-To bring .out the delicate flavour
of gi•eerts, careful cooking preceded
by thorough washing is needed. In
most cases the water that clings to
the leaves' is all that is necessary for
cooking. But where beet greens are
cooked with the 'tiny beets attached,
just enough water should be added to
prevent sn'Orching. Cover closely and
cook quickly until just tender; drain
thoroughly and serve at once. In ad-
dition to salt and pepper—a little
bacon fat or -crisp diced bacon may
be added. Some people prefer a'few
drops of Vinegar or a little French
dressing -.--while others again, favour
cream sauce with perhaps, a 'dash of
If the first Pickings from the gar-
den do not yield sufficient greens to
serve as a .vegetable, the Consumer
,Section of the Dominion DepartMent
of Agriculture suggest using them in
a souffle or cream
Savc!iury Greens
2 lbs. greens, about 3 cups, cook-
ed (beet tops, spinach, Swiss
chard, etc.) .
a strips bacon', chopped
1/4 cup chopped onion
Salt and pepper.
Wash and cook greens. Meanwhile
partially fry bacon; add onion and
cook two, to three' minute's. Add to
hot.cooked greens, season with salt
and pepper, ,and serve at •-once:'
Souffle of Greens
3 tablespoona flour
3 tablespoons mild -flavored fp,t
3,4 teaspoon salt
Dash of pepper
1% tablespoons, chopped, onion
1 cup hot milk
3 eggs
3 cups cooked beet tops or other
greens (approXimately 2 lbs.).
131end fat and flour in thp of dou-
ble boiler.' Add salt, pepper and on-
ion. Add hot milk sloWly. Stir un -
VA cups flotr 1 tbspn. shorten -
cup ing
4-taiss. salt 6 tbspna. grated
2'i -suns. Magic Baking Powder
(When half-balted.._place,..stinate
of cheese on top of 'biscuits for
extra flavor)
, .
• sift dry ingredients together; Ciat
in shortening. itaix In cheese
tightly; add milk sloWly. Roll out
on floured board to %-inch thick;
cut with small biscuit cutter.
Bake in hot oven (475°F.) 12 to 15
minutes. Makes 1.
til thick and smooth; then add greens;
and when hot pour over the welt
beaten egg yolks. Fold in the stiffly
beaten egg whites. Pour into a
greased baking dish. Set in a• pan of
hot water and oven poach' in a mod-.
crate oven, 350 degrees F. for 50 min-
utes or until set. Six servings..
Spring Puffs
•11/2 lbs. beet tops or other greens
(about 2 cups' cooked)
1/2 cup thick white sauce
2 eggs
crap soft stale bread crumbs
Salt and pepper
Pew grains nutmeg
2 tablespoons mild -flavored fat.
Wash and cook greens. Chop Slight-
ly and add sauce, beaten eggs, bread
crumbs, salt, pepper and nutmeg.
Melt fat in hot frying pan, and drop
mixture in by spoonfuls. Brown' on:
both sides. Six servings.
An old sofa cushion covered with
oilcloth makes a good kneeling pad
for gardeners. Dirt can be wiped off
easily . . . dampness doesn't hurt the
oilcloth . . . and best of an, it'll keep
you putting in more vegetables than'
the old' knees -on -aboard planting.
Save by Using outer leaves of vege-
tables for greens, salads, soups.
Save food value by cookinglgreens
in very little or no water foron1y a
few minutes. '
Save by using Canadian foods in
season when they are fresh and moat
reasonably priced.
Save by not buying "luxury" foods,
Save by using all you produce and
all your purchase., yiefory gardeners
make sure that, the fruits of your
labors don't spoil because you didn't
store them properly. Find out how
ahead of time.
C1,041611 oriaeheii; triert'and,Virobiew.of the armed foroes standing
Yi the altliet Aand ieaning;agairtat the Sega: these are 'falitillar sights
olObtl.on Caunfilakt 41 4fJe�edafr After font. and a hair lioarto
of work and Villeft:;#11 flIteaieYetralrfed to prherlde tratettpoilatiolf,
f6j, tteinVesiett 'thole unettential. travel, ahohk1 be off the
b�kPg' iiVeesivirifAti 'are OVertakett eh6Ugh he* With
eetteritiat toavelleit, liteaditrt telOilet*! tainlina alo!fca
,Aos *114 ,