HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1944-05-26, Page 413 ,..1,144A.A444640.114FeowwwwivaAseas. • '110•-;-• rAta:onyg,4. •*)041SI* . 74014le* 044 13 -- AL • • • • • "IfiAr0.0. . fliCd; At New -Low Cash Rates: 4!,,i0Pdr- L04wErl. World, Cllsreincveota Ete,---PcX Word; lot week 1 Cent 2u1'eek 9/4 (lent 'arrd we* ,-;• 1,*, .• rAs Cent 141111.*Wii kliwarge• first toSertion.. 25 Cents '',Lraph fignre, initial and ahhreviation counts as sae wovd, 11; MeinorlataNotW_,03;41, cent Per Word- Minimum, 50 cents per week - directed to a Bea fraMber. ohs The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. Itional per week Wfil he charged if ads in above class we not paid by the in The weeds vitich the ad was run. rt18ge6 and Petals inserted free of charge, • inip-,144146,,Notiecs to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on aPplicaticr, Wanted Auction Sales ,AlkItt•flGIRL'S BICYCLE, 'IN GOOD -.90500311. Appy to Box 423, HURON ''PPSIT(313. 3988x1 ANTBD--4CATTLE FOR PASTURE, FOR annalner months. Apply W. J. Pri,NALr.b1:*r, Hillsgreen. Phone Hensall 100 Personals HpUrIliFIC PAIN, SCIATICA, LUMBA- Onicirly refieVed by using RUMACAPS. T,t,pco mmeilded by thousands who have gained hetiteo health. BEATING'S DRUG STORE. • For Sale ica SADE-151A.N'S BICYCLE. APPLY TO P. BURN'S, Market Street. 3989x1 OR SALE—TOMATO, CABBAGE AND cauliflower plants. Apply to T. M. GRIEVE, Egmendville, or Phone 664 r 3. 3989xI Teachers Wanted TEACHER WANTED—FOR S. S. NO. 4, MeffilloO: Apply. stating salary and qualifications, to GEORGE R. CAMPBELL, Secretary -Treasurer, R. R. 1, Seaforth. 3989x3 For Rent FOR RENT—% DUPLEX, WITH ALL conveniences. Corner of Market and Ord Streets, Seaforth a Apply to BOX 27, or Phone 25. 3975 -td Lost and Found T IOST — YELLOW COLLIE DOG WITH • ruff. Answers to "Spike.", Phone 849 r 14.. GEORGE WHEATLEY, R. 31. .1, Dublin. 3989-1 ,IXT.11 REDUCTION SHORTHORN SALE, " 6 Males and 50 Fematim, will be held_at Elmandarph Stock Farm, June 2nd, 1944, at Varna, Ont., on Friday, June 2nd, 1944, at 1.30 o'clock, combined with Andrew C. Gaunt. Included in the sale are 6' bulls rang- ing. from calves to serviceable age; 30 eewe wad heifers. These cattle are all in good condition and are real foundation or herd header'. material. Herd fully accredited and negative to blood test. Auctioneers—Dun- can Brown and Robert T. Amos; Ringmen— W. M. O'Neil and Donald Blue. For cata- logue and details write CLIFFORD IL KEYS & SONS, Varna, Ont. Phone 96 r 4, Hensall. Wm. Johnston, of the Shorthorn World, will be present. 3989x1 A UCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FAJEN'- ''. .ture at residence of Mrs. A. Ilt. Scott, corner tctf Centre did West 'William Streets, Seaforth, on 'Tuesdayr May Sfith, at 1 p.m., sharp: One solid walnut extension table; 1 solid walnut buffet; 1 solid walnut china cabinet; 6 dining room chairs; 1 settee; 1 armchair 3 chairs ; 1 end, table: 1 chester- field and 2 matching chairs; living room Walnut table; picture; 2 small tables; oak washstand; 1 white rocking chair; toilet set; 2 bedroom chairs; curtain rods.; 1 oil lamp; 2 kitchen mirrors; white enamel top kitchen table; kitchen clock; kitchen coal and wood range with water front; washstand; kitchen sideboard; drophead sewing (machine; kitchen stool; flower pots; carpet sweaper; mops; quantity dishes and kitchen utensils; garden tools; 2 tubs; boiler; ironing hoard; electric iron and toaster. Terms—Cash. MRS. A. D. SCOTT, Proprietress; E. P. Chesney, Clerk ; ' Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 3989x1 Notice To Creditors ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS ,. • In the Estate of JOHN NOLAN A LL PERSONS HAVING.DLAIMS AGAINST t`-‘• .the Estate of John Nolan, late of the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, Farmer, .deceased, who died on or about the 15th day. of April, 1944, are here- by notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 17th day, Of • June, 1944, full • tparticubits• 'of their ,claims, 5inndzatady after the said last' Mentioned date. the assets .ofthe said estate 'Will .he • .distributed aincmgst the parties entitled there - 'to, having regard only to claims of which The undersigned shall then have notice; to the exelission of an -others, and the under- signed Will rust be, liable to any person of whose 'claim 'the undersigned shall not then ' '''lhave notice for the .assets so dist:ranted or any ,part Thereof. • ' .DATED at Seaforth, this 23rd day of May 1944. McCONNELL et HAYS, • Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 89894 Notices. • VIZECE -LINE. YOUR 11031E — BLOWN • Itockwool applied to the wills and cieR- ings of your home will save fuel with more ,comfort. Trained crews and modern equip- ment wed. For free estinmte and • terms, write Box 421, -HURON EXPOSITOR, Or •PNEUMATIC INSULATING CO. LTD., Row - Fend Day, 5 Thornton A"ve., London. •• 3987-7 RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS—FRANKPENNI- , t: if,heYour Dealer. . atrHas$a line .ofo pro- .dne at •be, calling on you soon. , 3985-26 „pOULTRY—FOR SA FACTORY CULL- ing and highest market prices, call GEO. WALIKETC flirdJL Phone 119. 3981x12 Ts143TICE-173174IA.M 13RADSHAW, Troun. ••••' Watkinra dealer and also agent for E. D. Smith & San's fruit and ornamental nursery stock, Market Street, Seaforth, Ont. Phone 50. 5973-tf AUCTIONEER ' W. S. O'Neil, Denfield TF YOU WANT -TO REALIZE GREATER returns froin your Auction Sales of Live Stock and Farm Eonipment, ask those who know and have heard me. Fifteen years' 4);(- 11erienee. Sales conducted anywhere. For sale dates, Phone 284, Granton, at my expense.i,. 8911)-tf A UCTION SALE OF PROPERTY- AND ".2" Household Effects, o tzWednesday,May Slat, at 1.31 p.m, in Seaforth on Huron Road, two blocks east of Main Street: One Quebec cook stove; 6 kitchen chairs; 1 arm chair; 2 drop leaf tables; 1 sideboard; 1 com- mode chair; several pocking chairs; 1 clock; 1 day bed; 1 couch; 2 electric lamps; 1 chest of drawers; .1 wardrobe; number of sinal tables; several odd 'chairs; 1 brown iron bed, springs and mattress; 1 chiffonier and washatand; 1 toilet set; 1 wooden bed and swings: 1 ;rash boiler; 3 wash tubs; 2 iron kettles; '1 sprinkling can; several house plants; quantity of dishes: kitchen utensils; sealers; pictures; small mirror; 1 lawn mower; 1 ash sifter ; garden ,tools ; 300 lbs. of, coal; number of pieces .of floor covering; curtains; drapes; 1 electric iron and 2 -burner hot plate. Terms an ,'chattels—Cash. situated two blocks -from Main Street of Seaforth. on Hur- on - Road. This cottage is in goOd repair. Good garden, and sunutter kitchen, wood shed; Property offered subject to reserve bid. Terms on Property -10 per cent.. down, balance in 30 days. ESTATE OF LATE ICA rlihRINE •KEHOE; Mrs. Laura McWilliams, Ex.; Har- old Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney. Clerk. • , 3989-1 COURT OF REVISION • Township of McKillop rrHE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF TA•cli'LL, lop will meet as a Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll of 1944 at Carnegie Mrary Hall, Seaforth, an Monday, June 6th, at 10 a -m. J. M. E'CKEAT, Clerk.„ 3988-2 TENDERS POR COAL AND COKE 'Federal Builtlinga-PrOvinett of Ontario • • kEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO TEE J' undersigned and endorsed "Tender. for Coal,'.'" will be received until 2 p.m. (R.D. Vircdnesday, June 7, 1944, for the snP- 1y of dial and coke for the Dominion Build ing:s ithroughont the Province of 'OnforiTho. ' FoFrn• of tender with specifications and eon:dr:Sons attached, can liO'Obtained from the Vilicharfing Agent, Detrartmerit of Public Works, Ottawa; and the Supervising Anthi-• tea, 36. Adelaide St; Etat, Toronto, Ont. •Tendert Shotild be bunk' on the feremis • euretaded ty the Doartnion ;and in necdrd- grace witfla detnertmental speciileations and don- &Vous attached -thereto. Coat dealers' license •iirirbern smut be_shten when tendering. lfintiaitilette reserves the - right 80 AtiMand trent any saceesstill iterideren before 6,Wardirig•A1te order a etcearity daprisit dir the fat& eertified eh:40e on a Chartered bank Orittorla, made frayable 80 Ole order • 'Of.' the Iton-ontsible, the Minister. of knblid ping; to la Ike' Cdfit ith&. amount tender, , or llearet-,literals . the. Op.:canard-a.„ Or • lir the "(linnuligan ' • calm**, to.d: 1* 44c,rett:064,:44#01006-44ik4 't)4 iqifd 4,it1e trea4W' AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF - 'Meta. at the ,residence of Mrs. W. A. Bremner, Church and Centre St., Seaforth. an Friday, .May 36th, at 1 pm:: Three-piece chesterfield suite; Gerhard fleintanta,n piano; 1 'walnut chjna cabinet; 6 oak din- ing room chairs, leather seats ; several rags: rocking chairs: 1 wheel 'Chair; 1 leather couch; 1 library table; several small tables; odd chairs; 1 walnut., steel bed iron bed; 2 oak dressers; 1 \painted dresser; 3 bed springs; 3 inner spring. mattresses; 1 New Williams sewing machine, drop •head; 2 sets open book shelves; 1 electric range; 1 elec- tric heater; 2 electric -toasters ; .1 electric iron; 1 electric 1-bnrner hot plate; 1 elec- tric 2 -burner hot plate; 1 galvanized ,iron tub; 1 glass washboard; 1 5 -gallon -nil can ; 1 loneksa.vs; 1 lawn mower; garden tools • numerous odd dishes; .kitchen utensils; sev- eral electric lamps. Terms—Cash. MRS. W. A. BREMNER, Proprietress; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. In Memoriam TN LOVING 1115111,10RY OF A DEAR HUS - hand and father, Mr. Alex Wright, who Passed awayou.ithe 27th of May, 1941. • 3989x1 Pat Rafferty, legendary faNiourite of the English and Canadian vaudeville stage„ stars in this scene from "Increased Activity," one of -the high-humouf Spots of Lever Brothers' Lifebuoy Follies, famous soldier show, which, under the'sponsorship of the Seaforth Red Cross, will make one of its few civilian appearance on June 1st at Cardno's Hall, and in. Hensall Town Hall, on June 2nd.. '4, -Q 1', 13,14470. :A,1, A '11W o,p. iNa)(110• 80,11*Alini engolvilus 4§tMoP3 formed An oietittlX,in'the 141.1ther- 1• lialifaX, on. 'rriday, 141a3" 10,tbi 7,.1 p.m, ticir the Marriage Of ,.Margaret Selawalm,- 4Olffhter of 'Mrs. ' Violet Schwa:Pm, .aid the late Peter scilwalm of Hensall, ati4 Leading Sign -Oman William ,Oliarles Wayne, of Hamilton, stationed; at Halifax, BMA of Mr. and WaYne, of Hamilton. Rev. D. A.2Conrad. was the officiating min- ister, and the church organist, Miss Grant, .played the bridal music. En- tering the church on the arm of Chief Petty7Officer Prosser, of Hali- fax, who gave her in marriage, the bride was charming in floor -length white sheer crepe, fashioned with Sweetheart neekline, fitted bodice and veil with train, and her bridal bou- qUet was red roses. Her bridesmaid, Kay Simenuick, of Regina; Sask. chose a blue sheer 'floor -length gown with lace insets and carried a bou- quet of roses. Patrolinan Perks, of Hamilton, attended the groom. Later a reception was held at the home Of Chief Petty -Officer and Mrs. L. Seag- er, Halifax, thirty guests attending. For their honeymoon which is rbeing spent in: Hensall and Northern On- tario, the „bride travelled in her uni- form. Passmore Shilton Snapdragons in shades of pink and white formed the setting in Sher - bourne Street United Church, Toron- to, Friday, May'19th, at 8 p.m., for, a cbarming wedding of wide interest, when- Margaret Catherine Shilton,' 'B.A., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Shilton, Tormito, became the bride of Rev.. Robert A. G. Passmore, of Melita, Man., formerly of Hensall, and son of Mr.,andllrs. John ssmore, of He.nsall. Rev. R. C. Chal rs, B.A., Th., solemnized the marriage i d t1he thurch organist, Mr. G. D. At h. bn, was at the console of the org for the 'bridal music. Given in marria by her father, . the charming young bride chose for,her wedding a gown of white silk jersey, an original em- pire model with shirred bodice, with train and long veil, shirred Juliet cap with seed pearls. She wore the grOom's gift, a string of pearls with matching ear rings, and carried a cas- cade of white carnations, white sweet peas and baby's breath. Miss Ann ford. Nursing Sister Isabel )3ettles, ef Camp Ipperwash, -spent the week -end With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theron .Bettles. Don't forget to buy your tickets for the "Lifebtioy Follies," put on far the Red Cross. Tickets can be had from Mrs. Eaton. The reserved seat plan will be open on Monday, so get your tickets, this week. • ,, We are pleased to see Pilot Officer Leslie Beattie heme from Italy. He made his escape after a forced land- ing after a flight over Germany. Me. Allen Campbell spent a week in Toronto with Mr: and Mrs. Archie p3 LOVING MEMORY •OF JOHN MerN- tzpulia, a dev&ted `husband and father, who passed away two years ago, May 21st, at St. Mary's Hospital, , Detroit. , —S-adly missed by Wife Margaret, son Ger- ald. and .fainil.v. • 3989x1 TN LOVING MEMORY OF MRS. THOMAS Robinson,' Who passed away one year ago; May 28th, 1943. Not dead. 08, no! but borne beyond the shodws, Into the •loll, clear light; Forever done with mist and dloud and. temp- est, Where,all is calico and bright- . Nat even sleeping—called to glad awakening In Heaven's endless day; Nat still and moveless—etetiped from earth's rough places To walk the Ring's Highway. Not silent--iust passed out of earthly hearing To sing Heaven's sweetnew song; Not lonely --dearly, loved and dearly loving. Amid the white -robed throng. No, not- forgetful—keeping fond remembrance Of dear ones left awhile; And looking gladly to the bright reunion, With hand clasp and with smile. Oh, no, not dead—but past all fear of dying, Ansi with all suffering o'er; Say not that I am dead when Jesus calls Me - To live for evermore. --Sadly missed by Husband and Daugh- ters.. 3989x1 Births REYNOLDS In Scott Metnerial Hospital, on May 20th. to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rey- nolds, n daughter. CLELAND—Dr Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 22nd, to 81.r. ami Mrs. James Cleland, Ethel, a daughter. Deaths BETHUNE-4n 'Vernon, an Snturday, May 20th, Miss Jessie Bethune, in her 7.6th Campbell. HENSALL Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago quickly relieved by using R17MA- CAPS. Recommended by thousands who have gained better health. Mid- dleton's Drug Store. C t' .( on armed froin Page 1) not wish a reserved seat. The door of the hall will open at eight o'clock' June 2nd. Lever Brothers are paying the entire cost of the performance, with the exception of the rental of the hall, leaving all receipts in the hands of the local. Red Cross branch. Mersey spent for tickets will, in addi- tion to providing an evening's 'enter- tainment, make it possible, fee the lo- cal Red Cross to purchase materials to further the efforts of the con- scientious, hard-working people who comprise the branches of the Ontariq Division of the Canadian Red Cross Society. Keep the date in mind—Fri- day, June '2nd; Hensall Town Tickets for the Lifebuoy b'ellies are ei-ng sold by Mrs. Maude Redden, of Hensall. Buy early and avoid the 'rush at the last Minute. Tickets can also be secured at .Middleton's Drug Store and 'Hess's Jewelry Store.. ` Miss Jean Taylor has accepted a position at- Middleton's Drug Store and has commenced her duties. 1iss Edna Gill, Who has been a very popu- lar clerk for the past number Of years, has resigned. Mr: and Mrs. George Gould,. of To- ronto, have returned hone after spending _a week's holidays with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Harold .Shepherd, of Toronto, were recent visitors with Mr. and MOS. James Smillie and Mr. and Mrs. John Shepherd. Miss Margaret MacLaren, of Wa- terloo, is -spending the summer vaca- tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren. Cpl. Harold Hedden, of Tupper- ville, and Trooper R. Haffey, of Cin- cinnati, Ohio, visited on Friday with Mrs. Catherine Redden. Copl. Hed- den and Trooper Haffey recently re- turned from overseas, being invalided home. • , Anniversary servicee will be held in Carmel Presbyterian, Church on Sun- day, .May 28th. The guest speaker will be Rev; Gordon Stettart, of ,Gode, rich. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carmichael and little daughter, Janeth, of Glencoe, were recent visitors in. town. Isabel Caldwell, of Kippen, was the winner of a can of floor wax on "What's the Name"- program, heard every Friday morning over 'CKNX, Wingham. . Pte. Alpine McEwan, who has been spending a leave ' with his Mother, Mrs. Nellie 1111cEwap., left Saturday for Ipperwash.. Mrs. James Dick, vvho has been ill for the past week or so, is improv- ing nicely. Anniversary Services will be observ- ed in the United °ninth .en ;Sunday, June 4th; Mrs. James Sangster and Mr. and Mrs. AlPhone Foster spent the week, end with friends in Pillsonburg. ' Mrs. J. E. McEwart spent a day in 1,4onclon recently, • Airs. H. Arnold is spending a week or so with her sister., Miss Stella • Robson, of Torouter. Mrs. T: W. Parlmer who has beeh spending -the past number Of 'aveeks -with her ion.and, diughter-in4aw,41r. and 1Virs. lllarlLP,ar1ther, of Toronto, returned home, oh, ThurSday last, and haii completely recovered ,•,frorn, her ttationa iThiess this whiter. 'Prailk-MtrileSeitili -,1itteltit dintriet iestiletit, died inulderdY Stitt, 40,`5,• oeitinie 4 her Mine, tuba Andi half *ea Wet tIzteiitall, *hili$k0; tidn 0"15•'.4iiatk Oa*, :404*404 ' sePlek*flfli . WINTHROP since he returned home after several days' treatment in the hosPital. Lorraine. Smith,, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Szerth, has returned home from the hospital after an ap- Pendix operation. Mrs. Smith and bab'Y &righter expect to be,harne 111 feW daYS. ' The little son of Mr:ond Mrs. *al- ter ISOMerttille also had a serious ap- peal:lit ,:i.oilpfgion: and is doing nieelY. ,tarkby, of London, hits bd Seritinaht fif:4/1 toridOn •**40itel;PIOatied, tO, hear She" IS thkigeraerVige WI* talif of the f Atil0Pital °nee, , ',.•tiditirit:*10,1ttiti been tat* x 'arge' attetts, Church, Zurich, in the morning and visited neighbors in the afternoon.' Surviving her loss are her husband, one son, Wilfred, at home, and a daughter, .11argaret, of Forest. Much sympathy is eypressed to the bereav- 'ed husband and: fanaily in their sud- den and"' sad loss. Mrs. Fred Maims had, the misfor- tune Saturday last to slip and fall on a freshly waxed floor in her home. X-rays taken at Scott 'Memorial Hos- pital, ,Seaforth, revealed a 'fractured left arm. . Mrs. William Caldwell, well known resident of the- Kippen district,. was taken to Scott Memorial _Hospital, Seaforth, Friday evening for -an em- ergency appendix operation, and is now. progressing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. John'Henderson, Lois, Jack and Jean spent -Sunday with relatives in Glencoe. Mr. and Mrs„ Joseph Marshman, Joseph' and Betty, of Toronto, were week -end visitors with Mr: and Mrs. William Parke. Mrs. Marshman is the former Miss Olive Lemon, Mr. and Mrs; Ed. Stelck, of Zurich, were Sunday guests with Mrs. Jelin Johnston and Margaret. Flying Officer Gerald Passmore, of Lachine, Que., spent a 48-hour leave With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore this week. Annonncement Mra. Violet iSchwalm, of Hensall, wishes to announce the engagement of . her daughter, Margaret Laurette, stationed in Halifax with the W.B.C. N.S., to Leading Signalman William, -Charles Wayne, of Hamilton, son of kr. and Mrs. E, C. Wayne, the wed- ding to take br'aCg in Halifax early in June. Mr, and Mrs. Albeit Passmore and little son, of Delhi, visited on Sunday last with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. While here they had their sop, Kenneth Gerald, baptized by his uncle, Rev. Robert A. G. Passmore. of Melita, Man., 'who with his wife spent • part of their honeymoon iii,Hensall. • At the anniversary services to be held in Carmel Presbyterian 'Church on Sunday, May 28th, the choir will be assisted at the evening service; by Mr. and Mrs. W. A. MacLaren, of Goderieh, former well known- Rensall residents.- It is expected -that Mr. and Mrs. MacLaten , will contribute some special numbers. --- Rev. W. X. Beecroft, minister of the United Church, Wingham, will be the guest speaker at the anniversary services to -be ‘held in the United Church on Sunday, June 4th: • Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill have received word that ,liheir son, Capt. Howard Hemphill, overseas, has received the promotion of Major. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Saundercock, of Myth, former Hensall residents, have been advisedthat their son; Pil- ot Officer Donald K. Saundercock, was killed on Monday, May ,22nd, when an -R.C.A:F. fighter plane crash- edduring a routine flight overClover- dale, RC. Funeral services for the late Henry Horton, who died at his home in Hen - sail on Tuesday, May 23rd, will be held- from the United Church, Hen - sail, on Friday, at 2.30 p.m. Rev. R. 4. Brook will officiate, and burial will be in .McTaggart's Cemetery The Late. Mrs. M. Baechler Mrs: Merino Baechler died Monday afternoon, May 22nd, at the home of her daughter, Mrs.'"Ohria. Gingerich, in Stanley Township; following a lengthy illness, having been bed -rid- den since October last. She was in her 88th, year and was .the last stir- viying member of 8 family of eight. She was a Member of the Amish Men- nonite Church, Bronson Line, and is • survived by two datighters, Mrs. Gin- gerich, at whose home she died, and Mrs. Sam Ropp, Hoy; and one son; Solomon; of the Brenson Line; also 17 grandchildren and 15 great grand- children... Her husband predeceased her her eight years ago; a' daughter four Years ago, and a granddaughter died some years ago. Ilifrs, gifts, ichantz, kettsa,I1, is a gra.ncIdabgbter. ) Aunt Dies Ailjinta • Mr. 'James A. *teipitat14 Clerk of the Village of }tense:b.,. received Word Monday advising hintsif the deatli hau is nt, Mrs. Richard. Opears,, who ,passed, aWay in the .Generil141Ospita1; 'OilgarY. in nuts*, th .resttlt of paraly, tom* Mrti, *gpeariti ;the form eitiktifi4Antift - yhts a native of ti i .014,53118 Wet ltffOW/1, in Of? 1141-11100 having visited 'here on many occa- slons. She was born in February, 1872, in Hay Township, and was a resident of Hensel]. for many years, her 'husband conducting a restaurant here for a number of years before taking up residence in Calgary" thirty- five years ago. -Surviving are her hus- band, one' son, Vernon, 'of Calgary, two grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. R. Eacrett, London, and Mrs. James Dougall, WhiteWater, Man.,,and one brother, George Ingrain, Pertland,.. Ore. The funeral was held from her late residence on Saturday last. ' Residents of Hensall and district learned with regret of the death of My. Henry•Horton, -prominent and Well known Hensall resident, who died at his :home Tuesday afteraton, May 23rd, following a week's serious illness, in his 89th year. The,obituary will appear in full in next- week's is - • site. Norris "MacEwan, of the R.C.A.F., stationed at Winnipeg, is spending a 10 -day leave with his mother, Mrs, Nellie MacEvvan, and Mina and Ewan. Mrs. Ed. Christie, Of Exeter, who THE inCK OF TOBACCO •it DOES igste goocl in a Elizabeth Shilton, Toronto, was her sister's Maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. James Murray and Miss Jean. Jupp, Toronto, the trio gowned alike in white silk jerney twoRiece dresses.' Their flowers were pink sweet peas, 'carnations and baby's breath. Mr. Edison Forrest, of. Hen- sall,,was groomsman, and- the ushers were FO. Ralph Shilton, of Aylmer, brother of the bride, and james• Mur- ray, Toronto. At the reception held nt Wymilwood, Queen's Park, the bride's mother -received the 75 guests, assisted by Mrs. 'William MacLean, of Alanptilton, sister of the groom, 'the fanner in dusky rose crepe wearing a corsage of violet sweet peas, and the latter in navy blue crepe 'with corsage of sweet peas. Mrs. Pass- more, mother of the groom, Was' un- able to be present owing to' illness. -The bridal table, centered the wed- ding cake, flowers forming an attrac- tive setting.•arcind the base of tlie cake, pink and white tapers 'complett- inp the 'decorations. Mrs. Prank Kerr, Peterboro, and Mrs. MacLaurin; Toronto; poured tea. For travelling ., to London and Hensall for their wed- ding trip, the 'bride donned a tur- • quoise 'blue embroidered two-pleee suit, with brown accessories. Bev. R9bert A. G. Passmore and Mrs. PPSES- mere ,will -reside at Melita, • Man.; where the groom is the popular min- ister of the United 'Church in that place. Guests, from a distance includ- ed Mr. John Passmore, Hensall; Mr: --Mis. Carl Passntore, Flensall; Flying Officer "Gerald Passmore, La= chine, Que.; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne El- der; Mr. -and Mrs. W. MacLean, Haut. ilton; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kerr, K.C., Mrs. Gerald Walker, Mrs. W. Gordon, di Peterboro; Flying. Officer Ralph Si,: • tont. Aylmer, and Mrs. L. Munce; of Hamilton. • kk, ../ • • 1130ILDS TELEPHONE PLANT In peace times telephone service must be quickly available for 41 who apply for it. Money must be found to provide new telephone- plant -- instrinnents, wire, cable, conduit, _switchboards. For providing this money, investors in Bell Telephone stock —the shareholders ----receive a reasonable return. Conservative capitalization, careful management .and efficient operation have all worked to the public's benefit, as is shown by the fact that here in Canada more telephone calls per capita are made than anywhere else in the world. Good service at reasonable rates has promoted rapid- growth. Users get ever- • Milos of Wire growing 'value for what they pay in the always -increasing • •tacope of their service. Avatt=v'et; ir..VetitRe' • .(100oy Ws* kit • In underground table 2,810,566 airial" cable '4 .; • .4.. t 979,636 Open •*ire.. .. 232,202 LONG AWAKE .� • s 0404- 40.0 jee. woof, s.roahpuer H. H. P, .ThIpston A 1 • 4 e. 4 4 a A I" • 3. 6 A -6 .4