HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1944-05-05, Page 4A�`4-P�W-� '' I � ,. I "..;, 11 �, .1 ,��' " '.. . I , �" '­"""��' . ''I , :!� ", ,I " I. .k �, - , � , 1,,.111,. 'll " , . .I.. . 1. . . . 7' r '. .1, 1. ,�! . � . " . . " ,,, A; � - . - '� , �, "� � .j:4,11:1 ,�tli L� ,,;­1-1.,;,,­.;",�� �' 1,t,,�. ." L", `� 11� ". ­­ .� 0, i�`�*Y'r, � , - ,,, �:',� ,,,,­� I - � ,-"., . *0�4 ha I I , 1 I I ­­ , ,� ".. ". ­­ , I ::�, 1 . ­�, '1- I 11­­­­­­­,,!��­ Irl, 1.1; � .1, I ll I . . . I * -1 . �' , : , .��. ,� , I , I 11 r ., I , 'I � A%t,% arriv , . ", . '0,0 , .1 � , , ". , , : � � � .1� I � 1. � �� p@ , , , �,�, "', , , . I '. " rr. , I , " , ,, . " , #% , , 0 ! , � " - - , . . ,,� i iliKIT'N"I �,� " "�.� : I + r I " -, I 1 � � , . �fi'�;, � .L I r, . r, I : ' , " ', ,; � ' ' ' r � 1 "., 'r, � , " r ­­ , ­­ ," ,, ,", � , '­ , '.. �, ,� n � I , F RkJV4yJ 41F , , ,�'-g ,,� M.A', - 11 "" � � A 4 , .. 1, � . I I , , . , , - , , , - � - 397'. 1 F . . . I � I . *4 I , , , I , I clim 7' % C ,q - I - Tl'��-'11.79711�vi. , ,�� ., � m4j A , , -! . I :' ­ia '4 ` "', . , � t . ,!,,�­ , f: N A7A%&V"lF.7fl .�RWM'; *,-l-'If- It -Il", 1:11A .r -;Irl _W �"'n �iIl,''. - � , .. "r,r li � 4 �� �, W r M'. t, I ,,,; � ,'� ",ItF'�;,-T��,,',',- ,�j 7=1 ,p- -Borer,;,( 'i�ii' �0 6"OR" i �,.:,XAR'fl� t, � , ­ " " "' , � I A' �� I VIL-A , �', ,,O �f -L 4,Y � �f ,#4 1�11'1,11 0 r: 4 . T 4 . I 3 4 I P I., il I ou--."VTO ­ . 1�1�� 1. I , 01" 0 . I -lie ,W4r Servioe Committed WM , 40*A`��T44V lyi� 40.f.f� �k,`% "I "O I I ��'.'� I i i ,* � � i A "'., -T 17, : , ; . — " , � . - 4-r,,A - , L7N7 .7; ,,F:-.;-,- ��;.­, V1 . . n . t 0 , '011, l') �, �,. f IW4?]X' ','p " , 0,X,,V,40r�,Sl 'I 'rra "A "'. , , -- . ­ r . ­ ,.I 9, , , ", . �*-­fj�� , — '1401" 'ja .Tr,00il . j,,r.,# J ' ; �'� , . . " 117-"W" , A : , , rS Ing "' ' " "�" 801 ' ' � ' ' ' ,,r4,',U , I . L q� " 01 �, , .1. "M , ,� , , . 1. ` I I " , � ,� . ­ �, ­,", , - ­ 11 Ill - � - -1. I...... ' 9, , , , ... $,riday ' t , ' ''ll ,�' 'r" %'g-�� 11.rw,41,� �1+1 "".1 r " , '.�;-�"4';Vl'­ � . � � ." - , r, "I tar, J1,6 an '.I " . I .­, . �', , I I � , te:r.:`.1 _,,r, , , �- , w", .: .., , ­­�j '�f.t �, WgIg. _,�. # . �, 4 I., al. ' r K. J " � � , 4 ­OL*,� 11 I �, I "' , � ge, 4 , ".1 ­�­'r � 111. - 11, �, 11.1 I, "C', , -4 I 4 0, P-14--, .�,�, , W - , .0, v , �,,l H ,1�0 - k'�'r�" .al _ I` I rr � .Ill I , .. 1i ' Us WIR , i ' - , '011 "; ,�tr,ot� r :,, ; '� I I i , :1 * , 47W T . V, , PaWck Feeniqy- sbjpped a� -,A 01 _ 'P., . � , ", AF 1 . I - 1 , " ' A ' r'J ', 4#" TOWn' �lan;, 1 Pip I ­ , lit - . , ,,A�@# , A�"t . :rj," * �,"tlli,13 year. , , " * � . I .. I . 'a* � . ` "A - 41, " "7,W. 11 �, "' 1 T ..g . - �n, A�il,iin in forjpa�,In' RqrP;.k1'%,.9un 31, 11 1 L 1� r " ., M, "' " im � , :!, 1; I ­ " , , V " , � I . J 11L . . R �,.J#A- 0, ,0, P4,4P'T.. p", A - � . 16 e--1 �, "i "' 14 q �. 11 X ­ I - ,� .� I., , .., �. - '� 7 � *J. .1 - IwK­ . .Iregeut . - , :-7 � *J. -hold a ijulys,ge drive Jr Ill. . S.q w P Ar , , & �, 01 � . ,f � .. 0 , 0 41, "M - iw,fib , #'11% I , ". -. for lw;kiste pope - "L = .@- �io %, P* - - '.� . , " , U O��k� ,. " , -2 � ,� -0.1".=., �.'n ;04, AtMIN IX,,. At �T . W. I' k" , _f ?Ar ��O" ­ Ojnj��, 40 rags QA`, Thur§44y, . May' It- ,,p . .,�W",,,A,",,w . ,"� , �U , , ,.,." 11�i.l _40 ,q I, j',�,"",� '4�1* , i#,r,� . par- 4k -i�i X-�:' , t1%, i ;1� 0 W Ir - e:,� "� -4 ? ' . , 1,4 ,Fq . , , ­ 11 ... �' load of choice S,teers. this Weak ' ,.4 � �. 4r, rTsp ­. �, _ . ,,, 4".psr'rfQF flo'gi gtige Jug Mqtbr­-NkX%0W,P Of . , 1� - � , " ,,,, - ' '. 11 '4tJ.0A '' , -.r Siam , , , IAW C1 ' " ')Rates - .'�Qt _,, :,IPM - ;� . 900#il, '04. , 3", ., d. ,W. ., , 4149rqailo-�!; W., XKQ i ;0' — � 0 'ni'il* - 1--- . I I At � New � - 7 , I . I we jajj,4�� 4& garb' , X 'h, ,4. , _ . UM � , ,or �A I - I w ,� i� . . � ; 25 j4d. ,", .. r d, a ,ps, pilt I I I �v , � I - ' tolr"'t J. r, � " , , " - , ,T ,Dp% iorq,l r . tha;l ., , ., ',V -, 4, '00 , It ,fir ., - . �,�u , J�pqjy, , , �," rjqp 4�W _ .' ' . " " p . "A ,, ,%r ..Copone XMts, Etc, --1!4 'th '�':`7'q ,04d;vw 1 , 4 'I , '.4. , ,. wea . Edward Byers has purchased visW'T A -.,,p jlgia* rt6, .' .�% tM"!,,b., I . r 0.00N,L',004., ", �t' " ,4 , . � �, , R" , , � � T ­ . I .0 I - V _ , . 'a . i" M100 . I s � " 'r , ' ' ,,.',,.r,. ': I P P , .. __ , 4 ,';fire, destroye, �6�� �r . ", "I ,)k , ! I N I .r I I ..... . I COO, I . 5M.f . ..,bar,, As.'rpoe$11 , . ,t, �,aason, � , der §�� 1. fd.r%� . �, �A� spe.,gg'A' 4 r Age W"WU , ,­,....­.­- 'k�l.k4 c ,d , 9, i,,q - . ,ptivpr,,'phomq ' 4 L All� r "�JL§. , �jp , 1. � - I � ' ' ' ' .. .. ... 1,11­11�f 1;4 1 �"' ­ I - acres on No. $'blghw-ay, near Dub,Vn,, the. s4w.e.,'104ried. ­41ild Aural, ate '11- .. , � 110 - : , x 'W "4 ... � ,"r!""'* ..................... �� irt,,go,, on that" ,*O�.ki ' beji�i.- ,� -q4 . iR.L ,L' -". .1, " .. , % Peat I Gg!Dwerp, ­TiJr,444 ­* .. - A; -, H. ,. I -'MrW I Ir I I .., '. , j " ­ , V2 CMUt ' ' ­ I from John Kenny. ' � I Fink pgpq . .. �e ipo. �ismiial;i' , ,. 67 V -, o ' ' 'I'll" if , 9�,ou , an The leu* ."',., I , " ­ 'T, &,% . . W i'-- �,l ...................... - - .. -is ' urged to,­,*"&rikse, to � see *Wt ' "�','.,� fit vrogoe- . r ­­ 4410ther-'suce , , r ,,� � Ii.4"i., `,i�,% �,,','� , - . Coyne's new modern. rest- I `ja . .01 'M QQ I . . paktJ4-1171 "" 4Qjtr I . .`� , I .,done in. tA I ill' fA _'04 1kr I - I . , Qye _ P il OX4 taser". - !45 O"do - I . Thoma . . 'd ,,U*r �4., 19" . . , " I . . , I . -W -A 04=% I �.. ­ - 1. ,K,d,. . A fi',, ""O'. ' L . . I . , . , � ! Y-%';�� ri-.,- .00 Is COM tj� 11 -1.10' , . , Is V - �r � 1, - over by- , :, t Cora , Toinvapts all b -010, I 41, - y 4,P, 'llu . , ; .­ 4. � - t%, 4*t* WQT4 L ' dent,e on the 4th concess" ,�lp 4024A,) 1, A54me I 11 bdqaes IoA , Ot :09, W. ,B. #RP ,'.!=, 11, . I ,, 1*4"­,� 'Sad. &MM"Ragn counts �A one ,adn r , I i , , , t" , , 'sotiqe� cent per word. Minimum X0 , . , , his nqikbbors.� -property are I MusiO �bY 6410, -TJI, di. . , plated and ready for orcouvan'by. , , tion" sebool. principo . . , �- ,0001 � In'Memorim. .. r found - Satisfactory. Corkesbonclqn,* . - and- , 00,40nuat r. . I I , . . 4k I �'. �o native .of " cents v= week. .of " , ,�,; AW -V Cinay be directed - to A. 1�ox Num W:=o The Ituron Expositor, tax io cents extra.. The infant daughter of w s'-. .. -County Tkeap- i enI, 0. 40�4 �,0ftftheArmoo' ' . t WItIL, 0 � � -ili:` *014nce wltU� . gft--a, 1 rmbr , - , Mr. .and Mrs. w.ps` read -aa follo cleAlied, IiP ',t - OP . I - - . ­ 11 ,�,1%0 ", 1; I ,,�. % - rhi"a I it ads in, above class we not paid 'by the John Flangery passed away at Scott .W, rl(6�. the - xegula#oal� 1.)Y XAY-'�,ZQ,th- � - area,. ,proceeds fbk� , X' � I., I �§. 1. 1-1. I -1, -, . I . ,�'War W � 1."I. , " . .1 ,vION � 4waniPAM, PLar week Will . eg ,knqwn in ,Prr4 I . 9 9".15 11 "O - and w . ­ I S- , Vils, � , ewq qonl - ' 0 I : I I % , . . � X t lt4 rf4p w9 urer, c4unty, Clerk, � 'r I .�11'11 'I" RaUnre Ao colipply vim,ders t4V _*, in which the ad was r4n- Memorial Hospital, Seafqrth, ol5i Sat- pensati6n., J39ard, Gutta 'rercha, . r, fowls. - W -�, , rNi` ­:t1r4ay nigp . w1f,ji -rals6# * hundreds, -,6t vid; ,,,-,, Mr. Wi0ham ..r.: Jim, kandod , " I & I . . .;a fowls'. . 0 04 � �. �,-T*'#*Aw real . Ano, and to . ....... 4 M- .., I I I , ­ , 7`,'%gwi4o&6sl ar , r I oftender, liable to a . .. $4 aw , -A-,-Dii*tba��userW free of Cho urday at the �Lke of three weeks. The " .4 - .�gin . D%bus i r ' fivent - wee)L visftw.g,�M -J Y" � -�' . I 14nde"iwen an this ., s" " N"T% ­ , ,,,�!�)�@* Sales,'. XWees"ta-axedibirtm - Rubber Ltd, ,.,. 43chool I ,.4r .' , ydro . Mra" WP Etc. , Rates on appilicatton. ,�,Oexo , - .. �'� � 1. ' 1, 1,- I , I I I rl , I ­ S1, funeral I was held on SiladaY after. bea Ing the bxPeitfse 'at lauvIM � A .., ­ r, - COM)AIssioll, Mier necessary claa* done. . % -* , fwduy 1104, dill 1�. jos� patient at St.,44ii0eph's awmitaL I " , ; -'s - ,In . I r . . 11 4 I 1. " I . .Public Lihmry,, 'Pre LP worlt oer400. ,64. " 11 I " I ` the _ � . A , 0 �'f'?"' ".�' '. �.`l­".1�41" __ : nodn With interment at St. Patrick I ­­ I .11, - �. For'Rent .1 . George Prow., National, ,W-ftr F Aupe I . . ­ � r I., ­ I.. , 1, I . " , k.40,2"": B909414, � I IL "W. "rH*M,P$,QN �:'." ' ;­ . ; . . �, I ; . ,; � .. . � r , , 11�.11­ ... — I .. C4 i 6re'd pid Ali .. I � I k� ­ .� �.., � . I . . . . " ,�', - ;5 cemetery, Dublin., . M- 1t4,,W;".,. %�, DMInkttee- �-igme conaid - .� " . . , , ,. 61,91" W1, .1 --m— Provin0al. Rntqinolotst, . ` I I " . I I I 11. ,,, . I -'�D LINE T9 Hp,&R.FROX ANYONE RKNT--S1X-R0OX APARTMENT ON A very interesting, Victory' J,08A ad. BfIls, I - accounts , W*qre. re . . I . . . 1. - -111 . , I . .11 , FOR � AAA . -4 as �# �'. 4 W9rU I wjq�,,,sM,%iaviug lad any Main Street; heated.., Available July Isk: concert was held at Mank�y's school., A, , . P. L. MoNAUGHT-ON , r �. ,� .. : �IxAviw,vmrk , ifollpws: Lawrence Wasmala,"r0our, ' . 1. - .. " � I . . .. .% about a Apply to a. C., CRICH 3986-1 The program was contributed by the . I � Cor 1"Opeotor , 1---.� - A � 4hiWaoter , . 'Whlker� labour, hall " � �i '' I V.- I", , - ­�­,,­­ .nq=6d a r Selby . I � . .. . i '...'E .... .. . - , r& 0 (baker), WAO .- I ... . 'hall -1,52.50; -Otto , , : ' L " �,� I .. r . student I . . i I Pat. . ,r �%`,�:; r-,., L� '­ ' - . . " 1111,relr I . d il, �, ',, -worked for GUAW Dr9P.`W16ut 16 yeem, aup. ARIYEN, IN GOOD CON a of Manley and Boachwood S56.2§; 0,1 M."ibaie, tesiidng.'streetS, r. I 14 k, I . 4 . '� HURON Ex- separate school. It consisted of patri- : � :. .. P�, .. I., , L � t'��j"�:�'."�;L'�.""� - ��PUY "'fideRt's-1. , B.,W' 420' Foi to� JAMS DETVF.JtEAUX. $8.40; T. K ., . . . ." I .. r'..... I .. I I .41 4 , � �. pr;r, ,."... . r,QSITOR. . . ...-....­ . 398Qa Seaforth- . . $986-1 otic choruses,- recitations, playettes . yie, salary, $793.86., School � . :' ' � I L I . I ::: �': . � L � - ..- r,Ly ,_, "L- . , .. . I . ' Board c.utr - 114 : �, I . ... I I . I I r,4-. " � — eLv,t 6xpense8,'.$1 90; H4n, , ... .. . � � and,,.speeches, wbleh.wer6 vex, a. I , r . IQ *a. former ' , - (,.ji,�� r 1 . � L k il r--�"=���� �Yc RENT_% DUPI�EX. WITH ALL er Miss Gladys, igun - 0ek, i��,� * " L .. . . I ,% oere ,)V. 7 , � "', Hansil,l ­ _ .V . I propriate and �v.sll received. , sall Hydro Commission,. HYdrlo,, Hall, well known Mtd401t,­-,aAd J'iil< ,., . - *Xl,h I �! , , -I­c�li -Corner of Market and Ord $8.96; J. A. Paterson, -express and - . I� .... . . I . I 1� �, ,, _7 " or j3r�ther Pies At Niagara Falls I h4e .11 . " , 4k 11 1�4', ­�­,­ Sti'XISewforth. Apply to BOX 21, $115; Gutta Perchg �& Ru,b daughter of Mrs. Anwe Sallin reock, . "" : . ., I � ,i 1, '.'�, . 'Phone 26. 1 1 9976-tf here,, of the, supplies'. . I -�i P . .. 1. I.,, ­ ll, ,,; Word was received . 4- of Hens4ll,r...,., . . I - .. 11:.".. . W-1 I . . �., � . I . ,�,,�,Y�, ­' li� . . ,'ber Ltd., supplies, fire dept- $77.0 . NXT. lii,e S�� .%­- � I.., . 4 � �, . death of Cornelius Jordan, brother of that Mrs Middletoic 2, i,. . l �, . I—- �­., 1, I I , I . 'L." 11 ­ . ----4 � . .1 . . " . I '. I . , 1. � 11 I .11 . 1,Zr--,­-.,­. i � James. Jordan, at Niagara Fans E. Finks and A. W. Kerslake - . That� 1W. -I . . . . I I T ., '.. � �I. , I - .� On . - - name was' omitted, in error* In the I :.,�' o,�,o,.- - . , . I �, � -­," , I . , C,1�1, I ,, , l I I I . . L ... s; -a nall the bills .and ace6uh-ts"'as read be - , 461 �� . 11 . I . , .� I . Pr . For Sale . Monday. The aeeeased man wa I i*pprt of the .Red. Or;7;6. play, ,� ,,.,, I LLL ; i . . I ii �l,. "I . ?or 89le - . —. Hibbert Township, and was paid; carried. A. Kerslake and J.- I I . . . . . . -1 I "' , I tive of . "Wherei. Grandma?',' presented. -In the I I. . . � . I I .- " I I ' w e no* � . L - . 1. . I 116 I I , � - - iSE" BARLEY FOR SALE. APPLY TO in his 79th ye�tr. About fifty Years Parki�s - That adjouin. ,Car- - , , I - ' .. ��%,:, - �.XL,ZR _ COMPACT SEVEN ROOMED R P. CHESNEY.^. Phone, 652 r 81, Stall - ,as married to Miss - Marie rded. . I . Town Hall, HensaU, Frid4y. and Sat- � I . . ....I .��, , �% ... L I 1. . -11, .. ...... - 11 . Ell , -1 31as I. . qrady, April-..2Ut and 22lad. It was ' I . , .11, � - . . P, ., tacow-house, four,'roomsl� and bath 911 forth. . .1 8988 , : Z . �::, i , " se, of St. Joseph, Who survives, � , , . . . . 11.1 - - -1. 11 ! , . I . , �:. .� 11 . adf second stbry; good I I . 11 ,� 1, � � main floo9cll three in h ­ - Abknowledge:'Soxes through Mrs. .. Middleton's untirling at ' ­ '. I � , I . .. To cilose egate. FOR SALF—CRMENT TILK, BLOCK AND him, also one son, William, and't*6 Overseas, poys . . - I I I . � . I . :1 . , repan , atknactive gToundr. . . forts that the play, was first started,' I , I � I 11.1 � . I �- I ,, ­ . I 1 I . Apply A. W. JOHNSTON, Executor, 36 Tol- ,Pisr trench business in Sewforth.,,# C-Om� daughters, Letitia and Loretta Mr - I . I , �­ . routo St.. Toronto. Ont. - 3986-2 "Iftely., eQui"ed; good buildings, 'nolu("g Jordan , s n The committee of the *ohelo,Claag and thanks axe extended to.her for., � . ----1- � �.. .. I L�� L . . - � . �� I . I . . #gs a cabinetmaker and pe t I'll I ­ .... --No I . �, �.,, . . I be the greatek part ,,gf ,his life in Niagara for the boys overseas have, 'recently the ,stage effects, the hand7paInted ' .... I - . . * 11 �,'L . ,I 1. , " , ,r hallidl- -� � I . . . I I tters, turfainson,the stage beingh4j - 11 11;� I . I . 11 r, Falls. He -was ;im active member ,of received tWo very interestillirle s I ' ' 11 . . .6 I I � I I . , - .. ijoly from Max Hudson, whose ,box was work and she .also arranged thel ­ . , . . �� !L.',, Phoue 183. , I . 8986-1 the � ,Qatholic _ Church and the Roy ­ 'L I -144NPN-Tr--Wi I I .. ­ WaittQ .... ­ . - I place sent in February, and Kyle, nurabers� between acis. "­ . ovq, . . ,% ­,,, I I .e , I .,L.1l.,. I - I . . PUPS. 600f), Namb',Socie�y. The funeral took I . , "i�.­­ - I . .. -.1 I . VANTE I D -CATTLE FOR PASTURE Fo FOR SALF—COL1 ' RICHT, whose box was sent-ln..March.�'Both Mrs. Wed Beer, superintendent of I - . . . . t I ers, Apply to HOWARD C. W at NiAgara Falls on Thursday. , , I ,l,�: � . . . -, � R � .. boys an8wered immediately UPGn re- the Unib�d Ohur�b- ."All si n Band I � ^0.,- :­')�r I . . V the . mouth.. Awl, W. J. Cromarty. Phone 90 r 22 ' I .. ..", � "K, AM . ."..1.1 ... , 3985x2 V 'Po, I , tk:, . I., t . L bix, treas- t�-.%.*,J, I . . i � . DAVVDSOX. Hillagreen- Phope Heusall 100 � - -­­ I . I ceiving their ,parcels, and the Class handed.to Xr. P, 1. P1 te 17.. ' I , . I I .1 I .. . -for urer of the local brwl�h a the -- . i L ­ .. . I'll., 4. ir 22. 0 SALE—A WASHING MACHINE 2 . . wishes tq ,thank all who d6nated, I oil 4ed . . OW :'. � � �, � 1. . . F R quart end HENSALL . . ,�, . � .1. . �. . . . tw"allon cr"kr -.,� fruit jars, . . bo-th'V6ys"said they didn?t.L'6o1W What Oross, $15.00, the proceeds from valu- , ":: I 11 : ��. . . I �Ar 11 , . � 1� .. F . ...1.1. - ---- , Pint size, 'Apply to MR,8. A- VOIX one mile . - . � � 'h - fatE 1� I 10 I . : . — , . . � , �1.: A =-U . t a would do if it were not for the able War ;. collected-.1rom -house- I AS . , . I I I � I . . 1, I a P way. suffer the Agony of Rbeu- W . . . . . .� . . - R �, I . . . I I . . MW44 �- Why people back.home sending these -box- to -house cauvidsJn­,tha:-'v1 ge -by thdp�l * 11 .. I AFAW 0'- , '. - . . .1 .. .. . . . .. 4 � . . ­ . I I ago, when ' I .;� . ,� � .1 .... 1:11,i%,�-,­,,�� r : - � . I I . . � `.,.., ! or.Refit — . . . matic Pain, Sciatica, Lumb 11r, . '. . I %.. . . For Sale a& to them, fox- it ceitainly , cheerg inambers of - the;.Xissi - and. The. .. .. � � .�': . . . SALE - I -FOOT MASSEY-HARRIS Rumacaps will give you quick wel- . I .. VA it .. '. . 0 . ..,.. . . SALE OR - ACRES'. binder, new condition; 16 -hoe Messey-Har- come .relief. Middleton's Drug Store. It. I . . in -ih I Ties4ij Of .this I I I -- 't. :, ''L.. : . .. W'. . `� FOR '. - ris disc dtill, in 'iew condition * 5-saition Vic ory,, I - .� I . :., � ., I I . I , . t .. week""' 01 � - % : � , ". . EA FOR hem up to do their.best to wh a money was handed in u I . I , I , " , . I I I cultivatUont a Concession 6, Lot ban al. Massey-narris ou-Itilvaior, sut"le"'fDr team - I I � I amets Sangster. wlli,-be hos- - . . .1 . � . . _.,��w ' �'. 6 - tlll'� 'I and 32, Logan ir. Apply ,to MR& I (Continued from Page 1) I -1 �. , - Y. P. - Sponsoring , piay. : Mrs. J L . or tractor it I I . .1 .� I . and . I I . I uy, . I 1. 11 ", � LOUISE I 162 Pandora Ave- pen, ; 50.x30; 01 - . . . I . ­ .1 tem; at her home oil W6ilftesd' --May � , L Our fighting forces face a. ha�der . � .. , . I . Kitchen�jr, Out . I . S9S54 straw shed and hog timber . . ... . . . �. �1'11"L . L in these in good,�.rewdr. To Rent -Lot 21, few,.days In L�ndon last week with . The Young People bf Chiselhurst 10th for* the May . meeting of the more,danjerous task than ev4. Yet they I ,­­ � J , ,'.� ­ . . . . - I i'.. . . L — Concession a. gibbert, b�r grass. Also eas-t her daughter"and son -ill -law, Mr. and United Church are spoileoring -A play, lien;all Senior 'Women's,-.1natitutb, I are willing to make al�y sacrifice. .' �` "� . . I . . .�;,. I . . ,.half of Lot 19. Coneeseiop 3,1 Hibbeat for Mrs. McAllister Green t be presented by the menabers of and Mrs. Wed Beer, will -b�6 cohostess. I . 1. . J I . .. . . gra�s. Fut� further Particulars apply -to ' I W� at home must show the same I . , ill, , I NPOM, � JOSEPH NAGLE. bubain,­ 13988-4 MTs. Minnie Sangster has recefy,d Jhe tVillow Grove . United Church For the roll leall, eaVr one is requestto& . ' . . . . r, 1. , unselfish spirit. We must buy Victory � 1. __ - I � i : - -, , , . . . official word from OttawaL that her -choir, orn Wedn�esday 6vening, May 17, ed to bringa letter kn6t.a:'ho,te). w it- % ' , ,. . . J , :'.. . I I � 'ONE WANTING - ASHES � . - so3%, Mt. Sgt. Douglas. Sangster, R.C. in the �Hensall Town Hall.. The pkiy ,ten. to a friend in the -armed forces. I . 11 11 ." ,-Bonds till it hurts. It's th6 very least vre, '. L- . NOT' -CF -ANY - I . . . -- I . . H ' * L 'twenty, . I I . '� . . or cameremoved, Please call 6"*r 41, sea-, I ., . I A.F. is' miming. a is _two is,J . i three-ut com , edy� entitled "Cy- These letters will be enclosed in the I , can do -gad no 0'a� who is able to b -6y - I i . . . �,. cared for. ..'. % I . . L -escape this -.duty! So lees , � I I forth., imd they wi.U.,,'be prbraptly years'bf age dn enlisted in -Mn4dow,-elone Sally," This. play ,hras been averse ' ­pstli . them should I I , . It :1 11 . I 3986-1 , . d . . . a?S _,Tcbls'to ,be Allipped in . .. "I . . � I . ... . I . Births " in 1942, and -went overseas 'in June;' . . 'to, "M� Duty As a . - . Ire ready to by L . 11 . . �,,. I . *­' ." . . I kaged ge - veral iinies Nkth great-'suc- May. The mot ' ' . prove. we, . do our-.shart . - - . . .1 I. ; I I )O 'YOUR BIRDS GG LAMk OR PAR- 1943. He received his training at cess, ,amd it �romises­to Provide an. Good Citizen,'!, will be taken by Mrs. � . . . X" . . -.V I I alyzed? "Kews" s" them. KERSLAKE KERR-In Soett Memorial Hospital, ,on April . . I . .. I I . .buying EXTRA Victory Bonds 11 L . 29th, ,to Mr. and Mrs. James Kerr, mcKil- Lachine, Que., Monliton, N.B., and eyenbig of delightful entertainment E. Normiatoil. Thq guest speaker . . I I .1 I . and F. D. KYLE, Kippen. I I � I. I . . . , 4 I... 11, . FEW, Seaforth, lop, a daughter. Treli.t6n­and- graduated from MacDon- f 16�, minister � of . . ,. . . I I , I or all who attend. .The proceeds of will be Rev.'J. F. Tay , .: . 11 .., , L 'TOWC . .. I . al(T, Manitoba. . . the play will be used -to -brjikg treats- Carmel. Presbyterian Church. A 40�w . , 0. / I ? I :; , POULTICY ,., AND . . I - .1 I . � , �� - FTEFt 'FWN'S .... , I . tamin Builders ---stops Conni6lism. I owling . o pack an, over;6* ri I I rout. � , .1 I I I . . . I Members of the Hensall B and oomfotts foi- the 136�6 overseas onstr�don, "How t' . I . . or . I ", I . M, Seaforth, and F- D. --T� Citkb, of -Which Mr. William Fairbairn from the Chislelhurst ar'ea. ' ' ' box properly,V will be kivell by - re. , I . I. . , �1� KERSLAKE FW, ' % 4L � � F. . I .1 ... . � 11 IL 4 ­ I L KY14. KWeu. I 11, . 'A " L "� ' ,-- *f 4 ­_w� I , ­ . 11 I DUBLIN.. - is president, met in., the Town Hall Mother's?'Day will be observed at James Sangster., Current even" will, , . I I ,� _ � ,I - ". I .. ­ .� . . L , , , P11 I . . � 1� . ��, ­'; OxI �. W I ��;�.;�,­ USE FINN'S DARI-IiIN �011l MASTITIS: A 'I ctory" con- Monday evening, to make� arrange- ChIselhur9t. United ,Chti-ich. on �Sunll be given by Mrs. A. ­W, ....... Shirray, "UHd - - . [ lu V- , , ".1 - , ��' ' ' .I. it does "the job. KERSLAKE FEW, Sea- very literesting "V1 IS. q --Al . ' � ! �.,, 1. --- . l . . . ments for bowling for 'the -summer day, May- 14th. The setvice will com- a- recipe will be contributed by M I I ..L ..­�... : l, orth - Kfimen. cart was presented in,Dublin Separ- . .lease bring pencil, paper a ,� - . " f , and E. D. KYLE, ip�onths. New mem6ers will be made mence at 9.45 a.m. T I � - B N D S . - . I I he program Ar- Beer. P Z B Vf" C T,,O.,R..Y I O.... .1 . ... ''I. LAYIXG BIRDS PAI,E AND. ate­fthool- on Fii"y to a rep'resenta- very welobine.' . ranged bythe Ontario Rehilous Edull tea. A large ,attendance Is-utged, i � ­ . , , I I . y , scom-OUR tive and ei ... — � � I � L' ARE Y7? Use'Finri's Poultry Conditioner' Word. has been received here Of the cation doUncil will be used 6rbiigh- this being. -the Initial meeting in 11)44- I . 1-1, . . " tL­ ' -ithusiistic audience. The . 11 .. I # , , I . . . . I . ,� . .. ., , ti KERSLAKE k I I duties of chairman, were. Lefficiently death of Flying Offic6i- M. - G. Hender- out. The theme this. -year is "Homas 45. . . Published in the inielestW-of the Sixth Vietory Man -, � and lutes nal Cleanser. . . . ,i , .., ..: . . - - -g,eaforth, and &,D. KYLE,. Kippep. ,,. tak-eb care of by Miss Bridget Cos- L . I . L . I ., � . I Aon, son of the- late'Mr. and Mrs. D,. Make a Nation." Parents -especially !r4e .many .friends of Mr. Charles '­.�� I I— ­­­ . ,--- I . - . . � 1. , . ", . . AWLE!GH PiMDUCT,, -PRANK Friim- tello. The various.. ll,�Ltriotic choruses G . Henderson, Toronto, who -was kill- are'.Invtted to.attend and to bring the Wolff, who has been very Ill dn Scartt ' ' I I . , # ­.:. � R were under the direction of Mother , . . . I t.L'.� gan is your Dealer. Has a line of Pro- I ed on active service. Flying Officer fam . Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, for the % - ., L ,..ts at the he.., 1,otliss, �street,l Als voili . 11Y. . . . SCOWS'- Poultry, Farr.ft , . . 0 Gabriel. ' ' , . to. , I . . . . . . , 1� I . ,be callimg.on you soon. I 3985-26 Recitations ,by Patricia Costello, Henderson -eplisted in 194,0, and a PO., Gerald Passmorle, who has been past three weeks', will be Pleased . .. I .. L I . . 11 � . . . �S . j - atricia Bay, is spending learn is making- a splendid recovery. . . . .. . . . , ". . I - Rk z. cULLll Joan Evans. . Dorothy Ann ;Costello month ago was made Flight-Comnlan-o st ii'6ned at P I . JAMES N. SCOTT � .11 I . .. . . POU,LTRY-FOR - SATISFACTO . - -is 23rd his ']eaVt tritli his parents, Mr. and * ,Pte. Cyril Coughlin, Mrs, Coughlin . 2. , �. . Ili I '. I I ing and highest market prices, call GEO. and Jerry Stapleton, Were. esp,ecially der of his'unit. He was in h. . I I . I w �1. .. 11 I . . 11 � I . - . 1, . . . . J. 11 . I WALKER, Hensall]. Phone'119. appropriate. A junior room - yeariii.-and a nephew of Mrs. Robert MTs. John. Passmore. Gerald made 1. .1 I ­ I I . .. 1. . . I. . 4 , play fea ­ - - -- . . I I J I I,?, , ", ,.,. . . . S98lxl2 turing Louise Feeney, 'as "Blueboots"? McL�i�', 6f kensall, and Mrs, A q . the trip by motor, a distance -of 3,0.00 - I.., .1 � , I . ,. -1 . . . . .- L . I - --- , . — . I . 1. I . , 11 I , , Dilling of -Brucefi6ld. . miled. ...... I 11 1 �..7 . N�TICF-WILLIAM - BRADSHAW. YOUR was very unique and well received. ' .. - . . . I 1, . " I , . 4 I 1�. 'I, Watkin's -dealer, and also agent for E. , D. The senior room play featuring Mr, and Mrs. Paterson, of CliutoA, Miss Wilma Gr'een, of Byron, spent, I N I . � .. . I I �Smith'& SWs,fruit land lorngment&lLnurSery Ronald Butters, Joseph Cronini Billie we with. Mrs, A. Bon- a few,, . I . I is week I wi h 1. �� -11.1 I . I 1- I . . ,l" 1. .. . ., . I 1. . . I 1. . . , :, . .., I , . . ... re Sunday guests days, 4 th er grand- . I ,- . I I � � I .% 1 '4 �. . .,.� uw. 4, �, - . 11 :,N.:! , I'll . I stock, Market Street -th, ns, 'L6'uis Lane and Jeanette, Jor- thron dnd Mrs. L. SlmPson. ,mother, j- 0arnian. * ' , . I..�..:.':';*;:i:::::::.::;:;:.:,:;:::: ... ....I. -I - %. .. ... . , Seafar 0.6 P , %:- . I 4 1. I... , I , hone Eva: �11 , . . :.1 ` ". . . . . . . . . . ...... %.i .. I , . I "', , I . , t , - - I . I I �. 00. I . . 3.9737' dan, was pard6ularly incentive to Mr., Eric Kennedy,, of Hamilton, The E1171;Hensall branch of the I �L, :1 � �': ��:�i��ii�:���i�:�iliji�i�i�i�i::,..; Ze.."', -'�' --J I � I . . - : , .. . � .� . . . ; , `,;::.::.X- - . .�,,��t, .::!;::::.Z'%'-. , .1., , , - . .",:; : , —XIV'.. . . . .. . . . . . I .... . . . ' ' : : ,�", 11 ­ ­ I , I ­ I. buying Victory Bonds. ,The prQgram spent the week -end with his wife and Canadiiia L�gion Is* holding a bingo , ...:,.;. - .,,."-!,%..L.-- . . � :1. .� . . .. . I t, I . " ' - atriotic speech by' famil7. - . I . ... - I . : . , :L . I . , . AUCTIONEER !' concluded with a pi . 1 L . and dance -in the Town Hall, Hensall, . 11 ... ;! .;.. , . . . . . I ' - - . � . ­3� . E4war& Holland and the Natiplial An-, Mrs. Kennedy. -returned'. to Hamil- on:Friday, -May 12th. - * X:::�.: I I , � . l . . . . . . ...C- I . . .I W. S. O'Neil, Denfield . - . , .�il:,: -&.-,.--:-.. � I .�;j:j�!� , 4 1. . -r You. wANT-To REA=F�.r-RBATSR t1fem. The proceeds were donated to ton. witly her husband, spending a few . . . . . :j:, , I , - "". :j' xi§*ii I . . . . . I - , I ., �� . . - the Red Cross. I � � . dission Circl� Meets ..."";', - .j:�.':�:j:�:::�;:.... I, , � � -from your ve days there, this,.week. � , .".1,; ::�" X�X-:-,X-%�-X-�,�..T.. '. '1----:;0$`::% Teturm . Auction Sales,of 1A I , ; . , """ . . .l..:.,.-.:".-.".'.:.:.. .., 'A . L Farm Equipment, ask those who . . I - I * , . Mrs. Lorne - Elder, of Hamilton, . - . .. , .*,;:,7:,.- .,:;, '.."'. '.... -, . I . ,1� . -Mrs Allan Tqwnsemd -was hostess ,, ,".: � I-. ,:j::,�-: ,. I . . .1 . - stlhek' and VReilly - Lahay ­ spenta few, days this, week with her I . :,., ­ .. . ­,..:j*4 � . . I I . I ... I.....'"": Uno* and have heard me- Fifteen yeiars!. ex- . * ' ' ' " , , .i.........% . .., .. - . r , L,- . . I Y' Mel, I I"? . ­..-!:";�:4 . � . ", .1 1. , , , . perience. Sales conducted anywherle. For iale - r. and MA. John Passinore. and' Mrs. Harve arnon co -hos- ... 1---l.-.11.:.-:".`- , � I parents, M . I -1. .% . L I* 1. . , datm-Phone,28-7, Gravbo�u, at my expense. . 9raceful'settings of pink ghapdrall . tesa­at .Urs. rownsend's homd Mon.. ' *1i . *"*,"�'-"..""".",.,.-,-.I.- -.1.,., -­ . �­ . "", . . I "', : :. I "', ., ,;'-e,. � I � . . W ­ � . . I � ,%��, I . 5979-tf gout decorated the altarA of St.. Mr. Josepli. Ferg,tison, well known' ' .. . ., . ... ... i. ::::. .. . . . . . I - . -.1.....-- I Is Church, Toronto, for the wed- aistrict farmer, hail the Wisfortune-to day for the May meeting of. the Hen- . I . LL .. i ..., . . I . . I . I "Anne I Sall LUnited Church -Senior Mission � ,. .11,111, :: ::: .- I. . . It , . I . . � . ­ AL' meet, with an accideut. X-rays ,taken I L I . ­ 1: :..; ...... . I I ..., ­ . . Y - d .. "I"'.". . ". ding on Saturd morning ot:John - I I. .1-1.1- ".` . . � I Circle. Miss Edna Saun ercock-was .. ,",," . . I at Scott Memorial 'Hospital, .Seaforth, . :* . .Charles 'O'Reilly, 79ronto, son of Mr. .- in the' chair and the meeting opened I : I I I . . . . L, - : . q . Auction Sales - revealed a fralcture of the left arm at ' ..... . - . . I . ", - C �. . .. .. . . I . . . . ., and Mrs. William O'lleffly, 'Dubl-xii, to the �elbow. He was attended by Dr. -with the theme song,.folloWed with � -1 - "I ... :.:.,'". . . . I . . . � . h I - that . . .::. I 11 I -LE G -F HOUSE FURN'W' Miss June Louise .La. ay, daughter of I . I the hymn, "Blesit Be the T%' . .. ......, ::::::: � I .. G;l -of Hens -all. . ,., .. -­: I Ni� * - . ings, in Egmondvi.33e, an -Fridas,; Miy 12, Mr; and Mrs. Peter Lahay, Toronto. . Binds" and Lord"i Pra 'r in unison. LLLLL - - ', . 'I'le . AUCTION SA Q Steer .- . I I I . .11 I Ye I '--"1'1'1'.....:::.1:,-. , I . -:11111 11,111 . - - I., � , , � .. . I wt� I Vin., at the residence, of the undeTsign- Rev. IP. T. Egan officiated at the care . ........ The 1.0.O.F. will attend !Ji4ill'a serm;v Miss Gladys Luker,gs�ve the devotion- . I. ."","".�..'.'.'..'.,,.,.,,.. . . . I , ­. . . . . - l. . .1� I . - , . ed, Church Street the following: One 6ec- mony and sang the nuptial mass. Giv- 1"11�'� in the.United Church on Sunday al taken from thp, Missionary Mouth- ..1. I 1, 1.11. I . I ,-.-- 0 11 WI . . - I � ;. I . , tric ranre;. I oak dining room suits; 1 Heintz I I , . evening, May 7ill, the servicia to com- -;:,.:-1 ,, ,;:. -. . .. I. man rialw,- Me new: I modern dheiterfield ezi in, marriage' by her tather, the . ly, and several -hymns fitting, in, With .."., ". .. .. � I 1�0 � . - - ., ­ I I suite; I oak bookcase an4 desk; . 8 gience at 7.30'. Rev.'R. A. Brook Will I I ­.:.%.X� I I ,� . .., Writing bride Wore. a floor-leng1b. gown of . I I I *,%­,...... . * , this devotionak were sung. Mrs. , .. �. :­".., . - .. . " "I'll conches; 1 ew6ension table; I glass cupboard; addiless the ,brethren, with -special . . .L: - - � .. I � I . : . ... q::,.. , . ., .:.'.!.'­ 11 -1 ::. .K. .. -.11 I.. I I ::. ::. . . . ::. " .. - .. :::::::..- - .:e .� ... � white s4iin with sweetheart neckline, Mary. Buchanan offered a Prayer. The � , '... I . I .. .:.:.�:::' ...., ..... ...... ­. .. . " . ��l 1 -chests of drawers; I oval glass China cab- music by -the choir. This will be the I I � .... ..-.'�'.�,�§.� ..... -;;;:;::L' . .: . I I 't iu�t; 6.1kitchen ofisirs: I arm chair; 4 dress- silk finger-tip veil and matching halo . I roll call 'was answ , ...'... ...:..: .� . . I ", I eregl with the name � ... ;,y . . � . 125th anniversary of the lodge., . .- ,-:::1::, *:*?i*:,�:1:1 . . . "L�'. . Mrs and stands;'4 beds, springs and rnatttless- and silved iiippers. Sbe-!carried a - .� I ... ..":::.11 ,X. , I l . ,- L I . 6 . of a Bible ch -a ­ier.' The topic,!'The ......... - :i-.-:..":.',:1. I L , , k'. es; uwniber'of small.tables; 6 -rocking chairs; bouquet of .pink roses .and sweet .Rev. E. J. Cook,, assistant pastor of rac I . . , � ". I . .1 � I . 4 ­ '.... I '� ' number of lamps;: 1 hall tree; 3 toilet sets; ' . Botrd Street United Ch,drah, Toronto Grace of Living.' and' Working Togell , . � . I . I I . ., 1, . " I I trunk; I 61ock; quantity of, sealers; a lawn Pea;' The firldesmaid was"Miss Lynn � Mrs.' Howaid .. . . " ' ther," .was given ,by � - . . . mowers; two " 'i . _the' guesi speaker at the T,T L . wwh boilers; wash tub; Larmond,1 o Midf�and, kearin -a. floor- was ­p�tqd 'Hyde. At the business period Mrs. . ­ .. 1� 9 Cliurcl� Sunday morning last, ap'k . k � - , L . I 1, . I ., . 2 washJug machines and wringers; I 'h"i- length gown..1f ]blue sbeer'net with Jack Trihquair was a'ppbjnted 'assist� , � ... I.. . 1� I . . . . larrow-, coal oil heater, buck a-, garden I Ing in the :tnterests of -the Temper- . ­­ 9%1 MW "'A - � ' . �, . �ools; I electric lamp; I ironing board,- I mat6ir , Ad..,accessories, and , � . ant treasurer, and the annual picnic I V LL I corrgaIeum, rug.' I ance Federadoil. .. . . �.,.- 9X15, new;.Tiumber of Pieces her bouquet was red carnations -and . I . 1: " . of -linoleum; several scatter ... 1mots; I reed , I Miss Grace,Brock, ofLondon,'spent Will be held on the lo;vpy grounds of I . : I . sweet..Peas.' ' Mr. Jo,kn' Krbtz, of To- Dr. and Mrs, James I . Bell' on the ' I . � ,. . fernery; quantity of -Aisbes, kitchen utensils; the week -end at her home here. I . Whe'" n i G 'L wlq'm ,EWS bre'aks, . ... I 1. I -1 bedding, cuilains, scalers ,and other articles ronto, was, best marl,' ' 'FoI16'Wing the' . Pte, Edgar -McClInchey of Pet(er- outskirts o� Hengall on Wednesday, . I I . � I 0 .% 1� .1. V* numerous to mention- Terms --Cash. ceremony a reception was, held at 257 'June 14th. ln,.�.-the event -of'rain -the . . I . 0 'Li . " . . ,, MRS. MA -AGA -RET M.. SILLERY, Pr`�Prie- Ozsington A%(e. The bridegroom's . boro, spent a five-day I-eaVe i1th his-' . ll -a home of . . .. I . I � Harold Jackson, L picnic will be ,held at th �, . tress; M P. Chesney, Clerk; wife and little'son, Jerry." . Please don't rush to the. telephone ' '. �;�: i Atrodoneer. .� motheir assisted., In receiving the He return- Mrs. Jack Traquair. A number of . . . I . . . I . . , I Ir4 � . I � . � .., I I ) . I - I -a� guests, gowined . in air , force, I blue with ed to his station on Wednesday. ,. . , lovoly and useful childrenle 'articies . ,� . . . �L� %. . t Mrs. .G. �C. Petty,' who' has , be4bn . . I I � . �0� ­ I ,& UtT]VN SALE: OF HOUSEHOLD EF- corsa9t of pink roses. Dtkner was- - were on di'splay And were donated by . . 1. � ' . I �., . 1 # I l`� Harold Jackson the resi- served at the King .Edward Hotel, to 9 the members f4q..1he bal I e� The clos- , ,impulse to n�ach for- Please Use yoUj­jelephone for egsen_ ­' ., 'fects-ldr. bee been.- in, sDendin' 06"w1uter mouths. �.W'Ith her. I I it -is a natural NIX: � . I structed to sell by piiblic auction daughter and s4on­lin-IaW,, Mr. and -Mrs. I I . . . - I .. . I . . 1, .�L - 11 '' lls only . '. . ' " dence 4 the undersigned, East William at, th wedding party and the immediate. ing.. hymn, "Jesiis Saviour, Pilot Me" I � �� , ­ - Seaforth, on Wednesday, MICY lorth at I ii, Lorad Scott, of Toronto, returned tol L the telephone to pass the word along , .tial " . _especially. L . - concluded �th.e I ­ W- .. " -=. family guests. The bridegroom's'L gift and l4be benediction , . hein ,$, , , . � I , .. shialp, the following: Finlay Quebec cook her. home here on Saturday -1a;t.,L She ' 1, :. ��'W'i :� F, to, the bride was twin tra"llin­ L " ,I Was a 'Mrs meeflng,- 'after which refreshments - , —to "talk it over" with. somebody. bi news "breaks". . . L tove; lc�teben table and 4 chairs- Singet g bags, . . , ,,�, .: I drophead sewing machine'-, Coleman " stow -to the bridesmaid gold ear rings and qconipaiiied by Mr. and * ' . I . 9 I - .11 . Oft military lc,,�. Mr. 'Scott and- ,Xlls. White and,. little wer4. served by'the 'hostess and Mrs. , 11 ­ ' l L , , . I I L �.. . 'ql� I , I and even, flow; 2-burubr eler-tm vlate; mod- to the bestman, -a r. .� . I Byran ,Kyle, Mrs. X,Flynn 'and Mrs. I .1 . I , t.�­ , . ern walnut dining room suite; 2 ved&tals; and Mrs. O`Reilly'�iill reside at 2.57 dai;ghte '.. . Mai, a . But if we-alf-did ,that, telephone . In the critiCal month�i ahead, - . . . . . ' 7 .­ vo);mh*,new4 chesterfield suite,Aike new; up- ' Mr -y Buch nan. . I . 11�1'-- . . OEwington A-Ve., Tor6n,to: W4111am Baker, of- G�olderich, . � . I. I I . . . 4 lt% , _ 'auo. 4A arat-clast co"tion, magazine *. Thu y last with his mother, ' . service would be disru ted—tied, up. recurrent 'rumours may tenlipt ypa � I � . .. GKght .01 . , ,1,.,,�..,r;,,' . I . .rsfek; 2 wicker, chairs; number of rocking . . spent , '. rsda ` Get Badges ,and Diplomas I I . 1. p , . .. ,�l.i�.". - ebafts;. flooi -lamp. 2 clocks; number of small . Passed­.Exarns I Mrs. C. Baker,, and with. his sister � . I . . . . 4 I to telephone neWspaper@4 " a,dio I I '' j, - , � I . * I ,. r V" .. tabies:,eectric fi,reilace, heater: hall mirror, I � . -in-law; M . aniff Mrs. "Ino Twelve -candidates received badges , ' , ­ � I .1 and .brother 2 r. . I �V��. : � . . J?ublic serv%ices'esseniial tao'ur healt)i' I �; � - . . . . stations, ei@S. Pl6a6e.,don't do. * - . , 111. � .1 I . . and seat; bedroom. riig 9%12; oak bedroom Among the candidates who have Pfaff. ' - . and four who had completed the re- . l4` fri- , "I" - - 'te and spi,ing; painted bedroom suit and I � I "' "' - 1 4. I ` - .. . . am successfully .passed the farm �exemp- Sgt. t. Xorminton has been Posted 'quisite time in practi6e; w re given and safety depend on the tele�h6ne. I u I ...1. � - ­', . I. .; brass bed . . , e , ' .... N .� " ,, . obtfbgs* 10ew congoleurn rug 9xl2, -and will be granted to Labrador. . . I . .? � ntil the iastshot'4 fired,'and- even -1 amid va;ki� spring and spring matftvss;. cor- u6n examination, . their diplomas at.0a, ldllosi�g exercls- j . � I ­ � I 0 - I'll.. ­ I... I . %er dressing ftble: ? spring filled mattresseb -, the high school entrance certificate Cpl..-- Leonard Noakes, of London, as of the Parker School of Trained � Flyery f Lh - day, messages , after, telephone lines will have �' 'a . I . . .7. L ,,�,,�. . . . , "nute , . L . -minst&r rug 9k12' 2 voligoleurn hali run- upon completing their 13 weeks' k -end with his wifip and -Attendants on Fr ce. I . . . . I .. � .:t, �-', , Ax . I ser- spent .the wee iday,, April 21st, Ili . ..".. ­ , ' ' '.,Z�, , . liers; vacuum el,6kner; carpet sweeper,, two vice are: Rose Marie Woods, Muriel family, I I 11 -t Symonds LParish House, . of urgent importin , are.. going heavy lo arry. fielp to ke6,p . �Z, .� I 4bne%se" and ,white ,bed wie.% spring aud mat- . the Herbei I � I . - ... .... .. L . w ftZ, . I tr4sea I consioleurn %x 8x10: conr6lo,w rug lJosling, Junt Josling, Margaret 01)). Fred Beer, of London, -was A. Montreal. Tboso, receiving badges -dwough *2d should'not be delayea. Mem CA * " for I ' .-;�� , - . 1042, new;. number of ,Ddd chairs, ­,Antitir Holmes" and Jean Winteringliam. week-efid visitor with his Nyife and -were: MISs F � V. Viewer, Wood- ., . . I ear vilial Messages. ,. . ;� L7" L � I I ".,. .. -, of ,1�ecdiling, ciitWin6,` 4ffihhes, kitchen. utensils - John Dillon and Miss Ega,jane Dil- fam.1ily., ­ . I I . ", . � ­ I I . . . ­­­­.. .. . . . I . �, - ,, ­% 1. -- L . -'Uniid'-0Wftff -- --VWk-,--I*'gSh..4ftb-�aM�..,bQer,*I - . I . itoCk, N.B.; Mliss "Jean M. Moore, I � I . I I 1. I I I . ,, � . I . r,r,�,.,I,l, 1:. - . I 'tt& .]Dw-hwve,move,d.'t,o'thei-rL-new home on, .. . I I . . . . `,..'. I " . numfier of cernpt� flower stands; 240-potmd - . . . " I .1 I , .1 I- , . ­Jtoola ; garden Laurier Ave., recently purchased from �-' To "FoRtO BbXft Overseas... . -­ ,49�treal; Miss Hiloa, 0. Murphy and I . -.. I . .. .., : ,�i , *Web'; quantity of corpefter's I � I Mrs, a Deiloofur�,-,��btrer -Daine l & - - -A , ...­­..., , � - ­'. - ... - ­ L -:r.r,., I I 4' � '- - llodlh l' W Ro - !* ��' 'X,-" f . , lawn YfiaWer'; c4akqlu Punto; 400 8 -inch 1111am J. 01 Urke- . . . O'l,l ,:::: �::!:i�i:.�:: " ", - . . I'll.. '. .oWl;.", . ",; eefteytt fild, ayid 60� 4tftieles too numerous Elmer Zugffin'bas sercured employll - "I".. .." ,.,.. . �. �4 . [­Tlie".1a.dies of the Hensall Institute Grace; Migs Olpie G,..McV1car, Cain- ' I .- 1�'i .� i ", -.-.-- -- -'-- - L' L- ' : -­ " . ", , , � , I.X, _ I I 11 . ­­ ,.;.. '... ��,!��,,­- , ffb 1wention. Terms---Cwh. -A. MOST, P)rc,- wish :to announce that they �.nd the met, Que.; Mrs. Gladyd b. Smith, kx� I .. ,,�4��;,� -, .. . , Fll;;�"!t.'11' ment with, the C.N.R., Stratford. . . I .. .. ­,,`:� ,'�,,.­' . 1. , 11 ,. Vrietbrl, 39. P. thegney, ,161etk; Harold Jack.. , I .,..... � .5 ,,�', l.", � "", A*Wwneer, � , - ,Personals:* Dan McCarthy, Wind-] War Service .Committee will be ship-' C'ter,L olit.; Mrs. Chr1stinA,X. Thump- I . ­ ,� . . .; ... I W-'.. , . L. , . ,.-,;- . . . . .:, . . . I , I . ­.�, . .. ­.. .... . J t5uAl With .his pareots, Mr. and Mrs. ping Approximately 50 boxes to ,the son,'Miss J,ean.A,, Rh''odelilzer, Mrs. ­`.!�,.-.. ,,,:�.:��:: ...... .."�;",,AY I 11 ... . ' I Hensall boys who are overseas, p 9, Pearl R. Cheese,' all 'bf. Montreal; , .1 .... " , 'QRTGAGE SALE M. McCarthy; Mr. and ,31ftit McGil- � � -- .. . .11, � ­: : . 0 . . ... I -�, -�', ;. : I A L I ), ­­ M .. . ,1 .. ­ . - A"s .11vea " sibly the second or third week in MAY. Mrs. 0. Lillian St. Clair, Hawk6sbuty, . A, , � W. . I., . . 11 IL ,: -1 it , ry 'aud daaghter; LorroAlre, fh 4 � - �o ... INOM, AND I V 10 OF Tim � , , I *.,certuin, to add to the receipts Que-; M -18s Ruth ­ - I -- -....17. ­- - - Amwwg QX,,W,& #0h6i`ue4-i11' Gwen :Sound-; Jack Nich,61, 4N61lph ','Those wishing . ,.X -Alost Milltown, ­ ­­ ­ -ILI­.. - .. .... .", I . -� I 1. b pw�," , . - -B-- 141" M Fa� I . . ... : . � , e time ' lcontribull -' -968"we, W -V:, , �� 't fiWftA*e "blich ;�W be orodood af 0 X, 1i ,f li - with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans; Mr. oil hand may leave th r I .: .. . . - " , . I ­. I 11 ,�!,,,, L. ­ �,r sale by -"-' '. . ,. W,t, ­­ �,,, R iao .. ther-W �Vhllr­ 6e I 16vdiled "Glady 1�u . . . a ��-­ I - , J,,L �, ' and 'ftirs, A. Forster in Listowel; tions with Miss s, Mm befolee treal. Diplomas *4e giv6n tb' -miss ,,, , - "I.- I : I , '. * - , tubli!6 46fion oft Woud&V, t9th lifty 1944. 'a, :1",` - I I , . , . It . &f,-,�,, I . . . ' - - ,At. T -80' ieil6ck - fir -Ow -*ftL"oft Joseph McConnell In Toronto; - MAY 13-th. Donations df sugar for tfie MAW M. FkrtW6i;' UMIIX104 Q�t., � . L L . I . . ". ­,�.,�-.,, . � . I ,e , !�!%, � I %�Lijl, �.., 'I ,�i lth4 oibreift, his,"ftek mentioned, Me fol- A M A F provisioil.of candy will also -be I � �z: , � 1. ­.- I I - I gnes cGr th and rank 06rath, . grttte. Miss Vilma su)ltyan. m�ll Mr§,-Loulse I . . .I... ­'�., �':--. - I . 1� ?6*h19 lithilh: . dod, t i . . m , .,;1:ft0*h*lV. heir - . R. McClunne, Mont ne � "I" I ia;v Waterloo with t mother, Mrs. fully accepted, Any one,havlilg empty .r"14,,, J:rs, An . IX ' I 4C�, � . - Mary, - , . I I �, -1 I I . A.� 9q - ft 314099lov Town ' . I , , A. ,. iflii.�'&, , ­ -.11-111. pound!U4'kes suitable for -caod,y and Turpin,,-Malmlile '4116:�­Pkfor,ta the, . . I -� . '; I I McQratb; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin . I I VAOV' � .. - I 14 %1! ­ - -­ - ' ' I 11 tful tea . ;*�'.-, . 1. �,o , I �0 'j�­ *'Jj �.jjb ­ -W- L PaJMefft6ff,_._W1th4 3ft. - -ntagaopes, Is aakbd to ertoift: A: de, glh . 1. . o. *&W �dA�i�6 of lei ""Wo Mae eft ftd todkies " or grAduation, ex ,'�;" ' � �:,,�!, . �w 4, t : I 1�. "Of L; , 4 bf ;good a . ­�-- -tt by th-0 tldAb� loresiding at, .� � '... . ,& UJI Idwid, Mrs Walter C ' " TOW -A 11all- ally, odme, w4s -hold I - , . 4 , --, � -- W,6 . 6&'3' . li�o 'A I p I FZ1,11 0 .11.11,11 IM , lo'hii .011reftly, T&oilto, wlthlr. .an& I gistfbkth, and Vxetei ''..,i;0erg, tomf4ls the, table "which tWia',boAntifully �ar­ , " ­- -­­ �­',J­­­ ­ �- I , I" '41 , 11�1 - , � I 91 .."Iwl mrpouto-r-,.. Mr. MjsI, ,14ii f W 11, " . . - , " ­.— � I 0*1 ILA - :11 -" - ,Ml I lIl4;11Z1W. ,1-' "L ." � ' ' ranged With sDrift - "W"A' vras .Mrs. � I ' L I !.. . , , 1. I . . - i ,[� WIT111 �1` I � #, -W. -W ,such As, Liberty, Mae. , .l ,A -Pr6d (aid amugaziots 1 I . ... .qfl - 11 M� PUlm ..gw bl,AeffW�, Xka, . -� 't" 1 .=­R�. jsjuil - . . I 't , -, . . L .... . , �,. . ­­ " ­­ ­. ' , , . � V ... � , .. Z �T i % & ­Vww- Oft' aftst,40" "o wo luall - a1d'k­*g, C 'MeBrlde, - , P. " I. - 1-1. I l` ,IA,�­­­ % .0 01 .,o -1- P --U' M Im , S't�' eteIL ft# edit. J. I ,phri6s . - �n-*'o ­p�s " - 90 - . , 16 ' r N L alm'si,�aAft'!A"M . -p . I . ,; �'.. L . I �. , lie , ll" ! *96i L .� 'M,4ft, " ;-Oi;o�­i, , - I I ! L" I - . - I I . . I : I ,< ,­­'­­�­­ ­ ' ' - Ufs 'ablf.,- ,, �­­.:...­ ­ - - "­ b � "o I . . ., � ' - 09--Addro &A I -, ; I ,�; ­'­1At,­v2.-'- " '' ­­ ---. I . = I CA 91P ff*#VqtLQ_t�M ft -- . o- A "' � "� 4'11`4`1�1; . IN ft r --*1* .--.-- . Tho�lldldb;l ­ � VL - ­�.­­q—­'%,�­; 1. � ­.. - ­- . — '' .. , � -�` . l. ,;� ', - � -"*I-" , , L , . . - " � , ­­"VW--1-XW .­�� , . -1 . I F%ltelle.jea , 1-e . , , ­ . . ..­-tt'�­­-�­`l� e � I . -1"#tW,­1­­.. * #1 . - . ­ I . . 'I. ,. . , �' 91 -10�- A 0 r_ �� , - I . I L-�, ,� -! - . �. I ­- --.7. , "A I Lro .1 ,,,,, � at I �, , .. :17 Urg.; ,or'. V Z 0 4W. 0 L 'f . .., 1,:-- ­­­­ - 'm I 1 ­bf � 0-611 -- " ­J'J. , " - - -.-,---,, -- th, ,.Oh coph Rolds . - ,., ,�Z­.',:: ;�,:�� �� �­'k I . .. �'! ... ... . . . . .. . ­ ..i . � " L �,,� �, ,."­­­-�­­ ;­ ­' . . 11 1A., C 4! . - "' ­­ I 111141 6- W,6rid* . If � ! I , ., .� . . .­ I . L�, .. , L " . :j '.'� � A i�'! ­ � t� � �W. at 4A—Ad, vfiiiir - if I p I , �Iier -, , - I '� % � I I I -1 1. I I . . I I , I I I , i � �. .�� I'M R ,�', V I oft -#, - 'Mi . � �. . ­'. I " , � , , ,44­Vft06MT 'L "' . . ., 1. . , ,� , I - ;'J �*d , f � 4jLd: M.j'g jftfik.. _ . ft g ft pr�#q toM.i,pol I..; , , . T '�L` " . I 11 . . ­ : 1. I . . , ` - '. . I 1''.. . .0 I �' 1- .11, .1 �. &"' X�0140,fi 0060 ho%, *�Mffitdl h6 I 11 - , I � leedfig, Or Iffie .tiftag* - F& M188 M. T�,::, 4� M al .. I . .",:"*�, 0. , �' , � ��,, . ": � . . V I . - ftalt - , . - 11 , . I. "., ,,I- �,I- " " '.\' ,� - .0 , , , IL I 11 ` " V, .coJlnr,1J,L WILS!", 614' X45:1114*y .11 ,� I 1. , , " . . k . .� , ' ,L'� ­-�- r4hol. jogm 19 _ ##�w y", . - 140" 't - . ... . I . t , ft, MAI it, -L I ) .LL, 91 I .'' . � - KC i t" �,.' - ��V"�t"�,�'L ' ',% -:1,N-111 �;',"' " i , 11 " -W, , � . , ,� I -I "', I I �� L. ", , I - , 1-� . , 4164 , I'M "a I , , , ,.� ,J: ",: 0 . , ."!*i . 11 . 106M 0101114JAWN .., A ,-,I, - .. " , , ., " -Wt PM I 44040xple. T4 p , Aki - , ,", " .'�, I ,;11','141"I;i,� "I 4 . X � ... ... 00# -4-0 ii W. , ,0,,,�'­ ", . I., , . . A -F- V 'hJ , ­., " , 0, , , , , I dlAgg�� LW'1M �% 1W, I S'' 'i�, -i- �, .:,�,� �;,,,: '%,:��I�'.. L , -1, I I j 7!'71 : i.� - ',jUa & I �,­­'," . . . " 'I"', -9 , &;;, , , " "L :­ L ..��,,�, , 1, . ".. � . . 1� �, ;.,,_, �� , . , Woo t) ft.*,T� q tol.- , 'Wor 01 *, � -'." 9i, -0 I mintit6a, �6tnei tho: 11 M, 11" , � 1 � 7 , t" W�Ii',�';i�,'�L . ,, I , . I � 0 0011001, 1, Ni',194p , ,$O ; " V " 1��� :% " ...;I" - : .. � , . . %`�,i0,��. ': , ­t1ftg ,W. L �,,'i�k&­ Ll," R�l '111P ,, 1-11M, � V - ,, get'"i ,6)J1JpraW4J,q# '. t,$ko 1.11 �­.',V " ­ . .1�ll,�-(fi�,�.,,,I�-�,�l'�,i.�";o .1, . , I. . .1 Kr",-- , 'Ott , - .41141 Al."I.Oh- - � I I . 11 ,�,777r= - I 111. ­ 11 1 I-$ 1 Ill -,��; �?4,0,,.��. ,V, - 1"",L"�'';�,�,,��",�,.'��,"��'L'��'t", .- .1-1.11.11. . 1. 11 111Y, 1� ­�", . ""� ­ L' ,i-. *4,04 totdrwyl - ----- ",,�., '' ;�!�iO�4'�'.�,�t,."VA?;�P,�',"�ill) MW olil!$S��',;!,�,.'.­ or, Jilia-0: , "' f L 6%iq,�. 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