HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1944-04-14, Page 4t— -1 ,,; , , , , 'W'�_—,'$ , ��. . 1, ..� , �, '': 1, .; -71— ­­ 7"1-,-7,1- Rli7 " 1,§iif .911" 11 N;�'­ I � �­ . _,_­ -_ ; " , I ��. I � , � , , I , � , � , , , , , "!. :�, I � I , I ��` ; �'111� , ,7 �. ,.� � '. � Tlltqrl!� I ;1 -, , ,-, , � , 1� � . I I I . I ��'., M ww"Mmmm"'R� . " �, - , `�,.� , � ; .1, � I _1 , , �`�'1�171 17V . , ­�- , ., I , , .. I . 11 1%. . �,!P'1. VIT -,r I � , , � I �%.,% rl;:'Ief i , , 1I � ... I � �,,� , , , . � , � , � " I ,; �, , R "t � , , : Z �, , � , , , , 1 , ,: , :, ;, � ''.�[ 'i.,w�'�.,�, M,",�,,��:'­ . ,. i ", , , , � . , � � . . I , , , : � , ��, � , , ,,,, _�., , ill; � 11 I �;., ,� " I I �l, '' , I . I I ,I , , , " _-.1.1111111.1 - ,11'.! !�� �:, i -, �:. �� I I I ". I . , I X,�..,' �­7ff.�,,;;:,_., � I � I ,�Zq' �� ­-, '. � , -� ��!.'J,�:��P.','.�,' , , , , I I 41 1� ; I � I �, , , I � I I I �,� I I I I � , ­ I " , . � . I , , XK�, k, "': .... .. . I , t � I , 11 1"..",. M." ... I I I I - . I I I � I i , M, '. I ­ ,% I . : in , "." , , � " I � .1. 11 � i I 11 I . 11 .. 7. 414` i..� ;,� 1; �. , , I I ��14.w , � I " , . . . I �­., , .. I" wl.­i - , I I I I I . I I I . I I ,.., � i 11, 1". ,,J�P , , , " I I . I I I _ I , . I 0 4, 1, , I , " . . - � I 1 1 . . r I i ,,., i,� I . A ; ;`�,: . . ':'­ , i i,�,.:, �,;,-;C�1,:,-J,-,A , , .1. , ��, . . 112, ��A , " Mi "I �,,,�,.�,.Jzv -,S;a:jr,,�,, V. ,.:. . -'�, . , , I , , , ,,, %, �1117 � '. , , 0 ", �m. �! i! , ,� , ,1�1 .. , I. I � . - .. I , 1719 - . �:� ��* � � 1, Aa— i I .. - _ I 1, , _*1 419, lvj '­­, M��!�- ! 1 1 !i '��tlA' * ....... - " ,­- � ... ­ � I - - - .1 , I li - - �11 ;.111. , ­�_`. I 111.11, . , ; - MM. -!M, - I . 0 - - - I i I I i ! i I I . ­. )1� �� X, � �, � � ?�,:,��i I , " � 0� i -q, . , ;�11 i �1 �!,� i t � 11-1WO-111 I. � .'�­10, � M. �­v �'­ . I t., �,,N,i�.,11-,i��"frIll'.11;:"I'I I , ", 1,1�, 1;.�,k',��. �1!1 � ­ , � 1:,.�; , �,-,�,­,� ­ "�N��!,`,"' "'Y", '�N,I,p J. '' , i��,� I I , : . 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TT'W'. .111" "I'1-1-1 ­ :1,", ""'. �,, r..., � ,�, h :1T�."E"'.. . .1 ,�`� " ,� , :­,-eul�N41,11T �1­ , 1. . I ... 1. . -11 � ,��­_ �.. �. . . , . , , � ��qo�',�.�'-' , ;FR7­,� t 4�,,-,;,,�., . 1.11 � I '�"�'­ '' ., "; ;�', " , M... - "O", I , ..!, � - � '­­ 'I "' , i i 11 . '' _ . ' g4 ­ . .1.1 L ,k,;h94" �411-1 '' 0 '��i',,�'1�11, �` , %1071�'1`1' 61"i, ", r'00,10'i' ,,, X,",,,1:",.4,:", � " 0:,:,", f I ' ' ,11� LV .�. k�!;p � 'I. ', , , , , ,­ . ­ "', �,.; � � .. . ..... ­ 9f,. i,,% a, tiov,,,,o".,,,v,�,F,�r�AI:0143��i."iV%Io�.,ul,,, "' iii#,�, M%,- , 4, _­ - t I ,,, �� � "­ � . Or � I � , . . � . 14�i.o 1.,r.r, 11 1 111PI, ", To.�A - ZPAA � , , _1 " 4 ` ., ;A"", ���'4� -.6 . I I , .11,11, 11: 4Wz1:,`_, .. I.— ,P 1,� 1 , 4 t, �, V UW , . FqQ_ 1 W , , .! -�' I 1 -�:, , 11 p,v K I .- . GA= � IN, to "i -ker ;0 -m ar " .1 I - M& MR, �.jyi , "I .� . �--,,o ,,,,, , 14 ." � . "I 11-.11 - "Xoth,V. . . . �-r.�,.. Qx�k %_ - IM 1_ � , MCI ".1982. 1 � 0 . I , I "1`-� 'I parted this -life Aviil 15 " PVqT0q"1. �� � I i . -., 4MOW4 L"R , - . I S �PYAXA' yvm'�, 4. JrA1`0#,, As; IT'Ico. : , 0 � . , 14 71F a' . —IT-ved and remopbened by Sons, ang 'le.4, � ; P., 10 4le 9.0"Offinoey" Qf,swtv , ,� I "I . . ow .a , , � . .1 - V� �44TR 94,41y,, Vy_,WV41? P ILJR�� ;A9,19.4i 1 �, �' - . -444 �4,1 , -.aid,, �,�w 1, 'a , M . 11` - ��,� � 1.1 I � I , 1P iii;, 4 MEMORY, Q�j §9A, R90 W PAI . ocki'mro., -Ar, ano 1.0 491,0J , � 0aid"A 00VAPNOR bor .1 � " I ` *r & � , - 10101 ... i , I .­_,_§'pP1011P11111,1W, T-1 __y I I , *1 , , " , 01, 1;0�-)N I I 's XR Memoriam. � 19'ArWo, gov. IWO A ,0004,�,. 1 1 ; ,1 - r I I . . .. I A ill k, Upim 341,0�Ar T; "orAft. - 01, VAIAM-4 APAO0, , A ,X RK, Q 40.09.%rAv. . I",, �.' 4014''I �4_,- F "I I- .1 , . ,,_� , c �, . , __ . ,; :: I . W, MA , �, *s SV�,,,Q#P, TV r , � I ! , � , - , a orh 0yed - :I. , 7 �' Wa 4 im Wem 'tooar# wctox , . � ; . � .1 . - ,I .1.1 i ,, _r 1401pa" 0 1 with th f , � potqro� ,. , 1=01. '40. '9, We 7 QU - foqr A A'. 11100"As - for m_ .. t. 01,11, I i e , Q;V.or,4s p� i_ i. �444, rlde?" "846 *Tepl. .4 I'll 11 I : .��. , " � . , ­ �-. -�- A is , - , Z , 4111. � Jy, liqlPI'l -,�: , , I tho, _V% . AW.- POP t - fii� 4 , . '6� � , I 0.� . ox , 0, I I . : ;�i, , I - . 4� , ... A . ' � P`*Iso 4", of "; I I, .. �. I ,� ,q � � . 1. . , " ',iqM_t,4. "Mal , , .sl��, 00,0�4�4 9 , I �, ... 'I ' " , ­ , ,,, I I. - .� � � -, , ... I I �.- _ ,;,.Q,or# t *00A., thet' , ., � - I , 11PINIP1 _Q% , Parker. RC%414i, W#p.;,14, gor t4 -7 1pmrfeeux� . w0o Oviin J4...,,ansv#k_-t0, �19 ,�, . ,. kJpg An . 091 ))Aw;hteix, I .." ,, _79ge; ,,011i are , *, ll� i§_ 0 i ... , I I.... --111:. 1.11 --'11 ' ' W,4i$ I .always 0'ay in If "' , 0. �� I , tt I 6, _j,ilonoin , 9 V ` Oter , _ ,'_�itonlm ...., ...... 11.11.1. . , " ". �.. ., - I . . , - I . � �*0'44;�A.F`-., at OrnmAh.k, a.44 welcome.,, � T. 4 "I _y Uea of j4er o� .0 MiM B4W '� e, � . , I . e I " �sa t6r_,fop'4­�'��' II t *_ , - .�� :1 . aPpolpted a nowlivattak ". .. I I , � -*'. , ` _' grAduated, wayj w. -14 xtot,�Aco�pt tpay-, . .. 4 bQ . . 13OLTON-414 ; LoyWO MEMORY OF A whq,'re,"ptly, I �.�, " . � - vilce, '1046*041 I - IR, Z ve 11 4 , .. 4S. * "Weloem W - if yqu ,;w � i eNg "N . 04JAt 401,p- . . 40 I—. de -Ar husband and " I , 00.� - x0a wo; it !91 911, Q� ,q.", . " , sn't wonw, L,wit and rp'.4*x9sp�ax Emots. Etn,­rcv,w0K4; ton who passed away Is. ISU4 _I,d .1 yol I _, atioll I I ItA - are � � 1. � 1. 1P .". I his mept fqr. Q. X . ­ . I � ,,q , V1. _A,; Lorne, XiOr of'Hain � -to, .%;11A'ft,: At t, - � . - I I . 11 ,'�,� . s,"�Roluserted At New Low Vash Itates.- 13- Ger"10A 11�01- ,ak. gu4,4§r, #141d a fl= V104 to . , V144o.. 4,c- 310110. a, re. V , I I , I , . V14110; t th , .'U'r, Ad' M � a , 011 441 -AO . .4 ;` parents on sanday - I t" - § ,40 -dortati _a . �; I -0 1 �:��11'1,1114114 � I cat 11tou were. 4. $ A. �. . # week ­ ..... ­­ ............. I cent cqpv w owfor your 19 ,ter. r,j toir ".111, , , I , I . . _gli � S with Mr. 46me, of Nis.' 0ou 40ase hy April 0, , , ,,;, I I " " - ­ , ".. we - ............. . His life is a beautiful memory, Ur, .444. X, - DoulgW, of Hyde brandh, of the ,X and � Mrs. Jo.hn,pa _Rtladle �,t�x�� , . , TA. E tea Cross at Reasall." sa*9 ro, A. , ,.,is and,Mr. and 40q - Xoddy and M ." ". 11 , k -1 "_ r. , ".,:. ' . , � tl� __1111 . w'! ' t � His death is R t' ief Park, wepe,,Ia Uenakll on, s N I - . . 1. ".. V#�A',,�:;'V , W ,fte 'Ch­A'n­e­'iW '" .*.:::` a 'Cent ' , , EkldxT last The money has been. handed iuW R. Mrs. Jolin Elder. , - . �Weie , 00�4 . , . � Mi-im. .. 25 Cents xe�sieepa in God'. =ZaPoarden., to celebrate yiith Mrs. John 'Johnston J. Paterson, treasurer of the Red Mr. and Mrs. - )Ferrls, -1 � . . . . . . , , ,,�,�!�,�, , In the, suns -bine of perfect peace. �Oautelon ,and .1 w " , � - , " �)"­V_, , i -,, � don- � i � mittee. Members were asked to .­! . .. ... ..-� " ,;, �, '- , Xacb f1sure, liiitivj and abbireviAtiou counits as one wor�l. her 93rd birt,hday, which was quiotW Cross braach at Hensail. Vile, soldier family *eie Easter visitors with Mrs. ate $I,ft to' the general fund. N�rs. 0- It .. I ��. 1� ;r- � :�i .N : �, 1, 1 IT �0 of ,T1,4nlM, In MemoriVA Notices -1- cent per weird.. M,inimam, -Lovingly remembered by his wife and spent oWillg,to Mrs. Johufk� li6ing was hom�psonj of St., Marys, D. A_D.Antelou. Down, convenor a the sq ,. wdWe � 11 , �,� . W, , PA 1 50 cents per week- dAusixtera. . on W. 0. T ' , ', ,quixies ma�,be directed to, a Box NU-14ber. c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. ' a v4leran of Dieppe, WhO had been Miss Tory Bolton, Of,`Tomlato, Is con mIttep, was IVL qlkarge of the pro- � o., � :. � �J . elai ." ;i"W'—, . , "I 7 11�,� �­ i1ton -",ut,p " i0anal ver'week.-,,mlill �e 'charged it ads in above class are not paid y t . Mr. J. Ragoup, who spent the winter wounded twen -five -times An this spending the Easter, holidays with her "I'll, � .�,," ., 1) he __­ ,. ­;., ,�_ 4 �1 in Poor hea1th, , - 1. ,%p, , _ , *viniclay gight in the week in whigh the ad was run, I ,a — . ty '. ­� . I gram,.,wfiieh opened wM: * . . gg 1: . . . . . �� . - I . � _Amunity, ......... �,Qr ,? I #,,.. months It Vero Beach, Florida, arriv- war. mother,,. Mrs, dordon Bolton. singing, Informativo Papers wem,slv- I . �'� ,,.%., )31rft, Marriages .and- Deaths. inserted free'of charge. I . . R, �4,� �'� : ' , Aiq,L;r�' u Sale�j;pj"��Aiw to ed in Heneall Tuesday of this week. W. M. & Holds, Regular Meeting ' � -Pte. Harvey WLaraon, of London. en on: , "Canceir," Mrs. W, sfm .. �., . " �,_ Credit*rfi, Etc . 1.1.111"I... ��,�,�,', ,w �. -Rates on application. � - .A., u(��,.�' - ,. ;1 ..�', .". I For lumt. Hensall . Died In. 49aAgn The W.M.S. of .the United Church spent the Easter week -end with Ill "Health -Hints," -1tiso Nettle Xoddy,yoj 1­.­'� :�. - s . �L"" - � ", .. ....... .. . . . �L" �� i �j'� . .� - ftew Buchanan, well known -held their April meeting in the church wife and family. ' 1. .1. 1, � . For Sale or Rent �dr. in , P .1,11 ­ I . � I 6 , ;I , ,. �. I—- . . 1'1-­�- - � in. Vare of the Feet," Mrs. Alvin Voir , ,� 1. - �. - ''. ,.., WI;rR ALT I — Spin , ng Fair lie s411 reAlde,ut, died Tbu;rsday af- basement Thursday afternoon of last CpL 13"red Beer, of London, spent "Infantile Paralysis," -Mrs. . Garnet j, � � " ;!'' Fog -aALE­%- 4=1 45% and Ord FOR SAJ_,E_OR REN-T-ioe-AcRE FAum ternoon laAt At Victqpl% Hospital, week with '-a good attendance and the the Edster holiday with his wife and Hicks. Mrs -.'-'_W., 1%llery AnA - Mrs. ,A. " . I " , . conveniewes" Arket on Highway between Se.ferth and Olin . : , I �, ��. .'I - I 4,qndon, 'who -he president, Mrs. R& ,mily. - .11 . ... Streets, S&fortli. � AVVI7 10 BOX 27. or- ton. Frame house and bank barn; choice (Continued from Page 1) .re 4?. bad been a patient chair taken by t , fa Willard favored wilth vocal.anA plane . �­ .. I , far the past tW,o, .W.peks. He was 11L, A. Brook. The meeting' came to order LAC. Ke-ineth Mauns ,an P 1�1 , I . Pbowe,25.. . $975-d clay learn; plenty of water. Apply to WK. . .- d' Mrs- solos./ Mrs. Down conducted' a copr � � ,_11'_� 11 . ­ LWINGSTONE or JAMEs F. SCOTT, I- R. Wright & Son, W. -C. Oestricker; get ,.his 8404' - and the last of a fam- with the singing of "When I Survey Manns, of Toronto, are spehiling .a ,test, and a social hour Was � �� � 1 ,. year r, '. spont;� � V. --.-- . - . 2. Seaforth. . i� 3970-tf of sire , three aninials, any herd &",ily of five sist,erg and three brothers. the Wondrous Cross" a9d the Lord's . 111�1., few days with the former's mother, . I . .1 i". . I � . . ' . M. Peck, Howard Wright & Son: W. He -was born'ju Usborne and farmed Prayer. Roll call and lninut;es were Mrs, F. Mailing. ., � . The April meeting of t&(� Senior i � 15,'," � , Personals -- —� - , fe .m Women's. Institut(L will be held at the I .., , � - . I - on the fa known as the Sandy Mae- read by the secreWy, Mrs. A. Spen- -. Miag streets-, of Clinton, was a week , ,; . .. .. . ,,, . - -, - C. Oestricker; herd, 1 bull and 3 - .r , ,, home of Mrs, W -m. Smale on'Wednea- ­­ '. w ;1;,� '' . RS. ALICE, Bz'"WHYAR.D. CENTRE, ST.. Help Wanted males. R. M. Peck, Edwards Bros., - Donald place, two miles and a, half eer� followed with a hymn, "We Have end guest wit1k Mr. and Mrs, R. J. day, April 19th. Mrs.' E. IA. MickW .... . � I , . !.!"". � � M Phone 2i2-W,bas taken oycx the Spirel- ­ Howard Wright & Son, W. C. Oes- southeast of Hensall, and took up res- .Heard a Joyful Sound." Migs, A. Con- Paterson.. , . ,� I . . I Is Corset service in Seaforth. See -her for ' will be cohostess. The roll call will .1 � I Ln. � MAN WANTED -TO ASSIST ON, SILO tricker, W. S. O?Neill. , I idence in Heasall -some 25 years.ago. sitt gav4, a reading on, "Influence of . Mrs. Frances Coler�kn has � reTliih- his answerkd by "Labor-S-4vers For ,: * that new corset or girdle You need. Indi71 building work. Good wages, including Judge-Uphriam Snell, Clinton. .He is survived by his w1doW,,the f6r�- Alcohol an the Brain." It'was de'eld- ed to her home' In Hensall after 1. . I :'' vidually designed for you. 3992x board and transportation. Apply at once to � - Sunday innem, and the motto, . . , �, , I JONATHAN IWGJLI� Phone 84-616, Olin- -Mer Elizabeth' Carlile; two soho, A)- 6d to send $5.00 to the China Relief spending a month with -her sister, " d Comm6n 11 bo . A , ;.� .-... -_ — I Cents L, -sense," wi I I SUFFEiINO FR(W BAOKACHXS� W0U to. 3982X2 1 � fred'Buchanaii, of McKill-op,� and Wil- Fund. Arrangements were made for Mrs. Beu.Keys, of Val-na, and a .. . i4tic.Fain. Sciistica Lumbago is'not l . month given -by Mrs. Jas.. ,McAllister, aid I � -, �:aPS_ at once f9r ,Quic)t 'T-- I . HILLSGREI�N 11 lard, of Rensall, and two daughters, a quilting to -be held 'in the church with �her solls, Lorne and Harvey "W.art-ime Reci�e," Mrs. W. Sangster. . , es*am Use AUX 1. . . I Jennie and Margaret. One son, Op� school room pa Thursday afternoon, Colomaii, of the Parr Line. Miss Margaret Tape, teacher of home . , '' �� . 11 I tolie_f REATINWS DRUG STORE. M � , � ille, wa's killed in the last'war--Mr. April .20th. Pl�ns were 'discussed for Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W. Bonthroh,were . 11 . , ,. :, � . . Wanted . Misr, Mary Hagan; of' London spent v I economics of the high school, Exeter, , ­.� . . . I Buchanan will be much, missed in lits 116" annual .... Pt'69WOrial meeting to -guests 'on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs'. I � . � WANTED -BA t e....week-end with her'sister, Miss h - I . wil be guest speaker. . � �' - Agents Wanted BY's PiAM A" BA'11i'"Dolly Hagan, and .brother, Mr. Frank' ome where his family were very be held in Wesley Willis United W, A. MacLaren, Goderich., .. Dies In Honolulu . 4 "I, ­,�, . . � tub, in good condition. Apply to Box Hagan.� ... ..... � .... � -kind to I -him during his month's ill- Church, Clinton, the latte Mr. and Mrs. Jag. A.�Patdrgbn spent Mrs. P. W. Smallacombe, Honsall, ,I. I WANT PLEASANT OUTDOOR *ORK IN 416, HURON EXPOSITOR. 3988,xi ne s 'pr'evious to his"lleath. � Private April. Mrs. �C. Cook and r Part 0 e Faster holiday with relatives in has received word of the death of 4 '' I _ ", . I -I- 8 ._ miss ell! th :;�. . . a business of your owuT Good profits WANTED-OATTLE FOR PASTURE -- Qui,te a,pumber from here attended funeral sei0$6s were held from the sitt were appointed delegv 'Kitchener. , I selling over 130 widely advertised Rawleigh FOIL the Clintoft spring show and report a Mr§. Rooke, who passed' away at,her,,.- .. ­ . .1 -1 hom6fla= necessittos. Paw better than the summer months. Apply W.. J. family residence SAurday, at 2 p.m., ,tend this meeting. Mrs. C. Cook pre � 'Miss Beryl Pfaff spent the week- home in Honolulu.' Mrs. Rooke was . .1 * - .. occupations. Hundreds in business 5 t�o DAVIDSON, Hillsgreen. 100 large crowd. conducted by Rev. R. A. Brook of the sented the 11nancial­statement, and I end,*1th Mr, and Mrs. J..-Upshall, of the former Annie Beek, daughter of 0 t ww&t .1� I" . . .20 Years or morel Products -equipment, on r 22. I . "gr. Richard' Robluson, of Stratford,, t1alted Church. Burial was in Hen- the topic, "Skill and, Joy in Work" I Niagara Falls. , � . - � . . I the late Xr. and Mrs, Richard Beek E. I . credit.. No experience needed to atert-we visited recently with friends in this gall. 'Union Cemetery. . was ably taken by Mrs. Mi born in Hensall , teach, You hdw. I . 4 �� I.: � 1. Write today for full 'Par- . I -icinity. .. I . Iton Lov�� � Mr. and Mrs, . ,Jack Verbeem and of Hensall. S,be was , � ISE " I . .. I ti.ulars. - RAVOLEIGNS.. Dept. - ML -363,145-D. WANThli-GIRL FOR GENERAL ROL Rev' and Mrs, W. T. Cleave, Grand The meeting closed with singing "The � family, of Sarnia, spent the Easter and received her qduca,tion in' the 11 , .. Montreal. . 3983-i' work; familly of three adults. Apply to Mr. f,lifford Weido, of St. Csthar- Bend, were advised by cable this week . Morning� Light is Breaking," and the: week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles schools here. Surviving are th�ee'618­ � . t : Box 4,17, HURON EXPOSITOR., ines, visited, over the holiday. at the of the safe a.riival overseas of their b�nedlction. � . I . . � .... I., 3 I __ ...... . __ - -3983-1 home of his parents, Mr. -aiid Mrs. son, IA I Forrest an(J. familyi ters:' Mrs. W. Kemp (Hilda), of Lou- ` , !"f . ­­­ .. 1. C. Jack Cleave, who until a. Mr. Sam McBride, well known' dig-: Mrs. H. Abray and -family, of Lon- don; Mrs. Bosworth (Blanche), of . a ., , . . Tenders Wanted :� - --W-ANTED—WOMAN TO FM -1P IN KIT- Wilfrpd ,Weido. . few -weeks ago"was stati6ned at Ayl- I I . . � I I * . . .triei fpLrmer of Stanley, had the mis-� don, spent the we'ek-end with her par, Windsor, and Mrs. Mottar (Mlllie), of ' X. �, . . chen Saturday nights' Apply F,LLIo;V?s A large number from this district mer Service Flying School , I ay last, while throwing ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hudsoxi. .' the West, Her bory has been crd- I- . .. 39 3xI * , fortune Saturd -4 I.. �. . TENDERS, WANTED "'CK LUNCH' . I -,ttended the spring show . held in -Miss Mary Buchanan, supexintend-' straw from thei toll of a straw. stack, . Mrs. Olive Hudson, London, was a mated and the ashes will be brought. 1, , '. TENDERS WANTED FOR PLACINd "A Raii,%-111 on Saturday. ent 6f Niagara Falls General .Hospi- to fall backwards and in the fall land- - recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. to HensalI after the war' to,be buried . 11 . For Sale Making . I � I c " cement floor in the basement of S. .S. maple syrup and sawing tal, is a. delegate to the Registered Ing on his back on �somo, ice, receiv- Hudson, I � in the family plot. . � � . I No. 3 Scho6riouse, Tuckeramith. Contractor - . I wood is th,e �r of the day. - Nurses Association of Ontaxio meet- ing back injuries. He was attended Mr. an. dMrs.' Cecil Dillitig, of Lon- . i ' " D USED' TRACTOR, IN _ � . , Retprning Frbrn Overseas . to .6upply gravel and cement Afto tenders FOR SALE-:- Goo Mrs. W., Reichert, Mr, and Mrs. Ing, being helcl irf Hotel London, by Dr. O'Dwyer, ol urich. Mrs. Chas. don, and Miss Isoliell Alexander, of . I , for reaeE-Cruting the main roam in 'scboo'.. . A-1 condWon, I �twp-furrow plow--. Approximately 92 �.army personnel - I I 5t!(r I t,Z . . . . . I .- ". Work to he (lone in -pummer holidays, if pos- tbOth ca)tivator. Apply to JACKSON & Tolin.1laker ,Ind Mrs. H. Fuss attend- April 12th to 14th, M ss Buclianan ii 9tephenson -of Hbnisall is a sister." Toronto, were Easter vveek-end visi- who 6illisted from � sible. GORIION RICHARDSON, B WRIGHT, Seaforth. . 39m-1 ed the sale at Blytb of the late Mrs. the daughter of Mrs. Alex Buchdnan Atthe Sunday school of. the United tors with Mr. and Mr�g­W_F. Alex- . C . . rucefield, ' I ' No. 3, and, who have be6 Invalided- ,. 6 1 . I Ont.. 3983x2� .- Plaetzer's .effects, . of Herisall., , I I Church a girls' quartette, composed,, ander. . - are e ected to. ,,, I FOR S,&LE ­ SMALL QUANTITY OF , . - home from overseap, . xp I .. I I . . I . choice O.A.C. No .21 Barley, 1943 ,crop. Sgt. Jack Smith, of Quebec, spent Mrs. Wesley Richarldson, Carol,Ann of Claudette Blo,Vps, , Marie Boyd,"", The Cocksbutt Plow Co. Ltd. will arrive in Londoii shortly. The invalid-� A I 1� . . . I.. Apply to ROBERT ARCHIBALD, or Phone the week -end at the hoin� of bis par- and Kenneth of Goderfch and Mrs. Elaine Beer and Betty Smale sang a, present "Togethdr We Serve," a tech- ed soldiers from 'overseas are for all' � A.", �iuetion Sales . 1355 r 16, Seaforth. �nd Mrs. Qrvillk Smith.' Jaines St&keg and little' d'auqhter, selection, "O Joyous Flastertinid." niclor film of real Interest, �howing . V, - ­­­ . the militari districts across Canada - .e, . , __�__.­­__. - The scho-ol children are, enjoying a Sharon Marl6, df Loisdon, are spend- Miss Greta Lammie accompanied at their fa � ' _ . ".4 3�M AUCTION 'SALE OF HOUSEHOLD SALE -1 NEW MASAEY�HARRIS 13- . _9tories at work on various war Included in the personnel !Ej Pte, Har� .119, . I T FOR week's vacation. I I , ing this week witb their Parents, Mr, .the piano. . munitioils, also farm . e4uipment and old Hedden, of Hensall, son of Mrs. ­. . " ""I Effects belonging to tht MaIT Estate -in run fertilizer disc dril,l; also I new Gen- . . . .� . Clinton has been postponed until TbuTsday, eral Rowerop Tractgo, with rubber ald and Harold Parsons und Mrs. Wilson Carlile. . I Mr. and -Mrs. Harold Shepherd, of actu,11 farm work from coast to coast. Catherine Heddqn, who enlisted some " C, .. I '. Ai5ril 20th, at J pl.'m. HAROLD jAcKsow, ligthts and starter. Apply to W. T. TEALL, have returned home after holidaying Mr. and Mrs. John Reid of Wing- Toronto, wer,3 Easter visitors with ,A,dded features will 6e travelogues, three, years ago with the Royal Reigi- # .. . Auctioneer. I . . 39s3_1 Massey-Harriv Agent, Seeforth. ,*198.3-1 with thei'r grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. hlim -have n1c - I � ;; � - — -- ­­­ ____ " '' oved to HensallAnto the Mr. and Mrs. James Smillie. comica and actjon,�. all . talk-ing'alid ment of Canada at London, and has . I HAROLD, SPRUCEROW YORXSHIRES - Y 0 U N G ammie, of London; Mr. sound films. ' This is your, invitation been overseas two years last Novem- , � . ,� . I . ICLEARING AUCTION SALE. MR. � Linden, of Denfleld, , home recently occu�led by Mr. and .Miss.Amy L, . I ) Jackson has been instructed to 'sell 'by bred sows "and wean -rings for sale. Apply -AYith ,the return to normal health Mrs, Jack Co�bvft, who have moved and,V.rsl Ray Lammie, of Centrali4, to come -and bring the family.' Keep her. He has been seriously ill In a I... �tOY'LAWSON, 2 miles west of 'Seaforth. I .public auction on Friday, April 21&t, on the (if all tbe families in the community to the farm. ,,I( is believed that Mr. and Hugh, SbAT, R.C.A.F., 'Centralia, the date in -mind: Town Kall, Hen- hospital in England with brain fever V) ­ Spuniary between Tijkbert and,V*,borne, fivel .. 3983XI - . � . I �, �) . I I I I , , I the, postponed Sacrament of the Reid will'take over,the McColl-Pron- were Easter visitors with Mrs. Agnes gall, Tuesday, Ap ll 18th, ati 8.15 .p.m.. and'blood poisoning in t4e spine. His ;,::, miles mutheast of Rensall, at 12 o'clock ------ .- —_ tenac Service Shtion. -, 171 . 1 . i4be foll�)wi,ng; Three horses; 30 head of 1� FoOn SALF-2 GOOD DURHAM tALVE6 I I-Ord's Supper will be dispensed on Lammie and Miss Greta Lammie. Compliments of Charles Jinks, Cock- wife" resides at 218 O'Connor, Drive, _� .. � . Durha. cattle 3�sows; 8 chunks. and a full e -ind two weeks old; ulso 1 6-fooi Sunday first. . .. LAC. Keith! Buchanan, of -Flngal, The April meefi-ng of the* Wofielo shutt dealei, Hensall. '. �. . . 4 . I.. . line omf farm machinery. Everything will be , spring tooth cultivator with wide -and, narrow I I I .1 I . spent' Easter:�wfih his wife and his - ... � '... I . Toronto. . V . . - � ____ - - - , - —_ — . 7 A .� I sold as ,the owner has sold his farm. Terms teeth, "with ,grain box; I -0-hoe seed drill' fathe�, Mr. Wm. Bu'chanan and his I . . -.1'.., . 1. I � I'll Cash. JOHN BOLTON, Proprietor; Bar- with A -us seeder attached: also about ,-)o I 111 . � �1, old Jackson, Auctioneer. . I I acres of land to rent or on, sharea, partly , tAYFIELD grandmother, .Mrs. A. Buchanan., 11 .- � . I ploughed; about 50 bushels seed oats. "Van. I Mrs. Nelson Blatchford who has ,, . I UCTION SALE CK AND , wjnj�r ''months 11. OF FARM STO guard." 1942 crop. Apply to WILLIAM been ,Spending tie ill. ... . AImplemente, ,at Lot 26, Concession S, Hay � 1�01G, R -R. .. No. 3, Rippen. Mr. and Mrs.,.Fred Fowlie, Laurie With relatives in Toronto, returned to - I Township, 11A miles west and 11/4 miles rirr+b - . -s9s3.i Fowler., of London, and 'Mr. and Mrs. �. T; . ,I,t,, . � of Hensall, on Friday, April 14th, 1944,..- - . Gid. Koehler, of Zurich, spent Easter her home here Friday. . , SALE - 7 -FOOT.. MASSEY-HARRIS Miss Marion MacLaren of,G " �"! starts. 1­�.iru.- . H0RSES--2 geldings rising FOR with Mjs�es Etbel--and IrTances Fow� oderich , I., $', 3, years old. CATTLF-60 head of cattle, 14 binder, new condition; 15 -hoe Massey -Har. 11 . ' I I I J head of Durham ,00ws,' .all, due, -in April and ris -disc drill, in new condition; 5 -section lie. . . , . was a week -end glies.t with Miss Nor- ,: - . Massey-HaxTis culti-�Ator, suitable for team Mr. Hugh ,Gilmore is moving into ma Sangster. . 3r, I -Holstein cow; I t*c,_-Tenr­Old` Here- enct Reid and Jerry spent ..,, �Mforry" bull; , 4 head Durham and Hereford or tractor; barp, 80x40 with 12 -foot lean;. the home be 0 purchased, from the Mrs, Clar � ", I heifers straw shed and ho ,; 1,� . heifers due in, X47-, t -head Durham _g Pen,' 50x3o: all timber Weston Estate this week. .. - . .. last week the guest of Mr. and 'Mrs, I . rising 2 years old; 14 Durham and Hereford in these in good repair. To Rent-I.,t 2t, - , I 1A. , head of grass cattle, steers and Concession 3, Ribbert, for grass. Ahw' east - Mr. 'E. Featherston, of London, ' ' John Reid -of Wingham.. - . 4A ealve�', - 20 bar � and ,�� heifers, weighing, 81DO to .900 lbs. IMpLE_ half of Lot 29, Concession 3, Rib, t, for Miss Doi -is Featherston, of Toronto, -Miss MaLYIs Spencer, of Tbronto, , I .", I WENTS-Deerinj binder 7-;fbot cut -with grass. Fur further particulairs apply to spent the week -end at their home. was an Easter. visitor with her pail- * , I JOSEPH NAGLE, Dublin. sa p . . - Cockshatt beaw 11 , . . sheaf carrier and truck; I ,_ � 39 -4 ' The local fishermen are bringing ents. -.vll,. allag,:Nrs. A. �peiicer and . . , with ber'broth , �I, and sister-in-law, Mr. 11, cuffler; 1 in -throw team disc; I bftt�fna_ ., I . I itir FOR SALF-5 TWO ln,larg�'.hauls of perch, and herring . , I 1. Z al farm wagon with gravel'box. quant, -YEAR�-OLD DURHAM ' .. I � . . of ft6o,".as. Terms -Cash.," WILLIAM F. and Hereford steers, half"fat, weighing lately. ' . -and -Mrs. Wal,Wr SpenC4-r and little . �� ' -ruld ks -fat Ircreford heifer ' McLaren ' I ALE I" "I I and niece, Gwes. _3RR, Propkietar; -Us Jac on, from 900,to 1100 -pounds; , Mr. and Mrs, Hu!gb . Anctioneii, .. 8982-2 i about 1000 Ile.; 2 Yearling heifers;' ft ' I . ready to wean in about a w4ek. Appl Pigs of Port Elgin, spent the Pte.'Qarfiet Allan, of Camp Borden, . . . . , to daughter, � .� . CLEARING - AUCTION SALE OF FARM JAMES LANDSHOROUGH, or phone 665 ir 16, holidays with Misses Maud- and Jos- was a weeh-end visitor at his. home � �� , , . , I . �. Stock And"Implements, at Lot 28, Conces- Seaforih. . .. 1 3983-1 ephlue Stirling. I � here, I .1 i Cpl. -Harold Banthron, of Kingston, . . sioo 13, McKillop, hal.f mile west - — ' ' - . " . _. . bury, on Tuesday, April 19tti, at 12A0 o'clock FOR SALE -1 BRbWN DOUBLE IRON Mrst Churchward and son, Gerald, , spent Easter with'.&s p'4rients, 'Mr, , - . VIVL� - - team. of , London, spent Ahe *eek-eidd in . . shalT. ,the following: R0RSL_1 . bed, also springs and,roattress, good as .- and Mrs, Jas, *, Bolithrofi. - ,-, ,; of marei, -rising 7 yearp; I drivezy, rising 7,* new: never used. Apply to MRS. RICHARD their cottage.' , . . , . . . � . I works single q , double. CATTLE -4 grey ,ROGERS, James St. Seaforth. 39S3X1 , Mrs. McKenzie fell last wiaek and ' Mr. and Mrs. Llqyd Hudson, of St. ' 11 . . .r . Marys,. were East�r. visitor With Mr. A . . cow, milking, due -2jov. 2nd : 1 grey cow, It broke a "bone in her leg- apd- was. - . .S , . years old, due Api4l 19th; I blue cow, fresb- DASlX` SEED ,OATS -IN 1942, 95 BUSH- inton hospital. Her'Many ,Thomas Hudson. . 11 � ,; I I ened�. bred again; l'big cow, due 'April 20th', 1 ele.were -threshed from one acre- We taken to C1 , - , " , -1 white cow, due�end of Avril; 1 grey heifer, off- 100 bushels ,Of this . from friends tor a speely *recovery., ,Miss Marg- ret'Tudor, who has been .! ' seed growti, hope, . . , � - .- ., .� .. wilking,, bred again, I red cow, milking.. due Government sealed bags last year. Price per Mr.. and. Mrs. R. H. Middleton, of, employed.'At Dundas' for the past few . ,.I � Nov., 20th; I spotted cqw, Just fregWned; I bushel in our bags, $1.20 At barn. Also a T -T the week -end with I years, leaves for Goderich shortly to * � I. L. , red X, A�� end of May-. zI - red heifer, due- few bushels of No. I quality .timothy ,peecL 1.49ngall, spent ' ' r& ., . � Ising 2 J. E. HUGILL .& SON, on Highway 8,. west 'Margaret Woods. take a, ,�jmilar position as bookkeep- ... Ist July; ,3 i4teers, 9 and'10 SWL, i mother, Mrs. . er and stiellograpli'er. ., I years; 5 -head of steers -and heifers rising 2' Of Seafo � rth. .. .1 39$2x2 Mr. John Bates, principal of the 'Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Sberritt, . Aam- -� .,. years,, 6 Yearlings; 5 calves; I bull, 3 years I public school, 'is sp6-hding the holi- �, ­,_ . old. (Young cattde will be fed till grass, if F OR SALE.-ONE.HUNDRED 'AND FIpTy days at big home in Brussels. . � I 11ton, were visiLors Saturday with Mr,. ' I ddsired). PIGS, AND HENS -1. sow, due cemetery monuments, including the fol- ' .. ,.,� �, . I � June 17:t4; 10 chunks; 70'R4ck hens. IM- lowing colors: Slack, Red, Grey and White Mrs. Win., Sturgeon retxfrned last and Mrs. T. �. Sherritt. . .. i - MkL4sey­Harris binder q -toot Granites (imported). Transportation arrang- Week from Alvinston, where she v - . I ­ . PLEMENTS .1 is MI'$. J. Wilson, of,.$tratford, spent . . out; I Debring inower, 6 -foot cut; 1 eultivs- ed to and from Mitchell by dropping a card o Easter -witli her inpther, Mrs.. Mar3f I �1, � ter; I mamiXg spreader: I Mwsey-H-Arris hay or Phoning 99. FRED PORTERFIELD, Mi I ited her br the� who was ill ' Brown, and with her brother, Mer- . � l 'Inson, 'gi LAmdon, . 11 � . 4oaderi I McCormick-DeeHng disc drill (11 chell, Onf. 1 3981-4 , Mrs., Garnet Ath I . � bose); G -section harrovs; I disc; 1,s�cuffler; ' ,. I . spent the week -end in her cottage on vyn. . I - - .,. I wagon with box and stock rack; 1 track � . . Sgt. Jack Smith, of St. John, Que. 1. I - Rivpr .Terrace. I I ! . I . 1. wagpn; I hay ra'3k, r,Aling top;.1 set sloop I w gter'.visitor -with his Pat- , . I sleighs (nearly new); I ri(ling plow; I Walk- -, Special East4r services were held .. . Notices .. ents, Mr. and ,Mrs.'Orville Smith, and � . .- I ay in the United Anglican �. Ing Plow; I twin Plow; I Pig boi: 1 cutter; - -, . oil Sund, ' �J. 1. bag"; I grinder; 1 fanning mill; I set OTICEL­WLLI, THE PARTY IN WHosE, i and Presbyterian churches. . his .grandpatentsi Mr.. and Mrs. Wm; ­ N Consht. I I � I I - 2 wa.s found ft parcel containing men's f Mi,. and. Mrs., Bristol 13 ... ;:: , R scalea, 2,000 lbs.; 1 set double hal,ness, arrived --o ' ,. I A I I *se e 'T - Mr. and 'Mrs, G. Gould, of Toronto, I ts, single Kai-iiess; severral horse coilars; loth n',, Pleas� return to HURON EXPOSI-' hingt6n, D.C., .., sever . Thursday last t 1:: &I wool horse blankets; sliovels; forks; . TOR. . , frohi Was IL I I .8193.1 were Easter visitors with the lattpes . ! '. I . . pick; crowbar; logging qhains; cant hook: --- -.---. _ --- — --- _ and are guests at the Little larf. - -parents MI'. and Mrs. Geo. Walker. i I post hole suger� whiffletries; -material fon D VINN'S MINERAL FOR HF,ALTkY Mi!;s Manson returned on Monday . . , I h FIM . making whiffietwees; 8 4oubletrees; ay , Dr. �Vm. Joynt, of' Byron, " 11 I - Cows and How�. KERSLAKE FEED, frofn London, where sie spent the � spent ., ; I crosscut saw, handsaws; a quantity Seaforth, aml.E. D. Eastel- with his :1 , knife, . . KYLE. Kippen. past two months vNiting friends. ,, ther,,.Mrg. Alice ... . lot lumber; 3 sugwr kettles; 1 milk can; lad- ______ Joynt. �� I %.. �, ,, - i: . 5len 1, 2 oak barrels.; OTICY-TO, ALL OUR FRIENDS AND Messrs. Ewink Buchan, of' Saska- I . I . � 2 steel tro=bs " P'P`oe"ta; N toon; Laude,:. of Wmd-qor, and Wil- Pte, Edgar McClincheY, of"Loadon, , I l I roll barb wirei chicken wiTe; cedar Custoffiers .- - We would like to inform 11 �, , . � I ., I chibkdn feeders.; 300 bushels feed grain; ,2 you that Mr. Frank Finnigail's ,contract with liana, of Dunnville, spent last 'weekl' w,as a wceek"end v1s , 1tor with, his, wife- , "i tons Western oat chop, 1 ,t ' on bma ', I ItenS us has ex ired. So anyone wishing W—tk i-' I with "'their slSbn% M rs. I , . 11 frew drearn separa,tor; I strainer pail; num- Margaret and little son,. J'Arry.-B.dgar, ,expeds � I P0.11. Please deal direcyt with, Your W-at� to be moved 'to Peterborou in the ��� . bar of..cWf valls;' heavy is* anvil; 'horse kin's dealers, MR. OR MRS, %rNf.,-BRAD_ Woodq� ' . ..gh 1- ,, cr FURNITURE - One Daven))*rt; I S1I.AW Se . 'fiel,`Mrs. G, W. Elliott and' Ilear future. ., 1. . . I Ippers. . m ,aforth� ph',,e !,,O. . , M I,. 9 Son, : ' ,. 'A I I I deather rocker; I Victrola, 15 records r T . I .11 - ... i Mr. and 'Mrs. Casey -Hudson - aird �- . - wooden b�-ds; 1, rocking chair; I aingl,� bqd; ,----____ 8983x2i Billy, spent Tb6sdny in London on il . .. I mattress; lamps (Ala4din, gas and coal _ I business. ' I . I baby, Of GOderieh,' spent Easter ,with . � ,oil).; I writing desk; I Spartan radio (bat- A�RE YOUR ITOGS STIFP, SCTIRFY, ANT) Mr. ,,Ind Mrs, Goo. Hudson. I , Pale? Use Rog -Fix -it fixes 'em, KERS I Mr. and -Mrs. Harold ScotchMer anct' I :­. I 1. I ;ED - 1 r1airghter an.0,..'misq Mnibel: Scotcbmer Mr. and Mrs. Olarence Shepherd . ­ tery) ; 8 waslistands ; 2 oets "Prings *- dishes ; - LAKE FE , Seaforth, and E. I), KYLE, I � an,teTns ; . I , " I roast pan; I table; 1 wardrobe; 4 1 Rippen. I of Toront.6, were gues,ts of Mr. and and daugbter, of London, :visited av- . � I meat , grinder; kitchen chairs; kitchen -----.-- . � er Eiqtpr with Mi.' and Mrs. John ; I . liable; 8 coal oil cam; coal oil tank; gallon RE YOUR CHJCKS PALE, ANAEMIC, TR M r" - Robert Scotchmer over Oas�er, , - �� I . . dbil; i1nufa; Be . ;. jars; 1 heater; I laun- A weak ? - Use 'Red , Blood. Quickly Tableti. Mr. - and Mrs." David Dewar,' of To- Shepherd, . ,q I ; I dry,stove "d MI; 1 icoal oil s�ove� 3 -burn- KERSLAKE PEED, Senforth, and B, D. rolito, spenCEaster with his, parents, Mr. and Mrs, Hlatbld Poster,and '.I 1, � er. with ov'hx; m"k oww� OYMV�eand; I tea KYLE, XiPpen. ' r. a n d ' Billy, of 131,vtb, wer6itaster ,haltors �6 . . kettle; I granite water paill; I viohn In box;, __ . . - k Mrs. Davit] Dewar. of with Mr. and ' .. 1 crokinole board; I oak tanned leather coat, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart, X�s- Ablione J�oster . , DO YOUR CALVES SCOIJR? RED BLOOD , . . 11 ;, ned s-��I FRED WAR- - &c Hamilton' spent tlrO,week-end in their I �o .� _.. -Aheellskin 4i - Teraii ,W�ab=, will step. them. KERS- I and *Ray, ' . ,­. I ,LETT, Proprietor, E. P. Chesney, Clerk; LA orth, ,and E. P. ICYLE, Cottage on Louisa Street . Mr. Rvy Paterson_of T6Tonto, sgpnt � . I Harold -Jackson, Auctioneer. " Easter with his parents, Mt. and Mrs. � � . �� -, � I Kippen, r�e. Grant Turner spent a few day , . I , . � ,. ".I.. , VJLBARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM. POULTRY -FOR SATISFACTO' wi h his wife and som' , - a R. J, Pat7vrs6n. - I . .*. 1. -I'St6ek and lknplem�utiff, at Lot 22 Ounces- . RY CULL� . � Lose Infant D4u9hti'r . � , ­� and highest in�arket Prices, call GEO. " Mr. '� Fred Turner, of 'Godericb, , " aian 4. L,R.S.. Uckennath, 2% Wil�; east WA "" gensall. Much sympathy 18� expreb'sea to Mr. , y .�111 of'Brawfield, and one n -d -le south , on Wed- , LKER, Phone 119. spent Sunday with friends In the and mrs. ,jan , �, ' , � ...... nesday ApA ISM),ig-f I o'clock p.m. sharp, ____ 3981XI2 Village. . -'rinney, of Hay' in the , I Zowini;: HO1 ft-BlAck--.013rde .team, NOTIPE-WILLIAM BRADSHAW, YOUR ...'.. . Toss of their ,infant da . lighter, Linda , ! ,,�.. ..----- . '. 1. the i� 1 � I . 18 Years old; black mare. 4 years old-. gen- .� � Elalnej who, died In St. ,Joseph's Hos- . . 1, . WaWn's dealer, and also ag"t for E. D. ____ I X".. . eral Purpose mare 3 years old, general PUT- Smith & Son's fruit and ornamental nursery PItaJ, London, on Saturday afternoon, r . .1.4. pose colt. 2 y4wra old; general purpose eolt� stock, Market 9freet, Seaforth, Ont. Pho HENSALL I , ­ 1.ye�ar old., (These cofts -are balf Percher T1 April 8th,'bgving been ta*en there on . . ,4', on 50. . I . . and half HdaJl"). 'CATTLE -2 Holstein . ­­ m'"f'm� 'Friday in a serious condition with a . � I �� � I I � . . . &Vot due to freshen in April; 43 Durham Suffering from ]Backaches, Rheu- stomach a!lmpnt. .She wits two ... _ I .­ . I.., c4nm due in A,vrg; 14 steers two Years old; AUCTIONEER , matte Pain. Sciatica, Lumbako is not . . ­. moinths old'the day she died. EtreTy-- , I . �1. ,V*4W1114p (Rei*ords); 2 steers, 1100 Ibp - necessary. Use RUMACAPS at 9,kP8. -thing possible in ,the, way of medical . I -- , - '-1 . valvee. PIGS-��2 'York sews due i j;;. I .. �;. . 2 n I W.. S. O'Nelly D6nMld for quick- relief. Middleton's Drug science was done for her, In ' . ��� �. . 10 elmialm, rA fba, P-OULTRY-200 year-old IF YOU� WANT TO REALIZE GREATER Store. ut she ... "L - Leghorn )MM. IMPLEMXNTS-1 M.tormiek- . I I,, . returns from your Auction Sales ef Live . passed away despite 4, .1 that IoNling . I lil - Doerinit inowe.r. 6 -foot out; I Mssse�y-,Jft Stock and Farm EquiPment, Mk these who The KIPPen East Women's Institute care could do for her. The baby's ' I ,10, " ; dit�aj� zake; I Massey -Harris is-dise -drill, I know and have heard me. piftoen Moiher is the former toig McClin- .1 �, _y,��, ex- 11�.,�-;�. . MA68eyl-Harris spring ,booth cultivator; 6-0ec- Perimce. Sales conducted anywh , will -hold In the Town HAII, Heuiall, obey, formerly of Hiansall. J$urviving I V;i � ti4s harrows, newdy sharpened; I 14 -plate dates, Phone 28-7, Granton, at era' For sale on Friday, April 14th, a (lance with 4''. i'3106hr0W dia,q,, I -hay A -Mer.; I Massesr-Har- MY eXPellse. _ I Q: wt Ivan acuffer; I Mo , 9970-d floor show. Dancing Will commence a,re her parent, one little brother,. 1"r.,� ti Wdirmick walking icuf- I I Dwayne; her grandpareiAg, Mr.% an& , , ' . 4 I I 1. 96%,; 2 -furrow Cookbhutt rdtng view (narrow, . at 9.30 with Murdock's orchestra- - I , �i". , . Mrs. Robert Tinney, of -RAY, and her ., I .... fn and wide bottom); I walking plow; single I N I . ';,"I", , fUhloW riding plt*; 9'0644t. scales, root .. I grandmother, Mrs, Arthur MCC1111cho'y " 'j"' r ,' 401w; J�ddeil, 22-foat; bag tmek; - - I . . . . . .:;�:.k of the .Goshen. Attendifig the funeral . . . . . , I . I _ a ttuck 1� -toot hs,y* rack; I th=e- ALLAN�In Scott Mem�rjsl . I (Continued, fftm Page 1) 'f, =t 16 . , � 'j,: I Hoqvital , on from Hens -all were. s. aanley Jinks ,� , . "V,_ 'I . I tffi***r 'am `Vrogolb; 9MV4g b" - " tkeen - April gth, to Mr. and Wit, Russell Allan, "Christ Arose" (by Lorry). , . � � , I - . ?0*6n, boz., 1'�� Wndh dleigfia (*�* thoe- IL daughter. . and Mrs. Edgar ,'V610l1nc)iey; from. , � ` 1; . -, - ) !; fte .1,16igh Xftk , I vildlig �, tfx%ft n Holy Communion was held at St. Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Me- . . �J,�','�;�, ; 11 sep- TOR -J" Olinton Hospital,, on April Sth, to I , . ,t6r (ne*y."A, ZU�; i Z"v & , , i;;;; I, I r 21 f� � , , , , it,'�a _t4i,6,, rh Alk, and Mrs. A. W. Dic1c, t*in some. Paul's Anglican. Church ftilday *,orn- ObAchey and Mrs..'Arthur MeClInchey _, - � , , , G ,Y; � 00.w 4 finthal;k fi6ft'. calf a v' -P`URX,%-tn Scott Ideme,ial ila"ftaa, bn Ing presided over by tbd Roct Rev. �f the Goshen. The funeral was held �� j" 4 � , ,mbikiis rowlcyo t . 3", i -"- - , Zlolt *W k;�§ - 69'A' d". (1d, lubl i :' April kit, to Mer, and Mi.a. J,weph It , V"��I.,� J, � .I. - I 4*4,;,"�Ierotlii ot I " , I N-16 Was bil. Monday, cofiducted, by Rev. T.19, -, I Al :, ­ I r�t jwb4i, , R .f* V . - M. A. Hunt. TU eveiAnk se � I __ ";. ", Burns, Sffafflorth, ,A got. . " r , ' i� '' , zt. / z 11;1�.�, . ORAW-1 auuup�� ;WA �.r' o'l h largely attended. The choir, under TaYlot, minister of, Cgfmiol -Ptesbyttk- ,I, . '. . 1'r "", - - 1. I. . ; ; � 11.111.11 � 40 * 'MR 4YAN-1.1i Scott Monoritil Rbapital � AU, hki�ea'_�gi?MU I (;ua#9f* k" 'M-.' --the, direction of M4'ss Ethel -AUlark, ?-,q� '' � I'th, to Mr. and urb willism. : fan Church., Burial was in Exeter ,'�, , � �r ot aww hu IMA'd " - I - . . 6�i , ;., , ; ii&g r � . , '. ig "A& 1, J 6.h) . Killol), 4t gom I . . I 164dor and organist, sang, "Why �eek cenikery. . I �Qii,',�',, , , . I I I . MAILLWAIN-l[n SoottWo ­,,­ 1, .0 . 4 , I , iy It, soloYiAg,bottg' lfobt, b,oea No% WelrleV6 in I J;;�q" 0 , I � , All � . I Z'i X_ , Mrial,,Hospift], on ye the L.Mng 6hMmid'# fflde6 "'r " Z;i , ;, "iArril 1% tO, Mr. �and mrs. mvvey me- 10011, Mrs, W - O.' -Goodwin And Miss Marguerite ,MacDonald, Ron- , Alk, I I * i; 11 �V4* � 01til.* a 00n. CAM Ii. 11�:?,,� , , ,, i , �� 1� , , , .��: ,� , 0AVN0ft19­%t*- afta aw*. xm,w Saitii&,% , Mm. T, 0. Robinson. A�, 1OV61y h d I 'b 1 returnhig from LoAddyl I . ,i'�,­ ", �, I ;', . gall, W I 6 1� ;..�;: � i, - 1, 1. I 1, ''. �'11 " ., , � ;, : Id Z4, ­ 0 1 ,) , , 11 " -1 � ... , , , M4 (Re6 It'den, ,41(ft*), .ia r"96 Waia' t1ladea 11% the &Urell�l I , - h �' . I I ;, , , I v, 11 � _ , ,;­ , .. . ... ... 'M ��� � "; ... . . ,: __ � . � ,,, 'ife"4firo in" 06 attifty Of, A#ir,* .4 oil Wednesday lag,.�ade6inviinidd bfl,� - ;,��,�.�� I �, , � r,,. i", � , . . � W=: - - �, "?�,'��',' ,­ I" I ', 4111 -Tf ,F* %MIM 1.11".. �, memory of the late_ Up, and Mria. 'her Motlier stoppo I r,", ,, ­� I ; I A WAM611. Wedii4di�k A% i ,,"00 * I 1�1 , , , �­ . � _, . I ;t-� �,:`:, "t�j : � , ­il"; ;, �;J' , , " �-. '1',,',1, %bf=Pftd bithtea welt :1hlW1Y,, � airmet , ,, ,�N;Ci,.A�13111W I ��l " � '.1. Brook, "d Milt by tho, 011a6k Zd, vl 'if, L ,,�,,`,, �,, , . 1� "'V .1 ,,, �,, i�� I'll . ! I I . 011,01� 1041 _r �11 ", ­",q'r., "'. i �,;,;, ;� ;,;, :" I iK� "I I ,Ix `�,75�"�,,".'!�*4 X 11 I ., -kl 1'� I.,11 �1, ,, ,- . I ";, ; ': !"N . 11, , �, , ;!; I . .1 I , ­,, 1, �0, . . -1 , I .1 �, ; I k " . I , j �,' 1'$� � F I qv'� I .1 _ , I.. I � 11 I . ',�.q .. .... g�, r'; , , 11 . ,., I I , 11 � I , . . I . . I . . 1, , . � I I . I I .1 1. , ;�, -,�:!, , , ,. , I I -4. � "t '...!t3r,1 , "' I I 1. 'A';,,O,i�Q. I I � , " '. ;, r � I . . I . �� . : I � , "' I , L . ­., 1, .__ 1�1,14'41 . � . " , . I I I . . . . 1, ti� ",r ,,i'.,-",�', "� . I ._ , .- I ­� � ,� ,., , 1. . �4 � _ � . , I I I , , I I I I 11 11" t.,% '"' . "", , " .�'.­ , -.,�,�,_. I'll.4'.1 � I I . . 11 , ''. . . . 411,11 ­ _'t .. . ... �, �� , - , 11 . � 1. � . ­ . � � I . i I ,f� ,"?,��-&, � ";r , ,, T, � 1, � � ,, :1, I _I p ­­�­,14",_� 1418, .1.1-1, 7 , 0,,� .... .... I., 7 � .11, ". I I . I . I I I � I .;;,, �,41�:,,�:Ci ,, i , � , I I I ., �.�.. � � ''/:. .., � �- - I I . . , , .. � .. I ,., . . - I , , , ;,, . * ,:; " j, � % Z 4 :", :, . . I ­ . . . I , .. I I . , g , nli,j .�, - 1'�: � , I '': !iZ I J I � � . , . . 'I', 1. 1. - ". . . �� k � g ',' i,!I(i �g';�,.�. , �"gT,_l"." ,_'I � , .1� I � � '��, 1, � ,.,,, ", ". �. I I. ., . . . . ". .. i " I �, , I I .1 ,:. . � . 1, .11 ?,�:,� 11 �; ,��, ,, �.�� "". q , 'r, .'�­ ;, .­_ . 'N" I .. � �, ­, I � . , . � 4 . . I ... � , '.."; I _ . , :,-,.;- "' :!.,ij',' -it" r ��`. - I '. I . 1, .1.1 I ­ .­.,� I / I � , I . I __ � - 1 ''4.".I. L' '' . I I i ­,­ ,"., I ,_�:'. - � . �, . P% ,,Ii.�l,,�,,��.,I���e""Ji�,,I,""lb,��'�'�"r,,,,,.,�',� 1�.,�.""�,�'_�,6 'j". ,r- I . � ,., -1 ti! ­j�y 1.7�.C' �,�'. :�,`, I _ , , .,�. , . I I - "'_r.__, �,� ;��, ) �,%,�,�,P) .p . ..... .. -11.1- " 1.�.", 1. k .4� , I.", .''! I -.1 3, " , �, :, I ,;,, � , -, ` ' . . , , . I I . 1. �,,�i " ,.,:�_ �',�_��tr,f,�".. � ,,1y.,,., ''. 1;, 11 :', I , 1,;..� :"!, � , �rl.�i,'i,,4� "e"',- 7�Air� � ,�, , 1,1� I I I,— . - �. � " , , � , �,� '�, �. ',,,.1,Mr',,,' N I . I ­ ;::,_ ... . .. L��, � I :���;.�."I,�,�,,�,,�,,,,-���l,.j,�.,,,-,,; - ; , � " � 11A ,.,,y,*%� '.,��',�,J',,.".� , , r " I - ­ Y,,�; ,,,� . ! � - . . :: � "Ill .... mr, �- -g' 71�i,CYVV � � ,��,�d` �� ,,��'i,'�l'i""*.'."l�'.'(�4'i'� A '�' , lv'� '' I -,.� ;q�'�,%',4,',E51% lilliak .,��,�,' ,,.",i`2,'��,!� ,,��'j, ��I,� ,�,�,� ip. I. '. � , .,;.;1 . ''. � , I L911"t"I't '­,� V%111 " I -�, fj�.�': , � - W - � , - 4- � ,: "�!�,�`C,.-`.,ri .. . ... ,­�,.' �;�,_ �. 1 , 1�11'_ , .�, . I'll, I ij­�,�,,J ',-,'!�".'�', '11,1�',,��J, .' ',t I � `­V,TkA(AW11WV , "(!i - � 11'r, , � _� � ; , � k , - '1,,��Ly 1�,Zl � is,': - � . .� . "I", , , ,. , `� ." �,'."',�,�� - , � I'll , , A'. , , � .�,'�i 1'el� �12.1` � �, � �, �. , I ,?;,� _�", 1.1' F ,�AA,` ,� '?-.,,I,, , -P., , -, 111"N" . .. � .V ,� gm .""�y,�"i"r"l"'�II.Fl"";"",��ill""."z , ,�� , _ , " "�, ,', , :: i, L., I 9� _,� "A'L., I., '1*.`MR' ��&,,.—,�iRgb&���f7,iT��'.�'L,�,q ""`�­��Y,,", � :,;O"'�,'�,�;, , "". , � , '�,'i, - � ,r�, ,;:",: , 11�111t. A0y 119&L, PW�,19NV4 -1-1111,11-00",-, - �,,,, a� . I I ::,� � ,,.� � -', �, ,