HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1944-03-31, Page 8',,.',,,'�', , , �.Nl,il.11il­lo, i " , �, - , , - , . , ?, , � : . , 1, , . ,�, , ����"."�,�,,'�,�,,,,�::,,�,������,�31;,�'���:,tl�i��'��',��".'�-,'�,,�j,�,'�,'.�.6'� ," I I - I 1. 1114 "I'' �,;� ���. "���:��i;�,'�,�',�411,11��i".,��'�'�i�,;i"��,,,,,,'�.���'�"..'.���, 11 ;�l"..�.!,'��;'�,�:�"",;.,,�,���,,.,, �, , ,;-.:Ii,",�,,,��",i�'.'��,�,����i��,,���,-�,�"'�'i;���!'������t:"�.��-�'. ��.i , lv! ,;�,,�, , i, . ,:,,�,`� �, , A­"� --I, Ili � � I ", 1,;l .11 , , . I � . ""i'j, ,�,li-, ;�,�, ""� ��l 'Ii lVj�',,,,il:-�I.i�!A , ". �� � , ." ,.-! ''I", - —­­­!­-­-' �., � ­" 11 ll'.14" �.,. . ,� pt,­lw ...... - . ­ " -� ,,-� . �`-�,�­' �;. -, �7.,:" � �1'1 ; ,� . . _:,_ - 1. �.,,'�, -1.1--li, i�� , .1��, I %� I 1 'I,, � ,�,..:, .� '. , ", , �� :-.� , " l,'4" 1'1�71, . , 1. � . I �.i -, I �. t ;, ,,, � , . .., 11 , . I ". . - - , .— , .1 , .; ,< , ,I., . , ., , " � � I . I , . ,.. , " . : , , * " �ii I ,. 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W� � . day I I ,,,, . � , � " ii; � " 1, -, ,"! : , , � , U. �:", � � '�'L,)I'J�,,� " "; .��i: � � , "" 'M .1 . ... . , I l ;, ---- ,� 4 - � ,­�,, "' 1, I , ,4 , �, I - I wrdod t. . ` ,.I , 7' , " �� ,� . � . l I � ,� �", I ,� � i .�Jfux'T$- I I VO aome� houTs-'rbeforei.-. � MtK­Stailk "I 1 411 -1j, . I -1, ��,,,"I',"'�:,,���',�',""���,,'�'i'�'",�;".,�';,',:����e"t� � 0 . ­�� ..... . , � , ­ 't 9 L �:.' -, - --- � ­ ­� 'ib ., � ., . ��'M W . .1- , I r , BeA." tft�. P#V L,r, . - h., 44 7- : t11 ­'VW, -1 . . ',e#L"-W .' .4 , 1— -4 app,are_gUy occut ­ - n ­ .. "t 1.p ,.11.1Z1 1��14 ... IF . . � I . . I I t, Z -1"i" � ��, , 1!1, i �, il, � `� . � 1 4 � "I, I , , ­­ . "'' -- ­ - �­ -��W4-;` I .. . ,,, , - 1 , , ,. , l',1 11 . ,":I �, L ,,,, l -, �; ouno Ion ­;;;�.,W 4;�',O�,,",` �4�'., �,`T�' " Ailn` i� . A" , 111111M ,',­,.�,� I . ` , , I I I I ,* ." " K -.l,�.,�.,T-, ,"'I' 1E . " . last wg@, *04 J)7; m4pi C n,� - I -- V�.-,.--.,F,'. T, AT - �- ,"iv-.-�44 I ,­ il ;F;; I � Oosvp ro4ill '' I I ,�,,k-,�4m­�­ " '.�,: ...... ,W- :;��.� .... ... ,, ", T; � ­', , ,,� - , , ,was bo,ru In VA%ighan� township, Yort I.., I 1110),cylylulliv,115, X : Ig iR'b f . � ; �.Irll " *"� � � .. 't 1. , � - ,, " , , , ;,,11'1�,�1�1';" ',� �'�l , I - �� ­ 7 I' , - ".. 11 ", I I , " "";"�i r, , .. , ,�� "I, ; � . Im � Nagle, ;, l ,'.I� 'I'll', " � I I .�,:. ln " " I �,� -.1. ", , ,�, ­,',.:`�*,�;�'. . .. I �10,411 ,"I'll" ,' � , ,.�, ,, ­ ''! 1 .01 Qltuer'$mithl an- County, 83'*ears ago, an4 spent her, �' i4­,SeJ'1 - i " bi ArI001 I - " . . � � , , I , .."ll, �� � ­ . 0 � ; . , , r A ,� ' 'i:� ' '. , ' Z ,I, . a Jane, Provost . " I . . kv, , . I 1",,�,`,,�,i�l��-��;,? �. P � �',��Y�,��4�y��g. aughtel , � I.. NOW SU - , , 'oh, r . , . ,, . 8 OF n une" , (':,414 - ' " Duhlin,' , ­ -,. - , ', �. 0—Thu , � wo �. it �. ,� � � . , ..- ,, ;- ,A ­ V t ­ ., I 11 � lia��,,`;l'��4�L` -,; �. , 1, " 140ru# w0i��,.. 0 . _ f� . ,�, );? , , .. .. l ,�, , 11, - I I ". .1 � " -'�* '. ;z', ,,� ,;� 1711.11-1 - li�OrPo]146: I Fte, Leonard A'A - i� "Quo me 0, .11 I , :;� *096 P . M S. . " OVIVIN roby, �� 4 I . ,,,.�W , I;-K-A1..,L L1441 tip, Corps, London, and I - 'i $$ . , ,K Ig beth ."t, �fv , A , �, i united in marriage,.to� Mr. Alfred E. ' ­­:` APRIL 4th - �� - t f th+ early life -there. ln,1897. she was 'l' '. l, , r ,jo.1"I d AA T'(E SPAY, . * . . �, � :-" - , J"�­.,,­.­ . .. j, Will".111i., . .. , I., ­ ­!�;, .. . 1. ­ I " ­ i � ­ - - . .. � . I .�-1111, "J"", ' 'g . I 51 , 1� ­%. � I l � Mr. Roy '�;proat o I -­­­ -Nagle, a,lao-of London, with Mr�. and- � . I : , Second show starts L9 -.1V-,.--, �..91;1�1.l,',, . "� "�, _ l4Gouigle, son Stark, of Seaforth and for forty-Bix 'N 1. ,., .� , �"q' . � , . 'i", mi ­ffl­ ll . Mr. Robert B11 years Us I 'a�is- , . 1 "42`-'�.il . ,i,!, %m;,, 444", aGoniiie, of Seaforth, Auspices' 4f6r � 0 140titu Mrs. Michael Nagle; Marie Xi L L, !�.p , � ,;.L ile 1. � � . � 414 ,,, �, , ,,, - . I , 94" � I Woi6n' I "j,", i . ­ I had been a cojitiniio and es:- I UO 130B HOPE. ' , XASU PITTS �,,4 ,,, ,� 1 L . . I . � ,.,;Z,(,X i , , I I , ..., I the 6 ORCHESTRA kopf , , I ­ . . . V��,��Ll!,�� " * �,, ��, �. �� " �': and the late Mrs.' M.cGouigle, MUA000H . .u, with her mother, ; P . k I - . ,� , - �0'j� �Ca herine Krauskqpf; � " LET'S FACE -IT � 1. , rjK�. , ". 0,� - XIXU1.0mr-ot, desIrablel-dwellings for teemed resident of this town. She ., - - 40,L ­CENTS ' of 4ndo ,l- � , �j;,�'e,, 41 I � iage to 'take ,place quietly the . , ADMIpSI, Mrs. t Mr. and k ill ,i!­�, �:�,�,�., niarr was a member ,of Nortb,%,Jdg'1Vuited ­ � A . I "' ���u ,�v �wq* jj�g one' grame dwelling ,�w 'middle of A , 11plucing 940 - 1AO-- Mrs. Wilbur: Math�rs and daughter, .. The fastest moving fun -story of the year. , � . prd. , -.,. ., -­ � Church and 'had taken an active and _ ' l, . . . _ . �,�,ty,�!,,'�` .8 . .0. Total Proceeds For War Work — I �,�.-.� , ".. � 43,0orge . treet. , I interested part In all the women's . : Heren, of Kincaroilge, with friends . . . . I . I I . . ; I � . I . . �5,,�`.­,� . I Boy Scoots.—The meeting was OP- Burns, Chatham, 1. I . - 'a' that church, and . here; Pte. Harry I �,p -il I � , . ,organizations Women's . ' I � . DAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY ;�,�- �i, WATSON & REID ened with the flag break and the re- particularly in that of . the* nts, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel MON I I k 41.'�, I , the Building Committee, which 'had with hlP pare , . . - ��iw,"., peating or the -Scout Promise. Then Association. Mr. Stark predeceased charge ,of the building of the' new Burns; Miss Betty Murphy Spent the . I 1. . . . �",,�'­,:, , M, A. REID . Proprietor . Second Show starts 9:15 "A C'. I . foil -owed h game df Crows and Cranes. her a number of years ago, but she church and sheds. In 1905 he was week -end in Londoa; 'Lorraine Looby, Sh, I .1 1 , A ,��'l r After ,the lgame ,�r� had Instruction. � . her mother, are -the laughs afighting man lives by ... the loves he dre.ams � 1�o�,,': � ., i Reg.N., London, with �- ,,f?;1,. . phojae 214 , : Seaforth Harold Knight, Francis Huisser and is survived by One Bola, Mr. Harold united in 7marridge to Miss Emma . of I . . and the thin s he fights for in— . ,��', E. Stark' Mrs. A. M. Looby; Helen O'Reilly, or , . I -9, I I I' � . 1, �,,�) , . SPECIALISTS IN ALL LINES OF �Tea Mtll�4en passed the "Dairymans" , of Welland. She is also sur- Burdge, who survives, together wi.th Waterloo, with Mr. " and� Mrs. Louis . . . " GUADACANAL DIARY 9" � � A I I . , )1�11��z,. .. , . . R I �badge We then played "Pony Ex- vived'by two brothdirs and one sister, a family -of tw.D sons and one daugh- rs. Doris Monahan . .... .. I—. . LLOYD NOLAN ,. I I'll * . 0. .1 �� ,MLr,' Levi Stong, of Clinton; Mr. +er, Mr. W,illiam Fotheringham, of Dorsey; Mr. and * I- - . , , '11�-", I � — I press and the meeting was closed Stong, of Norwich, and Mrs. -&kersmith- Mr. John Fotheringham and two sons, Mitchell, with Mf�', and I - - -- 'T% . �' I , �­ �, �. . � ,. . I M�- '"T if were George I � : I AN f, 11 lur; Tqv­ A rF1TT1D T-% A Xr I �­ . " 1 - I'll I . � ;,!' , I . . - - 1 . , l J '14 1 . . I I , I � . ,� 6 I . I . . � � I . : V . . I . , � , , ,, � I � �, . � , , , : I ll.� '. . , . . I I , . I . 1, I . . . . '. � I . I , , ; , ;;; , . i I I I by lowftri-ag the nag. 0 . the Honour Patrol. I I ..0 1 W. M. S. Senior Auxiliary. ' ­ The ;Senior Auxiliary of the W.M.S. met in First Presbyterdan Church Tues- I day, March 29th, at three o'clock, The President, Mrs. Win. Freeman, open- ed the mee�ting by, a very impressive . reading of a story, forcibly illustrat- ing the ,.�yer expanding results ob- tained in answer to a consecrated prayer. At the conclusion of the . S. Pollock, of San Antonio, Texas. The funeral was held on Thursday afternoon from Wbitriey'* Punerdl ' Chapel, When -the service was C013- ducted by her pastor, Rev. H. V. Workman. Interment -was made in Maitlandbank cemetery the -�Pallbear- ers -being ,'kessrs'. D. H. Wilson, M. McKellar, B. F. Christie, M. A. Reid, J I I G . Lawson and W. D. Smith. -6� ., - I Death of Dugaid Fotheringbam.— In the death of Mr. D4gald Pother- of Hamilton, "and Mrs. William Sin' clair, of Stanley, and -one grandson, , . Robert Dugald - Fotheringham. - He is also survived -by a brother and three sistem'!­' "Mr. Thomas . Potheringliam, , 'of,St. Paul, Minnesota; Mrs. A. H, Clutton, of God�rich; Mrs. A. Mon- teith; of Kippen, and MiGs Frances Fothering#drn,, of Granton. The -funr . I oral Was -held from his late home On Saturday, Mareh 26th, when the s r- vices were't6nducted by his Paster, , fl- w Aff A+I,i,LSon Int ment Mrs- Ty, chae c art y; .. elyne O'Hearn, -Goderich, with h6r parents, Mr. -and Mrs. Edwin � O'Hearn; Pte. Lawrence Dillon, Pro-' vost Corps, Sarnia, with hi's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Denilis Dillon; Pte.� Dalton Burns,, Provost Corps, London, with his Parents, Mr. and Mrs -.'Prank Burns. . . I - I I I . . INMJ.&I il.-atino I -LI, JVXvtJJtLJL, 0 1 . I - .. . u 1. I . , C ,Seco d'Show starts 9:15 I ROBERT CUMMINGS OLIVIA DeHAVILLAND , I . . .. . I " PRINCESS O'ROURKE " � N I A delightful and gay romantic comedy! . . . . . I . . 1 I � i . � . � : I .1 A " , I � I I . I . i I j 4L � I I . . I I � 11 I . 11 . I - ,.� . ii I . . . Coming'; TRUE TO LIFE" , � 11 . .. . . I ­ . -- I --- - I " . I . '. 111. First Show starts each evening at 7AQ p.m. MATINEE EACH SATURDAY AND HOLIDAY AT 2.30 P.M, '. I — I 1. . -� l .. � ;IHENSALL I .,. . . I It is unlawful tD a&� a child'to FVENING SHOW& irniess ae(FampaAied b�r an ,- --­ .1 I . b4siness Mrs. James Kerr was in ev. . . . . (Coritinubd- from Page 4) ­� ase er. e a U "I ' i ,.� � . ...... I higham, which occurred at his home was made in Baird's cemetery, the -' . , ,, BUT 'I, 1 charge of the program. A prayer was in Tuckersmith. on Thursday, March was it AGCOXTAN'Y THE CHILDREN, NOT ONLY INTO.T_HE THEATRE �TO <> i . ven -by. Mrs. ,Charles Aberhart, and pallbearsr being Messrs'. . Hugh Cial. Fred Beer, of T,ondon, 'Ili.. . THEIR 'SEATS. � I . - ,.. 91 23rd, this district has Jost an honor- I adfoot, week -end 'visitor with his wife and . � '­ I I . 11 �� ,: �0 Bible reading by Mrs. Kerr. Mrs. Berry, Ross Scott, Alex BPP . .. . I - - .... �� - 4 , I—' I ed citizen and the couhty one of its Lorne Finlayson, James Souter and family. � 4> G. A.. WHITNEY <> K., I. introducing one of a series 11 1, . . t successful farmers and stock W. S. Broa ed in, . . . = � . . . 4 W. � . Successor to dies' on India, gave a brief , mos - Palm - Sunday will be obsery � : I I . .. I I I X, . ­ I 40 . -1 * sketch of the history of the country breeders. A year ago Mr. Pothering- bearers, Messrs Robert Metaughlin, the United C*rcli,-on Sunday, April. - . I . - . * 11b. 10 HOLMES . a WHITNEY ham underwent a major operation in Gordon Richardson, Roy Hodgert, 2nd. A sp�ecifil­servioe will be held . �; I . . . * from,,the forrdation Of the East'r-ndia i St. Joseph's Hospital London, where . t� -and in the e . verring.. % this week, sponsored by Kippeti East garth and Jack Caldwell of S. S. No- ), ,, � .0 F�aneral Service Company in the time of Queen Eliza- ' Roy ArowE Wilson,- Broadfoot . Women's lastitute,,was well patroniz- 10, Tuckersmith, gave readings; Ed- . ,, I he was conflped the greater part, of Wilmer Broadfoot. Th`6 funeral was ed and successful *fth,a full evening na and Joyce Broadfo6t, Jean Cald- . I I - .. MrS. Joh��'��`Pfaff, accompanied by , , I . .0 Main Street - . Beaforth * beth. Two excellent papers followed, 1 that winter. Since his return, how- one of the largest in the district for 'her mother, Mrs. Baker, Is spending . 4. , . " � CE SERVICIII 0 one by Miss Lena Graham, dealing, - of pleasure -for all, The -,play, a de- well and Wilma Kyle, of S. ,S. No. ;, . I . . -0 ANDULAN, th I ever, his progress towards recovery, ' 4 11 I Adjustable hospital bed for 0 with the early work amongst. e . many­ysars, a fitting tribute,to the a wepk':df­so visitinig in London. lightful comedy entitled, "Yimmie .'Pucker6mith, sang,a couple of selec- . I . - . I . I 1 40, Bhils, the other by Mrs. F. 0. Me- I while not as rapid as be had hoped, memory of one who for ,sixty�years Mr. 'and ,Mrs. Lyle Steekley, %I,iss Yonson's Tobj" was'presented by the tions.; Miss Wilma' Watson, -teacher, I -0 I rent 0 ,contin.ued steadily, and his ultimate. bad held the confideuQe and esteem Grace Shantz, 'Mr. Ralph Shantz and. , ­ , Lean, on "A New. Beginning - in 1928." 1 . I . .1 Young People' of EgWondville United 'accompanying at the piano. For her 9- I recovery was confidently expected Of. the commiuulty. Friends ,from a MISS Nelda' Musselm-an, 'all - of Pres- ' . -1 I -year-old � , ,. ,- . � . � -0 Agent -for Mitchell Nursery * Mrs. Nail Gillespie gave t eit months di I 0hurch and was much enjoyed and solos, five Ann Sinclair, of fi, 4> Flowers. <> events, -and Mrs. G. A. Ballant and hoped for, as in ree stance -were -present ' from Hamilton, ton, wete Sunday visitors with Mr. received by a very appreciative audi- Kippen, sang�"Paper Doll" and "Don't . . i i1l .0 Telephone. 119 0 Yne4' he had been able to.be:about every Stratford, St. Marys, Goderich arid and Mrs. Elum Shantz. . ence, Mrs. R. Simp�ou was in the Sit Under the Apple Tree With Any- "' � I � . "A , . gave a prayer for the forces, which day and frequently drove his car to Be! � . ­..�...­ I Mrs. George Lythgo� ,and family, of . ' I .,,:.� -0 Mgh,t;i and Holidays, 65 0 with the Lord's Prayer concluded the . grave. ,., . . I . chair and introduced the membeirg of one Else But Me." She .was accom- . 1. ' I Seaforth, After Christmks he� suffer- I Strathr6y,- are visiting this week at -between acts' by at . the piano by her mother.. 4 ;� , 0 . the cast. Numbers panied l, R . . K> meeting. ej B, severe attack of flu, but was the home -of Mr.' and Mrs. Charles . . " ,� S ' ' rest, and with b . .. up'ls of local schools were much en- Music for the, dance was furnished. � . 1.0 0 11-0. recovering nicely when a second at- LOCAL BRIEF For' efr father, Mr. Geo, P - ' , 'ng by Murdock's orchestra w '. ;.A,.�ll' . � . I I jove'd and consisted of the followi . ith Melvin. . . ­ � I,+ . - ­ - - tack again confined him to bed a week — Dick. I . inton, I er- I .�' � �- I , of G6de numbers : From Hensill' public Cricb, of C.1 as floor manalk 1 . M e 'pas -sed away suddenly * Miss. Marian Chapman, ' Arnold Circle Meets I A� �� l.� 40 0- <> 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 10 0 . . Thursday morning. Mr. Fotheringham rich, was the guest of Mrs. Herb.. ' . . school Claudette Blow6s contributed The door receipts were $97.01D. �and the A� ., . I - two numbers, "Victory Polka" and lunch booth realized $18.00, -W�hich� � 1. I - 1'��'. ,� 0 11 � . Whittaker. on Sundai. Mrs. Donald MacKinnon was hos- -d to the overseas box . ­ - 4(> � , �� . I I . . I was a ,son of the late Viiliam Poth. I e "Mairzy Doats," Miss Gladys .Li�ker will be'donatL 4 - I - W. J. � 19AUY - 0 .. A . I et McDougall, and o Mrs. Elmer D. Bell, -of Wingham, tess at her home for the March me t- accompanylhg at the- piano; All Hog- fund. The evening was much enjoyed.., I . �` C 1871. . . I . 1 2'. � �> I i was born -in . W. T. Teall last Ing of, the Arnold Circl� of Carmel . . . I -, 11 � aforth, OnL . - Blairshard in . I . " sally . � .. I . I I -1 . � . . . . . l,,.,,.,, " , 0 - . �- �, , , �&' so � 1 1883 he moved with his parents to week. Presbyterian Church. -miss . I . I. � . . . . - �1- � . �01 LICENSED,'EMBALMER 0 � Northside United Church.—Rev. H. the farm in Tuckersmith, where he o Mr. Thomas Gillespie,- of Toronto, Manson *as cohostess, 4nd the chair . I I ;,,,. Mr. arid Mrs. Neil � �, : I :I_ -0, AND FUNEfIAL DIRECTOR 0 V. Workman, Minister: 11 a.m., '�The continued to reside.until his death. visited. his parents, ,was taken by Mrs. M. Moir, the.�Presi- . . . ­ . � , . I ' ' . 'th 4 i , . . Gillespie, last week. the meeting wi . I dent who opened ' ,� .0 Night or Day Calls -4135 - 0 Triumphal Entry of. Jerusalem"; 2.30 He wa tstanding farm- To- ' "call to worship a . 1. .. s one of the ou ; ,� .1 � I . I I 0 p.m., Sunday School; 7 P.m., "God ers and stock raisers of the district, � Mrs. Reg. -W. Kerslake is In . the. nd the hymn, . . � '". ,� 40 ronto this week.' . There Is a Green Hill .Far Away," . r I . Z - 40. <> <> Sent the Comforter.." (Union .Pas- and for a great� many Years a Sue- . ". ,.Euchnd Dance �� ' 1, . . .. 6 Mrs. T. G., Scott, who spent the followed with prayer -by Mrs. lack ' " I � I I 11 I 1 $, Sion Week Services, April 3rd to 7th). cessfql exhibitor of heavy horses at winter at the home of her son, Mr. . I , 114 I . I I � . Church—Rec ., 8 ' Ray 13�oaerlck read �.11 . I I I I ; . t �­, . - i � , i V o-q� St. Thoma6l for, Rev., the Provincial Fairs ­as, well as the T6turri- Farquhar. Mr . . ' 2k, I I Leslie Scott'. Iii Chicago, has the Bible lesson, and Mrs. 'M. Moir V :.i,, " . . Dr. Hurford: 11 a.m., "Prayer and a localfall fairs -and "s widely known ed -to her il�-me here. While In Chi- ' ' IN­SEAFORTK AMORIES , - ' ­. I " gav . c I � �.-j � . 1406, 0 0 <> <> Clean Heart"; 7 p.m., "Lent the OP- a, a horse judge, in which capacity cago she .attended -the H s -Cana- e an Arti Ch�eftairr prayer. A , , , I ­� . . ��.. I . I . ,�, " 10 <> 11 S I - aWk 4 , reading, "Who is the Latin Amer!- . ' .. - - , portuirity - For Knowing Jesus. u31 he officiated for many years. Mr' then -hockey �game. . � ' .. '' � - .0 0 , 4 - DAY, APRIL, 10 � - ?,.. .1. J. A. i jauRKE - day School at 10 a.m. Wednesday, 8 Fotheriugham was one ,of the oldest can?" *as given by Mrs. R. MacLar !".1'. . . . o LAC. Kenneth Keating, R.C.A.F., en, Roll call, minutes and business MON , . . �! I ; <� p.m., United Service: Preacher, Flight 'members 'of Bruceftela Unit4d Church, I o �. � 14> Funeral Service Fingali- ispent 'the week -end -here with . ' I I . I .. �� -1 I Dablin :, Ont. 0 Lieut. French. Good Friday Service a member of the Trustee Board, and followed .. and the - topic, "British .� . . '­� � 14> 1 . his parents. - � Under the auspices of the Seaforth Brz�nch. No. 156 Canadian Legion I � Ir . A> Nftkt or 4fty ealls: Phone 43 r 21 *� at 11 a.m. I one of the most active members of ., I 10 A.F Guiana," was ably presented by Miss . �, " 1. I . I I 0 :; -,I , *h. — 2.25 1 . . . 0 LAC. Miles McMillan, 1. . ., Sally Manson. "Jesus, Keep Me Near � � � - ­ . I ,� 04> 0 St. Marys Church, Dubli . ,, I Mountain View, spent the week -end the Cro'9 " was the. closing hymn and GOOD ORCHESTRA ,.ADMISSION 35c 1 , <> <> <> <> 0 ,<> 0 <> <> ,0 <> p.m., Sunday School; 3 p.m., "Prayer . I I . d ".." , ith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. � I -­. �, "I , � It> . . . . - ' . I the Lord's Prayer in unison. Lunch- �" . . , I . I and the Clean Hear�t." I FOR SALE ­ I MeMinan. � -. � . ., - �: � .- . . " " d.' - , , . I 9 LUNCH COUNTER - .. .)l . First Presbyterian Church.—Sunday ­ . 0 Miss IsAelle McKellar, nurse -in- eon was serve � e DOOR PRIZE 1 1 . J I - -�� a, 1 4 - 2l, � . , "."g, "11.1 I nI ­ ',�.�,�.--,. . . , . � , � � �� . .."I 1. .. �l I . . �f� - .- � I ... , .� 11 ��: . . .:. � I , X. . ..... , , � ii, . . - , � .. : .. I � �t, ,'' iil , .School at 10 a.m.; morning .service FR�ME HOUSE, Centre St.; three. I , r ' .training at. -Stratford General Ho8P1- . � - Red Cross DiscoSs Acti,vities ' � .1 and Special' AftracitioWs I . at Ii a.m.; evening seriice at 7 P.m. piece bathroom furnace,' HYdro, 3- t -al, spent themeek-end with. -her par- � I I . , ,. .. � I —Rev. Hugh'Jack, Minister. , .wire service. Go�d basement. House. ents here. .. , I ., ; " . . . . ,The lied Cross finance committee, I . Euchre will start at 8.30 p.m. . . 0 Meeting of Barbara Kirkman Aux- is insulated. ' � garage. Co .plendid r- ner lot. A.999"Property and reE4 e LAC. ,Mer.vyn Nott, A.C.A.F., is spending, twoLayeeks! leave' at the of which Mn R. H. M,kddieton 4s �chair- man, held,,a meeting in the epuneill I : I . ;­ .. I I I I * ' - ' 11 . . Proceeds for the Legl9p Cigarette Fund ili#,ry�Tbe MAich meeting of the . buy. 11 - I I I . I ,� home of his,00watk Mr. And Mrs. . , chambers Hensall, to'discuss..activh- I . � . . �%, I ­ . � I . I 4 Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary of First . STUCCOED,, HOUSE, Goderich SL Bernard Nott, Rullett; before leavink I ties of, tb6 society ,for -the -spring and - , . I LET'S REMEMBER OUR BOYS I . : .. Presbyterian Church was held Tues- -West. Basement, Hydro, hard and for his new station �at­Brantford. . su I mmer, months. It was decided �o , . �. � � - .1 11 � ... � . day evening. Mrs. H. R. Scott Open- soft water. '.Garag6. Corner lot.., Good e Signalman Anderson Bell, R.C.N. hold a waste paper d6llection day on I . � ft. . ed the meetinj And Occupied the chair location. Proulpt pos&-S�sion. . V.R., left ­on Tuesday,for Halifax, af-. y af ernoon, April 19th. The Wednesda t 1 1 I ,. � Z L �Jk.­ . , . � -- - ­ . I I . 1� , . . . l . .- - . . in the absence of the president, dur- .. I RAkE HOUSE, Centre St. HYdrol t,APS, spending a leave .. .. at the -home of , committee will Ineed help to carry ,out V 4- 1, . y4i — + 4 � . .. vi- - en-ts Mr;,arid Mi­��J 'Bell I � � � . .1 --- - -­ . �1- ,,, I I . . I . -.1 I Ing Elie busineBs Pa. t 0 . ,; town water. Hand to Main St. Im- ­%, I 0; . I e collection of all the paper in Lhe I . L . . I .1 ., �� yl� - . I . ; -1— - of t e . y Uultorf.- , . . . I + . I I I ... ,` ��" � , - . , �tl I ,. ,., ­p� , �. , . 1, N � , . , . , al �V . I . . , "'. - � I �� --- ,-: I ­��- ­ . . 1� 3 . �11 - � � ,� t.l . , . . - . V 14i 1 1 , " I , . 1 � �1­ ­ l; � ,,, " 1. . � I ... Y� I - '! ,,� I �. I , ,,, �; .. - 1 11 ,Zll� , I I 1. V, � . I - ­ , I " � , I , Z� �, . ,� . $C. " , 1. I . ­ " . , I Lie p gTam was - , I - - , mediate possession. Priced reason- � .village on that date, I he men are ' S L . I Margaret Webster'. group, of whom able. + . I k ­ I �, e. Mrs.' Gir�lfikei mother of ,the asked to Tve up their 'own Personal I I , � Mrs. B� 1�qaton Is -the convener, and 1. 1 �4 , Hen. J� G. Gardi�e'r'; 9f ,Exeter, % ,a work for t is day and -help in the col- . � . �, I , . who pres , -id , ed during 'the rest of the ' Have, also listed a uumber of good guest at the homei. of Rev. and Mrs.. ,.tion. -name with _ BRAY ' CHICK . . Farms, conveniently loc,ated... � 11 I I lep Just: leaye your ,� � � I . . 1 � l, .meeting. Mrs. Campbell road the . . I . . . .. ­ W: N.' Gardiner. Arark W'ysdale or George -Hess, ind" I ­ I l. . . .1 I - . - . I � scriptuic. lesson;"- Mrs. Bradnock E, C. CHAMBERLAIN e Mr. and Mrs;, -Harold, Stark, of they will give you instructions. The . I . . ' . . ... .., - - gave the Glad Tidings Prayer, and . . I Welland, w6re -here this' Week attend committee also decided, to bold a pub- , Mrs. Russell the current events. Mrs. INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE.. Ing the furleral'Jpf his mother, the - me in June. PROMPT. SHIPMENT'' .1 , . I Seaforth, Ont. � � lie auction sale,,§ome ti . W. A. Wright and Miss Jean Wright Phones: 334,Office Res. 220 late Mrs. AlfrediZtark. This was left in.6harge%of a commit- . � I . . I . I . I � . I 1. I I . . - I . 11 .1 gave a vocal duet that was very . 1. . . -L I v LAC. Ricliardl ,Box,� R.,C.A.F;, of I .., . . . tee composed -of Dr. A. R. Campbell, . � . .1. I . 1. much appreciated. Mrs. John Pull- aqk I- . I � Guelph, is spendthgo'A few. dayS 'at W. R. liavidson.-alid Elgin Rowel-iffe, L .. . . , � . " �. I - man -and Mrs. R. Charters received . - � - I I .� .. I I I . . . I C his home bere. "'T', , I so viien you are housecleaning ebeek the offering.,,, The topic, the first in I a Mrs. K. M.',Campbell',is ,spend- your articles over very carefully that U 14TJSUALLY heavy 'batch ' es allow Manuel, Millhausen, Lion's, Head,. ' as taken by Miss I Ing a -few days at her home in Lis- ,us,, to, say, definitely, that if you Ont.—"Bray Chicks are the best - . � the study of India, w "i, , I -Chicks ,(either day- I have ever had. I was very for-,, . 'S' I.' McLean. It dealt with the in- DAN towel. for the Red Cross auction sale. It order; your. Bray . prompt tunatik'to be able to get them."' . . , tr,oduction ­�the opening of the Bh.il 1 1 . I 11 .. * Mr. J. E. Keating spent a few .11 1,, F I -1 to help In old or started) .righ� away, for i - '. I "', -.�,�, . . I . I I . w ma - so. — v shipment, we eAn -probably fill Your � . '' , I I . . . Mi.ssion' held in Central India, -the days 'in Toronto 1his week. Pat Dapello, South Porcupine, ,,, . ­ � ". I , � I . I ' ,COME JO KINBURN - Mr. ,and Mrs. David Papple him . e Red Cross work. The committee vot- order without delay. . R A, I I I I . time of famine, and cholera, and the . . ' ed $4,000 to the Dominion, Red Cross . Ont.—"Your chicks last yeiar I . �l�,41�il' I ISE McKILLOP-MUTUAL reconstruction of the field after FRIDAY, MARCH 31st "c"ved word of the safe arrival of headquarters, leaving a working bai. That is' -more Than we can prophesy - were really somek,hing to brag . I � . , 11�. ��" " their son, Pre. tobert Papple, ovee- ance of $800.00 for the society. Don't 'for later in the season. Advance about. I lost but' a few, a:nd, I . ­ �,� . cogy. church union in 1925. I I . . I y that is be- 'orde . f ..�­ FM INSURANCE — 40� .- . AND DANCE TO NEW AND OLD seas. . forget the -Red Cross 151a rs,have been extremely heavy for wfiat were left- were wonderful." ,. I I,- . I I . SIC OF THE ' I * Miss Ruth Shinen ery. I tl I Ing held -in the Town Hall on April '� �.� , - . Mae- Lane Auxiliary.,Meets. — The - TIME MU, Spient 'a few. later. deliv ' Mrs. J. L. Smith, Waltham Sta- � % I A"'Z.....," HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTHO ONT. Mae Lane Auxiliary was held on ' I days in Toronto thi's week. 21st and 22nd, 'Kee'p this date open. But we can- supply a lot of good Bray tion', P.0 ­"Out of the 4�9P , . P�, - , ,,; . I Tuesday, March 28th, at'the home of True Melodies Orche'st;fa 0 Mr. J. R. Sproat, of North Bay., This play, ,is a &andy, full of good Chicks right now. . And ,right now is I . ,L,�- "I" . 1, I Mrs. h. Christie. The meeting open- " .1. spent a few I days ,with his mother, laughs, so come and have a good a 'mighty good time to 9fart Oicks. ". ohickO I received, 1 raised 417' . ,-4 I'll . 1 1. ,:., 4, R Mrs. James .Sprd . At, in Egm,ondville. I I I , 11 g66d I healthy, chickens. They' " li '. l OFFICE S: ed by Mrs. Christie reading a poem MR. MATHESON time . Experience tells us'that 'the highest -at v-ery profitablo, ­ ` ' "I .1 � � . . 1 W. R. Archibald, . Seaforth,... - Pres. entitled, "A Sailor's Versiou. Of ,the New Agricultural Representative, , 9 Mrs. Ruby Crowell has returned '... Uncle Dies' in Alberta I egg prices -of 1944 will , be realized in . have turned Q '41.1 I. I I r. McGregor, Clinton - VicemPres. Twenty-third Psalm." The president, will speak at 9,15. . 'from a seven we6ks* visit in Toronto. . of Chisel-, September,. October, Noyeiiaber. Good- blr�s." 11, l'. I , � �, I li, - , . Mrs. Thomas 'Drover� , .��, .1 . . ,.Merton A. Reid, Seaforth - ,, Manager Mrs. F. J. Bechely, then took charge. � 0 Tucke�smlth Municipal Council burst, has received Word of the death .13ray Chicks, start4d now,, and raised Mrs. Amy Flendle�, Pleasant7 I t. �. � , right, , should be in nice production Hills, N.S.—'i,These chicks werw " � and Secretary—Treasurer. v�lll mee.t.in the Town Hall, Seaforth, i I "O God of Bethel by Whose Hand" Musical attractions at lunch, and .l C;, � . I of her uncle, Mr. John Clark, of Ed- just when prices are soaring. (If you the best I ever rais'ed. I,ani i ., was sung and prayers werd offered Loud Speaker will be used. on Saturday, April. 1st, at. 8 p.m. moutoii, Alta., Son of the late Mr. . . i..". . "� , RECTORS: " Miss R. Pennell. 0 Mrs. E. H. Close and Mrs. W. A. take started chioks, of course, they ' , very pleased w 'i't , - I , . Di I I I ­ " Chris. Leonhardt, Brodhagen; E. J. lyy Mrs. Snell and . ADMISSION, 35 CENTS I and Mrs. Matthew- Clark, lot near, -Hen- .*ill be laying that much larger eggs, .ith them." . � < �;�, 1, I The national anthem was sung- and I Moore are in Toronto this week at- .,�:l� "�, 'Trewartha, Clinton; Alex, Broadfoot, sail. Mr. Clark was born on the �nd and., cashing in on the wide fall pre- James N. Jones, South Nei ' � - ,�.. � ' ' tending the Red Cros-9 annual meet- son" ,,,;,� -Miss Ernily Lester concession ,of T(ickersmith, ...n6ar �. : � ,. read the minutes . LADIES w&H, ' ' - k�. I W1, R.R. 1111,,geaforth: AleTander McHwing, I LUNCH, FREE .,I I . miums for egg sizie.),,, . N.B.—"I think them .I, on:e�, �" "" L �., . of the February meeting. , Reports Proceeds for. Red Cross ng. being held there.' . Hensalli,75 years ago, farming in this � I A ,�l�,!, .1" ILIL,11, Blyth; Frank ,McGreg9r,'R.R. . . 0 Mrs. C. R. Somerville and Miss I Just to make Sure, in ordering, name .other na.me you should have. ,� .. - I were given by the various secretaries . I munity for several years before. . ­ T. 5,, Clinton; Hugh Ale�k&ftder, R.R. 11 11 . a second.eboice on breed, grade, and . I .,added, and that is 'Victory I "I 1% � . nd the hymn, "O Master, Let Me I Janet Wilson, 'of J,ondon, spent Sun- It --, l 1p. , Walton; William ,IL Archibald, R.R. I ' � . . goibg West to Battl'eford� Sask., later .date of shipment. (We'll do out level Chicks.' You have the best . � I ... I , h Thee" was,sung jand Miss I day with Mr. and:Mrs. D. H. Wilson., � a. ��� "I , Leitch, R.R. 1, Walk Wit . -­ 1 . , b He is survivid by his best, of course, to'give you your first lq�ying birds' I 'have ever pur- l, , 1:, I I. � 4, fleafortbj� George 'Miss e Mr. and Mrs, �,ames Scott, of to Al erta. I I 11 .1 I yth. Jean McLean led in prayer. , I ' widow of Edmonton; one Sister, Mrs, choice.) � I chased." . , , I CliAton; George Watt, BI Apture, Psalm e visitors In town' on Exeter; two bro- I'—; . 1, .., . . Vera 'Mole. read the son Cromarty, wer I , Peter M. Moir, of I . I I � - . . I �. !, .... I , 1�li . AGENTS-.. 96. A s1olo, "To ,a Wild Rose " w;isl FirstMortgagdoans Thursday. - Matthew. Clark, of Crediton, I � - . ,,, I . ' � � thers, . ' . y I - ; . Pi A j I rendered - . 11, . .11 -and . I � . � '. r . 111� ''. VW,ay MqKercher,^.R.R. 1, Dublin; beautifully - 6i Miss Mabel . . If additional monek is needed . - and Lduls"Clark,,,,of Hensgll, a . I . ,�, � .. I - . "". "I . . I I l�,4:i­ �r . I E. Pepper,' Brucefield.; J. E. Prueter, Turnbull and was. much appreciated. . .1 " . sister, Mrs:,' R. Bell, of U-sborne. A , . .- .. � 1.;,�.,lil;�,�- to help you buy a 'productive I DD I A" ..... CROMA­RTV I I � ,,� -- - 1.� ,,, the study , - . brother, James,,ot St, Clair, Michi- 9 I , �7,l'! 1, ,'�. 71todhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Tbe topic was taken from . . 1. 1, ., 1�,,J � -. I . . .farmi send us; pafticulars� - . BRAY CHICK HATCHIENKY, . "K": �-, p., ­ . 1 . . ' I 'Order , . . " book on India and dealt wifth agn- s ago. � . I I X11, ., , � predeceased him a few 'Year ? , - ,"11" . . I - � . . 1 P�864 y , " ist you thrm The sudden snow storm brought the gala, . I $ � ,, I 'Jr,i, , x I elilture in general, and was ably giv- , ib] we ea'a 965 ,gh Mr. , IV, ... " . I � 14: X, I , - . � -,. \ In conclu- - 'our,. losaiing. departniefit; Aftmaive tapping"ot "trees to a Budd nd on Fnneraf lservices ":for' the late I I . en e I f � unera:1 -- ' . I �r­,,*, - I . eu by Mrs. Keith Webster. I were held from the Today 9 ;;; �.. 1. 11, � . terip. All inquiries treated -eonfi- Saturda . WILLIAM STAPLETON - Dublin - I - � Y. Many were tapping Satur- Clark .. .. . , 1 �0', . �;� Sion Mrs. Albert Baker -read an ap Interineni 6�,k��145:,­ . . You Ate Invited to Inspect the dentiaLLY. day morning in this dl�tribt. chapel at Edmonton and . . �, I '10,;-',f4l';,� , I I ­ I propriate poem, "Do You Just Be- I I 11 . The Sacrament Ahe Lord's Sup- wis-In Beachmount cemetery at'Ed- Order . I . ) � * of AR6.11 ".. 1. . I � long?" The', closing, hymn, "r-Irayer per, was obs,erved 14 the PreE - , ibyter- monton. Many beautiful floral tri ALVIN W. KERSLAKE - Hensall, �,,i r. t �­ .. ..., I L,i,� ,1 I I dw ~ is the Soul's Sincere Desire," ' was Hiaron&Erie . , butes were .received- . 99 I '. ',, �. " ; Uri Church on Sunday morning, eon- . . . ,'­,�.­�:',.�".� 11 .11 BOND BRAY . —Agents. gfi, d by re- ' Died iri Exeter f� ( ,l,� " :! ,,� �l�. I .. .. I.. . ,. � sung and the meeting close moFtTdAGB coRPoRATioN , ducted by the Rev. W. A. Macwii- . I .... 1, . ", ,Q, peating the Mlzpah. benediction. A ' ecarred Sunday morn- I ,., .. I 1,�.�*l,' � � ", , � �, , TAILOR EMTO-M EASU RE WINDSOR ' The death o . � L" . � , P,! " �,�,;:, � . LONDON am, whose very appropriate , . : I 1i Sermon - --- g", . . �� ;, ..! , . I �� role the home- of her �� ,,f, �l ,4�'­­. , delicious -lunch was served by'Ci ST. THOMAS CRA.THA.* I in Exeter, ,at --- . I I ,�, dealt with the. 8aviour"s cruel treat- Ing . . I 4�,�i,�'111l!'� ?", � ,. 11 , , S. A spectakfeature of the ,evening . R - --- --- - -� , , I , I , 11 SIMS 4ND * . . . I I � 14 ,ment as told -in St. John. Several ,of mother, of Ann Maud Christle ogers, . . .. I I 11 ­ I- . "I � axl,�, 7'17ri 11 11 I OVERCOATS whz i presetitation of a '.beautifully - 1. I I 4 Il',," , h the widow of S. Rogers, in-he'r 72nd year. I R10�1'11 "i 1� I . the young people united wit . I . 1-l:,- ". I I I � �1,'N.l.,'�� �;�;. � I . r . )mted wedding cak6 In honor of ,She is .survived ,by. hi�r ,son, Capt. I � " 1.�0�,��, , 11 � �'..,. . '0 I . . . . . . . . FOR dec( 'Workman, bride-to-be . . � I . . church at this communion service. . . with the Cailadian - ion — ,, .., 11,1�,'%�o,;" ,0 I .. I .... � ,�,,11��,- �, I ­ Miss , Irene - Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Thomas E., Rogers, . -Show, -C,Iin I'll, � I it, ,,, �4 - � , ' '' Miss Workman, then made a suitable , .1 39th Annuail Spkin : ,,-M;.,:j :::, I ',k,A .111, 1l, I LADIES AND ­ ., A:rmY,O-Verseas; a daughter, Margaret I 9 - � . ­ - , . , , �7 - ----- � ­ � I . I � Robertson, Listowel, with Mrs, A. ,�... , �,�;�­ I �� ­ -.1 . , reply and thi� medting wag -brought to I at borne, and her- mother, ,.Mrs. E,. - " .1 . ;. l�,?�� I ­ . G9,N,TWWN _�ertson and John ,Robertson.; -Mrs. I V, � —, . 4 61 - by 41h9ng "For- -8-he's a Jolly ., ,. - ---6f Exeter. ,'Private funeral ,. -­ I—. -- ­ � - . �� 4o Christie, - Thursday,. Ap'ril 6th, 1044 ' , � . ,?� , - , " -1 - �,Sml11.�Jl ".""'.,,-� .­ -'I-.- I ­ . . 1.11 . . . . . ---- I., N-0-TICE,, Cooper, Toronto, an' . ,IS,' 19l.'X d her son, Archie, I � � .��; W.144�,;�'. l " , I . . I Traitilug, Centre, who si6tylees ioobre .h6ld at rthe home of . .1 .1 -11 ,". i, � ,l ,. �JN 7 PRICE ONCIES, Good Fellow." 'e. � "I . �,;;�;�;� 1;,F,�,',�� I I 1, I . . Centralia Air . - ., . 0 1 " "'��.�!­.,� l � .40. . � I . R a her motherian Tuesday, March ,28th, . . ., . . U'-- adio Licenses Expire was presented �Vjth his wings as Featurin - I"' �;��rtxl,,',';)' � � '4 I ,12�,, - , 9 1104�4�,:, �,­ ., - 1 '24AD ' E. Stark.—Wide- In rkker' 1� � I 1 3 . . Death of � Mrs. A. . I M the home f Mr. -, - - HOGS . � I- �.f2.,rl, N,V, � 1;1 . . - 122.160, to $4 at 3 p.m., with interment l 1. 6 1", 1, � l ", ; .1- I ,- -1 read regret -Was expile0ed­.-b, . "Pilot last Friday, at 0 -.With el, tery. Rev. M. A. Hunt official HORSEgi, BEEF,. CATTLE "and BACON ,. 1 ,$'�b;��,U�,�,Ii�1111 1, , SOLD ONLY Sp W the Many lovely fforal-tri'butes were . . I I ll I . ' and Mrs. James BirlibUr and - Q me �t� a: l�f , - -Seaforth on Tu Way even- ' Neil Gil- ed. : i �,,�,,�, , ­, , . 11 . � , �0�4, , people of ,other friends; M-ft.gud Mrs. , q'i 4,:�, . . P r,41 � I 1.)�, 11 I .. ' I - bY - , Ing on leArning of the very sudden I will -b� se-fiftig-tiadio lestte, iseaforth, afi&.so of received. Attending the funeral from :, gZ�'." l','�". L, l� I I .11, All TP1111 1. I $1,250.00 PRIZE [MONEY. I 2k . �L��,,,'�,�,,'��,,'I�i;t�.,,",-'�.� � � - re; MISS a di�stauc6 Were Mr. and M& J. V, - ,, L ... I unexpected death of Anute Stong, � I Toronto, -with r6latf'OeS he i CASSES I I ,:1`;, L�� ',';'!,,�`�' -L' I Licenses this year as . EXHIM' - 1 , 1 I,M"i­� ..... ... " � , 11 �' GILLEVIE'S ,an, Hazel Laing, Wa , p,t.,4pr home. Xe , r,Ah, dr n6flsa,14i- - Mr-, Mck*ati 1� T OF .DRESSED A BACON HOG CAR' A " ,I -1 . 4- - I ,� 4 -.1i, ­'1.Y1 -.1 ; --- -1 ­­ widow 'of the late Alfred E. Stark, 11 1, . . L- .1 0 ," ," ', � ,� I , � '. ., .� I - �,,'�'O­ 10 � !6i , ' , - ­­ �, ­ 11 � . I who ' TITION I 11 , �� ". I � I., 11-1 �.- JUNIOR FARMERS , Al I , '', - - -- - IS W eousiny.­'�boingl a,"I .1 JUDGING c,OmPE . ' ' I �01 , g, I . I 11.1. .1 Ili i ­ - , I I ­, " ' , , -­ LOUO "SPEAK04C, SY-dtEM — I A . �� ."', ,4 1� ,.. ;1 "i ­-90out- - ­ ... 1, . .111 -. .. ! ��,��11': 1-� Misses ­Li1Y- '01,11& Edith 9 ,, . , clla­ 11,,�, �'. I , -;1 , l 1.141 � , � '" S � - fing gtfe6t. Mrs. Stark, had M, &.,Wan of - . F "', ,��Jl,tl � 1 5;. � , ,which be6frea at Wr ha=e'dit Spar- have in.the past. pallbearet; ' � " " �: � , , . , �,A'ij�,'I" V-L - '"'- , " � . .1, 11 ­ E04�',�. ,,, , it" a '#'.' - .F� �'i ;,�), " �� , ,4 1 '. , , ­ I , i . -.1 , , 11,�111 11, �", I I - , �, ", 2 1 . 11;��, _i��,�'j .. ­ 6.0 r oneve of � .,� I - ", .j"",� ll'g��, p� r .."�,;;,.:. iz­'��,i�l ,,1 , S, I , I 1�'Well nd - 1)�,; " -,, , ' , , &11�1. , " I & -M6, #6hyent "DUBLIN ­ I . LoAdox1p Squadrdii' Lbaddr-, LAmport' -- Thd Fair will be officially bpdtii�d,by the Lieutenant. dovernor of . �'�" ,�,i­' �, ­ I I ..If' .L j" .. . ,; " -to# Wilifet with.h6r ao�� 4 0, I '. , 1. L : " " L�l i'll"g. 1. ...", �4;. "M i -11,;,11, I-- r ,� ,,, 1. L' ,.."l l7-1 �4)nto who, fl6'W -by plane Onta�io, the 1­16000461i� Albeft ,M,dtthb%48 Whd Will arrive at I I le 17 �11 2-11l "N �'LL'�"' 11 11 '0rd I'l?."..'' ­­i­�, 11, 'i , _ - to ,tij bad ftturn�)& to her 6me on' iftv- WS , -euitothet'g, 16dip - Licenses . , ­ -.1 . — nX,AY., ToI , I . I *111 4, , r , I , ,4, l",-.,; ,�,, 4 , g , ­ � I - I I '�,,�,", 7., . , "' 'i %% , � � ,�O.r 'to " ewt Fly His Honour. l� �llf�'j . " , Ro ity ' She "Vag JUn in -16r 106041 ' will b4 opuit4m, , ufss , . �.,-j,,:� ­,­ � t- I lj­��, . Of Itf& � Sold f& Mo. a if ly� �­-,6 " - Dorothy ,Rog'eftf ,11;6he 12,03 WbbM �'Mft, Maftfi , '. r, I �c�; I l . - I " -, -.� 1111'11,­�l ,� " �:�4j6j4lth Yr e . - , P of Honour, � , , 61' - - � - ­ .- - Aegitm6nt will tfirii1s; 7-alr . l�;-.,:;.��;�, ­ Z`9,Zlf6, Oea. , qp� ­ , � , - d9bfi'41TardW,k1 , ,4. , .,. I , �,; 1��,ia uv,��N . r,% , '" , : alid� 114(1, '040d h6r,01W the ldfateblitihk . ­ " , ! , ""' 4,10 44 1w, in AJ1diVMfA; "Magarl6t: 3 iddlow�x-Hbi6ik, .. , It `�.�11 ,� . , �, , Ferg Ustwan:' bf,"T - M .��,,�,�%� 1, , I r ,�ur � Of, ­141­1...� ��',",",,� �i�,-;, 1.11, � ,� , . kl,f�" , , , ` I '�', , . 4 � , ", ,: , . i4 . 1". , . , v , , � A.9 " i ; , �: 1 , ,­Lf,.,� 'I" ­�', a "'66 - f6rth , ' , , 11X­�, 'brtt.4p, --'o -�,. gazid:*Ill be, JA,'4tendA0 aceot�pau!Odj 1, "', I Af,` lfta,b , ii , , �. Dubl , , ce - " N " � , . , �T� ,� � ­', � -A . tati'm ' �­� ,��,�J,,,�l .. 11.11,1'1�'�' " , in .1 "i,,�.�..�b"�,"",i"t,��,.h"i.4,,,4cLl3..U,,ii.i-v'i'r,.;,,,�,�::,itv;,L.tlio 'f"."' �f ,h '60 uljs�'h � , .. " 9,,i,.­­,J,,J:, �� X�,,,i,,Il,l:&��j ,, .>, � L'. . � — "It 14 14 1 L il 0 1 , �,4i� � � ,1,.i1q1* tq� "t " , lt,`� "" � I Ill 4#* i��-Vl' Of -1 !o!,'.t� ,'WA4,AA0 4.1i,iii&­­ M� iiR,b;;',�,,AW�&aiid-.�tii3.p.t" .4 W, . � , - � � - , � J14'. . .. " . �11, RARIX, i I ­tm I ­S��, ;,6 ��. , '�'71i�'., --1 I . . . . I r , 11 6"16W * - ; i . - 12. ��. 11 I I ,R ,, ERft.M,ANAQ6ft­A.A4#A,M too . r ,,� , ,, ', ! A -n . %W��­'.,k , , 1, r ,, , �, I ,� " ', , �,J,,�7,r, ,,,, . ., , � "', 1, ":, . I I �, , , I .... lr,,i�",;..�,,,,,�-�,1,1�.�-�,,,,;_,,�:,.,Al-�'ll.��'ll'A.�.\,.�.�,.�,,����,,,,,� I I .. � - . ­� � - W;�:'L` -,;'� I ,� ", �'�, �l � � I , '. . I:— . ­;�, � " - ,�­,- , , � . I , , , .., �* , , , - ,:,�� , I �- �', .; ill;l I t� , iv , ", 1. ,� 1 ,1 "I 1:. I , '"'.Al.,,�.i., "'"' ,. lr�.It , � ." :!� I 1 "4� l, , ,,, �, , " � , " `�',l � � "�,", , ..", ,. , ­',� t, --1, �,,;.�, �,,,�,'.;�,,, ,� .� L .­V� .�,, 1, �­114� . .1 11. I � g"i".1 l -l"", .., ,,-,r� ­J,:�,,l I ; "ll, "I'll"ZI.I.,V, :4 ",.�,�l . '""';"''�l"'',I'l�'��'L"1",'I�i�,'�ii't�L���".�, `11­',',C;,,:�'S' "L"'-2;,, " 2�m'?,,.,z,l� ��,�`:',,'­,�,ii`�,,2:,, L-'! � -`�'�,I:� "T �, "",�.,� 'L I Ill"", - I ,,,.�, ,I,, ,,,l,��:jl-1 I & ,���;.,� �,,;�..,,, llw"