HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1944-03-24, Page 5""TCi I ­ 11�­ I I - - ��.� �­7­ 1 1 , , .", ,. i 11 . I I I �, '*-A­i,,v,','4P —,--- , , ,,, !; , ,_�­ ,", 1, I" " ,.�i I ,�,� � __ I "­ I I -7 I - I �, � � _17 ­ ""'' �, 1- 1_1-­­'X",i, --�,7 -,- I - , I'� � 1, I 1� . _W� , � .. 'r ,, ,, , i _ I � . . ,ii . . . I ,: � , I I I I . I . . , '. - . . I I I I I � I I , I , "4 Ml�, I.i. ; ,. 1 � , � � � - 4 � I . i, I. , i I , � 4 , M, P: - I � . � I, , , � ,� , I , � 0 1 , ,� �� e, , I I '' I 1. I I , , � , " 7, , I ,-,' ., I I � I . 1. . I 1. � I � � � ii I 1. �11 , , . , I * � , , . , �i& ­ � �� ,� , .. I 1, j" I - ,. . 1, I � 'I", I", I .1 ur, i� I" I � 1 , : , ,. � � � I �, I I , . I , , I I ,4 . I . , , , 4 , : ,�,,,,, ,� , ,� ,�� . ,� I i, 1, 1� I I I : , " , �� �i- , , M, k V I I � , � , � , � ,, I . I . , . ,.��,,, %�i� , , , �, I , ;� ::, , " , , . I � I � � I I � I r , ,, i, 34,11 I . 11 �'- ,,, , , :� I ,, " �,� ,�� , I - , � , ��,ii,'Yj.�; � � � , ,,..Pv� . 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I � I ��,�,'� !!;"A,�!ol I - , �, ... , , � � !r " I �, - !r �, 11 I . I I I " , �' , VM% 41, " " " . I , I I I , ... ", I i�!�� I - I ; , I I , "I ,�� " I I , : � 1- � I, �� �, co-.: , � �' � � : I , I . � 1� , I 1� I . . � , I -,.'.1 � � ." � I - t0l, i I . :, I �:�� , '91 , , , -11 _11 ,,,, ", ­� I I . I ri� - " I I 11 i �, '­ 3:� i � I 11 I � 'if iolgare#0 v � "jo 1 , . '.. . . I I I '':;;, 11��­ , � W.111'11 �, I , .." I " . �� 11 � , I I �il i�. IN V :�.! 11 " h �*_­,+h I , .1, I - � �: . .1 g,t ­ �r, 11 11, * A ,.;,..,.., 11 4 ;�,�#, �� 11 �. � I I ., -I' ;; ,,�- I. ,. I );,F.(`, . ,. . 141,19 I �� 11 , . ­ I �i,i ,, ". -1 I � � �i., .. �ii�7'1� "I � - 1.11 � in,44 �Jpay.�,�;� ,. , wmf%-� 10'-,14 .� . � � I I I . ", . :., 1 , X vim*,, c# I _�i­ - 11 7 , 11 . I - . ..,"', � �,�.,�,,., , ­�,­. ,,.,. ..- � 77 .� , C i �, I � � 11 - , , ��': "' : , ".' I ,,,, I . � I - .1 , � - - ......" ,,* . I. 11 � 1. . 1� I ,, I � I . . . ,,,I _ � . I I I ", " aj RAV 11 on -­.!x�e-� �,,nm, P,: i'' J991100, `� .... 3yf, I , . I I "., , . -, P . W , ! X; -, ITIIIRIAR,I,Wf..�,6',� " , I I il _, �� T� -­ I ., ­, , I �; � U r, - : � Ai , , 3,.,, " I I �- I I , I I � , � , ;1" �� I ;� I, I . � I F, � I � A. ' � , �a vgqlatry'-W ' 6i Qu 7 qP 3 I NAP:P".." , I 1. , !, A . , ".. - I . �..: , - , ­ ""4Q'f;Q:A�Cafi4d1 . ri �,i . 1:1 19 _ Aj� '. "i T A I , i .,'.' , 000 "i'44 tbo�'-_s 4,00M Q. , Absta. . ; , 'Wei. -, " I I ,V� " . ..... �,,- �"Ai . �f 11 I I I" 11 " I. I., V. , , 0),�Jl XV9 11i I Tg�._ J I , A74 - �,.,,, ! � , qjd,c�!� �',�.A,V,. "., 'I, _1 - . ly 0 . is wbattli''Its,*" 4, .. , ,,W , , g, i. 6 , , , . ." . : . " , � .* -0 I � " B il[-­ al 9 6 1, . ,i�,,, . , - . , 0 . �'s d 'A", I 044 ,;,-X%%,, Tho, ��!,­ I It . , . , L go] ' , , 1111i * "' , , . � �0 ,ift ,� W ­ : I ­ �. -�_, I - - .. - � '. , '.� , _k4y, 9 .§ . . . � - ' , ,, ', .� I 'en - _g I � 1.11, � , ,,,, � I , � I I 1.��,,i, 1. 11 i., I# P " ' I$ "! rt . � . : . , , , . .. I hycilw � III I 1 �4 � ,� � "' 4ou oo�. 4�v ps . M, 1, 1; . 1:.. . . . ��'. �'. � .1, - . .,� , , , . ,.4�6��*, � Rusty. ,PrOmu. .1 , -4. �,�*. � ­ M. i�, I ie�� PI , . , �� ,!� � zi �z ,� I , ,# 4 , I% � , I - , , �'. :i, , i � *' ;�11 .. _11. , . )�; I 0119N - 11 I Rp R � I � . .,­�� iiiiii ',�., � , ". i. , I . � � � I'l.,;" it, . '' . - � ,,,-.., . ' '' � ] 1," �;.,., , . , � '. - . " M­-M1._X R ,� . I I '0 , ­ , - �., � ,. � � , � - ,;�".­ '. " , I e,*. 10 .11 , I I ; , . ; AA;,.#r , , "i r I " �", , I , nq;!�benl� 1), ' - up � -, - X " r L xrg'� I Okv � '" Tepi -, ft. ­. � � ' ;r,T,p �Vw: `41401, � #10 %� . " �': � IV! I 'O _An A. , s I Tll �VA "" . ii' '190 W044, I I �.ai -�'­, ,.,,4 ,1, , r , . AdaW_,: ­ ­ i� . tpi� , oax1p .� I , - - �.,i . IA44,11, 'llaa., ser 4,.W.#y- bi ' Proven ! heuslals stari is. . ,bqt, ilm'',AAA ome.., I 1 . " "" ""' '4' ' 1. lateAge"'4"p.) W h . ' ,t IPA � . Southi , dii,,4­ " - . . - - " t , *W - !.. O)AQ Weeks ftgo;`­ - 'ie oig;ir , .1, 11 a- f0l, 4 , fig i 'Wei . . I ,A;, Ro" . I r�A�via, oe�' , A 0,of sf�A.. , , -C , MUQ'ibld A-# ,.,- - fT1 '�a ­ i, , , I 11401's, ', 'm `Uiqn,for li ' 0* ) from "WU � I I I I - I r�l I ,.'14M--. J f1s49W1 th, i9r. '. 10 6.,r . . � , " 4�t' r t� I , "'i A y. I .1. - VA _ , ..'.1 1. vfw�XPA .,,r'p . N 1 � , � %# _, _� . � � I -1146P for " I a w, or .,e a r big., ArqC L, ­ . �. . . F , d ,I P, 'sees��)'J'4r`,,,'# _ I ., , and 4 'week, we .find, o0delvii - 40 �Iiie -y�g, iit4 . ottes. f , , . # ,� . 400 04, 1 44144"Soufui Q - troo, 4� �, _1y9t.,-s sqe� oiio� Ve4pult's" . , . "i 40 ,e flue,�,� .,- district eV4i1'4.iyi`, i, 04 I'd 4104 ,P 01 .. h ',,110 01,� of , U11", I I ,_ better r4lish "I OLT . I 017e �. To I I . 1. _Ae yf.. �.,X�) n_C , (AQQA w tb�,44e ",# of collee � i , � oigbi. Grade. 1,44. 4th. , 0. 12! - ll�� . ,, _e4 , ,,�,,11 I � -1. ' "" " . I'll, '. " , 'i " "i Thus, i Easier and -examg ikp aQ. 1-7--= , _4 better sign , *614or now Than � 'e , Im --A ,, I 11".. - - ",,� . I � I - 14m, - 474 . , 1,40pl 'Ne twt,111h,= tall, , 0 . I I kis Aakn,iw 3, ,;io�hw'Hoth, ­­­_ ­ � . , ; Qu .10# . ., _ _j,, . , _ 4" � W1, S4 I , .�� 1 , * -i --say, - Vpen 004-W0,7! I , , Frank i$llis,,'Xdr,i -Africa: 44 ifori,-jAe g '',r ge, rzy-ce" 40 - bogla R '. , ., ,. J '' P . fur . P14*Ae agal; ,.�.ettes." Peor I Y, M00 . I— � I , �._l I , ..t gonmientg, we 1. . . r.:ii , , % . � . " � lialuAoA: X, -A , _ . � - the fe , � �, v* - . - 0 L I ... xg A - , Plov I � I , 4 * *1 � . .AM ..., ., 1. ,� -1 I I ,tSesamei . . P , expressi, pw - thanks to f1lows In - .. . ,1 i. -vi . . ,�� !Qeo Trolutheck ;, - , .: 'Al'-� . , .' . 4 I ., �* .* * . Questions of *q ',Week. . - - ,,y .. os.� '. � _ ,, - . itlie Lei for' thelV cig6rqtte , ph Capt. P. 4,..b 4, � Toi "Wmad v - P. ,-- . `i4_r.e!e- "eks, ago w9 m -. 1. , vL ;pertalu Fourth orm. stud,qnt I A whi I . ,:.� I . � 'in ROX , I .:;,... "'. . , . J . entloned .' DW F I se CQUVI,,� �ty thanks -�q oe . .. 1.1-1 � , e0terda , In. thlo ca.mp, you �,yeii p 9a ari, . , ., . ut . 41 �1 1 ,Tgr.,. R. 1, ,OXA , 4upsei , FOR . ' ' . 1-404, I � iid� bc .;k6xk.,. 11 -, , R. . 1" Efie Caup4l4n, 'Mage , " Jol ,ii - � i . - I --", � I ,that "IdTaile X11 was "to receive the sud4eply.,.i�i9pp,m4a I weak from ovier, ) ... ... w*. __ . I � Inly get 100 a. *0 .ad �n m .o a � ' I - � ek, a � #A.Y S64�drth brWi. .� t ­ can. -C . . _. . . tL . Lqg� ,_W R,. .01.4 ,�e. ,g,, , � b e � or was the arrival"'of Spring . . ' , 91 rvey�. I .1 ., ,Qrs n w ichever they c .. I tl.wi! - q; - )WIP01 �, ii�g places it is much', lower, so you can ion for the',cii4i�� they were �W, -. Doli"Ap rethleflik 41 .� �. . . � result of the recent sales coutest. too much ,W his wearied bi�ueo , ' � - enough to 4i ��ie at ]Kiska.:, ,i . r .., . . I ,, ,Wejl,- after debating, for a� week, they route-dowu the stairs?, WvIl, weve see they, kre appriectated. . As -you , .R&i, iii 'I, . 11 si I - ` . it'. It,, 2, 4%kFQRT4_WV ' ''i . ' . piAg i e, 6ut h ded tbei* ackgge arijbit.4 as we wbre pr* . to , 4 I . L, .UVin '� '� , . dually decided that - they would- like seen. students slip and slide, 'but � tA Iniow, I d . mok . L Ian P I I ' 0 moi 6, '4A ._ :- .1 dalicing, c r -y nov9,,jQJ have not bad an ,. 2,'� Robi . dii; I ,A �4rty in their . koi with ollaPsib completely,,. on the tbi d step aroond with' , our compliments. The paring to p , _ . . I or Se� ' ' . I . . . . . boys we: I . � ozier 31, Jas. F. ,,9cqjt 4, :FbV,u - Ott. entertainment All -this, 4s a new one! ' c ., ow, , . lunch and re eA%inly tbi�nkful and I'd earlier i6poportuniij -to let yolg_" - 1 4 Walter U A .1 I . I . I . ..� � I I I . , . Scott. . I � 'beforc * R. R. % -SEA . ,F04TH-�'__B e - ­M­0-� '. was three �Weeks' You' might ripeeived them. _.t. is truly . . as we said , like to co"nvei tp�you. . I . remark- � .m6" . 11 , , , 'M Who i 'the Frank Sinatri of Fourth L . .ago, 'and so oil Wednesday, - arch S, like to know thi I'm ,the only Canai able' -how �Plgireii from home �Pau ean 3, MTb.'.DaVld I . ' McLean 3, Mrs"',, . '. , 1" - .,15tu, ,the paxty' was helk with,i the 7--oomplete,'with bow tio'and -hanging. dran -in ""'my present, outfit. Give .Ixiy buck ii� a' c�bapii spirits, no matter Jas'.' Landaborough, Mrs. "Warren' . � I dancing, lunch and entertainment. Of locks? All., that remains now 10 to . . Whitmore, Roy .Brown . . 1. 11 , � . n chaps, Aoss', in -what part'O - � . ,course, Grade XH .'graciously invited. .hear the voi,&&-so-'so -. it 1 -better 'be regards. to, all the Logic, . ,. . Vthe world he may be. A. JR. 4, SEAFORTEt4-Digle Nixon. , . . . ' ' I . the.rest of the, school, and 'the stu- good! . .. � . and tell them t#at � aftol- the war, if I can assure yo#AJIiat all'ibe boi ap-, 6, ]R_Biii� goudie, Robf, Pai � , 1. i I � 4dents turned'otit with all flags flying. ', 1. iiii * * - they'll lot 3ne,'Fd 3`ure like'to jbin'lpreciate'iho,,t!rAc��,,#.ud energy and ex- . . . � , 4. jm, 6,'$WORT,H­Dennfs Feei 1. -The program ,consisted of a "Take it ,,,Is your- correspondence lacking? their outpt,beea-uge I tltqnk it is. ai the foi k ih(iiiae.devote to 6-Y, Z; Jos. A. Lane 4, Thos. Kale 4, I'll, - , � 4 '. ,or leave it" quiz. with Maxine Me- 'Well we know"a'"66ifidii 06cond Form great organization. Zo long for now! them. Fortunately I have just re- Raymoi Murr:y 4', Job" moyl 5., . . jaken, Roger Milliken, Berva Blan- .stud&Lt, who recdIves leti every and thanks. a at . n Hoi bee. you ePlitlY arrived .4acIr in Canada for a John L. *&1on 4,'Joh ' in an . . . . 9 ". .�. . n Henderion 2, 1. ,chard, Jim 'Watt and Ann Eckert par, duy'trom. one of his'youthful admir- � � : . : I . . brief furlough, .1luillig which I hope Ivy Henderson ;, Vincent Linw5, ., I . ,ticipating, '=4�,two' of, the lovell6t ers!. Kow,'s1r, Idoes; it feel to ,be soon," . .1 . I to spend a, couple of. days iv Seaforth ' " LONDBSBORO-Mrs. Peter 'Taylor, - " I . solos and -piano selections yet to be soughk-after?. - "I must. I .%in loolking foiiward to si u Norma Dexter, Win. PiolmAge �5, 'Roy I equalle4 iA,gip.,sebool, _givAn-bY WSL ' - . . Alex 'Irpne, Overseas: � 7 Dolmage 4,,-JOhn. Rapson,, . i . Whitney and Doris Fergusod. Be� ..'-.A.nd now our parting thoiight: -take this ol�,�.4rtuWty. to thank.: I , thanks in e , . . _the then a.nd.eiig my 2TURICH-Bruce- McGlincley 4, Kar- l � I 11 . . ..: .1 "` I I $ldes the dancing, lunch of coca -cola, "Every duty we some chairman and �all the members of the person." . I .vey Keys 4. . . � sandwiches *anq doughnuts, was the truth we should hai known." -;tug- Seaforth Cpn4diau Legion. for the 300 . . VARNA--Qoraon � Johnston �, flar- . . . I � h elirpiting, and the "kin. - I .... I I . cigarettes, tW 1're6eived in January. A. �S. Leyburi Clinton: "I - ii old Connell 4,, Wilmer Reid, Mufray . i 6 2,' Elmb'r,Turner, Elmo �., fuii broke up at 11.30 p.m. I . - . - . I apDrei ,the gift very mucli, and ceived toe cigarettes selit me by the Graingey .re I I � '. . . I . .., . ' , . Legion ai . appr9ciated 'them very Stevenson 4. 1 '.. . � ' I " wish yoi� 411 a very happy New Year." 1. . . For years now we have ,been won- , . I BLUEVAIX--Florence Fowler 2. s - . , . I much. Owing tdi.`,'�circunlstinces at , -1-1. I ,1 - 4eiing why, women were referred to Seaforith 18'randh ' . , WALTON-Mrp. Alex Dennis 3, . . Stei. Love, Overseas: "Just a the time, it was Inipossible for me to, Donald Lawless 4, Jas. Ritchie 4 Gor- . . � as "the ' weaker sex.?' Had'any one . (Continued. fr6m. Page I)' - ,letter of thanks for the cigar- write and th � � -.4 Our mail was don MeGavin 4, Andrew IMI(aNicit6l g'. . .seen the -final bgsketbaill game to de- . � . ,short ' ,.ank you. , . I I e - before, Mrs. A., kcNichol., K�maeth Beattie,� . termine the : champlibuship, between ettes you have sent, me: 1, r, i6eived cut off for,ame:,.Aree. weekb I . . . . . 6 , I . Grades ,XII ani XIII A afid� Grades Thanks a jot." . . . � . . -them a few days. -ago . and �-hey came we.'left Kiska; thop on arriving, I in., Kathleen Leeming, Vincent Murray, . , I . . X11 and XIII B,'we feel quite slate in . ^ I -at a � zaost,welcome time. I 'have bad Canada letteri was com.piet�ely Leonard Leeming, W. ii Nichd1son 4 I I .dayinj that their opinions would have W., J., Miller, Italy: "Received your .�ig . Geo. Taylor 2, Tbos.'. S-hortreed 2i, . to'dep6nd'oin the issueil.of- arettes forgot;ten. All we t#ought of was get- . I ' - . , 'Ibeen alter�d., The. girls really "went most welcome, parcel of 300 cigaret- ' " , . . . � Harry - Rapson, Rdss Driscoll, 'Mrs. i I � to town," on the scratching, pushiuig, tes today. I trust this finds every- which we get every day (7 per) to ting dut for an evei fun.4114 get-. Thos. Shortreed, Glen &rlett. keep'me puffing. This letter will have ting home on leave. Hoping you re-' DUBLIN -John O'Rourke, Alvin � pu)Jing,'-shoving, and -all, the rest of one well; all the lads that I know - Ill W rden . � . to -be much shorter tha _were�good, I w 6 1 . n I wish as I .slize my intentions Fr�ank O'Rourke 4, Wilfred I . . ­ it, and we are still amazed that there from -Seaforth and district and who am iA hospital iimd ther6 is absolute- thank you again."', ... ... . Feeney"i Russell Bolton 4, Leo Ryan . were no serious casualties. However; are here in -Italy, are.,getting along 1 4, Clarence Ryan A, August I)Vph.. . ln-#6e end, Grades XII 'and XIII -B, I ,ly-pothing,to write about. I've been Italy, March 2, 1944. . , I . I em6rge'd -v�ctorious, which,", -goes, . to iiiie.' Thanks very much. toi- your, in since the 23rd of Novemb4r and "Thanks -to my. friends .and the airine 5, Frank Johnson -2, Jack Flynn, l 1' gift, and' hope that Victory will soon ' ' Thos. Butters, Mrs. Agnes Forrester. A show that thebest team will win. . still have six weeks to spend in bed. Overseas'Club liFf Seaforth for Christ- ' R� R. - 1, CLINTON-Wilbur Jewitt . I . * , *1 * . be ours." : .1. I -have ,had an operation on the bone mas parcels which J, received in'96od 5, Jack Medd 3. I . . . .. ) . ,,_ S,'tored 'long... ago .a:fid lar away in . "' I . or in� leg and I have to sp.pild thils shape. They certal�ily w6re much ail- CROMARTV--Mrs. Duncan McKdl- , . . . . i6ux menfory returns an. 'Item - w& for- - A.. R. Archibald, Overseas: "Re- time in -bed � ta,alldw "it to strengtfi- preciated,and enjoy�d by myself and lar, Oliver Jacques 2, Mrs. Jas*. M. I got, I believe, to mention. . It con- ceived the eigs today. Thanks a mil- . peas." , . � . .Scott 2, Ernest Allen 2, Per , cy W -right icerxi� a'visit'to our school made b l y I I . . . ,el� otherwise I am quite in . good ,, 1 2, W. A. Mamsey, Edna Mills, Mrs. . I lion. for sending them.". health. , Thanks again . . 6. Gen W. Somers. � ioertaiin. ex -students Of the school now. - I 11 I - . for the cigar- " ', � Pt . Martha . Houghton, ROO- McCulloch, — ' . � ,attending-, Stratfoi:jd � Normal Schopl, I : I ill � etties, .and pleasel ac&ept ray apologies . Pte Somers li, ia.,-tormer wellknqwu Frank Hamilton, Ross. Sararas 2, Wil - Glen R. Pinkney Overseas: , "Tha s l I 1 $' and their principal. These. students' . I '' tof* the sbortu6ss ot this letter." I Seaforth boy aiiii, a'son of, Mrs. Thbs. mor MacDonald, Lloyd. So'rsdahl 3, spbke to the pupils of XII very much for the cigarettes; they I .1 I Biitt, of Kippen, aiiil has Been serving' Ev4rard� Kerslake 2, Ross Hoggarth and. XIII I I � — - , , I .. . I I . -on entering the teaching profesgion. arrived. O.K. and were certainly �ap- .. . eas for nearl . three. years. John Wallace 2. � � . . A . F. G. Devereaux, England: I'Lknow overs � ­ This week we again had"knother preciated.- Cigarettes are." ,One thing this 1 1 etter. is long overdue,'but as the T .1 . .. . I . STAFFA-Cirter Kerslake 5, Mrs. I visitor, this time representing the 'we certktinly aop�.eciate. .. Thanks ' 4 .. I Carter Kerslake, Samuel Norris 3, Ed- . I 1. rsi rofession, who addressed again." � I old saying goes, 'Better late than nev- . ward,. Dearing, - Robt. McCaughey 3, 1 I I q. school on. "Nii�slli . t." , I er,1 however I hope, these few lines I Henry' Harburn 4, Gordon Hoggarth 5. .the gli-I& of th . . . I . I . . I I., . . . .- will shoi my. appreclation,gd ac- wwommoni - - BRUCEFIELD � Norman Walker, visitor was, Miss M. Dolmage, - s': �'Thahka . i,;i it . I Our - Merna Smith, Overseas er The Tuckersmlth Ladies' Club will ,� I RX, from Victoria Hospi.tal, London, - , I 'They are knowledgment for the , ie ii� . 'Wed Aldie Mustard 5 Mae Wilson, W. D. . I who is making' �, tour throughout the I so much,for the cigarettes. which I received from thb Canadian hold their' regular meeting jon. -' Wilson 4, Mrs. 'Margaret Tyndall 4, i ' one of the most appreciated gifts one liesday, Maribb. 29th, at the -home Of h ..: - schools of Olita io, to furtber the, ill- , Imep ago. , I 'also wish . .Mayme-Swan 2, `Mr�§. Poirot y Mer6 5, . I can receive ,over here. My best re- Legion �ome ti -vel Mrs.. Vanderi The roll call will ,Mrs. John Cairns -5. Margaret Me - I ,terests of certain stqdents, in taking I . Sedforth. Thanks to thank the Legion for 'the mai - . Q ustin Dliling 3. � I I ,up nursing. as 1% career. Miss Dolmage: gards tb friends in . , lous work th.ey have I done for Cana- be an April -Pool's story. . ueen 5, A ' , A gave an excellent talk to the girls, agliin." I.. . I . - � Death of Dougal4 Flotheringham KIPPEN-Joseph McLellan 5, Mrs. . � I i . �and afterwards spok'ei ,personally "to , I - . . . . I dians, etc., in this country. , I tbink As we go -to press', we learn of -the, Ernest Chipchase 4, Mrs.' Win. Kyle . . . I . appreciated by all over '33, Edwin Tai,lor i Mrs. Jack Sin- ' i several of our students, who are In- ,...Frailk J. Archibald,. Overseas: "I it Is well . ve-not become k death df *Mr. Doi Fotberingliam, - 3, Mrs. Winston Workman 4, . I . tere9ted in this/ profession. - was , ad to see in The I�droli Ekppsl-* li'dre. As yet, I ha for many years a prominent farmer clah - e � - *� *' * I . - 01 . jumber of the -Legion, but hope to. an,d stockman df Huron, whidib Oc.. Roger Venner 3, Emmeison Kyl 5. . Ha-ve you ad -opted the War Savings tor, which I received d month aft, in the near,-fature, because I hive curred at 'his home, lot ­26.' con. 4, Richard Taylor, Jr., 5, Thelma Elgie, , . -Stamp Habit? It not, start at once,' 'that, I Was on your .cigarette list. . I stayed at numierous Canadiah Legion Tneikersinith, Thursday mornini. Mr. 3. . . . � " late than never!" Our was truly . appreciative -when I recent- . I Fotheringhain hadii.,6wWen in failing , � FIENSALL,-Robt. McKenzie, Mrs ' , for "better . . Clubs and Hostels in Dagrand­and B .... '' 4''"M. M. W No-r-minton 5: � . ­ ,school dan, and must, do bettei ly received y6uF vigarettes. This Scotland a I ndl have been given a very health for some time,.and a: year.ago Clarence Smillie 5, Mrs. Jas. Sangster I � ,. its War Savings Stamp sales, or else demonstration of your, thoughtfulness good welcome andihe best of hospi- underwent a major operation in St. James Venner 3. ' ­ . � we shall fail in one of our'anost im- for us fellows over',here is really. aP- . . I. Joseph's Hospital, Loiidon. The fun- BRUSSELS=Mrs. H. H. Sullivan4i . I tality while staying at your clubs. If eral will take place 'brom' his late M Bob Campbell 4, Andrew Turn- . � .136rtAnt tasks -to help the boys over preciated; thanks. a lot. I sincere y I rs. . . - . I I .there. We . canndt pick up a guil ind hope -that I will be thanking I you I in I �may,,l wish to mention the cleanli, home on Saturday at 2 p.m., followed bull 4. .. . -1 I L I ,march out to the battlefront; we can- ' . � ness of tthe accommodation with by iidt&ment in Baird's cemetery. - BLYTH-Lorne Rowe 2. . . L not . fly,their planes, or -.sail their ships* person in IS44." -" I . which 'we are. s � I . . - � ' I . I . I . .uppi it is almost I . .1 . EGMONDV-ILLF,-Mrs. Tbos. Bair- , . I . . . , BUT w6 can give them planes to,fly'L impossible'to believe that such'ac- I . . ton 4. . 1. . . � I . I shipsto sall,- and ' ammunition for 11 B-111 Williams, Italy: ,"Well' today commodation exists in wartime when.---.. . INDIAN MEADOW, B.C. - Mrs 4 . lith or 12th, a . . . ' . : . . . Z=s, simply by buyinKWar Savings, is Wednesday, Jan ,. help 19 s45 scarce. The ineals. are al- HILLS -GRE -19N. . .'� . Alyce Craddock. . 1. . Sa 9'.* We,are fortunate, m6re fbr- "lovely day, almost like.tbe 24th of � .1 . I . . . I . -1 I ,tunatb thall any of us, realize,,to be May in Ontario." 1 am,w�lting tills on so exceptionally ' good and very, cheap Sgt. John W. Smith, son of Mr. and I . _. - �` *1. ___ I n . and where -the distan . t I to buy.,. I often.wonder hoW they can . Mrs. Orivifte Smith, Parr Line South, ` . I the verandah of 14 C. G. Hospital, . , . rumbling, of is. not, heard,., an'd ' . .afford to supply the food at such low recently graduateii, as wireless air �w unable to,dib much Work for some 9 * somewhere in Italy. I was wounded .. . . . 11 . ­ . . . . the sky is, n�t_lloiackened I I I prices., However, I tal�e this oppor- ' NG. A Bo'bing and- Gunm ilme . I . I on th6,,2th-a very lucky Wound and gunner -at M � V ' -ounds -1 I . planes; in. a land where death,. ter- 1 - tunity to think'. you, once. again for nery 9chool, Fiiigal,. - After a short The meaql s are, still on the i . ,eign and: recuperating tilicely. ,Thanks a mil the good -work." ". . . an(4 some of the, patf-ent's ,have been ,I ___.._T,_qr. � and destruction do not.l: 1. I . I - bins - t bis . . " _7. . P '611i freedoms"of ip­ '_­ Ii 11oh for the fags.. Ke6p youi c I .. vacatPon A -, home he will leftve I � ,wher . eecb.� rei-, I . — . Ily quite sick. I gion, meeting, I)ress and tnd keep. ,q'iniling. Good lucli ' .. � . . . . for, St. John, -Qtiebec. His. ma, education up a. . . . . . . s' Mrs. Wilfred Weido ;ind Mrs, John k I -.are not curtailed. if ­�ou fail them ' . .— . . A. MacLean, Italy: "Dear -Sir, or friends wish him evbry _.uccess. . a Baker visited A day' recently in Zur- now�, you fail yourself, and so, once Ken'geid, Eng.: "Received lot, of shoq�td_^l say Sirs? , Anyway, I , mrs. James Jarvott .Visited for ieh. I I ' .. again, ,we reiterate: "Get the War es San. l5tb and was well want to thank you, and for, you to few (lays ,with friends in Rensall. 4 1 . 300 eigarett I . ' I . -8avings -Stamp Habit! " ' Fleischavo,r has engaged, Mrs. Mary �tppban. visited over t,he I I * * * . in need. of thein; Tbanks ever so extent] my'many thanks to ' -the mem- Mr. Lorne . 1. I , - . I., I b., They are one thing which are bers of Me Seaforth ,brauch of the with Mr. Frank flagan for the sum- NNeei with frie.nds in Zuricb, at . I An accident conc�rning which the.,Mllc I � . -tending t.be funeral of Mr. Wag . ner.. I full details - se�m to 'b4 vague, occur- I sure appreciated' over liere aind good Xariadi�n Legion .for the very wel- mer months. I � . . . ' , I . . red in the gymn late Wednesday .af- Canadian cigarettes are. 100 per cent. come and much. appreciated gift ,of Mr. Harvey Coleman met with quite . : ' I , . brands. Pergbn- cigarettes Which I just rec.eived.-, Gooii all - e-,N�qiting , time recently.. While � .. -ernooil" when the basketball rack at better than English .. I , � 1� � . . . house WALTON ,,,iy�ii I I iihe ba�k ,of the gymn, toppled over. ally speaking, I am getting along well ci�.�,rettes are -pretty, seared W Allis cIoaning'and ofling his colony . I ' . ne- was -irijured, and the and in , wa,g..a fire -in. the .I'll . e. ili'nior, Red, -Cross lipld a con- , the.,best- of health. I have country. We get amissue every week in which tbere , I � . rack, -whlg1 had been loose for some been ove� -i better than a year, of English cigarette..,;, bul. they're not stove, in some way or other it -all vert and dance in- the Community time, will.be properly Put up again. * i ��nd am em5loyed in RecordsOffice as J,io -be compared with a ,Canadian cig- ignited and Mr. Coleman bad, diffi- . ' . . Hall oil Friday evening last when ,the I . . .. � . * * -- * .. .. ere getting culty in, getting otit, ree,eiving severe � k really olii , rowded. There .. Wb are now wondering wh a clerk. Hope you and all other Var arette. For.a while we w ' . hall wa . ,at hap- ere mad ''' ace and'hauds, and, will 11 14 7" P, , I —_ I - 0, 4 , I - I -­ .. , W .. I .. ; t;"� "',til, i 4',, 411� ` .i , .i ., .'� , , , ?" �11111111 ... .14 ii - .H �i- ­-,'�,;,, !�; ,_ i,�!`K�� `,w 'A' ,i!�,1111� .- s"'1'1,`�*"­`,�o� , i§,,,�:,, �&, ', ; 1_0 ,� " . I " I , ". , '.. 1, , , , , . . ,: , , ",_ . . � . I - ,, " _ " � I "" 41 74� i;� I . "f, �b ; I . �, I � � � , 11 " n, a U11 'I I -pened toi'the pantomines which s are in the -best o� Nealib, ,an is -sue of cigarettes that w e burns to his. f I . was an excellent program, which - I . . . were . Veteran ­ .. . - . ____ I � . .. . . � -_ showed talent in the pupils and train- .�. I 1. I . I I I I - � � . Ing and -pati(iin,cin by the tPacbers of I . I . I .., I I I I -1 I . . the various schools taking, part. The � I . � , I I . . � . I I I I I 'i . . � teachers are , a,i 'ti Walton, G. . I it _IV - ; - 10�� - C. Graingei ,Boundary school, Doug . . � I A I - " " , LW 'r iii,iiii, , � I * -.0i I I I . lits -Lawless; No. 8, . , I ISAF IF AF r11AFrAT11'r11 . .Morris, Geord-p .— , a�ret - � � '� I I . Kirkby; 16th Grey, - Miss ,M.arg I - . I I I ., I — . . .. —_ ... - Nolan; 14th McKillop, Miss Dorothy . I - - - '.'.'.:.,:.:.�:-:-�:sm"�-��..,..- —M _.- `i'iiiii,,'�i�i�i` ". ", "I"', I I - -.11-..'.Ii.l�*ii�'.."".�.�i!i��."iii,,�.-ii!"��,.�.., e.,....",.�.'...".I.""'..?.�,11".-�,.�.,,..�-ii�l- " I I . A.i.V"; . ......... . .i __, .... ......... _.- . .�i�i�i�:�iiiiili�i�] 19JUIZ1441111fa I �, Wright; Leadbury, Mrs. John Kellar. tN " ..j;i;j*:...": .... . '­ ',�: :; The,program was much appreciated � I . 1,1.01 ;ea,wl ,# I ...... ,g . � I . ...,, iiiiii�i:�:: I . . : . �� . ­ ... ,..*,-..,: ::: - I . . rr ,:i!"..-`,-2 ya Ak,r t A/0 r PX44 4 Y 7 7� � . .:..:.:. .1 ...� ... gM:ii . � -by thO..Iarg� audience. 1-1.. . . I .. vve ... . I.- � " . ., . 0 XY AIW Y "I , . ­ we 1114110 aiir al,e Fsnwrs . .. . Mr. Duncan Yolinstion, who ba, dP- . . 7#"40Y-,eXZ49,4W ... I - I , ;'%��;.�', I ... . ____ I A96ii't- )�;F erated the sawmill' for a. nuttiber of . . . %ii ::;-1.11:.X1.;:1 -:1.21e.1.1:1:1;1 ..... . . ro ;W190/0'r . .." 1, ;:-ii . ,ii; el-',* 11 I I � 0-iiiii! - . e260Aq'IrY 6F ynars,, has sold out tb Mr. Wiltiam . I :i ::. � e , = XMIX611V ! A19L :§,;--. ,.W . . � ....... X�Xill:i AW11Y NOr" 70Wr .11VAriii I I "i - I 11alme.r. of Sudbury., I I . ;.K..�­i,'­ I � %i , 4:�) "'.'�' a,nd -Mrs. George. Heiss. of To 1; `* . ...... I . I :'.,1iKKiiii-1 .."... . . _ ?7��4/ WE AV67 114Ve o UQ ,1-� . ­ I ,i�.,�.iii`l i;iiii '.. . , Mr. I I . 11 .0';. . . : I., . . .",.:i:i�::��.:i:::",.";::i:, C-X�1241, INVIOW161y CIV11,104N ii ronto. visit�.`d Mr., and Mrs, R. San- , I � ': .... ­ f, . IMKIIF Xi � .. ,.%:.1,_,i . �, � " , " _.� ,,;;;;;:.. - §­. . . (lervock. last week. ,Mr. qaudervoirk X-0 � . :- %, i . . ii�" 74V& A9X111A1,67,,4N.j9 '...."i. -W i1i 41 ', . �_" X :.:, - is not enjoying very .-ood healtb. . . I ."O '. " I I . I :X .. :,J� � I I � xi r P,. 'W, Wzr- 4_/P 407#4 Mr. John Bennett, vi�bo is training ., 1. : Xr4 70 -i-,iii;r-,� I I I . I ...... . siiiii:iii,` 4 - in the R.C.A.F_iA ho.11daying with bi,; I . ­ - . 1 : ... 1. " r we44-1,0417-11*1�IM41N"-O7#i5�,>S�Y1,0� . par�-uts, Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett, , *i` .1 " ., - '11 I I ,:;: .�, 0 and sister, Mrs. Stuart Humpbries. . r - M000 -S . . .'.",.,�1.1.1".,:.""�l".,"..,. I..- IV) I 1 2 w1ri: V I / W/V M4 rpz Y// W F 4 W . I I .. . I � � 1. 1; . 11 11 . . .. I — - I - . I � ww....iiiii � . � I I .- . 1. .. . .­..... � I ---------- ... .. , 11 . . . ,. :i ... : ", i.,,;il,.,,,;�,111:1,."�,�.'�,�l...'.,..*.,-"I.i"",,,,,,,.".,: .;i ..:,.,.:.:.;.:.:,:.I.:.:":$;�p,,;.:".:.4 I HENSALL ' - : -;...,..........1_...1'.111 ..... ___;-.,-i----i: ...... ..: .'. ... -.,.;..'., .zi '. 41 ;.'1..,1-.1.,.-'. - .i .1. , I , .1... . i I ..".­­­...... � 1., - - . . 1%W1 11 nii.w, N;-% --- I .. g:tti.. - I � � t If YOU vyaSte THEY W0,00, - ' . � I , 01 " - X (Cm,tinued from Page 4) 1 ­ ... _7! : .... 1. .. . IAV�,NMAI ,I RIAW,4=101-4Y . _ $: It"... ­�:­ ­­ A -m - etrt employee _ . . --1 -.1. ­. I ­ ____ ­ � 11 I . � ... ; I I . . 11 iii'v gir 11,01-PIN'o -AOQ�_' - , 1j:!i 'ay-seemtougiy�*r�. Mis,st Gloria; Twiteh0l,;, , , . r, 4/10 .00,i . ;. .,making good wages, tog ,'- , a : VD) , , 11i .*ii!:: . . to on of the Canadian Canners, Exeter. had I .. ... 11 hes. tki it . I ,41yA1V.V 11V 17,41-Y, " . . 1�1;:; Wearing, old clot the misfortuno to Irave her till nib .. . :g:;im if ___ . . 9:i . . e en- R,73%r�,, / . �:iiiii!i1i:1$i . I Would be a good deAl tougher badly �, ,//v M . . "::i --iiii-iiii-iiiiiiii : I I cut with it cleaver wbil -;-i 1 X. -P...'...... I ­ if 6u'r boys overseas did'alget . 6 I , "­ ­4� I:. I Raged in her duties, at the actolly. .i 'i "'i the supplies they need. So The wound, required a nuniber of .,xii; ,ii : ., �:; * " I . I s . . nl.V ... " - _1.iii!�i::.,.:�::::i :,!::: � , Please remember the VWtecl , � .. 11 -9 . , s � I . . . 1;:i:1 11 .. ,......,p . 11 I— �b Nations have only so wil 1-7t stitche - . I... �� I . � I -�ft 11 . W - I I -- . ships, trains and machines.' ' The, Red Cross meeting of Hpnsall . . '. 'ap -, - - - ".. i. . q 'the, home . I . /Wt � ", S. I .XUV ,4NP I - . . 'Anything waned here �W&atis I , oll.t.h.l4ranch. vias bpi(] W � I I 11 . V , . %, I . . I-1kX7 y4a momw ... , . .� shortage somewhert 61'Se. of Mrs. Lorne Chapmal.i, 27 being . I . I I I I ., I 0 / . - Save now ; ; . spend Awn the prdsetit and two qllilta'wigre made. I 1, po eiiiii 77-1.4r. .. I & , 1 . . I.L , , Mrs. beorge Armstrong -will be bos- : . "I �� . I ­ I . . �7 ,:, � ": ting, March .10. ' � I .� I I � . ��- I " .BATT LIMt'TED Th co-ho,iteSisies will be Mrs. Roy � I I � . ..., . do" , . . 0 .. � 14 .. . I . I . � � . ­',,,�­__ I I Bell and TvIrg.'19urnett. I " ... I � .1 I " I � . 11 � I . ... I , Miss Isobel Al,exati returnitid to � ,: . .11 I _. 1 ,,-' - , I I .� - . . . . I ,,, . I - . ;�t ,.:e . � I I . . , .. . . , 1. I I - . 4 . � " ,'I " . . . .. , . ,�", I I k I -1 �, , � . . � � I ) . . I I . . ., , ­ .. . .. ..­ �. . . I .� �­ I � . .,��,, I * I q 11 I . . 1). - , . . .. . . . I I . � I ­ 17 � 11, � '. . I . I � � I . .. I I . I I I I . . . . I .111 1: � I . .., . . I I I I , . t I ­ . I . "I . . i . 11 " ,� . � , o , , " , 17 "'i � , - " , . , , I'� . . . , .1 I I � , N . ,,,i�,�L . -', ", , . I , . , "­. � t -1 � . . 1. . . , . � 11 . . ­ . I . , I I � I , � - 1j" 1. , .�' , - I I , I . 11V�., " ., , ..'�4, _, I . � . .,:, ii(':� , ,.; I - V , - ::, ,, , ,­ ;, ',% - ", I 1: . ,. I � I, -, . 1. I .;, I I " :��_" ��* , � , , ..!: , I . I .1 I , , I ! � . . I �1, , " � � ', �''; ", , � , "i, ""': ,:" I I ., "", '. 11"�,, , _ � 1. ­ � I 11 ­';:�,:,''. Tt )i!,'�­' '. 1, �� ,, `� ., .. . .1 I- . I . ,�, . � - . I . I I :, , ,,� , � , , . " , '' , , 'i . - .* , 'I', � . � I I � .! I . I . 1, � I 1, . , �� , , �','�,,, .. .11i''1'4�, 1 , - �' I i, �, � , , ;` �� . , 1. ,,� ; . , "'' ,11 �7, . 1'1��;i!ll .I. , , . ,�;, , " ", i ,��,� _­ - I 11 """,. , - I 11 Ii.i I " � " , ', �� _111.No'�'�-- ;,� I .�:�., , " I " , " : , . . I - ,.�i�,,,,,,,,,,,�, , _ .1-1-1-A-,4, " "" " ,i­��,w�,;,"*, ", ­­�,�� `,,"), , I. 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Ir . "O L New ei halr�' P4016 cloths,' ' � � ' diagonal twill English coatings, ' Do.negals., herring.bid'oe pattei I t,w e e d s, veloursi overobeck I ' , ' tweeds; ' plain shade Loder � . cloths, a I nd Harris bdeei � are here in a =e cho . ice of s now Spring 4 S. I . I , The - styles -include the new , fly-fri?nt, raglan . and slip-on , - t models that are, popular with. I- men everkwhere. 1. . . . . . . . . I . . :� I I . 11. 19150 . 11 to 32.50 , I .11 I , I . . I IAN, from" , ................. �t- . � � . ,r � . To(ronto last we�k to resume her du- . � . " - Mr. E. Geiger, of London, was a � I �;� . . . . . , , dtlg an the te . aching,'staff, after spend- , week -end visitor Nrith - Mrs. E " Ken- . '. �:� 11 � " ing ..twb 'weeks with'ber -parents, ,Mr., . nedy andi family and,with Mr. Ira Gel- - " I - . 'J � and Mrs. W. F. Alexander, recuperat- ger. . . . . I . - � - . �ag, from .a 'relapse. following f!". " The annual biirthda,y'part�,.Of i;he ' . . . — , i .1 'At-. and Mrs. Allen Davidson, , of W.M.S. of the Fuite(l Church, &cbe- . .. I - ... . London, were recenit visitors ,with Mr. . d',,uled for Thursday, MM -ch' 19th, and * . 1, . �s 1i i ;,nd Mrs,. W. R. Di,tvidson. . which had to, be .postponed, on ac- ,,, .. �.. i Mrs. T. W. 11'ark ' her. who has,been count of weather- and -roi conditions, , .i * .1 if] Fct ,Mrs. SAXindorcoick't-i" nursing will be held in the ebureh schoolroi "30th, � . ', , home for �the past num%er of weeks;- Thursday Eitternoon, March at'S . . I:!, . . ibas implioved . very much W health, p.m. A program has been prepaTed .11 I t� and, left -nn� Wednesday or,this week ' and �the gue8t, spelkee w�ll be Rev. .­- . I .� for Toronto, N%here slid will vtsitWith . I Reba Her.q. of Varna. I I � . 4er son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and .... .. Hippen East Women's Institute Is . I ... ... . ��, � �M , rs, Earl. Parlmer. ,Mrs. Parlmer's .qponfroring a play, "Yimmie Yonson!s . .. many friends trust 1hat-the chAuge Yoh.*' in the Own Hall. HeWall, OU 17. . 11 . I , , N011 ,�e, beneficial td her health and Tuesday, . March 28th, and will be.,,pre- i . � : that she will return W Hensall in the sented. by the Young People's Society - . � '14 . neal. future. - , ,of Egniondville United dburch. . , . , ;� . A lovely quilt, donated by M I rs. G. Mrs, Jack McKeni of W,iind- . - I . � 1.1 I., I .T. Wren, of- Chiselliurst. realized $40, . ser, was a. giiegit last v�eek with Mrs. . ., �. "t, " , aiid the l�tocdeds will. be Riven to the . Ii. Bontbron. an�! Mrs. L. Simpson., -, - . . , - .` . , Junior Red Cross� ol ',q �S. 7, Ellb-bert. Mrs.,D. H. Peacock. of Sky Harbor, ' .. I 11, . Tlie winner of the quilt wai Mrs. . . 0, spent the. week -en& witli ber. m6ther- * I I '. . il Walter KerslaJie, of Croinarty, . . Mrs. Grace",11arpole. . . I : . . , , The auction gale of�Mr. Geo. Hess Miss Marion Dougall, RAN- �f toi : ­ -, � and Mr: I -T. Dayman, held on S,&tUr- (Ion, was a week -end visitor 'Niiith -her . 1i I - : . , I (1;1y. last, ,was well attendmd, despite . paxents,. Mr. and Mrs. W. R; D.ougalL ' ' I � '-"� . the chilling March winds 'Good pric- Exeter's sevp,nt,b blood donor clinic I I , 'I J Ps were realiviii and the sale a, great wits the largest and: Mdst successful . .o:lm_. I I . s. Mr. Harold Jackson, of Sea- succes, . to date. , Blood, donom...from HeusaU ' - � ` , :' - 1 forth, .was the auctioneer. i I were Mi.qR--,Dtrrothy Dougall, Miss Sal- --- 1. - _ . .,.J . . Mr. Edgar McClinchey, who has ly Manson and Miss, Margaret. Glis, . I ' been with Mr. Jas. W. Bont,hron for Mr. and Mrs. NIOrenz, of basbwi " ,irl I 11 two years, left on Tuesday to enlist we�, week -end 'vis-Itors with their . ..','., 1; in the Medical Corps. , . daitAter and son -in-) w, Mir. an(P Mrs- -a .. . I � I , In the Globe and Mail of Tbursda.Y 1; ' ie. i MCK Corbett, .Ross, and-, Conn � - � IfY last we noticed a fine photo ,of Pte. I . Mr. and Mrs. iphn. Henders04'.1.0"i , .... � . . . . . .7 Joseph -M,a,rkR,� ai,.former Hensall-boy,- , . Jack afiff'Xem W"p. g.tm,,,gv.t-vm-�8unda�r,----�--.�.l�.".. . _` 't ,,,,, and son of Mrs. Win. Hildebrandt, of . . last with Mr. and Mrs. J. Mbrris a32& I _ , ".,e-, , ,U,,., ­ -.11 ­�'. London. family of Goderlob. . . ,.i ";,, . . . . . I . I .. . . _­ __ 11� 11 11 ... "", I J�;.:� N I- I I � . I . ... '. . .:!. , , ,� I', "I ,:�,,,,i ... ____ - I — I . . . ; .i.,i:11i" I .�;.., 1.;�Q., . - . . �1: 11 .. W, I 14ffi ma �1_1 Dead. and Disabled. Is . t - :, ,`:`�2,,,! ''hil.4.3 -A -Ai ---,&& �._ _.�,��".. , 11112 , I R9M0V_9,D .. I � . , PR i ' i . 11 ' OXIFTLY " - "' . � _ . .. 1­..110ii 11 7 , ".j, , ,.j, " " . . 1. � � ...;� . . PHONF. COLLECA 'SEAPORTI-I 18. '_MY6t1!6 ,i, ,�' . 11 , - ;iii . M , .! -q,�,� . , DARLING AND CO. ; I � . 1.*.;., . . . 11 .1 .;�` . OF . A 9 LT- -0., "', ._,.. �" ... _& *:, , , - . I '�"%�� I .111, : . ,�� . 411 ___), ,� k_ii"71', , . �. I mbei vwowl i _ ", .., i�. ��L"� 'i ',�:4�_�._, bb,­�. Q J . . . . .. �% I ,., "t; � '� ' '' ­ L , I � I. . , " �7%. ,� 1, i0l. .. 1 P, 11 f �. . I I � I I , - I I I `�� `�I,J,' , Rj��!,�,g, , I . ; , I 14 ,,,�.�? �,i,f�,,- , I r ... �......­_., .. � , , '. I I 4i ­'��`... 'FISSII � ... 11 � I 11 . ­ ­..., ,,i ' -.,1-_!,, ­..... ,. � , , q�,, " -. - , � "Ill: I . . I .1 I - . "', ", ".i,"j, 11 ,. I I." ­ ._..:_1., " I I .1 ". 1: ''. I I � �- - I . t ,i I I , 1; ­ 1 � . 1 ": , , ,. �V� , ,' I � I 4 11 . � � , , .1 .It ... lfr",: 4 , " - 11 �, 1. .1 ., '.�, I I ." . � , ;, , " . , I "I�, �. I � .1 I" '. . 1. '�'_', �_ I , , , , : �L' V. I .1 , '.. I - � ,:, ,,��,,�; I 111 � I 1- I I � '­� 1� . ,'� �, L I ­,� � �'11,1 I , i 11 ... � �­ "I' 1. I '11i,�, - , , � , ","', �,-, ii� ­ , � ��,­ , " , .1,� ",-Lt" , ,.: �, 11�1 , ��,��, " " ,, "I''.. . I .­ � . I , ­­� N , ", ,,4, ", 1`111'11111;�; , I ��: I , ­ � �,,,,.,, '. L '' I ,, 2.ii!`-�,-.,L&i,,�;_'� 1-, 11:.Ii� - " "-n",��,,�,',:,��c,,�i�i,.2,4",ilig;,�'. i,,,�,. -1, I 1, , , , , L, �,,, ; ,_� -1, , ;,."''! " �,t , i M: , I � 1, ; . I ,,, , ; , " __-, A . I