The Huron Expositor, 1944-03-17, Page 8DUBLIN •
Miss A. M. Stirling is visiting her
brother, D. A. Stirling, wife- and fam-
ily near Goderich.
The members of L.O.L. -24 are hold-
ing a euchre and dance St. Patrick's
night in . the Town Hall. .
The ladies of the W.A. of the Unit-
ed Church are putting on a .nlay„.-al,-
so other program, in the baiement 01
the church on St. Patrick's night.
Lunch will be served.
Mrs. E. As Featherston 'arrived
home on Monday from London where
she spent the past three months.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Vawden, 4;rf Al-
berta, having given up farming in the
West,' arriyed in the village. on . Sat-
urday and will make their -home with
her mother,. Mrs. W. H. Talbot.
The Red Cross collectors of the
village and vicinity having an objec-
tive of $1,000 to raise, went around
on Tuesday of last week and raised
$940, and expect to yet reach the
Mrs. M. Toms and Mrs. Grant
Turner are visiting friends in Toron-
to for two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sparks and fam-
ily, of Lon -den, moved up to their cot-
tage en the 4th concession of Gode-
rich Township, on Monday for the
Death of W. J. Peck'
Word was received en Monday isf
last week of the death -of W. J. Peck,
in Medicine Hat Hospital, in his 76th
year, niter an' illness of two months.
He was born in Stanley Township,
and spent the early part of his life
in and arpund Hayfield, and went
West in 1894, and taught school in
North Dakota for a number of years.
He married Addie Wallis, cif Hayfield,
d -
in 1907. They moveto Alberta in
1910, where they took up farming,
and have lived there since. His, wife
predeceased him -fifteen months ago,
but he is survived .by two sons, Ar-
thur, on the farm, and Elmer, a depot
agent at Aerlo, Sask.; one sister,
Mrs. W. J. Howson, of Hayfield, and
a brother, George E. Peck, of Fargo,
North Dakata.Funeral services were
held. from the Pattjson Funeral borne
on Thursday, Maria 9th, with inter-
ment in Mediclie Hat CetneterY.
A highly respected resident of Deb -
lin, MrsBarbara I-Iolland, Will 'cele-
brate her 80th birthday on Friday,
March 17th. A family dinner will be
held tir the home of Mrs. J. V. Flynn
with whom Mrs. Holland resides. She
is in •perfect possession of all her
„faculties and takes an active inter-
est in all current events.
She has eight ehildren' living: J. J.
Holland, St. Colunaban; George E.
and Gerald, Dublin; Thomas and Leo,
Windsor; Mra. James Carlin, Beech-
wood; Mrs. J. V. Flynt, Dublin, and
Sister Stephanie, Ursuline Commun-
ity, Chatham.
Her busband died about nine years
ago; awe danglitter;*--M-rs. James L:
Dorsey, Duluth, six years ago, and
Sistei• Paula, St. Joseph's Comlnun-
ity, Peterboro, allainet two years ago.
Mrs, .11611a.nd ale& has one sister,
Mrs. Ionise .3/InerAy„...3.1.cKillop,., and
Miss Catherine Cone will entertaiii
a gionp of friefailS4ti,E, ;Patrick's.
Day supper accOrdirtg to her annual
eustom for a pette& ef ileare, Mies
-Coyne, who is ft8-years7.-of -age, la a
native irf Hibbent,OWnehiP .and has
resided in DublijetfOry Mine than 30
'years. With the i90eption of ;defec-
tive hearing, folleviiirg attakk of
nieasies in her abildheed, ate- hag
excellent health Mitl,rperfOintle all het,
-own, hatisehold dirtleite •
The' attaldn,tte9; Lt be SCOarate
41,4„ ',INES OF
t • `',
Of ',clearable dwalinge tor
, frame dWelling
(n'i 4 REID
;Ens .sPenprieter
„,. , •
hone' 214 Seaforth
444,,nOihkocnteijit.--4tevitend trirhert, Wtathrop
V. ;#0. Ws; vliVerkinan, Senforth, an
Usynnee the engageraent tneir WEDN*.$0" MAtt, 22nd
daughter, trona Victoria, to Roland
9' • -•+-
.1313ibe Stewart Montreal, ALSO -18119.1005cn0-46.14-, Geod
son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry , Stewart Draw will, be made on clock
Seaforth. The marriage will take. ALLEN ORCHESTRA Lunch Served
place in. Northside United Church ADULTS
early in Ap.rit
Proceeds for Jana Fund & War Work
Girls' W A. Holds. Meeting. -The' .
members of the Girls' W.A. of St. • • Mr. Levi Makins uncierWent a
Thomas' Church met for their regu- serious operation on his ayese in: Scott
ler meeting at the home of Mrs. Geo. Memorial Hospital ou Wednesday
MoGavin on. Tuesday, March 7th, The morning.
meeting being in charge, of Maxine • Sgt. Harry 'Viet/nod. of Camp Bor.-
McBrien, ,was opened by the singing den, spent the week -end with his
at a hymn, which swan followed by wife and family in Tuckersmith:
'prayer repeated in unison. The Bible ' ce, Misses ,Mayme- Watson, Jean
reading was the $eeanti chapter of ; Rapson, ,Jean Hurford and Mildred
the First Cericithiane. Wm =incites of Aitcheson,• isnieessin-training, received
the last meeting -Were read. and . their caps at Stratford General Hos
adopted, which wag followed by the' pital on Friday last. Miss Watson
treasurer's report. A news. item and stood first in the class.
two contests were readand given by I • CPI., Garnet Free and Mrs. Free,
[Maxine McBrien. The meeting was, of Stratford, spent the week -end with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Free.
• Mr. John. Archibald, of -Des
Moines, Iowa, is spending the- Week-
s"... end with his parents, .Mr. and. Mrs.
Death Of a Framer ,Resideet.-- W. R. Archibald.
• Mr. Gerald Stewart, of, Toronto,
13Thoint. ect:Ittoiclay; March
0; 1 *;')�f b1 daughter, spent the week -end with his parents,•
Mrs. Guy -R7an.,"Ltuesn. Mr.,,Eends Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart.
Al, Sea:forty,. where he • Mr. Roy Reid, of Moose Jaw,
lived.; ter 'Sloan years: -before going 'Sask., was a guest of his cousin, Mr.
Weat. Where:' he farmed successfally Merten,A, Reid, over the -week-end
fiar4inanY yearsi1atter retiring to Sea- • Miss Lois Whitney spent the
forth' le make'.bis home. Surviving week -end in Stratfor&
besitlea his daughters -1s his wife, who • Mrs. K. M. McLean is spending
waS 'formerly Miss Arabella Arm- a few days in Stratford.
etrong of Seaforth, now •in • Cpl. Lionel Fortunes of London,
Lucan with her daughter. He was a spent a few days here this week.
member of Orange Lodge 793, Sea- • Fit. Lieut. James A..Munn, R.C.
forth, and of the VnitedyChurch. The A.F., Deseronto, spent the week -end
remaind rested at the funeral home with his wife and family in town.
of C. Hasket & Son, LuCan, until' • LAC. Stuart Wigg, R.C.A.F., Wednesday morning, and then remov- To-
ronto, was a week -end guest at "the
ed to Mrs. Ryan's home for service.s,
home of his parents,, Mr, and Mns.
Interment was made at St. James'
cemetery. Lucan, with Rev. W. 'Moore ' • LAC. Richard Box, R.C.A.F., of
conducting the services.
Guelph, spent, the week -end with his
Tke Second -Division
County of Huron
0filee in the Dotainion Bank Build-
AflifOrt11. (Moo imam: 'rsee-
arstlay, and Saturday. 1.80 p.m.
Saturday evening. 7.80 pm.
‹.> ,c,••
o <> G. A. VeltrrNzy
, .Successor to : . '0
•' Funeral Service 9
'0 Main Street - Seaforth
O Adjustable hospital bed for 0
O Agent for Mitchell Nursery 0
0 • Telephone, 119
0 Nights and Holidays 65 .
-0 4 0 0_0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Seaforth, Ont.
0 Night or Day Ca118-11911
'closed by Miss McBrien, after which
a. delicious lungh was served by Miss-
es Audrey and Marian McGavin.
Northside United Chutch.--Rev, H.
V. Workman, Minister; 11 a.m., The
gais'ament of the Lord's Supper; 2.30
sp,m,, Sunday School; 7 p.m., Evening
TO 00 00000 000 0 i'WOrship, Thnenday, 8 p.m., Pre -Com-
m -ardent Serirke,
t - sLL r-1-4 $t. Thomas' Ciatittliesellector, Itev.
Dr. Htttford: 11 'a.m., "Payer --Our
Petitions"; 7 p.m., "tent the Oppor-
tunity For a Changed Life"; Sunday
School at 10 a.m. Wednesday, 8 P -m.,
Lenten service. •
St, Mary's Church, Dublin. ,- 2.26
p.m., Sunday School; 3 p.m., "Prayer
-Our Petitions."
First Presbyterian Church. ---Sunday
School -at ID a.m.; morning' subject
"An Unanswered Prayer"; evening
subject, "The Search For God." Surlier
Young People's Society meets Tues-
day at 7.30 in church; Senior Young
People's Society at 8.15 at the home
of Mrs.* Beverley ,Beaton. Mid -week
meeting Thursday at 8 p.m. - Rev.
Hugh Jack, Minister.
.0 0 0 0 <> 0 0 0 0 0
-17! J. BURKE
0 ••Funeral Service
A Dublin : Oat. 0
0 Night or day cans: Phone r 11 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
HIgheii Coati Prices' Paid For
Eggs- and Poultry
Phone 110,W, Seaforth
Cwmingham & Pr3rde
Yon are IsesitsBA 1,0 inspeot ens stock
• Seaforth TueednY1 4 Saturdays.
see Dr. Harburn or emieentmeen any
•theentime - Thongs' 160.
'Box 150 ' EXETER , Phone 41
W. R.. Archibald, Seaforth - Pre -S.
F..13/IcGregor, Clinton - Vice -Pres.
Merton A. Reid, Seaforth -• Manager
•-and SeCietary-Treasurer.
Chris. Leonhardt, Bradhagen; E. J.
'Trewartha, Clinton; Alex 'Broadfoot,
R.R. 3, Seaforth; Alexander MeEwirtg,
R.R. 1; Myth; Frank' McGregor, R.R.
5, Clinton; Hugh Aleifuder, R.R. 1,
Walton; 'William 011. Archibald, RR.
4, Seaforth; George Leitch, R.R. 1,
Clinton; George Watt, Blyth.
Finlay McKercher, RR. 1, Dublin;
E. PePper, Brucefield; J, E. Prueter,
Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth.
you Are Invited to Inspect the
• 'hY "
- 'Uttir.:inaid to- fit,
Meeting of gorthside Y. P. S. -The
regular ine_eting the -Wort:1mi
United Church 'Y.P.S. wiL held Tues-
day evening at 8 p.m. The meeting
opened with the hymn, "SIM of My.
Soul," followed by a, prayer by Rev.
Mr. Workman. The social' and liter-
ary convener, Donald Brightrali, will
take the meeting next week. The rein
was called with 18 ' present. The
Christian Fellowship ,cOnvetter, Fred
Weedmark, took over the meeting.
Audrey Shannon read the scripture,
followed by a prayer by *Ernest
Clarke. The topic by Fred Weed -
mark was given, followed • by the
hymn, "Unto the Hills." Four in:em-
bers answered questions on "Whet is
Worship?" followed by a poem by
Lois Whitney. After a poem by
Eleanor Weaver, Fred Weedmnrk
gave a prayer. The meeting closed
with the Mizpah benediction.
Northside W, M., S. Meets. -- The
regular meeting of the "W.M.S. of
Northside United Church was held
Thursday, March 9th, in the school
room with the president, Mrs. R. Law-
ou, in the chair. The meeting open-
ed 'with a hymn and prayer. The mins
ut,es of the previous meeting-wel'e
read, and -business discussion follow-
ed. Plans have beert)nide for a joint
thankoffering meeting to be held
April '25th, with Miss Curtiss, recent-
ly returned from Japan, as the guest
speaker. Miss A. Ferguson- gave the
treasurer's report;' Mrs. J. Finlayson,
Christian Stewardship secretary, gave
a reading, "Stewardship of Money,"
and Mrs. C. C„ Keine gave a temper-
ance reading, "A Strange Silence."
The roll was called, after ywhich Cir-
cle 3 took charge of the worship ser-
vice with Mrs. Finlayson presiding.
Hymn 568 was followed with the
Lord's Prayer in unison. Prayers
were offered by, Mra. Finlayson, Miss
M.' Somerville, •Mrs. McQuaig and
Mrs. Baines. - Mrs. W. S. Hay ably
presented chapter 6 of the study book.
Hymn 186, "Lord, Thy Word Abideth"
was read in unison, and the meeting
closed with the hymn, "Break Thou
the Bread of Isife," and prayer.
A Play
Will be presented in
Egmoudville Church
— 011 —
AT 8.30 FM.
,,-,-- Under the auspices of the
Young People's Society
Admission -25c and 15c
Walton Community Hall
Under the auspices of Walton Red
Cross Unit. '
Tickets will be sold on a, Quilt
Lunch Counter in the Halt
ADMISSION - 25c and loc
• Mrs. Norris and Mrs. Caskenette
of Kitchener, were week -end guests of
Mrs. Dan' Shanahah. ;
• Mr„rtamben Frost., who spent the
winter with ht daughter in Flint,
Miebigan, "returned this week and is
now visiting his son,in-law and datigh-
ter, Mr. ind-Mrs. iosePli Dill, in
Dublin. '
• Mr. M. A. Reid is in Toronto
this week attending the Mutual Fire
Insurance Co, cancrention.
a MT- IL IW,
dint --Haiiir-..-ot...Conamerce; iffrerriTt, the
yea -end in London:-
• Mdse Proretice Murray has 'return-
ed home affer-,ajeCiding two months
in Chicago-,
• Mrs, D. H. Campbell, of Lisawel,
n-•guest-itt-theliortre-of her son- tin
daUghter-in-la*, r. and Mo. X. M.
• Pte. Otero :Parke, ' Ottawa,
Spent the Vreekettil at tile hoitie.
'hie, •Patelita, ;Mt, 0.1141..3frat, kty,,•Firke,
a Mr; atidlift* Vittightitent
tlie..*Selttetid bTorditte,
, .
First MortgageLoans.
If additional money is needed
to frely-you buy a productive
• farm, •send ,us particulars.
possible we. oa-n assist you through
our loaning department. 1 ,Attractive
dteenrps.All inquiries treated confi-
Vent0;' , .L..n.nd WA., p:- ._, . ,ticool...Itere fer :ohe pat weelt ling'
*•PktiV;A(01, 'fiarrY; VticaniP Ver. been eOPIParatiVely. loW,„; Owing to gn
den,' .euetiAohs week -end .Vit it his ,outbrealc Of Measles, in the district. .
M,,9414/iI-1i*.; Aainige 011447- ,,.. 4 Driver 403, Corte has, arrived; honta
Tilte,OA:11 of $.`,.4,;,,T04)A00 °Aur41l. anfely•-freM enersees. UP wilt §91,1'4,
is holding;-‘a•genclai .cAvXiM48; ilAlionnt., ae S driver instritetor, in Canada, ...
at -St, gp#104
on i0401‘ vre41,4g. 'II- Personsi„'Patrik Trane-
--- • -311141ItAccm- WelleFin:- PPending-i•ronto; CartStapleitenaiicilentlon-rMeei
a few- cleInt--in Torenta. , i Prank Stapleton, London, wi%h IVIr,
1- ,
' •IViatitet..Billie Barrett, of Ham*, Mid Mrs. -Willie= StaPleton: AudreYt,
ton, is Vin'ing his grandParents, Me. Moore, Kitchener; with her parents;
and 1Virti,.!,**Onis. Eberhart ' " Mr. and Mrs. Joseph More ; Donald
• Miss Ilona Bennett underwent Kunze has, secured a position in Bei
an operation for appendicitis on den; Kr. and Mrs: Michael MePhell
Wednesday. . ...and little son; Winghani„ With Mr.•
• Pte.141400 Cleary Of 'Chatham, Alex Darling; Pte. Harry Burns, of
visited with his parents, Mr.. and Chatham, with hts,,,,parents, „Mre and
Mns. W. J..„Cleary, oyer theweek-' Mrs. Dan Burns; Mr. Frank Evans,
end. \ Assumption College, Windsor, with
• AC1. Jack Bennett, R.C.A.F., his mother, Mre. C. Evans; Pte. Joe
Dinsmore, Sask., is a guest at the Krauskopf, Ceiba) Bckden, with bis
home of Mr. and Mrs. roster Ben- father, Mr, Leo Krauskopf,- Lieut. K.
nett. i Weaver, Windsor, -with Mrs. C. ,,EInt
• • i ans;, M. James IVIcGovoun, Ment-
VNI10911. real, with her sister, Mrs. Edwin.
Mr. Jack McCerbily suffering
Nursing 'Sister Rena E. Johnston, from blood poisoning in his hand in
of Toronto, spent the -week-end ,vsith Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth.
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. John- "
ston Varna.
Wheel returning from the bush from
cutting wood, Mr. Thomas Stinson
and Mr. Lloyd johneton counted 35
deer feeding on J. W. Johnston's
wheat field.
A concert was held in S. S. No. 5
school under the chairinanship of Mr.
-Garnet Hicks. Ms, Harvey McGee,
Scotch comedian of Auburn', con-
tributed 'several numbers, together
with numbers presented -by local tal-
ent. A quilt was sold by Dutch auc-
tion with Gereet Hicks, auctioneeli,
the proceeds amounting to $10.60. Mr.
William Kernick was the lucky win-
ner of the guilt, -who donated it back
to the unit.' The proceeds' from the
evening's entertainment amounted t�
$16.80, and were given to the new
unit, No. 1S. •
Mrs. McIntyre visited with her
daughter in Toronto lea week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Townsend visited
with Mr. and Mrs. F. Coleman on
Sunday. -,
Mrs. E. Wended alas returned from
Chesley, where she visited with her
Mr. Wm. Pluntsteel is very 111 'with
pneumonia. His many friends hope
for an early recovery.
The W.M.S. of Ontario St. Churn:
held their regular' monthly Meeting
in the church hall on Tuesday with
the president,. Mrs. 31. Aiken, presid-
ing. The devotional period was tak-
en by Mrs.. Elizabeth Kennedy on
"The Bible and Its Meesages of
Hope." Ms. Cairns contributed a de-
lightful sole and Mrs. R. Ball a read-
ing on -"St -Patrick." -The-study- book -
was ably taken by Mrs. Olde. Plans
Were diseuesed about tile Presbyter-
ial meetingInApril. The April meet-
ing will be. the Easter thankoffering
meeting at Which Miss Sybil Gourtice
a recently %" repatriated missionary
from jnOttn.Ntill apeak. Lim,ch was
served at the close ot the meeting to
supplement the needs of tlee_mense
fund.- ' tre-elIiiid the meet -
mg with Pra
Mr. Reg. Law -son spent the .week-
end with his sister,"- Miss Doris
Lawson, and uncle and allirt, • Mr. and
-Mrs. J. ;Busby, Chatham, and also
visited 'Mr. and Mrs. McMillan, of
Q•uiltings were held -this week at
the homes of- Mrs. Frank Riley, ,Mrs.
Lorne LaWison and Mrs. Dave Millson.
Mr. and 1l/1s. Lorne Lawson, Mrs.
Wm. Britton and Mrs; Roy Lawson
were 'in London on Monday of this
week., Mr. and Mrs. L. LawSon and
Mrs. Roy Lawson were on business
and Mrs. Britton visited Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Reekie. •
Mrs. George McIllwain and . Mrs.
, George 'Addison are holding, a St. Pat-
; rick's social in the church on.,FridaY
evening. iii the interest of Circle Nos.
3 and 4 -of the W.A.
Mr. Clarence Walden held a sale
On Wednesday. Although the day
was disagreeable, there was a good
crowd. The stock ,•and implements
sold well. .•
Mr, George Leitch is attending a
fire insurance, convention in Toronto
\this week. His mother, Mrs. Alex
'Leitch,. was taken ill in his absence
and little hope is held for her re-
covery. Her daughters, Mrs.. W.
Johnson, of Clinton,. Mrs. Bruce Medd
of McKillop, and Mns. Robert -Jamie-
son are with her at this time.
WINTHOP' • • '
The Red Cross -meeting will be held
Thursday,' March 23rd. Note the
Change in the day. . We hope for a
good attendanese,,as quilts can note
quilted when the ,ladies do not turn
"The euchre, dance and draw
on the clock that was to be held on
March 8th, 'hail to be. Postponed on
account of weather ,`,and, roads. - It
will be -held: Wednesday, March 2211d,
so come along tor a •good night's fun:
Look for ad. • ,
Mr. Andrew -Montgomery, of Brant-
ford; spent the weekend with his
Mr. Jahn Gillies has beea home the
past week owing to the illness of
Mrs. •Gillies and family.
Nursing Sister Isabel Betties, of
London, spent the' 'iweek-end with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Theron Bet -
flee. -
The main road, one and a quarter
miles ''north and South of Winthrop,
has been named John Street, after
the residents from north to- seuth:
John Aitcheson, John Kellar, John
Gillies, John Montgomery, John"Shan-
nott,' John McClure, John Leeming,
John Pen ick; ;and the last farm, south
is owned by 'Min Webster, What
other road can beat it?-
, The measles are still on the rounds.
'Quite a few ;of the grownups have
and have 'been very sick.
mr, and Mrs. Waiter Eaton and
family; Mr. and Mrs. Peter MeCowan
and tardilY; and Mona Ben -nett spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eaton.
'Friday" Mar. 1?
Dancing -9.30 to 1.30 a.m.
Irwin' -s Orchestra
• Admission° - 50 cents
Auspices of the L. 0, B. A. of
• SeafOrib•
Proceeds for war work
Stuccoed house, situated on ,Gode-
rich St. West. Good basement, Hydro,
hard and soft water. Garage.
Frame House, George St Real
basement, Hydro, hard and oft wa-
ter. Combined barn and garage. • A
real buy. immediate possession
indffidual _flirlitaces •and bath-
rooms; Hydro and water. • Located
Vlotoria Si., Now iully rented. Malts
a good investrrient.
• Brick ause, East William , Street.
Hydro, water, 'be,'aettlent with. furnace,
Vtiinty_a_a, nkintiber ok gOod fardis
for dale, and weleohier your enguiribi.
• INSURANCE &• '11Z14;L:, 'tt#Alt
• thigtorth, Ont., •
A social evening is 'being planned
by 'the Horticultural Society on Fri-
day evening, March 17th. An enjoy-
able program is being planned an a,
set of slides has been secured, "Plan-
ning and:Planting •of Farm Home
W. A. Holds March Meeting
The regular meeting of the W. A.
WaS , held in the basement of the
churcht,on Tuesday, larch 7th, with
a splendid attendance considering the
NOW SOW G--Thursc14,? .idaY? 404.11/41,07
' Speond Show starts 9.15" p,m.' ,
• "YOUNG MR. " PITv,
- • A storyas duaninti aa lo-day.'44 -pt,Prrpxy tin?.em
'Seeond Show starts 916 Pan -
A BO -inning show of treniendous appeal to eye and ear! -
TWO PEATURES--4econd Show starts 8.45
STARRING 'JACK BUCHANNAN• - A really first-class.conleciY.l
o- •
. It is unlawful to admit a child to evening shows nil�s excerge.•
panied by an adult. Please remember, the adult IVRTST,)PURCHASE
Miss Ruth Rathwell visited at her
home here.
Orville Aubin has joined the Cana-
dian army and ,..was - home on leave.
Orville makes- -a very smart and trim
looking soldier, This is the third
son of Mr. and Mrs. Aubin to join
the armed forces for active service.
.Mr. Glen Swan has treated himself
to a nice new shiny tractor. Glen
has an eye to business and always
looking, to the future.
The C.N.R. freight train had to rest
in the yards here -the other night
while repairs were being made to a
broken rail on the north end of the
Mrs. Thos. Baird, Sr., was called
to Port Albert last week .owing to
the death„of her sister, Mrs. Angus
A pleasant, evening was spent in the
I.O.O.F. Hall on Tuesday when a
euchre was held. About 100 ,people
enjoyed themselves.
Mr. Wesley Stackhouse has leased
his farm to his neighbor, Mr. Will
The many friends of Mrs. Thomas
Fraser will be sorry to hear that she
passed away in Toronto and was bur-
ied 111 Baird's cemetery on Tuesday
last. Mrs. Fraser won many friends
here While she lived on the second
concession. Her husband predeceas-
ed her several years ago.
Friday for his hone in Saskatchewan,
Pte. Stephen Holland, Chatham, at
his home here.
C. W. L. Holds Meeting
The Catholic Women's League held -
their 'March meeting on Sunday in
, the vestry of the -church, with the
president, Mrs. J. McIver, opening the
meeting , with prayer. Questionairs
were read from Diocesan conveners.
Thank -you letters for Christmas par-
cels have been received from the fel-
lowing: Capt. John ,
Holland, Joe Coyne, Leo Cerlin, Ja,ck
WalsfIn Fergus Feeney. It was ,decid-
ed to send cigarettes to the boys for
Easter. The Red' Cross convener re- •
ported 18 quilts completed since Jan -
nary, and other sewing and knittingt
but more workers are need. Tickets
are to be sold on a quilt donated by
Mrs. John Delaney, !to be .draivn. for
Easter week. Proceeds will be used,
for War work and. smokes for the
boys. Arrangements were made fat
the annual sale of home baking, to -
lie held Good Friday afternoon. Mra.
.A. Ducharme and. Mrs. Maurice Dal-
ton were .appointed auditors. The
meeting closed with prayer for 04
Frank Doyle, ItC.A.F., at his
Mr. Jas. O'Sullivan -is in Scott Mem-
orial Hospital. We hope for, his
speedy recovery.
Kale Holland, R.C.A.F., OuelPh,
spent a few days last week With his
parents. He will spend the remaind-
er of his furlough at his borne in
Mr. Joseph, Gauley, who has been
visiting his sister, Mrs, Joseph Mc-
Quaid, and other relatives, left On
Slippery condition of the reads.
Twenty-five members 'axis*ered the
roll call. The president Mrs. Ross
'Scott, was in the chair, and Mrs. Ar-
thur McQueen took- the devotional
.part of the meeting. The usual -busi-
ness was discussed and it was decid-
ed to hold a joint session with the
WAI.S. in April. An exchange , of
mitten goods was an interesting p
of _the _meeting,_and -the,-eash -retnrls
front this was very satisfactory. The
roll call for next. month is to be an-
swered by a verse on "Spring."
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wheeler and'
family, of Detroit, visited over the
Mr arIg MM t'-
Miss Illiza.beth 8cott, Of London,
called- 411 -,;610114S on Sunday. s
,MTS. Unitise Lashbroek renewed old
acquaintances during the eek, Mrsr
Laolibrook is an eskteadher 01 No. 10,
• Sttialek, and still qecithai in London,
helping to sorry on he'r hus-
band serves oVerseas.
MisseA Evarr,Stnelthouise, Mary Mo;
ettny .and BM& Seat spent a day lin,
Loh: ati Tlintsday lent. ' , •
Mt George Einranta SION a the'
,Sehddl, viOtea 3110'3160 Mki
eitt4•'&o. home lea Nvetk..
OutioC9 wet
.NO sna, order
nolkither. Just ar Oa*. '
,1007b Ole delivorY ainenuesed.
Staideton -
Alvin W. -Kerslake - Hemall
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