HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1944-02-18, Page 4litres. a tileaday afternoon, February ,..Alt >r OW y:+ear, She Wadi Willer Clara Neel), 'was as. born In New Dultdee, and has 'resided in:' US - home for thee past tweatty years. Site was .a neenbee. of the • ar,xltheran 'C'hurch, • Dasitweed,.. ; Surviving are he fi lnusbaxtdy, ,four daughters, Mre, Thomas Coward, St. Marys; Mrs. Or. ville Cooper, Cromarty; Mrs. ;oho Miller, Seaforth, and Beulah, at home; three sons, Wilbert, Staffa; Charles and"Melvin, at home, and five brothers, Henry Neeb,' 2llrich; Alex Neeb, Dashwood; Louis Neeb, Free- port, Mich., William and John Neeb, Clarksville, Mich. She is also surviv- ed by 14 grandchildren. Private fun- eral services will be held from the family residence ma -Friday at 2 p.m.. with burial in Exeter .cemetery. .11 ssiflcd Ail w - .lilerted at new low cash ratesi' Sales a �?,➢,f . Vic ME}yi. 144.ast ' il'onmd. Cgming Events,. Etnc,-Per .w®rd: lift` Week.... •. 1 °eat ''2nd weett le Cent $rd' week ... ... 1 Cent • M'inimum charge, ......, °insertion, - 26 Cents Ewell figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. mar"d' of Thanks, In Memoriam Naelee -2 cent per word, . Minimum, 50 cents per week. Moon:Wes may be directed to a Box.. Number, ofo The nurian.. ,EEpoedtor, for 10 cents extra, 'e'en coats addibvonal•-per week will lie charged if ads lm' above class are not paid by the Saturday night in the week in which the ad was run. • Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Salm, Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on allplivatton. -rersonats' . , .. . QUFFERING •'FEOM, .BACHADB2 S, REM- " pain,' Sciatica, Lambe is not nec- essary. Use RUMACAPS at once for quick relief. 14MA`17-NG'S DRUG STORE. Wanted 'AN - TED --C .tLD1tEN'S SEWING. Apply to ELLA ARMSTRONG, Main Street, Seaforth. 3975x1 • Help Wanted MALE RELP WANTED -1 DAY FIREMAN A and 1 Night' .Watch, both with fpurth class Fireman Certificates. Good wages. steady job War workers not eligible. Appli- cants must be of age not subject to military dill. Apply with references at your,nearest leMk'LOYMENT AND SF.t F,CTIVE SERVICE OFFICE, referring to C. R. 151, - . 397,53 HELP, WANTED—EXPERIENCED SINGLE man• for farm work, or might consider working' on. shares. Apply to Box. 407, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR. - ,• • 1 - For Sale or Rent -fi�?OR SALE OR RENT -100 -ACRE FARM on bligghwisy between Seaforth .and Olin.. - ton. Frame house and bank barn; elate* tiler -loam: plenty of water. Apply to WM: LIVIINIGSTONE or JAMES F. scow, R. R. 2, Seaforth. 8970 ttf Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED'. Township of Tuckersmith ''ANTED—OWNER TO SUPPLY BY TBE hour, a rubber tired tractor of .sufficient :power kg draw a grader wiith.,.e.104t or.11-ft. blade:'. 'Fenders opened art meeting Marcs 4th. D. F. MoGREGOR,, Clerk, Township of Tuckersmith, ' . 3974-3 Annual Meetings ANNUAL MEETING' ' . NOTICE ITS' HEREBY GIIVEN THAT THEE annual meeting of the Seaforth Farmers' Cooperative will he held in `Seaforth Public Library Hall, .on Saturday, February 26th, 1944, 'at two o'clock, for ,the business- of , ,re- ceiving reports, declaring patronage dividends C on the year's business, and the election of directors. All members are especially invited to be present 3975-1 - ANNUAL MEETING NQTSOE Is' HEREBY GIVEN THAT TEE Annual General Meeting of The' Robert Bell Engine & 'Thresher- Company, Ltd., will be held at the Company's Office at Seaforth, Ont., on Wednesday, the• 23rd day ,of Febru- ary, 1944, at 2 o'clock' in the afternoon. TUB. noBT. BELL E. & , T. ` CO. LTD. . - 8974.2 • - Notices � LILOWN ROOEWOOD INSULATION AP - 1" .plied. to 'Wails and ceilings of your •borne - >eves• fuel. More comfort summer and win- ter. Guaranteed materials, vermin proof 'and r 6reptbof. Our -equipment will- be in Seaforth, e` Minton,' Goderich, etc.; soon. • For free esti- j nate ]on your homey office building of farm, i write. ROWLAND. C. .DAY, 5 Thornton Ave., London, or Phone or write HURON EX1'QSI- ' f COR; Box, 167, Seaforth.' 8975-4, For Sale port SALE --4 DURHAM BRIFERS, 2 1 • C'urhant cows, all due to freshen early in March. Apply to JAMES. AITCHESON; R. R, 2, Seaforth. Phone 886"'r 6. 3975-1 volt SALE --1937 DODGE COACH- HEAT- er, defroster and radio. • L'tt0k and runs like new. SEA,FORTH MOTORS. 3975-1 • FOR REN'r`•.14 DUPLEX.' ATTR ALL ''1 • conveniences- Corner pf Market and Ord Streets Seaforth. APPLY to BOX 27, or Phone. 25. .. ..v.. , 3975-41 'peon SALE --CHICKEN FARM; 1/3 MILE • east of Kippen. Six,roomed asphalt shingled house with basement. Hen house .60 x 20; painted barn 36 x 40 'with built -an garage. Colony 'house 12 x 12. Twenty-five acres of well draindd land: 10 ploughed; 16 is: grass. EDGAR .1. IdoBRIDE, Kipper P,O, 3973x4. • Poultry .. ' BABY CHICKS—ORDER YOUR` DAY-OLD and' started' S. C. White Leghorn pullets and milted chicks from a breeder hatchery. All stock blood -tested and under O. B. S, supervision- WHIP. A. GLAZIER, 'Clinton: R. R. No. 4. Phone 617 r 31, Clinton. 3975x1 Cards of Thanks R. ROBERT McGONIGLE' AND FAMILY desire to express their sincere apprecia- tion for the •many acts of kindness and sym- pathy extended to thenduring their recent bereavement, and also to -thank those who sent Rowers, Deaths' GIVLIN-1,n St. Joseph's' Hospital,. London, on February 15th, Frances Giv'lin, of Sea - forth, in her 52nd year. BARRY—InScott Memorial Hospital Sea - forth, on Mondag,''February 14th, Johnnah O'Reilly, beloved wife of Daniel Barry, in her 77th year. SfMPSON-In Seaforth;; on Saturday, Febru- ary 12th, Christen'a Ross, widow of the Iate James Simpson, in her 75th year. McGONIGLE--In Seaforth, on Saturday: 'Feb- ruary 12th, Helen Routledge, beloved wife fol Robert McConlgle. Births LITTLE --.In Scott Memorial Hospital, on February 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. William Little, Sea.forth, a sen- , RYAN --In Scutt Memorial .Hospital, on Feb. 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Ryan, Dublin, a dbughter. AWSON—Mr. and Mry. J. B, Dawson, of London, (nee Edith Dick, formerly of Hen- sall), wish to announce the birth 'of their daughter at Victoria 'Hospital, London, on Monday, February 14th, A granddaughter and Mr. nd ,Mrs• Robert Dick of Hensall. Hensel! Women's Institute Meets Miss Gladys Luker was hostess and Mrs. James A. Paterson co -hostess at the home of Miss Gladys Luker for the,F,ebruary meeting of -the Hensall Senior Women's Institute, on Wed- nesttay,. Feb. 9th. There was an at- tendance of fifty members' and guests and a most delightful evening was en- joyed by all, The President, Miss. Gladys Luker, very ably presided, and the co -hostess, Mrs. Paterson, receiv- ed. With the singing of the ode, "0 Canada," and the Lord's Prayer, the win; inspection, Ml's. C. Cook; sew - meeting came to order. The minutes ing, c'onvener,'JMrs. 't'. J. Bherritt, Mrs. Were real by Mrs. Claude Blowes, and R. Dick, Mrs. M. McKaig, Miss E. the roll call answered with a prom- Johnson, Mrs„ Graham, Mrs. W. R. inent • leader 'of ;the Allies. Mrs. R. Dougall, Mrs. L. ,Chapman, Mrs. A. Cameron and .Miss Greta Laramie con- Burnett; cutting, convener, Miss A. £ributed a lovely piano 'duet, "Elec- Reynolds, Miss Mary Fee, Mrs. W. tele' Flash Gallop," which was ,enjoy- R. Davidson, Mrs. L. Luker;' knitting, ed" by all. Mrs. R. Sinxpson gave a convener, Mrs, W. O. Goodwin, Miss very interesting demonstration on Greta Laramie, Mrs. John Passmore, "exhibit of 'flags."' 'Discussion took Mrs, Robert Cameron; hospital, con - place regarding a eushre end -deuce vener, Miss.• Margaret Buchanan, Mrs. which wilt be held' in the 'near future; R. H. Middleton; packing, convener, to be convened by Mrs. Jas. Sangster, P. McNaughton, M: Saunders;, sal- ... assisted by Miss Beryl Pfatfelers.••A,•vage, convenerW•,..x........,,HessClaude W. Kerslake, Mrs. Russell Broderick, Blowes, A. W. Kerslake, with ,power Mrs. T: J. Sberritt, Mrs. W. O. Good- to a.dd; blood donors, convener, 'Reeve win, Mrs..A. W. Shirray, Mrs. Maude d. R. Shadd•ick, Stan Tudor, Dr. D. Redden, Mrs. M. G. Drysdale, Miss G. Steer, Dr. A. Ri. Campbell. Miss FIorence Welsh and Mrs. E. Chip- Reynold;? and ,Miss Fee were appoint- ,c.hase. Mrs. 11, H, Middleton, guest ec" delegates to attend. the Ontario Di - speaker, addressed the ladies in ' a v 'cion in Toronto in March. Liason very interesting 'and instructive man- officer,.Dr. A. ,R. Campbell, Ser. -Per her 'subject she' those to speak on "What the British Empire • Public Library So'aril '`Meets Means To Me." Her address was A meeting of the Public Library listened to with rapt attention, and Board was held Tuesday evening in much valuable information gleaned the council h btry • Red Cross Elects Officials A Red Cross executive meeting was held in the Town Hail Wednesday evening, Feb. 9th, to elect conveners for 19.14. The meeting we as under th chairmanship of the president, Rev, A. M, Grant, ' Discussion took place', regtar'ding the need for -salvage, also the campaign for funds, which will be launched Monday,' Feb. 28th. Fin- ance and publicity, convener, R. H. Middleton, W. 11. Davidson, Rev. A. R. Brook, Dr. A. R. Campbell, H. Lawrence, Elgin Rowcliffe; buying and stores,, Miss K. Scott, W. O. Good - f Lite belt, c libel/ by Rev : J%roek a WAS' QPa'e ehloyed, dixeOte, by Nil,. tan '!orredt and' Peter^ '04'1144001i. Valentine teepees arra>;lge ' by 11irs, MclNl ugittott, were direclted: by M1e i Dorothy •labu'giait and -Ms's' Elvfi, Sl-, 1 ween, Iatitneheon was . fler'ved, eon- silting-of°'por 'and, ba ns, bread and butter, . piehles,. tart axed coffee. The program' eglnmittee ' wan Mrs, Maud Heddentte lunoh; Miss Gladys Luker; invitation, • Mies Edna Saundercook and Mies' Margaret Shepherd; decor- ating, Mrs. McNaughtott, Miss Edna Seelnderooelt and Miss Margaret hep - herd. Guests; were present from De- troit, Centralia, Exeter, Zuelten, they, Kippen, Seaforth and other places. The event was much enjoyed. rom it. Mrs. James A. Paterson dr the following members' present c ate er' at , p.m. with rected a sing -song with 'Mis's Florence Reeve R. E. Shaddick, Mrs. A. Joynt, Welsh at the piano. Selections sung Mrs. W. O. Goodwin, Mrs. E. Normin- w H ere " ome On the'. Range," "Sweet ton, Miss M. Ellis, Rev. R. ,A, Brook, and Low" and "The -Maple Leaf For- C, Blowes being absent. Minutes of ever." Mrs. W. O. Goodwin gave the the previous meeting were read..Mrs. current' events, and Mrs. W. S'male W O. Goodwin and Rev. Brook,: That D HENSALL Suffering from Backaches, ..Rheu- matic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago is not lecessary e Use RUMACAPS at ouce 'or. quick relief. Middleton's Drug Store. Euchre and Dance, sponsored, by he' Kippen East Women's institilte, n Hensall Town Hall, on Friday, Feb. 5th, at 8.30 p,m, Murdock's. orches- ra. Lunch booth. Admission, ,35c. adies of '.the '12th' concession in harge. (Continued from Page 1) .•. NOTICE—WILLIAM BRADSHAW, YOUR pupils of her kindergarten class and • Watkin's dealer, and alae agent for E. D.. Smith & son's fru:Wand' ornamental nursery I their mothers to' a lovely . Valentine stock, Market Street, See-fforth, Ont Phone: parte at her hoxn 'Msnda,y, Feb. 14th. 50.. 8978-tf' Valentine'games were enjoyed itnd a `NOTICE OF SALE BY delieious luncheon .served.-iilcludlalg ice cream. Zurich Fire Ilrigade received a ea' to the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Frani 1,of;tell, three mill's west of Fiensrrli on Tuesday, wvllrn ti:r> house chimes caught Bre. Furtunatr•l} the flee tt 6978-2 kept under control and ve'1'y 1: til datage,• was Clone. • TENDER. FENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL Tuesday, February 15th, on sale of frame stable, size 221 by 281, 14, high , also lean 12' by 221, on property of Presbyterian -. Manse, Croznarty. WM. A. HAMILTON, Secretary, Cromarty, Ont. Farms For Sale F, ARM FOR SALE—TUC' ACRES; BANK barn/ drive shoed, brick house, summer . kitchen; sunning water. Two miles east from Seaforth Qn Highway 8. Apply I68 Nelson , Street, Stratford. 3973-3 i • FARM FOR SALE, OR EXCHANGE NEAR . Watton----.Ope hundred acres,; frame house: bank barn; implement house; garage'; drilled well; windmill: water in stable; main- tains large stock continuously. Wil exchange for larger from, something similar- I.F.TER REGAN, R.R. 2, Blyth, Ont. 8972x4 pi AR1Yf FOR SALE -143 ACRES; GOOD house and -garage; bath and furnace i- 1/ acres bush. Plowing done. Rain 60 x 100. Good location -for dairy or drover. Oneanile south of Goderich on Blue Waiter Highway. Caadr or terms. H. CLEMEN TS, . R, R. 2, Goderich... '.Pi Pima ••98a •chis-•' e. 8978x4 Aulcticm Sales - ave a' recipe. The, March _meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, M. G. Drysdale, . Luncheon .was, served -by the hostess. co -hostess, Miss' Flor- ence; Welsh,' Mrs. R. Camerori, Mrs, SI1erritt, Mrs. W. Sangster and Mrs. Donald MacKinnon: W. I. Has interesting Program .. Mr's. Rufus Kest1'e was hostess at her borne for the February meeting of the Hurondai.e Women's Institute, with a large attendance of members present. Mrs. James -'Kirkland, • the president, was in the ohair for the business session. A letter from the president of the Red Cross was read, .stressing the; ,greatness of the so- ciety's work: Much interest Was tak en in the reading of "Thank You" letters from '3ocal men in the servic- es: Canvassers. wepe appointed for •t;e annual Ited Cross drive for funds. Members were asked to giv econ'sid- eration to money -making projects. Mrs. Archie Morgan presided for the program, 'fhe topiet; "Agriculture," was taken by Mr, Cr) S. Howard, of 1 Exeter, who gave a very, interesting t.alk,,.stressing the advantage 'and sst- isllictdon of li•.irrg where foods are • y I produced." Mrs. H. Bissett and Mrs.. s (;.rrnc:t Frayne 1';v e enir rtions on the uitar' and tu, in. Mrs. Harry Strang - s' --;td a paper un "J"iim Inlpsovements - After the War." 'Red Cross sewing and knitting were disiribute'tl, and ;r tial time. was spent when the hos- tess and her committee served rt• freshments. Mrs, Archie Morgan will be hostess for the neat meeting, Valentine Leap Year Darty The United.. Church school room, lovely with Valentine emblemsi, was the scene of a delightful Valentine Leap Year party on *Friday evening, Feb. llth, sponsored by the Wohelo Class. Over one • hundred ' invited guests enjoyed a.fl .evening of enter- tainment, .fun and merriment. Mi'. Peter McNaughton was the able chair- man for the eveiring. Following the singing of "Onward Christian Sol- diers," Rev, 'R. A. Brook led in pray- er. A pleasing program was present- ed and enjoyed, each number being responded with an encore. The pro- gram consisted of readings 13y Miss Violet McCiymont, Miss Audrey Din- nin, Miss -M, Ellis.;.... vocal solos, Miss rs5 Marian T)riu •!l, R.N.. nt l.u'; don, is spending a l'aw days wjth'he! parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, It. fisc; all The: World's nay of Prayer will be observed in Carmel Presby tori;tn Church on Friday. Feb. 25th, at 3:p.rn. The Red Cross executive was de- lighted to find an increase of work- ers in the work room recently. But to speed the very necessary work to be done there is need of a few more 'sewing machines to help these splen- did workers. The hope is that any- one wiiling to loan their machines Will do so. Call Mr. Goodwin. Mrs.. Adeline Johnson, well known tten'saIl resident, while walking to eihilrch Sunday evening last, had the misfortune to slip and fall •on the ice, spraining her wrist. • ' Hensall South Brandi of the Red Cross is making arrangements for a uchre and dance, to be held in 'S. No. 10, Hay, on Friday. Feb, 25th. Pte. 'Harvey McLarnon, of Oakville, s spending this week with his wife nd family. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Pfaff and Mr. nd Mrs. Walker Carlile attended the alentine dance held in 'Grardno's Hall Seaforth, on Monday evening last. he dance was Sponsored by the Sea - forth Women's Insititute, 7)WIr, and Mrs, Ed. Pink -spent Sun- as- 'la'gt 'With relatives in' Kitchener, M'1'li`'cv"C, M. Hedden left ori Friday or Hamilton and St. Oath -Eines, here elle ;AB vis9't 'with m -embers f leer family. ltfeiilbers of the Hensall South Branch of the Red Cross met at the nine Of Mrs. R. Miran Thursday af- ernooti, 1 eb; ];7'th, and' were beetle* e'ttgage(f itt -malting Melts for tlie'Red raw. irre;i'htnertts .Were S'erv'ed. riLEARIN'G AUCTION SALE OF FARM e • Stock, implements, Feed Furniture. --W. S E. Nairn, auctioneer, will sell by public auc- tion on Lot 20: Canceasion 12, Hibbert, 2r,[ .miles south and west of Cromarty, on Thum- j day, February 24th, 1944,'commencing at''one o'clock :sharp, the following, HORES—Black a Pereheron mare, • rising 5 years old; black Perehe n '-gelding rising 5 years old• CAT- TLE -4 Holstein colas, fresh • 5 Holstein a cows, due- in bffrunh and April; 2 Holstein V heifers due in April ; 2 fat cattle, 950 tbs. each; 1 pure bred Polled Angus buil 2 yearn f r old; 5 Milstein heifers Kiting 1 gear old ; 4 'T w young Polled Angus" calves. HOGS• -25 -hogs wet hung 170 lbs. ; 12 pigs, 8 weeks old; 3 • brood sows due in February. FOWL — 70 Neve etetneshine cross pullets ; crnlony house d 17X12 Feet ;. • 8 dbelferrl, HAY AND GRAIN— guzmtitsi • olov`er• hay; quantity of mixed grain. T11 LESKEl reee-Pord 'tractor on lube f bens plow and - duitiv4tar ; Maesejr-iiarrvis -/punier easfeot- -anti g ir'eatf • carer and truck; - W yT►teittey-fiertw mower' 5�itat mat; 'stee'l hay O i rice Mbaseq•$ar'il4- sed °3ri31, k tttlzer air taelf sleet, douu'bic disc set et iton ?Yarrows ; event see iii r &ire, an'ttly r manure 5PCeaurett' t a. i +ft fi /rill1l Clore tli alt Qct ei , 4 waaroll,, T,E 14 . deft Ile t rtl r3 k Ill 3 rxi ile dplIe, ..set of '. >; ffir, jYktrr 1T+r ®:.fiat a•, the tte:44014 ArthurOefitOr Vat ,d Arthuw°' Giafhb'ilie irnr Eunice Haist, Mr. T. J. Sherritt, Mr. , Benson Stoneman; piano solo, Miss Florence Welsh; musical selections on the guitar and clarinet by Al. Wag- ner, Don Sims and another member, all stationed at S.F.T.S,, Centralia. The highlight of the affair was a hum- orous' skit, a scream • from start to finish; entitled "A Leap Year Propos- al," directed by Mins, Ellis, With the Tollowing cast sfits coattlrne=•-Mrs, P McNaughton, Mrs. Eric Kennedy, Mrs. L. Chapman, Mists Edna Seendereoele Miss Mary Goodwin, Miss Irma 'Kfp- fer, Miss Elva McQueen, Harold and Earl Dignan, Jacli. and Ed. Corbett, ,Edison/ and Ross Forrest and hoes Pepper. Miss Greta tiamulte,:tlirectett. the musical portion of .the skit' Ae eofl panists for tire evening were ;.11Mra, . ?'...Slre'rritt,. Kiss plereuee, snit Wes 1ltttxi aret 'Sa* gas , ' # 1 "elution—df the 044'4440 ' the minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as read.• Garried, - The Lib rarian's report fpr January read as foLiows; Adult fiction, 221; juvenile fiction, 89; ,adult non-fiction, 28; juv- enile. non-fiction. 4; total, 342. Same considered. good as the Library" was closed for a .week checking over the books. The annual report for the year 'was read by the secretary and compared with last year, and showed a cash balance of $163.48, ;ind the circillation being 6,355, which was an increase of 375 . for the year. The secretary also reported that one rural school was being supplied with books and that others could be if requests were handed into the Librarian," Ac - 'counts were read as follows: Wen- dell Holmes, $98.86 for books, and Wm. Dawson Subscription Service, $11.25 for magazines. Miss'Ellis and Mrs. .Norminton: That the accounts, as read be paid: Carried. Rev. Brook and Miss, Eliis: 'That the chairman and secretary be a delegation lo ap- pear before the council, re the annual giant, Carried. Mrs. Joynt ancl Mrs. Norminton: That we now, adjpurn to meet.a.gaih on April 111h, at, 7.45 p.m. • Pupils of Mr, Claude Blowes in the 1lublic echogl ,';aioyed a Valentine box social Friday afternoon last, Pro- ceeds front I he sale of • boxes amounted to $1.50, whioh wiiL,be don; tiled to the Red Cross. Mr. Blowes was auctioneer. • Al. Pearson, of S.F.T.S., Centralia Airport, Was a• Week -end guest at the home of Mrs. Annie Sanndercock and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Richardson; Carol Ann and Kenneth, of Goderich, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson ,'Carlile, an Saturday last, A special appeal is being made through the columns of,thispaper for more blood donors-, There ,never was more need for blood donors as at the present time. The •'appeal is urgent au$ blood needed'to save life. A blood clinic will be held in Seaforth• this Friday,' Feb, 18th, and more volun, teens are needed. Any one wishing to donate blood leav:e,..your name with R. H. Middleton or Stan Tudor, and transportation will be' arranged, Mr. and Mrs, W. G. McVicar, of Strathroy, and Mr. and,. Mrs. Hugh McVicar, of 'Poplar Hilt., were guests on Friday last with Mr. and Mrs, M. (, Drysdale. The amplified recorded dance held in the Town Hall, Hensall, Friday last sponsored by 'Sir. W. C»' Stott!, was only fairly well attended owing to other functions being held in the vil- lage the same evening. A .refresh- ment booth was in the•'hatl, sponsor- ed by the Five Hundred Club, , The Exeter-Hendald branch of the a,ladian Legion is .sponsoring ''a bingo and dance in the -Town •Hall, Hensall, on Friday, it'eb, 18th, with regular prizes and extra games. A door prize will also i)ie :given, and mh1'sic will be furnjgIle'd. b3 Murdock orchestra. a Mrs. Archie Noalteri, '"Wre11 known residdnt of Hensall, liae'P'easott to be proud of 'her 'only thretk eG th who are all wear;ins- -the 4itilfilit p ,il flutter >itftireerr'xe+ rof ellr.• 'hotdds„ o t''te.active i itiyd lstr, 1 , 1 p t4An d witil tits- Aoro radian i,.. rept,( to Noitk Mrjoat eh& tt 'tl oversew- -Poi .to .= arle lr vi tx, ' ,0t. Lehcio>t, let' and a totest to enlist Is h'ez youngoiktao i, Kellwei'b MOOR, who '.is stationed with the lnfautr'y at Woolsley Bai't'aclter LoDdon, Out. Kra. Freta••'Beer, a{lperintendent ;of The United ,Church Mission Band, ell tertained the members .of her Mis- sion Band to > de1ig11!tful_eselentiite party at her home Saturday afternoon last. Miss Lenore Norminton assist- ed. Featured during the afternoon were games, e`tc., and a treasure hunt. Prize winners in the games were 'Carol Ann Richardson, Claudette, Blowes, Marie Boyd, and Bernice bil- ling. Each member gave a copper for each year they were old. Lunch- eon consisted of scalloped potatoes, sandwiches, cookies and a Valentine cake and hot chocolate, Members of the United Church Mis- sion Band canvassed the town recent- ly for valuable war fats and realized $6.00, which will be donated to the local branch of the Red Cross. Mrs. Wesley Sararas, the former' Miss Minnie Price, of Detroit, spent Friday last with Mr. and Mrs. John Pfaff and Mrs, Baker, Mrs. Edith MacMarfip; of Barrie, visited over the week -end with her mother, Mrs.. R., Bonthron, and sis- ter, M,rs,,,L;,Aleapson. Ade. John liee"r, of No. 4, Wireless School, 'Guelph, spent the weekend at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Tebbutt and lit- tle son, Melvin,"accompanied by Miss Loretta'Ferguson, all of London,' were week-ehd, visitors with Mrs, Tebbutt's parents, • Mr, and Mrs. John Pfaff. Mrs. Fred Beer attended the annual at-home of "the Central Mechanization Depot, held in the London Arena last Wednesday -evening., Fifteen hundred were' present and the evening spent in the enjoyment of a floor show, dancing and a buffet luncheon. <• Mr. Wilson Carlile, of Hensall, has received word of: the death of his sis- ter, Mrs. Humphrey Dayman, of Ken- nedy; Sask,.lMrs. Dayman was the :Miss 'Menthe. Carlile, who was well known in .and around Hensall before her'marriage td Mr. Dayman, and •moving West. • About 45 mothers and children gath' ered at the Presbyterian Church on Monday •evening for a Valentine par- ty, when the Mission Band entertain- ed the •Home Helpers and the mothers. A short program was en- joyed, . consisting of a hymn, "Jesus Loves Me, This I • Know",•' prayer by Mrs. Orr; reading by Mrs. Oir, telling how St. Valentine's Day originated;' a vocal , by five girls,* Betty and Lila Moir; Anne Hildebrant, Marie Boyd and 'Betty E. Moir, "Saviour, Teach Me Day By Day"; a reading by. Claudette Blowes; a reading by Marie ,e( Yet, 'ooe y'..he :sante y fowiz in .o a ?�g lntldlp tA3... iqd. B.a .the' -Ring' and tux." Prayer ]n' • uxiisolo4 •,: 'V entines w xe -exgltanged, and ' •galeas and •eontegte "duioyekI. • lentlelt was >3f31'ved. Br3deetEleet Showered • fn•honor of Miss Edna Day1nan, of The South Huren'Agricultural Society Klppedti, bride -elect of this, week, the will hold their Annual Seed Show le girls of the sitar otrtb'e Service Lamp _ the Co., London, where tate bride -elect �]�+ was recently employed, entertained at TOWNHALL,HENSALL a miscellaneous shower at the .home ' LIG of Mrs. N. Hersey, 48 Gunn St., Lo don. Miss Blanche Bell assisted th hostess. Prize winners for bing were Mies Phyllis. Gray, Miss Shirl Brown, Miss Doris Holism;Miss 'Co nie Anthony end Mrs. Robert Munro Luncheon wes served., Miss Dayma was also the recipient of a lovel table lamp and silver tea servic ww from the Service Lamp Co., her she was on the staff until reeently. Red , Cross Drive For 194.4 The Hensall .•branch, lof the Be Cross is laying plans for 'the annus Red Cross Drive of $10,000,Q00. Th quota for Hensall and district ha been set at $2,5,Q040. We have no failed to reach for Red Cross/ preciate the" given by the/ n e 0 ey n. - e. n e r d 1 e s t any quota set' us ye work, and we 'da ap wholehearted suppor members and contribu tors in the past. We earnestly ap peal fpr yo r sustained benevolent again this y r. When the canvasse calls, give. im a glad''•welcome an send him n his way again with happy snail , resulting from your lib eral donatio t t e d a Red Cross work i its many forms is indispensible.' Th needs of the men of the: fighting ser vices will not diminish until the las found •of ammunition is fired and th victory won. The Red Cross canvas commences Monday, Feb. 280. Le xis co-operate for our goal of $2,500 W ' . C. T. U. Holds Meeting • The February meeting of the W.0 T.U. was 'held at, the home of , Mrs W. J. Pybus, Exeter, with a fair ittendancer ; with Mrs. Christie in th chair. Mrs. Miners conducted. the de votional ,period, --assisted by Mrs, Johns, who gave an. excellent reading entitled, "The Voice in the Twilight." For the, special musical number the hymn, "0 Master, Let Me Walk With Thee.," was sung by all. Rev, Walk. Anthony, was speaker, addressed the ladies in 'a ,most helpful and practical way, stressing the one great duty of the W.C.T.U, members 'Inas to keep on living wholesome and beautiful lives in the midst orall' the terrors of these days, that over influence may bring encouragement to those whose, minds may have only a spark of hope and aspiration left; and to especially --reinember the keeping of the Sabbath n e t e s t S ri.,IViarch 3 PRIZE LiSr The following prizes will be awarded on -the best samples of Seed exhibited in accord - arum with the rules governing Seed Fairs: lsb 211d and 4th 1 bus. • Fall Wheat .... $2.25 5$1.7 • $1.50 1 bus. Early Oats . , .. 3.26 2.76 2.25 1.50 1 bus. Late Oats 3.25 2.76 2.25 L50 1 .pus. Hullestz "Dais 2.25 1.75 1 bus. Marley, 6 -rowed 8.25 2.76 2.26 .1.5111" 1 bus. /Field Peas . , , ., 01 2.25 L751.60 1• bus. Field Beans 75 2,LF, 1.76 1.50 1 bus, Soya Beans .. 2.26 L75 1.50 1 f,us. any other variety Beans, except White 2-26 1:75 1.50 Iii bus. Timothy Seed,. 2.25 3.75 1:50 t bus. Red Clover Seed 2.25 1.75 % bus. , Sweet Clover Seed r 2.00 1.00 14, bus. Alfalfa Seed.. 226 1.76 1.50( r/ bus. Alsike Seed .. - 2.26 1.75 1.50 1 bushel-, Potatoes. any. • early variety 2.25 1:75 1.50 1 bus, Potatoes, general crop 2.24'1.75 1.50 • Most creditable ahomvng of Grain and Seeds.. Sweepstake Badge RULES AND REGtl1-ATiONS 1. -.--All seeds entered far -Competition must have been grown by the exhibitor within one year previous to the exhibition, except wheat, oats and barley classes, which may have been grown in 1942 or 1948. 2.—Competitors moat become members of the Society .by paying to the Treaarfrer'there- of, either' previous to. or at the time of nnak- ingentries, the sum of '51.00 each. • 3. -.--No premium shall he awarded. on ex- hibits that contain weed seed, which in the opinion of the judge are of a noxious nature. 4. --No exhibitor shal receive more ,thaw one° prize in any clans. 5,—Alt s mews Must be correctly labelled with the name of the variety, the amount'*2 seed. for sale and the selling price- Grain not less than 25 bushels for sale; Alsike, Timothy and Clntitrr, not less than 3 bushels - Alfalfa, 3 bushels ; Early Potatoes, not 'leas' than 1a bushels ; Late Potatoes. not less than 10 bush- els. —.. 6.—In case of dispute a statutory declare - ton that the above rna1g:A....have been domplied with, may be•.required front each or any,ex- hibitor of seed. 7, --All exhibits ,for compeHtions for prizes nest be delivered at the Town' Hall, Hensall, not later than -1 o'clock, -noon, and shall -mot be removed until the close of the Fair at 4 P.M. d. --Urban Oats must be cissifred as Late Oats. ADMISSION' FREE p11. A. R. CAMPBELL - ,President K. M. McLEAN - - , Secretary day as partof the wholesome life. We ,must consider ita privilege, rather 'than a restriction, andso. make our lives guideposts to the •ietier •d„ay, •.sc;r$. peace. This talk was illustrated, by interesthig incidents' in thee pastoral life of Mr.,. Anthony. (Continued on Page 5) PRODU,C'TION' MEN—keeping In coo team touch with sources of raw materials, sup- pliers of parts, government' and, military authorities. THE ARMEE) FORCES—with response", • bility for training aura supply, fur troop move- ments, for operations on lane;, air and ocean battlefronts. • GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS—in totter: wiill every phase of our production and mi & tary program—with foreign governments with national and international war. ageneiee. • YOU — depending on your telephone for quick, essential, communication at work and at., -., home. _ . ,telephone lines can carry this wartime load only if' we all use existing facilitiessp ingl. , ° and keep .our calls just as- shetrt and businesslike as we can. Additional equipment is severely limited by material shortages; eo•operation 'must take the place of construction if essential calls are to go through/ prolinptly. se 4001 s9c2"io, mSet,e, •A Buji .War gatdt'nga Siempr end Cstfircefar 116fotil+:, p°9y e 2a iUaa� P. D. S DO �. �jllllrtarffer.• .11 H101 1, ; .71 t4 a ti d 4 J, 4. 1