HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1944-02-11, Page 8,71,W�i,�t?'��.�..�,�,�:,4",�--l�',I�4-�t,17,W,'�;,�'li�,47"1�'�4"n"il",., 5", � I - M r,A, � 111. . ,., , �; �� � ? I "I ,� - I ..: I�T­ �. �,�'l,",��.,Ik,l,�-i,�jl;l�t�',�lli-,,:- �";q��.'.,',�l;,'�*14,?,�',,'ii9�-�,'�,,,,.,�,l�,;.,-�;.', .. ; : ! i� I . , . � 77, , � , " !!�' _11::::..��`�_ ;1. , , ,� � , , ­� ,q N ;, 11 i : . i , � I ­ . I I - - I I ­ , , � �.i, ! .. " '[-,--'4- .. - - ­ - �� I", �­­, , . I , � , , , 1 � �� : 1 I . �,, I.- ­­�� i , , o�-11pl," �, ­!" ..., 1 I ,� � ,,,� !, I I I " �­. I � � , I :� � I I , I I � I , �: �:��, ,� - 11 . "I I'll , . , 1, �,�; . , . , . , ­;.' . I - �.��._..__ -t I � 11­1� �. ! I �, � ��; � 1, , " I , , ,, ;iog,� 1 � . � " I t. , ,-�' _ ,111 111. - I IL .�� �, :' . , _ ,'�,:,,., , ,�'i . _. ,,, , ,,, � " � ," , , ; " , " � �� ,� " , � , , ­­­ !. �'. I.. " , ; , I i , , � " , � : 1;:i,,i::,s`j I , ;;;, �: � ;, � . 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". :1 � "If",$ V W11 OR , Or Y, �' A"i�J T4000,:, kp ,4 .�;* 4 :: , . I , I :, " . ,,,,,, p,'$44 �; R_41 . �" - " ,� i'' 9, �'_��,�, � .�,�:"'�'��.,`�;11 ; I - I I 1i * 11-- . . 1-1, ,,�, , . , I � ,_ 0 . V :', ��,. 11. ,,, ­ 11 .. . ,, ! � � : 4 I I ; li'j _ , �. , "�,r­,".T, - JIM __ ,11''NV. , I Axat Sitv.,:, �44!�,,, ont-�, .0 ." 't akey­'q'04q I I I 11 ,. . ti,'pt . .414ted:,Mt, , e,-. , ,:: , � , I . , . ` * . " 11kQ11T MI IN I .'' -_ '" � ., � ", I , t, .� . I I � I IN . � i 11 40 " ft. - � 9 i ..,ii. 5 M , ,�, i-?, J f�qko� FT,44011*', -Agud,lq. - jaxpa, ,at no ft," 4our-1A, good . tnai* Ir wilohips hi k� , . ,. , .;�U_.,." ,.:` I'll ,il", , 'i iii� T_:"11',,110,1`��.�., I : Ilt, , , !_ _ T9 '. , i�­ "1iii"3"_­­­. . 3 % 4� �,� .. , , � .... ., V A1,7 _* , . i , A "'A ii"44`4) ,* P9110 q, ,�.. 1. There. 4.r � 0,� two - slet?1r, Miss a , I- ., � ... I I �. . 1!� � - 135"I ,V � , ... SEAMUR . e 1 I , ", ) I L L ,L , 'I . 0 �#la . , � , : , , I . . . . - T 1. � . ..... ... ,, . . "ITA..'a broug, �*1 " , .11 " 1 12 " ­ -- - Dert Fqrtpue 'wwwa, (he ".,g - , , 1: . " ),;�, �._ f: , .� . I " . I . age -Tulia UU4. J40e,QUIULIA, of'Bro .Ad W ua�_Qld 44cksba- �", , . ,_'_'� I .. . .. . , I . ') . ' Meut',Oif theirt-041Y­ davxg�ter, 14ary `- , � -VS'e-, , . , ` -, -11 �. . 4 ,­_­ -, � . . . . . � � . . . . . " ­&,i�,, ",4m. , t , - ! - 'kiro'etings grow I.: ".' . �� .. I ,.)-IZg IN ALIE ILINE.Si OF I : . tuolgexi , T , "" I I" - V . aW* , - . � . I'..". -71- 1% .1 bl4defte', to Mr.'Fred A Valab, �soxx ' . . , 4, owur I 11 i I * . ` . ""' "'-.­­��r_"-`-"' - ,.�4.1.?v` 1 0 i ,,,, 11;i , . CLINTON ' PC' Mr. Fred J04117- ,A,4iV.'4 , -ElAier Mqbf.ter 'yofoed -the 4. . No, W, B ` i-Thuts. da - FiW ' `:d' - I --.,& I 1� INS,VF,tAN0F , ­. . o-____ Fractum,7."W..#q� , ,� I h. .,� ­iF . . . a 1'� I . ­ . ! N . � ,� � ' rqciattqp� axid.VA.de,of ista4le , � . ..... ... .. .I ". .`4. ; , ..., __ .1 I ­ �. -1 "� . . . y ,jo . . ond�'a,)�7o I � : � �_ ,'I: 4 " L", 1 ­;:.?4, 1 don. Out., the marriage to take plae - I . J. ..w ats, 8.45 . . . �i' � - �. �; e Palace Rink, Seafoith man, ibrdke ,#Is wrist",lix kbre.e plaae�. 4111V.. Ex-wardpit' A.' it. Erwin coi�41.� * * I (1-7 - 0- % ), 4 . - . 4., ,, �� of Mr. and Mrs. David Walsh - I . ' .. . o, � y, lay , , 11 , . Lpm - . Son, Prq,A_01,we,pj:. 6eafortli ' business ,p ' I wu I .,, Satijr lay " - . I _ . _ . . , . - . , " C ,,or desirable dwellings for . in pebpuary, : - ­ekl 11��t_udfat�ed `Fr,6d'-: Watson, having I - I 0�,� . ; ''. � -a ,,`� , g one fram We � ,,, , 1. - 4 'T -Wednesday 4f-tgrnoon at th " � . M 21 �;QUPIID - . .. e d Iling bu IUESDAY, 'FEB: 15th . !6L LEG$1 I , I . - , . I I I curling boiiapiel. Mr. Johnson * had known him from a as- , - I ... . . . I Wi-�h JINX FALENJPl4,RG , " L' , . -.1111, " h . "", . ... . . �'�'� eet. I . I -_ __iif_1_. - -_ , , ,boy,- "d wag ple ,i . � . ­. '' ' ' * ' : " � ) - ,_ .. "_ , - -, � I I 'i, , 11 ... Legion' Euchre ' , J e - ,gag exio'bre at 8.15 ptrn, at finishea tj i - _- .1 . 11 107 I.. R61". in trowing his, stQRL� whell ed he had been o�osen Wa�rdexx,'-46d I . 1, - MM". ." , 1. - �,_ �".:;, . ALSO I—. ,%�*,' ­ ' . ' . . . � gi� W , ,�,.r­ 1- . Mid in tho Lekf4h rooms last Friday ADMI$SION - 25c and 45,c "' lie lost his bkl�Lincs and fell on the he bell6ved his record would Show GEO,RQK SAUNDERS MARfAUE . IRITE C 6 HAPMAN . . . . i, . 41".. '. . . _ , , . . � - , . 9, V I I ` ill. _. N & RVID oveuin,� was a decided success. There Come out and support the boys! ice. His wrist. was X-r4yed'and pla'c-' that the county inade no mistake Aon. - ��, - . 99, � , . � . . I gyf"`z - . "I --�k. �E[D - - � . � . APPOINTMENT'IN, �BRRLIN . - i k, . , �d, ­ g, -j-- ` Proprietor ; were teix tables at play. . . . I . ".. kAffil4"'... -1, I . The witiners . . ed in a cast ky 4 0411 1 . , . F I I . , I _ - Dr. E. A.. M . ,,� ,W .-; - I . . M 49ames, P. J. Dorsey and . . ; I pcMaqter. eaecting,him. Mr..WatsoA.thentIiankL ADVENTURE 1 BETRAYAL!' SABOTAGE!" 1, . % � ­', � were, 06 . . ri " �bfte . ' HainAlton, on Monday. morning, follow- �t'am=w�'�-` ­­_­____ ed ith� people for the hon6r accorded -, . I . , - , qgt ,.". , 214 : Seatorth, �Yia. A. Wright lone IIYLIS, It. G. I—- I - . - � 1. � A ­ ,,, - - -_­', , . _ . V. 'MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY I " - I -' him - ar .� . i.; A k�*­k_v- ; I ad -4 Int"ment In St. - James, ceme LOCAL ]BRIEFS nd assured them he would en - I ,��A'..� - ­ ; 11aHie. I . i. kpc­""­­ -SPECIALISTS IN ALL -LINE&, OF . . . Mr,e,'�,,'t� ­-., " , INSURA14CE I ________-.11P___- - tery, iSeaforth, Rev. T. P. Hussey of- ' 1:. I .­' . deavor ' to keep to the high standard . ­ . D TS 9.15 , 1. . � .1 I . . ticlating. The pallbigarers were: _* The Ae4t Red Cross Bldod Don- established by his piredecossors. . - I 1. . I --.--- I Group Eritertains.-A very ple"ant . . - . ., � -1 . . � !VN#,��.� I . .1 ,` Messrs. Austin Culler, Emmett Cron- ors Clinic will be held on Friday, Lunch was then s6rvbd .and dancing I - L I : "CLAUDIA.."' � 11 i ,., . .. "Ill -p - �! evexxiug was - spent at the home of - . . � � .. - .1. . � ... W � I .1. . . in, Gordon Kappler, Garfield Sharp,' February 18th, at Northside United resumed to the."music of the Rau � . -'AlAh DOROTHY ­McGUI RE I z., �, tit . . . M rs. 4 McKellar dn Fflday eveiiing, . I I 1. �* . i , . �, I A.W'', .1. . I The Second Division ; when her group of the Barbara Kh*- Harold Fink and Marvin Reynolds, in Church. I . � . orchestra. . I ROBERT YO1JNQ , INA cLAIREk ' ­ 4 ....... ... . 1, � . . - � . i I I � � . mail Auxiliary entertalped their Hamilton. Those acting at the gx�ave a Mi. and Mrs. H. E. Smith and I . � , ,,, " I I The picture tl�xftt *111 Ilve Ixx'�our illeart foiQver! : I � __ g i I,- I � I I Court � ', lfrieno� -to a very pleasant progr'a' were Messrs. 4ames J. Cleary, Win. family were in Milverton on Sunday, .. � __1_11"m, . . I I . Y. � ; County of Huron W. 1, . 1. ­" , " I. - k, ... Devereaux, Joseph P. Dorsey, J. E. , Owing to the death of Mrs. Smit�'a ' DUBLIN - , .. I ""' NF I A . 1. lGames .,and contests were in charge - 1. - . ,XT THURSDAY, ,FRIDAY, SATURDAY I, �.v ". , - 'iu the Dominion Bank Build- Keating, J. M: McMillan and William couain, the late Norman Zimmerman" ""=a . I . 1. I I. ,.14 ,,,, 0, . .. I - ,g:�!(, SeAforth. Offiqe hours: Tue4- of Mrs. J. A. Munn, Mrs. W. A � . ., I ... ' Mr. and Mrs. Wa London, . . ,....:1 Ira , and Gaiturday, 1.30 p.m. . of Toron, I . . . I . . . I ­_ ; � , I day . Wright, Mrs. Hugh Jack a d M * Smith. .. ,. .* Mr. G&4on McKellar, Iter Tiede, SECOND SHOW STARTS 9.15 1 t. ,.;-,�i; � . . . - n iss ., I ' ` well known - here, . EDWARD % ROBINSON I I � �,,. : . . , Saturday eveming. 7.30 p,za. ., I -*�- to, and Miss'Isabelle McKellar, ol. celebrated their I � � ­ ". .. � I ; , N =. . .� Belle Smith. The proceeds. amounted . thirtieth wedding . a4niversari I- . I MARGUERITE CHAPMAN ' _' J I . ,� -.1w., ! .,! I , , '. . .. .. . _..')Woth6r pies Irf Petrollin-oi-Mrs. Mary Stratford, spent- the week -end 4t the . on, I � I . . � I " ";. . I E, C. CHAMBERLAIN - Clerk to $12.25. I Thursday. -A fowl dinner was.'aerved I . . . � I 11 . . . I ' . I I I ... ". - , !. - Helen.Quinlan Stapleton, .concession home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. .. " DESTROYER 99 1 .1 I I . � . . I " . I q,,.� . o. - 8, Enniskillen T6`wuship, widow, of M, McKellar. . . at the home, 289 Pull Mall' Street, . '. " . , I _;f __ 11 I .. London,- at noon. The wedding cake - 'EALISM r ''I. . .1, . 1. --Miss Josephine . . .1 � i THRILLS.AND THROBS ! - ROMANCR AND R I , I I Entertains..Fribnds - .14;, � . . . _____ . I ix James Stapleton, died. Sunday in Char- * CpI: Donald Scott, R.C.A.Fi, To- � � - ; .1 - .- I . . . . ' :,,," I I.. . � Edge entertained. a teen guests at a, Jotte Eleanor 'Englebart, Hospital, ronto, .spent the week -end with his 'Intred the table, which'was trimmed- i, , _ , . I 11 '.1 . � I I "<> <> 0 1�> '�> * 0 0 0 �0'0 <> most enjoyable Valentine, ,party at , with kpink and 'silver. The color I Coming- "HOLY MATRIMONY" ., .. ': . . 461 0 Petrolia. She became Ill while visit- mother, AMrs R. R. Scott. . I I . .. I - .� I . ," � . . her home ,on Monday evening, in hen- . '.. I . . ... . .. 0 G. A. WHITNEY . * ' an, R ghout was pink and First Show starts',i6ach evening,at 7.30. Matine6 each ,,,Saturday at 2.S �.., . . . * or of G. S.- Millson, of Camp Borden, ini Pet,rolia Saturday. The funeral 0 Gunner jirant Fiunig oyaL � � I . . . I 0. . k . .....". was held from her late rdsidence Canadian Axtillieky, Barriefteld Cam-- -White with psudles, streamers and I '1� ­­_ . I I ,ii . . .. . ., - ­ ..... -11'. �11 ) *11 Successor to * Games and contests wefii' 6njoyed. . I . P, bells., i I 161 1 11 1 1! ii� "!;. F . . 1 i , . . -0 , HOLMES,& WHITNEY -0 and Mr. H. B. Edge gave a well-chos- . 90mr. , I ''. . . . . , Weditesday �- morning with Mass at'St. Kingston, spent the week -end vntbL . ­ =111M - I I - � I! I ;11 I . . I Phillip's Church, Petrolia, and Inter- his .41 Attending the dinndr were the mem� -0 0 en speech. Music was also enjoyed. parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. fin- I 11 1, . I 1. . I - - . I .1 ��' . I � bers of The -famiiy­: . 1. ­ .- � ­ I Funeral Service ineul at the Roman Catholic c4met6ry nigan. ,Mrs. William An- I I I �1 .., 1�� _� � .11 . . 11, . * Th6 rooms an.d. table were decorated in'Corunna. Mrs. Stapleton was born 0 A�Cl. Stewart Wigg, R.C.A.F.,'To- dbrsoxi. (Marcella), London; Oscar, of ­. � . . - . . , I .�... I . <> ,Main Street - Seaforth with Valentines. Mose p.ssisting I I .. %.t � -0- AMBULANCE SERVICE <> in Brooklyn, N.Y., educated at -on:to, and .Miss Mar.jojile-wigg, of Teeg-water; Mra. Joseph Ryan (Reta), I , I � � . . , Slacre,d, i , I - .1 . -, A.djustable. hospital -bed for <> Miss Edge at lunch time were Allss'es Heart Convent in London, ana'was a London, spent the weelx-end at the of Dublin;'Joseph, of -the Royal Can- 1. !. I . '.. . X> IM, . ) I . . . . i 40.1 '' riblit, '0 � Doris and Joan Smale, Ethel Sio.rey member of the Catholic Women's home'of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. adian Navy; Mary, Jack, ,Clem, Paul 1; ) � ..�.. . , �. . and Mk. William Campbell, . 11. . I ­ - � " . . <> Agent fur Mitchell Nursery 10 - � . aiiii :Carl, all of Lquilon. � . I . ; , i . -.--'----..*---,-- , , League. 'Her husband,. Who died J5 R W. Wigg. ' . ,� 4v - . 1�> Flowers. I .1 . � A rece�tion was held- during the I � ,1. _. 'C'I Died in Stratford ',1,',,it,1,-,11,,. montlis ago, v�as a well.. known Exi- o M`r.5�. Ross SavalTge was In Olin-' I I .1 ­ . . , I U I . , . I afternoon and evening when % group �. , I t , 1 .:. I . <> Telel)hone 119 - - 0 MuLtAlan passed ,,away in�nisklllen T6Nrn$hip farmer and cattle ton last week, auending., the funeral .of-relativeg and neighbors wq,re, pre. SS VALEN 'PARTY AT . . I � ., ,C> Nights &nd Holidays 65 ,_', I Agn es . - I - - i0xig are fo'ur daugh- of" a yridnd:1­' . DON'T. Mi , 1. I � . (Stratford General Hospital oil Friday, (vale), Suiv 1 ' ' , . They. --- --- , TINE . I I f .� I 1. . I I � <> 0 ..a. ters'and seven sons: Mrs. A. J. McLel- ir Miss Hildii Kennedy, of London, sent to ,offer congratulations.- . I , I 1. , a; Mrs. L. P. Ryan, ,Oil spent the w4ek-ead at ,t of received . - - ­- - � . �, I I pa�iexxi, Since the Monday previoiis.-I laii, Sarni, . . . I . E"NO'S HALL FebruJIL'y 4th, wher�-­she'had 'been. I , he. home niany gifts of chinh silvi6r ICARD . . . Springs; Mlbs Julia Stapleton, Sar- her motrier, Mrs. Roland Kennedy. ., and linen and gifts of money. Music I � � . I -- ---,- -- - - - -- -- She .had not enjoye'd,good health, for Wa; Mrs. H. J. Michel, Utica, N.Y,; e Sig�. George Daly,, R.C.A.F., who for .dancing w�s furnished l5y local _ ' I � , I - . I , ( . , � � . , . . - �� <> ,some tiw-g but had been colffi- lied . -to- Dr. "Martin W. Stapleton, Seaforth� spent ,the past week with his I par- violinists. Dainty refreshments were ' ' . 1 ' __ ' - -- . I I-— �.. . <> I . . 0. bed fox, eight days. Born 1WHibbert . I I . * . I I 11F., I , . , , . I . I . ; D ly, h ' served. . . I Monday,february 14 i ��'. .. -1 <> J. A. .BURKE - � ,01 Township. a, . q.cts, ,Mr. and Mrs.. J. F. a as Personals: Mk' Mrs.'AIvI , . . , I . . . .. - ,daughter of the late Mr. � . " 1. . and n WiIiii I . . I , �,�.. . . *. Funeral Service <> .and Mrs. Andrew McLellan, she had . been p sted to, Ed ton. . . . liams, Burford, -with the latter's par- UNDER AU � SPICES OF SEAFORTH -WOMENPS INSTITUTE � 11 . I .., :.: i..1v . I ­ 0. , Dublin : Out. , .0; lived in Egm,onoville and Seaforth be- rs. U. D.. Clark and daughter, , ents, Mr. and ,Mrs. B, Barker;' Mr. - Music by Bayfield'Valley Five . I ) ... . igl­ ' Evelyn Anne,, -of Sarnia, are guests. 11 - , , �.� .. .0 91" it or day calls: Phone 43 r 11 -<�- fore -going. to Mitchell two years ago. i and Mrs. A, C. Cully, Mitchell, with . I . I . I ii. . .. - I)` A N C E. I � '* mo men - . Dancing 9.30 - i.,30- -� - I . ' I I I 10, . * She made her home with her I�rotlxer, . at the homp. Of her pareuts� Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. James Malcolm; Mr. and �* ' -11 . � . .-Co. <> 0 0 -0- <> <> -�> <> 0 0 0 An4rew-delAellan, for the'.past twelve . I Mrs. A. C. Greig. I.." . � . ... I . '' . . I . I . . Mrs. Elmer Kleinfeldt In Stratford; FloorXianager-de"orgelordan . . �. � . _., years. Miss McLellan -Was a member ST. COLUMBAN e Mr. a'nd:.Mrs. ,W. Kelterbourne, . _ . : . ­ . ..11--l. .1 .. . I ,, Mr. and Mr ' . No, � ..... I I � . . . .1 I of the Presbyterian chiirch. She is I . of Milverton, were guests thit *eek I a. Albert Roney and Char- Lunch Counter - Door'Prmi and Nov&*'iDancesi . � I .1 . ;._. � _ . . .1� � .. I ' lie wit �, . .1. I- :_ . . . � . . . . - ­­ . survived by one'brother, Audre,w, Mc� THURSDAY, FEB: 17th__ at. the -home of Mr. ,and, Mxs.,4. E, . ,p Mr., and Mrs. George.Ahrens i .2. ­ . . . . I I . . I . . '. - - � . - - ADMISSION, - 49 CF,N'rS -, . .. . .. I I - ' X .. . I . . Mlfctfiell�;' 'Miss Velina, Moore, Xlich! . : . . ' ' I . I . - . . SPENCE'STROMC9 Lellan:, Mitchell, and wss'predeceas- . L. Smith. . . I . 1. ; with her parents, Mr. and T I . . . � . ': 1� ,. --1 ... �� ".... I wmmwm� . I Baytield Valldy Five * Mrs. Bill Rollins, of SarniA, has ener - . _Zt . . . I � . ii ..-�. . ed -by three brothers 'and lave sisters. .. ....... � - . . slie Moore; 'Mr. stid Mrs. Jame. - I , � Lie '. . -_ - ". retur ed after- siiendiixg some Aime . I I I . . I . .1 . . . . ,." . I GOVERNMENT REGISTER i ED The body.rested at the Heath F�n6r- ADMISSION - -­­ - 1, 50 CENTS u Elliott, Dublin, Mrs. 'C.- Elliott, Clin- I . I . I , � . :- . EGG GRADING dTATiON I al home, Mitchell, where the. funeral . �. .1 11. I with her parents, -Mr.'and Mrs. W1. J. .. . . . I I . � I . ": . , .­ .� '_ I . I H19�41af Cash Prices Paid For . ton, and Mr. and Mrs..Glen Pepper Thomas Oliver, The meeting closed I I : . service was hela O Monday Feb. 7, Proceed -s ,for War Work Finnigan, in Egmondville. ' R. McBride, of 1252 Moy AVenue;, . .I,- .. � I Eggs and Poultry I U, ' %' . � and family with Mr., and Mrs. James, with a hymn and the Lord's Prayer... Windsor; a gister, Mrs, Dave kity, of if I dt 2 ,pi.m., with Rev. -Norivan Mae- . . * Mr. M. Sanderson, of Listowel, . I . X"...... " . .- I I Malcolm,, Miss -Lots, -iRogers, ,.Wigd- jes' Aid'meetin-g was coh- Clinton; .and a brother, John Arm.' . .. � Phone 170-,W, Seaforth', Kay officiating, Ixit,irment was made __ is a guest at� the hom6 ,of Mr� and . ­.. ' . The Lad ­ I—, . ; . . �� _ � , . . . I I . . tlan . dbank cemetery, S' . Mrs, K. M. Campbell. . . I sor, with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Klein- ducted by the first -vice-president, strong, of Zurich. Funeral Svces, . - , I . . i I � . ..� .. ­. I . . - . in. Mai . ­ - - eafor I th. . I I & . MiswJeaix Hurford and Miss Vir- feldt; 'Pte. Harry Bijrns, London, with Mrs. T. L. Scott, In 'the absence Of with'the Rev. F. G. Farrill.offic I iating,. � I . . I . . - . � - . . .. I , . I 11 .� . . . Northside Y. P. S. Meets. -The re - I ginia, Durkisa, of 'Stratford 'deneral his parents,. Mr.'and Mrsi Dan -Burns; the _Pregident, Mrs.. William Hough- *iex�e held in Windsor -on Thursday ; . � I 9 Men 0 I Misses Eileen Jordan and Te�esa Ry-' .1 . ... . I I ular meeting of !N-orthside Y.P.,9. was . V tine Hospital, spent the week -end with ton. It opened with the singing of a evening, Feb. 8rd, and. r .i . , I - ' 1.1:..... . . I 1. ' I.. held Tdiesday. The 'h�eetjxig opened, , I . . . . a., d Mrs. R. ?. D. Htlifford. an,"i,ondon, at 1�heir respective -homes 'hymn: 'The roll call w . as followed by attpnded,.by- friends and relatives"from . 11,� . . SEAFORTH I ' 1. Dr n . .1 here; -Mr. and Mrs. Norman Walker the reading of the minute , by 'the Flin . t, - Ba�y City ,and' DAroit, .1 , . with the hymn, "i Thou the . 0 Miss. Mildred -Aitchesbu and Miss' ' I .9 Windsor, I . .�. I MONUMENT WORKS . I � Supper I " and children, Listowel, -with Mr. and P -Mrs. T..LEiing. The treas- and by ,he'r aunt, Mrs. Alice Arm- , �;.. 11 .�. W. E. CHArMAN) B1xiead of Life," followed by the Lord's Mayme Watson, nurses -in -training at Mrs. Tom' ' -Brown-, Miss Lorrain seer tary, . . : - I .. (FORMERLY Prayer. ,.The minutes were read and. ­ Stratford General Hospital, spent the .e urer's repbq was given by.. Mrs. A. strong' of Pilot Mound, Manitoba, ­who . . � . �, �, I * I .. f � . . ; __ . . , . ',. Operated by . adopted.as correct. It . was moved by -,M � AT week -end at their homes here. . I Looby, Reg.N., -�oxxdon, with her McLachlin. ' Several 'ffems of busi- had 'c"me to. be with her �Iuring 4er* . CunAingham & Pryde' - . xxxother,� Mrs. A.'M. Looby; Mr. and ness were dealt with and t1ae meeting iOness. `On, Saturday, I . Maxine Lawrence to g6 tiO th.e Pries- NORTHSIDE 0 AirwonlEin Vera Hudson, of Fin-' . Feb. '15th,'fun. Y*ix are invited w inspect cur stock . . home �`Irs. Tom McCarthy, Toronto, with closed- with' the 14ational Anthem. ' I " . , oral services were conducted' in On- ­ � , �".; IRY AEMORIALS by-terian Chilreh for a.social evenitig . . gal -spent the, woiek-end At the 11 . .1 I . of OEMETE y . 1. . � . d -Mrs. oi. cott Mr. and Mrs, Michael McCarthy; . . .. . . I . - f I ,. - Seaforth Tuesdays & Saturda*­. I 411ext Tuesday ev8ning, Feb., 15th_ at UNITED CHURCH of Mr. an S .Rabkirk. Miss Mary.Dorsey and Joe Dorsey, of ta ' riot Street United Church, Clinton, . . , - .. � - ' '�7 was seconded�.by Ronal I d, .1, I . I . . 0 Mrs. M F. �Srriitb_was in Kitch- I.,by Rev. Garland 144riton'..and v�ere at- � . . See Dr., -Harburn for "Pointm6hit"Th-Y" � 7.30, which, ,, 1. I . I . Londoif, with their parents, Mr. and ' VARNA , . . 11-1 orther time -A Phon-6 150.- .M ener -last week. 4endod'by friends from Kitc.h'eher, St, t . , Box 150 -EXETER Phone 41 . Savauge. The Christian issionary' WED., FEBRUARY.16 I 'Mrs. Louis Dorsey, I., . ___ , . . I ' .� . I . . -666vener -%-ill take the meeting in 1. 1. . 0 Mr. Orvid McLaren, .of the ' ­.- . .... .1. - ,_ Catherined Wingham, Sehforth, Hen- � , . I . . I , William O'Rourke has diipcislad -of At the, time of writing� we are sorry gall ' 'Marlette, Michigan. . I .�� I I � 1 1.7- . . � I two weeks. There werb 16 present. I * from 5 to 71 o'clock Stamped & Ttfiim d Wares.- Ltd. . the I " Zurich and 1. -_ . I .. .. . , . I r I . . ' ' his house and property on the -hijh_ to report lfhess of Mr. Ed. Steph- The . . I . ii.. 1. I . .. I � The' hymn, "Tifiese Things Shall Be" I ,.' Auspices of the Woman's : Hespeler, and formerly of Cromarty, way to' Mr. John . Dillon and Miss Ella 'enson, who is at the' home of his f r large gathering and- beautiful I ,.r I I wbo had his band Pinjured at that fac- . I oral tributes -were mute 'testimony . 1. I �THE McKILLOP-MUTUAL was sung 'and the Christian Fd­tIzm,- ..." . i le' . � .1 . . I . Association . tory, was visiting. friends during last -Dillon,' of Logan Township. . - . ni ce,. Mrs, Nelson Reid. I I of the esteem in which .Mrs. McBride I 11 I ... iihip convener, Fred Wedmkrk. gave . bh. . Mr. Jaek Nichol, iegi and poultry Mr. Harvey -Coultice.-Is under the I - 1, - . . . FIRE. INSURANCE COW. th, topic." A. prayer was read by ! I . was -held. -The. remains were.exxtomb� (� . I . . I-, I . ., ­ Adults - - - - 40c , ,we grader for Dqblin Creameryy for three doctor's care with his diaughter in ed in the family. plot in Bayheld,cem- . . . � i, 0 . I I 'L I . Lorna Dale:. the. scripture was read , 11 - . ThoSe,attending' the funeral of . t ' ' ii�; I HEAD OFFICE SEAFORTH, ONT., . I . years, is taking a coursb in butter- Lbud'on'. We look forward t6 th; � . . ;�. . � - the .4te Mrs. John -Horan on Monday . � etery. Pafibeairers'"were Mr. Blake . il - - - , . f � .7� . � . . , .. . by Eleanor WeavEl.r, followed by a 'Children 25c � from -.a d1stance-*Were: Mr. and Mrs. making at the Ont"ario 'Agricultural speedy.. reppyery . of .there- two citi- Pierce and Mr. Jack Corley,t of Wind-: ,.i, ,.,. I I I . OFFICERS: ' ' . 4.. story, by' Loig 'W.fiftney. Passages . ., I . . Cbellege. Guell�h, , I -zens. . . I . sor;. Mr. Ward Fritk,, of Zurich, and . . ' : I .. � were read from the,. Program Annual .1 C. R. Hall and family, .Torbilto; Miss . I I . , Alex McEwing, Blytb - ' . I Presw . I - Mr. Ewart Wilson has taken it post. Mr,,A. Seeley, of 1011rilton, called on: Mr; E. A. Paterson, -11r. Gordon Scrib- L . N. I. I I W. R. Archibald. Seaforth - Vift-Pres. by Bob Knight, Harold Knight, Don I I i J. C. Horan. ,Sad4ury;, Mr. ind Mrs, ,tiou in C611ing)vood. k ' - � Saturday oxi,his sister, Mrs....Austin. " Merton A. Reid. Seaforth- - A&xxkker Pryce e6nd Victor Walden. The meet- m G. B. Planig4n and family, Hamiltou.; I . ' Mug and George H. Jefferson, of ;Clin- ,. ' I I . I . . � The' fa'li machinery meeting held Mr. and Mrs. John bowson were ton. ­ . - I 1. I . I I .and, See-eetary-Treasurer. . Ing claseA with the byinfi, "Take My I � 1111'. John C. Hor9ft, Vanco4ver; bliss. � � I., 1. . , 1 1� . 1. I . . I .... . in Looby's Hall ,Monday night. und'6r Sun4y guests at the home of Mrs. . I .1 � - . 11. . . . .11� % ', ,' DI Life and Let It Be," and the Mizp.bb ' Gladys ,-.Thor . . I . .. .�:,� . .. .... �. RECTORS: . �, pp,qoh, Niagara Falls ; th-e- direction of Mi- 'J. 'A. Darting, Hart. - ... . . . .1 . . ,! , . . * I I . . . . I - 1- . Ofiks. Leonhardt, Brodhageu;- t. J. benediction. � I Miss Mkri-Y E'. "'McFadden, Toronto; as well attended, Music was -fur- t, . ., �, , " I . ,� .. . .-HINTS" � 11 Trewart,h4. Clinton; Aleii' Broadfoot, . - . RedCross Bfidge U,r.'Wm. H,. Fvan� and ,Mr. and Mrs., w I _11 . I I I ' t V1, � 4.11. 3, Seafortb: Alex4nder Mckwing, - . I . kdr- . . I ilished by Mrs. Dalton Kinz, Gerald Don't complain about the we,athqr, - � I . � � . . . W. Woolcott, G . . I k . I R.R_ 1, Blyth. Frank McGre0or, R.R. 10 Hollan (land Wilfred McQ11aid. . , i.. , t, - ., - . -..,.-. ., - . I . . . ( , .. 5 Clinton'. Hugh Alexandev, R.R. 11 I . Sp6nsored by ;the 0 Pte. G. S. .%,Ilson and Mrs,'Mill­ � For easier,'tis you'll 'Arid ' . . I. o - . --- To make your mind to, weatlx�r,,. ; 8 11XV , - . 11 :; ' ' yla li, P, R. 5 Sea- .1 11 son are visitiog friends In Ingersoll . I I I .1 . ., Walton; "I'libmas Mo .1 Badminton Club this week. ' . Than weather to the mind. . I . (, . . forth; Willia .Jt. Arrbibaid, R.11. 4, 1 . . NIFIRWIM 0 1, � Al a I � .� i ' we ifl CROMARTY �' . .1 I ,1 . ,� . Seaforth; Ge�rge Leitch. R.R. 1, Cllix- I . IN 1. . - ". 0 Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Box we . I . � , . - I * ` . - Don't complain about the sermon, rof c , . ton, . . I - Badminton Club Rooms Toronto thj,s,_,week,, where Mr. Box Personals: Mrs. M. 'Routly, KI,rk- � I I 1H 4"Wo I I "'. . I . AGENTS: I ' . attended the Oohvention*of the O.M. to�, a' . ,Aind show your fack of.wit, I ' � , ". _.. Finlay McKerchpr, Rift, 1. Dublin, lNest Pi%esbyterian Church.--Suuday . P ,nd Mit,axid, Mrs. Alex Crago und For like a boot, the sermon hurts I . � - f , - - I.... . ET Pepper, Brucolielcf. J. E. Prueter, School at 10 a.m.; morning. service ' TOWN HALL, SeaforW' E.A.. held in the Royal York Hotel. little .son. Billy, St. Maryi, with rela.; The' closer' it dotih. fit. . .. . ) .., � IT 11 Brodbagen; George A. Watt. Blyth. I at 11 a.m., Sacrament of the'Lorl's . I em The BAdininton Club is holding a -t.ives and friends; Mrs. Houghton and I \ - 1. . I . ., ­ wN , . fied Cross bridge'on Monday, Feb- family and Frank Stagg attended it - . . I . . ! Order SraY Chicks now, and be �_ � . , __ -...-- . - I � . 11 �. "lucky" When egg prlces� climb - t. . S . tifilper will ",be observed at this ser- I . I I � � Don't,com-plain about y6ur neighbor, I 01 .. - . , 4 . 21st, in ,theh: club rooms. - �;rtlxday, celebration ii� tibe home of next Fall', See me, or phone me, . I. I . b- MONDAY, FEB. Usti 0 Mrs, .1. H. Grant, Of Toronto, 'is �Nr. and Mrs. Jacic kemp in Mitchell; For ixx­you� neighbor's view . right ' I I .. .1 . vice. Evening service at 7 p.m., su ' - - ... I � . .. , You Are Inviftia"to Inspect the ject, "TITie Testing Hour." Prep'afa- ' I I at &.15 p.m. ii . . the . guest, of her � I parents, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McKellar is spending A His neighboris not faultlessi­�- . away. 4,Personal attention, . ,� ... � I I - . prompt d6livery. * .1 . I . � . ..... - . I't . . . lor%� service at 8 p.m.- Friday,eyeWng. Mrs, Keith Mc-1,eqn. F . ew 1. days in Seaforth at the home of That neighbor'being you, __,. . t , ,6 1. � � Senior Young People's meeting at the Admission - I 25 Cents' ' * Dr. and Mrs. F. J. BPT.�ely hAve Mr. and Mrs. Andrei� McLellan; Miss , -Varna 'Scrap Book, Win. Stapleton '- , Dublin . . " � . I .1; , . BU Manse Tuesday, Feb ' . 15th, and'Junior :' EVERYBODY WELCOME ' . rettrued from Ottawa. Jean,nettp McKellar iind Blanche M-- I I Alvin 4W. Kerslake - Itlens g � it. i �. . . Young PedpLe,at the church Tuesday, . ........ ww� a � . TAILORED -TO -MEA URE . . 0 1 . . ­.... . .. 1. ­ '' . . . . Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright re, Laren with their te' % Miss Jeall " % 1 .. . I I I I acbei . , . .. 1. Feb. 15th, at 7.30 p.m. -Rev, Hugh W . NTON - f .. �, V.1 I . I SUITS - AND - . . , - I Ceived a eable. on Wednesday an, Cole, Mount Pleasant. CLI I , � . I I . . - lack, 11nioter. . . 4% nounclug the sate arri#al Of their The Young Peop18's Society was - I',, OVERC ATS St. Thomas' Church, -Rector, Rev. I- i Word of the passing of Mrs. Myrt-le CASE- - . . - - , . . . .1 . . son, Pilot Officer Bruce V�r'ig.ht,' in -well attended on Sunday� evening. The -Md]3r!de in . Windsor I.. 11 I t: I 11 a.m., "The Call of I I on Thifrsday, ­ , . , I 't, . I FOR . Dr. Hurford: FOR SAM England. r'4deW, Rol�* rt .14.4' ilfon, .presided., ,Feb. 3id; shocked the. residents - of , , :. ­ -to - - , ­ e m . I f . I - I . I � - . 1, -AD . A . The scriptute lesson was read by ClInion and vicinity where, she had V . �. LADIES A God To You"; 7 p.m., "Corx�ersio'ri'To Stuccoed house, situated on Gode- . . ", � , .. I "i . Ar "" . I day", Sunday School 10 a.m. rich St. West. Good basement, Hydro, . Powc I ill' 1-1 . . If-AYFIELD I -Gordon 'Houghton. Rev. W. A. Mae- regfiled from childhood until her mar. I I I ,,,, GENTLEMEN St. Mary's Church,, Dublin. - 2:25, hard and,sQft water. Garage: ...... Desir- . . I ". I � . . William led in prayer. After the Of- ridge to Lorne ]?,, McBride, of Wiiid- If . . .. I I.il IN ,7 PRICE RANGE'd ... p.ifi., Sunday School; 3 p.m., '7 -fie able location. W., .1. . � Pte. Ella McKay, of Windsor and ,fering was received and. a hymn' was a ' - ' , � ". "', z , . Ciii of God To You." ' 11 Frame 'House, Geor�ge St. Real . or. Mrs. McBride was born, in Stan- " _:_ ... 0 H. R. .,MdKay, of. Sky Harbor, knt Sung Miss. Lila McCulilocb gave . .., � 102M "t $42A 1 1 Northside United Churdb.-Rev. H. basement, Hydno, bard Aild soft wa. � I fin ley Township, the daughter of the latei fa'rming - � 41". ter - Combined ,barn and. garage. A the week -end, at their home. . excellent paper entitled "Work," has- Robert"*'a'nd Emily I 1 . i . �, -i�:. . 11 �r. Wor�m;ixx, Tainister: 1i a.m., "A , Armstrong, and ' jl;,. I I SOLD ONLY - -, re�l buy. Immediate posseAsion. Mrs."Margaret Ferguson -left exx�Sat- ea on Christ's parable of thd "ten tal- ,while ' .1 'W:., l MMETINa' , I 11 ,� 6 ­ 11.1.111, I . . 'Balytism of Fire"; 2.30 p.m., Sunday Two-A-partment House, goold base- uTday to vNit her son, James P, PeiL' ents. 113b] . still a child Ploved to Clinton, movin . etures op Service I � "I . ".., by I . . a was followed by_4n as- ,Vihere she received her education in - . t ,,, W School; 7 p.m., "AL TriuiSaph ,of Hui me,nt, i.o.4tvidual furnaces .And batb- gusola and Mrs. Ferguson, 'in Lon- Suring talk' by the ministbr.', The thd local schools.. For thirteen years � I . , I, ''. 4 ,,�Nii_ GILLESPIE'S. ,man Love." Thursday, 7.45 p.m., r66ms, Hydro and . water. Located ilOn. ' I ­ and Power Farming I" . %1.. . Prayer Setvice. � Welcome to these Victoria St. Now fully yented, Make , meeting'closed with a hymn and the she followed her profession as a . . I .�;,;, � - . . I Mr. Sam Houston r�turned home Lord;� Prayer. teacher hi the. 01inton Public school, IWI -CLEANERS - DYERS servic6s'. ... a -good -,4 I I , 3gstment. . , - .. Machinery I �:, ,,,, - last week from a vlaft with his daugh- . k. I - Brick House, East William, -Street. . the monthly meeting of the auxilis where her ability and exemplary char- . . - TAILORS / Hydro, water, basement with furnace, te"i", Mrs. Moran, in. London. I To . ) . il., I" . � _. . ia'ty of the W.M.S. and the � Ladies" acter made a ilistinct 'impression on * .1.. If'you think You're hard to,fit, The li Mrs. John H*rart,i­iii­iOn6 garage. ".. be held in "A, I . . Messrs, Harold Weston 'jind "Nor. Aid was held on Thursday afternoo hose w Seaforih 'Libra - I , I 1, , 1. ;ve're here to change . -0f -th-a'aldest iind most esieemed rest- - We hive a- number of good fIrms man To -'S, of Detrott, were week -end n the lives and characters of t he ry ... ... f,i�,, . . . I at'ifie"bomo of Mrs. T. L. Scott, with were placed'under iher charg I ' 5, 7�;W, , '. � .. &iyonr,mind. dents of Seaforth, Mary Ann McPad- for sale,,,auid welcome your enquiries. visitors Viiihh friends in the village. -a Ihrge . e. After FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11 I �� N�.; .., 1. attendance, The presid�nt her marriage She removed to Wind. I . %':,I,�- � , den, wife of, ,the late John Horan, -1 " .. I .1 I I . ; ,,�, ,. '_ ' They were 446compatied -back W,it'. of the auxiliary, Mrs, W. A. M�ac`Wil- sor where she unitea with Glles'nou-l�- , at 8 o'clock I �", I . , . Starting , , �V,�'Q . passed away af...Th�6 honk of her E, C. CiR�IPJMAAM GbOrge Weston, Who will visit rela- ll&m, presided and opened the' * - vard Un ted Cb7 'Come � and briag'yo u. . . ,_; � 4 ism , 1 i. . . meet I I ureb, and took an so- ds. . . , ;,.. �BOND daughter., Mrs, Grattan B. iManigan, INSURANCE & REAL ESUTE tl�es in Detroit. a psaIS.1 -.:' , ; ., . . I _ - . Ing with the singi _qL AIM Q,�MJA a.tions-ex-.that. ,1iriiii___Ad I " . `�. 611i'lN o = - on - TabX9arX_A1,h,, -- SeaftrM - -0- "_6 - -- - - RE- 0 _ - -- - ... ... ___.�_ I . . , -the-iorganiz W18s1Q13�..,.Ev4.0__.:_. .1111. - _!1i . . "X1 .A -f--. __,� -W-.--R-'!1M1nWu­am I _� - I . ­� . . . .. - . -__ " __ a bJULJ4�U-Xm4dt11g;:11 _1)19x.s�dlw�__ �?,_ � ---,.,.. .111 _-7 �,�,.__ ____...... ­ ­­­ I P, �L_, ____ - . ;---- ­�Res-.-226-- on'...w _ __.�. - _ - ----^" ..� ii� __._­­ ___f �.�_,thP - =W ;� ­Vody;�­ATWr,:&4� . .----.. ffi6 jm__�v­ ltei.�. ...., __ I I Iv ­W+qr---a­,0,PW­�JJUeSW. - ,'1Jne`­*ika_a d67- r-111 � - I 'Lj'.�,�.. 1. .. ,4 MAYO= . . I ­ 11 . pent the week -end _w1th, - Willtilm Hamilton -led- 4n- prayeP.-,; -A-f- -.She y..1w.%f.t_b1�__ - :!A -*RIGHT ,7-. I-, ­_;,." ��, - VOut member - uf , at. Jamd-o" Roman I 1% a I Y.. 4be�% .. � O." . I A . I . James hidbixx�on. � .� " ter the respoiise to. the roll call On � survived ,by her , husband; 3�orne Me- I ' . . � ­ :��'P__Ghuzeh_andjt-momber of the _ cominittee of'' h - - 'ILL - - --I- �.i�­ t ". - -------- _ t 9- 49!11_1?rayer,�!�_tha�-��- �ls,! -.-- I I . _______�EAL RA. _.___*_­. ­.� 1 .1 I � �,�The dnapre _ - __ __ ___ I I ".­-, -11-11.1.1- I A . _�_ I 11 I ; , " .;� ­ ! . Catholic Women's League, the Altar M= cTL- -AY-iiiiiiiii, Cross 18 lxoldi�g -.-VilCiur� 8" and, meet'ing were- read by the ,secretary, 1. . . I .1, I � d ­ - - 1. ­ . ' 1. , 1:v,,�,, I `%�,(,,Uank you. MI otiq at ,home;,; Sfociety and the Leagde,of thii'Sacre . bingo In the Towit, Hall on Friday __ __ � I "'.." ... I , , ,, . . % f! _', �, ",_, , 4 Mrs. Kenneth' McKellar, followed by � � ..,. . � �.".5'.:,. f -lima 4 WAIni W116_�hhad been �rf,"tied to Rellift. The late Mrs. HoriftA to aur- , "A' R9AD11 evanitig a this week. � the treaguret's �el)ort by Mrs.u.smes I ­ -I I � I I a MADE 111. I I , �V_ .., I - 1`K.-',, I *�ua, 16hyt J.,; of Vit- I � ; I " , ` , I. 11 �,e r- " . r ' ' 'LL I I , .,L I I. .6), � ,,, *_­ .A41tiAlk" the Z6616,9161 Ared, W,two s . . ^-� I P'. ,Aki4n96We#ts were made "' i6ti; . , 'I & At o JL I * , I - A feception and danc held Inii'the Hill,� I .1 1, ZA I. 4fi i .i . I - "Aac 'i6r,,- P;a� and Lot d, . ­­­_� u - ,,� 11 �,�rL 11 id, (it, of 0oftlan I TovVii Hall on Thursday evening Of observing the *6ild'a Day ot'- S D9AD or , i . I Mi ,#�, .".9 4468t d0ghf" 4464 - '. " . . . k I i "',", h , I . 'Idlya t1tree daught6re, *rg. 0. Prair6r - I - A,: 'A L'' I ;';_�, _' A N -,,,N, I � I 11'. I ­,. 11 � I- I � I—., `14",'VA I I 611'��'�tir�'166 W.61k, ,iiXd u* a4wdligrokbitt", Wootita, Ile , __ I DISABLED � " ! 41,1"'4: 1 th"'fi � , I ftmOudvi ChUrell last week, was orgatIzed by the B PrIday, Fe6j,l t9th. After 'the of- "' . . . �T- .� . "' ' ' . � . . . .1 , , . K I . ,.",�,Aglj Totbut.6; mf�§ 1. rou- On . I . I I 11111� . . . . . . V, I .110 W4 9.1. Ig I% lke'd 6 tvt§d 4 dedicatory . I � , I �' 'I., ?�`, , , .� ke.i I)i-ri't. I R]WAy', ]p I , .� .11th Wit Line Unit of �the,%Jgai I .. Pe-), - � ; � �� L": � -, 11,=_, "' I ilbi'hli .. . . . I � - f2tl. I I M - J of Sud-bUry, and Mra I � � If ,,",, r, . ., , . , , - *adl�.*i � . , , Ymn witk1ung; followed by sentence . - I . . - t, , � k, 'g� 0 , �%%r"`,Z!,' iiii a w - a - . y truelts Phone collec I 14 =i �t "%�J'k$ If r " r . 0. B. F I B �Orosa In hondriii'ot &d Whrdon Of h ring � WaS tone . ,, --Quickly remove;d Ila - Cieutl aaintt�w 11 " Y,t'�, � . -, �A., , ��_t . I - xx Ralilatati. 16. -00 tgdA, Lieut. ,io, - 8.96 p.m. . i I ;, � *1 #*u! , .. 11, � , I 1, 99 � Ration Con . � � . � ; 'I " , ,,,�,, I I I 11h . 1. I . IN ,; r , , *,J, , 131 lf*`%�ilmli,, 0 Mil, �e' f� " " � � .. �, , � I ,� 6 41 ,. nity, -Pre& *Atsdh. He to pray6ra, )KI -A, Menneth " McKellar , - I `P A � ,6b$fgfJ, 4 �A ' I 219 MITCHELL - , .. , .111 I'll-_! - , ­ I , � i�iN, W �. I . I,- .-1 . , It . .." � � " , q I I , �_l :!�, � 1 ,, , I, � Irl , 111. � �� , 8 ", I t, - I I. . , - i-4 - , i., ., f . ,i �, ,,, , r .1 I I .1 1. 1, , �. 9"', , 1; . 11 I I -) e I read ff6w Olt . I.Irftla . I . Wks 4 . . , , ­­ I � IN ,,,, , ,,', I!, 4 0 P�rl. . �0 'N , 1i I W�i , , 96, 44��, ',titiliartO I)rie 't, � . � ,r. - e" � ifi&qj ** V I I "hiO 644rt,84, eg , .''i. . 21, � W", �, � it , ". I ._i. I � ��J-,46 jkwn -4,0, ft ...... ftd, A . resented by U.P.W.0, of Wattoo th-e:� first -;Warden ej&t4d in Staxl y the gtddy bo , I_ A R A ­ �,,V­ ,4 � ;'a,� , le,,, : b'"'"'A �­K, 4M s,' ., 116tAft i* it dm4hit6r, p , '! r, ,I 6 � �' ,!, �i,." ", ,_'. . `.' ,_ " .7, � 44* &c�siged ., bar - 'T. pllayara� ,, under the Auspice* 'of Tmmshlp in over-Afti yd'Arg the"I'ast, GUiatia,,111 The ft � is - ... - I 111. = t r ,,,,, bti 11 .J1 0 0 1 , 6A I_ 'UP a Anals" M ... I Yqr � ­ . . � I , I liftd?a, 'wag givb1i ,k 'W's- , jik�#j� �. , �. ,, , . � "'' or � "; N*.. N'Al if��i,W�,� :: -1 . ,: imit .. "; I "�;:,il , & ',#i I ,, ' . �ons L I 1:1 I , , I � A* , - is 6 6s", YOUntl Nople0s Urflon �' Xoden beinj the I9f#-�OiJd,,j1oit '' i 11 W-1116" . one I I.. r *ill�r6`11,*aqf",�4 I 1,,",, � � "L _r . TboUias, ,X I . ­ I . Ilia 4V I I - . *%�.,,� " - . 'tod t1d ,7A,,�S, I 111., ."., . 11% . �11 :� i. *.. . ; " I , ". , I:", . , , - 11 ., I , I ,, ', A ) ; , - "6,r 0 P "'Iftoib -� -. , '-" - - -� Xriiig � I : "I . -.� ,,1.1-11 �, ­ . 'I, . , , noteh '. �_f it, M".11. rg fttft�&,`[ W'. i,., 6d ' 0 "'.1, w," � ,"! L'' , !, �. "".7 � �, i��1111�1 ", 1, I ii" , I ,"R" '*v ­,­ .1 . �, . *I)MI81116o - 06 Im'd fr6 -fin 1802'. arit'l '00 " 1. � ., ,�`�.,��,.._ .2,0 tlloi�l "�� � -'� . , , -, �, ,,, .- , �, - , , - 'Curidut ovbftp�- .1. � ,-�&­dq -" 11-1.1-1-1 " . . . . I � I ,��' , 't, � ,;'.�,�, 1� I I ., '' I ii '�, "'I . :�, Wdft 10 . . - I 10, , ,., ,�� _ . - *:,;,.. -, ,.�,. - '': �: e � _,�il � , 'i " " �"_ . , - ____ __ 11,- " ,,,, � "&� , . � _��­­,J �',�; '� '' '. ''.": , , .1� I "I V, 1, �', �. i'' , � r �f.11 , ',,I,r ,', ".�, __� ,�, �.! . . I . �111 , ,;� : ,,, , , * , r I . , ,!, .�,�'. �f v, - 1. 1�, - , , � ­ I - . �, .1, r, ,� i�­,,!tl­�,,�et 1)�,&Tf"'I'Iri­�x I 4 i", ,._� ,�J7,�.1'1' � �, . � r Zi;�. �. , ,; 11 ­ ,;�,4.'�'�,'i",,' - � i �'! � , t".7., �' 1, ,, I �1 ,. , ­ - !�.... ­ , , - .��..' . , r, . 11 r.. " �i . I ''�,�- :111.1 1. I � - �,';,, r,­`�,_,.� it " _ I 11�­ 1. , , . . 11 .1 � I . . I � - .. , ��� I - , I 'i,;-- ., -� � - � I 1, I ,. . . � .1 '"'. 1. 1. . I 111. � � , � �.. .� � ,�, I ,,,i,,;, r,­'�,,, i ,,k,�j ':f, -�!�.J,;,��.:.;. I . . � ,� , , , � 'I, I . ., ` . ,, .- ." I . . . . 1. . � ,.� , 'i, . 1 4 - "I '? , . I I I., 1� . �; .1 ,�.''. � !,.;4i��f,:* t,�, I _ - ., I ,!, I I ' . 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