HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1944-01-28, Page 84.14 n: rtir • -or '. LINED QF tzogol ttyy4yYeR?P,rgs fpr rine t1v'a' ;e on WA.' SID N & M. A. REiD - Proprietor one 214 Seaforth SPE'iriALIST• :IN ALL t,INES OF 'INSURANCE Ie Second Division GOwrt • minty o Huron ee' t l o Dominion Beak WI& as l. 8ieiittb. OfRee bears:. Tam - 60. Wunder eat S.ture.r. LINE rem. M 1 P .: Saturday, •realms, 4.1111 Dm . M III Gum: E. C,` !CHLt11M8ERLAIN - Clerk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0d O O O O Suecessain to0 0 8.. T. HOLM, E'S' a BON 0 O' - FUNERAL DIRECTORS 0 0 • Mi1tn Street, Seeiforth O O' O 4 Ambulance .Service 0 0 Adjustable hospital bed for 0 0 rent. • 0 0 . Night Calls Phone 66 0 0 Day Calix -=Phone 119... 0 O w,•,Qharges moderate. 0 a0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000o00.000000 i0 yz�r b J. A., BURKE Funeral Service O Dublin ' Ont. 0 O AIM ordain calls::Phone 411 r 11 0 O d. 40`00.00040000 GEGIOTEMEII OIOA>MNN iT_JitTlll , :ri 11 -else. Poi P1. -NM* 11 W ' Saforth i i ~SEAFORTE ..storrumEwrvoRKs 01,013MLY W. re CHAPMAN) °aerated' Ib Cunningham ,& Pryde res ore Invited: to import our steak _ Id OEI TEItY OBIAIB Ssafor ii 'Tuesdays Si tiat)urdays See Dr. Rarbern for'appe'i:niment guy ether -Mee: -- Awe, 160. Box •150' EXETER ' Phon. 41 $EA/ DF`FICE .-4 BEAF`ORTH, 'ONT. • AlexBIyt111 e I,r Pres: W. R., b'itld'° 9eatb'rth - Vice -Pres. Med+t A. Reid, . Seaforth - Manager i3ecretai'y Treafrurer. DIRECTORS: Chris. Leonhrdt, Brodhagen; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, R.R. f, Seaforth; :Alexander. McEwing, R iL 1, BW$ th; Frank McGregor, R.R. 5, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, R.R. 1, Walton; Thomas Moylan, R.R. 6, Sea - forth; "Wiliam R. Archibald, R.R. 4, i3eaaforth; George Leitch, R.R. 1, ..Can- ton. AGENTS: Finlay. McKercher, R.R. 1, Dublin; E. Pepper, Brucefield; J. E. Prueter, Brodhagen; George•'A, Watt, Blyth. • 1P MINEIMMINP Yen Are Invited to inspsot the IPI,�r, PGICE RANGES to ,s42.00 , , SOLI' OILY by GILLESPIE'S CLE�� � y �- MARS /f you think you're hard to IN Wer here to change.,'your mind.• -BOND- . TAILORED -To -MEASURE SITITS AND OVERCOATS FOR LADIES AND . • GENTLEMEN . CL ror !' F `S`' SHOP A:L` ORTH B y Scoirte.' JJ he Wednesday even- #igjneethlg of the Scouts was. open- Vii, with' flag break, followed1i'y Secut Silence and the repeating' of the $coilts' Promise. Inspection followed and a game of loap-frog was played. Then a study period of signalling fol- lowed. The meeting was closed by Scout silence with the Moose Patrol being in the lead. - Girl Guides Hold Meeting. — The first Seaforth Company of the Girl Guides opened their weekly meeting with the second patrol in charge, by breaking the flag and singing ;'.O Can- ada:: Roll call was thew taken -with only one member absent. Fifteen minutes were given to the study of the Morse Code by the different patrols. Donna Watson passed her final Tenderfoot test and is now 1'eadY to be enrolled. Klames were/Alen ,played„ with Eleanor Weaverening the geography teat and tie second patrol winbitng another. The meet- ing closed by lowering the flag and singing "God Savo the ging." Northside Y. P. S. Meets: ---The reg ular meeting of the T.P.S. of North - aide United Church viae held on Tues- day last. The meeting opened with the hymn, "Tell Me the Stories. of Jesus," followed by' the Lord's• Pray- er. The roll was called with nineteen present. The hymn, "Unto the Hills" was sung. Annie Dunlop read the :scripture and Lorna Dale read a poem. Rev. H. V. Workman. gave an interesting account of his experienc- es as missionary in the Canadian West. The meeting closed with the hymn., "I Ann So Glad That Jesus Loves Me" and the . Mizpah benedic- tion., Churches A First • Presbyterian Church. -Sunday School rit 11) 'a.m.; morning subject, 11 a.m.. •:Mission Work in India;" 7 pm.. evening subject, "Life and Cue - toms' of the People of India and Hos- pital Work in India ' illustrated by Moving pictures. ,Dr: 'life. R. Quinn, B.A., returned missionary from, India, '4E1 be the guest speaker at both 'ear - vices; •evening Service in charge of 4ba-Y :S: -Midweek •meeting: -Thum. day at 8 p.m. -Rev. Hugh Jack, Min- ister. • Northside 'United Chgeoh.—Rev. H. V. Workman,. Minister: 11 "'Protection, From. Insidious Enemies'"; 2.30 p.m. Sunday School: 7 p.m., "'A Steady and • linfailing Fellows+hip." Thursday, 7.45 p.in., Prayer Service. .Welcome, to these services. St. Thomas' Church.—Rector, Rev, Dr. Hurford: 11 a.m., "Three Ques- tions"; 7 p.m., "Praying For Our Lov- ed Ones." •Sunday,School at 10 a.m. St. Mary's Church, Dublin. —• '2.25 ,p.m., Sunday School; 3 leve, "Three Questions." ' Elea' Sodality Officers. --The open- ing meeting of St. Jane's' 'Sodality was _held on Sunday, Jan. 23rd,.. for election of officers. 'The 'president, Miss Joan Devereaux,' pr'eafded. ' Af- ter the treasurer's reiiort, which was read by Isabel Flannigan, the presi- dent gave an interesting .outline of the year's activities. 'After a short talk by Mother Remigius, the meet- ing' was adrjourned. Officers were re- elected for 1944 as follows: Spiritual advisor, Rev. 'Father Hussey; presi- dent, Miss Joan Devereaux; vice-pres- ident, Frances' Matthews; secretary, Betty Bannon; treasurer, Isabel Flannigan; consulators', Isabel Ander- son and Madeline Fortune; librarians,' Mary. M. Cleary and Alice McIver; sacristan, Anne Eckert; choristers, Adrienne Bannon ' and Mary.;. Ryan; conveners of social activities, Cather- ine Laudenbaoh and' Pauline Mat- thews; organist, Mrs. Frank 'Dev- ereaux. Presbyterian Senior Auxiliary Holds Meeting.—Tile Senior Auxiliary of the W.M.S. of First Presbyterian Church held its first meetingof the year oa Tuesday, Jan. 25th. '1Vlr'fe, Wm. Free- man, presidenfw; opened the meeting with prayer and conducted the busi- ness. Mrs. Neil Gillespie gave the current events: Interesting comments were given by the variocia seeretar- ies on reports given at the annual meeting in Clinton, one being on the report by the Presbyterial Home Helpers Secretary in reference to the many years of .faithful service given to that department by Mrs. Lena Davis. The -theme of the worship service,""which was opened by Mrs. Freeman, was "Help Me, 0 Lard, to be worthy of peace and to work for Thy victory." Prayers were given by Mrs. T. Riekell, Mrs, Lena Davis, Mrs. Wm. McLaren," Mrs. Agnes MacTav- islh and Mrs. Wm. Drover, and Bible reading by Mrs. Charles Brodie. The topic, 'British Guiana,"was Aitken ;by 'Mrs. 1"Geith. McLe"an.. --: i3arbara Kirkman Auxiliary. lPf e'W. —The Barbara Kirkman Annulary bf First Presbyterian Church held their January meeting 'bn 'Truesuday evening. At six -thirty the members and their gtiet _"enioyed a most delleiousl pot• pluck supper. After the sttt►tier the 'distal meeting wes herd. The .proal- ant, Mrs. Reg. Kerslake, eandueted ilii nbening etereisee and btieines�s: wars to o62220 ' faro- thu' Auxi '' T1rhbute was paid by the •presi-1 enc to i to e" Cis L " d. Ill eidr *lib'' been S•iieh ,.nettit ieni anti; i4aitli htaadber ' , 'l u'l. �'ndt • ::;�,•�+'� . , alga 0, pert 4t lir, '010, slats been 'a niStent Annie At Sea-{oitli Tuesday, Feb. Y st 8.30 P.M., SHARI' Clinton "AIR SCHOOL" — vs. Seaforth "BEAVERS" They're stronger! They're better!, And filen now on this Clinton team will be • hard- to beat. Come expeoting a real game of hockey, and you won't be disappointed. ' ADULTS 35c CHILDREN 15e - Service Men in Uniform....25c E Helpers departments, Mrs. M. C. Milliken, convener of the Dorothy Douglas group, occupied 'the• chair while the program was .given, Mrs. Manson- read the .scripture lesson ; Mrs. H. R. Scott gave the Glad Tid- ings prayer, and Miss Norma Jeffrey the current events, Mies Marian Mason gave a• very delightful solo - The topic, the first of the studyser- ies, Was written by Mrs. John E. Daley and read by Mrs. F. W. Wigg. It told of the early history of British Guiana, its marvellous productions, the climate, the various nationalities that lived within its boundaries and the early missionary. work. Died in Toronto.—George E. Fergu- son, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'IL Ferguson; 'ilea Sunday, January 23rd, at his , residence, • Baby Point Road, Toronto. He, was born in Walton, Ont., 65 years ago and re- sided there until he moved to Toron- to in 1912. He was a member of the firm of Corbett, Henderson & Arm- • strong, Union Stock Yards. For over 40 years Mr. Ferguson had been a livestock• dealer, and was past presi- dent of the Torpnto Livestock Ex- change: He. -was also a past presi- dent of, the Hueen Old Boys' Associa- tion. tie belonged to the Orange or- der and•at his death was on the board of managers of Victoria 'Presbyterian Church; of 'which he was a veined member. He was • married in 1912 to Miss Margaret Brown, • of.. -Brussels. Surviving are his widow, a daughter,, Jean Elder '.Ferguson; a son, Lieut„ Russell B. Ferguson, R.C.A., repent ly reported wounded in Italy„ and, two EUCHRE AND DANCE — in — WINTHROP, HALL FRIDAY, JANUARY 28th Under the auspices of Winthrop Red Cross Unit ADULTS' 25c GOOD • MUSIC Ladies please bring Lunch. W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ont. LICENSED EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or Day Calls -335. `f h, e: BRA Y CHICK Does theTrick! 'Bray Chicks are real money - Makers. I can prove it Place your order herb. 100%' i e l de- livery guarantied• Wm. Stapleton - Dublin Alvin W. Kerslake - Hensel! FOR SALE 7-Roem house, good basement, lights, hard and soft water. Garage on property. .In • good state of repair. Situated on George Street. , A good buy. Irhmediate possession,,, 6 -Room house, basement; flights, hard anii•soft *ater� Garage._. Looat- e-Eon-East William St Worth invest- igating 7 -Room hoose, furnace, lights,' town Veatrr. Oi'i 'North Main Street. Farms For Sale . 160 acres, With lid}iso, and barn; good land, 4 'fells. 01ii `:No. • 8 ITigh- way. Well sfttiated. • . 100" acres, Matinee; brick h(51ise, ,bank barn, good clay 'loam;, well uii- derdraitted, - Conveniently --located. • 50 aeries, grass fa'rin, all seeded. A ;goo .piece of land. Close to Dublin, •'!+lull ample etc sly of water. E C. CIIAMBERLAIN 8eaoor<th, OnL, fN8U PAN AND 'REAL ESTATE Phan Wit Olfine S84; 11144, E itv si,$tet+ e o , !t t Icy Qrth• .Tho, �1taheld'exal aaideno$'tl"__: day''; iftergUO14 ' erviee heiff re:,con- ducted by ,dint piistor, Rear; • Mr,,.Mc• Kay, ass$sted et 'the grave a y Rey. It A. Gra' •tMei ,a-efprmer alii$tister :at Walton. ' Bate neat Was madellit Park Lawn Cemetery; TJ,e pallbearera were five members of the Livestock Ex-, change,' which was closed for the' hour of service: Messrs. Gourlie, Devlin, Quinn, Galloway and Arm- strong and Mr. R. A. Zimmer. As a young man, lift‘. 'Ferguson was keenly' interested in athletics and he was a member of the. Old Seaforth Huron football team. The friends and as, sociates of -those .days be, never for- got, and although he had been a resi- dent of Toronto for over thirty years, his interest .iri this old home and county was always maintained, and ibis frequent visits kept him in close touch with old friends, as well as with a much larger circle of ,business associates. Be had been in poor health for !Owe time,' but was still able., to devote considerabletime to Itis extensive business. The •shock, however, of the news of the wound- ing of his. son In Italy, proved too much for hire. Mr. Ferguson's genial, wholesome and kindly personality Will long be remembered, and his death deeply regretted by many here. Mae Lane Auxiliary Elects Officers. —The January meeting of the Mae Lane Auxiliary was !held on Tuesday evening, Jan- 25th, at the home of Miss Winnie Savauge. Mrs- B. Chris- tie, 1st vice-president, opened the meeting by. reading a poem, ."Today We Are Friends:!' The hymn, "Take My Life and Let It•Be," wan sung and, prayers were offered by Mrs,- P. B. Moffat and, Vera Mole. Following the singing of the National Anthem, Mrs. F. J. Bechely, the president, then took charge. The minutes of the Decem- ber meeting were read by the secre- tary, Miss Emily Lester. Annual re- ports were given by the various secre- taries, after 'which Rev. Mr-: Workman installed the new officers tor the year. Miss Fennell, captain of Cir- cle 1, conductedthe remainder of the meeting. The hymn, "Softly and Ten- derly Jesus is Galling" was sung and Mrs. E. H. Close led in •prayer. The scripture reading, Psalm .91, was, tak- en by Mrs. Ross Savauge.. 'Miss Em- ily Lester very ably gave the topic and chose as her -subject the second chapter'••of the ' study book dealing it-le-•'Healtif ani proved; very! --Inter eating: ' "What ,a, Friend We Have in Jesus" •wiz$• sung and the meeting closed by repeating the 'Mizp"ah bene- diction. A deticiocis lunch was then served• by the two losing 'circles of 1943. A special feature "of the even-', ing was a birthday cake donated by, one of the members, Mrs: E. C. Cham- ber'ain, on the•'oecasion of. the thir- teenth hinteenth birthday of the 'Mae Lane Aua- iliary. Officers •forrthe new years are as follows.: • Honorary 'President, Mrs. H. V. Workmen; past president, Miss R. Fennell; president; Mrs. F. 'J. Bechely; 1st vice''lires:; Mr's. • B. F. 'Christie;' 2nd vice press, Mrs. E. 13. •Goud•ie; • 3rd vice-pt-ees., • Mrs. R. Sav- auge; recording secretary;' Miss E. .Lester; Corresponding -secretary,' Mrs,' Bradshaw;.•• treasurer, Mise ---W. Sav-J auge; ;assist.• treas'urer;': 'Misr John- wton;., Christian• Stewardship sec., Mrs. R. Savauge';• Temfperanee • Sec., Mrs. H.. Snell; Missioi%ary Monthly sec., Mrs. E.: C. Chamberlain; •Baby „Band sec., -Mrs: Webster; Literature sec., Miss J. McLean; "!'flower • convener, Mrs. J. Kaiser; pres4`see., Miss Laura Mole; assist. press -arc., Miss Irene Workman;. Comnlaniity • Friendship sec.,. Mrs. E. H. Close••convener of supply committee; 'Mrs. McLellan; Mission Band Leader, Mrs. • W. Bar- ber; social convener, Miss W. Seip; pianist, Mrs. G. I•Ioggarth; assistant pianist, Mrs, H. V. Workman; Circle Captains: Circle 1,'Miss R. Fennell; Circle 2, Mrs. ;Johnston; Circle 3, Mrs. A. Whitney; Circle 4, Mrs. P. B. Moffat. LOCAL BRIEFS • Mies Sally I. Wood:, of New York, was a visitor with friends in town this week. • Flying Officer Olt Egmond Bell and Mrs. Bell and daughter, Toronto, were guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bell. . - . • Mrs. Ernest Geddes spent a fetibl days ie.. Belgrave this' week, the guest of her ,sister-in-law,•• Mrs. Alex .Por- terfield, • Mr; William Oke,. -of. Exeter, was calling on friends in town on mon- day. • Mrs. W. B. Golding 'has' returned from Toronto where She spent a few days at the home of her daughter -and son-in-law, Dr. and- • Mrs. T. S. Per- ratt. • Mr. C.' M. Smith was 4n Detroit last week attending the funeral of his brother, Mr. Ed. Smith, of that city. • Miss Patsy A'iine Bruggger had her appendix removed, in Scott 'Mem- orial Hospital last week. s Flight Lieutenant...) A... Munn,.,o1 a esexawto,-span he- egbek-end--at•-+ home here. • Mrs. Margaret Hutton, of Kincar- dine; is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Grummett, and Mr. Grummett. • 0. Mists Jennie Patterson, of Wal- ton, is visiting at. the home of her,- sister, Mre. Robert Rtiiith. 'e AC2. Stewart .'W'igg,..ef _1 ron- to, is spending a i�avw _ da,_p`e at the 'Norrie of this parents, :Mr, midi Mrs. F. W. Wigg. '4 1VCias b'rances bYtlrtuiib, C1V., utf- derweiit 8; i operatitlii• ilii` dptiendieltlo bit Scion Meinorialh idsliiial n 111" 14aY A• . *Boa . Loreeu %oL"ii sulci`' • ofd ttT' 9g,t,rOl0#4 e ' 4tq o ftRwa,t. sueceag€till~ po sed the: oait i'irtiliiou fior'-•' Reglete;eed -'lvuriaek at Yi'otoxl'a' Ho>liitsl, L.11rxdon,, last. week •p.• Mr A; 1 Er$virl ;aJ' !d Mr 1i Ntliarn• Q °swan,. of - Bayfield,* were cailt'x g... ttp: 1` ida t i od free S f r i1Ct Sea -W(4.94 o I d les , r .� , le ��' • Mi'. 4oh4 Gillies; of Winthrop, left on Tuesday morning for Owen Sound • Miss Maud, Ferguson was in To-, !onto for a few days owing to,, the illness, and -death. of her brother,, Mr. George kl- -Ferguson. • Mrs. W. 0. Sutherland and. fancily_ have removed to Goderich. • Mr. and ,Mrs. Fred Beattie,, who have been - fie guests of Mrs. James Beattie, have returned to Ottawa. • Mr. and Mrs. George Israel, Mr - and Mrs. Ivan Hargreaves, _and • Mrs. Peter.' Hargreaves, of Toronto, Were. here on Wednesday attending the funeral of the late Mrs. T. G.• Shil- linglaw. • Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Murray, of Pittsberg,-Pa:; and Mrs. Chas. Johnson, of 'Waynesboro, Virginia, -Were"' Otho guests this week of•Mise Edith David- son. • • LAC. Thomas R. Cluff, Toronto, spent .the week -end with his father, Mr. A. F.. C1uff, • Miss Lois Wright, nurse -in train ing at Guelph General Hospital, was ,a visitor over the week -end at . the home of her parents, Mr: and Mrs. W. A. Wright. • Capt. Paul Brady, M.D.( of Kiska, and Mrs. ' Brady- visited. friends in town this seek. • • Mr. and:Mrs. Frank Cudmore.and daughter,' "Miss Nancy Of Toronto, were guests of Mrs.' J. F. Reid, over the. week -end. , • IAC. Jabes MoNairn, R.C.A.F., and ,'Mrs, •MeNairn, of Dartmouth,' Nova, .Scotia, were 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reeves, this week. • Gunner Alvin Adams, o£ Petaw- wa, on of Mr. and •Mrs. Fred Atiams, was a visitor •at the parental home this week. CROMARTY Personals: ' Private Frank Scott and Mrs. Scott, Camp Borden, with Mr. and Mrs. John Scott; James Scott in Toronto;' Leonard Houghton. has returned from.'•London; Joseph Speare ' in Harrislton and Toronto Ross McLellan, Seaforth, with •rola- •tives here; Cpl. Mary A. Hamilton, of Aylmer, with Mr. and Mrs, William -Hamilton;; : -Roy MeC ilioch; in, St Thomas. • The Marian Ritchie Auxiliary group held their monthly meeting at the ,home of Mrs. William Houghton On Saturday afternoon. It was conduct- ed by ,the president, Miss Sarah Mc- Kellar. Fine papers were read by Mrs. Gordon, Scott, Mrs. Ernie Allen and .Miss. Lila McCulloch. • The ' Young People's meeting on Sunday evening was well attended. The meeting was conducted by the president, Robert Hamilton, and; the topic, "The Bible in the Church," was taken by Mrs. L. Laing. F . HIBBERT The 'Late F. A. Feeney The death took,place on Wednesday: of Precis Albert Feeney, in his 51st year. Mr. 'Feeney bad gone to the' barn to .do the chores and not feeling well had returned to's the house and passed away shortly afterward. He is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Katherine Flannigan; and six chil- dren, also four sister and five bro- thers, one of whom is Father Feeney, of London. The funeral will take place from his late residence, at 9.45 a.m. Friday, to St. ;Patrick's Church, Dublin. Interment will be made in St. Patrick's cemetery. ELIMVILLE On Wednesday night. Jan, 19th, W.M.S. and W.A. held a- social even- ing in the church basement. About fifty --here present. The president had charge of the meeting and after the call to worship all joined in sing- ing, "Come; Let Us Sing of a Won- derful Love." Mr. N. q. Clarke read the Scripture lesson from Matthew 13th chapter, Minutes of the :Decem- ber Meeting were read and a letter ef' •thank° •, f rain Mrs. Ed. Jahns ,,:was: also read. Mr. Horace Delbridge led in prayer. ' "Tell Me the Stories of Jesus" was sung. Mrs. E. Skinner gave the treasure'r's report of the W. M. S.","1.70.50 bei7ng sent to the Branch treasurer in 1943. Mrs. Lewy Johns reported over $9.00 raised by .the Baby Band last year. ' Rev. Mair then gave a talk on "The Blessing, of Health," and Mrs. • Roney followed with an interesting reading from "Out of the Overflow." A number by the male quartette, namely Messrs. Wm: Johns, Bruce Cooper, Alvin. Pym and Kenneth Johns was much enjoyed. Mrs. J. Coward read°a' roeni and Mrs. R. E. Pooley read "A Thanksgiving Sermon." Collection amonnting to 0.457-Was7 ditatied—±euiel 'er•4'wo sveJeties. mire, meetirig clos- ed by singing "Breathe On Me Breath of • Qod" and :prayejr by Mr, Mair: A number of contests made entertain meet until luneh time, which wan a fitting close to a pleasant evening. Red Crass Meets The local ,Red Cros's .unit met,. ot• •Tueeday:.-eveiiing et last week at Mr. Gilbert j'ob}ns there were tiienty' lull' ` pxekeut. 1GIra': `1 . Pori- ohigitfie and Mapened the Meath g' With alas • pre n '- fe've'r." 411he . $ PQM 'W- repeated ft.,•.ualsoii• .dhc Mr. Nthiatar Jolios led lit brapeeThus+. isLintltea Were read aftd Ii;dbpted,,•attd 'ea"•1 tt • hudlttii"k 'gave :t cit o re, 'fi#t -Pk • it • A W -11hursday 13' i4ay, Saturd'a TWQ 't+'k1 ES -•. Seeond +Show ;13tar4. "TSE " "ALCON STRIKES" BACK" 'Slta.rrin9 TOM CONWAY A meat desperate case' solved"! ALSO IS HENRY A 'FLAME? r OR IS HE A FLOP? e in ' "HENRY ALDRICH GETS GLAMOUR" MONDAY, TUESDAY WEDNESDAY ESD:A;Y BETTY. GRABLE ROBERT YOUNG `_. "SWEET ROSIE •O'GRAY" , ' in Technicolor GEORGEOUJS!• , .HILARIOUS! TUNEFUL! TERRIFIC! , ,NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY • RICHARD DIX JANE. WYATT "BUCKSKIN FRONTIER" Coining "WINTERTIME" First Show starts each evening at /,:110'p.m. -MATINEE_EACH SATURDAY AT 2 30.P.M. nnouncement G. A. Whitney,oi' the Holmes & Whitney Funeral Service, Seaforth, Ontario,. wishes to . announce that he has assumed ownershipof the business and will continue it under his own name. This Funeral Service was originally "established by the late S. T. Holmes thirty years ago. His son, the late Charles 'Holmes, became :associated with his father and carried on under the name of S. T. Holmes & Son. The same high standards and friendly, understanding.service that marked the work'of both the late.S. T. Holmes and the late Charles Holmes in; Seaforth and district, will be maintained. G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Sttccessor t� Holmes .fc Whitney Tel. 119. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Or Nights &,Holidays �5 the , audit on the treasurer's books. The unit raised about $507 in 1943. Business wire- dealt -with next.—The February meeting will be held at Mr. R. E. Pooley s and Mr. Lorne Elford and Mr. andMrs Howard• johns_to prepare program. Letters to the so- ci'ety were read by Mrs. Dickey and Mrs. Garnet ,Johns. Miss 'Ruth Skin- nerread the quota of sewing and knitting,'• ' It was decided' tohave a • collection of waste paper and paste-,- hoard aste-aboard boxes, for salvage, each 'person, -_ to bring What they have to Pogley'ti store or t'he' :church • shed ..:by' the dt February. 'Mrs. . Arthur._; Ru'ndlp then gave a very interesting paper on; "Reconstruction." Mrs. Pooley :._read`; an article, "Army; Padre Saves Men Under Fire." The meeting; -was clog••+~ ed with singing the National Ain. them: rF DON'T MISS VALENTINE TARTY AT CARDNO'S .HALL :. r ..dFebruaryon� 1 UNDER -;AJ. SPI.GES• OF SEAFORTH WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Music by Bayfield Palley Five Dancing 9.80 - 1.30 Floor Manager -George Jordan , Lunch Counter, — Door Prize and Novelty Dances - - - ADMISSION — 40 CENTS = Farm Machinery Schools At. WALTON JANUARY 27th and 28th CLINTON FEBRUARY 3rd and 4th ,: HENSALL FEBRUARY 8th ad 9th -HOURS (each day) -10 AAA'. 4.30. RM. m A1.1. mer re' eo rd ally in it ti to attend. JAMES C..SHEARER, ! Agricultural Representative (ttltckllj''itet 0l r DEAD 0p7 DISABLED breed M. Olean eariitetry truehd. ?honer eolloot, tr ,LL t e Siwimi Limited