HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1944-01-21, Page 5r, • • -iltate,' 4: #440,14id 0h*Ai** Opgto* 4:01* 4** Orkif,r04'1-11,0*;,, :** 4170)::#04 '044:NO, IN*g#4,6 "90y • mot744.449;,r5f**04#41:700, w.m. and •allgeniefid VOnUlrgeAlVhkehs We* [K, Webster, et lereittOnati4ttrtninne141; • : tbe, hranehes ibee, %Kn. in the verioatn'eentteenn 'Theltdeeithilt(iwei • both intetegthcS" and prentable, • and •.. livelpenni9 ajOinote 'closer- eteoperation in the various departments. A •nOtatiOne from, one setretart's trepcsrtnigadoaa..tellorese "At every -tura weehearathe same thing.;'ile are Called upon for so much War work that we can't MVO to ehnich Week.' 4- -.Perhaps if we had &ays giversto the Lord's win* what' we are now giv- ing to make_ implements' onnaar, and to train out. boys to arse liiern there might not have lienn. a near. We. need to grar emanstly thateele-maY do our part tii'Win the'Werld 'ter Christ." • Much Work has' been: dOne during the year in :milting layettes, and other,. article. • 13040 aid maga- witkes have •been cientribatedefor mill - '4; tary camps. The :lonely and the sick have been visited and cheered on their way, and each deed of kindness done will bring jt s• own reward: The report dosed withiliese words: • '41Last year Toter .4:Crete:i7- closed her report witlenthe 'Word 'Onward."' We • feel that if she vere present today ' she 'would 'say. the same. Onward, Into 1944 with the 'strength that comes from Him, who said„ will nev- er leaVeqbee eitiinfoif4ke'theen" Report, of the , departments were then, read. Mrs. D. J. Lane, of Gode- rich. Mission -Bend lieeretaryi report- ed, splendid work . done' bynall the _feeders. • Two , group e disbanden, for Jack of leaders. There are four Mis- 'eiein Bands at present and ,interesting programa have node given by the children diiring the year along sionareeetines. Members were urged to help 'and encourage the leaders, in that the price should be o na level Id every possible way. make it profiteble'to feed hogs, and Mrs. A. D. MacEwan, of Hensel', we nhould notbane to depend on eub- reported otie young women's auxiliary sidies." and four groups of Caned-ia:n Girls in The County of Simcoe asks concur, Training, a new group having been rence in a resolution regarding the normed in Goderich •in •September. price of small seed, pirticelarly alsike .Splentlid„.woek is:being done by ,the and red clover, "wherein the producer leaders in all these organinations. has been led to lbelienelhat the Irices The., Glad Tidings secretary, Mrs. offered for seed by the ealer's were • In ,Rose, of Auburn, .reported 299 sub- those established by. government auth- ' scriptions, with several more to come, oeity under the Beard; and • making a slight increase on last year. that as no official erholegale seen Mrs. T. Swan Smith, treasurer, re- price has been set, and the -Prides, 'of - • ported that $143 was contributed far fered and being paid to farmers for supplies, and that the allocation • of cleaned seed have been, $10 ,per' hash - 32,800 had been reached. , el for alsike and $12 to $13X0 for red The meeting adjourned and lunch clover;' and as most of it will be sold . , was served by the Clinton ladies. The in the domestic marketat the ceiling .afternoon •session opened with the retail price of $17.40 for alsike and hymn, "We Have Heard a Jcinfinl $20.40 for red clover; 'that the Do - Sound," followed by prayer by Mrs. minioDepartinent of Agriculture be W. J. Thompson, of Seaforth. requested :to clarify the present con - The report of the literature; library fused sieletion, to correct the unjust and exchange secretary,- Miss E. spread aadto take' steps to Prevent a Somerville, of Goderieli, want read by recurrence of, this very uasalisfactery :Mrs. G. MacEwe.n, of GoderichnSales .• of literature amounted to $81, an irce Essex Come* submitted: a resole - crease on last year, and a large quan- tion asking: free transportation. for tit; of good reading material was pro - Men and women•'in. the armed forces • 'wided for the men and women of the on leave. , feieit*:,Y „. . 4 .4. ,.• .6rxwitOt7C7140.,*#4,4r**, 0;0951 *it 4 nv(0.4M. /*-•'thangi'l?$4404'191.1*.•W'i 1,00Inn ,the 101'11i'llgtO.04•41?,'' thttni; ' • ,•' • :' ' :•-• 1 e rr (!s4,awttw.A,f,„,m.pager, HeAt'net.94 the council Walla Obere to Re4r-en-YOU-g0 1,410)41 Ot"the' PIO 1.6.* rare, "Them nc.0404bt that 70,inkye'enOther Strenuous year before up which Will tag ,for the best frOin'eaelt Of us, but by 00-0Perldbig we' ratty make et one of Wflhich proud", •the Warden concluded. Mayor It E. Turner, of .004erlOh+ extended a civic welcome and easter- ed the Members that every co-oPera- tioin would 'be given by !the town, Reeve el% C. 'Wilson was aleeeinted 'to the criminal audit board, and depu- ty reeve Alex Alexander, Grey, to the Good Beads Commission for three years. _ The stroking committee is compos- ed of XteeVe.s W. J. Baker, Alex Alex- ander, B. Tuckey, R. J. Bowman and Geeige Armstrong. Resoluticnis Received" The correspondence read by Clerk N. W. Miller was referred to the var- ious cornmintees. Included in it was a letter from 'Hon.. T. L. 'Kennedy, Ontario Minister pof' Agriculture, in which he acknowl- edged a resolution submitted by Hur- on County Council at the NoveMber session regarding the price of bogs and requeetleg that' a subildy-he gaid the farmers. He added: r!I feel very keeedy that the price should be ad- vanced to make it profitable for farm- ers to produce, hogs. I also believe that the demand for good bacon will, continue for some years after the War and that Wipes will be fair. Howev- er, whether the provinelalnegovern- ment should increase its subsidy, or not, is a debatable question. I think armed forces. A resolution from Lambton Coun- Mrs. C. Hudson, of Hensall, -cil urges that the care of indigent ' ed that 868, calls' had been, made dur- patients in Mail:Rai not be a -tax , ing the year on sick and sluitin mem- • against the land or seal property and berg; 132 letters 'Were written and ,17 that the indigent patient be colander- . !removals! reported. t ' . . . The Home Helper secretary, Miss blind. --- ed in the category of the 'aged anct - . ..........„.... L. Jeekell, Of Eieter, reperted, 374 ' Oppose Daylight Saving. calla made and $327 contributed, but Resolutions Oxford County re- , the influence Of these consecrated•wo- commended to the National War FM - Vet could never be ,measured •heeng- ance Committee that all purchases of ures. ' Victory Bonds by municipalities, re - Miss A. Macdonald, of 'Goderich, gardless of • the aamoinet, Ibe placed Supply secretary, reported that apart en the "Special Names" s9 that every '.• from the $143 contributed i,n cash, dollar will he used for the war ef- two bales had. hnen sent valued at fo-rt; opposed Daylight Saving time; 3150. Toys and email articles made and urged that official • graders 'of by Mission Bend members 'would be hogs be instructed to have the sub - very acceptable for Christmas gifts silly added to the producers cheque for the 1944 bale. . and allow the abattoirs to make` reg - Mrs. Jack spoke of the lossq- f 'ular application to the -.department, I .. several faithful members during the indeed of this being done by the pro - 'year: Mr. Barnett and Mrs. , MacAr- ducers. thur, of Goderieh, ami Mrs. M, A. A resolution 'from the Connty of Reid and Mrs. B. Muir, of Seaforti, Lincoln recommended . legislaton be the last named having been an invalid eructedby the Provindial Government for 20 years. ... authorizing county councils to grant • The •president. conducted .a aliecus- $5.00 bonus for killing a fox. . - . sion on various •aspects of •the . work From the County of Elgin. came res- t land mann helpful suggestions were olutions commending Hon. T. L. Ken - made by the inenabers. Nine Jack ex- nedy "in his sincere endeavour to !pressed her thanks to all for their bring about better farming conditions splendid co-operation during the year, i in order that farmers can do their and asked Mrs. J. C. Greig,. of Sea- part in the prosecution of the war forth, to take the chair for the elec- effort"; recommending that the De - tion of officers. •• ' minion GOverriment be asked to aban- ... Mrs. ,Sillery, of ,Eneter, brought ill don$ subsidies and in their Waco estab- _the repott of the - nomiaating cos -i 1 sh parity -prices; and opposing DaY- mittee, which was accepted, and the light Saving. officers" were installed by Mrs. Greig. Dr. 5". W. Shaw, physician of the The Presbyterial officers for 1944 County Home, reported ' that the are as fiellcens:" Preeldent, Mrs. H. health of inmates was good until the Jack, Seaforth; 1st .vice-president, flu epidemic, when all of them, eon - Mrs. W. J. Thompson, Seaforth; 2nd tracted the disease. There were 17 vice-president, Mrs. H. C. Dunlop, deathh during the year, at an average Goderich; 3rd vice-president; Miss age of 72. The oldest inmate is aged Toll, Blyth; 4th ,vice-president, Mrs. 89, the youngest 46. The numlber of E. . Lawson, Auburn; secretary, Miss inmates is 93,, of whom 14 were ad - B. Campbell, Seaforth; treasurer, mitted in 1943. Mrs. Russell, .Seaforth; Mission Band Council adjourned -to meet at 10 secretary, Mrs. D. J. Lane, Goderich; o'clock Wednesday morning. Y.W. and C.G.I.T. secretary, "lire. A. Wednesday Session . D. MacEeeen, Hensall; ellome. Helpers Huron Cdenty Council Wednesday and Student -secretary, Miss L. Jeck- afternoon nostponed-action• on request ell, Exeter; literature, library and en- of a large number of -organieelions in change secretary, Anise E. Taylor, Huron County to ' set illil a public Giaderieh; 'life membership secretary, health system in the schools of his Mrs. GWalken, Hensell; Glad Tid- mu ideality. The reason giyen were: . (1)11We feel that under .preseilt War . liege secretary, Mrs. F. Rose, Atiburn; conditions. We wouldi do well ,before • prees secretary, Mrs. A. Taylor, God- erich; lcome and welfare secre- Ur, Mrs. C. Hudson, Hartsell; aupply •isectntarar, Miss-*. Magelemeld„ God& Tribite was paid t� -411 ' the 'Ofti'Mli. tor their fine 'work„ Mid apenitil Mat- ti= was Made 'of the wititlk.Of the re, tiring treasurer, Mrs. T.SWitti Sinitho SettfOrtil, Wliti.11ed tliis,, titan in ,:h ihnet tapable •Mitnitei.:..!nr,,,:a;,16rit t Oeto _ '141'044; . e 0.1 •eh.. 110.,, ,, • ' 1.*It,thee.04tee; ' ls T,ePert"*0.!'*aAte`' den4q, !Of 04414#9,46. 134C tag* 11# tehe rijiT,:t3;411,1t:4VIZ tact elitil_theoftma*W41, elw,114e 4V The COMMitt00--rePOrted0:144 4424 peld•the cost Of the .defence of Kerweed Wiiinen Who UltiOnnenfifulY sued jhe ctiIflty overthedeath .ot bet husband, turnItee. at thencounty gaol. The costs. Were $365. • :T.he .provisieuel report', of. County Treasurer, A. IT. Erskine called for a rate of four matte:for 1944. It Mohr& ed one-balt . mill, Or $27,100 for war donetions'andln$2003 for Victory Bonds. The rate .4nclenies 2.45 mills to raise $132,933, or general account and 1.65 mills for. county high -Wens, Some Victery, Boucle may also purchased. • Dr. Johnston, of Lackn.ow, for AShileld and Kinloss Toevaships„ addressed council in support of the school health plan, " The following appointments were, made: Ralph Munro to. eGoderith Collegiate Board-; Dr. 'H. H. 'Cowan to Exeter Board of Education; Albert Whitney to Seaforth Board of Educe - 'hoe for one Year; Harry Gibiam. to Winghern High •School Board for 3 years; Fred Fiord to Clinton Beard of Education for three years; Mayor. P. L. Davidson to Wengham Hospital Board; Reeve W J, Baker to Gode- rich. Hospital /3oar,d.. 1, The proposed grant of $100 to each Spring, fair • and $35 to. Hensel]. :seed spew was referred ,to the executive -cornmittee. The ifrtanding. nomMittees for the Year are, as follows: :nExecutive, .0. Armstrong, Berry, Morritt, Nichol- son, Inglis; LegislativenFrayne, Daly, Mooney, Beecroft, J. Armstrong; Fin- ance, Dorrance, Weir, Rathwell, Mof- att, Beecroft; .Educatiort, Evans, Berry, 'Watson; Beecroft, 3. Arm- strong:. Propertyeen-Falearien Evans., Smith, A. Watson', Frayne; County 1,lorne; Baker, Weir, Inglis, McCann, Tuckey; Children's Shelter, Love, Falconer, F. Watson; Agriculture, Frayne, Love, Rathwell, Merritt, Mof- fatt; Police, Meffatt; Baker; 0. Arm- strong; Equalization, Dorrance, Moen- ey, Daly,- Toglis, • Berry; Warden's Committee, Bowman, Tuckey, Dor- ranee, G. Armstrong, Smyth; Huron Library Beard, J. Bowman; Crim- inal Audit, T. C. Wilson; Good Roads, R. Shaddick, A., Alexander, Wheeler. War Services (Continued from Page 1) ers and bells. FolloWing the dinner Rev. J. B. Ffoulkei,' propoped a toast to the Feeney family which was responded to by Rev. J. A. 'Feeney. Thomas Feeney spoke on behalf of his par- ents, paying' them a well-deserved tri- bute. A reception was held during the af- ternoon and evening when a group of neighbors and relatives were present to offer felicitationa to the honored couple- Numerous messages and tele- grams of congratulations ,were receiv- ed. There was a profusion of gifts, including 'gold crircifix, gold and sil- ver rosaries, gold blanket, gold tow- els, China pieces trimmed with gold, and numerous greeting cards and gifts - of money. Music for the dancing was supplied by local violinists. `Mr. Feeney, warn is 78, is the son of the late, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Feeney, pioneer residents of Hibbert Township, near Staff a; and Mrs. Feeney, who is' 74, was formerly Miss Mary Roach, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward Roach. The Late Mrs. James Cronin A former resident of Dublin, Mrs. Mary Cronin, died at the home, of her daughter, Mrs. Edward Hallinan, De- troit, from influenza with complica- .. tions which developed. Mrs. Cronin, who was formerly Miss Mary Downey a native, of McKillop Township, was married 49 years ago to James Cron- in, and was in her 74th, year. Mr. and Mrs. Cronin lived on a farm in Hiblbert Township for several years and came to Dublin to reside about 40 Years ago, where her husband died in 1935. Mrs. Cronin has lived in De- troit for the. past two years.--Sheis survived by three sons: Joseph, of Dublin; Brother Augustine, Presenta- • tion. ,Brothers, Montreal, and Lorne, Detroit, °also one daughter, Mrs. Ed- ward Hallinan, Detroit; four sisters, Mrs. Dan Cronin,. St, .Columban; Mrs. Edward Horan, Stratford; Mrs. John Cronin, Detroit; Mrs. Sayan, Chicago, -and one brother, +Joseph Downey, Beecetwoed. The funeral, which was held from the residence of Joseph ELMITILLE Cronin, -Dublin, was, attended by a Mr rrr,r71?-rAi 4'71 1 • I 4 I Me ttlirtrAg Ier 0 ft."Uen br 4104.41-340e oVP nIVOMAria1.F1eti SPageT„tbe,Ori,,410.EitiOlAt Irati• able 0-T011111 litiMenne 4.!,3 4 • I! • !;!,- !!!!!''''• .„ one *brotibe46114gpi* • 0,ntii,P•Orterfiettl,'. 45t CalgarjennFunenefincearviceln. ducted- byeBnen /K.; *01ansimf ham.- nen*tede.bnineTtern; InfiveDunlorn." United CharchenBeignanren- were held In Knox- Church 'Me Friday -ettereeee; The pallbearers we,rn,,,:ithe, Present cannel -ofEast Wannaileglie!alid en:Jr- Baennoad, Rednecindneanformer -Reeve for several yeatv-, t'44: °Mae • (Continued trOlu•Rege 1) les' W.A.,,,Stindas Sehoolv, Choir, Social ServiCe,-Ohancer Guild, 'each having a balance: on nand. The church's enlistment of the Algoma Are peal ($113.60) was Paine and $25 Ov- erpaid on budget for missionary, sal- aries in Western Canada. Votes; of thanks were passed! for 'speeial donationg to Mises.F. and. B. Cresswiela and othere, also to Mrs. M. E. VapEgmond tornthe gift, of a lectionary •Bible, Too *Ow nnacle 'gPeenal reference to R. G. Parke' valuable, pervicee ad •,. • z ealuable aid given 1St. Thoina0-3 • • %. • , tne past by: °hark* r" ee UMW d • 'YARNA The euchre and flatice„ sponsored by Young. Peopleninelub; on -Fri- day night, was very well patronized and a pleagant time was spent. Pro- ceed e tunenetedno over $18.00, to go ton the Navy. • Mrs. Bill Ball, of.Cliat'i,hon, with her little son, is at present with her mother, Mrs: 3410880p, Mr. John Dowson, of .the Babylon Line, spent the weeneend with, her aunt, Mrs. Hart. •t• ; KIPPEN , • Mrs. Walker, ef Peterboro, who has been visiting her brother, Mr. Henry Ivison, who has been vary ill, has re- turned to- her home. 'Mr. Ivisorne many friends will be Pleased to know he is improving. Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter left d'n Satter -day to spend a couple of Months With -her brother and Sinter -in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leverne Ferguson, of St. Thomas. • . The Misses Lillian and Bernice Finkneiner, of Exeter---'s-pent week with Mr. and Afrenlierb Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Hiircdct Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Blinchard and.. fanaily, of Exeter, spent.an eirentrig last • week with: Men .eaineeMrs. W. Homey. • Miss Marguerite MacDonald is back in Mr. Damm's store to assist during the special sale. The animal meeting of the green congregation' is -being,' held on Thursday evening of thisweek, and: of the Kippen coegregation on Wed- nesday of next" week. A,'Iight lunch will be served at the close'of both meetings. The church -service on Sunday will be in- charge of the Minister, who will preach on "The Ultimate Dilemma." Honor 'Mr. and Mrs. W. Tremeer On Friday evening, Jan. 14th, the neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Tremeer .euent a very pleasant evening et the home- of Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacDonald,, Crom- arty. The occasion was-aefarewell to Mr. and Mrs. Tremeer who will short- ly move to a farm in another district. Music and games provided amusement and a very happy time was enjoyed by 'all. A presentation wasemade by Dorothy MacDonald and' the follow- ing address was read by Lorene Mar- tin: "Mr. and Mrs, Tren*er: We, your neighbors and friends, have gathered tonight to express to you out regret that you are about to leave our midst. We have found in you ev- erything that could be desired in neighbors.. By your genial &impart- ionshiP you have added much to ord- •inary living ,among us.' Vire are glad you are not going far away and so we shall be able to renew .our friend. ship frequently. As you take with you the .qualities • tbat make good neighbors and friends, we are sure you will find these where you gonOur very best wishes for your future are yours as' you leave us. In token of our love and esteem, we ask- you to accept this small remembrance, and may God bless, you. Your Neighbors and Friends.n • large group of sorrowing friends and The Adult Bible Class held a pot - relatives. Many floral and spiritual luck supper in the church basement tributes were in evidence, testifying on Thursday night of last week with • to the esteem in which she was held. an attendance of about fifty. After - Requiem High Mass was sung by Rev. ward they held the election of offn Dr. Ffoulkes, and the choir was un- cers with the following results: Pres - der the direction of Mother Gabriel. ident, Mrs, Alin Pym; 1St vice-pres., 'The pallbearers were two grandsons, Ruth Skinner; secretary, ,Mrs. Alvin. Frank Cronin ant? Jarries Cronin, four Cooper; assistant, Mrs. :dee. Davis; nephews, Albert Cronin, John Cronin, treasurer, Mrs. Horace Delbridge; as - Joseph Cronin and Richard Downey. '8istant, Allen Johns; terteners, Del - Among those attending the funeral mar Skinner, Mrs. Wro:-,Tohns, Allen 'froth a distance were: Mr. and Mrs, Johns, Wm. Boutin- Bora& Delbridge, Edward Hallinan, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne R. E. Pooley, Harold Bell, Kenneth Cronin, Mr. and Mrs. John Cronin and John -s-, Mrs-, A. Pym, Mrs. a Skinner, son, Joseph Cronin, Detroit; Brother V f?1' d a ..Tnellett, Mrs. Pealty, Alvin Augustine, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. t'ooper, Howard Johns; ,e'eetej nom - launching 'upon any scheme t thie +,Edward Horan, Stretford. InterniOnt mittee, Mr. and Mrs. He'nnetli Mtn, kirtd, at ,the present time vietorn ler took place in St. Columban. Cemetery. Mr, and Mrs. Franklin. Skinner, MT. ,Oui' armed fordes is the partatiolint PersonalMrs. S. A. Murray felt and Mre. Sohn Coward; ai'Ck And vitt- gustation.• ---- t her liome, epp,a,rentlynn niffernag iting careen -Jae, Mr. ant ll•triti 41vin. (2) :From all indiCatiOns, . our pro- from dieZitieSs, and ftactUreil,' tV/o TaYm, lire. arid' Mrs. Klitiletitt-Arnsi .vineint governeaent is bringing Out a e think toes $he is nineene to, bed inate,f Mr, Mad Mrs. Horan rAiihOttil health PrOgralia and wit WOUld ,,nnn,n,,, in be bilge to see what this Plattranay be, •'"".."-'14 l'attm6ta' ' "- ' • fe44 ali: 'Pre .i, - •41:,. , 6 .., • and be in, a boaltion to ocetaieriatin . ' Mts. Williernigule tateikded the , AbOU , lila hie6, 44' Ve (3,At ihe ,,Orefient thne alt 110606 eele*ration at lltiOli'orberMUtlier‘ei peole at.loi. Oii6bi tfia, heeded itt oth:, hhetatalc* ' '';'4* c4019,1,1,niarft Phistati, , 'c ' Auy V407,Aretk,..end the..00x404146 fttlth 'bittlidaY: A6 AO *116 *461434.1iirli • SpuneRayoria, Cotton Tweeds, Plaids, and Jersey Cloths,.. all are gitiartly;styled rn short eleeVe modele. Many are two - toned styles; others are ,cleverly trimmed with contrasting piping. All colors. A Real Bargain. •$19.50 COATS For $15.95 $25.00 coAxs For $20.00 $30.00 COATS For $24.00 22' All -Wool Knitted Suits in two and three piece styles, including , Sweater, Pullover and Skirt. Colors include grey, san--rose, beige and red. . ante are determined to clear out this lot of knitted suits, and this big discount will no it. All sizes. Regular to $15,00, for ' 1,6010,40it,„' vi,eit bight of teat Week itta.,4 ittyper ening of progressive euchre, crokin- ole, etc. After lunch was disposed of Mr. and Mrs. William. Johns were call- ed te-the front by Mr. R. E. Pooley, who acted as ch.airmare ,and Mr. Ward Hern read a short address to Mrs. Johns. Messrs. Lloyd Johns and tioi- don Penhale made the presentation of a kitchen suite, buffet, table and chairs. Mr. and Mrs. John'a- replied •very....nicely, expressing their grati- tude for the kindness, and generosity of the people of the section. Mrs. Johns said 'that she would be inter- ested in watching the children whoni. she has taught grow up and take their places in the life of the community and elsewhere. CHISELHURST • . Vera Humbly were appointed' dele- gates. The financial report was giv- en by Mrs. W. O'Brien, completing a• succesnful year. The meeting Was then turned over to Mrs. W. J. Fell as president of the W.A. and it was decided to hold a pot -nick supper. A quilt was displayed which was given' to the Russian Relief. The meeting closed with prayer. STANLEY The W.M.S. and W,A. held their regular monthly meeting in the school room of the church on Tuesday, Jan. llth, :at 2 ern. Mrs. Tbos. Brintnell, the new president, ,apreaided. Rymn 116 was sung and the theme was "The Bible For All -Canada's Children." The Scripture was read by Mrs. David Chappel, taken from Psalm 78, John, 21'. Mrs. John...Glenn led in prayer. The roll call was answered by pay- ing fees for the coming year, eleven ladies being present. All repeated the Lord's Prayer, and a reading was given by the president. The floWer committee gave a report and, a num- ber of cards had been sent to the sick during the past year. After the busi- ness period the meeting closed With a- hymn and the benediction. VINIM110114 STAFFA MEIMSEMINEIIIIIIMENIEMEIMS ',EMMONS miiiimmaimsposommoor • Prsonals: Reggie Elliott has re- turned home from Stratford General Hospital; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald, :Agar Lon•don; H. Leslie in, London; Mr. and Mrs. George Butson in 'Stratford. The January meeting of the Wo- man's Missionary Society and the Wo- „toen's AssOciation was held at the home of Mrs, George Butson. The president, Mrs. Arthur Kemp, presid- ed, and Mrs. W. O'Brien led the de- votions, the theme of which was "The Bible For All of Canada's' Children." -Mrs;-Lealle--Butson revieWed the chap- ter, worship in other lands,from b5 study •bOok, "Pot AD Of I.,ife." The announcement was Made •th-at the ttual Meeting: of Perth Psreattyterial ot„ W.1.411.g. via, be held jahhary 21it hi Ootral Milted t bath: lArtf. Gotalte' IthistolvItra. telt rietthatth MU' • ' Owing to siennese and weather con- ditions -the becemiber meeting of .the Goshen W.M.S. was ,pinetponed until Tuesday of last week and was held at the horde of -Infrsn'W. J. Clark, with a good. attendance-nresent. The meet- ing opened with quiet musicand the call to worship with Mrs. R. M. Peck preen:I:inn': The hyinn, "As With Glad- nens Men of 'Old" was sung and Mrs. Will Clark read the Scripture lesson from the 25th chapter of -St. Matthew. Mrs. Ben Keys read an article on Miss Margaret Brown's- work in China. Mrs. R. M. Peck read a most interesting paper on the work her uncle, Rev, B. S. Smillie is helping to accomplish in India. Master Ger- lid Keyes, gave a very .9harming Fed- tation, "The Night Before Christmls.'f Hymn 581 was sung, after which Rev. R. Herm sang a beautiful solo, "God Will Take Care of You." 'The preen dent,.. Mrs. Russell Erratt, then took charge of .the meeting for the busi- ness period and the various reports were given. The treasurer's report showed an increase over last year's, givings and •had more than- reached the allocation, w•hich was very encour- aging. Rev.,,R. Hern presided for the 1943-44 election of officers which Al- low: Honorary president, Mrs. Robt. McKinley; president, Mrs!. Russell Erratt; vice-president, Mrs. Elgin MC: Kinley, Mrs.. Bruce McCiinchey, Mrs. Will Clark, Mrs. Elmer Hayter; treas- urer, Mre. R. M. Peck; recording sec- retary, Mrs. W. Flayter; Correspond- ing secretary, Mrs. Ben KeYes; pens -secretary,' Mrs. E. A.' keyea; sun* secretary, Mrs. J. Artntrinig, Mrs, W,t Hayter; Community iffendifip, itlien- Robert Robinson-Mrs*Iorlfgeyee;y4 Associate Helpers, Mrs: D. ‘.terliipt- -son; systematic givings, mrrix Amu, - Armstrong; tempera, Mrs. Ben Keyes; Baby Band, mri. 'Richard Rob- inson; pianist, Mrs. Elincire laves e . assistant, , Mrs: ElmernBseiter; Mis- sionary Monthly, Mrs.' ; O, Atelerganni ' The hymn, "Standee "ntlin''Painall,”•• was then sung, after which. Rey. E. Hera closed the meeting witbl a. swore, of prayer. A pleasant social hour was Oben enjoyed when a delightful limes was served by the hostess and sev- eral of the ladies. ' "gaNIONIENNESINIMMINEramME0 CONSTANCE United Church Annual Meeting The congregational meeting of, Oon- stance UnIted,-Ohurch was held.Onn Wednesday afterecin, with a fairly, good attendance. The funincialre- ports of the various organization sit" the church, were read and' Were. very • gratifying from a financial standpoint. Rev. A. E. Menzies, the minister,' Wenn well pleased with the yearn' , both spiritually as well as finan-oiaBy, The electiona of officers for the near was held. The retiring stewards, -Mr. Austin Dexter and . Mr. E. Adams, were re-elected. •-The retiring elder, Mr. William Britton, was also re-elect- ed. WilliaMennewitt was again so - pointed treasurer and Chase Dexter, secretary. The regular prayer meet- ing was held after this, meetieg. • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson werein, Winne' ham one day recently, Mr. Donald Buchanan of -Toronto, is convaleseingiat his honie -here. Mr. Lorne Lawson- was in LondeTh last Thursday on radio bu•sine'sn paid 11112d Disabled* Atiiatals -- agmovEn Ertitri"Him PHONE COLLeCT: IlEA12611114:41-4-764rigii •: JDARIANOr AND CO. OF • *motto Vagt • , env "nen • •,