HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1944-01-21, Page 4,
1 Cent
gari, .we .;;•• r % gent
• AflablIUM *ChaiA i",,erlitatai. I Es Cents
ilfaiat•.lealal- *WI elattesriatten comae ss'one word.
• -efaahlealee•1 MfWerlarg. 11914Cen—t, reent'Ver wad Miedenarn, 50 cents pa week.
lat`direotod -to a Dos NundniA *At Th. Mires Murntiter, for 10 cents etnna
",earala,addltirmal per week will be charttedali ads in above class .e't Dahl by the
tnt Obargo.
, tom Etts,-Barlaa on airolication.
• ,
0 be -ilisertqfLat liew low cask rates:
14ant and Fawn", tondos Event.. Eto.--Per Weld
or. e, Or Rent ilelp Wanted
on Highway between Seeforth and Ma-
' ton, Want*: bouse„ and int* barn; choke
dlay',11rarai: pleats? Of water. " Apply to WM.
•VaalreaTONE or JANT.FR F. SCOW. R. R.
2.1-4e°ftPr:' n• 8970-tf
„ OR lakereeaSTOFX A.ND
, spnbIarkent above onpl Main Street, Sea -
forth. Angst', olio MR& F:0, LIVINGSTONE.
529 Ills*, Detroit a IVA. •
,‘ Personals
`la Athi BET00:1100mplex) tablets once
a dal'. JIEATI.N.t, Si:01410 STORE.
:Ei".•,,"MaARAtt CENTRE
Phone 212-W, bin; taki4n- river the Spired -
la Corset service in Seattoth. See her for
that new corset or irde, you need. Indi-
iiduallY:riesigned. for Y.40;" $969x4
matic Paii.:tEciattos,,Iminhagoo is het
•necessary. Ihie-7t10fACAPS- at once tar
quick wend. KEATING% DP.IIG STORE.
For Sale
• pea S4LE-014 tram:stet, BUIL, TEN
" months old; Aso 1: full slimed Portland
cutter in A-1 shape., and axle Iniooder stove
• hoover,: Apply to ELGIN wort.
4. Clinton. Phone, 847 6. 3971:1
J; bull; 12 merits old. Andy to ARTHUR
WRIGHT. Bracedeld. Phone 656 r 31, Sea -
immerge) k GOOD 'POULTRYMAN;
" atead2r employment. Good wages. Ap-
ply to W, WIELYTE. Seaforth, or phone
846 r IL 3971x1
•42- Road Superintendent of the Township of
Hay. Duties to conimence asscon as appoint-
ed. Applications to Atp cin writing and in
the hands of the -Clerk by February 1, 1944.
Clerk-Tree:hirer af Hay.
•• 3971.2
Tenders Wanted
4. cords of body wood, 14 Strains long, 'maple
• and beech, - to be delivered by April. 1st.
• Tenders to lre sin- by February 1, 1944:
R. R. No. 3, Kippen.
. -2971-2
• In Memoriam
dear son and brotherr, Herman C. Wolff,
• who waS accidentally killed in an accident
one yea n ago, Januar/ 18„ 1943:
No one knows the silent' heartaches,
Only 'those who have lo3b can toll
Of the '..grief We hear in silence,
For the one we loved so well.
• The years may Wipe out many things.
But Alia tires wine out newt --
The teeutose'70a,thkaaahaarr: daaa1
wbea we wereall together. "
• —Sadly mined by 'his parents, Mr. and
•• Mrs. Chaska Wolit Ifernall, and Sisters and
Brother.t. s'?
NatiolMO.:diiale'r, and abo agent -for E.D.
Smith- la'Son,s ii-oit and osnainertak nurser,
stock; na.Tirce ritrook--1Worth;', P4aale
so. ' .; astoxii
13.4aq _',E4AVE 124STALLED...
, air incumnoir mid can supply you : larva
• chicks for ay date sitter the third wee % of
February. tion't be Vd18ill5poir.ted ; order new,
and get Year elsicks when you want them.
been alloted on early' spring delivery of:
One 102 Jr. "Tractor With 11x28 tires ; one
102 Jr. Tractor on steel;- 1 general tractor
with 9x28.At4344400041t „ntracInnen, If in
need of a tie* traitor; eee us before 'Thule
• are sold. SESagORTH MOTORS, MasSey-Har-
* Dettienneee .• 3970-2
•for cattle 04Patoga.*:*yourKilVatline Deal-
er, WM. BEIAGo:•••,,"Ifffkk "Mtkeelt, Eta -
forth, or Phone 40. 5967z1
_Mutual Meetings
THEZIN"L MIN-'1°Zu)rhaftt,;
Carnegie Ulna*, S'on Tuesday, Jan-
. uarrtit, 1044. ort 2, pan, Business: Finan -
dial statement and election of Officer's 'for
1044, .
President • Secretary.
TEX filiNtIAL Manikin eta THE SouTH
JETAArt?Ikg4biltatuti be held
10 the Haw; ComMereittl Heteil; kens*, on
Saturday, ./autiarre';22itil, 1944, at a a.m., for
the ournOsi"at r viia Directors' and
Anditore renorma!the election of Directors for
the current ye, Atd the +mama -ion of other
boobies ' '
Int A. n. AM R. R. 941.'iltc1EAN,
kreaidenti,' Secretary.
Notice, To 'Creditors
na Estate et SITCHAEL, COYNE
, of IgelitteI Coyne, fate of the
Itilibett tho County of Perth,
retiree,•ttleeeceied, who' +tee oil or shout the
'der.'4 Notember. 1943, "are, hereby nett-
ta the enact goes on -or -130
•re' Atte` //th.48. of FObruaiY, '1944,. fizli
- rtr -their, thitos•
afelkWaler the 'eata
,eoefe,-et,s41i u-ta 111 Ikeda*
" 'eagoaatieatettese
ata,. ''.61093??. Of Winch .the
:ASH, la lietlee;,'I"ti (gat
)11thot:' Ifel#4;::°
" housekeeper. Sooty to Boa Sin, EXPOS. by the secretary. Miste.Stirliea thea
(TOR OFFPGE. ddds-tt gave her report for the years, as fol-
lows: ,'In October, 1939' Red Cross
activities were commenced' in the
Ielbreay as bald Oa .1afe1tlay la the
libreay mid a enbeteptial br
epee aro ;Snowet beoa boa for
.1944. Officers elected 'were: Chltin
Man, is agnate 1VItiatiaaa' ,llearetaxy.
gat) treattare're Mrs.' Idettareff;-• jellOrar-
to, Miss b1,1Feiwilei ‘Hgard, *lea J.
Stirlingt Aire. Reltert Scotc.hinter, Mrs:
T. �. ,Ba116', WEL Fengleeoneend
•'Mrs. E Bassett. ' .
Red Cross Nelda Atiattalaateitlag..
!The annual meeting' of the ;Btfyfiela
'.bratatas of tbe Canatititila crted- Ol'aSS
Society and the Haealeld aad Com-
munity Active Service Feriaeweta held
ia tae Orange "Halletan! Meaaay even -
lag *With 'a fairla lerge :attenaance.
The meeting was opened' with the
•president, Miss Maud Stirliag, iti the
chair. Rev. A. S. Colwellaopenettahe
meeting with prayer., :The ;Minutes
of the.last anntial meeting Were read
village and for over a year we wark-
ed as a unit of Clinton Red Cross
branoh. Then in February, 1941, the
MoDRIDE—Mr. and Mrs. Politer. 31cDride are
happy to announce the arrival e eheir 'organizatioe was granted its charter
daughter, seasea Grace. in Scott Memorial and became a Branch. The report of
Hospital, Seaforth. on January late. these years is oast of earnest struge
•11PCKLE—Alr. and Mrs. E. L. Meta Hen-
sel). are Pleased to announce the a ;rival of gle and accomplishment and to 'this
4t.hOir on at Victoria Hospital, London, on ' we must add sorrow; sorrows because
Wednesday. January 19tb- Mather and -69,11i . the war Robert Hopson was
baby doing well.
DOLMAGE-1n Scott Blentoriat liespital, on reported nelssing at sea and last, fail
January 17th. to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Pte. Steiriaat Cann made the supreme
Dohnage, MIKilloP, a daughter. sacrlftce. larwo others, Sgt. Tom
P"TV'alIn Stliitfbrd General 11"}Pi4a1' 'S chrner a3iil FRI-sgt. John Arm -
Sunday, Jan. Stli. to Mr. ontt Mrs. William ,
Porten of St. llarY's. a .3.11--w11km Atis- streng, are reported prisoners of war.
ter. Our 'Liastan Officer, we hope, may be
'able to help the 12Oct-of-k1n in provid-
ing boxes to .send to 'them at their
prisoa camas. •.
As we write tthe story. of ;the year
there are douatless blots uefien the re-
cord but profiting from ;the mistakes
and failures of the past, let up al/ re -
salve that` 1914, which we Impe may
end thistereible War, may...bee:the
Most sucaeissful, year in history of the
tbranch. Let each one of ethe two
hundred. teettibers Mick: "Have r dents
my best in this great work for by.-
moity?" • Everyone -ie. -needed by the
Red Cross, and with such a variety of
work no- tine ean truthfully say,
"There is nothing_ a can do," so to
make 1944 the bestyearyet- depends
on each individual member. - . •
New opportunities for service have
arisen ilea yeax and I'M prated to say
that some of the members have ,been
Mood donors. Who can atay what
their offerings may effect i the say-
ing of precious lives! The need for
donors is increasing With the activ-
ity of our.forces and now 20,000 dona-
tions •per week are requested for the
Canadian Red Cross.
Last April in the Town Hal' a Vic-
tory Tea was given. Parcels for :the
Women's Corps were exhibited and
there Was a display of the work done
by the women. Any ebild would be
delighted to receive such a coat as
those of scarlet or navy material.
These were _made for British war vic-
tims. Then there were, dainty dress-
es and other garments made bythe
units and by our own workers.. Fine
warm ,quilts were made for the Peo-
ple who had lost all their home com-
forts in the raids and fires. Then
there were towels and handkerchiefs
for hospital Use. . Beautiful knitted
garments for babes audefor older chi'.
diet' excited 'admiration and the Urg-
ently needed, "though less ornamental
sweetera, 'socks, ,gloves, •searves, etc.,
for the -Armed Faeces made all re-
alize the eacileSS hours el:tent by the
women who knit, that our sailors, sol-
diers and airmenmay be -protected
from the cold. As, soon as a.soldier
is reported a"prisoner of war, atanee
from Englartd is sent •a "prisoner%
parcel," to suppler his most urgent
needs. We were asked not in vain
for a quota of :knitted good for cap
eure. parcels for men rescued 'at sea.
Tae summer xeeidents of Hayfield are
ery.lielpful in making and sometifues
supplying, knitted articles for • our
branch. We must remember, toe, the
chested -n ot the Junior Red Cross, who
learn in echool the lessons Of help-
fulness and generosity.
• —
HENDERSON—In Toronto. on Monday. Jan.
17th, Henry IL Henderson, m his 834rd
• year.
GRAY—In kgrnondville, on Sunday, January
16th, Mtn -ander Gnry, in his 89th year.
Mr. and Mrs. John ,Leeming were
honored by Walton and community
neighbors and friends, who on Tues
day evening met in Walton Coiximun
ity Hall to •spend a seeial evening
After lexica Mr..---WelliamDennis, at
ing as chairman, calledelarnana Mrs
Leeming to the platform, and Mr
Dennis read the following address:
"Dear Mr. and Mrs. Leenang: • We
Your neighbere, haa'..e gathered here to
night to express how much we are
going to miss' you from our neighbor-
hood, and to let you know that all
your friendly, thoughtful and helpful
acts during -the years have not gone
unnoticed and ',unappreciated by us
You thave given yourselves whole-
heartedly to the life of, the neighbor
hood: We have all profited by your
life among us. • In your new home we
hope that you may have every happi-
ness and joy abundant in th.e 'years
to •come. As a tangible expression of
our appreciation of you, as a neigh-
bor, we offer you this token of our
friendship. Signed on behalf of your
neighbors and friends." •
Mr. William Roe presented Mr. and
Mrs. .Leeming with a sliver tea ser-
vice. Mr. Leeming made a suitable
reply, thanking all who had taken
Part in „the evening's entertainment
ad inviting all to visit them in their
new home. •
Mesa H. 'navies and 1Vlists Isabell
Davidson sang poles, which were
rauch aparkiatede, The 'remainder of
there -Vetting Was speat- in dancing,
The music was supplied by the Kirkby
Articles completed for the month
of Deceraber by Walton Red Cross
unit were: 'Hospital .Supplies - 16
towels, 1 bed jacket'. 25 gauze handIterchiefs, 6 babies' nightgowns, 1 pr.
Priamas, 12 42ot ,water, battle covers.
British Civilian -2 ladies! Coats, • 4
boys' coats, 4 tears bloomers, •
Mrs.: A. E. Morrison', of this village,
has received word from George Mor.
distal, Vancouver, that his brothea
Robert,' has been wounded in Italy.
Their late father, Andrew Morrison,
once lived in this.
Mrs, Tem Clark, of Morris, is at
thhecro sinsetedr, to,Mbres.a. James.
Mrs. „Alderson returned to North
Bay Saturday after spending a week
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Hislop., •
e•On Friday last about 150 neighbore
and friends Of the Boundary West
gathered to honor the newly -Weds,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ahortreed.
Euchre was played till luncheon when
1VIr. and Mrs. Shorereea .were !called
to the Platform when an address was
reed and they were pres-ented with a
chair, large 'mirror and clock and
magazine stand by neighbors. Mr.
Shortreed made a suitable reply and
the remainder -of the evening. was
spent in d•ancing.
Vass -Josephine Stirling left en Mon-
day .for Port Eigia to Visit Ine.r, sis-
ter, liars. McLaren:
Mt. Robert McLeod, A.B., left Tues-
day morning to rejoin his boat after
two weekte furlough with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis McLeod,
Mrs. W. J. MeLecid and 9011, Don-
ald, went to Detroit on Monday to
visit her daughter.'
Mrtit. 0. W. Rhyrias left for Toron-
to on Monday to attend an exeeutiVe
meeting of ,the Iloseital Aid.
Mrs. T. 0. Bailey spent teat days in
London last Week.
Mrs. ba. A.Edwards is 'visiting,. with
friends in :Waterloo and Kitchener.
'Congratulations Are extended. to
Mr. Fred Watson, Reeve of Stanley,
on being elected Wardell of Huron
County at the cellular council meeting
on Tatesday.
The,loeal lietterthen are harvesting
thoft SitePleaaf Mt this ,Week, being
inethes thick anaeof-good--qualitye
A ,Wedielhe eine .80/era1tieed iti Par*.
tialee Paenfbaaerien. Chureh, Toronth,
1nd;:#46,1t• 10150Mtted
1#nitigngeo'''Uffitrite tlargSret
o„•.d.010iter Of -Mi. and Mrs. Win.:
•', %
' .eit'llaalleltieratia- Lielit. Alex
,...,„.4k olit,1,:titio.44.0.-:.go.Aat...Calit.•-,, Santee
-1. . .
''' latelarS. "gbiellik °t
Iii# O
. . , .
d. ' , .,;,,,'„,:,.....•,,,,,,.,,,,
, . , ,- ,.....„ . .
The packing and labelling of the
finished work is quite an arduous task
and just here I'd like to voice thanks
to Ma Herold Brandon and Mr. W.
Parker for the ttansportation of the
bales, free of caarge; to Mr. Charles
Toms for tying up of the boxes, and
to Mrs. Percy Weston and Mrs. Chas.
Toms for storage facilities. The lad-
ies who paaa tac eat boxes for our
Forces, three times yearly, have a stn. ens BETAMIN (B -Complex) tablets
• . Messrs. Hattatd;
and Mae.; Ogerge te.APPtt *flat Vfiri
theaked ter4their P4neas nfireirtele
:hg trwasporiAtiO*19,:tbe-bleed :dollars
chute. PeThalls et4ers ;be 40,o,
to help, tis 1140 Niro*, .
As' repertS- given ba, the
lixeMbells tbeiOktive poinnlittee,
surVey of the, wane; but aa, yeer
haxa Wad- ta 'We lag geteseel
as president' eM114, I wish to .express
myetancereathitalallo the Officers of
theetvite unttejana40 those of Bayfte/d
foralletar splendid cnoperatioa, I 'know
theWithout their laYalty -eV their
extlent work, the work Of the
bra Oka* 1,9041eraaa/d !ity,ria 'Mos'
The secretarynaartaeRoberteSciaali-
mer, then gave a Awry camerehensive.
repeat ef theyear% workeatNtanb,er
of volunteer Weekera 75, with two Co.
operatiageunitsreaThe ,number of ,,art-
icles sent • to., alibeate headquarters
eyere as follonser.,Knitted 225; ciirllian
326, hospital 294-ab1ankets, gains; ete.
33, ccimfort begotten. eArticles &stria
buted to Sailors,. .Soldiers and Air-
men, 32; material on hand; to start
the year 1944: 15,% lbs, of wool, 50
yds. of factory cotton, 126 yds. flan-
nelette, 4 yds. print, 15 yds. dress ma-
terial, 34 bath' for quilts. "
Mrs. George Elliott then gave' the
treasurer's report tor the year, which
was most eatisfaatorY:
Donations: Hayfield Agricul-
tural Society, danee ....t.$ 50.72
Five 'cash donations 11.95:
Grant from Huron County600.00
Campaign subscriptions 801.96
Fund raiiing events: calen-
dars • ' • , • 6.00
Thtee dancea 'i58.95
Drew on quilteatad sale of
"'' • al0:96
Sale of eatlitibletseella.yflekle 10.50
50% of earnietelaeiraceedisa, • -'22268
Breirth Faltrearizeafer
Briantain URs Fate prize5.00
Blue, Water's Unit's fund -
raising events 4" A.141-•
Salvage stag.
Collection at meetang, a 4 1.00
Designated..., donation's : to) •
.Greek relief .... ..• 7.00
OateDivisionamilitary work $ 167.51
Milan work, matenals 10530
Loc iel purchases, material.. • 7.91
Canapaign expendes 4.77
Refund to Zurich for sub-
scriptions collected in error - 16,0-0
Designated to Greek Relief 7.00
id to Bassi/01= 25.00
Expenses of 3 dances
dozen caleralene
Administra.t,ign ead excise
stamps ,
Work room supplies 4.61
Ontario Headcelarters, 85%
of, campaign el. 1,608,03
Cash ba, an hand; Dec., 1943 ' 346.31
'Reports were then given by Mrs.
Fieetr •Weasen, :of the Bronson, ;Line
Unif, and Mrs. Ratisell Grainger, of
the Blue Water -Highway Unit, also
by •Mrs. Walter Westlake for thefin-
ance ; committee. e
Rev; 'Jahn Graham then took the
()hair for the - election of officers
which were as- follows: Honorary
Presidents, Mrea: We Woods, Mrs.
Gairdner; president, 1VIiss
M. tirling: seal.etarea - Mrs. Robert
Scotchiner; tkalitiarga Meta R. L. Bee -
sett; vice-presidents, Mrs. Margaret
Fergasen and. Mr,34. Toms; honor-
ary etrice-preeitiente, • Rev: John Gra-
hame key. A. S. Colwell, Rev. D.
Lane, Mr. Wm. L. •Ferguson, Air. Mal-
colm Teens; auditin,e, Mrs, M. Pren-
flee arid Mrs. L. Scetchmer, Liastin
Officer, Mrs. D. A. .Volume; atinattee
etnntalttee'EMesdaineS Malceinl'TO10:9,
Percy. ,Weeton, R. H. T.
Peendee, W. Westlake, J. Sturgeon,
3ie,a`4Messes. Wm. le Ferguson, Mal-
colm Toms, A. a. Erwin, Charles
Gemeinlardt, Lloyd Scotchmer, G.
The meeting -was' adjourned •and
closed:with the singing et ,"God Save
the king." -• ,
. •
Suffering from 13ackeches, Rheum.
alic Pain, Sciatica, eLutabago is net
necessary: Uee RUMACAPS at once
for quick relief. Middleton's Drug
Give growing children Page.Gria
pendous undertaking. We new have
three' :dozen boxes to .pack at Cbrati-
mas time. I am sure the letters writ-
ten by one oE our members, bring
cheer ,and comfort to our overseas
lads and their replies reveal the ir-
terest and pleasure in the receipt of
once a, day.
Middletona Drug Store, Hensall, Ont.
(Continued from Page 1)
man's addres,s, two -choruses by the
entire schatel, a weleome by the jun-
iors, 'recitations by four pupils, drills,
Mak:Maid; PloWet gild 'Rose Drill and
Lest winter we were dismayed :Maypole; -dialogues, "The Fathers'
when we received our campaign
quota, feeling the sum asked, far be-
yond the teach of the conimunity. But
how thrilled we were with the re -
sponte our caavassers met! So we
would gratefully thank all our can-
vassers and especially their chairman,
Rev. Jelin Graham, for the splendid
result obtained: The entirefitiatace
committee worked faithfully to- raise
money by entertainments and, various
means to provide funds needed for
the -soldiers' boxes and to help the,
fina,nces of the branch. The carnival
in the summer was a great suceass
and we alone:alike to motion the sale
of the little mrochure on Hayfield,
donated by Mrs. Rhynas, also the
money raised at the Fall Fair ber.
Cbrietmas tags and by a fortune
telling !Thoth. We would thank the
Agricultbral Society for the prizes of-
fered far the display of Red Cross
1 mil sure the women Members; owe
Mr. Irwin and Mr. Ferguson, our
thenks fer' the comforts ef our weirk-
rooM at the 'Orange Hall and we
thana ,the „members „of the Orange
s„LecTge for the afree iiee of their &Or
and lighting. We are indebted to the
village for the free use of the -Town
Hell for moneY-raieing concerts, and
other use. „ . '
in the autumn a beautiful service
was held one Sunday evening when
the three clergymen ef the Village ell
United to Make the sterviee one lOttle
to be remeithered -ay U3 All.
Tho0 Mho have 611:1146d In the ser-
vice of -cur 'Xing and Eitteire 'Wore
bereared"baathe unrelling Of the Hotter
Rail oil *Malt we Iwo tilletyalteten
tatnes. Mr. Atberti Weeds: Is 10 pe
cangratiflatedt on Ills hgtxtlail w_oif
eat the 'Honer' INV arid 'We Weald at*
ga Mania* Mr. ate401116. Atkinadie
eatitstahallat at
• 14: • .
110Q4D•ilwirettrzifef 1,1,4,.,4,$•nr,,h• .0:.1s,Twigw, :..941Ijnt,01414.6 '0:04* ' go'gf• "iiiti, • *it"' itti
'14:41101,3* 10,4 ilaa Paaaaat liair: A.; 4
;!,--t.:‘,F,Il(it4;17;7i:IM-4;41'0i7111104;.''' ',•,•,.,,,i•poator .'Wor tbm. ' c,f09;4613$' ,9•4 a
, ,„ e 4tUartehodaaP110P#1', .49. Pr4.4§ 4towiAg
: • :WolyLiP,Pmppro,torpA,Ifg#1-
„roi) #'1.4: gi 4 4 •
:gym .41).FBA,4,, '„..444•OFP'.;1•17 1;;..m41,,o, or -,tra,Tel4g: r„. 1,row4 ' toOnoitt with
AudA ,,,Oliilkitillea . TIVAP"; a .aie#4 l'Olte.'44. ,*1.), 1401.040''10,htii',4*.O• :i'a a
04-44 wn14' ' 'PhOP1.1044,a ', , WtOSJW.`"ldiliPf` tot nellar,. "•Tkey *ill live on-
aMla,-br larder girls,00brisipen,..101:logi3,,,OR- "YPell'kwrira 'ReSiaall resi4o4t,
laby," ermeatatialtia a/Seeaseaa, ,..Cglial;:a•A 'PT.* ilakkahaa 'WW1' 1.laigg 4he
Ppl4:teine.attfJ:t: .T:i.:•.t047..0331;;;I:t. :erillileen:Ah;t1:7:7;774:7 at 'W-" 141.91:0 A'agACah ata, l'Ph!
qua Waltea" The Put ,niiinlipr4Waiheat IOWA% to.r, Many Yetaaa a
Was presented by the entire steliatil• 4taa ilea,* ineeeing, of the W. M-.-
dePietsd 4'4,40 ''..0-tiriett.40.9-HttliWrand ',,i; ,V.ff!ted 'Oh, rCh Ykf..• M;. $: Meets' e
he delightial eveatng concludedWith.
JOWthiClahte4h8frOeradC,beedfeHI'menesralawlettakat 3104 Mrs. 0. 40:e.er:1;lan'ecitnC4174141474776.4.4-.3;r:31:Pe..1;tt;
the National Anthem. ,
. „ . the hOme of •Mrs. C. (leak tal 'nurse
Hensel' resident, whel has bee a Taak- •was area, chair. Pae -opening arm
Lag 'tar .1143m# with her 4/lee° and "Staad.VP. Stand Up For Jes140,". was
nephef, Mr. and Mrs. Frank, Trace, at followed .with theeLord'S 'Prayer mad
Shedden, had the -misfortune to slip the Scilateeeereading, Psalm 96 tale:
and fall in the home, fracturing ,ber en by Mrs. A, Speacar. The reports'
4143- 11t8- Ellat°hihrti. 18.- hi her 79th for the Year wereapresented The
Yineaarrri, edahallifr:atdsbedetllatr parli6sal 11°1 tleffirl.yriar C,wiraceles8w8th4o8eewatostagil vreanie,0 tfger
patient at the General Hospital, U;t:, supe.rintendent, Nflas M. Ellis.;- Min
Thomas. She is in aunt of Mrs, C. Bds$1e6.s.
, in824eri
L. Sinks, of Hensall, and a! Hetsal sisiten4T.
aebup;BodBaby 4Band,was21
i 0
total raised, for the W.M.S. was $510.
Imawn aafildMrms.i.sMawryfiriamrown,0 Wood,-
Mr. to ask the members to have all dues
Charles Keddy and Miss Nettie Ped- 1 by the February meeting. Mrs. A.
dy, of Hensall, a,nd Mrs. W. N. Mur- Clark rendered a lovely solo, 'Hie
dock, of -Exeter, visited her at the
hospital on Sunday last. Ey e is -On the Spftrow," Miss Gladys
Luker accompeniin.g at the 'piano.
The annual congregational meeting
ofah-e United Church, will be heidain 13Cross
ic oiasytaken b
ah. ablysani
the church aasement on , Monday, really has meant to our lives wa11rsadiWii
Jan. 31st. •
The annual Red Cross meeting of thhreoueghhritslitme Christmas
the iocal branch will be held in the have love, in their hearts to all men
Town Hall on Tuesday evening, Jan. of all races for where love 'dwells
25th. The year's reports will be hate 'Fin hover abide. A letter of
presentd . thanks was: Teed by the,secretary
• The h•ockey game Chiselhurst vs. from Mr. and Mrs., GeorgeHess, ex -
Renee% played at the lima rink on pressing thanks for sympathy shown
Friday evening late, was witnessed them in their recent sad- bereavement.
by a large number • of Interested The closing hy,inn, "Take My Life
Mickey fans. Chiselhurst was the win- i
and Let- It Be,' was sung and ga
aer, the score being 7-2. ..r
i Merner closed with the benediction.
lcMs.iseaTunelWeicocPakraelliiheormise. ver
rri 1141111 ean-tathe Arnold Circle of Carmel Presby -
Miss Sally Manson was hostess for
Itatia, and members' of her family' teriart Church, the president, Mrs.
• Were sentlor. At date of writing her Melvin Moir, presiding. Following
condition is fair. ' a the opening barna, Miss Sally Man
aan.a.o. nanlaasiMerdenSundays.WilliainwititMrs.Whe,ofsmiled in prayer. . The Bible reading
was given by Mrs. Norman Stanlake.
laaBontaron and Ml -o. L. Simpson. The offering was received and the
l' G' iitear letter
atleiVe113'm, fees made. A reading, "Wings Over
Ano.wOrsrtattiomn- Payment of ramieberehip and birthday
ed in Rear, he states_thatehe receiv- Jordan," was contributed e -by -,Miss
elms athen Cw.hroismanenass pinasrtcietul ts?enatmdbywth,aer
Service Committee in good condition, L. Baynham and Miss Sally 'Manson
,atal the contents .were lovely 'Mid
much appreciated. Amalie said in his
letters that whoever made the candy
sure knew how to make good candy.
The Grand Bend unit of the Red
Cross raised $1,698:00 during 1943 and
the Junior Red cross • raised $96-.09,.
Much knitting and sewing was ac-
complished. —
Donald Shepherd, son of Mr. W. S.
Shepherd, of Flensall, who is attend-
ing school at London, was admitted
to Victoriaaateepital on SundaY glif-
fering with.-Vneumonia. „
Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore have
received a -cablegram from their son,
Kenneth, saying that he bas .been,
promoted to Farina Officer.
as captains. The topic, "Out in the
Fields With Goa," was given by Mrs.
J. Taylor. The meeting concluded
with the singing of "The. Day Thou
Gayest, Lord," and -the benediction.
Contests were enjoyed and refresh-
ments igrved by the hostess.
Mr. Williaxn Cutting, of Exeter, was
the lucky winner of the crocheted
chesterfield set; made by Mrs. A. Foe -
ter, sponsored by the Five Hundred
'Club of Hensall. Forty .dollars was
realized from the sale of tickets,
which will be listed for Semites for
the boys overseas.
Mr. William Shepherd, well' known
Hensall resident, suffered e -bad fall
this week. X-rays taken at' Scott
Jared - Doherty Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, •reveal-
. • •
• ed a fractured wrist.. ' •
The marriage wassolemnizea on Pilot Officer,. Gerald Passmore, • of
Thursday, January 13th, at St.. Paul's Terrace, B.C., is, spending. a laday
Cathedral, London, ef Eleanor Croys- leave with his parents, . Mr. and, Mrs.
dale Doherty,'Ph.D.,, of the Faculty a John Passmore.
.the Univereity of Western Ontario, Word has been received from Mists.
Minnie Reid in ,Orlando, Florida,
only daughter of Ven. Archdeacon W.
where she is speli.ding the winter in
J. Doherty and Mrs. Doherty, London,
to, Rev. Arthur Henry Jared, L.Th., the interests of her health
assistant at St. Paul's, On of Mr. and Preparatory service was held in
Mrs. Arthur Jared; of Lansing, near Carmel Church Friday evening at 8
Toronto. , Very Rev, Dean P. N. 13.°1- and Holy _Communion adminis-
Harding read the marriage service, tered at the morning service Sunday.
last. Rev. Joseph 'realer, tbe minis -
and at the celebration of Holy •
munion which followed the ceremotiy, ter, occepied his own pulpit.
His Grace :the Archbishop of Huron A very successful bingo and dance
was held' in the; Town Hall, Hensall,
was ,the celebrant. Geo... Lethbridge
was /at the organ, playing the "Gloria OR Thursday evening last, seonsared
in, Excels's" 'in Gregorian plain -swig by -the .Eieter-ilensall hraneleeca the
and sold French communion music Canadiee Legion. - Mr: W. C. Stone
'auring••••the celebrwas master of ceremonies. Fifteen
Pastel stocks '
and chrysanthemums adorned the' al.! prizes of $2.00 .or War Savings Stanips
six epeeist games of $3.00 or 'Wer
tar for the wedding -at which the and
SavingsStamps were given away .dur-
bride's father gave her in marriage. ,
She wore a smart two-piece' gown , .1..itegille evening, also a door ,prize.
brown soft. wool, with 'butt„.nt
aintrimehrerate the evening -Dr. A. R. Camp -
'brown and geld and blouse in ,beige .bell, president of the War Service
Committe, Made an appeal on behalf
tone. /ler little hand-mede hat in
brown 1,1th self tone flowerg accent; of the I•ocal branch of theRed Cross
ed in sequins, and a small veil. An for donations of new or used cloth -
ng for •RuSsian. relief, the same to he
eessories in brown and a corsage of i
left at .he ,Town Hensall, the
harmonizing roSes completed the
briae's ensemble with which she, car- campaign to close January 21st. The
ried a white prayer book. MrPave Hundred Club bad a booth ins. Rote'
ald Allen, as matron of honor, . wore' the hill and' realized $1500 from this,
air force blue crepe with small...match.to be used for smokes for the boys'
ing .hat and corsage of roses. Rev. overseas. Murdock's orchestre furn-
A, H. O'Neil was best man.: Mrs, ished the mueic for the dance.
Doherty' wore for her daughter's wed- Meeting ,of Sunbeam Mission .Band
ding a Mack gown with gold..eequin • The Sunbeam Mission Band of Car -
trim. and email black hat having mel Presbyterian Church Hensel'
feathers in soft tones of blue and met on January 9th at 2.30 p.m. for
red a.nd a little veil. Red roseaforna- their first meeting of the New
ed her corsage bouquet. The bride- The meeting opened by singing two I
„, e,„
tIVE;;;,,t,:e.:;;gova00;;;,01‘14,.vflitlii:0_,Avsett!1:0e,:a:'':,4,.;,, ,
eatea'aa&'1,40 4.4.0fatt/f 10107,1'440 a":
13Clettei4‘gc:rp' ''teiojlet‘ ;At °t0;"*.li:git Sif
last yettf, toiy 4 ,-
k1,30.7.7e0::.,;x4iireerseso,:tivedoenebt:, ;
Orr, .followeil.bx a Prayer by ,
-Douglas Moir.' 'latemeeting closed
with a hymn and the Lordata PrayerIn '
local braneb of;the 1elMll.•
Red Crass will hold their aanualmaeta
ia the Town Hall, Hensalli . on
yTI;aetzd'sa3rrepoervtr .!bing,jealiali2ent"I. tOcl"Ian:
an added feature taf tae eaella Will 1*
the showing of two4,znatiOn' and Sound •
films,, "The ,Reitid To Tokyo" and "The'
Mask", Oe • ' ..... . .. '
basdheenena sr'efriol‘luriss‘li.4114 at""thCalaltto'rk' wb
her 'daaghter and eon -in-law Mr. and ;
Mrs. Dave Kilpatrick, London, Will be.
PleaSed to learn is leaproviaga the
pneuthonia having %leen checked. a
:•"•:LAC. Donald Maglainnan
stattoned at Clinton,. is Visiting with,
his wife and fainili'en.a tvrfitireeks' '
leave. , Donald expects coalad!.
overseas shortly.: •
Mrs. S.chwalm is .beliag- visited by ,
her son, Pte. Carl Sah*alni. "
: Peggy, who
• Mr. John • Pfaff, is Spending thin
week with IDS daughters in London.
Mr; Henry Horton, who has 'beets • ee
eery ill at this home here for the past ,
and hie condition is now! satisfactiala
moved into the village ids, get .e . •
.nitely. settled. We':1001cOMe, her "tar • 7
our midst., •
_.Mrs.-;; Webster . Turner,. of Clinton' •
but formerly, of Ilillegreen, is getting;
comfortably settled m her ;home' in • •
Hefisalle We all welcOme,.her to our
TW,ohelo Claes will held their .
monthly meeting on Friday evening,
Jan. „21st, 'at eight' o'clock sharp. 4'
good attendance is requeited ist the
officers for theDonainHg years are' to -` • • ,
heextSunday, appointed.
Jan. 23rd, Rev. R.
Brook's morning theme will be "Wor-
ship" end in the evening, "Half,
Truths That Lead Mee. Astray."
Ladies, Aid Entertained
Mrs.' W. R. Davidson entertained
Group 2 of the Ladies? Aid of Carmel
Presbyterian Church at her hortie. on -
Tuesday evening last. There were 30
present and the chair 'was taken by'
Mrsa-Frank Farquhar. The meeting ,
opened with the singing of the hymn, .
"Blest Be the Tie That Blade," fel-
lowed with the Lord's Prayer in uni-
so. Mrs. Roy Bell outlined the'life
and .workeof ,the late Robert 'Burns
mid a tree contest was featured, in
oharge''Of Mrs. Farquaa,r. Mrs. Far-
quhar also oontributed an ipteresting.
reading, '"Who Pays the Mbilsitexil"
The closing hymn, "Sun Of M.y Soul" .
• and the Miipah benedicticin Colleted -
ea this delightful evening, after which
a social hour asspent.
The s He en tso ragl le ISouthp.jra:0 /3; r a;:h,hwaciyf • 1 t4 „
Red crops held a quilthig at the home
0xtr. ,,
4, south ' of Ieisll, .Thi,rettlay. after- '
noel', Jan. 20th. Two quilts were
'quilted which will be donated, to the
local Hensel' Branch of the lied
CrOSs. A social ,hour was spent.
School Board Elects Officers „
The Hensall School Board bead
their meeting on Monday, Jemmy 17;
anti the fallowing Officers Were elect- ,
ed for the year: okairmsz,
Naughton; members, Alf' Clark, Geo-,
Hees, 3. Flynn, ;Carl Passtnore, E. L.
Mickle; secretary-treasturer, A. L. .
Case; truant officer, J. W.:Ortwein; -
Caretaker; George ,Hudson; RepOrts
saow a balance of $1,400 far the year
witk no ,debetauree Unpaid: Inspec-
tor's report stowed good progress In —
a,. IIA fnegunrc:nnomsChurch Annual Meetlria
The annual meeting of St. Faure '
Anglican Church was held Monday,
Jan. rah; at 8 p.m. Rev. A. M. Hunt;
Rector' acted as. chainitaa. All
branches of the church &honed- a:
sraall ourplus and the following 0112- r;
cers were appointed: Minister 'S war-
den, W. Fee; people's Warclen,
Henderson; vestry clerk, A. L. Casea ,
delegate to Synod, R. H. 'Middleton;
sub dtelegate, A. Case; secretary- •
treasurer, Miss Mary Fee; sideemea,
It H. Middleton, II. Lawrence, Louie
Clark, A. L. Case; select vestry; *fie,
Lavender, Mrs. L. 'Clark, Mrs..
dieton, Mrs. Goodwin, A. L Case, H
Lawrence, Robt, Cameron, R. H. Midp.'''`
dleton; atiditera; H. Laweetice",": H.
Amer ik rm. =ism p 8y71.dor
YERY 11/BI4/24/air
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price ceiling, but:alto seesibair
aiiifficient supplia diet aCtiral
etsentiale of lifeis, mailable
• feek civilians. TO do' iNs bat ,
1 of goods,. ;has iusurmg sup-
plies add avoiding thebeedia
-!. rationing, If nobody buy i: more
than, theY need,neryote wIli
'tji have e0raighAe01
• toed hare1 ,
: "tOidoo, '