HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1944-01-14, Page 6V.! 4 •,„ oleo , #1:444Att 4-j.; 1:10PItii,f11f10.K.A•k,41,,Ilk*,9xeira ir'n241, gC*44:1Xe•:beinoMingde ftecl Stiareity of eertain art- i6lee.',ot16.6diOdad to reClnirentaenta a'S 0401 bnlise- hold:'InUet be governed '.1nore aP=d More economicaty, with the focal pplat an suffileient npurishment food for the family. " • ... It Inlist-hecome apparent to every 14a4,'homemaker that the eonserving et:vaamln content in foods at our dis- 144 , most imii-OrMittr Cooking, therefore, in these wartime days needs to be aecomplished by proper planning said study of those methods WthCh preserve that nutritive quality. -iguesIsork today is 'out" and every hamernaker should realize it. It may call for as discipline in regard to food and its preparation never before em- ployed in a large number of house- holds, but a family to be oared for is. the homemaker's responsibility, and not many will shirk it in this present time of need. Gather your. animstml- tiou to assist with Canada's Nutrition, Program—Now'Fdod Fights for Free- dom, * * * TAKE A TIP To Prevent Loss of Food Values in Cooking Meat Use gentle heat, and don't over- cook. Long cooking et high temper- ature not only 13.asaa destructive ac- tien 'ea thianin, bitit dries out ---meat,---dahanclapeultry, and toughens, 0440 1a 'i a fOSS tepinee ninlY 00.41,4ded. •One to:hien-Peen ef Oily Meat snnee such as Wort ,re adds tntha flavenr.• Mdin 3 teaspoon of any favorite herb (thine% iroileplary, etc.) will give the 'meet a 411cioussavory devour... One teaspoon caraway seed or celeaY seed is a fa,vtnite seedoiling; • Twat° juice may be added instead of water. Add plenty of • ,hot- -tomato juihe or stewed tentatoes the last hail -hear. Season garlic and add one cup spaghettia Tice -sir Meet:trout and cook until tender. Whole vegetables (washed and .peel- ed oniims,`pcitatoes„ carrots, tiridia, etc.) may be placed around the meat the last hour. • Alley 'make delicious dinner all cooked in one Pfd. Try cooking• a few parsnipatrlimil . therot arranging, them on the platter and sprinkling with a little nutmeg an a. few drops of lemon. Soak a few dried mushrooms for one hour, .and add them with the juice to roast the last 20 minutes. Chopped celery tops and parsley are another adventure, in flavouring. Noodiets may be added the last 15 or 20 Minutes. Dumplings are always good and are another way 'CO ,pleisse everyone. Remove the roast to a hot platter, and keep hot while lumplings are cooking. Have about 2% cups liq- uid in kettle when, you drop in the dumplings. alioulder, short ribs brisket. plat or flauk may be cooked iyA,atliesbones in, or they may be removed, and the meat rolled and tied-er skewered se- curely. When the roast is rolled it' is easier to eerie j. slice, and.. the bones may be saved to use in the soup pot. The bones in the short ribs are left in, 3%-4 lbs. meat Flour, salt and pepper , 3 tablesPeona fat or drippings % 44 hot Water. Heat the fatslowly in a heavy deep skillet or deepsivell cooker. Dredge the meat on. all• sides. Season with salt and pepper, and hot water, cov- er, and let simmer until tender. Add more water as it cooks away. Turn occasionally; simmer three to four hours or until tender. Remove to a het platter and thicken 'the gravy -with two tablespoons flour blended in the fat remaining in the pan. Gradu- ally stir in two cups cold .water, and continue stirring until thick and smooth. Sean with salt and pep- per to taste. Thrifty Changes' One onion finely chopped or sliced may be added -While browning meat. Try one or two garlic cloves finely chopped. One tablespoon vinegar added to the waterhelps to season and make the meat more tender. One-half Cupagrated horse -radish may tether than tenderizes. Learn to use low temperatures for roasting (325 degrees P. to 350 degrees F.3 and; ',roast imeovered. Use" short cooking methods when feasible—that is, for all tender cuts. Be ,aure, how- ever, to: cook all forma of fresh pork very thoroughly, to avoid y danger which comes from eating underdone pork. It is better to accept some de- structiop of vitamin B1 (of which pork is a rich source) than. to risk infec- tion. To avoid vitamin losses, avoid leftovers of cooked meats so far as is practical. Serve leftover roasts sliced add wheel -possible, rather than waratedskver. Beating nausea in- - creased vstaaran loss. Baste Recipe For Pot Resat A delicious roast may be prepared imathis- Way from- the less expensive= • cutsaof beef. Cuts of chuckaump, A WELL- CONDUCTED CONTENIENTI. LOCATED HOW. • ,14ktileior" *0,"(40 • ' rospr1iea t1-Ograc,-,0010-parik " oi TA* Um 4igveri)ivrt,.0hol.:040w,. thoy..., ate. Owes* 11444- ig47 amplet„,„wbolesale prices In Canada (it' the ewt of. Oe•Plher Sitnnlianit• Bids*" (lex 4Sure= 1,94.9sfW olo4r.t0,14- 1,1A gtire of 14, aii4 a 1L$,caga at 108. But Britinp,',W46‘basio.Kice, have been droatng Slightly since. _!Et . 4.$ eak in Ply; eine= prices leepEptead..dnrg 41A!,:.:0=141, And 4441. more. 4420;4.„Poil,9,:!t,C013i Pha 4pl peak, Oalni140 IY,1101f3der-Rric" es, however, though they hove risen a, little lately, have been held ' better on the whole than those of its ft" allies, ------ • • ' Closely' tied tea: prices, aif contse, are wages. If the total Canadian: pay' roll of June, 1941, be taken as re - Presenting 100, ona tiatiiiiial Pay ,cheque is seen to haie grown amaz- ingly, for it stood at 150.7 at the end of October lest. It „baii been rising steadily all this yeara-life ,points since ply, "Here is the bratienierial, tinder of inflation, inviting.the match. The wonder is, looking at this income figureL-this vast new flood of money seeking goods Insufficient to satisfy it—that the cost of living at the end of October was only 119.3 as against 101.5 in 1939, and still'heloie the fig- ure of 121.8 in the average year of 1926..That it costs less to live in Canada now than in the days /before the depression. is an amazing fact, suspected by few, and the best proof that price ,ceptiol, for all its diffi- culties, has been a triumphant sue cess. wrprnrot4- oncom.s-v evoro g • Vtgl"q",Y iPA4VIVPAPPO., Of CANADA .110 gator st al e‘if 11 PT W IR ItikT OWILAYWIMLIIIMUN Beeatise of the importanee, of far* machinery, equipment and repairs an related • to the produktion picture ID. Canada or 1944 and 1945, ave are de- voting this Week's news leltter ex= elusively to certain 'phases Of. ithe ilatioD. The informatibn herein is, officially on the "up end "up" from macninSkY adniinistration sources and should be of interest to those engag- ed agriculture. ° OatmealPorridge labor shortage, herfsea gett1ig old aid generally to ,cilierfite the fat* more efficlently,, ui1iTe'dknilmle!iu .1"1"8" .17'Y -are deserving of primary atten- tiqn.• • A bright Spat nevertheless is that the supply of repair Parts is gradual- ly improving aid the time factor' in distribution -has been. overcame. But iaitd this must be retogni0d—there is still 'a shortage of Critical miter - Several facts are basiCto tIie. over- ails, in the United States 'for some re - ail sieturea One is that w1 there Pairs. As we are dependent on the 'has been an 'increase in the tonnage forsonse of our supply, of'• materials for new achines in this condition may effeet Canadian 1944, there not be sufficient num-, farm production fer tibiae time. All ber Of them to Meet the needs, Re- farmers are strongly urged to order Placements will be greater thaja eyer before .because of the' extensive use of machinery from 1941 to 1943, and the changes in ,produCtion. that have taken place since that time. Wide publicity ,- has been given to the fact thet•'80 per cent., of the .1940 tonnage will 'improve the situation in 1944, -but that does not quite give the correct impression, and may leadto- over-optimism a,nd: eventually' hard feeltigs. • Those who control distribution. of available farm machinery and equip- ment are' •concerned with the needs of both Western and Eaatern Canada. But in the west the purchasing power of the, farmer,has so increased in the past three years that the 1944 allot- ments will not nearly meet the need or the demand. It will, however, en- able agriculture to. carry on if re- pairs are distributed to carry on if repairs are distributed, to them •-in time and if further conservation 'prac- tices are followed, custom work with machines is adopted, and co-operative use of new machines ' carried out. That is a prime •poita. Let us deal' first with Western• -Can- ada, and here may we say—as advis: ed by those who know—that the sit- eatien applies pretty much the same to Eastern Canada. Comparing 1940 with 1944, here is the lineup of :farm machinery and equipment for the West. Ilaying machinery is about, the same, but there is a seriouashort- age of power mowers. In tillage im- Pio:sent& the number. of units are all less in 1944 except blade weeders, but these ifir-•not amount t� very many. Take tractors, for instance, of which there were 12,713 sold in 1940, but only 9,010 available for sale in 1944. •Whi•le it is true that live- stock equipment is increased-, it will not meet the demand in view of changes in prodection, ,Regarding repairs, • the percentage available is good and some lines are Plentiful, yet it is known that repair parts such as motors, roller and hall bearings, malleable ca.stings; steel discs and shapes will be critical as regard's supply- for some time. ' It might • be, we are told, a year and a half before this particular situation is eased. ; There has been quite a changeover to livestock production and naturally • As regular as clockwork, after the supper table was cleared„ andbefore the dishes•were washed, Grandma put the porridge on -to cook. In the Morning by lamplight, she •ladled it • out. Big bowls to the "hien as they Came in, numbed with cold, from their early morning chores; smaller bowls for. the children, soon to 'start down the snowy to school. As' she served it up—steam- ing, from the black frail' pot, her in- variable remarks was .....There now --eat it up—it'll ,put heart into you."' Grandma didn't know anything' about , calories 'or vitaanins but she was on the right track, according to Dr. L. B. Pett, director of/ the gov- ernment's Nutrition Services. - Dr. - .Pett says "There isn't a better waytostilt the day than with a. good bowl of oatmeal or cracked wheat porridge. Not only_ does it provide warmth sand energy , but it • adds im- portant 'amounts of minerals and B vitamins." their repairs earl, which will help machine trade and the machineay ad- ministration to plan. ahead and get repair parts distributed on a more equitable basis. Bet most farraers have not given much thought to tools, including pliers, wrenches, etc. Well, a survey shows that the need for such tools is becoraing felt more and more as time goes on, and so far there laa:s been little general improvement in distri- bution. Until some relief is -in sight faralera should conserve their present tools with the greatest care. When you 'take 'em out, remember to put 'em back, is a good rule to follow in this wartime shortage: a Mr. Business Man, when you are taking stock with the coming oldie new year, why not check pour requirements of ----Commercial Printing No matter What your needs may be, you will find our Commercial Printing department ready and able to meet them. • LETTERHEADS, ENVELOPES, STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, TAGS% COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, LOOSE-LEAF LEDGER SHEETS AND BINDERS, FACTORY FORMS, RUBBER STAMPS. are just a few of the Rens With'Which we dan supply you, It will be to your advantage to have your printing requirements filled at ham. The work iS done speedily and economically to yoUr satifaction, and the money stays in Seaforth. h064. Aidia7,0, thudd'si Kdny Out lobs** . rdi Oa I Agricultural _ taie Ttiriv y0itet- tiom - 1st) leii • *, [Ott The dotit16„ Crop Ita'irrovtnat Association,, to hold aarseedIdisplade from rehroaq 7tle.:to 1.1th. •The list el meetings...end theta detesiaseitea dined,for fenflYiria ;as (fellows:. rOnterio Vegetable Gtoeferid Asi404-, lation, annual Ineeting-,-Fe,-,3n4; On- tario Fruit and Vegetable OtolFfIrs° Association, joint COniention, Feb. 3; AonlIntaurail0 InFizitting77rweber.#'40,AS; SOonektOtariOnc: Plowmen's Assoc!ation; annual meet- ing Feb. 8th; Ontario Crop Improve- ment Adeciation, potato growers special meeting, Feb. 7tb; business meeting, Feb. '8th, annUal Meeting. Feb: 9th; Class "B" Fairs Associa- tion, annual ineethg, Feb. 9th; On- tario Association of Agricultural So— cieties, ,annual convention, leas and 11th; „ Ontario Horticultural As-. sociation, annual convention, \Feb.' 24th and 25th. • = Details of the prograMmes. for these meetings and conventions are now being arranged and Will be made' alienable to members in the near fit; ture. THE LATE'S. GOTTSCHALK • Samuel Gottschalk passed on into eternity. at, the. home of Mr. and Mrs. :"•-• • George E. Fee, Heasall, on December', 29th, having made his home there the past three year. He, was born. the Township of Hay where he lived his younger life and married Dianna • •• Hamacher and later moved to Sea - forth, where he lived twenty-eight years. While there his wife prede- ceased him. Later he married Lizzie Geiger and moiled sto Dashwood. While there she predeceased him, and then he nide his home with his niece and reached the ripe old age of al - mot 82 Years. He was, also prede- ,keas_ed by a son and craugbter, „but is survived by one son, Rube, in New , * Orleans, -who was not able to be at the funeral, but Was 'represented byj his brother-in-law and wife from St, Catharines whom he telephoned to take his place. Interment was made in Maitlandbank cemetery, Seaforlbo on December 3st, with Rev. R.. ILI Brook offianting=Zurich Herald. Organizations Our Anatomy 1n1944 cy Brucellutchison: in Winnipeg • -Free Press) asociatiens and societies wall, be holding their annual meetings and conventions and, with serious prob- lems of wartime production confront- ing the whole agricultural industry, these sessions are= expected to be of more than Usual batereat. In .,addi- tionato the meetings and conventions the Ontario Department of Agricul- ture is to conduct exhibitions, of labour -saying devices for the farms During the month of Febniary the City of Toronte will be the mecca for thousands of farmers from all over the Province. Throughout the month the majority of the ,agricultur- • The publications of the Bank ef Canada are exceedingly dull stuff. Some of the most sprightly minds in the 'country live within the marble mausoleum of Wellington Street, Ibut they have to use their gifts imag- ination in their spare time. Official- ly they talk only --in figures. • But if you put the figureartogether; and add desh to the statistical skeleton, you get a picture of Canada's breathing-'• economic anatomy; and, more than that, a vivid picture of actual hurnaa3, life from coast to coast- - The latest monthly statistical shin- mary of the bank, fourteen -pages of solid figures without an adjeeti•ve, wiU be read by few Canadians, but it is an intimate doeumeni of their daily life as thea enter the new year. Al- so,. it is full of surprises,if you atop to examine the formidable ranks -of statitics.. To begin with, the tables tell ea the great laRSM in Canada, of crowd- . ed stores, of 'housewives loaded down with parcela of families richer than they ester were before --this at the._ time When we •tell Ourselves grirnly that we are at laiit undergoing the full sacrifices of war. ., Department store sales, a reliable• index of general purchasing by the ordinary Canadian family,- stood at this .has resulted hi a serious short- the index Sgure of 155.3 when the age of pimps, etationery' engines, bank completed its last ealculation grinders., etc., deSpite the fact that , at the end of October, before the I • •tOR youR NEXT PRINTING ORDER 11 DEPARTMEN.T • • Stafotth there has been an inerease in these great Christmas splurge. This figure will not mean mach to- _most people/ standing alone: But wheitYou realize.. that the figure todd at, 144.7 •last States. Ilarmera , may better evalu- July, you see haw the purchase of atetheir prospeets 'wheu they -are al- •goods by the ordinary family has teen 0 told and with unhesitaat eertaintY, rising ' steadily during this year of Lhat tractor type and • Deisel equile bitter sacrifice. We are so used to nent preSents (Mite a different pic- ture, With repair parts hard to get and littleprospect of more than ord- inary .1333.provement. de sbort, Official' data on available suppay of farm machinery -indicates that despite the 'inereases- net for 1944 and :1945 too, these years are being considered as critical and should • be so regarded by these on the production front, although every effort is being made to provide equip- ment to enable OM to carry on in theiralhadmina. efiartaof 'producing an, adequate food supply for the United Nations in tbe great ,straggle. a; tea searched the operating'figures of the 628 Canadian corporations which terns for 1944, It is important to know that 52 R?r.' cent. of the ma- ltines we 'buy are from the United Ileliert SilakeSeratChlind Itch fast 11- IR 5-orlioneyBacil For quick relief from itching of OCIPM214 pimples, atilt. kit's foot, wals. emblem, rashes mud other extra -milt mused skin troule,. me faat.cting, colies, mu. eerie, D. D. D. Prescription. Greaseless, stainless. "oehua Irritation and quickly stops hum*, Licking. 35a aid boakproves courppimb!mh your dalggiit UMW liat DAIL PWL.FLON. the war boom now that we have ceased to be surprised at the incred- ible fact that, for all our rationing alai \restrictions, we are 'buying more of most kind& of goods than we ever bought bore':' - How many nations could say the same at the beginning of this Climacteric year of 1944? Mew Canadians imagine that this, boom isD•roviding less proSperity to the public than to the capitalists. With all the goods we are now we ducing, it is said, the capitalists must be making a fat killing. The :bank has been thinking about thia too,and Officials say `it is still urgent. for farmers, everywhere' n 'Canada, to take alLpossible steps to erelong the life of their machines. This. point They areas Withruilt reservation. -Only whet' equipment is found to be in an, unrepairahle col:400i should it be diseaiteff •er...t.radd in, Discouraged by official sources, is the Praktiee of selling workable teaetre, front the farm with the exceetattah of buying :a new one. ftactors 'ahauld be avail-. Ole: for Durso -who need thein retest, as there are not hiaity fcla distrihu-, This last ijuntliiiVan 'better "he, ,COniPireAtelided When 4,>,p tepea ia- mtrOs tof N'VeSterft Olatiattla444 ei- ainple for :pasts*.,:00,40ti4 ie ere ff01.6 ii*gtott: ithe wt sct1*ii 1toh its• spiiro iitgriSta it14 tit •to4i4ovo, tot!,” **AO cot 'Oiis 4it 40;0403, 106*,0114iii* II ' it( 11H ;kii ,44 tro s,%,, o•••, fo' ' are worth 006,006 or mere earh.-The results are interesting. The owners of these •corporatiets, • the shatehsolders—some of them rielia some of them poor --are receiving 3 per cent less inconle on their invest- ment than they Were receiving in 1939. Profits rase froin $22& millions in 1939 to 8380 millions in 1941, but: they dropped 4.14 $360 milliobs in 1942 Whefi the Dreamt 651dt3 ptSiltS 'tax 66gun ±0 Ifite bite rtliem; Thee total PrelitS rose it only $0 Millions, big the War, eVettAlesugh, every c6in- pairy v4s4 one4t1ng under forced itanght olyt blorfi 10646' 6401 r tsore;, titt of *Ms added ;miiiiomi earned chntini 3.94,' the took $0 and Inonest Ivo .im iiittiolosett t �at& ."11"16MarlIMINMPIM•mv FROMPANS TO TI 1st EATS From tin pans to tin hats us the changethat war bro ght in thus facfory. Formerly rnanufabturers of kitchen utensils, Wit plant hew, makes Meet heirCifa for Canada's fighting men. Helmets are made from fine grade steel and are subjected to exacting teats before being passed as perfect by this keen young Ina-Pei:tor. •!,,,,td,•.,•"!;.•=' lie u* 4,*44010er4,64