HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1944-01-14, Page 17�. �Iqvl* '­,,�­*, 7 ,t:� i:. � � ''. � , �; � , I ..'� , I ;'I 1, , , , I ,I - : � ,` , I 1� �� , , �",�,I,� , ',",'�,�,ry �,� I �, I I � ", � . .�,, , , . ::�I,C;N'4; , .�, ��4"J � ��': �.-.., "i?- , I J .. �, - ... .. � � 11 I , � , I I . . . � , , 1 ": '. "; I I � I,! ��: llf. � . , � ,,, , I , , ;1, I ", --- 1- -, ,� I i . ; - I � I 1. � i , I , ­�', , -, '' ,� � ", . I .: � ,,;, �, 1� , � "" , I ��,�, , , , " �,',,,, �,­, , ­ I , p , , " .0�,,,',� �'.. ; � , :, , I", i/ " , ,�,,� 4�:'. � , � . �11 I 1 I I ,,,,, .. I , . '. �� , )J� , I. 1'' �� , � I ,�' I '. i,i,�,. ". 1, I . 1, .1 , 7, i , � 6 I I i,,� I , I 11 � . � .�,,-��,'�,`­, � - . I � r ; � �N I ", ; , � $;- :i� `�,,' : X, I. � - � " I �,�' , . 1. I I , 1, :'. . I, 1,111 �0, � 1, � 0 V- -t �11� . , . .11-11-1, �. �­ I , � I �.. � -11.,. 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I . �, ­­- " - .1, . h MaIn8tre I " I NGE IN ., , , . � " , . I I I I I ­ ,� * , 11� ­, W.-C..F." ,"4 es, - . M IP' council thel'r - ,si,co�,! U 'I . coupons 14 to 27: piw V - ..� � , , . , 1 - ,� A .. I , Ug ""ffi � �41 r' cirnegle � Lib- "!'Kinzie kas,� been .. an -'Ovt - , CKIIIoP TOwnsh 4 'M . . . . . . ., . 4 CrQkj�: W"A"p-MI'd ­­ 111 � P , -blip . , Jd. 'Meat coupons 30: -�, 44 --, ''. - . - .1 �'? 1� ...!: .. - . . . .gpnied �', 4 IV M., 6 33 no- .. . , ,' .� 710.1 11 -, I " I � ; . . '9 - ictory - over �` , , ,�, , '4�1t, , 14*01 . .,As� I � I . ' " -1 -ifl6dt for t1ko Tov.w 13.,*1. . . . 4 ­ . .... - Sepf#rt ye@!M T, �e ,council MP_ V . , � Jr . -, A. I, � #40W , pf g . , 'iari 7 , � . � . ,reiii.dent bf -f6r 11�. Cliato b- � - ­ " . , 01", --,? i I . ,:�­- . . . I 11 I ­­ ... I—— ­­ h , , � X0 . Q � - 4- .., , :. -, 'wft prayer - but 1. iii iiitill young -1, -MUFMOP fok 4044 f, . ­ .. - , ­. I.Ar 11-3. , The ` �� . . I I 49""P�J$., valld` 34 valid -4anuary th­ 35 -' . ... R- , " , I . . . I ­ . . . '174e �.-An of P ,ilfifted tb�eii� , - -- - - . . - 13 I " wi �,I� "., , �� I �..�'� . , ". . , I.... , . . ?POneck . .. - ,-, 3d. IcTow4 . January 20th.. Pre��Ves 'I to 114' 1 . n ii4eryth1#19 S tt ofs,g � tpt - UWAI'L � xgqsk fleung ., " �.,,,g'i ` , , . �: is- . . obligatli)ns, by,-atteriql4i at tihe CaT- and. waii ,fast ad �, , . , "Will star�-Ii Q � 4 : , and.4-he Pycidde0t, �­Mrsz,,.F,. H. Close, but years. During the Christma� - . I p A,,, I 'a" �:onm.,ig , The 16wgura-1 m4iitink of the Sea- . m*,i�IO, , � X pen.� . 4 '' ­­ I k ' '. rel Or 11 ­­- .fori;4 Town Council *as !held in t1te One 117' coppop i1p - - ` " di - : " I"i" 7 1�i �,Wll , . . n 14-brary "Ha' 'I ... u- Seatorth,, on . . ­ now valld� , for iwo`­­­ -, . brIDU971ti ..&e I ' i'd ' message - seab6n she did her own shopping Ile alt! ' 4eL ;,,A,' good for six'fluld bunc4s'of J - I - I '0;' '' ' irom: Major -genii 1 j.4� 0. .B.'Price, Over- ' 4p Main St' ' Monday, Jan, 10th, each* subser,lbing es % n ­ I ,� ,� con ant. , ,� I �,: ,','�, 11 I , 'Icil ,chamber -ToWli Hall, on Mon.' DQPati4Qn%1'.W ., W i- I � . . . .!P, malac e,,' * ''I .. , bi0i i4i.A-40- nl, .) ­ rect, and on..Su-nday SEAPOWE4, .,� , ,-"Peerty; de- da ., e t l . -1. a to the dp6laration'of office which � 1 Y,. at 11 a.m., when.membe(re. m0p 00 jelly �or mar I or map _ I ZI 141h, I . . . . . 4w�e- . , seas uommisf ,,kaib 6mmended I IT I ceiv�ed, may ;be, left,441 - 1,9! ,A=14 � . A. A,�I-. . - 4 , 4 doner,, . morning, ,,as is her custom, attend- ,fence, I-IndA ;-W. .11i'� ,, D, , centre, 'th or honey buiter, o , �­ .- .".., ­ �,,,. . wore' - th.6ir,splen- ded "the service consti , thb'iast frequireiiieAf, in' , �rullu . - -� e -required declaration of office a4id- r� one-half p1puna I A�i ­ h � .1 the ,'g of Cail� in Kgmondville . 114elill . . . . .� I ; W4."'g. - - s tWs P or a X,I, - I il "4,11. I'l .Aa on .1 , - er to make them a fully legalized R.. McFaddin ..,,,,, 4.,XCF-addin-, 1o& their seats for 1944. ­ ­­ . . ...... . . of.maple. sugar, or' 10�fluid,ounp-, . it I I . . . , ., ­�R �,;,.­ ,,, . and ord . I f � + r, �­ 4111 did -work, �also the workmanship and dhurch.' In the aftc�n&.Ii­ , l . 'Vogt'; alternatdo�', aj '" A I ,. -.,;. . ­ �,�o I 4s hoped that ,res ,�o ,0FRk ­ -' ,.,.,,A,d* .Beltz, Writ.t, ' The meeting was Op�elled with, . Oi�. of canned fr .,,,.,.qr 12' fluid , and N ..� , . governing -body. .. :. . . "�y ., I - ult � . A -11�., - I. , 4' md-ititicles sent. '"" evening many friends in town and Flannigari, C-arnep ,,, 1. prayer by Rev. "Dr. R. P. D. I iliWlIct� *1 . 1. � iW ��14' , , '. .. IqUa�TEY 01,1FOU a .1 � . I 11 1­1­T"Z "!,;"�. . , - I - Hurford, . , 11 IP tZ,.�-.;T`,;�Vqr .. . ", . ,­ , .%,.� A.4t.01019s of' hone or maple syruo . . - . . Mr. J. M. Eckert, to*nship tr�Oasur.- .. I .y . "Ity " .'se ,­ -- ­ . : ,CLINTON-' - St. Thomas',Churgh, . �? � , .) ­.-i'M, ,"i �. -this apportu. - In,-. ;,,� Af$ . Miks. ' Close` also Mressed di6r per- district called at her hom -Go4%'.',,­ 116pkinson-l' I& i',Rector of . ni 1w ii ' . , e to ex- AN F , I Of' 1, Pound cut comb h' �' , I . . oney, orA4 ' or ,' , I, ,,, 17, , , � lf� -- I F .&,, ,ej% I , 0.10thIM.", A, 1,.� , . p .� .e . . ,Zonp�l'-,thanks for ih ' wonderful work. t'cnd congri#llations. , Mri. Mac--.- ..-er, who. has been aoting- -Clerk since ,�..- .1 doiiations of rie* se. ��p , "I., , " , I r":, 1.".: , , .e . f On motion. of Keating and Smith, - fluid Ounces of corn syrup, cane ', . W. ­ � p� : I . I .. 0, N. DeIotti*?,,ff% Crajg-.'�centie , � 1. r, the d6ath ohn MbNay, ­ . the -striking committee was composed . I . I .1 1. � : 4 ' , done and'reports sdut in by all,' -and Kenzie's family Of ifire; so'ns'' I . I Carter; wIiigs,,tFj'j6'0 'Mo " .1 , ai- -of the whole couilcil to strike the ' a2§sf4l#r1 �., ­ . ­ 11.4�-,�­' � . . and . . I , � r, ckler syrup, or 'blended, tabig..., syrup, br I. ­,". t'4,.,,,.� ;,-- I rs, Councillor J. C. . . nidred. Club- of � -.�-�,k .-,-,, ,7-1 11 1, 7�m. * . to the Units of Walton Winthioi)i two daughte .� was Appointed tothe combined offices ternatep, Ahnstro�fj-#­,%� . The. Five'Anl­ ' . , , `�' i � T, I of Clerk and Treasurer, and othe'r dy, D. 'Diigley, � W Moe. - On motion of, xaclCenzle'and ... Daly, o�e-half pound of �rugai' ' . . ,.... I - - � ­, - '." - I MacKenzie, of -io- ri; M v. A. 'M . osful eu-cb-iet�qn�-T , "O. 1-10 1.0 V . 1. ,,., J, ,,ertz, B Har- standing committees for the year. . 20-flyid ounc6s of mblapses' or� held a s -,,,, "N , Consta-riep, * St. Columban,' Duff's and I aceb I '11,11 - I_ I . W : � . A , . ' . ­­ .. , ,� ... . transacted as follows: � I . ..". .� f"­�!� : - I . �` the ".I..., ­ . business was g " � � I . I NfacKenzie, of 6rillia; -M r. R... E: . I evening of last weei , ­-Xii= '14, 04, Women's 'Institute. � . 11.� f . I I .� . X1116 34014P.7".., - - ­ r . . . . I. - I etier- lsuirim�"iy . I , stfiking. 4NImmittee repo!t ' was. . . I W�', �6kiie' i.-- I , 1. � --;.�.,,#;�Z,;, I, " I `Mr&:i Ken, -Campbell, correspqndiniK MacKenzie, of Toronto, ,- M rs. Moved by A. Harrison and D. B I 1. 1pt w�re in play and th'e: prize , ­ � . . . adopted as follows: � . - '�� - �;,`�� " I K - 0 " .1 1. I -Mies Beryl Pfaffand. Mrs7IM-c�­' I . V, 1. secretary,, reported a very successful Montgomery Patrick, of ,T(ickeri- . man, itihat the following. be.apporinted First f�ri cl�, cax0r-to, Caxiiegie, Finance CoMmittee-J. R Keatin - 0 0 0 , O' 0 -0, were I � .. . --- . . year, some of the highlighti -being: smith, and . . patrobnen: John E.-'Mdfiray, Henry `1 2, *.0 � k,��'%00; Seaf6tth, . g, 1. I . ....".'T ­ ­- � "I'll ---.I i-,- - .I Miss Rena MacKenzie,. .. . .." .00, Seaford X.A. Reid, 11. -4 Smith. .- -- Sin e. . Fouxte,en dollars a44::- �ML ']# - i;,,',`,,, �,,-, �Lle er, J ­ - - - - -1 - — ­­­....., . -----------.---..L- ..'' . 17 a­ � -.1 Z�p . -Stri�6t Corumfittele-J.' 'A: -'M ,en- - ... � .... I -­- �Ix­wl= 4 .1' D-- I - . , - .-4 A I 0 1 -& M -- - ­ , . , I ff*­ -- .- -i Reating. � I r1py, . .., . .I 1, 11�ril� .. r.., ,..... Xy okes I V"P' V'�4­ .... J"'T, - i ,,1 �- .% "; : , ,� Z, 104'iyopki' to No. 9 S.F.T.S.,46entra- celebrate. the occasion with her. Peiwe"I* I,, . 1 - Z e L ,ed ,for sm ,, g. .1 of'cand , at . . , H ProPerty -Committee BAY LL I..... . ­ 11 I - - . 1. I . 11 . omas O.. Seott, horaas . '' F.- S. Sills, R. . . .,: � ". �-�., �* �tlll. .107" " I .1. . - I, - A . lia, 74: t&jr�t Y . . Christmas. . -- . . 'U , . . I . I . . I , ­ ').-I .,.,. �"J,:' �-" I , "Ot _ S, . I=Ml- - I ,� . 8 I - � :. - .0 , .1 ,,,Leon-hardt, 'Joseph ' Mqxr , Caljk�L . if F. Daly, J. - R. 1. FIELD ­ OC '.) orth -1 t-�00­ ;J, -- ' -k. * , 1�g .ff Z �1111 al ,;-:­: ­-,,,�, Ir. 1,;' 771, articles sent for captgra.'po'I f Strafford, were all home to -"--"bl ames McQu4id;­G66tge .H. , addili i�0,, f . c- - . --entry w2w letli . .. I , -1 )­ . - Afen, Th T !V1 Plr�'iod--�9'e#`orth, R- 'M5; G.', Parke, A. . Lerseas-.-. ' . .. I ,I ,'��, - .1�1 I: I - ­ I , 1. . At a ,,,Niiowe� ,&. Hackwell, Stewart Do�image, Russell JQ.;� j;e4'� 4 ''A E. Smith. -Do, . - ' 3�M, '; whO -W', I 0 .� .P, *omqA in uni- a Paddin,'5.1, _ M, I held for , � pFadd'.'n; , Fire 'and 0 g Mrs.'Robeit 130nitill . F� . ei�'�i�!�' I .1 t.. 416, 0 1. I . Water Committeef­­R. G. .. � ­... -.­'­�, .� � ;�%, I I I I ,V­ � ­,,".­ �. , �I , - 1 111, .1 . . - HArdy*-' 11 00 � - ' , 1"T �:il - �,-m. *: ' 'w BarrbW0;13IosePh Hugili, VincentLahe, "O; L Clinton, Penal- - Parke,. H. E. Smith,-, J. "C. MaqXenkde� APPOIN T-S`�- I I �, . " form, 18 dittyi bags were made, 514 1. ­!.:� CEIIIJ misf,61itune-, to, fallAn,her., boi 0" W­';;� ��, � ­ . -1. I . .. I I COn Eckert, Mat. Murray, John Gor- t"", Beliz. . , 11�,.,' * , ...., � ... . . 1��1­111` 1. I "Ai -W 1 �� . toilet articles oent, and 53. articles for I . ies . "I I'.— ,­ I cent -I hir �ifs-,'­:-%-,,,'ij­ " ' 1"'­I'il�iI` ` . I "I ,� . Relief Committee -,'J. F. Daly, M. A. - .,Iy, frartul lig 0. 12-g - "'", �,%,IE*� � L", , don, Finlay McKercher, Williana, Kerr, 'third Perlod-,olig. a', Fisher, '00- ,geld, P. 9. Sills. , , . I . I ' eqt,o ,4' - , -,I;` -."r,` ra , , .111.-, .; Al, .11 � I I. ell as can bi %, js�,.4­1 I ­ 1. ­L�11 I. , , " `� '!I" �: � � ,;;.. 5. , . 110.. I . . . .- as V � ,exp, b0dim, 11 ��`. �: � ��, 1 34, . .. .1 I 1.­,�.. ­ i­� - A�.*ei�, ­ ,, ­ . ' ­� M -I, . * 0. I seamen .survivors doI _ Blood 11 RAD. . . . I, .,;. , ­­.-�`�,�­,L";,;,, , . . IQ . donors-elmle.. benefit week realized 'SE a ATE'. SCHOOL - Peter- McLaughlin, Robert I)Rdft Seaforth', R. Mc0ii4�%.'­6.00-,CIJnt :,Court of Revision -Mayor,- Reevej Albert Dunn Reaft A&ie,ul- ,,, I -A 1,I1 .. I -, - . e e ,. ' �" , we' ,;: `-- I . LAV'"Ilt�, I I � . ry bilght a . .1 1 ,,0,,,�'­'1F�l-�;­ I I ,.,,: . , Id, h etM , ,.,�. ­ - . 'r - I . , �. . I .. , " ,3' -1 I 1 -�.*4�i: " ,�,�,S& � ,�,� .. . � .. ,�, ,; , I, , . , h in � . I . llvii­ , offlors' J. C. MacKenzie, .J. E ff , _ � ,.i��,­- .. "I I -� �1,' ' i gomer�ille, ,� ....., 0�4 bobn I . IM1.1 "" I...:�i,,,�', " 0 . R,tidolph Me er, Willia, Dagl.ey, 11.00; me fq . . -. Su, ering she , I$ enftning, , " .1 $364-46. I I I - ' ,q N" , Ke�tlug, M. A. Reid. . t�rgl Society; &� ' - Err-, . ­ ­ -, ­t4RIU-7, 4I -N,-- �.. " I i, ,II� 4­Eadyi 16.vu; , � . . IM % .. 11 . I ., ireasurees report � RAT Spam*u4n. and Joseph Campbell. . . . ­­ . be -confined to h ­­, &-ibr som, �?1:.­,­N" ­ I Seaforth, lftdy, f, 4, 1 �-- . ­ 11 ' T.I. jj;.;;1 ­%, ...I �, I .0 'Evenihg Session . ­ . ... ��, ­..­ :­,��11111 ­��t, . .7--..:;--%.. " at - -Mrs. L .�##,�,, itSeaforth, Eady I :1 .. ,. ,-,r,,,,' ,; o" N , I I � . . , �'. , I , , I..; , � , :,:, ,�, �m . es..�� - . - , � * I I% �,­.: . - B. Rus- , B0'A,',RA',;�X4.,.. ., 1i : 1(�ved by Harrison and Dolmike, 19. - I . .,, -'.7 "­ ­:.- � , 30. Penalti -- Be - momlis , �-,',�';',i­-,­;.,.,­� .1 &ell, Treasurer., 1, . I 2, itz; ALM The win is.Secreory� i : ,7, . 1. i,"- �.;��ioii�-'.­, , . - , "" ,­� ­­­��­,--It, 1. . I . ­ ;� . council convened again at 8.15 I �� . � 3�11­,.­;�,f:,� "� . �. v . - I, 1; ;1 . ,, , A! 14 - ., I , . that ,the poundkeepers. . be: 'John strong, Dggley-.- . ­ sehilor Mission GireW � " , ,,, z Purchasing Committee Report, Mrs. , "* . �. � . .. � .1 .DJn.. 0a motion of Sills ,and Parke, - - .. . , 1'. . �:­ . I .­ ,, " I . 1�1 � . I. .. " ." f: ,,;t'­,:.,��,� " . , I . ;4. , I I . -* I - %­,V.�4� . I , , 14 If J 'XaeTAvfsb, convener�-5,565 yards Appoixited - Representatives William der Referee -Stan, As � # 'L, Stratford.. , the finance committee was %utborlii�d The annual meeting of am �=a6­ I I . Walsh,, Joseph) Carlin, William HOegY, ,h .. , tfayfield XrR- *iW 1� . � , �,!� , . .:�;�;','A � I li material used in. diospital apOolles- and . An ,s6p, . Peter Mecowad �, ',� ..;., ,I 7 . A - ' ' '. .. � I , I . V ­%�' � to e6niinus the. preIayment tax 01115 Agricultufa,1 Society was'held in the her 'home Kovdft4y.,e . , . I, ­.r 4;� . . I . I - ,,�`.`, . ,.. ". , , I L , Qhaii ".4 . , ith has been in vogue. The report, Town Hall, Bayfield, ou'viedudsay, , 0 . �- I . I ­., I k 6,14s., - ies Kleber,"William� 4cftaddeu, � ­ -A — . i � � 1.1� ' AQ . � . I . I . -�;*";, .,'- ylli , Voj�_� absorb- ,To Hidh School and - , whi. . (antimid, . an., C, ­ . ' � * `�' " I -, , ­ - * - '' r .V � British L!ok _ . . .�, . . I - �71- -, ., ;, . � . - , , 4,, ,;- ., I - I- - (*MdUW on Page 5) I .�, , -., -. I IS n Percy, TiLy),%j;­ HewT'Beunewies �J �,4 '�I' '71I` '�*' ' -11 I— 'I" . 11 � ' I`— ' �i.-"' , , ;t cotto 72M. ",a., material for IL' , Jan. - Sth, with a good' attondan,ep. '­ ..,.� .. .. I � �q . . ,� � , ", I . l I ­ I I . I ibrar 8 : . ., I .. . ..I�, I I A " ­ ., ,a4d I - . . ; " �� I , , . - :: , -,1 47."�.­ � '."'. ",.. � , � I ... ` a, POO, batts 6 , , , ',�` ' , y Board , I . Mo�e# bi ,Harrisgg , D.ol;�age, , -�� � � I I :. . I , Th -Ag -1 . . I I - 4, , �, , � ..,. . -1 , .. �, I . � ".-3 , .ju;-mool, 210 . ' , ! � . . . e auditors, report and I - re, . . I .1 - � : . I � I ;It ,4A , I ­ -I- r11 � I - ." . ,� . that fence v%wers b : Jam' , - . ;f� .... ;% , ­ . I " ,� I I . . I ­­ . . ..., , .I- :-�It , ----11---..- . . O'HeIlly,.-William. Boyd, Jos. ! I . for 1944. 1 J *1d*:--:.�!.?, ­ 11 I I . It N e es Nolan, ­ - ­ - 1, "D I . - 7 �., I W- ., * � .. , . ff�_Spit�I', -§uppll�si and -Capture Par- Separate School Board William : � � , � ­ and C., Ir �' "'Iffl, I , - I . . ­ . ­ F� A poft showed a fair ,balance on h FORME , ! il, J L IN: spiDolz thread. . I I ' Seaforth .. .,I. I - . ­­ " "' . 'filin, W: , J. 'Shan , . . i, "I".. I - .'N't I I .." ­ ,'Ili , I- I . - . � . . Ixeld, � its ., jrraugural. meeting im' the Mcl�Ar* , I . . ,. .. , -.1 . 777.1- ,`­�, ` ,0-2,,,�4 . .01 .1 , , I ,I:;. :. -- cola .(PArs-A; -Mooxi!e. convener): 3,615 , i �"' L'RRIE] -, ID . , ­ . . � � .Mr.'James C. Shearer, agricultural ,,, 1:Iii . � , , :� I non, R. W. � I . " .L� . -,"'.11 .. . vtl � " .�--�41., r4 ,ro M -1-011)- RONTO ' V$ . I ' . .omof the'school on Tuesday ,Campbell, F�r6d.'Scarlett, Thos. W. Me- ,IV 7 %�;Ii.­i�;.� . � I ­ I .) I ' ri I I- . : ,�pfL , �,47-,,t.�*,: � I � I I . �., , lew made and.. . , '' repr ve pre§- Mbnt , � 1.1! ''V!,;6- - . " � .., . . I- . .... �- 1. .11 . .. esentati , �, � - I ,�, ,I-, .; 'art16 §eht. .1, -- I 1. . of Vinton, was: "I . , I i. . . , !. �� -�.l . 0'i,­,.A,Z "", I* .. ". `��.'% . . , . I 11 I I ;�� , 13, 1 . I - qy�eul g, , - ., 1. killail'and Zack M,6S'addem, ' � ".i: � -t I " . , "4 -, Lh- � " 1. . I., .. I .1 P I . ',, . I - .,_ , V-I", ­'- , ,.�, . � ­M�],!v;�. . I :i".4.0 4� , ,�tl--A�, I 4- I 1-1. (C�qntlnued on Plage..5 114r, 0. P. S,ills was appointp,il. chair- 1. ­ ent'and complimented the scoety for 1, 1; 1. - I . ­­�,�., 01y 11, . I .�­. Moved, by Harrison -aad, Dolmage, 'I . � .­­ . . - , 1- I., I I . � ......... I �,-,., 1, I . . . . I 1'ffi y. Takes " ,jF'" heir t s , , f 6. I., , , r I � , , �os' "W 1 hkth ' ' ., I their good' financial stauding; also 1.� 1, 1::;:;" n .1� Th , , . � - :. - 1. man; �Mjr.7P. J: Dorsey, treasurer; .J- that sheep ialuator`s be� Alex Smith * `,�: il ,�-,�-`- " '.. e O.W�J,. 7 an,uajT,. '11, , . iiiaq� � . I ' - - . ��, I . . , , . .1 "' , .11 � I . , ' ' I '; ' ' �, . I � , 1 . . � .. "': ' , � . W -is ' t he 'I. I - . '-, i I 11 . . . � �` J. Cleary,. �ecretary, . and the other W ;, Robert - .C. bb . dds and Helen i ' tows Sran- ,,. . hing the society a py,osperous Year meetin -at­lhe. h��� it - res�Aient. t: .. ".. I .. . � L.." . . auk Bo*min ,, I 1` . . .. . " ,..; ... I- -1. 11 I -J .1 . . . I --t:+ 1. . � . 4 "', for 1944,- ... I , �,', " I I ,! . )6-. ?, . � . ,1� -.;;,yi,.�= * , �, I" 1. membersk '-comprising the, board. are . I I ,l . . Mrs. C. P. - Bills 03i Janua 4 L'Vuh. - ,;�.. Z - %­ �� I . ' Henry W61t6rsen; mid- build-lng . in- I 1, V ` .Z , . . 1. � . ry I . . -.1, I I '" Ail­��,:�, I . I � I ., ��iI­, -11 ­ , , I . ... . , , I I 'd - 10 ie * M 'ding "at, t '� -"' ':'A:.' ' '' " �,A S41*.atio-n­ A I". . I W LT ,E TRO I '� .- efit r. ddap, - A" ek . 1A THE T . , TAQ .president then -I)res 'd Mrs. Sills pri*il ", we - A 'l, �L,­ I I "­ I ,V1 , 11, tk ,� . Q0. ; ,, . . � � "Irs- .G9I4, %n.j�PTuRlds, JAA, NigyA ..spectQrs-be Witham, Beattie, and *. R; I 4 .' 1, .. . .�. . 11 I.. he,:,mX#0,bb$.� . 1-1��-�,:i," I . , - . ­ la�er .:,L�­,, * -�,S&gv � , " I "­,,�-�-­, I --,.--';-,,A1 . 'd , - , � I ' :��- - I 1 AIIIIIIIIII! -1-1/9Z - A. E. Erwin with a service and .diple,:� - - W '., "`i� .. � , . 11 � , , -:L0 : th.e.--do6v- ­4iaiwp� - .:A-, ',", . I . , -11. , iNd Arthur Deyf eaux. - ­ . ­ ' .4 . - ,-',­;,�'. . �r .. I IF ..": � I, ,� . . . . .. - .1.. Somerv�ille�- .. - . ...-- � . ma for havilig flnished tharty-bliree answered the roll ,call by- 4' 'the L - ''ri�:4,';1' , . ... . I Mr. W. J. Duncan was appointed IL I . . . :,zi3n:" �� I�:. 1. ,, " ,��,� �;.,Ia I . I . ­ . Pga ' Moved by Albert 11 Harrison, second- it �:,:-,""-�-,`­14 Sp6clilmiaer, The ap`n-,U�al meeting of Won Ladles' The following letters have been re- . . years of' meritorious service to -the name of *a Dioce-gan InsfAtution A. . . � ". -U, %, . I � . . I . the Separate School representative ed bi ­bbarles Dolmage: That the Aid was hield'in the chInkeh basement ceived by the $60orth. brknth of ,he society. ' Mr. Erwin thanked ,the di- charge of, Religions. . . . � . . ­ 7 - ,�: . �, a I . . . I � . .11� . I . 144 �� I .. ­ I -egion from local boys ov- rectal% ­for the cou'rtesy shown him The,;-corresponden�e was-, read. -by ' ' , . � . Adjutant G. Robin -son and five on the High School Board, ,and Miss Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign with a rIepfesentative' ' attendance. Canadi,an i, �; , : li. i . . . �;4,1- . Cadets who, have come. from- Calgary, Alice. Daly and Dr. M. W. Stapleton, and submit to the Minister of"Publi'd Rev. Mr� Risron, openedAhe meqting 6eas. in acknowledgment of cigarettes , �,` 1, ij� � . II*S7. J. , , I I � - � .. .. .. and asked to:be relleved'of the posi- the corresponding secretary:-', - I I 1. I �� � is ) Alta.; Truro,- N.S., Hillifaa.,­and 'Tor- the representatives on�tihe C&rnegle. (Conittriped on Page 5) with prayer, after which a very satis- received: � . � I 1`� '� . - I .1 tion, and wishing the society a pros- Eckert. This included letters of. 1 . i:�? I I . .1 - .,. . . ' I . . , :. ... ,:111 - r 1. "t nto, and are.. now -Iri -the Salvation Library 'Board. I 11 . . � Jactory 'report of the acitivitles of. th[e - Just a few lines to thank you for perous year f thanks for parcels from Q* 60i n ,� I o— . ,o� 1944. "� ; Army Training College in Toronto, 1. f . ) . . . I i, - #..I. . .. ,� ; 0 1 -1 .1 Past- year was read tby,06 treasur�f. the cigarettes I have received. I real, The following officers and direc- the armed forces, a le ,,�;M � . " tter k'PM Rev. - - "';7"'... fro, I aloni with forty-eight other young ru I I - The election of off ic6rs for. 1944 was ly appreciate -them very much, i&nd I . "L . .. . , . . I I . tors we,fd appointed for 1944; Presi- Father Flannery, thanking the League . I".."", � people, will be �6iidueting special ­-, . Soldioer Hd'AO,red held with ihe following,results: Presi- am glad to know that the folks back . . . -!'i�, . � . . . . . . dent, Albert Dunn; lot vice-president, for a�dcivation towards .his radio pro- I , . :,­ '�t, � ... �.. � -.* meetings this w6iak-bnd, January 14th, . , + ,� 0 ,dent, Mrs. -Reuben.Alkens; vice-prresi- home think of the boys. 1. would be Murray Grainger; 2nd vice-president, gram, "Schobl of Chri ,f,t`iu�­;k­l,et- . . ­ �, I ;t 16th and Ifth. - ­ . In Tuckersmith dent, M,rs.,Alexia Malcolinp ,secretary., glad,to hear from,you folks at home, Mrs. Fred McEwen; secretary, A. E. ter of thanks from the pupAl� of A�he .. . -1.1� � You are Invited-to­eome-and hear I . . . . "., I I , , . � ­.. ­­ ... I-— Ars. Lawrence Hannon.; ' :treasurer, and would do my. best to answer all. Erwin; treasurer, John M Howard; school for Chrlsttmas treatd';, I ; , .1 -. I ) the Adjutant -!Land Cadets 1­.i.ivid�their - 137 1 . . Rg so'ent Mrs. Felmer Kleinfeldt. . � ' Thanking you again.' Pte. G. H. Mil- horic d. t .- � A I o %..O A ,Very pleasant evening wi I I r.rY ors, Dr. H. McNaugh- Mrs. James, Nolan and -Mrs. -F. Dev- 1. I- - -LA, & � "' 1. L .-, , experiences. Cadet Muriet dhamber- , at J,he home of Mr. and Mrs'. Thomas . to" '11C I -�: ,I . ZED IfMOSS During the' afternoon the ladies ler. erf ' . -�. !. I . Rob Penhale, Sam Houston, 6reaux, the visiting ... committee, - fe- ,.r I lain, A.T.C.M., L.C.A.M., formerly a el completed'a quilt and a -dainty lunch � 11. ,,� . . — . - , ,,-,11 . t. . Hodgert., Tuckersmith,'Are6ently when . I Fred Middleton -and Ed. Foster; -'Di- ported-tert'visits: The War Service . .. �,ii,� I A music teacher, comes firom. Clilgar NOTES... was served by a voluntary group of. I am sure all the boys from town . . ... , . � '' ; . y, their-seni Lance -Corporal Wilhim A . rectofs: Russel Grainger, William ,convener, Mizs 'Alted- Mly',­,rapmted� .... �,. - �141 I - I. . I I . k kers. .. feel the sanie4s'l do ,When I say that . - ­­­ . :J,P i � A.lfta.' ' ' . . Hodgert, was made the ,recipient or wor I Sparks, Frank Keegan, 0. Lawscn, her committee had seat 17 bOxe to, .,� � � , ", % I . - ", . 's , 11 The following Is' the schedule of Do fiot forget,to leave -your new or a money ...bel "McIparthy - Matthews . ... � recelvin&.aornething from home, from Carl Diehl, Thos. Sno*derr, A. H. War- the boys -overseas, and 31 � boxqs to - . .:- . , I * * I containing 4 sum of ­­ . .... .-Il. . . ­. .(...! i ' I I I.P , meeongs: .. gbo6 used warm clothing- or bedding money and a ffignet ring,with a white A quiet but pretty wedding, took people you knoW,"Is always a very ner, M& Little, John Howird; As- the boys"still in CariaIda. The treas- I ­!`�,l i . . . ' ."::,� Friday*, Jan. 14 .4.15 p.m., Noab!s for our splendid Russian Allies at any zircon. Mr. Arthur ,Nicholson read� place in St. Michael's ,,,Cathedral, To- special occasion in our army lives. sociate Directors, Mrs. Snowden,'Ben urer's rei�qrt,;,Was given by Mrs. �. J. " �t,%,t 4 , Ark (boys and girlt); 8 p.m., wel- of the des.ignat�d places, ' W� naturally long to see you all aga� . . w . on or before the add-ress, and Mr. Elmer Cameron ronto,,w.hen Helen, d.0ghter of Mr. In RathWell, Fred Watson and Charles Cleary. 1, " . . : I I . ,.i,f 1. . ,5 � I ��1.1,' , ­­ 71 , I ,�:,,--;: I -A ff I � ; I � I'l � .1Z.,; 44.1 1';il I " Tuh 43'-.�*� A, U, ! , 7". ­rIIIIII!, " " 11 ! � � , I 1", FB, & L ,%come meetings (11luitrated by map). Saturday, Jani. 15, 1944, as the coin- ' and when -we can�t a gfft such as Your Wailis" auditors, Harold Stinson aad An open disc �' :; ,,,,� . - I . made the preserit0on. � and Mrs. William Matthews, Brandon, . Ussion' on -"Pidtures I ,,.�f, . , I . . Saturday, Jan'. 15--8 bi.m., .G ' cigarettes Is wondeiful. Yo . � I . �'. . ­�spel mittee in charge will be Packing 6 u can see Lloyd 'Scoichmer. I .. , . . . . . I ards were enjbYed �during the eve-. Manitoba, became the bride, of Thos. . and Statues in Religion!' and "Im-pro- ­ .i,� ,k�'�. �- Clock (bright music and singing). same earl -3a the week -First bey,arrived on a very special day � . 0. . 1-,,�T to ,,, 'Y � . . Pres- ning and the follolking were ibe prize S. McCarthy, son of. .Mr. and Mrs. t The meeting decided to hold the per M'oti n Pictures" ,then followed, - 1:4 . . . , t -o for us..and for you, and 'I know, ';Viff and after -which the meeting adjourned, �.�;;� .); �' i Sunday, Jan. 16th -6.30 a.=, Knee- byterian 'Church,- �Northside United winners: ' Ladies, first, Mrs. J�hn Me- 'Michael McCarthy, Dublin. Rev. annual masquerade 4oarni , I F CS Nov. Ilth brings to -you many joyous . AF� � I �. 14 � drill; 11 a.m., Itoliness Meeting; -' 3 Church, St, -Thomas,' A�gllcan Church Lachlan,; lone -hands, Mrs. . Arthur ran I Allen off lciated.- ,The' bride diIiice'at Easter, the Proceeds for Red Dairity refreshments were served by " . :. '.t�;;, , I memories as well as sad ones. For . I I - � I p.m.,:sdhday School,, 7 p.m., Salva- Eginondvill4e triflied Church, or Daly's Viarley!" g'rtXs., first, William Camer- was attired in a' floor -length gown of . (Conti n the hostess. . . (.j � tiou Meeting. I ,� 1-. e. . . .�;t�4, Garage, Main Street. me it -is a special date too, as some I- . . . %;­ -i4", ',.�, . . I ­. 1� I " .... .. I— . on; lone hands, Eimer Cameron, con-,.wh.l,te satin, with lace,trimmings. She A Ill 11 �, " .... 1. - � . I "..�,** I — , I I , 11 ;11 - I : � I I . I I - I . . J . . , I isolations, Mrs. Hugh Chesney and w .., YOU now. You W A MOLe a . .�� ore -a shoulder -length.. veil of silk . . �..L �� - � . 4 ohange of address now, and the only C-4 . . ..; " :.1 �1.1 Robert Gemmdoll. .4 net, ,and carried a bouquet of Better � ..... .11 . . ".. �� I I , I "I . .1 Times rosi�s' wi-th baby' I a breath, Miss , other, Seaforth -val I have left is Alex I c2eaf orth' Red Cross -­ - "", . ., � . .. � . —0 argu6rite M . ass6n ,,attbnded I the Kerr, but tV6Y will hear from -us. 'to I ' . , I ' .� I M� the Leglon I give. my thanks and the I -Blood Clihic . . bride wearing a floor-longth gown of . Holds .,cI season -'s greetings to all ot you. -Sgt. I . . I', � . . � R.A.F. Scotsmen Pale ,blue taffeta, vdth matching hat I .1 li�I ." . - W. C. Barber. . . . .. 14 . .1 . I ,.. T"I Her'bouquef w4s Pink and white car. Q. F­fl,l f- +I, V A 11 . V1 A' n I .. . .. ..;. , i I . j. � � . . I . I- ecepl. on st�lurs- E. ki. k,10.50.anu , 4 I - . I The "Case History -of the Old Mon- i E. C. Boswell, ttediiirer of the club L#ompare r arm nations. The best man was Edgar ' ' 'i ­­ ... ..., I . archE" of the Lions Club �was given from July, 1933, to J, . uly­ 1,936; atten& . 41 Quesnelle, Toronto. Following -the I received your cigs 'today . aii,d Donor Cline was held on Thursday Mrs. John MacTavish; secretary,,-grs. � . -!. � , , ";, . , . . . , - bharrks -a lot for your sending -them. morning, Jan.,13th,, in Northside Unit- Reg. Kersialte; assistan�ta,, ... Mrs.. F. W. ".7 '' 1, . by younger members of the club at ed the International Convention at Metbods ceremony, dinner Y,as served at the . ;. �­j�,J,tj . . , . ". � They .sure came at the right time. We ed Church; when 109 volunteers re- Wigg, Mrs, E. A. McMaster, Mrs. E. ; .,& . ,4,1, ' . I k the regular meeting MdffdaY evening Oakland, California, as,au official d6l-. �11 I Royal York HoI -Mr.'and Mrs. Me' .. I .. � ­ ported to donate their blood. One , C. Boswell. I '­ 1. ,"', 11 ... .. gets lots sent, but, never receive them. ' I . -4 ' I .. - Cartby will reside in Toronto. I ­;!,� � : I , In the.Commerel'al Hotel. Chairman 6gate in 1938.. ii ay West of Seaforth hundred and ninety-two were booked .-T-We donors, with number after - I 10.� I . XhL .,10ghw ' I am feeling fine, boping this finds . . ..- ... -X; I i . was J. F.- .Paly, the "Old Monarch'.' 1mr, a5d"Group of the Farm -Pbrum held their . Personals: .Sergean:t Lourls McIver, you all the' same back home. It is for this clinic. but only 109 reparted. name indicating donations given, are: - .!, ' ,X1 ....... 1.z aWLIoas *ho have beeA members . of chairman of the,m% , - Halifax, a&d. ,Frank 1<6eigan,, Bayfield, L 1. . , ,i!i� . , I mbershIlp commit- really 'Wonderful to get a gift fro and ,because of the uncertainty of 'SEAFORTH�I�elrnep Spell 4a, Clar- ­, ' ` , weekly meeting at. the -home ot. Keith in �,,� P.L1 .;N I , -ten, years or more. Four of tee; d6jetate at the Show Boat con- Webster. This meeting 'Was hold Sat- ople You don't hardly know I R , the club . � � ­ ­ �. . with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eckert; Jas. so weather condition§ -it has been 'MFeid- ence Relth. 4, Reg, Kerslake 4, John .;I 41 A the Old lt%onarchs, Charles Barber', 'Vktfon in 1937.' Jordan, R.C.A-F.,­$t-' Thomas, with j � . I I utday night instead oU--'Rond4v,-ln . . ' ed not -to hold anotfier clinic Until Gallop 4, George Johnston' 6, 0. H- ` i �, . � " _ tbanks again. Keep up t,b e good . v ,,, � . �-- , Dr. F- J. -Burrowa,I.Jas. G. Mullen and 'Harold G. .Meir, in 1933 Persuaded order that LAC. Duncan MacPherion friends here; Miss Patricia Holland, 'work. -Pte'. R, Baillie. April. I . . . Baynes 2, 1. & Xeathig. 3,, 1�e.e -Kelly, 1-1� . .. q 1� 'Xilin Ileat.tle, sanj a quartette, ','We�re the club to sponsor the Boy Scouts; dud LAC.* Walter Knox, of Port Al- Stratford Normal, with Mr. and Mrs. .6 . '­ - . The clinic WAs in charge of Mrs, S. Edward McIver, Mrs. Charles Bakfier ' . . .,I, . 1.1, I I , . ­ :. I I Xonarohs All." The pase histories during� his seven' YeArs as cWrman ,berti might'meet 'with them. The J. V. ,Flyn,n and Patrick Maloney; . I . ... I Y Received 300 cigarettes from you J, Cooper, nurse-teahnician, nurse- 3, Lillian Southgate i, Maxine ta*­ "I ., ., 1. �;,� and girls' committee he In. � . asistItIg, Miss Florence Clelarid. A ence 2, Marjorie Gol Ing, Isabql' I& , k were read for the foll&wlng Old Mon- of the boys',, ; both had. experience In fs'j-ming Misses Margaret Holland, Marie . I archs -� - . . � I also organized .t Culy, Pack, GVrl Scotia ' ' ' I— . Nigle, Ally Looby, Maxy Stapleton; -of today, Many thanks. -Larry Brown. a . I .d lw"'­ I ..jtl , ; Ir 4 ' Yke nd. Strfi.tford,. at -their respective homes; number of donors recelved bronze derson, Mrs. A. Wilbee, LaIii, I . 1b, . . .. . . ,,� � If , i . Pied S, 13avwdke, a charter member Guides and Browniles; Is at present After a 9-ptrited discussion on the Many thanks for the cigarettes just buttons for having gi'ven three or Mrs. George Troutbeck. I I. (­�;�.. . .1 11 � . �­ I . : I . aid key me . m . her-,', thalrv6in of the theF district dep.t.it,y i6vernor of Zone subject, f'Adequaite F�rm -,Credtt ban Mrs. M..Sohulman has .returned to 9 H- W. . ­*.' ­ .' , 1� � ":",� 4 � I received this a.ni. Wishing all ,.,th,e,.,more donations. Others who have RURAL SEAFOIiT W, �'"' I msw " Buffalo; Private Leonard Donnelly, of I. . I -, . I.Mug- . � " , fu�,a'. commAttee, a-0proximat461Y 3; acted as delegate Ao-voniventlads. Be Supplied," consilderable time was members. of No. 156 -all the best, "and earned them *ill receive �hom as stone, Dennis -F hey ---W§ � , ��i I . .1 I I , .. efe . , f*& . 3'. 1. -, 0 dtis'%61942. held I � '. 'A ­4� y Ldhdon, with' his parents, Mr. and . more buttos 4re i " "" i, . � �� AV,0,y.6'IrbtVj%V n 1697, 1942 and 1043, IA1942 u his time next - I I. I ­ ipent comparing .methodt of farmI .soon as �vailable. Scott, E,dwiri P. ChesfiO-Y.'., 5.,. balk§ Mix- I . ' ' Mrs.. Frank Donnelly. ., . ', , 11 A = A, -Sti�wt, tail -,twister June, was thade a k6y'triember of the club.i in Scotland arn& 'In Canada. LAC. . .,. . year. Thanking you again for the One donbr, Mr. &i6�4,e!TxApaon,' re- on, 41' Morris barliam'.4"'bavid, ke. ' "­ ,.1,V 0 ,. . . - as they are really a luxury bul't I , . " � , , I.."AW to Ain�,'' 1939; 'Ace-presi,dent, . Robert E. XAC*8011; 106k an active. Duncan MacPherson-delighted,all. his calved a silver 67f '1*- - 'hoing giv, 1,- - '11 I� I, , ­­�,,. " - / I "? " - I.. . -smokes Lean 4. Mrs. ba*e Matmean 2, Xf,giveI I .1 ,. ��, If , I 1, ll. 1930,1040; piesMoUt, i940.1941-,'..p,aAt part on the spoits, cothmittdis 1-11 con- hearers, but particularly those who I I I �..',,Q.� . .. ,; ' ­ ' .., now.-L.-Bdr. F. C. Grieve. en six donations. ,- , Dolmage 4, Mrs- Sam Scott, RAyert I . . !�,` ; I ' , " . .. J%'�ij I', -� - - pf esident �, 194'�-.-V42,1 Worib� on"'ihe riection with,the Hatlow0n,Prdlic for claim Scotland as the land * .. Volunteers who. graVe ,their services Patrick 2, John 'A,006rison t, Ahdf6w - ' . ,,4'r. � .. . �1� d of their -- - � "I'll' . � I - ,, O&Ortising ;�o"Idee'for thei frolics; - n4ne years; -wig. a member of ,the Alok foramih.rs,' by 3re , , , D. G. 'Crozier 2, ,Jhmes V. geott , 9, ittuagell, . I., ", 'j, , � "I I , -reading from Durns. Teen-age 1-3o Received: your most welcome glf , Urrows, Dr., I "A g � . �' I . I . .. ­ ig.u. I . t were: Dr. V. Ji,� A �, 11 I ' oboft MV I 11% - �� - #*&4110 qecretaw%�:06'4 . ,,3 0 . , poii�tfaf part of - and- vialting fco�nmlttee­.for. 8 years. - 'ng on -the 17,th of 8teer, Dr. J. A- 00 and Dr. X X. Dolmage 4, Olivei, Pt,3ree 5, It, " i � ­­0�1. � , i . ismer next mteti of cigs, %which w'e' appreciate very �� , . .. �'� ­,,�IA . ' for -190v Solin F- 1AIZ, frpm, Xutke, 1931, 40b . ,. " ": ".. 4 . . . .; , I, IN, - aftr takk . to J Bw b r t4vall '41 . .049-,'i1Wd&tiid.,,' `:"A'­� . � ' , y will be held at tile borne of - v � � McMaster. . 10111an. 4, Jean Scott 2, Ramond, vuv , , I � .. 4 11�, .!­ ,­ . I �, , ',�, ,. 4,� I.." , p- -& i4ett �If the M;.. -&Wes F. Scott. Th' ill a Merry Chrlatmas.-Tpr. W. J. � `01. 4 � � 44'r .. ­".. - .- "', "",.,June, 1932, Was vice es e subjeft for - - , ,. -- -7 -7' ' ; � ,'. �, ' ' . - ..., ,much., Man,A th6nks ind wishing you fa -.� -ii 11 , � I .. I ,,fl� , - I ­ Nurses -Mrs, J. M. McMillan, X . ray 9, Jotep,h ][Awi.g, Toth jrchll� I I , �. . . ' . � , ". ". q:, I ,, .T. Pd,Ward,'-Xeatt�g., A �isl� deVuty club; has be�n a m4taber of ,the Varkq. 1, tili .�enin-g Is to lid "Creft-It, ,UW, � An hitotesting gamiO., or. hockey was Cameron. n 4 i ,; '!�*��, Id 1 Frank Kling, Miss M. Dunn, Was isa- 11ruce McLean 2, Jolin Mo,yja I. �;�, . ,� �3 , I district. g-dyern6i, ariC&II Wster fo� cominkt4e since. ,the stirt of, the 101i's", . , ' . 0 . �, -,. - , '10,* . . 0 '�L , "I'My, I I 1. Pla.y6d in Mitchell oA. * T ,day - bpd Bettles, Miss Lola Hastle, Mrs I L. Malone 3. � .. 1. 40X%�"e, .. , I I., , , , !.� " .. I , "I.. I ods� c . I6 ­ ­ "" - 4 , . ' Since the' flr�t meeting on Ndy. 8th Jug!'of this' Week, wbe'A-,'.0,.p10.fted ,team Received cigarettes Okay, and � a* Iesa 4; Irbal -�-...`, , �, � -Vaff 0iftIM1119 pool; Played Santa Cladt. . ,149. :Oven David H. Wilson, Mrs. , -`­ , ,V manY'Yearx; .-strod',on I b. � � M- I . . W. R.' shalw: I WALTON-botAld- L I ' � ;" � �,Xkl,# - . . 2W. ttil-i�s 44.d.,�-§ bz dhsif- at'illb,hrist L16ns Chrigtmas' tree .held there baA been vet - keen'thtef6bi, In , of local teen-age 04-4"N' riA'6 " #='e thant.p a lot. The Canadian Mra. T. Cr,ouch, Miss Garn-etj N40, Sihortte.ed, Kitaij CamPboll, i3�6. Tay- . ' ' ' - %K�,�j, �7,'�' � �*.,Jh1s,'Ri,t,eAffit# , - 'i I, w,gnv ` . I . - 4 Legfpn ,. , I ' '. �., il. "'' ''' I ..;�i�­ , �Ill:� 6- kb�i ww$PA audnd6aid,g - commit- in ,SeATorth An-19r27f,-',., .— -g6,L of 8-3. MV -�,� 4t�!,Pf' ; .1 I 11 - � Rouls-ton,, Mr old Jacksoh, ltis� I -at, Thomm W. 6, 1 , " �, , , m d .. , .I � Mail 6f llheffd, Mfffi riLdl-0, torurn na-Eletib,gs, and by la sto L h 0afie W"I .is doing a fine job of work here. a. Har Laei�,'Inj' 9, I,' * I ' ;j4 �. ,N,g, foo 'br . . .: Wwl��?:*�,iil:4,,,. ­ . "I .pught tho"ellib, ,6�it:"�r,;�d"0'1'�t..'.'-.,�,., . 1.6-hii 1. ,10luff, serv-ed on tho dXecd- they ba . , ��,*`.I' "", 01. , . �: i 4 ) I I �il F. S. BrUgger, Mrs. t. SYkes, Mrs. -gob: 8,' Rarvey iii0elutd."g,"�'Do. -,Vw . iii�,� , . 10&0r0i;J14, AV , y nded, 'the coach, and. they J�rj� qd.. t -Sgt. J, Holland 'I. ,�,�­,., �!,­ ;b . . " ­­ .1 . 00&W , ' Jvho do not b � I yo � be a "ThankfUg you again, . I �� � ­'. I ., 4Akj ot , - I � , A I jy., iot.." - on,644mel i * lot i'fired y6,ar,q and 6it volqoUs Thj6ob. fi�b the privilege 4&6py ou9t. .1 . '. I . Y, ... a Crldh, Mrs. A. A� Staors; agglatl son . 9, *ffifted'.8hoar-44, ,A; .&df4*,!, .".:,��` - � I , �11 - - .- . I P, . . - I Ing the4nUr ea, Miss I I L , ''A '101-1 do- � .',,� I `� , 41", l� I I di -mmifte#s; ha -4v 616"a toon 'of , " �Ij , gw * "'o a g)-odo ,db not Ire-. The players; - 'N -ary, iWsi - , *96 ,., K ��� ­ tirt,'W thb�466111�qbh6kal IdUltiniih or obier to I ,:f. 6 , . � # OA, , k t r . it Received of . I a .M . , I garettei. Many thanks. , 94.,q 's lmyt tp�F 2, wor 7,- , � , I, : , I ., I 1, of - -146ns, ,ItIg�ud 6fe%t An thk ft.61160 liftd. In,' the, 'An, dll�j -ifili6 Ifir-d p t .,A .4- 1-- " I f., � I !". � ' � I t 6 66timittok. . � �16*16pi, ifif 6 or U;fti d6AM - Iftek -0 1 I16, �J 113�- � -01>1 6. liL M,bl)flell. Refreshmenta-Mfl;. tL, R, Scott, ddj&; Xcft,�14,:,% I* ,,�A,h*-;,!A *ho ., L �.­. 4 . ' , I 11 14, � . , . I . I ty"th-dy are I . I......01,01 , , . 0411� li, 1, ,� 1h6,,'AnIU ssr�L,.,- vnd,* ;iiftif' dhvmfl�aaIi.tiec, I , " . I ... A0 "', . "Mrs. 1. A. AtIn% bi � ",:�-,. 1V,V,6 U66d '' �­­­­ , "I ftflidhg of X-cm.f. . . 11 .f,�,� J&1&j Virr6j., , I �, M.Pp '' . I , �, * iaiftlng,un dMAUdY about i4d,'itio4i� X i 99�brftegt 641, ', � , - , I " ­ 9 '. '. " 1 , V. , , .. . L 1. ,,, , ­ . 1. �. &W 51 398 " , , , ,; , .,� ., t, ,,, ­ I 11 i Ill 1, I 1'11� . 'I � I , i ' -�Wlwii 4� "Jj�6g��.','.&6a&oi` " I " 6 ' r ' , t 4� I ;� :­ , 4 , I' -1 , " d . . , Wa, J, 0. 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