HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1944-01-07, Page 841 4.! fN AAA, ,4!NECO"F', I , 4 ' 04. Med- 10.4.**Iftee; •interet frame 3abluAer tt,W9 fallate- ;.'; 4 • Ma eY brick heuee, on. Wil- ' , 'ftreet. *II modern conveniences. L'W.ATSON & REID prow -too, - 10,4604 Seaforth sp:INAtfe'r IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE' The., ;Second Division Court .N.Couitty of Huron;.-. P0•0•1••• Bank WK.- titilice: hours: Trim- „ 'end Satorday. 1.10 pm. 611 Saturday evening. 7.30 ton pea. 'OHAMBERLAIN. - Clerk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 llohnes & Whitney -40° Successors to o 8. T. HOLMES & SON 0 0 FUNERAL DIRECTORS 0 4> Main Street, Seaforth Ambulance Service 0 Adjuatable hospital bed for 0 rent. 0 0 Night Calls—Phone 65 0 Day Calla—Phone 11.9 O Ghargea moderate. .000000000000 .000000000°00 0 o - J. A. BURKE 0 o - Funeral Service 0 • 0 Dublin •• •• Ont. 0 0 Night or day calls.; Phone 43r 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 <> 0 0 0 <> 0 0 0 <> SPENCES Produce GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING •STATION .,'Higheigt Gash •Price. Paid For Ease. and Poultry • 7.. Phone 170-W, Seaforth . SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS (PoRMRder.V W.. R. CHAPMAN) Derated Cunningham°y ham & Pryde You are invited to inspect our stock. of OEMENERY MEMORIALS Seaforth Tuesdays & .SatUrdays iklx-Dx. Harburn for Upoditurnent emir • Box 150 EXETER Phone 41 saatTliMatialle THE McKLLLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. MEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, ONT. OFOGERS: Alex Mewing, Blyth - - Pres. ..W. E. Archibald, Seaforth - triee-Pres. Merton A. ',telt', Seaforth - Manager 4a and Secretary -Treasurer. ' DIRECTORS: Leonliardt, 13rodhagene E. 5- Trewartha, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, R.R. 3, Seaforth; Alexander MeEwing, R.R. 1, Blyth; Frank McGregor, R.R. 5, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, R.R. 1, 11*S1:toil Thomas Moylan, R.R. 5, Sea - forth; William R. Archibald, R.R. 4; Seaforthe George Leitch, R.R. 1, Clin- AGENTS: Finlay MeKercher, R.R. 1, Dublin; E. Pepper, Brucefield; J. E. Prueter, BrodhAigiin; George A. Watt, Blyth, 49‘, 1, • You` Are Invited to Inspect the -BOND- TAILDRED-TO-M EASU RE SUITS AND: OVERCOATS FOR • A LADIES AND•' GENTLEMEN IN 7 PRICE RANGES •$22•150th SOAK, SOLD ONLY - • by GILLESPIE'S cix-ANERs - DYERS TAILORS • if ”rverIntei:°:Zetirnd to et' your mint. " , :SWOP itooffdpofs ta64‘4)1a ' ! Th fe lAte- thleft. 44P.04 RileY"."-"P Oath JOMeki11ierfortnertY Marjorie ,k-Wtou ,graAdslouglitOr of the late John Seefort14 took place 'te Vancouvei;OE) ox Satiuday, January ist. Mrs. Riley had been ill 'only 'about a day. The remains- will be brought to Mitchell to the borne of her father, and the funeral win be held on San -Tian, Jam Stai,„ with interment is Maitlaadbank cemetery. She is Survived •by. her father, her •husband and three chil- dren. Make Presentation.—Quite a num- ber of people gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Coombs, Egniond- ville, and presented Pte. W. C. Coombs with, a *1st 'watch. Mr. R. McLean, Jr., read the address and Miss Peggy Trapnell made -the -pre& entation. Wesleyethatiked the people for the beautiful gift, but he actinit. ted that there were times he had plenty to eay, but this one time he could not say very much. Ile assur- ed them that every time he looked at his watch, early or late, he would think of the people who presented this watch to him. The evening was • spent in cards and dancing until mid- aight , Women's Institute Will Meet.—The Seaforth Women's Institute Will meet on Tuesday, Jan. llth, at 2.30 at the honi.e of Mrs. E. B. Comte. This is the publicity meeting. The roll call will be answered by "One improve- ment I would like in my home.” Will the members please bring new or us- ed clothing for Russian relief. The motto will- be taken by Mrs. H. V. Workman, "Life without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder." The topic will be taken by WS.' E. P.i Chesney. Let us aim to start the, New Year with a full attendance of members. Visitors' are ahrays wel- come. Northside United Church.=Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister: 11 a.m,, "The Proving Our Faith"; 2.30 p.m., Sun- day School; 7 pan., t'Our Response To His Call." Thursday, 7.45.p.m., Pray- er Service: . • St. Thomas' Church..Rector, Rev. Dr. Hurford 11 a.m., "We'Are...Come 'To Warship Him"; 7 pan., "The Epiphany of Jesus." . Sunday School' at 10 aan. St. Mary's • Church, Dublin. — 2.25 p.m., ,Sunday School; •3 p.m., "We Are Come 'To Worship Him." , eaFirst,Presbyterian Church.—Sunday School at '10' -a.m.; morning. subject, "The Challenge of Faith"; evening i. subject, "The ifying Power of .0hrist" Midwek meeting next week at 8 p.m.—Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister. . AP - Died in Detroit —The death took' place at the home of his daughter in Detroit of Henry Iluffnaati, on Sunday, January and, following a ,stroke Which he -suffered an Christmas Day._ He was born near GoderiCh 91 years ago and eame to Seaforth twenty-five years ago, and tater removed to De- troit. He is survived by four sons: & ohn Huffman, Gederich; Angus' -'4. Huffman and George Huffman, Acme, Washington, and Edward J. Huffman, Vancouver, B.C„ and three daughters, Mrs. Cerveny, Detroit; Mrs. Whittam, North Bay, and Mrs. Gilroy, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. The funeral took place on Wednesday .from the Holmes & Whitney Funeral °Impel, Seaforth, at 3.45 p.m., with Rev. Hugh Jack offieiating. Interment was made in Maitlandbank cercietery. Death of W. J. Walker.—Mr. Wil- liam John 17Valker,lqor many years a Prominent resident and business mai in Seaforth, died at -his. residence, High Street, on Monday morning, January 3rd, after a short illness. Mr. Walker was a' on' of the late Thomas Walker anti'was bore on. the Walker homestead, 6tui line of Morris, 80 year ago, and spent his early life there. On March 26, 1890, he was united in marriage to Mies Jane Welker, of Brussels, and settled on 'a farm in Morris Tow-nship. Later be disposed of the Perth •and moved to Brussels, where for eight years be was engaged in the furniture and un - dei -taking bueiness. After a short residence in Tees*ater, Mr. :Walker came to 'Seaforth in 1906 to engage in the furniture and undertaking busi- ness, which he carried on success- fully for 34 years, when he retired from active husin-ese. He was widely known in the town and surrounding country. Besides his wife, Mr. Walker is survived 'by a family of two sons and two daughters, Mr. Samuel Wal- ker, of TIMM:ins; Mr. John R. Walker, of Ilalialltort; Mrs. Grace Cameron, of Toronto, artd, Miss Mart Walker, Zif OttaNa, He is aleo sareived by a hrother, Mr.'tliente4 Walker, of Drat gels, and' two Sisters, Atm W. illy - dope' and MIeS Grace Walker, • of Dnifilo.• -"The funeral was held frets Ids late residence on "Phursday afternoon, When the Serrlee Was Can- clileted by Itiv. ifugli tieck, of Meet Pit$ibiteriat Phurch, of which liefr. "Milker ites, a meMber. infertile/it WAS Made. fit Druss•els eesieterst, the 'Pallheareid•lieing Messrs, Sohn Ceittp- be% 1.4rite bile iC, M. Stelth,' mid Davi, •SalnUel and Y. It Walker, eatti fif John, ei. otteitet4$•N '--,- mat ,04;,boomtty, at oft \mut'‘siteeni. a ''''' hi lit nal ,rosidexit vigt1646,111,0, & Seed 'flt ',S,'Oett.- #.0tet431: ROSi)leol ott" I . ',,,..., i,', 77:''''''''", .', 1, t •,..":'''„' • ^,-,,-.4;,:,:-„,1,..-,..,i „.,,,;;:l ..:.,, 11 1 ,..‘ "ate THE seiksON OPENS WITH TWO THRILLERS AT THE PALACE RIM Seaforth Tuesday, Jan. lith Clinton RADIO SCHOOL — VS Seaforth BEAVERS Thursday, Jan. 13 Exeter AIR SCHOOL Seafort BEAVERS The Above Teams are Better Than• Ever! YOU'LL SEE TWO EXCITING HOCK EY GAM ES ADULTS 1 35c SERVICE MEN, in Uniform 25e CHILDREN, • • 15c ATTENTION FANS—Reserve Seat Tickets for the Season are on sale at The Tasty -Grill. GET YOURS NOW! year. Mr. Dooherty underwent an op- eration just a week previous to- his passing, and failed to rally from the shock. The deceased was ' born in Wroxeter, where his early life was spent. As a' young man he 'went to Manitoba, where he termed success- fully near Griswold, -until, his retire- ment some thirty years age, when he moved 'to Egmonciville, where he'eon- tinued to reside until hie death. Mr. Docherty was married at Carberry to Miss Margaret C. Smith, who sur- vives him, together with a feral& of two sons and one daughter, W. S. Docherty, of Edmonton; Dr. J. T. Docherty, of Conneaut, Ohio; and Mrs. A W. Coon, of Norfolk, Virginia. He es also survived by a brother, Mr. Robert Docherty, of Griswold, Mani- toba. He was a member of Northside United Church, of which he was a regular attendant, •and served on the church board. He -was also a mem- ber of Fidelity Lodge of Oddfellows, Seaforth, and an enthueiaatic mem- ber of 'the Seafortb Lawn Bowling Club. The funeral was held from' his late home in Egmondville on,Wednes- day afternoon, with Rev. H. V. Work- man officiating... Interment was made in IVIaitlandbank cemetery, , the Pall- bearers being fellow members Of Fidelity Lodge; Messrs. Dr.' F. S. Har- burn, Malcolm McKellar, E. B. Gou- die, Herald Lawrence, Robert Smith and E. Mole. niallieni were 0.160,40,Atir Par, VOittai 'ead c1:411.:!17tst *11‘:4*:. 474* as -g104)0•10:V-Tor Vxrlt *.KieqNRIlelgur443, oTullervAltie le a gueeancyliers. J. It, Leene? WeringlPep-, day laet of Mrs. Geoege Turnbull. • eeneae.SOffia.. XI T. McIntosh, of Ingerseil, WINflygleritf3 it; ILOW11. on Ern • AC2. Stuart. Wigg, of Sydney, N, Sv, i ending a few days at the luitne of hist, ei'rents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wigg.„. • Airs-Wiltieen DOugall, of Hempen, and Mies Alice Dougall, of• Toronto, were New Year's guests of Mr. and Mre- M. ReauSe- • AC1. HarryScott, R.C.A.F., who spent the heydays with. his nuither, pAirs..1011n,,RhalrScdaatty., returned to Wield - e8, LAC. David Stewart, R.C.A.F., and Mrs. Stewart, of Fingal, were gaests, of their psi over the week -end. • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barry; and daughter, Elinabeth Anne, of Strat- ford, were week -end guests of Mrs. G. T.' 'Turnbull. ..to :Mies Marjorie Wtigg, 9f London, was a NeW"Yeare giiest "of her par- ents, Mr: and Mrs. F, W. Wigg. • AM, Donald Scott, R.C.A.F. re- turned to Montreal after -spending his Christmas leave with his mother, Mrs. H. It: Scott. '• Mr. T. L. Gillespie, of Toronto, was a New Year's guest -of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gillespie. • Mrs. F. G. Livingstone, of. De- troit, was here this week visiting friends.Guelph recently attending the wed- .,. : • Mr. Donald MacTavish, of Guelph dingeef a friend. '1 • LAC. Robert Morrow, R.C.A.F., St. Thomas, and Miss Mary Morrow, of Ajax, sPept the Christmas holiday at the home of Mr. •and Mrs. Robert Wright in Hullett. • Mr. And 4J:14'904i 'tIrtlat; 1.9.347,411iftzstlir Nv;Zr.:1;rfplitoia: Jau turned to their home in, North. Ray. MrsJ. W.: A4ieig 'sod: dren left last week for Rant Colborete.: • Sergeant Pevitt,1Viret xevitvaia' "daugneers June and Jean, of 'Trenton and Guelph, were New Years gaests of Mrs. PeTItt's74:at, VAlas Henry. • leers. 1V1iimett, of Toronto, was the .gaest of Air. and Mrs. E. L. Box. • Mr. R. E. Bright was in Toronto for the holiday season. • Mrs. George D. Ferguson is visit- ing in London and Torento. • Miss Rose Dorsey has returned to Torcnite after spending the holi- •days at her hcircte#ps.. • Dr. F. J. Burrows spent 'Christ- mas in London. e• Mr. and lire. T. A. G. Gordon are in Toronto this tWeek, • Miss Isabel 1VICKellar, of Strat- ford; Mr. and 'Mrs. Gordon McKellar, Sandra and David, and Miss Margaret Smith, of Toronto, epent New Year's at the home of Mr. and Mrs..MeKet-. lac. • ,4!. Miss Dorothy Smith spent a few days in London last week, • Mrs. George Hills and daughter, Miss RIOS., have returned. to Toronto after spending the holidays at their home. • Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Whitney and daughter, Miss- Lois, .spent Ne* Year's in Stratford with friends. • Miss Margaret McKellar was in returned to his school on Saturday last. ,. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sproat have returned from Detroit. • Mr. Russell Hays, of Detroit, spent a few days here this week. • AC1. E. J. Devereaux, R.C.A.F., Deseronto, is spending a few days with his mothers, Mrs. F. Devereaux. CONSTANCE • Miss May Walker, Ottawa; Mrs. Grace Caiii-elen, 'Toronto; Mr. Sam The following is the report of Con - Walker, Timmins, and Mr. J. R. stance Unit of the Red Cross: Sew - Walker, of Hamilton, were here this ing—Quilts (top donated by unit) 62; week attending the funeral of their quilts (all donated by members), 10; father, the late W. J. Walker. trae-n's kimonas, 10; little boys' coats, • Mr. and Mrs. McLelland, of Tees- 11; hospital gowns, 13; boys' blous- water, Were guests of Mr. and Mrs. es, 2 -year size, 3;',1adies' slips; 227; James MacDonald, North Main St. triangular bandages, 286; tiurses' • Miss Joan Devereaux spent New gowns, 30; towels, 154; nurses' caps, Year's in London. 28; . 'ladies' pyjamas, • 9 pairs; ladies' • Flight Lieut. J. A. Munn left on nighties, 42; bed, jackets, 16; ladies! Suaday for Deseronto after spending dresses, 2; pinafore 'skirts, 6; boys' the Christmas holidays here with his shirts, 11; girls' blouses, 9; ..men's wife and family. pyjamas, 16 pairs; babies', nighties, • Mrs. Fred Montgemery, of Brant- 13; khaki handkerchiefs, 62; sanitary ford, visited Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Willis pads, 27; babies' diapers, 10. on Sunday. • Miss Maxine Lawrence spent New Year's in Toronto. • Lance Corporal W. A. Hodgert, ofeTerrace, BC., visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Hodgett, in Tuckersmith • Dr. and ins, E. A. McMaster were in Toronto last week. - • Gunner and Mrs. Hubert O'Reilly were in London over. the holiday week -end.' • Misses Jean and Joan McMaster •spent a few days in Guelph last week. • Mrs. William Kelley was in Lon- don on Tuesday. • Mrs. John, G. Docherty, of- Eg- ni—o-ndville, left this week.,to spend sortie time' with her daugbter, Mrs. A. W. Coon, of Norfolk, Virginia. • Sgt. W. O. -Sutherland, R.C.A.F., Centralia, spent New Year's at his home here. " •• • ACI. John ,Hotham, R.C.A.F., of Galt, spent Ne* Year's at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John liotham. • AW. Vera ,Budson, of Fingal, is spending a ,few, days here with her. LOCAL BRIEFS sister and brother-in-law,' Mr, and Mrs. Scott Habliirk. then, Stratford and .St. Marys during ler, visited friends at Cromarty, Mit- ed & Enamelled Wares, Ltd., Hespe- • Mr. Orval MCLaren, of the Stamp- ed past week. - 4 Acl. Roland: SteWart, Clinton' Radio School, ;pi—New Year's at his home 'here. -----a. • LAC. Harry Earle, R.C.A.F., Bella Bella, B.C., is spending two weeks at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Earle, in Egmondville. • AC2. Dan Grumniett, R.C.A.F., Manning Depot, Toronto, spent Chrietmaseand New Year's at the home of his parents, Afr. and Mrs. Joseph Grummett • e Mr. and Mr,, John Ede -muds and faniiIy, of Mitchell, spent New 'tear's with"Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kling ' • Misses Teresa and Veronica Ma- loney, of Stratford, spent a Week with their Mother, Weal'. Maloney. • Pte. Robert Papple, " of Cantip Borden, spent fete dats at the home Of his parents, Mr. and Mr. David ,Papple, in TuekersMitle • Sgt. Lorne libbotson, R.C.A.F., Guelph, spent the holiday with his Ingth.uera.ster. • nop4d sins has returned borne after spending the Christmas holidays at the haihe.,Of Hr. and Mrs. E. C. McClelland fit Toronto. • Mrs. Isaac Hudson AS visiting her darlilliag"re, 'nArs. 13leel.' •r • 1VIrs. T. Thidley and Palmer Coombs spent NOW Itear'Su ith. r.erararimmeememe and Mrs,The Library Beard is sponsoring ilea house, wink 41.rn; good „Am, .• pts„. Wesley a esstabs, was hams the play, "A Ileady-Made Pamity," to loran, underdrained. Ceinvezdent• for the holiday. „„ ' be ,presented on Friday evening, Jam ly located. • Dr. and Mrs. .t. DooIlakit of :50.onre Mase- rani, aleal- The annual -m• eeting of Mire Connealit ()thia and Dr, --add 'Mrs. A.Utnt licitouship illbbert. Oboe , „ ,. ed Church, Welton, Is to, he held On lithitl 'With White *Stet gototo, ,-,06; worfolgo Va., Were here 135 AdeS•Tetotuo‘, *.delc attending tlie fitnerel of tiesdlEY 6"td4g, It'n•• rraMe house ad geOil hitt wen the late 3 G. Doelterty, MM. Dania- , Iodated, • • ally -oft thtireidat- ,eperut the . • The Late 1P41111' "°?P'.411 t4r *kWh& da4g1d4r,ti vota1t. fte flea& took pletee 4-4` ninsits SeafOrth,, GAL .„•• ,Mrs,.. MAO/4C it's; Lee, V.littiW' of the lits Mi Veal Atilit4146t, ARO, ROM,' Ettri0 .:too*,„ *t, oiCiAtt$;ni TbOditYi bed. 14th. ditt 1101114, • Major and Mrs. Stuart Knox, of Chatham, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Al C. Rontledge. • Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Broadfoot Annual Meeting, The Annual Meeting of the 'Brucefield Patriotic Society Will be held in the 1.0.0.F. Hall, Brucefield WED., JAN: 12th, at 8 p.m. FREE • • PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE • — Everybody Welcome — FOR SALE 7-11oom Brick House; Church Street. ilaihroom, 'furnace, Uht�, town WS. - ter. ' Good haft and hen Wise on property. Mosta Pram -:Rouse, Worth 'Main St. PUrnaCe, lights and hewn water. Farm Property, • 100 Acres, 1V101110 Town ah1 Knitting -9 turtle -neck sweaters; 13 V-neck sweaters; 4 round -neck sweaters; 10 turtle -neck tuck -ins; 31 ,pairs socks; 17 pairs gloves; 17 al- ternative caps; 4 children's sweaters; 1 ribbed lielnaet Pilet Officer Keith Dale, R.C.A.F., Hagersville, is spending two weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Or- ville Dale, Qi Monday_ evenieg„ at the Forreeters' Hall a reception was -held for Mr. Dale. Mr. Elgin. Nott read the address and LAC. Ken Carter made the presentation of a beautiful wrist watch. LAC. Ken Canter, of Dartmouth, Neva Scotia, spent a •clay with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, J. Carter. , Mr. Archie Hoggarth, of Wallace - burg, visited Mr. and Mrs. William, Britton on Thursday. Mrs. R. Lawson returned to Ghat-, him with Mr. and 1VIrs.7. Busby. Miss Dorise-tnenon, of 'Chatham, -spent part of the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. E. Lawson. ; Mr..and Mrs. Lorne Lawson spent 'New Year's with Mr, and Mrs. Roy Lawson on the Huron Road. Mr. and Mrs. William Logan, of Blyth, and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Steph- enson, Donald and Billie eepeat New Year's with, MnIand Mrs. B. B. Steph- enson. Mrs. B. B. Stephenson received word that 'her brother,. Llewellyn An- drew, of Prince Albert, Sask., ,had passed away. Mr. Andrew at 'one time lived in, this district, as his father kept store at Constance some years ago. The sympathy ef the com- munity goes out to Mrs. Stephenson. Mrs. Snell'. and Ka John Notting- ham visited Mr. C. Hoare, of Clipton, on Saturday last. Prayer meeting was held at- the home of Mr. Clarence Walden on Wednesday evening. At the annual meeting of S.S.-No. 3, • Hullett, the following trustees were elected: Clarence Montgomery, Alf Buchanan and George Addison: Mrs. William Britton visited Mr. and Mrs. James F. Scott, Huron -Road; recently. Miss Hazel DIlling, of Brucefield, spent a few' days with Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams' and Mies Dopelda Adams.' Messrs. Donald -Buchanan, James Ianalesehand David Andersen return- ed to Toronto to resume their work in Canada Packers after ependingthe tuilidays at their homes here. ,ANISIMiloftilftwilialOssie MOM •- WALTON ' • ' '410:48105ntli6: Ott, aSIgnAnit'. ti 8004m) $R9*;s4.uis 915 PAT OnatillAN :ANN, SMII.L7EY ' RANDOLPH SCOT+ tQVIDARDUR : AMAZING! BAFFLING! BREATH-T413:1NR! ee+ ee the bombing of Tokyo before yonr 'Teri eyest 'MO' DAY TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY SECOND SHOW STARTS 8,45 , 4t CINDERELLA SWINGS IT" Starring GUY Kilit,13AELEw__ith Glo_ria Warren-, Adapted from tits Soatte'rgood Baines stories.! "so GEORGE SANDER'S . •TOM -.CONWAY "FALCON'S BROWEle" - NEXT"TRURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY '1' SECOND. SHOW STARTS 9,15 , ,ZRIC 'PORTIVIAN ANN DVORAK " SQUADRON LEADER " • Coming — "Behind the Rising Sun" • First Show starts each evening at 7.30 p.m. MATINEE EACH SATURDAY AT 2.30 P.M. ary was born in UsbOrne Township on January ,30, 1856, a' daughter of 'the late Mr. and. Mrs. Sam Love. The family, moved to .Morris Township, andafterher marriage she lived in McKillop, later moving to Michigan. At the death of her husband She went to 'live with her daughter, Mrs. Roth - rock, in Everett, Washington, twenty-. three.. years ago.: She was a member • of , the United Presbyterian Church and a member of the Missionary So- ciety. The deceased is survived by -.three daughters: Mrs. Millie Camp - hell, formerly of Walton, now of Bri- tish Columbia; Mrs. John Dupur and • Mrs. LiUian Rothrock, of Everett, Wash., and one son, W. Menary, of Flagstaff, Arizona; •also two brothers,. George Love, Seattle, and William Love, Saskatohewan, and one sister, Mrs. Josephine Kirkconnell, Mount Pleasant, M•ich, also five agrandchia; dren and five great grandchildren. the funeral service was held from Purdy and Walter's Funeral Home, Everett, Wash. • Honor Newly -Weds On Tuesday evening of this' week about one hundred friends and neigh- bors of Mr. and Mrs. ,Thomas Mc- Nichol, - newly-weds, gathered.' in the Community Hall to honer them on the occasion of their .recent marriage. At midnight Mr, and Mrs. McNichol were called to the floor and an ad- dress was rend by Mr. nellliam Den- nis, and Mr. William Roe presented them with a purse of money, and all sang "For They .A.re Jolly Good. Fel- lows" and the remainder of thee eve - nine was spent in dancing. • Mrs. Ross Alderson," North Bay, is -visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 2:1 James Bishop. Mrs. Bishop has been confined to bed for the peat week. • Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell left last week to spendethe winter with her brother, 1VIr. Frank flamblyin Staffa. Mr. Joseph Campbell is in Scott Memorial Hospital; Seaforth, suffere .ing with a heart condition. Staff Sgt. W. C. Bennett and Mrs. Bennett were in Louden on !Tuesday. • Sgt. Frank Dundee, R.C.A.F.,-Moun- tain View'; Corporal Woodrow Mete cer, R.C.A.F., Torontoaand Miss Peg- gy King, of Toronto, spent the Week- end at the home of Mr. and- Mrs. Geo. Dundas. • • Mrs. Bert Anderson was hostess' on Wednesday, Dec. 29th, to a social for the •Sunday school scholars of St."' George's Church. Carol. singing, games and contests were enjoyed.ende Santa Claus appeared before the sup.1. per hour and distributed gifts of can- dy and oral:ekes. A delightful supper was served by Mrs. Bert Anderson, \ Mrs. Win. Humphries and Mrs. WM. Walsh. NOTICE - We , will pay SiOO per Cwt., deliverec1 to our ranch, for Old Live Horses Suitable for fox feed. • Stanley Jackson Phone 653 • r 5 - SEAFORTH NE CENT a word (minimum 25c) is all that it costs you for a classified 6t1. in The Huron Expositor. An Ad. that each week Will reach and be read by more than 2,000 families. If you want to buy or sell anything, there is no cheaper or more effective way than using an Exposi- tor classified ad. Phone 41, Seiforth. NY The Huron Expositor • • 0DEAD or ISAB.LED- n triloka: komo eet, " 219 MITOI1ELL - Skint SWEI,S011111Urnited • 1 V