HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1943-12-24, Page 4.. ,....,, r,
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,� , , Y Y O".atnge, $0.50. x. >�. `1 y IR��ua tilrRmens
Sinclair and also •to Mrs. McClymont, we talo 'delight ln. paesiAg on to you
S'haddach, 1... H. meetings, 6; T. 'Dogitute. ;,
Mrs. Miller and Mr. W. Ivison. 6 $ mall toren of our esteem and
`� IfYh'''` tt Nyle, 'E.O.1 lgeetings, $*; ,T. AY t'at< this s
, NO' t l[14'W iota CRS reset o thanlls. We 'Crust ou ou ,be able to
os arson, reglstr&tions, A.r1.P„ B.O.H.eN►L,4 TOWN t e •T Y Y
WN'°g0.&:uNII•wJ,.L14A "�"' '.^' r'� ^� \i�.J.J.R4
Y + ', I ` a ' ,; < "etIi, � � � round. Cemine$ ; le tt.-n�i words � meetingsiY $2�i R. Middleton su lies continue on ?in hJads great Service to
ux} t �•�'�j ��77�v p pp . ' our class and that our studies 'to
I"ri9i 1" ,, p41 it + week CdL`A1rSA 7,63;' A: Spencer & Son, aupphea, 14J
rY a .. • 1 Cent s t $ ES DEC
,.1Y,,ry + :' lAa RseelE ......,.,. r eat streets, $8.81,, Total $2,2.99.13. F. W. �y ° 28th gather will 'result in ('ihristian 'lives
w i r< ar week ............... _......,. % •cent ,f I ` r that will hollour our Master .and Lord.
d Suffering from Backaches Rheu- Smallacombe. and,• E. Fink: 'What the" Nl•urdl?gk $ Qrchestra
� p �lin&nuaa c Rrst insem6lan.. Caw Al?MI S Very sincerely yours, On behalf of
a uratic Pain, Sciatica; Lumbago is not I bills and accounts as read be paid. $ION ••,-•Y 35 GENTS
1�%%'e'er ` .. s `' V SBure, initial abbmvdatiQ�e °°` one woad necessary. Use RUMACAPS at once � Cal•riad. $, Kerslake and J. •Parkins: lynch Beath the Bible Class: W. H. Pflle, Presir
t ,stt , �+! y, In Jktontoriam Notices -1 cent per word, ag ;,nun, 5o cents yea. week, for, quick relief. Middletotl's Drug That we now adjourn. o dent; Edward McQueen, Secretary.
rte The Huron} lbwceitox' for 10 etara. ,zea for ,Coot Dances, Lucky
r } ? to atxda tWepk in w ch 6 Sid wis an above plea. ase not yaid by a Pa vers Di' n Door 'Prize and Hats and Horns. Blake School Concert
sy1 per week will be. chars_ it Store.
Si, ^ 'lar the w in whir8a the wl was sen. Overseas parcels should contain d 1 Manitoba
`'F'{` Blake school was filled to capacity
'SBk� . u » -j *%lacca & Creditors. Etc. -Ha tea on ayyltcatw�, " g iffiths B'ETAMIN (B -Complex) The Ne avya paper made the far- on Thursday night when the annual
r Ir, . tablets. e
'31 �, v" ', n r{ T �'� Middleton's Drug Store, Hensall, Ont. lowing reference to the' death of a wein, Detroit, are sonsa. ` school 'Christmas concert was held,
` ersOnals- In emoriiam former well known Hensall resident: Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Pfaff ware in Mr. Edmund Desch was chairman, in
e Mm . `
f,a, r_ A remark often heard is: "If you "The funeral' service for Agnes Goderich on Tuesday of , this week his usual Pleaaing manner and the
Ell � 91 t .", , rR(IIIR BACKACHES, RFIE,i]-, cGREGOR-INT LOVING MEMORY OF want axe or hammer handles of good Young, attending the funeral of Mrs. P2afP's ,program opened with *,welcome tact•
(t rw » M g, belov$d wife of R. D. Young, ro +
$ ( •`e. XR catica, Lgmbago da >vrYt • Elva Floreaaca Aadersam who passed material and well made o to jr-b-
�u"1, r:•
R� 1eRSa*,$ _'1,T9e•''A ACAPS at Once for
r :'
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I? . *0110.$dffitha BETANIN ('S -Complex)
klertsI •
�,,r TSt and Found
'§ Ii+�;.
" i
.,December 2¢et,, a small sr�pm of money.
Ow,aer may have by THE
� !"u ''
Same. .applying at
"} � '
-EXPOSITOR OFFICE° and proving
Yky�4 ,
w1. _ _
, €},`;'';i
^ 14 , . ;.
'Wednesday. between• -Winthrop and Sea-
forth„ oa east side of road- please
P f"..
I� ,,
•,-.�'. •
I .day .evening ,last, anen's merchandise.
away seven years ago. December 27, 1986. ^
What would I give her hand to dlasp,
Her dear sweet face to see;
T,o hear her voice, to see her smile.
That meant so much to US.
—Remembered by #ter Pars. Sietters and
Brothers. 3967x1
'Mary Rebecca. Bolton (Becca), who pass-
ed away hweuty five years ago today, Decem-
ber 21, 1918.
O happy hours w.e once enjoyed,
How sweet. their memory still,
But death -has left a loneliness
The world can never fill. ,
God has taken home our darling, • i
Placed our bud -among His flowers-, , ,
Taken back the one He least us,
To a bebtei •home than ours.
—LQviugly remembered by her Mother and
Owner call ANDREW McT.FLLAN, Egmoud-
vitae, and prove property. 2967-1 — -
g� ;g� _ Births ,
Help Yr ante V CRONIN;—In Soott Memorial Hla, it.,, on
December 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. . Albert
WANIZED--A RELIABLE MIDDLE-AGED Cronin, St. Columban, a son.
Yy housekeeper. Apply to Box 897, E%Pes- BURROWS—In Toronto, on December 21st,
ITOR OFFICE. 8968-tf , to Mr. and Mrs. A. A, Burrows, a son..
For Rent, . . -Deaths
REl In St. Joseph's FOR RENT--SL'g-ROOM AiPART116ENT, ON � HOspitat, Landon, on
corner of Ord and Market � D tuber 22nd, Jean •iglizabetb. (Bessie)
brick building. Apply to Box 27, or Phone Davidson, beloved wifeOfM. A. Reid, Sea -
25, Seaforth.• forth.
SILLS—In' Seaforth, on. Wednesday, Decem- -
------ ber '22nd, 'George A. Sills, .in his 89th year,
�T '--- MUIR—In Seaforth, on Tuesday, December
Wanted 21, Flora Jane Forbes, beloved wife of Bur-
_ ton Muir, im her 97th year.
ANTED TO BUY—OLD HORSES . $ISHON—Suddenly, at her late residence, 90
Avenue, ne To
per hundredweight; also 'dead mulct Kathryn Crowley,
beloved wife otf Cornelius Hher 6 and dear
animals at value_ Meat be suitable for mink sister of M. J. Crowley, in her 62nd year.
Feed. If dead, phone at ante ,to FRED CIL-
BERT, 22 r 908, or J. GILBERT, 21 r 908,
Clinton.. 8962x6
.For Sale MerrY Christmas'
On Tbursd"s.y, Dec. 16th, the neigh -
FOR SALE -1 PAIR BOYS SKATES AND bots gathered at the home of Mr.
boats, size 1; d s a. tion train with and Mrs. Martin Deitz and presented
'tracks, switches and station; 'baby's crib;
rocking horse 22P.• high; sma1�1 airplanes- them 'r-Ith an address, read by Mr.
PHONE 86-W. 3967-1 Leslie Bauerman, expressing the re -
OR SALE -ONE OR SALE -ONE GOOD DRIVING MARE. gret df' their departure from this vi.
Apply -to NELSON PFAFF, Hensall. Cinity, and a floor Iamp and hall ,tree
3967-1 was presented in, remembrance, Tthe
Pj OR SALE—loo PULLETS, APPROXI- evening was spent in cards and dano-
1 mately six months Old, white Rocks and ing, music ,being supplied by Mr. Nor -
Red Hybrid's, Call 664 r 15, Seaforth• man Bauerman. Lunch was served.
3967-1 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Steinqgher,
Fj OR SA,LEFIVE BROOD SOWS, CARRY- of Stratford, were Sunday, visitors at ,
rn8• second litter. Apply to B. F. the home of her parents, Mr.. and
�ISTIE. Seafo�• 3967x1 Mrs. Henry Koiehler,
Mr. and Mrs, Jerry Doerr were at
Gadshill on Monday. •
Cards of Thanks The concert held at S. S. No. s;
Manley School, was 'enjoyed by all
Frank Skelton wish to thank their apart§ ee t.Henryfriends, relatives and meighboan for ti�ir Miller, of the 10th, is ai
kindness and sympathy' shown. theme in their present in a precarious condition,
accept sad. bereavement- 3967x.1 suffering with a heart ailment,
;ALEX DARLING, JoLW, MICHAEL AND Much sympathy is extended to Mrs.
Muriel wish 6o thank ala for their kind- Rudolph Fisher In the death of her
mess and sympathy in the death of a dear' father, Mr. John Mogh, whose funeral
wife and mother, and .to the neig.h0ors who' was held on Wednesday at Brodha
,helped early until the end came, also for the g
beautiful flowers and to those that Ioancd en Church. -
their cans. we also wash to thank --Dr. Me- Mr. and Mrs. William Jacob, of 1
Landers and Rev. R. P. D. Hurford. and the Brodh en, celebrated their wedding
.nurse, Mrs- F. Robison, who was; so kind
to her. 3967x1 'anniversary on Monday night by en,
tertaining ,friends and 'relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Deitz, who re-
-Farms For Sale cently sold their farm to Mr. Mervin
----- = _ Deitz, moved their family and be
�"A.RM FOR SATE long;ngs to their new •home near Wil -
,100 ACRES. ,,TOVV*MP OF 'TUCKER- los* Grove. '
smith, eomvemienkly, located. Frame house, The flu is prevalent on this line.
frame barn 700' x 40r, ellen foundation. Ap- y- r• and Mrs. Henry Deitz enter -
ply to IGlkTATIUS O'LEARY, R. R. 4, Sea- tained 'their friends and ne3.ghborg t0
forth, AdmWIStaat»r Martha .Flanagan Estate dinner on Tuesday eveni�fg celebrat= c
or McCONNEL & HAYS, Sesforth, his Solid- jn3 their golden wedding -
tom. 1 8966 8 .
,.,..k X8 — a
Notices , -�--- KIPPEIV
NOTICE—ANYONE WANTING MINERAL Mrs. A. H. Gackstetter has return -
for cattle or hugs, see your Watkins- Deal- ed home after spending the past three k
- WM- BRADSHAW, ,Market Street, sear weeks wit): her brother and sister -in- y
fdrth, or Phone 50. 3967x7 law, Mr. and Mrs, Leverne Ferguson.,
N�C�WnJJAlk BRADSHAW. YOUR in St. Thomas. b
watkin's dealer, and, also agent toe• E. D. Mrs, Eldon Jarrott and baby laugh- b
Smith* A Son's trait and irnam�tal Dur"ery ter returned home on Sunday from a
stock. Market Staeet, seafortb, Ont. Phone
5! 3962x16 Mrs. Paterson's nursing home.• in c
0 Hensall. - y f
Her friends are glad to learn, that a
TUCKERSMITH Mrs... John Bell is recovering from an
attack of bronchitis, s
. Nomination Meeting The service next 'Sunday will be a
THE ANNITAL DaII;ETING OF THE TOWN- conducted by the Rev- Mr, Grant;
Ship of Tuckersmith ?or the nonimation who will dispense Communion.
of candidates for the office of Reeve and The Sunday school Chrsetalas tree a
CO 2N— for the. year 1944, -will be 'held in on Mondor
t9h'W '8 RBB. Sippen, i on , •Monday; Decem_ Y night was a great success. a
bet 27, 1348, Trams 1 to 2 p.m. If a poll be The attendance was excellent and en- a
aeeesea°y, inch poll shall be opened on Mon- Joyed the varied program and the so- s
day. JAnas� 3, 192'4, between the hours of tial hour that followed. The Rev. li
9 a•m., .and 6 P.m..at the following pdacet,
rryd,by Rhe follow2ng ofllleers: Mr. Grant occupied the chair and the
Poll Noy 1 Fi-lagan's Vacant .tore: IL grogram was as follows: A few op. Y
atewsrt, ,D:$.0.: Harry Chesney, Clerk. ening carols; recitation, Betty Lou t'
Po01 Pio. 2:= Khool Hone. No. S. Edward Y
a—, Dim • Roy h, Cly 'Watson; choles by the school • reci-
Pon Nq5 #•-,School lloase I e �: Ray ta'tion, "The Pants That Mother
gown ii 22,0:: :Fran Walters, 61eik. Made,"' by Macmillan Crani ; reciL'
Poll t.' 4 --school House Ito• 3: tion, "Seashells;" -Marion Thomson;
Map gat. 'D:R.O. ; J W.-.Maln,tossh, Clerk. C
Pali No, :6-•.4eh 1 House No. I- R D- exercise by the primary class; did 8
len, DBC.; M CTeork. Logue, "Getting Rid Of An Ageat," al
Poll Na 6 -49th I Horse, W. 9: W Mar- Wilma Kyle, Joyce Broadfoot, Jimm;e
in, D.R,O.; Ivan rorsyth, Clerk. McGregor and Isobel Caldwell; solo, pr
'ng Officer. Elizabeth Ann Sinclair; chorus, prim- t
3966.2 ary class; recitation, , "Spots," Ruth ri
Alexander; piano duet, Marion and r
1VI niCipality 'of Warren Thomson; recitation, Jack b
70 1 TP. of McKILLOP Caldwell; recitation, "1Vr i s e r a b 1 e b
Checks," Tommy Kyle; ,duet, Edna s.
G OF THE ELECTORS OF THE and Joyce Broadfoot; recitation, Eliz- e
1ott�n IV' of V-10100 will be held at abeth Ann Sinclair;' dialogue, "Tile cl
rfrrthrop on Men y, the 27th aaay of Minister's Mis•take," by Mona Cald- rf
eceAibpa for the purpose n
.eve font Co no
lora- weii, Edna Broadfoot and Donald st
Nat , axlrtiiae received .from the Bell; recitation, "Th® Doll,'' Isabel w
Vu r due (r`ad " two ,o'clock in the at- Caldwell -tela
rb gue, "No News," Ken- _k
hi a eV�& of more pertfbns being lama- netb McLellan and Donald Kyle; a.
� WO req,nlred to fill 'the several chorus by the school; recitatfon, p
to ;,. n1► 6&L Ubn wJ11 he .held on Manday, "Christmas Tree," by Joan Grant;, S
a day 40 lantmty, A.D., 1944. Polkt "Obristmlas Greetin
1 :',U dlj Td6fii 9 sale, till 5 dela. tut -the gs" by Elizabeth' st
testa;` ON&W Ann Sinclair and Jackie Bell; page. C
Ih.air�is{trils; Cmrlrrs house, Lot 10, Con- ant directed by Mrs. Grant entitled, I
!$:Pan• 6 .i'A'Ps '"'An'P:ko. Witham .,.Phe Mothers of the Bible," JPan, re
I°Will 11 Alesatider, Alice . Wren', Sybil Grant, S
d,',x , tt itbecibh .N. 010 ,hotf3t, Las 26, Y
s•: Ifl+Qiwlre, I1 R 0 �Tre. (1Rbrga Mrs. A. McMur•trie, Mrs. Harald C
,I t, , " Jones�bara'drant, Elaine Coa)]Br: all
f s'dWldi>li s eu Pati bylr.
� iS,3i 1lP �fi►Fdnli ,'V0, , a$lt fieyti ltfrhr- aridY� Elizabeth Grafit. T.he program sa
Nd (j , .., `F"" , 06. C `ItYside Ciifha: by e Hovyard tdlkle8tH de;' g2
„Y pM�liy`lis .> y�tl e8llte Santa with the di.sirt u» ra
r R{F, A �, R •d1 " 1 ,<: ' f j. -" •'ii'OIi �,
;r, •0' f l�ifeaents and a wartiftle ba co
�;; .l 6l' eadh d� dld;''the gift of >tlse: ])al)iY�i:: H
; "d 1606
W''. � ,., 118 2 ti'toxes Af
I" �, y "r1. ,
C, was held %rem Knox Presbyter an grandfather, Mr. Fell, of Godericb. talion by 'three boys; Elmer .Oesch,
Elder, of Hensall; the handle ;maker Church 'Sunday, Dec. 5th, to Riverside Nelson was a ,pallbearer. Louis Denomme and Teddy Duch -
and saw sharpener." $966 -2 cemetery. 'R.ev. G. F. Dyker officiat- Miss Phyliss Case left Wednesday arme. Next was a cal}tata entitled,
(Continued from Page -1) ed. For some time a patient in -the for St. Xatharines, where she will "In Christmasland," with Mrs. Harry
Neepawa General Hospital, the de- spend Chris'tm'as with her sister and Hess, of Zurich, 'as accompanist. Fol -
"The Star of Bethlehem." Miss Greta ceased passed away there on Thurs- brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William lowing this was tike Blake school' yell
Lammie was at the Con le. day, Dec. 2nd. A large number of 'Wilson and family. , by all the pupils and then three reci-
At the evening period of worship friends an'd church associates at- Miss Dorothy Munn., of London, tations by Mavis McBride,' Melvin
the annual white. gift service was, tended the service in respect to one spent the week -end with her parents, Gingerich and Teddy Ducharme. Mr.
theld. The scholars of the Sunday who was- honored and revered in the Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Munn. Lorne benomme accompanying him
-school took part in the service. Fol community. Born Agnes Moir, at self on the guitar, favored with two
lowing. is the order of the service: • Hensall, Ont-,. on Nov. 26, 1868, she ; Bible Class Teacher Honored' plea>�ng solos, "When It's Springtime
Organ prelude; processional , hymn, married R. D. Young at that point in` P the Deaegt" and "Rosalfta," The
"Angels From the Realms of Glo Mr. William Love, who has taught r
March 1 8
88 coming to Neepawa with next item on the Urogram was a skit
rS• the Senior Bible Class of the United
invocation; hymn, "Hark! the Herald her hgsband in 1892, where she rest-- . ' Entitled, "Barn'ey and His Troubles,"
Church Sunday school for many
Angels Sing"; Scripture recitations ed until ,her death. ,A faithful mem- featuring Barney's old horse' Spark
her of the Presbyterian, Years, 'wast pleasantly surprised on
followed by.. music responses; church Yterian Church she Plug. This was followgd by ,the mock
> was also a life m Sunday morning last when members
choir, "O, Come, Let Us Adhore Him,' ember of the W.M.S. wedding of Hiram '�Iayfever and,Sadie,
Surviving besides" husband tee' of the class presented him with a Stutters. After this wee three more
school choir and congregation; scrip- purse Of money in appreciation of his
ture recitation, Jean Armstrong; ' three daughters: Mrs. R. H. Parsons, recitations by Marjorie McBride,
Mar•wa valued services as teacher of that
scripture recitation, Charlie Fee; Yne, Alta.; Mrs. A. B. Shear- Ulene Ducsharm. and Gladys Oesch.
prayer Y er, Winnipeg; Miss Andre class, expressing ,the hope that he
ra er followed b the Lord's Pray-, y A. Young, The Blake Buckle Busters, Consisting
er; scripture readings, Georgia Cook; Neepawa, and one son, Ross A. Young will be given, health and strength to of Rose DenoLoull (piano), Kenny
continue the splendid work he has
carol.by,Choir, "Shepherds in the of Montreal. A brother, W C. Moir, Parke (drum), Louis Denomme (wash
been doing. Mr, H. Pfile read the
Field,_. biding"; riptur•e reading, resides. at Huntsville, Ont. Pallbear- accompanying address to Mr Love board), Teddy Ducharme (bass vio-
Donr.'a M,acEwan; Christmas carol, ars were F. Adam, J. W. Coutts, L P, lin); Carl "Oesch (guitar) and Arthur
and Mr. E. McQueen made the Pres- Finlayson g
"Silent Night, Holy Nigbt"; carol, Parsons, Adam Johnstone, T. H, (guitar and mouth organ)
entation, Although completely taken fO,vored with three numbers, �failowed
"We Three Kingst',` 'io ,,of 'men's Thomson and Ro`�ert' Hunter."
by surprise, Mr. Love expressed this
voices, W. O. Goodwin, Claude Blowes . the
a dialogue entitled, "Paul Facts
and Harry Hor on; recitation, "The I' Thames Road Red Cross Meets thanks in a very fitting manner. Fol the Tire Shortage." Lorne Denomme
t lowing T the -address: Dear ^ Mr. and guitar then favored ,.,with two
Child sof Long Ago," Lenore Normin- l , 'Love: The season of Goodwill is up- „
•ton; children's carols, "Little Chil- i ` The annual Red Cross meeting of on us when we recall this kindness of 'more numbers Star Spangled an-
dren Rise and Sing"; presentation' Thames Road, near Hensall, was held net" and "Busted Down Blues." The
our friends during the Year. We, the next number was a radio program,
ceremony; explanatory remarks; Miss at the ,home of Mrs. Percy Passmore, members of the Bible Class, desire -to
M. Ellis calling of classes to present of .Usborne. The' treasurer's report consisting of .many _ varied numbers
was presented and was very express a't this time our, sinpere ap- .with Uncle Ezra
the virile gifts was in chalrge of Mr. ry gratify- played by Johnny
Edison Forrest,- superintendent of predation of your splendid "service as Baker, announcing,
ing. -Collections for the year , veto g. The ,first number
our Bible Class teacher, We wan to I
the Sunday school, and "It Came Up $89.88; receipts from two plays, voice in as on the radio program^•was a duet by
rat r
t t;al 'a
P wa
s os- .
o Y P
on id 31.5 F
Midnight Clear." I $ 2 Federation of Agriculture stele our n' , �' Ulene and -Elva Ducharme, "Paper
banquet, $99.38; Red Cross gratitude,,, for -the , helpful Doll.,"- accom y
At the evening service Miss Gladys q quilt aby manner in which Phned b Rose Dettom-
Luker ,accompanied at the piano and you .live" im Otte- me on ',trhe
Group 1, $40.0'Q; , Mission Circle auto- $ piano. Second was little
a to us the meaning of th. a lessons from
Miss Laramie at the organ. During graph quilt, $42.00; total $312.51. It Grace Edb singing in her own inimit-
SundaY 'to S "day: • We desir to
the offering ,they contributed Olean- was decided to send Christmas cards � e able style, "When We All Get Toge-
to the boys se1'YIAg' in Canada. .Mrs, speak of our 'faithfulness' to the ther." Third number was the Blake
tiful number, 'The Holy City." Many I class in ,the dischar e l of this duty
favorable Comments were heard on E. 'Luxton was the winner of the g - Y 'Puddle Jumpers, playing "Little
the rendition of -this selection, The lovely autograph quilt donated :by the and especially In those anxious •and Brown Jug." Next was, a duet," Reu-
Mission Circle girls for the Red Cross, difficult days when you•had;rso much ben and Rachael, sung by Richard
church decorations were lovely in sickness in your homn. -We -are all Millman and Erma, Beachler, Next ,
keeping 'with the occa ion, the credit Rev. Mr. Mair took the chair for the
of which election of officers for Ch which re- pleased to know. that Mrs. Lows has was Cowboy Carl Oesch singing "True I
goes to .Mrs. Spen- improved considerably and we „hope Blue Bill," followed by the Bronson!
cer, Mrs. Claude Blowes- and Mrs. P. sulted as follows: President, Mrs. she will maintain the health regain ,trio, Jean Gillowedh, Margaret Erb,
McNaughton. William Cann; vice-presidents, Mrs.
Special objectives for this year S. Coward and Mrs. J. Hodgert; •treas- 1. •. . .•
were two very deserving causes, •the urer, Mrs. James Simpson'; secretary, ' - _. • •
children of Great Britain, who -have :Mrs. R. '-Miller; assistant, a Mry R.
been left homeless and in many',cas- Dawson; entertainment -committee, .
es as orphans - through the bombing Mrs. R, Cann, Mrs. R. Duncan, Mrs. -
raids over England, and the thou- L. Thompson, Mrs, J. Hodgert, Mrs.
sands of hungry and ill -clad children Milton McCurdy, Rev. Malt, Mr. Daw- I v '
of China. They Chinese people for son; sewing convener, Mrs; T. Bal- ' '
seven' long years have been waging lantyne; knitting, Mrs. Wiseman; '
war against their Japanese oppres- quilt convener, _Mrs. Charles Allison. • !
sors and have shown remarkable I
courage and. tenacity. The offering W. M'. S. Elects Officers
from the Sunday. school and congre- At the annual nneeting of t4er-•W. M. '
gation amounted to $173.00. S. of the United Church, Grand Bend, •
A4,(ss Loretta Bell, of Exeterf Cpl. the following officers were appointed.., •
Forbes and Pte. Officer Finlayson, of for the 1944 gate: President, .Mrs.
the Training School, Centralia, were (Rev.) Cleave;, vicepresident, Mrs.
recent ,visitors' with Mr. and Mrs. Johnson.; 2nd vrce-'president Mrs, Mc -
W -M Hyde. Clar•en; secretary, Mrs, CAn Love;
Mrs: Jack Williams, of Waterloo, is treasurer, Mrs, Max Turnbull; secre- WEMUSTHOLD
visiting with her parents, Mr. and tary Christian Stewardship, Mrs. AI- TH
Mrs. M. G. Drysdale. w' ]an Mille
Mrs. Alice Joynt was in Exeter this r, Helpers, -Mrs. Don Hen- . .
week attending the '50th wedding drick, Mrs. Wm. Love, Mrs. ,Garnet .
g Patterson; Strangers' secretary, , Mrs. .
iiversary of -'tier sitter anis brother -in- Emery Desjardirie; Associate Help- On the -home front the battle against'
I Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strang, ers, Mrs. Remy LavelW Mission'
The` December meeting of the Band Supt., Mrs. Garnet Patterson; now the most a itieall of anis
Wohelb Class of -the United Cthurcti assistant, Mrs: Eddie Gill; Baby Band
was held In, the church schoolroom f
.Supt., Mrs, Manford Luther; assist- m
on Friday evening last with Edison ant,, Mrs. Allan Miller; Missionary - The winning o this battle will contri
Forrest in :the Chair. The meeting .Monthly, Mrs. Mary Gill; Literature
opened with 'the hymn, "Away int a `secretary, Mrs, Emery Desjardine; , •
Manger" and the Lord's Prayer in pianist, Mrs. Mansel Mason; Temper- to winning the 'are
unison. The scripture lesson was talo ante secretary, Mrs. Garnet Patter -
en by Mr. Ross Forrest. A , Christ- '
pas ,by was sung and Miss` Mattie son; press secreta , Mrs. Cyrus
It will contribute more than till else t
Ellis told the Christmas .'tor A Green; auditors, Mzs. Sam Hendrick . •
Y• and Mrs. Rufus Turnbull. solution of post-war problems.
cutest was airanged by Mary Good- Miss Jennie Taylor was taken 20 '
V and Edison Forrest. Lunch was Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on '
creed Sunday suffering with, blood poison-
ing in her band. • 0 .6
Home I.From `Overseas In connection with the Offering for
Corporal Donyd'-ho h" ig, well the white gifts for "the bombed out The purpose of Price Control is to pre
nown Hensall bo who has seen four; children of Great Britain ,and the
ears of active service overseas, ar- Chinese Relief, $193.100 was received,
ived home Saturday afternoon • by l some $20 having been sent in to the ' • tion. Its purpose is, to protect and mains
115 from Kingston, where he had treasurer, Mr. Drysdale. This white -
e'en•confined for the past two ,zI,eeks gift service :was held in ,the United standard of living. 'A,
t the military hospital, shaving re- Church Sunday evening last. , .
ently arrived on the Lady Nelson The Hensall Red Cross work rooms 4 °
tom England. ,Dona.ld• is the only will be closed until Monday, January A higher money income will not be
on of Mrs. Mary McKaig, of Hensall, 3rd. Any o4e wishing Yarn, for knit- °
nd was wounded in -action in Sicily, ing sweater"s and socks can g'et•same vantage... if, because prices are goln
uffering a fractured hip and several by calling at •the. Hensall': Library, t' •
roken ribs. He was wounded in in];/Miss Ph,Mss Case, of Hensall, has :• money buys -less and less.- '
nd was in a cast for four month . received word of the death of her He arrived in Canada on a stretcher uncel, Mr. Reginald Victor Case, of �
nd recently discarded his crutches Wyoming, who died at Petrolia Hos- To wi the battle against unemploy
nd came to Hensall with the aid otz petal in his 57th year. He was born '
cane. His arrival home was a, great: in the Exeter district and is well post- ar period, we must first of a
urprise to his mother.'i- Donald en- known around that district and also ' •
sted in Picton October, 1939, :going in the Hensall district. Surviving are battle against inflation. ' - ,�
verseas in December of the sai4e his widow and one young daughter
ear. His many friends, are plea'Sid three years of age; one sister, Miss . ,
o see him home again./ Susie Case, of St. Catharines, and one i 'a '
brother, Nelson, of ,Sarnia. Private t
Council Holds Meeting funeral, services were beld at the Me- F
Kay & White Funeral Home, Wyom- Salaries and wages are a large elI
A'statutary meeffng of the village ing on Monday last 'at 8 P.M,, and'sei--
ouncil was held Monday evening at vice was held' at Part Colborne on
p.m. .in rhe council chamber with Wednesday, with ihterment in Port largest elei:sent, in the cost of every i
I members present, Minutes of the Colborne cemetery.
ns,a s meeting were read, J. Par- Mr. J. w Citizens,one of a 'Oldest
If thea Price Ceiling breaks down, in� the
ns,and F. W Smallacombe: That best known citizens, and the oldest
be minutes be adopted as read. Car- resident° here, will be 94
years young' all •stand to lose.
ed. R: J. Paterson, tax collector, on Cliriatma day, Dec. 2Ah, and on' .
to taxes collected to date as New Year's Day Mr. and Mrs. Ort -
Bing $10,527.12 and outstanding as wein will observe thdir 5$rd we'd'ding 1
be $986.95. T. Kyle asked about anniversary. A resident of Hensall, We ntust-hold the line against inflation
nowplowing of the -streets; instruct- for some fifty years, Mr. Oitwei.n was . °'f f
d to secure a horse for same- Coun- born at Hidelburg, where ire was post- victory In War.
llor Smallacombe asked about the master for Some years.and merchant,
nk, stating it was 'about tine to He also conducted a store at Seafor'th
art. Kyle instructed to get in touch and Hensall, and until recently Jae We must hol(d'the line to provideta $Oil
lar someone. Miss C. Mitchell -ap- was active in church' brganizati'ons, fs L
eared re 1ht r .taxes as being too high and for 25 years w9A superintendent tion On which, after the Waris to build
an not able to get employment to of ,the Sunday school of the United'. • a9
ay Same.,. A. -Kerslake and F. .yt�. Church. He served on .the board of and a better Canada.
mailacom6e: That T. Kyle be in- councillors at one bine ad" was
rutted to collect {roll taxes at once. president of the Western Ontario
or'res'Pondence w9s read as follows: Bible Society for a term of years. He
.1 1111
mperial Oil Julited, County Clerk a Cys very good health and still
wood, Department of Munitions. & trips to 'the post office daily for his m
uPli1Y ,re wood; Village of Exeter; mail and "i's a fa.rr►il'ia1+ flgYire on the
anad9an Legion; Same considered streets•. He atte tis church regularly .. PRIME MINIST
d filed. Bilis and accounts-- lin- every Sunday an enjoys li%e and Is IT School Board, ec hool rates, $4; a:s smart and active as ever', and his r
0; 'Coutlty of Huron; •County rates, many friends wist►, him many More ..
02'2,68; Hensall Pilirlic Library, lib- birthdays, ` Mrs. brenhholt, kitchen and", histo mer 12, �f -
ry ,telae, $144,60; A. H. i7rs tie, er; 'lifts• j.tifir; PailYtsatraTtia 1Virs. M.
Meeting tax arrears, $17,10; lie It o ' s TiY`. '' 'r r„=..m
Mrs 411-bzes A� Paterson,, . ,, _ , ,1 .. , ., :..
Comtnissfon, stfe#t '1 g)ite l of s ., , � , . :,
en �1X d
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' The sincBxB Feeling of .our ''• ;
' Christmas . W'islles.• for You 7
jn ,aur comnnunity ,can't be
fuh -• conveyed !by words, ' + '
The best that we can say is
that good• phrase and true t � '
A , , .
MERRY - ”"
' WAGOO Win , ,
>b° , .
�/ ,a,
and Carl Oesch, singing' "Lily of the " ' ' -
'Valley." Two chorus -by the entire
school and then a closing recitation
given by three boys, Murray, ,Baker, •q
Louis Denomme and Teddy 'Ducb- '
charme, brought the program -to a o ,
close. Santa then came and u'nload-
'ed the Christmas tree and with the t '
singing of "God Save the King" the
entefitainm,,enn was over. Santa then • '� ''
wished v fiYa Very Merry. ChristmaF
and departed on ,his way. Mr. Artbur t i
Finlayson is the teacher of, thisschool.
-t .
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