HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1943-12-24, Page 1ter t • • • • • • • 13 • •,• r • !',134, 3 '3 --,••••-yr-'en-Tet",e lo, ,14Ighte-fourth Year :Whole Number 8967 3 ••••••3: Oldest •Zusinessmari\ of • Seaforth, A. Sills, Dies Following Short Illness e e e Bags MesseTschinitt A Seaforth airman, Flyidg Offi- cer Aldie Eckert, son of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Eckert, of MeKillop, was observer in an an -craft that was responsible for a Messer- schmitt• 110, plunging into the ground as a flaming victim of the , accuracy bf R.C.A.F. squadrons overseas. The successful raid ov- er enemy territory *took place Monday night a • EGMONDVILLE PAIR k, MARRIED 50 YEARS MI\ and Mrs. Nelson Keyes Receive Congratulations From Many Friends. • On the nineteenth day. of Decembei: 1893, an attractive wedding was sol- . etunized ea the late Mr • • • and Mit"Gelhattit'efiliaie-Whiti 'Mete second daughter, Minerin.:Marion, was • (Continued on Page' 5) • Widely Known Hardware Merchant Active in Town Activities For More Than 70 Years. • RENOWN ,ATHLETE OF FORMER YEARS George Archibald Sills; Seaforth's Oldest business man and one of Hur- on County's most widely known, es- teemed and honored citizens, passed away at, his home 'on the corner of John and, High Streets, Wednesday morning, December 22nd, in his 89th • year. Mr. Sills had been confined. „to his home for the past -five Week, :but previous to that had enjoyed remark- able health for his years, being down town every day and taking a keen interest in town and .worldl: affairs, and until the last retained unimpaired all the faculties of his keen and en- lightened mind. • Born in Brucefield in 1856, Mr. Sills was a descendant of a United Empire Loyalist family. When twelve years JOE' age he Came to Seaforth and with the exception of a year spent in Win- nipeg, ire• had been a continalous. rese 'dent of thie town -ftir 77 years. For nearly 70 years he was connected (Continued on Page 5) GYARGE 'A. SILLS •PASSES • • • •0(:". • George, A. Sills, ,oldest Seaforth ,business man, Who' passed away Wednesday'erierning after a short illness. He was in his 89th year, and for seventy years had been connected with the hard- ware business in Seaforth. • 11, oet } /33, I je le I 3343:14) 413. .343, 4/34' ) rat 13.41 rat •Ot•t3 '33 333. •433 343: 3334 1433 . 3433 3'333 3¼ 3¼ Iv 354 .3433. '.3434 3e• ' 3.33 3'33 • We' extend our Hand in Greeting to All those Friends whose kindly Patronage and Co-operation has Made the Season of 1943 just dos- ing, a Pleasant one to, look back upon. 14 A> MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL N. Clair' Sons — . a • rk,1 7;•"3 ;•1:00 't3r.:-s4 ye';'?•P r;,t , • :•••„, ' TWO OUT OF(THREE SCHOLARSHIPS TO SEA,FORTHSCBOOLS E.. W. RLis-ell and W. Hay Win First and Third Scholarships. SECOND T.0 GODERIGH • Two ef the three -CiIrter Scholar- ships for Huroh County havebeen awarded to two Seaforth high school The• first, award of $100,00 cash g�es q Miss* -E. Winnifred Russell. Miss Russell had previously been awarded-- a Uniyersity College, Uni- versity of •Torofito Scholarship with a possible value of $900.00. She is at presentiattending' the 'University of Tomato, taking an ihotior course in Mathematics and •Physics. She is the daughter of Mrs. J. B. Russell, R.R. 2, Seaforth. The third award of $40.00 cash goes to Miss Wilma Hair. Miss Hay had previously been awarded a tuition scholarship at the University Of Western Ontario with a value of $250. She is at present attending the Medi- cal College at the 'University of West- ern Ontariop She is the daughter of Mrs. W. S. Hay, R.R. 2, Seaforth. • The second award of $60.90 cash goes to Robert Bisset, of the Goderich (Contintiedron Page 6) • FRIENDS HONOR HAROLD CUMMINGS Mr. Harold CtiMmiags, Grange 67, S"tratford, was guest of honor at a duck dinner held Sunday evening to celebrate is birthday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. E, Buchner, proprie- tor of Melroy Dairy, Stratferd, of which he is Member.of the staff. Other guests included Mrs, M., J. Buchner, Mrs. H. Cumming% and fm- I1y and Iffr.aGerdon Selteen ,0• 33; Announce Schedule For Intyrmediate 'A' Hockey, • '4) • • 94 Years' shows no indications whatever of it. On Monday last he was ira this office •as active and ellen. gatic as he was nearly half a century ago, when' he was one of Seaforth's leading, be'sines,s men, and no one today could ev. suspect his age by his looks -and actions. The Expositbr extends congrat- ulations to Mr. J. W.e0i-twein;-oe• Hensall, who. on ghribtmas Day will celebrate his 94th birthday. It is a great age, 'bet Mr. Ortwein • • • • • HENSALL VILLAGE TO OBSERVE BOXING DAY „DECEMBER 27 Special Christmas Serviees Were Observed in unit- ed Church on Sunday. NEWS OF IIENSALL , - The Hensall cbuncin•bas proclaim- ed Boxing Day, Dec. 27,th, a cleat bond*. 40010 Christmas eel -vices were Clubs Meet in, Clinton Tues- day When Schedule and Playoffs Are Arranged.. Intermediate O.H.A. hockey will get under Way in the district on Tuesday, January6th, when Seaforth meets Goderich In Goderich. The -first home game is scheduled. for January llth, when Clinton plays here. The Seaforth club was represented at the' meeting held in 'Clinton Tues- day night 'and at which schedule ar- rangements were completed by Lorne Dale, Amos Corby and K. I. McLean. (Continued on Page 5) REP C;ROSS'T NOES aversas Since 1939 orman M. 8 Fatallir Dieppe Veteran Dies Of Wounds Rsceived in Ital- ian Campaign: SIN-COLUMBAN NATIVE Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McQuaid, of McKillop, received the sad news on Sattirday, Dec. 18th, rof the death of their son, Corporal Norman M. Mc- Quaid, of the Royal Canadian En.gin- eers,. who, died of wounds in -Italy on December 9th. Corporal McQuaid was born in Mc- Killop Township twenty-nine years ago. He received his education in St. Columban separate and continua- tion sehools. A prominent athlete, he was a star haIaback on. the St Columban Junior W.F.A. champion football team of 1933, and also play- ed for the intermediate teams drlat- er years. He also played hockey for Columban in the Rural League. He joined the Royal Canadian. En- gineers in September, 1939, and after training in London he arrived over- seas on December 31st of that year. In 1940 'he took •part in the Allied „raid and .occupation of Spitzbeigen. Reteri4aingatee-to--he• took cem- mando training and then came safely through the raid on Dieppe. He remained in Britain, until the invasion of Sicily, which he escap- ed injury only to die of wounds in the Italian campaign. He leaves to mourn his death his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mc- Quaid; four sisters, Mrs. V. J. Lane, of St. Columban; Mrs. Harold Allen, of Goderich; ,Rose, R.Nelif. Toronto, 'and Mary, of Toronto; four brothers, Father Thomas McQuaid, of the Scar- boro Foreign Missions of Peking,, China, who has been in a Japan- ese concentration camp, for aeven months; Brother Joseph, of, De La Salle College, Toronto; John, of St. Thomas, and Wilfred at borne: 'One brother, Joseph, was drowned in 1924. Warm clothing such as coats, dress- es, sweaters, mittens, etc., bedding 'and towels of all cle,scriptions, are re- quested for the Canadian Aid to Rus- siaaclothing campaign. Either hew or used articles are mast acceptable. as long as they are in a reasonably good condition ant worthr, as a gift from t Caada t� over Russian Allies. • At the moment the Division is bend- ing every effort to get off is large a shipment as possible as a Cheistmas gift to our Russian Allies from -the people of Ontario. Howevler, .xnent will be made periodically as held in the United Church ,Sunday,. long as the contributions come tn. Dec. 19th, at 11 a.m. and 'Lao p.m. ' * '`* * The minister, Rev. R. A. Brook, for .The P,xecutive of the local branch his morning enbjent spoke ettehde to all workers and sympathii- ers Merry Christmas, and may the IsTeW /eat be a peaceful' one. We ate indeed 'grateful. to everyone who. has Manger For a Cradle..."..''rhe choir un- der the leadership of W.4.GoOdWin, 'preeented two ittspithe ,antlietne, What Moan Those /10r* 'Vetoes" and helped th make the year's ererlt (00atira1eil 011 kitge • r •Pe" t' t • CHRISTMAS CAROL SERVICE PRESENTED BY SEAFORTH PUPILS Chorus of 200 Voices Under the Direction of Miss M. E. Turnbull. - ON FRIDAY EVENING • • , The annual Christmaseearol service which was presented bat Ole pupils of Seaforth public sce hool, under. thcli• rection of Miss. Mabel E. Turnbull, was held in Northside P.nited Church on Friday evening last, with a large a lien dance. , The pupils were assisted, by_ the senior' Kroup from the' Collegiate, not aloing in all about 200 VOiCPS. The (Continued on Page 5) McOua id • Wounded At ,,,,r• vf 40 KILLED IN ITALY •,34;,'3,;„3 ° Corporal Norman M. McQuaid, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mc- Quaid,.McKillop Township, who e diediecof wounds received in the Itaily1 campaign., He has been Ofreqa-egiVen-11339:"-" , DUBLIN SOLDIER SERVING IN ITALY Pte. Michael Feeney is Son Of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Feeney. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Feeney have learned- that their son, Private' Michael Feeney, is serving with the armed forces in,Italy. Zion Women's Association, met at' the church baserhent and completed, four quilts for war service,work. „Mrs. John Rogers left for Windsor and Detroit to spend the winter months with her sons, Lorne and Er- rol. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kleinfeldt (Continued on Page 5) • • 33 Curlers Hold 67th Annual The 67th annual meeting of the Sea - forth Curling Club was held Thum.. day, Dec. 1.6tb. at the municipal chlim- hers and the following officers for the currenreeason were elected: President, R. J. Winter; vice -Presi- dent. B. F. Christie; secretary -treas- urer, E. C. Boswell; assistant secre- tary, D. H. Wilson; executgve, W. A. Wright. WE. Southgate, W. J. Dun- can, R. J. Sproat, C. A. Barber, C. M. Smith. • 0 The treasurer reported the financee of the club to be in a healthy condi- tion and the prospects for a success- ful year considered excellent. t ,,,The Curling Club regrets to record the loss by death during the year of three members: Rev, W. A, Brem- ,•••••• „ea e•• ,.••••• !0•4) e•-• re t ;ea eat •••••• e e• ""' rata"' 333, 35, 34,3, , 33. 633, • 333.. 333; 3,r • e. .33 • 313 1-33c EVERY JOY HE YOURS THIS CHRISTMAS SEASON! WM. AMENT • • •re tew • .4/e-' re' ra'"a'•'("1.;14, TO. .,' 'rt;••tr,5*:•••w,i•4 "rI11030; ke, ' A'•V,P2eit''' 9 3. 133 3', $1',',33.414. .3 33, ,`•3,33',30 3: 3