HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1943-11-19, Page 1S.:4•4744,44.•"4"..4.414,4e „... „ , • st... 4.; c. • • e". Itt • t 4.• ligl4y4qinuz Year Whole umber 3960 '0 SEAFORTH, 'ANNOUNCEMENT Huron Courity Council MADE OF REDUCEDBansPeer Iiiintin4 By. RURALINDRORATES Record'Vote Wednesday Expected Rural Power Dis- tricts win -Save $500,000 Under New Rates. SERVICE CHARGE OUT Reduction in hydro rates for 129,000 rural Consumers through a uniform power rate for all rural areas of the provinte, elimination of service charg- es to farmers and an amalgamation of the rural power districts was an- nounced this week by the Ontario Hydro Electric. Power Coe:mission, The revision in rates and the in- stitution of a uniform rate' for all 'Ur- ea consumers was decided upon nil- , lowing a thorough study of the whole late structure by 'the Ontario Gov- ernMent and the Ontario Hydro Elec- ' fate' Power Comniission. The new rates are to become ef- fective January lst. They will give the greatest reduction where most needed-Lthat is to those living in thigh rate districts. A saving at $527,- 500 a year friWresult to rural power consumers, with the cost of power re- duced for about 129,000 out of 133e WO' rani; users. . In simplifying the whole rate struc- ture the commission and government' have eliminatedneeniee charges to all farmers' who are primary, producers producers and have reduced service charges to all remaining rural con- sumers. Under the -revised system a rural consumer's average hydro bill in high rate districts will be com- pared with $4.21 previously and com- pared with the monthly bill in low rate districts of $2.92.. • The new uniform, 'kilowatt hour rate adopted by the governneent and commission is four cents per -keihr fo- the first block of kilowatt hours, 1.6 cents per kwhr for the second block of kilowatt hours and .7-5 cents pee- . k.whr- for all remaining nionehlY con- sumption. All will be subject to 10 per cent.. prompt payment discount. Farrar. service, will be charged' on these kilowatt hour rites without any service charge. A minimum monthly (Continded from Page 4) • Clarke Elected to Boys'Parliament Word has just been 'received that Mr. Ernie Clarke, of Seaforth, has been elected by acclamation as mem- ber of the Ontario Older Boys' Par- liament for the riding of South Huron, The Ontario Older, Bon' Paellia- • merit meets .this .'year at -Kitchener from December ..27th to 31st. It is co posed. of members elected from is Groups and registered organiz- ed Sunday School classes throughout Ontario. Where there is more than one nominee in an electoral district, an election is theld in the same. way as in a provincial election. Ernie Clarke, who has just been elected for South Huron, is a member of the Tux - is Group of Northside United Church. After the Old Boys' Parlianient as- seraliles, a premier and a leader of the opposition are selected. The pre- mier chooses his cabinet from the members elected. Problems confront- ing boys'of today are dealt with and 'discussed itt ...parliamentary fashion. Members of the Provincial Legisla- ture lend a keen, ear to the delibera- tions of these older boys of Ontario, and on many occasions have used the ideas brought forth'iby the members of the Ontario Older Boys' Parliament. • RED CROSS NOTES Last week we •reported preeeens from Egmondyille and Duffs for the Blood Donors Cline Benefit armounta- lag to 435.60. From the parties held In town On, Tuesday evening the sum of $144.45 was realized, bringing- the total to date $180.0-5. At each party in Seaforth an ap- peal from the Chairman of the Blood Donors Committee, Dr. F. J. BurroWs, was presented, in -which the value of tke blood pia:Ma was stressed and the hope for more donors was eutpress- The following is a list of those lad- ies who held panties: IVIre C. Stew- art, Mrs. P. B. Moffat, Mrs. F. Kling, Mrs. F. S. Sillee Mts. K. 111'. McLean, Mrs. H. R. Scott, gr, X. Beattie, 'Mrs. E. A: 1V1eMe5ter, Mrs. J. M. Me. MUD auji Mrs. E. a. Clege. Sev- *NAY tables Were in OW. • • • • • • •Large Delegation asks For System of Health Service in Connection with Public Sch.00ls itt County-. 2.L" Pilot Officer At the graduating exercises in connection with No. 6 Service Flying Training Sohool, Dunnville, 'on. Friday last,. Thomas D. Sills, son of Mn. and Mrs. F. S. Sills, of Seaforth, was graduated as a Pilot in the R.C.A.F.,' his wings being pinned on 'by his • recent bride, Sgt. Nora Sills, of the Wo- men's Division of the Air Force, Camp Borden. At the same time he was commissioned as a Pilot Officer in the R.C.A.F. • • " • • • • HURON OLD BOY IS HONOURED IN U.S. Judge George A. McLeod, of Halley, Idaho, Celebrates 86th Birthday. Probat Judge George A. McLeod; of Blaine County, Idaho, Ontario native of the Brueefield district in Huron County, marked his 86th birtledaY on November llth, in his chambers sur ' - rounded by his staff who presented nem with •a huge 'birthday cake, a eopy of the Hailey, Idaho, Times, re- eeived in Seaforth reveals. Judge McLeod, who is a veteran of the 1885 Riel Rebellion and one of the surviving membersof the Seventh Fusiliers of London, returned to that city from that northwest campaign i and shortly afterward, in 1886, moved to the 'United Ste-0es, settling in. Halley.. He has been a resident of that place ,and state ever since. As early as 18.97 he was appointed leputy' assessor at Hailey, and this winter marks the 36th year .1te has held public office in Blaine County out of the past '46: He has a sister living at Clinton. Judge McLeod is a life member of Britannia Masonic Lodge, Seaforth, having been initiated on January 77, 1884; and has retained his .member- ship for 59...years. • • RememberNavy WeekNov.21-?17 ' "Ashore and afloat the Navy League cares 'for the sailors." The Navy League of Canada is a civilian organization and was estab- lished in 1917, It is supported and maintained ' by „ voluntary subscrip- tions. The extent Of its work is wide- ly know: dad especially after four years of s. etie among the sailors of the Navy and Merchant Navy, Next week, November 2Ist to 27th, inclusive, will be known as "Navy Week" when public attention will be focused all the Navy, the Merchant Navy and the work of the Navy League in relation to both. It is estimated that. more than half a million people take a 'personal in- terekt in •the, filling' of ditty. ibags which are distributed during the Christmas season to merchant sea- men and naval ratings. Last year 103,450 were filled by 'enthusiastic Navy League supporters ,and distri- buted and this year the number will probably reach a grand total of 150,- 000. As far as possible, every sailor in a Canadian port will be given a ditty bag between now and Christ- mas. • In addition to all the, handy things that go to make up a ditty bag, thousands of garments such as sweaters, socks, caps and helmets are contributed by the women' of Can- ada and distributed by the Navy League. Hundreds of survivors' butte dles have been made up and shipped to the coestl, ports as well as many hundreds of fur -lined -Tests. The need for knitted comforts like the need for magenines; is ever pres- ent. It' would be impossible for the Navy League to receive tocf many. Navy Week is obser1/4d each year not only as a week of remembrance but also because it affords an oppor- tunity for the Navy League eci tell of the gratitude of, the Men, who do so much but say so little about it. Professor: "Er, my dear, what's the meaning of this, vase of flowers on the table today?' Wife: "Meaning? Why, today is your wedding anniversary" Professor: "Indeed! Well, well; do let the know when yours 4s-40 I May do the same for you." TREASURER ERSKINE. PREDICTS SURPLUS Huron County Connell opened its November session in the, council chamber of the -Court House, Gode- rich, on Tuesday with Warden B, W. Tuckey presiding. In bee opening address Wartime Tuckey expressed 'his pride in Huron County's amazing war effort during the year in subscribing .$6,635,450 to the two Vietory Loans. Huron Coun- ty Council has authorized a total pur- chase in 1943 of $75,00. and Ltsrf holds $105,000 'inl. Victory Bends, ." Owing to.shortagkof laibor and 14a7 tenials, the Warden COMinued; 'We county .highway committee had net been able to build many new bridges but had kept the reads in theliest Of condition. He hoped an extension to the County Home would be possible in the near 'future. He Paid tribute to the late J. A. McKenztennormerly reeve of Ashfield, and 'hoped for - a speedy recovery, for the sister of Reeve, Robert E. Turner, of Goderich. The Warden stated that he would like to seean open season for deer declared in -Huroe. County and to have the Department of Game and Fisheries appoint a full-time game ov- erseer in the county. (Continued on Page 5) • Hold Euchre And Dance The Seaforth Women's institute held a most successful euchre and dance in the Armories on Friday eye- ing last. The proceeds were used to send Christmas boxes to 26. men ov- erseas. Prize winners for euchre were as follows: Ladies' first, Men Charles Eyre; men's first, Mr. Lorne Wilson; ladies' lone hands, 'Mrs.Bt y 1‘,Ec- i Geoch; merne lone hands, M . Hiram Shannon:. consolation, ladies, Mrs. Harold Jackson; men, Mr E. H. Close. During intermission our quilts were auctioned by the Institute with Mr. Harold .Jackson as auctioneer. is The draw was made . for the cord of wood which was won by Mrs. Har- ry Tyndall; the Wesolcot. blanket -was won by. Miss Ethel Beattie, Seaforth, and'Mrs. 'Harry C. CheSneyWon"the wool cushion. Old-time dancing was enjoyed with music by Irwin's' orchestra and Mel. Cinch as floor manager, Following are the games of the 26 men overseas who were sent parcels by the Institute: Pte, Arnie Anchi- bald, Lt, Frank Archibald, P.O. James Broadfoot: Tpr. Arthur Cameron; Tpr. Jack Cameron; Sapper Don Dale, Gunner Murray Doig, Pte. Stanley Force OnSilan, Clare Haney, Fus. Rus- sel Hodgert, Pte. Stewart Love, Cpl. Arthur Leyburn, Pte. Ken MacKen- zie, L. -Cpl. Ian Nesbitt, Pte. Andy O'Leary, Pte. Billy' Powell, Pte. Cam- eron Rintoul, Tpr. Frank Walsh, Pte, John Wood, P.O. ldie Eckert, Pte. Alex Irvin, Sgtenfohn Drover, Cpl. Fletcher Whitmore, Steward Allan Nicholson, Sgt. Frank Devereaux, L. - Cpl. Bruce Boyes. • Snowy weather did not deter the East Side collectors onnTuesday af- ternoon and a fair amount of Salvage was brought in from, the east side of Seaforth and from Eginondville. In the evening a group of sorters arriv- ed from Egmondville United Church, and the salvage was soon ready for' the shipping. * *• Rags, particularly of cdtton, are re- quired in ever-intreasing quantities. They' are desired for wipers for the Armed Forces and war industry, and the Departnient points out ,.that cotton shirts, underwear, cotton ap- rons and dresses, cotton sheets and curains and other cotton articles mos: onaly large in size, will fill the re- quirements nicely. Canada supplies only a finiall percentage of its wit).- ing rags and is dependent for the ban ante on the Mport market, and it is difficult to procure these rags at the present time. Consequent1Y, it is doubly urgent that Canadian honse- 'holders salvage their cast-off wearing Materials, particularly cotton,: DUBLI ENT Hensa41.0egiortSponso HASALL S -STOLEN Successful Bingo an FROM PA KED CAR Joseph L. Ryan Finds Gas Tank Punctured and All Gas Stolen. NEWS • OF DUBLIN Jos;ph L. Ryan, of McKillop Town- ship, left his automobile standing outside Itis house 'one night and in the morning discovered that some un- known person had bored a hole In the bottom of the gas tank and disap- peared with six gallens of gasoline. It required several hours for a service- man to repair the damage to the car. The culprit has not -yet been discni- ered. Personals: Mr. and Mrs. Edward McGrath and children, Ilderton, with Frank McConnell; Mothee M. St. leav- • ed, MothereSt. Thomas and Mother M. Alice, Glengarda, Windsor, at the Ursuline Convent; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Elliott have leased the residence late- ly vacated by Mrsn-Elizabeth Nagle; Mr. and Mrs. Foutre, Rev. Joseph O'Rourke, and Frank Kroskie, Tillsori- burg, with 11113. and' Mrs. John Flan - eery; Mr. and Mrs. John Burns, Sea-, forth, with Mr."and' Mrs. M. J. Nagle; Miss Marion McIver, St, Jos- eph's Hospital, Chatham, with •her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McIver; Mr. and Mrs. nohn.O'Reilly, Stratford with relatives;- Thomas Moylan and son, John Moylan, in Sarnia; Miss Eleanor McGrath, student nurse at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, with her, parents, Mr. and • Mrs. Patrick Mc- Grath; Patrick McGrath has retired from the C.N.R. where he has been (Continued an Page 8). • Lady Bowlers' AnnualMeeting ' The annual meeting"- of the lady bowlers was held at the home of Mrs. M. A. Reid on Thursday, Nov. llth, with the president, Alice Reid, pre- siding, The treasurer's report was Teed by Frances Matthew's which showed a balance of $141.77 for the year. It was decided to turn $1.00.0& over sto foe men's club to cover their part of the expenses. The bowlers' bridge, which was to he held. in November, has been post- poned for the time being .and may be held at a later date. Dance in Town Ha Rev. Joseph Taylor, of Cran- brook, To Be Inducted As New Minister of Carmel Church on Friday Even- ing, NEWS OF WEEK IN HENSALL Exeter-Hensall branch of the Cana- dian Legion sponsored a most suc- cesslul bingo and dance with a ca- pacity crowd in the Town Hall, Hen - sail, on Thursday (Armistice Day), Nov. llth. -Fifteen prizes of chick- ens and ducks were given away dur- ing the first part of the evening, and ten special prizes of, turkeys were also given away. A turkey wasewon by Miss Elaine Cooper, of Kippen. Mr. W."-C.Stone was master of ceremon- ies, assisted by Ken Clark, of ,Exeter. Music for the dance was furnished by Murdock orchestra. Luncheon was served' by the Five Hundred Club of Hensel'. Tickets on a crocheted chesterfield set were sold throughout the evening by Miss. Gladys Luker, who sold: $8,00 worth, all proceeds from the sale of this set to go for smokes for the boys overseas, and also the proceeds of the lunch will be used for the same purpose. The induction service of Rev. Jos. Taylor, of Cranbrook, will be held in the Presbyterian Church on Friday, at 8 -e.m. Hold Thankoffering Meeting The November thankoffering of the W. M. ,S. of Carmel Presbyterian Church was held with the president, Mrs. C. S. Hudson, in the. chair. The meeting openeed . with the singing of the hymn, "Take My. Lite and Let It Be." The Bible reading, Psalm 27, was read by Miss Minnie Reid, fol- lowed with the singing of "Breathe on Me, Breath of God." At the conclu- sion of the ,business period, Mrs. J. W. Bontlaron contributed a pleasing solo, "You Must Open the Door." Mrs. Malcolm Doug -all was accompan- ist.- The guest speaker, Mrs. Hugh Jack, ofSeaforth, gave , a splendid and informative address, taking for her theme, "The Women's Missionary Society." The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer by the president. Mr. and Mrs. M. g. Drysdale spent a few days in Toronto. last week. The `many friends of Mrs. Walks (Continued on Page 4) A CALL. TO WORSHIP "Sweet is the solemn voice that calls The Christian to the house of prayer; I love to stand within its walls, F,or thou, Oh Lord, art present there." First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth CELEl3RATES,THE - • 76th Anniversary 11 a.m. -Sunday, Nov. 21--7 Pim' THE MINISTER FOR THE DAY WILL BE Rev. Richard Stewart GODERICH, ONT. 4 MORNING SUBJECT "THE PROPHETIC MESSAGE FOR TODAY"' EPENIN G SUBJECT "GOD IN FIRST PLACE" • The Choir will present a program of anthems and the male quartette will sing both morning .and evening. REV. IIUGH JACK, MinistOe • ' . . . iA.'ik,:i4,',i,,,,:4?„AleLaiiON,:."..gi:j4ikg0,4:1'ii$1:4',.;Iiirkk",.,4fr,i0i,;4;01.it':i.,A;4'..."06,i,..•:,,,:::;:•4,JII _._ .titenexesseeenstes:::4'ift.'. einetienee • -• • • • • Comma. ndo The recruiting officers have ov- erlooked some excelleot Cop -imam, do material in Mr. W. V. Jeffer- son, of Tuckersmith. Mr. Jeffer- son is 72 years old, but we still think he could make the Com- mandos sit up and take notice. Recently he was sweeping off his, barn roof after the threshers had packed up and gone. He lost his footing on the slippery chaff and fell 27 feeeeto the concrete below, and was only, acoording to te- ports, "shaken up."—(Pa(merston Observer). • • • • .• • NEXT BLOOD DONOR CLINIC ON DEC. 2 • Red Cross Makes Urgent Appeal For 150 Men and • Women Volunteers. " The -next Red Cross blood donors clinic will be held' in Northside Unit- ed Church on Thursday, Dec. 2nd. The society is making an urgent appeal for both men and women to volunteer for this most _needy war effort. Their objective for this clinic is 150, and it is .boped many new donors will volunteer. Volunteers are asked to phone Mrs. R. W .Kerslake at 341, Seaforth, • Coal Picture Returning The smart moving picture with com mentary, "Champion Coal," which was shown in September to enthusiastic members of the Lions'Club, is coming again to Seaforth and will be shown et the Tuxis concert in Northside 'United Church on the .evening of Monnay, Nov. 29th." "Chempion Coal" vividly shows the hiktory of coal from its prehistoric beginnings to the time it is loaded onth freight ears, en route to you"' coal bin. You will see how the coal is mined; the life of the coal miners in the pi; the giant cranes that lift five tons of coal at a time. In addition to this picture there will be a novel and interesting puppet show. which will, be given by some of the pupiis of the public'edam), Be- tween numbers will be a smart array of local talpnt, and the evening will end with the sound -movie picture, "Snbw Thrills.'' Fifty per centof the net proceeds of this concert will be used for overseas boxes. Is Largttt Is Ki 41 en, HELD AT 44 4.1 jrrrat,trat 14' 15 , 4. „nee : netet.e W. L. VFnetenellnIaqg 117'44 elected Pret30.3011e4:- Operative Anencete. -Vik nual meeting -held, at je -Chita ;Age. ricultural Ordlege, Gielphe neither eifn ficers included: Vieseoresident, Luckmap, of -St. Williarne; secretarY, P, E. tills, of Woodstock;•tre4r*iet, S. L. Rodway, of Te oronto, afiftVbli"' directors, F. IL Shultz, of 'Brantford, M. P. Fisher, of Freeman, and Jin isher, of Welleeeto-wee The financial statement preeented by the treasurer showed eatisfeetierY Progress and a bonus of 2 pere cent. was declared payable to all neenebarn Paid up. In his annual address :Mee 74734Ortq stated that during the past six-yeara since its initiation, the O'Pep, 00=0P- erative Association has grown' tO be the largest organization of its triad dealing in eggs in Eastern Canada. He also stated that the volume handled in the past year exceeded that of any other year of operation. • BADMINTON B E F. Here we are back at the old job, scratchin' the old bean to try' and find a spot of inspiration to tell you of the fun we are having at the bad- minton club. Sometimes this inspira- tion 'comes easy; at other times—no dice. That's how it gees! i - We saw some new faces at the club last Week: Don't forget to come back next week at our round robin tournament. There :has been some rumors that we are going to have lunch. Don't ,disappoint us. In case the lunch committee has forgotten, they are: Mary Hays, Norma Jeffrey, Verna Graves and Mary, Cardno. We were entertaining some of the Armed 'Forces this week. Some Visit- ing, airreen• were watching one antes and we also had with. us Lieutenant Stan Dorrance, who is on leave. * * Results of games: S. Dorrance and Frances ,Matthews defeated John Mee Kenzie and Emily Lester, 20-18; G. Hildebrand' and N. 'Hart :defeated B. 'Muir and M. Hays, 20-16; S. Dorrance and B. Muir defeated J. McKenzie and M- HarC22-10; G. Hildebrand and F. Matthews defeated E. Lester and. M. Hays, 22-12; J. McKenzie and M. Hays defeated Geo. Hildebrand and M. Hart, 19-12. Singles—F. Matthews vs, Emily. Lester, 11-9. That's all for now. See you next week! • NEWBELLTELEPHONE DIRECTORY ISSUED Change in Form Will Save 360 Tons of Paper For War Purposes. To save paper and type metal in wertinan important changes have been made in the arrangement of the new telephone directory for Seaforth and vicinity. which is now being dis- tributed. For example, the list of long dis- tance rates to points mast frequently called is now to be found on the in- side front cover, and instructions coi how to use long distance service are on the' inside back cover. All marg- inal advertisement S are being remov- ed from the top and, bottom of pages in the alphabetical :section. By means of changes such as these, applied to telephone directories for all the exchanges, the Bell Telephone Company expects to save 360 tons of paper a year for war ptlrposes. In view of the large number of new and changed listings in the new di- rectory, it is important to discard the old book promptly on receipt of the new one. Subscribers are being ask- ed to contribute their old directories' to the regular salvage collection, for paper has nem returned tci the list of badly -needed selvage articles. Consulting the new directory care- ully before placing calls will .help to eliminate unnecessary calls bead will reduce tbe "wrong number" nuisance considerably. Another request which is being eni- phaPized because of war. conditions, is, that subscribers' who are moving should take their telephone beAks with them, instead of eating for an- other at •the new rdsidence. • New Books at Public Library The following new books have been received at Seaforth Public LibrarYe Fiction Daylight on Saturday, Priestley: Tlie Interpreter, Gibbs; So Little Time, Marguard; The Human Ccimedy, Saroyan; Excuse. Me, Mrs. Meigs. CorbettI World Without End, Frankan; Mr. Lincoln's Wife, Colver; Thunderhead, O'Hara; Hungry Hill, DuMaurieri Celia's Horse, Stevenson; SoUnd, of the Trumpet, Hill; The Ship, Forester; Kate Fennigate, Larking - ten; Capricornia, Herbert; Above Ste- piclon, MacInnes; Somebody At the Door, Poitgate; When Hearts Are Light Again; Loring; The Children, Federava; Make Believe, Baldwin; Miss Spsie Slagle's, Tucker; The Man Miss Susie Loved, Tucker, 5n—Atlantia Meeting, Mor- ton; t"-tns Die Proudly, White; Ports of British Columbia, Rotheny; Yauug Lady Randolph, Kraus; One World, Wilinie; Vatter Atisaia,"Hin- dus; Dawn Wateh ftj 'China; The End of the Beginning, Chill; Oil Be- ing a Real Porton, POstlielt; We Chin- ese Women.; Mite 30r-gt, ney Aniong'Winiiltfrk ery; Honorable Gekt;:gliaiLIA*"' Girl; Weaver; Tree'$fliZtfiel: ling.e- • : • I 1' 4 446 A' • 1 744 ..tne 44, 15 45 • , A .154 4, •