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The Huron Expositor, 1943-11-12, Page 5
1 li 72 y I "� p: t , ,i ,� r p I st ,'+r is % yj ��.�y !� yy��� r l. I" i. M!!g,"'. I , J+'.w, Mgi� T�[v,!Ih L . . ' 1 - m P: t i , y , ' pr rr{ i f' �1.,. I ,R9s#+ fcd`eral xn .•,d4aber,,or.�# t O All ..Qo?e hhlr A an e . to , • f A. 4. t. 0. 'w ,T a� s ell fi v. :t � le e . D. .'� e r '4P. e: I i ca v d' d e , ' about i' 'a>} b u� �0' v ..icor si '.: the register, �.. The McLachlan farm h9me, wth The reception was 'held, was. beat The 'W'eelk At the Seaferth Col1'egiate bS#tnte frilly decorated' with chrysanthemu (Sy Dorothy Smith) roses and a 'n'ati9ns. Mrs. Guy Cie ens and Mr D. i1, MsLach', c v I 'b e It e ei m d ' with" a e g th t while th a, iauzz, grew oto a The <Jlenior Red Cross held their � s, rills Mrs. J. rumor, and now, the news h'as, broken! regular meeting 9n Til :da iter- 1,gan •,poured 'hes and saw to ,the co The Junior Red' Crosti 'has Snally an- noon In Grave X. The main, Ibusmes fort of the visitors. The tea -table nounced a dance party, to, be held On of this meeting was malting plans for centred with a wedding cake, decor . �peceraber 14t'h. flans are• already un- the dance. Dorothy Smith was' ap• ed by a neighbor, Mrs. J. C. Tann. derway to make this party a success. Pointed to head h'he committee, as- A granddaughter, Miss Betty Erb, h It is 'hoped that no one, will have to s4sted by Miss Grainger. Joan Me- charge of the register, which the h be.. coaxed and given 'pep, talk@, as Master was appointed chairman • lof self had tastefully inscribed. Gifts last year. There will ' be novelty the entertainment committee, and dances and entertainment for every- Fergus Bell was a the happy couple included flowers a one, such as the fortune telling game of . the posters and:, decorations Goan and cards.. The Junior Red Cross has mi'ttee. Ad'm'ission was set at 25 Kenwood .blanket. Among the gues to raise the money to pay for the cents. A short article was read overseas boxes, so 'start making your tlLe work of the Junior Red C preparations for` this occasion. Watch ,throughout Canada by Donna Bay this column for further developments The meeting then adjourned to on YOUR DANCE, work rooms. 'Once 'again the Arts Club has been Students! Take a look at the organized and plans are under way Savings .Stamp chart in the 'hall. for a successful year. Something is going down farther and farther new has been added; in the form of a cause you failed to do your part ..drama club to be affiliated with the achieving victory. Every quarter Arts Club. This club, is, for all dra- lend is a quarter s'av,dd. The dem matically-minded students. NomSna- of the war effort is very great: tions were made -last Thursday after- soldier must be equipped sufficie noon., and on iday were called up- to defeat the foe. He can not achi on to make. impromptu election •this if you do not lend your mo speeches. On Monday the election to 'keep him in .'action. Because was held for t e executive and form are on the road to victory is no n representatives ' These are the re- for you to falter. Keep licking th sults: stamps and lick the Axis!, Executive resident, Keith Harri- eon; vice-president, Dorothy Smith; , * * * secretary, Lenora Habkirk; treasurer, On Thursday morning, Nov. 11 Donald Stephenson. the Collegiate Cadet Corps marc Form` I' t'epresentatives—Grade IX, to the Remembrance .Day service 'h Archie Hubert; Grade X, Lois Whit -rat Victoria bark to the honored de ney; Grade XI, Betty Dale; Grade XII, I w10 gave their lives for Freedo Kenneth Eaton; Grade XIII, Leo Hick- The girls of the chool marched w 1.neB' i the Cadets. �- DUBLIN politan Life Insurance Co., Ostia• - • was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G Little at the Little Inn,, (Continued from Page 1) C fur_, Her flowers were cream roses Mr. Rheney Larson returned ho and baby's breath. Miss Anna Atkin- on Saturday from a two months' vi in son was maid of honor in baby- blue Saskatchewan, iVlr. crepe with navy sequins an'd mink Ken Weston, of Detroit, sal' on Bayfleld friends on Tuesday. furs, navy felt bat and veil, and carry- ing pale Mrs. J. W. Jowett, of the Grove, pink ,roses. James Doyle was best man and- the ushers were moving into her home on Main Strl Wilfred. J. Cook and Francis P, Doyle, this week. ' R.C.A.F. At the Diet Kitchen, Mrs- The euchre and dance sponsored Cook received in a black brocaded the L.O.L. No. 24 on Friday last, i crepe dress wi(,h white accents and a success and largely attended. T Murdock orchestra provided the mi corsage of red roses. Assisting ,her ie. was the mother of the bridegroom in Mack sheer with blue trim and pink Tuesday morning the first calor _ rose corsage. After a honeymoon in winter arrived. The local fisberm had their Northern On,i.ario, the newlyweds will nets ashore before t ,reside in Dublin:' For going aivaythe stT,he many friends bride changed to a heavy triple crop©, of Mr. W. J . cedar -bark owett are -,.pleased to know he h green suit with black vel recovered sufficiently to drive I vet hat and Hudson seal coat, car, he having the misfortune to f1 ' lr • Personals: Miss R b • ik ] ;i u y ee er, Port tbree months Hope, Mrs. And New Hamburg, ago and fracture Y hip. Mrs. Quinlan and daughter, Margar- Mr. W. H. Robinson', Sr., of Le 'et, Egmondville, with -Mr. .and Mrs, don, spent three days last' week wi W. H. Keeler;, ,Mr,, . and _ Mrs. Alvin his son, -James Robinson, Williams Burford, with Mr. and Mrs, Mr, McAllister, of London, w Barker Mr. and d Mrs. Harvey H de Y Y here last week closing his cottage r and sons, Norman an Jimmie, Hen- the'Highlands for the season• sail, with Mrs. N. Malcolm; Mr. and Mrs. Stott's niece, the former Mi Mrs. A. Whitney and daugbter, Lois, Emma Austin, was the guest of h Seaforth,- Rev. Norman McKay and aunt, and left -on Monday for Florid Miss E. Campbell, Mitchell, witli Mr. Mr.` A•pflebeck, our village baker, ,and Mrs. Wilbert Annis; Mr. and Mrs, having.a new furnace installed inti Ernest Annis, Mrs. George Graham building he purchased from the Fra and Miss G. Coombs, Mitchell, `Mr:' er estate. - • and Mrs. Don Graham and Miss M. Mr. H. R. McKay, of Sky Harbc Gibb, Sti at.ford, . 1Ir, and Mrs. Ross spent Sunday at his 'home. Murdie, Frank Casson -'and Ross Gor- Mr. Craig -Kerr, of Goderich, spec don, Seafortb, with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. the week -end of his home. 'Malcolm; Mrs. Herb. Parrish and Mrs. F. G. Nellcor is in Clintc .,daughter, Blytb, with Mr. and , Mrs. hospital' at present: Irvine Aikens; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kemp, Mitcheli, with Mr. and Mrs. , .,Morley Lannin; Mr. and Mrs. Angus , CROMARTY Errol, Whalen, with Mr. and Mrs. ILawrence Hannon; Corporal - Borden Sixtieth Wedding Anniversary - Bayes, Camp Borden, with Mrs. Bayes In a little farm home five mils and Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh; Mr. southwest of Boharm, Saskatchewae and Mrs. R. 'Collins' and son, Strat- lives an aged couple, Mr. and Mr + ford, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Aikens; Alexander McLachlan. ' When the Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Kleinfeldt in De- went to make their 'home in the Wee droit; Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson over 32 years ago, they settled o end daughter in Stratford; Mrs. Dan , that farm and have remained ther Williams In.,Washington'; Mrs. John ever since. Looking out from thei McGrath in Detroit; Miss Angela Don- doorway the land styes to the soutl q ' welly, Stratford,., with . her parents;'and there is a long view of farm land Mr, and Mrs. Frank Donnelly; Misses until they are 'caught up in the Dir Margaret, Cecelia and .Editb' Kraus- Hills to the south' and west. Suffic. tsopf, Kitchener, with 'their parents, entlyyfar from the main 'highway, wit: Durr. and Mrs. Albert Krauskopf; Miss its constant stream of traffic, it is Ari•na Meagher, London,'witb her par place ihat''has the .air, of peace an, cuts,,- Mr. , and Mrs. John' Meagber; contentment. To enter within th Jack Donnelly, Aylmer, and Miss 'Irene house .and to receive at the bands o Donnelly, Goderich, wi tbeir par- Mr. and Mrs. McLachlan a kindly ani •ents, ,Mr. and Mrs. Joseph "Donnelly; gracious welcome is to find that th, Mrs. Marion Siffipson and daughter, home gives an even greater impres Mary, who have spent. several months Sion of serenity. Mr. and Mrs. Ms with Miss Mary Beale, have returned Lachlan, though both'beyond the age to Toronto; Mr. and :Mrs. R. Kahue, , of` So years, have an interest and eag Chatham, Mr. and "Mrs. Thos. Coyne, erness that shines in their eyes ant Burlington, Miss Alicia Coyne, Strat-i speaks through. -,their words. Dwel ford, Miss Mary Coyne, Tillsonburg, ling often upon the past, and espec " uttendin•g the funeral of the late Tally upon old friend's with whom the, Michael Coyne. lived' in Ontario, many of whom hav+ now passed to theagreat beyond„the: BAYFIE'LD take a great interest in the events o the day and in , the affairs of theft Mr. William Brownlee, of the Metro- children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, and especially their: two grandsons, Roy and Earl, who I • • are overseas serving with the R.C.A . V ONOMMEW � F. Saturday, Nov. 6th, spelt i change in their quiet • routine. I llw'f�l`Y""w meant something, more than readinl - MAICL5 YOUR HOME the farm and local papers and letters it meant that there came pouring in HOTELto their home a stream of letters cards and telegrams, as well as man; WAVERLDa phone call -and the constant callini ZPAMRA AVIL at of neighbors' and relatives. For they COLLAGE ST. were celebrating their diamond, wed A RXIrEB , A ding anniversary, and on the ossa MODERN, Onlre, WHOLE slop of their being married 6o years 111.66,.$3-60 frie ds were 'v in With one anothee WELL- Derrbll: DAY'! , ny s Y g CONDUCTED i2•sb $7.60' s(ONTSE91ND 'tri show t'hem,,rh+styor. Among tbeh CONVENIENTLY+ warrnok WITHIN I prized souvenirs of the occasion were LOCATED roeperr< WNLKINO telegrams from )~heir Majesties 'th'( HOTEL 61SUNCE •, King and (Queen,, and r from bbeia . grandsobs overseas. -Messages wer( also received from the Prime Minis. 1. � ' ter, Mr, W. Lyon Mackenzie Thug, •the ”' "'' "Win-' °""a"""te Premier of Saskatch'ew8:n, the Hon, W. J. Patterson; and, Mr. J. 'Gordon 111 . e w i t. o - r �7 , '.}.iii ,,f t I, i I,i ,., r, v:,. i ,�i '7 pp F. 1 ,, ,., u.,, ,.,-,. : ... ,.,. ,dt. ran ,1 ...r'�i:e) .,.:.....✓.., sr .., ,.n KIT,,,,,: r,k�., M,�Aea�_ on were two who were at the wedd' Cr of Mr. and Mrs. McLachlan 60 ye nes. ago, Ma. D: H. McDougall, of Boha' the and Mr. Robert Webb, of Biggar: ing the afternoon Dr. ,A. W. Ingr the local 'minister, held worship w War the members' of the family readi bet from 'the old family Bible, in Mr. Alexander McLachlan was bo Fou. at Cromarty, Ont., on January 23 and 18.60, and Mrs. McLachlan, who Each 'Miss Esther McDougall', was born ntly Staffs,, Ont., on April 24, 1861. Th eve were married -at Staffa on Novemb ney 6, 1883, by Rev. Peter Scott, Miss we ed nes McDougall, sister of the bre ose acting as bridesmaid, and Mr. Pet McLachlan, the groom's brother, a ing as best The1.re were four children born . th, the maru•tage'I two sons and, t tied daughters: John A., of Seaford eld ad, Duncan A., of Boharm, Sask.; Ain m , (Mrs: Guy Clemens), of. Boharm, ith Hattie (Mrs. Lou J. Egan), of B harm, and all were present to r joice with them• parents on the h'apF Aceasion, the elder son ,John 'havin ra" arrived from. •Ontaxio the day befor I There are eleven' grandchildren li- i'ng. Of John's i�amily: Jean (Mr' ne peter Simpson), Hazel (Mrs. Wilso sit McCourtney) and Robert; of Duncan' family: Nell (Mrs. Clarke Thompson ed of Boharm, and Gordon with the. R.( A.F. overseas; of Alma's family: Ro is ,and Earl''*Jth the R.C,A.F. oversea: et Jack with the R.C.A.F, in Canals Phyllis and Patsy at'"Thome. Of Hai ry tie's 'family, Betty at home. Ther as are also five great grandchildren - ie ' Betty Simpson, Georgine McCourtney S_ Joan McLachlan, Wendy Thompsoe of and Patsy McLachlan. •• Mr. McLachlan has two brother: Le living in Ontario, Andrew on the OR re home farm'at Cromarty, and Hugh"a' Egm'ondville Village. Mrs. McLach I. Ian's brother, Mr. Daniel -H. MclYou is gall, is the veteran. postmaster , 'ai Is Bo,harm. Mrs. McLachlan's -. grand ]s parents, who bath dived to- be over 9( years ,of age, ''celebrated their 67th wedding anniversary. ' I- A rather unique feature of the oc• h casion was „the afaet, that- Mrs, Durr can MCLachlan on September 5tb :s celebrated ed with her parents, Mr, and n Mrs. W. A. Bone, of Haney, B. C., (formerly of Moose Jaw), their Goth T' wedding anniversary. L. S e ZURICH S_ Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Peck, Stanley Township, announce the engagement of their elder daughter, Dorothy Em- maline, to Mr. John Francis Elliott, t of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. R. Elliott, of Blyth, the marriage to I take place the latter part of Novem- ber, CONSTANCE Constance United Church 15 holding a ebicken-pie supper on Wednesday, Nov. •17th: Supper .will. be Served . from 6 to 8 p.m., to be followed with r a good ,program in the Forresters' L Hall. The proceeds are to be used in i aid of the blood donors clinic. On Wednesday of last week the W. M:S. held their thankofFedng meeting , at the home of Mrs. William Britton. I The president, Mrs, Britton, was in' the chair, and the meeting opened with prayer by Mrs. P. Lindsay, Mrs. A. E. Menzies and Mrs. Snell, Mrs. Wm. Jewitt gave a reading on the life of William Carey. Mrs. Menzies sang , a solo, entitled, "I Heard the Voice .of Jesus Say." The Scripture 'Iesson was read by Mrs. P. Lindsay and Mrs. Wm. Britton gave a few thoughts. "The Kingdom of God is within us and the Kingdom of God is among us." Mrs. Mellwain and Miss Edith Britton sang a duet, "Choosing My Path." 'r Mrs. Roy Lawson was the guest speaker and her text -was taken• from Matthew 7:13-14, the -subject be- ing "Four Gateways." Everyone- en- joyed the address very niu6h. The - meeting . osed with a (hymn, and the h'euedictin. Lunch was served. TU'CKERSMITH The, Late S. $', Leyburne The, death occurred Sunday even- ing last of Simon Stewart Leyburne, at his home,. lot 5, concession 4, Tuckersmith.., Mr, Leybu•rne had been seriously ill for four days, but his health had been failing for 'some time. Born in Ireland in 1873, Mr. Leyburrie came to Canada In. 1913 with this wife, the former Elisha Earle, and began farming In Tuckersmith. He was a member of the Anglican Church., Be- sides his wife he is survived by three sons, William, at home; Earle, R.C. A.F., Manning Pool, Toronto, and Ar- thiir, of the Canadian Army, serving 'iii Kiska; and one daughter; Mrs. Robdt't 'Carter, Clinton. The 'funeral took place on Wednesday from the residence in .Tuckersmith at 2 p.m. Rev, Dr. R. P. D. Hurtord officiated Ad interment was made in Maitland - bank cend'otery. ,tie pall carers were William, Sproat, Matthew � alley, Robert Tyndall, k6beTfrt-Arch'iba,lfi. Ar- thur Wallace .and Leonard Strom 1. g p "1 V ..:�, d " I r .I r �A I 1 a .d .,+, .x I v i'- !l';�4 , 11 e 11 ,, v t t 11,:,'I y Y k Y i i d , { •Hp I re; A .t F 4W t 1 ry, 1t , 1 T (N, 4,1.1 , .. .i :. , h I ,.� .,.... 1. d.. ... .,.. r.. I,.. «,,. :.., : �. , :.. u, i, r ,.1.: .. 1.,, ,.,,i,.„ is ., :.. t , ....,. ,. ,: : o t n l!k, d ! eLi M 1..: n 1_ u 1.::ice e „ , F .. ...dc. v a Q zit; tarn , t, er o ''r !in i n "'fa P t a t ::u iii P, G .. , 1C .. .. ... to z . . lid I of ij■�. -'.-. Ii'. � ',"v, -i ' 11th :� w T.�. ,, T':, ,fl' EIAs altai 1st, , T P a _ Thum iaY„ ►.@ is olu ,. ,.. ' x d , ' a 1 - s,I � ^-. A nicely by latelit 1. ..Ll$: .y; I a , `t�, t;i urll 4 G } ldr .,x; T '-t9Y• " q',W I :. �r.:�; 1' ',r� � I , i ,i , , z a I ti- wbA has p. �. d :1 l P t@. i Ii, D701f .y, spent Y Vr p, i � n :./� as, the past 'two we iryg n i v yG _ : r..' �N, ¢ t, ki I a' i, ,, IIL— e A ..Ra . e J ere,. f / t',' ,, , , t rr t :I d l,j' 'y n : ;t r C,Pr F , �.,r� I t'I: Ort II y 9.' r. it ,r ;.+ ri{ 4" } Ported, i L9ndan inn Monde for iu a r '' e- filer PQatilig, 1'ite. ;'Dickey bas '$Pent.: <:•,';.'i'e':„t t 7+ �,`:r '” '! 31i 1_ ,} Till n,f,lt a'�,', ire L. he past two year,a in England y x �;",,,, ;;;,,t,„ i and ,. - . „1 „ } N t 1F Scotlandt x'r ar 91 } h� t3 ht t i m k:l IIL n re y 1 IS t"M i< .s t Cr i E r ix'g +, - r y, •i"ilF ri FF ,'hj5 i+p YI:, , Vii;. and Mr. &Ira.' LeW John$� A .n,- � e 1pml I (� }I� {,rry �y , , �I ti� � , p;. wa8 n t3eld�, , Y lA k, 4 v, l !µt t rl li �l N , d fan- "�. 1Iv a f 1lY visited with r '�'-, 's at' .i r I �:'� la} 1' .sf ; ;i at- M'r. and Mrs.,(`,larenee hhtrW r ;r ,vl� wt+tl}�•r,, iqt A� s '�r;r+��4i er Smfth Il'BST LIIean- last '$nIIday. ' , r;:.'-Ni",l�Fi ', li �! at a,r<t? �9Y�dtf jy'ItdAoh t da)+ tMf'yP �n Q :11., � ll u�A t "a , 1 "ta 4; , r,{ ad p 4.: �, to y� ��� • .. thys 0404 diil(!�ay. tilAW..' v ' 0 4' iyt i�i uw $'1 �i ani 'P sg 1'. er Y•t#5�11�I rti, Ili I ,..-a .I'd k �rr�}�� Ad A congregational meeting will be it '1 - a^ i1, a»r �`T �kl'1 V"y,it a held in St. John's Anglican' Church on papul..a� ra. l na, n@YW c��lLlbiebra r "� A +Yz is Monday alight, Nov. 15th, at 8 r` t Pnd ed slip-on, snappy' fly�f 4 Ina¢eifS 'fol!"; , �'r,' 1A%a;,, M{� Ig All members are requested to attend. xhe younger amen and,. of Cotirge, +e,; `�A+(+ 7'r;N'rL. s The W A- of St. John's Anglican have fitted styles toA. ;;,, ' �%� dw.r; Church met Thursday at the 'home of ry; ,r::. ,: , „ i4^f(' y 1 I c' �f1' ir.,i4 �P(+,(v�1 r Mrs- M. -Elliott. The afternoon was -N 1,I 11 , C spent in missionary and Red Cross iLiJl►7m ',I h work. �,., ,' . THE MATERIALS �;, nh oto r I,1 ;„ •..r : 1 .� t g M and Mrs. Harry Chuter, of Sporty tweeds, ngli&h flleecea end' . ,•:l I� g Harriston, ' and Pte. Elliott Chuter, of barrymore i s I xI "i sStft velours a d 1 ` 4 .,i..lT ,. n e i mi a y , ac s `; , ri n Ipperwash, were w®ek-end visitors at All are here in a wide cfaoi e' of i10 y+ ,'iR i , the home of Mr. 'and Mrs. Ed. Chuter. 7 or dark shades, al, ,,ia1 •1 s Mrs. Wm. Ball and little son have t returned after spending ,two months O, y with her husband in British Colum r bis. 1''iil! k i 1 a111"r 1'' ACI. Floyd McAsh, of S't. Eugene, 1 f , x y,2, Ont., is ,home on a two weeks' leave. $24s,50' oIr . . i. J - ., ,, ar ,The many friends of Mrs. Austin o , t- will be pleased to know she is iin, 1., prov'in'g, o Save Paper, especially paper bags o and cotton rags for salva� 1. ge. NEW.r :. . ALL HATS,..i' , i . nal Anniversary services were held in u i�j' I Stetson and Silt y'the church on Sunday last with a g good attendance. Rev. Mr. Inniss, of F more Hata in papu- ::?yf," Milverton, wastzhe speaker, while Mr. , ", Jar ,snap front or McWilliams occupied the pulpit at 1. Milverton. :.,.,. ;N bound edge styles On Tuesday evening last a large - '' ". Colours include 3 crowd gathered at 'the home of Mr. y`i' A ? a ` Brown k ^:. "... >' 1 Frank Allen the occasion being a , Airforce, ..:.;� 5 farewell party in honor of° Mrs. s. `'t. I Grey, Blue 'and' Quance, w'ho is aboq"t• to leave -this ,�„ _ - >r ,;..✓Z : neighborhood. A v r.' „ .1 iy m>uitabie ad- ::.:* Green. ..ry dress was read b 11 y Mi's's Sarah McKee->, �, ? t 1 lar. Mrs. Quance made •a reply in a . Sizes 6s/ 'to 7%2. most pleasant and 'suitable manner, thanking all 'those who so kindl. Iy re- ' 1 ` '''• P $3.95 to 6::. ,= membered her. Mrs, Quance. was re i r s'ented with a handsome hand satchel. s+{gi.:•• � .'' The evening was spent playing games .: ` ^ • and in social, chat. A sumptuous lunch was served at the close. Mrs. Davis, who 'makes her home 1. with her daughter, Mrs. Walker, in .1 ' 11 thevillage, had the misfortune to 4'. fail one day last11 , week and fracture her ,.one bone.ewar ros. e ,, or I .. STAFFA ' The Late ,Mrs. -Gorge Vivian . Mr§. George Vivian';'•". the former � ' .. Catherine Cai ns pcreed ' wayat dera d whitestreamers and white wed-' siding. These taking Dartwere Mrs. soft coal before,better ask the coat home in Staffa on Monday night about ding bells and the bride's table was MacDonald, Mrs. Morley 'Cooper, Mrs. dealer for a copy of the, free govern - 12 o'clock. She h`a'd not been in good ,centred with yellow, pink and white. Bob Dayman, Mrs. Horney, Mrs..Hen- men•t booklet, "Thirty-three .Ways tu• health for some time, but was ser- chrysanthemums. The bride cut the 'derson, Mrs. ,Hyde and Miss M. Sin Save One Ton in Five." Soft coat iousiy ill for two weeks. The late cake with a knife presented by her Clair. Mrs. H. McMurtrie gave a sum- requires a special firing teehWque. Mr8. Vivian was born in Hibbert on cousin, Professor John Hall Stewart, 'Mary of the second chapter of the When 'a mixture of seft,•and hard coat July 23, 1878, a daughter of the late of University of Cleveland, to her sis- study book, "For All Of Life." The is being used, it should be :treated aro John Cairns and Jean Oliver. • She ter; Mrs. Norris Sellery, Brucefield, on meeting closest with winging, "Behon�d soft coal. . And her husband farmed at lot 20, the occasion ,of her wedding. Mr, and the Mountain Of the Lord," and,„the , - concession. 7, Hibbert, until ,their re- Mrs. Craig left later .on ashort hon- benediction. Following this, meeting . SKINS AND ALL tirement to Stara five years ago. Their eymoon, trip to Hamilton, Niagara Mrs, Henderson occupied the chain- for I son, Robert, now. resides an the home- ,Falls, Welland ,and Stratford. On their the Women's Auxiliary. After the disc Raw apples make a gond additlem stead' On March 19, 1901, she was return they will reside near Walton. cussio'n of various items of business to almost any kind of salad. Whe' married to George Vivian. She was it .,,was decided -to hold a pot -luck sup- `her they are sliced, chopped or gn'a't a member 'of Stara United Church "`�°� eel, .leave the skins on. They add :cot KIPPEN Per in the schoolroom of the church our and erttra vitamins and save then,.. and of the Woman's. Missiopary So- . on Mon'd'ay, Nov. 15th, at 7 o'clock. work of peeling. ci'ety of 'that church. Surviving be After the supper there, will be com Mr. and Mrs. Joseph . Lin'den and .11 sides •her 'husband are 'three eons, munity singing and an excelhent pro- Cameron, Allan, and Robert, all of Verna, of Denfield and. Mr, and Mrs. gram. STOVE CARE Joseph Carter and family ;"of Clande- ' Hibbert. There are two brothers, Missign Band Meets The Porcelain or enamel parts of boye, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Thomas Cairns, Hibbert, and John The Mission Band November meet- a stove should never be was'hed wlfile Mrs. A. Parsons. Cairns, Brucefield, a.nd two sister;, ing was held on' Sunday morning, they are hot, for the 'water may cause, Miss Jean' Long has .accepted' a poli- p, gritty clew Mis's Jennies Cairns, Hibbert, and Mrs. meeting first with 'the congregation. them to crack or chi A tion in London. George Vipond, Hibbert; also four Immediately before the sermon the ser should never be, used as this Mr. and Mrs. W. ao,x gyl_A%Mrs. grandchildren. Sh'e was predeceased: children adjourned to the 'schoolroom'. scratches the surface and will even - A. Ga r. an ter visited onnday g prayer, tually lead to stains which cannot be. by two brothers and one sister. AThe meeting was 'opened with with Mr, and Mrs. D. 'Drummond, of Private funeral service was held on by the leader, followed by the prayer removed. Warm soapy water will do Ailsa Craig. Thursday afternoon at -two o'clock, for peace and the Lord's' Prayer in the job and the -surface should ba' Mr. and -Mrs. Stanley Love are get- wiped dry after washing. followed t service in Staffs United unison., The members snood' t6' re Church at 2.30 o'clock, with Rev. J. ting nicely settled in their ]levy home, peat the Mission Ban? Purpose in uni- formerly occupied by Mr. John Me H. Risdon officiating, Interment was soar. Mrs. A. Monteith told the story " made in Staffa cemetery. MQuite. SWEATER SALVAGE • Quite a number from here attend- of ",other and Which,” in, a most fin- ed the GKNX barn dance which was teresting manner, explaining how a Did you .ever think of turning,ark broadcast from Hensall Town Hall little colored girl gave one of the old sweater—especially the machine- WALTON things she loved most as part of her knit—into a scarf, cap and mftteum last Saturday night. self-denial. The Legend of 'the Black set for a youngster? Sweaters in Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steiss and Mr, John C. Doig, of Seattle, Wash„ Madonna was told, after which the bright or pastel ;shades make the Mrs. Dan Steiss, and Dolly, of Niagara spent a few days the guest' of his meeting closed with the Mizapb bene- gayest sets; 'but 'tbe more sombre► Falls, spent the week -end in Walton, mother and sister, Miss Jamet. diction repeated in unison. colors area:.just as warms and they-- Sunday, Nov. 14th,'will be Mission- Mrs. Robert Dayman was the guest can be enlivened with gay flowers: cry Sunday in Duff's United Church, of her daughter, Miss Edna, in Lon- SOFT COAL TECHNIQUE embroidered in wool or -bits of appli- Walton. Rev. Charles Ifridgeman, a dlon over the week -end'. Many people are burning soft coal que cut from an old summer felt. AW returned missionary, will -give the Mrs. Wm. Chapman returned home in their furnaces for the first time plique does a grand job of madkika ^ message. to F,gmondvi•lde after a pleasant visit this winter: If you have never used tiny moth hole darns.' The play prepared by the Young with relatives in the vicinity, • People's Union' has proven a great - sureess, having a great number of en- Hear Interesting Address gagements to fill. Much 'credit must A goodly company of folk were a ~ go •to the director, Mr. Clarence present ,at the church on Tueasday Dead and Disabled A d'11nIMAIS• Grainger. evening to bear tber Afv. C. A. Bridge , Craig -Stewart man. While, the majority we'r'e from REMOVED PROMPTLY On Saturday afternoon last••£at First KipPen, a fair company came from PHONE COLLECT SE)►FORTH 15 EXETER 235 Fres'b'yterian Manse, Seafortb, Rev. Hensall. Mr. Grant was in charge of Hugh Jack united in $carriage Anne the meeting and the Rev. Mr. Brook DARLING AND CO. OF CANADA, LTD. Margaret, youngest daughter of Mr. introduced) the guest speaker. Mr. i « 11 Alexander Stewart, Windthorst, Sask:k, Bridgeman showed. pictures of the (Essential War Industry) formerly of Logan Township, to, Mr. work donee among victim's' of the epi - Harvey James Craig, Watton, son of demics" so often th'e scourge of China, 11•,4 Mr. and' Mrs. Robert Graig, of Blyth. the measures taken to teach the •peo- The ceremony was solemnized at one plc the most effective way of 'preven o'clock. The bride Tore a street- tion with the Splendid response made length dress of Alice blue crepe with by tbem: He -told of his varied ex - matching redingote, gavy blue Reit periences. during 'the 30 years spent hat, navy blue accessi; k' and a cor- tonere and especially of the days dur- aage of Jobanna Hill' pink and white ing which a Chinese pastor and he roses and baby mina i ,` The` bride's- were kidnapped by brigands and. held -)nly attendant Was Miss Ada Craig, for -about a third of a million dollars Listowel, sister of the 'brid6groom, in ransom, and how ,they'escaged4 All L dusty rose 4treet-lengfi'ia crepe dress, enjdyed the interesting slides 'or ChiiTa navy blue felt hat alga accepsories to and the instructive, talk. match, and corsage bf`'•pink roses; ",W• M. S. Holds Meeting Prank Wright, K3(rpen, cousin of the aide, was best man F011owing the The Women"% Mi'ssibnary Society ceremony a wedding 4-MbOr .vias serv- held tbei•r November meeting on Wed - ?d in the,'Conimeirciad botdl, geaforth, n;esd,ay tAternoon in the schoolroom 4 o immediate rel atives• tif' i:he bride of the church. The worship service end b'ridegibdM.' Thi ',41ning room taken, from the Mi ss'lonary"Monthly, 9" of et'ively decorated With. pink w used, with Mrs. A. M. (Irant pre• fg+ , 1' 4 t tar 06 ii! „d ,+r. ,, ,:°;' ;yC''y , 1, t,;� . tl ra '.§z :; it 4 v N:. .1, ,; i, a I + tlq 11 91 wjP'+t7f, s{^ 1; " ;+ �' iii' Mtitt iW f: Ste; livT FF,,,"" n ', ,,,U. ,i, A. i,4�,1I)>,1 k b v" ,„ i 9, n . 11 a,�;, „ r, t a°III ,ra i n I i � k,1"t _,.•„ ., :. �. ,. �: -'i v Aldiv„ I,z •f:. .t, ,f. ,,«� 'µn ., .. ., b.. ',r. ,...r. .r ,LI .t t, , r .: J : p F. :. ,. , „ ,� .., a ,.'�: ,, .,, � , ,.1 .: ,1 , .: r. ... Y. ..i .. .. � -.. ,. .. r ,. ... ,. :.. .t. :., _. r 1. 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