HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1943-11-05, Page 4eesereeee•evuee, Perso tee IMMO qf'*.k.. az4Msirn 4». Sp W Iran fttn-110,411a4'1.1..elein. Oarla OlyaM 7 SPEND aLnnn.r48 u, of Grima ream," Alivi8TNr aret_covimtaplittlez) tarfajeetslre'iwe Mrs. ‘Pre4, 4,139r apendiug. a few days this we with -her '41usband,1 KEIATINGE DRUG STORE Lance Corporal Fred Beer, of Lon- ,Will, be inserted at new low cash rates; WOptellilLoOt and. Flood. raeabte gym* -tc....Pee wore; 2 Cent 144 will* Cleat led, 'Wek. , . (eat 30inirenan ;1;or;;7 29 Ceuta Each figure, ixof44 a4 onnorinnoo counts ne one word. aploe he. Memoriam Notiem--1. .010 par word. Minimum. 50 cants per 4 -eek. bee directed to a Mem Number. OS Wm Unmet Mayealtocr. for 10 cents extra. per week will be •Osared it ads /37, above class are not paid by the the week in which the ea wee zna. AWOKrXigg.9-P': and Dead* bleated tom 02 sphenape, ttMetiiIt' Notices to exeditaire„.matios on IMIPEssaing• 9 F"'S Auction Sales ALDGE waYsino,. CENTRE ST,, •LY'L Phone 212-W, has taken over the Spirilla Corset Service in Seaforth- See her for that new corset or girdle you need." Individually m dee' ned for you. 3960x4 „ ior Rent . . are—Sr4ROOM„ APARTMENT, ON Corner of Ord' and Market Streets, in 4744 hunaling- Apply to Bat 2'4 or Phone • g4p;'§eaforth. 3959-tf Auction Sales .NOVIVOR SALE ON GODERICH STREET nairt, car Frifty,41noveanber 549x, at two et'Vock, Estate of the late Miss Young: One qtaebec beater; '2 dressers; washstand 7, one cuch; 4- odd chairs; 1 £111:13. choir: 3 dining wawa chairs; 2 rockers; 1 sideboard; 1 table; 2 "what -not: 1 bed, syringe and mattress; ° d*es, jars, 'Mt. Terms—Cash. Harold jisekson, 4irtIcTioN eArel OF FARM, FARM STOCK : and Implements.—Mr. Idaroldi Jackson has been inatinoted to sell liar public auction en lilts 4 and 5, ,Cioncession 4, Stanley Tobin-. 'ship, 11/4 miles north of Kipper and 2 miles wet, on Friday. November 12th, at 1 the following farm, fauna stock and imple- ments: HOES—Team Of Percher= hors- es. PIGS -6 pis, rso lbs; 3 Pigs, 140 lbs - POULTRY -80 llybrid year-old hens. IM- PLEMENTS — MoCcumick-Deeringtractor. 15-30; 8 -furrow tractor pkov; International double disc; horseakrawn disc; 2 disc power ""--seed dr1/1; McCormick -Deering, like new; 4 - disc plow; Portland cutter; electric •fissicer ; • Ile0orraick-Deering power binder; 13 -disc seed drill; '6-5oota° mower; sulky -rake; steel truck ',vegan; 16 -foot hay reset; set of Moat) sleighs; buggy I set 4 -section harrows ;Clinton fanning mill; 2,000 /b. -Renfrew scales; quan- tity of mixed hay; hay car rope and pulleys; sling ropes and hay fork; 1 set. of backhand harness, like new • horse collars; quantity of lumber fOrkS, Shovels and other art - °lake. FURNITURE—Good Cheer range in gond condition ; oak extension tame; kitchen chairs; Vietrola and records; kitchen table; several recline a 2 hanging lamps ard several other lamps ; 2- antique hada; iron bed and syringe ; settee; sveral_ a dessers ; several large pieces' vf linoleum, like new. FARM - 172 acres: 2 seorey stone house; 2 -large bank barns with Steel roofs; aoni help house. Farm is in good State of culttaion. Terms on Chttels—Csh. On Property, made known oq day of sale. •MRS. DAVID CAMERON, Paoprietireis ; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 3960-1 (TEARING AUCTION 'SALE OF FARM `Li ;Sock, Feed maid Implements. on Lot 22, Concession 7, Itakett Tenveship, 31/4 miles north and 1/4 mile east of Clinton, on 'Tues- day, November 9th, at 1.30 p.m. Harold Jackson will sell by public auction the fol- lowing: 1 mare and colt; 1 3 -year-old geld- ing; 1* roan oow, fresh, 4 years old; 1 roan cow, fresh, 6 years old; 1 red cow, fresh, 6 years old; 1 blue cow, fmesh, 4 years old; 1 hla cow, 4 years old, due January 30th; 1 mosey, cow, 6' years old,. due January ; 1 Jersey cow, 3 gears old, due April letax; 1 Hereford heifer, fresh; 1 Holstein co*, 4 years old, due in May; 1 red heifee, 3 years old. due in Deceraber; 10 yearl' cattle; 2 part Jersey steers (in good shlpe for winter meat); 10 spring and fall calves 1 brood sow; 100 Barred, Rock pullets ; 6 gee; 16 loads hay; quantity of ;Urban oats; 25 bushels Spy and mixed apples-; 1929 Ford Coupe, ia good rnnnipg shape, good tires ; also number ief farm implements. JAMES MEDD will offer for sale at same time: 10 head 'Hereford and °Durham calves; 1 pure bred Hereford bull, about 400 Ms.; 1 pure bred Durham hull, ready for service. Terms fr.AYMOND FINCH, Proprietor ; Harold Jackson, Atictioneer. 3960-1 Wanted don. The Totindary, grotip or Huroadale W -omen's InetitUte, together with the committee and group members, met at the home of Mrs. Stewart McQueen on Friday of last week and packed eleven Christmas boxes for their lo- T_TATOFIING EGGS WANTED --WE 4E1 cal boys overseas. In the near future •LO• quire breeding flocks, all breeds. to supply es with hatching eggs for 1944 hatching sea- son. Flocks culled and bloodtested free. Guar- anteed premium paid. Also wanted turkey flocks to supply hatching angS` Apply TWEDDLE OHICK FLATOIXERMS LIMITED, • Fergus, Ontario. 89574 Lost and Found QTRAYED—ON LOT 28, CONCESSION 4, " Hay Township, one -year-old roan steer with horns. Owner ean have same •by prov- ing animal and paying for ad. Apply to SAM ROPE'. Phone 13 on 91, 'Zurich. a 8960-1 A UCTION s'AIN OF FARM STOOK AND Impleatents.—Mr. Harold Jackson has been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 9, Concession 3, Tuckersmith, 11/4 miles east and one mile north of Hassell, on Sat- urday, Novensher lath. at 1pan, the follow- ing: HORSES -1 Percheron team 4 years old; general parpose gelding 8 years old; ,Tercheren Milt rising two years old. CATTLE—Six Durham cows due to fresh- en in April; 1 Jersey dow due 43/ freshen lot of April; 4 Hereford and Durham heifers due to freshen May let; 3 heifers rieiag two years • old ; 1 Durham steer 2 'years old; 6 Durham spring calves. PIGS—.5 chunks,' 80 Pounds. IMPLEMENTS—M.H. binder 7 -foot cut; 1 •McCormick mower; sulky rake; Inter- national stiff tooth cultivator ; International bean scuffier, new 4 -section harrbws ; seed drill; walking plow; 2 single furrow riding plows: McCormick-Dering cream separator slei hs light sleigh.4; buggy; fanning mill ; hay fork roam ; slings; forks, shovels and neckykes. and other artieles ; set of baekband harness; number a horse zollars. HAY -20 tons of mixed hay. Quantity- of household furniture. Terms—Cash. CLARENCE VOLLAND, Pro- prietor; Harold ,Jackson, Auctioneer. • 3960-2 se UCTION SALE OF FAR/C' STOCK AND Implemersts, on Lot 1, Com5, Hal- lett Township, on Wednesday, November 10th at 1 pm, sharp, 21/4 miles west and 2.% miles north . of Seaforth.: Harses—Agricultural mare 6 year.s aid, supposed to be is foal to a Bel- gian horse; agrietultural mare, 7 years, sup- posed to be- in foal to a Clyde horse; agri- cultural fully 2 years old; general purpose mare with colt by • side fa-oni Geo. B. Dor- ranee's horse: 1 aged. mit1a, good worker COWS--•koorha.xn cow 6 YediS old, in calf to Durham due in January; 1 Durham cow 6 years old,' due in February; 1 white Dar - ham tw,. 6 years, due in J-anuary; 1 Durham cow, 5 years, due in February; 1 red cow, 3 years, due in March; 1 red cow, 8 years, due last a March; 1 Hereford cow due time of sale, 3 years old, carrying second -calf; 1 cow, 6 years, due last of November; 1 cow 5 years. ,due last of Noveinber. YOUNG oaTTLF.—as heifers rising 2 yearS ; 12. steers rising 2 years; 5 spring calves. PIGS—Six pigs, 10 lbs.; 9 pigs, 135 th; 7 dhunks, 70 lbs.; 1 sow oarryi= second litter, due last 02 Decetab.er. -111PlalareNTS—Con.sisting of fall line of machinery; 1 water bank of large capacity; 25 tons of 'good hay; 60 buehels of wheat; 225 bushels of mixed oat, and bar - lel suitable for seed; 50•-•busliels of 2 -rowed -barley suitable for seed_ Everythirm must be sold as the proprietor is in ill health. Terms on Chattels—Cah. W1LLIA.M MASON, Proprie tor; P,oss McGregor, Clerk: Lew. Rowland Aectioneer. • 3960-1 A- CTION SALE OF FARMS IN THE TOWNSHIPS OF BAY AND TUCKERSMITII, RESI DENCES AND OTHER VILLAGE PROPERTY, ALSO FLAX MILL IN HENSALL MBE Ea.r.CUTORS 'OP THE ESTATE OF the late OWEN GEIGER will offer for sale • by public auction at the Community Shed, in the Village of Hensall, on Wednes- day, the 10th of November. 1943, at 2 o'elock in the afternoon, the following real Estate: FARMS: Velle 1. Sack No. 5 the 14th Concession, ELR.S., Tuckersinith, ;containing 59 aares more ar •••• less. practicalle all under -cultivation, portlydrained, . good water supply, Chicago' vrind- mill. Situated 2 miles east of Hansen 2- South half Lot 24, Concession 1, Hay Trership, 48-7,4 'adres more or less, also part - /47 drained, all -ander cultivation mocept about 13 acres of meadow. This is a 'good farm and is well located. 3. Lot No. 25, First Concession Hay 'Town- ship, 97 aares more oreless, in good estate'of -cultivation. alocnt 20 acres good seerrnd growth timber. That part east of the railway is said to be -Well tile drained ; bank barn OD cement fotmdationa straw Shed, driving house, frame dwelling 'house in need a repairs; good supply of water. DWELLING 110T_TSES ANE VILLAGE PROPR:TIS, IN HENSALL: 1, The late Mr. Geiger's well known Em- ma' residence, Lots 66 and 67, Petty s Survey, nartheaat eerier of Queen and Nelson Streets. -••44. modern, solid, red pressed brick 'house and garage, all moderncraweniences, het water heating, electric tights and fixtures, hardwood floor, hardwood trixtimang, slate rbrif on dwel- ling, asphalt shingles on garage. 2. Frame one -storey 6 -roomed house, cement 'cellar, being Lot No. 224 on the math side af Richmond -Street North, PetyS Survey. 8. Lt No. 18 on Mill Streg, Gilchrist Sur- vey, 11/4 storey frame house, shingle roof, 4 roomsdownstairs and 2 rooms upstairs, hard and cold water pumps indoors. There is al - So a -long frame building on the property. 4. Lot Mot) 211, Petty's Susvey, am the cor- ner of North Richmond and Albert Streets, frame stable with leanto attached: good -well rith cement curbing. 1. 5. Lot No 50 on the south side af Queer Street, Petty's Sisrvey, ; large. frame stable 34 by 56, sdso another frame building and open shed, goad well and pump. - 6. Lot 65 on the north side of Queen Street, Petty's Survey, 1 storey, 3 room frame (level - ting. Ishingle roof. HENSALL FLAX MILL PROPKRTY Three aCreS moreorless. In addition to the flax iill size 40 by 60 feet, with a brick engine 'and boiler house attached, there is a flea storage barn. Size 45 by 100 feet. 'The rail) 'h equipped with the necessary machin- ery for a green Saw mill or for fax fibre peodoction. Meal/finery stored in the fax barn aot included with the property. V.ACAN'r LANES: e. some 11 village Lots shown on• Males Serra and being immediately south a and adjoining the fax mill rmoprty. 2. Part of Lot 20, ist Concssion, Hay Tvrihils, containie- g 51/a neres more ar less, • Soatted stromadisaaly math of the last meta ' 'Vaned 11. Lou. TERMS: Teeebove rtroiantior win be Out Up enb- itet- ea a resofee bitl, 10% meth on the day M Mile and thebalnce in 20 dare thereafter ,rattlihnt ititerhita ' Further iteriAabhltibh dIsale-will ag: the. day, a gale, or play Mgt • Pt.d. the! tindapriatriel like new; hand seefit er ; set f arm ; In Memoriam DUPNE—IN LOVING MgMORY OF dear wife and mother, atm. Dan Dupee, Seforth, who Passed away gob alibis ego. November 5, 1940i Ln. a graveyard quietly sleePirg. Where the green grass gently waves, Lies the one we hived so Meetly, Who we laved but could not save. To those wh, have a mother. Treasuro her with care. As you never know her value Till you see her vacant chair.; —Sadly mOsed by Efushanda Family mod Grandchildren. - 3960x1 ,-rHE SALL For Sale 00,W FOR SALE—GOOD JERSEY COW, to freshen February lot Apply to E. ANDREWS, Harpurhey. 8960x1 --- root SALE -1 CONiGOLEITM RUG, 9x12; 1 oak dining room suite. Arnie to CLETA DICKSON. 3960x1 VIOR SALE --HERD OF SHORTHORNS. This herd consists of 3 bulls of service- able age; young heifers, cows with calves. Also 1 Coleman lamp. A. C. LEDEY, R. R. 4, Seaforth, Phone 662 r 18. • 3959-2 1lOR SALE—HIGHWAY 50 ACRES NEAR Hansa; rich clay loalm. White frame house, basement barn, henhouse. Good brick houses its Exeter, Hensel', Clinton. Crediton, Listen. Also 'stores, chopping mills. WM. PEARCE, Exeter. 395x4 If your umbrellas need repairing; kindly leave them at Goodwn's by Mondak Morning-. 0 Don't spend sleepless night. Store tip vigor arid vitallty. Take. page - Griffiths BETAMIN `(B -Complex) tab- lets once a day. Middleton's Drug Store, Hensall, Out. (Continued from Page 1) Sun Dial Court, Wicks; The Goldea Eagle Mystery, Queen; Old Mother West Wind, Burgess; Mother West Winds Children, Burgess; Mother West Winds Friends, Burgess; The Perilous Island, Kummer; Lassie, Come Home, Knight; -Dave Dawson of the Flying Tigers, Bowen; Uncle 1,Viggily's Adventures, Garis; Uncle Wiggilans Automobile, Garis; Eight Nursery aTales,' Piper; The Ginger -. bread Boy, Wehr; Aluminum, Strack; The Little Dog That Would Not Wag Its Tail, Deihl; The Flickering Torch Mystery, Dixon; Billy Bunny and Daddy Fox, Cory; Billy Bunny and Robbie Redbreast, Cory. Mrs. Fred Beer, superintendent of the United Church Mission Band, en- itertained the members of the Mission BandXtid friends at her home Thurs- they expect to pack nine boxes for the boys in Canada. The committee in charge; was McQueen, Mrs. Gordon Bolton and -.Mrs. Stanley Mitchell, Mr. Murray Traquair, of Hamilton, visited his pa,rents, Mr. and MrsnMen vine Traquair, over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Wf Hedden, of Hamilton; Mr. Herb'rHedden and Mr. Lloyd Hedden, St. Catharines; Mrs. Whitney Carter, Catherine and Don- ald, of Clinton, were week -end visi- tors with Mrs. C. M. Haden; coming to celebrate her birthday, which she observed on Saturday. Oct. 31st. Four of her sons were unable to be pres- ent owing to the afact they are on ac- tive service.'- Mr. and Mrs. F. Beam, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Peppier, Mrs. Norman pep.- plei, Billy and Ed., all of Hanover; Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Greer, Mr. and Mrs. McAllister Greer and Pte. Har- old: Bonthron, all of London, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W. Bonthron. Sgt. Stewart, of London, is a guest week with Mrs. Gordon Bolton. Bob Hess, who has been very 111 in Victoria Hospital, London, is a little improved, his many friends will be pleased to learn. Hold Masquerade Dance day evening. Fallowing a most de- licious luncheon of scalloped pota- toes,- pork and beans, saridiviches, R SALE—TEIREE DARK RED SHOT- cake, etc and hot chocolate, games horn bulls af serviceable ase ---,ed bv Klaymor Elector. K/aymor Elector sired theawere enjoyed, including a treasure winiting group in get of sire, Junior and Re- bui The evening was much enjoy - serve grand champion bulls, also Junior and Grand Champion female at the recent Strat- ed by the kiddies. Stoker First Class Jack Simmons, R.C.N.V.R., left on Monday td r Nova Scotia after spending a leave with his ruother,' Mrs. Alda Simmons, and FOIt SALE -NEW MASSEY-HARRIS TWO- arandrn'other, Mrs, Dinsdale. Jack . furrow tractor plow, No. 27, with 23 ..,,, was recently stationed 'Lond'on. A tottone. W. T. Teeer.,, Massey -Harris at Dealer. Seaforth.• Phone 141. ' The Wohelo Class Oi" the, United iOULLS SALE -12 DUAL PURPOSE Church packed three lovely boxes for FOR A' bulls, from R.Oaa mated dams; sec of The following boYs -overseas: , EltOn serviceable age. Applyt to ERNEST TEM- • Fairbarn. Cecil Kiefer, Jerry John- PLEMAN, .Staffa_ Phone 61 r 16, Dublin. 3957x3 son. Mrs. Morris Tudor andirifant son, nhn Morris, left on Thursday last for Fnlaionton, Alta. The trip was Bord regional show. These are three bulls you would be oleased to own and at price; you would be willing to pay. R. M. PECK, Zurich- Phone 96 r 15, Hensel]. Notices MOTICE—WILLIAM BRADSHAW. YOUR made by plane from , Toronto, Mrs. " Watkin's dealer, stet also agent for E. D. Tudor leaving Thursday evening and Smith & Son's Leer and ornamental .numery stck, Market Street, aSeaforth, Ont. Phone arriving at her destination, at noon 50. 3952x16 Friday, Mrs. A. Buchanan, who will cele - bate her 84th birthday Nov. Inth„, spent last Sunday with her daughter and son-in-law, Reeve George Arm- strong and Mrs. Armstrong and Jean, Betty and Harry, of Hay. Miss Jean McDougall, of the Na- tional Drug Co, London, is recuper- ating at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horton McDougall, of the Boundary, from an attack Of quisy. The Hensall Senior Women's Insti- tute will hold their November ineet- ing atthe home of Miss Florence Welsh on Wednesday, Nov. •leltla. Mrs. F. Beer is co -hostess. The roll call will be answered with "My fav- orite proverb" The motto, "Nothing great was ever achieved ,without en- thusiasm" will be taken. by Mrs. E. Chipchase, and a debaenstration, "Ex- hibit by members of something new from something old." Mrs. L. Mickle will contribute a recipe and current events will be given by Mies Sall Manson:— Rev. R. A, Brook will be the guest speaker, and members are requested to bring tea, •pencila; paper and scrap books for the navy. 3940-1 Mr. Howard Hyde wag in Clinton last Saturday evening eonducting a picture shoW for the Clinton elaildren, the picture machine being supplied through the courtesy of Allis-Chal- mers Co. Mrs. Nelson Blatchford received word last Friday of the sticiden death of her nephew, William Glenn, who passed away at hit home in Toronto. He was a Veteran of the laet'Groat War, having -been gassed and compli- cations from this resulted In his death. He was i'n ,the price of life, was well anti favorably known In Hen- salL.having event big boyhood days here, end also received his early edu- cation in the Heneall.•sehool. Servie- Ing are his Widow and three children,, onittrigeln 6ignitelinimt4.8-1 novella. On tura eisters' and one brther. lats. my:goo&lst aa lfr tita -14: &thee LlOyd Hudson, Of St. •Marelli, is a Eds., iSeatorth, datdrter. teril IMIOONnuAt AlhxaMra dahrai&tonal. A.4e' " 0144 .411. *MOO (16t to • mr. Der. ftd <eek ttoltoe,. Mut MEETING OF HI3-RON COUNTY COUNCIL rITHE NEXT NW -STING OF THE HURON •`' County Colman will be held in the Coun cil Chambers, Court House, Goderich, com- mencing Tuesday, November 16th, at 2 pm. All accounts, notices of deputations an8' other business requiring the attention of CrOttlICH should be in the bands of the County Clerk not dater than Saturday, November 13th. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, ; Goderich, Ont. :1960-2 TWP. OF TUCKERSMITH Tucionsmmi COUNCIL WILL MEET IN the Town /Fiala Seaorth, on Saturday, November 611h, at 8 pm. ' Any ratepayers in- terested in the cleaning of any of' the follow- ing drains are invited to attend:. "Dill." "Elgie," "Orozier and Forrest Award," and in the area. draini•ng into the MdMillan sink holes. E. P. CHESNEY, Deputy Clerk. COURT OF REVISION Town of Seaforth FIRST MEETING OF TELE COURT OF Asses t for 1948, will be held in the 'IFcm for hearing appeals against the Carina Chairtbet, Seaforth, on Tuesday, No- vember ittfa at 8 eoltik. D. H. WtalaSON, Clerk - 3959 -2 *Malan Deaths McDOWELL—Te MeKR1017. on FriflaY oet• 29th, Jobs Laidlaw MDowell, in his feand Year. erIete--en Seaforth. on Monday, Neventher Lolce Nib. hia 14th yeare - Hittliift 01. Oordert Belton suit Parke; of Mrs. A. B ohnnan recetYtnl the death o her cousip 14rn. InabeRa wbo aseed away 'SaturOnY, Oct.23rd, at her 'home In Rageravillo, She was the former Isabella, Habldrla, daughter of the late Mr. and Alre. Habkirk, of Ribbert, and wire born in Hibbert, and will be remeriabered by many in that township, and by a number of cousins in Hensall district and Kippen. Mrs. Roderick McKenzie, of Bruce - field, is spending the winter months with her sister, Miss Mary MeAsh. We welcome her back again to Qu - midst. , " Mr. James Sparks, of Ingersoll, la spending a new days -.with lats, Ms. Daniels. More Red Crass workers are need- ed, both for sewing and knitting on Monday and Friday afternoons earn week at the Red Cross rooms in the IIensall Town Hall. Como and lend a helping hind and speed the victory, On Friday eyening, No -v 12th, the Wohelo Class will sponsor a croklaa ole and Chinese party in the base.. meat of the church.- "Meinbers are re- quested to bring one or more guess. The Hensall Senior Mission Circle will hold their bazaar on, Saturday, Nov. 27th. A bazaar and tea will be held in St. Paul's, Anglican Church on Satur- day, Dec. 4th. _ Bride -Elect Honored ° Mrs. C. AC Hedden was hostess at her home Monday evening for a pres- entation in honor of Mrs. Allan, a bride -elect of November, when some 35 neighbors and friends presented her with a miscellaneous shower. The first part of the evening was devoted to community singing, directed by Miss Greta Laramie and Miss Gladys Luker, after whieh Miss Violet Mc- Clymont' favored with several humor- ous readings, which were much enjoy- ed. kiss Cassie Dougall directed pro- ceedings in a very bumorcais and cap- able manner. Bingo was the high- light of the evening with Mr. Lee Hedden as master of ceremonies, and the following were the lucky prize winners, some being lucky in captur: ling three and six prizes: -Mrs- P. !Manna, Mrs. W. Consitt, Mrs. A. Lo - Mrs. Harvey. Mas. W. Carlisle, Mrs. R. Dick, Mrs. Walter Fairbairn, 'Ars. ka. Spencer, Mrs. E,' Kennedy, Miss Pearl Gellman, Miss Alice Beav- er, Miss Gladys Luker, Miss Violet Mcelymont. Miss Dougall called up- on Mrs. Allan, guest of honor, to Hensall Town Hall, very ,attractive with Hallowe'en emblomes,' was the setting Friday evening last for a very successful masquerade dance son- sored by the Hensall Young Girls Dance Club, with the large hall filled to capacity, with proceeds for the Red CrosS. .Character and comic prizes for the best comic and charac- ter costumes were won by Mr. R. H. Middleton, Mrs. H. Lawrene, Orvilbe Workman, Mrs. Leonard Noakes, Mrs. Ray Broderick, Mr. Scott Welsh, of Hensall; Mr. Murray Traquair, Ham- ilton, and Wee Wearing, Exter. The hall decorations, very artistically ar- ranged, called forth much comment which were the weft of the decorat ing committee, "Mrs. Lawrence Bayn ham, Miss J:une Saundercock and Miss jean McQueen, members of the dance club, assisted by others. Sgt Smith and his Centralia Air Force orchestra firrnished the music for the dance. • • most MOM Manner. 14 most fletW haus 1 uokeen. Wee see tl• by tite b04-• tpss.,.re, Herpole, Miget Dougall, Mrs. edden; Mit, gearl Gellman and Mae Alice Waver. Arranging the af- fair were Mrs. Maude Iledclen, Airs. race Herpole and Miss Easele Eau - gall. The Late William Chapman The -death Occurred at his horde in. Hef on Monday, Nov. 1st, of William Chapman; ‘highly esteemed an prom- inent farmer of that township, after an illness of four weeks, despite the fact that everything in the way of medical science was doge for him. In his 71st yeare• he had farmed success- fully in that locality all his life. He was an active member of the Unite(' Church and attended church regular- ly when health permitted. He was a kind husband and loving father and was very fond of his homewhere his loss will be keenly felt. His loss will be mourned by a wide circle of rel- atives and hosts 'of neighbors and friends. Surviving are his widow, tbe former Ada Jane Westaway, one son, Lorne; two daughters, Mrs. Price (Grace), of Murraysville, Pa., and Ruth Chapman, R.N., Albany, N.Y..; one sister, Mrs. D. A. Cantelon, Hen- sel', and three. brothers, John Chap- man, Hamilton; Charles, Palmerston, and ,Ralph, San •Francisco. A public funeral service which was largely at- tended, was held from the family resi- dence on Wednesday at 2.30 p.m., con- ducted ,by Rev. R. A. Beeok, his min- ister, who paid fitting tribute to the life of the deceased. Interment was -in Exeter cemetery. 4 A presentation for Miss Marion MacLaren, who is leaving this week for —Gtiderich, was held at the home of Miss June Saundercock Monday evening of this week, when some 16 girl- friends met in her horor and presented iher with a lovely dresser lamp. The address was read by Miss Norma Sangster and the presentation made by Mrs. W. Finch. Contests, games, -dancing and a delicious lunch- eon concluded a Mos-. delightful eve- ning. The affair was arrauged by Miss Juue Saundercock. ,.. , The Octdber meeting on Hurondale Women's Institute was held at the ome of Mrs. Ben Williams, with the resident, Mrs. Kirkland, in the come forward, and a humorous poem composed by Mr. Henry Horton, was read by Mrs. Maude Hedden, after which the many lovely and costly gifts were presented by ma. Grace Harpole and Miss GladysLuker, Mrs. Allan, although completely taken by surprise expressed her thanks in a chair. Interesting papers' were ,con- , tributed by Mrs. A. Rundle and- MrS. Carman Cann spo'ke on the history of the Russian people and Miss Nettie Keddy on the origin of the Women's Institute. The roll call was answer- ed 'with curr€nt events. Mrs. Frayaf',. added to the nieeting with pleasing violin selections. Luncheon waa ser' - ea. The Hensall-Exeter branch of -the Canadian Legion , are .sponsoring" a bingo and dance in the Town Hall, uensan, 1 orttray, 2410v.U. prises, Inc utling e.hickeint, 040 RA 10 special Prise of nnteyn,, be given am y that ulokt. ^1411rdooles, orchestra will furnish, the Inunio fox, th,e da,nce, Armistice service; under the smok- es of the Exeter -Rental' traneh of the Canadian Legion, will be bold On - Sunday, Nov. 7th, at 2.3.0 p4n. in $t. Paul's Anglican Church, Rev. M. A. Hunt will give the memorial addreatil, Mr. Wilulam Simmons, of the Boma- ciary, who has been In Seat Memoz' ial Hospital, Seaforth, for the past two remelts, is recovering slowly. and expects to be home in a week or Oa. Mr. and Mrs:George Efrideon were in Goderich on Sunday last. • Mrs. Nelson Blatchford waif in 'To - route this week attending the funeral of her nephew, the late Wm. Glenn. A nsmber of young ladies frons Hensall attended the masquerade Hallowe'en dance 'held et the Cen- tral* airport Tuesday evening. Council Meets The regular meeting of the village council was held Monday evening et 8 p.m. in the council chamber with all, members being . present except Councillor A. W. Kerslake. The min - lees of the previous meeting Were read and adopted on motion by E. Pink and F. W. Smllacombe. R. J. Paterson reported re tax -collections as being $2,402.47, prepaid receipts 'be- ing $625.0Cand cash $1,787.17. R. E.' Shaddick repotted re the sidewalk in front of A: Spenser's property need- ing repirs. kyle instructed- to at- tend to the same, also to securetwo loads of cement grayel from Cudmore. Correspondencewas read as follows: Gutta Percha & Rubber Ltd., re fire- rn.en's boats; Provincial Treaurer, re subsidy; Department of Municipal Af- fairs, re insurance; Department of Public Welfare, re fuel; gnie' consid- ered arid filed. .Bills and accourite were read as follows: Huron. Exposi- tor, advertising, $4.45; G. M. Case, teaming, streets, $1.20; T. Kyle, sal- ary, $72.40; Hensall Hydlie hydro for hall. $9.52; B. Kyle, repairs, hall, $815; bandstand $27.24; J. A. Pater- son, Selecting jurors, $1.50; R. E. Sbaddick, Selecting jurors, $1.50; R. J. Paterson, selecting jurors, $1,50. Total, $12749. J. Parkins and E. Fink: • That the bills and aceounts as read be paid. Carried. F. W. Smalla- can:be and E. Fink: That nomination and election bylaw NO. 4 be '-given first and second reading. Carried. & Parkins and F. W. Smallacombe: That Bylaw No. 4 be given third and r al reading and finally passed. Car- ried. F. W. Smallacombe and E. Fir.k: That we now adjourn to meet -eain Nv. 15th at $ pm. Carried. (Continued° on -Page 5) rro „ereeteeb"r._ 141"" 4nd L-664"0""° the boundary, spent Stinday telt at • . A"A. ..• ,.• ^. 7 • , . 1,0ressa....a.."rabI IKE hundreds of oilier linle girls and boys, when she says "Goodnight, Daddy", the sots it to a photograph; These little Ones &rile never known the thrill of a real, lve, hold-yon-close-inAivannt daddy4 Their daddies are over there fighting so that you can live In comfort and safety; When you think �f these kid4e4 ask yourself if you are investing all you can to SPeeirthe Vkibty which will bring 'home the dddies' they -.alio missing; Theie children want and need the, InieVaird 'Offettiertiiher CoMfail and pleeine then oidy daddiesitait" It $s kayour OW* ith / help make Dakdreclins come true; Make Die ViiterYlionds fraif movie wand Ant will help biingihnietnikuinitti doddIestbak Oagoi young nitro; 7- 1