HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1943-10-29, Page 3a a a • OUOLD FO ° VICTORY. OUR FIGHTING MEN ARE DOING THEIR JOB — WR MUST DO OURS WHAT IS OUR. JOB? Right now it is to invest every available dollar in Victory Bonds— then to hold them so that our dollars will keep fighting with our men until Victory is won. When you buy Victory Bonds, you invest in Canada, at good interest with repayment on due date certain. . Should you require assistance to purchase Victory Bonds, this Bank will arrange to make you a loan repayable over a period of six months at the sarrie rate of interest as the Bond pays you. Buy Victory Bonds to the very limit of your resourcs-THIS WAY IS VICTORY. THE DOMINION BANK C. H. CARLISLE, President WARbROBE STOCKTAKING Now's The season for taking stock of your winter wardrobe. You have a couple of dresses that are in the dubious class. Maybe they would make over successfully arid then ROBERT .RAE,, General Mama' again, the material may not be worth - it. Here's one way to tell. Cottons, silks. and rayons should be held up to the light to see the weak spots around the places where tears or breaks ---have already occurred. It may still be possible to use other n . (ColatInued, fiota Plugs Mg fora Rock Oi ,Rtfmre4b,ird> , • TO the farmer, as J' .. Longsta, and Hatchery Inspeccto; aslsatc.•he- wan., . points out, the trapnessttwl of Poultry may neem just a tiresome., never-ending chore, the fact Is, it is a very necessary and vital part of the Canadian :poultry production pro- gram. Just as the grain grower cleans his seed and rejects shrunken grains, weeds, and dirt, so the I ..O.P. breeder in co-operation with the R.O.P. Inspec- tor culls out the 'poorly developed and undesirable birds. A farmer does not seed' his entire farm without having had the grain tested„ for germination: The germination test in potiitry breed- ing is done by the R.O.P. poultry breeder by trapnesting pullets for their first full year's lay. In doing so he is working for the advantage of the whole poultry industry. The eggs are separately marked, the Chicks when they come, are banded by num- bered leg bands and the numbers re- corded with the number of the sire and dam. When mature, the chicks are trapnested to' see •if the dam, af- ter producing sufficient eggs to quali- fy in Record of Performance, can pro- duce the quality of chicks to 4 arry On the job of profitable production. Just as germination, rapid growth, resistance io disease, early, maturity and heavy production are important to the farmer, so fertility and 'hatch- ability, rapid feathering and develop- ment, ability to live, early maturity and heavy production are the main issues to the poultryman. It should be the aim of everyone raising poultry, when chicks have to be bought, to buy .R.O.P., and R.O.P. sired chicks so as to benefit directly by the breeding work and in this way help forbvard Canada's poultry. pro- duction program. A farolirit suuer eo ...ptat ; n. '"It'e not the heat, bit the PPM* +In the winter, however, they becon.RA• words of wiedoin. By ru •intalu ug high humidity in the,home, bouseebe d'ers will be more comfortable even' though •temperaturesare lower. On top of that, they will save many a, shovelful of coal. Even if it were not neoessarY to save every bit of fuel possible, health alone would indicate plenty of mois- ture in the air. In winter the air dry and thirsty. It must obtain Tabla- ture from somewhere, and that some- where is often from an individual's body and nasal passages. Doctors agree that there would be ,Fewer colds and nose infections if humidity were higher in Canadian homes. There are several simple things that will help to maintain higher humidity. Here are a few of them: Keep the pan in the hot air fur- nace, if there is one, well-filled with water. If this is not sufficient, place cans of water just hiside the regis- ters, not where they'll show, but where they will do their work effec- tively. After taking a bath, leave the• hot water standing in the tub until it is Cold. At the same time 4eave the bathroom door open so that the mois- ture can penertate into the other hooms. Potted plants make good humidi- fiers if they're kept well -watered. Their porous pots literally ooze mois- ture. A pan. of water underneath the rad- iator is a good substitute for the reg- ular humidifying pans that fit on the back of the radiator. A good idea is to place one end of a small. ,piece of absorbent cloth in the water, letting. the other end hang over the side. Homes heated by stoves need; ha+v'e , a' ; no humidifying problems: J'u: t keep i/; pacts. Woollen material, which may seem hopeless at first glance, has brighter prospects when turned wrong side out. Providing the ,holes aren't too large or the nap too far gone, the reversed material will often provide the makings for a skirt or blouse. lt. SPEED THE VICTORY! You'd give everything you own right now to see "Axis Surrenders'!" flashing across the headlines. That news flash is comitfg. It's coming soon. How soon, depends on you. 'rife- way lfeway to Victory is clear. Our boys,art`smashing the enemy. But they need your help — your purchases ' of 5th Victory Loan Bonds — to speed their triumph, to give them that last extra ounce of power. They're doing the I fighting: you do the lending, for Victory and ;,heir quick return. BUY BONDS! • This war has to be fought on the home front as well as on the fighting front—.with dollars as well as with bombs. Our fighting men are making us proud of them—we are their:trusted comrades our job -is to fight With our work and our savings. Every Victory Bond we, buy helps to • shorten the war and bring our boys home more quickly. Surely it is not too much to ask that we economize more— and lend more—to bring this about. We know our money is safe in Victory Bonds, because it is backed by all the resources of Canada. And, as we save and lend, we are building up a nest -egg, to be spent after the war on all those things which today we do without. Buy more Victory Bonds. Plan to buy bonds out of accumulated savings and out of your earnings. The authorized Victory Loan salesman, your employer, or any bank or trust company, can arrange it for you. EMPIRE BRASS MFG.' CCS:;LIMITED Duro Pumps and Emco Plumbing Fbotrres Head Office end falctortva-LONDONt Ontt rick VANCOUVER HAMILTON TORONTO SII.*EUPY _' WINNIPEG