The Huron Expositor, 1943-10-15, Page 4si• .14 I efee:!•71'"e- tit lz Ads wU ; . be inserted at new law cash rates: iy"ted, 1...t and Fogad. C01104$ Event*, ineee-Per-word: let week 1 Oeni ,2a4 week, 54,, °eat it= „ ee (lent , sheave. first ineertion35 Cente Beelt 41geree 1fti asel earavisrldou count* as one ward. ef 'flan'ks, In Metlagrium Cent per watd. Minimum. 60 cents per week. ries may be directed to a Rea Nuraher, OD The Huron Mgramitor, for 10 cents extra. ,,kanta additional Per Week syill be ala if ads in abase class era not paid by the S4tay aright in ibe.week re Which the ad was ran. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of elan% tu Salege-Natices to Creditors, Btc.-Raiss an application. - Farms For Sale ARM FOR SAL -'100 ACRES OF GOOD day loam, bi good abate ut cultivation. 'cis house, bank barn. good spring; 4 stores 12; 5 acres _fall whea:L Close to church nidschool. Five miles uorth ef Zurich on ashen Line; 4 miles frOM, Vague- Apply to JAMES E. STEPHENSON, RR. .1, Varna. 3957-1 FARM FOR SALE -1 MILE EAST OF Walton. Large bank barn; frame house; Erigravel rat; 120 acres. Price reasonable quick sale. Apply to JEAN TURNER Seaforth. 3957x8 1'AR1VI FOR SALE OR Exc.e.A.NuF.--aoo J• acres; 21/2 miles from Walton, Huron ,ounty. Frame house, bank barn. cement Soors; water in stable; drilled well; wind- mill. Has maintained large stock for peat 20 years. Will exchange far larger farm; something similar, in another county. tES- TER REGAN, R.R. 2, Myth. Ont.: 3957x3 Auction Sales A UCTION SALE AT L0'11 26, CONCES- sion 5, McKillop, 21/2 =tiles north of Sea - forth, on Friday, October 02nd (will be held uider cover if wet): 35 head of grade cattle consisting of 6 cows, .1 fresh, 2 to freshen in Novesnher, 3 in February and March; 29 steers and heifers ranging in age from three months to two years. Also a John Deere lSIddel P tractor and a MoConnick-Deering 5 -furrow adinsiMble disc adow. No outside stock. Terms -Cash. F. BRUCE ME/DD, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctieneer. 3957x1 • A -UCTION SALE ON JAffifES STREET, "‘-!••• Seaforth, on setureay, October 23rd, at 1 p.m.: Six kitchen chairs ; 1 extension table: 1 buffet, couch; 1 kitchen table; deal oil stove; 1 kitchen 'cupboard; coal oil heat- er; 1 Heintzman piano (like new) :• Several rockers and small iables s 2 antique upholster- ed chairs ; 1 'Wetrola and records; 1 hall rack ; 1 electric radio; 1 single lied; 1 wal- net dining room suite (new); 3 bedrceen suites and ,ssirinsg raattresses; 1 chest of drawers; 1,:"-inztodriobe ; 1 bednoota rug 1 .lawn is -sewer; garden 'hose; garden teals and other articles ; 8 -day chock: solid walnut, case; wal- nut chest of drawers with mirror; automatic ellectric iron; single folding bed with mat- tress (new) ; 5burner Hot Plate (almost' new) ; coffee Percolator; teapot; bucksaw crosscut saw. Terms -Cash. MRS. ISABEL- LA MacDOKALD, Proprietress ; Harold Jack- son, Anctioneer, AUCTION s'Ariee ;OF HOUSEHOLD BF- fects.-Mr. Harold Jackson, auctioneer, has been instructed to sell by public 'auction on Saturday. October leth. at 1 o'clock pan., on Market Street, Seaforth: One cook stove with water front; 1 oak sibling room suite; 2 coaches; eleetric. radios; 1 maple bed- room suite; 2 quilt boxes; 1 hall rack 1 chest of drawers; 1 white bedroom suite; 1 oak bedroom •suite; 1 spring mattress: 1 felt mattress; 1 single bed, springs and Mattress, 1 studio couch; 2 feather ticks; 5 small tables; 1 Chesterfield suite, two-piece; two leather rockers; 4 odd rockers; 1 piano stoql; 1 4:coal oil stove and oven; step ladder; kit- chen table; 1 electric washer; 1 ice box; 1 coniplete dhina dinner set and large quan- titY of other dishes and leooking utensils; sealers ,nninber, of eleetzric lamps; 1. large carrels door d,lie; mantle cloak; 1 library table; 1 'hot Water jacket heater; several riees of floor Oeveseng. Term.s-Cash. MRS. ADAM HAYS, P'roprietress; H. Jackson, Auctioneer. , 3957-1 rt.T.EARING AUCTION SALE OF REGI- ' sterred•Clydesdale Horses and" 42 Register- ed Scotch Shorthorn Cattle. W. E. Nairn. Auctioneer, will sell by .publie auction at Lot 12, Concession 13, Fullerton Township, 114 miles west'of lyfetherwell. and 31,8 miles east 'of Mount Pleasant, on Thursday, October 21, 1,943, eommencing at 1.10 o'clock: HORSES .-1 Registered brood mare 10 years Old; 1 stallion foal, '5 months .old; 1 filly, 4 • years old, eligible for registration; 1 filly 2 years old, eligible for registration; 1 gelding three years old; 1 gelding 2 years old; 1 agricul- tural mare 7 years old. ,CAT1'LE-42 Regi- stered Scotch ;Shorthorns, consisting of 18 'cows and heifers with calves at their side from 3 to 8 months old; 2 heifers 2- years old in calf; 3 yearling heifers, open; Herd Sire, grandson of Colynie Victor Royal, four years odd. The above herd are descendants of the fallowing well known families: Augusta, Mayflower, Helen, WIMPle and Buckingham. 'This herd has been hilly accredited for 7 years, and passed a glean blood test within the last month. This is a good breeder's herd and will be sold witholit,reserve. Terms -Cash. CHARLES HACKNEY, Proprietor; W. E. Nairn, ,Auctioneer; Lincoln White, Sales Manager.' 3951-1, A UCTION SALE OF FURNITUR7--Mr. 4--.• Harald Jackson, Auctioneer, has been in- structed to seri on the premises of the un- dersigned, High Street, Seafortih, on Wednes- day, October 20th, at L30 p.m., the T. -allowing household furniture: Three-piece parlor suite; 3 sinall tables; 1 electric table ...lam1s. small bookcase; set of Buliver's books; other books; E. VoCalian phonograph and records; library table;,.2 leather ehairs; table; wicker Bower stand; wicker foot stool; solid oak buffet; solid oak extension table; solid oak diners; mantle clock; electric Philo° radio; fancy diefies and china; handviacinim; oak halraiands pictures; picture frames; Perfection heater; 4 rocking chairs; 6 kitchen dhsairs; sideboard, antique; fall leaf table; 8 hole electric plate; kitdhen stove; kitchen dishes and cooking utensils; clock.; jem jars; washstand with wringer:, wash tub; clothes- wringer; clothes basket: 8 iron •beda, springs and mattresses, Isse.ingle bed and mattress; 1 large bureau, antique; 1 'cherry Wardrobe; 3 •washstands; 1 walnut .dresser, antique; 3 toilet seta; 1 oval mirror; curtains and side curtains; 8 coal oil lamps; 2 electric bedroom lamps ; several rugs; lawn mower f;garden tools, and other items not Mentioned. Terms --Cash., MRS. H. J. GIBSON, Proprietress; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 3956-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM StoOlf. Implements and Household Effects, on Thursday, October 21, 1948, commencing at 1 p.m., at „Lot, 4, Concession 7,.,Grey Town - &bib, 11/4 miles north and 1 mile east of BrUseels: HIMOES-1 Clyde ream 12 years old; 1 Clyde gelding 7 years old; 1 Clyde mare 8 years old; 1 driving mare 7 'years cArri-r.,-(Am Durham Cattle): One roan clow due May 15th; 1 red cow due May 13th; 1 red caw die January 10th s 1 farrow cow; 7 heifers rising 2 years old6 steers ^rising 2 years old; 5 spring calves. PIGS- fpigs, 140 lbs.; 6 pigs, 125 lbs.; 7 Trigs, 9' (JP'. week old. PP trtsTRY-85 Sussex hens, ane year old. IMPLEMENTS -1 Deering binder 7.foot ,eut; 1 Massey -Harris fertilizer drilf• 1 r 14 -plate Bissell disc; 1 Deeding stiff tootb eultivator, ,11400t; 1 riding pilaw; 1 walking Plow: 1 Rani plow; 1 sesufffer; 1 steel land roller; 1 &section harrows; 1 Deering mower, 6 -feet; 1 Deering hay loader, new; 1 Deering side rake, netkil; 1 sulky rake; 1 Deering man - art ,spreader, new; 1 farm truck wagon, new; hair raik, l0 -Mit, Feller rack; 1 set of sleighs (new). and track 1 rubber tired ,buggy (like neW) 1 steel td buggy; 2 Portland cut - feta 1- Stone boat; 1 Fleury grain crusher; 1 set Of scaled, 2,000 lbs. Capacity; 25 grain 'haw: :Delawal ereark,separator, power drive. 1/4 H. rimier; wheeTherroWv geaneity of leafiest; iforkte t1sotet whifiletrees, too -foot • 'eitietiion cordltyokes add oilier articles. 1 'RAY Aid, d1tAliSt*,46 tons of nexed hay; 2041 iiel� 0940 U000 bnsheld ibegtibi 4644 '',;4 464 -to Of teanglee. eke 'M�8 2.7.0*-‘'' *00600 Wilkes.; 1 set tat80d46eoeitt- keese telltale: a Auction Sales A UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implenezata, en Tuesday, October 2681. at 12.30 p.m, at Lots T'sand 8, Concession 9. Tuckersmith. List will follow next week. ?MS. HANNAH JACKSON. Proprietress; Harold Jackson and Frank Taylor, Auctdon- sera, 3957-1 For Sale or Rent Thoit SALE OR RENT -HOUSE ON MAIN Street in Eginonsivilde. Apply by Nov.. 1st. Apply to W. C. GOVENLOOK, Egmondville. 8957-1 For Rent VOR RENT -FOUR FURNISHED OR UN- -' furnished rooms in brick house, on corner of Ord and Market Streets. Apply to Box 27, Seaforth, or phone 25. 8956x2 For Sale FOR SALE-FOURILLN. PIGS SIX WEEKS z:1; alsoa genuMe 'horsehide .leather mat in good .dito seafort.h., size 38, Apply 3951.Ji. BURNS, ROR SALE -FEATHER TICK MATTRESS, '`• to good condition; also two wicker c.hairs. Apply to AIRS. DAVE LEMON. 396'771: BULLS FOR SALE --12 DUAL PURPOSE hulls, from R.O.P. tested dams; six ,of serviceable age. Apply to ERNEST TEM- PLEMAN, Shafts. `-phone 61 r 16, Dublin. 3957x3 FOR SALE -FIFTY YEA.R-OLD LEGHORN hens, at ninety cents each. ARTHUR ANDERSON, RR. 2, •Hensall. 3957-1 FOR SALE -A GOOD DURHAM COW ;' AL - so De Laval cream separator, in good condition. ILES. E. BANNON. Phone 198-W. Wanted W'AN'TED DIEREDIATELY-GIRL4OR WO - man to do housework for short ,time. Could give steady employment. Apply to MRS. E. B. GOITDIE, Phone 661 r 2, Sea - forth.. 3957-1, • T.TATCHING EGGS WANTED. -WE RE - quire breeding flocks, all breeds, to supply us with hatching eggs for 1944 hatching sea- scin. culled and bloodtested free. Guar- anteed premium paid. Also wanted turkey flocks to supply hatching eggs. Apply TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LIMITED, Fergpe, Ontario. 3957-4 MALE HELP WANII.D-1 DAY FIREMAN JJ•l• and 1 Night Watch, both with fourth class Fireman Certificates. Good wages, steady job. War workers not eligible. Appli- cants must be of age not subject to military call Apply with references at your nearest EMPLOYMENT AND SELECTIVE SERVICE 1 OFFICE, referring to C. R. 161. 3954-3 WAIMD TO BUY -OLD HORSES AND " dead "cattle for mink feed. If dead, Phone at once. FRED GILBERT, 908 r 22, or JACK GILBERT, 908 r 21, Clinton, and reverse ehartrem. 3951x8 Notices q'TEERS -TO .b.L.t.D FOR GAIN - WILL " guarantee twelve cents per pound or as much es they sell for. If fed at home plenty of bean straw and hay. ARTHUR ANDER- SON,. R.R. 2, Hensall. 3957-1 ANRS. ALICE B. WHYA.RD, JARVIS ST., Phone 182..T, has taken over the Spirella. Corset Service in Seaforth. See her for that ' new corset or girdle you 'need. Individually 1 designed for you. , 8954x4 NoncE--vntaxant BRADSHAW, YOUR; Watkin's dealer, and also agent for E. D. Smith & Son's fruit and ornamental nursery stock, Market Street, Seaforth, Ont. Phone ' 50. 3952x16 Cards of Thanks F. MRS. M. EIATTIIEWS AND MR. JOSEPH MATTHEWS, of McKillop, desire to Pris their sincere appreciation of the many acts of kindness shlown to them during their recent sad bereavement, and also to thank those who sent spiritual offerings. • 8957x1 NIA. le Lett, Deatarartine hfke geteut Mrs. L. GOOderbent, Cnatswort4; ‘44" and Mrs. Charles Mills, Leaden; Mr. and Mrs. W. Weed, Tdr. and Mrs, W41.1. DOWI1S, Mr. arid M. C. Downs and Mr. awl efre. George Dunn, en of Exetee; Mr. and ,Mrs. Wm. Blake, Medford; Mr and Mrs. E. Dobie and Mr James Moore, of Forest. Mr. and Mrs. F. Lawrence, of Hate ilton, Were with Mr. and Mrs. F. Townsend over the week -end to at- tend the funeral of the late Robert Trick. Mrs. Frances Trick returned to Hamilton for the winter with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blake, of Thed- ford; Mr. and Mes. E. Dobie, of For- e3t, and Mr. Jantes Moore, also of Forest, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Townsend on Sunday. ST. COLUMBAN tweassmans The regular meeting of the C.W.L., of St. Columban, was held recently with a good attendance. The presi- dent opened the meeting with prayer and the minutes were read and adopt- ed. Letters regarding spiritual bou- quets for chaplains and men in the armed forces were discussed. It was decided to pack boxes for the boys very shortly. Prayer closed the meet- ing. HENSALL If your umbrellas .need repairing, kindly leave them at Goodwin's by Monday raorning. (Continued from Page 1) poultry meaner saleable article, please advise illre.• W. Sangstb1-q>hone 68, - as soon is, possible. There will also be numerous games and added attrac- tions and dancing; so let's see you at this big night Mrs. Cyril Rutherford, ofToronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Heywood, of Exeter, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs, William 'Consitt. Dr. and Mrs. G. L. Snaith end Eliza- beth, of St. Marys, were Thanksgiv- ing visitors with Mrs. G. C. Petty. Mr. and Mrs. George T. Mickle and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mickle, of Ridge - town, and Mr. and Mrs. George-Mickle and son, Donald, of London, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. McNichol and Raymond and Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Tib- .. bett and Melvin, of London, were Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Pfaff, Mr. and Mrs. George T. Mickle, of Ridgetown, are spending a week with, their son and daughter-in-law, Mr.' and Mrs. Laird Mickle. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elder, of Ham- ilton, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. John Elder and Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore, Mr, and Mrs. John Pfaff were vis- ited over the week -end and Thanke- giving by their little granddaughter, Greta Pfaff, of Cromarty. Master Wayne Welsh was holiday- ing .last week in Exeter with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Redden and Miss Marie Hedden, of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Carter, Catherine and Donald, of Clinton, were Thanke- givieig visitors with Mrs. C. M. Red- den. Pte. Leonard Noakes and Mrs. Noakes spent the week -end and holi- day with relatives in Detroit. Pte. Garnet Allan, of Camp Borden, visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs: Wilson Allan, over the week -end. Rev. W. Weir, Mrs. Weir and Fred- die, of Hespeler, and Mrs. Weir, Sr., Goderich, were Thanksgiving guests Monday with Mr. and Mrs. James A. Pa terson. Mrs. Louise. Gilbert, of London, spent Thanksgiving with her daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. IL A, Orr. ' Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis and family, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Love and family, of Owen Sound, and Mr. and Mrs. John Hind, of Exe- ter, were week -end and Thanksgiving vis'tora with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mc- Donald: The ieatrtiful home of Dr. and Mrs. Jaires W. Bell, who reside on High- way 4, presents a very attractive ap- pearance, having been painted in creatn and green, and the artist was Dr. Bell. Mrs. Norman McDonald, of 'Atka Craig, visited with. Mr. and Mrs. lt A. Orr for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore, ii Hensel, and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne El- der, of Hamilton, spent Thanksgiving witb Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Passmore and Mr.- and Mrs. Albert Passmore, of Delhi. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Welsh spent a week's vacation with relatives and friends in Toronto, Niagara Falls, Hamilton and Belleville. . Mr. G, C_Petty, highly esteemed 'resident of this village, quietly cele- brated her 88th birthday on Friday, Oct. 8th. Mrs. Petty is wonderfully smart and active for her advanced years, and takes care of her ho'use- hold duties herself, and her memory is wonderful, and she is bright and witty. Mrs. Charles McDonell and Doro- thy, of London, spent Saturday last with friends in Hensel], who were pleased to ede them. Miss Florence Welsh has been goli- da,ying fof' the past two weeks with relatives and friends in Toronto and tobcageon. LAC. Donald MacKinnon, who has been transferred from Clareshoim, Alta., to Manning 13Ool, Toronto, was a recent visitor with his wife and family. • Mrs. James Stokes and little daugh- ter, Sharon, of London, wer week- end, visitors with her pkrents-, Mk.. and Mrs. Wilson Watson's Hall, ,Xippen, was 'the scene of a delightful event when a elle gathering Of relatiVes, Mende a:ad neighbort, gathered to honor Mr. add Mrs. ' Yarned MoNalightoh, the orther. Itiss, 116,10 Middle,' and tt to: Births MELADY-In Scott 114ernerial Hospital, on - October 9th, to Mr. and lVirs. Edward gnenely, a son. MUIR-In Scott Memorial Hospital, OTI: October llth, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mar, Seaforth, a son. PAPPLE-In Scott s Memorial Hospital, on 'October llth, to Mr. 'and Mrs. Gordon 'People, a son. Deaths HARIMA_N-an Seafo9th, on Friday, October 6th, Jessie Maude noiraavec, widow of the late Richard Harman, in her 62nd year. •DAVIS-rn Ilibbert, on Sunday, October 10th, William Davis, in his 64th year. -GOVENLOCK-EZLIss Jean Govenlock, of Cal- gary, died Oct. 8th, and her eldest sister, Janet, died ()et. 10th, A double funeral service was held for them in Calgary on October 13th at 3.30 o'clock. • ammanseee - CLINTON 4/MIONINIIIIII11111811111411101 The death took place in Clinton Hospital suddenly on Thursday, Oct. 7th, of Robert Trick, although he had been in ill health for several months. He was born near Embro -in Nissouri Township, and was in his 78th year. He was married to Mies Florence May 'Lott, of Blenheim, thirty-nine years ago, who survives him, together with one son, Mr. Elmer Trick, who re- eidee at Trick Mills Farm, and one brother, Frank, on the homestead. Ile was educated at S.S. No. 11, Goderich Township, and was a miller and far- mer all 'his life, and had lived for the past six years in Clinton. Mr. Trick was a member of Ontario St. United Church. The funeral was held on Sunday last,ut 2.30,' p.m. from his late residence, with Rev. G. G. Burton of- ficiaeing. The pallbearers were Fred 1,00:fence, aliwii6611d;Wise, W. J. Elliott, J. McFarlane and J. Ere, A large eltpliber of old friends 1,0 Stvent etreeteketliiitioneee le.vik anti relative§ attended the funeral. ve ,,,eat AtittOLD 01'.'"e'r'5`-' tteihg a. miller for 40 years or more', *41'1,ttlynhalr:, 0 'le, was wen Known in aoderich Town.- ' it 1;6106',611.4is mid. 6. hest Of friendkrerif Ora*, too,'Ootio og Assp 6i4ii,V66 pretent e1; Alf,f 2fldf . . . . . 44,xxxvoo.owwwww.adiaraimaccaommaxamicantem as......kummumoussmar cent, hrsi4enVe, presenting them with 4 &4%e studio MIA, TOT- deok's orchestra famished the ,Music for the dannit with Mr. Wm. flayter as floor reallagm" • Pte. lgin Johnson, of London, is spending a furlough with his mother, Mrs. Adeline Joh8sQn• Miss Florence Welsh has returned from Pleasant week's vacation spent with relatives in Toronto. At the congregational meeting held in Carmel Presbyterian Chdch a un- arimous cali was extended eto Rev. Joseph Taylor' at Cranbrook. Mr. and Mrsr W. A. MacLanevad AIfarian were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacKay, at Rillsburg, and with Mrs. W. A. Young and fam- ily at Fergus_ Mr.s. A. W. Kerslake, Billy and Joan have returned home after spend- ing 6 week visiting with relatiVes in Guelph. Allan Soldan, of the R.C.A.F., left for New Brunswick after spending his furlough at his thome here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simpson, and Janeth ape getting nicely settled in the home of Mrs. Charles McDonell, which they rented from her, ' and where they will spend the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hudson moved on Thursday of last week into their new home at the north end- of the village, where they are getting nicely settled. Miss Margaret Bell, of the C.W.A. C., London, was a recent visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bell: Miss Margaret Kercher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herb McKercher, of Rippen, who has been attending Wes- tervelt School, London, has accepted an outstanding position with the Con- tinental Life Insurance Co. Mrs. Markham, of London, and Mrs. George Moir, of Exeter, are visitors with Mrs,. J. D, Stewart. Mr: and Mrs. Laird Joynt and fam- ily, of. Toeonetp, Spent Thanksgiving with the former's mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt. Mr. Eric Kennedy, of Hamilton, ,spent Thanksgiving with his wife and fanellY. Rees and AMA 'Mr. 4t Mrs. itelOn and ,faMily, of pelwomberg, were leolidaY visitors with the forinsee mother, Mrs, P. C. CantelorL., Lieut. Sant Rennie, • of bleatham, event Thanksgiving with his wife and family. Mr. Ray e Paterson, of Toronto, was , Thanksgiving visitor with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. p.aiterson. Miss Alice Iaff, of Exeter, spent Thanksgiving with her mother, Mrs. Alice Pfaff, and sister, Beryl. Miss Mary Buchanan, superintend- ent at the General Hospital, Niagara Falls, Reeve George Armstrong, Mrs, Armatrong, Jean, Betty and Harry, of Hal, were Thanksgiving visitors with Mrs. Alex Buchanan. Mrs. William Dougall left this week for Toronto where she wifl spend the wipter months with iter daughter. Mips Alice Dougall. Miss Mary Hemphill, of London, visited ther parents over Thanksgiv- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook and little daughter, of Windsor, were Thanks- giving visitors -with Mr. and Mr. C. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. W. E Hoggarth and daughter, Miss Anne Hoggarth, of London, called on friends in Hensel]. on Saturday' last. Miss Margaret Sangster, of Exeter, was a holiday visitor with her mother, Mrs. Minnie Sangster. A, beautiful snowball quilt made by Mrs. James Hoggarth is on diaplay in Mr. Goodwires window, and will be drawn for at the frolic Friday even- ing. All proceeds are for the Red Cross. Large congregations attended .spe- cial Thanksgiving services in the three local churches Sunday last. The weather being ideal, church -goers took advantage of the day to attend. divine service; Lovely autumn flog, ere adorned the churches and special messages were delivered by the min- isters, and the choirs rendered music in keeping with the occasion. At the United Church morning service, Mr. W. 0. !:eeodwin rendered a pleasing „). WO, trod of the LOiltiest litountains,!! Mr. William. Davis, ,prOMinent Ste- % regiideat, and teleeeeteflel farmer ia that area, died suddenly at hie home Sunday VIOrning, one Mile end a. quar- ter west" of Staffa. Mr. Pavia had not been in the beet of health for the week previous to his dee* but his death came suddenly while he was sitting in a chair. Be was in his 65th year and was unmarried, but is Survived by four sieters, Anne, Mar- garet, Elizabeth and Mrs.,' William Doig. Funeral services were 'held from his late residence Tuesday, Oct. 12th, at .2.30 o'clock, with interment in Staffa cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Casey Hudson, of Goderich, spent Thanksgiving with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. George Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Paterson spent Friday in London. Mr. and Mrs. William White, of London, spent Sunday with Mrs. R. Bonthron. Miss Mavis Spencer, of Toronto, visited over Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. James Smillie are spending a week or so with relatives in Toronto. The many friends of Mr. N. E. Cook who has been a Patient at St. Joseph' Hospital, London, in the interests of his health, will be pleased to learn is home again and feeling much improv- ed. W. M. S. Holds Sociel Evening The W.M.S. of the Unita` Church held a very successful pot-luek sup- per in the basement of, the church Friday evening last., The attractive tea tables were centred with lovely bouquets of autumn flowers and a most delicious supper served. At the conclusion, of supper Mts. W. B. CrOtAt presided for the devotional period and programme. Following the opening hymn, the Scripture reading was -giv- en by Mrs. W. Smale. Prayer was offered by Mrs. yran Kyle and the devotional was ably given by Mrs. Jack Corbett, the theme being "The Childen "Buie,* alld 'Oigb program enilOYedi following numbere:, 10,1 Miss Velma Fer$14gMt of Ici*WhilroFto and Miss ViOig ,Xoc#01#10:'''OSPIV Solo, 114isaq.loyi3 vow: vooti. flUet,, "Trod is Love," 11116S Mary LcivodWilt end Miss Ruth 4esa, Miss Geta Lam- mie ,accompanying at the ano; selection, Miss . Greta Laminie, Miss Gladys Luker accompanist, The highlight of the evening was the pres- entation of a, pleasing play, "Ailvene tures in Friendship," directed by Miss Ellis and presented by the fol- lowing cast: Mrs. Howard Mrs. Jack Corbett, Mrs. Peter 411eNaughe ton, Mrs. Byran Kyle, Mrs. Eric Ken- nedy and Miss Gladys Luker. The devotional and program was arranged by the Senior Mission. Chyle. The event was much enjoyed. Back our 1;1 ys with Bonds Remember, we're only asked to lend. • The Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada offers for public, subscription *1,200,000;000 Fifth VICTORY L Dated and bearing interest from 1st November 1943, and offered in two maturities, the choice of which is optional with rhe subscriber, as follows: 15 years and 2 months 3% Bonds Due 1st January 1959 Callable in or after 1956 Interest payable let January and July Bearer denominations, $50, $100, $500, $1,000, $5,000, $25,000 Usue Price: 100% 1"4•;24,---; • 3 years and 6 months 13/4% Bonds Due ist May 1947 Non -callable to niaturity Interest payable 1st May and November Bearer denoMinations, $1,000; $5,000, $25,000, $100,000 Issue Price: 100% Principal and interest payableTir lawful money of Canada; the principal at any agency of the Bank of Canada and the interest semi-annually, without charge, at any branch -in Canada of any Chartered Bank, excepting that the first interest payment on the 3% Bonds will be for an eight months' period and payable 1st July 1944. Bonds may be registered as to principal or as to principal and interest, as detailed in the Official Prospectus, through any agency of the Bank of Canada. 1 • • Fully -Paid Subscriptions-rSubscriptions for either or both maturities of the loan may be paid in full while the lists are open at the issue price in each case without accrued interest. -Bearer bonds with coupons will be available for prompt delivery. Instalment' Subscriptions -Subscriptions may also be made payable by instalments, plus accrued itnterest, as follows -10% on application; 18% on 1st December 1943; 18% on 3rd January 1944; ••• 18% on 1st Pebruary 1944; UM on 1st March 1944; 18.64% on the 3% bonds or 18.37% on the % bonds, on 1st April -194.4. The last payment on lst April 1944, covers the final payment of principal, plus .64 of 1% in the case of the 3% bonds and .37 of 1% in the case of the 13// % bonds representing accrued interest to the due dates of the respective instalments. , Conversion Offer -Holders of Dominion of Canada 5% Bonds due 15th October/1943 and Dominion of Canada e 4% Bonds du 15th October 1945 (the latter issue called for payment at 100 % on 15th October 1943), who have not presentedr-their bonds for payment, may, while the subscription lists are open, tender their bonds in lieu of . cash on subscriptions for a like or greater par value of bonds of one or both maturities of this loan at the issue price in each caile:' The surrentlet'Valde of the 5% and/or the 4% bonds will he 100.125 % of their par value, t the refkilting adjustment to 131 paid in cash. - sommar.f The Minister of Finance reserves the right to accept or to allot the whole or any part of the amount of thisboan subscribed for sash fox. either orhoth Maturities if total subseiriptions,are in excess of $1,200,000,000. ',.._`; „ The cash proceeds of this loaxi Will be usirra Li* the Government to finance expenditures for war purposes, . "".-. • . • ,. • .,„ Subscriptions may be made through any Victory Loan Salesman, the National War Finance Co mittee or any representative thereof, any branch in Canada of any chartered Bank, or any authorized Savirigs Bank, Trust or Loan Company; from whom may be obtained application forms and copies 'Of the Official Proispectus containing complete details of the loam The lists will open on 18th October 1943, and will close on or about 6fir November 1943, With or without notice, at the discretion -. ' of thiviilinulhiter of Finance, .,Ni` t Department of Finance, Ottawa, 14th Ottober'1941 . „ , • . • • 44 • ' • ' • 4' 4 1 II 4.44 . . . -d t 4 4 r • , 4 - •