HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1943-09-10, Page 4'77.47.77777177.7.7.117'
ds wiU be inserted at new low cash rates:
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8td week 44 Cent
Minimum charge, first insertion:.,25 Ceuta
Beak 'tiger% initial and abbreviation counts ea one word.
Men/prime Noticea-1 cent per word. Minimum, 50 cents Per week,
eu.Vny- be directed to e Box Number, efio The Huron ExPositcrr, for 10 cents extra.
Weieleiteenel per, will eek -wbe charged if ads in above class are Mit paid by the-
*dee 4Aught in the week in which the ad was run.
4e-eri Wee crud Deaths inserted tree of charge.
»ie eletele Notices to Ceeeitors, Etc.Ratets on application.
Personals For Sale
Olein, Clinton, Phone 76-J, fior aar-
41e.b4i .aineff. Of, Fuller brushes ane,,sery
Vieille. Leave ,orders at Box . 8949 4
8- ET;Orl-
c„ -
Property For Sale
; well Situated in the Village of Walton.
ateaerbe Charlotte M. Drager Estate. Phone
49, Blyth, or McCONNELL & HAYS, Solici-
t:Ws. Seaforth, Ont. 8950-3
Farms For Sale
' prising farmer; 100 acres excellent clay
team in high state of cultivation, between
Seaforth and Clinton on No. 8 Highway.
Ideal home; Hydio; large bank barn. For
furthers particulars apply to Box No. 386,
Auction Sales
Yards, Tuesday, September 21ste at one
o'clock: 60 head of stocker and feeder cat-
tle, ranging fruits. 600-900 pomide. This is
a choice lot of Durham and Hereford cattle.
Terms—Oa-eh. AARON STEENACKElt, Pro-
meetior ; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Implements.—ler. ' Harold Jackson has
been instructed to sell by public auction at
Lot 20, Concession' 11, McKillop, 114 reties
north and 1% miles east of Winthrop, on
Thursday. September 23rd, at 1 o'clock, the
following : HORSES -1 brown mare in foal,
6 years old ; 1 brown mare in foal, 9 years
old; 1 brown mare 10 years old; 1 black
mare 5 years old; 1 brown gelding 3 years
eld; 1 general purpose 4 years old : 2 suck-
ing colts. CATTLE -1 Dunham bull; 1 Dur-
ham cow due Nov. 4th; 1 Hereford heifer
due Dec. 22nd: 1 Durham cow due January
22nd; 1 Holstein cow due Fele 16th ;• 1 Here-
fard cow due March 16th; 1 Hereford cow
due March 16th; 1 Durham cow due April
' 13th; 1 Hereford heifer due April 27th ; 1
' Hereford cow due l3ay leth; 1 Ayrshire cow;
2 three-year-old heifers; 4 two-year-old heif-
ers; 2 year-old steers: 8 yearlings: 10spring
calves. PIGS -4 chunks. FOWL -12 tur-
keys. 6 geese. IMPLEMENTS -1 Massey -Har-
ris 10 -hoe drill; 1 cross motor Case 17-27; 1
3 -furrowed tractor plow; 1 '2 -furrowed trac-
tor plow; 1 single furrow riding plow; 1 2 -
furrowed riding plow: 1 12=booth horse culti-
vator; 1 6 -foot mower; .1 wagon; 1 circular
saw; 1 belt, 45, foot double. GRAIN -600
bushels mixed grain. Terms—Cash. JOHN
GLANVILLE, • Proprietor; • Harold Jackson,
Implements and Household Effects, at Lot
14, Concession 6, Hullett TownehiP. .2 miles
evest of Kinburn, on Wednesday, September
22nd, at 12.30 .o'clock HORSES -1 grey
horse 4 years old ; 1 black driving horse 10
years old, works single or double; 1 bay mare
years eld. CATTLE-4red cow 10 years
old, due in February; 1 roan eow 6 years
old, due in April; 1 roan eow 7 years, due
in March; 1 blaok cow 7 years . old, due in
March: 1 • end cow 6 years old, due in Febru-
ary; 1 grey cors 4 years old,, due in Mere;
1 black steer 2 years .old; 3 black heifers 2
yeais old; 1 black steer 1 year o13; 1, black
heifer 1 year old; 2 red steers 1 year old;
1 red heifer 1 year ale; 7 black .calvm ; 1
Poll Angus coming- 3 years. PIGS—Nine
chunks. HENS -150 pullets (Gs-ade A, Scott
/treed). „ GRAIN --;Quantity of wheat and
oats. IMPLEM'ENT3e-1 Deering binder; 1
Deering mower: 1 Corn King manure spread-
er; 1 Keystone side delivery rake: 1 dump
rake; 1 cultivator; 1 Deering 13 -hoe disc
drill; 6 sections harrows; 1 Blizzard cutting
box; 1 Lister grinder; 1 Coleman crusher;
1 Massey-lbirris hay loader; 1 land roller;
1 wagon ; 1 movable hay rack ; 1 gravel hee;
1 stock rack and wagon box; 1 circular saw;
2 saws; 1 small wegon; 1 set sleighs; 1 frac-
toe„,,3-ferrow plow : 1 -furrow plow; 1 iron
drill; 1 rip saw and 3 emery stones; 1 iron
vice: 2 steel barrels; 1 bean boiling outfit;
'ee'l pile luxnber; 1 ;muffler; 1 hay fork, slings,
hay fork rape and car; 5 pulleys; 1 Renfrew
c -cream, separator; 1 clover and timothy seed
mill; 1 harrowing cart; 1 wheelbarrow; 1
bag truck; 1 elipping, mechine; 1 set discs ;
1 set scales 2,00i) lbs.; 1 meat pulper; 1 bug-
gy; 1 cutter; 1 set double harness ; 1 set
single beefless horse colears ; '1 drive belt;
1 colony house 10x14; 1 colony house eel;
in good conditien. Very reasenable. Ap-
sel!. Phone 5. 3052-1
with lunch room and living quarters.
Well located on No. 2 Highway. .Enjoys good
steady business the year round. An excep-
tional location that will make mere than
good wages for the right couple. Capital re-
quired. Apply by letter to Box 387, HURON
chieken feeders and water fountans; one
, brooder stove; 1 Cyclone seeder. HOUSE-
HOLD EFFECTS -3 wash stands; 1 hanging
lamp; 4 /amps; 1 laritesn; 1 toilet set; 2
pieces linoleum; 1 linoleum rug 12x1314; 1
mean table: 1 buffet ; 1 washing machine; 1
davenport irsl good condition I 1 writing . desk ;
1 oak kitchen cabinet: 1 extension table.; 6
good kitchen chairs ; 2 odd chairs; 3 rocking
chairs; 1 settee and 2 chairs to match; one
tapestry rug 9x10; a number of tools, and
small articles too numerous to mention. Teems
-Cash. No reserve as the proprietor is giv-
e. , Mg up farming an account of ill hea;th.
FARM --,100 acres ; brick house; bank barn;
drive shed; 12 acres of bush. Clay loam.
Well drained. Fairm offered subject to re-
serve bid. Terms on Fann-710"tee down, bal-
ance in 30 days. JOHN FERGUSON, Pro=
oeietor Harold Jaciestm, Auctioneer.
an West William Street. Furnace, lights,
hard and soft water on premises. Garage.
Apply to E. C. CHAMBERLAIN, Insurance
and Real Estate Agent, Seaketh. Phone 334
and 220. 3952x3
"' feetse-Mr. Harold Jackson, auctioneer,
has been instructed to sell by public auction
on the premises, Richmond Street, Hensall, on
Saturday, September Ilth, at 2 pen., the fol-
lowing household effects: To kitchen eup-
beards ; '2 kitchen chairs; arm chair; kitchen
utensils; large cupboard; dishes; e rocking
chair; large mirror; medicine cabinet; antique
extension table (cherry) ; 2 walnut chairs and
love seat, matched; 2 odd chairs; walnut fern
stand; platform rocker; hall tree; platform
chair and arm chair, mateeed; dresser and
bedruara tale; 2 iron 'beds and springs ; toilet
Bet; heating dram and stove pipes; 1 18 -gal-
lon dram; coal oil oven; 10 floor Mats; con-
goleam rug lex12; piece linoleum 6x7; books
and pictures; lamps; several odd tables.
Proprietress; Harold Jaeltson, Auctioneer.
gyggalged ococalder. gPPeala
the RQSailla, Draic, only
appeal vies received and socle
allowed. The following resol
was passed: That anneal of
Weber.agailast his:,assessment.o Ros-
alie Street- Drain be disallowed and
court •be closed. The council then re-
sumed the -regular monthly meeting
when the following resolutions were
passed: That bylaw, re Zurich vil
lage drain, be confirmed and that
Clerk advertise for tenders for doing
the work. That $5.00 per month be
paid to treasurer, Exeter, as TO.Wil-
slhip of Hay portion towards expense
of issuing ration books and that $60
be remitted to treasurer of Exeter for
this purpose covering 12 months for
1943. That byla..7 providing for sub-
mission of the question for a supply
of water for Police Village of Zurich
be provisionally adopted, and that by-
law providing date and place of vlt-
ing be read three times and finally
passed. That bylaw appointing tax
collector be revoked and that taxes
for 1943 in Zurich be paid to the
Bank of Montreal, Zurich, and taxes
also be received by Bank ef Montreal
at Hensall and Exeter, the same as in
former years. That accounts cover-
ing paytnents on township roads, Hay
Telephone 'System, relief and general
accounts, be passed as per vouchers:
Township Roads—Dominion Road
Machinery Co., repairs to crusher,
$239.67; H Dalrymple, repairs, crush --
sr, $33; Stade & Weido, cement, $70;
Johnston & Kalbfleisch, cement, etc.',
$128.35; J. Kernick, crusher, $20.80;
L. Hedden, crusher, $20; P. Eisen-
bach, gravel, $59; M. G. Deitz, labor,
gas, etc., $112.95; W. Allen, chrushing
and trucking gravel, $263.36; G. Beck-
er, 'contract, etc., $394.92; A. _Nichol-
son, crusher, $6.40; W. Allan, crush-
er, $37.50. Total, $1,385.95.
Hay Telephone—Receiver General,
tax tolls, $135.98; Stromberg Carlson,
supplies, $47.42; E. R. Guenther, cart-
age, $2.08; Docon Telephone Co.,
switchboard, $811.17; T. H. Hoffman,
salary-, $225.43; Bell Telephone Co.,
tolls, $326.29; F. C. Kalbfleisch, acct.,
:0;teht, ,the'.4ligir. Thi; reit Was, :wit4. the latter'n 'bre.tber .41)AV sllSter.•
" plow. Apply to Box 389, HURON EX-
7'7,7 Implements and Household Effects, of the
"elate John McNay, at Lot 35, Concession 8,
McKillop Tow/whip, on Wednesday, eeptem-
ber 15th, at 2 p.m. sharp: 12 half grown
pigs; sow and 9 pigs 7 weeks eld; 1 heifer
21/4 years old; team of work horses; 260
Mixed Barred Rock. chicks, 12 weelcs ; 3 heif-
me 2 years old; 2 steers 2 years old; 1 craw
4 yeah eld, due to freshen October 15th
1 cow 8 Yeivea old due to freshen Sept. '15th ;
wagon and racks; gravel box; Deering Mow -
seed 4ril1; scuffler ; cultivator; walking
plow; barrows and stretcher; fence stretch-
er; 1 hay ;take; buggy; cutter; light sleigh
with rack; Durant coech, 1929, in gond run-
ning order; hay fork and tar; 150 feet rope;
' /Won* ceman separator; wafer trough ; 1
Set heereY karnme. Household Effects — One
eltrebec heater.; 1, Cittebee range; 1 2 -burner
Hot Plate; 1 electric iroti; 1 electric toaster;
1 electric washing raaehitte; 1 Singer sewing
machine; 1 Jaskol Morten: 1 kitchen cabinet.;
4 kite -ben Chafed; 2 sleeking ;Malta 1 kitchen
table; kitchen flexile) and coekhlg utensils,
ete.; sealens; 1 hall *oak.; 8 kodeteado and
springs; 2 dreeeers • 1 dresser and vouch-.
stand; 4, ItOrObin dairt4 ; g si»4n Mattress -
1 dirdtit roe* extension table; 6 dining
Weld &Wile leatliekeete iseatse 1 Wee+ 1
davenNOtt,47,,,ehtihs tdraf,e11; -1 laigo Mitnee;
It eng, 'Mate cell 1 ri44c144.• 411240; gman
tblta 1 MImiH4 e1t9W. 1.:rJ4t.1lda1 rose
ehllidlf•-",11.1thde eurtaine;
Srattig • ,WAttglitetratrig.
SOOireiev„,„,' " Sobiea to
rewrite tativ:•' ' 0417.*,L,4-447,L 0.,
'Una, Aue-
otatt. , 80S1.2
" Apply to MRS. N. K. SMITH, in the
house lately occupied by Mr. Ross Savauge
on James Street. ,3952x1
v. man to take charge of house, in a fam-
ily hf three. Apply to Box 388, HURON EX-
POSITOR. 8952-1
dead cattle for mink feed. If dead,
phone at once. FRED GILBERT, 908 r 22,
or JACK GILBERT, 908 r 21, Clinton, and
reverse charges. 3951x8
" ly old- sod, for the growing of flax.
HESKY FLAX CO. LTD., Seaforth.
" ages and breeds; good prices paid.
LIMITED. Fergus, Ontario.
" Watkin's dealer, and also agent for E. D.
Smith & Son's fruit and ornamental nursery
stock, Market Street SeAforth, Ont. 'Phone
50. 3952x16
" honey containers at Wallace Ross' Apair-
ist, will please pick theni up as soon as pos-
sible, as we need the spice.
Cards of Thanks
eree wish to expresa. their sincere thanks,. and
appreciation for the kindness shown them
during their recent sad bereavement. Special
thanks to Rev. A. W. Gardiner, of Egrnond-
ville; Mr. Whitney, of Seaforth, and Dr. Mc-
Master, also 'ler. Bert Spence and William
M Sproat. 3952x1
WALSH—In Sett Memorial Hospital. on
September 4th, to Mr. and. Mrs. William
Walsh, jWaeton, a daughter.
ETUE--IeeScott Memorial Hospital, on Sept
5th. to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Etue, Zurich,
a BM.
HUGILL—In Scott Memorial Hospital. on
Sept. 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hugill,
Hullett, a daughter.
WILD—In Scott Memorial Hospital. on
• Sept. 8th, to Mr. .and Are. Joseph Wild,
Clinton, a son. '
Tuckersmith, on Friday. September
3rd, Robert A_ Doig, in his 65th year.
Mrs. W. Grierson, Miis Ruliy Fish-
er and Miss Barbara Pollock, of Kitt
chener, spent the week -end with Mrs.
Miss Gertie Smith, of the W.D.A.F.
Patricia Bay, B:C., is at the. parental
Mrs. Smith„ spent a few days last
week in Len -don with her: daughter,
Mrs. Dodsworth. • „,
Mr. John Seeley, or London, called
at the Austin home Monday.
Mrs. Schell, of Detroit, Was sudden-
ly called to the thome of her mother,
Mrs. A.ustin, who, we are sorry to
report, is quite ill in Scott Memorial
Hospital, Seaforth.
We also report the quite serious
illness of Mrs, T. Stinson, who is 'well
advanced in years.
Owing to the serious illness of Mrs.
James Stephenson, Goshen Line, her
sisters, Miss -Mossop and Mrs. Beatty,
have been assisting Mr. Stephenson
on the farm Mrs. •Stephenson has
been in Alexandria Hospital, Gode-
rich, several weeks and we are sorry
to relate is making a very slow re-
The many friends of Lewis Taylor,
who underwent a major operation in
AlAandria Hospital, Goderich, will
be pleased'9to know is as well as can
be expected. These stricken homes
all have the most sincere sympathy
of the community.
Pte, Fred Austin, of Detroit, visited
Sunday with his mother in the hos-
Mrs. Sherlock Keys has accepted a
position as teacher in Sinacoe. County.
The,. regular meeting of the council
of the TOWnehip of Hay was held In
the Town Hall, Zurich, on Tuesday
evening, Sept, 7th, with all the mem.
be present. After disposing of the
notti/MinicatiOns, the council became
le e.. eee
114Y t 4(ir 044, recregtioa,4 aad was bkia,vit, Afr,. apif ays CheaPe/,',
gaswe' r It was arraRobin called qn
bold g saveOf papers mar Woods here in the village Who
a, rubber, iron, copper d steel, were pleased to meet her again
the articles to be left at the homes , Dr. and Mrs. R. A, Campbell, of
the following ladies: MPS. A, Icaadle, Toronto, and Keith, of London, spent
Mrs. W. Welsh, Mrs. H. Perkins, Mrs, the week -end and holiday at their
J. Kirkland and Mrs. Harry Strang, summer home here.
by October 1st, All grOups reported Mr. Ray Paterson, of Toronto, vis -
activity in the jata-making project. ited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. W. Etherington was appointed R. J. Pateuon, nd rson, over the week-ethol-
to take charge of the Hurondale Red idaY•
Cross display at the Exeter Fair. The Mrs. A. Clark rendered a very
program, which was arranged by Miss pleasing solo at bast morning service
N. Keddy and lVIrs. C. Cann, consist- of the United Church Sunday morn -
ed of solos by Mrs. H. Sturgis, of Ex- 'Ing last. Rev. R. A. l3rook occupied
eter, selections on 'the marimbe bSr his own pulpit following a,' month's,
Mrs. Brown of Exeter, and the guest vacation, delivering splendid and en -
speaker, Mrs. Layton, 'spoke 'on couraging messages. Sunday. Sept.
"World Problems." 12th, Rev. TUrner, of Crediton, will
MIs. Louise Gilbert, of West
be guest speaker, and the following
liams; Mr: and Mrs. Elwood • Dove, •Sunday, Rev. Robert Passmore,
Flint, Mich.; MrS'. William McEath- will conduct the services.
en, Joyce and Mary Lou, of •Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. George Walker were
and Miss Donna Gilbert, of London, visited recently by their daughter,
spent Labor Day with Mr. and Mrs. Olive, R.N., of Albany, N.Y., and their
R. A. Orr and family. son, Donald, of Toronto.
.Miss Norma Smith has returned
Miss Ruth Mcllvenna returned to
95c; Northern Electric Co., suPplies,
$239.72;' H. G. Hess, salary, $225.77i•
T. H. Hoffman, extras, $127.31. Total
General and Relief—Dept. Health,
insulin, $4.45; -Bert Klopp, valuator,
$2; T. Laing, inspector drains, $8.00;
Deeds -re St. Joseph lots, $5; H. W.
Brokenshire, assistance, $26.70 ;
Treasurer, Exeter, ration books, $60;
Zhrich Hydro, lights, Town Hall,
$4.83; H Lawrence, balance drain,
$39; W. Wein, chicken damage, 20.65;
Treasurer Huron, re Lohr, $23.60; pay
list, Masse Drain, $6.30; Stade and
Weido, acct., $2015; Johnston
Kalbfleisch: act., $5; Ervin, Willert,
inspecting -drain, $25; Ted Steinbach,
re' Zurich drain, $20; Tile DraM De-
benture, $150.39., Total, $413.07.
Relief—J. St:inlet, relief,' $22.10; M.
Denomme, relief, $20.00.
Council adjourned -to meet again on
Monday, Oct. 4th, at 1.30 o'clock in
the afternoon—A. F. Hess, Clerk.
resume her position as assistant
home after spending a month with
her aunts and -uncles, Mr. and Mrs. teacher at the continuation school at
Robert Mousseau and Mr. and Mrs.
Thornbury, following a pleasant visit
Harold Broderick, of St. Catflarines. spent with Miss Fayme Logan.
Mr. Walter Spencer, well known Mrs. Oliver Geiger; of Fenelon
resident, was taken Seriously ill on Falls, is a guest at the Geiger resi-
Friday evening of last week and rush- dence•
ed to St. Josepth's Hospital, -London, Miss Eleanor Ben, R.N., of New
for an emergency operation • for ap- York, visited at her home recently.
pendicitis, and although he has been Mr. Wilson Berry, of Toronto, spent
very ill, at date of writing is doing the week -end with Mrs.
as well as can -be expected. Anna Berry.
Dr. and Mrs. I. G. Smillie and lit-
tle daughter, Inez, of Kamloops, B.C.,
arrived in Toronto the first part of
this week to spend a week or so. They
,expect to visit here in Hensall in the
near future.
Mrs. Janet Peck, of Toronto, was a
week -end guest with her sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Sydney
' Pte. Dick 'Parke, of Ottawa, was a
recent visitor with his wife and
mother-in-law, Mrs. Gordon Bolton.
Lieut. Alda Bolton, of London,
spent last week with 'her mother,
Mrs. Gordon Bolton. She is spending
this week with friends in Quebec.
Miss Irene Douglas, of London, was
a week -end guest with her aunt, Miss
Fayme Logan.
Ken Hicks, R.C.A.F., St, Thomas,
visited with his wife and family over
the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Chapman are be-
ing visited by their daughter, Miss
Ruth -Chapman, R.N. of Albany, N.Y.
Miss Norma Cook has returned 'to
her studies at Western University,
following her summer vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hobin, of To-
ronto, the former Maude Chesney,
well known to many here in Hensall,
are spending two weeks' vacation
The Late Robert Doig
At his residence in Tuckersmith
township, on Friday, Sept. 3rd, after
a lengthy illness, Robert Deig passed
away in his 65th year. A son of the
late Andrew and Margaret Doig, of
Howick Townsthip, he was born in
Howick and 'educated at S.S. No. 16
school, near Moleswerth.,. He took up
farming on his father's farm where
Ile remained for a number of years,
later moving to Gorrie where he op-
erated ' a garage for • several years.
Later he moved back to the farm in
Howick Where -he lived prior to Mov-
ing to Tuckersmith five years ago.
Mr. Doig is survived by his wife,
Florence Sanderson, and five'children:
Andrew, at home; Isabelle, of Toron-
to; Mrs, Lorne Moorehead, of Lis-
towel; -Murray, (R.C.A.), overseas,
and Nyles at -home, also three bro-
thers and one sister, Jack of Listowel,
Andrew of Molesworth, Ross of Ford-
wich and, Mrs. Mary Kincaid, of Lis-
towel. The funeral of the.late Robert
Doig was held on Sunday, Sept. 5th,
at 2.30 p.m. from the residence of his
daughter, Mrs. Lorne :Moorehead, of
Listowel. With a short service at his
late residence in Tuckersmith on Sat-
urday at 8 p.m. Interment was made
in Molesworth cemetery. Tbe Pall-
bearers were Messrs. Jack Brown,.
William Doig, Sandy Edgar, Wesley
Chambers„Henry C-ampbell and Oliver
McCreary, all of Molesworth, and
flower bearers, -Messrs. Clarence San-
derson, Lawson Doig, George Ashton,
Harold Doig, Oscar Thompson, Russel
Adams and Arnold Doig.
(Continued from Page 1)
brown ensemble with touches of na-
tural Alencon lace and , matching 'hat
with quill trimming. Talisman roses
composed her corsage bouquet: Sec-
ond Lieutenant and Mrs. Scottleft
for a short honeymoon to Toronto,
the bride travelling in a lavender
dressmaker suit. Her lavender hat
was a small model featuring the new
Dutch draping at the back and her
accessories Were black. She wore a
Johanna Hill corsage- bouquet. The
bride's mother is a former well knoWn
Heiasall resident, being the former
Miss Mona Sherritt. Attending from
Hensall were Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Slier-
ritt, Mrs. Alice Joynt, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry , ,Strang, of 'Exeter; Dr. and
Mrs.. Harry Joynt, London, Dr. Wm.
Joynt, Byron, and many others.
Women's Institute Meets
Ws. William Kernick was hostess
for the Hurondale Wornen's Institute
meeting with Mrs. Kirkland, presi-
Mr. and Mrs. Hagan, of Kitchener,
visited with Mr. and Aire'. Ed.. Alex-
ander of, the ,Boundary. •
Mrs. J. V. McAree and Mr...and Mr's.
Charlesworth, of Toronto ; Mrs.. J.
Stewart, of Lon.don; Mr. W. Gown -
lock; Sedorth; Mr, Harry Stewart•and
daughter, Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs.
Theobald, of Egmondville, were gues
Theobald, Egmondvile, were guests
last week with Mr. and Mrs. John
Bolton, of the :Boundary.
Miss lean McDougall, who holds a
position at the National Drug Co.,
London, visited her ,parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Horton -McDougall, of the
Boundary. •
Miss Victoria Bolton returned to
Toronto this week to resume her du-
ties on the teaching staff.
Mr. and Mrs. William Forrest re-
turned home on Monday of this week
following a most relightful boat cruise
on the Harmonic from Sarnia to
DuInth. They report a most enjoy-
able trip, ideal weather, plenty of re-
creation on the boat and exception-
ally delicious meals, They were
away a week.
With her temperature about normal
Shirley Bean,' 19 -months -old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bean, of Si.
Marys, may,,.yet recover from burns
Wh 41, 04'4 :,4srlit* TARA' 0 4
494370. •
813. ,•la a ,44.4nddaUShter of V*.
and 4rs. Frank Bean, et Unman.
'Miss 14ildred Perrot, R.N„ 'of t
General Hospital, PrantfOrd, is e
joying illoath's vacation with her
Parents, Mi. and Mrs. Wm. Forrest.
The lirat part of her vacation was
spent on a boat cruise to Huntsville.
Cpl. Russell Hedden, eeehec. has been
stationed at Suffield, Alta., has •been
transferred to Hudson, N.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Taman and Toni
spent Tuesday with -Mrs. Charles go-
Dpnell on their way home to Listowel
from Grand' Bend, where they ,ha.cl
been vacationing.
!Miss Beryl Pfaff and Miss Mary
Goodwin have returned from vacation-
ing at Grand Bend.
Miss Mavis Spencer, of Toronto, is
visiting at her home, having been
called home owing to the illness' -of
her brother, Walter.
Mrs. Hawke, of Clinton, has been
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jinks.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid and
Jerry have taken up residence tem-
porally in the rooms in the Petty
Block. They expect to rent the rooms
to be vacated soon by Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Lois MacLaren is leaving next
week for Kitchener where she will
enter the General FLOSpital there for
training • as a nurse.
%Aries VW% f194 gr'7,1no
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110* fiultefl#F 'with Paatnagal$:
u 00111 artle avateliec)
T yearileEle one,, 44yi, 'AA /04
tri Refer
given Geer e 7,414noareagx,ort
Tuesday of this_Weelt Aad -
e. '11.. M.
Costello, Godariob, when I3,e appeared
for sentence on remand after plead-
ing guilty te the theft of $360.00 from
his former employer, Mr. Clarence
Smillie, of Henson. It was. disclosed
that accused was on .parole from St.
John's IndustriAl School when he
committed the crime. Be had been
released to help out on the farm..
Lamotireaux dissipated the mooey IZE
London and Toronto and was penni-
less when arrested in the latter city.
Only 16, he had dyed his hair tat
avoid detention. rho money wars
spent chieflly on "girl friends," he
told police in a confession.
Mr. Norman Cook, well known lo-
cal business man, is akpresent in St
Joseph's Hospital, London, in the in,
trests of his health.
Sapper Roy Kyle, R.C.E., of Wood-
stock, spent the week -end with hie
parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Kyle.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shaeffer and
daughter, Elizabeth, and Mrs. Horner
and baby have returned to Palmer-
ston following a pleasant visit spent
with Mrs. C. Ballantyne, Miss Katie
Scott and Mrs. P. Graham.
Wheat and Rye Straw
or write
of Canada, Limited
Trenton, Ontario
MEN18 to 45 . Canadian soldiers are in
action! They have shared the immortal honor of
'eFitablishing the first bridgehead in Axis Europe!
Be ready to reinforce the boys over there,. Get
going now why• wait to be drafted? Remember
it takes a year to train a soldier. Volunteer now.
LOW CATEGORY MEN, -18 to 45. . . not
eligible for overseas service are urgently needed for
duty in Canada to replace men going to the front.
WOMEN 18 to 45. . . you can help, too! Join
the CWAC so a man can be, released to fight. It's a great 4,
experience for any woman . • it's real full-time service.
YOUNG MEN of 17 .. . there's a dandy op-
portunity for you to take a trade -training course in the
Army, if you have completed grade VIII schooling.
, VETERANS UNDER 56 You can release younger '
men to fight by taking on essential duties in the ..Veterani
Guard of Canada. Categories A, BO or C slimy enlist.
LONDON -319 Richmond St. WINDSOR—Ouellette Ave. at the Tunnel. KITCHENERCity:Hali Squats
Or contact' the Mobile Recruiting Unit which visits your locality -each week,
44.e e, • ..„
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