HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1943-08-20, Page 84;4 '77,77K1711 ATE ALL LINES OP RANCE 44iVr'4.,battage with all 410f1- 1% storey fro -Me laie for two famines. Proprietor .Seaforth „. 1A4,83. /44.:, LINES OF • 410114RANOE „,,nd Division , ourt °aunty of Huron „iii le DOArkii*n Bank Build- PATRIV4;1010,f0rs .Uours ; Tues- .,. 4a9/, 1,5o vto 5 p.M.SPAatiOuy evening, 7.30 p.m. 90 9 lbifInr; ” E. C. CiNA346104LAIN '. Clerk 444 1;. XligiWanCe Lie. Eire, Auto, Sickness and Asci. delt Windstorm and guarantee bonds. •at reasonable. AB risks placed in ghat -class , companies. • Inforniation cheerfully given. IL C. CHAMBERLAIN iNsUIFIANCE AGENCIES XS 0 0. *0000000 Ho EL T. Holmes & Son c' 1 FUNERAL DI RECTORS iDi Male Street, Seatforth 10 illharles Holmes' residence, • Ooderieb. Street East. Phone 0 No. 08. Ambulance Service . 0 Adjustable hospital bed for. rent. • 0 • Night ealle—Phone 308 0 Day Calls—Phone 119 0 40 Phones moderate. 0 404 <> <> <> <> OP <> r : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RS J. A. BURKE 0 Funeral Service 0 XS Dublin c Ont. 0 XS Mat or day sells: Phone 43 r HI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WN •RiMqtlf pretty: wed •d toOk, 'place atho ilionie of Ur. au d IVirs. Airir:ew MicLeitan, Egmond- villel,o SatlIrdaY last at two e'ciock, when, their daughter, Barbara Grace, Was united in marriage to Private El- mer Rupert Rivers, Alberni, B.0,„ son of Mr. Thorpe Rivers, Seaforth, and the late Mrs. Rivers. The bride was 'tttired in a dress of white taffeta with a finger-tip veil and carried a bouquet of pink roses and white caraations. She was attended by her sister, Miss Laura McLellan., Stratford, who wore a dress of powder blue sheer and car- ried a bouquet Of summer flowers. The groomsman was Mr. George Mun- ro, Seaforth. The ceremony was Per- formed by Rev. H. V. Workman, of Northside United Church, Seaforth. Following the ceremony a receptiou was held at the home of the bride's parents. Mrs. McLellan received the geests in a dress of blue crepe. About. thirty guests were present. Private and Mrs. Rivers. left' for a trip •to Eastern Ontario centres, the bride travelling in a dress of navy blue crepe with matching White accessor- ies. Guests were present from Toron- to, Stratford, Dublin, ,Cromarty and Seaforth. SPENCE'S Produce GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs and Poultry Phone 170-W, Seaforth SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS (FORMERLY W. El:-.CRAPMAN) • - Operated by Cunningham & Pude - Ten are invited to inspect our stock of CEMETERY MEMORIALS Illearforth: Ttiesday & Saturdays, „Zee Dr. Herb -ern for appointment any other time — 'Phone 150. , Box 160 EXETER Phone 41 • .McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE, — SEAFORTH, ONT. , 4 -.1 • OFFICERS; • Alex liteEwing, Blyth- - - Pres. W. R. Archibigt .Seaforth Vice -Pres. Berton A. Reid; Seaforth; Manager glad Secrtafir-Treasurer. DIRECTORS: • Chris. Leonliardt, Brodhagen; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, H.R. 3, Seaforth; Alexander McEwing, B.R. Blyth; Frank McGregor, 6, Clinton; Hugh; 'Alexander, R.R. 1, Walton; Thomas Moylan, R.R. 5, Sea - forth; Archibald, R.R. 4, Seaforth; George Leitch, R.R. 1, Clin- tau. AGENTS: Ethiay McKercher, R.R. 1, Dublin; Tolliver, Brucefield; J. E. Prueter, Brodkagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. You Are Invited to Inspect the • TAI LO RE D -T 0-M EASU,RE SUITS .AND OVERCOATS FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN IN 7 PRICE RANGES ;,`4,,1".1 • 1',.11r St. Thomas' Church.—Rector, Rev. Dr. Hurford: 11 a.m., "My Duty To- wards God"; 7 p.m., "A Story of Mod- ern' Christian Heroism" Sunday school attends church. St. Mary's Church, Dublin. — 9.3f. a.m.', "My Duty Towards God." Union Servioes.—First Presbyterian and Northside 'United congregations in First Presbyterian Church. Rev. H, V. Workman, ,minister in charge. 10 a.m., Sunday Schools; 11 a.m., "The Immeasurable Jerusalem"; • 7 p.m., "The Purification Of Our Desires." Welcome to these services. Northside W. M. S. Meets. -- The August meeting of Northside W.M.S. was held in, the Sunday room Thursday afternoon with Mrs.- R. Law- son presiding. The meetingopened with Hymn 405 and prayer. The'min- ntes were read and approved and business discussed. ,An invitation to visit Kinburn society was accepted. Miss A. Ferguson read the treasurer's report and Mrs. C. C. Keine gave a temperance reading, "Victory Comes Before Beer." Mrs. T. McMichael read au article from the Watch Tow- er, "The Work of Missionaries Bears Fruit." The roll was called and Cir- cle 3 reported 10 visits: Circle 4 tedk charge of the devotional period With Mrs. Gle'w presiding. The theme Was "The Christian Ste*ardship of 'Time." Passages of Scripture were read by the members showing plans for the use of our time. After singing Hymn 434. the program dealt with practi- cal problems of the stewardship of time in question and answer form. Those taking part were Mrs. Glew, Mrs. C. C. Kaine, Mrs, J. Barron, Miss A. Ferguson, Miss M. Somerville, Miss 'Wallace and Mrs. A. McCuaig. The meeting closed with Hymn 500, silent prayer and prayer by Mrs, Giew. .11811. Egmondville W. M. S. Meets.—The August meeting of the Egmondville W.M.S. was held on Thursday, Aug. 5th, in the vestry with"' the vice-presi- dent, Mrs'. T. Richardson, in the chair. The meeting opened by singing Hymri 148, "Breathe On Me, Breath of Cod" and prayer by Mrs.,Keyes. The min- utes of the last meeting were read and approved. :Roll call was respond- ed to by' eight members and two visi- tors. Mrs. McMillan gave the treas- urer's report. Mrs. Watson, Friend- ship Circle convener, reported five calls to sick or shut-ins, Mrs. Keyes, temperance convener, read an article by Lady Astor reporting such a waste of fuel in hauling 28 trainloads of beer every day from one station to another. An invitation was accepted to. attend a W.M.S. meeting at Con- stance on August 25th with thanks. The meeting was- now given Overto Miss Florence Elford, who has Oen teaching for the past two years, n Christian island at an Indian missJn school. Miss Elford _has spent laix years teaching among Indians and is how'taking, as it were, a furlough and has -accepted a rural school in the icinity of Stratford. We wish her every success. She had on exhibition different articles made by the Indian women and children and Spoke of their different customs and habits. The meeting closed by all reading Hymn 433 as a prayer. DrfEltS ORS votiona 1$0‘116 'RE. 11Elkt :ft° YOU:11 it11‘11) • Former Seaforth Resident Laid To est.—The death of Mrs. William K. Smith, a highly esteemed resident of • FOR SALE Well situated Country General Storo with living apartments. Mose to school *Id church; conveniently located to Town. A good going con- cern. 100 -Age Farm with brick house, good cellar and furnace. Splendid bank barn; drilled well; good elaY loam; underdraiued. Close to school, handy to Town. 12 -Acre Farm; good brick house, cellar, furnace, ,bath room, Hydro, and hard and soft water. First class barn, hen house, hog pen and fruit trees. Make good poultry farna. A beautiful location. Have listed also a number of private residences in different parts of the town at various prices. Are you interested? Would be glad to show you through. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Seaforth, Ont. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Phones: 334 and 220 trOlia, and for the summer they had been living at IVIooretown.' For many years Mrs. Smith was an active mem- ber of the.Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's Presbyte:ian Church, which the fam- ily attended. She was a member of Britannia Chapter O.E.S. for several years. 'Mrs. Smith is survivel ,by her husband, two daughters, 'Mks. Robert Trapp, of Petrolia, and Mrs. William Sterne, of Fort Erie St. West`;. four grandchildren, Billy, Ross and Jean Trapp and Jackie SternelL, .two sisters, Mrs. Wm. McCue, Vancouver, BC., and Mrs. Robert Johnston, of Cleveland, Ohio, and a brother, Harry Kemp, Beaumont, Texas. The tuner - Fl 'was held on , Tuesday afternoon wthservices being conducted at the. Steadman home. Rev. F. Streille, of St. Paul's United Church,. in the ab- sence of her minister, Rev. R. J. Hay. Mrs? Frank Lindsay sang a solo, "Shadows," with Mrs, M. C. Vilbert as accompanist The pallbearers were Ernest Brown, Albert Tobias, Albert Sulston, Ernest Taylor, Wm. Periling and Hugh Hunter. 'Interment was in Wyoming' cemetery. LOCAL BRIEFS; • 3Iessrs. B. F. Christie, M. Mc- Kellar, R. J. Sproat, R. J. Winter, Lorne Dale, J. Hotham, M, A. Reid and W. J. Duncan were in Wingham on Monday taking part in 'a bowling tournament. s,r, Miss Shirley Snider and Mr. and Mrs, Vincent Murawsky and children, Mary Lou and Paula, of Kitchener, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hilde- brand. • Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McIntosh and Miss Gwendolyn, of Detroit, are 'Visiting friends in town and vicinity. • Mrs. John J. Sclater and Mrs. John Finlayson are spending a week in Bayfield.. • AC.2 Francis Phillips, of St. John, Quebec. is spending his fur- 'ough with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phillips. • Miss Elizabeth Broadfoot, of Atik- ohan, is visiting at the home of her -brother, Mr. John Broadfoot and Mrs. Elmer Townsend, in Tuckersmith. • 1VIr. and Mrs. Harry Chesney, of Winnipeg, are guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. Thomas M. Grieve, in Egmondville. • Mr. and, .Mrs. Harold Ross are spending a week at Grand Bend. - • Mrs.. A. E. Christensen and son, Bud, and Mrs. James, Chester, of De- troit, were week -end guests of IVIr. and Mrs. D. H. Wilson. Bud is re- maining'for three, weeks. ' • Mr. Harry Scott, son of Mrs. H. R. Scott, who recently joined the R. C.A.F., -reported on Monday at Man- ning Pool, Toronto. • Mr, and Mrs. James A. MacDon- LAKEVIEW CASINO, GRAND BEND STAN PATTON Every Night SUNDAY,- AUGUST 22nd • FRED FUNK'S , • VARIETY SHOW • at 9 p.m.' Singers - Dancers Comedians - Everything To Make a SweII Show ! Also Street Parade at 8.30 p.m 25 -PIECE BUGLE BAND The first Bugle Band _ever presented here. PLAN YOUR DAY AT THE BEND! Petrolia for nearly half a eenturY, took place in C.E.E. Hospital, Petror ia, n aturday, July 31st. She suf- fered a heart attack about six weeks g� at her home at Mooretown and had been removed to the hospital on Tuesday before she passed aWay. She Was 77 years of age. Born in Eng, land, a daughter of the late Walter and Anne Kemp, she came with her faintly to Canada,tthe age of nine years. They settled at Seaforth, Hut*. ron 'County, where she received her, Oducation, later met Mr. Smith, of WYonting district, where she married • 48 years ago. Aftet making their Voile in Wyoming for a Miteber of •pnats, they 1lVecl for about. twenty it a lama lb the Iretridid WA- rkletpnb the 8b11 line and at Oli0Pii008:: liner etreto.::Veur ,yeate--40, t`Vtittnedrp: t1hir1,:14ed NOTICE All accounts still Or ing to the store of J. M. Cardno Sr Sons must paid at We Canadian Bank of Commerce, Seaforth, not later than September 1,4943. be After that date, any • accounts 8611 unpaid will be given into a lawYer'S• hands for ed. • lectien,'4ith alrehi 64' a de §p04e.,4-yor .klay i4gOrrall" • Dr. OA; 14;:c1:;.: NV, 11. OallOWaY Mies eLtw*.!,. guests of 'Re",V Ir.Worh'T ma011.MrS. W. Ueredith, of Wails -Co- burg, was a Week -mid guest of ilars. J. F. Reid • Mrs. George Langford, of London, is the guest of her daughter and son - in law, Mr. raid Mrs. W. ShaW.. • Lieut. Ronald McKay, North Bay, visited his mother, Mrs. Hugh Mc- Kay, over the week -end. • Mrs. •Dalton, of Toronto, guest of her brother, -Mr. Wright, this week. • Mr. W. L. Whyte was In peter - bora this week attending the Wartime Poultry' Conference. • Mrs. W. W. Math, of Port Hur- on, was a guest at the home of her father, Mr. H. B. Edge. • Duffs, Bethel and Winthrop con- gregations will unite in Cavan Church, Winthrop, at 2.30 p.m., or Sundly next, when Rev. H. V. Workman of Northside United Church, will con- duct the. service. • Mr. Sam Cannon is spending a few days in Brussels. • Mr. and Mrs. Melvin 0. McKay, of Niagara Palls, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Willis over the week- end. • Mr. and Mrs. J. McLelland, of Teeswater, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. James A. MacDonald. • Mrs. Earl Bell is spending -a holi- day at Big Win Inn, Huntsville and North Bay. • Mr. Kenneth Keating, who has joined the R.C.A.F., left on ' Sunday for Manning Pool, Toronto. • Mr. and- •Mrs. Roy E. Willis, of Detroit, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Willis on Wednesday. • Mr. and Mrs. H. Mason and son, Richard, • of Toronto, are guests of Mr. and MTS. M. McKellar. • Miss Hilliard, of TOronto, ' Is a guest. of Miss Elizabeth Smith and Mrs. W. a Kerslake. • • Mr. Ross Savauge has moved his family into the residence ,on. Goderich Street West which he recently., pur- chased from he Thomas Dickson estate: • Mrs. William- Gray, of Palmerston spent last week the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. IfIcKellar. • Miss Muriel Beattie, of Boston, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Fred Beattie. • Miss Mary Johnstone is spending her holidays at "The Willows" at Lake Simcoe. • Mrs. J. A.,.Gorwill and son, Hugh, left on Wednesday -for Chicago, where t1ieywi11 spend three weeks. • The beautiful cactus plant owned by Mrs. Alice Cudmore on John St., bloomed over the "week -end, and this year had eight blooms. The flowers. were a delicale mauve With a single star in the gestate.- They had nearly all passed br.Monda,y night however. • Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Geddes re- ceived a cable from their son, S. -Sgt. Stewart Geddes, that he had arrived safely overseas. ° • Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Wept and daughter, Dorothy, of St. Thomas, are guests of Mrs. W. A. Bremner and Miss Edna Bremner. • Mr. John A. Wilson has return- ed from Go Home Bay, Georgian Bay, where he spent the past month. • Miss Margaret McKellar is in Muskoka this' week. • Mr. and Mrs. G. T. ;Scott and daughter," Shirley, and Mr. and Mrs. John Forsyth and Maxine have re - .turned to their homes In Detroit af- ter spend,ing their vacation in Grand •Bend • and Seaforth: • F.O. A. Y. McLean left on Mont' day for Halifax after spending the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. M. McLean. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brough, Mrs. Victor Nimmo and Allen of Toronto, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCowan, Mr. and MTS. John McCowan and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Smith. • Mrs. Mabel Habkirk, efe-Kincar- dine, spent a few days with her father, Mr. John Bennett, who has been • Writer H. Glenn Hays has re- turned to Toronto after spending the past week with his mother, Mrs. Jas. Hays. • LAW. Isabelle Mitchell, of Cen- tralia, spent a few days at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright. • Miss Winterbourne, of Toronto, is a guest this week of Misb Janette Pethick. • Mrs, Frank Cudmore and daugh- ter, Miss Nancy Cudmore, of Toron- to, were guests of Mrs. J. F. Reid last week. ' • Mrs. W. T. Teal} and daughter, Ruth, .have returned froth,spending two weeks at Bayfield. • Mr. Robert Hoggarth, treasurer of Perth County, Stratford, was • a guest of Mr. and Mrs.'s -Henry Hog- garth this, week. • • Mr: and Mrs. Leo Joynt, of To - Tonto, are guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joynt, this week. • Miss T. Dundas, of New York, is visiting her mother, -Mrs. Albert Dun- das, Jarvis Street. • Mr. Thomas Ross, who has been visiting his sisters, Mr. A. A. Cuthill and Mrs. James SiMpson, Georg, -e St., whir return toll's home in Basswood, Manitoba, on Tuesda-y next. • ' Mr. Clarence Grainger, 'DOW school teacher of Walton, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Spetice. Miss Ethel Shinen, of Toronto, is Spending her •holidAys at the home t)f her parents, Mr...and M. Sam Shin - en. • Mr. W. IL 'Gelding, 1P Wall In Ottawa this Wenit: ' • • • Mi. and :Iltra, 2400 PitiliffeY and faznlTfr o Virillat4„i0611V•tlip0 Th t itit NIL and MrS'i 4463at Otaill0146.311431.0:'OttitPC .0606114-' G666404' was a Hugh •WfV, Thomas Muff, Tonto, Ylaiterd • at the bonier Of RitS t4t4er, Mr. A. F. Miff, ov't?r,the ' • • Mr, Fred.TWfS1,' of Brantford, iS SPCIldilag a few hoildaYs with fi•leods lo town. Miss Joan Hunter and Miss Re4a. 4.0-tfteld, of Toronto, are spending their holiday a at the home of Mrs. J. L. Sinith. • • Mr. and Mrs. Sweetlove, of To- rotato, are guests of M. and Mrs. E. Crowe. • Mr. and, Mrs. John Gropp and Mr. and Mrs. W. Kelterborne and family, of Milverton, and Mrs. Unsworth, of Toronto, were guests over the week- end of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith. vognimenaminneinsum ELIMVILLE . .11111 Mr..aud Mrs. Maurice Rice and the Mfsses °Elsie and 'Lena Moore, Lon- don, were recent visitors with Mr, Ken Johns. Mr. and Mrs, Rich. Johns and Phil- lip, and Mr. arid Mrs. Chas, Johns vis- ited Miss Bessie Johns at Byron San- atarium on Sunday. Mr: and Mrs. • Lewis Fletcher, of Kirkton, visited with Mr. Henry Ford last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Newman Baker, of Wellburn, were callers in this vicin- ity on Priday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dykeman announce the arrival of a son on Sunday night. KIPPEN- The services Of Rev. R. A.. Brook, of Hensall, who conducted the church service for the last two Sundays, were very muchappreciated by all. The Rev.Wililam Mair, of Thames Road, will be- in charge of ,the church service at Hillsgreen and Kippen on Sunday, Aug. 2nd. - .The Sunday school will follow at .the close of the, service. WALTON Over one hundred_ girls registered at Camp Minnehaha, just north of Gederich, at the United Church, sum- mer school grounds a week ago. This is the largest „number that has ever attended this camp and under the leadership of Mrs. (Rev.) R: G. Hazle wood, of Walton, and six other lead- ers, everyone had a very enjoyable and profitable holiday. On the open- ing Sunday evening, after the vesper service'. Weld in the open, air, the girls went into the dining hall where they were shown a costume from Pales- tina.by Miss Clare McGowan, of Blyth who was leader of a missions group. She gave a talk on her trip to Pales- tine and explained the Sheik's cos- tume with relation to its Biblical meaning. On Monday morning the regular groups were begun and they contin- ued during each day until the follow- ing Sunday. Miss Helen Good, of St. Paul's, led a group in Bible study, as did also MissDelphine- Bisback, Of Clinton, and Miss Ethel Brown, of Brantford. The latter two also led handcraft groups. Miss Mary Lane, of Clinton, led the sing -songs which were ranch enJoYed,,around the' camp fires each evening. One evening'dar- ing the week Miss McGowan showed Pictures of her trips to China, where she was a teacher for four years, to Palestine and several pictures taken on a motor trip across Canada •and in Florida. A masquerade party was a highlight of another evening, which was enjoyed by all. On Sunday morning a church ser- vice was held. A -choir under the di- rection of Miss Mary Lane led in the singing and sang an anthena,"Jerusa- lem." Mrs. Hazlewood osradifcted the service and Miss McGowan gave a challenging address on what it means to be a Christian in China today, and what it should mean to the girls of 'Canada. Those registered were as folloWs: Marion Irwin, Wingham; Barbara Mc- Kay, Wingham; Mary Aun Celand, -Wingham, Margaret Ashworth, Luc - an; Marion Ashworth, _Liman; Isabel Davidson, Walton; Ruth Sutherland, Parkhill; Harriet Reath, Parkhill; Gertrude Heath, Parkhill; Marie Ben- nett, Walton; Shirley Bennett, Wal- ton; Helen Love, Hillsgreen; Beverley Moore, Aylmer; Margaret Moore, Ayl- mer; Emma Sanderson, Walton; Jean Nunn, Parkhill; Marion' Dippell, Clin- ton; Marion Gibbs, Parkhill; Noreen Walter, Fullarton; Muriel Mather, Fullerton, Marguerite Hall, Blyth; Joan Philp, [Myth; Lois Doherty, Blyth; Marjorie Doherty, Blyth; ,Shir- ley Phillips, Blyth; Emma Robertson, Auburn; Shirley Robertson, Auburn; Isobel Chowen,,Clintson; Helen Mont- gomery, Benmiller; Romona Baer, Benmiller; Annie' Ball, Clinton; Cath- erine Britton, Clinton; Arva Britton,, Clinton; LeonaJohnston, Walton; Helen Johnston, Walton; Eileen Po- cock, Hohnesville; °Lola Jervis, Min- ton; Joan Kernick, Blyth; jean Heug- /tame Vtralkertent; Grace Roughen, Walkerton; Dolores Machan, Mon- crieff; Layer Machan,Moncrieff; Rihea Mann, Moncrieff;• Donelda Mach- an, Moncrieff;'Coronna Clinton; lean Chandler, Parkliiii; Ir- mA Wallace, Blyth;: :Mary Pridharat Goderich; ,Blea,nor Amdriaw, Abbiltia; Barbara, Stainton,, WinghaniVilattle yV1 git tman, AublItal :Claudette Bowes Ilettatit. Betty Itensalir Oletavir "took, lientall; • 3n4 ItewL tedy, X:tensall; • Shirley :Cult BL: MarysPalitine' ;swim, St1111arysi St, MarYS; pitts;:i oktAit,gt, 1aisiol,ittargit14 136114 NOfikr SIIOWING TUTJRS., FR:t4, SAT;;:_,, SND SHOW STARTS 9:1.0 GEORGE ,RENT ' •PRISCILLA LANE /, SILVER QUEEN "" A beautiful girl and a piofessional gambler,play 10vP.14,34ifik. romance of Old Box Francisco!. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY • SECOND SHOW STARTS AT 9:15 DENNIS MORGAN ' IDA LUPINO "TILE HARD WAY? Sisters face to face , . . one burning with love . . . the other seething with hatred . . a' story of crushing power! N.EXT-THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE — SECOND SHOW STARTS 8:45 WILLIAM GARGAN Epmt)Np LOWE " FLYING CADETS " ALSO -- DAMON RUNYON'S "BUTCH+ MINDS THE BABY " VIRGINIA _BRUCE BROD CRAWFORD Coming — "BLACK SWAN" First Show starts at 7.30 each evening. Matine each Saturday at 2.30. Patricia Demaray, Goderichf Mary Alice Hunter, Toronto; Doris Buchan- an, Hensall; Dorothy McNaughton, Hensall; Grace Lobb, Clinton; Velma Hesk, Londesboro; Shirley :lone's, Clinton; Norma Leeming, Walton; Joyce Diegel, Walton; Donna Watson, Walton; Helen Rodger, Avonbank; Doreen Coutts, Walton; Mary •McCly- mont, Varna; Lois Woods, Londes- boro; Gail Manning, Londesboro; Frances HollYma:n, Blyth; Margaret Kemp, Munro; .Donna Pridham, Mun- ro; Doreen Menzies, Brussels; Olive Speiran, Moncrieff. Rev. and Mrs. Hazlewood were guests at the 'Pfrimmer-Dunbar wed- ding at Benmiller on .Saturday. The regular monthly meeting of the U.F.W.O. was held at the home of Mrs. David Watson on Wednesday-. Mrs: James F.- Scott, of Seaforth, was the guest speakeis. The regular meeting of sthe W.M.S. of Duff's Church, Walton, was held Wednesday afternoon with 'Mrs. John McDonald presiding. The meeting op-\ • ened by singing Hymn 575. Psalm 74 was read responsively followed by prayer. The minutes were read and eighteen ladies answered the roll call. The 16th of Grey group have the topic for the September meeting. The treap- urere's report was given by Mrs. Wil- son. The topic, "Christian Steward- ship of Time," was in. charge of Mrs Wilsonwith Mrs. Hazlewood, Mrs. G. McGavin, Mrs. W.' Davidson, Miss Simpson, Mrs. S. Johnston and Mrs. Fin -gland taking part. -Hymn 286 was then sung, followed by prayer. The meeting clesed b singing,Hymn 5001 and. the Mizpah benediction. The •W.A. held its regular meeting following. the W.M.S. meeting with : Mrs. Shaw presiding. The 37th'Psaln2 was read, followed, by prayer. The minutes and treasurer's reports were - given. It was decided to redecorate the basement of the church. The meet- ing closed _by singing the National. Anthem and Mizpah benediction. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE , CLINTON — ONTARIO ENROLL FOR FALL TERM SEPT. 7th Be ready, in a few months, to do valuable and necessary office work, •COURSES--Stenographrc, Commercial, Secretarial and Clerical. B. F. WARD, B.A., RC A. STVOiNceE-,P-Crionmci.•paSipecialist Phone 198 Principal Mile -of -Pennies Drive - Saturday Night. • AUGUST 2 1 st MAIN STREET, "SEAFORTH • Entire Proceeds For Overseas Boxes • • Drop your contribution on the sidewalk. It will. help send ctgarettes and boxes to' our boys overseas. In the event of rain, the drive will be held the fol- lowing Saturday night.- SEAR:110H OVERSEAS COMMITTEE NOTICE Town of Seaforth CLOSING HOURS FOR CERTAIN PLACES OP BUSINESS - Take notice that in accordance with petitions presented to them, the 'Council of the Town' of Sea - forth has passed By-law 449,, regulatingtthe closing of the following places of business, i.e.: All dry goods, clothing, department stores, novelty stores, boots and shoes and hardware stores, situated in the Town of Seaforth. • Such shops shall close on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 6 p.m.,' on Wednesdays at 12,20 p.m.; on Saturdays at 10 p.m. except dur- ing June, July, August and September on Saturdays at 11 pan., commencing Monday, August 16, 1943. • D. H.' WILSON, Clerk. 4 • ' 1 • id t DEA or DISABLED, , . 0114W removed in Olean Sanitary trucks, Phone collect. WITTCTIELL- Limite# , ,