HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1943-08-13, Page 4ta, Lr,y.a,a heinseited at new 10*cash ates. Lior$ end Feuwil. Cantina Was* Ste. -Pee 'welt let week 1. -Cent ' 2%14 week % Gent '; • 3rd week 1/2 Gant Minimum theme. int Ineeztlon5 Ciente ,Eeek Sasre. tr.1 end abbreviation "mute as ma *ow& PiejiptaaishonMininuniksboivietirttio_i_60. toreenbatireezefuee:us. ..7400413 tbe week in id tbe ad was run. wsa* sre Lit Paid by the ami Deaths inserted fres ad olunne. iCes to Creditors, Rte. -Rates on sindication. For Rent Oi,*E FOR RENT: -PART OF HOUSE TN ntlinrhey to rent, op Highway. For ,x4rt4er particulars apply to AGMS. MATT. KPULY, Box 47, Seaforth. 3948x1 OR RENT -FOUR BRIGHT DOWNSTAIRS , rooms, with three-piece bath. Available ftIt Sesitember. Situated on corner of Market and Ord Streets. Apply to MRS. J. A. Etc- KE.NZ1E, Box 27, Seaforth. Phone 25. 3947-2 Lost 'and Found 'fil.STRAY STRAYED FROM LOT '0 J--4 Stanley Township, Blue Water HighwaY, one week ago, three Hereford calves, two red and one black_ Anyone knowing the whem- ,abouts of these animals, Phone .298, Zurich. OSCAR DUCHARME. 8948x1. Wanted AliTANTED-A PLAY PEN: GOOD SIZE. Apply to MRS. L. C. JACKSON. 8948x1 WANTED TO PURCHASE -PULLETS ALL " ages and breeds: good 'prices paid. Write 'MEDDLE CHICK HATCREBTFIS LIMITED, Fergns, Ontario - 3948 -8 WANTEf TO PlJRCEtzfirg-puumrS -ALL " breeds and ages, four weeks up to 20 weeks. High prices paid. Write for full de- tails. rwhDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LIMITED, Fergus, Ontario. 3540-3 For Sale Milton Eric Griff, beloved son of Mx. and Mrs. H. S. Grill, 26 Norman St., Straeord. MULCAHY-la Oakland, on July 22nd, Mar- garet, beloved wife' of the late Patrick Mulcahy. devoted sister of Mrs.Josephine Prendergast. Funeral was held Saturday. July 24th, at 8.30 a.nr. fro East- Lawn Chapel, Fourteenth Street at Fifth Avenue, thence to SL Lawrence O'Toole Church, High and Porter Streets, where a requiem high mass was ce4ebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing ! at nine o'clock. Interment Holy Sepulchre ceme- tery. Recitation of Rosary was held Friday evening at 8 o'clock. hi Memoriam 0411 Count OA, 4414: 3: fluro 381. 208 Dr. R. Hobbs • Taylor,Pro greasive Conservative Candidate, einerged from the Official cella of the South Huron Provincial election WedneSdaY with a plurality of 472. ,But one change in theacirlginal figures of the votes poll- ed within tne constituency was noted by Returning °facer J. M. Southeott. It. 9/9,6 in Hullett No. 4 where the re- turns showed Dr. Taylor getting 25 instead of 26 votes. The coniplete returns are: ARTER-LN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR dear son, Ronald Carter, who was sud- denly called frpm us on August IS, 194i: Somewhere beyond the shadows Dwells a dear sweet sons of mine, Whom we looked on as a treasure, Whom we cherished as divine. We love to think of you, dear Ronnie, In mansions bright and fair; There Jesus reigns in glory, Thbre is no sorrow there. -'Ever remembered by Daddy and Mother. Sister and Brothers. 3943x1 MDR SALE -TANK AND PUMP MOUNT- ed on good wagon, suitable for pumping out chemical toilets, in schools, etc. EaVIN GINGERICH, Zurich, Ont., R. R. 2. 3947x2 L-cOR SALE -COTTAGE. 6 ROOMS, WITH bathroom, lights, furnace. soft and hard water. Conveniently located. Immediate pos- session. We also have listed two modern houses for sale, well situated, of which im- mediate possession can be given. Apply to E. C. CHAMBERLAIN, Licensed Real rotate ' Broker and Insurance Agent. Phones 834 or 220. 3940-tf Property For Sale Build and Equip (Continued from Page 1) ' More?" The pallbearers were James Delaney, Leo Krauskopf, Charles Kist- ner, Joseph F. Ryan, Patrick Woods and Louis Dillon. Many spiritual and No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 floral offerings ,were receined. i Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh received la cable from overseas announcing the safe arrival of their son, Driver J. J. Walsh. Word was received by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McQuaid that their son, Pte. Norman McQuaid, is -engaged in eer- vice operations in Sicily. Personals: Jerome Theisen and son, Donald, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Holland; Mrs. Thomas Coyne, Burlington, is spending a week e ith her mother, Mrs. Robert Bur- HOtJSE FOR SALE chill, who is convalescing from a re - No. 1 No, 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 LOT 277 AND PART OF LOT 278, MOIR'S Survey, Hensall, (Soulls. Richmond St.). is offered for sale by tender. White frame house thereon 2 story, 7 rooms: furnace, elec- tric lights, hard and soft water, dry collet, good roof. Close to church, post office and stores. Property may be inspected on application to undersigned. Written tenders will .be received -nntli 81st July, 1943. Send same to W. E. BUTT and J. S. PETTY, Administrators- of Estate of Martha Murdoch c/o F. FINGLAND, Clinton. Ontario - 3943 -3 Notices NrOTICE--AS THESE A.1' LE NOT NORMAL ." times, order your fly spray and insect dust early. YIVO.T Watkin's Dealer: 'WILLIAM BRADSHAW, Seaferth. Plume BO. $912:15 WEEDS! WEEDS! Township of Tuckersmith THE COUNCIL OF ‘,rlte. TOWNSHIP OF Tuckersmith haS decided to. pay the own- ers or renters of -property at the rate of 2 cents a rod for weeds ;cut on roadside op- posite their property if cut before the 1st day of Septe:mber. D. F. McGREGOR. Clerk. • Popular Stallions Seaforth Tuckey 64 67 71 60 23 61 346 No. 1 ... N. 2 ... No. 3 ... No. 4 ... cent appendectomy; Miss Catherine Coyne was the oldest voter at the pollesin Dublin on Wednesday last; Miss Barbara Holland, Windsor, with Mr, and, Mrs. J. V. Flynn and other relatives; Misses Frances Annis, Civ- il Service Staff, Ottawa, with her par- ents, Mr. and • Mrs. Wilbert Annis ; Miass Lois Rogers, Windsor, with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kleinfeldt; Miss Phyllis Robinson, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. .Kenneth Roney; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stott, Seaforth, with Mr. and. Mrs. Lawrence Barker; Mr. and Mre. Charles Hunter and Britton, London, with Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Brit- ton; Miss Annie Price, North Dako- ta, with friends here; Mr, and Mrs. Russell Litt and son, Bob, London, and Mr. and Mts. Michael McPhail, Wingham, with Mr.. and Mrs. Alex Darling; Miss Muriel Raclin London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Racho; Mr. and Mrs. Wood and Roy Brown, ListgWel, with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brown; Charles McDaid and sons, Patrick and Charlie,- Bridgeport, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strubb an son, Kitchener, with Mr. and M7s. "Wm. Flaqagan; Mr. and Mrs. Conway and children, Fergus, with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carpenter; Miss Marion Meag- her and Miss Phonsine Meager. in London; Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes, ,Gordon and Billy Costello and Frank Rowland in London and St. Joseph; Mrs. ,Ed- ward Jordan, St. Clements, and Mrs. Ewes, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Pat: rick Jordan; Flight Lieutenant Chas. Malone and Mrs. Malone,- Verdun, Manitoba. with Ms. Mary McGrath; Peter, Dill, Detroit, with relatives here; . MrsDill and daughter. Mar- leee, who have spent the pant month with Mrs. Katherine Byrne, relurns3 home with •nim; Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Reynolds, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter; AC. -Kenneth Dili, St. Thomas, with his parents, Mr. and -Mrs. P. Dill; Leonard Nagle, Provost Corps, Listowel. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Nagle; Miss Mary Dor- sey, London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dorsenn' AC. John Din Tnorens,- with Mr. and Mrs: Louis -Dillon and John Dillon; Albert F V r with PLEASANT VIEW , LOCH Reg_ No. 29593 Enrolment No. 4412 Form 2 Premimm B The Clydesdale Stallion, Pleasant View 'Loch, will stand for the season at his ow -a stable, VA miles west of Kinburn, Concession 7, LOIS 9 and 10, Hullett. Terms. -To insure a foal, $10.60, 'payable March 1, 1944. All accidents at ovrner's risk. WILLIAM J. DALE, R. R. 1, Clinton. Phone: Seaforth 841 r 21. 3938-tf GLEN REMEMBRANCE. 1 No. 2 No. 3 NO. 4 Nd. 5 No, 6 No. T lieg. No. 28859 Enrolment N.. 4069 Form I, Preanitms A The Clydesdale stallion, Glen Remembrance, will stand far the season of 1948 at Coyne Bros., Lot 22, Con 7, Hibbert. Sired by that grand show horse, "Scotland's Remembrance," "Glen Remembrance" is a medium sized horse with plenty of substance. He stands on four good legs and feet, carrying small amount of fine silky hair. is a fleshy ;mover and prover? sire. Owing to the scar- city of gasoline, tires, and labor. any person • wishing to use this home should make their rmervations early. Terms -To insure a foal, $18.00, or two foals to the one owner. 425.00, payable March 1. 1944- All accidents at owner's risk. Truck- ing will be charged for -exfna and payable at time of service. Phone Dublin 43 r 27. FRED COLQUI1017N, P.L P r Atword, 011±, 11917-tU Births • • No.;.. No. 2 ... No. 3 ... No. 4 n. No. ?5 No. 6 ... Ad. Poll.. 1 1 KEYS --In Scott ,Memorial Hospital. on August 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Herold Keys, a son. SGOTT-In Scott IVIemprial Hospital, --on Angtict Sth. to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Scott, Cromarty, a daughter. 3111EGGElp Scott Memorisl Hospital„ on August 8t.b. to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Musasse, Logan, a daughter. SOrahlRLAND-In Scott Medrorial Holtsital. an August Sth, to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Sutherland, Seriforth. a daughter. _„NOTrINGHAM-!!!-10 Scott Memorial Hospital, " on Anntat. 804 to Mr. and Mrs. John Hot. tinghatn, litillett, a -Son. SCOTT -In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Anatmi 1-1t, to Mr. and Mit. Robert M ,60f4 ,aalCilroP, a &tablet'. the General Hospital, Strat- ki.r. and .Mrs.. Maynard Harman - (ndg (nee Lodge Drencrisond), 'on -john Hasa . 1Diaths ittAlritlanite4rt :analeria on Shionnay, Donnelly, R.C.A.F., aneouve his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Don- nelly; Gunner Michael Feeney, Hali- fax: with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. MaOk.-Feeirey; Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Dantzer and, son, London, with Miss Hellen, Dantzer and William Dan-tzer; Miss Bernadette Flanagan bas secur- ed a position in London; Pte. Patrick Maloney, Camp Debert, Nova Scotia, with Paul Mulligan: Mrs. Leonard Bader and son, Gregory, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs.' Martin Feeney; 3/Lis Bernice Donnelly, Stratford, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Freak Donnel- ly; Misses. Loretta and Agues Feeney, London,....with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Feeney; Mr. and Mts. Lloyd Etue and daughter, Jeanne Marie, Zurich, with Mr. and Mrs. A B • No. No. No. No. No. No. No, No. No. No. No. No. Ad. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Taylor 57 61 30 39 43 45-‘• Oestricher 10 12 18 8 30 13 275 91 Tuckersmith 40 40 51 a 45 45 24 16. 40 28 , -17 32 29 26 18. -77 187 179 72 84 57 54 352 1A 1 B 2A 2B 3 A 3-43 No. 4 Thos. J. Molyneanx; Miss Alicia Coyne, Stratford, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Coyne', Mr. and Mrs. iMeClanton , beloved Ntife of ,john flart, London, Vith Mr. and Mrs. Me, uM• Cantelon, ber egtfi year. -rwan . m Joseph YAM( 614.4ir11413.1n1tit, Hetatnay, Asorest Dennis m. 'etiO *7:"Ittoit4 ti;f 'MD*? DMItZer, kitelieher, Mr. and re. liar - ''*h1:44f)e. 161'1 "81id'ili 111'1115' Vey 'Dantzer, Wisasor, with Mite Lien Pelinne, A,Olite4t tolls ort and williata Dantzer; Mrs,. .3. Ito& August ener, with her parents, Mr. end Mre. Thot. O'Rourke; Mr. dt' ItEtst A" Felrater int lAst,criVel;' Mrs, • Adagl1er. add ivilists Mary Orden astrt • No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No, 7 li4Arts. Win, Lane in (Nide' McKillop 145 63 71 55 334 17 36 24 .47 124 Mullett 65 27 36 40 41 25 77 39 „. 21 17 61 17 54 48 355 214 No. 1 ... No. 2 No. 3a .. No. 3b No. 4 ... Clinton 89 38 57 39 40 67 7 337 115 57' 57 67 51 sd 5 438 Hensall 4 57 69 33 Stephen ... 33 No. a , 8 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 5 .. '15 7 .. , 25 8 18 9 No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 lt .14aliq PYO, )44.1019.0,, 44141L yetillg•INIOM either ktfP). trigkt Pr veq usafpl "arti9le, SO theaks te. yen all. 'roars Singe:1'0Y, T Anstin Seanvop." Cross Makes Shipment T1lie following were ehipped to Red 79 19 creo at Toronto ell. July 12th:'' 14 57 24 Wits, 19 pro., Mitten 104 dresses with 36 43 pants, 2 year: 120 slips, Size 38i 1 66 112 suit pyjamas; 40 long sleeved. sweat - 74 14' era, boys, :girls and womens; 2 pre. 158 17 seamen's long stockings; 5 prs. sea - 38 15 men's ribbed. sox; 20 'prs. Moves; 10 98 2 prs. sex; 6 helmets; 1 shoulder 121 - 22 wrap, 3 prs. bed sox; 1 pr. mitt, ..4.__ • — baby; 1 pr. toakers; 1 baby bouneti 270 727 '' 268 Miss Grace Pepper received a cable- gram front her. brother, Gunner Stew- art Pepper, advising hey that he had ... 48 _ 29 - 11 arrived safely overseas. He said he ... 72 ..... 20 3 had a most wonderful trip, and that ... 38 21 13 there was a very large contingent. ... 32 129 23 The many frienis of Mrs. Margar- ... 24 57 12 et McLean will -regret to learn suf- .., 49 67 12 fered a fractured Wrist renently, ... 24 12 3 when a window she was opening . fell, ... 59 100 7 landing on her wrist. X-rays taken at Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, 346 83 revealed ihe fracture. Miss Elaine Carlile has accepted a position •at Kerslake's Prod30. ' 'Miss Joyce Soruton, of Toronto, is spending her vacation at her home here. Mrs. Wesley Richardson and family of Goderich, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Carlile and fam- ily. Sapper Roy Kyle, R.C.E., Petawawa, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Kyle. RECAPITULATION Mrs, Adeline Johnson, of Hensel], Tuckey Taylor Oestricher received official word from Ottawa Stanley /4- 0', 41.04,0,,i4.teP41,- stree n, SOO?, OelSer. tealralPB:i 'PtTP0i3, -$340; W. 4-iere. labOri atiPetgi 33.70; W. Dab, labor, atraat87 $3'.70; 0, Walt labor, streets, $33.20; T. Kyle, "nOlarY $72:46; Public Lib- 4fre41 oiti*PC contrifliWORff at 4Y stored nCtt later Op 23rd, or rep* Salne• fl,troct.'1,ct 01'ddys, 1.011. 10414.0?; WelitaMml would greatlY SPpreelate YQW ilfila- rary, one-half graPt, $143,13; Ifydro 'tion Of, onhl f VIP for Mere), o CanitaiaSiaa, Hydro, hall, 9.24; Ini7 white sugar for the prOvittiOn 01, hO1110 Portal Oil Limited, Toad oil, streets, Made candy, also any "OciPtrihlitiOnsor $323,20; A. Spencer & Son, aUPplies, hall and streets, $88.41; W. 0. Pas - more, supplies, hall and Fire Dept., $45.00; City of London, relief, $2.53; Huron Expositor, printing, $3.90; C. N.R., rent of band stand propertY, $1. Total, $207.80. A. Kerslake and F. W. &nano:combs: That the bills and ac- counts as read be paid. Carried. J. Parkins and E. Fink: That we now adjourn to meet Sept. 13th at 8 p.m.. Carried. -J. A. Paterson, Clerk. 425 Goderich Township 32 40" 38 22 31 32 195 75 45 62 55 48 32 ,317 13 21 1-6 8 31 21 • 110 Exeter 350 465 64 — Usborne 273 326 122 163 Hay , 420. 381 208 Stephen 270 72'Z 268 Stanley 346 425 84 Hullett 355 213 146 McKillop s 334 ' • 124 . M63 Tuckersmith .. .. '352 187 179 Hensel]. 155' 165 17 Seaforth 346 275 91 52 16 11 30 3 7 27 146 21 15 14 21 7 33 1 112 67 ' 81 12 88 84 5 165 17 -1- 155 Goderich Town 32 52 66 23 71' 41 71 45 72 68 52 49 ,3 645 46 12" 87 17 95 23 40 27 67 20 30 19 91 22 26 4 322 19 91 a 15 35 14 68 26 2 0, 800 218 Exeter 41 65 9 47 71 8 50 73 69 69 53 75 66 71 24 41 350 U &boy - 43 41 46 40 54 16 33 122 46 54 44 37 78 t Hay 8 7 16 8 8 46- 5 64 e 53 38 25 48 54 41 61 326 36 21 25 31 54 13 26 21 11 14 14 19 273 14 12 29 23 63 Goderich Toivn .. 645 800 Goderich Twp". .. 195 317 Clinton 337 - 438 218 110 112 Totals 4 378 4,844 .7,782 Soldier vote 39 46 20 Grand Totals ,,... 4,417 4,889 1,802 Plurality for Taylor -472, CLINTON The W.M.S. of Ontario St. Church held their August meeting' at the home of Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes on Tuesday afternoon with the president, Mrs. Aikens in charge. Mrs. Kennedy conducted the worship service using the hymns, "Work For the Night 'is Coming" and "Take Time To Be Holy." Hera was "Redeeming the Time." Miss Hattie Turner read an interesting letter from Mr. Jarse Smith, a „missionary in China. Mrs. Ferris, of the, Y.W.C.A. Camp at the Radio School. Clinton, gave' a very in- structive talk on "Keeping a High moral - standard everywhere, in all walks of life." The speaker stressed, too, the fact 'that peace among na- tions cannot be attained unless there is peace among individuals. Mrs. Farnham gave a reading which too depicted how Tom and Mary of the country village store can help to smooth out the difficulties Which arise among individuals., Lunch was served by the W.M.S. executive. A vote of thanks was teadered the speakers' and Mr's. Holmes for the use of her home. The congregational Picnic of Wes- ley Willis Church was held Wednes- day afternoon at Goderich. that her son, Pte. Gerald (Jerry) Johnson., with the Royal Regiment of Canada, has been wounded in action in Sicily. No further particulars are available. Council Meets cookies for these boxes. They 4'O fighting for ; let 11$ respond • gent. erously. • Rebent Bride Honored Complimenting. Mrs. Clark Kew. nedy, the former Miss Irene Brugt• garth, and a recent ,hride, the eheist of Carmel Presbyterian 'Church pre- sented her with a handsome table lamp in appteciation of her services as a valued choir member, and like. Melv. Moir, president of the .Arnold Circle, was hostess at her home Fri- day evening in her honor,. when the members of the Circle met to give her a presentation of a lovely linear tablecloth, the address being read by Miss Sally Manson and the presenta- tion made by Mrs. Moir: Pink and white were need for the home decorar tions with -mileh effect. Mrs. Chas. Forrest favored with musical selec- tions and contests weife enjoyed. A delicious luncheon was served: Fol- lowing are the addresses: "Dear Irene: Your fellow workers in The Arnold Circle would like to take this • opportunity to express their appreqa-, tion to you and our regret that you are soon to leave us. We wish you to know that we have thoroughly ap- pretiated the very capable and faith- ful service you have given to the Arnold Circle. We shall miss your helpful service and also your person- al friendship. ,," We wish you every happiness in your new home and ask you to accept this gift from your friends and co-workers in the Arnold Circle. -Bertha Moir, President" • "Dear Irene: It is with conflicting feelings of joy and sorrow that we learned of your plans to leave our Midst -joy in what we know means happiness for you, and sorrow tor our- selves in losing you from our choii. They say that it is difficult to get a, choir to agree completely on any- thing, but we can assure you'that"our choir agree Wholeheartedly on Ilse very great help you have always giv- en, and your unfailing interest in and faithfulness to everything connected with o-ur choir work. To Mr. Kennedy we extend our heartiest congratula- tions, and to you our best wishes for all the happinesh that ,the future con bring. Will you accept this slight token of, our appreciation and of our assurance that whether present or absent we will always feel that you belong to us .here in Carmel Chard' choir. May God bless and ' keep you Mrs. John Johnston and Miss Mar- garet Johnston visited onsBundny last at the borne of the former's daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Douglas, of Hyde Park. Dr. and Mrs, Spellman and family, Carolyn, Helen '.and Joan, of Kitchen- er, were week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs. L. Mickle and fantilY. Mrs. Emily Boyle and Miss Helen Boyle, of Toronto, and LAC. •Milton Boyle, R.C.A.F., Winnipeg, -were week end 'visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Clark and Mr. T. Welsh and Flor- ence., Dr, and Mrs. G. L. Smith and fam- ily, of St. Marys, are spending a week vacationing near St. Joseph. They were accompanied by Mrs. G. C. Pet- ty. Miss Kathleen Jones, of Toronto, is Visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jones, and Mildred. Mr. .and Mws, McNichol and little son, of London, spent. this week vis- iting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pfaff. Betty ,Mickle; Doris Buchanan, Dor- othy McNaugbton, June Kennedy, Claudette Biowes and Eleanor Cook returned home on Sunday'after spend- ing a week camping • at the United Church girls' camp at Minnehaha, rear Goderich. Mr. Joseph Hagan visited friends in London, on Sunday last. Ross Millps R.C.A.F., Centralia, has been Ar6nsferred to Trenton and left this week for that place. Miss Gladys Luker, president of tie Women's Institute, has received let- ters from Laird Hudson, Royce Welsh, Clare Zuefle,, Alex Boa, Har- old Heddein Austin Schwalm, L. Bayn- ham, Stuart Dick, Ceoil and Ivan Kip- fer, each expressing their grateful thanks forboxes sent tonhem in May by the -Women's Institute rad War Service Committee. The time' is at hand to again remember the 'boys. The ever increasing list now regis- ters 36; therefore more and more money and other gifts are needed to and your husband aiways.-Choir et aid this worthy project. nRairal a d,Carmel Presbyterian Church." The regular meeting of the village council was held Monday evening. at S p.m. in the 'council chamber with all .members being present: Minutes of the previous meeting were read and 'adopted on motion by E. Fink and F. W. Smallacombe. 'The Clerk re- ported as having received some valu- able papers from the 0. 'Geiger Es- tate. Correspondence was read as follows: Imperial Oil Limited, Uni- aersity- of Western Ontario, Clark Fisher, W. Fritz, J. M, Southcott, County Treasurer, N. Sparks, J. Per- rin, Mrs. J. B. Reynolds, Welfare Dept., Cit az of London; County of Huroa; Highways Dept., Huron Ex- positor, Township of Hay, County Clerk --Same considered and filed. Bills and accounts: Arthur Dick, cartage, streets, $3.00; B. Cudmore, gravel, streets, $27.00; T: Shaddick, streets, $18.20; R. Simpson, la- rich and •Blyth; Mrs. Chester O'Reil- ly, Detroit, with her sister, Mrs. Thos. J. Me]yneaux. The Late Mrs. John Krauskopf Following a lingering illness, Mrs. John Krauskopf passed away at her home Thursday morning this week. She was the former Katherine O'Con- nor, daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Joseph O'Connor of Hibbert Town- ship, and was in her 67th year. She lived in Dublin ,for forty years with the exception of ten "years 'spent in Detroit. Mrs. Krauskopf was a faith- ful member of St. Patriek'n Church and also a member of the Altar So- ciety. She is survived by her hus7, band and five daughters: Mrs. P. drOwley, Mrs. J. Hesson, MrS. McCall, Mrs. Hendricks and Miss Rose' Krauskopf, of Detroit; and two sons, Rani, DeVfoit, and /antes, Dublin; sine two brethets, Dan O'Connor, of Itibbert, and Archie O'Connor, De- troit. The funeral will be held &eta Fatriek'a &droll, Dublin, on Sat- ,0rdosy 01 0.30 With Interment in CedUhibin, detnetery, HENSALL 4 (Continued from Page 1) say. 'Thank you, one and all, for your kindness.' Thank all the war groups for their kind thoughts towards me. I hope they all will understand my an- swering to you as I am.a very poor letter writer. yet hoping this conveys my thoughts to you all. Say 'Hello' to everyone for me, and hoping to hear from you real soon. I am, Yours, Royce Welsh." "Received your very welcome let- ter today and the box yesterday. It was sure swell. It makes a° fellow feel a lot better When he knows ev- erybody is pullinsefor him. I met El- ton Fairburn the other day. He is Stationed in the same camp as I am. The box was sure . wonderful -every- thing in it was just what a soldier needs. Guess this is all the news. A million thanks. -Laird Hudson." "Received your very nice letter and mast say it' wasamost welcome it be- ing' one of the first I received from Canada. The box yon ladies packed reached me the other day and was greatly appreciated. It, too, was the 'first parcel I received since I tame over. It was in wonderful shape - nothing was _ruined on the trip. Went to see Ivan in the ,hospitan. It may be the last time I see him as he is going to return, to Canada soon. I must close. Beat regards to all the folks. Thanks again for the grand parcel. Sincerely, Cecil Kipfer." "Received yonr letter today and the grand parcelyesterday insplendid condition. 'L The contents Were a real treat. The honie-Made candy was the best we have hail over -here. It was very good .and-Ileh. Now about thp maple sugar, I didn't Ow it aroand the hut, but I Will ;admits that I gave half of it away to two- little boys who live lust outside Of the Park w`htr4 we are statiOnel dfiver 'here the children don't 4e.t. 11tliy syre.as. The cookies -were en odd Otte broken. We ate:tbeinIU]1C11 1t niglit. twit it litgOetst- allptily." of '• ...•••••••••••••- tl 4 • • • e s • 4 r 4. 4. 4 • • SUMMER or winter, when nature cuts loose with a blitzkileg of wind, torrential rains, lightning, ice, sleet or snow most people hurry for cover . . and stay thiere. But not Hydro mdintenance crews. For ;hem a storm is the zero hour. ... and task forces go forth to battle. • Last winter's sleet storm in Eastern Ontario is"but one example of their work. Hours of freezing rain followed by a blizzard sheathed the district in ice and snow. Streets and roads were blocked by a fantastic tangle of poles, trees and wire. Hundreds of Hydro, poles were down. Country roads blocked with snow. • Within a few hours over 200 Hydro men were on the job. Supplies were rushed to strategic points. Men and 'trucks went to work. . - line breaks were repaired, broken poles replaced, wire reetrung. Point by point the battling "storni troopers" restored the flow of Hydro to war production plhnts, factories, farms and homes i. . pushed relentlessly ahead, day and night, until the job was done. -,.. • The wink of Hydro maintenance crews is one of unrelent- ing vigilance. Power must go through regardless of con - &ions. Across Ontario, Hydro men ire on the alert twenty-four hours a day ... ready, at all times, to combat any storm .. i ready to meet any emergency. ... ready to stay on the job until power is again flowing . " doing their part in helping Ontario's war -geared industries speed the supply- of Victory munitions ID the Wile -fronts of the World, 0 4 4,