HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1943-08-06, Page 5-73 . I I.. . � , , I . 4V . 19 4 M111 I . � 4 , . � � 1, . � � I 1 4� ` . 4 1111 I � . ", ; � 4 , 11� 1; 11 4 , ��" � 1� 4 1 , I � A - ; . � 1 4 ., I ; I . 4 , � ", / � . q . i I d . ,� , , 1 4 , 3 � 4 �) I 0 ') t 0 A 4 I I 0 1 4 I , : It I I I i - 4 f 4 ' 4 , 4, 4 I 0 , . : 4 I 11 *1 4 A , . ., . I. 4 ,, I , . � . 14� I I 1, , ""I"""I'll,­� . . . I V. 011-H,", �r:. � 1�i ��Ioi �� 11 1 .. I �., � . - I I , "pI,­ ", . ", 'I-,�, I J.,� � ". , 'i � �1, , . f " � , � . �,Aea�loitlk� I , I 11 , ,. I I,, ��. � i- t ­­" I . �!,,:"",11, , , , , V. ,,, . , . , ,,,I,, � 'I � "-9 ­;-,��Ti`W �, I. - �.I� �' . � " . . I ,W, � I - ,� . '-,,�j,� _J -LI-; , , . b � I - 1 . 11 1 7, 1�i I . ! . � 1'', I ,.­:'',, i, � . �, 11. �, � ii-�,!��, . �: 0.111, ,�' " . 11 I i"'A, - '� ��-,� � , i �� '� � I I Z I I ." I I � . I * . I I, , , r �;-% , ,,, 1.� I 1 . PA,c � f I . I .. tff " ,* f .41 . , 1'. �, . 4P o I . .. . .. . ,,�,!i4 . I , ", , 91; 1,11 . " �;, , I I, ... �_ 1� _;�,, f I I , I , i � , I . 1 7 ru 41 11 , � , 11 , , I i ;, I'll �� " ��,� , ­, 1(. I . 1i Iwo. de" to- " i�� 11 . .: " ". ,� .. By 3 � I 'I, 1 I - . ...... �,e;� tI . in ,RJ �, 11 + I 1 1.440 ft , ; ., f", � � , . ,� T i�Q ,% . I ­�,`,',,'� . I I , J,4,,� " 19 0=_ XleArby half yo?"ro, be, " MR, 0*104,�! I A"llovi I , s"I", .r . ��Ifl', � : P�,.t I .. 11 . I i';"',� . I . , and v _1 ,__ , 0 . A zQod! # � I I I �;,: . , ­ I I I )49%, A. UPKO, deal, P,4 -I ' �i� - ­%� ,, ,;�,�,I�,,� � ,rrying `tM .. .11111., ­" ",—'-,-"'��""�"""7'7,—,'—I W*111A � , 41, §, aqtq,ar4Q Aw. I � , ... 4144, I.. F I., , I ... . . ........ _���� � 102�1��'Z!;�'If�i `�?';�-i�, 1, ""' � I �'. "4 ,,",�I�j,�",�:t ��`,,-,, �;,;,, "'! - - � Aft te �. , it , .1 . � 1, � " 1, . .1 . , ", .1, . , 5 � ' 0 wor _4 71 - 11IT:!i1.1T1IP , , ,,4 .�-."I# �,, �,'�,��.�,$�,,�,�! ,, �, tI 'Ia� ot. . , .. . 111­�1111­1-11 . � ", F � " *,�I'-U6��.,� I�Ie'-,'-'7;�R� �',`�,,d-.Cq , ­ ' "" Ad - .. , , X,�­,­­PV'11� of ton Jersey cows, w4 -ppt 4 '4 -4 1 4�4111 , � ,'4 -P _4 , �' .11-.--1 I'll vi:� " '"' - ,a 1,; , Jos; k. g, expo;'104Q,'.�; W.PY14. -u . , �­b "A W'. 'Path, " , il .,J!­�"_ 1% 1� 040,M'BRITISH ,00 ' '_ ' ' millan�g machine U004. A ,11eqt I , � g p - _ . �11 ,` , gar7 the scale W, ,:, , 1, " 1­T�T::f,..I!"J1�T,,1 I , . , ., , . aj , . A . if - - 11 I . , . - � " 1',� -'I _ r, , Ac." P10,11 I . , . i : I I 4'' "A 'i, 4�I, �111,il , � "Ji;, , . ''' , "' "' 4I�;C,,� ` . �,`�:.�,i,.,�*�,',�A;. *',l ".. I ­, I � I�'I, ., . �'i I , .., 101I_� �­ �� ­ '120� �,�. APT., � 00 �� ., N,-" 'I",-, .qx V . , .� , e Vdlk�4 T#e Uvrop I _ ­ �Jgtor: " deA and orchard completed -,the pid- or t , I ,th ea ' 71, ch �!gq � a _ ,. ..� rom,�';t , groAti-qu.'ut in $mt- xol� 'I I ... 1. I I ... , . I 1, ,;. , ".. ��O # . *�, - I I . 00 �,, W MO 11 " th = 1 17 0, "; - �,"�" 11 , I ; I I , ;, ­ , , ". W � ,",;-i Dear'$Ai- .QX1 the 14 . f . he Was with. tb� Mutu , 1 � I , � , � I , � i: , &.- ., I,il "A"', I". : �, 'i"i " - �,,!;,, .11 4� ,� ., . eu , , .,^,.�,,,� �0 ', - 1, ,�";,-Z , times, 41' land. a allmei '4olooK , . . � _ . I ,�, � ,,;, , " , , , ;i­;I� " '...", I I 'i , , I 70 , . - , �, � I , 1�1.$,,j� � ". . �' T ' �:'�', , , . �, . , _6 " 1.16 . �', . I - I , , ,� ; ,; F, I , ,i 11 I-- ,'��:36!:!,� ) 491 Q. ' 40. , IW _', 111��;� , � A propefty of, Ala g �0 . "" , . ,�. ) , I I , , ­ � � 4 roat-auixt *, � �1. i �%,. 1'1�1��'Iifll___ , I ' f . anii,da, CoAttae4taj' ' ' .. I : I I , , . , 4 " I,.,!.",'1, §t day of 4PT') ture, "What -seemed t b�, A very oe- I oneo ,I,,,: No. 31: , q " : I , , � '4 �il.", .1, � , - . ., , , I, J ,;, R 'I.. 4nd 9 I I , ., , , � . 11 !115 11 1. �' '. 1 �4 i ay, -e country home where we., en. IAifte - " �., . :"A.1 I ,n�l? 0 WO,� airab, I vie of 0 ., a - . -�- ';' 90 0. �;�, , � , R (�,�,� with Nature "gal-,-� . ,I , P�;erlca ...,atlipr P9. 3 A44 ,.I ... 81, � , :"t 0 ., , ,(�,,I �:�,,,�,�",", ­ n To V U 4; Ift , pl r, ­�,vv ,.'��,�.�',".,�I'l "', 'we bp&tlior plea � I ,4 brWo, .�, I fi, , , sure and Otal, qjtble L , In Mexico City, th, .carried a 0 . No, 3. N,Z :,�,r . I I 1.1111, �111111 _ .� . 1, ,,�,, 1. . ' # r � - : �" -f i4 'f , �A .�"" 1� . . �'. , , - , .1 � , I , 'OX a lov.eJy motor SoYed, bom�­made biead and butter, 193 he'returned to the Northern, be- 04ial bouquet of' bream'toses. b , IT - "' " , . � ,� :i,il" �_i�,�,`! trip t.h�ougb 'Cl ?, 05 $6, 15'' gar . .,� , � .., �,__#,-;:�-��,�,��,, 2 - 1 48 "".." - _ " . 41' ,i,,�;,l Qviar'dale tand. Langley ,berry jam.,and home -canned, salmon coming general manager.' e B , _0. Noi 4 A�� .. I ... - W 14 194A A , ,.!­ ., �., ", " ,, ,a, �, I 11�, � �.�i��!,,i�i._Z , ' ' 11 , I , .� .51-�_P'.. VI - - Ito, Fort Langley, This 'vou4try 1. , I d Hugh W. G,OrdQ4, who wan her o6us- ,No �7 , "' . " ��!, .1, OA 4,."-"�� %:�� ;,��,'�-�� . I "'�"� '33. we ., _. - 1. �11 ., ... �� 11111111111111� 1, ...... )Fi­,�e, 'i, � , 1 4 X�Z ...... 67 No ,� �r$ic_ , ,I, , '11, 1�1;,',,, � . ", , I � I � , "'I", 1! ;1.4.1, , � 111. , il I .1 .. I 1. " .... I ,­ ,,, ''. .", . - ,�691-��,,�_ 1 f A - - ffifi A"MiN - - , 1� Ir",'i ie,W, ,,If,"".,4,h",f, - ui laver, t - "L . . . i ,i: ,� �trllqi , '�RR " , - , "I , " -�,11. -for the ivening mcal. : Past-presidenf of the Canadian �-A.fe in's matron of ��biior, wore a dresso ot, N6 36 .� ". " x. , " , il,�,,,�;�,,.',,. . passed tbrough'isi,oye I a . . '! I., . ,; I' 9 dairy f. ­ 1 5 "_ ........ 49 U 341 *" , ,�� ,,� 44 ,110�C,';".,�i.' " J ��- Insurance Officers Ass,ociation and of California gold silk jer4oyz,� ,�.. � � I, ,.e 4 � � I . "A"W-0 �� .-I'll t 1 ��, N ,, ��, 1, , ' Marjorie . I-. . '*#Y� 1� Ii I ". � � t "-%J , , Ing, poultry and, fruit grow.lAff-xii(ist- ' D, Cf. READER I I — ix; -1 01 ,,I . �,'.,;S, If, 9,�,! . ,`;' -, I ,,, ,&��,'. �M�Ii,4, . I ,. ­ , V 1% � � " , the Actuari@s Club of Toronto. Wright ,as brideop o 11 1, - �;A I r, Av'C',", ay ou small acr;iige- Here.aud tlipre - � ,40d Was - gowned In , 1!.1 I:, � I !,N,-,,? t�i , � , -, � .; 'AN-;_,. I , ,, fill"', � �. -U - � 1. I * �"% .. OCR. "I 1��­�:I'il,!1'111 . I . 1. . 1 '' , 4 . � N W) P'' , 21, - - �,§�-,., �­ - ' . , :� , ,Z , I , R ,,,, , I "' "" ,'In ' '*" *:' - . .,,,,,, ,�,,1,'� �R,;- ,��,&!L$f,, � . - � I , . �72 238 -10� ;0- 6 ....... .... , Q, 1, � ii`�,;; , ' . - 1927, 1930 and 1937 he atttafid- heaven ' blue. Their crowniess. �eg- : , - . 1. ��_ _i�l �� I - �)A','� �*'Y,:M, � I- '. Ix ,1, , . ,,,,,�,�tI , I we saw a very fine, residence with( . No" 0 .......'.. ": -.5i , , 4 , m , ,,� J'�;'�'�! I . Aqhficld� - 47 'i , a . i�, _ , .�,�,4"1�4,;0�4�4­ �� . . I., - � � 1-2,'; . 4exceptionally. good -farm buildings --on . ed the International Congress of Aci. born picture hats were edged with �, I I'; ­., "I 0; "', . ,0 - .g-;Y­�� �,�,�,,o. .1 , P"P.1 . I No. I ........... 69 so -W� F�.�7 I. ; ......... 0, -4*. .. �,) f:,""I .� A"",*11-im, " �'Nl'iiP,��"`�' . ' � L : 14' W il, . ri,;j,�,),., tuarfes in -Europe: He was .th first French lace and heaion blue velvet, . : . - . -, ­ ;q , , I , , �$ V 5, .1, , . . I 1,� , �J.if­..Il -0 Y?`&��W � , . '' I , 11 � "' ": I ',%: . jL lar -arm, the -property Of some Tips For Rf�, No. ,2 _ ......... 47 29 46 . , 0 ,',:�, m. I '1�1_'­ 1, .� I I . ', IQ "I'll, ��J, _Ir , "' I. lft�l 'E k, I �%" ' I " L - . . , 'S, I . . , , ." �1_ I ,,�,,, �� ��.I�,.�'ir'l , ,. , "" �'Wt , ge f ' �, -Canadian actuary evee to deliver a streamers extended'dewn- -the baclL I 1 -2 , � : ,4" i - �4', , � wealthy, vancouv4rite, who since the _, No. 3 ........... 46 28 6-7 lo . I 11 .11, '. 11 L"'T, X I � .08 - Ot . .. ,,�',�,',�.,'-.K), _0 ,,, 1,14 -- P1. a 1. paper before an, IntematIonal C;on- They carried Colonial bouquets ,I . I a I :, ,i,i�, .1, r'by I I'll Lpfl ,war started, has considered thip a Meat Rationing of No.. 4 ..... � ........ 46 1 CoIW.rnis. - ' I 1. I .. � -1., i I , R , I 'O , " �ft, I I , 33 12. 1 'RI Q �, 5 -IM, _, I gress . . yt',�, R, ., . -1 ,,%� ., .... I I - !� � I# - , N, "safe" Investment, into which to' put , of Actuaries, the occasion being gladioli blooms centr6d with corn,, - . , " �0, � ,V . I I ­ , A,WNk.�1111 . M , I � �.', , % , RI -1 . 1��'t!l _s�, �11.p . , �', , kl� "', , I ........... N I I .............. 05 9.6 � 13-0 - I:. "I", 4*",�RR ;Rb , 0 ." � .�,�-I,4 "v""i t5!"'I'l � .. ? No. 5 9 4:9 43 NO. :I - ,,i.t" *�A - -,-. *'­_',­� N"I"j" ��:, 'Biscuit dough can be usedlu-miany the Stoldkholm Conference in 1930. He flower&�, Might Lieutenant Brpce 1. i­jJL­''Pf, �� i 150me of his spare cash. I I . No. 6 ........... 19 39 25 NO -1 2 ............ '21 57 14 wo� � , , , .. ��',- , 2 , ,�J "",.i�4,'�;i,�,�, , , " Wo , " �,A,;.. ,,, I . 4 .... �,�',! ��,.,;�� ,, � ' ways to. extend.rationed meats. is a director of the London Chamber Finlay was' groomsmani and the ush, 1. I "..., ., � , I 1, Fort Langley is a neat little town . . . 4.: ;�'�.., )':�i; �, �, I I 'j"U.111" I . ' No. 7 ........... 15 72 14 N4- 3 ........... 5T 88 21 . . %_ -- I . - 11111 �.­ ".""j, R'_�, As a topping for',meat pies it's a of Oommerce and served for a mim. 6rs were Flying Officer John Myers, A 11 , '. M,7," 4 ei;,. ,,I ' L� �,,"'?S!"'�l " I , , � :, A�,� 1, I I � .. . . I I . ., ��., .. on the south �ank of'the Fraser Riv- — , ,IQ I.t :11. I ' — , ,— No. 4 ........... 14 -' 43 10'. . � �, t� L � 'Oft"; �'�.�,,;�'g"� J J J . . " I.. I , . J 'I,Kft'. '��', �'�'... �111 _ , er and about 30 miles from its mouth. bet,tor bet,,, than pastry foi the bon- her ,of years on the Adirisory Council .Flying, officer John Brown, Flight. . �. . I I 0 , . � , I .qQV I'll I 0 . I, � I, I, ,n, 251 288 23.4 — — , — ... -;'­. �, iI�.,� . �� 'p, U I, Here in 1927 the Hudson Day Trading servation-coh,scious, because biscuit Of ffie local bran& of the Canadian Lieutenant Robeft- Pierce and Mr. G. I . -Teesm*dr, ­ , �'..yi­,:il, ";',,,"4,�� - 2 " !,�,�, . . . 1. . I I . d 1­14�W, "", I ;; . I . Blyth � 127 284 71 1 1 . 1. K .y'l,,, . ' ' dough'requires so much less fat. National Institute for the Blind and Dudley Darling. Pollow�� tli6 re- I . NO- 1 - - .­ .11 � . '. 01." ,;' � , I � 11 , 1 � �;,. . ,Co! built its first trading post In . . No. I ....... 76 61 - 23 7 East wavvanosh �., ,,�.% , . 1� ­ . I ,: 'I I :­ I., "u.,,x I 11.11.1111" , . 1 li, t- -11 Left-ovbr meat may be diced, heat- the board of the Y.M.C.A. . -, ception-at--thre Royal-If'acht Club,,Van- *** - I .'.�', " � . No. 2 ........... 56 56 21 No. i .... No. ,2 ....... ;,.,�,. � .I,.,, , 1,��,,:,,, . " `;` 1.11 ,�� �, British .Columbia, and strange a,s it I .W... . 25 .1.214 6 ­� � F", , �W_ I may seem --flat bottom boats came up ed in gravy and served over hot, split "His wife is Mary Isabel Maxwell, couver, Flight Lieutenant and Mra. , . . ", �;.� , I- , ,� .1 , . — — No. 2 ........... 8.0 -.55 , 35 - . , ", '_I�: . - - , . . — .. � - '. .It. .. , The Nicokern't River, then made a port- biscuits as a mea,t shortcake, of Wilmington, Delaware. They have Bray left on a wedding trip to Ot- I , , " ": "I'll", ,7 ,41" ,.: . ' I I , �;�;.�. , .1 ,� _1 ... ­ ,, . I No' , I , 1, ,:�', ... :� .. .2 .s ............ .. 71'_�' 63 '�_, I M I -:::. , , , I - " I I 1- I p", � 11 I is 117 44 - 14 1 - 11. � , , " . �', 'gli 1, I I 'I �11 1�. . . 1. 4 � �, � _ �­' �,.. .1, . one son and two daughters." .. tawa where -they met Xt.. and -Mrs. � , -, �.':,, 0 ,,, � IfAhere isn't, enough meat for this, . . I ,�, ,',,'�;, �.�!�� ­. in . N6. 4 ........... $,7 41 _ ". 1� �, � I., "I 1, ,,'� ,.,�� ". .11 � 'I N t�,­ I agp to., a/ still more significant I . Tur6li6iry �- -I,, , � .' I ,t� 1'� . . " I Brussels 53 14� , �'-�, ;1, t'; It " I - , ... ... , *tream, 'the Salmon. River, on which put it through the food'ehopper, sea- " V., M. Bray axid,family, of Blyth. The . � 11 , . . .1. " . . 11" ,�'i,', , p'? " No: ,5 . ............ 45 32 19 No. I ".,,, .1:.,_ 1* ''?"," ; ,­ . I � 11- �i',�,`,l , � . ........ . �$�. ... ; 11 ­, r, I , � ,�, ,,� . I and IA ....... 101 121 14 .1 I _1 . IV, . ,:.r_.r " 1� �, 'I - they floated down to, their landing ion well, and moisten with left -over. . . couple will reside in, Vancouver. No. 2 1 ........... 0 � - — — I No. 2, ....;_. �6'f,,,� i . �! ui place on the Fraser, before this great gravy, tomatoes or chili sauce. . I . __ - - - , — — — , "I � . . 1 058 =1 88 No. 3 '...... I.: � .. , '� '�� � 11 . I � . �. 9% , " � Roll biscuit dough into a rectangle New Bui,�din .. I I , ,` . _',T_N­'1._. - I . Howick NO. 4 ........ .. . I , , ."'. I,, -11-;,;.1 ,�,��,'� 58, : ' �� i , ,, ,;, , � , . , �,:% I - f . I trijer was used for navigation., . , ..g DESUOR0 - 179 182 .14 - 4 1: I— ,�� I ., ! 11 , ­. , 1�� - - .­�. '' �� - 11� . History tells us that scouts were one-quarter inch thick, spread with (Continued from P . age 1) . LON No�.* I . ............ 86 31 55 I — * I I ,;.1 '. ,I1. ,� _,,,� . - ; " � 1. .1 4 I . the meat mixture, roll up like a jelly - — � , .. � 11 � ,;�� 11 posted on the surrounding 11ills while I ' Rev, A4 E.'Menzies and,,family are I No. 2 ............ 32 72 62 U8 .197 - '#$, I ,��`,,,;"!4111`.... . ' - . I I I .11 � ,, " . , , ..�. '', � . I " , " , ­�'.:. � -swelling of every pod', the sprouting No., $, 65 27 _ I , , I ,­ ... � . 1 ,��,� IS I -'* ',,-`!,,�::;,�, , - .., '', , , , '� e_ roll and bake in a hot oven. Serve Fergus Maloney -and Mrs. M. Schul- taking their holidays, -this month at I we�.t �, ;� (. . � 1�4, 0, � I cthers labored on the leVel land, b ''r � I , ., � , .1 Wa, , '' I '"' , '' 4Z , ,Aot4p . ; � � , , " i� .,r ., -F , , , � i , � 6 ' " -1 ' I � - :1'1 '� I % of every lettuce leaf and, like a doc- No� -1 I ' -� ,`,.' , 's, '. " .. . . 1 6 1 �� with extra gravy and plenty of vege- man, Buffalo, and Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Sarnia. There will be no church ser- "W . , 12 '?, low the Fort. Now all that in rks �_, .... � ..... 94 100 27 No 0 �."� '. 4 I � . I ....... . ., ., I.. "�.. � 0`.,-`_,,- I tables and the family wilVirever no- Pyan and daughter, Peggy, Stratford, . tor, over a sick child, observes the ill- No. . .. of # " I , .1 ­',­.:��,��q.` M, this historic spot is a meat white- , Vice there 6h Sunday, August 8th, but . 5 ............ 1� 51 68 25 * . .1 1�j­ �.­ , , I 2* � 1:1 1�., . , 11 tice that the in e, . No. z ..........'. . '84 :� �:I§j , I !,tl� meat part of the al is with Patrick Maloney; ness of every cabbage which has a No. 6 .............. 64 � I. ,,W� 'N' I museum I . 1. - I I , 1 '6 �. � .10 " , -, I I", I 1�, . �, �,,,,�& "� washed log building --Abe Miss Mario on Sunday, August 15th, Rev. 3dr. so is No.. 2 .......,.".,.. , 0. � 25 U �, , I , 11 1. . L:: t "I . 1. lug at its roots. . . No. 7 ......... 71 92 . I . , , �: �� �,;�, , , " , , I, � o' ;JU I . . 7, .. i , ; - I s" . , �., ' . ... 45 26 ,- ( 1 1, wbieh houses many relieg­of bygone a bit skimpy. Krauskopf, London', with her parents, Ch'andler, Parkhill, will have charge. ' ... , No. 4 ...... ... . � '. . Meat turnoyeTs are delicious but Mr, and -Mrs. Louis Krauskopf; Mrs. This is the testing., time-Jor the ne%v — — .. . ., A I . ��, . , , , , I I �1,2. � ilays. I one of. the most Interesting ' I -and on August 22nd Rev. William . 11 No'. 5 ........... 6.� .: 40,1 � it.. * '. I 1�1 J, Victory. Gardener. An -552 438 245 . , ... I �. �,�.I­ , �_u I - " . - , ��, . ; � 4exhibits in� the niuseum was a model take a little more meat than a rely- Harry 1. Dingeman. -and sons Davia, Fingland, Niagara. Falls, will preach. garden. and stand by it in the spring- � , . No.* 6 . ........... 12 :1 44, , . � � I �1-` poly. Roll biscuit dough- one-quarter Jack and Paul,, Dettoit, with �r. -and Mrs. Martha Lyon is visiting at -the a Huron I �, 1, - . ,of the -palisade and fort. , -1 I I nch thick . and cut' in 64n'c . I I I I. . — . .. 1. I . P � � .:: 1, b rounds Mr . D. McConnell; Miss Irene Don- time. The Victory Gardener, whose No. I ............ 75 .' 57 29 . '. ., .1 ­� I . Some distaj�ce up the Praser we home of her daughter,Mrs. Bert Lobb ,�-, � . . � - ' w swarms over half the No. 2I . ... . I . ....... go tii 6 27 . 5 23�4 . . . :I � ` � or . ;9*" , `� tried fishing, but without any success, ,squares. Place a,spoonful of meat ne y and Miss Dorothy Donnelly, of . work no . 70. I . �;:��, , ,1'1�111 I in Goderich, Towns -hip. . . I � I .: ��`L ". � mixture on the dough and fold -over, Goddrich, with their parents, Mr. arid . ' I . lawns and boillevaj7do. of the nation, No. P. ' 41 k I . . I I rl. * I � j: as the salmon run had not yet start- . . Mr. and 11rs. T. FaIrservice had ' ' . . _� .......... - 32 76 1 . . . . . ,:.,; ,,,� . . , . . . . . .1',��',�.,,, , � -.1", � -nds from London and Toronto vis- . ­ �� .1 - .�, , ed, Fishing boats, about 30 feet in making half-moons or triangles. Press Mrs. Joseph Donnelly; John O'Reilly, frie . has wondire'd -up to now why the old- No. 4 ............ ,22 42 - 39 - . . I—'. I - edges together and 'Prick this top. Toronto, with I , ,� ,,J�j . length, were being painted and over- Mr. and Mrs. William timt6rs make such a fuss. about their No. 5 . _..' SUMMARY ,"�I,. I , iting with them last"week. .1 . . ..... �1 55 61 . 11.1 ...... �.. �. -� i,'. i . . " . I_ � . readiness' for the fishing I I I I '-, hauled in great achievements. The newcomers .. — — —, 1, :', , � . ,,, . Bake and serve like roly-poly. O'Reilly; Gordon Kleinfeldt, R.C.AF., Mrs. Allie Tyerman and Mrs J I . I Hamm -Hill 114AW .I I.,Il . - , ' ch Dumplings, are closely related to Toronto, with. his parents, Mr. and . nave listened to us'boast and com- 1 268 .225 W '; . .Oeasoh, which last y I ear was .excep- . TambIyn are visiting at the home or . I 1. � . . -234 - , ­ , ''t",; I ' biscuit dough but contain less fat or Mrs. Roland Kleinfe plain for years and they can see no . . Ashfielii . ......... 2,61 - 288 . I. -1 "',:', tionally good,,wit'b, pnees at 10 c6nts - I Idt; Joseph Meag- Kinloss I ..: �­;,�,,, �.­ ��- . , Mr. Prank Tamblyn. for a couple of , , Blyth ............ 132 117 J!W 1: . . per pound, -some boats making $1,500 .none at all. .Peathery light; they her, Stratford, with his parents, Mr. . reason for it. The thing, they say, No, I ............. 28 20 11 Brussels .......-.. 179 182. , 14 � , I " . ,, , weeks. 1, � , ,:, ��,.�, . . make a delicious and filling addition and -Mrs. Jolfn Meagher; Mr. and Mrs. is easy. , You just put a seed in the i4o. 2 ........ ... 24 is 17 . I..,:,.,f I! I! %!.' I . . : . �011 a, season's catch. Mrs. Lillie Webster and Jack, Miss * Culross, ... I ....... 153 � 279 � 202 ' . . .."1111. ,, ,, ��� ,gro , . `,,� .1111, I'.: L , : to a stew that may be more vegetable Bateman and Herbert Bateman, R C und and it grows. It doesn, tev- No. 3 ............ . 49 49 , Carrick ......_.. - 155 298 = _:�,'' � * Kirk,, Mrs. E. Lyon, Mrs. Nellie. Wat- � 40 ': , At the far side of the river, about than animal. The Colasumer 'Section A.F., Hamilton, with 'Mr. and .M"s, equire the brains, of golf, which No.' 4 ........... 48 L 41' 72 . 1. ,II�. , �Id I en r � I . . . . 4 1� I ..'I I I � 11 � . , . son and Elda and -Mr. Riley of Gode- Cn .1 ,,, ". ,one mile across at this -point, we saw of the Dominion Department of Agri- William Smith; Miss Ethelyn O'Hearn . . I they used to play �vhile we 'were lean- No. 5 ............ is *34 � 1 37 .. 127 284 7;L '. �,ii:t . 6 1 - . . a tug hauling a raft of timber down culture suggests tomato dumplings of Godericth with her parefits, M ri ch, I spent part of Sunday at Bay- Ing comfortably on a hoe. .. E. Wawanosh ... 258 .. I �;.�, � . r. and . . No. 6 ......... _ 26 62 20 I . � , , " 1,�, , . 0 �. . �.`,�..� , istreaW. Hiih up the -opposite baik with beef stew, the addition of finely Mrs. Ed. O'Hearn; Joseph Coyne, of , field. , I I NOW they are beginning to find out �. , Howick ............ 552 438 246' 1, 11J ­X " . . — — — , . I i .;.i.�� . . . I . here and there a house nestled in the ' ' Misses Lols. Wood ,and Gail Man- . Huron ........... 268 9z 246 _;,�!� , chopped parsley to dumplings, for veal Hamilton, with his parenis, ME and the truth. The garden was a joy and 193 224 197 . . _ "k � . ',.,_1 ,"'.1 -; , ning are attending the Summer school I, Kin -loss ... I....... 198 224 ' 19T. � . �,!�_,I.. . . �� " green. woods, and motor 'cars and stew and ctives, when the stew is of Mrs. M. Coyne. ' inspiTation in April and May. To- 6Grey ' ... � At, � !.._1 � trucks were. -seen travelling the wind- lamb. Tomato dumplings are made Jack Stapleton, of the Canadian at Goderich this week. . I wards the end of June it becaine a I � Grey ......... 05 390 Aft I, �' Ing bighway. Farther back rose green Mrs. Williams and babe are visit- Lucknow ......... 133 206 lit - - ., , .z ,�.. . - � clad hills, and beyond all this the by substituting, tomato juice for the. Merchant Marine, is spending a two Ing at the home of h . or parents, Mr. fe�rful bore and finally a heavy strain No., I .............. 55 .,.-;, 6 I., milk or water used in plain dump- wee"- leave with his m9ther, Mrs. ' on the patience, nerfes and courage I I Mildmay ......... 67 106 130 �., . ��. _;-, i I, ",". I . t ,�'i I lofty' snow clad peaks of the moun- I and Mrs. Ed. Yungblutt; No. 2 ........... 43 N 9 Morris ........... 352 292' 97 I— ­�,t,�,, I lings. J. P. Dent, Cochrane. : `1� I ,� i .1,1!1, tains. I .. ­ - i, Mrs. William Lyon. spent the week No. 3 ........... 30 59 19 Ripley ........... 100 59 31� � .,. . �, . 1. - There is a bumper crop of, blueber- garden through July 'and August. I I �,�, .., After one hour's attempt at fishing, - . end and .holiday with her daughter fear' No. 4 ........... 27 62' 12 Teeswater ....... 113 136 .M. , I... I ' . L ries and cranberries this year. I I . . the casukdtles among the Victory N . 5, .I .......... L , . , V"', , , "A �f T " , 1A : W-0 ,t! ae qm_ I I whi 11, a, c1m ; a 110 *111-1 11 � I � �1 I 1 4"" ""� ", I , """ """ "" , 11 1* I I 0 1.1* �111� "I il`�` 4-1 , .,�,�, ,_,.,"" we turned' fr6m the river through and family at Stratford. . 43 � 53 15 187 .155 , .11. , -1 1 HERBS AND VITAMINS 1. L 0 ... ,,, Gardeners will be heavy by Septem- I �,::z � some bills into a small gieen valley Misses Beth Govi.er and Fern War- ber. . No. 5A ........... 26 18 . 16 W. W,kwanosh .., 275 234 = .. . ,;,.� X I . . I I I � - e vicotry � son are bo . No. 6 ........... 44- 68 1 Wingfiam ........ 672 238 = ::,;.1 through which, a pretty `�rout stream I - No matter how small th CROMARTY. ' . lidaying at Barrie. A cabbage is like a w6man, very 'I'll" curved. , Several small fa garden; it should contain parsley, � � . A few farmers have been thresh- * No. 7 ........... 37 42 28 Soldiqrs' Vote ... II I # , 11�1 � , , interesting at first, romantic, myster- I I . I : ,',�� � forty acres were cleared of big tim- chives, and radishes. Parsley is, of Cromarty Sunday school held their Ing their fall wheat, but the heavy . — — — — — " �,�,, � . ' . , -, �, �, . ions and exciting; but after you have 1 n ii)6r, a strenuous and expensive task, course, rich in .Iron and Vitamins A, picnic at the Lions Park, Seafortb, rain Tuesday morning put .a stop 305 390 109 4544 ' 4404 3WA ��',,, "', as ma . ny as ,89 largt� %tumps being � and C. Chives and radishes contri- one day last week, and was well 'at- stock tbreshin . . . t� seen 'it day after day for months, af- . . � � , I , ;�"RA 9 . -1- . 'M . I - � ,� , I �, I I ter you have lived 'with it and learn-. � � , .,,ln . aaken on a two -acre field.- he soll i Onto more than flavor which goes tended, as the day was ideal. It is . ed all its peculiarities and seen that is light I4.colovarrd texture, and must I hand in hand with ,good nutrition. an ideal -spot for such occasions. it is only,,a cakbage after all and not I - ­, ­ - � I ,,,, . . - . Everyone enjoyed thenise�lves to th.6 CbMTON ,- ­' ' � � the Venus de Milo, you. are .nclined' . I . � I utmost. . . . . - . � The regular meeting of the town to take it as a matter of cou:se. This, . Mrs * John Scott,and Mrs. McKellar Xuesday evening with is fatal to l ' councAl held -on r I spent the week -end. in Clinton 'With Mayor McMurray in the chair -and all 'Now, therefore, is the_time� when qeSNADICHOT GUILD friends. and .Mrs., John S . aunders, of me . the Victory Gardener must suminon. . IF 4.3 � I Mr. mbers. present, except Councillor I . Agnew, .was featured by discussions up.his final spirit of victory. -Now is I . . PICTURING CHILDREN I Windsor, are at presetit holida;yffig of drainage arising out of claims for the time when he must throw, into 1. I I . I . 31. with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCulloch. - flood damages presented by property the garaen that last burst of British . I . I Mr. and Mrs. James Scott spent a . :"i.�� , courage which will defeat the enemies i:iii�'i�:��,�!i:::�.*,��.�,,,,�"!�'f��5:li:::��: Owners, W. D. Carter and C. Epps� . � :,...,.,t...�:�!�.,�.*�.Y.��..'.".�,i�,�":�'..'� few �days last -week with their daugb- l�:.:.:.�,.:.:.:�:;C,!;::::4��::;:i:::; .�""".",�.",,'.C,!:;.��l-.-.-, !ii!��4*�*ii!�,�ii��l.iii.,"T".�i�i��ii�- :i:�:�*:i:i:.":�ii.�li�ii�.4--�.ili!�ji� Tl,- former �laimants' -roner is of dTouth, of weeds and of posts. .1, , . !.]",.,I I . ; ;,i,��Jp,� I I. .. - _�," -1 ;�.,� X -1 I � I .11: $` .11 , 1111"I , �,,� 1,111 I if, � .;�� � - I " ,.e�',, I .. .. I , ��'.� I � 1:'M I'll, " - . ,�.,' � I I I �, � I . 1. I . �_t , . �:,," . I . �,f� , �'t 1: . .. ,I,:.,., . . I , ..-.,,,:,,1_1.1,'I,x:0,; . c', i�,.i,k,>.,�:i:,::�:�":;,�,',:i::!,T?,::!;:;:;i:::O,; . I . 1,�.. . _ .V..-;...:�:.:.,.:,.v: i�' , , ,�V..".'.'v'iii--%.� '� .r..:;:-:%+.X::�I1.: ,'��' . � :,i::::�.,*_*,:�-ii::i��,,'�,',ii�:!'%Ii�iiiii.".,i ter at Woodbridge, in Most people- are not equal to this or7 .1 , . *.1 drained by the Cowper Street dra , ' ' . , i I -I':;:.. ;:;:;!,;­ � ��,,,!,��ii'*.:i:i:i;!�:::;:!!!�,!;;:...:::: The wheat is now being harvested . ... �i;ii�,` ...... k' I . I I � . . . '611 I.. i�ii��!�," � which-, has previously' given trouble 'deal. They 'have plenty of courage Enough Twine, No Afore, For ; Na vy, Merchant . . . . . A � 5 and is riot proving to -be a ver'k good ' ' Crops " I . " � � ,. 44i , 4 and .the latter by the Mark Street in the wild cavalry charge of spring . . 1�11 I I Marine Reserve Rest . I ". crop, as the damp weather left the . I drain, both of which have been over- but tbey Cannot stand the boredom of ' , �,,,�r3 , I , . . � 'i ... :: � . I.: . ,� 1�:?::'1`,.j:::: ... :!:j!�:� .7 ,;�,:�.,:::�::::"..::;::::::".:::� : . :;;� wheat badly rusted. � . " ..... .7 :,: .i i .. .. . this guard duty, the fearful monotony of . . 1p . ;�,:-i*i'.*�i* .. �ii���ii.-".�.-'.,i�'.-.i�'*.'!i�i���i���iI fl;�.i.ir..;.;, -�,.r. , taxed by the heavy rainfalls- I � I . I X... �i:�i:,iz,:�,:i�l.,:.,i::::i�!::: . 4 I :11,1111, , .. iii:iii�i�i:i�ii ::::I;E:;::-..,.1",;;:: Mr, Lloyd Miller spent the SAbath ,., I iiiiii��;-"ii�iitii!ii ­.:%:... .:.;..:t.:�.:,:�:.:.:.:.:.,.",..... ........'.. ..... :. sle Action is to be taken by the. sentry's measured pace between . I - -_ � I � I . . . I �', i, 'i�:��Ii�:�i!�,,, with his mother, Mrs. S. A. Miller. . . - w; . :� ason. . �!:��i�i�i�:��]i�,*i .�� . . . . . . . . . . - ::ii I ' .� , " ,,,X, -r.*%.-,..:: .."..-%, I : "�i I. :, i:.'�i�ill'I.I.I"i;rl..,i�.!:iii�iii iii *.�;'-,,i�iiii�i,�..I,i�, UO I I ,.., i, -,�!i�il�!� '. - ;,"",....,".,.".,'ll'I.I.-I.11:".�.: uncil to remedy the trouble' as far the pctato hills. WT � I - , , :1 ... �..: ­� INI'-i�`11 � i . -, _..� `ii��ill'�:�!�i�- �i�i�i�i!!'-,'�i�:��Iil Rev. and Mrs. Ma,cWilliams -are at ' from the '­ ­ ! , .. ,�:�i..ii��i�� , - . , . .... ­ �:::���;�i��;�;T�� �';'�i:iiiii�i�:i:�iii���i��;:ii� �i"'�-'i��i�fi��i'�,'� . as may possibly be done. Permits to Let them take new heart I 11 ` �.. :j:OZ . ir I .*,-i::*'.�,,�i�!,, _��ii.,.,-i present enjoying their ho'lidays"I,with I I I - .. - i.".�i�ii�iii�i:i�ii:�!"�.."�!�i�i .Ii -�i'.i . A ... , .. , �,; build additiOns or make alterations sight of the -suii. observe .how it. . .1 vi$ ,�"". friend . � . . . ::i�,'t*�..`,. ',.'.'.,`..'-, ��.,����i�i���������!i'�'.i�!�i� �-,..e.�,;,,��.i!� '. , "� ' s- sinks- to bETd earlier every night and � . I I .. : ."6g iii�iii�iii�i;,�i��� � were granted to Charles, Nelson, Ru . . :j*::i:::i;�:�,j:j:j;j:j1j I %i I :,,,'.�, , ;i!i���','..... . Company. rises later in the morning. Note Abe �: ­ - : ,� ", 1 i��.,'.. ii,fl,,.�;.",".�lf.iiiiii�i!����:ii�i�i�i����""ii�i���ili���i�iii:;; sel Jervis and Canadian Oil . M,li , �:,.`:;; ... , ,:.:".:.:.:.:.!.:.:.:,:,:.:.:,:.�i . :1 � ''. "" , 1-­-`i."%`�:ii!�i�:ii� .......... ,..,.'.�...";'. - � -..� � ­ - ... 111 .... .3 . . ........ A rebate of $15.00 was granted, Conn. increasing span of merciful night. _. ."....'... . �::, i�-�.i�i�i�i�ill�i�,'.....�. � �'i i.�,.*�i.,.':i:iii�:�:������i�i�i�:�i�i�i�..',��i�i.�','i� VARNA . cillor Crich on behalf ' of the Red This i's the gardener's reassurance, - . . ­_ i . I" �,;,� I 12. I i�ii.'&��,�,'�:�i� I dry f, eld in the for it means that the long year has ,.,, - � 11 ,�"IAI I I. - Shield Auxili . ­,�, , . �� i., . Mrs. Dodsworth, of London, c fled hall on - . Fr I iday, July , 30th. Fire Chiei started towards its end, that the -1 I I I . , 'y ... i ��;i , Monday on her mother and mr, . " . . . . . . Den- I ��Z,t, , .. I . � "...": J. L. Cree will receive $�5.00 extra worst is. over and that there is rest � I .A �... !:; ��j;j;�:j:j: �. .. X .. I., rilson. � . I . I .... . A . .; ..­ 1.1, ::, -..�j.--­!::,:: ........ ::::: . - ahead. �.­*e I �'!�, I , ::1.:-:1kX - .1 �I, :. ... - Rev. Reba'" Heru has returned to for services connected with that tie I . ,11. ;::; � I Two more months at most, a mere : � - �1�1' x: ' I partment. 1� �. I ... ��,����ii�i��:.:��iii!i��j��i��]ij��. her parish after a holiday. , . I�,,�,� -::::.%: ,: ,:�X.X':.,::: . I�� I I �:!::i:�j::::.:�: ,i!i,i:i:::�;i,i;.�i:i:i;i;i:�:i:j��: Personals: Lt. -Col. Dr. F. G. Thomp- sixty days, and we shall be safe, be- .. 1�'�: I . . �,-g ;j;:::�::;j�:j:X, . � ; :..:.;' ��:.::i;;;�:;;j���i;::;.�!ii;:,::,i:;;i::i::::;;i:i: :i��i�i�:�i�i�-�'.i `.: �, . �::;��::i;�:!:i:�:77i:::�!i;;:;*!!:�.-.:::;;! � Mrs. Harold ElliOtt, of Windsor,has ,',::;'.-,`, I I ::;�. �:. �ij;�: .. - ..I',.,- I �i;�!i � i �:.::,�i:��!-� ... : . son, London, is spending a4wo weeks! yr,nd the possibility of defeat. The � , i:���ii:i�iii:��i!i�i��:i�i;!!��: ..... _ r ,'�1�111 ,',,i�,,,,�;�::!i:���.'.��:���i�i��::i�'. :�i�iii�;:��::�Yii��i:�::; i���������,.,..,.....,.,....�.�i���i� after �pending a fort- �. "n�.�� �::i: .:: : .: �:::; e Harry whole garden will be ripe then, tbLi � ""' �:.:.:.-.�.:,.::.;.:...,:.�:.,.;.; .:.:.::.:.::i:�:::i:�;j:�:��:j:��::ii�..,.i��ii;�i: . furlough at his home her : 11 ;; . _11� " " ..:!�.:�; i�i�i�i�iii:ii��iiii�i�ii�i�iiii night with her mother, Mrs. M'o P. . I - I", 1, mp ::�jir:::;;. ; i::.-..1. M.cEwen ,tpf the Royal -Canadian Navy crop ready for harvest and the gar- . . IA -,"'; ;::�i % i - sso -, -.1 . --1117.;';.::..�X.,: , �. .,:, ::,i��iii.ii��!�!.'.� .. . '. . 1� ...'.. , :. , Mrs. Stelck left Sunday to spend - ' . - ".. ,..:: - dener can, rest. Courage, comrades, - . �ili�i�i�:: "....', .. :ii:�i�:ii:�:.., i:.i:i:.",i;i!i:!:i:i!i!i�':�:�i�:i:���:i:�i�ii� Reserve, is hom for a, brief fur �,' :,:.* , .i., I I i:�:;:;!�;:��:: "'t. ;j��$j:j;:;�.iii�'. - some time with friends and relatives ' � I . �:�.::.";­::, :: . lougli; Miss Maud Torrance has said the end is in sight! � 1 ....'. -..1.1.,1.1�..,i. � 11 . �i�i�:i:�ii i�i�iiii ' , . -S. :j�,:r.-:� ij�,,.jij�iii:i�i., in Windsor. . -,,�,, ,,;.;.: ,��Ij�j��j�iii.�.i.f-­.- her home on Albert Street to Mr. J. Tonright, pausing on his hoe in, the ji . :; . , : $j:j,�,':j ......'..'......i�, . . 1 �% . , : have return- .11,11, i,:: I . .."o, ..,:.,.,,-,; " 'iii�iiiiii..':i:�:,.'�..,;�:i:: Mr. and Mrs. Appleby .1 . q :'...­ �A ' ' I I : *i*K� �ii�,iiii:!*,�k . . A, Petrie and �haa taken an apart- dusk, the gardener looks about him ;:;...J , 1. 1. I . ,�i;:;� .. ed to thei'r home in Ingersoll arter �.. A �,� " ;. .�;j:j:j:j:;: ..i ..",'�i�iif.*��l'.1..'.i�fi�iii;�i:iii:i�:!.. I I'i...... 1� I ....­.. :::::;;:�:� :i;::i;::i::::;. * :;:,;;"::;::::::::::::;;i:;;i:;;i:;;I;i:;;i:;;::::.:if. "I I . ., , :i�;::i:::i:;*i* **-:�. . ::-", In I - I . -,:11.,;;..;; !::i!iiii ii ..., *i;�.� .;,�;�': i. x. ....... � .... .,.i�!" cut in .Mrs., Axon's home, ^also on and realizes, ,after his toil, how fool .1 ;, "' � -i�;i:.-i:,.'�:.Ii,�.�si.'.:,*!:..'.j;.. ... �i�'�i�. .!.i�� :,;,:,��,2j:j; . ­*"...", �*�,:�� ..:,i,:.:,: j:::::::,�,:�. . !*4* ::;.::::j:k:::: Spending a ,Week at the home of Mr. I "�:: - ..%..i*,'. "' . . :;::::,�, .,�:!:�:j: I I I.. 11 4 ... M , �i�ii!�� �Ii*,.$i*i*:;j:�;�: :::.:: . - , ill � , .�� 'A�t . 4 "Ill i . " ., .�:�.4,;i�i � � �!!!f* : and 'Mrs. J. Smith, Sr., d Albert St. ish are the current arguments among � , .- �',�,,; -���,', .�. ... ,,. ": .. -.2 ", an' other . 1. � ", I �::!:��::-::::�:: ..:;I;.;;:;:,;;. :;::;;:�ii."-��i�!i:��:�'iiiiiii :: 1%1-1�`-" : .. .11-l-'.'...,,.."...",,-.,.",...'..,.'*..,.,: .""'..."I'll". the intelligentsia concerning the own- ; ., ,'�­. '.1.;,::.'.',.,,:::X .. .........': -.1.1........'............. 1.1-11.1, - . , ...... .. �,�O '... ..., * , I .. friends. . .. . . . ... - :y,;:�::::*:::j ership of the land. How vain is the . '­� , ` , I . ,. I. i��M 'Mr and Mrs. Harvey Chuter, of �1;1 ,M� � , . 1, 1W, ' . -, . ],�_�iA� .,;:;:;::Wti.-!.::,�:: �'i '. i�i���i�i�ll struggle of the rich man who claims I 11� I I . ��I , ::...., Harriston, were the guests at the The Earth— . 0T. _qn::: . A, -:"t, . . i�*�;�, to own the land! How futile, the 14,'10.11 1 1 1 .,���4" . . :::: *:*',;i*' homd of Mr. and Mrs. E. Chuter. X, . .1 � 11 'J,� "" ::, ­ ,�,.: ...; ') , "' ....... - - frerizy of the socialist Who says that :,. . - , -, , , " " .... ii , : - . ... .,.,. . :".":, Z I � �V,T,, -1-1,.,-.'�`., "'m :: . . . . . . ,;,-.-,-.- Who-�Owns It ? 11' I ....'...'.. 1, ,.,,*��,,�,-�.,__1.11 I . , 1� .... `­" - Mr. and' Mrs. Carter, in companj . I . .........._:. . "............. the state must own the land! � 1, 11 . �� , 1`1 . . A . I Ii ii,�; I k I I t, . i - Try to make your pictures of children closetfp�-Ilki this picture of our With Mr. and Mrs. Pongraqs, of Lou- (By Bruce Hutebison.in the Winnipeg For, of course, as- the ga,rdener�has ' � I., ,lg I . ", ... � .. ­ , - i:. �". I . 1� . ., I " . I .�, " � I , young bathing beauty. don, spent Sunday with Mr.. and -Mrs. Free Rress) just discovered, no one can own the I , i'M .,;. ;�: ..... 1, r )""ki � . . 11 E. Chutdr. . . ; ... r .., . '� (�, i , I ., . . J , - - I Out ,There I live. it has always fal- land. The man, who has toiled in It 11 I ._.Ilfl.� HILDREN � are an inexhaustible general picture. The remedy for the Miss, -Easter, Of Minneapolis, is th �.11�1, . ­ ........ .­��, 11 ,-- I., A . 1. , e len upon me as a solemn annual duty all these months - and watched its, i " ".. . .: I - ,:� ; I I WA . . "' � ." C source of good pictures. There's . htuation is jo move in closer to the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. McCon- I ii":',., �;:�,U�l I'�'O'' si . . .. .1���1.11r".",,-�".-,.,,�.-I.I.-I.I.I.-I.-I.-I..I llw,:F� '_�� .:: - .qi�-,vm.- 1 . I . �,`,, -since no, one else will mention. it- slow, ineluctable processes, knows : . . r�!��,�� "I natural charm and appeal in any subject before't-he picture is made. . . . I '' ,7, �",,,, "?,;M I . nell. I to point out kindly but firrdly that tbtt be can secure at most only. a � . I 11. "'I Ili, i .. 1 6', � . " c�lld-,asle6p or awake, active or Don't crowd an action subject too 11 . .. . I .�, i I M i's. Ferguson and ,sons have re- the year has started, to wane. The temporary, leas "r!�`, . R enough I ,!�, "I , closeiy,,4owever, but give i ' I e on the land. In so . ��N quiet. And, if you use your camera turned to tbeir"homu in Sudbury af- 0 . , .�� " r, space to suit the action or Jhove- sun is past its zenith and the ,days short a:'time, 9,61 Very short, be will I , , . . 1 $ � �"!. wisely, you can get all this appeal ment hapligning or about to ,happen. ter 'spending some time with relatives are getting shorter. The 'earth has be gone and the ]And will still be -,,� � �, : .1 I 1. I I, - into your pictures. Of course, there are splendid pie- In Varna and Bayfield. I turned with a yawn upon its axis and here. , I ''I i�l What makes a good child picture? , . " r -, . .1, M. Ili- "I ture opportunities which must be Mr., and Mrs. '-Morrill and son, Of every ddy exposes leso 1� .",..I, 0,4 : . , ", , ,u teb. child pic- caught on the wing -when there's Londesboro, spent Wednesday at the s 0- US 011 -10 He cannot take the land with bi V, , � ., , ".. �� I., ,� '.." Well, us ally, a top -no , northern hemisphere and more Of He, cannot alter it or remove it or I . . ..... . ... ! ture tells a story -it deals with no thus to maneuver for distance hoine of their daughter, Mrs. J. Smith, � , � �', I . I . . ,� I s , ome', , natural interest or activity.of or peifect viewpoint -and you must Jr. ' 4 I those on the southern hemisphere to 'permanently affect it in, any way. The I I I .", I __ . t ' the heat. We are now on the home land remains beyond ownership, be- . .. . -1 . r — . I'll ... i�Xq_,11. . ,he child. it is clear and sharp. The 'get the shot without. waiting. But The Varna Red Cross are - h&vin "", - ',J'��':;-M background behind the sul;Ject does 9 stretch of 1943. . �yond c*ontrol. And it is, a solemn . I r , I , I 1. �,�."'­qi"?. . I . I I. ,,_, 1,Ily,11 r once you've mad6 the picture, you'll their annual sacred concert on .Dr. ' realize . , �'.l "', not detract from the main subject. find that It can generally be Im- ' The only people who will moment for any gardener when be re- MERCHANT NAVY MEN SPLICE MILES OF TWINE INTO HAW.$41ft r . � 1, % r'), . �r�.Z,l ,�' E,�,,, r'_'�', i:,,, -_ . I. And tb 'iasto spade at the . Moffat's lawn on Sunday evening at t1fis fact are the gardeners. At this alizes th'at long after his name has . .. I' 1; �1,,l .- � . ''I"41I " . I. , �.i �,;�� .... ... 0 r i ,'­ . W .1 I �ro ls�­no farging -and"cropping 8:30 on August 15th. A special' pro- t. f year the gardener begins to bee otti Better tie a string around your fin- and 'ocean going Merchant Marine. . top, bottom, or sides., -during Whfdh all unessential our- ime I n forgotten by his most rem - I 1i �rxI ,Consider, for, example, the child roundings can be ellminatea. gram I& being arranged. Watbb for grow a little weary of well-dolng. He descendants, long after be has ceaz'- ger.,tI6 rem:�d' yourself to go easy oni B4st available. substitute f6r th6,, ,'� I . I 11 �., �� �,,��.,!; I r i.j , ,,, I - " . picture shown here. The Wry Is un- Here's one last tip. When you particulars next week. !1.iq slqved :�11 spring. He has WO"If- ed to he even a memory upon the twine ,and TOpts� T -e4e'is enough hard fibres comes from Mexico. J%" ' ',` � ,, , .� ,I " �� '�Si , , y I � _;Vl; . � � � - . � : I.::"., : .: I I .1` will be used to manufacture 30vft�- , I,- - �:: V 'i mistakable. You couldn't ask for a snap pictures of your child give him, I . 11 during .,lit, cold of Mai%ch, hOP4§- earth., the earth will be producing as bi.nde,r twinle to tie-up this year's, iop ­; � ' � *�' � I:t. 0, I I. . � , "i �,iii, ." "I i � - 11 , . - �, " � bett,er pose or expregslofi. The de- or her something to do. Tell little .� ' fully watched theQfrall, greeh shoots it -is tonight, that other hands, will , ., c 000 lbs. for use on Canadian, karv�L- I . , - ,I. ' ar. The plain Jill you're going to take pictures BLYTH 11, 11 It and otbdr men look about and -that is, if the crop is, normal -but Despite the poorb - . - , . � ., Ii, �, �, , " tails are sharp and qle of April, -shivered through the May ti r quality 00 j*4W - ' .' ",�i;:M �� . I I � I , ` i".,!�,' ,�il, — L I .. ., �­Idll . background Is Ideal. And the sub- showing how she dresses a. doll. Let - , evenings and seen June behave in a say they own it. it must be used., sparingly on 'the binder twine is oxv�hsivo WtuaU4 �, 1. "3�, X I .1. `4' .. ­�,,11�­, ject fills the picture area splendidly. , Jack show how he repairs hIA ioy An R.C.A.P. guard of honor Pald fashion which the Canadian, censors No one ever own's the land and'tbe. farms if there's to be enough to pro- nigintaiji the .01re8out, .#rlety i�V4� "'i"'. ,­,�' ',,;,:'1141 �_; ' ' . I That point of filling the picture wagon, or puta on his roller skates. tribute ,to a brbthor officer and his have wisely deleted, gardener who bas learned that only vide for etmergeticy demands. . goverhulbbt will subg1d.1 4 ­` " . ' I '� �1 ,�-,4� " � ", , 1, , i * . .: , , ", , ,' � I � , -Amatt6ur photog- Then the story -telling qualitleg, of ,- � - I . �.,C;1.11,:L I � %, area.19 where most bride at St. Relents Ainglidan Church, Now all the, crop Is sowed. NtDth� seeks, to tend ft_ to nourish and pro- " Tr6vble is -the shortage of hard Partners. can b;610 ,by ud,* t t�, I . , � � . *111A -w" �1_ - �1 �� �,,�, ,,, �,,11,1­ I I I-aphtars fall down When It comes to your picture will be fOadY find *41t- - Vancouver, when Marjr Katble6n, ol Ing more can he done about It. Mthor tect It' -for a little while, during his fibre according to the Department ot 8Pdriligly and by mA'kJj1g Lgii, * ' , ' to all of 1. . t 'kl"ii$li,,,,�.:,.,�'!�-,�,!,:. ft� children. The Ing, and you can concentra ly daughter, of Mr, and ,� ".. ,� "" . '', I Ili ", � � " I " " �6'��,,-,,,,­,��`�,��i' - ff - thl , ,,��,�� . ... .... 1,�, .. " I "''. , " I ­,; ,�, , 1 pOsIng the on succeeds with theLhelp Of brief tenancy. The lease will sooti Murfflons and §upply. 11i'peacethhe f1ft6ilt is in...gbod. '-d I'd , I , � i � . making pictures of your attention On COM Mrs. Gordon the garde . � I I �, 61i ��116vi '96 � 11 * 0, i -,; 4 ... , I "Wi I "Ll 1�1�01011�al "I . trouble Is that they siand too fat I Ditrliug,' wa's united In marriage.' to nature now of It falls. The gardeller'lexpire and the ga' igna birider twine' 'was made, .from JbLvs,,and WIM, t , - � 714, "I I, back: from their subject, and then shot and handling the other techni., rdoner muAt I ut th,t6adg 6An*, :gQ '100 0011 i�,�,%N " �', _ .1 .1 � � �, " �") ilf',,�� N ;� ., . I �, � ,� � 0, � , ,� I . . . . . . � """""' � 1;,"."",�, r44ht Lieutenant Hari�y L'AytOn BrkW� is -powerless. to Increase his efore, 6flbiek ,the property in good co Airican hard. fibres. To4ay* the 1i*.1.,*"Jagd , T11# � �fi, 11 1, 4 I t 'N� �' �,"' " �,��, j�! �V, � . - ndltdon.. I , , '', ,"� ". 1. ­;.,��,V.�,14?­Ia ­ 1. II ;,l . when the snapshot, Is made the child calitloi. . der - , ' -�! TO , I . IF jlil� -gmall part of the . .Tohji,Tan Gull . only son -of Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Bray, food by a §Ingle ounce. Atd, so, anv. I Tbt gotdefili%92 semon does not last, " sidpoly of th,696, beft '�Ulljjo �Jh# I,ditft of' thb"If I%IWZ,114,� � �&­',, � '' 11 - appears only as a . , I . � . . I'll �i "r , , �, "�� ", X!� . . � ,,,, , , .­­ Blyth. ,The Vido, given In MarritgelloUtly, . fio *g 6 14 Isl b6tio fW0Vd4,t6r.,!tU4 xfili 04 "I l ��;11. . taoii evbry grovth, tile long. . I .. I "I J441 I 11 Aw I ,oA�-X,,b16I,I ��i � ­ - . . _ ,� 1,i �1- � - 1, � . I I I I 1. - ____� �.;� ,!" I . I.. ; .� :: ''O. i'' . 1 1, ,'.� 1�p,�� �,'11.k��, ,,� . ­ I . . � . . , I - . I : I � � I � . . . I I . . � I - I I . 1�10'1 I . ,I � I " ", . . �. I I . I 11 , ! 11 �. 1.11 i��,��:;�t!.�,�iI� I, ,� I'll I I �,; , , ,,­., I � � . �,,� t,,I�` , , ,�., I% I 11 01 � i -. , 1, , " I�,,',��i �I .'', , , I 1, 1. � 11 I . I , :, 1. , I I . : �: � . � ... " , I I I 1� � "., i �1 ;�, , 11 I � . 1. I I , � I . - ..�',. I ., i , " ��!,��;jr� I . , .,�� 1. � I I I ,� ,� ',!�,,, 1-11��,�,, � ,�,! - " I,q,!!,V ,�,,,I: ". 'I" ,i�',,�.-�, ,,,, . � 14, � . I� ; , "I , I , , , � !",I, � � , , . , - I �� � �,`_i, ,� ,. I \ "Il .1 � `�,, . ;�, . , IIJ. � 4iI%'1`,' . . :.:, ��,'\�.%­ ,. "..."'.''_ ,�'. , , . V,,-�,;011, 1,1� ,. , � IN I, !!�-"',`�; 13. � "" �, . �, , �, , , 'If��";;�I�ii I) 11 �,.o ��!��"J:;!.�'J ,�i,!,,1C,I,, '! I ,7",�:,I�� ',.'� ��".. ; "� I . , ,�! I�: i", ii��:��-,,,,',,`,,� "t - . I .1 I.. r ,�, I , wu, 1'.. Ili, ,�',� ­, I, " ­! I . . , � . ' "I 'I I , ,. _ ­ . I I ",',,'I,.-.' � I , , ,� � � 1 . I. 1: . :1 1, ., ­,� .... 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