HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1943-07-30, Page 47., 17777, 771 rs#7".T '7! wonommonsmagauseasommoutanotumeatuanitmemounalion*.mmamottuzszoumunammwan......tawalcs • , . ^OE ot al 40440, 109444 f.349 . #orts were presented to the Oest of •lunter' in a prettily ed lbaelket Ineelor schemes of pia 'w1P1te, PorathI Ikleliaught491 and Geraldine McLean doing the honors. 4 otoPh wedding was the highlight of the evening. The principals were Mre. George Hese, Mr. Grace Har- Pnle and Mrs. Erie Kennedy. Miss gladLuker conducted several con- teata and Miss Greta Laramie direct- ed community singing. Luncheon was aerved. Misa Edna, Saundercock and Miss Margaret Shepherd arranged the affair, and Mrs. Lore Elder, of Ham- ilton, was hostess. , The Young reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John young, at Lakeside, on •SundaY, July 25th, when members of the clan attended from London, Pfarringtole and Hen - sail. Toasts ad speeches were the highlights 9f the attain and a collec- tion taken up for the Queen's Fund. A buffet dinner was served on the lams. Mr. Young ,who celebrated his birthday, was honored with many gifts. Attending from Hensall were r. and Mrs. W. O. Goodwin, Miss Mary Goodwin and Mrs. Maulkinson. The event was much enj,oyed. Death of J. D. Stewart Mr. J. D. Stewart, one of Uensall's grand old men and a very highly and respected resident, died an Scott Memorial Hospital, Seatorth, on Sun- day evening, July 18th, in his 81st year, having been a patient there for the past Six weeks, and previous to that was a patient at Mrs, Paterson's nursing home at Hensall. Mr. Stew., art had been in failing health for the past few years, leaving been a suf- , hos ()till' ':9iS;;'!liailaiy. aalil, I" ,041441,9a- ,0,....,07e,...r.,.....r....„,,,,,,..., oalziemndirsagyolshins 13vallitc:rt.ion at the home SitIrs f:rVe.141,t7ors'Igehcil11,0774ii:17. OS Mr. Donald- McNeil: of 13lyth, is IR 414i , f ' I i ' Gederinli TO•tikiKra) • ''''' ch 'at OP:W.0.*# 0 Ws, ort4eohh, Berry volort, la, tPe order of thel . . , he inserted at. new lo*. ' cash rates, .IVIre. Itoss Love enjoy4 a very visNitied T-PorPt4siettEC47sieavggitieLrbitr191p7: Neitsant week at Godericn. i eats, Mr. and Mrs. WM. Carter atid -altest. lia4 Ifeinniko Clealei Sala* Efrori-Piji Ygaiii I Mr. Orville Smith is confined to 3et Valli aeselaseas,ae..•..•.. 1 Cent' • , bed and under the doctor's care; al- saattteunrdciaady. the lIeld'earter wedding d * on , _ seek• a.....a.,,.li Oen* shi. ........ so little daughter daughter, Helen. 4aanall litait laelateee. .26, Oeinek . WWI isml..01011.04010A nounts_ ..s• lag word - aria* otlair4.1"osaCiam ward. Idinhaara. 60 carts per week. "ed ka a 'Muslim...0'a The. Burin inwowalor. for 10 masts extra. Rea week *ill bii Tharasal It ade la above. dais ere net real by the i'AgiIl0' In- tha weak la vehtek *0 44 Im4 ray. nigiirireedetelet- at. abarsa. yvr.Nettices Jo r Wanted , ass sandiratlo- MIAS SHUTTERED slum - •et .least six feet long, Apply to 7 ,s3r4b1, CARDNO, Sr. Phone 262. 8846x1 waNTErt—soon FARM. WITia ira buildings and Hydro. Close to town. oer, 'teiritiorepartioulars upon" to Box 381, non EXPOSITOR. 3946x1 vp PURCHASE—PULLETS •breeds Plid-,af es, four weeks up to 20 • High erica-, paid. Write for full de- ; -.WEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES TED. -'vrirao, Ontario. 8940-8 Personals • MS., ALICE B. WHYAIID, JARVIS 91'., Phone 182-J... has taken over the Spirella omat Service in Seaforth. See her for that [IOW corset or girdle you need. Individually designed for you. 8944x3 For Sale VOR SALE—MOFFATT ELECTRIC RANGE with warming closet and oven. Apply to MRS. JOHN PETRICK, North Main Street. $eaforth. 3946x1 VCR SALE—COTTAGE, 6 ROOMS. wrrn bathroom, 'Mitts, furnace, soft and hard water. Conveniently loc-ated. Immediate pos- session. We also have listed two modern houses for sale, well situated. of which im- mediate possession can be given. Apply to F. C. CHAMBERLAIN, Licensed Real Estate -Broker and Insurance Agent. Phones 334 or 220. 8940-tf Property For Salt li.TOUSE FOR SALE — 8 -ROOMED BRICK ''`•••-house, with. all modern conveniences , on James Street Good location. For further Thrtieulars apply to MRS. WILLIAM Mc - DONALD. • 3916-2 HOUSE FOR SALE • 1* OT 277 AND PART OF LOT 27$. MOIR'S -1-4 Survey, Rensall, (Souith Richmond St.), • is offered for sale by. tender. White frame house thereon, 2 story, 7 rooms; furnace, elec- tric lights, hard and soft water, dry cellar, good roof. Close to church, post office and Property may be 'inspected on application to undersigned. --- Written tenders will be received until 31st July, 1943. Send same to W. E. ntrrr and J. S. PETTY, Administrators of Estate of Martha Murdoch c/o F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario. 3943-3 Notices BAYFIELD The Late William Osmond One of the older and respected resi- dents of the village in the person of Their 'many friends wish them a speedy recover. Mr. Clifford Weido spent the week- end. under the parentAl roof. Reid - Carter At the home .9f the bride's parents, Mr. and Mr. George Carter, of Hui - lett, a pretty Wedding was solemnized when their only -daughter, Beryl Mar- jory, was united in marriage taiel7Vat- - KIPPEN son Gordon Reid, younger sen of Mr. David Reid and the late Mlle Reid, of At, the Parkdale United Church, To- Hullett. Rev, A. E. Menzies, of /onto, the wedding was solemnized of Londesboro, officiated. Given in mar - Dorothy Kyle, 'daughter Qt. Mrand riage by her father as the wedding Mrs. Wm. Deitz,. Kippen, to Thomas music was played by tbe groom's sis- Stoddart son of Mr. and Mrs. John ter, Mrs, Wm.-- Rogerson, the bride William Osmond, passed away last Munroe, Muskoka. Rev.. Mr. McFar- was beautiful ip a floor -length dress week in his 83rd year. He is surviv- lane officiated. The bride was gown- of white brocaded satin taffeta with ed in powder blue silk with white ac- a finger-tip yeil of white net held in cessories, and carried a bouquet of place by a lace headdress. She wore a gold locket and chain, the grooms gift, and carried a bouquet of Ameri- can Beauty roses and maiden hair fern. Mrs. Pat McGale, of Toronto, dressed in floor -length heavenly blue taffeta with shoulder length veil and bandeau of heavenly blue flowers and carrying a bouquet of pink carnations and fern, was her cousin's matron of honor, while they groom was support- ed by his widow, three daughters and three sons. The funeral was held on Friday last, with a short service at the home and a public service in Knox Presbyterian Church by the minister, Rev. Mr. Lene. Interment was made in Bayfield cemetery. - Farm Helpers In their task of coping with meals for temporary workers durilig the summer, Canada's rural housewives have the support of the Ration ad- ministration, Wartime Prices and Trade Board. Whether a wonian has one extra worker for a few days each week or large crews •for •several days at a stretch,' she need not worry about ra- tioned commodities. Extra coupons to buy tea, coffee, butter, sugar and meat will be supplied by the Local Ration Board as Jong as ea total of twelve or more meals are being serv- ed. And the Ration Administration points out that they don't necessarily need to be • served consecutively, - Among the types of work for which extra- help is likely to be employed, are threshing, silo filling, fruit pack- ing, tobacco gathering, sheep shear- ing and wood cutting. Whtever it is, the application for extra rations Should state specifically the nature of the extra work.. It should also 'in- clude the estimated number of work- ers; the number of days they will ne employed and the -total number of meals to be served. Once this information is in the bands of the Local Ration Board, no • difficulty will be encountered in se- curing a Transient Labor Reboil Card, each coupon of which has the same value as those in the regular OTICE--,AS THESE ARE NOT NORMAL ration book. Furtherniore, coupons in times, order your fly, spray end insect dust early. Yenr Watkin's Dealer: WILLIAM BRADSHAW, Seaferth. Phone 60: 11932x16 Cards of Thanks rrEE 13ROTRERS AND SISTERS OF THE -I- late Mn. Ralph Elliott desire to express their sincere appreciation, for the many acts trindness and sympathy extended to theta in their recent bereavement, lifiltS. J. D. STEWAiRT DESIRES ,EX- -"-L press her deepest gratitude for sYMPuthY and kindness extended to her by relatives, friends and neighbors during the illness and death of her husba-nd, the late J. D. Stewart; spetial thanks to Rev. R. A.. Brook for the memorial message, and to Rev. Brook a Mr. W. 0. Gdodvrin who sang; to the bearers and 1» those who loaned cars. " Births B[F.r.T,—At Private Patients' Pavilion., Toron- to Western Hospital, on Wednesday, July alst, to Flying Officer and Mrs. V. R. Bell, 370 St. Clair Avenue West, a daughter— Carol Arm- WASMAN—In Seott Memorial Rospital, on July 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Was - man, a daughter. t Marriages REID - CARTER.—At the home of the bride's • parents, Mr. and Mrs: George N. Carter, of Hullett Township, on Saturday, July 24, when their only daughter, Beryl Marjory, was united in marriage to Watson Gordon Reid, younger son of Mr. David Reid and the late Mrs:- Reid, of Hallett Rev. A. E. "Menzies, of Londesboro, officiated. • Deaths • ESLLIOTT--In Seaforth, on Thursday, July 22nd, Annie 1VieGavin, beloved wife of the • late Ralph Elliott, in her 79th year. BALLANTYNE—At Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas, on Monday evening, July 26th, 1943, John McKay Ballantyne, beloved father of Roy Ballantyne, Vancouver, and Miss Lorna Ballantyne, St. Thomas. 4,R Popular Stallions PLEASANT VIEW LOCH • lag. No. 29598 Enrolment No. 4412 Form 2 Premium B The Clydesdale Stallion, Pleasant View `..00h„ will stand for the season at his own table, 11/4 miles west of Kinburn, Concession Lots 9.and 10, Mullett. Ternis.—T0 insure a foal, $10.00, payable Werth 1, 1944. All accidents at owner's risk. WILLIAM J. DALE, R. R. 1, Clinton. Phone: Seaforth 841 r 21, 89884t this auxiliary ration card have no ex- piry date and may be used any time. However,/ it must be remembered that workers rired for more tharAwc weeks at a stretch are not consider- ed temporary and must bring their can ration book. GLEN REMEMBRANCE teg. No. 28859 Enrolment N. 4069 ,POT111 I, Premium A • The clidesdale stallion, Ole* Iteitemeran,ee, atan4 for the season of 1948 at Corte 'res.; Lot 22. OM, 7, Hibbert., Sired br-that 'rand show hone, "Scotland's IteraeMbranee," Glen HeMembrrusee" is a 0110(lititel sized else wan pleat, of substance. He stands • Asir steed legs and feet, carrying a small nottnt. of fine gilley hair. He is a fiashr over ad proven sire. Owing .to the scar- • tv'of gatialine, tires, Ora labor, any person •isiettie to use this base should make their • staWations ear10. inditm et foal, $18.00, or two ads to the deter coiner, 605,00; payable March . 1044. All accidents St ;Teener's risk. Truck- lec *ill las cbareeti for extra and listable at :rad of Werilea' Mine Dahlia 4a r tittp coultritotrs, Proprietor. AtOded, 11087-tf ,'It#4,i)etre the eight Oke tittertetti,j6it id pullefia e Canning, Hints Talisman roses and cornflowers. Miss Lenora Lawson, of Exeter, as brides- maid, chose a gown of navy and white with navy accessories, and carried a bouquet of roses and orange blossoms. The groom was attended by Harry Haywood, of Toronto. After the wed- ding dinner the couple "left for a week's trip tothe Lake of Bays, Mus- koka. They will reside in, Toronto. CHISELHURST The annual picnic Of the Chisel- hurst Sunday School and W.M.S. was held at the Lions Park, Seatorth, on Thursday, July 22nd. Bathing and races were the afternoon' sports. The races were as follows :1 Girls, 5 and under, Marilyn Eyre, Jean Cook; boys 5 and utider, Laverne Hamilton, Doug- las Brintnell; girls,g to 12, Velma Ferguson, Donna Norris; boys, 8 to 12, Keith Brintnell, Bob Traquair; , boys 12 to 15, Keith Brintnell, Jack Brintnell;Brtnell; married ladies' race, Mrs. Thomaa Brintnell, Mrs. Wilson Broad - foot; married • men's race, Clayton Horton, Tom Brintnell; ladies nail di -lying, Mrs. Wm. Brintnell; ladies ledies kicking slipper, Verna McLean, Jean Wright; men kicking. slipper, Russell Ferguson, Roger „ Venner; ladies calling husband to dinner, Mrs. rold Parker, Mrs. Jack Glenn; gents' soap in eyes, Jack Glenne Har- old Parker; men (blind), p ail with sticks, Russell Ferguson; young lad- ies' race, Jean Wright, Margaret Tref- fry; young men's race, Bruce Glenn, Russell Ferguson; , girls and boys three-legged race, • Russell Ferguson and Margaret Glenn. Supper was then served for 125. A tug-of-war took place between Chiselhurst and Roy's Church with Chiselhurst winning. It also being Roy's Church picnic, a very exciting ball game was then played by the two churches which ended in a tie At the very, top of, the list of Vita- min C -rich foods stand • black cur- rants. Even when they are cooked. or canned they take precedence over tomatoes and citrus fruits as a source of this important vitamin, according to Nutrition Services. Red and white currants are also ex- cellent sources of Vitamin C. N'qt many Of us will be able to spare sugar" to make currant jelly this year, but in any case we'll get best value from fruit and sugar by canning our currants or making them into juice. They will appear next winter in pies, and puddings, as sauc- es and the modern version of Grand- mother's black 'currant- tea. Here then are directions, recommended by the Consumer Section, Dominion 7e- partment of Agriculturea.for cannaig currants, red, white or black and with or without sugar. a, Method #--With Sugar Wash and stem currants, pack into hot, sterilized sealers. Fill sealers with boiling syrup made in the pro- portion of one cup sugar to 11/2 cups water and boiled five minutes. Ad- just sterilized rubbers and partially. seal. Process: Boiling water bath,—pints, 20 min- utes; quarts, 25 minutes. Oven 275 F. --Pints, , 35 minutes; quarts, 45. minutes. Steam cooker—Pints, 235 minutes; quarts, 40 minutes. Pressure Cooker—Pints or quarts, 10 minutes at 5 pounds pressure. Remove from steriliser as soon as processing time is -up. Complete the sealairamediately.. Invert -sealers for a few minutes to test for possible leakage. other iraY, itez#4,00:400: *mites., itemove front water eminAkte • the seal Irnmedi ::':." • itery, " • " Method 2—Sugarless VARNA ed b M Gl y r. Part er,brother of the bride. Little 'Miss Beth MbEwing, dressed in floor -length peach colored organdy aver satin, and carrying a tiny colonial ffissegay, made a charm- ing flower girl. During the signing of the register, Mrs. George Watt, cousin of the groom, sang "Dearest" About fifty guests were served re- Ireshments by the Misses Lizzie Fair - service, Delphine Bisback, Ida Leiper and Erma Watt, w -ho were assisted in the kitchen by Mrs. Donald Mac- Kenzie' and Mrs. Jack Kellar. For travelling the bride wore a two-piece suit of aqua colored crepe with white accessories and a corsage of roses and fern. On their return from their honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Reid will reside. on the groom's farm in Hun lett. Mrs. Donald McKenzie, of Luck - now, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Carter and attended the Reid -Carter. wedding on Saturday., " • IIENSALL way , 4, bad 44 Olen frp ;Itilradil r#41)1•"'OP,*7.40 aT14;, a native of Pironte. who.,44 11,Q11:.* se0iP10 0.0 Past two OPthai' is suspected, ' Mr. Sn411110*An• bad dispeised- of 1Y$01 po U0n-daY,1110 Left the Money in 11,1s flgOtn.t, 4ti bons°. Mr, and MM. Sreillie and family, after Spending the evening at the McNaughton residence, disnever- ed upon returning home that the hired Man had disappeared, and Tuesday morning Mr. Smillie discovered his money had .been.stolen. A descrip- tion of the suspect, who is" a French- Canadian, has been broadcast, and a rewaici is being offered for his aplire- hension. County Constables. Jack Ferguson, Exeter, and Helmer Snell, Seaforth, are investigating. Announcement Commencing Friday,. August Mildred's Beauty Shop of Hensall will be closed for four weeks, as the pro- prietress, Mrs. Ray Broderick, will be n vacation, 3946-1 Mrs.. . D. Stewart left on Wednes- day for London, where she will visit with friends for a few days. LAC. Ross Miller, R.C.A.F., Cen- tralia, visited over the week -end with Mr and Mrs C. L. Jinks • Miss Margaret Johnston, assistant at the post office, is enjoying a week's vacation. Mr. and Mrs: W. E. Hedden and Miss Marie Redden, of Hamilton; Miss Betty Hedden, of St. Catharines; Acting Leader Coder George Hedden, R.C.N.V.R.. of the coast; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hedden, 1R8pald, Roy, and Joyce and Mr. Herb. Redden, all of -St. Catharines; Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Carter, Donald and Catherine, of Clinton., were week -end visitors with Mrs. C. M. Hedden. Mr. Ferris Cantelon, of Schromberg, was a visitor in town over the, week- ead: He expects to bring his mother back to Hensel] line couple of weeks. Keep the date in mind, Saturday afternoon, July 31st, when the "500" Club of Hensall will sponsor a block of pennies on Main Street, for smokes for the boys overseas. It is three years ago July 1st, that this active club commenced sending smokes to he boys, the number at that time be- ing four, which has steadily increas- ed with' the list now. standing at 21. Each month the boys receive smokes valued at $1.40, which means that $21 is' needed to finance this worthy pause. Not one parcel has been lost in transit. Save your pennies and ,help support' a most worthy cause, Benson Dick, R.C.N.V.R., of the coast, is spending his furlough with his parebts, Mr. and Mrs. R. Dick. Billy Fink, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fink, had histonsils remov- ed Tuesday morning of this week at the office of Dr: D. G. Steer. Mr. and Mrs. E. Brooks and Mrs. Trumpet, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. R. Billingsalean and Shirley, of Lon- don, were week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Patersdn. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Ortwein, of Detroit, were week -end visitors with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein. Word has been received by Mrs. alcClymont, of the death of her 'bro- ther, Rev. Henry Deihl, of Grimsby. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Appleby, of In- gersoll, are holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, Sr. The United Church of Varna held -.ts annual picnic on Tuesday. Miss Fisher, of Toledo, Ohio, left Sunday evening for her home after spending a month with her sister, Mrs. Jack Smith, Sr., and family. Billy McAsh, of the R.C.A.F., spent the week -end with his wife and fam- ily at the parental home. Miss Lettie Foster, of Hensall, was renewing acquaintances in and around tee village. Miss Mary Elizabeth Beatty has re- turned after spending a fortnight with her grandmother, Mrs. Welsh, of Rip- ley. Miss Lettie Foster, of Hensall, spent the week -end with friends and elatives. Several 'members of St. John's An- glican Church attended the dedica- tion service in St. James' Anglican Churoh, Middletpn, on Sunday. Miss Merilyn Reid, of• Toronto, is holidaying at the home of her grand- mother, ,Mrs. MI Reid. • , • Miss Mary Elizabeth Beatty has re- turned after spending a fortnight with her grandmother, Mrs.Welsh, of RipIey. Mr. and Mrs. Aldington spent Sun- day with relatives in Cromarty and Staffa. Mrs. E. Chuter spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Billy Townsend, Goderioh Township. Mr. and Mrs. Manns; of, Brantford, visited Monday with Mrs. Mossop and Mrs. H. Elliott. Mr. H. Elliott, of Windsor, spent the week -end with .Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. Mossop. Mr. Russell Austin, in company with 'Ids mother, Mrs. A. Austin and sister, motored to Londesboro Sun- day. The Varna chopping mill is now prepared to do custom work. The proprietor, Mr. J. Aldington, has 'spent a lot of money and time, and has installed good equipment. We feel sure the convepience of stich a mill in the community will be mdch ap- preciated by the farmers and poultry- men, and we hope very soon to _see a busy mill as formerly. Wash and stem currants, Crush part of the fruit in the bottom of the preserving kettle, add rest of .fruit and just enough water to pre - Rent burning. Heat slowly to extract juice. Pack in 'hot sterilized sealers and finiath as in method 1. Extra pro- cessing time need not be given, as fruit is pre-cooked before packing. Black Currant Juice Wash and stein the currants. Mea- sure into lireserving kettle and crush. Add Water, using 2. cups water to 3 cups oarrairts. Bring, elowly to boil- ing point and boil 5 minutes. Strain throUgh a jelly beg. Pour into ster- ilized sealers, adjust sterile rubbers arid inertia* seal. Process i1iibt Wa- ter bath at ,simmering temperature LONDESBORO The engagement is announced of Miss Marguerite Madeleine Metre., of Toronto, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Adolph Maire, Winnipeg, to Leading Aircraftwan Kenneth Stewart Manus, R.C.A.F., son of Mrs. Manns, Hensall, and the late F. Manns, the wedding to. take lace in Bloor Street United Chinch, Toronto, at 4 p.m., August 14. LAC. Donald MacKinnon, of Clare - holm, Alta., is spending a twenty-one day leave with this wife and family here. .Mr. and' Mrs. W. Means, of Brant- ford, were Week -end guests with Mrs. F. Manns. Mr. William Hyde has returned home after spending several days with friends in London and Denfield. Miss Ida Steacy, of Toronto, is va- cationing with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Hoffiman, of Dastwood, and with Mrs. Gordon Bolton,. of Hensel]. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Redden", Ron- ald and Joyce, of St. Cathariues, are spending this .week visiting with the latter's parent, Mr. •and Mrs. Fred Kennings. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid and Jerry, of London, spent the week -end with Mr. and -Mrs. Wilson•Allan. Fusilier Ray Broderick, Niagara -on - the -Lake, spent the week -end, with his wife. Mrs. Margaret McLean returned home on Tuesday from a pleasant vis- it spent with relatives in St. Theinas. Helen, Smith, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith, who has been very ill for the past week,' is im- proving nicely. Hold Shower For Recent Bride Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Shobbrook, of Oshawa, are visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Shob- brook. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Howe, Clin- ton, were callers with Mrs. Jennie Lyon on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Manning and, Phyllis, of Clinton, visited with Mr. W. E. Manning and family -on Sun- day. • Mrs. Rose Waters; of London, spent several daYs with her friends, Miss L. Young, recently. Mrs. Wm. Glover, of Detroit, is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. R. Youngbautt, and her brother, Mr,, Willows Moun- tain. Miss Alice Iringlarld spent, a few days at the borne of her sister, Mrel. Mora &aide, near St. Thomas. 1Wrs. Stanley Lyon; *ho recently priderierit a serions Operation in the ciftiton hospitalid.Wita,vd the Receives Letter From Overseas Complimenting Mrs. Harold Cud - more, the former Miss Gladys Mc- Kenzie, and a recent bride, some 40 friends met at the home of Mrs. Jno. Pessmore, Friday evening, July 23rd, and bemired her with a presentation The following are extracts of a let- ter received by Mrs. C. M. Hedden from her son, Lance -Corporal Harold Hedden, overseas, with the Royal Regiment of Canada: "Dear Mother: Hello, Mother! How are you these fine days? I am O.K. Received your air mail .in seven, days. Got a parcel from Herb today and one froin Jean McQueen -2300 cigarettes. I do not know, but I - think she is Ray lylcAr- thurs niece. We certainly had one grand celebration here. The King and Queen presented us with -our col- ors for the regiment., We had a swell show for them and no doubt you will see all about it in the papers over there. The King spoke to us and he said it Was one of the most distin- guished regiments overseas and one Of the finest. The Queen sure Was swell. She was dressed in pale blue and the King had his uniform on, and the people said it 'tvas one of the smartest parades they ever fartv: The Carrucks are sure doing a JO in -Sic- ily. The war ^wartit last much longer now; I hope it is soon over. I have a new name now, the boys call me `Silter.' Well, so long- for now, late Of love. Your ever loviim son, Ilar- old." • . Has MOney Stolen""- -10 , • Aft.ple,tegeeM prominent dies - Wet; farrilevr,, resides one and • a lialf 'kites north a nensali ai nigh, • ' • '4-;,;'!4 •,'4, ,,_±, 40rer. with #11 43U4 'c'l • 101,0 he bo 0 *I 1;l' i0Pe.h.tila fortitOde awl patiooptii -441490:*# mach afflioted he Wag ablis Wish mere than Meet POOP, wilfl41.. in the best of liaaltla,_ Ar; -81074. was a native o ,TI,PsnerstO te* farmed successfully three •nartheast of Hensall, W46 a Ple*heir of the United (*Wale here aiud, at 9J40 time served con the boa o2 eatalleils lors. In February of this year "litra :. and Mile Stewart celebrated -their golden ' wedding anniversary,. W. Stewart was a kind and IOYing ,huas band and it will be in the home Where bis loss Will be felt the Meat Yie wav possessed of a very Sociable nature and was held in high Sateen:1; by hin neighbors; who loved to., dirtiP in 20 a chat with hini as he was alviars bright and „ witty and a gotal'conver- stionist. He was a great reader and was keenly interested in ,the inirrent events of the day, and hie Pawling will be mourned by his widow, who was the former Agnes Moir, and a wide circle of relatives, friends and neighbors. A public funeral servjee, very largely attended, .was held -from the family residence on Wednesday, July 21st, and was conducted by his ' minister, Rev. R. A. Brook, who paid high tribute to his life. During the • service Rev. R. A. Brook and Mr. W. 0. Goodwin rendered two appropriate duets, "Unto the Hills" and "Abide With Me." Following the service the cortege proceeded to Hensall Union cemetery, where burial took place. The bearers were Hugh and John Dalrymple, of Cromarty; Harry Eal- rymple-, Hrucefleid; Alvin Moir and Albert Traquair, Exeter, and Melville , Traquair, Hensall. South Duron vvrE FOR, C. F. Oestricher C.C.F. A VOTE FOR C.C.F. IS A VOTE FOR THE COMMON.PEOPLE ' FARMERS, WORKERS AND SMALL BUSINESS MEN and REHABILITATION FOR THE BOYS WHO- ARE DEFENDERS OF -OUR DEMOCRACY ! Tthie.For a .Charge .. . • - ELECT. DK....11013'S...- .• ., . ., .!,1, S. t, T. •YLO.i?...- • Official Progressive Conservative Candidate HURON TO ONTARIO LEGISLATURE Worthwhile Objectives 1. A SQUARE DEAL for the farmer, who in my opinion, hag never had one. 2. MORE MONEY circulating for the farmer and small business man. 3. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY air rural and urban dwellers in matters of education and health. Health measures established- so that medical, dental and other health protection is available to all if necessary. 4. A, BREAK FOR THE CHILDREN providing free Dental services up to the age of 16, and full opportunity for them to face life with a healthy body and mind. 5. BETTER HIGHWAYS and BridgeS in Huron , riding., 6. RURAL AND URBAN BOYS and. girls af- forded equal opportunity .of education as compared with the cities. 7. JUST AND HONEST treatment for labour, the institution of advanced labour laws set up by representatives of labour, employees and the general public. 8. A BETTER PRICE for the products of the farm to insure prosperity not. only for the 'farmers but also for the small towns serving the farming community. For A Better Ontario STOCK YARDS to be taken over by the Government and operated for the benefit of the farmer and the consumer. HYDRO to be reorganized so the farmer's wife can have at low cost all city conveniences of power and lights, and .unification of Hydro throughout the Province se that our towns and villages can attract industry units, thus building up local markets for our fanners" THE GOVERNMENT to assume 50% at least of the school taxes now Charged against your farm or home. PLAN AT ONCE for a social security pro- gram that will insure security for all the people, in the post war period.- " ASSIST THE WIDOW AND AGED by means of increases in allowances and pensions with no' strings attached. -1 BELIEVE THAT THE FARMER • should be properly organized so that they can place their problems collectively before- the government. 1 also believe that the Canadian Federation" of. A,geicul- ture is doing and will continue to do a great deal for the farmer, and it has my every support and sympathy. IF ELECTED I promise to the best of my ability to carry out the above pledges.' Mark Your DR. HOBBS TAYLOR Taylor, Dr,. flobbs - ; # • # • • • • • • '