HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1943-07-23, Page 1Ar
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Mrs. P. Hickrrell in Seaforth
hospital As Result Of
Unusual Accident.
Mrs. ,Peter Hieknell; of McKillop
Township, .near Beechwood, met with
a very •serious and u usual .accident
en Sunday afternoon last.
'While driving to Seaforth about
- tjtr o'clock in the afternoon with a
horse and buggy; the harness . broke
as she was descending the hill to-
wards Grieve's bridge, two and a
half miles from town, allowing the
buggy to ,runup On tha--arse's heels..
The animal immediately started to
lelek, and as Mrs. Hicknell was stand-
ing up in the .buggy at tithe time, she
received the fullforce of the Blow in
the abdomen, causing very serious in-
jury -
Help was immediately available,.
when she wase ',taken to Scott Mem-
orial Hospital, where her condition
an still considered, critical.
C.N.R. Employee
On .Saturday evening last Mr. Geo.
Mowbray, section foreman of the local
C•N,R.; accompanied by his son, Gor-
don, attended a presentations in Clin-
ton for Mr. William McCiinchey, who
has been retired on .pension by the'
'C.N.R. '1Vir. MeClinchey has been sec-
tion ferema
ection-fereme-1n-Clintonefor-a number-
of years.
During the evening .Mr. iMcClincheY
eras presented .:With • a pipe and purse
of money and Mrs. 1kcOliachey with
an umbrella. 'Mr. Mowbray, among
ethers,- epoke. of the pleasant associa-
tions he and his. men had in working
with the Clinton gang, and Mr: Geo.
Swan, of Brucefield,, being the oldest
station agent of the immediate dis-
trict, also spolre a few ,wards; wish-
ing Mr. and Maps. lacClinehay many
years of'happy retiredilife.
A mostt,euloyable,. eevoi :
eluded by, . community singing and'
cards, after which lunch was served.
Elimville Red
Cross Meets
The local Red Cross unit met at
the home -of- Me and Mrs_. Hhrold itch,
The meeting opened with, "The Maple
Leaf •Forever." 'Mesa 'Ruth Skinner
read Pealnt 33 for :the scripture les=
soon. • The Lord's Prayer was repeat-
ed in unison, and. Mrs. Frank Brock
read an. artiole; • "Housewives Urged
To Help In Salvage." Mrs. Ed. Johns
. also •read, "Inside Story of the Hess
Flight." • Collector& were appointed to
snake a house-toahouse • canvass, for
the Greek 'relief, money for jam stag-
-aa, and also for felt hats to make
veets for sailors. Mrs. Mair gave an
intteresting talk on "The' Russian Sol-
der and Russian Children." Poems
tread were, "Trouble," by Mrs. -Will
Houtly; "We Are' All in It," •by Mrs,
Harold Bell ".A, Front Line Family"
by Mrs, Gilbert Johns. •The commit-
tee to have'acharge of tiie next,meet-
lug is M. and Mrs: Newton .Clarke
and Mr. and Mrs. Wib. Batten. The
meeting closed with singing "Abide
With Me" and 'the National :Anthem.
There were 14 present. The August
aneeting will be held at the home of
Mr. Frank Brock.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Herti, Mrs.
Ada Walter, of •Goderieli, also Miss
C. Thompson,. of Detroit, were visitors.
;with Mr, an '. Mrs. Charles Johns and
Mr. and M. Kenneth Johns one dao
Wit week.
LAC. Earl Coultis; of Camp • Bor-
den, is 'home on a two wets' leave.
Sgt. Ciarence•Ford, of Jarvis, spent
two days at .his home this. week,
Beginning next Sunday the 'preach-
fnage set'vices 'here will be held at '10
a -m. each Sunday and Sunday school
At 11 a.m. for a couple of months.
Miss Crich Stephan, of Hensall;• is
epending,• her • aai ation with her
grandmother, Mrs., Mary Stephan.
Miss Consitt, of Muscat, and Mr.
.and ,Mrd Coleman, of Stratford ,call-
ed ,d on- friends in:..this' vicinity.
, Miss Georgina Seiler and, Miss Nor-
ana Ra le, ofr •Stratford, visited for
week-efld With Mr, and Mrs. 'WM.
Davidson. '
Mrs. Eller and,. rattily, of Tnronto,
are visiting at the ;hate of Mr. and
1Ji-a. Ross Dick and Other • relatives,
Mrs. Wm. Reichert and 'Miss Elcla
Reichert enjoyed a pleasant week -end
at Owen Settled and other points:
Mrs. Ellen Moser and' daughters,
Iss' Maid Moser and Mist Shirley
riser, of.,,Stratfod', agent a day .re -
dieter, s
}y. '1.y,� With hewr.Mta. *illioui
J7ia i dson.
a.ying is in fill sWing and all 1e
buiuper crop. •-
,th.. $..
(1� td.
ea.fo th eons
died .and •,e nee
Cady For ..`Hot ii Tatler
• . • •• • • Friday Last Night Of Sum-
mer Carnival Draws At-
Sabota g e - tendance Of Over ' 2,000.
On Saturday, and Sunday last
the Seaforth Lions Pool had to
be closed to ell bathers .becauue •
of the brokenglass that had been
thrown into the water the aecond'
night of the Carnival. Dozens of
pop bottles 'were, deliberately
broken on the flag stones and
then thrown into both the deep
pool and the children's pool; with
the result that two children re-
ceived seriously cut feet,nd
necessitated the closing of the
pool on two of the hottest days
•of the season. Accidents will
happen, but deliberately bounc-
ing bottles off the stones into the
water is pure sabotage, and the
Lions Club will prosecute, to the
full extent of the law, any person,
boy or girl, who tries to repeat
the offence. .
D ,
•. - • • • • •
Lions Park, Seaforth, Scene
of Splendid Program
and Supper.
On Sa' urday afternoon last some
forty members of 'the Ba'1'bour clan
met at the Seaforth Lions Club Park
to celebrate their fifth annual picnic.
After horseshoe pitohing and a ball
game had, been thoroughly enjoyed by
the men' and boys, a sumptuous, pic-
nic supper was served on the beauti-
ful grounds. _
The election of officers 'followed
the supper and resulted as follows:
jaenerary..';preeldeirt, 'Robert. Sadler;'
Staffa; president, Alvin Barbour; sec-
retary..treasurer, Mrs. O. W. Reed;
sports comaaiittee, Roy Patrick, John
Powell', Harold Rice; lunch commit-
tee, Mrs. Andrew • Patrck,' Mrs. Wm.
The 1944 picnic will.' be held at the
Lions Club Parke Seaforth, on the
third Saturday in July.
' The following. were the winners in
the races: Small girls, Annabel,,
Charters,Helen Barbour; small boys;
Roy Powell,
Scott Powell; - y'outig
men, Jack Rice, Roy •Hammon; mar-
'ried men, Alvin Barbour, Angus Earl;
married ladies, Mrs. Pearson Char-
ters, .Mrs. Roy Patrick; stout ladies,
Mrs, li. Rice, Mrs, A. Barbour; ladies
kicking the ;slipper,. Mrs. Roy Pat-
rick, Mrs. Hammon; men kieking the
slipper, Jack Rice, O. W: Reed; grace-
ful walk, Mrs. E. Dinnin, • Mrs; A.
The sports concluded. with a quiz
with ,the ladies on the one side and
the men en • the other. The oldest
person present was Robert Sadler,
Sr:, and the youngest was Winston
Powell, two-year-old son, 'of Mr, and
"'Mrs. John Powell. . The singing of
the National Anthenrt concluded the
day's. program.
Is Made
Miss Marione Mason passed with
honours cher Grade X piano with the
Toronto Conservatory of Music, not
vocal as stated last week. -
Robert McLinchey, of near Zurich',
diedWednesday, July 21st, in his 74th
year, after an Illness' of about 'four
months. Mr. McLinchey was ,born in
Stanley Township and lived there his
entire life. In 1901 he married Min"
nie Erratt. They operated a farm on
the Goshen Line, until nine ,years ago
when Mrs. McLinchey died. Surviv-
ing are two sons, Bruce and Frank,
of Stanley Township, and four grand-
children. 1 1s _oldest ---surf; William,
died ten yeales age. A pubiie funeral
service will be. held at the home on
Pride;at 2,30 am. Interment -will be
at th Bayfield cemetery,
Through an: error the name of Er-
win T1'ewartha was inadvertently left
out as having given his third blood
donation at the clinic held last week.
The Red' Cross neetlng ' arras held
o Tuesday With a good attendanc ,
Tr4ui1ts were completed° •
Robert Sheridan,' of Toronto, is•
visiting yl/'s niece. 1%Irs. ,George Eaton.
Mr, ,and Mrs. Wm Montgomery, of
RrIMatrit, f rtlr spent th,
e �salt
a d xer
Sad. l`s. Melville Beholm
Of 'the Wa�,'w5itod his
ltd' lit .Blaiifc'>•rard Ale
kQ e
9 Jn,
Ctreitrib Mr
s s xYttalar'
oi f{t3iit%i d'
It V ihthl'op oix l i
Perfect weather forthe second time
helped to make the closing night of
the Seaforth Lions Summer Carnival
an unqualified success,,
Over 2,000 from the town and lis-
- trict were in attendance and the ex-
cellent program and, long list of
games kept the crowd interested and
amused until after midnight.
The successful winners for the cash
prizes in •the draw were: Mr. Fine,
Toronto, $100; ticketallo• 10426; Mrs,
B. Hurn, Mitchell $5a, ticket No.
11759; N. Sowa,aaitl'an,,$60 ticket
854; Murray Gibson,' Brueefieht $2e,
tioket .2768e; Mrs. Best, Hamilton•,
$10; ticket 10400; Mrs. Charles. Mills,
Embro, $10, ticket Na, 8039; S. Hal-.
lahan, Beigrase, $5, ticket 6992.
Friday nightthe river dams '.were
opened and.: the work -6f draining and
cleaning 'the •swimming pool started:
Owing. to the exceptionally high wa-
ter and an occasional shower, it was
found necessary to instal a 'large. suc-
Van pump the first of the week to
drain- the basin, but by Tuesday eve-
ning the entire waterfront' had been
cleaned and scraped and the water
was turned back.
Now the water level is back to the
top of the stone curbing and both the
shallow and deep pool are in opera-
tion again and ready to accommodate
the "hundreds of bathers who frequent
tire pool every day and evening,
There will be no work on surgical.
dressing Monday evening next, but
please . watch this column . for . infor-
mation' regarding place and date of
further work.
W.M.S. Meets
At Constance
The meetin- of the W.M.S. was
held in the school room• -.of Constance
United Church on Thursday, July 15
with Mrs. Wm, Britton in charge, The
hj,mm', "Faith Of Our Fathers," was
sung and the responsive reading was
-Psalm .46. • The theme was "Fellow-
ship in the Whole World." Prayer
was offered by Mrs. Robert Rogerson
'and Mrs. Britton. The hymn, "Far,
Far Away in Heathen Darkness Dwel-
ling" was sung and a reading was
given by Mrs, Charles Dexter. An in-
strumental by Mrs. George Addison
was enjoyed and Mrs. Briteon gave a
reading on "Christian Stewardship."
The ,hymn, "Come, Holy Spirit," was
sung and the meeting closed with the
Mr. and Mrs. Charles_. pexter, Mr.
and Mrs., Austin Dexter a Mrs. Jno.
Sanderson attended ;the funeral of the
late John Cummings, Blyth, on Tiles -
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Troop, of
Chicago, cad Mrs. Elizabeth Mans -
of Londesboro, visited Mr. and Mrs.
C. Dexter on Tuesday.
Mist—awe Jewitt spent a few days
with her aunt, Miss Lilian Adanis,
Londesboro- •
Mr. .and Mrs. Albert Corbett and
Patsy, of Syracuse, N.Y„ visited last
week with Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott, of Tor-
onto, visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Ferguson this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin' Crich and Mr.
and Mrs. Elliott, Sr., of Clinton, visit-
ed .Mr., and Mrs. J• Ferguson,
Gunner Alvin Riley, of Wainwright,
Alta„- is spending' two week% at the
boine of his parents here.
Mrs. George Cook, of Goderita
Township, visited Mrs. Frank RileY
this week. w
Mr. and : Mrs. George Fox and Lois;
of Blyth, visited Mr. and Mrs, Robert
Grimoldby on Tuesday.
Mr, and Mrs. N. Dingei and Mr. and
Mrs. M. Dingel, of Toronto, with Mr.
and Mrs. O. W. Reed, and Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Sadler.
Mr. and Mrs. A '"W. Norris and Mrs.
N. S. Norris and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Baker in London.
William Drake, R.C.A.F„ witch Mr.
and Mrs. J. Drake.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Treffrey, of
Flint, 1Vlioh., with Mr. ailtd. Mrs. W.
O'Brien. .
bi, N. French, Mitchell, and G. A.
Ndtrie and Miss Au
dreg S'wart'inan, of
Toronto with Mr. and Mrs:' -A. W.
lir s. •
Sd o .
, orrls ha$ soid 10
Carte I' eral.ake., of Cr M,..
Ship Large Box June and
Eight: BoXes'an July
Dublin War Services Association;
has been active during the summer
months,. During June *a large bog
was packed and whipped for refugees.
It contained 12 quilts,three men's
suits; one lady's coat„ 12 children's'
underwear,. three ladies' night gowns,
nine pairs' of chiideu'g pyjamas, 20
children's dresses andthree layettes.
.In July, eight bones tar stealers, ov-
verseas , were shipped, eaeh containing
one pair of- soclks,•'twa ;handkerchiefs,
toilet soap, tooth powder, shaving
cream, writing pad and::.envelopes. •
At the regular meeting at the club
rooms, 12 ladies coinpp'.eted a, quilt,
-also a number of shirts• and dresses.
Henceforth meetings will be held ev-
ery :other Wednesday to which the
president extends an inyitatiou to at-
tend to all, the ladies in the district.
Death of Former Resident
Word ,:Was received here—of the
death of Mrs. Daniel 73, McDougall,
a former resident and ea, native of
Hibbert Township, wheedled in Moose
Jaw, Sask., following- a lingering ill -
nesse ,She was formerly Miss Marg-
aret Livingstone and had passed the
three score and- ten mark. She re-
sideB in the district of Stella all her
life until, 1909, when with her hus-
band and family she Moved to_ Bo -
harm, Sask., where theyeengaged in a
mercantile business. She is survived
by her husband, five sous, Livingstone
in army service . at Vancouver; Gor-
don, Boharm, Sask.; Richard, a vet-
eran of the first Great. War, and
again serving as a dentist overseas:
John and Bert, Saskatchewan; also
one brother, John Livingstone, of
Millbank, Out. The funeral was held;
at Boharm, Sask., - whth a interment
took -place, .••
"'Rayl Gordon. 1'. -M1d;ondon,- and
Kenneth Dill, R.C.A;F., St. Thomas,
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.
Dill; Mrs. .Ida Carpenter,' Detroit,
1Virs. Elizabeth Purcell:; Toronto, and
Miss Mary Lannan, Stratford, with
Mrs. Teresa Redmond; Joseph Car-
bert; Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
E. Holland; Mrs M. Smith and daugh-
er, Rose Marie, Stratford, with Mr.
nd Mrs. Dennis Dillon; Pte. Louis,
Looby, Simooe, with :this Mother,,
i's. A. M. Looby; Miss Mary Mc -
rabh, R.N., and Miss Eleanor Mc-
rath, St. Joseph's Hospital, London;
ith their parents, Mr. and. Ars. P.
cGrath; Miss Gladys Mien, .Hamil-
on, with Mr. and Mrs.. Gar. Smith;
r, and .Mrs. Norman Walker and
wins, Listowel, and Roy Brown, of.
London, with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Brown; Mr, and Mrs. Fergus''Rey-
olds, Detroit, s ith 'Mr. and ;Mrs. Jos.
Carpenter; Miss Katherine O'Rourke
s re-engaged as teacher at Beech-
ood separate school; Mr. and Mrs.
ohn F. Murphy attendede the funeral
f W. Hamilton, in Toronto; Joseph
crsey and Misses Minnie and Rose
orsey, Seaforth, with friends here;.
oseph Larner, Toronto, with Mr. and
Mrs, Michael Coyii•e: Mrs. Lloyd
tue and daughter, Jeanne Marie, of
urich, with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
Molyneaux; Misses Mary and Marg-
ret Fitzpatrick, Detroit, 'with their
wants, Mr. and Mrs. P. Fitzpatrick;
rs. Harold Snuck and daughters,
athleen and Carol Ann, • Kitchener,
ith Mr. and Mrs, T. J. Molyneaux;
rs. Bertha O'Connell and ss Das -
thy O'Connell, Detroit, with Mrs,
lizabeth Bruxer and Miss Molly
'Connell; ,Mr. and Mrs. Blood, De-
roit, with Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ry -
n; Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Molyneaux in
ICitohener; Miss Mary Evans in Wind -
or; Miss Katherine O'Rourke in Kit-
hen•et': Mr, and Mrs. A. Forster intratford; Mi•s,s Vera Eeen'ey, Toren -
o, is ,,.vacationing with her mother,
Ira K, Feeney.
Flight -Lieut. T. E. Daly
Sends Bundle of For-
. eign Newspaper's.
Mr. I. F. Daly received a bundle of
very interesting foreign newspapers
and magazines from his son; ,..hili ght
Lieutenant T. E. Daly, Who has been
attached to .the headquarters staff of
the R.A.F. in Middle East for the past
year and a half.
The papers included "The Egyptian
Mail," a four-page paper arofusely il-
lustrated; "The • Dust Sheet," the
Egyptian R.A.W. magazine; 'Parade,"
an illustrated paper; a -cilli card
printed in three langtiliges; "Air
Force: News," "Crusader": and ,"Deut-
tells " Augemei'ire Zetti{i>,g,'
a 'Berlin
daily mews' e
a,p r.
Most oil the papers ' � " a. iter
are small otY'Yia' arL to'�►
d rcl
but etre , .
e *elfa .4 '
:� �tti�t>a�.i:: •�.
;afitl the re 'texia. '
Lower School Results For:
Continuation School Are
, A well attended convention of the
C.C.F„ the first to be held in the rid-
ing of South Huron, was held in the
Town Hall, Hensall, on , Wednesday
evening, July 21st, and adjourned at
1.30 Thursday morning. Harold Jack-
son, of Seaforth, was the able chair-
Five were nominated; Reg McGee,
Goderiela; Harold 'Jackson, Seaforth;
Mks.•. Lloyd . Taylor, Exeter; Wm. M.
Sproat, Seaforth, and Edwin Ches-
ney; .Seaforth, Each nominee spare
briefly and, all withdrew their names..
Bt!ockeibank, M.L.A.,` Leader
of the. Opposition in the Saskatche-
wan Legislature, conducted the or-
ganization. ' Officers appointed were:
President, Joseph Forrest, Londes-
boro; vice-president, Wm: I:andsbor-
ough, Clinton; secretary-treasurer;'to
be appointed by the executive. •-
The speaker, Mr. Brockelbank,
addressing • the. gathering, • said that
the C.C.F. differs fundamentally 'from
the old -political parties in that it was
organized by the farmers .and work-,
ing people and"is supported directly
by them financially with work' for the
C.C.F. cause and with Wear votes,
This fact explains the phenomenal
growth of the Co-operative Cotnmon-
--wea4,h Federation, Because• the, peo-
ple own •and control the C.C.F. 'and
lay down its policies, the pre-election
promisee of the C.C.F. can be fulfilled,
neither, Conservatives nor i.,i)4►erals
can make such promises and keep
them. because those parties receive
their support from such monoply. in-
durtries as the power :corporations,
steel companies and .liquor manufac-
turers. The speaker continued to say
that the C.C.F. Government in On-
tario can develop the national resour--
es of. the province in the interests of
the people, not for profit for ,private
companies and . to supply nickel' and
copper to Japan to make war on
The Q.C.F. can give the people, in
this province medical services, ir-
respective of the ability of the indi-
vidual .to pay, increase old age pen-
sions to' $30 per month and also in-
creaae mothers' allowances, provide
equal educational opportunities, and
many others. C.C.F. policies carried
into practise can bring security,
peace and plenty.
• A convention will be held' in Sea -
forth Monday evening, July- -26th, to
nominate a candidate to represent the
Lower School 'P'romotions
The following pupils have been pro-
moted from' Grade IX to Grade X—
SDhirley Caldwell (History), Douglas
Cook, Georgia Cook, Donna MacEw,
en; Mina MacEwen, Helen Noakes,
(History, Art), Janeth Simpson, Mer-
vyn Stephen (French, Art).
The following will be promoted to
Grade X when they have fulfilled the
provisions of. Circular 27' with respeet
to farm work—George Beer, Harold
Dining, Donald MacArthur, GordonorMoir. -
The following wall be allowed ton
register in Grade X on trial — Jea
The following will be prontoted to
Grade XI—Robert Cook, Ruth Hess.
Grant MacLean, Lenore Nornintion,
Marion Sangster (Math,), Norma
e following will be promoted to
Grade XI wheii, they have friliilled
the provis'i'ons of Circular 27 with re -1
spect to farm work—Marion Greene, ,
Glen McNaughton, Mae McNaughton, i
Stuart Adkins.
The following will' be promoted to
Grade 'XII --Donald •Bell (dath,),Aud-
rey Dick, Sybil' Grant, Marion Mac-
The students of Grade XII obtain-
ed the following .standings —John
Beer, Eng. 3, Hist 3, Math. 2, Chem.
3, Fr. c, Howard Brook, Hist. 1.
.Elizabeth Grant, Eng. 1, Hist. 1,
Math. c, Chem. c, Lat: 3, Fr. 2. Ross'
Kennedy Eng. 3, ,Hist. 3, Alg. 2,
Chem. 1, Lat. c, Fr. 3. Lois MacLar- t
en, Eng. 3, Hist. 3, Chem. c, Fr. c.1
Audrey Russell, Eng. 2, Hist. 2, Math. 1
3, Chem. 3, M. Hist. c.
The following will be granted
standing when they have fulfilled the
provisions, of Circular 27 with respect,
to farina- work—Gordon Campbell,'
Eng, c, History 3, Math. c, Chem. 3,
French e.
Members of the Hurondale Wo-
men's Institute met at the home of
Mrs, John M, Glenn on Monday and
.made 135 pounds of raspberry lain'
to be shipped overseas.
(Continued on Page 4)
Personals: Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hill
and family, Listowel,. with Mr. and
Mrs, James Hill; Private ,William Mc -
ii rig, •Chatham, at his home; Miss
Hazel Laing, Waterloo, ,at her home;
Mlles d'ealietto Moitellar has returlied
,henna froth
Seihfextil r
M -gait $d 1Vi r;§
E'eil LalunitId, and:, Mr. anti Mrs gar,
ofd •MOBee Witt Sahli» 108611 old•'
anti Mrs\ii': of t%•1.
W. L. Whyte, 'of the Huron
County War Committee ' announc-
es on behalf of the committee, to
"' the farmers of Huron that ..dim
Shearer has reconsidered hisres-
ignation at the direct request of
the -Huron County War Commit
tee` and will continue as Agricul-
tural Representative of Huron:
Programme is Marred By
Heavy, Rain in the
Evening. 0
The Edelweiss, Rebekah Lodge held
their annual picnic at the Lions • Club
Park 4:i1:11':' 'Wednesday evening, when'
anent fi :a- people' "were present:
per was served at seven o'clock and
following the splendid meal the lodge
presented Mr.- and Mrs: Sam Scott,,
newly -married couple, with silver
candlesticks, Mrs. H. E. Smith made
the presentation.
Rain spoiled theut t
games but they re-
paired to the ledge rooms and held
the . remainder of the program there.
The following are the prize winners:
Girls, 6 years and under, Marilyn
Kling; 10 years and under, •Phyllis
Batter; boys, 10 years. and under,
Bobby Baxter; Mother Gdoserace, '10
years, Rae Henderson; threading the
needle, Helen Stnith and Stewart
Henderson; cornflake ' race, Marguer-
ite .Westcott, Joan Govenlock; bean
race, Marguerite Westcott, • Rae Hen
derson; ladies' pencil race,'Mrs. R.
Allen; men's pencil race, Ches: Hen-
derson: Mrs. Ches. Henderson had a
birthday nearest to the date of the
picnic and thereby ".won a prize.
Bingo was played for a time and the
meeting closed with the National An-
them. "
News of Walton
Miss Annie Love, of Toronto, is
holidaying with her mother, Mrs, J.
Love and .with Mrs, Broadfoot and
other relatives.
•Mrs. Annie Morrison, Mr. and Mrs.
William Hoy and Esther spent the
past week near Paris, Ont.
The anniversary services in St.
George's Anglican Church last Sunday
were well attended, both morning and
evening, withgood collection, as
the congregation was thankful to re-
Mrs. Basil "Wilson and son, John,
of London, spent Sunday at her home
Death of Elmer Hackvvell •
The death took place on Wednes-
day, July 7th, in Viptoria Hospital,
London, of Elmer Hackwell, after
having been ill since February. He
was born in McKillop Township in
1900 and was: married in 1923 to Miss;
Ethel Reid, Mr" Hackwell had 'been
a member of the McKillop council
for ten years. He is survived by bis
wife„two daughter, ,Lois and Marjory,
and his parents, iVtr, and Mrs. Free-
man H'ackwell, and one sister, Mrs.
James Coutts, Walton. .The . funeral
was held from his late residence. on
Friday, July 9th, to Maitlandbank
cemetery. Rev. W. J. Patton officiat-
ed, The pallbearers were Messrs. N.
R. Dorran'ce,' William 1Vianiey, John
Leeming, Albert Clark, Wm. Dennis
and James Smith.
Mrs. 3. Patterson has returned af-
ter spending tem d'ays,ih 'Y'ortinta.
” Mrs. /A. Morrison, Mrs. WA,. .H lt-
1phrieg Sh r
i le'y Beiiti,ntt; :fsalel lyiavd
aoi , Ruth Jelrrel of
i lJ li Gotttid, 4101.
Win . cin o,x '- 1Q a a aiiuiitt
lig 'tiltt ttlt 441,
Dr. R: Moths Taylor
physician wasponied z
Conservative laud date toy
South at a uOl :,: ,ai e
b • CtSnK^g
held in the Town 1-14/1 l�ens'ill
Thursday evening, and attend
more than 300 delegatt;s.
Sid men; were nomted'
withdrew 'nth 4he e><ptio
Taylor and George A•rnistro i'
Township. The phytioia'hR > ,
ed candidate on the -first ba ,
on motion of Mr. Armstrongs
choice was made unanimous. '
Others nominated were F Iia mar
row: Frank Donnelly and H ' ' 3 fie-
Ewan, all of f Godericb, and H G. Meir,
of Seaforth.
Dr. Taylor wall oppose Wardens
Benson W,,• Tuckey, of Huron County,
chosen Liberal candidate on' the 'pre-
vious n afternoon.
In, his address of acceptance, Dr,
Taylor . pledged full support to the
22 -point ,.program. of Ontario Progres-
sive leader George A. Drew.
Cecil' G. Frost, K.0„'•preside,at of
the provincial association, was ,the
special speaker at the meeting. Vehicle
attracted a record crowd.
Outlining the principles, of• freedom; -
security, opportunity and. British. part
nership laid -down at the,Winnipeg,
convention, Mr. Frost'deelared
must be. equality ofsacrifice to wain, `
the war.”
He urged, itis listeners to make Ori;_=,
tario strong by. electing Col _brew- as , ,
The.-Seaforth Licht `Park is the ;ons-
lest spot in the, dtstrict.' Since last'
Thursday there have, been one or
more gatherings almostevery :day.
On Friday the C: tV AA.C.'s of
Kitchener, a women's organization,
brought 55 members for a day's out-
ing and the evening was taken' np
with the last fright of the Lions sum-
mer carnival.
On Saturday, the .Barbour clan of
Staffa, fifty strong, held their annual
On Tuesday the local Salvation
Army held, a picnic, attended ley 30.
On Wednesday the Worden reunion
from Cromarty, accounted for fifty -
,four visitors; 'Hensall Anglican .Sun-
day school, 30 and Seaforth Rebekah,
Lodge, 40.
On Thursday the congregation. of
Roy's Church held tahe:r annual out-
ing when over 70 were served to din-
ner and supper.
Pte. Elmer Scott and Mi s. Scott, of
London, spent the _week -end. with
their parents.
The members or Duff's McKillop
Unit. of the Red Cross (No Su"rre,nder
Club) wrist to express their aiticere
appreciation to all those who helped,
to make theirs sale, home baking and
tea, such a success. The sum of $65
was realized- ,
News of Bayfield
The finance committee of the Red
Cross is holding a carnival in the
park on Clangregor Square on Wed-
nesday evening,
ed.-nesday.evening, July 28th, Bingo and,
other games will be .the amusement,
Good prizes will be given, also a
draw made for fifteen other prizes on
which tickets 'are sold.
Mies Susan Govenlock, of Seaforth.'
is the guest of air. and Mrs. William
Ferguson this week.
Mrs. George Topping, of Toronto, W
visiting her brother-in-law; Mr, A. Jl
The many friends of Mr. Andrews
McGregor were sorry to hear of his
accident, having fallen and broken !his,
leg, and is in Clinton hospital, Ur-
ing passed his 90th birthday. Ali arta
thoping..for his speedy recovery. •
Pte, Ella McKay, of ' Lo'nddti; 414
H, R. McKay, of Sky Harbor, 4'ode
rich, spent the week -end at. their.
home here.
The village it alive this tenth With°
tourists, all enjoying ba'thi g, beating ,
and the 'scenery of ones of the ithest
and cleanest.summer resorts on Liilte
rturoes shoes !
Misses Nara�, kdtviitl>, of
London,, are r
" s . Nora;
Ferguson; this :Wee
Mr. and ;AN. •
it it
f Lo'iido
and Mrs. G. ,
Mr and •
t 't
31'tl ,fay