HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1943-07-16, Page 41 k1� f' ;.S l 'ieried. at new low cash rates: ;AAA t)n?1.•ramal. (iii,. &','Y.Miott. Ete,--tor wsr.$i int we .,p. 1 Cent. int41 week„.. Ira Cent Ord w 3i5 Cent Weilamle chew. fret haiertion25 Lente Each agerep initial and a ignert 0.ttgrn counts as cap ward. 'directed Memoriam Ne eleee,-°I, cant Den coed, Mir' "w4 39 csaato Per week - 1i ,1 be directed ter haat 1110014 elo The moa Ecpasitor, tar 10 cents extra.. additional per week will be oltaiRsel litado in above class are wet paid by the Slag right in the week to which the ad was run, easiages and Deaths inserted free ot! abeam , fee,, Notices to Creditors, Etc --*Ea1;e on application - Personals Notices 'RESENTd.TIVE MLRS WINNIFRED O' 3ei11 -- t[tlirrhau, Phone 764, for com- lllete liter of Puller brushes and services for same, In Seaforth on. Tuesdays. Leave or tiers at Box` 560 EXPOSITOR. 3941x4 OIT10E-SLS THESE ARE NOT NORMAL ttlinee, order your fly spray and insect dust early- Your Watkin'a Dealer: WILLIAM BRADSHAW, Seaferttd- . Phone 50. 3932x15 MRS.. ALICE B. WHYARD, JARVIS ST., Rhone 182-J., has taken over the Spirella Corset Service in Seaforth. See her for that new corset or girdle you need. Individually designed Dor you. 3944x3 LADIES. WHO CANNOT WORK FULL time. we have part time work to offer afternoons or evenings. paying splendid earn- ings. Write immediately to Box 380, HURON EXPOSITOR- 3944-1 CLERK'S NOTICE Of First Posting of Voters' List (Section 11. Faun 4) VotelrsniLists, 1943. Municipality of the Vil- lage of Hensall, County of Ruron- -,, NTOTIC.E IS THEREBY GIVEN THAT I • have complied with Section 8' of The Voters' List".,. Act and have posted up in my office at Hensall on the 5th day of July, 1943, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the -• said Municipality at the Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inSpee- tion- Anel ,.I hereby call upon all Waters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors •or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeals being the 26th day of ,Lely, 1943, Dated this .6th day of July, 1943. JAMES A. PATERSON, Clerk of the Villaise of Htnaall. • 3943-2 ps Auction Sales LTCTION • SALE IN SKATING RINE, Seaforth, Saturday night, July 17th, start- ing at 7.30 p.m.; 'Chesterfield suite; studio couch: walnut living room table; oak sec- tional bookcase; cedar chest; floor lamp; 1 day, bed; 1 sewing cabinet; •clothes hamper; 1 Raymond sewing machine; drop-leaf wal- nut table: 1 extension table: modern bed- room suite; 2 bedroom chairs ; 1` single bed: 4 iron beds; '4 dressers; 5 felt mattresses; ”, kitchen cabinet; 2 kitchen tables; 16 kitchen chads ; 2 clocks; 8 kitchen stools; electric heater; Quebec cook stove; Moffat electric stove, •chrome -plated, heavy duty. electric Plate (like new); a One-galIon jars; 2 ice boxes; step ladder; 2 3 -burner coal oil stoves; croak, curtains, 2 toilet sets; 1 set scales, 240 lbs.; 1 new lawn mower; 100 kilj hen utensils. Terms --Cacti- HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk- 8944-1 lerk,89441 'EXECUTOR'S- SALE OF HOUSE AND HOUSEHOLD FTJRNIT,URE, ETC. Mn. ,13ARGI,D JACKSON HAS RECEIVED instructions from the Executor of •the Es- . tate- of Agnes Dodds, deceased, to sell by public auction at her late residence, Centre Street, Seaforth, on Saturday, ,July 24, 1943, et 1.30 o'clock: HOUSEHOLD CONTENTS -Three bedroom spites (one oak), syrin$s and mattresses; 1 bedstead; 2 washstands; 1 bureau; 2 feather mattresses and 1 feather tick; 1 tom sn1e; 1 toilet set; 1 buffet; 2 square centre tables; 1 round centre table; pantry -table; 1 cellar table; 2 rocking chairs; 12 kitchen chairs; 1 kitchen stood; 1 Bouch; 1 fern stand; pillows, -cushions; pictures; 1 crokinole board; window screens; 12 pint sealers; carpet sweeper brooms ; dust mops ;.garden tools; mat frames Sowers; shelves; step ladder; 1 hall rack; 1 ore,n ; cooking- utensils; 1 electric iron; 1 elee£'rie toasfer ; 1 gas stilt# ° 1 "Quebec rishae ; a,_• 1 electric tags . stand; .. _ ny other • 1 iron range; 1 electric Hot (Beatty) washing in rte:. 1' copper bailer; wash household articles, HOUSE -7 -roomed stucco house, conveniences, garage. Terms on Chattels -Cash. Terms on Property -10% deposit and bal- ance in 30 days. Subject Ito a reserve bid - Harold Sad'Icson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk modern AUCTION SALE OF REAL, ESTATE, AUTOMOBILE AND CHATTELS Wanted "WANTED -CUTTING `ROX WITH PIPES- " State size, condition, price, eta JAS. F. SCOTT, R. R. 2, Seaforth. 3944x1 WANTED TO PURCHASE -PULLETS ALL breeds and ages, four " weeks up to 20 weeks.. High prices. paid. Write for full de- tails. TWIDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LIMITED, Fergus. Ontario. . 3940-8 For Sale POR SAT.F-$200, 1931 CHEVROLET coupe. Good tires; new engine job. PHONE 99, Seaforth. 3944-1 FOR .RENT -F0-JR DOWNSTAIRS ROOMS with modern conveniences, in brick house on corner of Market and Ord Streets. AP- • ply to BOX 27, or Phone 25. 3944-2 FOR SALE -A NUMBER OF SMALL PIGS, silo some chunks; good (sow, fresh. Ap- ply to GEORGE COLCLOUGH, R. R. 1, Clin- ton, 23 mile; north on No. 4 Highway. 3944x1 cioLLIE PUPS FOR 'SALE -Apply to GOR - DON DOCKING. Phone 33. r 8, Dublin, or Post Office, Staffa,Ont., R. R. 1. 3943x2 Gr HED FOR SAT.F-FRAME SHED. 16 x 20; "- o 1 hen house. Apply FRED Mc- CLYI9IONT, arna. 3942x3 FOR SALE -10 ACRES OF MIXED 'HAY, clover and timothy, oil the ground. Ap- ply to R. D. BELL, R.R. 1, Hensall; or Phone 92 r 3, Hensall. FOR SALE -COTTAGE, 6 ROOMS. WITH ball Society's meeting, the senior choral group sang a number of songs, lncluding.-•chorus., duets-. .and solos, Mrs, Gordon Richardson and Miss Lois Richardson gave a very p1eaar ing duet. At the. conclusion of the program the pupils presented their teacher with a lovely leather bag. The address was read by Lois Rich- ardson, and Ruth Scott made the pres- entation- Mr. MacTavish thanked the pupils, expressing also his apprecia- tion of their kindness and very fine etched 9$*iO909 7r (r �t 1, g e.).1„ I e B IVO ail- 3'. a Ornish �` • 'drr � r POW pri$Qner of wa,r, !ter, 1. l4fra. WI 1M r- Cecil th an • ort i Sm Us kIx ter, and, 11ss Sims, of v ices Parkhill, visited MM. A. Hubner en -son, Monday, at 2 Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Smith and ion Eleanor, of Bluevale, visited Mr. and a�Alia• igrteo� D93lailt v�a tteProl3pl'0.490n.4., 110; �;n a kfo`o e eft .,11), an•a afy ono brother, George,or Ptx et £save ttr tnd, CTAVM. Public funiSral ser' R, !qct Ilhell /Cfr Ceertqa,1*-treaCtirer of, were held from the hunt's of his 'the elttb, `. Tack, oll;.Tuesday d'fterno n last "Received yourCar'tan,gf $00I3uelt: p.m., With burial in' Hensall Un 1 tngila) 3 Cigarettes tolay alldI . treat to Cemetery,• thank you very very much for 'tilem, They came not a good time, so t .41/1r3 a million. Hope you all are fine. 1 am O.K. Things are going pretty goad; can't complain. I suppose the weather is nice over there now; . it's real nice here, Yours sincerely, Gerry Johnston." "Received your;` very welcome cigs and was sure ,glad to get theta. I have had a few letters from Jim• and every- thing is swell; haven't had a chance to go and see him yet, but Will be going on leave in a week. Will close. L. Hudson." "Received -cigarettes for which I thank you very much. Am in hospi- tal and in best of health. The wea- ther is changeable and am used to it now. Once again 1 thank you and hope to see you all soon. Bests of luck and health and God bless you. Ray Foster." "Just a line to let you people know I am still alive and well and hope that you people are the same. I re- ceived 300 cigarettes sent by Mrs. A. R. Campbell today. I think that will be the "500" Club, so thanks to all members. Very quiet here and nice heather which we hope continues. I suppose summer will be there by now. So will thank each and every mem- ber of the "500" Club very much for the cigarettes. Sapper J. Taylor." "Received your cigs O.K.; thanks a lot for them. How is the Doctor these days. Give my regards ,to' him. I have never ran into Jim aver here, but I have his address now and will look him up. In fact 1 have never seen any of the boys from. Hensall or around there except one fellow who used to live near Zurich. You will have to excuse this writing as I am writing 'by candle light here in the tent. Wel}, I hope this war is. soon over. so all the boys can return home. Will that ever be a happy day for them and their mothers . and wives- . and sweethearts! Well, so long, hoping to see you people soon. Lance Corporal H. Hedden." "Received the 300 smokes today and thanks very, very much as they sure are quite , a treat over' here. I have been pretty lucky since we came over here. I have not had to buy any Eng- lish cigarettes at all. They" are no good to start with and they are so dear: '25 cost two shillings and four pence, which amounts to 56 cents -in Canadian money. I see young, Jim every day and the is getting along just - fine I believe he is away on his sev- en-day leave just now. My next leave is due on the 20th of July, so I am going to Edinburgh, Scotland, again, as I had a real nice time there be- fore. Well, Mrs. Campbell, as news is scarce here I can't think of much More to say just now, only I hope this finds you and "Doc" and the rest in the best of health. And again thanks for the, cigarettes, as I sure appreci- ate them very much. ' So I will say so long for just now. Pte. W. L. Nicol." Mrs. C. McDonell spent Sunday with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Taman and Toni, at Airs. H. F. Berry on Sunday. - Bell Clan Holds Reunion Mr. and ars ° J. Smith, of Wing ham, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Berry on Monday. TUCKERSMITH The erich -reunion will be held at the Lions Park, Seaforth, fn Wednes- day afternoon, July 28th. School Report The following constitutes the pro motions of S. S. No. 3, Tuckersmith, for the school year 1942-43. The names are• listed according to merit and (H) indicates an honour's stand- ing: Promoted from Grade 7' to Grade 8 Madeline Wilson (H), Mary Lane (H), Ruth Scott. Promoted front Grade 6 to Grade 7 -Lois Richardson (H). Promoted from Grade 4 to Grade 5 -Eleanor McCartney (H), Al- lan Wright (H), Frances Lane (I.1), Stuart Wilson. Promoted from Grade 3 to Grade 4 -Eileen McCartney (H), Andrew Davidson. (H), Gordon Thompson. Promoted from Grade 2 to Grade 3 -Patsy Lane (H), Lorne Thompson (H). Promoted from Grade 1 to Grade 2 -Terry Bowden (H), A- lan Haugh. From the Seaforth Col- legiate Institute the following receiv- ed credit for Grade 7, Home Econ- omics -Madeline ;Wilson (H), Mary Lane, Wanda Bowden, Ruth Scott. Closing Exercises At S. S. No. 3 On Tuesday, June 29th, the pupils of S.S. Np. 3, Tuckersmith, entertain- ed their parents and 'friends at the closing exercises and picnic. The pro- gram consisted of songs by the junior Choral group, including choruses, was served - Mr: and Mrs- Harold Cudmore, the duets and solos. This was followed• former Miss Gladys McKenzie, and a, by a junior Red Cross meeting. The recent bridal. couple were presented The Bell reunion was held at the home of Mr, Nelson Watson, Kirkton, with seventy 'members of the elan pre- sent... -Sports were enjoyed; directed 'by Me. a>}td Mrs. Alvin Cooper, "Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques and Mrs. Harold Bell in charge. . A picnlc s'ip- ner was also enjoyed. A ball game was played, captained -by Harold Bell and Clayton • Watson, the former's side winning. During the business session it was arranged to hold the 19.14 reunion at the home of Mr. Nor - Man Jaques, and 1944 officers were appointed as follows: President, Nor- man Jaques; secretary -treasurer, Al- vin Cooper; sports committee, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Watson and Mrs. Charles Stephens; table committee, Mrs. Al- fred Hunkin, #Irs. Alvin Cooper, Mrs. Harry Murch, Mrs. A. Pym, Mrs, W. Dilling, Mrs. B. Brintnell and Nits D, McLean. Hurondale W. I. Meets Mrs. Clarence Down was hostess for the meeting of the Hurondale We - men's Institute. This Institute has 180 cans to fill with jam for Britain, Cans and sugar were distributed to four groups - of which Miss Nettie Keddy, Mrs. Stanley Mitchell, Mrs. Kirkland and Mrs. Ben Case are con- teners. An evening meeting an Aug. ust at the home of Mrs. Wm, Kernick is to take the place of the annual pic- nic Mrs. Archie Morgan was in charge of the program which includ- ed a report of the Huron County F ed- eration day held in Seaforth. Miss Keddy and Mrs- W. Etherington con- ducted a quiz on information gai.red from Miss Edith Elliott's demonstra- tion on "Wartime Canning" at Sea - forth. ,Bobby Down favored with a reading, "My Garden,'" and luncheon next interesting number was the read- .ing of poems by several of the pupils. The poems were of the pupils' own composition. This was followed by the reading of essays concerning school activities. Following the Audu- bathroom, lights, furnace, soft and hard water. Conveniently located .Immediate pos- session. We also have listedtwo modern, houses for sale. well situated, - of which im- mediate possession can be given. Apply to E. C: •CHAMBERLALN, Licensed Real Estate Broker and Insurance Agent. Phones 334. or 226. 8940-tf Property For Sale IN HENSALL, TWO STOREY BRICK house of D. Foss and extra lots- Also frame house next to the Ronnie home, R. C. PEARCE, Exeter. 3943x2 HOUSE FOR SALE LOT 277 AND PART OF LOT 278, MOIR'S Survey, Hensall, (Sonith Richmond St), id offered for sale by tender. White frame house thereon,2 story, 7 rooms; furnace, elec- tric light, hard and soft water, dry cellar,. good. roof. Close to church, -post office and stores. Property may be inspected on application to undersigned. Written tenders. will be received until 31st July, 1943. Send same to W. E. BUTT and J. S. PKITY, Administrators of Estate of Martha Murdoch c/o F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario. 3943-3 - Cards of Thanks with a sum of money at a reception held for them in the Town Hall, Hen- sel], on Friday, evening, July 2nd. Dancing Was enjoyed to the strains. of Murdock's orchestra. The hall was packed for the, event. Miss Margaret M'ousseau, of Forest, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mousseau, Miss Violef McClymont--spent the week -end at herhome in Varna. Mr. Raye'Paterson, of Toronto, is spending his vacation with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Paterson. Pte. Harold Bonthron, of London, visited his parents over the week -end, Pte. Ray Broderick, of Niagara -on - the -Lake, spent the week -end with hie wife. Death of William Dougall co-operation during the last two The death' of Mr. William Dougall years. The National Anthem con- occurred at his residence Tuesday, eluded`" the program.. A treasure hunt, July 6th, after a lingering illness, in a scavenger bunt, softball and other his 87th year. The deceased had been games then followed. The pupils and their friends then enjoyed a delicious lunch including lemonade; strawber- ries and ice cream, which were pro- vided by the trustees of the school and served by the ladies of the sec- tion. HENSALL confined to his home with illness for some years until death came to re- lease him, and' he passed peacefully away to his great reward. He was a highly respected resident, taking up residence in the village some twenty- five years ago, after farming success- fully in Hay Township. In' former years he was active in church organ- ization:., served as superintendent of the Sunday school. and Elder of the church, and was greatly interested in Help the "500"- Club make a block temperance and all good causes. ana of pennies .on Main Street, Hensall, his virtues were many. He was. of an RS- LEVI nk f thedid..relative; and friends ' Saturday afternoon, July 31st, for for the .kindness and sympathy extended to, smokes for the boys overseas. 'PHE UNDERSIGNED HAS RECEIVED IIS-' them during their recent bereavement, and " sanctions to offer for sale at tate, resi- for the beautiful floral tributes; special deuce of the late George Hawkins, Aenaatt, i thanks to Rev. Hugh • Jack. Ontario, on Saturday, July 24; 1943, at 2: • -m`, the following: R'it AT•' _ I "TATE J.ntr- •number - 288- c -the I. Bli 4iu1 • north side of Richmond Street, Moi*''s Sur. t w., vey, in •the Village of Hensall, eontaairiing • one-fifth of an acre more. or less. On 'the SCO7T-In General and Marine Hospital. -property,' is situate a two-storey brick house Golfing—wood.. en - July 10th, to Mr. and "in , good repair, and a garage. . i Mrs. Fred J. Sc.itt, St. Johns, Newfound- AliTOMOBTLF 1935 Ford V-8 Twlor.lana, a daughter -Patricia Arm. CHArr1',T..S-Leather ,couch; Heintaman piano; oak dining -room snft'; 33ving room suitet living room rug 9+ x 1V; carpet : sweeper; 2 rocking chairs; hall rack; talo;