HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1943-07-02, Page 1I 1. &, a,-.I�,�".,.".X,..?,�'j",�,"",�l-l�'.1��,,,.,�,.I;,i V, A; " T.,�,if,��,-�,7,�'�,:,7�,�il.,',','!����',?,; ,'�'�,, 1; "O z,�;� ", "w'7': - ­ –, _-7 7-- �­­:_ , I 11: �� — ..... -------- . �S'1,1.ii ,� ;'11""', �,�. .1 1: � � "., �1 .. f..". �,?.-�.,. � ­, ; � �',' . 1,11404 111'.,�.74,:fl )APe 04" ., 1, I � , It , "', � ,." ­�.,..,-., . �� , . .. , . . ,� ,. I : ! "f,X " . . , , , ". ". " 4 0iit'�`,4i?i: ; V�,i'l� �� ..3 � I I I I � "', i;,,�,. F� i�, ., ., �7. " , , � _1717VT71'1717m, 1g. .,J.01,� "r, "UN, I I , "! � , r V, -J-"', "I".11, ",­,_ , ,�,� .111-1, 51.1,�,,,11.11 "..., ­ ... �,:, � . ; ,�, ­,: , ;�,,-�tj , - . '. � ,, ': " 11 , W,�, il.111 � I I '­�,.,­ , �� �, 11, , '. jt'qi�k�",i,.i,AM7- , ., ,-,4,�,,% ,V. 4 ,,; " 11" ,,­-;')'.,'�� .. ... .. . I';,- I.J, ,,i . �,.",­jl. , ,"J.7 � ­.­ . 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Ta 11 . , , ". i", " . � lb - "Ah i C'ed "", � , ziguipment Ins - Iled 40th' ""Vl`� �" , "... - ... , ,, , , , : I Au d A" IN""" J " 1 1 %�o , I � P 'up ' - t - , , P - _ __ _ '0 , A , - IT .. . , 1��. i, , �,:s nn ., ., 4� 011,11 " ." , � 1! ffm VW "_ , ",.�,,:�� .. ..... .. " . a - , Q, , 4 i . , ,, IM, � Odin - ' ' 'Plor . No 4, S ' FF ", ,, .. , "L ON'SPI'A., �. �� � 1� i u, .. , , , B . , , � v #.' Ll t", , - , ,,,, � . *V :. � .�i,R. . , . , . ..... ". - , , . ., - u Ra I � ." " - IARBILLY �,;-EN' 1, , , ' A �, - OFfil'. ... 0 1 no i, -t' Io_; d C-HUR . ..- � . . . CH ,___,,, t . ' d VA _ ., " I OR ULY F I R ST , A . I ... . . '. : . . Ig .., 11, � I A 1:. ,;�_�.,�." , 1i ­ ... � . 11, _,��'r �.. . I I ., ,,,, .. 11,; ,1 � . "7. . r ""I � . 0 - ­ 1� .". 11. .� . , I I �i. , .. .. $� Oathing Pavilion - a�d R A Once- Gr,q4t, IndittAq— at Meeting, Wasi, Held At Pro*otions in Collegiate 0 W 9. .0 I , i 4 , , , .. I 0 , - ";7, .1 1-I 91- 0 0 10-11 0, 0. W I , " . � in ri.r' .. . I -1 q . I .. .1 ;N , .. L�, ";, - . . . I . Seaf6rt�:, Will lie Ftevjvgd. - ' ' - � I - I 1. 0'....'p", 1.1 s 1, . ,�. �� fieshment Building Will , , , - " - .1. -1 . � the 4oM� d'-Xps. Jas. iLud public School FaRow . . " .. . ... 'i ,I - .". -Houra, - ]Ry, Ne,,W'Producing Well. .. � - . ..,,,, -11 . . . 1, . , C , . ... I . .. -111 . , . I . . I I . . 1 1 -Be Open. � . � Kerr',' Nov. I . � -1 ,, � I The wickets in the Seaforth . '. � ,.�,�77,#P,03. � Yearly Examinatiom. , oupons. 1.1' , I ' 11, . .. � . . I HCke are the dates on which ra. I . i . ffick will be open on. thurs- IN OpMATIQN. . 7n I .- , tion, c - ,,�, I V'l ' I . STAFV IS APPOINTED I I "oat" I I - . oupons are -due. . Y, " ­­ d ,,. J uly� . MANSE, - LAWN ANX M -TY is � 'i �;'.'i , I ­ � . . ay AX4, ft�pm. _IZ._;ftlqq!c , ­_ � . I. I � THIS- MONTH 9N, . ­.. 11 ­ . Sutter CouPoni*12 to 17 are, how T .1 . � I � '? I . , . I , The post of- I , _ -1 ­ I... ­ _. - I . . . - . . - ,1� 1 7 � I � T noon, until I p.m. ;���� _40�1 � i I re- . Avrlw_aoth.; , . . 1. . . i � 7be large and attractive bathing flee will Ve open to. hoxholder�s, ,%eafoo,th will .be .. NOW RELIEVED , -va"Id"' "'� to" `ta- "Pt . ! � . . re-establlsh�d as The fortieth birt!iday party of the . ., Nos. IS and 19 are due July Sth; I I— 1 , , - ­ �'r ,,'�', .p . I I. - V,.�: .� "'.. ; r ­ . . I . " 45�01# �q � '-ravilt6n -and --refreshmeDt---counter --- at h wvver, during the regular hours . � I ., �, �, fl, .11 .. . . ' . .1 .? .one of -the leading.. salt producing,cen. Women's Association of Duff'& Church, .. Nos. 16 to 19 expire July 31st. . I Since. I" " , �ATIA I 'I I 1�, ?I . , I 0 ­ .., � r, 11 � .' ­ t . 1. , "' . I * ' , ' - � "' ''�%e �1' �' . I . Sugar, tea and coffee coup a �Y-b�­ ' I ' 174' ' 'O --..-1,. , FF . n I 1-i" , � .. I �­ , i , ­ . . ?; . I drfilers, re I . , - "a.l.; . It # I tb6 Lions PaTk will, be av*'..lable for as on all week days. . . tres 'of - Western Ontario when, the McKillop, was telisbraied'o the lawn Lower School Promotions - � an � (,'4*o, tbe'-��; . , ".. WIM I , I , � IM NO" gw I' 3? , � the bundreds 6f vialtors wh9 Will take - ' new well, whewe adheq a of t The following pupils ,have - I to 10 are valid". They are'good R. Speape- & Son 'his ;, g,,� , -, � I I i . . . -0 10 0 ' 40 0 � 0 bed of pure fine salt at'1,100 feet on he McKillop Manse -un WeduoV mot,d from: Grade IX -to '( "" Pro . . V ,�,. 111 � I aLdvantage of the -beautiful surround- . ;'!rad. X_ until declared invalid by the ra- rap�d ` . r".011, .1 t f, ftgar n July 1,9t. � � . . r I Ily that theiT�p ;, 0 . I I the property. nea;T the 'C.N.R. line, day afterno6n, June 16th. With ideal Nell Beattie, Edith Blanchard, Walter tion administration. I , I _�­ ".'r.,_- -) ..;q'.. . I r . . I . r r I :-- I . AlTeady there I have - been'a. number � I . , - . .11 Meat ,cougons Cr.Acb bloclk. has.bet:ol]5�4 V . ViR � .�,�_-i," I I .0 '.,�� A weather, th ty Was ,attended by Boswell, Louise Case, F I I ,. '. �,, `ll-,.- ;I goes into OP,elratioa 'this mouth. , e par .11zabeth Clark (brown spare � � -111 ­­ ., ,,, � 44P - 4.4, � r, i`12 1 VnPWte to house the inrftas�ft �;!',�.;, ��tT�,':,� � of -clan gatherin$aj pIcuidand, pWies � (Math.), Uabell Currie (Math., Fr.), lid. No, . I -1 , 1'�� .­", ., I A year and a balf ago� W. R. Beld. over ITO ,guests. , . . 6f.,produe W,�, , -, ;_�:�I,,%,. . I '' - .. X�1- held, at the �Wk, and the hot weather SEPARATE - SCHOOL i I r. ...'�", I V-111"'..'.. _�'i'w;,_ . . "k.l., -Q�i-j To relieve the conj;�il , . . I. ­_ 1. � - The program opened ,by singing i'a 1'.­,;,r..k . ,on, ,of Plifladelphia, cam -6 to Seatorth Stew -art Henderson, Wi lia 6. due July ist, e thtt'y are ae .1 . ' .,in Hender- ,.Nos. 1 to Sex- )� � of the past week fiXed up the . son (Fr.); Luella Hopper, Joyce Hug. pired June 30th; N os' ,"I",""'r,""'.�, � � . k 4 to 6 ex- . _ .'&,_­_ ­, ;1 , , , ,� and � �­ � 7.� � � �,, , _ I ."'. � . - W." " - am. k .,,,� �. � :", ,,, ", pool on� several afternoons-' and. 11 V and spent -last aumbi@r ,endeavoring Qnq� verse -of "O Canada," fiollowed by jj,j, proVId* 4!?,0pJ "* irm'k.,�.,:,; ,-,,,�.�.,,� ", , " . I , ", .- �. ,. .0 p" � , p '. # , �,,,f,,; ' " � , �.,: 0";y"; ..;,p '.� - - �. � " I Ir I . _. H AIS, C L OS I N G - PIC N I C' to reopen one of .the - Harold KAight, Aiice McIver, pire July 31st. I ' �6 ,�: _ I , I "A"' I ),;� . ftg. 4' . e larger � evenings, . . I old salt wells, two verses,of "The Day Thou Garest, Je"'­. Menitster, I . . Tand storage facihtle% t_ R - . .. " . . � , �;.�;,:. il'l . . - .r _ - . . . , I .-W,,�Mch were 'prolific' producers for Theresa Maloney IN M, ;,�I,k�,T . . , W , . I . WeelC purehaGid 'fe ,]%'.r,T l'o.. i _ . , � ,'; _�", , �, '� � The park this year will be -under . - .1 . . . ' —, '*]�X �;. _f i R . . 11� , ' L 'A', , � , ", - .4%1 04 r ' - . r ­­. , " - 'o.,.j y, I JUG tY Montgomery, Mary Ry- - - 0 .0 co . , 1 4, ".g,g: ' I many years; but because of obstrue- . 0 � 1 -H -1411-4f. 1.111 1 I I +� �� I . rd;-, is EbAed," The Scripture iread- (En,o, Bet, , .00 .6 .� 't ;i. the - management of Mr. P. B.,"M ng -was taken. by Mri. 'Patton, after an, Delbert Smith (kon. . . . 0 brick bl6ek ' i _ �be '" , rnei -.6, , W ..� ;V,.g,g: ,.g,g: �;t'jblrr..�' ";,"'N' .,r . offat . 11 . � .�,� I Enjoyable ,, Gathering "At Vons and, Cave-ins,, , was,,- Unabie: to , . o�rsj, Donald �* . - .11 , ".., I . . - `q . '- I . . , . — J.OhW, Streets, the " d, �1' ­ , �t. �,'� " ',�', i�� � . .. =Ad Mr. Clarence Trott. The latter . ,vh1ch. Rev: Mr. 'Patton.led, in prayer. Smith. Ronald, SAv e, nald ,Stew- I . '. ­ groun, I goo; 11 ­ . Teacb, the -bottom of ev,*ral ,,he tried. . Aug Do - 411 ­; I 1. I � � I. _�.t��, ,�,� , I . 1% ",,S. ' ­ whi - t6w. , will ug 6 . , rasr " ­- ,-,?�,;,). md-11 a - .. so 1,44 -tor .1 1, ct as'life,guard and will con- L16ns Vark is Sponsor- . Then on ,t ' The program was then taken over tart (Math., Shop); Archi, Watt; - ps poultry, , '. - I .4 I I �". I ... ,,�., ,,P�%;�,, I ., I I he ad,vlc6. -of drillers, a I . e Fred - I '. , ?Z� I . due6swiraming dlasises for beginners. by Mrs ' Chester Henderson, prestdeint erick, We6dmark, J .yce Wilbee. N te, � . . � I . 0, 0 MITCH-ELL a 'A all t . . .1 . .. � �� 1�!��l ,,,�' I now well was to qad In January - *�,�f:r`.,�,Z,i,, "By C. W. L. mm4i, , . . � 11 -1 -:11"'; . . I ed I ' . Alterations d n d. Improvement 1. 11 : -,:�;:,',,..,,,�'-,-., I The life guard, will be On duty each i of the W.A., with Mi,s- Wto. Shannon A subject in brackets means a fall- S.. ��',,­ ­�., . I � of this year, by. the Evans 'PompaRy, expressdag worft of welcome , to � - . T�lilch Will Include -the' -Installation. of '. ' ­ , : :1: ��- ' " , . . . '­ . - '' F . 4day from 10 a.m. t6 12, noon; from I of Tillson-bilrg, who drilled -through .;�`. -large number of'guests� .The secre- " . IS. WINNER HERE a. "eftigerating plant, will be' cohiw, . I.. . . zl,, . . 1: 0.m. to, 5 p.m. and from 7 p.m.� to 9 Monday `Afternoon the pf1pils 'of St. ,solid. rock. for 1,000, feet to strike 4 . I The follol�lng will be promoted, to I I .. .1 , . I . , p.m. . . . . -parish enjoyed a ,� . I tary; Mrs. J. Gordon, rea;d a very in- Grade X when they have fulfilled the . .menced, at,once. . '. . . . : I. 11 � ,: I . ., i� , : . . I �. I 1. , Vie, refreshment , I building will be James' . � � real treat. bed of- pure ftne_qsAt,. .Drilling was terestiurhistbry of the . organization. provisi W. G. Willis and C. Glew The front, of the M�Ain' Street en.:� I . . . . . . "I t 1. I � , ' 1. some 60 feelt Into. -this salt ,bed I ons of CArcular 27 with'respect � .. I .:,." - . The C.W.L of the parish. Sponsored 'done I trance, will' be used ast office spa;tia, . I " �. .., . I lc,5 '. , ; .. ": �� ... . V , I open, each, da the. hours depending � ' The first'n*eting was .held on Novem. to ,farm work: Haze�, doleian Aflan OnlyLOcal Winners in and back of that will be, a pre -cooler, � .. 1, ; I i * I., I Y, a picnic for all the kiddaes. and the well was Completed at 1,100 ' I . , _4.. I I ; I on the atte4dimeo iind,41he, weather, I Wotv,,ithstanding the -doubtful w"_ feet. - . I . . her 27, 1909, at the home'.of Mrs. Jars, Kleber, Douglas Love. 1. . . %."�,,� � . 0� I . The, 'equipment Provided includes . Kerr in conjunction w4h the, ,tegular I .. First Tourney. ' room, 191/2 x 32 feet, which will Pror , "114- 1� I 11.1 . th6r, at 1.30 with,colors of purpf� and I - In April the eonti4ct for the nee.-. I . The following W'i11I be allowea, to , . .1 . : , . 'benthes and tables- ,to accommodate. gold, floating to the breeze, they . sa,ry b�aildlngs w, - meeting of the Woman% Foreign Mis- — . 1. ride space fcr,rack�ng. I200 hkd, of. ". ---- 11 ; . - wing- s5 is I -et to Hs��'r`y' register in Grade X on' �rial: Bed- ' . . . "I., ;� ­ . F -y Society. Mrs.. Capswell was 'Mitchell riuk of - H. Po'rt rfield, Poultry, � - , '��, .P 150, and those are., always- available sionai JA_ I e as they are received ,from I , . 'd their way to the Lions Park Which Hart, $eaforth con -tractor, and the ford Dungey, An-ne Eckert, ' Joanne .and L. Rowes to the killing plant, and where they wi4, . ,I., 1,� upon �request and witliout cha�ge. The L . president of the W.F.M.S. and Eliza I . . ok flist Prize in'i-he . � �. �"..�. . . , .. McMillan, Alan ... Pretty, Kenneth Swan. Seaforth ; be kept '�kt a temperature'of 36 de- . , � l . 14 , � I � � .. � Oark committee 6uggests, ,that any was soorAllve with fun and i;Aighter. work has gone forward so rapidly that Shannon was - secretary, 'And they LaWn Bowling Club's first - I * , � t I :­"! . I . I I " . I I'll � r; e the surrij er at ,Fees. � . . � � v ;groups wishing to hold ­picnics, phon Several of the Paron, s and, Rev. Fr. these are now Practically comp etpd,.�, Automatically nsumed these .Offic . es If these pupils do not �how definite doubles tournament of h . , . ! I �i 'i . . Huss,dy were present. . 'I, T,he. main building -is 33 x 90 feet. progress in two months time they the � , . . Back of that will. be- a sharpi,-fi�eze , .:.: I I'll �� " � i., , 1. . . � i the Park or advise tb:q committee in . in We Ladies' Aid, 'as Jt was then local greens on Monday evening. I '. � , ", . . , . 11 � . " � . Between stowers the park rang InAt are two electrically welded steel . w.`ll de-flaitely be returnbd to Gradt, 9. 2Q x 10 feet, where the temperatuie. !.. " . U 11 order that the dates, may be held op- . called. Through the unIlring efforts . W. G. Willis, and Chad Glew, the . - , � . . " with pat songs, salt pans, ou,b on. each side of the ' . , ", .. -, � , en, There is, of Course, ,no chargFt riotic and old-tim6 of thew two ladies with the staunch The folloWi6g pupils have,.been pro- only Seafarth .entry, to .finish in the can,'be. reducedi ti) zero, w.Mch, wig - .'.,,� . When. ,the sun came out a baseball bufliflng, and sub 6 x 30 feet. Steam moted from Grad,e,X to Grade X1 and . . � I % ":::,�, "', I I for the use of the park. support, Of every member, the new money, came fourth. Proyide -storage ,space for 1290 boxes . 1� � � . � ',, � . . game was the fIrst event, umpired by pipes. extending ,thT,;e kee't wide. -run, . . have also been granted Interme6ate The weather, of �Poultry or 12,000 bead, ready '- . ..... .. I . , ,,,, I organizatloft"'D:rospered. The original ' which. was anything .for", � _� . . ; "L [) down the length_gf ,. .n, and Oext � 'I, .1 i.jlp . i pa ificates: Donna Baynes, 30411 -but prom Shipment to city markets, ., . .. A � I I O.. H. .Sedtt, *.'he very kindly came t4 I ,j4,,V . � ,$W, umber of members, was eleven but ising during the eater Part I I .; ,.!!-,�, ' ' . . ­� � , . . . - h4a -frdn:k7�,U4V,1k4.W-J,�t �,�,apo�kte the r, Butson, Betty Dale, Maxine Denriliou, of the day, cleared in the; late after 1, , "I . I .. . � I their 4,1 the t A � I .. 9T . 4. The score'was, 9 to 6, in ,. y. �� , . , this increased very shortly to twerity- _ A loading platform will 'be b � A�� I * , i '? " . Wit 012 � ,,� . , I water in the,,*r%e 'l, , Ig the Salt I John-Str I , " 6 ,favor of , - eavil .. ,A,� . Frank'Maiouey's, team�, , Doris Ferguson, Lenore Habkirk, noon and bowling -the e�t. side of the. building',, ' " " '_ L I . . two, ' - .1 I -.11, I . `)i , V I. I - . L I Ater a -tug-of-war was staged " ­_ ' ShITIV Love, Maxine M,cBrien, Ed- the.eve- . , , � ­ Nay'' LeacFu colldftioiA' were . . �", be. to be gatheriid,�4vbm ,the , Gttom. Ad- I . , ,�, ,13 Many of them have since Vassed on perfek when where trucks willl, . . , � .... . I . � . , . � , . . twge'n the . two , sides and- M.' M. joining thist- i9_1the7 buil�ing contairiffig Play stafted i4. unload the ' dressed '. , . '' �', * � I .. . . , .. . " -d others have moved away, but the ward Mi.14kea (Latin), Donald Munn, ning. poultry already' racked for the ,Rlr� . , - , . � �No .'' '14- I an I I . . . - - �, - .. � W. I . the �pre-heatln,r-,,,paasl. . June Shaw (Math.), Eleanor Weaver, I I " I . ­� . I I . . -1 �,__!4 . , . deary"s team won. ' .11 . W.A� continued to function through- Seaforth greens, whicli are said to Cooling room. . '. I . � After tliq In - addition, iliere is a large boilev . 1 �f�� . . ,,, . _yaceg,'capably run off by . . I . ' Harriet 'Ruasell­(Honours). At present, Messrs. S�ence 4 Sqn� . I � �t.,.­ . - 't, m,on0'1Y;,-,.f Oe 'the - finest dn Wester' Ontario, , The _*iWng. of t the Navy . ,,, . oult.the Y'earqa, with new members. tak- . n I . .,., `� n Ous room containing 42nmonw, r4turzi , , I � ... ILI � I I I ' 11 . . I . ' .' .: �V 11 League �nej'af;;Afi �.all.cn.. Mon- Allan Rya � a, delici lunch was 4n. 1. . I . 4 Town T, I � I are handlin ., , �... , " ; �. . 1. . . 1. , " 1. , t , � I . ide s, .jh4, ihg the *place of those'Who ,Were forc- The following tbave been promoted were in Perfect,c6ndition and visitors . .g SOO- dressed poWtry per .:, - , �. ,I4� I - . 1�1 . . ery - , I �� I . .. , . I ..: Aft , � ia*�� � ed- wlth�,: '' drinks . . ,,, , r . ' ' . PF day Lpment,, r � ,� 1-1: � i � Irl. r ewr�rrtdi.� -` . , iii_i,h. 0)10,gplate . ...1ce flue ­boiler to pr6ri team, fo 'ed, to retire. It may trtilk lyi said: to 'Grade XI from Grade' X but wili wet6 generous in their, ai.%p�qf ti4em. .And. the. weekly `gih,ii tqns . . , evaporiflng pans. . The fuel used, will- � � . .., � 1.�.�.-,:.` � cream,'cakes. And,' sandwiches. ' -a:' - ' ' -_ , . it , , ,,,, topics discusisecL ags. - lt,�Org�-_!A-ad' --V%W-*"&*4"�-,0t ,,r-$6­Etj�, _� ,4-�t�,;', . I -were the ditty :6 "May we be.a,r hig,h the tG�ch which be required to do additional work in 'fhe, result . , , ­ ,1.1�1�1.. . I , . , � _p , , , ", �,.,�, Theybad the greatest fun ever and ty Flax I .,-.I -valf­ ­ ,�, %1. _ '..; O.., 11 I be. refi�se tow from the He's .fi , . .X, , .. . -Xiss.Allbe Reid, convener of the di I bws been 'given to -us. and pas's ii on certain subjects -before being granted ,R. J. Winti�'r, 3 losses; J. J. Cluff, put in operation thli'� �Uimb 1. ;� " .1 I I. 1. "I uch a day Qompany,plaat, which. is onlya, block i �pk pos� . . . . . ..! I I (-, I �, I -s*, expressed, her wish that the wo . . I I A i :- 1�. t bag - hope to have another s ..... . supces'sors ,With light - Intermediate, Certificates - Berra 2 w ns; H. SteWart, 1 Win; C A Ba - SiblY be dolA,led, 1� Ithe poultry, 11 :��% . . ' to our undim . . r - . - � - I men of Seaforth would become, inter- next year, thanks to the -C.W.L. and away .from the ivell% and, is Said to I ­ . . I:! I,"... . \. . I produ med." I . � .), Jean Habkirk ber. 1 Win' W. G. Willis, 3 wins plus season is over. . �, I . .. . N, . ested in. dolfig,knitting for the Xavy the don -or of all the prizes. ., ce an intense heat, because of . '* I The refrigeradon �plan I I '. 11 " I _­ � 4 I . Wes. The I town, water Two -choruses.,. wer,e. given. by the (Let-, Fr.). . 7; Lorne �ale, 2 wins; #. S. Sproat, .t now in pp- I . .� �,.; - , V "I . 1deague. When, the supply Of wool is The following are the winner,: 50 It"ily qua] I—, followifti' Will be -allowed to 2 wins; T. Beattie, 3 losses; Fred eration in the Crich blo�k will - b� us- ""I., 1. . ' school children, followed %vitb a re1d- The: .,",_ � � I I . received, the counell,chambers in the yards dash: Junior girla, Marion. system has been extended to the I ".� �, 1. Ing by Mrs. Church, of Winthrop Aux- negister in, Grade XI on trial. They Johnston, I win; W. J. Duncan, 2 ed ex-clus,ively for the handling and, �111-, ' . �.. �� I Town Hall will be open for .those Latioenbach; Group 2, Ruth Nigh; Plant dud it, with soft water, will, be ,. �.. I , x A� ,., . . . . .­ ­ F I . � q- . iliary. Mrs. 1. E. Daley, in h6r,pleas ,A111 definitely be put back into'Grade win -5; 1�. F. Christie, 2 wins; -C. P. S . 11 .�, . "shlog to receive wool. Lord - Net- senior giris, Geraldine Eckert; junior u d or the, boiler. Other -buildings �, . torage of 'eggs. . . . . . . . . . . . " � vd se t tpg voice -favoreck w-i-th Oln. X after two months' trial if qufficient Sills, I win; H. Porterfield, Mitchell, Besidea the number, of deliveries ... I 1.�,i'� . I are the office, and pump house. . 11 I . ";�,2,i. " 1.11 I , , .. . Illan; Group 2, Clar- panted by Mrs. M. R. Rennie. This progress, is not shown: Jean Aga-, ,3 wins, plus 19; W..Mohr, Mitchell 3 , I son once said, "England expecte'that .boys, Sandy MCMI I made at tbds plant, the firm 'keeps two . I ).1 -this day every man will do -.his duty..," ence Rustqn; senior . boys, Billie, It is etPeoted,Abat -the pump for was followed by an instrumental. by Gordofi Bettles, Dorothy Huisser, losses; F, Moore, Mitchell, 2 wins;'E. large ,trucks of -their own, gititoong � � I "I.. . . I 111. , .. Women of. Seaforth: Evety boy dn the Cleary., . I . . the a . Alt well will -he ,installed this s"; K. Hackey, Exe- eggs in th _c '" ' . . 11"', week , - and as soon as it Is in ,Qpera- -,, - Bethel. AUX. (Continued on Page 5) 1�. Harris, 3 losse e diki-kt. Fifty ,'.w.e Norma Leeming -of the . , I , S, of , . . : , �., I I Navy hopes'that this. day you will - (Coutiniied on Page 5) .. i 1,liary. Mr4. J,ohn Hillebrecht , -read . , , . ter, I.win; W. E. Saunders, Exeter 2 eggs are the.avera.ge daylg: Teceipt4, , , , "I'll . 1 . - 1 I - ­ I - In Soo ­ tion, production, will commence —0 � , ; 1". . I . ]k att hi ks. or Sweaters.. .to 1114 h.fs . . . ­ I , . . -at sev;ral poems written , by,.th-e, late I wins; 0. Hazelgrov6, Wingham,' s and the weeklor market shipments run ' . 1, .1 19— ,once. . I . .;"i.1 I � ditty bag. One seamaA wrote that . ." - . Miss ff. 1. Graham, following which 'Wills Plus 15; Donald Rae, Wingbam, to,320,cases, or 9,600 dozen per we6li�4- . ,.,;. I I ' ! : L 0 - .1 . . . .%.: P . I L , -1 . the contents of the ditty bags, literal- . . everyone stood for one minute silent QW.L. Holds 3 losses; Geo. WilliAMS, Wingham, 3 I . I - . . . I ��,:� - I . . . . I I ! -1y saved the crew in hba Ilfeb6at.' BuyaStAM'p-0 . , a S I Wins PLIUS 17; W. R. I Wing �_ . . I . '..�,' ' .. I I ''. .1 . I one who Was -lamilton, -,. I . 1. . .. . ." L' . . . .1. : . " I friend of all. . .� I . ... I 11 , � , ­ .. L t win; Geo. M�fAeson,, Goderich, 2 -wins;' 1. ... i. : . .11 � Here is his story: ' . rain o.. Hitler - I . pecial Meeting ham, I Win;. M. A. R�ld, Seaforth, .4 , 0 - - . t . ,,,� . .� 11� I , ' . I I L I . "We left,'Boskiri.,. hound for a port ', GJ , . I . Rev. Mr. Craw and Mrs. Craw. of � . Next� BI od. . . . . ' . . I " I " . . + . . I . ­'. ' I 3 . north of the Arctic Circle. We stop- I ,— , . Fergus, were among tho'guests An& Mrs. Coveny,'�Dfocesari Presi'dent of J * A. Cowan, Blyth, I wili;'J. A. Gray, - I I L . . !�. �, , , L I . . y and The "Stamp Out the U -Boat" . . cam- * - I I n r i " -�.-'..�, , , ped off in H-allfax. for 0 . OnVo . RED CRO each gave a few wo�ds reminikent of the t.W.L., was the guest Speaker at Elyth, I win. � Do. 6',,"Clihic . , ' . . . . ­. I I �, . I .", ,while W here the ditty bags, paign for the period June 28th to July , the, years they spent at the Manse a special meeting of the lbeal sub. The winners,., Ist, JL Porterfield I - .,� 4 * . I e weie V ss� . . . . � . .1,11 , c1h 11 3 * . ,were placed abo4rd.' Mace it was.,too 31st will be.the first' 9,pportunity giv- as pastor of the McKillop charge. A divislion, which was held ia,the p�rish and L. Howes, Mit e , wins p114 donor Clinic will be , .,. I I . NOTES 1 . The next blood . - v . -�� , ,�, , .1 . -art for Christmas .presents, the Cap- en the civilian population to directly ; : cornet duet Was given by Misses hall Tuesday - evening, 'Jun'e* 29th. 19; 2a- , G,eq. Williams and C. M& held in Northslide United Churefi, sea- I? . �, 13v ' I 4 . .'' , es I ... :. � � :ain ordered th-em stowed -away, which partielpate, in 'the specififle purchase A gratifying 1pumber of ladies, re- Kathleen Shannon and Jean Pryce,of Members from neighboring parish' Avoy,'Wingbam, 3 wins plus 17; 3rd, forth, on Thursday,. JV17 15th* when,". ' �% I . .1 ' . , I I as. bosun did I ... . k , , . . I ,of a particular war -weapon. Ontario sponded to the'�Lppeal for jam il�ak- Winthrop, followed with'a reading by were also present. Mrs. C. P Sills, T." Hazelgrove and Dr. Wilson, Wiilg- b�oth pen and w6men,dortors 19011 be'. - -----�­. . I I . . I ��:`!' - I "Unfortunately when . Christmas ls',beinil asked to buy� .6,670 depth Ing and 392 pounds of strawbe'rry jam MI's- E- Mills, Of Bethel. The ,ladies president, occu' ham, 2 wins plus 15; 4th, W. G. Wil- required, Anyone wishing to donate 1. �,, 0 . l . ' pled the chaiF, and lis . '� I I . . came'we were in the land of the mid, charges which will be labelled wlih werez realized for the Red Cross . and Chad Gle'w, -Seaforth, 3 wins is asked to phon, : ..". I . , on Of, Duff's Auxiliary gave a dialogue on- geated with her on the'platform were . -e 341, . . P. ulght s,dn and consequently. we had ' ' ti . tied, "The A.nti-Gosslp Club,,, which Rev� Failier Hussey, Chaplain; plus 7. . , 1.1� � . I,." ­, . the messages, of the- plirchaserS be- Monday and Tuesday of ihis week.' ' Mrs. I . Donors who have previously given . .:.��, 1�1' . ­� I —0 , I I air,rdids on the average of one every foee they are heavled overboard to - A. letter of thanks for the jam . ong the ladies'. . Cbveny; Mrs, Mahony, Monkto blood' transfusions wil 1. � .. , . k . Sent displayed taled-t am ' ' . n. - , . - . hour round -the clock with no time to blast an enemy- Submarine. I I . . !.�. 4 . . overseas last year follows: On behalf of the W.A., Mrs. R: Mur- Diocesan 3rd vice-president,, 'and Miss, brionze,button, aftil are asked to bring . ., 11 .1 . day, Depth charges cost -$90 each and Leatoif Knolls, �, . , I ,die, in. a few welf-chosen words, pres- Alice Dal'y, Councillor for 'Hilron. 1 their donor's, boo",.' � . I " � . ,d,;� wonder about t,!�e' hour of" the I �.� ILOCAIL COMMANDO I . ", � much less the darof the year! . the total cost for the 6,670 will be England. ented Mrs. Jos. Hendef9on, the oldest . . I..:. I I I Shrewsbury, The meeting, opened with prayer ' . I - I , .- "Then on, the'eeventh day ot the gi.uging of I 0 ' ­ ... ,� " I a "O I I . . � �, - � ' $600,9,00.' Huren County's quot will Dear Madam:' I have today receiv- member of tAe auxiliary, with a small and . . . A, A - . . I ,, Canada," af�er . "'. . bombings we caught a bomb aftand IS ORGANIZING - — . ,,,, ­ be 67 depth charges, or $6,030. ed your magnificent .gift of -,straw. gift. Miss 'Slcott favored with an itL- wh.ICh Fathew Hussey, in -a few re- I . '0 ;0, .��i. 1. I . �. . . . . 10, it dildn't do. us any good. ,As, we were Stamp -0 -Gram messages aadressed,'berry jam arid honey and n strumental, fol,lowin'g wh'iOh, a MOu,O- marks, welcomed Mrs. Coverty to the ;�1 . . , 1 n q, - Picnics at .1 ... � .1)1 . 11.1. � . I taking to the lifeboats. the old man to Hitler, Admiral Doenitz or our own words, to thank You adequately. Thii logue was"".Rivea by Mrs. N. R. Dor, meeting. , A vocal duet, "In the"Gar- Will G�ive, Help* To Farmeit's . ."�., � , �k suggested we Oplit. up our Christmas lads in the Navy, will be on sale at 0: is a -hospital of forty-six beds a d it r ce- . I . .1 , . ' . n i's All don, of Tomorrow." was rendered by For Hoein Ldons.Parlk I . �. %4_ - g, Haying . . �. �..111 � , � `;, I 0. ,present (ditty bags), -which we diO, number Of Stores And other suitable full. an Dev- I I � . � ,�,., � ill- 11� I can assure you that every 'Thank yous? were exprevqed by the Misses Julia, Flannigan and So .�,` � , . I 11 I . I �`� * � N - ,thank. goodness,t We lived seven places during the next five. weeks.. -scrap bf yopr jam and boxiey will be President oil behalf of the auxiliary erea�x. I and Harvest. ' :1 ,�,.%%%%. I Some sixty members of the M -c- I ,",., �%��,, 01 , snore days because In thqrs,e Arctic With tire purchase of four War Sav- enjoyed -and very much OuJoYed by for the Co-operation o'f everyorle who In her Very Interesting address, ' Tavish clans met at the' Lions Park � 1 . ' � ........ . � V, , 417 1 ."', 10 ^ .: "' watero all out drinking water In our ifiss Stamps the buyer pay choose the patients. On their behatf I thank helped make this memorable occasion whick' followed, the guest speliker The Seafortb Farm Commando Bri- Tuesday for thedr;,fifth reunion, Fol- 11 � i . .1 lt� - Efeboat bs,d,become frozen and usp- hiA message -Which he will sign with you and all the generous ladies who, a succeN. 'here were also several spoke of the many advantages and gade is being organized if the pres- lowing dinner the president, John Me- :A ' - . ? I.. -7 - , qless'to uu.'.--Tberef,qre, you arid your his adjr�sg and paste on one of the 'have contributed, very,very.,much in- letters and donations acknowledged privileges of beloniing to this grdRt 6tit time to give -help to the farmers ---- . I :::�,-%, � ­. . . ."... , % 11 '$ Canned. milk, cocoa and chewing gum -of-town member ' - oeing,' haying and harvest. Nichol, Blytb. ,called for the attention.' � I I N I I . . 90 squares. When, the 90 squares are dee�d. I wish we could thank you all from out s. Rev. M". national organization- of Catholic wo- for 11 of all to make plans for the future I . 11".. f ,$, saved us 4rom dyingof thirst, Even filled, the card on which .they are person -ally. 'I am with real gratitude' Craw closed the meeting with prayer, men, and urged the members to fur- Pamphlets with application forms. of - 11 v ".;, . ' I . � . I the !i)uttons in the ditty bags came'to . and apPoin-t officers. The sports com- ,. , . I . pasted Will go directly to the Navy , Yours truly, � I after which !'God.Save the KIng7' was ther efforts in their work for " enrollmeint ihave been placed in the ... . `1111. ., Goo : � �1� -4 - practical use. We kept I mittee prepared an interesting pro�. ' .1., I I- ,A, I. -thelii'in our and wili be ittached to an actual - A. K. M. S-hewhellin, Sung. . ... I 1. and Canada." She then touched on following locations: Post Offtee, . J. , I- ' . . . . . 1, I Months to 4top -the s&H;k% from AryIng dept� aharge a,n,d will go overboard . . � . Commandant At the close a daluty !unch wat; the bighlight� of the recent national F. Daly's, Tasty Grill and Kea,ting's gram and the following were th . e Prize �..� . . . . . ..: . � 11 In our throatst 1� 1, I ... 11 ge Is used. Tbb The branch.will atoprecldte any as 7 Served, on the lawn wheli a Social co�vention held in Hamilton, and par- brt)g �tore. Any man or boy who is winners,: . ,. i ''. . . � �,, .. I I "So thanks to the people of Ontarlb , Boys under 5 years of age, Lewis A 4 .1 " N message will be readivith interest by aistance or donations to coneinue this halt hour was enjoyed chatting to- tibillarty on. the addres,; of His Gra6le willing to help in this work is asked �.... �. 11 1 4 and the Navy- League that dispatched ' McNichol; boys dnd6r 12, Clarence 11 �," , r boys, some of *ham may be your wor�tby project. I . getber. Bishop Nelligall. Chaplain of Cana- to take a. pampblet and Pll Out the � �. I Ou. . :41 � '. � the ditty bags,*for savink our lives, own Sons, it is expected that many * *' * I I . . .. enrollment form and hand it In -to lo- MeNlebol, Roy Lindsay; girls. under ., .4, I x Ifterally.".. . I —0 1 4 than Catholic armed forces, 16 yealt&, Carmilla McNichol, 'Jean, I 1,�, - I , interesting letters. will b6 received Ther ,following is i report of the , ' , Triteresting'fligures were given as to. Cal hea,dquarters, J. F, Daly's store, ' i� .. . �� -s When tl�ey see names work completed for the ffionth of the amount raised nationally for war or'at any Of thd other places above Me Al . I 'k � - What ,do you .say, 1944e0 Surely from theseboy, Laing; young ladies, Mrs. Andrew . ,- 0 1. 'Nichol, Mr. , I you must be able -to drid a little tjWe I . . 9. Orval McNIc461-,1 I � � 'I j, q 't to do some knitting for those ditty aiid towns tba,t they know. 1,11me: .1 � .. . Dl%'* -Larkin work and' cash donated to., the R6d mentioned. I young, men's race,'Jaek Lindsay; ob- . ","ll."I'll . . , It 19 1drinecessaty to point out that -Hospital StIpi3lies-16 bed, Jackets, - Cross, and she recommended alt to - ..This farm belp is to be paid for by � � , �.�, q I ' I . stacle race, ,George McNichol, Wilms :. . � -e farmers In this, county at the- rate . ... "9 . . 'A #1 bW. - For further Information c6a- the U-boat,m*nace is taking a serious' 24 triangular bandages, 4. prs, ladies' We s st 0 ay - continlie Inwar work. At the con-clu- th . ­ I _., I - . . land be de his bder t d McNichol; ,carrying beansi, Mrs, Or- . . ._.�- " 11 . X, acerning',the knitUrig, see Miss Alice toll'of lives .And, ' ' . 29 "face clotis, 9 hospital And linat heartfelt homage pay, sion of her ad.dres-s Mrs. Coreny was ,o'f 3.5 cents for men and -boys Capable . .. , 11, 4AV � I � war materials anq It pyjamas, . . �Q, 1, , I �i,,, , , :1 �$,;" , ': �,�� . , . Redd. . , . . , � I .., I � I I vat McNichol, Charles Lindsay. The , : ,��;' . . I - is, our first job to bring this, under gowns, I narse's tn.. _. - presented with a beautiful Corsage 'of of d(,Ing a man's work. Everyone who �� 11� ' I � . '', * * * I � . . To one who through so maAy years, tug-of-war closed this, part of - the -_ I �,�� ,v I �'*, � , � control. -, 1%e 67, depth Charges assign- British t3l*llis "%­ ,.,�. . '. It was decid0g. m4t,_the . V�P-K - Jdfi�p-,, , night- Sharedfir ourjoys, Seared in our fears. roses by little Ruth Sills. Mrs. Sills can help Is( mgea to enroll. A � program. �. ­', ,; � I � � � I 11 . N'ary eer. to Hurou County are ybur chal- gowns,, 8_..,tgdJ#j11`.at&V `�'1`1 ti�*10 ­. also received a corsage. . , . . . - ., "I. .1.1t. I., � A "Coat, ., .. 1. —0 Present Were members from North , " � . League Vr6trVholdthetr tag day,near lenge and it .Must be Met. Citizens- .2 lacbes!, slftih-'4111*41�' : �d ,;�" rO dre", - Hig worth on �earth WAS, ,donL­well Mrs, WIP. Deveteaux, Sr., moved a . . ;;;; p i , ;1; I � I er , 'p hab . ' Flasthope, Woodstock, Br6oksdale,. � . 1: - I of 9 ";o W ' 2 boys' d��to,.` �, Way ,* -I girl" done,' , '. I %. . I the en.d ep�6­1 but the exact are As -ked, to support those merchants srS . vote�6f thanks to the speake�r, after . �,", , - t4� . . .. , I . �� *#, On Deputation Kitchener, Toronto,' Guelph,, Auburn, . � , i,%.1, . .. .?,�`,'i,5 . , , 1) date -Was n0i Get. :$­, I . wb6 will handle fhle- salej and- to t,*0 bl�;se, .. ' " , �'�� , "44" �' . litors, everyone, which. Mri. Maliony made a few xe- . .. 1.1;,��.�, I ... *e are this de Clifford, Brussela, B�lyth, Valton and " ..:� , I ., * 'ce - an, inferek in, the complotlon of AS XnItttn&--CP"0A1�d, �,O' ; 4 ,pairs Who came th-touch with,due whose marks, and, Miss Aldee Daly favored 11 . . ". y � '. . " ---,I- . I . 1� .� � Ali appeAr' �.�-,%Ali` istit out for . . � To Ottawa Seafort-h. . I � ., I I I . I 14 - mafiy -depth charges aai �6sis;ible. The long a 6" ., tsbalfg, 1,0r.� ibort sea..- - 16 � the meeting with a piano Selection. . � A 434opy qf the fijwl�r tree was en! 11 v4? used , .I., ve . , . L". i"O - I.. - 1A!`,'FoW ,h as _;��:, . -4 - ., I ", �i , " I , tive b Mrs. Leo Fortune Sang "Smilin, Messrs. W. . ,-b I �­ . � U " . . '. �)I&.,�,',, -�V L sta,mp's, oi course, %beidome the- Proper- me THIMS, at 'altei6i 908, 2 Seemed not of earth, but HeaWn above. L. Whyte, b; joyed fbllow�ng suftor -and t -he xeuri­ ::��­.;�-, k I , ;, -the : I Seafe'rt , )_VA. , .1, , , ­,il' A �Dutgrl ql , t"'givo,it t6 uld,L be rtbbed ,holm4ts, 2 04ueo, ,14 pairs Through." Norman Schultz, Brantford; Ronald! Ion eafto'ta an end *ft�, the ifujiliag , _ ,. , ,,, , I , , .tli4 ,,habei� arrd: bhio - � OR ty of pWt ., . 6 it,� '. , �, Navy Le" d IfIA �S�6o - � " i 0 I . I I ._,,i;,, 0 . .. 1, __�, ,�, 9n ' accumulated, ggailig W6 purOase of gloves-, I t1f6k4n, I .§.ftrf,,2­turtI1�*neCk ;When shadows fell across our way RefreshmenO were 4hen served b,v Beft., Port Perry; Dr, da'reelhis, ' N,ktj6!ft1' , I . ,S1. � �; I . at by its liabi F%6,r V 2 ` ' . ths . _:. 4� I '. " 1�."'J�W _�WbnAz� of "Auld Lag ftft6�1, a6d � I—_ , . . �,� � ­ . I—- -V's .1 �-W�;; I ­­ - . - � . WAT SaVinga, Certlik�t#A, -Which be- sv(,Oat�oi 2 iottnd ne6k eOtiters-, 5 q4 came And Said: Como, �,6t us pray, a Coinamittee'Of Mrs. J. M. McMillan, GUel `h; �Iarry Donovati, R. Y. Mur- . 14,4� �,'.. 11 I I 11 � �1 tions, of mell's, oldthing mo he left I I P sit AntbeM. - I � 'I. �,' %, ��` ',..! - 1'� � ,,, . come reptyaOle 'W16h'-IAfer&at at the V-neck 's*eators., 8 P,rs.'Mltts,,' I W, A. And as be knelt and as be, vtay,ed, M*u,nt plibasimp `,`,��Lp, -- ,� , , , ` " � ,:.tk4,,il�,41�,, � . Mrs, J. J. Cleary and Mise A. DOY, dock, Ford WiWnsi and Mr. Rainey, . 101, # - ii'Y�,."� _,,� '... , , Adl';",�'. 71 I'll, . I f . � ", , ;.a. ; I '_ , � A , .4 , � �.'t�4' ,, "' I -at -the Dominion Bank ohniabers, - end.6f oeve ftd g fik, V ye . " _% , 'I ­17�'; ":�,"V"'111 " . I 'I . ,.,*, I I ,,�, Lw.-.... I n 0, -1 ars. I � cgrcrgau, � while Mrs. C% McDonald played 'plaho Townto, a,ncl Albeft ftlltij, Cftira, . V i ," 1'1�- . , . I . . We ifaced the future unafrifd� , I AU . I I I � -4 I' -111 ',�.. T. . I 11. . I ­ I Oii wt,ftega4p my"InV4 1 , . � � is betwgii�� levdi�g'TLO,Ar .. .'�'U.V, i I . I he,dholo Qifllta-5 quilts, rettifted, 7 quilts numbers and a social hour was spent. leh oil Tues,a�y ,for Ottawa to' int&� Churt,fi, 'gufta4 tabA "Itole A . ilt, � � I Pather: "Whd bt�o � ' , I . I - , , . . .% � 11 ` , . ke, t1tai 6air. 1a li-Ak ^t�� thi �,Iii, , ,,, 4' L L11'rAl "it , , M. .1 mkg� 11 I �� I , " � 91�'Nq I " , '' "' , , , "" , , 1� ` ` ��, I. 11 .I 11'110� 11 I I ': I � I I , . �,,-, �;I; � I I I I I". . . . toobet or itd-( �­_ -�.r 121406 In Work rO61A, 3 4ul1tVAN%tVd; Nbw he, -has euteri6d tad i Community singing, With Mrs! vle-w4be Wg;ftbg yi�l , � ., . . �, .. .. . . r, 0*j1r. lljj�, ��, " L I , 4194, 1 " - . I , 44* " ,;:,v#,` . t # "� , ng-rdom last hi J. " I ­� � "...- ,I 11 91 � ! ­ " mie livi g6t?" _,� "...­ lowdeg of ou! dflmAteftt * I ­ dboated, 9 bYIP�W'41�6t, tOIA, "W.e ho* lit siAbnoo-God IdA,owi%,'h6%t. Frank D6V4t0kUX " � acconlotlilgt, the no�trd 046' Ana %!rktdo tmal "ptctftv,� 't - 1, , 1� I & , 1, I - , it. f6o.A, � Oil mat6ks ""tt,�!,filbg td the, 'the O'noirtobli's, = �o I . 'Daught . - , , , . . � , � , - -,o , L..'W.., R � 11 I er �,Ilt JAid eolla;tw�ed_gft df r.ohtry , bh.6ttld " be ,,no , 6,libke, "'a, .114 L 00 # . t wh . . r. � �, . I . . . . . . M, :"", ;-.,,' . . .. . , � ''I" iN I . muorn thd rumag Or*ttr,*wh,a,., pra,yL-r fd1r. irmed forces, and the Na- ]4�Al-d's lrfte��t'�L Of4i 1�1 *P�Ttry _­ ­_ .. `;.� ". ik 904hiv bad ,hft'uoftftW 116' , 1414#4 "I . L ,"I , :�atoii;':kwo . '. 00,,'� % . I . . 2 g".0 1 , I " " ,,I . . .. ..��.._, .'. — I F it, I � 0 �, �Mgf4f L . , ­ I - - " 1, , 0 11 ::: .... 1. , " . , i., � !1, I - i . .... " !­ I . , 1,,� ` .1 ,; dhthu"isksm, C f, .-Who 're -4,1126 sfi4 dal btastil0l"11644 0660844_1 'Wolf MOO hilt Jutt, aroupca,�%# "RO_ �'%ioligi Afithka 41bfied 9, very sucOsi, �prlee eellln�g, ag. 40 _ .lg* ,ffi . , . .� *' I � r � 'I, �, wo's,q . ": 1. , , I I �, _ i", � 1, I 1. . 0 , ; 0 " '' ­ . ,�,,,. .a... 'A � �bl� AL ��ur'16 fhc-­r��L 1, �: w I 1. Ir I . �,4 , 1.1',", fill 080 lar�e, dru#%gb, - . � � j$01mbb."'t-, M and 6AJ6Abl6-fh06tIb91 I 6 -- ..... 'r,:, I ­. ­ �L, � '' I Iftiotory, t6 the pbuffi,�,,' �1-0 , 1, 1. .1 .� � � 4 � _ rL. q I -.' .. i�. -,If, 1�4, . . 0 OK , I;,-..,? 11''r.."I" �,,.'­ , . . � L I .-1 b . 1� - ,��,�_ 1�. � , I �� I : I .�,�',' L I J�� - � -,'41V,,1 � �"L I � , , ";,"_ , , � �, : 1 I I I , j, ' ''. 1%. � , � ., I , , � � 1, �_ -V.� F � , � ,- ­ & 'L "'��J �,! tgg ,r), - , I.: .1, ," �, I , ,�' , ;, � ,11 �,-' ,4­',,��'�1,­ ,, .­.�,,,,r,,r_.,J�, ,,,4,.,,. �i_i! �, I 1� 11 I .�, I I . I I .��' I 't � . 11 -6 I r, , �, - . � � � I gi., , �fl I ,'� �.�., I -. I . -i � , :� � . . , " � M , I , , x, r1.1 , t - ,,;,I %1�'. ,;',,.��,,. ., L , � � I&A" Ir 11? "i `,�,_.111�11` . .� ,� " , �t,, �,�% :�,� ,X��� , � , ,. �� A. 11 " I. , ­ , ', �� ,I. 1�.It�jN'11. , . lip, , �, S 1,, .", il,',��It " U� 11 x� �., ? ,1 �.t . 'i I , ,_ ., �? "I'll Al - '. ,­ .. .. ..... - , � I I I I 'I ,,,'� �.�;i . ,"', ,5" ;'j- �'r� .;'t,� i � , , , �R, k V I � , —, i I' �, I 'W" C�Iti."�Lj� : L I vgl, " . - , , ", ".�� �,'�. I " 1�' -%� , , , , 1, , " " �, � i 1. I I.....- it,11% %.,p; ag, tk , , �_ _ 1� 0 , � 0'1� Tiff,ii(q 4' . i I -R -81,; (TA �� ", 11 ,!Iq __J.._­w.'�-'3­.­ N , ,� R I ! ,�,� " � I .1 4W 0 '01�,'.' , m ,p ,Iuil.60'011�41� R? ,I I , ,.., I hk#4 -1 I N I - - - - I ` - 0 I