The Huron Expositor, 1943-06-18, Page 4It
Ads will be inserted at new, low cash rates:
Wanted. >(+oat and Pearls Camino Stents. Lite. --Per weed:
• let week 1 Cent
End week • % Cent
3rd week 45
Minimum obnrite. fleet desertion25 Cents
Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one ward.
COS. Of a'ltanlo, In Memoriam Notice -4 cent per word. Minimum, 60 cemb per week.
Ene3ulriee mey be dixeeted to a Box Number. e/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra.
ask cehts al(Idittional per week wiU be charged if adv in above alma ora net said by the
Bbfilarday" night rn the week in which the ed was run.
Ilitilsa, alardages and Deaths Ai ettiou Sales, Notices to Creditors. Etc.—R8teaed. free of �on charge.
Auction' Sales Auction Sales
feata, at the residence, Goderioh Street
West. pnr.: 110 th, on small McClary Saturday.June
stove, good:
2 kitchen chairs ; 1 rocker; much; lawn mow-
er: fi-day
e table; settee and e2 chairs; small
tables; 2 jardinieres ; 4 odd chairs: suirn
stand: 2 small tables: dining mom
buffet; glass oval; chinaan 3 ; table
e beds.and
6 chairs : 1 sewingmachine;2
springs and mattresses ; 3 feather beds;
dressers and washstands; 1 rug 12x12; S
toilet sets ; 4 odd rodkers, length of garden
hose; copper boiler; wash. tub; set of scales,
1000 the. Tereus—Cash. The residence, a 2
storey frame house with all modern conveni-
ences, etc.. will be offered for sale subject
made known day of
sale. ESTATE Oreserve bid. F THE LATE THOMAS
DICKSON; Harold Jackson, Auetioneer-
Modern Agricultural
For Sale By,
a cHr1Y
o N
a dear husband and fader, George Mc -
C era ey, passed away June 17, 1939:
Memories are treasures no one can steal,
Death is a heartache no one can heal:
Deep in our hearts a me¢[tory is kept
Of a husband and father 'we will never for-
—Always remembered by his wife and fam-
,ture, Etc., at. the residence, west end of
Market Street, Seaforth, on Friday, June 25,
at 1 p.m.: (Inc couch, 1 screen; 4 kitchen
chairs; 1 lawn bench: number of house
Plants ; hall bench and mirror: 1 lawn chair;
carpet sweeper; curtain stretchers: 1 organ:
2 antique walnut curtain poles : 1 wal nut
rocker, antique; mahogany rocker ; walnut
whatnot; oval walnut table; walnut corner
table; walnut sideboard, antique; 1 heating
stove. pipes and heating .drum: •leather chair;
congoleum rug 9x12; toilet set; large quilt
bofr; bedroom suite. walnut; bed, dresser and
stand: curtains; 2 wash benches ; • wringer,
wash tub, clothes basket; coal oil cans; buck-
saw ; shovels : axe; pile of kindling wood:
pictures :• kitchen .•utensils and dishes: pile of
used scantling; sealers; 200 used brick : quan-
tity of used lumber. Terms—Cash. MRS. W.
W. COWAN, Proprietor; Harold Jackson.
Auctioneer- 3940-1
For Sale
Cards of Thanks
dire to express their sincere appreciation
for the kindness and sympathy extended to
them by their many friends and neighbors,
in their recent severe bereavement. '
by Mrs.,Arles" Dennison, of Brandon,.
Man, w,earina,''e, rose erepe 'gown and
caerying a bouquet of Talisman roses.
Lind. Dalglieeh, of Margaret, Man.,
cousin of the bride, was groolnsmalfr
For their wedding trip Pte, and Mrs.
McKenzie motored east to visit with
the groom's brother, Rev. Andrew
McKenzie, of Toronto, and his mother,
Mrs. Margaret McKenzie, and brother
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
McKenzie, of Hensall, the bride trav-
elling in a black and .vhite sheer
dress, sand coat, black accessories
and black 'hat,
Salter - McKaig
A quiet but 'lovely June wedding
was solemnized at James St. United
Chute]] Mal}se, Exeter, on Saturday,
June 12th, at 4 p.m., when Mary Viet-
ta McKaig, only daughter of Mrs.
Mary T. McKaig, of Hensall, became
the bride of Charles Gould Salter, of
Exeter, son of Mrs. Emily Salter, of
Exeter. Rev. A. B. Irwin, B.A., offici-
ated. They were unattended. The
mothers of the bridal couple were.
witnesses. For her wedding the at.
tractive bride chose a street -length
Churchill blue shadow crepe dress
with white accessories and corsage of
Talisman roses. • Following the cere-
mony the, wedding party motored to
the home of the, bride's mother at
Hensall, where the wedding dinner
was served to the immediate rela-
tives. Mrs. McKaig received wearing
a gown of blue sheer; Mrs. Salter as-
sisted, wearing black sheer. Both
wore corsages of roses. Profusions of
lovely spring flowers adorned the
home, while the bridal table was cen-
tered with the wedding cake, pink and
white tapers and spring flowers. Fior
their wedding trip the bridal couple
motored to Northern Ontario, the
bride donning for travelling a two-
piece flowered silk dress, tweed coat
and matching accessories. Mr. and
Mrs. Salter will,reside in Wingham,
where the groom recently received
the appointment as county constable.
Prior to marriage the bride was on
the staff of the Bell Telephone at
Traquair - McQueen
FORREST—At Mrs. Saundercock's Nursing
Home. Hensall, on Friday, June lith, to
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Forrest, of the Parr
Line. a daughter -
KYLE' -At Mrs. Paterson's Nursing Home,
Hensall, on Monday, June 14th, to Mr. and
Mrs. Byran Kyle, of Hensall, a daughter.
STEIPHAN- At Hensall, on Saturday. June
12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Otta Stephan, a son.
BRO AD.FOOT— At Mrs- Paterson's Nursing
Home, Hensel], on Wednesday, June 9th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Broadfoot,'of Kipper,
a daughter.
ALBRECHT—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on
June 10th, to Mr, and Mrs. Emanuel Al-
brecht, Seaforth, a son.
McKENZIE—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on
June 14th. to Mr. and Mrs. William .1. Mc-
Kenzie. Kippen, a daughter—Flora Grace.
McCQWAN—In Scott. Memorial Hospital, on
June 16th, to Mr. and'Mrs. Frank Mc-
Cowan, Brucefield, a daughter.
bathroom. lights, furnace, soft and hard
water. Conveniently located. Immediate pos-
sosion- We also have luted two modern
houses for sale. well situated. of which im-
mediate possession can be given. Apply, to
E. C. CHAMBERLAIN, Licensed 'Real Estate
Broker and Insurance Agent. Phones 334 pr
220. 3940-tf
of grass- and labour, we have decided to
sell. eight Holstein heifers from our T. B. and
blood -tested herd. The sire of six of these
was from a 1900 pound cow. These are an
exceptionally good lot of dairy heifers.- Also
900 Rock and Sussex pullets. OLIVER ROW-
CLIFFE. Phone 85 r 43, Hensall.
Mr. Harold Jackson will offer for
sale by Public Auction on the grounds
opposite to The H,esky Fax Products
Ltd., in Seaforth, on Saturday, 26th
June, at 2 p.m., the following:
1 F1assey;Harris Tractor; 1 Case
Pickup Power Hay ,Baler, 1942 model,
used one month; 1 Case Binder; 2
McCormick -Deering Binders; 1 Power
Binder, I.H.C., 8•foot cut; 1 Horse -
Drawn ' Massey -Harris Mower; • one
Cream Separator.
One ' McCormick -Deering manure spreader ;
3 seeding machines; 1 steel tired wagon: 1
seed drill, 12 hoes; 1 horse rake; 1 set har-
rows. 4 sections: 1 set of scales; 1 fanning
mill: 1 hay rack; 1 open buggy: 1 hay fork
and pulleys; 1 root pnlper; 1 hay loader
(Maxwell) : 2 • w-aiking ploughs; 1 set of
sleighs ; 1 cultivator.
And other machinery and articles' tee num-
mons to mention. .
, Prop.
Harold Jackson, Anotidneer.
Phone 182-J. has taken 'ver the Spirella
Corset Service in Seaforth. See 'her for that
new corset or girdle y..'r need Individually
designed for you. 3940x1
nishings.—Mr. Harold Jackson bas been
instructed to sell by' public auction on Wed-
nesday. June 23rd, at 1 0 edock, in ,the Palace
Rink. Seaforth: the following household fern-
iturer 1 Tables; odd chairs; rockers; bedding;
dishes,, pictures; ,-kitchen utensils: thinks;
books; wicker baskets; small tables: mirrors
curtain poles and curtains; washing machine
and wringer: boiler; 4 iron kettled. Terms—
SMELL, Executors; E. P. Cheri y. Clerk;
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. • , `
Auction Sale of Antique
of bees. Wallace Ross will pay 50 cents
for same during months of June and July.
Phone 1351, Seaforth. 3940-1
LARKIN—In Toronto, on Tuesday, June 15,
Rev. F, H. Larkin, D.D.
ELDER—In Seaforth, on Friday, June 11th,
- Thomas Elder, in his 75th year-
home in Seaforth? We have -;some mod-
ern houses listed for sale, conveniently locat-
ed, of which prompt possession can be given.
E. C. CRAMBERr..AIN Licensed Beal Estate
Broker and Insurance Agent, Seaforth, Ont.
Phones: Office 334, B. 220.
Fine Chiria, Cut Glass, Silverware, etc.,
at Palace Rink, Seaforth, on Wednesday,
June 30th, at 12.30 sharp: Spartan refrigera-
tar:. MCClary electric rangette: 2 -burner Hot
r Plate' Electrolux ;, Hoover cleaner; McClary
kitdten range like new; Empire electric
washer: Singer sewing machine, ]rice new:
Quebec heater; Majestic cabinet radio; Philco
table radio; electric 'appliances:: cherry glass
cupboard:. several large mirrors; oval glass
chins cabinet, quarter oak :•.cherry chins. cab-
inet ; quarter oak wardrobe; - sideboard; cherry W AJ 1 E
fall -leaf table; mahogany bookcase, sectional; breeds and ages, four weeks tip to 20
Marshall spring mattress: spring mattresses; weeks. High prices paid. .Write for full de-
eleetrid table lamps, modern and antique; tails. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES
travelling hags; Wilton rag, 9x12; Axminster LIMITED, Fergus, Ontario. 3940-8
rug, 9x12: 2,pairs ,scatter mats. large. match-
ed; large quantity of bed clothing and linen.
dinnei'set Limoges china, Bridal Wreath; full
tea set, gold band Limoges ; writing desk ; FOUND—ON MAIN' STREET, SEAFORTH,,
quantity of cut glass and fancy china; wed- , on Saturday night. June 5th. a 5 -gallon
can of fuel oil. Owner may obtain same by
proving property and paying charges. ISAAC
HUDSON, Egg Gradipg Station, „Seaforth.
a,nd has spent 'the l ate ; p t Qf .hi#
nlirlistrY in t'lle Proviniee oi' Ma i'itob
At present he holds the responsible
position of Secretary of the Ge<neraal
Board of Evangelism and Social Ser-
vice of the United Church of Canada
and is highly respected hecauae of his
splendid leadership and• his courag-
eous stand for moral reform in the
social and economic fields. He is an
eloquent speaker and his messages
will be inspiring to all who hear him.
Come and hear this outstanding
church leader and share his faith in
Canada and his high hopes for the
future of our great Dominion.
Mission Circle Holds Picnic
Members of the Hensall- United
Church Mission Circle enjoyed a pic-
nic at the lovely grove of :the Misses
McEwan, half a mile west of Hensall,
on Monday evening, A most delicious
supper Was served, after which' com-
munity singing was enjoyed, directed
by Miss Florence Welsh. The Bible
reading, Psalm 121, was read by Mrs.
Lorne Chapman, and the devotional,
"Constructive Living," was ably pres-
ented by Miss Gladys Luker. It was
decided to send. the layette to the
Frederick Mission in Toronto. Mrs.
R. Drysdale was hostess and. Miss
Edna Saundercock had charge of the
devotional period. The roll -•call was
answered with "my favorite game."
Games were directed by Mrs. P. Mc-
Naughton. The evening was a great
success and much enjoyed by all.
St. Paul's Anniversary Services •
(Continued from Page 1)
guest of, honor was presented with a
lovely chair and table. Bingo was a
feature. of 'the evening. ,Miss Jean Mc-
Queen displayed the bride's trousseau
and Mrs. Calvin Horton and Miss Mar-
garet Glenn the linens and dishes.
Mrs. D. Parke and •Mrs. T. Brintnell
arrannged •the affair. A short program
was enjoyed and luncheon served.
Red Crass Workers
times, order your fiy spray and insect
dust early, Your Watkin's Dealer: WH.LIAM
BRADSHAW, Seaforth. Phone 60.
For Rent
pasture. Apply to F. B. PURCELL,
Market Street
corner of Main and John St.
tioll,rered oGreat and-MarvelloU "
0he,•nd lof t robeia'a bars,' R. Dalrymple.
. pleasing "duet, the 23rd •Psa'lfxt, eras
sung • by Mrs. T. G. Robinson and Miss
Ethel Clark.
The Wohelo Class of the United
Church met in the schoolroom of the
church Friday evening, June 11th;
with an attendance of 26 members
and guests present. Miss Edna Saun-
dercock presided, and Miss Gladys
Luker acted as secretary in the ab-
sence of rdrs. D. Kyle. The meeting
opened with the singing of "Face To
Pace" and the Lord's Prayer. Scrip-
ture reading, 2nd chapter of. Issiah,
was given by Miss Elva McQueen, and
the topic, "Esther, the Beautiful
Queen of Persia," was ably taken by
Mies Gladys • Luker. Mrs: Geo. Rees
and Mrs. Maude Redden contributed
several musical selections entitled "I
Love You Truly," "Feather Your
Nest" and "Coming in on a Wing and
a Prayer," with Miss Luker as accom-
panist. It was decided to hold the
annual picnic this year at Grand Bend
on Wednesday, June 23rd. Sports
committee includes Miss Mary Good-
win, Miss Elva McQueen, Howard
Brook and Bob Hess; lunch commit-
tee, Mrs. J. Corbett, Miss Irma Kip -
fee, Miss G. Luker and Mrs, M. Hed-
den. Discussion took place re the ov-
erseas boxes and it was decided to
continue 'sending them during the
summer months. Miss Margaret Shep-
herd and Miss Edna Saundercock are
conveners. Any contributions from
members of the congregation will be
welcome. Sevepal quilt blocks were
brought to the meeting, and members
are requested to have their blocks in
as soon as possible. The closing hymn,
"Now the Day is Over" and the Miz-
pah benediction concluded this pore
tion•of the meeting. One of the pleas-
ing • features of the evening was a -
presentation to Mrs. Edward Schoe-
der, the former Miss Evelyn Corbett,
a recent bride, and Miss Gladys Mc- ed the horse races held' at Glencoe
Wednesday afternoon of this week.
Kenziea bride elect of this month, Mrs, John Pfaff left on Sunday for
both valued members .of the class. London to be with her daughter, Mrs.
missionary, occupied the pul-
Miss Elva McQueen read the accom-Alvin McNichol, who is ill with the
pit, delivering a splendid and timely. panying address and Miss Annie Funk black measles.
discourse. The chola for their seise- presented them with gifts, consisting (Continued on Page 5)
We have been asked to ship all the
civilian clothing., and knitting as
quickly as possible. Will; the ladies
please bring any work they have 'by
June 21st, so that all can be shipped
next week.
possession. Located at Lot 5. Contemn'n
11, Hallett Township. Apply BESKY FLAX
PRODUCTS LTD.. Seafort9r, 6828E-tf
Property For Sale
roomed house' with - pantry; Hydro: hard
and soft water in house: harden- Apply to
Wanted -
of lovely tab>leeloth and toe
Both wade fitting replies, exPre esti$
their thanks, after whi h 'For They;
re Jolly Gaod d Fello.WW' was 'sale& '
Bob Hesa'• 'directed a it al interenting•
contests and luaellleon was' aerPeIL.
Following la- the address: "Dea)r
Friends, Evelyn and Gladys: Knevfe'
ing that a very 'haply event has task
en place in Evelyn's life, while Gladys
is shortly to experience this `happy
day,' we, your friends and memiber9
of the WohelQ Olase, have gathere3
here this' eveiling to' wish you both •
much happiness in your new venture.'•
Your cheerful, tett positions, willingness
and sunny smiles will be mieeed are
our class meetings and other ohurch,
functions, but we feel what is our
loss will be other's gain. It is right
and natural that everyone should
have a home of their `own and a good
life partner. While .it would be very
romantic 'to live on love alone, yet it
has been found very impractieable.
Many things are necessary for our
material comfort and convenience. We
ask you toaccept these gifts and we
hope you will have as much pleasure
in using them as we have in giving
them. Please accept them along with
our beet wishes for your future health,
and happiness. Signed, The Wohelo
'Class: Dave Kyle, President,"
Miss Maxine Purdy, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Len Purdy, is at present
a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital,
Seaforth, having been admitted there
on Monday evening of this week, suf-
fering from an attack of appendicitis, •
An emergency operation was perform-
ed and at date of writing Maxine is
doing as well as can be expected. She
was attended by Dr. D. G. Steer.
Mrs. G. V. Laughton, of Toronto, is
visiting with her mother, Mrs. 0. Me-
Donell, and with her sister, Mies Dor-
othy McDonell. On Wednesday they
motored to Listowel and were guested
with Mr. and MTs. Ted' Taman and
Mr: T. C. Joynt and Carey attend-
Anniversary services were observed
in St. Paul's Anglican Church on Sun-
day, June 13th, to commemorate the
66th anniversary of •the opening of the
church. The church was lovely with
profusions of spring flowers. At 9.45
the rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt, conduct-
ed the 'service.: The choir, with Miss
Ethel Clark at the organ, sang "Great
is the Lord." The soloist, Mrs. R.
Dalrymple, gang in pleasing style,
"Beautiful Garden of Prayer." At 7
p.m, Rev. Mr. Grigg, of Exeter, a re-
A lovely, June wedding of wide in-
terest took place at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Stewart McQueen, of Hen-
sall, on Saturday, June 12th, at ,2.30
p.m., when their youngest daughter,
Helen Grace, became the bride of Wil-
mer John Traquair, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Melville Traquair, of Hensall.
The ceremony, Which took place in
the living room under an arch of ev-
ergreen, spirea and pink peonies, was
performed by Rev. R. A.' Brook, of
Hensall United Church, in the pres-
ence of 'a large number of guests
frome Ridgetown, Blenheim, London,
Zurich, Brucefield, Cromarty, Hensall,
Exeter and Thamesford. The wedding
music was played by Miss Mavis Reid
of London, cousin of the bride. Mr.
Benson Stonemaflil of Hensall, cousin
of the groom, the soloist, sang in
pleasing voice, "At Dawning." In her
floor -length • gpwn of white triple
sheer crepe; ' le lovely young bride
was given away by ber father. Her
finger-tip"- veil .,was arranged from a
heart -shaped headdress and her bri-
dal bouquet was sunburst roses. She
wore a gold snatch and chain belong-
ing to her grandmother, the late Mrs.
McQueen. She was attended by her '
sister, Miss Jean McQueen, of Hen-
sall, charming in ' a floor:length gown
of blue triple sheer svibh shoulder -
length veil and headdress the same as
the bride's. She carried a bouquet of
early rose carnations. Donna Rigby,
of Blenheim, niece of the bride, was
a dainty o•little flower girl „frocked in
pink crepe, floor -length, with match-
ing bows on her fair, and carrying a
Colonial •bouquet of, forgetme-not and
lily of the valley. Mr. Arthur Tra-
quair, brother of the groom, was best
man. The wedding dinner was served
at the New Commercial Hotel, ,Hen -
sail, Mrs. McQueen receiving in a
gown of blue crepe, blue felt hat and.
matching accessortes. Mrs- Traquair
assisted. wearing powder .blue crepe,
picture hat of cream and matching
accessories. Bath sore corsages - of
white olivette carnations.' Mrs. J. D.
Reid, of -London, aunt of the, bride,
also ,assisted. costumed in a figured
crepe dress with matching accessor-
ies end corsage of American Beauty
roses,- Pink and white were the color
schemes for the attractive decorations
in the dining room, decorated 'with
white wedding bells. and .festooned
with pink and white, carnations, the
bridal able being centered with the
wedding cake, pink and white cams. -
tions and corresponding tapers. For
their wedding trip they motored to
Muskoka, the bride travelling in a
printed silk jersey suit with match-
ing accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Tra-
quair will take up residence in Hen-
sall. The groom's gift to the bride
was a cabinet of silver; flower girl,
a gold bracelet; •bridesmaid, pearl ear
rings;.hest man, leather cigarette
case; soloist, a shaving set, and pian-
ist, a compact. The bride was the re-
cipient of many costly gifts, including
a number of cheques.
United Church Anniversary
The anniversary services of Hensall
.United Church will be observed Sun-
day next, June 20th, at 11 o'clock in
the morning and at 7 in the evening.
Plans are under way to make this
event one of the happiest in the hiei
tory of the church. The public will
be made welcome at both services.
Splendid music will be presented by
a large choir. Solos and duet num-
bers will be given and the music will
be inspiring. The guest minister for
the day will be the Rev. Y. R. •Muta9h-
mor, M.A., D.D., of Toronto. He is a
graduate of Toronto University, tak-
ing his matter's degree at Columbia
University, New Y $rk, - and tbeofogi-
cal work at the U•nibn Theological
College of the same .city. Dr. 'dutch -
adore is a veteran of the last War
McLean - Hayter
A lovely June wedding was solemn-
ized at the United Church Manse at
Varna, when Rev. Reba Hera officiat-
ed for the marriage of Margaret
Eileen Hayter, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Hayter,'of Varna, and Ken-
neth Lawrence McLean, Kippen, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McLean, Kippen.
The attractive young bride was
charming in white net over white sat=
in floor -length with sweetheart neck-
line, and carrying pink carnations.
She wore a gold pendant set with
pearls, the gift 'of the groom. She
was attended by Miss Barbara Gra-
ham, costumed in floor -length floral
sheer over satin, and her bouquet was
white carnations. Mr. Bruce McGre-
gor, Kippers, was groomsman. Later
the bridal couple left for a wedding
trip to Hamilton, Niagara Falls and
points east, ,the bride donning for
travelling a two-tone beige and tan
crepe dress with matching accessor-
ies. Mr. and Mrs. Hayter will reside
east of Hensel]. -
Messrs. W. A. M:acLaren. and W. O.
Goodwin sang at the anniversary ser-
vice in Wesley Willis Church, Clin-
ton, last Sunday evening.
Mr. Bob Sangster, of Elora. ,and Sgt.
Dbuglas . Sangster, MacDonaId,' Man.,
are • visiting with their mother, Mrs.
Minnie Sangster. Douglas graduated
at MacDonald on Saturday last as an.
air gunner, and is now commissioned
as a sergeant. He is home on leave
and expects to leave in 'a week or so
for Halifax. •
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McKenzie, of
Kippen, ann'5unce the engagement of
their eldest daughter, Gladys, to Mr.
Harold Cudmore, son of Mrs. Alice
Cudmore, of Seaforth, the, marriage
to take place the latter part of June.
Hold Trousseau Tea
Mrs. Mary McKaig was hostess ae
a trousseau tea in honor of her daugh-
ter, Mary, on Wednesday and Thurs-
day of last. week, whose• marriage' to
Charles Gould Salter,' of Exeter, was
solemnized on Saturday last. On Wed-
nesday afternoon and evening, friends
of the bride from Exeter were invit-
ed. Miss Eliza Newell received the
guests, and Miss Meta Salter; of Exe-
ter. displayed the bride's trousseau.
Luncheonwas served in the dining
'room lovely with spring flowers. Miss
Nellie Carmichael, of Exeter; Miss
Christena :McKaig, of Cromarty, and
Mrs. A. B. Rawcliffe, Hensall, served.
Thursday afternoon the neighbors and
friends were guests.
Complimenting Miss Mary• McKaig,
popular bride of Saturday last, Mrs.
Stone. of Exeter. was hostess in her
honor at her home on Tuesday, June
Rth, when 50 friends of the bride -el-
ect• presented ber with . a miscellan-
eous Shower. Mary received beautiful
and costly gifts, including- lamps, sil-
verware, linens, di he's, furniture and
many other gifts.
McKenzie - Igliesh
A' charming early summer wedding
was solemnized at Brandon, Man.,
when Rev. Erick Erring, First United
Ohilrch, Brandon, united ire marriage
Elva Hazel Dalgliesh, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. John L. Dalgliesh, of Good -
water, Sask., and Pte. • Philip Mins
dock itddttenzie, of Camp Sh]lo, Man.,
siva of Mrs. Margaret McKenzie, of
Hensall. ''or her wedding the lovely
bride hose a gown of blue sheer,
smart blue bat- and accessories in
black. Her bridal bouquet was Amer-
ican Beauty roses. She was attended
" refrigerator or ice box. For further
particulars PHONE 228, Seaforth1rs"•
• "fit ;. , 3940-1
Lost and Found
_ nut bed and, springs; mahogany bed and
.springs; 2 mahogany • highboys ; mahogany
wash stand; 6 walnut occasional chairs.; set
lady and gent chairs: number of small wal-
'mit tables, different sizes; 2 hair seat rock-
ers, walnut; occasional; 2 footstools. wain:
hall rack; set '.of Shakespeare, Bnlvrer and
Hawthorne;, number of c,ocks; curtains,
drapes, picture; 'and other articles too num-
erous to mention, All antique furniture has
been refinished and is is A-1 condition. Ev-
erything will be sold without reserve to close
the estate of Lillie Mae Wighiapan, deceaaed.
'Terms --dash. THOMAS B. BAHLD and BEL -
MAR SNELL, Executors; E. P. Chesney.
Clerk ; Harold Jackso6, Auctioneer:
by Public Auction, on Monday, The 21st
June, 1943, at`•1.30 p.m., at Lot 4, Bayfield
Ooncession. Township of 'Goderich, (the resi-
dence of the late Lewis Thomson), the fol-
lowing chattels: •
Massey -Harris binder: drill: riding plow;
rake; wagon : walking plow ; barrows;
sleighs: cultivettor : buggy ; DeLav'al separa-
epata-•for: cutter: li9tht wagon ; wheelbarrow: shaft
and pulleys ; 'quantity of lumber; 200 feet of
elevator belting and brackets,: 2 bunches
t;hingles: 1 set heavy harness ; 2 scyt#res
churn: Sparton' battery, radio.'. -like new; ae-
rie' piano: spinning wheel ; cot: , chest of
drawers; writing desk: Victrola, apt other
articles. ,
The above to be sold without reserve and
for cash. '
There will also be offered: for sale the fol-
lowing parcels of real property:
(1) Lot 199. Ann St., Bayfield, on which
is said to be erected a two storey frame house
in fair repair,
(2) Lot 47 and East Half of 'Lot 48, Col-
ina St, Bayfield. en, Which is said to bo
erected a 2 -store frame house in good re-
(3) Lot 49 on Oolina 54t., Bayfield. on
whish is said to be erected a 2storey (*ifl nt
"and fisane house in fair repair.
(4)✓. Part Lot 39. Concesa3 n 3, Township
Of Ceder -Rh. consisting of 20 accred and on
which there is said to be a good' stand of
.hatelvmad bath. '
Thew deeets of text properly will be +5f=
fert& subseiri. otic aketf'ree hrde ands otdimr con -
di -tied of sale ttl the enders
rot fdrtisss ert1 I
'O -
A aitttel ;`# —' sit t tic4a el osldsem
Signed: 1
Teachers Wanted
S. S. No. 9, Tackersmith. Duties to com-
mence September 1st. Applications to be in
by June Zgnd, stating qualifications and sal-
ary. 'Personal application$ preferred. .TAS.
H. UPSHALL, Sec.-Treas., R. R. 3, Kipper).
or keep unprofitable ones. For careful
ceiling and best prices, call GEORGE
WALKER, Phone 119, Hensall;. and reverse
el argee. 3932x8
Popular Stallions.
Reg. 19h.. 29593 Enrolment No. 4412
Form 2 Premium B
The Clydesdale Stallion, Pleasant View
Loch. will stand for the season at his own
stable. P4 miles wt of Kinbnrn, Concession
7, Lots 9 and 10, Hallett:
Terms,—To insure a foal, 810.00, payable
March 1, 1944. All accidents at owner's. risk.
R. R, 1. Clinton.
Phone: Seaforth 84I r 21.
Re[. No. •28869 Enrolment No. 4069
Form I. Premium A
The Clydesdale ethnics -a, Glen Remembrance,
will stand for the season of 1943 at ,Coyne
Bros., Lot 22, don. 7, Hibbert. Sired by that
gland show horse. "Scotland's Remembrance,"
"Glen Remembrance" is a medium sized
horse with pleats of substance. He stands
on four good less and feet, darrying a, small
amnnttt -of fine silky hair, He is a fiseby
mover, arid proves sire. OWiic$ to the scar-
city 'of gaobtine, tiresand Wb»i' any pe>sort
wahine to use Chia Bate bould make their
reeereatiiens earls+.
Terartea-Te insure a foal, $13.00, or taro
resale to the one owner. 323.001 potable March'
1 194 All' aeatedeees et Owner's risk. Trnek-
ing oral be charged for sutra and payable at
tante of rerviee.
:pbokse Wain 48 r 27.
Abanti; Oat
Y• �i�
FrriitrAjEr eR OF CAi,1AOAAt,. REVEN -
- - two Million
I would like to rem d the Jl
obligation to file fa
taapa71ers of Canada of their of June.
before the 30th >\ '
TaZ.$OtUTU r been simpli-'
11942 Income 1 $ the f oTms have be minimum.,
This year,
can be• completed with a min
that they i
�fied so �gnaaieiL►s
of time and effort• dollars that
The Inc ore Tax e. .Theo)',
in our .present struggl i
pay arse niscessarY They are fighting a ,
dollars.,•+•ictory� ,l
are an investment
our future peace dn
lsecuritY• as each
dollars. . income Tax is fair to all+
with his abilit1l
person is taxed in accordance '
LO win 8 wars
too pay• easy way
;kto is no st`be paid
costs of this war mu
Almost half the that the Income Tax is not th
W faces• 1 grow. ��ow'that Lo win,.
order, but I a]<so their
pleasant p ' willing to fulfil
mar, Canadians 'are'
oblige the price and to shoulder
their responsibilities pay the same unbeatable
ties with
spirit as •sho1who have gone from our
�► b9 those
shores to fight.
Minister of National
+, nrti di::-Y•i:'i?:viii• 1• ..,;r ,.,� �^t i eseee.leetateten�•',i,a
CbLIN G11391:•,14
lvlinister of plat o1 oT Revenue
� L
Comhli`§sione'r•oi' Income Tat
ft, ;ti' .4.