HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1943-06-11, Page 4tJ1v l' Ads will be inserted at new low cash mates: Waited. Lod a na Fouad. Coedits Wen% Etc. -Per cords 1 (lent Weeit , 04, cent 8rdd week Pleat Minima= dome, Hrst terse $oasy3 Cents East fiseTre,, bdtl!l trad abbreviation amnia as one ward. -• tat week 0q'r44Tivie)m, Iln Memoriam Notice -1 cent per ward. Minimum. 30 cents peer week. IIMIP#+ea May be /directed to a Box 'Numbed', o/e The Huron Egos ltor. for 10 cents extpa- al,e� reen4 alditional air• week will be charged if ads far• above � are ani Paid by the *rnti!$ nnrrlases -and DeathaA.-:inaaateid free of 'charge, ;4.,'netiop Sales Nodosa to Oreditnrs, Ma -Bates am applioetion. .§atorfhlY 'night in the week 3n wbiah the ad was run. Lost and Found • Ttli ON MAIN STREET, SE3AF0'B.TH, on Saturday night, June 5th, a 6 -gallon ea'n, of fuel oil. `Owner may obtain -same by Mewing property and paying charges,, ISAAC HUDSON. Egg Grading Station, Seaiforth- LOST-ON THURSDAY T, A ST, BETWEEN ;Ale'x Chesney's and Harry Chesney's fawn on the 8th concession of Tudkeramith, a green leather coat. kinder please Phone 660 r 12, Seaforth, or 41, Seaforth. 3939-1 Wanted 'WANTED -A GIRL'S BICYCLE, IN GOOD condition_ AnolY to Box 377, HURON EXPOSITOR. 8989-1 Property For Sale FOR SALE --FRAME HOUSE," CONV•FN1- ently situated on• Queen Street, Hensall.- Hard' and soft water: Hydro and small gar- den. Apply on premises to C. D. HUD SOa Poultry POULTRY -DO NOT SELL GOOD HENS. 1. or keep unprofitable ones. Far careful calling and best prices, call GEORGE WALKER, Phone 119, Hemmen, and reverse sharges. 8933x8 Fir Rent Teachers Wanted PASTURE FARM TO > .ENTT-1M!M11DJATE possession. 'Located at Lot 5, Concession 11,, Hallett Township. Apply BESET FLAX PRODUCTS LTD., Seaforth. 8929-tf TEAOHER WANTED - PROTESTANT teacher for 8. S. No. 3, Tuckersmith. Personal application preferred. Apply to GORDON RICHARDSON, Sec: Treas), R.R. 1, Bruoefield. 3938x2 strumlent. The Treascarer reported;' all having received $175.43 from the IA- uor Control` Board, being the village share of the au'horitY fees collected. Correspondence was Head as fol- lows: Sandy Contracting & Machine Works, Motion Picture Censorship and Theatre Inspection Branch, Liq- uor Control Board, Gutta Pemba and Rubber Limited, County Treasurer, Department of Highways, Huron Ex- positor; same ailed. Bills and accounts: Provincial Treasurer, insulin, $1.16; Huron Ex- positor, printing, $4,91; Gutta Perches & Rubber, yhose• and boots, $57.59; C. M. Case, teanjing, $5.40; Ezra Wil- lard, trucking garbage, $23.25; R. Dick, labor, garbage, $4.20; J. Olark, labor, garbage, $4.20; W. Otterbein, labor, garbage, $4:20; Walter Madge, garbage disposal, $3.00; Wm. Dabus, sanitary worst, $4; Thos. Kyle, salary, 570; J. A. Paterson, express, 44c; Provincial Treasurer, licenses, ball and park, $6.00; W. R. Davidson, coal, hall, 544.95; Hydro Commission, hy- dro, hall, 512.87;. County of Huron, loading gravel, $17.50. - Total $269.63. A. Kerslake and F. W. Smalla- combe: That the bills and accounts be paid as read. Carried. F. W. Smallacombe and J. Parkins: That we put railing on the steps for fire it. Carried. E. Fink . and F. W PROTESTANT TEACHER WANTED FOR S. S. No. 9, Tuckersmith. Duties to com- mence, September let. - Applications to be in by June 22nd, stating qualifications and sal- ary. Personal applications preferred. JAS. H. UPSHALL, Sec.-Treas., R. R. 3, Kippers. 3938-8 TEACHER WANTED BY S. S. NO. 2, McKillop. Apply W. H. PALIN, Secre- tary, R.R. 1, Seaforth. 8987x3 For Sale 11j OR SALE-KROEHLER CHESTERFIELD 1 suite, ahnost new. Inner spring mattress and spring ; full bed size. Apply to Box 378, HURON EXPOSITOR. 3939-1 FOR SALE -A SMALL QUANTITY OF Parmak electric fencers and wire. Also a Deering mower. Apply to ORVILLE WORKMAN, Kipper, or phone 77 r 11, Hen- sall- 3939x1 FOR SALE -2 GOOD COWS; ONE JUST freshened, one fresh in a week. Also one calf. Apply to GEORGE COLCLOUGH, 11. R. 1, Clinton. 3939x1 FOR SALE --.BETWEEN 50 AND 60 LIGHT Sussex pullets, 4>Fl months old. ER.NEST OBIPOHASE. Phone 91 .r 12, Hensall. 3939-1 PLANTS FOR SALE -A LARGE VARIETY of . flower- planta, also tomatoes, cauli- flower, celery, garden huckleberry. Come and see them. One block east of Hospital. A. L. PORTEOUS, West Street, 3937x3 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE THERE WILL BE OFFERED FOR SALE ' by Pnb1ie Auction. on Monday, (the 21st June, 1943, at 1.30, p.n.,, at Lot 4, Bayfield Concession, Township of Goderich, (the resi- dence of the late Lewis Thomson), the fol- lowing chattels: ' Massey -Harris binder; drill; riding plow: rake; wagon; walking plow; harrows; sleighs ; cultivator; buggy ; DeLaval separa- tor ; cutter; light wagon; wheelbarrow; .shaft and pulleys; quantity of lumber; 200 feet of elevator belting -and brackets: 2 bunches shingles; 1 set heavy harness; 2 scythes; churn; Sparton battery radio; 'like new; up- right piano : , spinning wheel: cot; cheat of drawers , writing desk ; ViatroIa, and other articles. - The above to -be sold without reserve and for cash. There, will also 'be offered for sale the fol- lowing parceis of -real propertw: (1) Lot 199, Ann St., !Hayfield, on which is said to be erected a ,twostorey frame house' in fair repair, (2.) Lot 47 and East Half of Lot 48, Col- ima St., Hayfield on .which ;is said to be erected 'a 2 -storey, frame house in good re- pair. (8) ' Lot 49 on aline St.. Bayteld, on aadyk ,.is :said ..tbo be, erected a 2 -surrey cement and frame hone' in, fair repair. (4) Part Lot 39, Concession 3, Township of Goderich, consisting pf 20 aeras and on which there is said to be a good stand of hardwood bush. These parcels of real property will be of- fered subject to reserve bids and other con- ditions of sale. .. For further particulars apply to the under- signed: - JOHN G. THOMSON. Administrator of Estate of Lewis Thomson - a+. FINGLAND, S.C., Solicitor for Administrator. HAROLD JAftuSON,' Auctioneer. • 3989-2 Notices N'OT10E-TARE YOU LOOKING FOR A home in Se forth? We have some mod - can hooses listed- for sale, conveniently Iocat- aT,-df which prompt possession can be given. E. C. GEAM$ERLAiN. Licensed Real Estate Broker and urance Agent, Seaforgh, Ont. Phones: Office 334, Res. 220. 8931 -ti N'o'ic1v-AB THESE ARE NOT NORMAL times. order - your fly spray and insect dust_early. Your Watkin's Dealer: WILLIAM BRADSHAW, Seaforth. Phone 50. 8932x15 MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL„ TEE NEXT MEETING OF THE HURON • • County Council will be 'held' in the Coun- cil Chambers, Court House, Goderich, com- snenetng Tuesday, June 15th, at 2.00 p.m. All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the attention of Counafll should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later, than Saturday, June 12, 1943. N. W. MILLER, Oounty Clerk, Goderrich, Ont. 8p38-2 Popular' Stallions Cards of Thanks va'IIer,4ht, :i1G:. Itusaell Ilerielt and Olarezice Smit, lie. The fl or bearers were. Ills. two grand -sells. Donald and Ronald Mc' Kinnon. 'Burial was' in Cromarty cemetery. MR. EZRA WILLARD, HAROLD AND Donald wish tb express their deepest gratitude for sympathy and kindness extend- ed to them by their relatives, neighbors and friends during their recent sad bereavement; special thanks to Rev. Hugh Jack, of Sea - forth, for the memorial message, and to those who sent beautiful floral tributes and loaned cars. PeLEASANT VIEW LOCH • Reg. No. 29593 Enrolment No. 4412 Form 2 Premium B The Clydesdale Stallion, Pleasant View Loch, will stand for the .season at his own stable, 1r%4 miles west of • Kinburn, Concession 7, Lots 9 and 10, Mullett. Terms. -To insure a foal, 810.00, payable March 1, 1044. All accidents at owner's risk. WILLIAM J. DALE, R. R. 1, Clinton. Phones Seafofth 34.1 r 21- u 39as-u PARK. -MRS. DONALD PARK AND MRS. Donald MacKinnon wish to thank their relative, and friends, and also to Rev. Mr. Galloway, of Exeter, and Rev. Mr_ McWil- liams, of Cromarty, • for the kindness and sympathy shown to them .in, their recent be- reavement. Also for the beautiful floral tri- butes and .to those who loaned their cars; special thanks to the neighbors for their kind- ness. Births EeS,6, trip, . , p• Mrs, J'az pee Baegeter, seem paan$edi by her eon, $$gt. George .Sangster, spent 'the week -end with iriende la Detroit. Sgt. Frank 'Redden, of • Camp Sur - den, is visiting with his Mettler, Mrs. C. 1'4. Redden. Anniversary services will be ob- served in the United Church, Sunday, June 20th. The guest speaker for the day will be Rev. J. R. Mutchmor, Tqt- rolato, -secretary. of, Social, Service and Evangelism of the United Church; of Canada. Mr. Carey Joynt Will he soloist; Miss :Kathryn Sells, A'.T=C.M„ of London, will assist at the 4piano, and Mr, W. A. MacLaren and Mr.`• W. 0., Goodwin will sing a duet. The choir will render special music. The Late Mrs. Ezra Willard Death sane with startling midden- nese to one of Hensall's' most respect- ed residents in the person of Mrs. Ezra Willard, who died at her home here Thursday morning, Julie 3rd, her 51st year, following a heart seiz- ure. Mrs. Willard had been busy per- forming her household duties the day before• and was working in her gar- den' the same evening and had retir- ed as usual after enjoying a chat on - the verandah with her husband and a. neighbor. About 1.15 in the morning she suffered a severe heart attack and passed away in 15 minutes, de- spite everything that could be done for her. Mrs. Willard was of a quiet, retiring nature; she loved her home, taking much pleasure from it and her family. She was a kind neighbor and will be much missed, not only in her home but by a wide circle of friends and neighbors. She was a member of Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall. Surviving are her husband, a well known cai*Ie buyer and trucker; two sons, Harold, Hensall, and Donald, .of the Scots Fusiliers, Niagara -on -the - Lake; .seven sisters, Mrs. Thos. Mor- ley and Mrs. Walter Gunning, Whal- en; Mrs. Luther Oke and Mrs. Free- man Perkins, Exeter; Mrs. Byron Rowcliffe, Clinton; Mrs. Garnet Min- ers, Elimville; Mrs. Wesley r Archer, London, and three brothers, William Batten, Detroit; Wilbert and Wel- lington, Winchelsea. She was the former Olive' Batten, and was a na- tive of Winchels`ea.. Private funeral services were held from the family residence Saturday, June 5th, at 1 p.m., conducted by Rev. Hugh Jack, First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, who paid fitting tribute to the life of the deceased. Burial was in Elteter cemetery. The pallbearers were Free- man Perkins, -Amiel Willard, Morris Coates, Exeter, Harold Denham, Sar- nia; Edward Willard, Mount Hope, and Byron Rowcliffe, Clinton. The flower .bearers were the Misses Kath- erine Batten and Gladys Batten, Win- chelsea; Edith Parkins, London; Mar- garet and . Beatrice Willard, Elora; Irene and Ethel Kydd, Exeter; Mrs. Lawrence, Clinton, and Mrs. Oke, London" The floral tributes were many and beautiful. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. Willard and sons, Harold and Don- ald, in their great loss. ex Smallacombe: That we now adjourn. Carried. The court of revision •on the 1943 assessment. roll was held Monday ev- ening at 8 p.m, in the council cham- ber, all members having taken their oath of office. The Clerk reported as having received no complaints or ap- peals. A few changes were suggested as to property qualifications. E. 'Fink and F. W. 'Smallaconxbe: That J. Hag- an be struck off as owner; A. Clark, assessment be -levied on W. Taylor; H. and D. Elder be assessed as ten- ants; N. and F. Jones be assessed as tenants of the Davis property; B. O. Kyle be changed; H. Taylor be pro- perly assessed; N. Pfaff and wife struck off -Carried. J. Parkins , and A. Kerslake: That court of revision on the 1943 assessment roll be now closed. Carried: - J. A. Paterson, Clerk. JAMIESON- 'At Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, June 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawr- ence Jamieson (nee Jean Reid), a son - William Lawrence. O'CONNOR in Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 2nd,- to Mr. and Mrs. James O'Con- nor, Hibbert. a son. COUGHLIN-At Hensall, on Monday, June • 7th, to Pte" and Mas. Cyril. Coughlin (nee. Miss Helen Wolff), Hensall, a daughter. VHRBEEM-At Mrs. Saundercock's Nursing Home, Hensall, on June 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs.. Jack: Verbeem. of Sarnia, a son. G1LLE-In Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs Fred Glanville, Seaforth, a daughter. BRODIIAGEN-In Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. William Brbdhagen, Tuckersniith, a son. LAVE -In Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 5th, to Mr. and Mss., George S. Love, Wal- ton, a son. McEwan - Down A quiet June wedding was solemn- ized 'at Philpott Tabernacle, Hamil- ton, on Saturday, June 5th, when Rev. W. Brownunited in marriage Mar- jorie Down, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Down, of Calgary, Alta., and Pilot Of- ficer Arnold McEwan, R.C.N.V.R., of Calgary, Alta., now stationed at Ham- ilton, son of Mrs. D. J. McEwan and the late Mr. McEwan, Calgary, Alta., formerly of Hensall. For her wed- ding the attractive bride chose a two- piece beige suit with brown accessor- ies with a rose corsage. For their wedding trip they motored to Hensall where they were week -end guests with the groom's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McEwan. 8eli'' - Collett Deaths GLANVILLE-In Sc,rtt Meanorial Hospital. on June 3rd, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Glanville. BRODHAGEN-In Scott Memorial .Hospital, on June 4th, infant so not Mr. and Mrs. William Brodhagen. BRUCEI! IELD Miss .Grace' Dalrymple, of Hensall, spent the week -end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler and Mr. and Mrs. J. K. 'Cornish spent Sun- day in Stratford. Miss Evelyn Grainger, R.N., of ,God- erich, spent Saturday at her home here. Mr. Joseph McCully received word that his son, Jimmie McCully, had undergone' a successful operation in Christie St. Hospital, Toronto. ' Miss Ellen Mae Scott has return- ed to her work in London. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Jno. Smith is quite sick at the home of his daughter, Mrs. H. F. Berry. We hope he will soon be better. • •Miss Hazel Haugh and friend, of Toronto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. Haugh. Mr. and Mrs. J: Cairns day with Mr. and Mrs. Clinton., - GLEN REMEMBRANCE - Reg. Na. 28969 b'nralmeta No. 4069 Form I, Premium A The Clydesdale stallion, Glen Remembrance, will stand "for the eeeeon of 1049 ad Coln; Bros., Lot 22, Con. 7, Hibbert. Sired by that xalid show }horse, "Scotland's Remembrance," loi Releenibra• dee" is, a Mediusized horse with plenty of su'ttieatee.m He stands / orr Rinr good legs and feet, ea -riling a small ataub{int of fine silky hair, Be is a espy' nteV r' and Woven sire. (}vine to the scar - titre, and thee any person wrahl til: iioe Aid/ hale Sioui . make their reSetiliatione. emelt 1`el ' Tait fnaf re dt ' 43c $1$.00, or foto dfl a::;tt{r iluc siltb eiwael, i c00; .payable March ,140L AllateidethiAl2 e*i 'n elide Truck- i)yg melt c ±?gerl 10• 00ek u1'. lAYkhle at spent Sun - Currie ' 133. HENSALL' Special services Will be held in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Hensall, on, Sunday, June 13th, to commemorate', the .sixty-sixth anniversary of the op- ening of the church. , Morning ser- vice will be at 9.45, the speaker be- ing Rev. M. A. Hunt; evening ser- vice at 7 o'clock, the special speak- er being Flight. -Lieut. R. Moynan, Padre No. 9, S.F.T.S. {- The regular meeting of the village council was held Monday evening . at 9.45 p.m. imtned'lately after the court of,, -revision of the 1943 assessment roll in the council chamber; with all members being present. The minutes of the previous• meeting were read and adopted oft motion by A. Kers- lake and E. Fink. T. Kyle reported and asked about the moving of the piano eveiy time necessary', as 4t was hard on it, also stating that the trees were all plant- ed in the park, also re the garbage colleetibil. R, 1J: Shaddick reported ds 'flaying, reeelVed ail' ale0otin't frdin 'lie donfntq' ter loading ' gravef' last Year, 'alit: a request to -self a hand In- Rev: Denny Bright, of London, Field Secretary of the Bible Society for Western Ontario, preached very ac- ceptably at the United Church Sun- day evening last in the interests of the Bible Society. Mr. J. W. Ortwein, president of the Bible Society for Hensall, assisted with the service. Rev. R. A. Brook, minister, introduc% ed the speaker. The W.C.T.U. will hold their an- nual meeting in the United Church sohool -room on Tuesday, June 15th. Mr. J. D. Stewart, who has been a patient at Mrs. Paterson's Nursing Home, was taken to Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, Monday of this week in the further interests` of his health. The Misses Lillian and Edith ..Mc - Ewan, of London, were week -end guests with their brother and sister- in-law, isterin-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McEwan. Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Passmore, Ronald and Norma spent Sunday in Delhi. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Paterson - are having the exterior of their home redecorated. ter, Sharon Marl% at 1.40n.11 rn,. have ,reteytted azozne fo1aowdlag a *Maul t�ha'ee weeks' 1$t spent -with her par- ents, Mr. and Mies Wilson Carlile. • I. and Mrs.' Harold • rrhepherd, of 'Toronto, spent the Week -end with Mr. anti Mrs. James Snnillie and Mr. and litre. John Shepherd. Lieut. Dale RiohardSon, of "' S!. 'Thomas, was a week -end guest with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Drysdale. Mr. George Otterbine, of Kitchener, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Otterbine. Mrs, A. Noakes has returned home after spending a few days with her husband and members of her family, Ken Noakes and Mr. and Mrs, Leaton Siemon. The Wohelo Class of the United Church will meet -in the school room of the ohurch this Friday ,evening,, for their June meeting. All members are requested to be present. Sgt. George Sangster, R.C.A.F., Who has been visiting at his home here for the past week or so, left on Thursday for Halifax, N.S. Dr. James. W. Bell was in Toronto the first part of this 'week on a busi- Hurondjale Mrs. Garnet Hicks was hostene Vaal the IJurondale Women's IPSO** meeting, with Mrs; W. "Mega' the chair. The roll call was respond: - ed to by naming a pion sent man and giving the pgsitlon lis holds, Mr . William Kernick and Mrs. Willis* Etherington were appointed captains - for the melnbemslllp drive. It ws0 decided to hold the July and• August: meetings in the evening and to ohhn- plify the lunch for tete duration: The Red Cross report of the year's work was given as follows: Quilts ON sweaters 17, helmets' 9, • soolib 20, near boots 10, refuge articles 76, mitts au gloves 31, seamenle stockings 5, after - native caps 4, were caps 12, wash cloths 12, tuckins 4, sheets 7, beth jackets 1, hospital gowns 1, jam 7201 pounds. Mrs. Waal. Kernick presided for the program which was led with community singing; readings by Miss Nola Perkins and Mrs. Garnet Hicks7i solo, Mrs. Shapton; paper, "My Blood is in the War," given by Mrs. Alvin Moir, and a pansel discussion led by Mrs. Kernick, "Laws -When They Don't Live Happily Ever After." Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKenzie' and family spent .Sunday with relatives in Clinton. Graham Farquhar, four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Farquhar, is confined to the, home with measles. Mrs. Mew, of Goderich, is a guest with her niece, Miss M. Ellis. The many friends pf 'Mrs. William Love will regret to learn is .a patient, at Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, in the interests of 'her 'health. Miss Mary Goodwin, on the staff of the Bank of Montreal, ds enjoying' a week's vacation. The comedy -drama, "I'll Explain Everything," will be presented in Vic- toria United Churoh, Goderich, Fri- day evening, June llth, by the Young People of Chiselhurst United Church, and will be under the direction of Mr• Joseph Ferguson. W. I:. To Hold Picnic The annual picnic of the Hensall Senior Women's Institute will be held at the beautiful home and at- tractive lawn of Dr. and Mrs. James Bell, on No. 4 Highway, Wednesday afternoon, June 16th, between 4.30 and 5 p.m. The roll call will be "Sing or pay." Besides the hostess,v Mrs. Bell, the committee in charge of com- plete arrangements 'consist of Miss Beryl Pfaff, Mrs. A. W. Kerslake and Mrs. Claude Blowes. Each member has the privilege of inviting a guest. Members are reminded to bring a cup, spoon, tea (also extra for guests), al- so to provide baskets containing food- stuffs suitable for a picnic luncheon. A large attendance is hoped for. Flight -Lieutenant D. H. Peacock and Mrs. Peacock, and Flight -Lieutenant Ross Perrin and. Mrs. Perrin, all of Goderich, spent Thursday last with Mrs. Grace Harpole. Mrs. J. H. Stokes and baby daugh- - Schroeder - Corbett A lovely June wedding was solemn- ized Saturday last at 11 o'clock at -the United Ohureh Manse, Hensall, when Rev. R. A. Brook united in mar- riage, Evelyn Marjorie, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cor- bett, of Hay, and Edward Herbert Scboeder, only son of Mrs. Schroe- der and the late Solomon Schoeder, of Hensall. The bride was charming in a floor -length gown of white sheer fashioned with lace, shoulder Length veil and bouquet of Early Rose Car- nations. Mrs. Wesley Jones, of Hen- sail, sister of .the bride, was brides- maid, wearing floor length pink sheer and bouquet of white dlivette carna- tions. The groom was attended - b� Mr.. Edward Corbett, brother of the bride. Following the. ceremony a wed- ding dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents, with thirty guests present.. Mrs. Corbett receiv- ed, wearing rose printed sheer. ore. Schroeder assisted, gowned in blue figured crepe. Both wore corsages of white carnations, The wedding cake centered the bridal table and the dec- orations were in coi'or schemes of pink and white and set with spring flowers. Serving -were two girl friends of the bride, Mrs. Arthur Fin- layson, of Blake, and Mrs. Hugh_ Morenz, of Dashwood, assisted by, Mrs. A. Mousseau, Mrs. George Arm- strong rmstrong and Mrs. W. Coleman. Later the-, bridge and groom left on a _wed- ding trip to Niagara Falls, the bride travelling in an aqua green two-piece suit with -beige accessories. They will reside on the groom's farm west of Hensall. Peppier - -Burgess The marriage of Ruth Churchill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Bur- gess, of Hanover, to Frederick H. Peppier, eldest son: of Mrs. Norman Peppler,'"of Hanover; and the late, Mr. Peppier, was solemnized at Hart House Chapel, Toronto. Rev. E. "E. Hallman, of Salem Evangelical Church, Hanover, officiated. 'The bride wore a white costume and car- ried a nosegay of sweet peas and ros- es. There were no attendants. Fol- lowing the service, Mr. and Mrg. Peppier left on a honeymoon to East- ern Ontario, the bride travelling in a turquoise blue wool suit with tan,, ac- cessories. Among guests present were Mrs. David Burgess, mother of the bride,' and Mrs. Norman Peppier, mother of the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Peppier will reside in Hanover. -The groom is a nephew of Mrs. James W. Bon'thron, of Hensall, and his mother is a former well-known Hensall resi- dent. Snapdragons and Iris formed the floral background at All Saints Angli- can Church, Marysville, New Bruns- wick,' on Saturday, May 29th, for a charming summer wedding of wide in- terest. when Helen Esther Collett,. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Col- lett, Marysville, N.B.; became the bride of Pilot Officer Alvin D. G. Bell, san of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Bell, of Hensall. The ceremony was sol- emnized by Rev. Harry E.. Dysart: Given in marriage by her father, the attractive bride was lovely in a, suit of teal blue with navy accessories, and she carried a bouquet of white carnations. .She was attended by Mrs. Virginia Fisher, wearing a suit of dusky rose, with navy accessories, and carried a nosegay of pink and white' flowers. Pilot' Officer R. P. Dryden was groomsman..." Later fol- lowing the ceremony a reception was head at D. Co. Inn, Fredericton, N.B. The bride's mother received in a blue u� figured gown with white hat trimmed with blare flowers and corsage of red roses. Fbr their wedding trip they motored through southern New Bruns- wick .before proceeding to • the bride- gropm's holhe at Hensall. The bride and groom are returning to their re- spective duties with the Royal Cana- dian Air Force. Death of Donald Park Mr, Donald Park, highly respected resident of Hensall, passed away in a London hospital Thursday evening, June 4th, in his 76th year, and on hiS 47th wedding anniversary. Mr. Park was stricken' with pneumonia some weeks ago after suffering' a fractur- ed hip in a fall. The shock, coupled with his illness, resulted in his death. He . farmed successfully for some 40 years on Highway No. 4, half a mile north of Heriaal7. He was a native of Cromarty and was an active member of Carmel Presbyterian Church. The deceased was of a very fine Christian character and much esteemed by a wide circle 'of ndlrbors and friends. Mr. Park's' health' had not. been Of the best for some time owing to the shock .of the death of his only son, Jim, who was killed in a car accident a few years ago while on a visit to his parents here. His father was with him in the car at the time and suf- fered injuries. Surviving are his widow, the former Isabella Towers, one daughter (Jessie), Mrs. Donald McKinnon, Hensall, and three 'grind - sons,..., Donald, Ronald and Billy Mc- Kinnon; two brothers, Norman, of Mitchell and Jim, Toronto, and one sister, Miss Agnes Park, Niagara Falls. Private funeral services were held from his •late residence Satur- day last at 2.80 p.m., conducted by. Rev. J. Galloway, of Caven Presby- terian, Ghurell, glteter, at the house, and by Flev,. Mr. Mc (rilIiams, Crum- lirtY, et the 'graveside. the be'arerp were Dr. A. R. Campbell, R, Y, .macs . YOUMUSTMAKEA 1942 INCOME TAX RETURN NOT LATE -R THAN JUNE 3OTH SINGLE and your net income exceeded $6600® • • • I F MARRIED and -your .net income exceeded $120010. For incomes not over $3000„get two (2) copies of simplified Form T. 1 Special. For incomes over $3000 get three (3) copies of Form T. 1 General. Income Tax, dollars are not ordinary dollars . , . they are Victory dollars ... necessary dollars to help win the war. Income Tax . is fair to all. All are taxed, in proportion to their ability to pay. Under the new system introduced this year, Income Tax is now, on a pay -as - you -earn basis. The reduction of the 1942 Tax made this possible; In most cases. the larger part' of the reduced tax will have been paid by the 1942 tax deductions or instalment pay- ments. One-third of any balance must be paid by 30th June and the remainder on or before 31st 'December, 1943. You must file an Income Tax return and pay any balance to establish your right, after the war, to the refund of the Savings • Portion of your tax. If you are a salary or a wage earner, your employer can probably supply you with Income Tax Forms -otherwise, they are available at your local Post Office or the office of your District Inspector of Income Tax. Over 2,000,000 Canadians will be filing returns and . paying taxes . . avoid the last minute rush. If you wait, illness or other unforeseen circumstances may, prevent ' you from getting your return in on time. Avoid penalties by sending in your ''eturn NOW1'L ,FARMERS . You must attach to your return on Form T. 1 Special or Form T. 1 General either a statement of your gross income and expenses, or completed Farmers T. 1 Supple- mental. The T. 1 Supplemental itemizes all forms of farm receipts and expenses,and is a guide for determining 'your actual net income. ,Forms may be secured from your local Post Office or District Inspector of Income Tax. .. To help you fill out your Income Tax forms a booklet ("Farmers' Income Tax Guide, 1942") has been prepared to` cover the special conditions which apply to farm operations. It can be •obtained free on request from your District nspecttir. 11 you don't know his address, just mail your letter,to "District Inspector of .Dominion Income Tax." it ahvnet tertatiae-�i OW/ a - a2 Hyoid Pateattjtal 0 DOMINION OF CANADA a- DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE • ICOMIE TAX DIVISION COLIN GIBSON, ,. 'C. FRASER:ELLiOTT, Min&tar of National Revenue , Commissioner of fncomo 4 4. ` 4 ' t i a 1.. iW. a I .t ) ). 4