HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1943-06-04, Page 8M1� Thu JUNE 4, 1943 r7r r?1 ii 9. rERN INSURANCE coverage i e: e., now overs against loss in $ , etc., and which is inder statutory fire pol- Overage ds • gra'nted free tent regulations. unable to contact our mtitj ideally, we would or •telephone for full !d tafIan, ,W, , 1 .'SON & REID IN REID - Proprietor bone . 214 Seaforth !EdCIALIST IN ALL LINES OF }`ur INSU,RANCE p00000000G0 10 S. T. Holmes & Son 0 °i0 FUNERAL DIRECTORS 0 -10 Main Street, Seaforth 0 O K;h arles Holmes' residence, 0 40, i°°rich Street East. Phone 0 40" 'ISIO:f408. 0 f4 Ambulance Service O 40 Adjustable hospital bed for 0 10 rent. 0 40 Night •Calls—Phone 308 0 t0 Day Calls—Phone .119 0 t0 Charges moderate. 0 40 - 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i NEWS', OF THE TOWN Announcement.—Mrs, W. Leather - land, Of Blyth, announce the engage- ment of her daughter, Annie Laving, to Mr. Norman Edward Vinceut, son of Mr. John Vincent, of Goderich, the marriage to take place early in June. Announcement;—Dr. and Mrs. John Benedict Frisbee announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Helen Clare, to Dr. Robert James Spratt, the marriage to take place on Wed- nesday, June 16th, in Immaculate Conception Church, Butte._\Montana. !0000000000„o00 J. A. BURKE 0 t0 Funeral Service O 40 Dublin Ont: O 400 Night or day calls : Phone 43 r 10 0 40 0 *00000000000 a The' Second Division Court County of. Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours: Tues- day. Thursday and Saturday. 1.80 T.m to 5 p.m-; Saturday evening. 1.80 p.m. to 9 p.m. E. C.CHAMBERLAIN - Clerk Insurance Life, F'in'e. 'Aube, Sickness and Acci- dent, Windstorm and guarantee bond.. Rats reasonable. All risk placed in exst-class come:mes - Inifarmation cheerfully given. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE . AGENCIES a SPENCE'S Produci GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Haighest. Cash Prices paid for Eggs.and Poultry Phone 170-W, Seaforth- SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS (FORMERLY W. E. CHAPMAN) Operated by Cham & Pryde Yon ere invited to inspect oar stock of CEMETERY MEMORIALS Seaforth: Tuesday & Saturdays Deo Dr, Harburn for appointment any ether time —. Phone 150 • Box 150 EXETER Phone 41 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL YlOiE INSURANCE CO'Y. • HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, ONT. Women's Institute Will Meet.—The Seaforth Women's Institute will hold their June meeting at the home of Mrs. Leslie McClure, in Seaforth, on Tuesday, June 8th, at 2.30 p.m. The guest speaker will be Rev. Dr. Hur- ford, who will speak on "World Citi- zenship.” The .roll call will be an- swered by "Who's Who •and Why." The paper plates given out last year are to be brought to this meeting. Girl Guides Meet.—The Giri Guides' meeting opened with flag break and "O Canada." Captain Sclater taught the Guides a drill during the meeting. June Shaw, Jean McMaster and Hel- en Smith are trying their tests for First Class Guides. The flag was lowered by Eleanor Weaver and the meeting closed with` "God Save 'the King.' Scott - Forrest.—At seven o'clock on Tuesday, June 1st, ar Egmondville United „Church Manse, Isabel, daugh- ter of Mr. John Forrest and the late Mrs. John Forrest, was united in marriage to William D., son of the late Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Scott, of Brucefield. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. A. W. Gardiner. The cquple were attended by Miss Marg-- aret Forrest, sister of the bride, and Mr. Ross Scott, brother of the groom. After an extended honeymoon, the young couple will reside in Brucefield. OFFICERS: Atex McEwing, Blyth - - Pres. W. R. Archibald, Seaforth - Vice -Pres. Merton A. Reid, Seaforbh - Sec.-Treas. DIRECTORS; , William Knox, Londesboro; Chris. Leonhardt, Brodhagen; E. J. Tre- r raa'the, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, R. B. 2, Seaforth; Alexander McEwing, ILE. 1, Blyth; Frank McGregor, R.R. 5, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, . R.R. 2, Walton; 'Thomas 'Moylan, R.R. 5, Sea - forth; William R. Archibald, R.R. 4, Seaforth. AGENTS: Finlay McKercher, R.R. 1,. Dublin; E. Pepper, Brucefield; J. E. Prueter, • Hrodhagen; James Watt, Blyth. 4 You Are Invited to Inspect. the -BOND- TAILORE'D-TO-M EA'SU,RE SUITS AND OVERCOATS' FOR LADIES AND' GENTLEMEN fi IN 7 PRICE RANGES $22.50, to $42:00 BOLD ONLY by GILL:ESPIES' tf 1� . 1DI ,S ,RrAIRA S -I"H1N 'FFU RIE HARD Ii; VVE,Rt 1.44#E AIsmt,,Y0u'a ,Ml N'D Northside United Church.—Rev, H. V. Workman, Minister: 10 a,m., Sun- day School; 11 a.m: and 7 'p.m„ ser- vices conducted by the minister. Wel- come to these -services. St. Thomas' Church.—Rector, Rev. Dr. Hurford: 11 .a.m., "The Ascen- sion"; 7 p.m., "The Ten Command- fnunts." Sunday school at 10 a.m. St. Mary's Church,• Dublin — 9.30 a.m., "The Ascension." - .First Presbyterian Church.—Sunday School at 10 a.m.; morning 'service at 11 a.m.; the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed at this service. Evening service at 7 p.m. Preparatoey service Friday at 8 p.m. Rev S Kerr will speak at this ser- vice. Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister. Rintour' - ,Churchill.—The marriage took place on Saturday, May 15th, in the Parsonage of the United Church, Kitchener, when Norene Ruth, datlgh- ter of Mrs. Churchill, Mitchell, and the late H. B. Churchill, to Mr. Cam- eron Rintoul, son of Mrs. Rintoul and the late John. Rintoul, of the Huron Road West. Rev. E. 0. Seymour of- ficiated. They were attended by Air- woman Ann Turner, of Dunnville, and Mr. R. McGonigle, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Rintoul will reside in 'Mitchell. LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND -BEND Saturday, June 5 Bill Dennis and His Orchestra 11 Pieces Admission 50c Dancing Every Saturday ered with a fillet lace cloth and cen- tered with a huge bowl of lily of the valley and pink rosebuds. Presbyterian Y. P. S. Entertained. —Mr. and Mrs. Thomas- W. McMillan, McKillop, entertained -the young peo- ple of First Presbyterian Church on Tuesday evening at their beautiful home. A most enjoyable p ,, i am was carried out which included a scaven- ger hunt, contests and music. Dur- ing the evening the young people pre- sented Miss Edith McMillan, bride - elect, . with two suitable gifts, Miss Miss McMillan graciously tha>lked the donors. Mrs, McMillan, Miss .-Mild- red Aitcheson, Robert and Edith Mc- Millan served a most delicious lunch, and a enjoyable evening was brought to a close by singing the national an- them. - - St. Thomas' Church Guild Meets.— The Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas' Church held its . June meeting in the parish hall on Tuesday. • Mrs. G. Me - Gavin, the president, was in charge, and eight members answered the roll call. The meeting opened with prayers for the parish and the armed. forces, followed by reports of all com- mittees. Two 'birthdays were ac- counted for this month. It was de- cided that no meetings be held dur- ing July or August, but talent money be raised as in previous years. A July meeting is to be called to make plans for opening in September. After the dedication of the offertory, the meet- ing closed with the benediction. the 'wedditt b ealtfast was held at Mra. 1)I4040u:a tea -Foam, 116 D if- ferin Street. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton left on a honeymoon trip, the bride going away hi,, a two-piece suit in .gaiety 11ue with navy accessories. On their return they will reside in Seaforth where the bridegroom is on the staff of the Dominion Bank. Sills - Habkirk.—A pretty wedding was solemnized in St. James' Catholic Church vestry on Mopday morning, May 31st, at 10 o'clock, when Norma Jean•'Habkirli:, daughter of Mrs.'Thos. Habkirk, Seaforth, and the late Mr. 'Habkirk, was united in marriage to Corporal George D'Orleon Sills,. R.C, A.F., Toronto, son of Mr, and Mrs. F. S. Silas. The bride was attired in a.streetlength dress of air force blue with white accessories and corsage of red roses and wore a gold wrist watch, a gift of the bridegroom. She was, attended by her sister, Miss Len- ore Habkirk, Seaforth, who wore a figured street -length, dres with white accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. The 'bridegroom was at- tended her his , brother-ln-law, Mr. Henry En enaberger, Detroit. Follow- ing the ceremony the .wedding dinner was held at the home of the bride's brother, Mr: Scott Habkirk. Later the bridal couple left for, a trip to the United States, • the bride wearing a brown suit with gold accessories. They will reside in Mitchell. Hamilton - McQuaid.—The altar ..in St. Joseph's Church, Stratford, was decorated with an artistic arrange- ment of red tulips and white lilacs for the marriage of Ann McQuaid, 119 Huron St., Stratford, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Frank J. McQuaid, formerly of McKillop, to Mr. Benson. Stewart Hamilton, Seaforth, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Ham- ilton, Winghaen, which .was, solemniz- ed at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning. Rev. J. B, Clark officiated at the cere- mony and sang the Nuptial Mass. Mr. A. J. Stone•presided at the organ and the soloist, Miss Merlyn Melvin, sang Gounod's "Ave Maria" and "On This Day 0 Beautiful Mother." The bride wore an afternoon dress of romance blue crepe and lace with accessories in matching blue and carried a colon- ialbouquet. of Talisnian roses and sweet peas. The bride's sister, •Miss Florence McQuaid, had chosen a two- piece crepe, dress in flare rose shade with accessories to match and car- ried a 'nosegay of Joanna Hill' roses and sweet peas. Mr. Thomas McQuaid, Windsor, brothes of the bride, was best man. Following the ceremony The Late Mrs. Thomas Robinson.= - The death took place on. Monday, May 28th, of 'Annie Reid, beloved wife of Thomas Robinson, Egmondville, after an i^lIness of some duration. She was the •eldest daughter of the late Andrew Reid and Annie Murray and was born in Stanley Township. In 1911 she was united .in marriage to Mr. Thomas Robinson, and livd on the Goshen Line until they mo' ed to Egmondville in 1939. She is survived by her husband, and three daughters, Mrs. Elmore Stephenson, Mrs. Bruce McClinchey and Mrs. An- drew H. McKenzie. The funeral was held on Monday from Egmondville church with Rev. A, W. Gardiner of- ficiating, assisted b Rev, James El- ford and Rev. Miss 'Reba Hern. Mr. Ivan Forsythe sang two numbers. The pallbearers were A. C. Routledge, Hugh' McLachlan, John Watson, John Armstrong, Ben Keys and Art Keye. Interment was grade -in Bayfield ceme- tery. Hold Shower For Bride-Elect.—A mlost enjoyable shower was held ori Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. R. Murless Janet' with Mrs. Gordon Reynolds as co -hostess, honouring Mins• -Katherine (Katie) McLean", a June bride&eleet, who was becomingly go'w'ned in a .powder. ,blue dress and Wore a 'corsage of lily of the valley and. Fofgetlnenots. There were 25 gt*etstfl Present .'• Miss McLean Was the• reei'pient of a 'amber of ` beauti ftXl •gifts,- Bingo• ,was Dial/4d during fti glean g and MISS Sulfa Fannigan eMfg ibeautifttiiy "Sweethearts" and "1614' tndisii eve Ga11;' 'a'CCbtfl1i allied by M>r& j; buffetaur X14: t°3;d1r' oda 't d i'l:abic iSeing ' NC Jitney Mitchell Lions Club ARENA GARDENS EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 9 to 12 p.m. Mac Burgess and his 7 -piece Band Wool Notice • The Government bonus of 4c a pound will be paid on all ap- proved lots,' direct from the Department of Agriculture, -without the producer having to • make• an application. e All wool shipped to Jackson's • is graded in Seaforth and full settlement made from there. H. M. JACKSON SEAFORTH Phonet— 3-W and 3-J LOCAL BRIEFS • Mile H. J. Gibson left for Strat- ford this week, where she will reside for a few months. Mr. and. Mrs. Bel- don have rented her home. • Mrs. W. A. Wright spent a few days fn Guelph this week. • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Enzensber- ger and family, of Detroit, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Sills this week, , - • Miss Isabelle McKellar,. nurse -in - training at Stratford, is spending a few holidays at 'her. home here. • Mr. and Mrs. George Scofield and daughter, Nancy, of Detroit, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Case. o .Mrs, Richard Rogers spent the week -end at the home of her sister, Mrs. Marshall Young, in Hullett. e -• Mr. Friel Stewart, of London, spent the week -end• at the home of his mother, Mrs. Charles Stewart, e Mrs. A. Chartrand and Mrs. S. Somers, of Detroit, were guests at the home of Mr. A. F. Cluff last week. • Mrs. Kenneth McQuaig, 'of Long Branch; Miss Helen Wilson, of Tor- onto, and Mrs. C. R. Somerville and Miss Jeanette Wilson, of London, were week -end guests of Mr. John A. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Wil - eon. . • • Mr. and ,Mrs- Lorne Pinkney anti .daughter, of Toronto, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cudmore. • Miss Helen McDougall has re- turned after spending a few . months in Detroit. • • Miiss dtadys Thompson, of Nia- gara Falls, spent the week -end at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. B. Thompson.: • Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Kruse and son, William Kruse, of Galt, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Finlay- son on Sunday. • Rev. H. V. Workman and Mr. Herald Lawrence are the, representa= tives •from Northside Church to the London Conference of the United C.hurch, which meets from Tuesday- until uesdayuntil Friday of this week,at Centen- nial -United Church, London. • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. J: 'Dallas,`of Hen- sall, -were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Dallas, Brucefield, on. Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Foster Bennett and family and Mr. and Mrs.. Walter Eaton and family, of Seaforth, and Mr. George Eaton, Donald Eaton, Don- ald Horn and, Harry Eddicott, Win- throp, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCowan. • Mr. John A. Wilson is the ,guest of his sister, Mrs. 0. R. Somerville, in London. ' • Cpl. W. E. Southgate, of London, spent the week -end at his home here. • Rev. Hugh Jack and son, Wil- liam, were in Listowel on Sunday, Where Mr. Jack preached for Rev. W. E. Kelley, who preached anniversary services in First Presbyterian church here. • LAC. David Stewart, R.C,A.F., St. Thomas, and Mrs. Stewart, spent the week -end in town with their parents. • Mrs. James Mutrie, of Vernon, B.C., is the guest of her sister, Miss Jessie Bethune. • Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Hodgins, of Toronto; were •guests over the week' end of Mr. and Mre. John Beattie, fa. 'Mervyn Nott, R.C.A.F., Toronto, is spending a couple of days with his parents in Hullett. • Mrs. J. L.. Smith has returned home after spending some time with her daughter in Toronto. • Pte. Geo. Parke and Mrs. Parke, Cif London, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Parke. • S. -Sgt. Harry McLeod, of Camp Borden, spent the week -end with his wife and family in Tuckersmiith. Order Bray Chicks now, and be "lucky" when egg prices climb next Fall. See me, or phone me, right away. • Personal attention, prompt delivery. Wm. Stapleton - - • Dublin •-r- Alvin W. Kerslake - Henson Ship your lot to us. You will receive honest gracTing and full Gbvernnnent prices and bonus. William Stone• Sons tintlted egisteredj Watellouse No, 5 OLL ONTARIO M. G. Beatty. -- • Bill McAash, of the postal service,' R.C.A.F., Toronto, spe,ut the week- end with .his wife and parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McAsh. WALTON • aMo•ee Rural Life Sunday was observed in Duff's tufted Church, Walton, on Sun- day. A special • order of service was followed, suitable for the occasion. On June lath, the Sunday School anniversary will be held in the Unit- ed Church. Special music ;by the pupils tis being prepared. Rev. R. G. Hazlewood isattending theannual• conference of the United Church of Canada being held in Lon- don this week. Pte. Harvey Bryans and Mrs. Bry- ans visited at the Manse on Sunday. On Monday evening the 'members of the choir of Benmiller United Church paid a surprise visit to Rev. and Mrs.- Hazlewood. A very enjoy- able evening was spent, at the close of which the ladies served a sumptu- ous• lunch. Williamson - Watson The United Church Manse, Walton, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Wednesday, May 26th, when Rev. R. G. Hazlewood united in marriage Ev- elyn Grace, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Watson, of Drinkwater, Sash., to Mr. Norman Williard, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas William- son, Walton. The bride looked love- ly in a street -length dress of brown crepe with brown accessories, Her only or`name'nt ,was a necklace, the gift of the groom. The happy couple left amid' showers of confetti„ to points east. On their return .they will reside on the groom's farm on. the 17th concession of Grey. • VARNA t KIPPEN 0011114010111011001 Rev. A. M. Grant is attending Con- ference at London^ this week. Next Sunday the -church service will be in charge of the minister, Mr. Grant, who announced he would ad- minister the Sacrament of Baptisrg. and dise.uls 'the question of "Infant Ba " 1 Mr. Arthur Long, of St. Catharines, spent Sunday with }riafather, Mr. Norman Long, and sister, Jean. .• Mrs. Phillips, of -Detroit, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Doig, and Janet. -The Late John McNaughton The death of John McNaughton oc- curred on Tuesday, June lst, at his home on the 2nd concession of Tuck- ersmith, alter a long illness. He was in Ills 82nd year. Being born of Scotch parents, the late John Mc- Naughton and Mary Airth, in Ham- ilton, -he came to •Tuckersmith, and is the lia'st surviving member of a family of seven.. On April 12, 1899, he was united in marriage to Miss Shsp.n Turner, of Stanley Township, who' passed away two years ago. He is surviured by three daughters, Mrs, W. A. Haugh, Brucefield; Mrs. Clar- ence .S nIsiiie,-.Hensall, and Miss Tena at .tom's,• and by three sons, James at home, Webster: of Whitby, and Robert or London. Mr. McNaughton was a former reeve of Tuckersmith and also served as councillor.- He was a man of high quality and will be much missed in his home. The funeral took place on Thursday from Brucefield United Church at 2.30 p.m. with interment in Baird's cemetery. Rev. G.' F. A. Atkinson officiated and the pallbearers. were Messrs. Janes Dallas, ' Thomas Chapman,. Thomas .Dayman, - Thomas Kay, 'Edgar BUtt and I. W. Ironsid'e, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. A. Seeley aYielittle grandson, of Clinton, palled Sunday on the former's sister, Mrs, Austin, and family. The many friends of Mrs. M. G. Beatty will be pleased tis kuo'w She Is able to be about ai'h after being confined to the house for a `week. Master Billy. Pilgrim had the mis- fortune to have his collarbOne brok- en one day last week. Mr: and Mrs. Aldfngton spent hte week -end with friends in Staffa and Cromarty. Mr. and Mrs. $Illy' Austin, and chile 'siren spent Sunday! -with the farmer's mother. The funeral of the late Mrs. Thos: Robinson, of l 'glnonctville, formerly of the Goshen Lille, pabsed through the village Mondays be Harileld eerie- tery, . The aym»athy' of the commilit- fty is etctended <te the neW bereaved, Mated etidi and tanallY. Mlt s 004, `'rtimdrty4 Ogled Ttles- dlLL, at -*be 'hake 'OA* eibtetr BAYFIELD Bayfield is proud of their school, having Taken several prizes at the Music Festival at Goderich on Thurs- day and Friday last week. Miss Lola Elliott, of Mount Clem- ens, Mich., was visiting her mother, Mrs. Wm., Elliott, last week. Miss Margaret Ferguson, O.A.C., of Guelph: spent the week -end with ,her. parents. . Miss Ella McKay, who has been on the staff of the post office the past three years, has been accepted in the C.W.A.C. at London, and will be transferred to Kitchener this week. Mr. and MrS. Jacob Merner, of De- troit, were visitors with friends over the • week -end. Mrs. J. H. Cobb left on Saturday for Toronto. after spending several weeks with her mother, Mrs. M. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Gingerieh, of Bad Axe, Mich., spent the past week -end with her brother, Mr. Paul Cleave. Mrs. Lindsay Smith' and eon, Rol- and, left on Friday to visit friends in .Toronto. Miss Elizabeth Gairdner left on Thursday last to,spend a few days in London before going to Montreal. Mrs. R. L. Basset returned home on Saturday after having been a member of the staff Of the Huron M.,v.10, � F gcnt Theatre Seaforth NOW SHOWING -- THURS., FRL,, SAT. " TWO FEATURES—Second Show starts 8.45 "BLQNDIE FOR VICTORY" The Bumsteads go all-out for defence . . . of fun and happiness. ALSO "LONE STAR VIGILANTES" • Starring BILL ELLIOTT m MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY 'Second Show starts.9.15 The truth about the Nazis from the cradle to the battlefront , TIM HOLT BONITA GRANVILLE "HITLER'S CHILDREN" Based on Gregor Ziemer's sensational book, "Education For Death" NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Second Show starts 9.15 ROBERT STACK BRO'D. CRAW FORD "MEN OF TEXAS" ° Coming — "FOREVER AND A DAY" First Show starts each evening at 7.30 p.m. MATINEE EACH SATURDAY AND HOLIDAY AT 2.30 P.1Vi'; - County Victory Loan office at Gode- rich. - Trooper Gordon Heard, 'of Bramp- ton, was a visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Heard, .last week. Mrs. Charles Beroy returned home last . week from Victoria Hospital muchimproved in health. Many of the summer visitors were in the village over the week -end open- ing their cottages and arranging gar- dens for the summer. Miss Jean Dunn, of 'Toronto, is a visitor' with Mrs,, Makins over the week -end. Mrs. Mullen, -Miss Ann Drouin, Miss Alice Drouin. and MissTennetts, of Detroit, spent the week -end in their cottage., Miss M. Fairburn, of Detroit, ar- rived on Sunday to spend the season in her cottage. ° Mies Jennie Grant, of Toronto, ar- rived last week to spend the summer in the village. Mr. and Mrs: Norman Toms, of Detroit, are visiting friends in the village. Mrs. George Davison, of Wood- stock, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Murdock Ross. Mrs. Robert Middleton, of ,Hensall,. is visiting her - mother, Mrs. N. W. Woods,- this week. ' Mrs. D. A. Smith, of Ingersoll, is visiting her parents,- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Higgins. LAC. William Robinson, who has spent, the past 'week with his brother, Jim, left on Wednesday to spend. a few days in London •with 'his parents before returning to .Moncton, N.B. Miss Peggy Orr, of Stratford; Miss Peggy Mitchell, • of Stratford, and'' Miss Lucille Hagan and Helen Sang- ster, of London; are spending this - week in the Orr cottage. A floor -walker, tired of his job, gave it up and joined the police force. Sev- eral months later a friend asked him how he liked being a policeman' - "Well," he replied, "the pay and the •hours are good, but what I like . best of all is that the customer is always wrong." 5IhANNUAL SALE SCOTCH SHORTHORNS. 11 BULLS 18 FEMALES ELMANDORPH STOCK FARM VARNA, ONT. Thursday, June 10 ' 1943, at 1.3.0 o'clock Included in the sale are 11 Bulls ranging ',from calves to serviceable age; 18 Cows and Heifers. Herd fully accredited and blood, tested. For catalogue address— CLIFFORD H. KEYS & SONS, Varna' Phone 96 r 4, Hensall. 011111111•1A OTI TOWN OF SEAFORTH. 4RAA11 persons in the Municipality owning or harboring dogs must purchase 1943 License for same on or before June 14, 1943., Licenses will O be issued from the Treasurer's Office in the Town Hall. ' After that date, summonses through the Court will be issued to the owners or harbour- ers of dogs not having licenses. ALL DOGS MUST WEAR LICENSE TAGS Many complaints have been received about dogs damaging gardens and flower beds. Own- ers or harbourers are personally responsible q and, if necessary, dogs will not be allowed to run at large. Numassommiumiessummszim .A N I MAL S.DISABLE Quickly removed in Clean Sanitary trucks. Phone collect., 219 •MITCHELL William Stone Sons Limited . Huron Federation of Agriculture FIRST ANNUAL Field Day and Picnic At Lions Park, Seaforth, June 7th, 1943 ORDER OF PROGRAM: - , 11.00 A.M.—SPORTS FOR YOUNG, AND OLD 12:30 Noon—PICNIC LUNCH 1:30 P.M—SPEAKERS: HON, JOHN BRACKEN, Ottawa m HON. FARQUHAR OLIVER Deputy Prime Minister of Ontar AND APPORTUNI'1-Y aro CONSULT 3.30 P.M. -EDUCATIONAL FEATURES: • .Home Canning Without Sugar Dried Eggs Dehydrated Vegetables Export Bacon 1.4' Labour -Saving Machines, 'Etc. WITH' -OFFICIALS FROM THE O.A.C., GUELPH • Public Address System - 0 Ample . Parking Space •Everyone is invited. Load up the car with the family and bring a basket la . SEE VoUf FfIENDS AT SEAFORTH ON JUNE 7th W. L. wH'YT'111, W S. DALE, Predidetft: ,Secretary, • S. M. SCOTT, Ohatrt ran of• Publicity. a4 S: