HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1943-04-02, Page 4i'
win, be inserted at new low cash rates:
anted, Lest amd Yeetr. Vett muss Events, Rte... -Per wand:
1st week
End week 1 Cent
., iii Cent
$ad week yf Cunt
kfin$mnm ,48/121104 ibirf insertion26 Cent
Xi& Egos *taitalsi and silibreirlation sweats as mos word,
IlimpilkS14R$ #v 'Afs In ill eoa'iam Name --1 c 2 p woad. tum:,•,••,• 60 meats psr wale,
+pj be dfrecGed 4+r a It Numb.% ojo TGe Husoa monitor, fax 10 ow:extra.
per w6El1 will be ebsaird $d ads tm ahsve class a;r eat paid by
do the week iia wbMb t . a d. was run
gnfkh+f,r Airtime* and Deaths inserted tree of chime.
w,nStonl. 'Eden, Notices to Cradibdee, Eta-liates cm amber' Wen.
For. Rent i Auction Sales
T veniences. Good garden. AMY MRS. J.
A. WESTCOTP. 8929-1
possession. Located at Lot 5, Concession
11, Mullett TownshiP. Apply HESKY FLAX
PRODUCTS LTD., Seaforth. 3929-tf
For Sale or Rent
able for gardening or pestnre. For Par-
. tired -am apply to MISS EDYTH DAVIDSON.
Phone 39. 3928x8
:ng, ooats or dresses. CLARTCSA IT-
CT3RT 1- Hensel], Ont. 39294
Stock and Implements, on Thursday,
April Sth, at 12.30 sharp: one-half mile east
of Bvnmiler. Terms -Cash. JOHN HILL,
Proprietor; Harold Jackson. Auctioneer.
miles north of Lmedeeboro, on Highway.
on Monday. April eth, at 1 p.m.: One team
of matched Percherons. 1500 lbs.: 1 driving
horse: 7 springers. cows and heifer;: 2 fresh
cowe calves at foot; 60 head of cattle rang -
:t r from 400 to 600, Hereford and Durham:
1 Tam mow due April 15th ; 1 York sow due
April 10h; 70 pigs ranging from weanerr to
100 pounds. Terms -Cash. GEO. le- W,ELL;.
Proprietor; Harold Jacl:-son, Auctioneer.
- 3929-1
" ` their ashes and other garbage removed
promptly, will be prepared. to do so after
April alb. ME VIN NETZKE, Main Street.
Seatorth. 8929-3
we have taken the ` igerwy for Maims -
Harris parts and machines. Orders now tak-
O'Neil. Clinton, Phone. 75-2. Fax com-
plete lines ad Fuller brushes and service for
same. In Seiidorth on 7.he9.daya. Leave em
dere at Bas 860. THE HURON EXPOSITOR.
Tenders Wanted
Township of McKillop
Council of the 'Township in the Couneal
Chambers at the hour of 3 o',clock on Mon-
day. April 5, 1948, for crushing gravel and
delivering same at any place on the roads -
One -inch round screen to be used and all
large stones except hard heads to be, crush-
eL Estimated amount to be 7,000 to 10,000
cubic yards.
Work to begin July 1st Gravel to be
tskcn from four sets. Work to be done under
the supervision of the Road Superintendent
Tenders to be by the cubic yard.
A certified cheque or bond 'for 8300 will be
• ed f the ntraotor whose tender is
Lot 32, Concession 13. Mullett Township,
known as Grainger Farm, 1% miles north of
Londesboro and 1%, miles west on Wednes-
day, April 14th, at 1 p.m.: CATTLE - 15a
LAND WANTED --TO RENT BY ACRE ORweeks,choice Durham cows. 9 cows fresh within pt
on !Emma- Would azimut beim 10 bo 100 sue °• some with calves at foot, 6 due
sexes. in =ay.state .e�r'eage a x. Box t to freshen in April and May; 10 Durham
$66, EXPOSITOR OFFICE. 8926x4 , •
steers weighing from 1,000 to 1,300 lbs- ; 18
i Durham yearling"'beifers and steers; 1 York-
' shire hog. This is a choice lot of Durham
cattle in splendid condition. Terms --Cash.
Lost and Found
lost the above when his auto was ditched
on South Main Street, ,may get same by call-
ing at THE Epay-
OFFICE and pa-
ing for this ad. -3929-1
er may have same by paying for this ad. and
&!aiming same. Apply at THE EXPOSPPOB
OFFICE. 3928-
between the home of Ham Jackson.
Buren Road Esse., and Crich'. Store, seine
vahrable papers. Will finder please leave
, 3920-tf
For Sale
PHONE 2t, Seaforth. 8929-1
(lex grain dl -ll. Apply to MICEAEL
COYNE, 2L;.; miles south of Dublin.
• 3929x1
'.adder. 10 ft. and 8 ft.; Eastman Kodak
No: 1-A: Rock rooster and pullets laying; 2 '
geese and gander: goose eggs. At home eve-
nings. Apply to A. HOWLA_ND, Egmbnd-
vi.11e_ -3929-1
I Everything to be disposed of as the farm is
j sold_ JOHN SNELL, Proprietor ; Harold
Jaekson, Auctioneer. 3929-2
has been instructed by the Executors to
sell by public auction. Furniture and House-
hold Effects of the late Mrs. William Hikes,
at residence on Ontario Street, Clinton, on
Saturday, April 10th, at 1 p.m.: Princess Pat
range, good as new: Gilson electric washer.
new ; tubs; copper boiler; coal oil stove; coal
oil heaters: Eureka vacuum cleaner; electric
plate and iron; sofas; glass cupboard 2 side-
( boards ; extension . table and charrs : New
Willia'tns sewing machine (drop heath: 2 bed-
room suites: 1 single bed; mattress and
!springs; feather beds: - bedding reeking
!, chairs ; odd chain 2 parlor suite; : walnut
tables and chairs; small tabu : bookcase:
I rugs ;- pictures; toilet sets : antiques ; linens;
Pillows; cushions; dishes : lamps; Wearever
aluminum: meat chopper: kitchen uteniLs:
flour cabinet, and numerous - other articles.
Terms=Cash. NORMAN and VERNA CAR-
TER, Eexecumrs; Harold Jackson, Auction-
eer- • 39., J2
lee,: just like. new. Apply Box 369.
bulls and a Yorl$hire boat-, serviceable
age. These animals are of good quality and
price reasonable. We invite yon to see this
stock before you buy_ Your patronage will
be appreciated. Phone 34-7, Kir-kton. HON.
2. G. GARDINER. 3929-1
chairs:,. buffet, and one .� �l.a,rr,-g.�.e wicker fern
stand. '.:.Apply to J: McKENZIE, North Main
Street 3929x1
1 J-th. of household. furniture. at the home
of MRS. J. J. FLANNERY. Side Street. Sea-
farth"""' 3929-2
truck load. Aptly to FRED C. KALB-
FLEISCH & SON, Zurich and Goderich.
Cards of Thanks
family wish to acknowledge with grate-
ful apperecia+tionthe many 'sets of kindness
and tokens of sympathy, ,extended to 'them by
friends and neighbors on the occasion of the
death of their son. Olarence 'O'Reilly, of the
Essex Scottish Regiment in Mand on
Manch ..18eb, and far the many' spiritual bop-
.gnety and cards of - sympathy_
George E. Fexgason wish to convey to
their 'neighbors -and friends their sincere ap-
preciation of eine 'many kindnesses and tokens
of sympathy leveret -el . daring their bereave-
ment in the loss of a dear sister.
Auction Sales
Implemezfs.-8r. Harold Jackton has
been instaucted to sell by public auceion on
Lot 14, Concession 3, Stanley Township, ane
and a quarter -.mr7es west of Brace -field, on
Wednesday, Apra 7th, at 1 o'clock p.m- sharp,
the following: HODS -Bay horse 8 years
old; grey mare 19 years old; Tay mare, aged;
all single or double: CATI'IsE-Red cow due
May 15th; black cow freshened one weds;
grey cow due May 17th-: 3 two-year-old steers ;
11 calves; red farrow cow ; 1 fat heifer; 2
heifers rising ,two years old; 4 yearling steers;
8 fall calves IMPLEMENTS -Massey -Harris
binder 6 -foot cat; ,Massey Harris tide rake;
International loader;• Deering damp rake;
Massey -Harris 6 -foot out mower; Massey-Ear-
ris 11 -hoe drill; moiler; Massey -Harris cal -time
Aar ; Oliver bean puller and cultivator; 4 -see -
tion harrows, wagon with two sets of wheels
and eliding fiat rack; Fleury walking plow;
Coek,hatt riding Plow: . International riding
pleav ; steel tired buggy; pig" crate: Stang
plow; set double backbend harness ;.set of
sleighs; gravel tic's ; cutter; fanning a iilL
Terms -'Cash ARTHUR McQDEEDi, Preprie-
, tar ; Harold Jackson, dhctirrneer.
mente, at Lot 17, Concession 7, Stanley
t., Varna: on Tues-
with of r
Township. tubi mr.e so
o p.
day, April 13th, at 1 p.m.: STOCK --1 horse.
general purpose. 3 years old: 1 colt rising 2
years mid; 6 yearling cattle: 1 Sho:tnorn
bull 10 months old. eligible for registration;
1 Belgian colt rising -3 years, broken; 1 gen-
eral purpose mare, broken; 1 York sow with
8 pigs four weeks old. 1MPLE7sIENTS---Mc-
Cormick binder: McCormick mower ; seed
drill: cultivator; 3 -drum land roller; steel
horse rake; new McCormick bean tcute r and
puller; 2 wagons; hay nick 0 H.P. gas en-
gine: 1 turnip drill; circular saw ; -1 set of
4 -section harrows; 1 set of 3 -section bar
rows ; McCormick walking plow ; riding plow;
1 set of double harness 1 nearly new ) ; set of
Plow harness; 1 buggy; Verset grinder, 6 -inch
. plate; lard-pres--and sausage grinder; wash-
ing machine an wringer; 4 horse collars ;
neckyoke. Terms -Cash. ED. FOSTER, Pro-
prietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
lions. Farm . Stock end Implements. -
Harold Jackson, auctioneer, has been iestruct-
ed salmi by -public auction in Hibbert Teem -
ship, 114 Miles south of Dublin and 14/e milts
greet, et, on Tuesday, Jlpn7 Ctb, at 1 %o Block
shank HORSES -Two Stallions, Imported,
at "The Breve Scott.," rising 6 yearn old,
'ufammet "Craigia Winalot," color black, 4
whits lam, 'white face; ea exceptionally well
bred horse rand• a geed doer and sure foal
KaViee. Wes eaiamiied last fall; Ives a prem. -
ism for the year 194344-45. The next is
"Woodrow," by Craig -le Airman, color brown.
bdtlr hind legs whitea, white spot on near .front
, knee; 8 years old end Imported. A good do-
ing horse and sure foal getter. These are
bash reliable horses. Two gelding, one rising
6 yeast( and one rising •3 years. They are
both out of registered mares: Blue roan
"I.ochinvar" mare in foal. CATTLE. -One
Shorthorn heifer carob* 3 years rode, duh• to
metre :in June; 1 Shorthorn heifer doming 2
years. in calf': 1 two-year-old fiereford heifer
With calf at foot and Sn calf again; a cows
- iioilkitee f young fatialisor steer; 5 young cat-
tle; I Angus blies 2 years our in June: 50.
tiidekedd; 7 P5ge idler$ to hit- toady for rear-
-kat: adM r earning 8001 tidos; Yorkshire Piga: a^
Mitaitity ad' "eat!, Alstaka oat, suitable for
serli: alplihe other feed. IM.PLl NTS--
>larrtjm s'hbe drill 4lkir:Wen run
aised atkta'' inie0t ed iivafor.
tt'lr do a, 00dt2lmtt light
ibkQad01 Mangey ferr i ,bar,
rL�irtfdried Matt; (tide liv-
T-- 1isere f ar r6it' 13 fnleb Plow.
W, 1fjit?dW s•ailky > wagon eat
regw o co
accepted, for guarantee of contract and only.
four -yard trucks allowed.
Tenders will -be opened at the Carnegie Lam
rary Hall, Seaforthe at the above time and
place and data . Lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
Road superintendent,
Walton, R. R. 2.
Dublin Girl Is
„ (Continued from' Page 1)
gathered to say farewell' to him.
Personals: Mrs. Catherine Bryne
and Mrs. M. McGrath have 'returned
to Dublin from Detroit; Miss Lois
Rogers, Detroit, with her aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs.' E. Kleinfeldt;
Mrs. Walter Edwards and Mrs. L.
Lashbrook, Mitchell, with Mrs: Geo.
Robinson; Mr, and Mrs. Harold Thiel,
Mitchell, with Mr: and' Mrs. 'Morley
Lannin;' Pte. James Looby, Simcoe,
with his mother, Mrs, A. M, Looby;
Mi's, Albert O'Reilly and daughter,
Margaret, Seaforth, with Mrs. Lucy
Woods; Mr. John Ellis, Mardin, with
Mr, and MPs. Carl Stapleton; !Mrs.
!Leo' Holland and daughter, Stephany,
'of Windsor, with relatives; Angela
'Donnelly, Stratford, with her p.arents,
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Donnelly; Aliso
Iielen Flanagan, Toronto, with Miss
Mary- Stapleton; Mr. Joseph Nagle -has
returned to Dublin after spending the
winter months in Windsor; Mr. Friel
and Albert Gormley, London, with
their sister, tIrs. Jack McCarthy;
Miss Agnes McGrath, Kitchener,- with
her mother, Mrs. M. McGrath.
The. Annual Meeting of
Hinton Farmers' Co-opera-
`tive Co. Ltd.
wall be held in
at 2 p.m.
The guest speaker will be R. J.
Scott, of Relgrave, President of Unit-
ed Farmers' Co-operative Co. Ltd.,
Stock and Implements at:the farmof Mrs.
Edna Cowan, east half of Lot 28. Concession
1, East Wawanosh, Quarter mile east of Au-
burn, on Friday, April 9th, at 1 p.m.t-
HORSES-Bay home; black mare. CATTLE
-Registered Jersey cow, No. 94365, 5 years
old, freshened in January, due November 10;
Ayrshire cow, 6 years old, due May 31st; grey
cow, 3 years old, due October 31st : pure bred
Jersey cow, 3 years old. supposed to be in
calf ; Registered Shorthorn cow-, No. 311452.
21e years old. due August 27th; red cow, i
years old; due in May; pure brad Shorthorn
heifer ,calf, 6 months old; calf, 2 months old;
calf 6 months old. .PIGS -5 sows due in May ;
sew, with 16 pigs, 4 weeks old at time of
sale. GRAM -300 bushels Cartier oats, it
for seed ; 200' -bushels Cartier oats, cleaned
fax seed. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. -Masser' -Bar-
ris ' binder; 10-20 International tractor • (this
tractor has done very little custom work and
is in good condition) ; stiff tooth tractor cul-
tivator; Case tractor plow, new ; elaeaey-lear-
ris rake, nearly sew; hay loader: mower, 6-
Poot'cut, •McCormiek: side delivery rake; Tud-
hope-Anderson walking plow : steel roller;
Massey -Harris fertilizer drill ; " Bain wagon,
nearly new ; hay rack, nearly new, with slid-
ing attachment: Iaternational manure spread-
pread-er; set sloop sleighs with fiat rack ; , black-
smith tools-; forge and blower: vise•and an-
vil. eta ; 2 t straw bippwer pied ; cement
mixer; steels ne boat; 'prayer and barrel;
tractor hitch; 6 -section harrow stretcher; 6 -
section diamond harrows : cet Massey -Harris
discs; small electric motor; half barrel- lime
sulphur ; Portland. canter, -nearly new ; stock
rack;. emery grinder; 90 ten -inch cement tile;
50 feet 6+ineb drive belt; 1 cut box ; grain
bags ams sacks; bag truck ; - set single har-
ness; set double harness: feed hopper for
pigs; 30 -Ib. can gun grease; 10 gallons motor
oil ; jack screw, 3 ton; set socket wrenches
set Vanadium steel wrenches; set of dies;
Model A Ford sedan, in good shape; windows ;
quantity' of used inch lumber and scantling;
2 elm stall posts, 6 -inch by 6 -lash by 11 feet:
work shop and garage, 18'x26', aril ether
articles too mtmerous to mention, Terms -
Cash. Everything is to be sold without re-
serve. MRS. EDNA ,COWAN, Proprietress:
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 3929-2.
Farms For Sale
late David Rebates, Tats 17 and 18. Con-
cession 13, McKillop. four miles swtheast of
Walton, consativg of'107!•: acres; frame barn,
foundation, *anent floor ; large henhouse; two
storey eenent•briek benne. Clay loam: very
Productive;- plenty of water. Five sires of
young bash; 40 ager of fall plowing, the
rest in bay and grass. Well drained and
fenced. Apply to GORDON HOL.MES, R. R.
2, Walton. 3929-3
Coa..4, McKidlop, 43 miles from Seaforth.
Rural nail sod telephone. On the premises
are a bank barn 60x40 with seine foundation,
drive shed 56E24, shingle•eided house. Spring
*reek and gravel pit en property; 5 acres
hardwood bash. Lead all seeded down. Terms
keasonable for quick sale. MRS. CHARLES}
WRIGHT, Box 364, or Phone 310, Seaforth.
Tuckersmith, on Highway No. 3, Lot 29.
Huron Road, frame barn on cement founda-
ounda-tion: frame house. Very productive Wel:
Plenty of water. (2) 50 acres in Hallett.
north half of. Lot 5, Concereion 2: frame
barn on stone foundation : Sterne house ; 3
wells. Choice farm. Apply WILLIAM LTV-
forth, Executers of the late Thomas Living,.
sten estate. 8912-tf
DIOK-At Alexandra Hospital, Goderieh, on
March 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Dick,
' Seaforth, a daughter. ,
LITTLE -In Stott Memorial Hospial, on
March 27th. to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Little,
of Mcl(aillop, a daughter.
WILLIAMS-In Seaforth; on Satiiidap, March
2711, Wilbert James Williams, beloved hus-
band of Emma Brown, aged 72 years and
4 months.
$AS26B-In Semi -forth, an Tuesday, March 30,
Martha. Jane Worth, widevt of the late
Thomas Baker, in her 831'2 .year.
Everybody Welcome.
ANDREW B. BELL - Secretary
Pish, " ' will ,be ,ve .1 fly 'Miss St(1ly
Matson, 3611. .i#, W Herelako wtll
contribute • -a 'recipe and current` ev-
ents will be green by Mrs. Fred Beer.
The social committee will be Mrs:
Maude Redden, Mrs. Fred Beer, Mrs.
Harry Dorton and Mrs. James McAl-
lister. It is expected that a lady
speaker from Clinton will -be Present
to give an address Pertaining to "Liv-
ing Conditions in England." This be-
ing the annual meeting, a large at-
tendance is requested. The nominat-
ing committee, composed of Milts
Florence Welsh, Miss Beryl Pfaff and
Miss Greta Laramie, will present the
new slate of officers for 1943-44.
Please bring pencils, paper and tea.
Mrs. C. Eilber, of Zurich, visited
with friends "on the Parr Line on Sun-
-day last, who were pleased to see
Word has been received from- Jack
Smith that he was enjoying his tr'.p
to Edmonton where he has been trans-
ferred with the R.C.A.F., leaving en-
listed as a wireless air gunner. He
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville
Smith, of Hay.
Mrs- Cr, 0, Petty, who has been
spending the winter months with her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Scott, Toronto, has return$.
Miss Mary. McLellan, of Merton
was a recent guest with Mr. and -Mrs
Jas. W. Bonthron. '
Mr. Laird ;Mickle, of Hensall, was
in Ottawa this week as a representa-
tive of the bean dealers in a meeting
between growers' representatives,
dealers' representatives and the spe
cial products board.' The growers are
being asked to increase their white
bean acreage and will be guaranteed
by the Government a profitable sell-
ing price.' A statement can be ex-
pected from . the Special Produet8
Board within the next ten days. The
meeting was called by the Dominion
Department of Agriculture.
Jean Henderson, two-year-old daugh
ter of Mr. and 'Mrs. John Henderson
was removed to Scott Memorial Hos-
pital, Seaforth, on Thursday morning
seriously ill with pneumonia.
Miss Dorothy McQueen, of
spent the week -end with her
Mr. and Mrs:' E. McQueen.
Miss Norma Cook, student at the
University of Western On`aric•,. spent
the week -..end with her parents, Mr
and 'Mrs. N. E. Cook.
"Open night" was held in S. S. No.
7, Tuckersmith, on Friday evening.
The school was 'prettily decorated in
mauve and yellow and displays of
school work a -ere: set up. The pupils,
under the direction of their teacher.,
Miss Edith Wallace, presented the
following program: A Spring song
and Spring Fairies -Dance; Negro
songs; a skit, "A Terrible Catastro-
phe"; a Dutch song and Dutch clog
dance; a puppet play, "Cinderella,"
and several 'patriotic- songs. Follo*-
ing the program, bingo was played.
The bingo prizes were made by the -
children. The lucky ticket for the
quilt, made by the girls of the school,
was drawn by Eric McIntosh. Warden
Haney was the holder of the lucky
ticket. The ladies of the section serv-
ed lunch. ' A sum of $40.00 was realiz-
ed for the Junior Red Cross.
The Farm Forum of Circuit 651 beld
its last meeting of the season ' on
Monday at the home of Mr.,W. Broad -
foot, with a full attendance. These
meetings have been looked forward
to eagerly each , week by the mem-
bers. There have been varied pro-
grams, lively discussions and pleas-
ant social times. The weather was
not very favorable on most evenings,
but all managed to have a full attend-
ance by the farmers at each end of
the line taking th'eir teams and
sleighs, and giving alla lift- The meet-
ings have proven profitable from a
farming and also,from an education-
al standpoint, and we are lookinlg
aheid to the time when we will see
the fruits of our labor.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Forsyth and
family, of Detroit, spent the' week -end
at the home of his parents, 'Mr. • and
Mrs. Abe Forsyth. - • -
We are pleased to report that Mr.
61. Fotheringham is making a splen-
did -recovery since returning home.
(Continued from Page 1)
sleeveless sweaters, 40 prs. gloves, 70
prs. socks, 30 ribbed helmets.
We cannot close this column with-
out expressing our gratitude to all
those who are helping the Red Cross
-the workers, who faithfully produce
such articles as 1 those listed above;
the men and women who gladly assist-
ed in the Campaign just closing; those
1s ho arranged the carrying out of the
campaign, and last, but not least, ev-
erybody who made -a contribution to
the $2,313.59 that was raised.
By the way, you can register as a
blood donor at Middleton's Drug Store
any time now. We expect a call for
donors within the next week or so.
Mr. Robert McKenzie, prominent
commercial traveller of Toronto,
spent a day in Zurich on business this
'week. and' spent the night with Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. McAllister and visited
his aunt, Mrs. Jas. Broadfoot,
Lieut. Sam Rennie, of Chatham,
spent the weele end with his wife and
Acknowledges Parcel From W. I.
es' From
otional period which opened with
tie sliming of "Yield Not To Tempta-
tion" and the rd''& r,rajer in
Sen. The ,Scripture reading was tak-
es 'by Mrs. Redden and the devotion-
al by-- Mrs. Brook.' Mrs. Hess and
11[03. Redden favored with a $duet, "In
the Garden," Mrs. W. J. 'Pybus acsoir-
panyileg at the piano. Prayers were
offered by Mrs. Johns, Mrs. Galloway
and Miss Penrose. "Rescue the Per-
ishing" and prayer by Mrs. Jinks clos-
ed this portion of the meeting, after
whish Mrs. R. A. Brook was in the
chair, for the remainder of the pro-
gram. The roll call was responded
to with "Spring." Discussionarose re-
garding magazines for sailors and sol-
diers. Miss Eva Penrose was ap-
pointed representative for Exeter, and
Miss Murray for Hensall, to look after
same. Mrs. Galloway was appointed
to give a synopsis of a pamphlet, "On-
tario Blight," at the April meeting, to
be held the fourth Thursday in the
basement of the United Church at
Hensall. T -he theme of that after-
noon will be "Statements Made in Ot-
tawa on the Liquor Problem," led by
the vice-president and assisted by
'Mrs. Johns and Mrs. Pearce.
The bingo . and dance, held in the
Town Hall, Hensall, on Wednesday,
March 24th, sponsored by the Exeter-
Hensall branch of the Canadian Leg-
ion, was a great success, the large
hall being packed to capacity. Fif-
teen prizes were given 'away during
the evening, in addition, to ten special
Nephew Writ England
The following extracts are 5rom a
letter received by Mrs.Maude Hed-
den, Hensall, from her nephew, Roy
Copperthwaite, of Reading, England,
who is l$ years of age: "Dear Aunt
Maude: Well, the sirens have just
gone; I suppose we are in for it
again. Did Mum tell you about the
bombs that were droppe on Broad
Street, killing 41 people and injuring
90? I was on Broad Street when it
happened. Lots of people saw him
come over and he swooped low and
dropped three bombs.One hit Wel-
stead straight on the top of it, almost
levelling it to the groun . The other
hit a restaurant, killing 41 people;
the other hit St. Lawre nce Church,
causing much damage. he arcade
was completely shatters; gl'ass was
all over the place; all t e shop win-
dows were out for half amile around;
a bus had half i5ts body mashed. As
Uncle Jack and I walked home we
saw them bringing the dad out. You
see Uncle Jack and I had just come W
out of the picture show hen it hap-
pened. Well, I can give you a jolly
good description. of the plane. She
was black like most oft em and was
a Dorneir DO. 217. ell fhb
clear" has just gone, thank goodness
for that. Well the family y is going
to come to Canada after the war, as
we have, made up our minds. Your
loving nephew: , Roy, 14 Leopald Rd.,
Reading, England."
Preparatory service will be observ-
ed in the United Church Friday eve-
ning and communion Will be' observ-
ed at the morning service on Sunday,
April '4th. Featured during the even-
ingservicewill 11 be a violin -organ and
piano trio; violinist. Miss Greta Lara-
mie; pianist, Miss Gladys Luker; at
the console of the organ, Miss. Mary
Goodwin. For their numbers they
will pray "The Old Refrain" (Kreis-
ler) and "Goin' Home" (Dvorak): .
The overseas e seas los committee, Miss
Margaret Shepherd, Miss Edna Saun-
dercock, Bob Hess and Howard Brook
report having packed and mailed two
boxes to Donald McKaig and Roy
Brock overseas, This is sponsored by
the Wohelo Class of the United
Mr. and \lrs, John Pfaff, well known
Hensall residents, quietly celebrated
their 39th wedding anniversary on
Teesday, March 30th.
Mr. Donald Park is seriously ill in
a London hospital, suffering with
pneumonia. "
Mr, Ed. Funk. well known farmer
on Highway No. 4, south of Hensall,
is confined to his home• suffering with
scarlet fever.
Rev. and Mrs- R. A. Brook have
been advised 'by cable of the 'safe ar-
rival overseas of their son, Corporal
Kenneth Brook, recently stated with
the'R.C,A,F, at Moncton, N.F.t:
Mrs. C:: McDonell spent the week-
end with her daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Laughton, Toron-
Miss Phyllis Case. of St. Catharines,
and Mrs. Whitney Carter, Donald and
Catherine spent the week -end with
Mrs. C. M. Hed'den.
Billy Mickle, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Laird Mickle, of Hensall, who recent-
ly won first prize in the Fifteenth Na-
tional Temperance Study Course in
the junior group of 10-11 years for the
province, has received word that he
was a third prize winner in the Do-
minion of Canada. This study Course
was sponsored by the Women's' Chris,
tian Temperance Union of Canada.
Bombadier Harold Manns and Gun-
ner Andy Liggett, Training Centre,
Brandon; Man., and now stationed at.
Woodstock for a month, were week-
end' guests with Mrs. F. Manns. Har-
old Manns is the son of the late. Char-
lie Manns, a former Hensall resident,
`and was born here.
Mr. Robert Passmore, .B.A., is spend-
ing two weeks' vacation with his par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. John; Passmore.
Bob, who will be ordained into the
ministry in the fall, bas .been appoint-
ed assistant minister to Dr.Slater,
of St. Andrew's United Church, To-
ronto. He also assisted at the morn:
ing service in Hensall United Church
on Sunday morning last.
A "beautiful basket of spring flowers
donated by Mrs. A. Saundercock,
adorned the front of the pulpit on
Sunday morning last in the United
Church. and were much admired.
Miss Mary Clark, of Wingham, vis-
ited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. Clark for the week -end.
Ken Hicks, R.C.A.F., Galt, spent t he
week -end -with his wife and family.
Jack Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.
R. Bell, of- Hay, has been granted a
six months' leave from the army to
aetorist his father with the farm Work.
A lovely quilt is on display in Good -
win's win's window, made by Miss Vi let
Hyde, for which tickets are now be-
ing sold, with proceeds for the Red
The following is a letter received
by Mrs. James A. Paterson, from Stu
art Dick, overseas, acknowledging
note in parcel sent by the Hensal
Senior Women's Institute and. War.
Service Committee:
"Dear Mrs. Paterson:.. Here it is
March 7th and the time sure seems
t� go fast. We bav-e had a real nice
winter over here so far this year. I
has been more like a spring in Can
ada; in fact today wase a lovely bright
sunshiny day and several of the lads
were outside in their shirt sleeves.
"Ireceived your most; welcome par
cel today. I wish to thank you very
sincerely and also all those who pro-
vide these parcels. for us lads over
here. It makes one feel, although he
is far .from, home, there is still a
strong hearty welcome for us when
we return., The longer• we are away
the more we realize there's no 'place
like home. But there's a job to be
done first, and then we . can return
with victory and the job finished.
"I have been on several -leaves over
here. The people use us'the best, so
there's nothingto complain about. I
have been receiving mail quite regu
lar from home and it is sure good to
get news of what is going on in the
good old home town, although it is a
month or so old. -
"I have met a few of the Iads from
home over here, but it is a hard job
to keep in touch with them for very
long at a time. Well, as there is noth
ing much to 'write about I guess .I
better close • for this time., Thanks
again for the lovely big parcel, which
was in the very best,of condition and
all the article are very usefiil.
Thanks. Yours sincerely-, Stuart
Dick-" -
Miss Jean Murray, who has been
spending the past number of weeks
with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr.
and 'Mrs. A.. G. Smillie, of Toronto,
has returned home. .
Mrs. D. H. Peacock, of Goderich,
visited with her mother, Mrs. Grace
Harpole, the first part of the week.
Ted Pudney and his band, of Lon-
don, will furnish the music for a
dance to' be held in the Town Hall,
Hensall, on Thursday, April 8th, spon-
sored by the Girls' Dance Club.
The Exete5'-Hensall branch of the
Canadian Legion is sj5onsoring a bin-
go and dance in the Town Hall, Hen-
sall, 'on Wednesday, April 14th.
Mrs. 'John Johnson, oldest lady in
Hensall, will observe her 92nd bith-
day at ler home Wednesday, April^7.
Owing to a recent serious illness, the
event will be very quietly observed.
Women's Institute Will Meet
Mrs. Jas. A. Paterson will be hoc-
tess at her home Wednesday evening,
April 7th (Owing to the bingo on the
14th) for the April meeting of the
Hensall Senior Women's Institute.
Mrs. M. G. Drysdale will be co -hos-
tess. The roll tall will be answered
with uses ofnewspapers and payment
of fees, The .motto, "From the love
of borne, the 'love of Country has its
rise," will be 'taken by Mrs. W. B.
Cross. A demos titration, "Supper
W. C. T. U. Meets
Miss Eva Penrose, of Exeter, was
hostess on Thursday afternoon, Mar.
25th, for the March meeting of the
W.'C.T.U., with Mrs.' R. A. Brook and
Mrs. C. L. Jinks presiding -for the de-
r n ' ro rs
The Corn Borer clean -Up Tete*
tions are in forceagain this year in
Buren County. It is more import.
ant than ever that every corn grow -
sr, urban or rural, co-operate• by do-
ing his utmost to see that his own
corn remnants and that of his
neighbor are cleaned up in compli-
ance with the .regulations try May.
Failure to comply renders oft-
der liable to a -fine and to bearing
the expense of having the necez
sarY clean-up work done.
Provincial Entomologist
Corn Borer Inspector
prizes of blankets or cash. Miss
Elaine Carlile won the door prize, a,
lovely blanket. Murdock's orchestra
provided the music for the dance.
The event was much enjoyed. W: C.
Stone was master of ceremonies,,
Mr. George Walker, Miss Edith Wal-
ker, Miss Annie Walker and Mrs. Ron-
ald McPhee, all of Glencoe, spent
Wednesday, guests of Mr. and Mrs.
John Henderson, Lois, Jackie anti
:hiss Grace Dalrymple is spending
the week -end with friends in Strat-
tock and Seed Fair
Horses -Cattle -Seeds
Saturday, �April 3 1943
Class - I. -Clydesdale- .
1st 2nd 3rd
98 65
Aged Stallion
1st prize, Robert Simpson Co
Class II.-Percheron or Belgian
Aged Stallion 6
Class iII.-Heavy Draft
Brood Mare in foal
Filly or Gelding, under 3 years eel 4
Filly or Gelding, under 2 years old 4
Filly or Gelding, under 1 year old. 4
Draft, Team, ' - 15
1st , prize donated by Commercial •
Hotel; cash added.
4 3
0 2
3 2
3 2
12 10
Class IV. -Agricultural
Brood Mare in foal 4
Filly or Gelding, unBer 3 yrs. of age 4
Filly or Gelding, under 2 yrs. of age 4
Filly or Gelding, under 1 yr. of age 4
Agricultural Team - 15
1st prize donated by W. H. Gold-
ing,' M.P.; cash added. , `
3 2
P 2
3 2
3 2
12 10
Class V. -Wagon or Express
Team in Harness - 12 8 5
1st prize donated by Jas. Radian-
ts -ten M.L.A.: cash added.
ClassVL-Roadster, Farmers' Class
Roadster, owned 'by farmer (20 mile„,-•
limit) 5 0
Class VII. -Roadster, Open Class
Single Roadster 12 8, 5
Roadster Team 10 6 4
Roadster Champion Badge
Championship Class
Draft Mare or Gelding, any age
Agricultural Mare or Gelding, any
- age 3
Grand Championship
Draft or Agricultural Filly or. Geld-
ing, any age Badge
Township Prize
Three horses from one Township: e
entries • necessary to- 611; entry
fee 51.01 8 5
Aged Bull
Class' L-Angas
1st End 3rd
SS 3e 62
5 3 2,,
5 t L
1,8 6 t
Bari. under 2 years old ...... ,
Cow, any age
Heifer, under 2 years
Class IL-$hari3iorns
Agee Bali' 5
Bull, under a year
Cow, any age .,. 5
Heifer. under 2 yearn , ........... 5
Clam III. --Herefords
Aged Bull 6
Bull, under 2 years ri
Cow, any. age 5
Heifer, under a yearn 6
• Market Cattle
2 2
8 2
3 2
8 2
let 2nd 3rd 4th
Butcher Steer or Heifer, over
800 pounds 5 4 •9
Baby Beef. under 800 lbs. t' 8 6 2 e
1st prize, Silverware, donated
by T. Eatha Co.
Get of Sire (3 animals, any herd) 5 8 Q
Gentleman's Turnout -$2.00.
Trade- Drives -52.50.
Beat Wagon or Express Hbrxe-+$3,00.
Boys' Judging Competition on Horne-- $3,
62.00, 41.00.
Boys' Budging Competition on Cattle -$3,00,
62.00; $1.00.
Prizm in Boys' Judging Competition donat-
ed by Bank of Montreal.
The Boys' Judging Competiltion will be un-
der the dnrootion of M.r. Shearer, County Agri-
cultural Representative. Score Cards will be
elven each boys 60 points will be given for
Placing be ecbre card, and 60 points for ma-
gma so be given orally. Class to be judged
will be heavy horses and beef settle. Nee en-
trance fee will be required, but boys must be
tinder 18 year of age and have their. entry In
fore L$O o'cleok.
Entries must be in before 1 p.m.
1.-- Entry fee. 51.00 for first entry; addi-
tional entries. 25 cents each.
2. --Horse, and Cattle' cannot compete twice
in retttilar classes, except Agricultural or
Draft. 3 year olds, which may be shown in
3.-- The Judge's decision is final.
4 - Entries may be awarded .any or no pries
et the discretion of the Judge.
3. --Single Roadsters may also compete in
tel. me.
0. --All entries must be the bona fide pro-
perty of the exhibitor.
7. -Brood mare must show to be in foal.
E. -Society will not be liable for any dam-
age affecting exhibitors of livestock or spree-
PARADE AT 1.30 -Animals not in Parade
nay he excluded from eompetitieve
Huron County, 3135.00; Village ,of Hansa"
500.00: Township of Standee. $25.00; . Towne
ship of Hay, 525.00; Township pf Usbotnn,
$15.00; Township of - Tuckersmith, 106.00;
Bank of Montreal, 310,00; Hensall Chamber
of Commerce, 310.00; W. H. Golding,
810.06:- James "Ballantyne, M.L.A_, 110.00;
Commercial Hotel, $10..00; Robert Simpson
Co., Silverware; T. Eaton Co., Silverware.
SPRING SHOW CIRCUIT- Clinton Apaii 1st;
J3ensall, April 3rd.'
Seed Show
Prize List*
The following -prizes will be awarded as
the best samples of Seed exhibited On accord-
ance with the rules goserning Seed Fait
1st 2nd 3rd .ifs
1 bus, Fall Wheat . $2.25 51.75 11.50
1 bus. Early Oats .... 3.26 2.78 2.86 ;Inti$
1 bus: Late Oats • 3.26 2.75 2.26 1:50
1 bus. Hulless Oaths 2.25 7.76
1 bus. Barley, 6 -rowed 8.25 2,78 2.96
1 bus. Field Peas 2125 1.75 f.so
1 bus. Field Beans 2.26 1.75 1.00
1 bus Soya Beane 2.25 1.75 1.40
1e 'bus. Timothy Seed2.26 1.75 1.56
% bus: Red Clover Seed 2.25 1.75 '1..41
bus.. Sweet Clover
Seed Leo 1.11
2 bu.. Alfalfa Seed 2.25 1.76 IAS
rrt bus. AMsike Seed 2.25 1.75 1.66
'1 bus. Potatoes, any
early variety 2125 1.78
1 bus. Potatoes, general ,
Most creditable showing
2126 1.75 7..90
of Grain and Seeds.. Sweepstithe %err
1. -All seeds entered for competition mite*
have been grown by, the exhibitor within ono
year erevlous to the exhibition.
must $become rnemba'ri al
the Society by paying to the,. Treasurer_tth•ere-
of, either .previous to or at 'tire time of snak-
ing entries, the sun of $1.00 each,
'3. --Nb premiums shall be awarded me .ex-
hibite that ekmtain ,weed need, which ire the
opinion of the judge are of a poxious nature.
4. -No exhibitor ahaU Eremite more than
one prize in any dales.
5.-- All samples must be correctly labelled
witet the nnane Of the varlette, the amount e1
seed for sale a.nd the selling Price. Grain
not lees than 25 hue -bele for Bale. except Al-
silte, Tirnkrthy and Clover, ,not lens them three
bushels ; MVlfalfa, e8 buerhela ; Early Potatoear
not less than 5 •bushels; Late Potatoes•, not
leo-. than fi bushels. '
6 -in ease of dispute, a atmtutory declara-
tion that the above miles have been Complied
with,itor ranof r shoed. requit'ei from each .or ony ex-
7.--AI.1 exhibits for com;petftion for prirau
mOs't be delivered at the '$bion Hall, Hensel&,
not later than one o'clock, noon. and shall not
be removed maid the globe oe the. Pal. at 4
oats.8.-Urban Oats must be cleserined as Isle
ArnnolUoN PR=
DR. A. R. CAMPBELL - President
K.' M. MOLEAN ' 'Secretary
WWI aNameilistroslaYINWSO