HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1943-03-19, Page 4,71 4, 11 A will be inserted at new low'casit rates: listed. Loot and Found, Co:aft Event. Iftee,-Per word: 1st week 1,, Cent lind week , % Qopt O ind week' ii Cent 10141)21g0 chats% flyst insertion05 Com& 104 flatus' initial and abbreviation osuntia as owe word. Tri'Meiiimiaro Notice -4 cent per wand: Minimum, 55 cents per week. be aleeoes to,a Boa Number, Oa The Huron Expositor, or in cents extra- aftionai ,Der, week Will he charged ti ads in shove eloor are not Paid by Um night in theWeek In wIxteh the od. was run. airisges and likostbs lambed be af change- ii*:161etaees to cgoth*ei. Elbo.--Entes on Orile1catIOO6 : operty Por Sale SALE--satsu., paarez COTTAGE, Areated on Coleman Street Seaforth. Aso- idrIlfAILTJN RYAN'. Executor. Mary O'ReillY &tate., or MeCONNELL & HAYS, Seaford'. Solicitors. 3925-3 _Lost and FoUnd LOST -NINE YALE KEYS ON CHAIN. P.Older Please leave at THE EXPOSITOR °MOW via receive reward. 8926-2 L , SATURDAy, JANUARY 28r4. 408187Z the hoe of Harold Jackson, Huron East, and Cricks% Store, some valuable lisnere. Will finder please leave same at TEE ExPosrrott OFFICE.' 11920-tf Wanted O WANTED TO RENT -200'20 BOO A,ORES T Y of pasture land, close to Seaforth. AP- PLY to Box 864, EXPOSITOR OFFICE. 3925-3 r AND WAN'I'EDLTO RENT By ACRE OR an %arm. Would accept from 10 to 100 acres. In reply. state acreage, etc. Box O ass. imposrron-OFFIGE, 5926x4 VtrAtininn-ciermE- TO PASTURE. Ap- "1y to csmeatiNE IdeEWEN. first farm wart of Mensal, or Boa 92, Hensall. O 3926x2 For Rent Help Wanted WANTED -A .CAPABLE GIRL FOR GEN- " eral house work. Apply to Box 661fi HURON EXPOSITOR. 8927-1 T.TELP WANTED - GIRL OR WOMAN "•"•• wanted to assist with hoUserwark in farm. home. Two adults in family. ApillY MRS. R. FEAR, R. A. No. 5. Olinlon. Phone 616 r 24. Clinton Central 8927:1 For Sale FOR SALE -A GANITER, OR WILL EX- . change for a goose. PHONE 45 r 23, Dublin Central. 0 8927x1 VOIR SALE-BUESCHER 'C' MELODY SAX- -L ophone; tenor banjo. Both like new. JOHN PLUMMER, Clinton, Ont. 3927x4 VCR SALE -.BABY CARELAGE; REASON. L- able. Also wanted to buy, a go-oart, itt good condition. Apply to MRS, FRED E. WILLIS, North Main St. 3927-1 poet SALE -1941 LODGE 2 -TON -TRUCK, j- stake Body, in very good condition. For atrick sale. L. SOITILRE & SON, Zurich. 3926x2 • , OR SAT.3I--1 NEW ELECTRIC WASHING 4.• machine. As the manufacture of electric , washers is discontinued for the duration, this 15 an opportunity which shouki not be over- ; looked. J. W. MODELAND. Phone 660 ring 4. Seaforth. 8911041 Card of Thanks . pcut 15ENT-75 AellES OF' PASTURE TEES SCCYIT FAMILY OF BRUCEFIELD wiah to express' their sincere appreciation land, or- will take cattle to pasture. Ap- ply to wri AM 3 DAVIDSON, Hillsgreen. and tha.nks for the sympathy -and kindness 5927x1 shown ,thera during their recent bereavement cd their mother, Mrs. Jessie Scott. We espec- von TIENT-APARTMENT, 6 ROOMS, IN ially wish to thank Dr. ,MeMester, tile Nurses J., Alcmse. An eeaveaketaea„ situated and ' Staff of Scott Memorial Hospital, Rev. ; Atkinson of Brucefteld, Rev. Hugh Jack and •on corner of Market and Ord &tweets. Apply 40 MRS: J. AL NWICE147FR Plume 25, a, Dr. Hurford of Seaforth, the Btucelleld Choir Box27, Seaflorth. •• 33234d and Mr. John Beattie of Seaforth, the , . pail - bearers, neighhocs, the businessinen . and an Fon RENT OR SALE -COMFORTABLE 6- theee who sent lovely floral tributes and so gratefully loaned their cars and sleighs. roomed house' on Geoztge Seaforth; 1 block 'from. .1.ihrary. Appdy MRS. F. E. T Londerboro R. R. 1DESIRE TO THANK ALL THOSE WHO . 3825,3 i' -'-'were so' kind to me during my ,stay -in Scott Memorial Hospital, also to :thank the nutses on the staff and. the doctor. MRS. JOHN KNIGHT. Notices FARMERS! AATE ARE PLEASEI/TO ANNOUNCE THAT TV W e have taken the agtinsy for Massek- Harris parts and machines. Orders now tak- en at SEAFORTH MOTORS. Phone 41. 3927-3 , ppEPRESENTATIVE MISS' ,:WINNIFRED ,o'Neli, Clinton, Phone 754. For com- plete lines of .Fuller brushes and service for same. isa Seaforth on Tuesdays, Leave or- ders at Box 360, THE HURON EXPOSITOR. 3926x4 'XIUTICE-ANYONE 'WATLING MINERAL 4.` ized tonic for hogs, poultry and stork see your Watkins' Dealer, WM, BRADSHAW, 54 George St., Seatforth, or phone 50. 8102,6 Farms For Sale FAB* volt SALE -(1) 100 ACRES IN Tuckentmith, on Highway No. 8, Lat 29, Huron-Road.,frame barn on cement founda- tion; fame becum. Very productive *MI ; Plenty of water. (2) 50 acres in Hullett, north half of Lot 5, Conaission 2; frame barn fitiOIIO foundation; frame house; II was. ' Obtqce fur= Apply wthi..„.u.m LIV- INGSTON or JAMES F. SCOTT, R.R. 2, Sea - forth, Executors of the late Thomas Living- ston estate. ` 11912atf FARMS FOR SALE BY PUBLIC. TENDER MISS BLANCHE LIGIITOWLER AND MR. and Mrs. Arnold Westcott wish to thank the friends and neighbors for the many kind acts during, She illness and death el Mrs. Susan Lightowler. 13927x1 hi Memoriam PARCEL 1..List 15, Concession 4, Township of hteKillop; 'too acre. On the premises are a bank barn, 43x74, stone foundation, cenient flooring, and -a, 11,4 storey brie:k house. Parcel 2.--430 acres choice nroduetive land. being, Paris of Lots 16 and 17 .on the 2nd ConeessiOn of Mcifillop. • Well fenced and 'drained, with barn 40x55; drilled well with windmill; 5 laze& imsh. One-half of land subject .3o lease in 1943., The proPertY 'the late; '111CC0lttskey. Ilei46'..--L20 per cent. dow-n„ balance in 60 days. Teuders will be Opened on TuesdaY. March' 30t11.' Address tenders. anti inquiries to .1. AL EGICERT,'‘IL .11. 1, Seaforth, or K. I.. MaLDAN, Seaforth, 3927-2 Auction Sales - A'2'°7 SALE OF rApt STOCK, ETC. 1VIr. Harold Jackson, auctioneer, /Ma been 'instructed to sell by public auction at Lot 31, ,Consession" 3, Tifekersmith. 114 miles east of Rineefield,. on !Alin Road, on Friday, „ Mara 2633, at 1 p.m.!' HORSES -1 Clirdo !hare ris- ing' 7 years 011;.1 Clyde Semi-', marm, 10 „years old; 1 ClYsle 'horse rising 6 yean; old. CITPTLE:L4'I tiolisite6i) cow 'due April 19th; I white caw cltie .1110 15113 1 Durham cow due May 1611; 1 Durham cow due July 2011s; 1- Durham mar, fresla-; 3 Durham heifers; due Tia Apia; 5, Durbata heifers rising 2 years; 4 Du.rham. Esteem *win' g 2 i•ears did; 4 Dur- ham steers risitnel year aid: 1 Durham heif- 'et P1Gs=41,chtimke, 90 Rs.; 1 sow with 11` pigs three weeks dia. HARNESS - One Sreetibitg Set eif' borate; 1 plow set of har- tea's; sevaral good home collars, and other O articles. • ,GRA116-.•••200 bualiels o Alaska oats, suitable for sea; 50 bushels 0.A.C. 71 lbarley. Tesoro - Cash. -WILSON TRONG, Proprietor; Herold Jacinoii, Auc- tioneer. MEANING AUCTION SALE-WVE. Nairn 1-", has been instructed.to sell by pith& 'asic- ; Go.the oreccieu3, Lot 18, Oonsimaion 11, Hiblsert TOirnahip, one-half mile west of ;CirciniartY. ori Tintsday, March ailth, commenc- ing at 6710 44'e1dk sharp, the ,fe4lOwireg: IDON,SES-One pair good work hawse. CAT- /foieford cows, fresh : 1 Ulna cow, 2404154 l• Dunham cow doe in Apt -Z•.• i blue cosi,tai1lg ; Durham heifers; 2 years Old; 2 DurlismAsteins° 2 yeast old; 2 fat cattle, '3100 lbs.; 4 *carting steers; 3 yeartilar heir- .ers; 4 Inung colvee. HAY AND tiltAIN-4). •SivorsattY of lay: 400 bushels mixed grain; foo O .tisheis Venitmard Wats. 1111t/A610,41TS-- etor equipment consisting of: Oliver "80' -Tractor Oci435 stier4y ,,tberw: McCormick- . Deering it4SieieW traelxii- plow; McCortnietc- 'treating .53 feet agar tooth cultivator; 04306Mbai 4041Sit tOdEll SI011401,00 ; McCort:tie& Beefing -No. 1 D. klainriet misMitisseg•drat. Mantire • opreado:: litessev-tetteetis„ seed , it lie feriliator attached; set It tron O 'harrows ;,54r51 .tindrol1er; ,dikm. harrows': Plenty twolleintstot Nitreew mome-plow:' 2 &miners: &teak anicOottuick.neeenta, Undo, ' 6.•-fikot, mit, tubber Stee *int Sheaf Ana 4ttt4f the4thilite-beettlig mower tge8V.etitt' 1.11406ititiekArteerift Inte-Ioactet aria 4e --16i 1tor,51Vfcgoionlek. ,ffilblier ' ',atre; sanleislust, eti ' • tetetterr bay, tack; 0# , '.toonsifig. hint dit fat *toe', 00 d!•,. pEILD-IN LOVING MEMORY OF 'WIL- liam Reid. Varna, who passed away ,one year ago, March 18th: " A silent, thought, a secret tear. Keeps his memory ever near. -.Fondly remernbered by Wife and Daugh- ter. Births DOIG.---In Scott Memorial liespital, Searforth, on March 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Doig, McKillop,- a daughter. , CHESNEY-In Scatt Memorial Hospital, Sea- forth)...en March 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Chesney, Tuckersmith, a daughter. COOK -At the General Hospital. Windsor, on Monday, March 150i, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook, of Wi-ndsor, (nee. Ann'Tjern.fin), a daughter: a granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. C. Coak, of Heenan. McKELLAR In Albany Hospital, Toronto, o'n ldarch 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc- Kellar,. a son. Deaths •SEIP-In Seafontli, on Sunday, Mardh 14th, George Seitz?, in his '73rd year: Searortht on Monday. March 15th, Lily Denholm, widow of the late George Dicicson., in her 64Th.year. BOYD-In Scaforth, on Thursday, March 72, Emily Jane Signers, widow of the late Sam- uel Boyd, in her 95th year. " CAMPBELL -In Woleiley, Sask., on February - 20th, Margaret Jamieson. widow •af the late Robert Campbell, formerly of Seaforth, in her- 84th year. . • Bayfield District (Continued from Page I), leaving the area in darkness. A heavy fog shrouded the district anti concealed the full damage. ' A large section of the harbor area was flooded briefly, and a'rock garden at the bridge head here was left fill- ed with large cakes of ice The names and prizes are in ord,er of merit: Senior Group: Ages 15, 16 and 17- Gwenneth Jones, James St. United Church Sunday' Schobl, Exeter; Irene Dorothy Glousher, Baptist S. School, Wingham; George Phippen, City Mis- Perhaps heaviest damage was done in the fish houses, where old and many new nets were filled 'with rub -- his& and dirt. Louis 'McLeod', veteran lead fisherman, said it would take at least two weeks to repair damage arid clear up the cliaordered fish house's. No estimate could' be obtained or: the full damage to fishing craft until a daylight inspection is made, but it is expected to rim into several thea - sand dollars. „. Announcement /Via and Mrs. 17171111ara Osmond, Bay- field, wish to announce the engage- ment of their eldest daughter, Sarah Mabel Isabella, to Mr. Wilfred Fred- erick. Ahrens, eldest ion of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ahrens, of Logan. the mar- riage to take place quietly in Redeem- er Ltitheran, ,Chnrch, Hardilton, on April 22nd at 7.30.,, Mr. James Robison is redecorating the interior of -his store this week... Mr. and WITS. R. IL Middleton, of Hensall, visitedher mother, Mrs.' Mar- garet Weeds, on Sunday last. Mr. mid tLVIA4'.'ll'eid AtifktoiCivai.e itt London ori Monday.' • liendek 4.ifich, spent Stilt- tlaY' with Mr. &flirt& P, VtreiAt'ea, O and WA; tad:It 411116t,, of tir ; e k)etit, LSittidai w3itb.110 .404M , ' 4406 ter al' fititoo, ' ti1,414ird 04.,001g ;hem "rat , Ellen , - w0015, 1a0X0 4) ihiiit wsith**0 in,, To- Ninte,' alld 15409it,' ' ' 'a vrs. Thomas Batley returned- SRA- arday from Stratford where elm Wait- ad friends., ,. . ... Mr. Geeige Weetora Vetornod 4"le cui SatardaY from visiting Intender i0, Detroit, • .,, t e hn,§4fN. Aitoolivflot. ,04,1#10; - "Iiiiih*:alid! 4.9t .40' illaana. 4s . ft)02-0.1161 13118.4Y c/o4g.,ar, Lettylciiiie'* aiaaatiivin flirt ,W1.4.0 , r . 110%.".00a 10143.14(41-YOnWe Secrets, Jean 11*.UPTP, rsA.;:PARIt LaWrence, a 414043 young ,l,•&194.,e,p'• who *Ineddi. es. in otherli. affaire-Idatl, 4eywood;,.. Near Jarme11,, it Awedeo,Who4 is .dketrOngest. Mall tz! a4 da cagutRy,- J.44: Gerald Voralls; , 414q, cottka.441are,,e (leer ,Anat Al- MhtorealliIva a ,1,1w4O.. la net .nr , -...ino.'„ - - •',.-‘,"' • '— •-. ;.-,1-„Afac'arller,parbara's un- rae:71 suitor, Allan °.;,;;Z•77i''. '''!. " •e -' '-`4",""fki...,t .. • .,teoto,,-.0,0j*.rig .was taken in at the,,-.4stotkz LAnclieon, was served at the,e.,949)0,p4,44.t4e, 174lay, ti Merabers :. , - of tria' fast and the Wohelo Class ' " -,•••-,.. •:-; • • '. ' Worst„.,4a0 reac.13.ed Hensel!. that •• • - ..' • pandsort of -Mr. ana Pitts. Gen-aim:Hudson, of the 'village, hes. gonapverseas. Laird is a, former •-••,-; - ..a• , Hensel) ,Lhoy. w , '- - , P (Intiandeerlor last week) ' Death'itr',Mrs. W. M. Bell ' Mrs', ' W:4111E. Bell, highly esteeraed .... . resident' 'Of the district, passed away at her ,boine a mile west. of Hensall, on Thuisday afternoon, March 4, fol- lowing a, lengthy illness, during whieh. time.she was a patient ih Scott 'Mem, oriel HOispital; Seaforth, before' cora- big to herr,bome here, her death corn- in Siddenly. , She was bora In Us- ,. borne to1Visthip 71 3,:-rs ago, &Ago- ter of the lite Mr. and Mrs. Dungan .i.;„1, ' Stewart. (9are was the, former Marg- art 'AOSik'Steviaft. She has resided iii this "Mktri•ct• for the past 30 years and weer yell...known in church and community affairs, and Was a member of Carmel' Presbyterian Church. ', Be - sides her husband and SOD, Stewart, ,. .„ She is surVived by two -sisters, 'Mrs. T. ElcIpr and Mrs, W. J._, Elder, both of .Seaferthand two brothers, :prin- , can, Oritensall, and Sohn R. Stewart, of U.Sberne, Private funeral services which. Were to have been held from her residence on Saturday, March 6, had to be postponed until Monday, owing :to Weather and road conditions. Rev.. „W.' Weir, her minister, officiat- . ed, paying' high tribute to her life, her Christian .character and her devetion ., . ,, to her la6Me, her husband and eon, and her passing will be mourned by ••• members Of her family and by a wide Circle cif' neighbors and friends, who held her in high, esteem. Bnrial took Place in Hensel' Union Cemetery.' , Hold World Day of Prayer 't, . Praying %for unity in. a world of chaos., Women Of Hensall had a shake in the DonAnion observance Of the World Day of Prayer, observed at St. Paul's Anglican Church on Friday last at 3 ,p.m. In a comprehensive service arranged by the inter -board committee of the Dominion, women of all the societies of the three local churches Met for adoration, for inter- cession, for penitence and for thanks- .,. giving. Representing St: Paul's _. Church was Mrs. R. H. Middleton'," •Carmel ,Presbyterian Church, Mrs. C. S. •Hualson, and United Church, Mrs. R. A. Brook. Familiar hymils were ,sung and the theme of the Day 'of Prayer was emphasized with vision and vvith humility, "That,they all may the one." Prayers were offered by Mrs. C. McDoneli 'Mrs. James Parkins and Mrs. James Simpson: . The devo- tional address was presented by Mrs. M. A. Hunt and a solo, "Teach Me To . . . Pray," was pleasingly, rendered by Miss Ethel Clark, accompanied- by Mrs. R. H. Middleton. , • - . _. Observe 'Fiftieth Anniversary . A family ffinner on Sunday, March 14th, marked the 50th. vvedding anni- , ': , of Mrand MrsGeorge Gram well known Hens,all residents, The • . .• gu.ests of honor received many lovely . gifts in honor of the event., Attend- ing from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gram and Betty Lou, of Lansing, Mich.; Miss Ada Gram, Ad- nan, Exotei. Mich.; Mrs. Perkins, Mrs. Isaac Jarrott, KiPpen, and Mit. Mina Love, Hensall, me. and Mrs. , Gram, have been residents here for over 30 years. Before taking -up- resi- &nee they resided west of 'Hensel on. the Parr Line, where Mr. Grana farmer successfully. They are mem- bers of the United, Church, Hensall. Their many friends and neighbors ex- tend congratulations. LAC. Ken Passmore, son cif Mr..and Mrs. John Passmore, of Hensall, re- ceived bAS wings. Thursday, March lg, a ceremony t NO. 6 Service Fly- a ing Training School, BrantfOrd, Where he is stationed. key. is a mer Qk ex. traordinary ability, . and certainly knows how to handle 'a . Wale, • His patents and „members. of the family attended the' CerenionY. .. The Girls' Dance Club of Hensall is sponsoring a dance in the Town Hall on Monday, ;March 22nd, with Music b- y Ted Pudney and his orchestra. Proceeds are for ,war_. work. The W.C.T.U. Will hold their 'March ,meeting at the 'h,onue of Wee. Eva Pen- rose, Exeter, on Thursday afterndon, March 25th, at g P.M . Pupils of Mr. 'Claude '13lowes'• 'room of the public sehoei are contributing $6.00 towards'' the mobile . kitchen ma, it far the. bontb d ' put area la. Great , , 0 : Britain. • The' many friends -of Mrs. jOhn Johnston, win; hail 'bee,n seriously M with pneumonia, will be pleased to learn is imProVittg . ,,,,, . . ! on Carlile Is in Gederich '''''r6' W11 , this.,-weelt visiting with her daughter • • ... , • . . and gOn-in-la!,, ixr. and Mrs. ,VV'esley ItiOxardson and tinnily. Carol Ann IS t pregent cOttened tO the home with a , • • •' nteaales. Mrs, Pred Beer watt a recent Vibitor tO Toronto for a Week's vacation 'Mid ,,,„/ .while there wtia:,, Os ngs'ast,.iit, :i*e,al. janet Peck teio,,'.0toto. .. .;, ' ,,,:-. ' , lam •Grahaliii' 14 Pi Palnieretbff ' at :11t0Ettolt, &Ma ,';'te ' iiIiie#6' ef her. , niee, ei. Milt. , W., ' , , .0.. diire, 4'. , if ikill41`1 'illi; *46.1P, 9.p. .e, .0, 0,1roosr,i), 0 444t ''441:!Pqr , . p%iOct.''. 0'04-44 Iii0g 40 :ffdl .04.:',410##:::0 ,. ,,, 4014,, edltieto. ''"" ,,:.i,',, -, ,, , ±1.1% and II,Xra, Zed Tama0 ',a T.04.1.• of Listowel, 0. pent Sunda y wi. th'-Mre. 0. 'woollen, and DerOtIO. . - ,Nr. aOd•Mrrn owlataw,: Vejote, of 1,44404, le04,,,,. ::$404y.. ,,rest# with MiO.' .4(fibert S. 9na1ren OW Ws. L. '• Simpson Pte. Fred Beer of London, was a Week -end visitor with his wife • aml family. _ , . LAC. Ross killer, of the 4.R.A.F., Centralia, was a week -end pest with his 'aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. 0. L Jinks. ' • . .. Mr. and 'Mrs. Allan DavidsOn, or London, were Week -end visitors at their respective homes here. , ibliss .Mavis ,Spencer, of Toronto, spent the week -end vvIth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Spencer. b" Dave Sangster, of the, R.C.A.,, left for Halifax this week, where he will be stationed. •' :Mrs, William •Chapitan, who has been ill at her home for the past fete' weeks with pneumonia, is iMproving, her friends will he pleased to learn. . The Young Peopie's Ileion of the United ,Churoh held a delightful St. .., r. atrick'S social in the basement of the church Monday evening last under the converiership of '1Vliss Gladys Me- Kenzie, and the •president, Miss Elva ...'.••.- avict4ueen, presiding.' At the conclu- sion of the devotional period and busi- nese a short program was en,loyed consisting of a piano solo, Miss Gladys .' Luker; solo, "Did Your Mother Come Prom Ireland?" Mrs. 'Maude Hedder; , accompanist, Miss Gladys Luker. Miss Audrey Dinnin gave an •outline of the life of St. Patrick. Community sing- ing, featuring Irish numbers, Was `en- joyed with Miss Luker at the Piano. Contests and games were enjoyed in charge' of Miss Gladys McKenzie, and refreshments were served. . Jack iSmith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith, of Ilay,-Und grandson of Mr. and 'Mrs. William Consitt, of Hensall, left, on Tuesday of this Week for Edmonton, Alta., where he will e,nter training as a Wirelessair gun- ner in the R.CA.F. , Mrs, Harry Arnold spent a few days this week visiting with relatives ia London. . . Mr. and Mrs. Albert Passmore, of Delhi, spent the week - n end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs Joh. Passmore. '• . Mr. John Mousseatt, of Grand Bend, was a visitor.. in town on MondayHof this week. 'Miss Amy Laramie, of , London, andio!la Mr. aad Mrs. RayLammiei of Cen-. tralia, were week -end visitors with Mrs. Laramie and Greta. Donald .HOggarth, Atlantic Comman- der, Cape Briton Island, spent tlie- week -end with ,his parents,Mr. and Mrs. James Hoggarth. 4iftrs. Alex Buchanan was visited ov- er the week -end by members of her fainily, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Buchanan, London;'. Miss Mary Buchanan, super- intendeat. of the General Honitai, Niagara Falls; Reeve George Arm- strong, Mrs., Armstrong, Harry, Jean and BettY. of Hay. . . Ronald Stephan, son sr Mr. and Mrs. Ott Stephan has accepted a position as assistant at the C.N.R. here, tak- ing the place of Jack Smith who re- cently ,enlisted in the R.C.A.F. Mrs. Albert Haring and family, of vi lit- toJeoko Jones rand lLeo London h tander, 0f Mrs.wWoodstock, ing with their mother, Mrs. Minnie Li •0 Little. • ' ' Mrs. Roy MeLaren was hostess for ' .,, the Arnold Circle at her home on M.0!1, day evening last, with Mrs. Melvin Moir in.the chair. The.opening hymn, ' 'If I Coble To 'Jests," was folloPred with prayer by Mrs. IVIeLaren... Scrip:. ture reading' was taken by Miss Helen 'Moir. "0 Master,- Let Me Walk .With Thee?' was sung, after which the min- utes, roll call and ;business were the next items an the program. Miss Sal- topie, "Chinese,” ly Manson gave the„, in a very able manner. At the con- elusion Of the meeting a 'delicious luncheon was served by the hostess which was pauch enjoyed. The 'March meeting of the W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyterian Churell was ‘ held • Thursday afternoon last at 3 1413.imth. iMilitSh.e‘Rsoeyh7M°Ictroaormenolfnththeechchilareirh. The meeting came to order with the singing Of "Safely Through Another Week," followed by the *Lord's PraY- et The Bible lesson, Hebrews 11:1-• 1-16, t was taken by Mrs. Weir. The roll. call Was answered with "Faith.' Mrs. C. S. Hudson presided. for the business.session. Fallowing the shag- ing of "0, Master, Let 'Me Walk With. Thee," Mrs. J. Paterson offered pray- er. The topic of the. afternoon was ably taken by Mrs. Roy McLaren,. The closing hymn Was "Wlieste -Cross the 'CrOwded 'Ways of Lite followed by the benediction, . . WOniell's Itistituth Meets • , :Mrs: Claude Blowes was hostesa for the Marckmeeting•of the Hensall Sen- tor Women's institilte Despite the incleraencyiof the Weather there Was a' .geod attendance. 4.14. 17(7.. B. Cross was cohostess. The chair Was taken by the presidentOVIIss Gladys Luker, and the theme waS"Agrleulthre." i'he reit , daft Was antiWered With 'What ,... • . ,, Canadian produet! 00;1 have on My , . 4.,,,...„ , dirtOer table?" .••.v,ins'••intiiti),, 'What We r , k•••'• ., ,. ,!,!.:• • •:, ., .„... 09, . 1;,,ve 'eelley.4W1141.,,,t,:,.Werillfurt ,vre • ,.„Attres, me:, • rea, 4'1 .Prenared,ohy;,..*0.4. , ,, .,:,,,,,,, AllOter, was given 7 by IWISS,13eryl `,4;". Pfs*:. Pr: A. R... Canitibell,. the lifeat , , Speiker, presented.' a Very later -eating ance infOrMatiVe ..,:atiftsikiAgiing7 tor . ' 111,e qi'4.0Wiii/ilidtik en ' hisfithe ,, ,,f, ,, ,, .0., ,.,i,, , 174 ir! irt thO:igatititanfiP.itki: eAttl;' tiallattl6Lit et *AS iiSitinift itii*ith iiin6h. iiiisaiittre:, P70134 Alpttieligtilittleiii.'thitdrielltS•tiftle13 rAt4,114!..4*tiole.4„,*',1q,iik.,At,c;$.0r ' thilikilfiffat'eC '' ' ' ' ",tini t Cimr.olit,--.eyenItg we t.910# by tMr 40, ,41 V040#40 004 '41:' tf0Ve LIF.O, 00Ot/934414 4r, .011, Poo, 644,-.1,..m! on10) .1131'044g ,v0,4..',1Wk.44 at.':4*, home, cf. ak6irs, is i*, Patfg894104 Wednesday, APril Atli. '.TIM`Mullinat.-.' ia3 ooMMI, . nee aPPointed to *PS 1r4 PI° new Slate at ortinara Ja:z MaelliAttr"; enc Welah, Mias Greta Laimni,, se, Raiso Beryl ' Pfaff. nuiolieon, was smnrea,, The members of the_Inatitute wieh it known to the .publie that the proCeeds derived from the rUmMage Bale, h held op February 6th, have been distribirt- ed ail fellows: $20 131tesian ,itedief FUnd, $20 .Uhinese Relief FOlid! , $20 Queen's Fund, and ps Himself Be d Cross Society. . . • • Red Cross /Otte . , ,, , , • Despite adverse weather conditions and bad roads the local Red Cross' canvass has been rollieg along at a fine pace and there possi, ere is a sron bility that Mr. 'Middleton and his corn - mittee 'will reach their self-apopinted objective which is 'somewhat beyond, thallocation of $2,300.00. The re- e ' sponse of the people in. general has been very generenia and it would ar, pear. as if nearly everybody realizes how much 'good they can acconaplish through the Red Croats'. If, by charace, the one 'wh'o is supposed to collect in yOur district. has not come around your way yet, we would greatly ap- preciate it if you Would bring your-sible donation to Middleton's Drug Store or the •Bank "of Montreal. We do not warn to have anybody miss this op- portunity to send a parcel to aorae prisoner of war' in Germany. • the Red 'Cross is the only organization through which you can do this. . Some time during the next two weeks 'a concert party from the Air Force Radio 'School at Clinton is go- ing to stage a show in the Hensall Town Hall, all preceeds of ,which will be contributed to the Red Cross. This concert party has some fifty mein- — bers in its cast and has been-receiv- ed enthusiastically in its every • ap- .pearance so far. There will be the choir which has 'broadcast over CFPL on at least two occasions, as well as ,• , , ... • We are again, talt:Ing eon., tracts _ for Malting Barley -Pe the, can ing . ada Malt- Ceinitany . !BEST SEED PROVIDED s Phone or lwrito to_ .. Geo.T.Idickleti Sons* HENSALL, ONT. PHONE 103 '‘Naiwa, STAPFA " —( ' . ' - ' - ' • 4.' " ' T he annual Women's. World Day of,n,ei'''m Prayer was Observed' in ptatga. United ChurCh Friday tiMael:2, on afternoo, th by the Staffa and "Cromarty Women's Missionary Societies. Mrs. Butson of ' ff Staa, opened .the service. Sttecial prayers were ,taken by Mrs. Gerald Agar, Mrs. Cecil Browmaxt, Mrs. Jas. Hill. Mrs. Thomas Scott also helped °TaireVITutdison, in leading the services. Solos were rendered by Mrs. T. L. Scott and Mrs., K. Drake. The scripture lesson was read by Miss (-race Chalmers. A splendid talk was given hy Mrs. Cliff Miller, stating our need for prayer and faith. Mrs. Miller said that in our Lord's life we have the perfect cora- bination of this vital".principle. Teach- ing and serving sum up His ininistrY. As we read the wonderful story of His earthly life ive Shall realize afresh that we need both ,p,assionate faith and intense activity if we are -oing to fulfil the purpose for which we were created. Mrs. ,Miller stated that we should work as if everything de- pended upon ourselves and we are to pray as though everything dePended upon God. The hYreo, "The Day thou Gayest,. Lord, is Ended," was sung, fol- lowed by the National Anthem. Mrs Thomas Scott closed the.meeting with the benediction. • ' A johat meetin4 of the Cromarty and Staff?, •,Young People was .held in Staff& church en Sunday evening with Miss Eileen Crawford presiding, The Scripture lesSon, was read by Mrs. Gerald Agar. ..MissMarion 'Drake read a poem; Mr. Oscar Reed gave a splen- did talk on temperance; Mrs. Clifford Miller sang a solo, accompanied 04 .the organ by 'Miss Marion Drake. . — the school orchestra, well known. to many residents of Hensall. In addl- tion, the party promises to present several solo numbers well worth see- ing afid hearing, so please be on the lookout for further announcements. The show will be Presented some time soon. Please plan to attend. , The latest quota for , knitting asked for more sweaters for refugees. Kind ly obtain your • wool as soon as nos- and do your bit for others. Carmel Church Notes • I On Sunday, ' March 28th, there will ., be a special service in ,Carniel Pres; byterian Church when during the morning deit of worship the minister will receive and dedicate a lovely maroon pulpit fall and Communion table runner which have been present. ed to the congregation by , Donald Walker of Toronto. On the pulpil fall there is worked in beautiful an appropriate colors the symbol of thE burning bush and on the Communion table cover at each end there is a St. Andrew's cross. These gifts will add ,rnuch to the appearance of the audj i torium and Carmel congregation is tc ;be congratulated on receiving them. , KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jones visited with Mr. Jones' father and brother in St. Thomas oo Saturday. • , Mr. Norman, Long Visited on Sunday with Mrs. Long who is Undergoing treatment ,in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. . . Mr. arid. Mrs. Arnci/d Gackstetter, of Guelph, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. William Homey. : , Mr. and Mrs. John. •Coehrane ca1les1 on friends in Clinton,. on Monday. Miss Dorothy McDonald, who has been spending a fe* weeks with Mrs. Allan Johnson has returned VI' her borne at Chiselhurst. - For some time it was blocked roads, now it is flooded cellars and flu. • Contrary to a report of last week, • 'Mrs. Long, is still in hos•pital at -Lon- I 'don undergoing treatment. Miss Ivison and Miss Long were visitors at London on Tuesday. ' Mrs. Dinsdale spent a few days at 'Stratford this week. ' • I The W.M.S. is holding its postpon- ed March meeting On Wednesday . ef next week, 1..lie 24th, at the. 'mine of 1Mrs. Isaac Jarrott. With all the roads I ' . open it is expected every member of I; , the society will take advantage of the 'opportunity to', be present for.this• , 1 . special program. • The services on Sunday will be con; • ' ducted by the minister who has an- I . ,nouneert he, *ill discuss the Message 1 , . , of the ook of Sanauel. The Sunday i school meets at • the doge of the.,ser. . , vice,versary . . The storm on 'Monday night made no difference to the attendance at the Farm Forum for •Cii'buit 651. It was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al- Ibert Alexander;- where a most enjoy- able evening was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Robert .Qemmell, invited the, mem,bets to their home for the next meeting. William Dalryrmile, of St. Cathar- ines; Mrs..•Frank Kenny, of -Stratford, and Miss Katt Dalrymple, of London, were week -end- guests of Mr. and Ws, Robert Dalrymple. Mr. and 'Mrs. George Vavley: and son, Prank, of St. , Catharines, Were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernmerson. Smith and Mr. and. Mrs. Arthur Var- ley. , The March meetfag of the Kippen East W.I. was held at the ,honie of -. Mrs. Alex McAregor with a good at -in tendance. Tbe roll ,call, .1(That, to do to further production" was well All- swered. A paper, "PreSchool Age Child," prepared by Mrti. D. G. Steer , and given by Mrs. William Cole, was very interesting and helpful, especial- ly to young mothers present. Children who had not been given bank beaks were presented with one containing war savings stamps. The little ones What took part in the program showed great Promise for the future.: It be ing the 17th, the meeting was. telil --,--Y Irish, as there w -ere Irish songs, jokes and stories, and ended .with an IOW contest. A _large ntimber of mints, . sewing and and knitting was brought to the Aneeting. The next meeting ;will be held at the home of Mrs. William. Cole on Wednesday, April 14th. , orsi es H ENsALL...ess • tock aiid.Seed . . orses—Cattle—Seeds atutday,. -pril. - - . • . . • Fair . • IS .1943 0,. PARADE AT " L30 SHARP . . . . RULES AND .REGULATIONS . Entries must be in befoie 1 p.m. I. -Entry ;fee; 61.00 for fir4 entry; addi ;Clonal entries, 25' cents each.. Si 2.3--Horsen and Cattle Cannot corwoete ft:kr in regular classes except Agricultural • a; Draft, 3 year Olds, which may be shown is teamsr• 84:1-netrisuttys b,(Ipeelsw a rdi c. n eig anyfinalai" no •at the discretion af the Alfige. 5. -.-,Single Roadsters may alsO' compete • b ter•MS. 6. -All entries must be the bona fide Pro. Perty af the exhibitor. 7. -Brood mare must almair to be in foal. • S. -Society will .tio' t be, liabha, for anY dam age affectmg extubliteas of livestock or sisee tataia„ PARADE AT 1.30-itaimala Oat. in Parodi may be excluded It -Om competition. ' HORSES ' _ • Class L -Clydesdale ,,,,, Aged:soil/ion istsca ore $8 $5 let prize, nobcot SinMson co. Aged sClassIL-Pirlieron or Belgian6 , 4. Class III. -Heavy Draft Brand Mare in foal ..-.. .. . ..... ... 4 3 2 F,illyy oorr Gerng, dutidei 23 yeanre ceolldd. 1 : 1 Filly or Geldrin:.: underer I year old. 4 3 2 Draft Te.mil 15 12 10 Hola;17„aszeh da,„bonitd, by .'C'numere471 ' - cbtim IV2-,Agricultural - Fab, °T. Gekli:ngt, under 3 ytt3. of age 4 3 2 Fi3317dgy alvel:reeraiaissi,11 dei 2 yrs. nod age 4 3 2 Filly or Gelding, under 1 yr. Of 'age 4 2 .2 Agricultural Team 15 12 10 ist prize donated by W. H. Gold- • . - ' m..,r.• cash added. rg. • • . Class V. -Wagon .or Express Te in HarmeSs • 12' g'. ist prize donated by Jaw Baillan-, ' . ti'ne. 3/14-“A-; eaith added - Class, VL -Roadster, Fanners' Class Roadster, owned by f er (20 mile /4„,,30 , 5 4 33 single Class VIL-Roadster, Open Cis '' 5 e..,,a.:,/. Team 10 6 4 Roadster champion Badge ci„,,,i,,,,,,hip ciaea ._ Draft Mare or Gelding, any age .... 3. Agricultural Mere -.or Gelding, anY sige ' . 0 ... • 3 ; Grand Championship Draft or Agrr° (cultured 'Finy or Geld- ing, any age Badge A Township Prize Threel,borses .from one Township: 2 • to An; erritry ree't $7.00neces820 . 8 8 a . DONATIONS' , Huron Coun•ty, 8135.00; Village of Hensaa 660.00; Township of StardleY, 625.00 ; Town ship of H0S,, 625.00; Township of Usborne .515.00; ToWnship of Thickersinith, $25.00; Bank of Montreal, 610.00; Heiwall Chambei I ZOtn:Mi=e3. $1°BrillatirteW. FitiVitrlig: .r$1MUP°.'; I Commercial Hotel, 610,90; 'Robert SimPsot Co., Silverware; T. Eatim Co., Silverware. .. SPRING SHOW CIRCUIT -Clinton, April lat; Hensalt April arci; ' • Seed -Show . • • ' , . ' Prize L.,ist 01 The following .Prizes will. be awarded on 4,he best samples of Seed exhibited in accord - ante with the rules governing Seed, Palm: 1st 2nd. 13rd 44it I bus. Fall Wheat .... $2.25 61.75 $1.50 1 bus. Early Oa W ...... 8.25 2,75 2.25L50 1 bus. Late Oats 3.25 2.75 2.25 i..6. 1 VI Runees oeite 2.25 1.76 Barley, 6 -rowed 3.25 2.76 2.25 1.50 1 bus. Field Peas ' 2.25 .1,7.6 1.50 i bus, Field" F3eank : '2.26 . 0.45 /.60 1 bus Bona Beans -2.25 .145 1.50 bus. Timothy Seed2.25 7416 t50 . 1/2 bus. Red Clover Seed ,75 nit . 2.25 1 1.43 bus. Sweet Cloven .•: 1 bus. Potatoes, any , :12%' bS:bul8bus:.:A6ilta.fentomiklien,S8fdrieral:222112s.252 :L:1,i1 II! . early varletY "4:' ''' crop ' ( • 2.125 a.h.s Ice' Meet creditable '3114w:fig of Grain and Seed4Sweepstake Bader . ,, r CATTLE clime 1.-:Amons • lat2nd ard $555 $383 $222 tur7,1,uranti 2 'yean ow . caw, atii, age " Heifer, -ander 2 years . 5 8 2 , • chi. n..--sitorthc;rne Aged .Bull , 5 8 2 Bal, under 2 'y esge 5 3 2 Caw, any as4. ,,,... 5 & 2 ex 0?. 8.8('Ir 2 "an' 2 ,. Class M.--Berefords Aged Dull• Bull, under 2, years 6 3 2 5 8 2 Cow, any age . Heifer, under 2 years 6 8 2 5 5 2' Miati Cattle 1 --': 1st Znd ard 441 Butcher Steer, ter Heifer, .over , °t'ulitita,46r goo lbs. 5 4 6 a i er'zm Se ererare, donates.8 5 8 2 by BT.' Plati;ri coy.. ..4. Get of Sire (8 an' e, Spar 0 6 3 2 .., ; • •• RULES AND 'REGULATIONS , I. I. -All see' entened for Mon must baVe been' ,grldivii by the CAI* ' Within an* year previous to the exhibition. • 12.----COintelitrads inust become =Mabee of the Society 'bd.- Paring to the 'Treasurer of, °Muss.. previous to or at dhe time Of malt - ing entries, the sum of r$1.00 eacit, 13.-N6 premiums shall be awaided on ex_ bibite. that cicoitain. Weed seed, Which in the oi)inion Of the i A.- .0-.0 are of a ;denten:5 nature. -No exhibitor- shall meselve •inore than onePri7.4 irl any 4745g. 5, -All samples' most be etstiecitlit labelled with the name of the varictsr. the amount of seed • fo itale and the selling airtite.- Grain not Imm then 25 hashels for /oak, eXCept Al- 04; TbItothy and 'Ciocer, not IOW than three httehem: Aireara, S basin& s EarlY Petatteg. 'i0t8 than 5 Wallah; Late.,Totatoes. not ;than 6 bushels, .3...-4n case of dianilre. 0 O. 0 661ara- tiott•thilt the slave estioni"libta "eira••aboroliod with,.,,forty tya ,...outa ritot, ,.,6,6,,,s, ,t,t_ ha:it-010'a dot - •-, ', -- ,,,•;,•. 1-4, ' ' - ' ' . . ' --1.04I OtlArbits,.Air ithfiCrt; d'Ot: IPS*** must be tiohednilan'at ilir.,knowit. onHenson, , WM loiter then 0 e.01010 .. itiint, OM Eibal not ratatiett:snee AM .610fe 'of, tIte Pah at •4 " ,,, `' ' •. -^. ,-.,','' 4.• alt Ms ba fled ali late . • , . ,..,. .,, bk k tt tmontitell 68100 ' . ''' ' 'M Ivid.. et a A kr . 11,ENSALL . SPECIAL PRIZES , G,Ilenny'er8 TT2.'n.50.t--162.00-, ' , ' Best 171/71011t. or Express Horse -63 00 '0Cit )3,1y,,, judi,thig oompetaion • • . less ii00.,..0.6.64 , , tromes-$3i. .11,0so. .1 lifting Cjoin ..... . 4 ' ,..,..,,,. rectum* .01, Cottio.-4,3,0 , •''''' , . ems in 13tars Judging Catirpetition datait- ef1,117 Bank of Montreed. • • kliehre and Dance, „Rellsall Town' Hall; kiiiIRV evenirig,,March 19th, at 8.30, Mutdc.:Ich'S orehestra. -NO lundh. &tibia/Sion 35C. SpOttEitited by Kipperi lilaat Waf Cliarltieg, prat -bed& for Rua,- slut Relief: •Deriatiotts Of Waken dab- - Ittg Or ent/fetl'Ori; that etrening, • - - (0300atiett Ire& Page I) Gory,. an:. lifielPeeted Vialtor to 'the, LifitiSe iii.AW:i4.4s#,Itt P',:(0; Ratrifia& Miiiiititoti;;I:,,00104.,ii, "setiailt, &ink- '0616,4i§ ,i):Waffiettia'1,4*,tielt Oattktitig.;; Ititlittirite '',WelitWetthe'''6Wileir ' of, the lit6So. of( ifiki:llitt.011,,,the VIIIAn iif ' • . rib now atiasing c..petiitios. win be un. l,'e 1. la of a Slaseat ' Aarl. P.*. ailthst4. fieMse - - ' ''' ''llitgesttliiitt ' ' ' '.,V1L, ''''4lrssla.. 4) i -. 4 ,0';:b''' ir4 1,10i 1 vii, tittt4 ana ' ,efe. , ranee fee 'will be venni Ink S fiat be .' ...A8 ,e6k:t alike and 411Wellf 'Mit& iiii' ,,o!l4,„ , . , ,;' - - - , tc. 0 '44oka6t , e• • A • • • • I'. • 5 4